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Not the Bees (July 12th 2016)

Created: 2020-12-18 03:41:53
Expiry: Never

  1. "A-pple-ja-a-a-a-a-A-A-A-A-A-ACK!"
  2. >"What in tarnation-?!"
  3. "Help! The bees! THE BEE-EE-EE-EE-EEEEES!"
  5. >SHIT!
  6. >You're being persued by a giant swarm of bees and you're desperate for help!
  7. >You've been running through town, trying to get others to help, but most ran away, terrified of both you and the oncoming swarm.
  8. >You're only option left was to take your chances through Sweet Apple Acres.
  9. >You'd tried hiding in a trough of water, but the bees still found you.
  10. >You've been using it as a makeshift cover ever since as you continue to drip water everywhere, soaking wet.
  11. >What did you do to deserve this?!
  13. "Consarn it! Ah'll be right on over! Go hide in the barn!"
  14. >That human always manages to land himself in to trouble, some way or another!
  15. >Just what was he goin' to about himself without ya?
  16. >You're the middle child of the Apple Family and you've got a little 'bee' problem to take care of.
  17. >Grabbing your broom in mouth, beside you on the porch, you make your way down the all-too-familiar dirt path once more before making a right towards the barn.
  18. >In a way, you didn't mind the things that human brought your way.
  19. >It added a little more substance to your day to make things different; a little less mundane, a little less of a routine.
  21. >You find yourself feeling sorry for the fellah in this situation.
  22. >Those bees, sure as rain and shine, are mighty relentless and they sure as hell do sting when they get ya.
  23. >But this guy ain't even got a coat like y'all ponies do!
  24. >He's gonna be shinin' bright with marks once the day is through if you weren't gonna get there in time!
  26. >This sucks.
  27. >Here you are, stuck in a smelly barn and surrounded by livestock.
  28. >Applejack probably won't appreciate you calling them that, but that's what you're going with any way.
  29. >The buzzing is loud and terrifying from just behind the door.
  30. >You were thankful that this barn was fantastically built and not even a single, small hole in it's structure was in view - otherwise you'd most certainly be mauled by those things right now.
  31. >Smart fuckers knew how to persue.
  32. >A loud swatting noise can be heard thumping against the barn door along with a muffled, but familiar voice.
  33. >Bless this pony for she was your saviour in such trying times.
  35. >After a number of smacks with the broom, the bees are on the retreat.
  36. >You couldn't muster up a gust of wind to blow them away, nor could you bundle them up in a ball, casting a magic spell - but this was effective enough.
  37. >Now to check in on the human.
  38. >Opening the barn doors, you're greeted with an amusing sight; the human, in nothing but his decorative underwear.
  39. >After a good, hearty chuckle, he explains how he had to ditch the clothes to gain a greater distance from his persuers.
  40. "Ha! Yeah, right! Like that'd make much difference! Those fellahs would track ya to the edge of Equestria and beyond!"
  41. >"So how do I get them to stop?!", he asks looking rather panicky.
  42. "How long's this been goin' on for?"
  43. >"Uh... about a week 'n' a half?"
  44. "AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Y-Ya really musta done somethin' stupid to piss them folks off THAT much!"
  45. >"I... I took a nap in a tree and didn't notice the hive-"
  46. "Oh my dear Cel-est-i-hah-hah-hah..."
  47. >You were breaking down at this point.
  48. >You may be an earth pony but THIS?
  49. >Darn it, Granny taught you better than to think this way but sweet Celestia!
  50. >This was too rich.
  52. "Ha ha. Yeah, whatever. Lick it up, already."
  53. >The orange pony makes an attempt to hold back their continued laughter and tones it down to snickering.
  54. >At this point, this is probably the best you can do.
  55. "Please, Applejack. I need a way to get them to stop stalking me."
  56. >AAAAAnd just like that, she's on the floor laughing.
  57. >This fucking pony.
  58. >If she wasn't so damn cute.
  59. >You decide to get your revenge, putting aside the trough and approaching her in her laughing fit.
  60. >Kneeling down to her side, you slowly extend your hand, just above her belly.
  61. >You wait for her laughter to die down and for her to crack open an eye lid before making your attack.
  62. >Her laughter dies quickly the moment she sees you hand over her.
  63. >"Woah nelly...!"
  64. >And just like that, you've got one of her left hindlegs kicking in delight as you rub circles around her cute tum-tum.
  65. >The hairs were much thinner here and the skin was slightly more visible on this mare's underbelly.
  66. >Other ponies tended to be ticklish whilst others, like Applejack, had a reaction similar to this.
  67. >It looked like she was on cloud nine.
  68. >"Nnnn..."
  69. >Her head rests back as her hat falls to the hay floor behind her, tailing swishing from side to side like a content puppy.
  70. >This was one of the rare moments you could really enjoy.
  71. >The pony would tend to forget what was going on and would fall in to a state of bliss.
  72. >"Yeah... that's it..."
  73. >You'd occassionally feel your hand brush against a teat, which would ellicit a squeak out of the mare, but she didn't seem to mind.
  74. >These ponies were small and cuddly, but were packed like a wound-up spring, full and bursting with such energy.
  75. >Seeing such a being splayed out and relaxed like this was wonderful.
  76. >"G-Gimme a lil' scritch... down a lil' dow-just there... yeah... woahhhh..."
  77. >Her hindleg kicks more quickly between intervals as she cranes her neck up a little to look at you.
  78. >She's too weak to your assault hold up for long before her head just collapses the short distance back against the hay floor.
  79. "This is what you get for laughing at me."
  80. >You keep going until you start to see her wink down there, which causes her to plead submission.
  81. >Pulling back, you allow her a moment to rest and catch her breath before slowly getting up on weak legs.
  82. >"Darn it, you... ugh... ah'll see what ah can find from... Granny's storage cabinet..."
  83. >Sluggishly, she makes her way towards the barn door before you scoop her up in your arms, craddling her like a kitten or a baby.
  84. >Resigning to your hold, she offers you her gratitude as you make your way back along the path towards her home.
  85. >This was probably when things started moving forward between you two.

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