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Trixie vs. Octavia (Archive 2014)

By regidar
Created: 2020-12-19 00:21:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >here you are
  2. >the great and powerful Trixie
  3. >you haven't gone down yet, despite having been laying it low for the past few months after that awful alicorn amulet incident
  4. >you still had little bits of resentment and anger towards Twilight Sparkle, but you had thought you had put it behind you
  5. >until you heard that she had become a princess
  6. >for whatever reason, new rage had bubbled up inside of you
  7. >when you heard she was entering this competition, you knew that you had to sign up and best her
  8. >it was the only way possible for you to sate your unnatural anger
  9. >one victory for Trixie, just one
  10. >you were not so lucky as to be put in the same starting bracket as Twilight, but this you knew was no big issue
  11. >it'd be all the sweeter when you finally battled her after taking down those before you
  12. >yes, this was going to be grand
  13. >right now, you were being led to where you were to battle Octavia Melody
  14. >somewhat of an honor, really, you had two of her solo records that you liked to listen to often
  15. >perhaps you could get one of them signed later
  16. >but there was no room for groveling or kissing ass now
  17. >at least, not metaphorical ass-kissing
  18. >now was the time for action, and to fight your way to Sparkle herself
  19. >you were being led through some trees into a small clearing, about the size of normal living room
  20. >the trees were tightly condensed on either side, with cameras mounted on the branches in choice spots
  21. >you saw Octavia on the other side of the arena
  22. >she raised an eyebrow at you
  23. >almost condescendingly
  24. >however, she was quite beautiful in person
  25. >oh, you are going to ENJOY ravaging this
  26. >you lick your lips and smile deviously, and she simply turns her snout up at you
  27. >oh ho, haughty mare
  28. >she is SO going down
  29. >the announcer's voice crackles over a hidden loudspeaker
  30. "That was incredible, ladies and gentlemen! What a turn of events! I think I found the cure for my Viagra dependency. We have Butterscotch moving on to the next round!
  31. Now let's move on to our second bout of the night: Trixie Lulamoon versus Octavia Melody!
  32. This one could go either way, folks.
  33. Let's introduce our third contestant in this sensual showdown. Trixie is the-ah, sorry. The "Great and Powerful" Trixie is a traveling magician who performs feats and tricks. Though, she was known for being bested and residing to menial work on a rock farm for a time she has since resumed her act in a humbler light.
  34. Our fourth contestant is none other than Lady Octavia Melody of Canterlot Philharmonica! This lovely mare is a professional musician and is among the most recognizable faces in entertainment. This reserved socialite survived the chaos of last year's Grand Galloping Gala and seems to have gotten a taste for a little madness.
  35. But who will cum out on top? It's the musician and the magician; the jester versus the bard!"
  36. >the light flips yellow
  37. >distant cheering from somewhere beyond the treeline
  38. >you narrow year eyes and bend down into a primed leaping position
  39. >Octavia mimics your position, but her expression hardly changes
  40. >the light's green, and you're off!
  41. >you leap up with the powerful springing of your hindlegs, toned from many empty and lonely nights and all that time on that stupid fucking rock farm
  42. >you see several sex toys hidden in the grass, but you're not going to have to rely on those
  43. >your horn lights up as you smirk and dive right for Octavia, who hadn't really been able to spring like you
  44. >she's paused and ducked to the side, going for something in the grass
  45. >a bad decision on her part
  46. >you slide behind her, catching a glimpse of her glistening snatch from behind her tail and part of her... oddly shapely flanks
  47. >wet already? this would be a cinch
  48. >your horn flicks her tail to the side, and you lick your lips, going in for the kill
  49. >your muzzle buries in deep into the plump pussy before you
  50. >no subtle licking, no buildup
  51. >Trixie has no time for this, not now
  52. >you've got to be fast and furious
  53. >your mouth has pressed her nether lips open, and your tongue is thrusting deep inside
  54. >you feel Octavia's whole body shudder around you
  55. >her back leg kicks at you, but you deftly move to the side
  56. >she's not catching THIS mare off guard
  57. >you've trained for this
  58. >the instant you found out Sparkle was in the ring, you spent as much time as you could practicing agility
  59. >and pleasuring techniques
  60. >due to the lack of a romantic partner, willing or otherwise, you had to settle for the solo pleasure cruise
  61. >well, at least you're limber as fuck and able to sate your lust on your own pussy
  62. >got a loose spine, that's for sure
  63. >you twist around and grab her legs, holding them together and nibbling on her inner labia
  64. >she tastes rather sweet, oddly enough
  65. >you yourself are a stronger, more brash flavor
  66. >like bbq hayburger sauce
  67. >fits your personality, you like to think
  68. >Octavia's juices are much like she is--sweeter, more refined, and lighter
  69. >you'd usually be mildly upset at being bested out in something so personal, but that hardly matters here and now
  70. >in fact, it was only making your business of fucking her three ways to sideways Sunday all the easier
  71. >your tongue explores downward, settling on her little nub
  72. >ah, the prize jewel of the vagina
  73. >your were going to go to town on this, and win in a matter of moments
  74. >this would be too easy
  75. >at least, so you thought
  76. >a blinding pain on your flank accompanied by a loud *crack* snaps you back to your senses, and actually causes you to jump so that your muzzle slides from Octavia's precious puss
  77. >your tongue darts out and gets one last lick in, but that's about it
  78. >you glare at Octavia, and search her for the source of your pain
  79. >your eyes fall on the leather handle clamped in her jaws
  80. >a whip
  81. >she got a fucking whip
  82. >shit's getting real in here
  83. >she rear back, hiding your crotch with your tail
  84. >bitch is not getting to you, not with that thing
  85. >there's no way she could have known you were a masochist ahead of time
  86. >*CRACK*! Again down on your flank
  87. >oh fuck
  88. >you can feel it dripping down the inside of your leg
  89. >of course, this wouldn't be enough to get you to cum, but if she got to you in this state
  90. >you'd go down faster than a house of cards in a hurricane
  91. >you've got to get back to her snatch
  92. >you've still got the upper hoof
  93. >if you can get back to her pussy, you've got yourself made
  94. >you clamp your eyes shut and charge at her
  95. >as you open one eye tentatively to make sure you're actually charging *at* her, and you see her own eyes open wide in fear
  96. >ahah, yes
  97. >fear me, haughty bitch
  98. >you tackle her headlong, and the two of you roll in the grass
  99. >something hard, probably the whip handle, smacks you in the bridge of your snout, but that blunt pain is nothing to you right now
  100. >you're face to face with Octavia, who is red-faced, blushing and gasping
  101. >you give her a predatory smile, and kiss her full on the mouth
  102. >like
  103. >FULL ON
  104. >you're really getting in there
  105. >your powerful tongue pushes into her mouth, and you open up her teeth to get into there
  106. >the tongue wrestling continues as your back leg strokes against her inner thigh
  107. >your hoof reaches her nethers
  108. >and you're not going to be gentle
  109. >you start rubbing vigorously, your back hoof and leg twitching and convulsing like you've got parkinson's
  110. >Octavia gets no luxuries from her
  111. >you hear her moan-scream into your own mouth, and your tongue smacks the roof of her mouth
  112. >she feel her shudder, and your hoof gets very met
  113. >success!
  114. >fucking winner, baby
  115. >fucking winner
  116. >"And what an ending! Tavi's poor pussy's gonna be purple for at least a week! Good show for both of you, good show!"
  117. >you roll off of Octavia, who simply lays there, gasping, her eyes wide
  118. >you curl up and press your head down onto your belly, while you bring your hoof up closer to your snout
  119. >you lick your damp hoof in a very feline manner
  120. >once all of Octavia's wine-worthy puss juice in safely consumed, her roll up next to her
  121. >she slowly turns her eyes to look at you, nothing else moving your changing
  122. >you're right at your ear
  123. >you lick your lips, and whisper
  124. >"I loved concerto 22."

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Velveteen Chapter 2 (Archive 2014)

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You Rock My World (Archive 2014)

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Trixie vs. Octavia (Archive 2014)

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