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Changing Lanes: Dream Taming for Dummies

By Autopony
Created: 2020-12-18 10:45:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Good evening, Anonymous."
  2. >You practically jump out of your skin, dropping the book you were reading in your lap.
  3. >A dark blue mare sits at the foot of your bed, smiling mischievously.
  4. "Why do you do that? Someone needs to put a bell on you."
  5. >Princess Luna giggles as you set your book on your end table, looking at the clock.
  6. "'Good evening'? It's already one in the morning."
  7. >"Yes, apologies Anon, but I need your assistance. With a dream."
  8. >Wow, she needs your help?
  9. >Your surprise seems to be evident to Luna.
  10. >"Yes, it is not often I need help, especially in the dreamworld. But then again, dreamweaving isn't exactly a common talent, is it?"
  11. "Uh, no. I guess not. But what do you need me to do?"
  12. >Luna rises to her hooves, pacing.
  13. >"Have you encountered Twilight Sparkle recently?"
  14. >You think back to when you last saw her.
  15. >It was a few days ago, at her library.
  16. >Usually Twilight was quite cheerful, and would start up a lively conversation with you about the current book she was buried in.
  17. >But last time, she seemed rather edgy and tired.
  18. >You attempted to find out what was bothering her, but she dismissed you, insisting nothing was wrong.
  19. "Yeah, she hasn't been herself lately."
  20. >Luna shakes her head.
  21. >"I'm afraid it may be both my sister's fault as well as mine as to why she has been plagued with nightmares. The last few months before you arrived have, as you know, been quite a whirlwind for her. Twilight's ascension to princess has been rapid, and she has had little time to adjust."
  22. >You nod, waiting for the night princess to continue.
  23. >"Twilight Sparkle's dreams have been centered on increasing demands by not only my sister Celestia, but of the ponies of Equestria, forcing her to bend to their will to become the perfect princess."
  24. >You scratch your head, a bit confused at this point.
  25. "So, if you've already seen her dreams, why do you need my help? Can't you just dispel them or talk to her yourself?"
  26. >Luna looks down at the floor, blushing a bit with embarrassment.
  27. >"While the talent of dreamweaving itself is a bit of a privacy issue, I do not wish to make anypony uncomfortable by confronting them about the issues they face at night during the day. I prefer to help them while they are dreaming. But, Twilight, she is.... well, she is wound rather tight, so to speak. I have been unable to break through to her in the course of her nightmares."
  28. >You still don't understand what Luna needs from you.
  29. >While you share her powers in dreamwalking, you aren't near as skilled as she.
  30. >Luna picks up on your internal queries.
  31. >"What I need of you is your mind. You possess quite a bit of... unconventional thinking, and I hope you may have an idea of a way we may reach Twilight Sparkle and break through to her."
  32. >You ponder the information Luna has put forward.
  33. >Demands and fitting in...
  34. >Royalty...
  35. >Luna looks on, eager and hopeful.
  36. >A fleeting thought passes, and as if to grab it, you rise from your reclined position in bed.
  37. "Luna, this might be the most idiotic thing you have ever heard, but hear me out..."
  39. >"She's not fit to be in power!"
  40. >"Look at the state Equestria is in! How do you consider this acceptable?!"
  41. >"The Princess of Friendship?! Give me a break!"
  42. >You scan the angry crowd nervously, unsure whether speaking will help matters or make them worse.
  43. >Suddenly, a bright flash appears to your left on the impromptu stage, taking the form of your mentor.
  44. "Princess Celestia! Oh thank goodness!"
  45. >As the light fades, you find her expression is not warm and welcoming.
  46. >She looks to the crowd, clearing her throat as the mob begins to quiet.
  47. >"My ponies, I sincerely apologize for what seems to be not just a lack of effort in my pupil's efforts in sharing her message of friendship, but in fact creating greater issues between Equestria and what once were our nation's allies."
  48. >You bow your head, seeing Celestia is not here to help you.
  49. >"Princess Twilight Sparkle, perhaps you do not understand what is expected of you. But leisure time with your so-called friends is certainly not it. What do you have to say for yourself, in defense of yourself?"
  50. >You look up at Celestia, towering over you.
  51. "I.... I don't know. What do I do?"
  52. >The white alicorn closes her eyes and furrows her brow.
  53. >"I see I may have been wrong about you. Your selfish desires to find pleasure for yourself rather than the kingdom are quite obvious. How can you call yourself a princess?"
  54. >The mob's cries and shouts resume as you cower on stage.
  55. >A cold presence on your left forehoof draws your attention downward, as a chain suddenly appears, binding you.
  56. >You try to pull away, but it seems to be fixed to the stage.
  57. >Your heart races in fear as the crowd grows ever louder in angry torment.
  58. >"You need to start acting like a princess. No more fun and games, you will shape up! You will give up your own hopes and dreams! For the greater good!"
  59. >You strain to hold back tears as Celestia's eyes burn into you, as you try to make yourself smaller.
  60. >The sound of what you can only assume to be drums suddenly echoes out from all directions, quieting the mob.
  61. >You look around in confusion, as does everypony else.
  62. >"We're not gonna take it!"
  63. >Where is that coming from?
  64. >"No! We ain't gonna take it!"
  65. >Celestia looks down at you again, this time in uncertainty.
  66. >"We're not gonna take it, anymooooore!"
  67. >The backdrop behind the two of you suddenly rips, revealing...
  68. >Anonymous?
  69. >And Luna?
  70. >Your mind tries to make sense of what is going on.
  71. >Anonymous starts moving towards you, all the while facing Celestia, who looks on in utter disbelief.
  72. >Is he wearing makeup?
  73. >"We've got the right to choose and, there ain't no way we'll lose it!"
  74. >Luna steps towards her sister.
  75. >"This is our life, this is our song!"
  76. >The white alicorn takes a step back as the strange duo sing in unison.
  77. >"We'll fight the powers that be just, don't pick our destiny 'cause, you don't know us, you don't belong!"
  78. >Luna turns at steps towards you, using her magic to free you of your bindings as Anon continues his tirade.
  79. >"Oh you're so condescending, your goal is never-ending!"
  80. >He motions back to the two of you, as Luna helps you to your hooves.
  81. >"We don't want nothin', not a thing from you!"
  82. >As you glance at the silent crowd, they slowly begin to become animated again, this time towards Celestia.
  83. >Anonymous, in all his odd attire, begins to step closer to Celestia as she takes several steps back.
  84. >"Your life is trite and jaded, boring and confiscated! If that's your best, your best won't do!"
  85. >Ignorant of her place on the stage, Celestia loses her balance, falling on her back to the ground.
  86. >The crowd suddenly cheers, turning to you.
  87. >"Take control, Twilight Sparkle."
  88. >You turn to Luna as she speaks, her horn aglow as you feel a tingling sensation focusing on your mane.
  89. >As Anonymous shares chants with the crowd, Luna passes you a mirror.
  90. "What the hay did you do to my mane?!"
  91. >Without a word, she pushes you to the edge of the stage, where Celestia lays in a daze.
  92. >Luna's words pop into your head again.
  93. >'Take control.'
  94. >You look back to Anon, who is nodding, urging you on.
  95. "We're... we're not going to take it?"
  96. >His nodding becomes even more animated as you feel a surge of confidence.
  97. >Your focus back to your mentor, you smile.
  98. "No, we aren't going to take it! We're not going to take it, ANYMORE!"
  99. >As her eyes go wide in shock, Celestia suddenly vaporizes before you.
  100. >The crowd suddenly thins out, cheering all the while.
  101. >What is... what?
  102. >"You are dreaming, Twilight Sparkle."
  103. >You turn your head to see Luna next to you, smiling.
  104. "A dream?"
  105. >"Well, I hope you don't think all of this is normal, Twily."
  106. >You stare at Anon, who walks over to you.
  107. >Normal?
  108. >You shake your head.
  109. "I don't think anypony could find all of this normal."
  110. >Anon and Luna laugh, as your heartrate finally begins to slow down.
  111. >You take a deep breath, cooling your frayed nerves.
  112. >"We understand your fears, dear Twilight. You feel much is expected of you now."
  113. >You nod at Luna.
  114. "There's just so much responsibility on my shoulders now! How can I handle it?"
  115. >"My sister and I are always willing to lend an ear if you feel any concern. All you have to do is ask."
  116. >You hang your head, feeling a little silly.
  117. "I guess I just let my mind get to me too much. I never thought to ask for advice or share how I was feeling with anypony. I mean, I'm a princess now, won't that make me look weak?"
  118. >Anonymous scratches your ear, trying to comfort you.
  119. >"Twily, you aren't weak to ask for help. No one expects you to know everything, or to do everything alone. You have us, your friends here to help you at any time."
  120. >Your stomach unknots itself.
  121. >You manage to smile.
  122. "Thanks."
  123. >Your mind burns, as you can't help to sate your curiosity.
  124. "So, this has all been a dream then. I get that. But why are you wearing makeup? And those, uh.... clothes?"
  125. >Anonymous looks down at himself, as does Luna.
  126. >After a moment of silence, Anon looks at you again.
  127. >"There are some things better left unanswered, Twilight."
  129. >As you bolt upright in bed, you practically throw Luna onto the floor.
  130. >"Careful, Anonymous."
  131. "Sorry. I haven't figured out the waking up gracefully yet."
  132. >She giggles.
  133. >"I must say, you did very well tonight. While certainly odd, your idea happened to be just the thing to help Twilight."
  134. >You shrug as you smile.
  135. "Well, it was fun, too."
  136. >Luna looks up at you, her eyes narrowed.
  137. >"I must ask as well, why were you in such odd attire? Please tell me."
  138. >You lock eyes with her, your face serious.
  139. "Luna, where I come from, there are a lot of drugs. I mean, A LOT of drugs."
  140. >You pull her back next to you as she squirms, giggling some more.
  141. "Goodnight, Luna.
  142. >"Goodnight, Anon."
  147. [Originally posted 18 April 2015]

Changing Lanes 01

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Changing Lanes 2

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Changing Lanes: Dream Taming for Dummies

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