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Changing Lanes 2

By Autopony
Created: 2020-12-18 10:22:52
Updated: 2021-11-02 01:48:19
Expiry: Never

  1. >“What is that one?”
  2. “That’s an LTD, Dash.”
  3. >Movie night with Rainbow Dash.
  4. >“Well, what about that one? The one with the flashing lights?”
  5. “That’s an LTD too, Dash. Didn’t you listen to me before we started this movie?”
  6. >“I try not to.”
  7. “I actually believe that.”
  8. >You reach for the remote and pause.
  9. >You’ve seen it a million times, but you still love every minute of White Lightning.
  10. “I’ll say it again, this movie, all the cars in this? All Ford LTDs. This is basically an hour and a half of product placement for Ford Motor Company. But it's still a kickass movie.”
  11. >Dash feigns a yawn as you finish.
  12. “I hate you.”
  13. >“You love me, you know it. Speaking of which…”
  14. >Dammit, here we go.”
  15. >It has been about a week or two since Luna and you became a 'thing,' and Rainbow still will not leave it alone.
  16. >Whether she is serious or teasing, it is beginning to get annoying.
  17. >“… aren’t going to become all soft and mushy and dramatic now that you and Luna hooked up, are you? Rarity already has more drama than I can handle.”
  18. “I thought you and Rarity were friends?”
  19. >Dash quickly nods her head.
  20. >“We are, she just gets really annoying sometimes. Always blowing things out of proportion with ‘darling’ and constantly screaming 'I beg your pardon!'"
  21. >“I beg your pardon, Rainbow Dash?!”
  22. >Rainbow Dash jolts up in surprise.
  23. >“I didn’t mean anything, Rarity, I’m sor-”
  24. >Luna rises from behind your couch, slapping you a high five with a spread wing.
  25. >“How long have you been here, Luna?!”
  26. >“We have just arrived, and with wonderful timing.”
  27. >Dash is thoroughly confused.
  28. >“But then, how did you know I was talk-”
  29. “Really Rainbow? You didn’t listen to that either?”
  30. >She turns back to you.
  31. >“I did. But refresh my memory.”
  32. >You sigh.
  33. “I’ll just keep you in the dark for now. Luna, you said you had something important to tell me?”
  34. >“Yes, we have a task at hand we believe you may wish to assist us in. Celestia nor I have found anything relating to telepathy in our vast archives in Canterlot.”
  35. “You went through that whole library in three days?”
  36. >Luna waves a hoof dismissingly.
  37. >“Tis not important our reading habits. However, while we may have gone through those archives, what remains in the ruins of our former castle may contain something useful. Celestia suggested a visit to our old castle may hold new information.”
  38. “Sure, I’ll help out. When do you need me?”
  39. >“Tomorrow, at the break of dawn.”
  40. >You raise an eyebrow.
  41. “Tomorrow morning? Don’t you have your shift to work?”
  42. >The blue alicorn seems taken aback by your question.
  43. >“Did we not inform you of the nightly royal duties? They are no more. Celestia and I have agreed to share the daily duties, since much has changed in our long absence.”
  44. “Uh, wow. And that’s good, right?”
  45. >Luna chuckles lightly.
  46. >“But of course, Anon! Now we actually have work to do during our shift!”
  47. >You look over at Rainbow Dash, who is still sitting on the couch next to you, half asleep.
  48. “You wanna come tomorrow?”
  49. >She snaps out of her trance quickly.
  50. >“Who me? Nah, I got stuff to do tomorrow, Anon.”
  51. >There’s a half-assed lie if you’d ever heard one.
  52. “Really? Like what?”
  53. >“Well, um. I’m not sure yet. I mean, I forgot. Look, I gotta head home, it’s getting late.”
  54. >Before you can say anything, she’s out the door in a blur.
  55. “What the hell was that about?”
  56. >“We believe the recent visit to our old fortress is still fresh in her mind, most likely. Judging by what Twilight told us, it was quite the experience for everypony.”
  57. >Luna sits on the couch next to you.
  58. >“So, what is it we are watching this evening?”
  59. “White Lightning, another car chase movie. Rainbow and I already started it, I can go back to the beginning if you want me to.”
  60. >“Nay, continue from this point, then we shall retire to the castle for rest.”
  61. >The screech of tires once again fills the room as the movie continues.
  64. >“Anon, are you going to sleep all through the day?”
  65. >You lazily open an eye to see Luna in front of you.
  66. “Ugh. I’m awake. Just don’t expect me to be cheery.”
  67. >Slowly you rise from bed, and go over to fumble with your clothes in the closet.
  68. >As you get a suitable pair of pants and a well-worn t-shirt, you snap your head aound the open door and glance at Luna.
  69. >“What is it, Anon?”
  70. “I just realized, you aren’t wearing your crown. Or shoes.”
  71. >She looks over herself and smiles back at you.
  72. >“Tis not like they are permanently attached. Besides, what we are doing today is not what we consider royal duties, no need for formalities.”
  73. “I know. It’s just not often I see you without all that stuff on.”
  74. >She blushes a bit as she trots out of your room to leave you to get dressed.
  75. >“Enough with the flattery, we must get going!”
  76. “Easy for you to get ready, you don’t have a bunch of crap to put on, and your mane stays perfect all the time.”
  77. >Finally, you walk out of your room, where Luna is standing.
  78. >"We believe despite Rainbow Dash's reluctance to join us, it would be wise to ask Twilight if she may accompany and assist us in our search."
  79. >You nod in agreement.
  80. "Ready when you are. Next stop, Twilight's."
  81. >In less than the time it takes to finish your sentence, your home disappears in a flash, replaced with the bright backdrop of Ponyville.
  82. >The two of you find yourself on The Golden Oaks Library doorstep.
  83. >You give a quick rap on the door.
  84. >No response.
  85. >You knock harder this time.
  86. "Twilight, it's Anon and Luna."
  87. >Still nothing.
  88. "That's weird. She's always up and around by this time of the morning."
  89. >"Perhaps her studies kept her awake later than normal last night?"
  90. "Maybe. I guess we can come back later. Want to go ahead without her for now?"
  91. >Luna looks up at the sun, rising ever higher in the mid-morning sky.
  92. >"Yes Anon, we have much to go through in the remnants of our old castle."
  93. >Another flash of light, and the bright sky of Ponyville's open air is replaced with the dim lighting of the Everfree Forest
  94. >Not to mention the tall ruins looming before you.
  95. “Well then…. This place is creepy even in the daytime. Who knew?”
  96. >Your dry wit seems to have fallen on deaf ears as you look over to the night princess.
  97. >Her gaze transfixed on the collapsing structure before the two of you, she seems to be enveloped in her own deep thoughts.
  98. “Luna? Luna, you okay?”
  99. >Finally, she blinks and begins to stride forward.
  100. >“We are fine, Anon.”
  101. >You doubt she even believes herself, let alone fool you.
  102. >Deciding not to push the issue, you catch up with her.
  103. >You find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to return to your old home to see it in such a state.
  104. >“Tis not just seeing our former home in such a way Anon. It is the fact that, of all this damage, most of it is from us. In addition to the emotional trauma.”
  105. “I guess the mind training you wanted me to try didn’t work. Dammit.”
  106. >She looks over to you, a half hearted smile upon her face.
  107. >“Quite the contrary. Previously, such a thought came to us extremely loud and clear. That one, well, a bit muffled. It will take time.”
  108. >You huff.
  109. >Patience has never been one of your virtues.
  110. >But at least the things she wanted you to try are easy visualizations.
  111. >She had suggested a couple days after your new found ability to visualize a door between the two of you when thinking.
  112. >Open so she could hear you, closed and your thoughts are private.
  113. >It hasn’t worked quite that way yet.
  114. >As the two of you reach the porous, rotting wood of the castle’s doors, Luna uses her magic to carefully open one, letting the two of you slide inside.
  115. “Why do you torture yourself accepting the blame? Everyone else hold you blameless.”
  116. >Your voice echoes down the dark hall ahead of you.
  117. >Her smile is replaced by a scowl that makes you very nervous.
  118. >Shit, why can’t you leave things alone?
  119. >“Regardless of what everypony else thinks, we will not allow ourselves to escape blame in what unfolded long ago. We had a CHOICE, Anon. But instead of talking with our sister, with whom we trust so dearly, we instead chose to attack her. Do we make ourselves clear?”
  120. >Her eyes pierce you like daggers, driving her point home.
  121. “Uh, crystal clear. Forget I said anything.”
  122. >Wonderful.
  123. >You get a day to spend exploring with Luna, and you screw the pooch by making her angry from the start.
  124. >If she overheard your private thoughts, she’s saying nothing, as her horn emits a glow that lights the way ahead.
  125. >Aside from the light wind outside creating an odd cacophony of quiet whistles through the place, only the sound of your steps break the silence.
  126. “So, where are we headed to first, Luna?”
  127. >She’s silent as she stops at a T in the hallway.
  128. >“It is taking us some time to remember the layout of the old castle. Our apologies, we thought our memory was better than it seems presently.”
  129. >Both hallways are dark, seeming to stretch on forever.
  130. >You take a few steps to your left , looking at a faded painting on the wall.
  131. >Your attempt to brush the dust away is interrupted by a tug.
  132. >“Anon, stop!”
  133. >You turn around to see Luna grasping you with her magic.
  134. “What? I wasn’t taking it down, I just wanted to look at it.”
  135. >“Apologies, we forgot to mention something of importance. It is unwise to touch any items along the walls, and please watch your step. Your few days with our sister gives you an idea of the sibling relationship we have, yes?”
  136. >Your mind reflects back to waking up in a room flipped completely upside down.
  137. “I have a hard time thinking I will ever forget.”
  138. >“Yes. Well, our décor in this castle has some….. Surprises for anypony hoping to get a closer look. As well as some places on the floor.”
  139. “You mean this whole place is booby-trapped?”
  140. >She cringes a bit at your questions.
  141. >“Perhaps that term is a bit harsh, as they weren’t meant to cause harm or pain. Merely built-in pranks.”
  142. “I’m guessing that’s why Rainbow and her friends had such a memorable visit last time.”
  143. >“Yes.”
  144. >It is difficult to tell if she is embarrassed or trying to contain her laughter.
  145. “Alright, so touch nothing, watch my step, got it. So, is there a map or something we could use to get around this place?”
  146. >Luna continues to contemplate where to head to next, when she starts walking toward the hall that heads left.
  147. >“We believe it is this way. If we find the throne room, I know where to head from there.”
  150. “Well, I don’t think we’re going in circles, but we sure aren’t finding the throne room.”
  151. >It has been at least twenty minutes since the two of you began to navigate the dark corridors.
  152. >Luna is unamused by your quip.
  153. >“Yes Anon, our apologies. We thought it would be rather simple to find the main room. Unfortunately our sister decided we MUST build the castle like a labyrinth.”
  154. “Sorry. I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”
  155. >“We know. It is just extremely frustrating, since our sister will easily win this bet.”
  156. “Uh….what bet?”
  157. >Realization of her apparent slip up hits her instantly.
  158. >“Horseapples.”
  159. “So, are we actually looking for books, or was this whole trip based on a bet?”
  160. >“Nay, Anon, we are trying to find some of our lost tomes! The bet….came into being this morning before we departed Canterlot.”
  161. >The two of you pause as you pass a dusty, faded picture on the wall.
  162. “Okay, now we’ve officially gone in a circle.”
  164. >Your ears ring as Luna’s voice goes up about 50 decibels.
  165. >Oh god, what did you do?
  166. >Luna’s horn glows in a white light as a beam erupts from it, slamming into the opposite wall.
  167. >Well, more like blasts through the opposite wall.
  168. >As Luna calms down and the dust settles, the impromptu window reveals a room on the other side.
  169. “I guess that’s one way to navigate a labyrinth.”
  170. >The blue alicorn dusts herself off with a wing.
  171. >“Yes, well we were not about to go back to Canterlot empty-hooved, Anon.”
  172. “Can you do without the yelling next time? My ears are still begging for mercy.”
  173. >“Sorry, patience seems to not be one of our virtues.”
  174. “Hey, stop stealing my excuses.”
  175. >Luna leaps through the opening to the other side, then pokes her head back through.
  176. >“Make us.”
  177. “You and your sister really are childish.”
  178. >Following Luna through to the other side, you glance back at the wall to see a series of levers and ropes next to the hole.
  179. “Uh, Luna? Are those connected to the painting on the other side?”
  180. >Luna’s face at your question is one of complete embarrassment.
  181. >“Oh, that’s right, the painting opens the door to the throne room. Oops.”
  182. >Double face palm.
  183. >The small room is in fact another hallway, leading straight into the cavernous throne room.
  184. >Finally, some light, as the outside shines through what is left of the stained glass windows after all these years.
  185. >Ahead, two thrones are perched at the top of a small set of stairs, as if waiting this whole time for someone to take their place again.
  186. >Aside from some holes in the ceiling and other signs of destruction by age, there’s obvious signs of what took place before this castle was abandoned.
  187. “So, this is where, uh-”
  188. >“Yes, this is where we made our fateful choice, Anon.”
  189. >Both of you remain silent, waiting for the other to say something.
  190. >You strike first.
  191. “Did you tell your sister about us? I mean, the two of us?”
  192. >A slight chuckle is the first reply you get.
  193. >“Why Anonymous, are you scared of our sister?”
  194. “Seeing as how she has the power to destroy me with a wave of her horn? No, never.”
  195. >Another chuckle.
  196. >“Anon, our sister finds you about as adorable as we do. She was delighted to hear we finally found someone we feel so close to.”
  197. >You feel a bit relieved, but another question bubbles up from the back of your mind as the two of you continue to trek towards the twin thrones.
  198. “I don’t mean to be nosy, but has Celestia ever found a special someone?”
  199. >“Only once, that we know about. It was many years ago, and I do not believe she has not bothered finding somepony else since.”
  200. “What happened?”
  201. >Luna is silent as she continues her graceful stride, when she suddenly stops and looks up at one of the stained glass windows.
  202. >From what is left of the jaunty, colorful pane, the only thing you can make out is what looks like the offspring of a Chinese dragon, if it had sex with four or five other critters.
  203. >“Let’s just say it was an *ugly* breakup.”
  204. >Luna begins moving again, leaving you a bit confused.
  205. >The two of you twist and turn through the dark corridors, Luna leading a brisk pace for someone that has not seen this castle in many, many years.
  206. >“Ah, here we are.”
  207. “So, what exactly are we looking for in here?”
  208. >Like the rest of the castle, it’s fairly dim, and very dusty.
  209. >You still are amazed the condition of the whole place after being abandoned for so long.
  210. >Sure, there’s a hole in the roof here and there, some leaning or crumbling walls in some places, but other than that, in very good shape.
  211. >Even the library, though some of the bookcases have collapsed, leaving piles of books scattered.
  212. >But at least it looks like no major moisture issues.
  213. >“It is hard to say Anon, we are not exactly looking for one thing. The best thing to do is anything catching your eye, peruse it.”
  214. >Fuck.
  215. >You grab a few random books off the shelf and rest on a pile of books collected into the center of the room.
  216. >Luna hovers nearby, flipping through a few books at a time before putting them back.
  217. >Lazily flipping through a book, you realize it will take forever to get through this whole place.
  218. >Especially when you have a hard time grasping even half of the foreign knowledge contained withing these walls.
  220. >"Anonymous!"
  221. >You jolt forward, an open book falling down into your lap.
  222. "What? What happened?"
  223. >Luna is standing in front of you, amused.
  224. >"We believe you were either attempting to inhale that book in your lap, or fell asleep with it upon your face."
  225. >You shake your head, trying to free your mind of the slight haze.
  226. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."
  227. >The blue alicorn sighs, taking a seat next to you.
  228. >"Tis fine, Anon. We have had no such luck in finding any valuable information, either. Aside from this old joke book."
  229. "So that's why you were giggling over there like a mad hyena. Most of the stuff in that is probably old and cheesy anyway."
  230. >"Nonsense, Anon! Ah, this is perhaps my favorite one!"
  231. >She clears her throat and begins to read a passage.
  232. >"There once was a colt from Neightucket.."
  233. "Stop. I've heard it. That limerick is probably as old as you."
  234. >As you stand up and stretch, Luna places the book back on the shelf, a smirk crossing her face.
  235. >"Perhaps it is time we attempt to seek out Twilight once again? We have a few items that are needed as well, if we are to be staying here overnight."
  236. >You do a double-take at the last part of her sentence.
  237. "Sleeping here? Overnight?"
  238. >"But of course! What better way to cap off a day of study than a sleepover in our old home? Unless you are unnerved by the thought of being here at night?"
  239. >A fiendish chuckle erupts from Luna, as if to attempt to further make you nervous of the prospect.
  240. >Face it: this place is fucking creepy.
  241. >But you won't let her win.
  242. "Nah, sounds like a plan to me. If you could, just drop me off at Twilight's home, then pick up what you need and meet back up there."
  243. >"A splendid idea to save some time!"
  244. >You feel a familiar warmth as magical energy once again envelops you.
  245. >The door to Twilight's home greets you on the other side of the bright flash.
  246. >As you knock on the door, you look around town.
  247. >Judging by where the sun is in the sky and the bustling streets, it must be closing in on late afternoon.
  248. "Twilight, you in there? It's Anon."
  249. >The door creaks open as a purple alicorn that looks half asleep greets you.
  250. >"Anon, what in the world are you doing here at this time?"
  251. >You must have just woken her up, if she's this out of it.
  252. "Uh, it's late afternoon Twilight. I think you slept half the day away."
  253. >"What?!"
  254. >She hurries back inside, presumably to find a clock.
  255. >Though she could have just as easily looked outside like you did.
  256. >You follow her in, a little nervous seeing the state your friend is in.
  257. "Twi, are you okay? You're scaring me a bit. I tried coming by this morning and you didn't answer the door."
  258. >The clock on her wall confirming the time, she turns back to you, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
  259. >"I'm fine Anon. I just haven't been sleeping well the last few days."
  260. >You frown.
  261. "Can't fall asleep, or nightmares?"
  262. >Judging by her cringe, it's the second choice.
  263. "Why not ask Luna for help? I'm sure she would be happy to do a bit of dream-weaving to help you out."
  264. >"NO! Er, no. It's fine Anon. We just need time. Anyway, what's up?"
  265. >Her response is rather odd, to say the least, but you leave the issue alone.
  266. "Luna and I have been going through the library in her old castle to try to find anything to shed more light on our recently formed mental connection. We thought you'd like to come with us."
  267. >Her face lights up at first, but she quickly backs off and seems hesistant.
  268. >This you can't leave alone.
  269. "What Twilight? Now I know this isn't you."
  270. >"Well, I mean, I'd love to help, but I don't want to get into the way of you two, cuz.... you know..."
  271. >Enough is enough as you grab her and wrap her into a hug.
  272. >"Aaaaah! What are you doing?!"
  273. "Don't say anything even remotely like that ever again, Twilight. I will ALWAYS have time for you."
  274. >"Urk.... okay, you're starting to hurt me a bit."
  275. >You let her go as she stretches her wings out.
  276. >despite her complaint, you can tell she seems much more relaxed.
  277. >Is that what's been bothering her, the fear you won't have time for her?
  278. "We were planning on just sleeping at the castle tonight. Er, Luna thought it was a good idea anyway. You game?"
  279. >A smile lights up Twilight's face, giving away her answer before she even replies.
  280. >"A slumber party AND research? Count me in!"
  281. >Either she didn't hear you when you mentioned sleeping in a creepy old castle, or she is genuinely not unnerved by the idea.
  282. >"Luna is just going to teleport us back I think, she had to grab a few things. Need anything?"
  283. >Twilight quickly scrambles around, grabbing some odds and ends and a sleeping bag.
  284. >"All set!"
  285. >Alright Luna, beam us up.
  286. >[Beam... you up?]
  287. >Not a good joke, apparently.
  288. >We're ready.
  289. >Luna appears in front of the two of you in a flash.
  290. >She must have already dropped off the items she needed to get, since she has nothing with her at this point.
  291. >Her attention is immediately focused on Twilight.
  292. >"Twilight Sparkle, we are glad to see you. It filled us with concern when you did not answer your door this morning."
  293. >"I just overslept a bit, that's all. No big deal."
  294. >Judging by the look of apprehension on her face, Luna does not believe it to be that cut and dry, but backs off.
  295. >"If everypony has what items they need, we shall depart!"
  296. >As you and Twilight nod, Luna's horn once again creates a brilliant flash.
  297. >Damn, doesn't she ever get tired from casting spells and teleporting?
  298. >[Usage develops strength, Anon. You jest about our age, and yet our age allows much to be possible.]
  299. >Fuck, just when you thought you might finally be getting the hang of turning this mental link on and off.
  301. -----
  303. >A sudden tug interrupts you from the page you were on as you slide across the floor.
  304. >A blue wing wraps around you, greeting you once you come to a stop.
  305. >"Anon, you must see this."
  306. "You could have asked me to come over, rather than try to give me splinters in my ass."
  307. >Luna giggles.
  308. >"Apologies, we were so excited to find this particular book."
  309. "It's not another joke book, is it? I'm starting to think that's the most useful thing you and your sister kept in here."
  310. >"Nay, it is a book with some photographs of when we still partook in races."
  311. >You find it surprising something that sentimental could be forgotten in this crumbling place.
  312. >"Sister was not keen on organization until much later."
  313. >As you flip through the pages, you're surprised to see how little Luna changed through the years, as all of the photos are labelled.
  314. >Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Twilight fidgeting a few feet away.
  315. >She still seems a bit off from her normal self.
  316. >For one thing, she has only gone through two books in the roughly four hours you've all been here.
  317. >Not even close to what the voracious reader can hammer though in that time span.
  318. "Twilight."
  319. >The purple alicorn pretends to be interrupted from the book she has in front of her.
  320. >"Who, what?"
  321. >You look at Luna, whose beaming smile has been replaced with a look of concern.
  322. >She rises from the floor and strides over to Twilight.
  323. >"Twilight, we do not wish to intrude, but you seem quite troubled this evening. Perhaps Anon and I may be of help?"
  324. >She quickly shakes her head.
  325. >"No, I'm fine, really. I just haven't been sleeping well."
  326. >That excuse again.
  327. "Twi, for someone that tells me I suck at lying, you aren't good at it either."
  328. >Luna takes the time to wrap a wing around her in a sign of comfort.
  329. >"You are amongst friends, Twilight Sparkle. Friends that are quite concerned about your recent change in behavior."
  330. >Meeting her gaze even as she tries to avert it, you can almost see the inner conflict that bubbles within.
  331. >"I.... I'll be fine. I just need some time to sort things out. But thank you for the concern."
  332. >Goddammit Twilight.
  333. >Luna backs off, and judging by the look she gives you, you are to do the same.
  334. >"Perhaps it is time we all get some rest, and start anew in the morning."
  335. >The night princess crosses the room, grabbing a huge and plush sleeping bag, a deep purple hue that matches part of her ethereal mane.
  336. >It literally looks large enough to fit four or five people in it without being awkward.
  337. "I never took you for one that would own camping equipment. But isn't it still a bit early to be going to sleep?"
  338. >"Nonsense, Anon. We have been at work most of the day toiling through these books, a rest is well in order."
  339. >She has a point.
  340. >Getting up at the break of dawn is something you try to avoid, so being up that early has taken its toll.
  341. >As Twilight also pulls out her sleeping bag, a turquoise glow overpowers her magic, gingerly taking the bag from her grasp.
  342. >"What..."
  343. >"Our sleeping arrangement is plenty large enough for the three of us to sleep in comfort."
  344. >"Uh, okay."
  345. >Okay, that's why it's so large.
  346. >The three of you climb in, with you situated in the middle.
  347. "Goodnight you two. And Twilight, get some sleep."
  348. >No response.
  349. >You roll over to face her.
  350. >Her slack jaw and closed eyes tell you she's apparently already passed out.
  351. >"Twilight did not jest when she complained of lack of sleep, it seems."
  352. >You roll back to the other side to Luna.
  353. "I'm worried about her Luna. When she has a lack of interest in books, clearly something is wrong."
  354. >"Perhaps. Or it may be our bond is causing some discomfort."
  355. >You pause to think.
  356. >This all has started recently, and it can't be easy to adjust to a best friend dating another close friend without feeling awkward.
  357. >But it still seems like something more than just that.
  358. >"It will take time, Anonymous."
  359. "Speaking of which, what are you up to?"
  360. >"Pardon?"
  361. "You know, us spending the night here, the sudden urge to get to bed a little early. You're planning something."
  362. >Luna either has a very good poker face, or she is genuinely confused with your question.
  363. >"You are much too suspicious, Anon. I assure you, we do not have any surprise plans about this night."
  364. >You chuckle a bit, arousing suspicion from Luna.
  365. >"And what are you up to?"
  366. "Nothing, I just think it's kinda cute how your dialect keeps switching in and out between 'we' and 'I.'"
  367. >"We... er.. I have not noticed until now. Apologies."
  368. >You run your hands through her mane.
  369. "No, it's fine, Luna. I just noticed that lately."
  370. >She pulls you close to her with her forelegs, embracing you.
  371. >"Goodnight, Anon."
  373. >You find yourself jolted awake by the sensation of freefalling.
  374. >You look around to see you're fine, still in the sleeping bag.
  375. >But neither of your two friends are anywhere to be seen.
  376. "Luna? Twilight?"
  377. >The echo of your voice is the only response.
  378. >You slowly climb out of the sleeping bag, keeping an eye on your surroundings.
  379. "You guys better not be fucking with me. This isn't funny."
  380. >Part of you figures this is some stupid prank, and you should just get back to sleep.
  381. >On the other hand, if something is wrong....
  382. >You put your sneakers on, and shuffle towards the entrance to the library.
  383. >Looking out into the hallway, it's just as dark at night as it is in the daytime.
  384. >Carefully, you feel your way through the inky black corridor, until you eventually reach the throne room.
  385. "Hello? Luna? Twilight?"
  386. >You hear no reply as you scan the cavernous room.
  387. >A sensation of a light breeze on your skin causes you to look up.
  388. >That's when you notice the night sky.
  389. >You would have sworn this room's ceiling was still intact earlier today.
  390. >Suddenly, the sky and stars seem to peel away, rushing towards you.
  391. >Fear and confusion grips you as all you can do is close your eyes and brace yourself.
  392. >"Are we truly that frightening, Anonymous?"
  393. >You open your eyes at the sound of the soothing, familiar voice just as Luna plants an exaggerated kiss to your lips.
  394. >"Mwah."
  395. "L-Luna?"
  396. >She giggles
  397. >"Who else were you expecting?"
  398. >Your mind races with endless questions, your voice trying to keep up.
  399. "Where the hell have you been, and what was the point of that? And where's Twilight?"
  400. >Something else suddenly strikes you about Luna.
  401. "And why are you at eye level with me like your sister?"
  402. >Luna really wasn't that much shorter than Celestia, maybe five or six inches at most. But it was a noticeable difference.
  403. >Without a word, her whole body glows with a bright bluish-white light, scaling down to her normal size.
  404. >"'Twas much easier to properly greet our special somepony with a taller stature. And Twilight is just fine."
  405. "Um, okay. But where is she?"
  406. >Luna cocks an eyebrow, as if you are speaking gibberish.
  407. >"You... do not know where you are, do you?"
  408. >Is this a trick question?
  409. "Uh, the old castle. With you and Twilight."
  410. >A thin smile forms across Luna's lips.
  411. >"Well, let me first start off by formally introducing you to our domain. The dreamscape!"
  412. >As she speaks, the whole castle is dimly lit by several chandeliers that appear from nowhere.
  413. "So, I'm dreaming then?"
  414. >She shakes her head, confusing you further.
  415. >"No, Anonymous, you fully aware and conscious here as we are. You see, the theory we had has proven to be correct.
  416. >What?
  417. "Luna, you never told me you had a theory. Why did you leave me in the dark?"
  418. >The castle goes dark again as you finish your sentence, the ceiling barren once again.
  419. >Luna looks up, looking as surprised as you.
  420. >"Well, we may have underestimated a bit, as well."
  421. >You begin to feel rather impatient with the blue alicorn.
  422. "Luna, the theory?"
  423. >She seems a bit apprehensive as her attention focuses on you again.
  424. >"We were not willing to put you through any sort of worry with our idea, but hear us out before you say anything."
  425. "I'm all ears."
  426. >"It seems when we made the swap between bodies and back again, not all remained where it should. Apparently, some of our power with with you. Or more specifically, Nightmare Moon's power."
  427. >You feel as if someone has punched you in the gut.
  428. "Nightmare Moon made the trip back with me and you said nothing?! What in the hell were you thinking, I could ha-"
  429. >Suddenly, no sound comes from you as you continue your verbal barrage.
  430. >Luna looks rather disappointed.
  431. >"My point proven exactly. As we were saying, Nightmare Moon's POWER went with you, meaning her magic and abilities, not her. We noticed when we returned to our proper places Nightmare Moon seemed to be all bark and no bite, so to speak."
  432. >Your voice suddenly returns to you as Luna nods her head.
  433. >"So what does this mean? Am I suddenly going to be able to levitate shit and teleport like you?"
  434. >"We doubt it Anon. The horn on unicorns and alicorns is the conduit for all our magic. It allows us to take that internal power and use it externally. Coming from a world without magic, we fail to see how you could possibly focus and use that magic. What we do know is you are like use now - a dreamweaver, as we like to call it."
  435. "So I'm Gary Wright now?"
  436. >"Pardon?"
  437. >As the music blares from seemingly nowhere, Luna's face turns from curiosity to borderline horror.
  438. >"This is music in your world?!"
  439. "Only if you're high."
  440. >The song abruptly cuts off, leaving the room silent.
  441. >"Getting past this side note, we could sense a presence when both of us fell asleep in the library earlier, which brought to mind my theory and a way to test it. Sleeping here sat the castle made it much easier to find you in this endless world."
  442. >You still feel very confused.
  443. "But I don't get it, Luna. How can something like that just separate and migrate back with me?"
  444. >Luna pauses and ponders your question for a bit.
  445. >"At any point before we reversed the spell, did anything unusual that stands out to you happen?"
  446. "Uh. Where do I begin?"
  447. >Luna's face turns very serious, startling you a bit.
  448. >"Think, Anonymous, and we too shall see. Your thoughts, your memories, can be seen by us too in the dreamscape."
  449. >As you reflect back on everything from that week, it appears in front of you like a gigantic movie screen in fast forward.
  450. "Holy shit, this place is trippy."
  451. >Something catches your eye, and it stops, playing at a normal speed.
  453. "Wait, this is when things started getting really bad in the castle, just before Twilight brought me back to my place and we fixed this mess. Mostly."
  454. >As you watch, well, you, the sound of glass shattering echoes loudly as the massive dark wave of energy erupts from your past self.
  455. >It pauses there, as you look over to Luna.
  456. "Could that have something to do with it.
  457. >She doesn't say anything, but her wide eyes tell you she's a bit rattled.
  458. "Luna?"
  459. >Luna rears up on her hind legs, resting her forelegs on your shoulders.
  460. >"I am afraid you will never fully understand how close you were to the edge."
  461. "The edge? You mean-"
  462. >"Anon?"
  463. >Everything fades to black as you feel a tugging sensation.
  464. >You open your eyes again to see yourself back in the sleeping bag.
  465. >Luna is still sound asleep.
  466. >"Anon, I need to talk to you."
  467. >You roll over still groggy to see Twilight sitting up.
  468. "Uh, yeah Twilight, what is it? Last I saw you passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow."
  469. >She still seems unsure of what to say as she averts your gaze.
  470. "Come on Twilight, we care about you, just spill it and you'll feel better."
  471. >Twilight looks up at you, her eyes visibly wet.
  472. >"Exactly. We. Meaning you and Luna. Not me."
  473. "What? I don't follow."
  474. >She finally unleashes, her voice filled with sorrow and anger.
  475. >"This is just like when my brother Shining Armor married Cadence, he we would all see each other frequently, and now I never get to see him or her! I don't want the same thing to happen with you and Luna, but it's already happening!"
  476. >You don't know a whole hell of a lot about Shining Armor and Cadence, just what little bit you've heard from Luna explaining this world to you.
  477. >You sit up and hold out your arms, offering a hug, to which Twilight shies away.
  478. "Dammit Twilight, what do I have to do to get you to realize neither I nor Luna are going to leave? You've been the one avoiding me as well as everyone else, this is all in your head."
  479. >You do the first thing that comes to mind to silence her.
  480. >Grabbing her, you press your lips to hers.
  481. >Her eyes go wide in shock, but she doesn't struggle at all.
  482. >You hold like that for what seems like a minute, until you finally release her.
  483. "Does that prove that I care for you as much as I do Luna?"
  484. >"We are certainly convinced, that is one way to drive such a point home."
  485. >You whip around to see Luna watching with a lazy smile, as Twilight still seems to be in a daze.
  486. "Luna! I can explain, it's not-"
  487. >She chuckles quietly to herself, cutting you off.
  488. >"Anon, we are not surprised in the slightest. But why do you think we are upset?"
  489. >Wait, what?"
  490. "Um, in my world, this kind of situation would probably end in a double homicide."
  491. >"Well, I assure you that will not happen. As you just said Anon, you care for Twilight as much as you do us. That is no crime."
  492. "Right. So we're good?"
  493. >She stands and locks lips with you.
  494. >"Does this answer you question without a doubt?"
  495. "That'll work."
  496. >You turn to Twilight, who still is in a trance.
  497. >"Twilight. Hello, are you okay?"
  498. >"She is fine, Anon. I think she is as surprised as you were. Twilight will snap out of it eventually."
  499. >The two of you get back into the sleeping bag.
  500. "I can't say I expected tonight to turn out like this."
  501. >"Hm. Perhaps not. But it is the unexpected that makes the next day exciting even for someone as old as us."
  502. "Maybe we can chill out on the exciting stuff for a bit? Between the body mixup and becoming more than friends with two alicorns, I don't know how much more my brain can take."
  503. >Twilight seems to have finally snapped back to reality, as she crawls into the sleeping bag as well.
  504. "Feel better Twilight?"
  505. >"I think so."
  506. >You pull the both of them close to you.
  507. "Good. Now can we please get some sleep? We have a lot of stuff to talk about tomorrow. No more excitement tonight."
  508. >"If you insist, Anon."
  509. >Before long, aided by the warmth of your friends, you fall into a deep slumber.
  510. >No visit to the dreamscape this time.
  512. >"Wait, so Nightmare Moon is inside you?!"
  513. >Morning brings a whole new set of challenges.
  514. >Mainly, explaining Luna's theory that has proven correct.
  515. "No, Twilight, not her as in what was tormenting me. Apparently I got to a point where I started using her magic, and some of that rubbed off on me."
  516. >Twilight rubs her chin as she thinks.
  517. >So you can do things like this?"
  518. >She levitates a book, waving it in front of you.
  519. "I don't think so. Luna, how did you explain it?
  520. >Luna's ears perk up as she is busy picking up a few books to take back with her to Canterlot.
  521. >"Since Anon does not have a horn like we do Twilight, I do not believe he has any way of harnessing and applying that power. But he now shares our ability to visit and manipulate the dreamscape."
  522. >Twilight turns back to you with wide eyes.
  523. >"Really? What's it like?"
  524. >You shrug your shoulders.
  525. "It really doesn't feel much different than a normal dream. Other than that I can apparently control what I see. And others' dreams as well, I guess."
  526. >Twilight is quiet as she mulls over what she has heard, before jumping around in an outburst of excitement.
  527. >"Imagine what new stuff we can learn about magic because of this! A being from a world without magic suddenly imbued with magic!"
  528. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't want to be a science experiment. I'm still me."
  529. >She stand on her hind legs, reaching up and hugging you at your waist.
  530. >"Of course Anon, I didn't mean it that way. This is just such a unique experience, we must take advantage of it."
  531. >"First thing is first, we must inform Celestia of this new development. I know she will be eager and relieved to know we finally have a reason for our mental link."
  532. >Luna's words echo in your head.
  533. >Eager and relieved?
  534. >You just hope she doesn't have the same reaction Twilight did when you told her.
  535. "Maybe we need to go over how it's going to be explained before we actually do it."
  537. -----
  539. >"Anonymous, please stop fidgeting, we are almost there."
  540. "Why did we have to take a train anyways? Couldn't we have just teleported?"
  541. >Rainbow Dash sits slumped in her seat.
  542. "Rainbow, you didn't have to tag along, you know."
  543. >She sits up abruptly, almost knocking Twilight out of the seat next to her.
  544. >"Hey, I want to be as supportive as I can, seeing as how you have to tell Celestia you have the magic of one of Equestria's worst ever threats inside you."
  545. >Luna stares at Rainbow Dash, cocking an eyebrow.
  546. >"Er, no offense, Princess Luna."
  547. >"Perhaps you could be a bit more encouraging by not saying anything."
  548. >Twilight gets out of her seat, sitting in front of you on the floor and resting a hoof on your leg.
  549. >"It will be fine, Anon. Celestia will understand when we fully explain everything."
  550. >The sensation of movement slows as the train nears the station.
  551. "Seeing as how both you and Rainbow freaked out before Luna and I could fully explain, I hope she gives us the chance."
  552. >The airbrakes hiss as the train comes to a stop, the doors sliding open.
  553. >The four of you walk out, taking your time as you cross the busy platform.
  554. >Ponies bowing on every side of the two alicorn princesses slow your pace further.
  555. "You two can't be taken anywhere without causing a fuss, can you?"
  556. >Twilight seems embarrassed, while Luna gives you a smartass grin.
  557. >Rainbow soars above the three of you, showing off as usual.
  558. "This has to be the most dysfunctional looking group in the history of ever."
  560. >After what seems like about an hour of slogging through the streets, the four of you make it to the castle walls.
  561. "Maybe we should have just teleported in.
  562. >"Anon, I believe it was you that wished to take the time to travel normally to 'regain your composure'. Has it not helped?"
  563. "Not really. It gave me more time to think about all this. Which is not good."
  564. >Luna pulls you close with her wing, almost causing you to lose your balance.
  565. >"You must stop this nonsense. As I have said once, and will say it again, our sister adores you."
  566. >The gates slowly open, and the you stride inside.
  567. >Despite being here for a month, the numerous guards seem to keep an extra close eye on you.
  568. >It doesn't help your already frayed nerves.
  569. >You like Celestia, and you know Luna is right.
  570. >But the circumstances of this visit are what cause the concern.
  571. >The castle itself could almost be considered a city, with the amount of ground you have to traverse to get to the doors of the main hall.
  572. >As you reach out to push them, they slowly open, with the aid of Luna's magic.
  573. >You walk in first, with Luna, Twilight and Rainbow behind you.
  574. "So, she's expecting us right?"
  575. >"Yes, Anonymous, we sent a message just before we left."
  576. >As the four of you finally get through the long hall and into the throne room, Celestia is sitting at the top of the steps.
  577. >"Ah, Anonymous. It is a pleasure to see you again. As well as you, Rainbow Dash"
  578. >You bow, as do your friends in a gesture of respect.
  579. >"Sister, we apologize for visiting on such short notice, but we have much to talk about regarding Anonymous."
  580. >The white alicorn rises from her seat, looking down at you with a warm smile.
  581. >At least she's smiling.
  582. >"Yes, I received your message. And if I may, I would like to speak to Anonymous in private."
  583. >Surprise crosses the face of you and your group.
  584. >Luna is the first to speak.
  585. >"Sister, perhaps you should at least allow us in this discussion, as we have information we can better fully explain."
  586. >Celestia closes her eyes, her smile disappearing.
  587. >"No Luna, I am afraid this must be between Anon and I."
  588. >You feel nauseous as the tone of her voice changes.
  589. >With no other options, Twilight and Luna nervously give you a hug as they depart, while Rainbow bumps her hoof to your fist as she follows.
  590. >The guards also leave, closing the doors behind them.
  591. >You turn back to Celestia, who is now standing in front of you.
  592. >Was she always this tall?
  593. >And intimidating?
  594. >"Hm. By the look on your face, I would say you seem a bit nervous."
  595. "I guess you could say that, yeah."
  596. >In all honestly, you feel like you're about to shit your pants.
  597. >She turns around, leaving you a bit confused as she starts to walk away.
  598. >"Good."
  599. "What?"
  600. >"Consider this experience repayment for your surprise dyeing of your white coat."
  601. >She chuckles a bit as you breathe a sigh of relief.
  602. >"Come now Anonymous, am I truly that intimidating?"
  603. "Yes."
  604. >She climbs the stairs and takes a seat on her throne, gesturing you to sit in what is normally Luna's throne.
  605. >The sudden change from cold and formal to friendly and carefree throws you through a loop, but you oblige her.
  606. >"Now, Luna says the two of you know why you share the same link she and I have?"
  607. >Your nerves come back again as you quickly go through in your head how to word it all.
  608. "Yes, and it might sound bad at first, but hear me out."
  609. >As if it is a replay, she utters a familiar phrase.
  610. >"I'm all ears."
  611. "Okay, well obviously you know all about the spell that Luna cocked up that had us in each others' bodies. Apparently in the process of reversing that mistake, something from Luna came back with me. Er well, not necessarily from Luna."
  612. >Celestia cocks an eyebrow as she remains silent.
  613. "I mean, she didn't come back with me, but I guess when we switched back, I guess her magic came back with me."
  614. >"Whose magic?"
  615. >Crap, you forgot to try to bury her name in that sentence.
  616. >No options now, as Celestia waits for a response.
  617. >"Nightmare Moon."
  618. >"I see. Luna informed me she had been let loose in your mind and tormented you. But how did you two come to this conclusion?"
  619. >You explain to her Luna's theory, and everything that happened that night.
  620. >Well, aside from what happened after Twilight woke you up.
  621. >Celestia seems to focus on your every word, and is still silent when you finish.
  622. >As she absorbs it all in, she finally cracks her serious face and emits her trademark benevolent smile.
  623. >"It seems I made the right decision regarding you, Anon."
  624. "What do you mean?"
  625. >"Your first day in Equestria, when you arrived and we first met, I took the time to look through your memories of your past, to ensure you were not a threat to our home or ponies. The amount of destruction, war and greed that I saw from your world through your eyes made me very unsure what to do. And yet, through all of that, something drove me to give you a chance, to prove to me what I saw did not represent your kind as a whole."
  626. >You sit there a bit stunned, as she takes your silence as a cue to continue.
  627. >"Anonymous, you have given me something back that I have not seen in many many years. You have given me back my sister, reignited her passion I thought had been lost long ago. For that, you have my eternal gratitude."
  628. >If you didn't know any better, you'd say her voice cracked a bit, but she continues.
  629. >"Luna and Twilight both have spoken highly of you in the correspondences I have received from them since you have arrived, and I can see why. You may have grown up in a rather sick world, but you still develop and hold true to your values and urge to do the right thing."
  630. >She leans towards you, lowering her voice to almost a whisper.
  631. >"And I would say judging by their reactions, you, Luna and Twilight have developed into more than mere friends."
  632. >You feel your face grow hot as she lightly chuckles, her horn glowing.
  633. >The doors open, with both Twilight and Luna falling forward, and Rainbow hovering in a rather erratic manner.
  634. >"I would also be willing to bet there are a few ponies that were so concerned for you that they were willing to attempt to eavesdrop on a private meeting."
  635. >Luna quickly gets back to her hooves.
  636. >"Apologies sister, we were trying to stop Twilight and Rainbow from listening in when you opened the door."
  637. >Twilight and Rainbow scowl at her as she grins sheepishly.
  638. "So, what do you want me to do now that we know I have.... well, magic in me, I guess?"
  639. >Celestia ponders your question as your friends walk into the room towards you.
  640. >"Princess Celestia, if I may, I think I have an idea."
  641. >Twilight steps forward cautiously.
  642. >"Yes Twilight, go ahead."
  643. >Twilight grins as she approaches you.
  644. >"Obviously with somepony from a world containing no magic suddenly being imbued with it is a unique occurrence. Perhaps this would be an opportunity to further unlock secrets of how magic works, by working with Anon to see if he can somehow tap into that and be taught how to use it."
  645. >The room falls silent again as Celestia eyes you, deep in thought.
  646. >If silence could be deafening, your eardrums would have burst by now.
  647. >"I have taken a chance with Anon once, and am delighted I chose to follow my instinct. Twilight, Luna, if you both are willing and committed, working with Anon may unravel many questions that still exist about magic. If you choose to, I want you both to be patient and cautious as you attempt to see if indeed, he may possess the ability to harness our world's magic."
  648. >"YES, YE- I mean, I accept this responsibility. Thank you Celestia."
  649. >Celestia smiles, then turns her attention to her sister.
  650. >"Luna,what do you think?"
  651. >Luna looks at you, silently and stoic.
  652. >Finally, she cracks a sly smile.
  653. >"It would be a pleasure to work with two of our closest friends as we delve into the unknown."
  654. >Celestia seems to sense your hesitance.
  655. >"Anon, do you have any qualms with what Twilight has proposed?"
  656. >Twilight cocks her head to one side in curiosity.
  657. "I just... what if I unlock something that I can't control?"
  658. >The white alicorn turns to Twilight for an answer.
  659. >The purple pony spreads her wings and hovers over to you at eye level.
  660. >"Anon, if I did not think you could do this, I would not have suggested it. But, if you do not feel comfortable with this idea, I will support your decision to not go through with this."
  661. >She leans in close to your ear, while the three others in the room look on in anticipation.
  662. >"I...I love you, Anon."
  663. >And with that, her hooves return to solid ground, looking up at you.
  664. >Seeing as how Twilight's specialty is fricking magic, and she thinks you can do it.....
  665. >"I'm game. Let's see if I got the magic touch."
  666. >"I know with both my sister and Princess Twilight as your guide, you are in good hooves. I would urge during this time for at least one to be with you at all times in case something should somehow happen, but I don't think that will be a problem at all."
  668. >After staying for a few hours for a more casual visit and conversation, your posse returns to the train station to head home.
  669. >Rainbow finally gives her wings a rest as you all enter the last train coach.
  670. >"So Anon, I have to ask. What made you change your mind on this whole experiment? And what did Twilight say to you?"
  671. >You look over your shoulder at Twilight, who is blushing profusely.
  672. >She must still be rather uncomfortable with the idea of you and her being public. After all, she admitted to you a while ago she still has a bit of social anxiety despite being a newly crowned princess.
  673. >Well that and you being with Luna as well, which she spread word of rapidly.
  674. "She just said she believed in me. I guess that just struck a chord."
  675. >You don't hear it, but you can sense Twilight letting out a massive sigh of relief.
  676. >As you all take a seat, you focus on Luna, who is next to you.
  677. "I thought you said you told Celestia about our relationship."
  678. >"Well... I had planned on it Anonymous, but we have been so busy lately, it slipped our mind."
  679. >You throw an arm around her.
  680. "It doesn't matter. Your sister already knew anyways. Whether she can read minds or is just that receptive is up for debate, because she already knows a few new things."
  681. >You look at Twilight, who seems to understand your cryptic words as she fidgets nervously.
  682. >It's cute as hell, but you feel bad for making her uncomfortable.
  683. >Quickly, you change the subject.
  684. "So, what are you two going to be trying to teach me first?"
  685. >Luna and Twilight share glances, before Luna speaks up.
  686. >"Twilight and I have discussed this matter in private before we left Ponyville, and both of us agree that your first foray into magic should be where you first demonstrated it - the dreamscape and dreamweaving."
  687. >You feel a bit uneasy starting out with what seems rather advanced to you.
  688. >Luna senses your anxiety, and answers your silent qualms.
  689. >"Anonymous, you have already shown you can control and change things in the dreamscape. But for our sake, never play that song again."
  690. >You laugh as Twilight and Rainbow look on, not understanding the joke.
  691. >"What you must remember Anon, is that you are imbued with Nightmare Moon's power and magic, which was at one point mine before the split. Our abilities may be the easiest to harness, as you may consider it a head start."
  692. "Well, obviously fucking with people's dreams is the main one, but what else do you have?"
  693. >"Yes, there is the dreamscape which in broader terminology is a specialty in illusionary magic, as well as shapeshifting."
  694. "Whoa, back up. You can shapeshift? Why didn't you just do that instead of trying to possess me when you wanted to take a spin in my Superbird?"
  695. >It is Luna's turn to be embarrassed.
  696. >"It is not an ability I use much, Anonymous. I am very much out of practice with it, so it is unlikely any attempt would have been successful."
  697. >She clears her throat, as if signalling the return to the previous conversation.
  698. >"Anyways, you seem to already be able to change things in the dreamscape, as well as access memories. While shapeshifting is likely an unattainable goal, becoming nearly as proficient as we are in the the dreamscape is very much a possibility."
  699. >Your attention focuses on Twilight, who has been siting quietly with her eyes fixated on you.
  700. "So, what will you teach me after this first hurdle?"
  701. >Twilight instantly becomes animated, her grin stretching wide.
  702. >"Well, once Luna is confident you have a good grip on things in the dreamscape, we will see if that magic in that level of consciousness can transfer into this one, starting with illusions."
  703. >You glance over at Rainbow Dash, who has been silent this whole time.
  704. >She lays sprawled out on the seat, suddenly noticing you.
  705. >"Don't look at me, magic is out of my realm."
  706. >You smile, then turn back to Luna.
  707. "So, when do we start?"
  708. >That suave, sly smile returns.
  709. >"Tonight."
  711. >You all finally arrive back in Ponyville late in the afternoon.
  712. >Dash is eager to return home, and bids you all good luck.
  713. >Apparently the newest release in her favorite book series should be in the mail today.
  714. >You find it shocking how similar Daring Do is in this world to Indiana Jones back in yours.
  715. >You lead the way back to your home with Luna and Twilight in tow.
  716. >Twilight has been rather quiet much of the way, deep in thought.
  717. >You open the door to your home, allowing your friends in before you.
  718. >Kicking off your shoes, you flop onto the couch in the living room, Luna and Twilight joining you on either side.
  719. >"Luna, I have an idea you might not like, but hear me out."
  720. >Twilight finally breaks out of her deep brainstorm, startling Luna and you.
  721. >"Yes Twilight, what is it? You have been quiet for some time now."
  722. >"Well, I want to get prepared for when we decide to move on with Anon to magic in the physical world, but obviously we don't even know if it would even be possible for him. Or worse, it could somehow cause him harm."
  723. >She turns to you.
  724. >"No offense Anonymous, but I don't want to refresh on a ton of basics if it will not matter anyhow. And I care too much to see you get hurt."
  725. >You nod, she has a very good point. Even if she is thinking way too far ahead.
  726. >"While I understand your dilemma, what other way is there to find out?"
  727. >The purple alicorn hesitates a bit before continuing.
  728. >"Well, there is one pony I know of that could possibly help us, seeing as how he can sense magic and its usage under some conditions. Well, he's not a pony..."
  729. >"You refer to Discord. No, I very much despise this idea, Twilight."
  730. "Reel me into the loop here. Who is this guy, and why is this a bad idea? I'd rather not risk exploding if I can help it."
  731. >Luna huffs, the mere idea of mentioning him apparently frustrating her.
  732. >"Discord is a draconequus, and the spirit of chaos and disharmony, as his hideous chimaerical form demonstrates. Sister and I overthrew him and locked him away many years ago, which is when we took to the throne. A few years ago, he made his escape and returned, and after being stopped by Twilight and her friends, was supposedly reformed and on our side."
  733. >Chimaera? Wait a minute, that window in the old castle-
  734. >[Make no mention of this. Ever.]
  735. >You look at Luna, her eyes closed and slightly shaking her head.
  736. "So I take it you don't trust him?"
  737. >"We have never trusted him. He has betrayed ponykind in the past, it is only a matter of time before his mischievous spirit gets the best of him once again."
  738. >Twilight's face goes from curious to irritated with Luna's rather pessimistic comment.
  739. >"Luna, with all due respect, I believe he deserves a fair shake. After all, Celestia forgave you when we freed you from Nightmare Moon's grasp."
  740. >Luna seems to realize she's trapped herself in a box now.
  741. >You run your fingers through her mane, causing her to relax and look at you.
  742. "I hate taking sides, but Twily does have a point. With untreaded ground ahead of us, any information on the road beyond would make me more comfortable."
  743. >Mentioning her name, your other hand runs through Twilight's mane.
  744. >"I suppose your charm has gotten to us. We will see what he has to say tomorrow evening."
  745. >Her smile returns as she snatches a kiss, slipping a bit of her wide tongue in as well.
  746. >"But you owe me."
  747. >Twilight squirms a bit next to you.
  748. >"Well, I think I should head home now, so you can get started on learning the intricacies of the dreamscape. See you both in the morning?"
  749. >As Twilight starts to get up, Luna leaps in front of her, startling her.
  750. >"You as well greatly owe us."
  751. >She leans in as if to whisper something.
  752. >Before duplicating the kiss she just shared with you.
  753. >You aren't sure who is shocked more, Twilight or you.
  754. >Probably Twilight, as she sits still, unblinking.
  755. >You match her example, as Luna looks at the both of you.
  756. >"What? You did not expect to be the only one to benefit from this rather unconventional relationship, did you?"
  757. "Uh, no. I... guess not. Maybe surprised it took such a short time to develop would be a better explanation?"
  758. >"Perhaps we are more open to new things. I must head home and get ready for my royal duties tomorrow. I will see you tonight, Anon. Twilight, until tomorrow night, take care."
  759. >"Okay."
  760. >Luna looks at you, smirking, before teleporting in a flash.
  761. >"Anon, what was that?"
  762. "I think that was Luna's way of telling you she doesn't have a problem with this arrangement."
  763. >"It was.... er, that's.... good?"
  764. >You can't resist the temptation and lay your own sneak attack on Twilight as you lean in.
  765. >Unlike the first time, there's no surprise, as she wraps her forelegs around your neck, her soft lips locked with yours.
  766. >Just another day in Equestria.
  767. >Never boring.
  769. -----
  771. "I still do not approve of this idea."
  772. >You are Luna, and your procrastination has lasted two weeks.
  773. >Twilight has not been too happy about delaying your meeting with Discord for this long.
  774. >"Luna, I promise he will be on his best behavior. Have you even met him since he has returned?"
  775. >You shake your head.
  776. "Our last encounter with him was when my sister and I locked him away."
  777. >You look around for any sign of Anon.
  778. >You and Twilight decided to conduct this meeting in a secluded forested area not too far from Ponyville.
  779. >Well, you insisted.
  780. >Meanwhile, Anon insisted on driving here, rather than just being teleported with Twilight.
  781. >Hopefully he didn't get lost, the sun is already getting low in the sky.
  782. "I do certainly hope you as well as my sister did not misplace your trust in him. I apologize if I am rather pessimistic, but it is very hard for me to believe he changed in one fell swoop."
  783. >"I understand. But if you think about it, he is the spirit of chaos, what is more fitting than him changing his ways in one day."
  784. "Hm. Point taken, Twilight."
  785. >Her faint smile disappears as her mind shifts to something else.
  786. >"So, I have to ask, since it's just me and you right now, about two weeks ago..."
  787. >Right, the kiss.
  788. >Twilight has acted even more awkward than usual lately when around you.
  789. >You had hoped that would stop her from feeling so anxious when around you and Anon, but it seems to have had the opposite effect.
  790. "I did not wish to make things weird between us. I had hoped it would make the two of us closer as we are to Anon."
  791. >"No, no! I just didn't know if it was a serious thing or not."
  792. >You scoff.
  793. "We would never jest about such a sensitive thing, Twilight Sparkle."
  794. >You sense she finally relaxes a bit, as you hear a distant growl getting closer.
  795. "Speaking of Anonymous, better late than never, I suppose."
  796. >"When do you think he will be ready to move on to physical magic, Luna?"
  797. "Soon. Very soon, Twilight. He has progressed far quicker than we could have imagined."
  798. >Twilight leans against you.
  799. >"Well, he did have a good teacher."
  800. >The fact is, you really have not had to teach him much.
  801. >All of his abilities in the dreamscape were like second nature to him from the very beginning.
  802. >Accessing memories has been the only item that took a bit of time.
  803. "He is a very good student."
  804. >As you say that, he and his car round the bend, the engine abruptly cutting off as he coasts to a stop.
  805. >He steps out, the door emitting a squeak as it opens and closes.
  806. >"Sorry, I took the scenic route."
  807. "That is fine, we did not have to wait that long."
  808. >He looks around, rather confused.
  809. >"So, where is this guy? Did he take the scenic route, too."
  810. >You can't help but chuckle a bit.
  811. >"I have a spell Celestia taught me to summon him, we were waiting for you to get here before I cast it."
  812. >"Of course. That makes perfect sense."
  813. >With a sense of dread, you nod to Twilight.
  814. >She closes her eyes and focuses her magic, horn aglow momentarily before it goes out.
  815. >The three of you look around for any sign of the draconequus.
  816. "It appears the spell did not work. We should head home."
  817. >"He'll be here."
  818. >A rainbow of color erupts nearby, fading away to show a foe you have not seen in many years.
  819. >And had hoped to never see again.
  820. >For whatever reason, he is attired in a tuxedo and a top hat.
  821. >"Twilight, you must give me a heads up before you call. I was just about to go out for a night on the town."
  822. >He snaps his fingers, both items of clothing disappearing.
  823. >"Discord, I appreciate you coming. You see, we-"
  824. >"Oh, you've brought me visitors, splendid!"
  825. >He circles around Anon, making you anxious.
  826. >"Wow, and ponies say I'm an freaky-looking one. Tell me, what is your name?"
  827. "His name is Anonymous, and he is no freak."
  828. >Discord whips around, apparently just now noticing you.
  829. >"Princess Luna, what a surprise! And here I was thinking you have been avoiding me. How are you, darling?"
  830. >You scowl at him.
  831. >His crazed grin grows wider yet despite your silence.
  832. >"Come now, is that any way to greet an old friend?"
  833. "You were never a friend, Discord. Do not toy with us."
  834. >His smile fades a bit.
  835. >"How long has it been since we've seen each other? A thousand years?"
  836. "One thousand eighty-seven."
  837. >He skates over to you, as if on an invisible sheet of ice.
  838. >"Wow, you are good. Silly me, I was thinking of how long it had been since you've seen Equestria."
  839. "You do not know the slightest of what happened, Discord. We had fortunately been rid of you for nearly a century by that time."
  840. >He stops, turning and smiling at you.
  841. >"Oh, but I do. You see, as a statue I may not be able to move physically, but I can still hear many things. Such as a poor young princess slowly going over to the dark side."
  842. >You lunge at him, throwing the both of you to the ground.
  843. >And yet, he doesn't seem surprised.
  844. >"Touch a nerve did I?"
  845. "We were not nor ever will be a monster like you, Discord! My sister, among others, may believe you have changed, but I do not believe it for an instant."
  846. >You feel your heartrate intensify as your blood pressure spikes.
  847. >Suddenly, you feel yourself being lifted of the draconequus.
  848. >You crane your neck to see Twilight dragging you back over to her side.
  849. >"Luna, you need to calm down. He won't help us if you're rude to him."
  850. >Discord rises from the ground, brushing himself off as he tries to listen in on the two of you.
  851. "Rude to him? Surely you are jesting with me Twilight. Did you not hear what he has said to us?!"
  852. >The purple alicorn closes her eyes, as if to refocus before speaking again.
  853. >"Yes, and I'm not saying what he said was nice either, but for the sake of Anon, just try to be courteous?"
  854. >Discord bats his eyes when you look back to him.
  855. >Meanwhile, Anon is leaning on his car, nervously exchanging glances between you and Discord.
  856. "I will try, Twilight. But it seems to me he is being antagonistic on purpose."
  857. >You step forward.
  858. "I.... apologize for the outburst Discord. We have summoned you because we hope you could possibly help us with Anonymous here."
  859. >His crazy smile returns as he floats toward the three of you.
  860. >"Ah yes, I assume it is because he has inherited some of your magic somehow?"
  861. "Well, Nightmare Moon's magic, yes, but-"
  862. >"Luna, Nightmare Moon, same thing right?"
  863. >Your optimism disappears as quickly as it came.
  864. >"Oops, I'm sorry, that came out wrong. Anyways, to answer the next inevitable question of how I know, lucky guess?"
  865. >You regain a bit of your composure, which is becoming increasingly more difficult.
  866. "Yes, well we were hoping you could help us. You see, Anon comes from a different world, that apparently has no magic. Now being blessed with magic, we do not know how or if he can channel and use that magic."
  867. >Discord leans towards Anon while scratching his chin, who recoils back a bit in response.
  868. >"Well, I believe it is possible. I could possibly pop that bubble for him, so to speak, but...."
  869. >"What is the catch, Discord?"
  870. >Twilight seems to be on her guard now as well.
  871. >Discord chuckles a bit.
  872. >"Since Princess Luna here decided to hurt my feelings, I cannot just do it as a friend. Perhaps instead, I could be granted a few concessions like, I don't know, part of Equestria to call my own?"
  873. "You swine!"
  874. >"Oh Luna, here we go again. Perhaps anger management classes would be good for you."
  875. "This was your plan all along, to have some excuse to not help us! I knew you had not changed."
  876. >Discord huffs, as if he is genuinely offended.
  877. >"Not changed? Those are strong words coming from somepony that tried to kill her sister."
  878. >You grab him by the throat with your magic as you hover in the air with a slow beat of your wings.
  879. "It was not. Our. FAULT!"
  880. >"Luna, put him down!"
  881. >You turn to see both Twilight and Anon both fear stricken.
  882. >Forcefully, your head is jerked around, Discord locking eyes with you.
  883. >"That's it, show everypony the monster you truly are."
  884. >As he continues to stare, his eyes seem to begin to spiral.
  885. >"Discord, what are you doing?!"
  886. >Everypony's voices get quieter as you feel yourself losing consciousness, mesmerized by Discord's eyes.
  887. >This is how it ends.
  888. >You fucked up again.
  889. >Everything fades to black aside from his eyes, the sensation of floating enveloping you.
  890. >Suddenly, you hear a snap of fingers, and Discord's maniacal laugh.
  891. >"Looks like I got everypony good!"
  892. >Slowly you descend to the ground, your legs wobbly and barely able to hold you up as your surroundings fade back in.
  893. >Groggily, you look back up at him, his face sporting a toothy grin.
  894. "A.... joke?"
  895. >"But of course, I had to have at least a little fun."
  896. >You hear Twilight and Anon breathe a sigh of relief, while you try to regain your bearings.
  897. >For a practical joke, that was rather intense.
  898. >"Anyway, I can't actually help you too much with your friend's new gift. It will take a lot of time, but he should be able to tap into it."
  899. >"But how can he channel it? He doesn't have a horn, Discord."
  900. >Twilight switches her glance from the draconequus over to you quickly.
  901. >Judging by the confusion on her face, she can tell something isn't right with you.
  902. >You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
  903. >You know one of Discord's main powers he uses on others is hypnosis.
  904. >But if that is what he did, what the hay did that accomplish?
  905. >Discord snaps you out of your thoughts again.
  906. >"You seem to forget dear Twilight, yours truly does not have a horn. With enough discipline, he should be able to focus in on that power and manipulate it with his mind. But it's not an exact science."
  907. >Discord pulls out a grossly oversized pocketwatch from midair, glancing at it.
  908. >"I do hate to be a spoil sport, but I have things to attend to back home. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mister Anonymous."
  909. >He thrusts a taloned hand toward Anon, who slowly grasps and shakes it.
  910. >"Twilight, always a pleasure."
  911. >She gives him a half-assed grin, her attention still rather focused in on you.
  912. >"And good seeing you, Miss Luna. We must catch up on old times soon."
  913. >His grin grows wider as he disappears with a snap.
  914. >Your two friends hustle over to you.
  915. >"Hey, you alright Luna?"
  916. >Anon runs a hand through your mane, brushing it out of your face.
  917. "Yes, I believe so. I'm not sure what happened."
  918. >"What do you mean Luna?"
  919. >Twilight is surprisingly calm and collected.
  920. >Especially since you lost your temper even after she had pulled you aside the first time.
  921. >It probably would be unwise to start accusing Discord of nefarious actions without some concrete proof.
  922. >And you aren't even sure if he did do anything.
  923. "Nothing. He just got me really good, I suppose. As difficult as that is to admit."
  924. >Your friends chuckle, partially out of relief, you sense.
  925. >It doesn't feel right lying to them, but it's your only option right now.
  927. >"So how did today go, sister?"
  928. >After spending an hour with your friends, you quickly returned to the castle in time to raise the moon and debrief with Celestia.
  929. "It was fairly uneventful. San Flankcisco is hoping to receive more bits to overhaul their rail system yet again."
  930. >Celestia sighs.
  931. >"And yet with another overhaul, it will likely still be a snarling mess. That city needs better planners and engineers desperately."
  932. "The mayor of Manehattan apparently stopped at the castle today, then abruptly left when he found out I was atop the throne today. The bookkeepers said he did not mention a reason."
  933. >Celestia attempts to stifle laughter, with little success.
  934. >"Oh, I forgot about that. Yes, Anon made a bit of an impression on the governor when you two did the swap."
  935. "I can only imagine what he said."
  936. >Another fit of laughter erupts from the white alicorn.
  937. >"Well, he hasn't asked for more money to replace the bridge since then, so I'd say he did a good job."
  938. >Your thoughts turn to the events of this evening.
  939. >The last thing you want to do is worry your sister, so you tread lightly as you hope to gain some information.
  940. "Tia, what do you know about hypnosis?"
  941. >She looks at you as if you have spoken in a foreign language.
  942. >"That's a rather odd question. Why do you ask?"
  943. >You quickly try to think up an excuse.
  944. "Twilight asked me, she found another obscure book I guess."
  945. >Celestia cracks a smile.
  946. >"Sometimes I think she never sleeps, she just reads. Well, I don't really know much about hypnosis, but Twilight should ask Discord. He can hypnotize ponies, so he should have a very good understanding."
  947. >Back to square one.
  948. "Thank you sister, I will let Twilight know. But how much do you trust Discord, if I may ask?"
  949. >Celestia pauses before answering.
  950. >"Trust is a two-way street, Luna. I allow him all leeway short of using his chaotic powers. I am not blind to his trickery, but the more we allow him to be free, the more likely he is to help us."
  951. "You and Twilight may believe that is wise, but I still vehemently disagree."
  952. >Celestia rises from her seat.
  953. >"Pardon me, but you seem to forget of Anon's past. You and I saw what his world was like, and we gave him a chance despite that."
  954. >You had forgotten about that, actually.
  955. >The world pictured in his memories had been more akin to Tartarus than Equestria.
  956. >And yet, the two of you decided to chance it, and now you have somepony very close to you.
  957. >What if you had felt the same way about him as you do Discord?
  958. >You turn away from your sister as you feel tears start to well up.
  959. >Warmth envelops you as your sister takes this time to give you a hug.
  960. >"It's alright sister. Even at our age, we do not know everything, we still make mistakes. And we can still learn."
  961. >You get a hang of yourself and return the hug.
  962. "Thank you Tia, and goodnight."
  963. >"Good night sister. And do not forget, in the morning we must begin to get the castle ready for the Grand Galloping Gala that takes place in a few weeks."
  964. >You and your sister exchange faces of disgust, then laughter.
  965. >It may be good for your people, but neither of you like the cursed gathering.
  967. >You are on a mission tonight as you fall asleep and enter the dreamscape.
  968. >Focusing your mind, you find yourself in a world what can only be fittingly described as absolute chaos.
  969. >You aren't sure which is move troubling, the floating land masses or the violent rainstorm raining pebbles.
  970. >It doesn't take long to find the draconequus.
  971. >He notices you first.
  972. >"Ah, the Princess of the Night cannot leave well enough alone, can she? Here to terrorize my dreams?"
  973. >He flashes you his trademark wide-eyed, crazy grin, as if wanting you to snap.
  974. "Whether you believe me or not Discord, and as difficult as you are trying to make it, I came to apologize for not even giving you a chance."
  975. >Everything in this dream world freezes suddenly.
  976. >"You what?!"
  977. "I came to apologize. I do not know the spell to summon you, so this is the best I could do."
  978. >He walks over to you, his gaze determined.
  979. >Suddenly, he picks you up and hugs you tightly, catching you by surprise.
  980. >"Miracles really do happen! And here I thought you were forever stuck in your old ways."
  981. >He sets you down, and you take the time to fix your disheveled mane draped over your eyes.
  982. "Yes, it took some time to reflect over what has taken place in the past couple months to realize I was wrong."
  983. >"You mean that thing that has landed in our world? Anon, was it?"
  984. >Before you can reply, he snaps his fingers, making you jump as an odd sensation travels down your whole body.
  985. >"Ought to fix that before I forget."
  986. "What did you do. Or to rephrase, what did you 'fix'?"
  987. >He waves a taloned hand dismissingly.
  988. >"Oh, don't worry about it. Water under the bridge, right?"
  989. >You narrow your eyes at him.
  990. >"Let's just say I patched an old wound that I aggravated. No harm. Now, I think it's time for me to wake up; the early bird gets the worm!"
  991. "But it's-"
  992. >A bright flash cuts you off, then everything disappears into black.
  993. "-three in the morning."
  994. >You shake you head as you take flight to other's worlds and dreams of the dreamscape.
  995. >You'll let Anon do his own exploring, since he's become quite the natural at navigating this place.
  996. >Real magic won't be so easy for him.
  997. >But with Twilight and you as his mentors, he's already got a good start.
  999. -----
  1001. >"Anonymous!"
  1002. >Luna's melodic voice fills your ears as you groggily come to your senses.
  1003. >For someone who is the princess of the night, she sure does get up early nowadays.
  1004. >She is practically standing atop you on the bed when you crack your eyes open.
  1005. >"Early? Why, it is one in the afternoon!"
  1006. "Five more minutes."
  1007. >You feel yourself being lifted and dragged out of bed.
  1008. >"There is not a moment to spare, Anon. While you are in the shower, I will find you something nice to wear."
  1009. "What's the big occasion? And please put me down."
  1010. >She gently set you on your feet and releases you from her magical grasp.
  1011. >"Celestia has decided it is time to learn more about your world, so she has invited you to dinner at the castle."
  1012. >You grab the doorsill as Luna continues to push you towards the bathroom.
  1013. "Why do I need to get all fancy for that?"
  1014. >She stops pushing you, spinning you around instead.
  1015. >Her face is rather gruff.
  1016. >"You want to look good for sister, Twilight and I, right?"
  1017. "I never have before."
  1018. >You are pushed fully into the bathroom before the door is shut.
  1019. "I'm guessing that was the wrong answer?"
  1021. >About two hours later, the two of you are strolling through the halls of Canterlot Castle.
  1022. "So, is there a reason why you're a bundle of nerves today?"
  1023. >Luna feigns a smile, trying to hide her anxiety that's been obvious all day.
  1024. >"Nervous? Anonymous, what makes you think I am nervous on this fine day?"
  1025. "Well, you haven't exactly been talkative, and you didn't seem to enjoy the drive here, which is the oddest thing. You always get excited when we go for a cruise. And why did you have me park out in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, normally we just drive up to the main gate."
  1026. >She stops and sits abruptly before the door leading to the main atrium, sighing.
  1027. >"Anon, I must be truthful with you. You are not here for a private dinner with Celestia."
  1028. >It is your turn to feel a pang of anxiety.
  1029. "Okay, so why are we here?"
  1030. >"Promise you won't get upset with me for lying?"
  1031. >Seeing no other choice in this sudden question, you nod.
  1032. >Without a word, she rises to her hooves, opening the doors.
  1033. >The sound of it hits you before you even see what lies beyond the door.
  1034. >Probably close to a hundred ponies are chatting amongst themselves in scattered groups, dresses in formal attire.
  1035. >Classical music softly echoes through the murmuring as well.
  1036. >Tables lined with food and beverages sit around the room.
  1037. "Luna, what the hell is this?"
  1038. >"Anonymous, what a pleasant surprise!"
  1039. >You turn to your right to see Celestia walking towards you, in what seems to be her normal regalia.
  1040. "Uh, yeah. Hello Princess Celestia, what is all of.... this?"
  1041. >She looks beyond your shoulder to Luna, who still stands behind you.
  1042. >Luna looks away, averting her gaze.
  1043. >Smiling, Celestia turns her focus back to you.
  1044. >"Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala, Anonymous. This is one of Equestria's biggest gatherings each year, and it give ponies a chance to freely mingle within the castle and speak with my sister and I.
  1045. >Your heart skips a beat.
  1046. >Crowds.
  1047. >You fucking hate large crowds, gatherings, all of it.
  1048. >"Are you all right, Anonymous?"
  1049. >Celestia seems to notice your sudden inner turmoil.
  1050. "Fine. Just fine. Just surprised to see so many ponies in one place."
  1051. >"Okay then, just let me know if there is anything I can do for you, I will be around."
  1052. >As Celestia trots off, you feel a prodding in the back of your mind.
  1053. >[You are okay, right?]
  1054. [Fine, just fine. Aside from being in a room filled with people, I'm grand.]
  1055. >[Ponies, I assume you mean. I never took you for one to have a fear of large gatherings.]
  1056. [It hadn't come up yet, not even when I was you.]
  1057. >[If you want to leave, we understand.]
  1058. >She gives you a pouty face.
  1059. "Well, we're already here. You are such a brat, I can tell you're the little sister."
  1060. >Luna giggles, her face back to a beaming smile.
  1061. >Her attention is drawn to someone calling for her across the crowded room, drawing a sigh from her.
  1062. >"Unfortunately, I have a feeling I will be dragged away on more than one occasion tonight. Why don't you get something to eat or drink, I will return shortly."
  1063. >As she walks away, you turn and walk towards the table with the punch bowl nearby.
  1064. >Reaching it, you find a familiar face already there, engorging on a plate full of appetizers.
  1065. "Hey Spike, what are you doing here?"
  1066. >The purple dragon thankfully takes a few seconds to chew and swallow before answering.
  1067. >"Hi Anon! I came here with Twilight, but what are you doing here?"
  1068. "Let's just say a certain ruler of the night tricked me into coming."
  1069. >He chuckles as he resumes chowing down on his plate.
  1070. >You take the time to fill a cup with punch and take a sip.
  1071. >Holy crap, did they pour a whole bag of sugar into the bowl?
  1072. "So where is Twilight, anyway? Off somewhere wandering with her friends?"
  1073. >"Nah, we all came here last year and found this gala wasn't that much fun. Twilight had to come, being the new princess and all."
  1074. "So why are you here?"
  1075. >Another chuckle erupts from Spike.
  1076. >"You really think I want to miss out on all this free food?!"
  1077. >Taking a closer look at his plate, you notice more than a few odd items.
  1078. >Meat.
  1079. "Uh, I was under the impression ponies were not carnivores."
  1080. >Spike shakes his head and points.
  1081. >"No, but griffons are."
  1082. >Sure enough, a pair of griffons are seated at a table with a few ponies, chatting away.
  1083. "Geez, is there anything here that isn't real?"
  1084. >You catch sight of Luna across the room, in a conversation with a white stallion.
  1085. >You direct Spike's attention to the two of them.
  1086. "Who's that?"
  1087. >He squints for a second before replying.
  1088. >"Oh, that's Prince Blueblood. I don't really know much about him really. Supposedly he's a distant relative of the Royal Sisters, but I don't see the resemblance."
  1089. "Thanks Spike. You and me need to hang out more. I'll catch you later."
  1090. >The dragon returns to stuffing his face, waving as you walk towards where Luna is standing.
  1091. >Just as you reach the pair, you feel your cup being pulled out of your hand.
  1092. >"Ah, just as I was about to request a drink. These waiters are top notch, you have outdone yourselves this time, Luna."
  1093. >Prince Blueblood takes a sip out of your drink.
  1094. >No, you probably weren't going to finish it, but seriously?
  1095. >Luna seems to not be surprised.
  1096. "Excuse me."
  1097. >"Oh, I apologize, but I don't have any bits on me for a tip."
  1098. >The stallion finally looks at you, recoiling a bit in shock.
  1099. >"My word, what are you?!"
  1100. "I'm human. And I'm with her."
  1101. >You point to Luna, who suddenly has a slight smirk of amusement on her face.
  1102. >Blueblood relaxes a bit, turning to Luna.
  1103. >"Where did you get such an exotic servant?"
  1104. >You grind your teeth in frustration.
  1105. >"Yes, he is quite exotic. Anon, please get me a beverage as well."
  1106. >It's your turn to feel shock.
  1107. [What are you doing?]
  1108. >[Having a little fun?]
  1109. [At my expense? When you already dragged me here against my will?]
  1110. >"Well, you heard the lady, Mister Anon."
  1111. >Luna seems to take a bit of offense at Blueblood's biting tone, if her facial expression is to be believed.
  1112. >Blueblood doesn't seem to notice a bit.
  1113. [This is so much fun, thank you Luna.]
  1114. >"Er, nevermind that drink. Perhaps a walk outside is more in order. The air is becoming rather stuffy in here."
  1115. >You don't bother saying anything as the three of you walk through the castle and out the doors, following behind as the two of them make idle conversation.
  1116. >"So, where did this.... Anon come from?"
  1117. >Luna looks back at you, flashing another sly smile.
  1118. >What is she up to?
  1119. >"Oh, he just happened to drop in I suppose. I was put in charge of making sure he did not cause mischief."
  1120. >Blueblood cranes his neck to glimpse back at you.
  1121. >"He seems well-behaved for something that looks so.... odd."
  1122. "You do realize I can talk and understand everything you two are saying, why not just ask me?"
  1123. >Bluebloods scoffs while turning his head forward.
  1124. >"It would seems his mannerisms around nobility leave something to be desired."
  1125. >Fucking prick.
  1126. >Part of you wants to deck him no matter how important he is.
  1127. >Your sensible side keeps the urge in check for now.
  1128. >"Did I mention his contraption that came with him from this other world? It is quite astonishing."
  1129. >What the hell is she doing?
  1130. [Luna, I don't want this fucker anywhere near my baby.]
  1131. >She seems to ignore you as she turns and heads toward the side lot she had you park earlier.
  1132. >No doubt to keep you from seeing all the glitz and glamor the evening had in store.
  1133. >"Yes, here we are."
  1134. >As the three of you stop, Blueblood wrinkles his nose.
  1135. >"Ugh, well it certainly is not from this world, I'm sure the sentient beings here would have more taste in design."
  1136. >Your hands ball up into fists as you bite your tongue.
  1137. >"Anonymous says this is his world's mode of transportation. I'm sure he would love to take you for a short ride."
  1138. "Actually Luna, I-"
  1139. >[Humor him.]
  1140. >The strong, rather stern message is received loud and clear.
  1141. "-I think that's a good idea."
  1142. >You pull the keys out of your pocket, opening the passenger door and allowing the stallion to tentatively slide in.
  1143. >"These seats were definitely not made for comfort, they are hard as a r-"
  1144. >You slam the door as soon as he's completely in, shooting Luna a dagger-like glare.
  1145. >She grins sheepishly at you as you circle around to the driver's side and climb in, Blueblood yammering on about something else he doesn't like.
  1146. >You put on your seatbelt, not bothering to tell Blueblood about his since he'll complain anyways.
  1147. >It doesn't matter, because as soon as you twist the ignition and bring the old girl to life, he's found something else.
  1148. >"Dear me, does it really need to be this loud?! What an awful commotion!"
  1149. >You pull away slowly, not saying a word as you flip the headlights up and cruise down a side dirt road near the castle maze.
  1151. >Ever the royal pain in the ass, Blueblood finds the ride too harsh as you continue on.
  1152. >You slam on the brakes, causing him to slide forward.
  1153. >"Do you mind warning us when you plan to stop? This thing is a deathtrap."
  1154. >You've had enough as you turn off the engine.
  1155. "Sorry, forgot something."
  1156. >You climb out of the car and kneel on the ground, grabbing a glove behind your seat and reaching underneath the Superbird.
  1157. >Fortunately, you made it almost as simple as pulling a cap off a bottle to uncork the headers, as you go around to the otherside and so the same.
  1158. >Climbing back in, you start her up again, this time coming to life with a eardrum-rattling roar.
  1159. >"My word, it gets lounder?!"
  1160. >You smirk at him as you rev it up and push the clutch in.
  1161. "What's that?! You want to go fast?!"
  1162. >Before he can answer, you grab first gear and dump the clutch.
  1163. >The engine, tires and Blueblood all scream in unison as you rocket ahead, slamming into second, then third gear.
  1164. "We're just having a grand fuckin time, aren't we?"
  1165. >You look over at Blueblood, eyes wide and face twisted into what can only be sheer terror.
  1166. >Through the setting dusk and the headlights, a bend in the road to the left appears.
  1167. >You slam the brakes as you jam the gearshift back to second, slinging the wheel to the left and dumping the clutch again.
  1168. >Blueblood is thrown against the passenger door as you veer to the left, quickly going through second gear and up to fourth.
  1169. >He tries to speak, but only manages a few words.
  1170. >"R-r-road.... ENDS!"
  1171. >Sure enough, a wooden fence quickly comes into view.
  1172. >The brakes get a good workout as you jam them, sliding to a stop.
  1173. >You hear a sigh of relief come from beside you.
  1174. "Damn. Well, I guess it's time to go back."
  1175. >You throw her in reverse and mash it, slinging the steering wheel to the right.
  1176. >Your own gut churns a little as the nose of the car whips around in a 180, and you grab first gear again, speeding back through your previous route.
  1177. >He doesn't scream like a girl, but Blueblood is close to that vocal range.
  1178. >Past the bend, you climb towards the top of fourth gear, the speedometer already giving up keeping track of your speed.
  1179. >You abruptly slam the brakes again, downshifting to help slow you down.
  1180. >The car comes to a stop near the edge of the castle maze.
  1181. >You cut the ignition and turn to the stallion next to you.
  1182. >He seems to be on the verge of tears. Or a nervous breakdown.
  1183. "Maybe you should try not being such a dick, especially when the person you are being rude to is taking you along for a ride. Now get the fuck out, the door handle pulls hard."
  1184. >With his magic, the stallion wastes no time in bailing out with his magic, quickly galloping away.
  1185. >You don't care about what consequences lay in wait, that royal douchebag needed a good comeuppance.
  1186. >"That wasn't very nice of you."
  1187. >You jump as Luna appears next to you, materializing from a haze.
  1188. >Shaking your head, your thoughts burst out in a flood.
  1189. "I don't care what you have to say about what I did, he pushed me past the edge. How do you even tolerate that dick? and why didn't you berate him for the way he treated me in the cas-"
  1190. >She leans in, hushing your rant from going any further by locking lips.
  1191. >"I never said I disapproved. Blueblood has always been rude and rather..... snobbish. Perhaps that will be a good lesson for him."
  1192. >The two of you sit in silent thought for a moment, before you snicker.
  1193. "You probably don't want me writing that in a report to Celestia like Twilight has told me about, huh?"
  1194. >Luna's slight grin grows much wider as she giggles.
  1195. >"Hm, perhaps it would be best to be a lesson between you.... and me."
  1196. >She leans in again, this time with even more vigor.
  1197. >You have a feeling the two of you aren't returning to the Gala tonight.
  1199. -----
  1201. >"Do you have any horror movies that aren't lame?"
  1202. >Rainbow Dash yawns loudly as the credits roll on the TV, casting a dim light into your otherwise pitch-black living room.
  1203. "What? The Shining is a classic!"
  1204. >Dash blows a raspberry in response.
  1205. "Right, I forgot. You don't like anything."
  1206. >Suddenly the TV blanks and the hum of your DVD player stops, leaving the two of you blind on the couch.
  1207. >"Did you do that?"
  1208. >You sigh.
  1209. >"No, but I know who did."
  1210. >You focus in the silence, quickly reaching out and grasping at the darkness.
  1211. >"Ah, not the tail, do not pull my tail!"
  1212. >The lamp beside you lights up, revealing Luna in front of the two of you, her aforementioned tail in your grip.
  1213. "Luna, I understand this is your favorite time of the year, but could you tone it down just a bit on the scare tactics?"
  1214. >Nightmare Night is tomorrow, and Luna has become more animated with each passing day.
  1215. >You free her tail, which rests beside her as she takes a seat on the floor in front of you.
  1216. >"Wait, how did you know she was right there?"
  1217. >Really, Rainbow?
  1218. >As if she heard your thoughts, Rainbow corrects herself.
  1219. >"Right, mental link thingy. Forgot."
  1220. >"I apologize, it is just so exciting! Our big day is only twenty hours away!"
  1221. >You take a chance to lean forward and run your fingers through her silky mane.
  1222. "I know, and that's great. Just maybe, less trying to scare the shit out of me and everyone else every moment of the night?"
  1223. >She cracks a smile.
  1224. >"Well, it would seem sneaking up upon you is a tall order lately. Perhaps we can consider these exercises for your mind?"
  1225. >The blue alicorn is right about your mental abilities.
  1226. >While physical magic still seems to be beyond your grasp, you've developed some sort of ability to see or feel certain things beyond your normal senses.
  1227. >Most notably Luna, which is becoming easier with every attempt at a quick scare.
  1228. "Whatever you say, Luna."
  1229. >She giggles, while Rainbow Dash gags.
  1230. >"You two are embarrassing to be around when you're like this. Twilight doesn't believe me when I tell her this stuff."
  1231. >Ah Twilight, still keeping mum about her relationship with you.
  1232. >Though unfortunately, she has been rather busy with her new duties, you haven't seen her in almost a week.
  1233. >You reach over and ruffle Dash's mane, as she struggles.
  1234. >"Don't get me involved in this crap! What time is it, anyway?"
  1235. >She jumps down off the couch, slicking her mane back.
  1236. "Ten. You calling it a night already?"
  1237. >The cyan pegasus nod.
  1238. >"Yeah, I still have to get my costume ready for tomorrow. This is gonna be awesome!"
  1239. >She streaks out of the room, a quick goodby to you and Luna.
  1240. "Wow, everyone is pumped for tomorrow."
  1241. >Luna tilts her head.
  1242. >"And you are not?"
  1243. >You shrug.
  1244. "To be honest, it's not a big deal to me. We had something like this back in my world, it was mainly for little kids. The only kick I get out of it is horror movies and folklore."
  1245. >"Folklore?"
  1246. >Nodding, you continue.
  1247. "Yeah, you know. Ghosts, monsters, shit like that. None of it's real, just interesting."
  1248. >She smirks at you, leaving you to wonder what is brewing in her head.
  1249. >"I must go home and myself prepare for tomorrow. Perhaps none of these creatures are real where you are from, but the late hours of Nightmare Night are not called 'the witching hour' for nothing, Anonymous."
  1250. >She lets out a low cackle as she exits the room in a flash of light.
  1251. "You get into this way too much, oh Keeper of the Night."
  1252. >You get up and grab another movie from your DVD case as you plug the player and TV back in.
  1254. >As the sun begins to set, you wait for the inevitable.
  1255. >"Anonymous!"
  1256. >There it is.
  1257. "Yes, hello to you too, Luna."
  1258. >The princess strides in, looking rather stern.
  1259. >"What exactly are you doing?"
  1260. >You look around the room.
  1261. >"Um. Sitting in my house?"
  1262. >You feel yourself lifted off the couch by her magic.
  1263. >"Tonight is a very special night! Why must you be so anti-social?"
  1264. "I'm not anti-social. I just really don't like being around lots of other people. Or ponies."
  1265. >She shakes her head as you are set down on your feet and released.
  1266. >Meanwhile, her expression turns from irritation to pleading.
  1267. >"Could you at least come for me? I will not require you to wear a costume. Though everypony else will be wearing one."
  1268. "Fine. Just for you. But if everyone is wearing a costume, where's yours?"
  1269. >A wicked grin greets your question.
  1270. >"In time, Anonymous. In time."
  1271. >Your home disappears before your eyes in a flash, as Luna teleports you to who knows where.
  1272. >As your vision returns, the heart of Ponyville greets you, with a massive thrum of ponies gathered around city hall.
  1273. >On a makeshift stage is the mayor, talking to everyone enthusiastically through a microphone.
  1274. >Before you can tune in to what she is saying, a voice from behind interrupts.
  1275. >"Anon!"
  1276. >As you turn, you are greeted by a flash of lavender leaping into your chest.
  1277. "Hey Twilight, good to see you!"
  1278. >You hug her as the mayor's voice stops.
  1279. >"You too. And it looks like I got here just in time to see Luna!"
  1280. >You turn back to the stage to see the aforementioned alicorn stride onto the stage.
  1281. >She doesn't bother with the microphone, instead using her royal voice.
  1282. >"Greetings, citizens of Ponyville! I see everypony is in quite the festive mood!"
  1283. >A cheer erupts to answer her as she continues.
  1284. >"It was many years ago when this night first became known as Nightmare Night. And who better to signify the start than ME!"
  1285. >As she finishes, the moon begins its ascent into the sky, as she begins to glow in an eerie blue haze.
  1286. >In an instant, the glow is blinding, making her no longer visible.
  1287. >Some ponies in the crowd gasp, while others scream, as a cackle erupts from on stage.
  1288. "Twilight, what's going on?! Is she.."
  1289. >You feel as if your heart has leapt into your throat.
  1290. >And yet, at the same time, something else strikes you equally as hard.
  1291. >But you can't put your finger on it
  1292. >A wing brushes your back, pulling you closer.
  1293. >"Relax Anon, it's part of the show."
  1294. "What?"
  1295. >The glow fades, and on stage is a familiar black alicorn in place of Luna.
  1296. >Her cackle stops, as her feral turquiose eyes scan the crowd.
  1297. >Massive black wings unfurl as she finally speaks again.
  1298. >"Tonight my ponies, the night is ours! Nightmare Night has officially begun!"
  1299. >The crowd cheers wildly as she takes flight, slowly dispersing into various directions where games and food are set up.
  1300. "So that was just a show?"
  1301. >"Luna didn't tell you?"
  1302. >"Didn't tell Anon what?"
  1303. >You jump as a voice directly behind you interrupts you and Twilight.
  1304. >Turning, a pair of turquoise eyes greets you.
  1305. >Once again, you jump a bit as Nightmare Moon looks over at Twilight.
  1306. >"I'm so glad to see you could make it Twilight. What did you think?"
  1307. >Even as she looks at Twilight, listening to her response, you feel drawn in to those eyes.
  1308. >You don't hear Twilight, you don't see anything.
  1309. >Just those eyes.
  1310. >"Anon, are you alright?"
  1311. >Finally, you are broken out of your trance as the black alicorn speaks to you.
  1312. "What?"
  1313. >Twilight speaks up.
  1314. >"Luna, did you already forget about what happened a few months ago to him?"
  1315. >Luna, or Nightmare Mo- whoever's jaw drops as a flash quickly envelops her.
  1316. >Luna stands before you once again as she squeezes you in a hug.
  1317. >"My goodness, I'm so sorry, Anon!"
  1318. >Something in you finally snaps, allowing you to speak.
  1319. "It's... fine, I'm fine. I guess it just startled me. Wasn't expecting that."
  1320. >Luna looks at you, worry in her eyes.
  1321. >Twilight steps away from you and turns, duplicating Luna's expression.
  1322. "I'm fine, I'm fine. It's all good now.
  1323. >The two exchange glances, then seem to settle down.
  1324. >"Now, with opening festivities out of the way, what shall we do?"
  1325. >You look around, glancing at the various booths and games set up around Ponyville.
  1326. >Unfortunately, they all seem catered to little kids more or less.
  1327. "Uhh, not to be rude, but is there anything more adult-oriented to do?"
  1328. >"Well, there is a corn maze just a trot east of town."
  1329. >Better than this stuff, you suppose.
  1330. "That sounds interesting, Luna. Lead the way."
  1331. >She beams a wide smile as she takes off in a fast trot.
  1332. "I didn't think you mean trot as in actual pace!"
  1333. >"Catch me if you can, you two!"
  1334. >You and Twilight run after her to catch up.
  1335. >As you make tracks, you flash back in your mind to what you felt when Luna 'transformed' on stage.
  1336. >Deja vu maybe?
  1337. >all you know is it was fucking weird.
  1338. >Not paying attention to where you're going, you suddenly stumble over something, landing hard on the ground face-first.
  1339. "Goddammit, that was intelligent."
  1340. >Twilight stops, coming back over to you.
  1341. >"Are you okay?"
  1342. "Yeah, I think so. Wasn't watching where I was going."
  1343. >You rub your head, feeling a bit of warmth as you pull your hand back to see a bit of blood.
  1344. >Not enough to be alarming, but you're curious to see what you managed to do.
  1345. >You look around to see one of those cheesy funhouse mirror booths conveniently nearby.
  1346. "Give me a sec before we take off after Luna again, make sure I didn't do anything too stupid."
  1347. >Twilight nods as you gingerly get up and walk over to one of the mirrors.
  1348. >As you step in front of it, you freeze.
  1349. >It's a stupid picture of Nightmare Moon
  1350. >You turn and look at the booth attendant.
  1351. "I thought this was a funhouse mirror booth, not a picture gallery."
  1352. >"What's wrong, afraid of your own reflection?"
  1353. >You turn back to see it - or her - step out of the mirror.
  1354. >Quickly, you take several steps back.
  1355. "What the fu-"
  1356. >The black mare holds a hoof up to interrupt.
  1357. >"First off, daydreaming and running at the same time isn't a good idea. I was going to wait until you went to sleep to talk, but since you decided to knock yourself out, here we are."
  1358. >So you're dreaming.
  1359. >But how did she get in your head?
  1360. "What do you want?"
  1361. >"Relax sweetheart. I don't want anything from you. On the contrary, you've got questions, I've got answers."
  1362. >You glare at Nightmare Moon as she takes a step closer to you.
  1363. "So you're a RadioShack commercial now? Cute."
  1364. >She seems to be getting a little irritated now.
  1365. "Look, I don't have to help you. I can just go back into my own corner in your head and leave you in the dark."
  1366. >Wait, what?!
  1367. >She seems to know what you're thinking as she continues.
  1368. >"There we go, got your attention for at least a moment. You see, that feeling you got when you saw Luna, not deja vu, it was like.."
  1369. >She points a hoof towards a mirror.
  1370. >Like a bombshell, shock overtakes you.
  1371. >"And the last horse crosses the finish line. Yes, you and me are one..."
  1372. >The alicorn quickly grabs you with a wing, standing you shoulder to shoulder with her.
  1373. >"...and the same."
  1374. >You feel sick to your stomach as your knees buckle.
  1375. >A few moments pass as it sinks in.
  1376. "But how? And why am I still in control? Last I dealt with you, I was hanging on by a thread to my sanity."
  1377. >Nightmare's nostrils flare as she huffs.
  1378. >"Well, it certainly is not one of my crowning achievements to be stuck with you. Yes, I did have you almost broken before Luna cast the reversal spell. Unfortunately, I put all my chips in on you."
  1379. >You stare at her blankly as she rolls her eyes.
  1380. >"The castle, when you let that beautiful dark wave of power flow, that wasn't you using my abilities. That was US using OUR abilities."
  1381. "So you're saying that bound us together. And when everything got swapped back..."
  1382. >"I was along for the ride. Yes, and unlike Luna's mind, where I have the master key to everything, yours, well... it's quite a mess in here. So no, unfortunately for me, I can't do anything."
  1383. >You stare at her, more questions brewing by the second.
  1384. >"Anon!"
  1385. >A voice seems to echo throughout the whole town. Or dream of a town.
  1386. >"Time for you to wake up, kiddo. Hit me up later, you know where to find me."
  1388. >You snap your eyes open, jolted awake by shaking.
  1389. >Luna and Twilight are both standing above you, amongst a small crowd of other ponies.
  1390. >You sit up slowly, as everyone seems to breath a sigh of relief.
  1391. >But your gaze is locked on Luna.
  1392. >She seems to sense something is amiss.
  1393. >"Anon, are you okay? You're scaring me."
  1394. "We need to talk."
  1396. -----
  1398. >Upon your insistence, the three of you quickly return back to your home.
  1399. >You mind is spinning, anger muddling your thoughts.
  1400. >Luna lied to you.
  1401. >She had to have known Nightmare Moon jumped ship with you.
  1402. >"Anonymous, maybe we should get you to a hospital, a hit that knocks you out like that could be a con-"
  1403. "No, Luna, for the last time, I am fine. Are you alright?"
  1404. >She seems utterly confused at this point, but says nothing.
  1405. "I'm tired of finding out nasty little surprises for myself, Luna. But this time, you've outright lied to me."
  1406. >"What in Equestria are you talking about?"
  1407. >You stop pacing your living room, staring the blue alicorn in the eye.
  1408. "I know, Luna."
  1409. >It takes a moment before confusion turns to a mix of horror and shame.
  1410. >She quickly averts your gaze, while Twilight is staring at the both of you as if you are crazy.
  1411. >"Will anypony clue me in here, or do I have to stay in the dark?"
  1412. >You keep your eyes on Luna, your blood reaching a boiling point.
  1413. "It seems a certain black alicorn didn't stay with Luna as she had claimed, Twilight."
  1414. >She gasps, while Luna directs her gaze to the floor in front of her.
  1415. >"Are you seeing her now? Is she talking to you?!"
  1416. "No, when I was knocked out cold she talked to me. I didn't realized I had lost consciousness until she told me."
  1417. >The room falls under an unsettling silence.
  1418. "Luna, I was you to tell me one thing."
  1419. >She looks up at you, her eyes misty at this point.
  1420. "When did you know?"
  1421. >She looks back down, silent.
  1422. >"I knew she was not there when the spell was completed, but I didn't know where at that point."
  1423. >She looks back up at you, tears streaming down her cheeks.
  1424. >"But then I saw her. In your eyes."
  1425. >You bite your lip and turn around, trying to contain your temper.
  1426. >"You must understand, my intentions were good!"
  1427. "Yeah, the road to evil is paved with good intentions, too!"
  1428. >"Anon!"
  1429. >You turn around as you realize the stupid thing you've said, helped by Twilight's shout.
  1430. >Luna's jaw drops, the dams about to burst.
  1431. "I didn't mean it that way, I-"
  1432. >Too late, as she teleports away in a flash.
  1433. "Son of a bitch."
  1434. >"What were you thinking?!"
  1435. "I wasn't Twilight, okay?! I was pissed, I'm still pissed. At her and myself."
  1436. >Twilight sits back down on the floor, as you stare at the ceiling trying to collect your thoughts.
  1437. "I think it's best if I have some time alone, Twilight."
  1438. >"Are you sure? Maybe you just need to ta-"
  1439. "I'm sure Twilight."
  1440. >You turn to look at her as he ears droop.
  1441. >"Goodnight, Anon."
  1442. >She quietly saunters out of the room, apparently in no hurry to return home.
  1443. >You hear your door close, just as the clock strikes ten.
  1444. >The foreboding chime echoes throughout your otherwise silent home.
  1446. >You naturally do what you always do when you need to clear your mind - cruise.
  1447. >Slowly, you make your way out into the dark countryside at a leisurely pace.
  1448. >The rhythmic rumble of the engine is all you focus on for a while.
  1449. >Inevitably, your thoughts return to tonight's events.
  1450. >Now what do you do?
  1451. >"For one thing, why not try using your brain next time before you speak?"
  1452. >You turn to see yourself riding shotgun.
  1453. "What the fuck?!"
  1454. >"Relax."
  1455. >His, or its eyes flash a turquoise hue.
  1456. >Nightmare Moon.
  1457. "Okay, seriously, creepy as fuck."
  1458. >Your doppelganger sighs, shimmering in a dark haze before reappearing as the black alicorn.
  1459. >"Better?"
  1460. "No, not really. You said I had control, how are you here?"
  1461. >"Well, stress helps prop open the door for me, I suppose. Appearing as you put me through until you would talk to me."
  1462. >Your eyes go back to the road.
  1463. >"Really? The silent treatment? All I wanted to do was help."
  1464. "Help. Ha. Shouldn't you be gloating how you made Luna and I miserable?"
  1465. >You turn back to look at her.
  1466. >"I didn't make anyone miserable. I gave you answers to the questions you had, what you did with that information was up to you."
  1467. "Bullshit."
  1468. >"Do you really thing I want to be stuck listening to you mope in that head of yours? Or see you take your own frustration out on Luna?"
  1469. >You do a quick double take at her last words.
  1470. "Luna? Why would you give a fuck? You possessed her, tried to kill her sister, then a thousand years later escaping and trying again. Not to mention trying to push me past the brink after our mix-up."
  1471. >A hearty laugh erupts from Nightmare Moon.
  1472. >"Possessed, oh what will the next tall tale be?"
  1473. >You jam the brakes, quickly coming to a standstill.
  1474. "Alright, what the fuck are you?"
  1475. >"Oh, just call me your free-spirited conscience."
  1476. "No, cut the shit. What are you?"
  1477. >You cut the engine, as Nightmare exhales, not answering.
  1478. "Answer the question, or piss off."
  1479. >Averting your gaze, she finally speaks.
  1480. >"Luna was miserable when she was basically forced to give up her passion to help rule Equestria. But she couldn't tell anypony that, how would that look to the new kingdom? How could she say no to her own sister? So, no other alternatives, she talked to the only pony she could. Herself."
  1481. >You stare at her, unsure where this is going, if anywhere.
  1482. >"After a while, talking to herself turned into talking to another part of herself, into somepony else completely. Somepony that could actually respond back. That somepony else, imbued with the same power and magic our little Luna had, offered to make things better."
  1483. >You scoff.
  1484. "You're telling me you're a rebel tulpa? Come on."
  1485. >"Ooh, and to think, momma told you shows like Supernatural couldn't teach you anything."
  1486. >Glaring at her, she shrugs in response.
  1487. >"I don't have the master key to your mind, but your library is open to the public. Anyway, tulpa, no, not quite. Think of me as Luna's rebellious side. So really, Luna shared a part of her with you. Is that so bad?"
  1488. >You say nothing as you turn the key, causing the engine to come to life again, and taking off.
  1489. >It is quiet for a few miles aside from the rumble of the engine.
  1490. "Why tell me this? Why are you suddenly being, well, not a complete bitch?"
  1491. >"I'm not exactly going to be given attention if I'm nasty in the home of a guest, am I?"
  1492. "So you're an attention whore?"
  1493. >"No, I just like attention."
  1494. "So if all of this is true, why are there so many other theories of why Luna turned into you? Why didn't she tell me that?"
  1495. >"You tell me. You're the one talking to an empty passenger seat."
  1496. >You whip your head around.
  1497. >Sure enough, the black alicorn is gone.
  1498. >Sensing you're alone again, you continue on in silence.
  1499. >As much as you hate to admit it, maybe you have over-reacted a bit.
  1500. >Really, has anything bad happened as a result of not being told Nightmare got stuck with you?
  1501. >You still would have like to been informed, but at the end of the day, nothing has really changed.
  1502. >Other than knowing about it.
  1503. >You have to find Luna.
  1505. >It takes almost two hours to get to Canterlot's castle.
  1506. >Normally, it would have taken longer, but you had already been cruising in that general direction for a while.
  1507. >The guards let you in without trouble, knowing you are Luna's special someone.
  1508. >Or at least were.
  1509. >It is quiet in the castle as, aside from posted guards burning the midnight oil, everyone else has retired for the night.
  1510. >The echo of your footsteps is the only sound as you make your way to Luna's room.
  1511. >You only hope you guessed right, as Luna has blocked herself off from you, so you cannot sense her presence.
  1512. >Slowly, you open her door, darkness greeting you.
  1513. "Luna?"
  1514. >You hear the bedsheets rustle in response.
  1515. >"Who is there?"
  1516. >The bedside lamp suddenly flickers to life, illuminating the night princess and her room.
  1517. >She is, quite frankly, a mess.
  1518. >Mane disheveled, eyes red.
  1519. >Her aforementioned eyes lock on you, then drop.
  1520. "Luna, I'm not here to argue."
  1521. >You slowly walk in, sitting on the side of her bed.
  1522. >She still says nothing to you.
  1523. "I'm here to say I'm sorry."
  1524. >"What?"
  1525. "I'm sorry. Sorry for getting mad, and certainly sorry for not thinking when I was angry, and saying something stupid."
  1526. >She seems confused as her eyes dart up and across your face, as if reading you.
  1527. >"But why? Why have you suddenly become apologetic?"
  1528. "Well, I would have liked to have been informed that she was connected to some of her powers I'm suddenly imbued with, but what negative things have occurred by not knowing?"
  1529. >Her eyes meet yours again, lightening up even more as you reach out and brush her mane.
  1530. >"Nothing."
  1531. "Exactly."
  1532. >"I was not trying to hide information from you Anonymous, I just did not know how to tell you such a sensitive item."
  1533. "I guess you just have to trust I'll understand."
  1534. >Her eyes continue to study you.
  1535. >"You've been talking to her, haven't you?"
  1536. "Who?"
  1537. >She gives you a look of suspicion.
  1538. >No sense in lying.
  1539. "Yes. Believe it or not, that's what got me to come to my senses."
  1540. >You keep mum on what else you know, since Luna seems to want no one to know.
  1541. >"Okay, but I would suggest not speaking to her. I am confident Nightmare Moon can do nothing in your mind, but until we know for certain, better safe than sorry."
  1542. "Alright."
  1543. >The two of you sit in an awkward silence for a while.
  1544. "Well, I guess your big night of the year turned out rather shitty."
  1545. >"Not necessarily. Nightmare Night doesn't technically end until dawn."
  1546. "So what should we do? Most people have gone to sleep for the night."
  1547. >"Including my sister, who missed out on the festivities and is sleeping now."
  1548. >The two of you look at each other, smiling.
  1549. "Let's go scare the crap out of her."
  1551. >It is the next morning.
  1552. >You and Luna are having a small breakfast in the castle, waiting.
  1553. >Finally, Celestia joins you, looking the worse for wear.
  1554. >She looks like she didn't get a wink of sleep.
  1555. >"Rough night sleeping, sister?"
  1556. >The white alicorn takes a seat across from the two of you.
  1557. >"If I did not know any better, I would say my room was spontaneously haunted last night. You two wouldn't know anything about the bangs from in the walls or some of the weird visions I saw, would you?"
  1558. >She stares down at the two of you, accusingly.
  1559. >You and Luna look at each other, shaking your heads.
  1560. >"No."
  1561. "Nope."
  1562. >Silence, as the three of you hold an impromptu staring contest.
  1563. >"You must remember sister, the veil is at its thinnest on Nightmare Night."
  1564. >Celestia turns her focus on Luna.
  1565. >Luna grins, her smile showing a pair of fangs.
  1566. >"Mwahaha."
  1568. -----
  1570. >"Anonymous!"
  1571. >You jolt upright at Twilight's shout.
  1572. "What?"
  1573. >"Were you sleeping again?"
  1574. >You are in Twilight's treebrary, listening to one of her lessons on how to develop and use magic in the hopes you may get a grasp on it.
  1575. >Whether it is the atmosphere of her home, the dull and inconceivable subject matter, or a combination thereof, you find it difficult to keep tuned in to what she is saying.
  1576. "If I say yes, are you going to be mad?"
  1577. >"Yes."
  1578. "Then no, I wasn't."
  1579. >She scowls at you, not a fan of your wisecrack as she wipes off her chalkboard she is standing next to.
  1580. >"How are you supposed to learn anything if you keep screwing off or falling asleep?! We've been at it for over a month, and you aren't even past basics."
  1581. "I'm sorry, I really am! It's just, this is all well beyond my understanding. You tell me to focus on that energy, and I have no idea what the hell it is or where it is to begin with."
  1582. >Twilight sighs, ears drooping.
  1583. >"I know. This is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I feel like I'm not doing enough to help you along either."
  1584. >You stretch your legs out underneath the table in the main room where you are seated.
  1585. "Twilight, you drill me every day for an average of two hours. I don't see what more you can do. Maybe it really is impossible for me to use magic."
  1586. >"Don't give up!"
  1587. "I didn't say that. But let's call it a day."
  1588. >She smiles in response as she walks over to you.
  1589. >"Okay. But maybe you should do your sleeping before class tomorrow."
  1590. >You pull her onto your lap, wrapping your arms around her as she squeals.
  1591. "But then what excuse can I have for not paying attention?"
  1592. >Suddenly, the front door bursts open.
  1593. >Rainbow Dash busts in, looking rather frantic.
  1594. >"Twilight, are you alright? I was just about to knock when I heard you scream and...... what are you two doing?"
  1595. >Twilight quickly squirms from your arms.
  1596. >"Anon was uh... just cracking my back! I woke up a little stiff today. Thanks, Anon."
  1597. "Uh, yeah, no problem."
  1598. >She still refuses to tell anyone the two of you are are a thing.
  1599. >You've grown accustomed to it, but it gets rather frustrating sometimes.
  1600. >Especially since there is really no reason for it.
  1601. >Aside from Twilight's social anxiety that still lingers.
  1602. >Rainbow doesn't seem to know what to make of the situation.
  1603. >"Uh, right. So Twilight, did the new Daring Do book come in yet?"
  1604. >Twilight rubs her temple with a hoof.
  1605. >"Rainbow, I told you, when I get it in, you will be the first to know. No, it didn't come in yet, I don't expect it for another week."
  1606. >"Another week?! But it was released today!"
  1607. "I assume it is hard to get a copy if even someone as aversive to egghead things like you wants to read it."
  1608. >Rainbow grabs you with her hooves while she hovers in front of your face.
  1609. >"Daring Do is not. An egghead. THING!"
  1610. >She loosens her grip and regains a bit of her composure.
  1611. >"I meant to say, it's really a good book series. You should try it and find out for yourself."
  1612. >You ruffle her mane as she bats your arm away playfully.
  1613. "I might at some point."
  1614. >Her demeanor once again snaps back to seriousness.
  1615. >"You're sure the two of you are okay? No ninjas holding you hostage or anything?"
  1616. "We're fine, but maybe you need to lay off the adventure novels if you're getting ideas like that."
  1617. >"Alright then, I guess I'll catch you guys later, I should be getting to work before I'm late!"
  1618. >In a streak of her namesake, Rainbow Dash is gone.
  1619. >You glance over at Twilight, who exhales deeply.
  1620. "Twilight, we can't just keep trying to hide from everyone. When are you going to step up?"
  1621. >The alicorn abruptly snaps her attention to you, glaring in a defiant manner.
  1622. >"Why are you in such a rush to announce it to Equestria? I told you I needed time!"
  1623. "Yes, you have been saying that for four months now. Look at today's events. Rainbow Dash is both concerned and suspicious, do we really want to put our friends through that?"
  1624. >"No. But I just am not ready to make something private public."
  1625. >You shake your head in frustration.
  1626. >She didn't seem to have a problem telling the world about you and Luna the day after.
  1627. >But you don't press the issue.
  1628. "Anyway, what are you doing the rest of the day?"
  1629. >Twilight trots over to a stack of boxes in one of the corners of the room.
  1630. >"Well, I didn't get the new Daring Do book, but a large shipment nonetheless came in this morning, ready for cataloging and organizing! You can help if you like."
  1631. >You quickly back away.
  1632. "No no, I'm good. I have things that need to be attended to at home."
  1633. >"Suit yourself. But please be ready tomorrow morning for our session."
  1634. "I can't promise you that. Bye Twily."
  1635. >She giggles as you walk out the door into the late morning daylight.
  1637. >Now you wish you wouldn't have procrastinated on replacing the carbuerator on the Superbird with a fuel injection kit.
  1638. >Once the snow comes, you won't be driving it anymore.
  1639. >Until then, the cooler weather is making driveability an annoyance until she warms up.
  1640. >You set the air filter aside on the fender, just as Luna soars over your head and lands nearby.
  1641. "You're over here rather early. What gives?"
  1642. >Luna trots over to you, looking into the engine bay in which you are leaning.
  1643. >"Today has been rather dull around the castle, so I thought perhaps you were doing something of interest."
  1644. >You shake your head.
  1645. "Not really. I just got back from Twilight's about an hour ago, right now I'm adjusting the carb on this to get it to run a bit better in the cold."
  1646. >Luna turns her head, trying to get a better look at what you are exactly doing as you grab a screwdriver and twist on the adjuster.
  1647. >"And that does what, exactly?"
  1648. >You step back, reaching into the open window and start the engine.
  1649. >Abruptly, it roars to life, albeit at a now rather much too high idle.
  1650. "Dammit, I went too far. Anyways, it adjusts the idle speed, which I'm going higher because it is getting colder out. It's all trial and error. I'm just glad I don't have the dual carb setup like it should have.
  1651. >"Er, dual carb?
  1652. "Yeah, it's supposed to have two of these on the intake manifold, but I switched it to one big carb. I was going for the whole NASCAR tribute thing like with the side exit exhaust, since they didn't allow dual carbs.
  1653. >"I see. By the way, how is your tutoring with Twilight going, if I may ask?"
  1654. >You cut the engine and make a minor adjustment back on the carb.
  1655. "Not bad, I guess. I haven't really gotten anywhere as far as physical magic. Just a lot of basics I can't even grasp."
  1656. >Luna wraps a wing around your back, pulling you close to her.
  1657. >"Do not get down on yourself. If it is possible, it will take a while until you will get a grasp on it. You mustn't blame yourself, as you were not gifted with this from birth."
  1658. "It don't really bother me, it's just boring and I tend to fall asleep, to the frustration of Twilight."
  1659. >"Then what is bothering you?"
  1660. "What? Nothing. I'm doing fine."
  1661. >Luna narrows her eyes on you.
  1662. >"No, Anonymous. I can sense you're upset by something. What is it?"
  1663. "Nothing, I'm fine."
  1664. >You grab the air filter and start putting it back on the engine.
  1665. >[Tell me.]
  1666. >I'm fine.
  1667. >[No you're not.]
  1668. >Get out of my head.
  1669. >[I will when you tell me.]
  1670. >You turn to her as she smirks at you.
  1671. "If you must know, I'm starting to get a little tired of keeping Twilight and me hidden from everyone else. Like today when Rainbow Dash popped in during studies when we were.... stuff."
  1672. >"Give her time. She's not exactly comfortable in some social situations."
  1673. "Four months is not time?"
  1674. >Another smirk.
  1675. >"Well, you should have seen her in the first few weeks she came here to Ponyville. I mean, I didn't, but my sister told me about it. She's come a long way."
  1676. >The two of you fall silent as you finish up putting everything back together and drop the hood.
  1677. >"Tell me, is everything 'up there' all good?"
  1678. >She motions to her head.
  1679. "I... what?"
  1680. >"You aren't conversing with somepony you shouldn't?"
  1681. >Oh, right. Nightmare Moon.
  1682. >Well, you hadn't done so on purpose, anyway.
  1683. >An intense prickling sensation seemed to always manifest itself whenever Nightmare Moon had 'awakened' and wanted attention.
  1684. >Any time she has spoken to you, her voice and demeanor had no trace of malevolence, but you still ignored her the best you could.
  1685. >But fuck was it annoying.
  1686. >"Anon?"
  1687. "Just once or twice on accident. I sort of have it figured out when she's reaching out to me, I think."
  1688. >Luna seems to hesitate a bit before offering a small smile in response.
  1689. >"As I have stated, I doubt she can do anything, but better safe than sorry."
  1690. "I know."
  1691. >The night princess turns her focus to the distance, in the direction of the castle.
  1692. >"I should probably return to the castle, I told the guards I would only slip out for five or ten minutes. Would you like to come back with me?"
  1693. >Now that you have the carb adjusted, you don't really have much else to do.
  1694. >Perhaps the two of you together will make her day less boring?
  1695. "Why not? Beam us up whenever you're ready."
  1696. >"Actually, I had planned on flying back, if you do not mind."
  1697. "Uh, okay. But how am I going to get there?"
  1698. >"Climb on!"
  1699. >You look at hr, unable to tell whether she is joking or serious.
  1700. "Luna, I'm nearly taller than you are. I don't want to hurt you."
  1701. >Luna rolls her eyes.
  1702. >"Come now, I know my own strength, I am more than capable of flying with you on board.
  1703. >You're still hesitant to move towards her, let alone jump on her back.
  1704. >Without warning, her whole form begins to glow, stretching and growing.
  1705. >When she is finished, she is just as tall as Celestia, if not taller.
  1706. >"Better, Anon?"
  1707. "Uh, if you're sure, I guess."
  1708. >"Yes, and if it make you feel better, you can let me ride you sometime."
  1709. "Whoa, what?!"
  1710. >Luna blushes profusely when she realizes what she has said.
  1711. >She grabs you with her magic, placing you on her back.
  1712. >"I-I meant give me a ride in the Superbird again, sometime."
  1713. >Before you can respond, she leaps into the air, mighty wings unfurled.
  1715. >"Ugh, did you have to hold on so tightly?"
  1716. >Luna rubs her neck with a hoof.
  1717. "well, I'm afraid of heights. I forgot to mention that."
  1718. >"You did not seem to have a problem flying when you were me for a few days."
  1719. >Looking over at her, she seems oblivious to one glaring fact.
  1720. "Yes, and since I was you, I had wings."
  1721. >The doors ahead of you open, leading into the throne room.
  1722. >"Welcome back to the castle, your Highness."
  1723. >"Thank you, guards. Anon, you can sit in one of the adviser's seats next to the throne."
  1724. >The 'seat' is hardly more than a plush pillow, but it seems to look comfortable enough as you ascend the stairs beside Luna.
  1725. >As you take a seat, you swear you sink down at least a few inches.
  1726. >Oh yeah, plenty comfortable.
  1727. >"Guard, do we have any visitors in wait?"
  1728. >"Just one, your Highness. She has come from Ponyville to talk to you about personal matters."
  1729. >Luna leans over to you.
  1730. >"I'm sorry the first one has to be what is likely a sob story."
  1731. >You shrug.
  1732. >"Please, send her in."
  1733. >The guard disappears through a smaller side door.
  1734. >After a few moments, a familiar cyan pegasus walks out the same door and into the room.
  1735. >"Rainbow Dash? What a pleasant surprise. Please, come forward."
  1736. >Rainbow seems a little on edge as she approaches at a dawdling pace.
  1737. >You wave to her.
  1738. "Hi Dash."
  1739. >She stops, her eyes wide and focused on you.
  1740. "Uh, you okay?"
  1741. >"I.. just didn't expect you to be here. Heh."
  1742. >She is way more than a little on edge.
  1743. >"Come Rainbow, what brings you to Canterlot today?"
  1744. >Her stare alternates between you and Luna.
  1745. >It is that moment you can tell she has connected the dots between you and Twilight.
  1746. >"Well, this is a little awkward."
  1747. >This should be fun to explain.
  1749. -----
  1751. >Well it's no secret what she's here to talk about, huh?
  1752. >Luna looks over at you, unimpressed with your quip.
  1753. >"Rainbow Dash, would you feel more comfortable discussing your matters without Anonymous present?"
  1754. >Her eyes still on you since she noticed your presence, Rainbow Dash is silent for a moment.
  1755. >Abruptly, her expression hardens, a look of determination taking hold.
  1756. >"No, it's alright. Actually Princess Luna, by personal matters, I meant about you. You and Anonymous."
  1757. >"Oh?"
  1758. >Told you.
  1759. >Suddenly, you feel a tightness in your chest, as if you can't breathe.
  1760. >As soon as it appears, it goes away, leaving just a feeling of intense anxiety in its wake.
  1761. >[Enough, Anonymous.]
  1762. >Luna looks at you out of the corner of her eye.
  1763. >You slump down in your cushion.
  1764. >"Yes, Princess. You see, this morni-"
  1765. >A burst of fire interrupts Rainbow Dash, a scroll falling to the floor in front of Luna.
  1766. >Luna picks it up, her magic unrolling it and bringing it to her eye level
  1767. >"Apologies, Rainbow Dash, it is a letter from my sister."
  1768. "Where is she at?"
  1769. >"Princess Celestia is in Pintonesia. Their land was wracked by a terrible earthquake a few days ago, and my sister is seeing what aid we can offer them in their time of need."
  1770. >After a moment of silence, she quickly rolls the scroll back up and rises to her hooves.
  1771. >"My sincerest apologies Rainbow Dash, but I am needed by my sister this instant."
  1772. "What is it Luna?"
  1773. >She turns her head towards you.
  1774. >"Nothing to be concerned about, I will return by dusk. Perhaps you and Rainbow Dash can discuss matters while I am away?"
  1775. >You and Dash look at each other, sharing an expression of uncertainty.
  1776. "Maybe."
  1777. >Without a word, Luna disappears in a flash.
  1778. "So, you wanna talk about this thing since it involves me?"
  1779. >Rainbow frowns at your inquiry.
  1780. >"What are you even doing here at this time of the day?"
  1781. >You shrug.
  1782. >Time to crack this thing wide open.
  1783. "Luna was bored, she asked me to tag along, it was only by coincidence you came here to tell her about Twilight and me."
  1784. >She gasps.
  1785. >"There is a thing between the two of you! I knew I wasn't crazy when I had been watching the two of you the last few weeks!"
  1786. >It is your turn to frown as Rainbow realizes what she just said.
  1787. "Really? Spying on us?"
  1788. >She balks at your accusation, attempting to backtrack.
  1789. >"I was just curious how Twilight was trying to work with and tutor you on magic abilities. That's all."
  1790. "Spying is still spying no matter how you spin it."
  1791. >"Well, I'm not the one having an affair behind one of the Royal Sisters!"
  1792. >You shake your head.
  1793. "Rainbow, she knows about it. She's known about it since day one. And really, it's not even that serious between Twilight and me."
  1794. >You can tell she doesn't believe you.
  1795. "Do you really think I or anyone else could hide something like that from one of the princesses? I don't think you understand how much the two of them seem to know about ALL the happenings in Equestria."
  1796. >Dash reflects upon your words in silence before her brow furrows, more questions brewing within.
  1797. >"But, if that's true, why didn't you tell me? I thought I was your friend. And Twilight's friend."
  1798. "I know, I know. That was Twilight's decision. Not mine. She still has a lot of anxiety over how something like that would be taken by her friends. You know how she can be a bundle of nerves."
  1799. >"So, how long has this been going on?"
  1800. >You stand up and stretch.
  1801. "Since we went to that abandoned castle a few months ago."
  1802. >"So, you're special someponies with Luna AND Twilight?"
  1803. "I guess so."
  1804. >Rainbow gags.
  1805. >"Why is everypony turning into a softie around here?"
  1806. "Your brashness has to be balanced out somehow, I suppose."
  1807. >"By brashness, I assume you mean awesomeness."
  1808. "Whatever you say."
  1809. >Rainbow puffs her chest outward with pride, then suddenly grits her teeth.
  1810. >"But Twilight and me are gonna have a talk about this!"
  1811. >You pat her on the head.
  1812. "Just take it easy on her, please?"
  1813. >Rainbow waves you off.
  1814. >"Fine, fine, sure. So, what are you going to do now?"
  1815. >You look around the empty room.
  1816. "I guess I'll just wander the castle till Luna gets back. She should only be a few hours at most. Plus I don't have any transport since she flew me here."
  1817. >"You could always take the train back to Ponyville, you know."
  1818. "Yeah, which would be a two hour ride, at least. By the time I got home, Luna would show up."
  1819. >"Well, have fun here, I guess. I should get back to Cloudsdale, I'm on lunch break."
  1820. "Have fun at work, Dashie."
  1821. >Rainbow cringes.
  1822. >Just as she's about to take off, she stops and turns back.
  1823. >"So you said Twilight and you aren't really that serious. What does that even mean?"
  1824. "I don't know. We just aren't quite as ... intimately close as Luna and I."
  1825. >"Wait, have you and Luna..."
  1826. >Rainbow make an odd face.
  1827. >It isn't hard to figure out what she is trying to ask as you think back to the night of the Grand Galloping Gala.
  1828. >You feel a bit awkward about discussing this.
  1829. "Uh, I don't follow what you're trying to ask?"
  1830. >She sees right through your charade.
  1831. >"Ewwww, you have with her!"
  1832. >Dash gags as you can't help but laugh.
  1833. "Why did you ask if you didn't want to know the answer?"
  1834. >"I didn't think it would be a yes!"
  1835. "Just stay out of the back seat of the Superbird and you'll be fine."
  1836. >"Gah! I'm going back to work!"
  1837. >Rainbow zips off in a blur as you continue to laugh.
  1839. >"Anonymous, were you asleep the whole time I was away?"
  1840. "No."
  1841. >Actually you had been. It only took a half hour for you to get bored of wandering around Canterlot Castle.
  1842. >Now as you rub your eyes and look out the window of Luna's bedroom, you see dusk is beginning to fall on Equestria.
  1843. >Luna climbs up onto her bed, where you are laying.
  1844. "So, is everything alright with your sister?"
  1845. >The night princess rolls her eyes.
  1846. >"Yes, it was nothing serious, not like she made it out to be in her letter."
  1847. "What was it?"
  1848. >Luna grins at you.
  1849. >"Well aren't you just being a nosy one?"
  1850. "Well, yeah. I'm actually surprised you are being nosy about how the situation with Rainbow Dash went."
  1851. >"Rainbow Dash?"
  1852. >The puzzled look she gives you causes you the same feeling.
  1853. "Uh, yeah. You know, the 'personal' matters she came to discuss, right before you left?"
  1854. >"Oh, that. Slipped my mind, I guess."
  1855. >Luna moves in closer to you.
  1856. >"Never mind those trivial matters, though."
  1857. >An intense feeling like pins and needles in the back of your head causes you to cringe and recoil away from Luna.
  1858. >"What's wrong?"
  1859. "I don't know, I just all of a sudden-"
  1860. >The sensations intensify into an all out, mind-breaking pain.
  1861. "I.. I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."
  1862. >You stumble off the bed, as Luna eyes you with concern.
  1863. >The sensation doesn't dissipate as you walk down the hall to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it.
  1864. >Turning on the faucet, you splash your face with water as the sensation dies away.
  1865. >As you rise back upright, your reflection in the mirror makes you jump.
  1866. >Nightmare Moon.
  1867. "What the fuck? You?"
  1868. >"Shut up and listen to me. That is NOT Luna out there, you need to leave NOW."
  1869. "I thought you couldn't show your ugly mug unless I was dreaming? Is this a dream?"
  1870. >Your 'reflection' is quickly beginning to lose what composure it had.
  1871. >"You do not realize how much effort it has taken for me to do this, and you cannot even begin to believe what danger you are in if you do not get the hell out of here!"
  1872. "Sure, whatever you say. I'm not falling for it."
  1873. >"Fine then. try contacting her."
  1874. >Nightmare Moon points a hoof to her head.
  1875. >"Anonymous, is everything alright in there?"
  1876. >Luna's melodic voice comes from the other side of the door.
  1877. >Yeah, but I'm out of toilet paper.
  1878. >A moment goes by with no response.
  1879. >"Hello?"
  1880. >The door rattles lightly as apparently whoever is on the other side tries to open it.
  1881. >It definitely is not Luna, seeing as you your telepathic message went unanswered.
  1882. >You need to buy some time as you look around the room.
  1883. >You grab a bar of soap, making grunting noises as you chuck it in the toilet with a loud splash.
  1884. "I just need a few minutes."
  1885. >"Okay."
  1886. >You hear 'Luna' on the other side gag and walk away.
  1887. >Turning back to the mirror, Nightmare Moon looks at you, amused.
  1888. "It bought us time. So if that isn't Luna, who is it, and where is the real one? And how did you know?"
  1889. >"I could already sense when she got on the bed with you, she was trying to draw energy from you."
  1890. "So that intense sensation was her, uh, drawing energy from me?"
  1891. >She shakes her head.
  1892. >"No, that was me using every ounce of strength I had to get your attention before it was too late."
  1893. >As if to prove her point, she takes a deep breath.
  1894. "So then, if she isn't Luna, who is she?"
  1895. >"Not who, what. It is a changeling, Anonymous."
  1896. >You know a little about changelings from the folklore tales from Earth.
  1897. "Energy? Don't they feed off the bodily fluids from the target, like blood?"
  1898. >"What? No! They feed off of love. Wow, your world really is sick."
  1899. "Fuck you. Where is the real Luna, then?"
  1900. >Frustration mounts in Nightmare Moon.
  1901. >"I don't know! Just get out of here!"
  1902. >With that, the reflection in the mirror returns to that of your actual reflection.
  1903. >You open the door to the bathroom, making your way quietly down the hallway.
  1904. >Now you wish you would have spent more time exploring the castle, as the only way you remember to get to the main doors is past Luna's room.
  1905. >And unfortunately, the faux Luna is already waiting for you in the hallway outside her room.
  1906. "You know, I'm not feeling so well now, I should probably get home."
  1907. >"You just need to rest. Come in my room and lay down, you'll feel better."
  1908. >Shit, you should have just tired to fumble your way around the castle for another exit.
  1909. >She locks eyes with you, as if focusing on something.
  1910. "I just really need to get home, Luna. I'm sorry."
  1911. >Her expression suddenly hardens.
  1912. >"They said you were an oddball, but I expected my power would still work."
  1913. >Shit shit shit.
  1914. "Uh, are you feeling okay, Luna?"
  1915. >Her eyes suddenly flash to an eerie green, as her voice changes.
  1916. >"I'm fine, luckily I always have a backup plan."
  1917. >As her horn begins to glow green with magic, you make a sprint for it down the hallway.
  1918. >You don't make it far before a searing pain hits you square in between your shoulder blades.
  1919. >You fall forward onto your stomach, feeling consciousness slipping away.
  1920. >Hoofsteps slowly begin to get louder as the thing approaches you.
  1921. >"Hm. Nighty night, freak."
  1923. >You groggily come to your senses to the sound of dripping water.
  1924. >A musty, earthen smell brings you around a little quicker.
  1925. >Fuck, please don't be a cave.
  1926. >Slowly sitting upright, your eyes take a while to adjust to the dim light of wherever you are.
  1927. >Yep, it's a cave.
  1928. >Wonderful.
  1929. "Hello?"
  1930. >The echo of your voice is the only response you get.
  1931. >You stand up, hunching over a bit so as not to whack your head on the ceiling.
  1932. >Unfortunately, you still cannot see well as you try to feel your way along through the dark.
  1933. >Hell if you know where you're going, but it beats just sitting here.
  1934. >Wherever this cave is, it seems the changeling that sent you here didn't stick around to guard you.
  1935. >Several stumbles and trips later, you make it into a large room where you can actually stand up straight.
  1936. >There are a couple of small torches on the walls that give off at least some light.
  1937. >You contemplate grabbing one, but they have essentially nothing you can hold onto without burning yourself.
  1938. "Bullshit. Why couldn't I at least get a flashlight?"
  1939. >"Hello?"
  1940. >You jump as a familiar voice echoes from nearby.
  1941. "Luna?"
  1942. >"Anon? Where are you?"
  1943. >You cannot help but laugh at the question.
  1944. "Hell if I know. A big room?"
  1945. >A few seconds later, Luna's form appears out of another passageway.
  1946. >As the light hits her eyes, you can tell she likely awoke not long ago as well.
  1947. >You stop yourself before you go over to her.
  1948. >Can you hear me?
  1949. >[Yes, Anon. It is me.]
  1950. >You briskly walk over to her, embracing.
  1951. "Are you okay?"
  1952. >"Not exactly. I assume Chrysalis cast a spell upon me, because I seem to be unable to use any magic."
  1953. "So that's her name?"
  1954. >Luna stumbles backward a bit in response.
  1955. >"What? How do you know about this?"
  1956. >Her facial expression continues to twist and contort with shock.
  1957. >"Wait, why are you here? She should have been going after you. But if she did, how are you not under her spell?!"
  1958. "It's a long story, Luna, maybe later when we get out of he-"
  1959. >Luna quickly begins to simmer with anger.
  1960. >"No, Anonymous. You will explain yourself now."
  1961. "Okay, I may have gotten a little INsight to who the fake you really was."
  1962. >The dam holding back her anger bursts.
  1963. >"ANONYMOUS! Did I NOT tell you keep away from Nightmare Moon?!"
  1964. "Yes, but if she hadn't told me, I'd be up shit creek, wouldn't I?"
  1965. >"This is not a creek of shit?!"
  1966. >Luna takes a moment to circle around the room.
  1967. "Well, when you put it that way it doesn't seem as intelligent."
  1968. >Still fuming, Luna stops.
  1969. >"We will discuss this later Anonymous. After we find a way out of this cave system."
  1970. "So you suggest wandering in here till we find an exit? In the dark?"
  1971. >"Do you have another plan to suggest?"
  1972. "Lead the way, then."
  1974. * * * * *
  1976. >"Spiiike! Could you answer the door?! I'm just about finished with this book!"
  1977. >You leap off the ladder you were on and pad over to the door.
  1978. "I got it, Twilight."
  1979. >You pull it open to see Anonymous standing there.
  1980. "Hey, what's up?"
  1981. >"I don't have time for idle chit chat, where's Twilight?"
  1982. >His gruff demeanor takes you aback, especially since he usually talks with you for at least a bit when he visits.
  1983. "Er, she's in the basement finishing up a book. You know how she is."
  1984. >He walks by you without a word or a glance.
  1985. >You shudder as you close the door.
  1986. >Something isn't right here...
  1988. * * * * *
  1990. "Finally, sunlight!"
  1991. >You squint as your eyes take what seems like forever to adjust.
  1992. >"Well, what sunlight is left. We must have been in there for six hours, look how low the sun is in the sky."
  1993. >You dust yourself off the best you can as you look around.
  1994. "So, where are we?"
  1995. >Luna doesn't answer as she takes in her surroundings as well.
  1996. >The two of you didn't say much as you wandered around through the twisting passages of the cave.
  1997. >You needed silence to try to hear any sign of wind to signify an exit.
  1998. >Plus, you could tell Luna was still rather unhappy with you about talking with Nightmare.
  1999. >Even if it did save you from the changeling.
  2000. >After a moment, she spreads her wings.
  2001. >"I am not for certain, but I have an idea of which way we must head. Jump on."
  2002. >You are hesitant to do so.
  2003. "Luna, I'm bigger than you are, are you sure I-"
  2004. >"There is no time to waste! My sister will be back at the castle at any moment with that.... thing there waiting!"
  2005. >You oblige her as you gingerly get on her back and wrap your arms around her neck.
  2006. >She doesn't strain at all as she leaps into the air, quickly gaining altitude and speed.
  2007. >"Be sure to hold on tight, if you fall I cannot catch you with magic."
  2008. >You don't need to be told twice.
  2009. >As you look ahead, you already can see the silhouette of Canterlot off in the distance.
  2010. "I guess we weren't as far away as I thought we were."
  2011. >"No, I knew we would not be far. Chrysalis would not have wasted much time in disposing of us. Just long enough for her plan to be put to action."
  2012. "So what happened to you, anyway?"
  2013. >Luna huffs.
  2014. >"I did not get far. She was waiting for me when I teleported to the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, where my sister supposedly was."
  2015. "What would your sister have been doing out there? I thought you said she was in Pintonesia?"
  2016. >As she continues to increase her speed, you hold on ever tighter.
  2017. >"Celestia was to return to Canterlot this evening, she was traveling with her guards. I unfortunately did not give much thought to the logic of being near the Everfree, I just knew she needed my help."
  2018. >Luna definitely has gotten faster, as the two of you are already almost to Ponyville.
  2019. >A green flash of light down below catches you eye.
  2020. "Hey, isn't that Spike?"
  2021. >"We do not have time for visits, Anon."
  2022. >Judging by the way he is frantically waving at you, something is amiss.
  2023. "I think he's in trouble Luna. Head down there."
  2024. >She obliges you by rapidly descending.
  2025. >By the time Luna's hooves touch the ground, Spike is nearly out of breath.
  2026. "Spike, what's wrong?"
  2027. >"You.... Twilight.....You...... Here."
  2028. >"Take a moment to catch your breath, Spike."
  2029. >After a minute, Spike finally has a bit of his composure back.
  2030. >"Anon, unless you can be in two places at once, we have a problem. Twilight's acting all weird since you, or the fake you came over to visit about an hour ago."
  2031. >You turn to Luna.
  2032. "Two of them now?"
  2033. >"Stay here with Spike, Anonymous. I will quickly get to the castle and make sure my sister is not in danger, then we will return."
  2034. "But-"
  2035. >"Please Anonymous. These are not creatures to be takes lightly."
  2036. "Fine."
  2037. >Luna turns and leaps into the air, her broad wings catching her as she soars off.
  2038. >You wait until she is nothing but a speck in the sky to turn around, looking towards the Center of Ponyville.
  2039. >She's nuts if she thinks you are going to wait.
  2040. >As you start running towards Twilight's treebrary in the distance, Spike calls after you.
  2041. >"Anonymous, didn't you hear what Luna said?!"
  2042. >You don't waste time looking back to answer him.
  2043. "I have selective hearing!"
  2045. -----
  2047. >Once you get within a few hundred feet of Twilight's home, you drastically slow your pace, watching for any sign of trouble.
  2048. >A familiar but odd, pungent smell lingers in the air.
  2049. >Ignoring it for now, you creep up to one of the windows to the Golden Oak library.
  2050. >Well, there's Twilight.
  2051. >And one freaky-ass pony in front of her.
  2052. >The black, shiny coat, green eyes, and bug-like wings tell you this is not a pony.
  2053. >Complete with a jagged horn and hooves that look like the aftermath of target practice, it's a complete package of ugly.
  2054. >But why is it not disguised as you?
  2055. >Or more importantly, why is Twilight seemingly so complacent and calm?
  2056. >She sits silently, as the changeling speaks to her.
  2057. >Whatever it is saying, you cannot hear.
  2058. >You try another window, with still no luck in audio.
  2059. >Damn, this place has pretty good windows.
  2060. >You consider what few options you have to try to get Twilight out of there as you continue to move quietly around the house.
  2061. >It is looking like you really should wait for Luna, and hopefully Celestia.
  2062. >But what if Luna has trouble at the castle and takes a while?
  2063. >Or worse, needs the help of another powerful ally, such as Twilight?
  2064. >You can't just sit here patiently while Twilight is trapped, can you?
  2065. >Finally, you figure out the smell that has gotten stronger, just as you spy your car sitting on the other side of the library.
  2066. >Burnt clutch.
  2067. >Fucking.
  2068. >Bastards.
  2069. >So not only have these changelings tried to take your friends away and dispose of you, now they steal your baby and can't even drive the fucking thing?!
  2070. >In a rage, you stand up, marching over to your parked car.
  2071. >Hopefully it still moves under its own power.
  2072. >You open the door, sliding into the driver's seat.
  2073. >Whoever or whatever stole it left the key in the ignition, fortunately.
  2074. >You twist the key, pumping the accelerator.
  2075. >With a roar, the engine comes to life, and you throw her into reverse and mash it.
  2076. >The door to Twilight's home opens, with the purple alicorn coming out in a frenzied rush followed by - you?
  2077. >Turning the steering wheel, you line up.
  2078. >You can't believe you are going to do this.
  2079. >But it's for Twilight.
  2080. >You only hope it works.
  2081. "Sorry girl, this hurts me more than you."
  2082. >You jam the shifter into first, mashing the gas and aiming for your wide-eyed doppelganger as the tires cry for mercy.
  2083. >Twilight leaps out of the way, while the changeling is caught like a deer in the headlights.
  2084. >A sickening cacophony of sounds erupts as steel meets flesh meets tree.
  2085. >Dazed, you gingerly climb out of the car, taking your keys with you.
  2086. >You don't dare to look at what is likely a gruesome mess at the front of the car.
  2087. >To both the changeling and the Superbird.
  2088. >"A-Anon?"
  2089. >You look up to see Twilight staring at you, her jaw on the ground.
  2090. "Yes, it's me. That wasn't."
  2091. >As you walk towards the purple pony, you stop as her expression changes from shock to frenzied rage.
  2092. >"You MONSTER!"
  2093. >Her horn glows as you quickly whirl around to run.
  2094. >Fuck.
  2095. >Before you can really get anywhere, you are thrown off your feet, slamming shoulder first into the driver's door of your car.
  2096. >You feel faint as intense pain wracks your entire right side.
  2097. >You turn your head slowly, to look back at Twilight, whose ears are pinned back like a dog on the attack.
  2098. >She suddenly stops, her attention directed towards something else.
  2099. >The car behind you sluggishly begins to move backwards, then comes to a standstill again.
  2100. >"I'm okay Twilight."
  2101. >Wait, how in the-
  2102. >Your thoughts are interrupted as the fake you leans over.
  2103. >It looks at you, flashing a devilish grin.
  2104. >"Bring him inside Twilight. Maybe we can learn something."
  2105. >You feel yourself lifted up abruptly, a fresh surge of pain erupting from your shoulder.
  2106. >Carried inside by what you assume was Twilight's magic, you are dropped to the floor, causing you to yelp in agony.
  2107. >The door slams once the three of you are inside, and as you attempt to sit upright, the fake you undergoes a metamorphosis.
  2108. >There is no sound as it warps and twists shape.
  2109. >Once again, the giant pony-insectoid hybrid stands in the room.
  2110. >It's at least as tall as Celestia, maybe even a bit taller.
  2111. >This is probably Chrysalis.
  2112. >You look over to Twilight, who seems oblivious to the monster in the room.
  2113. "Twilight, what the fuck?"
  2114. >She doesn't respond, as she seems as if she is staring off into space.
  2115. >"Quite amazing, is it not? Her mind is like putty in my hooves."
  2116. >You direct your attention back to Chrysalis, who steps towards you, grinning madly.
  2117. >"Well, once I got rid of some of her mind."
  2118. "Fuck you Chrysalis, what did you do to her?"
  2119. >Her smile grows even wider, bearing fangs.
  2120. >"So you already know who I am. I'm flattered."
  2121. >Arrogant fuck.
  2122. >"Dear Twilight hear isn't quite herself. I've learned from my past mistakes, and come up with a better idea for her."
  2123. >You say nothing as she continues to boast.
  2124. >"Normally I would just drain her of all energy, but this time, I figured, why not put her to good use and leave a little in the tank? Mind control is easy when there's no resistance."
  2125. >As she turns back to look at Twilight, the purple pony's eyes tinge a sickly green, before returning to their normal color.
  2126. "That's fucking sick."
  2127. >Chrysalis feigns disappointment as she leans down to look at you.
  2128. >"You know, you could be thankful that I let you live in the first place. How you escaped my allure in the castle was a mystery to me, unless you knew who I was already, or could see through my charade. But how is that possible?"
  2129. >You shrug, instantly regretting it as fresh pain seeps into you.
  2130. >It takes a moment for you to focus before you answer her.
  2131. "Maybe you need to get some more acting classes?"
  2132. >She leans in and looks you dead in the eyes, her bright green irises and slitted pupils studying you.
  2133. >Can she read your mind?
  2134. >See your thoughts?
  2135. >What the hell is she doing?
  2136. >Chrysalis abruptly pulls away, standing up straight again.
  2137. >"Ah well, it does not matter. I think this plan is working out much better than posing as you to drain Princess Luna. As long as my minion can imitate Luna long enough to where I may drain Celestia."
  2138. >You look back over to Twilight, who looks on the verge of drooling by this point of her vacant, motionless state.
  2139. "Why?"
  2140. >"Pardon?"
  2141. "What is the point of this? Do you just get a kick out of being an evil cunt?"
  2142. >She seems to take offense at this.
  2143. >"Evil?! My kind has been deprived, hungry, shunned for many years by all of Equestria, and here I am righting this wrong and I am the evil one?!"
  2144. "If the shoe fits..."
  2145. >She seems on the verge of striking you, but stops, her angry sneer replaced by a sly grin that probably means nothing good.
  2146. >"I think you've used up your usefulness. Like I said, you should be thankful I let you live this long."
  2147. "So you're going to kill me?"
  2148. >"No, but she is."
  2149. >Chrysalis points a swiss-cheesed hoof at Twilight.
  2150. >"Twilight, do as you see fit."
  2151. >Your stomach drops.
  2152. >Instantly, Twilight becomes animated, pacing towards you with horn aglow.
  2153. "Twilight, you need to snap out of this shit! You love me!"
  2154. >Her eyes glare at you, but are hollow within, a husk of her former self.
  2155. >No.
  2156. >It can't end like this.
  2157. >As she unleashes a burst of energy, you turn away, throwing your good arm up in instinctive defense.
  2158. >A radiating heat suffuses through you, as suddenly you hear Twilight yelp.
  2159. >As you turn back to look, she is in the midst of a flailing panic, sailing through the air and slamming into the wall of books opposite you.
  2160. >Books fall off the shelf, pelting her limp form.
  2161. >What the fuck was that?
  2162. >You don't have much time to think as a black hoof cracks you in the side of the head, and you fall over.
  2163. >"I don't know how you managed to do that, but this ends NOW!"
  2164. >You reach into your pocket as she snarls at you, baring her fans and focusing on only what you can assume to be your neck.
  2165. >Fuckers still suck blood here too, apparently.
  2166. >As she lunges, you pull your keys out, thrusting at her throat with all of your might, adrenaline driving your strike.
  2167. >You feel as if your arm is on fire as somehow, and you manage to penetrate through her chitinous hide.
  2168. >She suddenly screams, a sound unlike anything you've ever heard, as her whole body is enveloped in a slight blue haze.
  2169. >What in the fuck?
  2170. >You pull back on your makeshift weapon, blue smoke wisping from it and the wound left in Chrysalis's neck.
  2171. >Pushing her off with a foot, she ragdolls to the floor, silent.
  2172. >You try to get up, but fall back down, the room beginning to spin wildly.
  2173. >Your head, your arm, your whole body is nothing but a sea of fiery pain.
  2174. >Is this death?
  2175. >You hear the door burst open, and everything goes blank.
  2177. >An annoying electronic beeping is the first thing you sense.
  2178. >Your head seems to throb in unison with it.
  2179. >Slowly, you open your eyes, blinding light making it difficult to adjust as you stare upwards at a stark white ceiling.
  2180. >"Welcome back, Anonymous."
  2181. >You turn your head in the direction of the voice, and squint, trying to focus.
  2182. >The pastel colored flowing mane is a dead giveaway.
  2183. >Celestia.
  2184. "Good, at least everything worked out on Luna's end."
  2185. >Finally your eyes adjust enough to fully open them and look around.
  2186. >You already guessed you were in the hospital.
  2187. >Your right arm is bandaged up in a sling, while the continued pounding in your head informs you of not all is well up there, either.
  2188. >At least the bed you are in seems comfortable enough.
  2189. >It suddenly moves, slowly propping you up.
  2190. >"How do you feel?"
  2191. "Other than feeling like a train hit me, not too bad I guess."
  2192. >Celestia lightly grins.
  2193. >"You have been out of it for the past two days, it seems you took a good hit to the head."
  2194. >You flash back in your mind the last things you remember.
  2195. >Using your car as a battering ram.
  2196. >Being tossed like a ragdoll.
  2197. >The scuffle.
  2198. >Then the door opening, and....
  2199. >Blank.
  2200. "So when did you find me?"
  2201. >"Judging by the screams, I would say not long after your tangle with Chrysalis. Luna and I came through the door finding you, Chrysalis, and Twilight all out cold."
  2202. "Fun times. So I take it Luna is alright, but how did you two come so quickly?"
  2203. >Celestia smirks a bit, as if remembering a good joke.
  2204. >"By the time my sister arrived at the castle, I had dealt with the imposter that was left in her place. I may have been fooled once by one posing as Cadence, but I know my own sister."
  2205. "Where is she, anyway?"
  2206. >"Luna is presiding over the castle. She was here earlier today to check on you, but my sister was determined to do her duty today. She needs the distraction after the last few days, I would imagine."
  2207. "Is she... she's a little pissed at me, isn't she?"
  2208. >Celestia's voice emits an aura of sympathy.
  2209. >"I understand you wanted to help and had great concern for Twilight Sparkle's safety, but she asked you to stay put to prevent something like this from happening. It is fortunate the worst you seem to have come away with is a busted shoulder and mild concussion."
  2210. >She pauses.
  2211. >"What did happen in the library?"
  2212. >You would like to understand it yourself.
  2213. >Twilight apparently being hit by her own magic, your critical hit with your key, the haze.
  2214. "I... I can't really remember."
  2215. >If she senses you can remember, Celestia does not push the issue.
  2216. "So where is Twilight, anyway? She's okay, right?"
  2217. >The white alicorn looks down, as you feel your heart sink in response.
  2218. "What? Tell me!"
  2219. >She looks back up at you, trying her hardest to keep composure.
  2220. >"Twilight..... is not well, Anonymous. Chrysalis seems to have done something to her to make her believe she is not amongst friends, but enemies. Changelings. In her mind, everypony she sees is a changeling."
  2221. "What do you mean?"
  2222. >"Luna and I had to lock her in the castle's dungeon to keep her from causing harm to others. I'm sorry, Anonymous."
  2223. >You feel sick to your stomach as your mind tries to warp around this.
  2224. "Well fuck, just torture Chrysalis to give it up! I don't understand!"
  2225. >Celestia looks away from you, seeming to struggle to keep composure.
  2226. >"As of this moment, that is not possible, Anonymous. Whatever happened in the library has left the Changeling Queen very close to death. She is being tended to by the best doctors in a secure environment, but all we can do is wait."
  2227. >She turns back to you, a look of fierce determination.
  2228. >"Luna and I will do what we can in the meantime to find something, anything to break Twilight from this, but it will take time."
  2229. "Right. Of course."
  2230. >You lean back, staring up at the ceiling.
  2231. >The wind has been knocked out of you.
  2232. >Celestia's voice seems to stabilize somewhat as you hear her rise to your feet.
  2233. >"My apologies Anonymous, but I must go back to Canterlot and see what I can do. Please take care of yourself."
  2234. "Don't worry about me, I'll live."
  2235. >You hear her walk out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
  2236. >Closing your eyes, you do your best to shut out and escape the news.
  2238. "You always want to annoy me when I don't want you, where the hell are you now?"
  2239. >It is not long before you find yourself in the dreamscape.
  2240. >You're on a mission to find out what the hell happened at Twilight's, and there is only one pony that is available to talk to that witnessed the events.
  2241. >Nightmare Moon.
  2242. >But so far, no sign of her at all.
  2243. >You are really starting to get irritated.
  2244. >Tonight your dreamscape is that of Canterlot Castle.
  2245. >You have no idea why, but you don't bother messing with it.
  2246. >"Shut up and get in here!"
  2247. >You whip around to see a pair of turquoise eyes staring through the crack of a door slightly ajar.
  2248. >Obliging her, you walk in, closing the door behind you.
  2249. "What the hell is with you?"
  2250. >She glares at you, the dim room exaggerating the brightness of her eyes.
  2251. >"I was not jesting with you when I said it took a lot of effort to warn you. Some of us are trying to recoup."
  2252. >You hesitate before you respond.
  2253. "I guess I should thank you for the heads up on that."
  2254. >Nightmare Moon recoils a bit in shock.
  2255. >"Hey, I was trying to save my own ass. I don't want to be trapped inside somepony who is trapped under a spell."
  2256. >Bitch.
  2257. >"I assume you want to speak to me about what happened a couple of days ago, hm?"
  2258. >She sports a cocky grin, as if daring you to ask.
  2259. "More specifically, what the fuck did I do to Chrysalis? I expected to jab her enough to get her to step back, not leave her on the verge of death."
  2260. >She shrugs.
  2261. >"I suppose that's what happens when somepony untrained in magic uses it. Too much juice."
  2262. >You had a hunch, but this revelation still comes as a shock.
  2263. "Are you saying that was me using magic?!"
  2264. >"Yay you, what a break through, you did it!"
  2265. >Her sarcastic tone irks you more than it should.
  2266. >"Fuck you. How did this even happen? I mean, I haven't been able to do any magic physically, and now I practically fry the changeling queen from the inside out?"
  2267. >Once again, she shrugs.
  2268. >"To be fair, you were pumped up full of adrenaline. Most ponies get a sudden burst of strength with adrenaline, you decided to launch a full magical assault on the room."
  2269. "But how?"
  2270. >"Just because it's my magic, doesn't mean I know what it can do in the hooves of others. Nor could I imagine I would be playing second fiddle in a body like this."
  2271. >This just keeps getting weirder as the questions mount.
  2272. "Your magic?"
  2273. >"Well, our magic. That blue haze you saw? My personal color. Every pony able to wield magic seemingly has a color unique to them."
  2274. >She suddenly goes silent, as if listening for something.
  2275. "What is it?"
  2276. >"I should make myself scarce."
  2277. >"YOU WILL STAY!"
  2278. >A booming voice echoes, as if you are in a cavernous room.
  2279. >Suddenly, the room warps, as all doors and windows fade away, and the ceiling disappears, leaving an empty black void above you.
  2280. >As well as a one hundred foot tall Luna glaring angrily into the room.
  2281. "Oh shit."
  2282. >She suddenly morphs, a swirling blue haze flying into the room, retaking her normal size and form.
  2283. >Her fierce eyes makes you legitimately scared.
  2284. >"I told you to not talk to this.... thing, and you not only disregard my warning, you do it twice in a matter of days!"
  2285. >Nightmare Moon's expression goes from shock to anger.
  2286. >"Thing? Really, Luna? I thought we were closer than that."
  2287. >Luna doesn't even glance at her as she replies, just burrowing her eyes into you.
  2288. >"You will shut up. I have no inclination to speak with you. As for you Anonymous, why? Why do you continue to converse with this fiend? This very spirit that led me to a one thousand year exile?"
  2289. >Unsure how to answer you, you remain silent.
  2290. >"You have no reason to speak with her?"
  2291. >"He wanted to understand what happened in that purple mongrel's hommmph!"
  2292. >Nightmare Moon's jaw clamps shut, aided by Luna's glowing magic.
  2293. >"You are not Anonymous! I should vanquish you right here and now for leading him astray!"
  2294. "She didn't do anything, Luna. I disobeyed you on my own, and I'm sorry."
  2295. >Luna turns back to you, releasing Nightmare Moon.
  2296. >"I told you to stay put because I was worried harm may come to you. Not only did harm indeed come to you, but Twilight as well. She is now a prisoner in her own mind because of your foolish actions, Anonymous."
  2297. >You feel small as Luna's booming voice continues to echo, despite being her normal size.
  2298. >"To be fair Luna, the kid unleashed my magic for the first time. I believe everypony makes a mistake their first time casting mag-"
  2300. >Your ears ring as Luna cranks up the volume.
  2301. >"By the way, you've had a thousand years and change to vanquish me and still haven't."
  2302. >Nightmare Moon smirks, while Luna stares daggers back towards her.
  2303. >"Why is that, Luna? Is there something between me and you that's important?"
  2304. >Silence befalls the room.
  2305. >After what seems like an eternity, Luna looks away from the black alicorn, back to you.
  2306. >If you didn't know any better, you would think she seems a bit shaken up.
  2307. >"I can hardly look upon you right now, Anonymous. You should feel fortunate you did not meet an untimely end. Or perhaps unfortunate if Twilight's mind cannot be fixed."
  2308. >She turns and walks away, a hole opening in the far wall.
  2309. "Luna, wait!"
  2310. >With a leap, she disappears into the inky black void.
  2311. >You feel weak as you are forced to sit on the floor.
  2312. >Nightmare Moon says nothing, not that you care anyway.
  2313. >For the first time since arriving in Equestria, you feel lost.
  2314. >Miserable.
  2315. >Alone.
  2317. -----
  2319. >The roar of a V8 echoes through the countryside of Equestria.
  2320. >The nurses at the hospital are going to have a shock when they come to check up on you.
  2321. >But 'a few days of observation' did not sit well with you.
  2322. >Fortunately at night, the hospital runs light with orderlies.
  2323. >Since earlier today when you first woke up, and the visit to the dreamscape, Luna has not spoken to you.
  2324. >Not that you haven't tried to speak to her.
  2325. >Fortunately, the Superbird was only cosmetic damage.
  2326. >It won't be fun to fix, though.
  2327. >Nor is it fun to drive manual transmission with an inoperable right arm, still in a sling.
  2328. >Leaning over, you grab another gear with your left hand.
  2329. >It's going to be a long drive to Canterlot.
  2330. >But Twilight needs you.
  2331. >And Luna still needs you.
  2332. >Hopefully.
  2333. >"Could you at least turn the radio on?"
  2334. >You jump in surprise, then settle back down as the black mare makes her presence known.
  2335. >You say nothing, just focusing on the road ahead.
  2336. >"Really, we're going to do the silent treatment again?"
  2337. "I shouldn't be talking to you, I never should have talked to you. You're the reason I have to go to Canterlot because Luna won't speak to me."
  2338. >A slight chuckle is your response, confusing you as you finally look over toward Nightmare Moon.
  2339. "What's so damn funny about this mess?"
  2340. >"You and Luna really are a match made in heaven. My word, you even come up with the same excuses for your own fuckups."
  2341. "Excuses?"
  2342. >Her face suddenly hardens into a sneer.
  2343. >"I never forced you to listen to me, and I certainly did not start the conversation that led to Luna finding out you have been speaking to me. That was all you, bucko. I can't help it Luna doesn't approve of me, even if I did save your ass."
  2344. >She sticks her nose up into the air.
  2345. >"But, I suppose I am the scapegoat for everything these days."
  2346. >You laugh.
  2347. "Alright, whatever you say. Fuck you."
  2348. >"NO! I have had enough of this shit! I am caught between this sickening little squabble you and Luna continue to generate because neither of you are willing to be completely honest with each other! One lies, the other gets upset, then that one lies! If the two of you weren't acting like a couple of foals, you would have already figured out the solution to save Twilight!"
  2349. "And what would that be, oh wise one?"
  2350. >"Gee, I don't know, maybe since Chrysalis is unconscious, visit the dreamscape?"
  2351. >The dreamscape?
  2352. >Holy shit, she has a point.
  2353. >Another thought crosses your mind before you say anything else.
  2354. "Why do you care?"
  2355. >"What?"
  2356. "What is your end game in all of this? What do you get out of helping us?"
  2357. >"I already told you, it's not my first choice, but I don't want to be igno-"
  2358. "Maybe I don't buy it."
  2359. >She stiffens into complete silence, just glaring back at you.
  2360. >This goes on for the next few miles, making you feel increasingly uncomfortable.
  2361. >"Do you know what it is like to just exist for a thousand years? No thoughts, no senses, just..... being there for every minute, every second of a millenia? And then for a brief moment being free, only to be shuttered away again?"
  2362. "Probably sucks."
  2363. >"I can assure you it DOES suck. Consider being frozen in one place for hundreds of years, that's what it was like to be banished to the moon. I have accepted my fate, I will always be but a spirit, a twisted form of Luna without a body. The only way I exist is by contact with somepony, which at this point in time, is now you. So yes, I did attack you when you inhabited Luna, but can one be blamed for trying to escape such a hell they have been trapped in?"
  2364. >Only the sound of the rumbling exhaust prevents a deathly quiet from befalling your ears, just looking straight ahead as you process the words.
  2365. >Abruptly, you get the sensation of being alone again, turning your head to the now empty passenger's seat to confirm it.
  2366. >You reach over and turn on the radio, cranking the volume up.
  2367. >Maybe it is time for some music.
  2369. >It takes a few hours, but you finally reach Canterlot's castle safely.
  2370. >You really should have tried to get the other headlight working before you left, that was not fun driving virtually half blind.
  2371. >As you walk up to the gates, the two guards on duty nod at your presence and allow you through.
  2372. >There are some perks to being unique here after all.
  2373. >The castle is eerily quiet as you step inside.
  2374. >Maybe everyone is asleep?
  2375. >[They're probably in the dungeon with Twilight, dingus.]
  2376. >Nightmare Moon is so helpful.
  2377. >Where the hell is the dungeon even at in this place?
  2378. >Suddenly, you feel the urge to walk to your left, where the main atrium splits off into one of the halls.
  2379. >Apparently you now have internal GPS.
  2380. >You walk the halls, not actually knowing where you're going.
  2381. >After a few twists and turns, you find a small staircase leading downwards.
  2382. >Seeing as how you're on the ground floor of the castle, this must be it.
  2383. >Your footsteps are the only sound you've heard since entering the castle, and they continue to echo you as you carefully trek down the rather steep spiral staircase.
  2384. >Finally after what seems like an eternity you reach the bottom, a dimly-lit room branching off into three paths.
  2385. >Wonderful. Now where to?
  2386. >Before you can take a step forward, an unseen force grabs you and throws you against the wall to your right.
  2387. >Pain shoots outward from your right shoulder on contact, knocking the wind out of you.
  2388. >"We've got company!"
  2389. >A pink alicorn, roughly Luna's size, steps out from a small alcove underneath the stairs.
  2390. >Like most of the other alicorns in this world, her mane has no shortage of flamboyance, with purple, pink, and pale yellow streaks.
  2391. >Who the hell is this?
  2392. >You hear hoofsteps, as Celestia rounds the corner.
  2393. >"Anonymous?!"
  2394. >The force holding you against the wall dissipates, as you drop to your knees, still trying to regain your wits.
  2395. >"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize this was Anonymous!"
  2396. >"It is fine, Cadence. I certainly did not expect him to be here, he was in the hospital earlier today."
  2397. >You pick yourself up off the ground, the concerned faces of the two princesses greeting you.
  2398. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Where is Luna?"
  2399. >"You should not be here Anonymous. We are trying to work with Twilight right now, and it is a very trying process."
  2400. "Well I'm here now, may as well show me the way."
  2401. >Celestia shakes her head, turning and walking down one of the corridors.
  2402. >"Follow me if you must, Anonymous."
  2403. >You do exactly that, as Cadence walks beside you.
  2404. >"So you're the Anonymous that Luna and Twilight speak so highly of, yes?"
  2405. "I guess so. Twilight speaks highly of you and her brother as well. I wish I could say it was good to meet you, but circumstances..."
  2406. >She nods, her face turning grim.
  2407. >"I understand. Perhaps we can talk on a happier occasion sometime."
  2408. >"Anonymous, I have to ask, how did you get here."
  2409. "My car wasn't that bad. Still runs fine, it's just major cosmetic damage."
  2410. >Still looking ahead as she trots down the narrow corridor, Celestia continues to prod.
  2411. >"No, Anonymous. What I mean is, the doctors told me they wanted to keep you a few days for observation. So how are you here?"
  2412. "They must have been mistaken."
  2413. >Celestia says nothing, emitting a sigh.
  2414. >She was apparently hoping you would at least be honest with her.
  2415. >Your small group rounds a corner, greeted by a hallway lined by tall wooden doors with bars for windows.
  2416. >Not exactly a place of good cheer.
  2417. >You all reach the end of the block of cells before turning another corner to see Luna seated in front of a cell, levitating a massive leather-bound book in front of her.
  2418. >Judging by the bags under her eyes and rather haggard look overall, she has not been to sleep in a while.
  2419. "Luna?"
  2420. >She turns, surprised to see you.
  2421. >But she doesn't seem very enthused about it.
  2422. >"How are you here? And why are you here?"
  2423. "Um, okay. It's good to see you, regardless."
  2424. >The book Luna is holding is suddenly yanked away, the blue glow surrounding it replaced by one of golden yellow.
  2425. >"Luna, please get some rest."
  2426. >You take a few steps forward, curious to see Twilight as well.
  2427. >She rises to her hooves, unfurling her wings as if to block you before you get there.
  2428. >"While I am glad to see you are alright, I am none too pleased with you at this moment, Anonymous. You should not have come, nor do you need to see Twilight in the distraught state she is in."
  2429. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get her all screwed up in this mess. But I think I know how we can help Twi-"
  2430. >"Not just that Anonymous, you disobeyed what I had asked of you. Several times."
  2431. >Celestia casts a sideways glance to her sister.
  2432. >"Pardon me, but what are we talking about, Luna?"
  2433. >Luna does not even take the time to glance at Celestia, her eyes still fixed on you.
  2434. >"It is between Anonymous and I, dear sister."
  2435. "What was I supposed to do, Luna? Get trapped by Chrysalis? Put under her spell or whatever the hell she was going to do to me?"
  2436. >Her eyes suddenly snap out of their sullen fatigued state to flash fiery anger.
  2437. >"You are completely missing the point, Anonymous! If you even are Anonymous at this point!"
  2438. >You feel your temper beginning to simmer.
  2439. "What the hell does that mean?!"
  2440. >"You know what it means."
  2441. >You wait for her to say something else, unsure of how to even respond to something so ludicrous.
  2442. >She likewise seems to be waiting for a response from you.
  2443. >Both of you stare each other down for what seems like an eternity.
  2444. >"Enough you two!"
  2445. >Celestia's sharp voice breaks the two of your out of the staring contest.
  2446. >"We have all been through a lot over the past few days, we are all very stressed out and upset over what has transpired. But now is not the time to let our emotions boil over, let alone try to grasp at putting blame somewhere."
  2447. >Luna attempts to speak, but is cut off before she can say a word.
  2448. >"As of midnight I have taken over royal duties, and my first order is for you to get some sleep, Luna."
  2449. >Luna glares at her sister, silent.
  2450. >Celestia returns the favor, with a look that even unseats you a bit.
  2451. >Backing off, Luna averts he gaze to the floor.
  2452. >"Anonymous, I want you to accompany Luna and make sure she heeds my orders. Since you do not feel inclined to obey doctor's orders to stay in the hospital for observation, you will be staying here in the castle for the next few days."
  2453. "Fine."
  2454. >Cadence has been silent this whole time, her eyes darting around the room nervously.
  2455. >Celestia suddenly turns to her, softening her voice.
  2456. >"Princess Cadence, if you have the time available, I would appreciate it if you could do some reading to find something, anything that can help Twilight Sparkle."
  2457. >The pink alicorn nods.
  2458. >"I will make time for Twilight, Celestia. I will get right on it."
  2459. >"Thank you."
  2460. >Celestia turns to you and Luna once again.
  2461. >"And I hope the two of you can iron out the disagreement you are having to be able to assist as well. To find you both in such hostile attitudes towards each other is surprising and quite honestly, saddening."
  2462. >With a bright flash, Celestia is gone, leaving you, Cadence and Luna silent, sharing rather uneasy glances with each other.
  2463. >"I best be going too. Um, it was nice to meet you, Anonymous. Good to see you Luna."
  2464. >Princess Cadence makes a rather hasty retreat past you and Luna, her hooves echoing through the dungeon.
  2465. >Without a word, Luna focuses, the dungeon around you melting away before being replaced with her room.
  2466. >A few candles are all that keep her bedroom from being nearly pitch black.
  2467. >Overcast clouds prevent the stars and moon from shedding any light.
  2468. >Nonchalantly, Luna tosses her crown and other regalia in a heap on her dresser, before climbing into bed.
  2469. "Look, Luna, I'm sorry. Yes, I should have listened and - "
  2470. >"Orders were for sleep Anonymous, not chatter. You may rest on the other side of the bed."
  2471. >You sigh, your temper you were holding back doused by the sad realization what the two of you have come to.
  2472. >With all this tension, you wish there was somewhere else to lay, but it looks like you have no choice.
  2473. >Gingerly, you slide under the covers as Luna rolls over, facing opposite of you.
  2474. "Good night."
  2475. >Whether she is ignoring you or already asleep, it is hard to tell.
  2477. >You had anticipated long before reaching the castle that Anonymous would not be able to end this angsty shit between himself and Luna.
  2478. >But you thought he would at least have enough backbone to speak up with the solution to fix the purple smartass.
  2479. >Contrary to popular folklore, you do not create nightmares in the dreams of those that sleep.
  2480. >The name Nightmare Moon does tend to imply such a thing.
  2481. >But you do have the same dreamweaving abilities.
  2482. >As you focus your mind, you can sense Luna's magical presence through the vast dream world, and quickly home in on it.
  2483. >You already had a hunch where she would be, and as the dream world comes into focus, you guessed correctly.
  2484. >Golden Oaks Library.
  2485. >Twilight Sparkle's dream.
  2486. >Sure enough, as you look past the little runt immersed in a book on the floor, Luna sits atop a bookcase, silently watching.
  2487. >She instantly acknowledges your presence, scowling and disappearing through the wall behind her like a ghost.
  2488. >You follow, leaping through to the other side, unsure what exactly will greet you.
  2489. >The night sky greets you, as does the still scowling face of Luna, who is standing in a rather defensive posture.
  2490. "Pleasure to see you as well, dear."
  2491. >"You have a lot of nerve being here!"
  2492. "Yes well, someone has to have a spine and speak to you."
  2493. >Luna's face scrunches up.
  2494. >"What are you talking about?"
  2495. >You can't help but begin to pace back and forth.
  2496. >"I'm talking about you and Anonymous. How the two of you are at each others' necks."
  2497. >You pause.
  2498. "For the love of Equestria, will you relax? You as well as I know we can do each other no harm here."
  2499. >Surprisingly, she listens, slowly resting back on her haunches.
  2500. >Her expression remains intense and angry.
  2501. >"Why do you care how Anon and I are getting along?"
  2502. "Because I have to listen to this shit! Do you know how whiny and depressing he is inside?"
  2503. >"I don't see why you're complaining to me. For the most part, you have cause this whole mess."
  2504. "Really? How do you figure that, Luna?"
  2505. >"You've corrupted him."
  2506. >You can't help but laugh at the sheer idiocy of her response.
  2507. "Really, I've corrupted him?
  2508. >"Yes, you are evil! Until you began filling his head with lies and speaking to him, we were getting along just fine!"
  2509. >You stop laughing as you begin to get a little irritated.
  2510. "Really? I'm evil?"
  2511. >"YES! You are the reason I was exiled, locked away from Equestria and my friends, my sister! And now you want to take away my Anonymous as well!"
  2512. >Luna trembles in visible rage.
  2513. >She seriously believes this shit.
  2514. "Let's be honest here, it is you that has caused this rift between yourself and Anonymous."
  2515. >"No."
  2516. "Yes. It takes somepony extremely dysfunctional to meld a piece of themselves to another being's mind and soul in order to assure they will stay close forever."
  2517. >Luna says nothing.
  2518. "No objections? I'm surprised you didn't try to deny that as well. Oh, and before you go blaming me for awakening from my, shall we say 'dormancy,' you can thank that blowhard Discord for that."
  2519. >"I had already figured he had done that when he told me he had aggravated an old wound. He clearly didn't fix it like he said he did."
  2520. "Be glad I did not tell Anonymous that sticking me with him was on purpose and not by accident."
  2521. >Luna glares back at you in silence, looking as if she is about to maul you.
  2522. "But why don't we continue on? So right now we have you purposely fucking with somepony's mind, and now we get to where this all began, my reason for existing in the first place, the only other piece where I am even relevant in ANY of your problems."
  2523. >"You tried to convince me to kill my sister. End of story."
  2524. "Come on now, it's you and me here. Let's talk about what really happened so we can clear all this evil bullshit up and everyone can go back to being gay and cheerful and lovey-dovey. Anon already knows what really happened."
  2525. >That is what really happened, you fiend! Stop spreading lies!"
  2526. >As you look at her, you can tell she is serious.
  2527. >She really believes it, this whole story she has concocted.
  2528. "So I just came out of nowhere, corrupted your mind in your time of emotional weakness, and convinced you to kill your sister?"
  2529. >"Yes."
  2530. "All those hours of bitter anger from being pulled away from your passion had nothing to do with it? Talking to yourself in the mirror for comfort doesn't ring a bell?"
  2531. >Luna remains quiet.
  2532. "Or how about when those talks in the mirror evolved into talks to an empty chair? A whole conversation that could last for hours in an otherwise empty, quiet room?"
  2533. >Cold silence greets your pause.
  2534. "You spend years doing that, coaxing the mind into forced insanity, what comes out the other end, Luna? Nothing good."
  2535. >Her anger has disappeared by this point, replaced by a blank stare.
  2536. "When you force the mind for hours upon hours to believe something is there, something is talking to you, helping you, you fracture the mind. Warp it, shape it. Until something is there."
  2537. >You relax, focusing on your own form and shifting.
  2538. "But all the while, that being you create, the being that offers you help, refuge from your misery, is it really somepony else?"
  2539. >You open your eyes and walk toward Luna, sitting in front of her in the exact same pose as she.
  2540. >She looks to be trembling a bit at this point.
  2541. "Or is it you helping yourself?"
  2542. >Nothing is your response back.
  2543. "So really, are you calling ME evil? Because that presents a bit of a problem here. I am YOU. I have always been YOU, Luna. YOU helped yourself all those years ago. YOU made every decision that has led us to this point. It is only after the failed coup and exile that there is now a YOU as Luna and ME as Nightmare Moon simultaneously."
  2544. >A cold, blank stare continues to be a popular answer.
  2545. "So are we evil, Luna?"
  2546. >Her eyes are about as big as saucers by this point.
  2547. >It is honestly creeping you out a bit.
  2548. >"Yes."
  2549. "Er, 'no' is the answer I was looking for."
  2550. >"I was the monster that tried to kill my sister. I am the monster."
  2551. >She continues to look straight at you, as if in a trance.
  2552. "Okay, you're missing the point here, let's jus-"
  2553. >"I am evil."
  2554. >Aw crap.
  2556. >"Wake up, dingus!"
  2557. >You snap upright in Luna's bed.
  2558. >Quiet mumbling directs your attention away from Nightmare Moon's holler and over to the blue alicorn beside you.
  2559. "Luna, you okay?"
  2560. >She says something as she rolls over, staring at you.
  2561. >Or maybe the correct term would be staring through you.
  2562. "What is it Luna? You're scaring me with that look."
  2563. >"I'm a monster."
  2564. >You chuckle.
  2565. "No you're not, what are you talking about?"
  2566. >"I'm evil."
  2567. >What?
  2568. >"Alright, so I'm not very good at fixing relationships."
  2569. >Your gaze is directed to Luna's side of the bed, where a black alicorn stands.
  2570. >Luna continues her mumbling rant, as if in a trance.
  2571. "What the hell did you do to her, Nightmare Moon?"
  2572. >She balks at your question.
  2573. >"I didn't DO anything. Not on purpose, I mean."
  2574. >You grab Luna with your good arm, managing to pull her upright and into your lap.
  2575. >She doesn't resist at all, nor waver in her chant.
  2576. "That doesn't answer my fucking question!"
  2577. >Nightmare averts her gaze, eyes moving as if putting words together visually.
  2578. >"Well, I meant to get this shit between the two of you cleared up, but it ended up as a debate about true evil."
  2579. "True evil? Put it in short and stupid form."
  2580. >"I gave her the same truth I did to you. I didn't really ease her into it."
  2581. >For fuck's sake.
  2582. >You shake Luna violently, trying to snap her out of mental screensaver mode.
  2583. >It seems to work, as she is quiet, her eyes focused on you.
  2584. "You aren't a monster. We all fuck up, we all make mistakes along the road of life. That one mistake, no matter how big, doesn't change who you are unless you LET it change you. I don't give a shit about what you've done in the past, you're still my Luna. And my Luna's a sweetheart."
  2585. >Her eyes focus intently on you, mouth slightly moving as if repeating everything you've said.
  2586. >As her eyes start to get wet, you drape her head over your left shoulder, embracing her awkwardly.
  2587. >A loud, wailing sob echoes through the room.
  2588. "You're fine, you're here with me."
  2589. >You run your hand through her mane repeatedly, as hoofsteps outside begin to get louder.
  2590. >The door bursts open, a visibly terrified Celestia running in, staring at you and her sister.
  2591. >The sobbing continues, as you look at Celestia, then bury your head in Luna's mane.
  2593. -----
  2595. >You cannot recall how long you have been here.
  2596. >No sunlight passes through these chambers, home to only the worst of criminals.
  2597. >The door to your cell creaks open, letting dim torchlight cut through the inky black of the room.
  2598. >The silhouette of a guard stands before you.
  2599. >"It is time."
  2600. >Slowly, you rise to your hooves, shuffling past the guard at the door to another waiting beyond in the narrow corridor.
  2601. >The clanking of the heavy chains that bind you are the only sounds as your miniature caravan makes its way through the dungeon
  2602. >The heft of the comically over-sized bindings cause you to strain more than a little as you transgress the winding staircase and into the main castle atrium.
  2603. >The guard ahead of you stops at the door to the throne room, turning to face you.
  2604. >"The Princess has requested us to wait outside, despite our reluctance. Do not try any tricks."
  2605. >You say nothing to the gruff stallion as the doors open, and you slink through.
  2606. >You have no desire to fight.
  2607. >Once you are clear of them, the massive oak doors slam behind you.
  2608. >Slowly, you make your way forward, keeping your head down.
  2609. >This is it.
  2610. >You struggle to keep your composure as you stop at the foot of the stairs and raise your head.
  2611. >Princess Celestia solemnly looks down upon you.
  2612. >The room is silent for what seems like hours.
  2613. >"It hurts me to see you like this, sister."
  2614. "I know, sister."
  2615. >"It was noble of you to willingly give up all of your powers."
  2616. >You turn your head to look at your flank.
  2617. >Once graced by the mark of the moon, it is now barren.
  2618. "It was right thing to do, under the circumstances."
  2619. >Her ethereal mane billows in the sunlight straying through the stained glass windows.
  2620. >Devoid of magic, yours remains still, lifeless.
  2621. >"You understand I must still pass judgment upon you, despite your utmost compliance."
  2622. "Yes. You must be fair and equal to everypony in the kingdom. Even your own sister."
  2623. >Your eyes meet, both of you fighting to keep the tears at bay.
  2624. >She suddenly clears her throat, raising her head in preparation to pass judgment.
  2625. >You've seen this ritual thousands of times before.
  2626. >You never expected to be on this end.
  2627. >"Princess Luna, you have been found guilty of abuse of your magical abilities and endangerment of those you have sworn to protect. Not only have you afflicted the being named Anonymous with your past curse, but with his actions resulting in the Changeling Queen Chrysalis's death, Princess Twilight Sparkle remains trapped within her own mind for perhaps eternity. I have no choice but to banish you to Tartarus to spend your existence."
  2628. >You bow your head in a sign of submission.
  2629. >"I am sorry, sister."
  2630. >Your ears perk up as an odd growling sound begins to get closer.
  2631. >Celestia seems to notice it too, as she scans the room.
  2632. "Sister, what is that noise?"
  2633. >She looks at you, dumbfounded.
  2634. >"I.... do not know."
  2635. >Suddenly with a near deafening roar, the stained glass windows to your left shatter, spraying shards of glass throughout the room.
  2636. >Various squeals and thumps echo throughout as a metallic purple missile flies into the room and lands with a roar.
  2637. >The room echoes with a deep rumble.
  2638. >A door opens up to the snarling mechanical beast as a familiar voice shouts.
  2639. >"Luna, get in!"
  2640. "A-Anonymous?!"
  2641. >You do not move as Celestia leaps down to the floor near you.
  2642. >"Anonymous, what are you doi-"
  2643. >A bolt of blue energy knocks Celestia off her hooves, throwing her to the floor yards away.
  2644. >You gasp as you can't help but stare in shock at your sister, who groggily rises up.
  2645. >"Dammit Luna, we don't have time to gawk, come on!"
  2646. >You turn to look at Anonymous seated in the Superbird, his right hand glowing intensely with a blue haze.
  2647. >Why is he doing this?
  2648. >How is he doing this?
  2649. >With every ounce of strength you have left in your being, you leap into the passenger's side of the car, the door closing behind you.
  2650. >The low bellow on the engine once again turns into a roar as you are thrown into the seat back.
  2651. >Despite the weight of the oak doors, the car blasts through them with ease, as you tear out of the castle.
  2652. >The hall is plenty wide enough for the Superbird, but you still shy away from your door and window.
  2653. "What in Equestria are you doing here?!"
  2654. >You cringe and avoid looking out the window, hearing various bangs and yelps as you encounter several guards trying to stop you.
  2655. >Anon turns, looking at you incredulously.
  2656. >"Rescuing you. What does it look like?"
  2657. >You look in the sideview mirror, spotting a while alicorn trailing you in the air.
  2658. "I would say you have lost your mind! You will not outrun our sister!"
  2659. >The two of you bust out of the last door, the guards outside scattering in all directions rather than hold their ground.
  2660. >Slinging the car sideways, Anonymous finally gets you out of the castle.
  2661. >He says nothing as he rows through the gears, following a straight past out of Canterlot Castle.
  2662. >Celestia gains ever closer to the two of you.
  2663. >The look of pure rage on her face rattles you to your core.
  2664. >Her horn lights up, shooting a beam of energy towards you.
  2665. >Shards of glass fly up from behind you, the back window shattering.
  2666. >You duck down reflexively, while Anon seems to be ignorant of the airborne danger.
  2667. "Just stop! It is fruitless!"
  2668. >Anonymous reaches to his left, pressing a button on the dashboard.
  2669. >You suddenly feel as if the whole car is moving in opposite directions.
  2670. >The windshield in front of you suddenly slants back while the roof lowers, causing you to scrunch down in your seat.
  2671. >At the same time, an odd contraption rises from the hood, and a low whine can be heard over the roar of the engine.
  2672. >The car suddenly finds an extra burst of speed, pressing you into the back of the seat as the low whine begins to increase in pitch.
  2673. >Anonymous grabs another gear out of nowhere, and as you strain to look, his speedometer has given up keeping track.
  2674. >Forcing yourself to look at the mirror again, Celestia's form is rapidly getting smaller.
  2675. >"You need to tell him."
  2676. >Anon's voice snaps you out of your trance.
  2677. "Pardon?"
  2678. >Abruptly, all feeling of forward motion stops.
  2679. >You turn your head back to Anonymous, confused.
  2680. >Except Anonymous is no longer next to you.
  2681. >Instead, a tall black mare sits, staring back at you.
  2682. >"You need to tell him the truth."
  2683. "Gah!"
  2684. >You jump back against the passenger door.
  2685. >But rather than stop you, it gives way.
  2686. >The sensation of freefall grips your every sense.
  2687. >The backdrop of rural Equestria slowly dims, until you are surrounded by a pitch black void.
  2688. >Once again, the sensation of movement halts.
  2689. >You feel absolutely sick to your stomach by this point.
  2690. >Despite feeling you are laying on solid ground, you don't try to get up.
  2691. >"You need to tell Anonymous."
  2692. >It seems as if the darkness itself is speaking to you, echoing from every direction.
  2693. "What? Tell him what?!"
  2694. >Two massive orbs suddenly manifest in front of you, easily three times your height.
  2695. >They fade into a turquoise hue, as black slitted pupils appear as well.
  2696. >Focusing on your comparatively diminutive size, Nightmare Moon's voice rings out again.
  2697. >"Tell him the truth, or repeat the past."
  2698. >Your head spins as you try to make sense of any of this.
  2699. >Closing your eyes, you take several deep breaths.
  2700. >The truth.
  2701. >What you did to him.
  2702. >Passing part of you to his body.
  2703. >Your stomach knots itself as you understand the message.
  2704. >"You must learn from your past mistakes Luna. Just as you try to help others in their dreams, I am here to guide you."
  2705. >A dream?
  2706. >Opening your eyes, Nightmare Moon sits before you, albeit at a normal size.
  2707. "You.... here to guide..... me?"
  2708. >She nods her head slowly, as if to emphasize.
  2709. >"Luna, do you understand why you - nay, we - reached the tipping point long ago?"
  2710. >You look down at the featureless blackness that the two of you rest on, as if it may hold the answer.stare at
  2711. >"Our fear of letting others know what our true feelings are have led to desperate decisions. Irrational, even delusional conclusions which to base our actions upon. First with our revolt, the lash out against our own sister, and then-"
  2712. "What I did to Anonymous. He was so kind to us, befriended us quickly, I just wanted to be with him."
  2713. >"And instead of telling him, you decide to pass part of yourself onto him. Which leads us to where we are now."
  2714. >Raising your head, you lock eyes with Nightmare Moon.
  2715. "Why?"
  2716. >She raises an eyebrow.
  2717. >"Why? Why what?"
  2718. "Why are you helping me? After all these years, after all the wrong accusations, the delusions to help myself believe I was not at fault, why do you feel the need to help me? Why not let me fail again?"
  2719. >"I have my reasons. Perhaps being attached to Anonymous has rubbed off on me a little bit."
  2720. >She pauses a moment, then smiles.
  2721. >"Of course, talking to you here gives me a chance to spread my wings, so to speak. I have not had this kind of freedom in a long while."
  2722. >You snort in disapproval, causing Nightmare Moon to refocus.
  2723. >"You as well as I know, until you solve your troubles, the nightmares will continue. Learn from your past, Luna."
  2725. >You jolt upright, heart racing.
  2726. >"Hey, I gotcha, you're alright."
  2727. >You turn your head to see Anonymous on your bed as he reaches out and holds onto you.
  2728. >You scan your surroundings, trying to get a bearing of where you are.
  2729. >As you calm down, you find yourself in your room, in bed.
  2730. >The curtains to your balcony are drawn, allowing filtered sunlight through.
  2731. >Taking a breath, you focus back on Anonymous.
  2732. "I.... was having a nightmare."
  2733. >He seems unsure, as if you are joking.
  2734. >"You can have those?"
  2735. >Stretching a bit, you sigh.
  2736. "It is rare, but yes, Anonymous. Dreamweaving does not make a pony impervious to what the mind can conjure up during rest."
  2737. >"I figured something was up. You've been tossing and turning every which way, you woke me up."
  2738. "You stayed here this whole time?"
  2739. >Another look of disbelief greets you.
  2740. >"Well, yeah. I was worried. Celestia and I talked for a while after you fell asleep, filling her in on the past month or so. Then I decided to catch some sleep myself."
  2741. >An overwhelming sense of shame creeps up on you.
  2742. >You didn't sit with him in the hospital.
  2743. >Even worse, you confronted him in his sleep.
  2744. >Playing the blame game.
  2745. >Just like...
  2746. >'Tell him the truth, or repeat the past.'
  2747. >Anon seems to sense something is up.
  2748. >"What's wrong?"
  2749. "What?"
  2750. >"You had a whole thousand-yard stare thing going. You sure you're alright?"
  2751. >He squeezes you tighter in response.
  2752. >Your stomach knots itself ever tighter as you gather up courage to face him.
  2753. "Anon, I did this to you. Not by accident."
  2754. >"Did what?"
  2755. "I left a piece of me with you on purpose when we switched bodies. I cast the spell knowing that we would share a bond, because I wanted to be closer to you. I just didn't think it would lead to all of, well, this."
  2756. >He is silent for a moment.
  2757. >"So, why didn't you just tell me you liked me?"
  2758. "I... I don't know. I was afraid of the answer, I suppose. Of course, all I've caused by my actions is a big mess. One I blamed on you."
  2759. >You hang your head in shame.
  2760. >A sigh from Anonymous startles you.
  2761. >"Well, I'm not exactly thrilled to hear you did this to me on purpose. But honestly, I don't really care."
  2762. "What?"
  2763. You look over at him, perplexed.
  2764. >"Whether it was an accident or on purpose, what's done is done. It didn't change anything between us, it won't change anything between us."
  2765. "So, you're not mad?"
  2766. >He smiles.
  2767. >"Let's just say you owe me a big favor, if that makes you feel better."
  2768. >Your fear lifts, feeling relieved.
  2769. >"But, maybe you need to works on talking out how you feel instead of making rash decisions. Like that. But what about last night?"
  2770. "Last night?"
  2771. >"Uh, yeah. You know, the breakdown you suffered?"
  2772. >You cringe.
  2773. "It will take some time to make sense of it all. I remember everything now. The way it really happened."
  2774. >"And you're sure you're okay?"
  2775. >You lean against him, as he reaches up and scratches an ear.
  2776. "I have you, don't I?"
  2777. >Suddenly, Cadence appears in your doorway, panting for breath.
  2778. >Why didn't she just teleport?
  2779. >"Chrysalis... awake!"
  2780. >You and Anon exchange glances.
  2781. >Without a word, you concentrate your magical energy, enveloping the three of you as you teleport down to the dungeon.
  2782. >"I'm not sure why I didn't just teleport, now that I think of it."
  2783. >For a princess, Cadence has always been rather airheaded.
  2784. >Kinder than any pony you've ever met, but not exactly sharp-witted.
  2785. >You only need to take a few steps before Celestia's magical barrier comes into view.
  2786. >From past experiences, changelings have exceptionally strong chitinous hides.
  2787. >But if it is somehow cracked or penetrated, they are highly susceptible to infection.
  2788. >Once you and Celestia got her back to the castle, your sister used her magic to seal up her cell, hoping to create as sterile and secure secure of an environment as possible.
  2789. >When Anonymous had his altercation with Chrysalis, his adrenaline unlocked magic that didn't crack Chrysalis's hide.
  2790. >It went though it like it was nothing.
  2791. >You stop in front of the glowing cell, Anonymous and Cadence standing on either side of you.
  2792. >The changeling queen lays in the center of her cell, groggily mumbling to herself something you cannot quite make out.
  2793. >It seems to take her a moment to realize she has visitors.
  2794. >"What? It's not enough you lock me up, now you want to watch me as if I'm some carnival freak?"
  2795. >Her voice comes out very raspy, likely due to the injury to her neck and throat.
  2796. >"You know why we're here, Chrysalis!"
  2797. >Cadence is the first to speak up, her ears pinned back in anger.
  2798. >Chrysalis sneers in response.
  2799. >"Oh good, you again. By the way, how is Shining Armor doing?"
  2800. >You were fortunate enough to sleep through Cadence's wedding debacle.
  2801. >Being night princess did have its perks.
  2802. "Do not toy with us. We are in no mood for games."
  2803. >Her smile fades away.
  2804. >"Oh, I'm sorry, this is about what you want. I forgot. I suppose you want Equestria's newest princess back to her normal nerdy self."
  2805. >Everypony nods.
  2806. >"Well, I honestly don't see much incentive to reverse my spell. Sorry."
  2807. >"What do you mean by that?"
  2808. >Anonymous finally breaks his silence, surprising you with the calmness of his tone.
  2809. >All of Chrysalis's focus turns to Anon.
  2810. >"You. Before I answer any more questions, I demand to know exactly what you are!"
  2811. "Anonymous is a human, he is not from our wo-"
  2812. >"Spare me the details, I know all of the background. I have eyes all over Equestria. But my scouts assured me he had absolutely no magical abilities, that his world was devoid of magic. Clearly something has changed."
  2813. >She points a hoof towards her neck wound, covered in bandages.
  2814. >A silent standoff ensues.
  2815. >Judging by her face, Chrysalis is serious about not continuing until her curiosity is satiated.
  2816. >You sigh, preparing for a long story.
  2817. >"The key I had in my pocket was imbued with magic, just in case I were ever.... in trouble."
  2818. >You look up at Anonymous, smiling.
  2819. [Quick thinking, Anonymous.]
  2820. >[I try.]
  2821. >Chrysalis eyes the two of you.
  2822. >She seems to believe Anon's lie.
  2823. >"Very well then. I still do not see any point in reversing the spell. I am already locked up."
  2824. "We saved your life, Chrysalis! You could have died on the floor of the Golden Oaks Library had Celestia and I not moved quickly to have our best doctors tend to you."
  2825. >"Be honest, you didn't exactly do that out of the goodness of your heart. You needed me."
  2826. >Cadence growls, taking a step towards the cell.
  2827. >"You tried ruining my wedding, taking my Shining Armor away from me, and now you are keeping my sister-in-law hostage?! How dare you!"
  2828. "Cadence!"
  2829. >She snaps out of her blind rage to look over at you, ashamed.
  2830. >"Sorry."
  2831. >Your focus returns to the prisoner, who is smirking.
  2832. >She is having way too much fun.
  2833. "What is it that you want, Chrysalis?"
  2834. >Her smile returns, showing off her hideous fangs.
  2835. >"Isn't it obvious? I want my freedom. My freedom in exchange for your purple pal's freedom. I'd say that's fair."
  2836. >Horseapples.
  2838. -----
  2840. "What else do you desire in return for Twilight Sparkle's release?"
  2841. >A laugh greets your question.
  2842. >"You're joking, right? If you want me to return Twilight back to normal, the ONLY thing I desire is my freedom."
  2843. >Chrysalis smirks, while you scowl in frustration.
  2844. >She has already caused enough trouble in the past, she will certainly try to undermine Equestria again.
  2845. >But it looks like you really have no choice at this point.
  2846. >You growl.
  2847. "Fine. We go to Twilight Sparkle now."
  2848. >Chrysalis's eyes light up.
  2849. >"Of course, the sooner the better."
  2850. >"I don't like this, Luna."
  2851. "Neither do I Anon. But what else can we do?"
  2852. >The hybrid rises to her hooves, while you use your magic to take down Celestia's barrier.
  2853. >Grabbing a pair of iron shackles off of the wall nearby, you pass them to Cadence, while you grab the key to the cell door proper and begin to unlock it.
  2854. >"What, may I ask, do you plan to do with those bindings?"
  2855. >Cadence turns them over within her magical grasp, showing off a series of intricate engravings on each clasp.
  2856. "The sigils etched into them will prevent you from using any magic, until we get to Twilight."
  2857. >"Interesting."
  2858. >As the lock clicks, you turn to Cadence, nodding to her.
  2859. >Her serious expression suddenly turns to one of a fiendish grin.
  2860. >Before you can react, she snaps the shackles to your forehooves.
  2861. "Princess Cadence, what are you doing?"
  2862. >As you watch, the sigils light up with a bluish glow the same hue of your own magic, as a wave of cold air seems to wash over you.
  2863. >You can practically feel your energy being sucked from you.
  2864. >Chrysalis laughs as she kicks the cell door open, throwing you and Anonymous to the ground.
  2865. >She turns to Cadence, raising a hoof to pat her on the head.
  2866. >"Princess Cadence is not exactly.... herself today. You really should talk to your sister more, as it seems the real Princess Cadence left for the Crystal Empire this morning."
  2867. >You growl as Chrysalis turns away.
  2868. >"Like I said, I have scouts everywhere. Have fun, you two. I have places to be."
  2869. >The Changeling Queen gallops off, the phony princess in tow.
  2870. >You clumsily begin rising to your hooves, the bindings not allowing for excessive maneuvering.
  2871. >Anonymous helps you up the rest of the way, seeing as how you landed on top of him.
  2872. "Grab the keys out of the cell lock and get these cursed things off me!"
  2873. >He obliges, plucking the keychain out of the door, and rummaging through them.
  2874. >"Seems stupid for her to just leave us the keys and leave me free."
  2875. >You say nothing as he tries several keys, before finding the right one.
  2876. >In the distance, you hear what sounds like the creak of a cell door opening.
  2877. >"What was that?"
  2878. >As the shackles fall to the ground, you feel a surge of energy rush through you.
  2879. "I have a feeling I know."
  2880. >Sure enough, you hear the sound of hoofsteps as a purple figure rounds the corner.
  2881. >"Uh, Twilight?"
  2882. >The purple alicorn looks at the two of you, eyes glowing green and ears pinned back.
  2883. >This isn't Twilight.
  2884. >She stands there unblinking, her eyes showing no sense of thought.
  2885. >Just blind devotion to a queen's orders.
  2886. [Anonymous, when I make a move, get the hay out of here. Find Celestia.]
  2887. >[Okay, but what are yo-]
  2888. >You don't give him time to ask questions as you charge at Twilight.
  2889. >The last thing you want to do is harm her, as you hope to keep magic out of the equation to subdue her.
  2890. >She tries to sidestep, but you turn your head and catch her with your horn, flinging her into the nearest wall.
  2891. "Twilight Sparkle, if you can hear me, you need to fight this!"
  2892. >You stand your ground as she rises back to her hooves, silent.
  2893. >Her horn begins to glow as she sneers, firing off a beam of magical energy.
  2894. >You manage to duck as her spell whizzes overhead, the air crackling.
  2895. >As you raise your head back up, a hoof strikes you in the jaw.
  2897. * * * *
  2899. >Panting for breath, you reach the top of the stairs, catching sight of Chrysalis rounding a corner.
  2900. >Damn, where are all the guards at today, playing hooky?
  2901. >You have second thoughts of what Luna asked you to do in favor of tailing the changeling queen.
  2902. >Even if you manage to find Princess Celestia quickly, Chrysalis could be long gone by that point.
  2903. >Your mind made up, you quickly run down the hall to the corner the queen made just moments ago.
  2904. >The black bughorse quickly strides down the hallway, quickly approaching the main foyer and the entrance as she makes another turn.
  2905. >You sprint as best you can, your arm in a sling somewhat impeding your pace.
  2906. >You hear shouting and what sounds like a struggle up ahead as you slow your pace, not wanting to let Chrysalis know she is being tailed.
  2907. >As you peak around the corner, several guards are laying on the ground in the foyer, with another in front of Chrysalis.
  2908. >"Unless you want to end up like your buddies here, I'd suggest you let me be on my way."
  2909. >The guard grunts as he charges at Chrysalis, who wastes no time in grabbing him with her magic.
  2910. >As you watch in horror, the guard's head snaps around with an audible crunch.
  2911. >"Idiot."
  2912. >Dropping his body to the ground, she walks out into the daylight, while you slowly make your way to the door after a moment and peek past the threshold.
  2913. >At this point, the changeling queen takes to the air, fluttering in an almost leisurely fashion.
  2914. >You sprint outside, hanging a hard right to where your Superbird sits.
  2915. >Climbing in, you hit the key, the engine coming to life with a deep rumble.
  2916. >You can see Chrysalis turn her head, spotting you.
  2917. >Shit, what were you thinking?
  2918. >Her speed noticeably quickens at this point, quickly becoming smaller in the distance.
  2919. >Jamming the shifter into first, you mat it, the sound of gravel pinging off the rear quarters only outmatched by the thunder under the hood.
  2920. >Even with her increase in pace, you close in rapidly, rowing through the gears until you get to fourth.
  2921. >Changelings must not be quick fliers.
  2922. >Or she's toying with you.
  2923. >You don't close in much further once you get within two hundred feet of her, your speedometer reading a mere 60 mph.
  2924. >The realization of how pointless this chase is dawns on you.
  2925. >There's no way she is going to lead you to her lair knowing you're behind her.
  2926. >Nor are you willing to confront the queen.
  2927. >A lanky figure stepping into your path grabs your attention as your reflexes kick in.
  2928. >Dropping from fourth to second gear while standing on the brakes, you slide sideways in a cloud of dust.
  2929. >The engine stalls as you finally come to a stop, your heart racing.
  2930. >When you manage to calm your nerves and look up to the sky, Chrysalis is nowhere to be seen.
  2931. >"Dear me, what is the rush?! You could have killed me!"
  2932. >Wait a minute...
  2933. >Peering out from under a bonnet, the snout of a smirking chimaerical creature stoops down to your driver's window.
  2934. "Discord! You dumbass, what are you doing?!"
  2935. >He seems flabbergasted by your tone.
  2936. >"Why, I was just enjoying this lovely day until you nearly ran me down! Crazy driver."
  2937. >His rather playful demeanor irks you further.
  2938. "Screw you! Thanks to your idiocy, I've lost Chrysalis and any hope of saving Twilight!"
  2939. >You bang your fist on the steering wheel, instantly regretting it as pain envelops your hand.
  2940. >"Twilight? Right, I forgot that was on my to-do list today."
  2941. "What?"
  2942. >Discord tosses away the bonnet on his head, a mischievous grin coming across his face.
  2943. >With a snap of his talons, he disappears.
  2944. "Come back here, you prick!"
  2945. >Only the sounds of birds answer back as you look around.
  2946. >With a sigh, you crank over the engine, and head back to the castle, your focus back to how Luna is faring.
  2948. * * * *
  2950. >Undaunted, Twilight rises to her hooves yet again, albeit slowly.
  2951. >You don't know how much more either of you can take this, as Twilight again leaps at you.
  2952. >Unable to avoid her in the tight confines of the dungeon, the two of you topple end over end, with Twilight ending up on top of you, with you on your back.
  2953. >As the purple alicorn's horn begins to light up again, you muster up as much strength as you can.
  2954. >With all of your might, you kick your hind legs, hitting her in the stomach and throwing her off.
  2955. >You rise to your hooves quickly, finding Twilight stunned, the wind knocked out of her.
  2956. >Using your magic, you fling her into an open cell nearby, slamming the door.
  2957. >She finally regains her wits and leaps at the bars with a shriek.
  2958. >As she gnaws at her cage with razor sharp teeth, you realize this is not Twilight.
  2959. >You feel gutted.
  2960. >This was all a ruse.
  2961. >Frustrated and sore, you turn away, just as something grabs you from behind.
  2962. >As you are about to buck, whatever is behind you speaks.
  2963. >"Princess Luna! I'm so glad to see you!"
  2964. >That voice..
  2965. >You crane your neck to see... Twilight?
  2966. >A mix of confusion, suspicion, and joy floods you as you try to understand what is going on.
  2967. >She seems to understand your apprehension, as she backs up.
  2968. >"Perhaps I should stop being such a fly on the wall, hm?"
  2969. >A buzzing sound reaches your ear as you look around for the sound of yet another voice.
  2970. >A miniaturized draconequus lands on your muzzle.
  2971. "Discord?!"
  2972. >He smiles his trademark mischievous grin, growing back to fullsize with a snap of his fingers and stepping off your muzzle as if weightless.
  2973. >"At your service."
  2974. >He bows gracefully.
  2975. >Your mind cannot handle much more nonsense that has already taken place in the last several days.
  2976. "Forgive me for being cross, but I have no time for fun and games, Discord. WHAT is going on?"
  2977. >He waves a taloned hand, as if to blow you off.
  2978. >"Oh calm down now. I just happened to be idly passing by when I heard the commotion between you and Chryssy. She seemed to be rather unwilling to keep to her end of the deal, so I figured I should step in."
  2979. >He walks over to Twilight, waving his hands around her as Twilight looks at him, already tired of his jokes.
  2980. >"So here is your Twilight Sparkle, refreshed and good as new!"
  2981. "So you....stopped Chrysalis before she could escape?"
  2982. >He laughs, as if you told him the best joke he has ever heard.
  2983. >"Stopped her? Princess Luna, I may be reformed, but I will still always be the master of chaos. Locking up ponies isn't exactly helpful in that respect."
  2984. >You sizzle in anger as you take a step toward the chimeric prankster.
  2985. "YOU LET HER GO?!"
  2986. >"You seem to miss the point that I saved Twilight Sparkle.
  2987. >"Somepony still needs to explain to me what is going on. I'm completely lost."
  2988. "In due time, Twilight Sparkle."
  2989. >You focus back on Discord, softening your stern tone.
  2990. "How? How did you manage to free Twilight?"
  2991. >He puffs out his chest, brushing his talons across his chest in an expression of pride.
  2992. >"Well, I may know a thing or two about hypnosis spells."
  2993. >You feel rather silly not thinking about acquiring assistance from him in the very beginning.
  2994. "While I may not be pleased with you allowing our prisoner to go free, I thank you dearly for returning Twilight back to her former self, Discord."
  2995. >He waves you off again.
  2996. >"Not a problem, my dear night princess. It feels good to face you past and move on, doesn't it?"
  2997. >He winks at you.
  2998. >Your eyes go wide.
  2999. >So he did know what he was doing when he cast whatever spell he did when meeting him with Anonymous.
  3000. >But how?
  3001. >Instead of asking a question you know will not be answered, you solemnly nod.
  3002. "Yes. It is a feeling unlike any other to face your past and learn from it. Sometimes it just takes more than one event to understand where you have strayed along your path."
  3003. >"Well put, Princess Luna."
  3004. "Discord?"
  3005. >"Hm?"
  3006. >You take a step toward him.
  3007. "If you ever pull anything like this again, I will end you."
  3008. >He chuckles, stopping abruptly when you continue to stare coldly towards him.
  3009. >"I uh.. *ahem* must get back to my place, it's movie night!"
  3010. >He snaps his fingers, disappearing in a shower of colors and.... popcorn?
  3011. >You and Twilight stare at each other for a moment, before embracing.
  3012. "I am so glad to see you are alright, Twilight Sparkle."
  3013. >You step away, as she still seems eager to understand the events of today.
  3014. "What do you remember of the past few days, Twilight?"
  3015. >She shakes her head in a frenzy.
  3016. >"That's just it, Luna. The last thing I remember is Anon coming over to visit me, and then waking up down here with Discord opening a cell in which I had been placed! What is going on?!"
  3017. >The sound of approaching hoofsteps puts you on edge again, calming down when you see Celestia and Anonymous appear from around the corner.
  3018. "We have much to discuss."
  3020. * * * *
  3022. >"You're telling me I thought Chrysalis was Anonymous?!"
  3023. >"Yes."
  3024. >Twilight gags in response.
  3025. >"I'm taking at least an hour long bubble bath when I get home."
  3026. >You can't help but laugh, as does Luna and Celestia.
  3027. >The four of you sit in Celestia's private chambers, as the sun already begins to make a slow retreat past the horizon.
  3028. >Twilight turns to you, her face lit up in excitement.
  3029. >"But wow, you really used magic?! That's incredible!"
  3030. >You wring your hand, thinking about the aftermath.
  3031. "Honestly, I hope I never do again. That stuff hurts."
  3032. >She cocks her head.
  3033. >"What do you mean by that, Anonymous?"
  3034. >Celestia's voice draws your attention.
  3035. "When I did.... whatever the hell it was to Chrysalis, I felt like I was being roasted from the inside out. I thought I was dying, to be honest."
  3036. >The white alicorn turns to her sister who responds with her own look of befuddlement.
  3037. >"I can not say I have ever heard of such a thing. Luna and I had assumed the injury to your shoulder had been the reason for your blackout, but perhaps that was not the case."
  3038. >Twilight frowns, looking up at you.
  3039. >"I'm sorry about your shoulder, Anon."
  3040. >Her big, sad eyes cause your heart to skip a beat.
  3041. "Wasn't your fault, Twily. But at the same time, sorry your library looks like a warzone."
  3042. >Celestia chimes in.
  3043. >"I wouldn't say that. Spike's been a very busy little dragon since you were gone."
  3044. >Twilight gasps.
  3045. >"Oh my gosh, Spike! He must be worried sick!"
  3046. >Luna puts a hoof up to cut off Twilight.
  3047. >"We did not wish for him to be worried for your safety. All he knows is you are here in Canterlot on business for a few days. What you tell him is up to you."
  3048. >"Thank you all so much, I must get going!"
  3049. >Twilight quickly rises from the floor, giving everyone in the room a hug, then leaping off the balcony, into the night sky.
  3050. >Celestia's focus turns to her sister beside her.
  3051. >"Well, with Twilight safe and sound, my main concern is you. Are you alright, Luna?"
  3052. >"I am fine sister, but I thank you for the concern."
  3053. >She seems calm and collected, but you also know she is good at hiding her emotions.
  3054. >You wonder if she really is handling everything well inside.
  3055. >"I do request that you and I talk about... what you know about the past. Soon."
  3056. >Luna solemnly nods, as she rises to her hooves.
  3057. >You rise to your feet likewise, following Luna as she walks out of the room.
  3058. >"Goodnight, sister."
  3059. >"Goodnight Luna. And Anonymous?"
  3060. >You turn around.
  3061. "Hm?"
  3062. >Celestia smiles warmly.
  3063. >"Please do try to stay out of trouble."
  3064. "I'll try. G'night."
  3065. >You catch up to Luna, who has continued her trot towards her room in the meantime.
  3066. "So, now what?"
  3067. >The night princess looks over at you inquisitively.
  3068. >"Pardon?"
  3069. "Anything going to be done to find Chrysalis again?"
  3070. >She sighs.
  3071. >"No. It is not worth the effort, for it is near impossible to find a creature that can take the form of whatever she wishes. She will likely be back, someday."
  3072. "Hopefully later rather than sooner."
  3073. >"Yes."
  3074. >You carefully tread with your next question as the two of you enter her room.
  3075. "So, how are you really feeling?"
  3076. >She flops onto her bed, looking slightly irritated.
  3077. >"Tired and sore. You try reliving the past one thousand years of your existence in a dream, then fighting what turns out to be a changeling in a defensive fight."
  3078. >You walk over to her bed, sitting beside her.
  3079. "Sorry."
  3080. >Luna's gaze turns out to the balcony, as the sun finally disappears past the horizon, the stars of the night sky taking center stage.
  3081. >Her face softens, a slight grin creeping up as she pulls you in close.
  3082. >"More than anything, I am relieved everything is back to normal."
  3083. "As normal as it can be."
  3084. >She giggles as the two of you just enjoy the view of the night sky.

Changing Lanes 01

by Autopony

Night Princess vs Superbird

by Autopony

Changing Lanes 2

by Autopony

Friendship is Mandatory

by Autopony

Changing Lanes: Dream Taming for Dummies

by Autopony