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Velveteen Chapter 1 (Archive 2014)

By regidar
Created: 2020-12-18 04:22:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >"You don't have to do this, Anon."
  2. >you know you don't
  3. >but you figure it's best to be the good Samaritan you never got to be back on Earth
  4. >"I know I don't, but while she's staying here, I can at least do something about it. She's your mother, after all."
  5. >Twilight sighs
  6. >"Yes, I know, but she need psychiatric help! Therapy! I know talking it out with your friends and family is good too, but..."
  7. >Twilight leans in, her voice lowering to a whisper
  8. >"My father died six months ago, Anon. I talked to Shining and my mother about it, I found solace with my friends. Shining talked to me, his guard buddies, and Cadence. Mom..."
  9. >she sighs
  10. >"Mom's just been moping and crying throughout the nights. She barely talked to me when I tried to say anything. It's killing me seeing her like this..."
  11. >you pat Twilight on the shoulder
  12. >"I'm good with words, Twi. I can comfort her! Just give me a shot. It's the least I can do to give back after you've done so much for me here."
  13. >Twilight chews her lip nervously
  14. >"I-I'm still not so sure..."
  15. >you give her a pouty face
  16. >bitches love the pouty face
  17. >Twilight frowns slightly, taking a step backward
  18. >"Dammit, not again with the... the... okay, fine, go talk to her! Just don't make that face!"
  19. >nailed it
  20. >with a wide grin on your face, you practically skip up the glittering, shiny staircase in Twilight's new crystal tree place
  21. >the faint sounds of Twilight retching behind you reaches your ears, which you quickly drown out with a happy, whistled tune
  22. >you knock on the door to the guest room on the second floor
  23. >apparently this new crystal tree castle thing has like a million new things that Golden Oaks never did
  24. >RIP in pieces ;_;7
  25. >now's not the time for sadness, though
  26. >well, not THAT kind of sadness
  27. >now's the time for comforting
  28. >super anon-psychiatric skills!
  29. >you hear a little pained gasp and a wet sob from inside the room
  30. >"C-come in..."
  31. >you had met Twilight Velvet before, briefly the first time, and had dinner sitting next to her the second time, for Twilight's Crystal-Castle-Treewarming thing
  32. >she was a nice mare
  33. >both times were before Night Light had passed on
  34. >the last time, you had chatted it up with her, got to know her
  35. >it was about a week before her husband had passed, too
  36. >you remember her being so... well, happy
  37. >she had this glint in her eye, and this coy smile that suggested so much about her
  38. >she had been a journalist when she was younger, on tour with a bunch of soldiers overseas
  39. >Night Light had been an medic
  40. >they met when she fell into a snare and gotten her hind legs torn up
  41. >after they both made it home alive and Night Light was able to escape from the military, they stayed together
  42. >apparently, they didn't even think the army business was enough for them, and they went all over Equestria and beyond, exploring and adventuring
  43. >after a few good years of that, they settled down, and Velvet foaled Shining and Twilight
  44. >all of this had been imparted on you at that dinner
  45. >you'd forgotten to eat anything halfway
  46. >she had a way with words that was... beyond beautiful
  47. >she was a novelist, too, writing fiction and fantasy, inspired by her and her husband's adventures
  48. >they were the lead competition to the Daring Do series
  49. >that whole night while she and Night Light filled you in, you saw that glint in her eyes reach unprecedented levels
  50. >and now, as you saw her, laying on the bed, her cheeks were tear stained, and her eyes were red and puffy
  51. >and that glint was gone
  52. "C-can I come in?"
  53. >you see her lift her head from the pillow it's half buried in, and she blinks at you
  54. >"O-oh... hello, Anonymous..."
  55. >you're about to tell her to just call you Anon, but you figure now's not really the time for that
  56. "Hey there, Velvet..."
  57. >she turns her head back to the pillow, but doesn't push her head into it
  58. >"You may come in i-if you'd like..."
  59. >you do just that
  60. >quickly crossing the room, you sit down beside her in bed
  61. >she rests her chin in the pillows, and sighs loudly, sniffling a bit
  62. >you decide to start simple, and stupid
  63. "How are you holding up?"
  64. >Velvet snorts, and turns her head to look at you
  65. >"Well, as you can see right here, I'm a bit upset."
  66. >you give her an apprehensive look, and she sighs again
  67. >"I'm sorry, it's just... it's been a while since I talked to someone who wasn't trying to force me to see a therapist."
  68. "Twilight forced you?"
  69. >Velvet rolls over onto her back, and places her hooves on her chest, slightly curled up
  70. >"Might as well have... we can't all take the death of such an important being in our lives in such stride as she and her brother have."
  71. >you open her mouth, but she turns her head and raises an eyebrow
  72. >"I know what you're going to say, and I get it—they're in a lot of pain as well, and they've... moved on. But it's harder for me, you know? He was their father, and he meant the world to them, but I've done things that they couldn't even dream of doing with him."
  73. >you cough slightly
  74. >she raises her eyebrow slightly higher
  75. >"Yes, INCLUDING that. And that's one of the main reasons it's different for me: I MADE them with him. And even beyond the sexual aspect, I've been through far with him, trekked through sweltering jungles, fended off psychopaths, fought illnesses, and raised foals with him! They don't have that experience with their father, no matter how great he was to them."
  76. >she laughs a bitter, sad laugh
  77. >"I-I'm sorry, I must sound so selfish..."
  78. >she tears up, biting her lower lip
  79. >"B-but... while he may have been their world, he was EVERYTHING to me. And when he died... so did a piece of me, as cheesy as that sounds. I feel hallow, Anon, and i-it..."
  80. >she swallows hard, a tear rolling a familiar path down her cheek
  81. >"And it j-just hurts s-so MUCH thinking about h-how I'll never s-see him again... I'll n-never feel him wrap his sturdy, y-yet gentle hooves around m-me..."
  82. >you feel a deep pang of sorrow in your gut as she watch her roll over and clutch the pillow tightly, her cheek pressed hard into it
  83. >"H-he'll never say 'I l-love y-you' ever a... aga..."
  84. >she breaks down completely at this point, sobbing hard, burying in face in the pillow
  85. >there's not a lot you can do at this point
  86. >but fortunately, you can do one thing
  87. >you gently scoot over slightly on the bed, and lean down
  88. >wrapping your arms around her midsection
  89. >and envelop her in a deep hug
  90. >you rest your head next to hers, knowing you were taking a big risk with this
  91. >you expect her to buck you in your balls any moment
  92. >to your (happy) surprise, she readjusts herself so she's hugging you too
  93. >you're laying there on the bed, a tiny widowed equine a third your size pressed against your chest, sobbing
  94. >and for the first time in a while, you do not wonder what you are doing with your life
  95. >you hug her a bit tighter
  96. >and she cries a bit harder
  97. >resting her muzzle on your shoulder
  98. >sniffling, letting tears leak out onto your shirt
  99. >you don't mind, though
  100. >you let her have this moment
  101. >after a long, long time, she moves her head from your shoulder, and looks up at you
  102. >"A-anon?"
  103. "Yes?"
  104. >she squeezes you a bit tighter, nuzzling your chest
  105. >"Thank y-you. Coming here and just listening to me sob, instead of telling me to move on, or g-get help... it really means a lot."
  106. "R-really?"
  107. >she smiles at you again
  108. >this time, while still certainly a heavy smile
  109. >it's not so sad anymore
  110. >"Yes, really. My kids care, but they... they care too much. They want me to get better right away, and I need time to heal at my own pace."
  111. >you nod
  112. "Yeah, Twilight almost didn't want me coming up here because she thought I was just going to agitate you."
  113. >Velvet snorts again
  114. >it's sort of cute, actually
  115. >a mix of upset, frustrated, and amused
  116. >Upsfrumused?
  117. >ew, god no
  118. >"Well, that's Twilight for you. Even after all this time of studying ponies and making friends and even becoming a PRINCESS, she still can't read ponies right."
  119. >she looks up and down at you
  120. >"W-well, and people."
  121. >you grin, and she giggles, interrupted by a little hiccup
  122. >"Y-you know, Anonymous..."
  123. "Yeah?"
  124. >she looks down for a moment
  125. >Is she... blushing?
  126. >"This is the closest I've been to someone, person OR pony, since Night Light... d-died."
  127. >you stare blankly down at her
  128. >"Physically OR emotionally."
  129. "Y-you haven't even been hugged in the last six months?"
  130. >Damn, you are stammering a lot
  131. >she shakes her head
  132. >"Everyone's been too afraid of 'setting me off', whatever that's supposed to mean."
  133. >you shrug, causing Velvet to jostle a little bit
  134. "Well, they just didn't know how to help properly, I guess. Everyone needs a little bit of love, especially in trying times like this."
  135. >sappy.mp3
  136. >surprisingly, she actually nods her head in agreement instead of kicking you out like most girls do when you get this far
  137. >"Well, I appreciate it a lot, Anonymous, I really do."
  138. >she rests her head on your shoulder again, and you feel your own cheeks heat up
  139. >oh god, this isn't
  140. >no
  141. >you can't even CONSIDER doing that thing
  142. >god, what kind of skeevy, heartless bastard are you
  143. >your mind immediately takes you back to you kicking that curly red-haired off-white filly and stealing her peppermint candies the other day
  144. >eh, bitch had it coming, she should have known better than to have candy near you on a kicking day
  145. >that aside, this was something SERIOUS
  146. >this was an emotionally damaged mare who needed something serious in her life to help fix her
  147. >and that serious was time, not you and your... perversions
  148. >stupid sexy horses
  149. >her mane brushes against your neck, and you giggle despite yourself
  150. >"Are you okay, Anonymous?"
  151. >shit
  152. "Yeah, I'm alright. Your mane just tickles a bit, that's all."
  153. >she giggles
  154. >"Night Light loved my mane... sometimes he'd spend up to an hour combing it to make sure all the knots were out before we went out somewhere fancy."
  155. "Sounds dedicated."
  156. >you pause
  157. "Wait, over an HOUR?"
  158. >"My mane gets tangled easily."
  159. >Velvet moves her head up and smiles at you
  160. >"He once swore he found a breezie stuck in there."
  161. >you chuckle, remembering the swarm of breezies that had flown through town all those months ago
  162. >of course, you were still living in a cardboard box then, but they were still pretty fukken cute
  163. >god, keep your mind together! You have a mare who needs your support
  164. >you laugh along with her, although you're pretty sure she can tell you're forcing it a bit
  165. >she sighs, although this one is more wistful than the ones before it, rather than sad
  166. >"At that dinner all those months ago, did I tell you about the few months we were homeless in Manehattan?"
  167. >you shake your head, and she chuckles
  168. >"oh, those were times I won't soon forget..."
  169. "Did you write a book on them?"
  170. >she gives you a bemused smile
  171. >"oh please, Anonymous, my memory is hardly THAT poor."
  172. "Wait, I didn't mean--"
  173. >you stop when you see her chuckling, a hoof held up to her mouth
  174. >"I know what you meant, it's all quite fine. No, I didn't write a book on this particular adventure. Didn't exactly fit in with the others... Rather depressing. Besides, I think the series warped up a bit better with the two of us escaping from the volcano and heading back to equestria."
  175. >you nod in agreement
  176. "Well, I feel like the last one had a rather great climax, to be sure. I thought you two were going to be sacrificed for sure; it was pretty clever how Oberon came in to rescue them both, especially since I thought he froze to death in that blizzard back in book 3. Pretty neat how he found those caves to stay warm in and then spent the next 14 book following them around Equus trying to reunite with the two."
  177. >you should really read the books sometime
  178. >it's a good job Twilight goes on and on and on about them so you can at least pretend to have read them
  179. >Velvet raises an eyebrow
  180. >"really? I thought it was a bit of an ass pull myself, but no one else seems to share that opinion."
  181. "Wait, you made that part up?"
  182. >"oh no, Oberon really did save us. Took his sweet time, too; we were nearly half baked by the time he showed it. I could hardly believe it myself, so I thought for sure the editors would want me to omit it and come up with something far more believable."
  183. >you shrug, and she half-smiles
  184. >"now, where was I? Ah, yes, the Manehattan incident..."
  185. >"We had just gotten back from the Volchari Volcanic Range, obviously, and Oberon had set off to find if there were any griffons left who still knew about the Draydian Scepter. Rumors were that Daring Do herself was after, and as you can probably recall from book six, she's not too fond of either us nor Oberon, so he had his work cut out. But that's beside the point..."
  186. >"We were content with just heading back home and starting a new life ourselves, Night Light and I. But we wanted to start over in Manehatten instead of Canterlot, from which we both were from originally. A bigger city, a different taste, more opportunity, that sort of thing."
  187. >"Unfortunately for us... money fell through. We had spent most of Night Light's funds traveling around Equus, and I hadn't exactly made a ton of money as a reporter. Neither of our families were poor, but I never got on well with mine in the first place (which, funnily enough, lead me to become a war reporter), and Night Light had become estranged from his family on our adventures about the world."
  188. >my GOD, is she opening up
  189. >this is good
  190. >this is very good
  191. >you feel somewhat accomplished by this, even
  192. >the nostalgia train has swept her away, allowing her to reminisce on good memories of Night Light
  193. >helping her healing
  194. >jeez, if only Twilight let you talk to her sooner!
  195. >"We only had 800 bits to our name when we first showed up in Manehattan. It was enough for some food and a modest apartment on the lower east side of Manehattan. It sounds like a lot, but the rent for the fist month was 600 bits, so we weren't left with a lot of money to help us along after that."
  196. >"We bought essentially only food for the first two weeks, but on our... 16th day, I want to say? Regardless, that was the day I saw something that'd turn things right around for us."
  197. >"There was a typewriter sale going on at a quills, ink, and type shop that I can't quite recall the name of... it went under shortly after I bought the typewriter."
  198. >"It was that typewriter I used to write my first novel."
  199. "Oh, 'The Syeekoh'?"
  200. >Velvet gives you a little chuckle
  201. >"No, actually, even though that is the first in the series of adventures Night Light and I went on, I wrote a little collection of short stories that I compiled into a novel before anything else. It wasn't groundbreaking, but a small publisher on the other side of town picked up on it. Relatively unknown in most of Equestria, but apparently as of three years ago, it's a huge thing in a tiny Griffon province."
  202. >"It brought us in some coin, which managed to let us keep our apartment for another month (after paying the rent 11 days late), and it gave me the confidence to work on the adventure series, starting with our adventures right after the war. It was released a few days after the first Daring Do novel, so the combined success of our novels launched each other's careers."
  203. >you raise an eyebrow
  204. "Really?"
  205. >Velvet smiles knowingly
  206. >"Yes, I know it seems odd, but that's just what the public wanted at the time. Those who were fans of Daring Do rushed to mine after finishing it, and vice versa. Of course, either sides have their die-hards and schisms and such, but..."
  207. >she sighs, and looks back up at you
  208. >"Well, that's unchangeable. Now, I still haven't told you about how we became homeless."
  209. >"My other short story novel died off in terms of interest with the spark of my adventure novel, so we stopped pulling in money from that. However... we weren't getting any money from the new novel, either. Apparently there was some sort of royalty issues with my book because it was released five days after the Daring Do novel had been. We weren't allowed any money until the case had been settled."
  210. >"So while my books continued to sell like hotcakes, we weren't able to pay for the apartment. Hell, we could barely get food every other day!"
  211. >"So, we were soon evicted. We pawned off most of the meager belongings we had (we weren't looters like Daring Do), and we still came up short to get the apartment back. So with that, we settled on keeping our money safe so we wouldn't starve."
  212. >you smile for a moment at the little contempt for Daring Do that shines through, but quickly drop it when the conversation progresses
  213. >"We lived in an alley a few blocks away from our old home... it was pretty disastrous. My only possession I cared for was my typewriter; Night Light was always fretting over the money, which I knew was important too... but I never stopped writing. Grabbing blank, relatively undamaged papers from garbage cans, fishing around for not-yet unempty ink cartridges, even begging for typewriter ribbons. Night Light suggested I switch to quills after a while, but... bottled ink would have been harder to find. Most of the bottles that weren't exmpty that got thrown out cracked and spilled, or there was so little left in them by the time I reached them, they'd dried to the point of just being a film on the glass."
  214. >she pauses for a moment, and you look down on her
  215. "S-so... how'd you guys get out of that?"
  216. >"Not easily, I assure you. We were running out of the little money we had left before the courts finally ruled in our favor. Said it was 'unrealistic that somepony write a book in five days and get it immediately pushed out by a large publisher.'"
  217. >she giggles, and you giggle along
  218. >this time, your laugh is genuine
  219. >"A.K. Yearling later said in a press release that it was her publishing company, not her, who went after us, but..."
  220. >she shrugs, which is a bit hard to do when she's laying on her side, forearms wrapped around you
  221. >"I always suspected that wasn't the full story. What can I do though? I don't really have much room to complain. Moneys tarted pouring in, and we had a nice apartment on the other side off the city soon after. In a few months, we moved back to Cantlerlot."
  222. >"And you just KNOW that suddenly both sides of the family were all over us, apologizing, once we managed to secure ourselves a decent place in upper Canterlot. Night Light got signed on with the royal guard, since they were interested in able-bodied veterans, and suddenly, we were respected and high class. No more fishing for paper from dumpsters!"
  223. >Twilight Velvet let loose a loud, long laugh, and you can tell that this one was genuine
  224. >an actual, genuine, not half-sad, not throat, pure laugh of mirth and reminiscence
  225. >god damn, that sounded beautiful
  226. >"And, well, four months later I found out I was pregnant with Shining Armor! All went well, for us... even though we did have some issues getting Equestrian law to recognize our marriage since it had been done in Griffony. But you read Book Seven, of course."
  227. >no, but that was one of Twi's personal favorites
  228. "Of course! Did you ever catch the spy, by the way? I know you wanted to keep it mysterious, but after the cake ordeal—"
  229. >Velvet smiled, removed one hoof from around you, and raised it to her muzzle
  230. >"Mm-mm! Spoilers, Anonymous..."
  231. >she and you both shared a good chuckle, and Velvet placed her hoof back
  232. >she sighs, and looks up at you, smiling earnestly
  233. >"Oh, I can't even begin to thank you, Anonymous. It's been just... SO cathartic, being able to voice everything and talk and remember... I wish you had come to talk to me months ago."
  234. >you hug her a bit tighter and smile
  235. "So do I, Velvet. You're excellent company."
  236. >"R-really? I didn't bore you? Or depress you with all my sobbing?"
  237. "Velvet, if you had been doing either of that, I would have left long ago."
  238. >she raises an eyebrow
  239. "Hey, I like to be up front."
  240. >she gives you a smirk, and you simply smile back at her
  241. >she nuzzles her head into your chest, and you see that her blush is back
  242. >"O-oh dear... we've been trapped in embrace this whole time, haven't we?"
  243. >huh
  244. >you have
  245. "Wow, I guess we have. I hadn't given it much thought, honestly."
  246. >she leans up
  247. >oh god, what is she
  248. >oh no
  249. >she gently plants a kiss on your lips
  250. >ohgodnowhatthefuckyoucantdothisyoujustcantthisisntathingthatcanhappenwhydoesshesmelllikeraspberriesohgodwhatthefuckWHY
  251. >god dammit
  252. >you LOVE raspberries
  253. >her lips fit her name—they're certainly as soft and smooth as velvet
  254. >reluctantly at first, you kiss back
  255. >you haven't even brushed your teeth today
  256. >fuck, you're a slob
  257. >her lips open up and you make a small noise as you slide to lock in place with her moth, her upper lip parting yours
  258. >damn, it's been a while since you've kissed someone like this...
  259. >it feels good to be this close to someone again
  260. >I guess that's how she felt too
  261. >you smile into the kiss, all reluctance long since faded
  262. >you like this
  263. >this could work
  264. >this could work...
  265. >after a moment that seemed to freeze you both in time, she pulls away
  266. >"O-oh, I'm so sorry Anonymous..."
  267. >you can feel the blush radiating from her cheeks
  268. "No, I mean, I shouldn't have..."
  269. >she shakes her head
  270. >"No, that was all me. I was the one who... instigated."
  271. >"I'm sorry, Anonymous..."
  272. >you try and open her mouth
  273. >you want to tell her you don't mind
  274. >that she has nothing to apologize for
  275. >but the words just don't come out
  276. "Look, I—"
  277. >Velvet detaches from your embrace and rolls off the bed
  278. >"I... I don't know what came over me. I just..."
  279. >you simply look over at her, screaming internally at yourself just to TELL her that this isn't something you're opposed to
  280. >hell, something you WANT even
  281. >"I-I'll just go downstairs and talk to Twilight, a-alright?"
  282. >she gets up and heads for the door
  283. >you smack yourself
  284. >get a grip!
  285. >tell her!
  286. "Velvet, I—"
  287. >it's too late
  288. >you're talking to an empty room
  289. >you look around and sigh
  290. >oh well
  291. >you'll see her at dinner
  292. >hopefully shit won't be too awkward
  293. >pfft, as if
  294. >you sit up on the bed and look around
  295. >the guest room isn't exceptionally messy
  296. >it's messiest on the bed, where Velvet has been rolling around and sobbing, and recently laying with you and sneaking snogs
  297. >ew gross, fucking that word
  298. >makes kissing sound like some sort of noise a clogged toilet makes
  299. >screw you harry potter
  300. >you shake your old world literature from your mind and get up from the bed, moving the sheet and blankets back into place
  301. >might as well make the bed look good
  302. >you fluff the pillows up
  303. >upon grabbing one and doing that little squeeze/shake thing, a ton of water pours from it
  304. >this must have been her sobbing pillow
  305. >sighing as you discard it to the side, you look back down at the doorway
  306. >you could have had her
  307. >dammit Anon
  308. >just... dammit

Velveteen Chapter 1 (Archive 2014)

by regidar

Velveteen Chapter 2 (Archive 2014)

by regidar

You Rock My World (Archive 2014)

by regidar

Trixie vs. Octavia (Archive 2014)

by regidar

CYOA: Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, Part 1 (Archive 2014)

by regidar