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Velveteen Chapter 2 (Archive 2014)

By regidar
Created: 2020-12-18 04:24:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >you get up from the bed
  2. >motherfucker, you almost became a motherfucker
  3. >a motherkisser at any rate
  4. >taking advantage of a distraught mare like that, what were you...
  5. >Wait
  6. >who was taking advantage of who, here?
  7. >god damn, everything's too confusing
  8. >you get up and walk towards the door of the guest room
  9. >might as well go down to dinner with Twilight and everyone
  10. >hopefully shit won't be TOO awkward
  11. >yeah, right
  12. >you walk down the stairs into the main dining room of the crystal tree palace whatever
  13. >all the mane six are there, and Spike
  14. >Shining and Cadence are sitting next to Rainbow, who is sitting next to Fluttershy
  15. >next to Shining at one head of the table is Twilight
  16. >Spike is next to her
  17. >and then Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and....
  18. >fuck
  19. >at the other head of the table is Twilight Velvet
  20. >and the only spot available is on the corner between her and Pinkie Pie
  21. >this'll be fun
  22. >buckets of fun...
  23. >fuck
  24. >you walk over, trying to avoid Twilight Velvet's gaze
  25. >she's actively avoiding yours too
  26. >fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
  27. >hope these ponies want a spaghetti dinner
  28. >because you're about to serve up a piping hot pocketful
  29. >enough for everyone to have thirds and more
  30. >you take your seat, pasta piling up under the bench
  31. >"Heya, Anon!"
  32. >god, did your ears just pop from the sheer frequency?
  33. "H-hey Pinkie..."
  34. >"You doing alright? You look all mopey! Did something happen upstairs?"
  35. >"N-no... well, I mean..."
  36. >you look up for a moment and see Velvet staring hard at the table, blushing so hard she's giving you a sunburn
  37. >you pasty white shit
  38. >"I mean, it's not really anything..."
  42. >motherfucker lookin' like Kurby all up in here
  43. >you give her a look that tries to summarize how much WHY you feel
  44. >"Attic ghosts!"
  45. "..."
  46. >"..."
  47. "..."
  48. >"..."
  49. "What."
  50. >"Yeah, attic ghosts! They've got you spooked, I can tell!" she explains, as though this were the most obvious thing in the world. "I KNEW this place was haunted! Full tot he brim with 'em!"
  51. "Pinkie?"
  52. >"Yah-huh?"
  53. "WHY?"
  54. >she giggles, and then turns to her side to engage Rarity about something
  55. >god dammit pink horse
  56. >well, at least it distracted you from more pressing, awkward, pasta-inducing matters
  57. >you look down at the table and see your plate before you is already filled up
  58. >with pasta in Alfredo
  59. >was Twilight fucking with you
  60. >did she somehow know
  61. >a quick look around at the rest of the table reveals no other signs of pasta or anything vaguely like it
  62. >your suspicious are aroused
  63. >among... other things, considering the heated situation but ten minutes before
  64. >you had not been with any of the ponies since your arrival
  65. >you wanted to take things slow
  66. >also interspecies relationships what the fuck
  67. >what are they, some sorts of savages? They can't take it from you
  68. >that'd make them freaks
  69. >none of the pones wanted to be freaks
  70. >none but Twilight's mother
  71. >and even then, she shied away
  72. >god DAMMIT
  73. >yous top tipping your pity fedora for a moment to look back over at Velvet
  74. >she's picking through some sort of ornate looking salad
  75. >until you saw this thing you didn't even know "ornate" and "salad" could go together like that
  76. >but those carrots are an odd shade of orange that looks more gold than anything else
  77. >that lettuce is intricate as fuck
  78. >are their tiny engravings on it?
  79. >you've got to get closer, just to be sure...
  80. >"*ahem*"
  81. >"Anon, dear, your face is in my salad."
  82. >you look up and see Velvet, staring up at the ceiling
  83. >"I'd like to eat please, can you place your face somewhere else?"
  84. >like on your face
  85. "Like on my faaa--"
  86. >she gives you one quick, terrified, almost disgusted look
  87. "--AAAAvorite dish!"
  88. >you slam your face into the pasta, not caring how much is on your face, nor cascading from your pockets
  89. >you chew noisily, and you hear a little moan of outrage from the general vicinity of Rarity
  90. >well, deal with it, bitch, you're trying to save face here
  91. >...not too sure how well you're doing on that
  92. >you pull your head up, and she she's averting her gaze
  93. >Rarity is looking on in shock
  94. >yup, whatever, bitchhorse, look at you
  95. >Tremble in fear at your lack of manners!
  96. >you wipe a bit of pasta from your face
  97. >dammit, the things that mare did to you
  98. >they should be illegal
  99. >this just wasn't fair!
  100. >sure, you felt like a complete skeeveball for basically taking advantage of an emotionally distraught mare, but your body can't tell the difference
  101. >classic case of hear vs heart
  102. >and this one could very well ruin your stay in Equestria
  103. >you wipe the remained off your face, some landing on the plate, the rest landing about you in various places
  104. >now that you've shed your spaghetti skin, you can work on more pressing matters
  105. >like being thoroughly embarrassed by having to sit next to Velvet
  106. >your min is racing so fast you can almost hear that humming buzz
  107. >you're trying to find a way you can dissolve this tension
  108. >this awkward barrier that you helped Velvet build, even if she was the one who set it up
  109. >after a whopping five minutes, your brain has come up with nothing of any usefulness
  110. >if only you hadn't done all that weed in high school, you might have had a brain cell left
  111. >looks like you're just going to have to listen to the lower brain for this one
  112. >you shoot another glance at her
  113. >Velvet's picking at a lettuce leaf
  114. >first things first: you gotta break the ice of awkwardness and re-establish dialogue with her
  115. >that's the only way you'll keep things moving
  116. >you clear your throat, and Velvet looks over at you, her face obviously struggling to stay neutral
  117. >you sort of grin apologetically at her
  118. >it comes off as more of a "I like to sniff my own farts" level of smugness
  119. >she looks away from you
  120. >her cheeks flushed
  121. >damn
  122. >Well, this at least lets you know she's still emotionally charged
  123. >you've got a way in
  124. >now, how best to use that...
  125. >you look over around the table, desperately looking for something that might be of use
  126. >a conversation piece, a food she might like... anything
  127. >"Dear, you've got sauce all over your cheeks, just let me..."
  128. >you cringe as a napkin collides with your cheek and starts rubbing vigorously in small circle patterns
  129. >the perils of sitting next to Rarity in any capacity
  130. >she's wet her napkin, maybe from he glass, and is rubbing that against your saucy cheeks
  131. >almost like a dotting mother
  132. >on the upside, now you look less like retarded six year old
  133. >Thank you, based Rarity
  134. >you smile politely at her
  135. "Thank you Rarity. I've been having an... erm, challenging dinner."
  136. >"I saw, darling," Rarity said with a slight frown, and her eyebrows raised
  137. >you blush and turn away from her, looking back over at Velvet
  138. >she's avoiding looking at you for the most part, but her eyes still dart back occasionally to look at you
  139. >you smile at her again, this time with a more neutral and friendly one
  140. >she gives you this weird, curt little nod and turns away again, sinking rather low to her salad, which is nearly gone at this point
  141. >dammit anon, you're loosing her
  142. >this dinner is flopping
  143. >you notice that most of your food is either next to you on the bench, on your lap, or around your plate
  144. >you've probably eaten about six noodles
  145. >great, not only did your literal spaghetti get strewn everywhere, but you made yourself look like an autistic, immature sperglord in front of the mare you were trying to mend shit up with
  146. >the true gravity of this sinks in, and you hunch over a little, staring down at the mess of sauce and noodles laying there limply on your plate
  147. >you sigh and poke one with your fork
  148. >the dinner passes without much further hurrah
  149. >Pinkie drilled you about attic ghosts again, and how to protect yourself from them, but to be quite honest, you just tuned her out
  150. >couldn't deal with listening to her
  151. >after dinner finished up, you followed Velvet upstairs
  152. >she'd seen you go after he once she left the table, but she hadn't acknowledged you after that
  153. >you weren't going to try any shit
  154. >you just needed t talk to her
  155. >hopefully she'd give you the chance
  156. >she walks right past her guest room, and heads for the stairs
  157. >you follow behind
  158. >her tail is swishing back and forth, and you're doing your best not to stair at the hypnotic swing
  159. >and whatever lies beyond
  160. >this s serious time
  161. >you can't have a raging boner through the entire thing
  162. >gotta have a little class after all
  163. >you follow her up to the next level
  164. >she's continuing on the stairs, so you only get a brief glance at what's there
  165. >a lot of large crystal formations punctuated by the occasional box, chair, or mining pick
  166. >there's a sign that says "Spike's" hanging from the ceiling
  167. >must be where he gets his choicest gems
  168. >you have little time to ponder this, and you follow Velvet up to the top landing
  169. >there is a small window looking out over Ponyville, and there's a door with the inscription "Attic" upon it
  170. >Velvet turns to face you
  171. >"Anon, I..."
  172. >you raise an eyebrow, and she looks away, blushing more
  173. >"Anon, I feel like I'm being a fool."
  174. >your eyebrow raises higher
  175. >"I... I don't want to rush into something just because I'm coming out of a grief stricken state. I want things to feel... real. I don't want them based off of contemporary things."
  176. >your eyebrow disappears into your hairline
  177. >"You're wonderful Anon, you really are, and I... I obviously feel this great attraction for you, but I just don't want to..."
  178. >she pauses, her face screwed up in thought, brow furrowed
  179. >"I don't want to do anything brash."
  180. >you sigh, and walk next to her, sitting down.
  181. >even when you're sitting, back slightly hunched, you're still a few inches taller than her
  182. "Velvet, I want to do what's right for you. I want to make you happy, you comfortable..."
  183. >you sigh
  184. "I want to go at your own pace. But I also want... you. I want to be with you. I had no objection to the kiss. I find you attractive, very likable and..."
  185. >you cast a glance at her
  186. "You need someone."
  187. >Velvet did not meet your gaze, and instead looked down at the floor
  188. >"I know, Anon."
  189. "So, why are you..."
  190. >"I..." Velvet said, still avoiding your eyes. "I don't know, Anon."
  191. >"I mean..." She makes what sounds like it could have been an amused noise, but it's hopelessly mangled by disbelief. "The spaghetti incident didn't help."
  192. "That was well after you bailed on me."
  193. >you couldn't help but remind her that
  194. >and you had a feeling that was going to bite you in the ass
  195. >Velvet nodded
  196. >"Yes, Anon, I know... I'm just... making excuses at this point, I guess."
  197. >she pauses, and bites her lower lip
  198. >"I-I guess I'm just... I'm just still scared. I'm scared of moving on past my husband, as if going to someone else will make is truly dead. I'm scared of moving on to someone who might leave me, or hurt me, or..."
  199. >she trails off
  200. >"I'm a forty-four year old mare, I shouldn't be so frightened by... anything."
  201. >you wrap your arm around her, and her blush deepens
  202. "It's okay to be frightened, Velvet. God knows I still am."
  203. >she looks up at you, actually bothering to make eye contact
  204. >"You? What do you have to fear, Anon?"
  205. "When I first came here, I left everytihng behind from my old life. All my friends, my family, my entire style of living was just... gone. And then I had to make it work here. I was afraid of being rejected, of not being able to find a home, of contracting some sort of horrible illness that I wasn't conditioned to..."
  206. >you take a deep breath
  207. "Of not finding love..."
  208. >Velvet's ears perk up
  209. >"Anon, do you mean to say--?"
  210. "Oh, you know what I'm going to say."
  211. >she smiles at you
  212. >and the two of you embrace
  213. >you hug her for a good long moment, your face in her mane
  214. >it smells nice
  215. >way to go, creep
  216. >you two disengage for a moment, staring at each other in an awkward sort of silence
  217. >Velvet is the first to take charge, though
  218. >She closes her eyes, and leans in
  219. >you close your eyes and pucker up
  220. >but instead of feeling her soft lips on yours, you just feel her cheek brush up against your cheek
  221. >you open one eye and see she is nuzzling you, a small, soft smile on her lips
  222. >you continue to hold her, not making any more movements other than a slight rocking motion
  223. >after a few long moments, she sighs
  224. >"Anonymous, I'm sorry for trapping you in this."
  225. >she leans back, and you look at her
  226. >she's got a serious look on her face, and her gaze is almost apologetic
  227. "Don't be."
  228. >she chuckles weakly
  229. >"No, I really am. I shouldn't be leading you on like this. Especially after what you just told me..."
  230. >oh no
  231. >oh god please no
  232. >you horrible bitch do not do this
  233. >you love her
  234. >"But I'm... I'm not in my right mind, Anonymous. I'm still... processing it all. And although you helped me a lot, I just... I can't right now."
  235. >something in your stomach sinks
  236. >every time, dammit
  237. >every time
  238. >are you pre-destined to be a kissless virgin
  239. >god, what the fuck are you thinking?
  240. >this is someone... pony... that you're developing strong emotions for, and all you can think about is boning her in one of her most fragile and delicate states?
  241. >perhaps you deserve to be alone
  242. >no
  243. >being a moaning, whiny bitch isn't going to solve anything
  244. >you need to... delve into this a bit more
  245. >soak in the situation a bit
  246. >listen to her talk
  247. >yeah, that't it
  248. >Velvet looks deep into your eyes, and that small smile forms again
  249. >"Anonymous, you know that I feel... things for you too, right?"
  250. >you nod
  251. >"I just... it's still very fresh for me. It's so... real. The things Night Light and I had... they don't go away with six months of moping and a biped from the stars listening to me whine."
  252. >your stomach sinks lower
  253. >"And it's just... it's impossible for me to move on to somepony new like this, so soon. I feel as if I were not going to be true to you. Fully there. Even though you've helped me come to terms with a lot of it, part of me still hasn't let Night Light go. And if I can't fully accept he's gone... how do you expect me to fully move on?"
  254. >are you crying you fucking faggot
  255. >cut that shit out now
  256. >you blink hard, and look at Velvet's chest, avoiding her eyes
  257. "I--I understand."
  258. >your voice is scratchy and blocked
  259. >fuck
  260. >"I'm so sorry, Anonymous."
  261. >you can't
  262. >you cannot believe this
  263. >"I still want to be around you, though. I love talking to you, and even though we've really only expanded our relationship today... I feel connected to you. Something deeper than a friendship, for certain. I want to give you a chance, Anonymous, I really do. I just need time."
  264. >she takes one of your hands in her hooves, which you let hang limp there
  265. >"Come on, look at me."
  266. >you turn your head up to gaze into her kind eyes
  267. >"Are you willing to wait?"
  268. >you open your mouth, sound as good as dust escaping
  269. "Y-yeah."
  270. >her smiles widens ever so slightly
  271. >"Good."
  272. >she gives you a little kiss on the cheek
  273. >a quick peck, more friendly than anything else
  274. >you suppose you should be mad
  275. >but you just can't bring yourself to be
  276. >you smile halfheartedly at her, and she smiles back
  277. >she'll be worth waiting for

Velveteen Chapter 1 (Archive 2014)

by regidar

Velveteen Chapter 2 (Archive 2014)

by regidar

You Rock My World (Archive 2014)

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Trixie vs. Octavia (Archive 2014)

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CYOA: Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, Part 1 (Archive 2014)

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