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Incest-Physical Closeness(Momlestia) by AnalplugAnon

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-12 18:23:28
Expiry: Never

  1. I want to be breastfed every morning before school.
  3. >Celestia, your mother, had been feeling like she was increasingly out of touch with her only son; you.
  4. >Busy with her job and responsible for more teenage lives than just your own, she decided that she might benefit from an outside source and began looking through parenting books on what to do.
  5. >She must have gotten her hands on one of those crappy new-age books, because she quickly came to the conclusion that in order to bond with you, she needed to start over from the very beginning and "foster the physical closeness between mother and child that's cut short from society's expectations".
  6. >In short, that meant that she's got it in her head that the answer is to breast-feed you every morning.
  7. >Every.
  8. >Single.
  9. >Morning.
  10. >"Nonny?"
  11. >Your mother calls out for you as she gently rouses you from your sleep.
  12. >You can feel her soft hand stroking your cheek as her words and presence slowly (and peacefully) wakes you up.
  13. >You have to admit, it's better than any alarm clock. You're left feeling much more refreshed without that sudden jolt waking you up.
  14. "M-mornin' mom..." you murmur, trying to sit up. Your tongue feels thick from sleep.
  15. >"Did my beautiful boy sleep well last night?"
  16. >You moan in the affirmative and mom chuckles quietly in endearment.
  17. >Mom presses a kiss into your forehead and you lean into her, feeling comforted by her natural smell, and she uses your movement as an opportunity to grab you and scoot you both into a more comfortable position.
  18. >"I'll bet you're hungry, hmmm?"
  19. >You can't help but notice a husky edge to her voice when she asks about your... early-morning appetite.
  20. "Starving," you purr.
  21. >Mom plays with the cloth belt on her housecoat, slowly letting it be undone and teasing you with inch after inch of ever-exposing shoulder.
  22. >The neckline of her robe slips fully over her shoulders and slides down her chest, exposing her upper chest (and top half of her breasts) to you.
  24. >She brings a hand up and halts the bathrobe's progress down her chest, and you can see her milky breasts jiggle fluidly at the sudden contact.
  25. >"How hungry are you, sweetie?" mom asks, lovingly running her fingers through your hair with her free hand.
  26. >You sneak your hand in through the opening of her bathrobe by her legs and start to caress the smooth skin of her thigh, making mom moan in appreciation.
  27. "So hungry..."
  28. >You snake your hand further up her thigh, edging closer and closer to the growing heat of her groin.
  29. >Mom pulls away slightly and begins to cover up her chest with a playful smile on her face.
  30. >"Oh, sweetie... not so hungry that you want to put off our special 'mommy-son time', hmm?
  31. "Mom..." you whine as your mom (and your breakfast) moves further away from your face, "Don't tease me."
  32. >Mom just laughs indulgently and leans back in, pulling the rest of her bathrobe off.
  33. >Her nude body is shamelessly displayed for her son to see, and mom wastes no time in presenting a perfect nipple to you.
  34. >It's big, it's erect, it's dribbling with milk...
  35. >And, as you demonstrate by taking it into your mouth, it is very suckable.
  36. >"Ohhh..." moans your mom.
  37. >She pulls you close to her chest, hugging you with one hand and running her fingers through your hair again with her other.
  38. >"That's mommy's good boy," she coos, rubbing her face onto the top of your head.
  39. >You let your hand got to work while you swallow mouthful after mouthful of sweet milk.
  40. >Your fingers dance across her thigh until you're able to cup her hot, wet sex.
  41. >Mom shudders and breaths a shaky gasp as you begin to rub figure-eights into her, and she starts pressing kisses into your messy mop of hair.
  42. >"Such a good boy for mommy..."
  44. Just so we're clear, Anon here is of high school age.
  45. >"Hey, baby~"
  46. >Slender arms wrap around your chest from behind and hug you tight against a soft, warm chest.
  47. >"Do you know why I called you down to my office, honey?"
  48. >A pair of impossibly soft lips press a lingering kiss into your neck, sending shivers down your spine and making a coherent answer impossible.
  49. >"Speak up, darling~" whispers mom from right behind your ear, "Mommy can't hear you."
  50. >You try once more to answer her, but your speech is robbed from you as another kiss makes its way onto your neck, this time parting and letting mom's tongue tease your skin.
  51. >"Mmmm.... defying the principal, Nonny? So naughty..."
  52. >Mom's arms slowly drift down your chest, and she makes a special effort to drag her nails across the thin fabric of your shirt.
  53. >One hand seems content to rub your flat belly; you'd say that your mom was caressing it lovingly if not for the fact that you knew how much she enjoyed the way your stomach tenses when she touches you.
  54. >The other hand continues downward until her fingers touch your waistband, where it lingers and plays with the elastic fabric.
  55. >"Do you know how I punish naughty boys who don't answer the principal's questions?
  56. >Mom's fingertips tease your waist as she slowly begins to slip her digits in between the thickness of your waistline and the sweaty warmth of your skin.
  57. >...and then she pulls them back out before easing them back in.
  58. >If there's one thing you've learned from your "experiences" with mom, it's that she loves nothing more (almost nothing more; breakfast in bed with you is definitely her personal favourite) than edging you on without ever having to touch you.
  59. >You know that she' reach a point soon enough where she won't be able to hold herself back from wrapping her warm hands around your pulsing, drooling length.
  61. >Your abs - barely showing through your baby fat - twitch involuntarily under mom's dancing fingertips, and she gasps softly against the back of your head.
  62. >"I-I..."
  63. >Mom swallows thickly.
  64. >"I'm not sure what I would do, baby," says mom, kissing the back of your head, "I've never had a boy come to my office as naughty as you are."
  65. >The hand rubbing your stomach drops down to the hem of your shirt and slips underneath it.
  66. >Mom's touch feels searing-hot.
  67. >"Maybe you can help mommy decide on how she should punish a naughty boy, love~"
  68. >You lick your dry lips and try to remember how to speak again.
  69. >Your tongue feels too large and thick to possibly fit inside of your mouth AND allow you speak clearly.
  70. >You'd kill for a mouthful of your mom's sweet milk right about now. Maybe you'll ask for a snack before she drives the two of you home.
  71. >The eroticism of such a pubicyoumeanpublic display of affection is making your head spin.
  72. >This is the first time mom has done this outside of the house, let alone in her office at school.
  73. >The shades on the windows have been drawn shut, but you can still hear the students of Canterlot High walking (or running) past the office and out the front door.
  74. "Y-You would t-touch him."
  75. >The hand teasing your waistband suddenly shoves itself several inches down the front of your pants, and you can feel the tips of her fingernails brushing against the base of your cock.
  76. >You gasp and uncontrollably gyrate your hips, but just once.
  77. >"Would I?" mom asks in mock-surprise, "I'd touch him?"
  78. >Mom slides her hand further down into the hot, musky depths of the front of your pants, where she slowly wraps her fingers around your cock.
  79. >"Oooh... you're practically making a puddle with all that sweet pre-cum you're leaking, sweetheart~"
  80. >Mom has only just begun touching you and you already feel so close to the edge.
  82. >Mom's panting breath is hot and wet on your neck, and her kisses are becoming more frequent and erratic.
  83. >She's losing control of herself.
  84. >"A-And then what w-would I do to him, love?"
  85. >You're just barely stopping yourself from humping your mom's clenched hand.
  86. "Y-You'd... drag your h-hand up and d-down."
  87. >"Yeah?" she breathes excitedly, doing exactly what you described, "Like this?"
  88. "M-Mom!"
  89. >"Yeah," she repeats, somehow managing to sound smug through the desperation in her own voice, "Like this."
  90. >"M-Maybe I should do something else, hmmm? Sit him down in my ch-chair and take hi-your pants right off of you. I could sit on your lap a-and feel every inch of you inside of me."
  91. >You're so close.
  92. >You're so FUCKING close.
  93. >You can already feel that familiar pressure building at the base of your cock and your balls begin to tighten in their sack.
  94. >"Would you cum inside of me if I did that, baby?"
  95. >Mom's words tip you over the edge and your entire body tenses up.
  96. "Mom! F-Fuck!"
  97. >Your orgasm is so intense and all-encompassing that you don't even feel the individual pulses as you splatter your seed all over the inside of your pants, and your mom's hand.
  98. >>"Principal Celestia asked you a question, Anonymous."
  99. >You whip your head up towards the office door - which mom had either left unlocked or the person entering had a key - and you nearly faint at what you see.
  100. >Auntie Luna is standing in the open doorway, blushing and glaring at the two of you disapprovingly.
  101. >>"Would you cum inside of her?"
  102. >Mom gulps nervously.
  103. >"Vice-Principal Luna," she says one octave higher than she normally speaks, "What a surprise."
  104. >Aunt Luna quirks one perfect, manicured eyebrow.
  105. >>"I work here, 'Tia."
  106. >"So you do!" mom replies, laughing nervously, "S-So you do..."
  107. >For the first time in... ever, you really wish that your mom would let go of your penis.

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