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Elemental Anon

By Defiant
Created: 2020-12-18 08:09:56
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Su
  2. >You are inhabiting a common body with Anonymous
  3. >You weren't his always, he trapped you
  4. >Once you roamed beyond the veil as a free essence
  5. >Then you got sucked in to his material body
  6. >His body was dead, so his spirit used your energy to resurrect it
  7. >In doing so he trapped you in his body with him
  8. >He was six years old then, now he's seventeen
  9. >Since you and he merged, he became able to travel beyond the veil and walk in the ethereal plane
  10. >Not only that but he also can manupilate the ethereal plane with his thoughts
  11. >Admittedly it had very little material world application but it meant that he was both material and ethereal at the same time
  12. >You thought about killing him to set yourself free, but as an endless entity, being trapped for a few decades or even a few millenia means nothing to you
  13. >Also the material world was... interesting to be
  14. >So you let him live
  15. >You see through his eyes, hear through his ears, feel through his skin
  16. >You are one, but you are two
  17. >You are each other, interchangeable
  18. >Only one of you can command the body at once and depending on who it is, the body changes
  19. >Under your command, it's fluid, shifting
  20. >Under his, it's undead flesh, aging and growing but in reality; unliving
  21. >It cannot be killed by conventional means
  22. >Despite all this power, he choose to keep you a secret, both of you, and lived a normal life
  23. >But today, life had different plans
  25. >Be Anonymous
  26. >School has just ended and you are walking home
  27. ~Can we get ice cream? Strawberry one~
  28. >That would be Su, some entity that you share your body with
  29. >You think she's a water elemental but apperantly it's not a thing in ethereal plane
  30. >She calls herself an essence
  31. >"Essence of Change" as she calls it
  32. "Nope, I'm saving my allowance to buy For Honor." You move your mouth without any making any sound. "Plus, we already ate some yesterday."
  33. >She appears next to you, floating beside you as you walk
  34. >It's a hallucination she created by her intervention on your mind
  35. ~Fine, but I wanna play too~
  36. "Sure, just try not to short circuit the laptop next time." You say. "Sometimes you forget that you are made of-"
  37. >A screeching noise stops you
  38. >You look behind to see what's going on
  39. >It's a car, seems like the driver lost control of the vehicle
  40. >A moment later you are run over by it
  41. >Hurts like a bitch
  42. >You definitely have some broken bones
  43. >It only takes a second and you find yourself laying on the ground
  44. >You raise your head to see the damage and your vision becomes red as blood fills one of your eyes
  45. >As you sit up you realize that you are not far from the school yard and everyone is staring at you in horror
  46. >One of the students actually throw up
  47. >One of your arms is broken and you feel like your ribs are poking in your lungs but you can't see any other kind of damage
  48. >You look behind you to see what happened to the car that ran you over
  49. >It is then you see a spot of splattered of blood on the ground
  50. >A lot of blood along with some chunks
  51. ~Anon, I think you got your brains blown out in front of everyone~
  52. >You expected that your powers would be exposed to someone at some point
  53. >However being exposed to the whole school was different, especially in such gruesome fashion
  54. >You didn't have much option now
  55. "Su, take over, we run." You whisper and your broken body turns into a heap of water which later takes the shape of a slender and well-shaped frame of a young woman, still retaining her transparency
  56. >People around were really freaked out now, if they somehow weren't before
  57. >Some of them actually take off running
  58. >Su however doesn't pay them as much attention as you do and just starts gathering your blood and brain matter from the ground
  59. >As they enter her body, they disperse and move around in her ever circulating fluid form
  60. >You need those pieces if you want to preserve your body mass, your flesh does not regenerate like living flesh does
  61. >First the pieces need to slowly dissolve into Su's liquid form, then when you change places with her your injuries will be healed
  62. >Premature body swap will leave the parts in different places of your body and your healing will stop until you swap again
  63. >You can use animal flesh to heal, but after the process you feel ill and weak for a couple of days
  64. >"Got it all, where to?" She asks loudly, never the subtle one
  65. >You conjure a hallucination of yourself
  66. ~First home, then... I don't know we may have to hide for sometime~
  67. >She nods and rapidly streams along the road, towards your home
  69. >Be Rainbow Dash
  70. >You've seen some shit
  71. >That reclusive kid from your history class just got his head exploded and then turned into a water lady
  72. >Now he's... she's? They are? Anyway, running away
  73. >With quite a speed too, but you think you can run faster, so you decide to follow
  74. >You take of running after them, careful not to draw too much attention to yourself
  75. >You shouldn't be following that thing
  76. >You know that much, it's dangerous
  77. >But the way he just shook it off like nothing was kinda awesome
  78. >Then turning into water made it even more awesome
  79. >So you gotta talk to him... her... Ah whatever!
  80. >What do you plan on saying? That's a good question
  81. >You have no idea
  82. >'Hey, water lady I think you are very cool!'
  83. >Nah, that's stupid
  84. >Maybe you should ask them their names first
  85. >Kinda emberassing but you don't even know the guy's name since you didn't need to talk to him
  86. >You know he's good with history, he challenges Miss Luna all the time
  87. >However, you don't really listen to the class so... yeah
  88. >It's strange that they didn't notice you by now
  89. >Maybe it's because all the people running from a moving heap of water that's distracting them
  90. >Either way, you are glad that they don't attack you, that would be scary
  92. >Be Su
  93. >You are well aware of the girl that's following you and so is Anon
  94. >Shared information of senses and all
  95. >You just lack a good response to the situation
  96. >If you were just responsible of your own, you'd just kill her
  97. >However, Anon doesn't want that and this is a world where killing of humans is a huge taboo
  98. >Other ways of stopping her either requires you to halt your running or hurt her
  99. >Both of which are for some reason not acceptable for Anon
  100. >He's convinced about trying a diplomatic approach, which you find tedious
  101. >Man knows how to get what he wants though
  102. >He can deny you access to his body since you are an invasive consciousness
  103. >He said no strawberry icecream ever again
  104. >Yeah, you really like strawberry icecream
  105. >It'll be a sad day when Anon dies and you return back to ethereal plane
  106. >As you slither and try to ponder a way to gain access to more strawberry icecream after Anon's inevitable death, you reach your destination
  107. >Which would be Anon's house
  108. >As you understand, it doesn't really belong to him, but rather his elders permit him to stay there
  109. >You can't open the door in this form because it's locked
  110. >The keys you need are in Anon's body along with his clothes and what all
  111. >It's weird how this swapping thing works
  112. >Your bodies are simultaneously bound to ethereal and material planes
  113. >When Anon's body fades into ethereal realm your form is able to seep into the material world
  114. >Because unlike ethereal world, two objects can't occupy the same space at the same time in material world
  115. >Not without causing a rip in the dimension anyway
  116. >Well, since you can't open the door, you just leak through the cracks and into the house
  117. >Which turns those brain chunks you were carrying into mush
  118. >Not that it matters, actually they might dissolve faster so it's a good thing
  119. >You turn around and unlock the door, leaving it halfway open
  120. >Since you are in the house you can stop now and wait for the girl to catch up
  121. >She should come in any second now
  122. >Yeah...
  123. >Almost there...
  124. >...
  125. >Where is she?
  126. >Did that idiot lost you after you left her eye sight?
  128. >Be Rainbow Dash
  129. >Water lady just went through the door
  130. >You were just thinking about what to do when the door opened
  131. >Is this an invitation? Did she know you were following her?
  132. >Well, it would be stranger if she didn't know, but still...
  133. >Should you go in? This is starting to get a bit too real
  134. >Maybe you should just-
  135. >The door swings open, halting your thoughts
  136. >Water lady is looking at you behind the threshold
  137. >You two just stare at each other for a while before she breaks the silence
  138. >"Are you coming in or not? Stop wasting time."
  139. >You should say something before she gives up on you
  140. "H-Hey water lady, I think you are very cool!"
  141. >Fuck
  142. >You can't really tell the look on her face right now since she is transparent, but you'd imagine an annoyed one
  143. >"You should have let me kill her." She says
  144. >Maybe you should run
  145. >"I'm inviting her in and she's just standing there"
  146. >Who's she talking to?
  147. >"After this, you are buying me that icecream. I don't care about For Honor"
  148. >She then suddenly gushes towards you and lifts you up
  149. >It's cold and wet and it makes you yelp, but before you can do anything you are inside the house, sitting on the floor
  150. >"There, she's inside. You can talk to her or whatever." Water lady then shifts into a more familiar person
  151. >"Hi." He says with a nervous smile
  152. >You can't help but stare at his cracked and caved in forehead
  153. >His nose is bent sideways and he's missing some of his teeth
  154. >You must've seemed scared, you are scared, because he tries to calm you down
  155. >"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just wanna talk." He raises his hand as a sign of non-agression. "You don't have to look at me if you don't want to," he adds, "I know I'm a mess right now"
  156. >You did want to talk to him so this is your chance now
  157. >You rise back on your feet while looking away
  158. >It makes you feel faint seeing him this close
  159. >Atleast he looks friendly
  160. "I uh... I don't know your name" You mumble
  161. >"It's Anonymous. Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash, right?"
  162. >You nod, unsure of how to proceed this conversation
  163. >Thankfully he doesn't wait on you
  164. >"And uh, you met Su or water lady as you called her." He lets out a nervous chuckle
  165. >Awkwardness is palpable in the air
  166. "What is she?" You ask. "What are you?"
  167. >"She's a water elemental." He looks to the corner for a moment. "Or an essence as she wants to be called and me... Well, I'm dead. Kinda, but not really. It's a long story."
  168. "Is that why you can still walk and talk with your head smashed to the pavement?"
  169. >"Yeah, basically." You feel yourself getting a bit more comfortable
  170. "So you turn into that woman, Su?" He nods. "Is she like, inside you?"
  171. >"It's more that we occupy the same point on two different planes of existance."
  172. "Yeah, I don't get it." He shrugges. "I think it was really awesome though! I thought you were done for, but you were all like, ' 'Tis but a flesh wound!' and then you turned into water, flowing through the streets while everyone is trying to run away and-"
  173. >You realize that you are geting carried away
  174. *Ahem* "Yeah, uh, it was awesome."
  175. >"Thanks?" He says. "You've got some balls too, running after us like that. You know how hard it was to keep Su from killing you?"
  176. >You both share a half-hearted laugh before silence falls once again
  177. >This time you break it
  178. "So, what will you do now?"
  179. >He sighs, "I'm not sure, definitely not going to school after this though. I think I'll find somewhere to hide, atleast until this all blows over. My parents will be really worried, but there is not much I can do about that."
  180. "So, where will you go?" You ask
  181. >"I thought maybe I can find some abandoned building or something to stay and I can go out at night to buy food and stuff. I got a hoodie so it should cover my head until I heal."
  182. >You have an good idea
  183. >It's a bad good idea
  184. >You shouldn't do it
  185. >It's dangerous
  186. "You could..."
  187. >Don't do it
  188. "...come to..."
  189. >Oh, you MORON
  190. "...my place."
  191. >Nice work dumbass, you really did it this time
  192. >"R-Really?" He asks. "Are you sure?"
  193. "Yeah, it's just me and my dad, and he works abroad so he rarely comes home." You start counting the benefits
  194. >Because you are a dumbass
  195. "That way you would have an actual place to stay and you wouldn't have to go out at all, I can get whatever you need!"
  196. >"But... You just met me?"
  197. >He's right, but you are commited to this now
  198. "You didn't kill me, so I'd say we are off to a good start" You look at him and smile, but it doesn't take you long to turn away again
  199. >Another short silence follows before he speaks
  200. >"I'm gonna go get my stuff then"
  201. "Yeah, I'm waiting"
  202. >You have some interesting times ahead of you
  204. >Be Anonymous
  205. >While you haven't been expecting this kind of exposure, you did sometimes thought of what you'd do if someone tried to come after you
  206. >First thing's first, ditch the cellphone
  207. >You just throw it on the bed and head for the wardrobe
  208. >You won't be able to pack much since you are in a hurry
  209. >It's gonna have to be whatever you can fit into your backpack
  210. >You just open it and pour everything in it on the ground
  211. >Good thing is, now you don't need to pack food
  212. >It'd be hard to pack up with a broken arm, but thankfully, if you don't have any detached pieces, turning into water and back seems to heal you very quickly, if not instantly
  213. >Two pairs of pants, two shirts, three pairs of underwear and pajamas
  214. >Should be good... Oh yeah! Socks, two pair
  215. >You take off your shirt and put on your black hoodie
  216. >You are still bleeding a little so it's a good thing that it's black
  217. >What else? Toothbrush?
  218. >You're not going on a vacation but it'll only take ten seconds so you do that
  219. >This leaves one last thing before you go
  220. >You open a random notebook and tear a page
  221. >Taking a pen from the pile of scattered school supplies, you scribble a quick note
  223. [Mom, dad, don't worry about me. I had to go into hiding for a while but I'm okay. You will probably hear the reason on the news. I love you both. -Anon]
  225. >Well, not very sentimental but it'll have to do
  226. >You rush to your parent's bedroom and leave it on their bed
  227. >For a second you take notice of Su's absence which she acknowledges by making her presence a little more cognizable
  228. >You'd think that there would be more conversation involved but after eleven years of constant company, you've developed other ways to communicate about simple things
  229. >Collecting your backpack you take one last look around before decending down the stairs, hopeful that you will be able to return sooner than later
  231. >Be Rainbow Dash
  232. >It's been only a few minutes when you hear Anon's footsteps coming down the stairs
  233. >He's wearing the hoodie he told you about which hides his exploded head pretty nicely
  234. >He walks up and stands a few steps in front of you
  235. >From this distance, you can still see some of his injuries but nothing too obvious
  236. >"Well, I'm good to go." He says. "How do I look?"
  237. "Good enough, just keep your head down" He nods. "Let's go then."
  238. >You open the door and start walking towards your home
  239. >With a guy you just met who just happens to be a zombie who has a women made of water inside of him
  240. >They will be staying at your house, where you sleep
  241. >This is insane
  242. >Well, you know about superheroes, they are on the news all the time and you've been involved in some crazy magic, but actually housing one?
  243. >That's something you'd never thought of doing
  244. >Also, the first guy you bring to your place is going to be a superpowered person
  245. >Bad Rainbow, this chain of thought ends right here!
  246. >"Thank you, for doing this." Anon's voice catches your attention
  247. "No problem, happy to help." You hesitate for a second. "I just hope people you are hiding from don't find out you're at my house."
  248. >"Yeah..." He drags on a little. "I shouldn't be going along with this."
  249. >Oh no you don't
  250. "No way! I made up my mind on this and I'm taking you to my place." You press, turning to him
  251. >He lets out a little chuckle, looking a litle surprised
  252. >"I guess I'll have to protect you if that happens." You just smile and continue leading the way
  253. >Yeah
  254. >Maybe, this wasn't such a bad idea
  255. >"Can we get some icecream on the way?"
  256. "What?"
  257. >It sounded like Anon wanted an icecream while you are both basically fleeing from authorities and god knows what else
  258. >"Yeah, I know, it's weird. Su is getting crazy over it though." He gives you a tired look. "You'd think an immortal water elem- an immortal 'essence' would be less whiny"
  259. "Uh, how about I get you guys some once we get home?" He looks at empty space for a second.
  260. >"Yeah, that's 'acceptable', she says"
  261. "Cool"
  262. >This elemental thingy feels like it could be a lot of fun to hang out with
  263. >A little annoying too, but so long as she doen't kill you, you might have some good time and Anon seems in charge so it's all fine
  264. >Fastest way to your home goes through the school yard, but you are not dumb
  265. >You know you should avoid the school if you don't want to get caught immediately
  266. >Because of that detour, you and Anon reach home a little late, it's not like you were in a rush anyway
  267. >You unlock the door and hold it for Anon
  268. "Ladies first"
  269. >Heheh
  270. >Good one Rainbow
  271. >You can't see his face really but you bet that he's smiling
  273. >Be Anon
  274. >Su's floating image speaks as you walk inside
  275. ~Well, at least she recognizes a lady when she sees one~
  276. "Since when do you care" You move your mouth silently, "Didn't you choose to take the shape of a woman?"
  277. ~Yeah, but I can still accept compliments~
  278. "That was a joke"
  279. ~I don't see you laughing~
  280. "It was a bad joke"
  281. >"So, uh... Welcome to my home" Rainbow catches your attention
  282. >You take a look around
  283. >It is a pretty large place
  284. >There is even a bar in the corner of the living room and a dinner table too
  285. >"C'mon, I'll show you your bedroom." She runs upstairs and you follow her
  286. >She leads you to a large bedroom with a double bed
  287. >"This is my Dad's bedroom but you can stay here for now, we can think about something for the times he's here"
  288. "Thanks Rainbow," you turn to her, "You really are a life saver"
  289. >She smiles, "You're welcome"
  291. >Then turns around and walks out of the room, "I'll be downstairs, you can come whenever you want." She gives you a smug look before leaving your sight. "I'm ordering pizza"
  292. "Well, guess it's time." You murmur and change places with a certain essence
  293. >It is important that you heal as quickly as possible
  294. >She looks around for a second
  295. "I don't need a bed, I'd rather use the tub"
  296. ~Tell that to her, I'm sure she won't mind as long as you let her take a shower~
  297. "I'll just sleep in it, not live in it" She exits the room and heads for the stairs. "You should be healed in a few days anyway"
  298. >You are downstairs now and Rainbow seems like she's watching the news on TV
  300. [A very unsettling event took place in Canterlot Highschool today as a student was hit by a car and got lethally injured. Eye witnesses say that he should've been dead, considering his injuries but he got up and 'turned into water' before running from the scene. Police are currently investigating the event, however they are refusing to give any information on the subject]
  302. >As you give attention to the news, Su has other priorities
  303. "When will I recieve icecream, human?"
  304. >Rainbow yelps as she turns around and looks at you
  305. >"Oh... Yeah... Icecream," She blabbers for a second before getting up, "I'll go get some then, I should be back before the pizza arrives but incase I don't I'll leave some money here"
  306. >She puts thirty bucks on the coffee table
  307. >"Should be enough..." She drags the word a little as she checks her pockets, "Well, uh... have fun." She says before heading to the door
  308. ~That was rude~ You opine
  309. "I'll check the tub." She replies
  310. >You sigh in ethereal
  311. >Poor Rainbow is in for it for a couple of days
  313. >Be Rainbow Dash
  314. >You just went out to get some Icecream for the water lady, Su
  315. >You are not sure if you like her being around but seeing Anon with a mashed head doesn't feel good either
  316. >Su kinda seems rude and you find her a little threatening
  317. >So you're not sure which one you prefer to hang out with
  318. >You walk to a nearby store as you think about what you can do with Su
  319. >Does she like TV shows? Games maybe? You are not going out on a run with her that's for sure
  320. |A bucket of strawberry icecream acquired|
  321. >You are happy she doesn't leave a wet trail behind her everywhere she goes
  322. >Would it be like leaving bodyparts behind for her?
  323. >That's a sentence you never hear
  324. >"That'd be $6.99"
  325. >You pull out your wallet and from that a credit card and give it to the cashier
  326. >You do your shopping with your father's additional card, cash is for emergencies
  327. >Card isn't in your name since you aren't 18 yet
  328. >You enter your pin and make the payment
  329. >Time to head back now
  330. >You leave the store and start walking back home as you hear someone calling your name
  331. >"Rainbow! Wait!"
  332. >You turn your head to the sound's direction
  333. >Across the street you see Twilight, waiting for cars to pass to cross the road
  334. >After a brief consideration you decide that leaving now could be suspicious, especially since you looked at her
  335. >Better to shake her off from your trail
  336. >Soon enough she is on your side of the road
  337. "Hey Twi, what's up?" You ask casually
  338. >"What's up?!" She gawks. "You ran after a monster like a crazy person! We were so worried about you! I was coming over to check up on you!"
  339. "Oh yeah, it's okay Twi. I'm fine, they didn't hurt me." She narrows her eyes
  340. >"They? What do you mean they?"
  341. >Hooo boy, you kinda screwed this up
  342. "W-well uh... Isn't water plural like... sand?" She looks at you baffled
  343. >C'mon, take the bait!
  344. >"Rainbow, I know you are bad with classes but this is ridiculous. No water is not plural, unless you are talking about seperate bodies of them of course."
  345. "I don't know anything about seperate bodies!" You blurt out
  346. >...
  347. >"Are you sure you are alright? Do you need me to accompany you to your home maybe?"
  348. >It takes all your willpower to not smack yourself in the face right now
  349. >Be calm Rainbow, be collected
  350. >She doesn't know anything
  351. >You sigh
  352. "I'm sorry if I worried you guys, but really, I'm fine." You make your best bored expression, which is master level. "I'm tired and I wanna go home and eat some icecream while sedating my brain with television." You raise the bucket in your hand for her to see
  353. >She stands still for a second and then suddenly hugs you
  354. >"It's okay Rainbow, I'm just glad you're safe." She breaks the hug and takes a couple steps back. "See you tomorrow then?"
  355. "Yeah, see you." With that she turns around and starts walking away
  356. >You did good Rainbow, you can go home now and enjoy your pizza
  358. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  359. >You are not at all convinced
  361. >Be Anonymous
  362. >You've relinquished your space of existance in material plane to Su for the time being
  363. >Which means you are now in ethereal plane
  364. >You are able to control this plane of existance, shape it with your thoughts
  365. >Material plane consists of physical entities, therefore can only be changed by using physical entities
  366. >Ethereal plane on the other hand consists of accumulated consciousness of many living being
  367. >In other words, ethereal plane consists of thoughts and imaginations of others, therefore can only be changed with thought and imagination
  368. >Objects do not exist here, not in the conventional way
  369. >Right now you are resting on a small hill, leaning to an oak tree in the middle of an endlessly stretching meadow
  370. >There is no light source but the sky is blue and grass is green
  371. >That's because how you want to perceive them, or more correctly, how you want to perceive your enviroment
  372. >In reality, there is no enviroment, there is no space in ethereal plane
  373. >The entities of ethereal plane resides on different mental layers of same existance
  374. >It's like having multiple tabs open on a computer
  375. >Every tab has it's own content that is independent from each other but all exists at the same time
  376. >You can move between these tabs, enter other's mental creations, but you would have limited power in their mindscape
  377. >Normally a living person wouldn't be able to exist here at all, and technically the part of you that exists in here is only your soul
  378. >Your body is still in material plane, it just turns into water when you change places with Su
  379. >Although you don't understand how that conversion really works, you understand one thing
  380. >Your body is not where your consciousness resides
  381. >Brain is nothing more that a heap of meat, it is your soul that thinks and feels
  382. >Body is a machine, built to contain and use soul to give consciousness to physical objects
  383. >When the body breaks, soul is set free
  384. >In your case however, you used an ethereal creature to bind your soul back to your body forcefully
  385. >Now no matter how much your body breaks, your soul cannot leave it, because it is chained by Su's life force
  386. >That life force is eternal
  387. >Su also cannot leave because she is chained by your soul's life force
  388. >That life force is also eternal
  389. >Both of you are forced by each other to power a husk of flesh for who knows how long
  390. >Your body is aging, but it is just another way that body breakes and you know your soul cannot leave when your body breakes anymore
  391. >What kind of existence would wait a creature that can age but not die?
  393. >You are Rainbow Dash
  394. >Talking with Twilight was kind of nerve wrecking, because you almost blurted out everyting
  395. >You are no Applejack but you are pretty bad at lying so you try to avoid doing things that would make you want to lie
  396. >This is an exception, having Anon's life on the table and all
  397. >Maybe not literally, but you're sure there would be people wanting to get a hold of him for whatever reason
  398. >A friendly interview or some human experimentation...
  399. Still you're glad you caught Twilight outside, before she made it to your house
  400. >Come to think of it, why didn't she just call you?
  401. >You pull out your phone to check if she did and you just didn't hear
  402. >It's turned off
  403. >Did your battery die?
  404. >You press the power button and the screen lights up
  405. >Battery seems fine so why was it turned off
  406. >You get a little memory flash when Su picked you up and pulled you inside Anon's house
  407. >Wet and cold and probably bad for your phone
  408. >Your phone's notification sound chimes
  409. >It's an SMS from your service provider
  410. >Says you have 39 calls from eight different people, six of them being the girls and two of them unknown
  411. >You should let them know you are alright
  412. >It was kind of serious what went down today so you should probably call them but you really don't want to right now so maybe just send a group message?
  413. >You stop for a second to type your message and... sent
  414. >There we go it's all good
  415. >Except that your phone is ringing now
  416. >It's Pinkie
  417. >You sigh and open the phone
  418. >Guess, it won't be that easy to shake them off
  419. >While you were occupied with the calls from all the girls on the rest of the way back home, you fail to notice that a certain purple haired girl is not so sneakily following suit
  421. >Be Su
  422. >You've been keeping busy with the tub in Rainbow girl's bathroom
  423. >The plug doesn't seem to leak any water
  424. >Which means you won't be losing further mass from your common body with Anon if you want to go for a deep sleep
  425. >Not that it matters too much, he would just need to drink more water
  426. >You are about to go downstairs as you feel Anon's gloomy mood
  427. >Maybe you can pay him a visit and cheer him up
  428. >You settle into the plugged tub and allow your mind to pass the veil between two realms
  429. >You see Anon sitting under a tree as your body loses its form
  430. >It's one of her favorite mindscapes
  431. >You take the tree's place behind Anon, embracing him from behind
  432. >He's leaning into your body now
  433. >"Hey Su. I thought you were going to check the tub." He conveys
  434. >The tree reappears behind you and you lean back before responding
  435. "I did. I was going downstairs to watch some TV but you were being a buzzkill. What's wrong?"
  436. >He tilts his head up to look you in the eyes
  437. >"Su, in the future, if I get very old and cannot die... I want you to assimilate me and allow my body to die."
  438. "You think too much about this." You answer. "I'm sure you will die eventually, but if you get impatient with it I'll help you out."
  439. >"Thanks." He lowers his head and looks back to the endlessly stretching greenery. "You are warm."
  440. "I thought it would help you relax."
  441. >"It does."
  442. ~Guys I'm back and I got the icecream!~
  443. >It's Rainbow girl's voice
  444. >You look down at the man laying in your arms
  445. "Mind if I..." He snorts with laughter
  446. >"Go for it, I'll be fine."
  447. >Your body reshapes as your mind returns to its confinement and you leave the tub
  448. >Rainbow spots you as you slither downstairs
  449. >"There you are!" She turns around and points to a bucket on the coffee table. "And there is the icecream."
  450. >That's a lot of icecream
  451. >Maybe she's not so bad afterall
  453. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  454. >You've succesfully followed Rainbow to her home without being seen
  455. >By her
  456. >You did get some weird looks from the people walking around when you hide behind a car or a bush
  457. >Those books you read never accounts for people other than the target
  458. >That doesn't matter now since you were able to achive the main goal
  459. >You are behind Rainbow's house and you found a window with good view of the kitchen and living room
  460. >Rainbow is standing in the middle of the room looking around for something
  461. >Looks like she found it
  462. >She says something but you can't hear from here
  463. >Then something unexpected walks into your field of view
  464. >It's that water thing that ran from the scene of the crash
  465. >It must be holding Rainbow captive!
  466. >That's why she was acting so weird!
  467. >Police, yeah you should call the police
  468. >You pull out your phone to dial 911
  469. >Before you can do so however that water monster turns into a person, wearing a black hoodie
  470. >Wut?
  471. >You put your phone down and decide to investigate further
  472. >Seeing Rainbow coming towards you, you duck under the window
  473. >After waiting for a short time you get back up to peek inside
  474. >Rainbow gives her company a spoon and opens the icecream bucket
  475. >They settle on the couch and start watching TV while eating the cold dessert
  476. >She doesn't seem to be afraid at all and actually punches the hooded figure in the shoulder
  477. >There is definitely something more going on here and you will find out what it is
  478. >You are pretty sure Rainbow will not just tell you though
  479. >Hearing a motorcycle stop in front of the house, you walk to the front and see a pizza delivery guy walking up to the door
  480. >That's it! You know what to do!
  481. >You walk up next to the pizza guy and stand outside of the door's field of view, around the corner
  482. "Hey!" You greet the delivery guy. "I just came here to visit my friend, what a coincidence!"
  483. >"Uh-huh."
  484. >How rude! He didn't even look at you.
  485. >Well, you are not here for small chat. You have a mission!
  486. >A moment later the door opens and pizza guy speaks
  487. >"One large pizza with extra cheese, $17,99."
  488. >You see Rainbow's hand giving a $20 bill
  489. >"Keep the change." She says while taking the pizza
  490. >Pizza guy walks back and now is your moment!
  491. >You rush around the corner and hastily pass a yelping Rainbow
  492. >"Twilight, wait!" You ignore her and quickly walk towards the living room
  493. "A-hah! I... knew it?"
  494. >You are greeted by an empty couch
  495. >Without getting the chance to turn around and pressure Rainbow about what is going on, you are slammed to the wall by something wet and cold
  496. >Losing all the air in your lungs by the force of the impact your try to draw a breath and find your lungs getting filled with water
  497. >You see Rainbow rush in and scream something, but you can't hear what it is while you are under water
  498. >Suddenly you are released from the wet grip of water
  499. >You see Rainbow rushing towards you as you fall to the ground
  500. >You can hear people talking as you try to get all the water out from your lungs, but you aren't sure who's saying what
  501. >It feels like a backgroun noise
  502. ~Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!~
  503. ~Can you breath?~
  504. ~She's fine, just has some of me inside her. Let me help.~
  505. >You are once again gripped by wetness
  506. >This time it forces its way into you
  507. >You can feel it moving in places it shouldn't
  508. >Your lungs hurt like hell but just a second later it's all gone
  509. >You can breath normally
  510. >You've never realized how great it felt to breath
  511. >You look around to see what attacked you but you only see Rainbow and that hooded figure from before
  512. "What just happened?" You stand up weakly, Rainbow helps you to the couch
  513. "What was that thing?" You ask as you keep looking for any sign of it
  514. >"That would be me, I'm sorry about that. I though you hurt Rainbow."
  515. >It's the hooded figure
  516. >Sounds like a he
  517. >"Are you alright?" Rainbow asks with a worried tone
  518. "Y-yeah. Just a little jaded." You realize the blurry apperance of your surroundings. "I think I lost my glasses"
  519. >"Here." A moment later, the guy holds up your glasses for you to take
  520. >You take a better look at him after you put them on, which makes you scream and bury yourself into the couch
  521. "Get away! Get away!" He puts his hand up and walks back
  522. >"Okay okay." He walks out of the room and to the kitchen. "You girls talk it out. I'm gonna be in the kitchen."
  523. >You turn to Rainbow after making sure he's no longer in the room
  524. "What is happening here?" She bites her lower lip and looks at you somewhat abashed
  525. >"You know how there was a guy that got hit by a car today?" You nod. "Then he turned into water and I followed him?"
  526. "Uh-huh."
  527. >"Turns out he needs a place to lay low and I kinda let him hide here now."
  528. "WHAT?"
  529. >"I knoooww~ But please, you can't tell anyone about this! He's not a bad person."
  530. "He just tried to kill me!" You object
  531. >"He was trying to protect me and he let you go didn't he?" He looks at you with large, dilated eyes. "Pleeeeaseee?"
  532. >Reminds you of Spike
  533. "Ugh! Fine, I won't tell." You find yourself in a tight embrace
  534. >"You are the BEST!"
  535. >Her hair is really soft and she smells nice.
  536. >Ahem!
  537. >Focus Twi. This isn't over yet.
  538. "I still want to talk to him and make my own assesment." You remark
  539. >"Yeah, of course. I'm sure he'd be fine with that." She turns her head towards the kitchen. "You can come now, Anon. We sorted it out!"
  540. >As soon as you see him walking in you are reminded of the reason you wanted him out
  541. >His face looks like it was squished under a hydraulic press
  542. >This is going to be an experience
  543. >You wish you didn't follow Rainbow now

Demon Anon

by Defiant

Eldritch Anon

by Defiant

4/20 Short

by Defiant

Elemental Anon

by Defiant

Valentine's Day Short

by Defiant