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Valentine's Day Short

By Defiant
Created: 2020-12-18 08:10:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Octavia
  2. >12 years old
  3. >You are currently walking to school with Vinyl
  4. >She's telling you about this DJ she listens to
  5. >As much as you try to stay interested your mind is busy with something else
  6. >It's Valentine's Day
  7. >And today you've decided to do something rather contentious
  8. >You've come to care a lot about Vinyl over the past few months and... it's not in a sister-y way
  9. >You need to get it out of your chest even if it's selfish to do
  10. >And maybe she'd be thinking the same and... so...
  11. >You will ask Vinyl to be your Valentine
  12. >The thought of it makes you nervous
  13. >Like really REALLY nervous
  14. >The fact that you are both girls doesn't make it any easier either
  15. >You kinda feel like a freak
  16. >You probably are a freak and about to mess up everything
  17. >But you've thought a lot about this and you feel like you have to do it
  18. >You could ask her before you got to school but you didn't want this walk to be awkward incase she-
  19. "Ugh!" Vinyl just elbowed you in the gut
  20. >You give her a pained side glance holding your stomach while slightly bending forward
  21. >"You know I can tell you aren't listening, right?" Her hands move. "You need to look at me to know what I'm saying."
  22. "Yeah, sorry." You say as you straighten up
  23. >She has some strength behind that slim body
  24. "I just zoned out for a moment. You know uh, school stuff."
  25. >With her eyes hidden behind purple sunglasses, you cannot tell if she believed you or not
  26. >In any case she just goes back to telling you about how cool that DJ guy is
  28. >It's lunchtime
  29. >Also time to tell Vinyl how you feel about her
  30. >She doesn't seem to be around however
  31. >Maybe you missed her, but it is unusual that she took off without waiting for you
  32. >You walk out of the classroom, looking for Vinyl
  33. >You want to tell her before you lose your courage
  34. >Your search gives fruit as you soon spot her in front of an other classroom
  35. >There is also a boy that you don't recognize
  36. >He is holding a rose for a very happy Vinyl to accept
  37. -----------
  38. >It is at this moment that you turn around and go back the way you came, pass your classroom and into the bathroom
  39. >You lock yourself into a stall and close the lid on the toilet before sitting on it
  40. >It's over
  41. >And it's over before you get a chance to do anything about it
  42. >Maybe if you just told her this morning things would be different
  43. >But all that doesn't matter now
  44. >This is probably for the best anyway
  45. >She'd think you were a freak and she would avoid you
  46. >You'd never get to be with her anymore
  47. >Yes, this is for the best
  48. >You walk out of the stall and look at yourself at the mirror above the sink
  49. >You look sad, you can't be sad
  50. >Vinyl will come to find you and tell you all about how she has a boyfriend now
  51. >You will look happy for her
  52. >A smile forces its way onto your face
  53. >You rush out of the bathroom and bump into someone hard, making you fall on your back
  54. >You look ahead to see none other than Vinyl, sitting on the floor like you, holding her red rose
  55. >Her glasses are also on the ground beside her, thankfully undamaged
  56. "Goodness Vinyl are you alright!?" You spring up to your feet and help her get up
  57. >She nods before her hands start moving in the air
  58. >"I was looking for you." Her hands shake a little as she makes the signs. "I got this for you."
  59. >The rose...
  60. >She's giving it to you
  61. >You hesitantly reach and grab the flower, confused as to what is going on
  62. >"I know this is weird," She continues
  63. >You feel your eyes sting as you cover your mouth with your empty hand
  64. >"But I... I like you a lot and..." Not allowing her to go on any longer you wrap her in a tight hug which she returns enthusiastically
  65. "Me too Vinyl! You scared me you blockhead!" You speak with a tearful voice as you continue holding her close
  66. "I saw that boy giving you the rose and I thought I was too late!" She breaks off the hug and steps back, her hands making more signs
  67. >"I just saw that in a movie and thought you'd like it. His mother is a florist. I asked him for a rose yesterday."
  68. -------------------------
  69. >She looks at you, motionless for a few seconds
  70. >"I also saw this in a movie." Being shorter than you, she suddenly arose on her fingertips, leaning forward and connecting her lips with yours
  71. >Only for a moment you feel their softness on your skin before she quickly brakes it off and looks around, checking for prying eyes
  72. >She turns to you once again, relaxed
  73. >You however, not sharing her concerns, pull her for another

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