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4/20 Short

By Defiant
Created: 2020-12-18 08:09:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Tracey Cage
  2. >Walking down the halls of Hydra Canterlot HQ, you feel thrilled
  3. >Today is an important day
  4. >You've worn your shiny Hydra uniform just for this
  5. >Apperantly you are being assigned to a new SO
  6. >Gotta make a good impression
  7. >Your last one got shot one too many times, so they decided to reassign all members of your team
  8. >You did asked them if you could be the new SO of your team, but your only answer was an incredulous look
  9. >Whatever
  10. >You didn't like your old team anyway
  11. ~You cannot just jump on people Tracey~
  12. ~Stop stabbing the dead guy we gotta go Tracey~
  13. ~No, you can't bring the head with you Tracey~
  14. >A boring bunch really
  15. >You were hoping to teach them how to have fun on a mission
  16. >Still, maybe your new SO wouldn't be such a bore
  17. >You arrive at the room where you are supposed to meet the SO
  18. >It looks like an interrogation room with two chairs and a small table in the middle
  19. >It seems the other party didn't arrive yet so you take a seat
  20. >Not even a minute passes before you hear the door open
  21. >You quickly stand and raise your right hand
  22. "Hail Hydra!"
  23. >In comes a woman who's a little shorter than you
  24. >You would consider yourself tall for a woman so she's not short by any means
  25. >She has light blonde hair along with ice blue eyes and like you, she wears a Hydra uniform
  26. >"Hail Hydra. At ease." She walks toward the unoccupied chair
  27. >Putting the dossier she's holding on the table, she sits down and gestures you to do the same
  28. >"Tracey Cage, right?" You nod
  29. "Yes, ma'am." She looks at you with inquiring eyes and reaches for the dossier and flips some pages
  30. >"Here it says you are unstable, sadistic and generally disruptive in many missions." She closes the dossier and pushes it aside to lean on the table
  31. >While it is true that you are assigned to her, she can refuse you
  32. >Which she seems to be thinking about right now
  33. >It's not the end of the world but if too many people refuse to be your SO, you might be taken off the field and put behind a desk
  34. >A nightmare
  35. >"I am inclined to be lenient with your oddities. However I want one thing from you and this is non-negotiable."
  36. >Her eyes are fixed, looking into yours
  37. >...
  38. >Makes you wanna stab her, but you do like the color of her eyes
  39. >"You will never disobey me." She finishes. "Can you do that?"
  40. >Thinking just for a moment, you decide that this woman sounds way better than your old SO already
  41. "Yeah, of course!" You say enthusiastically. "You seem like a great boss!" She narrows her eyes, "...ma'am."
  42. >She gives you a smile. "It's okay, call me Aryanne, Aryanne Degurechaff." You shake the hand she offers
  43. "How about Anne? Can I call you Anne?" She shrugs
  44. >"I don't see why not." She gets up from her chair so you also do so. "Lets get out of here, we'll be late for celebrations."
  45. "Celebrations?" She gives you a surprised look
  46. >"It's Führer's birthday, don't you know?" She says as she opens the door and holds it for you
  47. >Once you are both outside she looks around to make sure no one's around and whispers. "We got some booze inside. There is a party in the bomb shelter tonight."
  48. "Does this happen often?" You heard nothing about any parties before
  49. >"Yeah, like a few times every year." She talks as you make your way downstairs. "Christmas, easter, halloween... I heard that some celebrate Valentines Day too but you need a valentine for that."
  50. >You can hear a little resentment there, not as much as yours though
  51. >No one on your team told you anything about parties! If you see those sonzabitches at the party-
  52. >"Why did you get all mad now?" Aryanne put a hand on your shoulder. "Don't start a fight in there."
  53. >Normally you'd slap that hand and carve some faces in the shelter
  54. >You still might do the latter if you drink enough
  55. >But her hand somehow quenches your temper
  56. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be good." You sigh
  57. >"Good, now come on!" She quickens the pace
  59. >A couple hours after the party started, you are sitting on an empty liquor crate, leaning to the wall behind
  60. >You didn't drink too much, just enough to make you tipsy
  61. >Aryanne on the other hand...
  62. >Let's just say she likes dancing a lot, but she's terrible at it
  63. >There isn't even any music so higher ups don't hear the noise
  64. >Drill sergents are here too
  65. >You'd imagine everyone would notice this thing went down in the morning if they weren't involved
  66. >You did see your old teammates and gave them a finger to the throat along with a death stare
  67. >You are pretty sure one of them immediately left the party
  68. >"C'mon Trayssie, danhs wid me!" Aryanne thugs on your arm for the hundredth time
  69. >You catch her just as she's about to fall on her ass
  70. "Alright, dancing stops now, just sit here for a minute." You pull her down and place her butt on the crate, just next to you
  71. >"Booo, yourre no fun!" She speaks, trying to get up but failing
  72. >You leave her to her antics and pop open another bottle
  73. >Before you get to the half of it though, you feel a weight on your shoulder
  74. >You turn your head and see a sleeping Aryanne with her head on your shoulder
  75. >Leaving your bottle on the ground, you shake her a little but she doesn't seem like she'll be waking up
  76. >You smile
  77. "I guess that's all for the party." You stand up and pick Aryanne up in your arms. "I'm the designated driver, huh?"
  78. >You shift her weight a little and start walking towards the shelter doors and from there to the wards
  79. >You don't mind carrying her to her bed, even though you just met her today
  80. >Plus, she looks cute when she's asleep
  81. >On the way however, you notice a problem
  82. >You don't know where Aryanne sleeps and you cannot ask her
  83. >What to do? What to do?
  84. >There is not much to do really
  85. >She'll be sleeping in your bed
  86. >Along with you
  87. >It's going to be uncomfortable but you can't just leave her
  88. >With a sigh you take the route to your room
  89. >Placing her on the ground for a second, you adjust the covers so you can put them over her
  90. >Then you lay beside her and pull the covers
  91. >You should take off the uniform but you really dont feel like it, so you don't
  92. >As you close your eyes, you feel Aryanne's arm and leg wrapping around your body
  93. >Once again, instead of slapping them away, you just let it be
  94. >It's actually warm and comfy
  95. >You are glad your SO died or you wouldn't be this... happy?
  96. >A small smile creeps on your face as your mind drifts off to soft and gentle darkness

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