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Created: 2020-12-18 03:45:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >12:42
  2. >21/05
  3. >It's lunch hour.
  4. [Sunset Shimmer]
  6. >You see him seated in the far-off corner of the cafeteria, a laptop open in front of him.
  7. >For a moment - just a moment - you see him glance your way.
  8. >Again, this weird sensation - like static.
  9. "Hey, girls? Uh, is... is he always by himself?"
  10. >"Hm?"
  11. >You tilt your head in his general direction as Rarity gulps down her food, shifting her gaze on over to the guy.
  12. >"Oh, him? Is something the matter, dear?"
  13. "Nothing really. Just a weird feeling."
  14. >Rarity for a moment appears to be frozen in place before shifting her attention back to you.
  15. "Rarity?"
  16. >Soon, all your other friends are drawn in to what's happening.
  17. >"Yes?"
  18. >"Ya kinda spaced out there, Rares."
  19. >"Oh! Do excuse me, I... uh... what were we talking about?"
  20. >What's got her like this? She's not usually this zoned out.
  21. "Are you feeling okay, Rarity?"
  22. >"Y-Yes, I'm alright darling. No need to worry."
  23. "Rarity, you know that only makes me worry more."
  24. >"Oh shush. Really now, there's nothing of concern."
  25. >Before anyone at the table realised, you felt something against your shoulder.
  26. >He was standing right beside you, holding an enveloped letter in his hand.
  27. >At this point, all eyes at the table are set between the two of you.
  28. >Figuring the letter was addressed to you, you take it from him before he saunters off back over to his corner of the lunch hall.
  29. >You and your friends watch as he packs away his things before he disappears through the entrance doors.
  30. >Everyone's attention is now on the letter.
  31. >You hold it close to yourself, trying to hide it from the prying eyes of your friends - but it doesn't seem to be working as they begin to get up and make their way to surround your seat.
  32. >The envelope itself was blank.
  33. >You turn it around and begin to open the seal.
  34. >Pinkie's giggles of excitement fill the air to break some of the tension you've been left feeling.
  35. >What was this?
  36. >It looks to be the back of a photograph.
  37. >Pulling it out slightly, you see writing on the bottom-right corner that read;
  38. >'Don't forget.'
  39. >This was your handwriting.
  40. >You take it out and flip it over.
  42. >It's a picture of you, your friends and-
  43. >Him.
  45. /-----------/
  47. >12:57
  48. >21/05
  49. >Canterlot High - Library
  50. [You]
  52. >You take a seat in a quiet corner of the library and set your things down.
  53. >Taking out your laptop once more, you open it up, resting it on the small table in front of you and powering it back on.
  54. >The log-in screen displays as always before you type in the password and hit enter.
  55. >What would otherwise be another round of twenty questions was easily resolved through a relatively simple solution.
  56. >It would be any second that they'd show up looking for you, so you let the librarian at the counter know in advance.
  57. >Less noise, less fuss for everyone.
  58. >The entrance to the library can be heard burst open, followed by a loud shushing noise coming from others wishing to get their quiet reading time in.
  59. >"Sorry!"
  60. >Such a hushed apology could be made out in return.
  61. >You return your attention to your laptop as you set up the applications, readying your presentation.
  62. >Quietly, but steadily, a group of footsteps began to sound their way towards your direction.
  63. >It was out of the way, but they'd find you.
  64. >They always manage.
  65. >"Hey."
  66. "Hey."
  67. >As always, Sunset was the first to speak.
  68. >But for a change, the others remain silent.
  69. >You'd have at least expected something out of Pinkie or Dash, but there was always the chance.
  70. >She holds up the familiar photograph, showing it to you.
  71. >"Got an explanation for this?"
  72. >Video it is.
  73. >Hitting play, you spin your laptop around to face the girls.
  74. >There they were.
  75. >Staring right back at themselves.
  77. /-----------/
  78. [Sunset]
  80. >What appeared to be yourself, Twilight, Rarity and Applejack were seated in front of the camera with 'you' leading the address.
  81. >"Hello! We, uh, know this may be weird and all-"
  82. "Is that us?"
  83. >Suddenly, the up-close face of your interrogatee appeared on-screen.
  84. >"Yes, everyone here is the same as the you now."
  85. "Wait, what?!"
  86. >"Amazing, isn't it?"
  87. >"Do you really have to do that?"
  88. >"Sure I do, it always makes you jump so it's a great fun!"
  89. >'You' gave him a jab to the arm.
  90. >"Hey! It works!"
  91. "Wh-Who are you? How are you doing this?"
  92. >"I suppose we can start with the how. All of this is pre-recorded. I can determine the questions you would have for me along with general responses you may have. It's kind of one-sided, but I make it work."
  93. >You'd wonder if this was the work of some magic but you didn't have the time to think much on the matter.
  94. >"Oh right, name. Uh... well, I'll leave that up to you. Call this guy behind the screen whatever you want."
  95. >That didn't help things. This guy doesn't have a name?
  96. >"You won't find me on the registry here at the school either. I'll leave it to this guy to fill you in on the details if you so desire, but for the time being... Twilight?"
  97. >"Okay. I hope you're sitting comfortably."
  98. >"They haven't taken their seats yet. Please, take your seats."
  99. >You and the girls have sat yourselves in for what would be the most bizarre adventure yet.

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