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Changing Lanes: Sunny Day

By Autopony
Created: 2020-12-18 10:50:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >The warmth of the sun's rays greet you after a good night's rest.
  2. >You feel the weight of Luna next to you in bed, as you roll over.
  3. "Morning."
  4. >"Good morning."
  5. >Your eyes snap open.
  6. >Instead of blue, stark while and rainbow pastel mane greets your sight.
  7. "Celestia?!"
  8. >You recoil back in surprise as she chuckles.
  9. >"Sorry, I saw you still in bed and couldn't resist."
  10. >Your heart rate slows down a bit as you realize you are indeed in Luna's room.
  11. "How long have you been lying there? And where is Luna?"
  12. >Celestia rises up out of the bed as you sit up, stretching your arms.
  13. >"Oh, maybe fifteen minutes. I'm surprised you didn't wake up when I flopped down."
  14. "I'm a heavy sleeper. Where is Luna?"
  15. >"Sorry, Luna and I swapped days. She forgot about the meteor shower planned for this weekend, she has to be up for that. So, she gets to spend the day in the monthly meetings we have with various council members and mayors from all the cities in Equestria."
  16. >You eye Celestia with suspicion.
  17. "You didn't happen to make her forget about that meteor shower, did you?"
  18. >She smiles.
  19. >"Not on purpose, no."
  20. >You sigh while her laughter fills the room again.
  21. "I think it's funny how normally the younger sister is the bratty one. With you two, it's the complete opposite."
  22. >Her laughter only grows as you climb out of bed and grab some clothes to wear.
  23. >You walk into Luna's personal bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush.
  24. "So what are you up to with your free day, other than terrorizing me?"
  25. >"Oh, I don't know. I was wondering if you wouldn't happen to want to spend the day with your girlfriend's sister?"
  26. >You drop your toothbrush in the sink.
  27. >Celly seems to have heard it from outside.
  28. >"I'll take that as a no, then?"
  29. >Picking it up and beginning your morning ritual, you walk back into Luna's room.
  30. >Celestia looks at you with a bit of uncertainty.
  31. >You do your best to respond without spitting everywhere.
  32. "I didn't say no. Just surprised."
  33. >Walking back into the bathroom to finish up, Celestia's voice echoes back.
  34. >"I just thought, you and I have never really spoken one on one, even after nearly a year in Equestria. I did not mean for it to be awkward, if it came out that way."
  35. >After rinsing, you walk back out, closing the door behind you.
  36. "No, it sounds like a good idea, Tia. I mean, we live with each other, we should get to know each other a bit better."
  37. >Her smile practically lights up the room.
  38. >"Come on, let's get something to eat."
  40. >While Celestia settles on a breakfast of warm oatmeal with strawberries and tea, you feast upon a massive pumpkin spice muffin.
  41. >It continues to amaze you what the chefs in this castle can create at just a moment's notice.
  42. >Seriously, this thing is almost the size of your head!
  43. "So, what do you normally do on your day off?"
  44. >Celestia sips her tea.
  45. >"To be honest, I am still getting used to the idea of a day without royal matters to attend. Usually, I spend the day relaxing somewhere, whether it be in the garden, at the spa, or in my own study."
  46. >You take another bite of the muffin, savoring the mild spice.
  47. "Really? You never got a day to yourself in all those years between... you know."
  48. >She shakes her head.
  49. >"Looks may be deceiving Anonymous, but ruling a kingdom is an extremely taxing and time consuming life. But I enjoy it."
  50. "Hey, whatever floats your boat. Personally, I'd go nuts without a day off at least once a week."
  51. >Celestia chuckles as she nibbles at her meal.
  52. >"Well, I would be lying if I had I had never felt that way. Usually those ill feelings are around the times we have these meetings. You have seen how they can be."
  53. >It takes you a moment to understand.
  54. >Right, you had to attend one during the clusterfuck of you and Luna swapping bodies.
  55. 'Yeah, that sucked. Whatever happened to that one guy I flipped out on?"
  56. >She smiles.
  57. >"He's still quite skittish around Luna."
  58. "Ha. Good."
  59. >You pause.
  60. "I can't help but wonder, you never were too clear on how you knew I was Luna. Er, in her body, I mean."
  61. >Celestia looks up from her bowl.
  62. >"You didn't use enough plural possessive pronouns. Luna was still stuck on those at that point in time, she had not adjusted to more modern linguistics."
  63. "So in other words, she should have waited till now to screw up that spell."
  64. >From overhead, a roar echoes through the dining room.
  66. >Wide-eyed in surprise, you look over at Celestia.
  67. >You would know Luna's Canterlot Voice anywhere.
  68. >You'd swear your ears still ring from time to time after the one and only demonstration she gave you.
  69. "That doesn't sound good."
  70. >Tia looks up at the ceiling, taking another sip of her tea nonchalantly.
  71. >"No, that is normal. Perhaps a bit earlier than usual in these discussions, but normal."
  73. >After breakfast, the two of you wander out in the garden's maze, just enjoying the beautiful weather.
  74. .Celestia recited the way through the maze before you went in, she has it memorized at this point.
  75. >A question has been burning in your mind for a while now, and you can't resist asking any longer.
  76. "Celestia, exactly how old are you and your sister?"
  77. >She chuckles.
  78. >"Anon, I lost track of that a long, long time ago. When time is endless to you, age is just another trivial number. But on that note, how old are YOU?"
  79. "You actually have to think about it for a moment.
  80. "Twenty-four, last I remember."
  81. >Celestia looks on in amusement.
  82. >"You are still very young. Even your car is older than you, is it not?"
  83. >It is your turn to chuckle.
  84. "Yeah, that old girl turns forty-six next year. Obviously I haven't had it that long, but that's when it came out of the factory."
  85. >"How is that project coming along?"
  86. "Pretty good. Luna popped all the dents out of everything. It just needs fresh paint in those areas and then put back together."
  87. >"What are you two up to?"
  88. >As she is mentioned, Luna descends in front of you and Celestia, touching down lightly.
  89. "Hi Luna. Did class get out early today?"
  90. >You all begin walking together, the maze just wide enough for you to all be side by side.
  91. >"Ugh, unfortunately no. I adjourned the meeting for an hour break to keep my sanity intact."
  92. >Celestia chuckles, met by a dirty look from Luna.
  93. >"Is it really going that bad today?"
  94. >Luna drops her gaze to the ground.
  95. >"It is the same as every other meeting. Everypony wants a bigger budget, everypony has a better idea how something in Equestria should be ran, and so on. It gets old very quick."
  96. >"Just imagine dealing with that every month for a millennium and you know how I feel."
  97. >Luna smiles.
  98. >"Hm. I suppose there is an upside to being sealed away in the moon."
  99. >You look over at her in surprise.
  100. >"What?"
  101. "Nothing. I'm just shocked you made a joke about that."
  102. >She waves a wing at you, as if brushing your question away.
  103. >"I told you, I am fine with my past now. May as well be able to laugh at it, right?"
  104. "Never said it was bad, Moonbutt."
  105. >Celestia giggles as Luna blushes profusely.
  106. >"You never answered my question. What are you two doing?"
  107. >"Anonymous and I decided to spend the day relaxing and chatting. You know, to get to know each other better."
  108. "We were just talking about the Superbird. You think we might be able to get some paint on it on your next day off?"
  109. >"Perhaps, I will have to talk to Twilight Sparkle to understand how she did it the last time. Sister, I assume you are asking because you think you are brave enough for a ride along with Anonymous?"
  110. >Luna smirks at her sister, who responds with a similar expression.
  111. >"It is not a bad idea. If you can handle it, I can easily enjoy it."
  112. >A fire burns in Luna's eyes.
  113. >"We'll see about that. In fact, why don't we find out right now?"
  114. "Uh, the nose and fenders are off of it right now waiting for paint, remember?"
  115. >"I will help you attach them, this cannot wait."
  116. >The blue alicorn focuses, teleporting the three of you to the garage.
  117. >Quickly, she grabs the driver's side fender and places it in position, while you grab a ratchet and some bolts.
  118. >You don't bother putting all the bolts in, just enough to keep it in place.
  119. >"Please do not dawdle Anon, I only have about forty-five minutes before I must return."
  120. "Yes your highness."
  121. >Rising to your feet, you move to the passenger's side of the car.
  122. >Luna frowns, not moving.
  123. "What?"
  124. >"I am sorry. I got caught up in the moment with my sister, I did not mean to be rude."
  125. "I'm just kidding, relax."
  126. >She smiles, grabbing the other fender.
  127. >Before long, you have the nose mounted as well.
  128. >You don't bother hooking up the headlights, let alone the vacuum lines that raise and lower the headlight buckets.
  129. >Unfortunately for Luna, it's time to head back to the castle to resume the meeting at this point.
  130. >"Horseapples, I must go. But please, do let me know how it goes, Anonymous."
  131. >Celestia strides over the passenger side, while you look her over, specifically her horn.
  132. >There is no way she is going to fit in the car, even without that massive spire on her head.
  133. "Er, Tia? I don't mean to come off as an ass, but.... I think you're too tall to fit. Luna herself has to somewhat scrunch down inside."
  134. >The while alicorn smirks as she suddenly begins to glow in a golden hue.
  135. >"Well, I suppose I'll have to change that."
  136. >As you watch, her form condenses slowly, eventually reaching a size a hair smaller than Luna, who looks on in amusement.
  137. >The light fades, leaving a sun princess nearly half her normal size, but otherwise unchanged.
  138. >"Now, what were you saying?"
  139. "Nothing."
  140. >She walks over to Luna, still smirking.
  141. >"Wow, it feels so weird being this short."
  142. >Luna snorts in frustration.
  143. >"You will not be gloating for much longer, dear sister."
  144. >Walking around to the side she is on, you open the door, allowing her access.
  145. >She gingerly steps in, getting comfortable on the seat before you close the door.
  146. >Luna steps close to you, leaning towards your ear.
  147. >"Do not go easy on her for a second, Anonymous."
  148. "I don't want her pissing on my seat, either."
  149. >The two of you share a kiss, before she mockingly waves at her sister, then departs.
  150. >You step around to your side, sliding in.
  151. >Celestia is already perplexed by the seatbelt, much like her younger sister was the first time.
  152. "Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not exactly made for ponies, you would be uncomfortable as hell sitting like me in order to use it."
  153. >"Okay."
  154. >You hit the key, the engine cranking a bit before finally awakening with a roar.
  155. >For the first time, Celestia actually seems a bit uneasy as she fidgets in her seat.
  156. "You alright?"
  157. >"Fine, fine. I just didn't expect it to be this loud in here."
  158. "Yeah, 550 horsepower will have that effect. So you're good?"
  159. >"Yes."
  160. >You smirk.
  161. "Good."
  162. >You rev the engine up to about 2500 rpm and dump the clutch.
  163. >The rear tires squeal in pain on the concrete floor for a moment before biting hard.
  164. >You rocket out of the garage, flinging the steering wheel hard to the right.
  165. >The ass end kicks out, the cobblestone path not doing much for traction.
  166. >As you get the Superbird to straighten out with a bit of throttle management, you hear Celestia beside you emit something between a whimper and a squeal.
  167. >She's definitely trying to keep as quiet as possible.
  168. "It's okay, I think I know what I'm doing."
  169. >"Y-you only think?"
  170. >Finally pointing dead straight, you open the throttle up completely, letting the engine wind out before grabbing another gear.
  171. "I think so. You aren't worried, are you?"
  172. >She says nothing, pinned back against the seat by the rapid acceleration.
  173. >Her wide-eyed stare forward out the windshield says plenty.
  174. "By the way, you might want to brace yourself."
  175. >After a few seconds, you stomp the brake pedal and turn the wheel, getting sideways again to navigate a right hand turn.
  176. >Downshifting to second and straightening out again, the carburetors underhood whistle as they suck in air for another sprint.
  177. "You shouldn't be worried anyways, you can't die, remember?"
  178. >No, but pain is very reeeaaal!"
  179. >Second gear comes and goes, as does third, picking up speed rapidly.
  180. >Whizzing by the fountain in a blur, you pump the brakes a bit to make sure they're still alive, before mashing them again.
  181. "Sorry, Luna would kill me if I went easy on you. I gave her the full experience the first time."
  182. >The car screeches to a halt, the engine back to an angry idle.
  183. >"S-s-so we're done?"
  184. >You turn to Celestia, who is trembling a bit in the passenger's seat.
  185. >Smiling, you jab at the gas pedal.
  186. "I'm afraid not."
  187. >You throw the shifter in reverse and dump the clutch again, the tires bitching in response.
  188. >As you scream backwards, you fling the wheel to the right again, the car doing a pirouette.
  189. >Celestia finally screams, making your smile grow even wider.
  190. >Why is it so much fun torturing ponies?
  191. >Once the nose reaches a certain point in the rotation, you push in the clutch, throw the car into first gear, and let out again, straightening the car with some jolts of the throttle and handwork on the steering wheel.
  192. "Well, I didn't give Luna a long ride the first time, I think it's only fair we head back as well."
  193. >You go around the other side of the fountain as you continue to speed forward, the exhaust echoing off of it back to you.
  194. >Regret sets in as you realize you didn't bother uncorking the headers before this flight.
  195. >Oh well, maybe next time.
  196. >If there is a next time.
  197. >With as tense as Celly is in the seat next time, you aren't sure.
  198. >Suddenly, the car is jolted sideways by a rough pact of cobblestone, catching you off-guard.
  199. "Fuck."
  200. >You don't want it to snap back the other way, and you have plenty of room, so you let out of the throttle and let it spin.
  201. >Even you find your heartbeat quicken as you slide to a stop.
  202. "Well that was embarrassing."
  204. >Celestia, now at her normal size, leads you into her study, a while after after returning the Superbird to the garage.
  205. >She was a bit wobbly getting out of the car when you opened the passenger door for her.
  206. >But overall, she held up as good as her sister did on the first ride along, if not better.
  207. >Before you left, you took the time to remove the fenders and nose cone from the Superbird again, in preparation for painting at some point.
  208. >The two of you made small talk while you worked, making it take significantly longer than when you put the body panels on
  209. >"So, do all of your kind drive like.... that?"
  210. "Only the crazy ones. Normal driving is much slower, I just like having fun."
  211. >The room is quite small compared to the rest of the castle, leaving you with a cozy, comfortable feel.
  212. >In fact, there is even a fireplace along one wall.
  213. >But most of the room is dominated by bookshelves.
  214. >A sudden unexpected rustling puts you on your guard, looking around for the noise.
  215. >A flash of red and orange plumage startles you as a massive bird streaks by you, perching on a wing Celestia leaves extended.
  216. >Tia just giggles.
  217. >"It's alright, Anonymous. Haven't I introduced you to Philomena before?"
  218. >Philomena?
  219. >You know she's mentioned that name before, but you don't recall ever seeing this thing.
  220. >You shake your head no, studying the colorful animal, before a thought strikes you.
  221. "It that a phoenix?"
  222. >Celestia's eyes light up.
  223. >"It is! You have these wonderful animals in your world, as well?"
  224. >Once again, you respond with a shake of the head, as you step closer.
  225. >Philomena spreads her wings, before taking flight and landing on your shoulder.
  226. >For such a large bird, she sure is light.
  227. "These only exist in mythology in my world. That seems to be the case for a lot of the beings that exist here."
  228. >You pet the back of the phoenix's head with your other hand, amazed at how soft the plumage feels.
  229. >"She really likes you, Anonymous. What other specific creatures exist here that do not on.... Earth, is that right?"
  230. "Yeah, Earth. Well, for one, unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns are myth. Along with gryphons, dragons, changelings-"
  231. >Celestia already seems surprised by the list as she flops down on the rug in the middle of the floor.
  232. >"Wow. So are there any other beings in your world that are sentient like you."
  233. "Not really, no."
  234. >"So our world really is a completely different world to you. So strange."
  235. >You sit down on the floor with Celestia, stretching out your legs.
  236. "You're telling me. I think the only thing stranger is how I ended up here, not that I want to go back."
  237. >Celestia's surprised look turns to shock.
  238. >"You don't? I mean, I have been unable to find any sort of information on such a scenario in my vast library anyways, but I would have thought you would miss your home."
  239. >She mulls over her words.
  240. >"Home world, I should say, since your actual home is here in Equestria."
  241. "I mean, yeah it's kind of odd thinking I'm stuck here for the rest of my existence, but I'd say after a year of being here, I've made a pretty good life for myself."
  242. >She smiles warmly as Philomena takes flight again, landing on a perch situated near the fireplace.
  243. >"There you two are, I've been looking everywhere for you."
  244. >Luna strides into the room, looking rather tired.
  245. >Philomena suddenly squawks, ruffling her wings.
  246. >"Hello Philomena, I did not see you there."
  247. >The phoenix relaxes again, as you cannot help but chuckle a bit.
  248. "If you were looking for us, why didn't you just ask?"
  249. >You point to your head, implying your telepathic link.
  250. >She puts a hoof up to her face when she realizes what you are saying.
  251. >"It has been a long day. Thank goodness it is over."
  252. >Celestia tries to contain a smirk.
  253. >"So, is everything squared away and everypony happy?"
  254. >"Does it ever end with everypony happy, sister?"
  255. >"No."
  256. >Luna sits down next to you, draping a wing over your shoulders.
  257. >"So, I must ask, how did my sister fare in your joyride?"
  258. >Her voice is filled with one of anticipation.
  259. "Well, she was shaking more than you did by the time I shut off the engine in the garage, but she screamed less. I'd say she fared pretty good."
  260. >Celly's face lights up, while Luna's ears droop.
  261. >"So what you are telling us is, it was a draw as far as bravery?"
  262. >"No sister, you heard what he said. I screamed less, I was more brave."
  263. >It is as if a fire has been lit under Luna at this point.
  264. >"Lies! You were shaking more than I, the physical state is more telling of fear than that of an audible nature, sister!"
  265. >"How do you know I was not merely a little cold?"
  266. >"You control the sun, Canterlot is almost never cold."
  267. >You watch all of this in amusement, as Philomena places her wings over her head in apparent exasperation.
  268. >"Anonymous, you were the one with both of us, which one of us is right?"
  269. >Both sisters lean towards you, waiting for an answer.
  270. >Smiling, you respond with what you know will drive them nuts.
  271. "I'd say you were both even."
  272. >They look at each other, exchanging looks of disgust.
  273. >After a moment of silence, they both relax.
  274. >"So, what else did you do today?"
  275. "Well, I got those body panels back off the car, that took a while. After that, Celestia was curious about some of the inner workings of the old girl, so she got a pretty good lesson on that."
  276. >"We just came up to my study not long before you popped in. I was introducing him to Philomena, and just discussing our worlds."
  277. >Luna smiles, looking over to you.
  278. >"Overall, I'd say it sounds like you had a busy day, Anon."
  279. >You shrug.
  280. "I enjoyed it. Aside from waking up to her beside me, that scared the crap out of me."
  281. >Celestia lets out a burst of laughter.
  282. >"Oh my, I do not know how I forgot about that."
  283. >"Really sister, torturing Anonymous?"
  284. >You chime in.
  285. "Technically, this wasn't the first time she's pulled a prank on me. She did it when you screwed up that spell and I was you for a while."
  286. >"What did she do?"
  287. >You actually have to think about that for a while.
  288. "I think she flipped your whole room upside down."
  289. >Luna looks over at her big sister, unamused.
  290. >"Really? That old one?"
  291. >"Hey, I knew it was him at that point in time, I didn't necessarily have to be creative."
  292. "It still amazes me how immature the two of you are behind the scenes."
  293. >Celestia smiles teasingly, looking over to her sister.
  294. >"Are we really that bad, Anonymous?"
  295. "Yes. But don't ever change."
  300. [Originally posted 25 July 2015]

Changing Lanes 01

by Autopony

Night Princess vs Superbird

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Changing Lanes 2

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Friendship is Mandatory

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Changing Lanes: Dream Taming for Dummies

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