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Eldritch Anon

By Defiant
Created: 2020-12-18 08:08:34
Expiry: Never

  1. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." You chant the words of malign implication
  2. >"Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!" Your flock answers in turn
  3. >Which consists of about ten people, four of them which you've never seen before
  4. >Three look like they came here to see some freaks sacrifice humans or something
  5. >Other may be a new recruit, he looks genuinely interested
  6. "Cthulhu R'lyeh fhtagn." With that, you close the book in front of you and address the people gathered in your basement
  7. "And this concludes this week's ceremonies. Please don't forget to donate on your way out and may the Old Ones look over you." You step off your lectern as people start to leave
  8. >"Excuse me, reverend Magister." A gravely voice draws your attention
  9. >It's the new guy that looked interested in the ceremony
  10. "How can I help you, brother?" You turn to the man with a fake smile
  11. >"Actually, I was hoping to help you." He says. "I couldn't help but notice that your flock isn't very devoted."
  12. >He looks at the people that leave the room without leaving a penny in the donation box
  13. >You exhale loudly
  14. "To tell you the truth, I am not very devoted either, you should look for another community if you are serious about this. I think I might quit this soon."
  15. >He looks disappointed, but doesn't leave
  16. >"Even so, not many remembers the Old Ones anymore." He holds up a book that you didn't realize he had before. "Here, a parting gift from me. Hopefully a welcoming gift for you."
  17. >You take the book and open it to take a look
  18. >Its pages are covered in strange symbols and geometric drawings, some words written in a language unknown to you
  19. >You look up to the man to ask about them, but he's already gone
  20. "Thanks, I guess." You mumble before leaving the book on the lectern and taking off your robe
  21. >You hope to get some sleep before work
  22. >At least today was kinda interesting
  24. >Floating in the vast emptiness of space, you observe the foreign stars that watch you from afar
  25. >You sense a feeling of bewilderment and consternation in their pale blinking lights
  26. >You are somewhere you shouldn't be
  27. >That much you know
  28. >There is something worse however
  29. >Something close to you
  30. >A feeling of dread washes over you and you feel you blood run cold
  31. >Where is it? What is this thing you sense near you?
  32. >In the darkness, you feel the seething hatred radiate like heat from a dying star
  33. >When your eyes finally find the source of this malignant sentiment you are met with a scene beyond the bounds of what you deemed impossible
  34. >An amorphous mass bubbling, expanding and shrinking in infinite dimensions in the contorted space it occupies, accompanied by hideous entities, orbiting it while undulating to a rhythmic thumping and some shrilling melody that pierces your ears and picks apart your mind
  35. ...
  36. >You wake up out of breath, feeling like you've ran a marathon
  37. >You head aches like it will shatter to a million pieces
  38. >Things move about at the corners of your eyes and you clutch the sheets for a few seconds before the episode subsides
  39. >You take a deep breath and the smell of urine fills your nose
  40. >Did you...?
  41. >You reach for and check your pants
  42. >Yep, you just pissed yourself
  43. >You remember seeing a horrible nightmare, but you do not remember anything about it
  44. >Probably for the best too
  45. >It must've been a really bad one to actually make you piss the bed
  46. >You stand up only to fall back down
  47. >Your head spins and you feel cold
  48. >Your shirt is wet with sweat, you realize
  49. >You must be dehydrated
  50. >You consider taking a sick leave today, but there is an exam you need to oversee today and you'd rather not postpone it
  51. >"Just gotta push through the day." You mumble before standing up once again, more carefully this time, and heading for the kitchen for a glass of water before your much needed shower
  53. >Today, you brought the book that strange man gave you to the school
  54. >You figured you could spend some time taking a look at it as the students take their exams
  55. >You are a teacher at Canterlot Highschool
  56. >A science teacher to be exact
  57. >Not what you had imagined doing with your life, but you like your job
  58. >You have some good students that are interested in the class and the others don't give you much trouble
  59. >Though you imagine them not being happy about an early exam
  60. >You step inside the school and immediately met with Twilight's assault of questions
  61. >"Did you ask about free fall in the exam Mr. Anonymous?" She begins. "Because I though you would and I studied the subject very carefully, but I have a question. Doesn't the air resistance increase as the object moves closer to the ground since the air is denser in lower altitudes? Hence effecting the maximum speed the object can reach?"
  62. "Good morning to you as well, Twilight." You answer. "Were you waiting for me at the door?"
  63. >"N-No!" She blushes. "I was just passing by and saw you come in!"
  64. "Right..." You shake your head. "Well, you don't need to worry about effects of altitude in free fall. As I told you before, this is just highschool."
  65. >"Oh... That's disappointing." You smile
  66. "Not everyone is as smart as you are Twilight. You can choose to study physics in collage if you are interested in it."
  67. >"T-thanks." She says bashfully as you walk into the classroom together and put the exam papers on your desk
  68. "Good morning everyone, please take your seats and we can start the exam." Some unhappy mumbling is heard as students assume position
  69. >You give start dishing out the papers
  70. "Please check your papers for any mistakes before starting and ask for them to be changed if there is." You instruct. "There should be six main questions and a bonus one adding up to a hundred and ten points. If you have any questions, I will be here for the duration of the exam."
  71. >You take your seat after giving out the last paper
  72. "Good luck." You say as you take your seat and open the book that was given to you yesterday
  73. >There are some strange cursive writings at the start of the first page, but the rest seems English
  74. ~In this monotonous world, most live their lives without ever seeing what the true nature of cosmos implies. Perhaps for the better. Because not all can bare the knowledge and keep on living and no one that knows the truth will ever be deemed sane by their kin. To you that reads my journal, be prepared. For you are about to glimpse at the truth and a glimpse is all it takes~
  75. >Turning the page, you are met with an illustration that portrays what seems like a plant
  76. >However, you can see some wing-like limbs protruding from the thing, along with some tentacles that at first, seemed like roots to you
  77. >At the top, what seemed like petals of a flower, reveals to have eyes at their tips when you take a closer look
  78. >Something about this creature irks a deep part of you, as if someone is behind you and waiting for you to look at them to pounce you
  79. >You continue reading as you try to ignore this strange feeling of discomfort
  80. ~For many a millenia, man tried to find an explanation for the mystery that is their existence. Be it their ego or maybe fear kept them from accepting the reality that they were nothing but a byproduct of an experiment conducted by this Elder Things who lived on this earth long before them. I have met these creatures in my spiritual travels to the outer spheres as well as forgotten places of this world. They left to live among the stars a long time ago, leaving behind very little for us to see and recognize them by. For this reason, I leave the schematics and incantations I used to commune with them so you may learn the truth for yourself~
  81. >The paragraph is followed by some geometric drawings and symbols that forms a circle when they converge, followed by a series of words that appear made up to you
  83. >The schematics, as the author puts it, are completely foreign to you
  84. >However, you recognize these creatures from Lovecraft's stories
  85. >The incantations also seem similar to the ones you read every week at the ceremonies
  86. "P'gmlew smaran kel'amrn. Mrnglew em xernen si'mln." You realize your mumbling and stop yourself
  87. >Reading these things in the school may not be very smart
  88. >They might have no effect, but if they do...
  89. >Yeah, you remember how some of the students turned into demons
  90. >More than once
  91. >You'd rather not add to those events
  92. "Ab'klklomm enm ma'nd kre egh"
  93. >Really though
  94. "Enm smaran em xernen egh"
  95. >This will not-
  96. "Azh eman azh em mne'n"
  97. >End well
  99. >You are Twilight
  100. >You were solving them questions like they were nothing
  101. >Then some commotion tore your attention from the test
  102. >It's Mr. Anonymous
  103. >He's drawing something on the ground with chalk while mumbling gibberish
  104. >Students are all gathered around him
  105. >"Holy shit! Look at his eyes man!" You hear one exclaim
  106. >Mr. Anonymous is holding a large book in one hand that he seems to be using as a reference for his drawings
  107. >You get up from your desk and walk closer
  108. >From this distance you can see that his eyes are rolled up in their sockets
  109. >You aren't even sure how he can see anything like that let alone make drawings on the floor
  110. >He seems like he's not been swallowing his spit the whole time
  111. >Saliva is running down his chin and his voice is all scratchy
  112. >The symbols he's drawing on the floor doesn't seem familiar to you at all
  113. >But the things he's saying
  114. >They are rousing a primal fear in you
  115. "I think we should call for help!" You look around and see a student nod approvingly before running out the classroom
  116. >Finally he stops drawing and lets the book fall down along with the piece of chalk
  117. >He raises his hand up to the sky and lets out an otherworldly shriek that makes you hold your ears
  118. >When you look back at him, Mr. Anonymous is laying on the ground, motionless
  119. >Principle Celestia runs into the class a few seconds later and kneels beside him
  120. >"Mr. Anonymous! Are you alright?" She checks his pulse. "Somebody call an ambulance!" She yells before starting heart massage
  121. >Panic raises inside you as you realize that your favorite teacher is about to die
  122. >That might be the reason you just jump in when you see Principle Celestia hesitate to do mouth-to-mouth
  124. >You stand in front of an ivory tower, inlaid with nacre, depicting creatures and places of breathtaking beauty and unfathomable terror
  125. >Tower reaches hights beyond the bound of your sight
  126. >Wondrous structure sits on a very small island in the middle of an ocean that glimmers with cold pale lights that reach your eyes from unknown depths while the sky stretches above, milky white and untouched by any object
  127. >"You are the one who sought audience." A strong and demanding voice echoes around you. "So come"
  128. >Marble doors of the tower open without any noise and you slowly walk inside
  129. >A golden staircase reaches upwards to an unseen summit
  130. >So you climb for years, centuries, ages, eons, maybe an eternity
  131. >This place is timeless, endless, ever-existing
  132. >When you finally reach your destination, you see a figure wearing a black robe, their head lowered and their face hidden under a hood
  133. >Sitting on a throne, between two white, marble pillars they speak
  134. >"It is not often a human finds their way here." The voice is neither male nor female, familiar but foreign, harsh but gracious... It is indescribable. "It is even more unusual for one to do it accidentally."
  135. >The figure leans forward in their throne without looking up
  136. >"Speak then, what will you make of our encounter?"
  137. "Where am I? Who are you?" The figure leans back, their head still lowered
  138. >"I haven't named this place, but I am called by many, you may call me Yog-Sothoth."
  139. >A cold chill runs down your spine
  140. >What have you done? How did you come here?
  141. >Yog-Sothoth however, doesn't give you time to be scared
  142. >"You read from the Necronomicon, it took over your body and killed you."
  143. >You are dead?!
  144. >"Not anymore. Two females of your kind revived your body."
  145. >Thank the Great Old Ones!
  146. >Yog-Sothoth raises his head to look at you and you take a glimpse to his form that was shrouded from you
  147. >Under the hood, you see a shapeless heap of meat, floating in boundless darkness
  148. >Slimy tentacles reach about trying to grasp some unseen thing in the empty space while eye-like orbs embedded in them glow with a sickly green light gaze beyond your flesh and into your soul
  149. >Yog-Sothoth speaks calmly while you shriek in terror
  150. >"Your time here comes to an end. I shall gift you a mote from my sight, so you may read and serve the ones you worship in better ways."
  152. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  153. >Right now you are sitting beside your teacher's hospital bed
  154. >After his heart stopped and brought back by Principle Celestia and you, Celestia checked her phone for emergency contacts
  155. >Turns out there was nobody on there
  156. >So you decided to go with him
  157. >You would be sad if you woke up alone in a hospital
  158. >Still, the sun went down a while ago and you'd rather not spend the night here
  159. "Dum-dum-tu-tum" You hit the sides of your chair while mumbling a quite rhythm
  160. >You are also pretty bored
  161. >Would it be considered inappropriate if you were to take a look at that book he was reading?
  162. >Well, it's not like it's a diary or anything
  163. >In the end you decide that taking a look wouldn't hurt
  164. >There is no title or any other writing on it
  165. >It seem that the book's cover is encased in leather
  166. >Just as you blink, you see a man's face on the cover, screaming in pain
  167. >A moment later there is nothing but smooth leather
  168. >A chill runs down your spine
  169. >Creepy...
  170. >Must've been your imagination
  171. >Just as you are about to flip the cover a hand grabs the book, scaring you shitless
  172. >Yelping, you jump in your seat and see that the hand belongs to Mr. Anonymous
  173. >"This book is not for mortal eyes." He says with a hoarse voice
  174. >You are more startled by the fact that his right eye is a strange tone of green
  175. >Not just the iris, the entire eye
  176. >"My eye?" He asks, his voice is back to normal now. "What's wrong with my eye?"
  177. >Did you say that out loud?
  178. >"No, but I... heard you?" He looks surprised by his own words. "What's wrong with my eye?" He repeats
  179. "It's uh... green." You answer
  180. >He blinks, his right eye doesn't close like his left eye however
  181. >Instead two white eyelids under the normal ones blink sideways
  182. "There is something seriously wrong with your eye!" You cry out
  183. >"It's the book." He says. "I was reading from it and then-" His eyes widen with horror. "Yog-Sothoth!"
  184. "What?"
  185. >"Yog-Sothoth." He repeats. "He's an Outer God. He said he was going to give me some of his sight."
  186. >Welp, it seems that your favorite teacher has gone insane!
  188. >"How can you think that I'm insane when I can clearly hear what you think?" Mr. Anonymous asks
  189. >That's... a good question actually
  190. "It just doesn't make sense." You explain yourself. "You can't have conversations with gods!"
  191. >"And that is something you tried before?" Well, no but... "History is filled with people that claim communion with higher beings. They shaped our history and effect our lives even now."
  192. "But... Those are all lies, right?" You can hear the doubt in your voice. "You are a man of science."
  193. >He shakes his head
  194. >"You have witnessed magic with your own eyes haven't you?" He asks. "You yourself were effected by it."
  195. "Magic is... something, but gods?" You say skeptically. "Do you believe in an all powerful creator?"
  196. >"I believe in gods, just not the conventional ones that everyone believe in." He replies. "I worship the Great Ones. I shamefully admit that I had my doubts, but after today..."
  197. >A shaky grin creeps onto his face and he looks at you with awe
  198. >"I saw him Twilight! Yog-Sothoth spoke to me. Me!" He's breathing heavily now and you just want to get out of here, but you are afraid to move. "Oh, I am sorry if I scared you. I'm just so excited!"
  199. >He takes a deep breath and collects himself
  200. >"I must tell my flock about this."
  201. "Your flock?" You ask in surprise
  202. >"I was a cleric of the Great Ones even before this and I have a small following." He looks sad for a second before cheering up again. "They were losing faith, just like me, but after I tell them about Yog-Sothoth my congregation's faith will be restored."
  203. >What if they don't believe him?
  204. >He looks confused
  205. >"Why wouldn't they believe me?" Oh, right
  206. "Um... Because they didn't see what you saw?" You try to explain." I-It is somewhat hard to believe you actually talked to a god or a higher being of sorts."
  207. >"I see..." He hang his head in thought. "I suppose it is fair. Throughout history, prophets have always dealt with skepticism."
  208. >Does he consider himself a prophet now?
  209. >He looks at you and smiles. "Honestly, I don't know. But there must be a reason they have spoken to me. Until I know what it is, I will spread their word and truth."
  210. >He looks at the book in his hand
  211. >"I will summon my followers tonight for an important announcement and I shall perform a miracle for those who have doubt in their hearts." He says before looking at you again. "Would you join us, Twilight?"
  212. >Despite the fact that he frightens you, you actually want to witness this miracle of his and maybe even learn about this truth he speaks of
  213. >This might be a mistake, but you decide to go with him
  214. >"Great!" He suddenly exclaims. "I promise you, it's not a mistake."
  216. >No one came
  217. >Your teacher messaged and called his flock, as he calls them, for a meeting
  218. >They were apparently all busy with their own lives
  219. >They all, albeit politely, rejected his invitation
  220. >Mr. Anonymous however, could not care less about politeness
  221. >You can feel rage seething in him
  222. >You start to feel afraid once again as he throws his phone to the wall with an angry, almost inhuman growl
  223. >This is not the teacher you know and love, this is someone else
  224. >He suddenly turns to you with questioning eyes
  225. >Oh no, he heard you!
  226. >"Twilight?! I'm still the same person I..." He stops and takes a deep breath. "You are right, I should collect myself and show more patience."
  227. >He walks over to the lectern and opens the book he calls Necronomicon
  228. >"If they will not come, then I shall take the miracle to them." He exclaims as he starts reading from the book
  229. >"I see..." He looks at the book in deep though. "Twilight, you know where my kitchen is, right? Can you fetch a knife for me?"
  230. "A k-knife?" You hear your voice crack
  231. >Will he do something to you? Will he-
  232. >He swiftly steps down from the lectern and before you know it, he's grabbed both of your shoulders
  233. >"Look at me Twilight." After a moment's hesitation, you look him in the eye. In that... green... eye...? "I would never do anything to hurt you."
  234. >Of course he wouldn't, why would you think think such a thing?!
  235. "Y-yes, Mr. Anonymous! What kind of knife did you need?" You ask enthusiastically. "A chef's knife? Paring knife? Bread knife? Boning-"
  236. >A finger on your lips stop you
  237. >"Whatever you like the best." He says. "Just make sure it's a sharp one."
  238. "Got it!" Not wanting to make your teacher wait you quickly rush upstairs to the kitchen and start looking through drawers for knives
  239. >There is so many of them! Which one should you take?
  240. >Mr. Anonymous said to bring the one you liked, but what if he doesn't like it?
  241. >A sharp one! That's what he said, right?
  242. >You take a knife and run it across your palm
  243. "Ouch, that hurts!" You inspect the cut
  244. >No, that's not it. You need a sharper one
  245. >Picking another knife, you make another cut just below the first one
  247. >You are Anonymous
  248. >It's been a few minutes since Twilight went to get a knife
  249. >There is no reason for her to be taking this long
  250. >Is she having trouble finding the knives?
  251. >You decide to go and check on her
  252. "Twilight?" You call out as you enter the kitchen
  253. >You freeze once you lay eyes on your student
  254. >She's standing next to the kitchen counter with a chef's knife in her right hand
  255. >A small pool of blood has gathered around her feet
  256. >Her left arm is covered in numerous fresh cuts and you can see other bloodied knives on the counter
  257. "Twilight?! What happened?!" She turns to you with teary eyes
  258. >"I'm sorry Mr. Anonymous. I-I can't..." She starts crying. "I can't decide which one's the sharpest."
  259. >She raises the chef's knife she's holding in her hand
  260. >"That's okay, Twilight. You just have to try again!" She exclaims gleefully
  261. >You rush to her and take the knife before she can cut herself again
  262. "You crazy girl! I just asked for a knife!" Your words seem to have pushed her over the edge
  263. >Clasping to your shirt, she buries her face into your chest and breaks down in tears
  264. >"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." You hear her repeat over and over
  265. >You hold her tight as you try and figure out what to do
  266. >Gods, there is so much blood!
  267. >Why would she do this to herself?!
  268. >You need to fix this, but how?
  269. >You should call an ambulance
  270. >No, you can't
  271. >How would you explain having a student in your house let alone having her bleeding to death?
  272. >Is she going to die?
  273. >She's definitely going to die if you don't stop the bleeding
  274. >How would you even go about doing that with so many cuts?!
  275. >It would be easier to cut the arm of and apply a tourniquet
  276. >That's insane! Well, maybe not entirely
  277. >Pushing Twilight away, you unbuckle your belt
  278. >"M-Mr. Anonymous?" You ignore her and wrap the belt around her upper left arm before tightening and buckling it again
  279. >What now? This will buy you some time, but she still need further medical care if she's to keep that arm
  280. >"Mr. Anonymous?" Having calmed down a bit, you look at her and wait for her to speak. "I don't feel so good."
  281. >You manage to catch her before she falls down and pick her up in your arms
  282. "Twilight? Twilight! Dammit!" You try shaking her awake to no avail
  283. >You are running out of time! You need to do something now!
  284. >Think Anon, think!
  285. >The book! Maybe there is something in the book that can help you
  286. >You rush downstairs, carrying Twilight in your arms and praying to all the Great Old Ones that there is a way to save her
  288. >You are Twilight
  289. >It was dark for a while, but now you are in a forest
  290. >A light fog obscures the ground and stops thin rays of sun that break through the blanket of leaves above your head from touching it
  291. >In the distance you can hear a knocking that sounds like someone chopping wood
  292. >Since there is no other sound or anything distinct around you, you decide to go towards the sound
  293. >As you walk through the forest, you end up in a small clearing
  294. >In the middle of it is a log cabin and the sound you hear seems to be coming from behind it
  295. >You keep walking around the cabin and behind it
  296. >Behind the cabin you come face to face with an old man throwing two pieces of wood he has in his hands into a small pile
  297. >The first thing you notice is how tall he is
  298. >The man stands about three meters high, he's not wearing anything but a piece of long white cloth wrapped around his waist, held in place by a dark green swathe
  299. >His upper body is very toned and muscular
  300. >He has long white hair that drapes over his shoulders and his white beard touches his abdomen
  301. >"Those injuries look dangerous young lady." He looks at you with his icy blue eyes as he strokes his beard
  302. "Injuries?" You ask, not sure what he's talking about
  303. >He points to your left arm
  304. >Looking down, you see many cuts, bleeding profusely
  305. "Oh..." You should be worried, but you feel calm. "I was trying out some knives."
  306. >That gets a genuine laugh out of the old man
  307. >"Surely there are better ways to do that?" You shrug
  308. >Seeing that you will not say anything else, he continues
  309. >"May I have a look?" He gestures to your injured arm
  310. "Sure." You say as you start walking towards him
  311. >Once you are in front of him he takes a knee and grabs your left arm before raising it closer to his gaze
  312. >A moment later he lets it fall back down and puts a hand on your shoulder
  313. >You feel a warmth spreading from his fingers and finding its way to your injured arm
  314. >Smoke starts rising from the cuts and you watch them heal back up
  315. >Strange that you are not at all surprised
  316. >Suddenly you feel the ground shift beneath your feet, but the old man catches you before you fall
  317. >"Seems like you need some time to recover." He guides you to a wooden chair and helps you sit down
  318. >"Rest here for a while, would you? Keep an old man company."
  319. >You say nothing as you watch him pick up his axe and place another piece of wood on his chopping log
  321. >You are Anonymous
  322. >Thankfully there was a way to save Twilight
  323. >You've entrusted her body with a Great One named Nodens
  324. >You left her to rest on the couch upstairs after the short ritual needed to ask for Nodens' aid which healed her pretty much instantly
  325. >It was actually good practice for what you've been planning before this debacle
  326. >You decided to go with a box cutter instead of a kitchen knife
  327. >It's better suited for your needs with the accuracy it has
  328. >Finding the page you've been looking you take to etching the symbols on the inside of your lower left arm while muttering the incantations as instructed
  329. >Feels ironic considering Twilight sliced her left arm too
  330. >The pain you experienced with the first few cuts now turned into some strange feeling of numbness
  331. >It feels like you are carving wood and not your own arm
  332. >It must be the incantations you are reciting, because once you are done with incising the markings you are gripped by a burning sensation that permeates from those cuts
  333. >You watch the marks you made knit back together and become swollen, forming a kind of relief made of meat as you keep muttering the incantation
  334. >Finishing the ritual, you trace the etchings with your right hand, feeling the newly formed skin and flesh
  335. >It is now time to try out your new arm
  336. >You focus on your left arm and will it to change
  337. >It starts to bend in improper places with bloodcurling cracks as it contorts and elongates
  338. >You watch your fingers fuse together as your arm completes its change into a two meter long tentacle
  339. >You raise it up in front of you and focus again
  340. >This time sharp jagged bones start sticking out in a row where you would consider your outer arm, ending with a long bone spike where your fingers would be
  341. >You swing your distorted arm and strike the wall, watching with satisfaction as the jagged bones dig into concrete
  342. >Yanking the tentacle back, you focus on it once more and watch it morph back to its old shape, an ordinary arm with the exception of those markings you've carved on it
  343. >You are now ready to teach your flock of the truth they disbelieve
  344. >You decided to wear your ceremonial robes for tonight's endevour
  345. >You had considered not drawing attention, but decided that you should draw attention
  346. >Afterall, you must lead people to their salvation and this... This shall be your debut
  347. >You will not hide in the shadows like some villain
  348. >You will be a prophet that people can follow
  349. >Donning your gown and grabbing the book, you take to the streets
  350. >You do not avoid the busy streets, you welcome people's curious gazes
  351. >After not too long of a walk, you arrive at one of your congregation member's house
  352. >Ringing the bell, you wait until a large bearded man in pajamas opens the door
  353. >"Who are- Magister Anon?" He looks surprised
  354. "Hello Theodore." You greet him. "You said you wouldn't be coming, so I though maybe I would pay you a visit."
  355. >You remove the hood of your gown and he takes a step back as he sees your green eye
  356. "I see you are indeed quite busy." You say sarcastically. "May I come inside?"
  357. >"I... uh, um-" You just push pass the stuttering man and close the door behind you
  358. >"Look, I'm sorry I lied, okay?" You hear him say. "I just- I was going to tell you at our weekly meeting, but I'm leaving the congregation."
  359. "Where do you keep your robes?" You ask, ignoring his words
  360. >"In my bedroom closet. Why?" Leaving the book you carry on a nearby couch, you remove your robes and let them fall to the ground, leaving you with an ordinary shirt and a pair of linen pants
  361. >"What are y-" As your left arm starts to crack and bend he falls to the floor, looking at you with horrified eyes
  362. "I told you I had a miracle for you, but since you were busy I decided to bring the miracle to you." You ask once you summon the bones from the tentacle. "Isn't it beautiful? This is a gift from the Great Ones."
  363. >"Yes it's... It's amazing!"
  364. ~I'm gonna be sick! It's so disgusting~
  365. "LIAR!" You swing the tentacle full force, decapitating the pitiful man
  366. "Liar..." You sigh as you return your arm to it's original shape. "It's alright. It's not your fault. You just don't know any better."
  367. >You pick up the book you left on the couch and open a page that details some different ritual then you performed on yourself, marked by the box cutter you used before
  368. >A box cutter contrasts greatly with this whole ordeal, but the percision it brings is exactly what you need
  369. "I should get myself a scalpel or maybe a wood carving knife." You murmur as you kneel before your friend's dead body. "But first, I shall open your eyes to the truth."
  370. >Kneeling down to the side of your friend's dead body, you cut open his shirt
  371. >Putting the book down next to you, you start carving the markings on his chest
  372. >You recognize some of the symbols from the ritual you performed on your arm
  373. >If you pay attention to any similarities between the rituals maybe you can figure our their effects and create your own rituals
  374. >There are some similarities in the enchantments you need to read as well
  375. >You should study these more carefully later, but for now you need to focus on the ritual at hand
  376. >Once you are done with the etchings, you place your hand on your friend's chest and start humming the enchantments
  377. >As it happened on your arm, the scars heal
  378. >This time however, the etchings just sink under the skin and disappear
  379. >Picking up the severed head, you place it on his chest
  380. >Getting back on your feet, you take a few steps back and watch your friend's dead body transform
  381. >His head fuses and sinks into his chest like the etchings you carved, leaving nothing behind
  382. >His arms split apart starting from the fingers and forms five thin, long tentacles before growing sharp bony hooks at their tips
  383. >Skin of his neck constricts around his vertebrae and the bone takes the shape of the tip of a spear before slightly sticking out of it's place
  384. >Finally, he raises on his feet turns to you
  385. "Ah, it's magnificent!" You walk around your friend's new form. "Do you understand now, Theodore? Do you see what I see?"
  386. ~Yes Magister~
  387. >You hear inside your head
  388. "Good, good..." You chuckle with enthusiasm. "Oh how I'd love to spend some more time studying you, but we have things to do, eyes to open. Put on your robes and follow me."
  389. >The way to your next stop has been more or less eventless
  390. >Just more curious gazes and whispers
  391. >Theodore is just a few steps behind, using his dislocated spine to create the illusion of a lowered head under the hood when you reach the door and ring the bell
  392. >It takes about a minute for it to open and there he is, your next convert to be
  393. >A tall, blonde man in his late twenties wearing a bathrobe
  394. >"Alex..." You say, without removing your hood. "Did I came in an inappropriate time? Were you in the shower?"
  395. >"No I uh..." He leans in a little. "I don't know what this is about, but can we make it quick? I got a lady waiting upstairs." He winks
  396. "Sure, sure." You gesture. "May we come in for a second?"
  397. >"Uh... Okay sure." He steps aside. "So what's up?"
  398. >You slowly start the transformation of your arm under your gown
  399. "Well, I'll be brief." You start as you remove your hood with your right hand and watch Alex step back at the sight of your eye. "I'm here to show you the miracle I mentioned."
  400. >"Yeah, I think you should leave." He says with a nervous tone
  401. >You just smile as your tentacle arm shoots out of your robe's sleeve and decapitates the blonde man
  402. "Go upstairs and find the woman he was talking about, then bring her to me." You talk to Theodore. "Don't hurt her, but don't let her scream too loud."
  403. >You decide to wait for him to bring that woman downstairs before starting the ritual
  404. >Not a minute later he comes back, holding a naked woman wrapped with his tentacles
  405. >One of them around her neck, choking her so she can't scream
  406. >She starts struggling more as she lays eyes on her dead partner
  407. >You take a few steps toward her before speaking
  408. "You are so lucky." You smile as she starts crying. "You will be one of the first to be enlightened."
  409. >Taking a few steps back you speak to Theo this time
  410. "Release her."
  411. >The instant she's loose she tries to make a run for the door
  412. >With a quick swing, you sever her head before she can take a second step
  413. "But you don't have a robe, do you?" You think for a second. "No worries, you can have mine." You take a deep breath. "Now then, lets begin!"
  415. >You are Ebon Soot
  416. >You are wearing a kevlar padded black leather suit with a titanium mask that covers your face all the way up to where your hair starts which is also dyed in black
  417. >Your eyes are covered with bulletproof tinted glasses and the only piece of skin visible to others is around your mouth
  418. >You have been following a figure in black and golden robes for a while now
  419. >He looks suspicious, but it looks like people he visited know him
  420. >However after he left the second home he visited, you decided to check on the people he visited
  421. >Your suspicions were all but comfirmed when you saw two seperate pools of blood in the living room
  422. >There are no bodies however and it would seem he is leaving the homes with their inhabitants
  423. >Still, this much blood cannot be a good sign
  424. >You don't know what he's up to, but you need to stop him
  425. >Watching him from the rooftops you wait for the right moment to face him
  426. >Unfortunately for you they choose busy streets unlike the usual bad guy and you do not want to cause civilians any harm if possible
  427. >Your patience bares fruit as the opportunity comes in the form of him reaching his next stop and taking to a less used street
  428. >He left the last house without his robes, but you can still identify him by the book he carries
  429. >He looks like a priest with that shirt and pants added to the book he has
  430. >Stepping out of the shadows, you confront your target before he rings the bell
  431. "YOU!" As you shout all four turn around in unison. "I have been following you and I have found a lot of blood in the last house you visited. Who are you? What are you planning?"
  432. >He smiles and walks toward you as the others move out of his way
  433. >"I am Anonymous, Prophet of the Great Old Ones." He says giving you a slight bow. "Tonight I share my enlightenment with my flock."
  434. "Do those pools of blood have anything to do with this 'enlightenment'?" You question
  435. >"Enlightenment has it's cost for those who are blind to it." Three people who are in robes start moving toward you as you hear something crack. "Allow me to show you the truth."
  436. >You dodge his attack at the last second as a bony tentacle swipes through the air where your neck was a moment ago
  437. >Quickly drawing your G19, you fire three shots only for them to be intercepted by one of the robed figures
  438. >He doesn't fall to the ground as you expected however
  439. >Instead he stands firmly between you and Anonymous while the other two advance
  440. >Turning your weapon to the one on the right you fire, this time aiming for the head
  441. >As the bullet goes through the fabric, the hood he's wearing gets blown back and you see in horror that he doesn't have a head at all, but just his vertebrae supporting the hood
  442. >It shoots out like a spear and grazes your shoulder as you quickly move out of its way
  443. >Hooded figure on the left closes in, trying to swipe at you with numerous tentacles adorned with sharp bones, forcing you further back
  444. >With the corner of your eye, you see the one on the right prepearing to attack you with the bone spear again and you pull out your wakizashi just in time to deflect the blow
  445. >Performing a couple of back handsprings, you put some distance between you and these creatures
  446. >You raise your gun with your left hand and hold your blade defensively, expecting them to continue their assault but they just stand there wiggling their unusual limbs
  447. >You feel like you are in a horror movie
  448. >These things don't look like anything you've faced before
  449. >"I have gifted them with knowledge and gave them better forms." Anonymous steps into the open behind his meat shield, a bony tentacle growing from his left arm sweeping the floor
  450. >You try to aim your gun at him, but your hand is shaking too much
  451. "Stay back!" You can hear the fear in your voice
  452. >He looks at your with his haunting green eye
  453. >"Join us! Let the truth in your heart and your mind." He speaks as he retracts his tentacle. "Only then your eye will open!"
  454. >You take a step forward before the sound of police sirens stop you
  455. >This isn't right, he's trying to hypnotize you
  456. >You have been through this before
  457. >This will not work on you
  458. >As you snap out of his influence, you feel more calm and when you aim your weapon, your hand doesn't shake anymore
  459. >You fire a bullet directly aimed to his head as his eyes open with fear and surprise
  460. >The bullet however, has stopped about a meter from his face, engulfed in a green hue
  461. >He starts laughing, a giggle at first then a full blown maniacal laughter
  462. >"Praise be to Yog-Sothoth!" He yells at the top of his lungs. "For I am protected by his hand and I shall spread his word!"
  463. >Nightmarish creature start to advance once more as the sounds of sirens close in
  464. >If you cannot deal with him and these creatures before police arrives, it will be a massacre
  465. >You would rather not do this because it takes a lot out of you, but it might be your only chance
  466. >Inhaling deeply, you open your mouth and exhale
  467. >A cloud of black dust starts rapidly pouring out and onto the ground, spreading at an unnatural rate
  468. >It doesn't seem to effect the creatures, but once it reaches Anonymous he collapses to the ground
  469. >Creatures attacking you once again stop in their tracks
  470. >He must be controlling them somehow
  471. >Before you can catch your breath police car comes around the corner
  472. >Hoping that Anonymous wouldn't be able to hurt anyone in his state of temporary coma you put him in, you take to the shadows
  474. >You are Anonymous
  475. >After that costumed superhero scum filled the area with some kind of black mist you lost consciousness
  476. >You opened your eyes in a jail cell at the police station woth your three followers locked in alongside you
  477. >Once they realized you were awake, they brought you to the interrogation room
  478. >You are now sitting on a rather uncomfortable aliminum chair in front of a metal table that is bolted to the ground
  479. >You are handcuffed to the table through a metal loop on the table that is used to put the chains of the cuffs through so you cannot attack the interrogator who's sitting in front of you in another aliminum chair
  480. >Not that these handcuffs mean anything to you, you coul easily transform your arm and get it loose then use the tentacle to break free of the other side of the handcuffs
  481. >You don't thing anyone in the station could stop you even with their guns since now you know you can stop their bullets in mid-air
  482. >But it would be a meaningless slaughter of so many people that you could lead to salvation
  483. >So you decided to cooperate, for now...
  484. >"Your name?" Interrogator asks
  485. "Anonymous Cypher." You answer
  486. >"What do you do for a living Mr. Cypher?"
  487. "Please, call me Anonymous or Mr. Anonymous. All my students do." You state before responding his question. "I teach science at Canterlot High and I serve as a Magister of the Great Old Ones."
  488. >"I see…" He gives you a weird look before continuing. "Who… or rather what are those things you had with you?"
  489. "Ah, you mean the enlightened." You smile. The man seems uncomfortable. "They are members of my flock."
  490. >"What did you do to them?"
  491. "I've shown them the truth that they refused to hear." The man narrows his eyes
  492. >"And what would that be?" You grin
  493. "Are you maybe interested in my teachings officer?" He shakes his head in disgust
  494. >"No thanks." He look at you thoughtfully for a few seconds
  495. "This eye is a gift from Yog-Sothoth." He look at you with surprise and opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. "With this eye, I can see into people's minds. I can perceive things that would destroy an ordinary man."
  496. >"Are you playing with me?" He asks angrily
  497. "I have answered your questions honestly, officer." You answer nonchalantly
  498. >"Well, how about making some sense instead of mumbling about yogurt soup or whatever?"
  499. >Your face scrounches in anger to such disrespect, but only for a moment
  500. "Oh, I see." You say with a sinister smile. "You are trying to provoke me. Maybe it is true my words do not make sense to an ignorant man such as yourself. I will pray to Yog-Sothoth for your forgiveness."
  501. >He looks at you for a while before speaking. "Bring him in."
  502. "Who?" You ask, but he doesn't respond
  503. >Not that you need him to
  504. "A mutant that can see into one's past!" You exclaim as a bald man walks in through the door. "I would not recommend you doing something like that."
  505. >They both look surprised, but the interrogator gestures the bald man to continue
  506. >The bald man walks behind you before speaking. "This will be uncomfortable."
  507. "For you." You answer as he puts his hands on your head
  508. >Suddenly you are assaulted by visions of your past deeds
  509. >As you watch your past unfold before your eyes, you see something you do not recall
  510. >A formless mass of infinite dimensions, expanding and shrinking in the vast emptiness of space
  511. >Hideous and magnificent creatures dance around it while playing instruments that are foreign to you and the music they make is the most beautiful you've ever heard
  512. >Suddenly the vision ends and you are returned to reality
  513. >You hear someone scream behind you
  514. >"What the hell?" You hear the interrogator speak. He panics. "What are you doing?! STOP!"
  515. >He rushes behind you hear him struggle
  516. >Turning around, you see him try and stop the bald man as he gauges his eyes out with his own hands wailing in fear
  517. >Two police officers barge in to help the interrogator and they cuff the bald man's hand behind his back before dragging him out of the room as he continues screaming and crying
  518. >"Jesus Christ! What the hell did you do?!" Interrogator asks you with anger and shock in his voice
  519. "I've warned you, officer." You say with a look of pity in your eyes. "The things I've seen would destroy ordinary men."
  520. >He curses as he runs his hand through his hair
  521. >Looking at you for a moment, he turns around and leaves the room
  522. >You look at the one way mirror with new found resolve
  523. >That music, those creatures and the thing that resides in the center on cosmos
  524. >You have seen Azatoth, you have listened to the choir that serve him and it was beautiful
  525. >More beautiful that anything you've ever witnessed
  526. >There was a reason why that was shown to you
  527. >Now you understand
  528. >It is the reward that awaits you in your crusade for people's enlightenment
  529. >You must show them the truth behind the veil and lead them to salvation so they can share this beneficence alongside you
  530. >This was all meant to happen
  531. >It was the will of the Great Old Ones for you to be captured so that you'd remember the prize that is promised to the believers
  532. >The prize that was shown to you before
  533. >The one you forgot in your feebleness
  534. >Truly their forgiveness and genorosity knows no end that they've forgiven this transgression on your part
  535. >With tears streaming down your face to their largesse, you make your oath
  536. >You will serve the Great Old Ones with everything you have! You will grind yourself to dust for this cause!
  537. >You will not betray the gifts they have so generously bestowed upon you!
  538. ***
  539. >After that commotion, you were put back into a cell along with the enlightened
  540. >It has been a couple hours now and you are not sure how long you will be kept here like this
  541. >Enlightened are standing around you in a semi-circle as if to protect you from others
  542. >Not that they need to do that, police opted not to put anyone in here with you
  543. >The people in the other cells also stay well away from yours at the other side of their cage
  544. >The police officer outside is standing far away from the cells as well, leaning back to his chair with his eyes fixed on you
  545. >An opressive silence looms in the air as everyone is scared to speak in fear of provoking the enlightened
  546. >You get up an walk to the middle of your cell as the enlightened move out of your way
  547. >You turn to the people in the other cells which are seperated from yours by iron bars only
  548. "You have nothing to fear of me or my flock." You adress them. "We only bring truth of the Great Old Ones. No harm will come to you if you do not oppose us."
  549. >None of them do anything but to avert their eyes, but you can hear their thoughts
  550. >They think you are a mad man, a deranged cultist
  551. >The officer watching you is amused, laughing under his breath
  552. >You feel a spark of anger light up in your heart, but you quickly snuff it
  553. >These people are but children who know nothing of what you speak, you must find a way to teach them little by little
  554. >You cannot convert everyone like you did with the enlightened
  555. "I understand your suspicion and skepticism." You continue. "Though they have blessed me with the duty of being their prophet, I fall short in delivering their words. Instead allow me to demonstrate the gifts they have bestowed upon me."
  556. >You start trasforming your arm into the weapon it is and loud sounds of bones cracking fill the room
  557. >You hear a gun getting cocked. "Stop what you are doing! Right now!"
  558. >You turn to the policeman who has his gun pointed at you
  559. "I mean no harm." As you finish your words, your fully transformed arm smacks the ground, sending bits of concrete everywhere
  560. >Policeman fires his gun five times but all the bullets stop suspended in the air about a meter away from you covered in a green hue and drop to the ground harmlessly
  561. >You turn your attention back to the other inmates, ignoring the surprised policeman that slowly lowers his weapon
  562. "This is the power bestowed upon me by the Great Old Ones," You announce to a group of shocked inmates looking a you with awe and fear alike, "so that I could serve them well and spread their word."
  563. >Policemen who heard the gunshots start coming in with their weapons drawn, yelling obscenities along with orders for you to get on the ground
  564. "SILENCE!" Your voice crushes the air in the room and all the noise is suddenly gone
  565. >All the policeman that were shouting at you a moment ago are now silent, leaving you the room to speak
  566. >Before you can continue however, one of the inmates walk closer to your cell
  567. >He's a short man, about 160 cm high, but he is quite brawny and he moves with confidence in his steps
  568. >"I am not one for gods or religion, but you have real power." He states plainly. "If you say that these Great Ones gave you this power, I am willing to give them a chance. What's your name?"
  569. "Anonymous Cypher." You reply. "You can call me Anonymous." He shakes his head
  570. >"Nah, if I'm gonna work for you I gotta adress you with respect, right? Especially if you are a prophet as you claim to be." He makes his point
  571. "Call me Magister then." You answer after a moment's thinking. "And you will not work for me, you can live as you wish. I only ask you to devout yourself to the Great Old Ones, help me spread their name and they shall reward you in turn."
  572. >He nods. "Very well then, Magister. Name's Bulk Biceps. Call me Bulk. I'll find you once we are out of here and you can tell me all about these Great Old Ones." He gives you a slight bow and returns to his seat
  573. >You decide that you've said enough and do the same
  574. >The policemen are just standing there, motionless and silent
  575. >You pay them no mind however, your thoughts are occupied with plans to better spread the word of the Great Old Ones
  576. >"Excuse me." You look up to see bald man from before, standing in front of your cell
  577. >He has bandages over his eyes now and it seems he was lead here by a woman wearing a lab coat who looks around at the policemen warily
  578. "Yes?" As soon as you speak he gets on his knees and prostrates
  579. >"Oh messenger of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. Thank you for speaking to me!" He almost screamed those words out. "I have gazed upon the entity you represent and I submit myself to you will!"
  580. >This is a surprise, but not an unplesant one
  581. "Rise." You command and he jumps quickly to his feet. "You need not do such things before me, we are both but creations of the same beings."
  582. >"Of course. My apologies." He responds sincerely
  583. "How do you know of the beings I worship?" You ask
  584. >"I have learned of them when I looked into your past." He bows slightly. "I apologize for that transgression."
  585. >"What- What did you do to them?" The woman cuts in gesturing to the motionless policemen
  586. "I asked them to be silent, but I didn't expect them to take it so seriously." You give her an honest answer
  587. >She looks at you with wide eyes. "You hypnotized them?!"
  588. >You are taken aback by her accusation, but as you look over to the policemen you realize they have only one thought in their minds
  589. ~I must be silent~
  590. >Then you remember the incident with Twilight
  591. >Is that what happened to her? Did you hypnotize her unknowingly?
  592. >You slap your forhead
  593. "Of course!" You laugh. "How stupid of me. I didn't even realize I was doing that." You turn to the woman. "Thank you for this."
  594. >You turn your gaze to the policeman that's been keeping guard
  595. "You! Open this cell. Open them all." You hear cheers coming from the cells beside you. "I think we have been cooped up here long enough."

Demon Anon

by Defiant

Eldritch Anon

by Defiant

4/20 Short

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Elemental Anon

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Valentine's Day Short

by Defiant