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Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-12 19:10:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anoneycrisp Apple (and that is the last time that name is going to appear), better known as Anon.
  2. >You and your twin sister Apple Bloom sit uncomfortably close, crammed into the passenger's seat of the ramshankle pickup truck driven by your big sister Applejack. It's a two-seater and you needed the truck bed to carry your boxed-up possessions.
  3. >"Ah think yew two are gonna like livin' with me an' Big Mac. Farm livin' beats that cramped city apartment anyday"
  4. >Despite being your sister, she feels more like an aunt. See, after your parents died, you and Bloom were raised by your Granny Smith in what can only be called the auto parts district of the next town over, while AJ and your big brother Big MacIntosh stayed at the family farm.
  5. >You never really understood why you were separated. Granny never talked about them. You suspect there was a falling out or family shame of some kind. But Granny's at the point where she needs to go to old people jail (at least that's what she calls it), and that means the Apple Siblings will be in one house again.
  6. >Any feelings you might have about your new situation are currently shoved aside by the reality of your being pressed up right against your big sister's bare thigh, with your little sister's decidedly unbare leg halfway up on yours. There's just no room. AJ keeps reaching down in a way that makes something inside you jump, whenever she needs to grab the gear shift. This definitely feels weird.
  8. >You haven't had a lot of close contact with Apple Bloom, much as the two of you get along great. Granny made sure you had separate rooms. That thick, sweaty orange thigh on your other side is giving you some feelings you are unaware of how to deal with. But that's fine, you arrive at Sweet Apple Acres
  9. >Jesus there are a lot of apples. Just so many trees and they are all studded with colorful spheres like a child's drawing.
  10. >A big, muscular red guy in a glorious golden mullet comes out of the house wearing a stereotypical one-strapped pair of overalls and a neckerchief, in bare feet. That's your big bro. You haven't seen him in quite a while and it's weird thinking you will actually have an older male in your life now. Will he want to look at your drawings of swords and guns? You hope he isn't into Nascar or something. Throwing a ball around would be okay maybe. You check to see if he has one of those wheat stalks in his mouth. Yep. Holy shit. Wheat stalk in the mouth. At least it's not tobacco. Fuck, for all you know, wheat stalks are delicious. Gotta try new things, right?
  11. >Well anyway he effortlessly lifts the heaviest boxes and starts carrying them into the house. He's off before you can even get out a "thanks." Jesus. You hope you got those same genes. You have noticed that you and Apple Bloom are beginning to look kind of different, whereas you used to look every bit twins except you were a bit greener and your hair bigger and shaggier. You used to joke that Bloom wore her bow to tell you apart. But lately...
  12. >Well speaking of curves, Apple Jack saunters by. She's equally stereotypically dressed, complete with cut-off jeans shorts and a shirt tied right under her generous breasts, leaving a wide expanse of toasted orange midriff exposed. That is not something you commonly get to see up close. The school you went to was one of the few to still have a dress code, but compared to Granny's dress code for you and AB, it was practically a Mardi Gras carnival. The pies were good at least. You're going to miss those. You can almost smell them now...
  14. "Wait, is that... do I really smell that?"
  15. >"Ah thought yew might feel a mite uncomf'rtble in a new home, so ah baked up one'a Granny's pies. She learned me how back when ah was little. Ah s'pose you can thank Big Mac for takin' it out of the oven for me while we wre driving."
  16. >That accent of hers is just darling. Your little sister has a bit of one herself, but you mostly never picked it up. Maybe living here won't be so different.
  17. >As you walk inside, Apple Jack kicks off her cowboy boots (you weren't aware people ever actually wore those) and peels off her drab socks. She stops you and Bloom as you walk in, eager to tear into the pie.
  18. >"Landsakes, Anon, Apple Bloom, didn't Granny teach ya manners? Take yer shoes off in the house." Okay, maybe a little different. Whatever, no big deal. You take off your sneakers and nearly fall on your face when your big sister suddenly adds "socks too. Ah'm not spendin' hours mendin' holes."
  19. >You look at her, seeing the serious look on her face. One thing Granny DID teach you is not to talk back, but you've always been kind of embarrassed to be barefoot in front of anyone. You reluctantly take your socks off while looking over at your younger sister. She looks uncomfortable.
  20. >You realize that's because she's wearing leggings. Granny Smith did not care for girls wearing pants, but had insisted she not go around barelegged in the last year or two. You're glad you didn't have to wear things like that, but can't look away as Bloom gingerly, carefully tries removing her offending undergarment without exposing herself.
  21. >"Criminy, Sugar Cube, aintcha hot in those? Lemme help." A happy smiling Apple Jack reaches under her little sister's skirt and swiftly and deftly yanks the leggings down to her ankles, carefully lifting a bare yellow foot out of them while supporting her with a hand on her rump. Apple Bloom lets out a quiet "eep" but allows this.
  22. >"Now that's better. Let's tuck into some pie an' then we can work on gettin y'all moved in properly."
  24. >It's incredible. There is at least twice as much cinnamon and nutmeg in this pie compared to Granny Smith's. That, coupled with the rapidly-melting scoops of vanilla icecream, makes this easily the best thing you've ever eaten. The hot apples congeal just perfectly as they hit the melting cream.
  25. >"Life on the farm can be hard from time to time," Applejack begins, "but we know how to enjoy ourselves, too. Ah just hope yull enjoy livin' with me n' Big Mac. We'll try to ease ya into things slowly. Fer today just focus on gettin' yer stuff set up in your new room"
  26. >You choke slightly.
  27. "Room? Singular?"
  28. >"Well sure, it's plenty big enough for the two of yew up in the attic. Your own whole floor to yerselves."
  29. "But- what about..."
  30. >You turn red and can't even say it properly, but mumble something about changing clothes.
  31. >"There's a big dresser up there, it should hold all yer clothes, no problem." Applejack clearly didn't hear you or pick up on your concern. Is she seriously okay with you and Apple Bloom sharing a room? "Cmon, let's go scope the lay of the land." At least you aren't being made to do dishes.
  32. >All four of you help carry boxes up the stairs to the attic. You and Bloom are seriously sweating under your greater amount of clothes, but Big Mac is helpfully doing the majority of the work. When the last box is successfully hoisted, AJ rubs him affectionately on the shoulders. "Good thing we got a healthy workhorse like you around." She gives him a kiss on the cheek that surprises you somewhat, and you think you hear her mutter something in his ear. Hung? What? Something needs hung up?
  34. >Apple Bloom scratches her head. "Ah saw a bunch more rooms on the way here, shouldn't one of us take one of those? Ah mean..."
  35. >Apple Jack immediately cuts her off "Pantry, Jam room, mah room, an' Big Mac's. 'Fraid they're all taken. Isn't this enough space for ya?" You look around the relatively spacious attic room. Okay, yes, there's room for the two of you. There's also quite a few shelves, the sort that pass right through to the other side. You're not seeing how you're going to have any privacy in here. On the other hand, you're completely worn out and right now all your body wants is to sit down and rest. You sit down on the bed, and -
  36. >Hold on. THE bed.
  37. "There... is only one bed in here"
  38. >Apple Bloom's cheeks turn pink as your chattiest sibling once again pipes in "Well jeez, Anon, it was hard enough gettin' one bed up here. You wanna break your big brother's back? That thing's plenty big enough for the two of you. Yer twins after all, y'all spent nine months sleepin' together." Thinking about reproductive matters gets the both of you blushing even harder. "Now ah know it's gonna be some adjustment, so ah'll just leave ya alone now to get everythin' set up like you like it. Prolly wanna put up yer posters and yer model robots an' yer dolls an' whatnot." Applejack and Big Mac have always sent the two of you great presents on your birthday, and your collections of various (mostly Japanese) collectible merchandise are getting super enviable.
  39. >You feel a little guilty, realizing that not only did they buy you all of that, but just now helped you lug it up stairs AND are providing your room and board, and most of what you've done so far, aside from stuffing your face, has been to complain.
  40. "Uh, Applejack?"
  41. >"What is it, Anon?"
  42. "Thanks for.. um.. Just, thanks."
  43. >"She gives you a heartwarming smile, tips her Stetson hat, and closes the door. Your door. Yours and Apple Bloom's door. This is both of your room now. Together.
  45. >Apple Bloom plops down on the bed next to you. "Huh..."
  46. "Yeahh..."
  47. >She shakes the bottom of her shirt a bit, giving you a rare view of her bellybutton. "It's kinda hot in here"
  48. >You hop up before something else hops up into view, and look for windows. Unfortunately, there's only one.
  49. "We're not going to get much of a crossbreeze, but- Huh? It's stuck."
  50. >After confirming that the window is indeed stuck, with no recognizable lock or latch that will budge at all, Apple Bloom shrugs and suggests you start unpacking.
  51. >You utilize your patented stubborn manly technique of ripping boxes open, carefully pressing panels in to get the tape to expose its weak point, refusing to use scissors (which are packed anyway).
  52. >Within a few hours, you have all of your stuff unpacked. Gundams on their shelf, Zoids on theirs. Apple Bloom's plushes and Nendoroids adorn shelves on the opposite side of the room. You realize you both chose the relative position of your old rooms. You're both trying to retain some feeling of normalcy in a strange house.
  54. >Of course, as Applejack said, there's just one big dresser. It easily holds all of your clothes, but putting them into the same set of drawers (you took the bottom drawers, being a gentleman) just reminds you of the inevitable and increasingly imminent awkwardness of the privacy issue. Neither of you wants to talk about, but it's getting late and you're exhausted.
  55. >"Ah guess it's time for bed.." Typical Apple Bloom. Stating the obvious when you can't even do that. You look at your sister and realize that if you had to be stuck in a room with anyone, there's nobody else you'd choose.
  56. "Yeah.."
  57. >Alright you definitely have something in common with Big Mac. Is this why he talks so rarely?
  58. >Finally your more sensible other half turns to face you "Look, we're gonna have to get through this, right? So either we can sleep in these sweaty clothes, or we can just figure out how it's gonna work. Mah suggestion is we each go behind a shelf."
  59. "And here I was about to suggest changing under the covers or something. That makes much more sense. O-okay, let's uh, let's do it."
  60. >"Promise you won't peek?" Apple Bloom's gigantic golden eyes appear completely genuine. She's not taking this embarrassing situation any better than you are.
  61. "Promise."
  62. >You go to the dresser together and immediately hit your head on the upper drawer Apple Bloom pulls out while bending down to the lower one. D'oh!
  63. >"Awh! Sorry Anon! Ah'm not used to sharing space like this."
  64. "It's okay, neither am I. Let's just.. get this over with"
  65. >Oh great job, now you're making her feel even worse probably. Don't pile anything else on top.
  67. >You retrieve your pajamas and walk behind your most-filled shelf, hoping it provides adequate cover. Apple Bloom does the same. Remembering her admonishment, you quickly turn around. As you take your clothes off, you can't help but think she's peeking at you. Time to do what you always do when situations get awkward enough and anything is preferable to a frown: bad icebreaking humor!
  68. "H-hey, you'd better not peek at me either. I know it's a huge temptation"
  69. >"Yuck! Whah would ah wanna look at mah brother's butt? It's me who needs a screen or somethin."
  70. "Oh yeah, like one of those fancy rich ladies in movies. Throwing each stocking over the top and then their ballgown so the audience knows what's going on back there. Dream on, Bloomers. You're not a debutante yet"
  71. >You're happy to hear her chuckling at your pitiful attempt at levity. You're beginning to feel less nervous. Nonetheless, you leave your underwear on as you dress in the pajamas Granny bought you. The long sleeves and pants make you feel no cooler than you did earlier, but at least you're not as sweaty anymore. Well, for now. You swear as the sun went down, the attic has actually heated up worse.
  72. "Hey, speaking of my butt, how did you know I was facing away, anyway?"
  73. >"W-well of course you'd have yer back turned, ah just assumed!" She emphasizes the 'ass,' making a pretty naughty joke by her standards. Granny probably would have washed her mouth with soap for that. "Anyway ah've got mah nightgown on now so you can come out when yer done. If ah turn 'round am ah gonna catch yer wiener pokin' out of yer fly?" THAT would have gotten a straight up paddlin'. Bloom seems to be reveling in some new freedom.
  74. >Yeah, that's her nightgown alright. Right down to the ankles. Polka dots. Might have actually been one of Granny's, you wouldn't be surprised if she saved those. You wonder if she's kept her underwear on under it too. You wonder if she does that regularly or-
  76. >Okay now you need to stop wondering things before your little Anon gets restless.
  77. >You both stand at the bed for what feels like a while before finally Apple Bloom pulls back the covers and gets into bed. You continue to stand there. "Anon, you can get in bed or you can sleep on the floor, but either way can you turn out the light so ah can get some sleep?"
  78. >The light! Duh! You both know how to change in the dark, right? You should have just- nevermind that now, you look like a triple dumbass, let's not go for any higher idiot scores.
  79. >Once the light's out, you realize that plan could potentially have been disastrous, as this is still an unfamiliar room and there are boxes and luggage lying around the floor. You barely manage to feel your way back to the bed and get in. Clearly a nightstand situation is going to be needed in the future. Maybe one on each side, like a married couple.
  80. >Jesus, Anon. Don't let thoughts go in that direction.
  81. "Just let me know if I'm hogging the blanket"
  82. >"Yer fine." Apple Bloom's voice is adorably breathy and sleepy. She is absolutely tuckered out. Not worn out, tuckered. As you settle in and get comfortable, you realize there's very little space. No matter what you do, you're going to be touching her at least a little. Her foot brushes up against yours (Even though nobody would know, you still haven't put socks on like you usually do, because somehow Applejack's admonishment stuck with you.) and she mutters an apology.
  83. "Yer fine"
  84. >You repeat in a mockery of her accent and get a gentle elbow to the ribs for your trouble. "Shut it n' go to sleep."
  86. >You lie there for hours, just listening to Apple Bloom breathe. It's hot. It's fucking hot. Okay you're not going to say that out loud, even IF you're pretty sure AB wouldn't tell on you, but it's hot. Steamy.
  87. "It's too hot.. I can't sleep. You?"
  88. >You idiot, if she was asleep, you've just woken her up. No, wait, you could tell by her breathing.
  89. >"Not at all. I'm drenched here." You smile at your sister's innocence, not remotely considering what it sounds like when a girl says that. As if reading your mind, she elbows you again. "Shut up."
  90. "Damn that window. What're we gonna..."
  91. >A thought occurs, but you're sure as hell not going to voice it. Not first. Especially not if she can read your mind anyway. Let's see if that happens.
  92. >You don't hear anything, but you feel a lot of stirring. Apple Bloom's body goes up off the mattress several times. Finally you hear a soft plop from the far side of the bed.
  93. "Did you just-"
  94. >"No. And you're not going to take YOUR pajamas off and drop them over the side of the bed either. And we're not gonna talk about it. Ah mean, we are. Er.." Bloom has become tangled in her deliberate doublespeak. "You know what ah mean."
  95. >You realize there's no choice and awkwardly shimmy out of your pajamas, lifting the blanket up with your feet in the process and probably exposing the both of you to any spiders in the room that have four pairs of night-vision goggles on. You feel a lot cooler, at least.
  96. >As your arm falls back to its previous position, touching Apple Bloom's, you feel bare arm skin touching yours. Then, unexpectedly, the hand wraps itself around yours.
  98. >"We'll just have to do it this way from now on, or at least until the weather cools down." You can't argue with that. "Ah really don't mind sharin' a bed with you, Anon. You're mah favorite brother."
  99. >Oh jeez.
  100. "Yeah, it's okay. I don't mind either"
  101. >"Anon?.. Um, earlier, remember when Applejack kissed Big Mac? Ah was thinkin'... that was kinda sweet, an' I think that's how it should be with you n' me. So... could ah kiss you?"
  102. >Oh fuck oh fuck these are real emotions being tossed around here. You're not good at this stuff. You should have watched more chick flicks. This is not a good time for sarcasm. Say something!
  103. "Just be careful."
  104. >"Whah?" You feel her getting up onto one elbow and leaning over towards your face.
  105. "Nevermind."
  106. >You can't exactly explain that you've had a raging hard-on threatening to poke right through your boxers this entire time. It's not like she's going to give you a hug, just a kiss, right?
  107. >While your mind races and you wonder whether to try to reach over to hold your erection down or whether that would only be more obvious, the softest thing you've ever felt touches your cheek.
  108. >Apple Bloom's lips.
  109. >Your face goes completely hot. You can feel your ears burning.
  110. >She whispers into your ear "Goodnight, Anon." and rolls over. Just when feelings of completely brotherly love have overwhelmed you, other feelings push their way back in, for in her new position her butt is touching your hand. Her soft, pantied butt.
  112. >How the hell are you going to sleep now? You're too scared to try relieving your erection on your own. Apple Bloom would surely feel the movement, and you don't have tissues or even a sock to use to clean up. Dammit, why didn't you grab a sock to put under your pillow? Plus the hand you usually use is touching her b-
  113. >WELL. That solves that. Your tool erupts without you even touching it, spurting repeatedly all over yourself. Great. Okay.
  114. >You don't know how you're going to deal with this in the future, but for now you're happy, comfortable, and a bit sticky. Sleep overtakes you immediately.
  116. >In the room below you, A widely grinning Applejack takes the glass from the ceiling where she was listening intently to whatever she could pick up. She shuts off the electric kettle, positioned strategically to pour steam into the attic via the ventilation ducts. All in all, a good first night.
  119. ---------
  121. >After one of the best night's sleeps you've had in a good long time, you are disturbed slightly by the movement and noise of Apple Bloom getting out of bed. You blearily open your eyes and catch your little sister picking up her nightgown.
  122. >She's in nothing but her camisole and p-p-p- you can't even say it in your head. Not while looking at them, anyway. That must be why country folk say 'britches.'
  123. >You can't remember when you've ever seen her like this, and if you have it was when you were both tiny. Your morning wood throbs, draining whatever small amount of blood was getting to your sleepy brain in the first place, and you stupidly murmur out:
  124. "Good Morning.."
  125. >"Don't look, Anon!" your sister quickly hides behind her nightgown. You quickly pull the blanket over your head and mutter an apology. You reach over the side of the bed and grope for your pajamas, then try to get them on underneath the blanket. This is ridiculous and awkward. Stupid Applejack and Big Mac and their stupid pantry and jam room. Any thought of how comfortable and nice it was sleeping with your sister in your underwear is pushed aside by how irritating it is getting dressed under a blanket. Getting dressed at all, really, but you aren't consciously thinking that.
  126. >After you hear the door close, you get out of bed, put on your thick terrycloth robe and slippers (noticing Bloom's are missing), and almost head down yourself before something occurs to you:
  127. >Apple Bloom isn't here. She isn't coming back upstairs. The dresser is right in front of you. You could look at her underwear.
  128. >Should you? She shouldn't be able to know, yet sometimes she just knows things.
  129. >You decide your robe won't protect you if you don't let your erection subside, so you'd better get downstairs before other things such as questions start arising.
  131. >You smell some great breakfast cooking. Your mood heightens until you hear a somewhat berated Applejack's voice
  132. >"old-fashioned upbringing? Well, ya say that, except actually that there is pretty new-fangled. Regular folk haven't had the kinda money it takes to waste on a-coverin' in front'a their own family in their own dang house for more'n fifty, sixty years ah reckon."
  133. >You open the kitchen door and-
  134. >"You too? Ah can't believe it. Robes? Slippers? Ah'm not doin all this extra laundry. Yew dont need any of this."
  135. "Errrr, Applejack, I'll be happy to do the laundry-"
  136. >She rolls her eyes "You're gonna have plenty of chores, don't be addin' extra ones. Just get those off already before you get breakfast on 'em. C'mon now," Your older sister takes initiative and quickly undoes your robe belts, pulling the thick outer garments off of your shoulders. Her caring smile turns to another frown as she sees what's underneath.
  137. >"Those pajamas... hoo boy. And that nightgown. Is that one of Granny's? What am ah gonna do with you two.. Oh well anyway, best tuck in to breakfast while it's still hot!"
  138. >She doesn't need to know you only put those on to come downstairs. You have no idea she is fully aware, hence her disappointment.
  140. >For the first time this morning you actually notice AJ is extremely skimpily clad. Her morning attire appears to be nothing but a large, loose button-up shirt. Is that all she slept in?
  141. >As she whirls around to set plates on the table, you actually catch a tiny glimpse of autumn-colored asscheek. She's raw under that thing! You immediately sit down so the table can conceal your unbrotherly excitement.
  142. >Apple Bloom demurely sits next to you and holds your hand under the table. That's the second time now she has done that in as long as you can remember. You suppose being in a new house has put some stresses on her that she's looking to you for support with. You squeeze her hand back.
  143. >Thankfully breakfast is able to utterly distract you from checking how many buttons AJ has buttoned or unbuttoned. This is a hell of a spread.
  144. >In addition to sausage links, you're staring at big thick slices of french toast with what looks like caramelized apple topping. As you take a bite, you discover the bread itself has bits of apple inside. Of course.
  145. >You ravenously devour this gourmet repast, washing it down with some of the creamiest dang milk you've ever had. You reckon it came from a neighboring dairy farm or something (are you starting to reckon? Oh well. Your reckoning will come).
  146. >You notice your little sister is not quite eating as quickly as you are. Did she not burn as many calories unpacking yesterday? Not to mention sweating them out in bed. Then again she didn't shoot a load in her pants last night. You assume. Do girls even-
  147. >Oh, you see what's distracting her. Big bro Mac has stumbled sleepily into the kitchen, clad in naught but tight white-style underdrawers. The sight of his bulge makes you happy you already finished your sausages, but it seems to be bringing a hell of a pink to Apple Bloom's cheeks.
  149. >Change the subject, change the subject!
  150. "This is.. just amazing, Applejack. Is this just for us, or do you eat like this every morning?"
  151. >"Thank yew." Applejack seems genuinely touched by your compliments. "Well like ah said, we work hard here, so we've gotta fuel up. Now if yer done eatin', go get ready fer chores. We'll go light, seein' as it's yer first day."
  152. >You and Apple Bloom head back upstairs to change into your regular clothes. Chores, huh? Meh. Granny had you doing things around the house, being so old and all. You're sure you can handle it.
  153. >As soon as the door is closed, your little sister turns and faces you. "Listen Anon, we're not gonna keep hidin' forever, are we? If we're gonna share a room, we're gonna see each other's... bodies (she says this in the tiniest voice) eventually. We might as well just..."
  154. "get naked?"
  155. >"No! Ya pervert." she gently whaps you on the head. "But fer just changin' clothes, we'll just be in our underwear. That's no different from a bathin' suit really." Well, most bathing suits. The ones Granny bought you, well... Those get you made fun of and have largely kept the two of you from swimming. But you get her point.
  156. "I guess you're right. We might as well not hide. So uh... you gonna..."
  157. >"You already saw me, it's your turn!" Can't argue with that.
  158. >You nervously undo the buttons on your pajama shirt, buying you some time. You remove it. This is fine, you're a dude. Oh great now pants though. And you are still hard.
  159. "Listen, Apple Bloom, uh.. guys... Guys have.. especially in the morning..."
  160. >"Um, yeah" she blushes "Ah saw, uh, Big Mac wasn't exactly leavin' much to the 'magination."
  162. >You remove your pajama pants from your ankles and stand exposed to your sister's gaze. "Jeez, you really are his brother ah guess!"
  163. >Did she just compliment your bulge? Bloom quickly pulls her nightgown up over her head to cover her burning hot blushing face, then drops it on the bed. "Ah guess this is fine, right?"
  164. "You're fine. Uh-, it's fine. Yeah."
  165. >The two of you look each other over, silently consenting to be mutually examined. Only in your head it's not phrased so fancily, it's more like I'll-let-you-look-at-mine-if-I-can-look-at-yours. And just to chisel that in stone, Apple Bloom pipes up "Ah think ah like lookin' at yours more anyhow."
  166. >And with that confusing statement, she goes to the dresser and retrieves her clothes. You let her finish before trying to approach the drawers, remembering the painful lesson from yesterday. Maybe this whole situation's going to work out.
  167. >After all, life is change, right? Your body's certainly been changing, and you now realize firsthand your sister's is too. Granted there's nothing but mosquito bites pushing out the front of her camisole, but her legs and hips definitely have a completely different structure from what they used to. Her smell has to be the most profound change, as it's completely unique and it gives you kind of confusing feelings. Oh god, you desperately hope your dried semen wasn't visible. Talking about THAT with her would be too much, too soon.
  169. >Once you're dressed and ready, the two of you head downstairs to see what chores await you. You notice Bloom has not replaced her leggings, having chosen to simply put on normal socks under her knee-length skirt and she sports a rare short-sleeved shirt.
  170. >"Now what did ah tell you about socks in the house?" Applejack's look of disappointed consternation mirrors that of her disapproval this morning.
  171. >"We're about to go outside, aren't we?" Apple Bloom helpfully defends. You look near the front door and realize your shoes are nowhere to be seen.
  172. "Wait, where's our-"
  173. >"Those are put away 'til school starts. Ya dont need shoes 'round here. There aint a buncha broken bottles around or nothin', Big Mac n' I aint the bottle-throwin' kinda rednecks. Now let yer feet breathe like god intended, they're gonna stay that way at least 'til winter." Applejack beams happily, as if she has just given you the good news that ice cream has started coming out of the taps.
  174. >You and Apple Bloom shrug and doff the extra layer at your extremities.
  175. >Outside, Big Mac stands by a large wheelbarrow full of various sacks. He's dressed once again in his hayseed overalls. You have to admit, he seems to be bearing the summer heat a lot more readily than you in your full-covering shirt and pants.
  176. >As if reading your mind (can all sisters do that? Can all WOMEN?), Applejack tugs one of your sleeves over your hand. "You'll prolly die if you try workin' with a shirt like that on in this heat, Anon. Get that sucker off."
  177. >You resign yourself to the mild awkwardness of showing your current mediocre chest- and armpit hair status and comically flex for your big sister. "Attaboy. Don'tcha feel cooler now?"
  178. >Then, without a word, and in one swift movement, Big Mac whisks off Apple Bloom's shirt.
  180. >Your sister YEEEKs and wraps her arms over her near-nonexistent chest, clearly feeling that her camisole does not constitute adequate coverage.
  181. >"Landsakes, Sugar Cube, yer covered! Ah dunno why Granny raised ya so uptight. You're wearin' more layers than a cake." Come to think of it, people generally only bake single-layer cakes if it's only going to be eaten at home, yeah. Wait, did she expect Bloom to be topless? Your penis jumps at the thought.
  182. >"Phewwee, it really is warm. Ah need to take mah own advice today." Applejack reaches for the the tied "tails" at the front of her shirt. Is she really? Is it possible?
  183. >She tosses it onto a clothesline and stands before you, gloriously bare-breasted. As she fans herself with her hat, she looks at you. "Yer jaw's gonna drop off if you leave it open like that, Anon. Aint'cha never seen a pair o' tits before? Not even Apple Bloom's? What a sad life for a young man."
  184. >AJ walks over to Apple Bloom, gently pulls her arms away from her chest, and gives her a big hug. Her generous mammaries press into her younger sister, causing a blush to match yours. She whispers something in her ear that causes the blush to deepen.
  185. >"Well anyway, now ah think we're all ready to get to work. Though ah still think yer gonna be bakin' in those long pants. Don't y'all have any shorts? Maybe ah'll head up to your room an' make you some cutoffs later. But right now we've got chores to do."
  186. >She said tits, dude. Dude. She showed them and she said them. You and Apple Bloom both go about your day in a daze. The distraction of all the dripping wet, sweaty flesh on display makes the semi-punishing labor easier. And that's good, because farm chores are not the most intellectually stimulating thing in the world. Certainly not something anyone would be interested in reading about.
  188. >"Alright, that should be enough for your first day ah think. Big Mac, you can finish things up, right?" "Eeyup."
  189. >"Ah hope you 'ppreciate your big brother takin' on the lion's share of the work. Ah do the cookin' but you two growin' younguns are likely to do a lot of the eatin' and as you can see, everything requires some doin' if it's gonna get done." You just can't deny her country wisdom. Profound, yet obvious. But as you head inside, your ability to accept her sensibility gets strained pretty hard:
  190. >"Since he's doin' that and ah've gotta get started fixin' dinner, yew tew get first shower"
  191. >Excuse me? Shower? Singular? She said it kinda like "shaw'r" but you're pretty sure you heard her right.
  192. >Sensing your anxiety (and noticing how you froze suddenly in place), Apple Bloom pipes in to clarify things. "You can have the first first one, Anon. Ah'll take the second first shower. That's what you meant, right, Applejack?"
  193. >"No, ah meant the two of you together, o'course." replies your older sister, with an honest smile.
  194. "W-w-we can't do that! We won't! Right?"
  195. >Apple Bloom just blushes and covers herself with her arms again. She had slowly gotten used to being outside in her camisole. Basically a tank top, after all, plenty of girls wear those, but the prospect of imminently spending time naked with her brother is blowing her little fuse.
  196. >"Jeepers crackers, are you really that bothered by somethin' so harmless? Look, ah've been patient, but don't you think it's your turn to give a little? Hot water doesn't run on trees, y'know. The tub's plenty big enough for the both of you t'stand in."
  197. >You look in Applejack's pleading face, not wanting to annoy her, trying to be good a good guest in her home, but still freezing up. You simply can't agree to something you're so programmed to avoid.
  198. >As if realizing you need the push, Applejack closes her eyes, puts her hands on her hips, and simply says "Yer gonna share it, and that's that."
  200. >Applejack wipes her brow and frowns worriedly at the blood draining from your faces. "Didn't y'all ever bathe together before?" You both shake your heads. "Dangit, Granny. That's wrong-hearted.. Ah wasn't gonna bother ya yesterday on accounta yew were prolly both too tired to lift a sponge, but if'n you've spent all night in those there pajammers and now worked a whole day outside, ah mean... Stuff's gonna start GROWIN' on yer bodies. Ain't no way yer sittin at mah dinner table and ruinin' everyone's appetite with yer smell."
  201. >You can't really disagree. Especially with the mess you made in your boxers last night. At no point does it occur to you that, had you not been so uptight, you would have had plenty of opportunities to change those nasty things. Hygiene has been sitting several orders of magnitude below embarrassment.
  202. >"Now see, look, you don't hafta feel uncomfortable. Ah'm in charge, right? If'n you followed Granny's rules so dang tightly, you can follow mine. Ah know fer a fact her rules couldn't'a made you feel all that comfortable either. You got used to that way o' livin', and you'll get used to this one."
  203. >Applebloom attempts to let out some kind of wordless noise, but- "Ah don't wanna hear any more about it. Now get in there!"
  204. >A grinning Applejack herds you into the bathroom like the soon-to-be-fleeced lambs that you are, and shuts the door behind you.
  205. >Looking intently at you, your older sister says in a sing-song manner "If'n you don't get down to your skin on the count'a fiiiive, ah'm gonna get it all off you mahself and give your bare behinds the back of mah haaa~aand!"
  206. >You freeze for what feels like a good while, but at the serious "one!" you realize you don't want to see Apple Bloom punished. Your protective instincts kick in, and you quickly drop your pants and underwear in one motion, freeing your currently rather small manhood (fear and nervousness are not its best friend).
  209. >Looking over (no reason to avert your eyes now), you see Apple Bloom skinning off her camisole, revealing tiny breast swellings that you have definitely never seen before, topped by the cutest red-pink nipples. She hesitates very briefly, looks into her older sister's eyes, and unzips her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She bends over, tugging down her baggy granny panties, and stands back up, covering her crotch with one hand. Why didn't you think of that? Well anyway she's not covering her chest, so there's that. Your little Anon begins filling back up with blood.
  210. >"Well that did the job. Sorry ah had to threaten ya. It was the belt in our parents' day, but we don't believe in that. A hand does the job just fine. It can even be fun sometiii- ah, so here," she opens the door and begins to exit, but points at the rack on the back of it, crammed with fluffy towels and two familiar robes.
  211. >"Yew can put those on afterwards, but ah expect them to go back here on the door when yer dry. That's what robes are s'posed to be for. You've seen everything, so you don't need to be so dang uptight around the house anymore, right? Now get clean and get hungry 'cause I'm makin' a real feast for mah two favorite new workers. Take as much time as you need, it's gonna be a while before dinner's ready."
  212. >AJ picks up all of your clothes, taking them with her.
  213. >Take your time? What happened to hot water being at a premium? The door shuts and you're left in an unfamiliar bathroom. That actually gives you a non-insignificant amount of agita, as you don't know how to adjust these specific taps, and no two ever work quite the same way.
  214. >Apple Bloom drops her hands to her sides. Was she hiding from Applejack? Or was it just reflex? Either way she seems more comfortable with you now, and is adjusting to the situation better than you are.
  215. >"C'mon, Anon." she actually grabs your hand and steps into the tub. Some part of your heart gets a boner.
  217. >AB turns the water on and bends down to feel for the right temperature. Gazing at her lithe, shapely, pale yellow body with its perfectly round harvest moon, your erection grows to full mast.
  218. >She pulls the knob to start the shower, and turns around to face you with her now-darker wet hair plastered over her smiling, freckled face. "It's embarrassin', but this is actually kinda fun, right?" She then spots the elephantitis in the room. "Oh! Part of you's havin fun, ah see. Were you thinkin' about like "ah wash you n' you wash me" or somethin'? Ah can take care of that mahself y'know"
  219. "Jeez, of course! I wouldn't-"
  220. >"Now then again, there are some areas ah have trouble reachin'..." You stand dumbfounded while Bloom sits down at the corner of the tub and spreads her legs apart. You see a few wispy red hairs, easily as long as the ones you have but not remotely as dense.
  221. >Her lips can only be described as plump. A perfect little peach. Does she really want you to wash her there?
  222. >She lifts one foot up and points it at you. "Help wash mah feet, Anon?"
  223. >Oh okay. That's what she meant. Of course.
  224. >You grin and shake your head (not in the negative, but to shake out the water), the shower spray being able to reach you now that she's no longer blocking it.
  225. "Of course, milady. I am at your service"
  226. >You do a dumb little bow and Apple Bloom giggles. In the kitchen, AJ hears that and smiles.
  227. >After carefully working some soap between each of her toes, you resume your royal butler voice:
  228. "I declare, my princess, that the dirt of the commoners has been cleaned from thy presence"
  229. >It doesn't have to make sense, she giggles anyway. "Now turn around and ah'll wash yer back."
  231. >Relieved that things have managed to stay playful, you maintain the mentality of an innocent kid just playing with his sister. The two of you both make shampoo bikinis after washing each others' hair (much easier than doing it yourself, it turns out. Even if Bloom's fingers kept getting caught in your tangles and hurting a bit) and strike model poses.
  232. >Your twin seems to have lost any remaining shyness as she lifts an arm "Ah think we're done. Gimme the sniff test, Anon!"
  233. >Putting your face so close to her breast still excites you. You can see every detail of her soft areolae. You're surprised to see tiny, wispy red hairs in her armpit.
  234. "Uh, you're good!"
  235. >"You didn't inhale!" Apple Bloom puts her hands on her hips "Ah don't wanna get sent back in here, y'know? Seein' mah brother nekkid once in a day is enough fer me. All mah details on display... 'Course you already saw Applejack's melons so you're probably feelin' like a regular Hugh Hoofner now."
  236. "Hey, it's not a contest. She's older than you. And who cares about t-t---boobies anyway? I think you're really, really pretty, and um... I like looking at you."
  237. >Fuckin smooth, guy. Now you made things weird.
  238. >"Anon! That's so sweet! Ah love you, y'know that?" she puts her arms around you and gives you a quick hug. Brief, because as soon as your boner pokes her she backs off as if stuck by a tack, but her smile remains unchanged.
  239. "Yeah.. You too. Let's- let's get out of here before we turn into prunes."
  241. >Stepping out of the tub while Apple Bloom turns off the tap, you wring excess water out of your hair into the sink, as is your usual habit, and reach for your robe.
  242. >Then chivalry mode kicks in and you instead reach for Bloom's. Not that there's anything left to hide, but it feels nice to allow her to cover up first. You resist further miladying, as you don't want to wake up one morning to find you've sprouted a trilby, and simply open the robe and allow her to insert herself into it. You reach down and grab her belt as she folds one side over the other, and tie it for her, giving an indirect kind of hug. You add a kiss on her ear, then don your own robe.
  243. >Apple Bloom holds your hand, briefly, keeping your robe open. She takes one more look at your genitalia before it gets put away. "Ah... like lookin' at you too, Anon. Ah was only kiddin' about havin' enough of it..."
  244. >As you leave the bathroom, you see Applejack has laid out a superb meal once again.
  245. >There's a big pile of pan-fried chicken pieces that look expertly seasoned, a load of mashed potatoes and gravy, some green beans cooked with bits of bacon, and a plate with an index card on it saying "I'll make another pie tomorrow" that still somehow smells like freshly-baked pie.
  246. >AJ unties her apron, leaving herself bare-breasted once again "You two tuck in, mah turn to get cleaned up. If'n you left me any hot water, that is. Make sure to save Big Mac a good portion, y'hear?"
  247. >Despite your hunger and the ridiculously high quality of the food, that should be doable. The portions here are insane. You are almost scared to imagine what Thanksgiving at Sweet Apple Acres is like if this is a regular dinner.
  248. >"Oh, and if you wouldn't mind, do me a favor an' toss these in the laundry fer me. Thanks!" The bathroom door shuts. Something soft landed next to you. The hell?
  249. >Oh dear. AJ's daisy dukes and her p-p-p---pungent underwear. You can smell it from here.
  250. >No. Food time is now. No turning into a weirdo, not on an empty stomach anyway.
  251. >Applejack jills herself stupid in the shower thinking about what Anon, or even better both Anon and Apple Bloom, are going to do with her panties. But you're not aware of that.
  253. >After you're both stuffed, Apple Bloom swiftly runs downstairs with AJ's sweaty garments (damn!) and comes back up, declaring that she's solved the laundry quandary. You wonder to yourself why your older sister is taking so long in the shower. Maybe this is why she's so concerned about hot water, she thinks everyone has to be in there for a half hour.
  254. >Through the window, you spot Big Mac coming in, having presumably finished up the chores. While you doubt it, you don't want anything of his flying in your direction, and it would be your turn for laundry duty if that did happen, and this family is freaking weird, so you quickly grab your twin sister's hand and suggest you head upstairs to your room. Saying "our room" to her feels kind of neat.
  255. >On your way up the stairs, you hear Applejack and Big Mac (well, mostly the former) talking about something, and just as you make it to the top, the door abottom the stairs opens and a betoweled AJ (tied at waist level, natch) calls up to you.
  256. >"By the way, ah took the liberty of gettin' rid o' those dang pajamas an' that ridiculous nightgown. Tonight ah expect you two to sleep in th'buff like God intended. Ah hope ah've made mahself clear an' ah don't have to come up and inspect you later onna counta you're mature enough to do what you know's best."
  257. >You feel just a tiny bit defiant, the choice having been removed when you hadn't even made it yet (but felt you were probably going to go in a fun direction).
  258. "Yeah, yeah, you can cut out the authority routine already, Applejack. Just because you've got that rack doesn't make you our mom."
  259. >You turn and give AJ as genuine a smile as you can, so she knows you're being playful. It seems to work, as she proudly sticks out her chest and winks at you. "Get some good shut-eye now. Tomorrow's Sunday so there's no chores, but ah still expect you to get up early enough to eat mah pie."
  261. >She still won that exchange. You blush, having caught the double meaning, while Apple Bloom just looks confused. In a lot of ways, she's more innocent than you are. Granny probably hit her even harder with the uptightness stick.
  262. >Also it occurs to you as you enter your room that AJ was actually old enough to remember your parents dying, so that could have been insensitive. Fuck. Note to self: hug her later. She'll probably want you to hug her naked. Whatever. You'd hug Big Mac naked if it meant comforting some people who lost their parents. This is the kind of crap that's on your mind now. Stupid sexy Applejack.
  263. >Apple Bloom sits down on the bed, her robe loosening and showing most of the middle of her torso along with most of her legs, albeit held together out of habit. "What did she mean with that wink? Ah feel like ah missed a joke there." Oh jeez, she had to pull the thread.
  264. "I uh.. it's a sexual joke, Apple Bloom."
  265. >"Dangit, ah want in on those! Ah don't know anything about that stuff. Granny wouldn't even let me take sex ed! An' none of mah friends ever wanted to talk about it, they thought ah was queer or somethin' if ah asked the wrong questions"
  266. >Jeez, poor Apple Bloom. At least you had your guy friends to fill you in. That's rough.
  267. "That's rough. I'm sorry. But we have a bigger family now and I think it's safe to say there's not going to be any more mouths gettin' washed out. Applejack'll probably teach you everything. You can have a big dumb girly slumber party with her and talk about peckers and everything. She probably calls 'em peckers."
  268. >"Do people do birdwatching at slumber parties?" Oh christ she cannot be that naive. A smile and a tongue sticking out indicate that you have been rused.
  270. >"Boy, it still is steamy up here. Anon, can ah just..." she grabs the edge of her robe. "Now that the cat's outta the bag, can we just pretend we never heard o' bein' embarrassed and just hang out nekkid together?"
  271. >Now that you've dried off, you have to admit the heat is still uncomfortable inside your prison of terrycloth, but you can't believe what you're hearing. Your face pulls into what can only be described via two apostrophes separated by an underscore.
  272. >"J-just in our room! Ah think... And in the shower, obviously. Ah don't think ah can parade around outside like Applejack in front of Big Mac, but just here. At least after a shower. It seems kinda silly to cover up and act like we didn't see anything."
  273. >You reach for your robe belt but habit still keeps you still. "You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, but ah WAS really joking before about "having" to see you nekkid more'n once a day. You said you like seein' me, so.." she stands up and drops her robe on the floor. "You can jus' get an eyeful all you want."
  274. >You look in her cute golden eyes and see her freckles almost drowned out by the intensity of her blushing, which you notice spreads to her ears, down her neck, her chest, and threatens to go further. Feeling like an idiot for hesitating, you follow suit and expose your pale green anatomy to your twin sister's gaze.
  275. >She says nothing, but just stares at you for a while. "You know, that's the first Johnson ah've ever seen in mah whole life."
  276. >Where the hell did she pick up 'Johnson'? "Ah think it looks pretty nice an' you don't hafta be embarrassed of it, Anon. Ah'm just sayin' things right now because ah don't know what else to.. m-maybe we should just get in bed."
  277. "It's kind of early, isn't it?"
  278. >It is, but you're actually pretty exhausted from chores.
  279. >"Yeah but, ah just.. wanna hug you, an' ah don't think ah can hug you nekkid yet, an' ah don't feel like puttin clothes on just fer huggin' "
  280. >You cannot deny that logic.
  282. >You get under the covers and, with some loosely bunched blanketmass around you, Apple Bloom wraps her arms around you and snuggles her face into your neck. "You smell good, Anon."
  283. >A feeling of satisfaction like you haven't experienced washes over you. This feels profoundly right.
  284. >You feel one of her tiny nipples pressing into your chest and the off-and-on erection that has plagued you and entertained your sister(s?) all day turns dangerously towards a priapism. You don't know that word, of course, but you do know that if you stay hard too long, it gets TOO hard and starts to hurt. And worst of all, if you try to masturbate afterwards, it barely feels good and still refuses to go down. You're not quite there yet, but you know it's getting there and you need to do something about it.
  285. "Apple Bloom,"
  286. >"Yeah?" she emits breathily, with her eyes still closed.
  287. "Apple Bloom I'm sorry but I have to get up."
  288. >"Nooooo. What, you gotta pee or somethin?"
  289. "Sooomething like that. Umm, see, something boys kinda have to do... Like seriously, we have to or after a while it hurts."
  290. >"What is it? Does it.. does it have to do with yer balls?" she says this in a whisper. Clearly she has narrowed the likely area down.
  291. "No, it's-"
  292. >"Ah, yer Johnson then. Well what is it? I've seen it now, can't ah hear about what it does besides peein'?"
  293. "It's kind of..."
  294. >"Look, if you've GOTTA do it, then ah'm gonna see it eventually. There's girl-stuff you're gonna see from me once a month too. Just go ahead. The light's off anyway."
  295. >It is, but the summer sun is taking its damn time giving you some privacy. You couldn't read in this light, but you couldn't rob a bank in it either.
  296. "Alright, if you wanna watch."
  297. >she doesn't let go of you.
  298. "But I've gotta pull the covers down or I'm gonna make a mess
  299. >she doesn't let go.
  300. >You expose your body and, in the process, hers. At this point nothing you haven't seen, but not lying down before. You reach down with your Bloom-side hand and start rubbing yourself like you have so many times before.
  302. >Your twin sister's eyes are fixated on your cock, the first one she's ever seen and now the first time she's ever seen what it's actually -for-.
  303. >You briefly attempt to actually think about something else, someone else, some girl maybe, but your imagination keeps going to Applejack. Realizing she was butt naked in the kitchen and if you hadn't been focused on food, you would have seen everything she's got.
  304. >Well damn, if your brain is going to go to a sister, you're going to focus on the right sister anyway. You look over at Bloom's soft, creamy body. Her cute perfectly round navel. Her pert little nips. That little dip between the clavicles that you have no idea is called the suprasternal notch. Maybe you shouldn't be getting so lustful on your sis, but you know full well from experience that nothing is gross or guilty when you're aroused.
  305. >And apparently she's losing some of her inhibitions as well, as that not-ready-to-hug-you-nekkid rule seems to have dropped. She snuggles up to you, pressing her front to your side (space freed up by your arm currently doing one of its favorite jobs). You feel the softness of her skin and the wisps of her pubes pressed against your hips. You know it's not going to last much longer.
  306. >Her thigh swings over yours and rubs up against your nuts, apparently enjoying the feel of fur on skin as much as you do. That's it. You're about to- FUCK!
  307. >No, not that, but you forgot something.
  308. "Shoot, Apple Bloom, I need something. I'm about to.. it's going to make a mess. I have to grab a tissue or a sock or something."
  311. >she doesn't let go.
  313. >Her soft thigh rubs up against the underside of your dick and you explode. Your seed shoots easily three feet into the air, landing on your leg and hers. Nevermind what AJ said, you are definitely going to be helping with the laundry.
  314. >Apple Bloom stares at the shining ropes of white hitting you. You have no idea if she's going to freak out or scream or-
  315. >"That was cool, Anon." Okay good.
  316. >She sniffs the air while you pull the blanket back up over yourselves. "You did that last night, didn't you?"
  317. >What is she, a dog?
  318. "Yeah.. I mean, not on purpose. It can go off on its own, and you, uh, touched my hand. I mean my hand touched..."
  319. >"Well you can do it with me every night. And if it feels good you can touch mah butt if you want." She snuggles deeper into you, her thigh smearing your leavings into your softening penis, and her peaceful smile burying itself in your neck and smelling your hair. "This must be what bein married is like." she almost whispers, in between contented mewling sounds.
  320. >You touch her butt and go to sleep.
  323. ---
  325. >You're running and leaping through some trees. There's just so many trees. They are apple trees. There is a cute monkey clinging to you. The monkey is your friend.
  326. >Periodically, enemies appear, and you kamehameha the shit out of them. Your voice sounds like when you were a kid. Yeah that's normal.
  327. >You're pretty hairy right now, like some kind of orangutan or maybe a cat I dunno. This is normal. Your boner feels good swinging in the breeze.
  328. >You land outside of the woods and spot a bunch of capybara.
  329. >Sneaking up behind the sheep (scratch that, they are sheep) you pounce on one and sink your teeth into its throat. This is satisfying.
  330. >Picking the grouper up in your mouth (it is fun stalking a herd of grouper), you run off on the beast legs you have always had, towards that cozy little house
  331. >Opening the door with your normal human hand, you hand over the picnic basket to your wife, Apple Bloom. She's wearing nowt but an apron.
  332. >She quickly takes a knife to the pig you brought her and makes it into an apple pie. You urinate in the corner while you wait, but it provides you no relief. Oh well, apple pie.
  333. >You sit down and take a bite and-
  335. >You wake to the sweet sensation of your sister's soft lips on yours. "Ya got bad mornin breath, Anon."
  336. >What was that dream? You remember it was nice in some way. Also you really have to pee. Also you smell apple pie wafting upstairs.
  337. "Mm... Morning, Apple Bloom."
  338. >You are still a bit too groggy to process that you just got your first kiss from your sweet twin sister, but you use the pie as an excuse to hurry downstairs and not have to think about it.
  340. >You weren't sure what to wear, so you both just put on a t-shirt and underwear (you don't have a lot of t-shirts, but nobody has NO t-shirts).
  341. >It appears, however, that you are still potentially overdressed for breakfast. Your big sister stands in the kitchen without a stitch. "Mornin'! The pah's still coolin' but it shouldn't be too long now." She points to the windowsill.
  342. >You didn't see the pie. You saw Applejack's lady bits. Her blonde pubic hair is thin and wispy, hiding exactly nothing about her plump lips. You realize how similar yet different it is from Bloom's girl part.
  343. >Your brain is definitely still in neutral.
  344. "Naked."
  345. >What are you, Dean Venture?
  346. >"Well ah thought ah'd better practice what ah preach. If ah expect to see you two loosen up. A little skin never hurt nobody."
  347. >"B-but what if Big Mac sees yer... downstairs?" Apple Bloom has clearly tried putting herself in her sister's place.
  348. >"S'nothin' he hasn't seen before." AJ strikes a jaunty pose. This is your family, Anon.
  351. >"Speaking of skin, yeeikes! Yer both as red as an apple. Though ah guess apples come in a lot of colors and us Apples mostly are those colors, 'cept'n me, ain't a lotta orange apples around. Ah guess ah forgot, you've been goin' around every Summer fully clothed, ya didn't have any base tan or anythin'. Jeez, what a crummy big sister ah am, makin' ya work outside. Well, pop yer shirts off an' let's see if ah can soothe that a bit with summa this fancy al-o veera lotion ah got as a gift from mah friend Rarity"
  352. >"Can ah rub it on Anon?" your little sister breathily squeaks.
  353. >AJ looks simultaneously disappointed and highly pleased. "Yew want to? Awlright, I'll get the rest of breakfast goin' an' you two cover each other." She hands your littler sister the bottle "But make sure you get it everywhere, y'hear?" Applejack smiles. This should get things moving in a good direction boy howdy. "Ah really need to get you some hats..."
  354. >You don't notice that AJ has no tanlines. Something more pressing has come up. Kind of literally pressing. Oh, also you still have to pee.
  356. >After coming back from the bathroom and washing your hands like a good boy (considering where they're about to go, it's the least you can do), your twin sister eagerly holds the lotion bottle out at you.
  357. >"Well Anon ah guess we're real rednecks now." Bloom giggles as you both doff your shirts, losing more concern by the minute. Actually, your shaggy mop protected your neck. Bloom had put her hair up in a cute ponytail tied up with that stupid adorable sexy bow she wears. Still, you got quite red and painful in a way you didn't realize until now because you are kind of sore all over from the work.
  358. >Of course, AB is still in her cami, and she has managed to acquire camisole tanlines. Burn-lines. She squirts some lotion on her hands and starts slathering it over your tender shoulders and back. The look she gives you while rubbing your chest is absolutely 90s Disney movie tier. Sadly, the soothing act can't last forever, as- "Your turn, bro."
  359. >You load your hands with lotion and start on your twin sister's neck. Carefully, gingerly, you rub it in, feeling the soft skin and tender muscles of her trapezius, moving down to her shoulders... Ah, let's see now. You respectfully try to rub under the straps-
  360. >Then Apple Bloom grabs your hands and moves them onto her chest. "Ah got a li'l burnt here too, Anon." she murmurs quietly.
  361. >You have no idea what to do, so you try rubbing her soft little swellings in gentle circles. It seems to be having some effect on her, as her mostly-unsunburnt face turns redder and little noises escape her lips. Okay, this would be a good time for another interruption. Hello? Plot device? Is this 2000 characters yet?
  363. >Big Mac walks into the kitchen from upstairs, holding a crowbar.
  364. >"Didja get that damn stuck window open?" "Eeyup." "Aw thanks brother'a'mine. Remember kids, it's okay to work on Sunday as long as it's to help people."
  365. >Mac's eyes glance down at his nude sister, then over at the two of you, your hands still inside Apple Bloom's camisole. He grins and slips off his briefs. You both pull a face at the reveal of what can only be described as a Mackinaw Trout or maybe a Sockeye Salmon. Different faces, mind you, but simultaneous and slightly audible.
  366. >"Oh don't act like he's holdin' a weapon." Big Mac sheepishly puts down the crowbar. "You should be scared of things that END life, not create it. You were made by somethin' just like that, y'know?" Applejack makes a sassy smile and places the pie on the table, along with some bacon and eggs you didn't realize she was also making. Just how long have you and Bloom been a-lotioning?
  368. >"Now look, today we're takin ya to the swimmin' hole so aint gonna be no secrets 'mongst none of us." AJ smirks at you, "Ah don't wanna "mom" ya too hard, but the right n' proper attire for a swimmin' hole is whatcha call skinny dippin', unnerstand?"
  369. >You and your twin's rapidly changing boundaries suddenly hit a relatively firm wall. "Outside?" Bloom squeaks. 'in front of Big Mac too?' she doesn't say out loud.
  370. "But.. someone could see us!"
  371. >Applejack snorts. "Who you worried about? Aint nobody around fer miles! If someone was trespassin' it'd be them that should feel ashamed."
  372. >Big Mac begins tearing into breakfast while the three of you pause, at a mild impasse.
  373. >Applejack rolls her eyes and acquiesces somewhat. "Oh at LEAST swim in yer britches. That won't kill ya now will it?"
  374. >You smile and nod thankfully to AJ for compromising a bit. BM might be onto something with this quiet act, it kind of suits some situations.
  375. >"Ah saw what you packed, those things were ridiculous. Trunks must have gone down past yer knees, Anon. Ah know you don't need THAT much length to stay covered." Applejack winks and Bloom blushes a little.
  376. >She isn't wrong. When you think about the swimsuits you own, they really are ridiculously overcovering. AB's suit actually has sleeves and a skirt. At some point in the past day, you might have been wondering if you could get your new guardians to buy you some new, more sensible swimwear, but it seems sensibilities still differ somewhat. You briefly ponder which direction is better.
  378. >Then Big Mac pulls off bloom's camisole. "Britches means just britches, darlin'." He is really good at just whisking things off of her in one move, damn.
  379. >"Ya coulda waited 'til after breakfast. Don't hafta be so eager to catch a view o' her breasts now did ya?" Apple Bloom's stunned state is ameliorated by hearing her chest actually described by her busty older sister as "breasts."
  380. >The grin on your big brother's face does not appear to be a lecherous one, but a mixture of satisfaction and minor mischief. Applejack pipes up again, "Ah well, easier cleanup if ya spill somethin' this way."
  381. >You start eating the frankly preposterously good breakfast (pie for breakfast. Fuck yes) and attempt to go with some of the flow.
  382. "So before we got here, you guys both..."
  383. >"Enjoyed the pure wonderful feeling of being nekkid just about 24/7 and feeling the glory of nature on our skin? Whah yes we did, Anon."
  384. >So they've been compromising too.
  385. "Speaking, as we so frequently seem to do, of our skin, aren't Apple Bloom and I going to crisp up even worse if we go outside?"
  386. >"Nah, the swimmin' hole is really shady, you'll see. Thick old growth trees all around. You'll be fine. 'Sides, it'd be a shame to stay inside on a day like this."
  388. >After you all finish breakfast and sit around for a moment making the smallest of talk and the largest of digestions, four apples wearing a total of two scant undergarments exit the cozy house that is already beginning to feel like home.
  389. >The breeze on so much of your skin and the ground under your bare feet still feels pretty unusual to you, but not the least bit unpleasant.
  390. >As you follow Applejack and Big Mac out towards the rear of the property, Apple Bloom snaps the waistband of your boxers and whispers in your ear "strut your stuff, bro. You look cool."
  391. >Thanks for that awkward boner, Bloom. Just what you were looking for. You pat her on the bum in reciprocity.
  392. >The treeline becomes quite dense, creating a very shady area, just like AJ said. Comfy levels increase as you walk towards the sizeable pond.
  393. >It's not exactly crystal clear hiking-trip waterfall tier. There's some vegetation and frogs and shit. Not a swamp by any means, but you half expect to hear one of the frogs playing a banjo and singing about rainbows.
  394. >Apple Bloom suddenly halts and crosses her knees slightly. "Crud, ah hafta go..." Oh right. Duh. Everyone has to in the morning, right? She was so eager to lotion you up and then eat that she forgot, probably.
  395. >"Well you're in the right place, Sugarcube. The world's yer chamber pot." Applejack gleefully exclaims, her eyes tightened into the very personification of ^_^
  396. >She and Big Mac are already swimming.
  397. >Bloom nearly tries to object, then realizes she's standing in her loose yellow polka-dot panties in the middle of some woods and oh what the hell. "N-nobody look." She searches for an adequately thick tree to hide behind.
  398. >You turn away and examine the "swimmin' hole" with one foot, finding it a suitable temperature. You submerge yourself, finding it quite nice on your sore muscles and sunburnt skin.
  400. >You hear the thudding of cute smol feet approach. Her voice squeaks out "Cannonball!" and a sizeable splash quickly hits all of you in the face.
  401. >"That could've been dangerous, yknow!" Applejack tries to put on a stern face in between giggles "Ya didn't know how deep it was there. Ah don't wanna spend this nice day drivin' yer butt to the hospital."
  402. >" 'Least the hospital puts a gown on ya!" Bloom playfully splashes her big sister.
  403. >The girls leap onto each other and splash and play in a way that fills you with glee. You tear your eyes from their glistening skin and your sight meets that of your older brother. He gives you a knowing smile and gestures with his eyes towards them.
  404. >For the next hour you just enjoy the pure joy of swimming, something you haven't gotten to do much of in your life. Moving in low-gravity is so strangely satisfying. You try to swim a few laps, just to test out the space and see how your technique is.
  405. >At one point, Apple Bloom plays 'drowning victim' with you, letting you reach around her body (and, incidentally, touch her in fun places) and see if you can swim her to safety. Of course you can't really with one arm, so she kicks her feet and helps.
  407. >Eventually, though, your muscles complain. You still really haven't rested enough.
  408. >You stand, intending to walk over and sit on the side for a moment. As you emerge from the water, Apple Bloom covers her mouth with her hands and glances at your crotch.
  409. >Okay, you figured your boxers would probably go a bit transparent. But so what? You reach for your waistband, feeling the need to adjus-
  410. >Right. Physics. Loose cloth in water. "Ah, Anon! They're gone!" Apple Bloom seems to have found her voice. She stands up in alarm and tries to look around for your prodigal shorts. And yes, you mean that in the correct sense of the word. They have squandered their inheritance on gambling and wasteful living. But right now you would welcome them back with open legs. And speaking of...
  411. >You notice the same exact thing has happened to Bloom's bloomers. Those saggy granny panties really didn't stand a chance.
  412. >"Ah well, thought that might happen" Applejack shrugs. Bloom seems to realize her predicament and pops back underwater. You attempt to play it cool, mainly because it would look significantly more foolish right now to try to hurry back into deep water from the shallows. You just continue the already-awkward shallow-water shuffle and sit on the bank. Is it a bank when it's a pond? Whatever, there's some nice soft grass that feels good on your bare ass.
  413. >AJ turns and says, mostly to your other sister, "Y'aint got nothin' to be ashamed of. What God put between yer legs is as beautiful as what's under yer eyelids."
  415. >"Look, ah realize some of the basic facts of life, like havin'-a-body, are still new to y'all, so ah just want you to know you can ask us anythin.' Well, mostly me. Big Mac's not as big on talkin', as you might'a noticed." Big MacIntosh puts on his most profound face, lifts one finger, and slowly says "The birds... and the bees..." "Great contribution, bro."
  416. "Eh... thanks... Good to know"
  417. >Apple Bloom just squirms a little. It's obvious neither of you is going to start just conversing on a subject that has been pretty much forbidden with the only family you've known until now. Stuff you learned about from friends in hushed voices.
  418. >"C'mon ah bet what you don't know could fill oodles o' books. Don't be shy now. What is it the young folk call it now, "Real talk"? You're gonna see animals actin' out the facts o' life sooner or later anyway (especially the pigs. They do a mean Blair impression), might as well have context for it."
  419. >Silence and scratching the back of your head awkwardly are all that meet the freckled one.
  420. >"Ah have an idea. Ah know ah kept a bottle around here.. yeah!" AJ produces a jug from a bag suspended in the water with a rope. "This should round off the sharp edges a li'l bit." She uncorks it, takes a good gulp, and hands it to you. Water droplets cascade down her bare form as she walks to where you sit.
  421. >"You're both growin' up, ah think you can have a li'l nip o' cider. Not a whole drink, now. Gettin' fall-down drunk in water is a great way to drown even for real experienced adults, y'know"
  423. >You sniff the jug cautiously.
  424. "Shouldn't this have 'XXX' on the side?"
  425. >"Real funny. That's moonshine, ya dork. Shit that makes you go blind. Pretty sure the kinda people that make that stuff have moved on to meth nowadays." Well at least she knows things. You take a drink of the spicy, thick cider. It has a slight funkiness to it, but it's pretty good.
  426. "Not bad."
  427. >"Well you'll be happy to help make some this fall then. Now pass it to yer sister."
  428. >After the cider has made its way around the family, you feel a warmth fall over the scene. This is nice, right? Good times.
  429. >A red-cheeked Apple Bloom finally breaks the nice silence. "Umm, Applejack?"
  430. >"Yes, darlin'?" The look on her face is one of genuine warmth. her green eyes meet Bloom's gold ones only briefly before the latter turns her glance downward. She mutters something quiet.
  431. >"Ah didn't quite make that out, Sugar cube." "Ah said, um, boys.. play with themselves, ah know about that. Do, uh, do girls?"
  432. >You expect to hear AJ lamenting the lack of knowledge, calling it a tragedy that her little sister hasn't ever- actually, do they? You realize you don't know yourself.
  434. >"We certainly do. Would'ja like to see how?" Applejack sits herself on the edge of the pond. She doesn't wait for an answer. Of COURSE you both want to see how. Hell, Big Mac watches too.
  435. >She lifts one leg to the side, exposing her rapidly-pinkening fuzzy peach to her siblings. "It's reeaal easy, Apple Bloom. Ya just start by rubbin' it this wise..." she runs her fingers gently on the outside of her lips.
  436. >You surreptitiously submerge yourself again to hide your raging erection. This just doesn't seem the time to be bold about it. The fact that you are swimming a bit closer to your big sister doesn't have anything to do with it. Nothing at all.
  437. >"You can get a closer look, Anon." How did she?... "Get as close as y'want, just don't block your sister's view."
  438. >You blush and hurry into position, just a few feet away. Apple Bloom, on the other hand, seems to have no shame at all about this and has her face a foot away. She's absolutely entranced, trying to commit this technique to memory. It doesn't occur to her to try to mirror it now. Even with her back to Big Mac, even with the water being a big murky, it's simply not something her hands gravitate towards doing.
  439. >"Now.." AJ moans a little "once ya get good n' frothy, you can slip yer finger inside here. An' that feels.. pretty damn good..."
  440. >You both watch for a few minutes, until Apple Bloom squeaks out "Where? Ah can't see exactly."
  441. >Applejack removes her finger, dripping with what is definitely not pond water. "Aw shoot, ah was so busy with mahself ah didn't think o' that. Here, check this out. Look reeeal closely."
  442. >You don't have to be asked twice.
  444. >She uses both hands to spread her lips open. You see a completely alien sight. You had less than no idea there was all that going on inside a woman's apparatus just between the labia. "This here is the hole, see?" Applejack points with her middle finger at her vaginal opening. "Folk call the whole thing the vagina, but this is the only part that act'shally is. The rest ain't. Oh, and while ah'm here, this thing at the top? That's mah clitoris, an' it feels real damn good to touch. Anon, pay close attention. You'll need to know this. Sure as shootin' a lotta fellas don't"
  445. >You blush hotly and duck slightly lower into the water.
  446. >"Anyway, that part comes afterw'rd. First, fingers in the vagina. Sometimes ah like to use two of 'em." Applejack demonstrates her masturbation technique, giving you both step-by-step instructions, and after a good 15 minutes she's bucking her hips into the air.
  447. >She frigs her clit furiously while the fingers on her other hand jam in and out, making delightful wet noises. Finally she cries out [spoiler]AAAAPPPPPLES!![/spoiler] and her whole body shakes. Between her fingers, copious liquid squirts out. Her toes curl up. It had never occurred to you before that girls get orgasms too, but the fact that they appear to actually shoot cum has you genuinely shocked.
  448. >A panting Applejack smiles at her young pupils. "An' that's about it. Make sure you give it a try." She meant to say that to Apple Bloom, right? She's looking at you.
  450. >"Was that... pee?" your younger sister innocently asks, blown away by the display.
  451. >"Naw, ya cutie, that's just what squirts outta girls when they cum. It's lubrication fer sex an' whatnot." AJ raises her glistening fingers to her mouth and tastes them, to illustrate the innocuousness of the fluid. At least, that was probably her intention, but the effect on you was to push you over the edge.
  452. >You shudder and ejaculate into the pond. Please don't notice. Well Apple Bloom seems to still be fixated on her big sister, but your older sister definitely saw it. She's staring right at you through the water. Oh here we go, now she's probably going to tease you and say you just got fifty frogs pregnant or something.
  453. >"Well, ah think that was a pretty nice day, right? We oughtta head inside now before it gets chilly." Wow. Nothing. No insistence that Apple Bloom try it in front of all of you. No further, more explicit birds-and-bees lessons. That's kind of a relief.
  454. >As AJ gets up, you spot something light blue and pale yellow where she had been in the water before.
  455. >She was hiding your underwear. That tricky Jackie. Fine, that's fine. You don't need it anyway. You all walk naked back to the house, drying off in what remains of the sunshine.
  457. >None of you puts on another stitch, having apparently established this as the new dress code.
  458. >Dinner is once again a quality feast. This time Big Mac busts out a rusty but reliable old grill and sees to some hamburger patties, while Applejack arranges the fixins and fries up some crispy skillet potatoes. All put together, it's enough to erase your memory that restaurants exist and ease any pining you may have still had for them.
  459. >A shower seems redundant after how much time you spent aquatic today, though as you and your twin sister head upstairs to your room, you do hear the shower running and notice Big Mac entering the bathroom. Either he's the type to get the water going and then leave and re-enter, or Applejack started it and he's about to join her. That wouldn't surprise you. They've probably always shared showers.
  460. >Thoughts of how your siblings had lived prior to your joining them remain somewhere close to the top of your brain as you plop down in bed and relax, but as your sister lies down next to you and snuggles up, it becomes apparent her mind is more on the prior events at the swimmin' hole.
  462. >"Did you notice Big Mac was... polishin' his gun, too?"
  463. "What? He was?"
  464. >You had been paying more attention to your older sister. You thought Bloom was too. "Ah only saw it outta the corner of mah eye, but ah could also hear it. He didn't, um, finish, ah don't think, but he was definitely' enjoyin' himself."
  465. "Huh."
  466. >That's interesting. If you weren't watching, then he wasn't doing it for educational purposes. You suppose he just felt like it.
  467. >"Anon... do you think it's normal for brothers n' sisters to think each other are... sexy?" She says that last word quietly but clearly.
  468. "Well... Yeah, I think it must be. Gettin' turned on just HAPPENS, y'know? Like, even just from stories and thoughts, so it doesn't matter what causes it."
  469. >"Yeah. That makes sense. Anon..."
  470. "Yeah?"
  471. >Apple Bloom rolls towards you and looks at you with her big watery gold eyes, her hand on one hip and her legs slightly parted. "Do you think ah'm sexy?"
  472. "Jesus, do you have to ask?"
  473. >She smiles. "Ah guess not." She boldly rubs Little Anon. "But ah'd like to hear it..."
  474. "You're... SO sexy, Apple Bloom. This entire thing... seeing you.. sleeping with you... If you weren't my sister, this would be my fantasy. EVERY guy's fantasy. Everything on you is just-"
  476. >Your adorable twin sister puts her finger on your lips, just like TV. You stop talking, even though that doesn't actually quiet you in any way, because that is how that gesture works I guess. "Ah think you're sexy too, Anon."
  477. >She wraps her arms around you again and quietly says into your ear "An' I don't care if you're mah brother. Ah wouldn't wanna be in this bed with anyone else."
  478. >This is the fucking warmest and nicest you've ever felt in your life. But, good-warm. Now that the window's open it's not so steamy and stuffy.
  479. >"Ah love yew, Anon." No, this is the nicest.
  480. "I love you too, Apple Bloom."
  481. >You sit and listen to her soft breathing, feeling its warmth against your neck, not knowing what, if anything, to do. Then your sister moves one arm out from its position wrapped around your ribs and you feel her fingers running down your side... then down your hip...
  482. >Well, now you've gone and done it, Anon. Your twin sister is rubbing your dong. She's just rubbing it.. slowly.. feeling the softer bits underneath with her thumb.
  483. >"Oh wait!" What? don't wait. You can't stop now. "Ah should try out what Applejack showed us. You already let me watch you, so it's my turn."
  485. >Apple Bloom sits up on the bed and spreads her skinny legs apart, automatically spreading the petals of her little quim. You look at the shiny pink insides. You would probably nut right now if you hadn't just spent a few hours ago.
  486. >She starts rubbing herself, hiding nothing about what her very first masturbation is doing to her.
  487. >You sit captivated by the sight, the wet noises, and even a surprisingly appealing scent
  488. >After a little while, though, she gets squirmy. "Ah don't think ah'm doin' it right. Anon, help."
  489. "Y-you want me to touch you?"
  490. >"You've always been better with your hands. Yer model robots always look just like they're s'posed to."
  491. >You almost start to explain to Apple Bloom the difference between a v-fin and a clitoris but this is NO time to get nerdy and miss the point.
  492. >She scoots over and snuggles halfway into your lap, giving you a good position to reach around and rub her. The two of you jumble four hands for a moment until Bloom removes hers and lets you do your best on your own.
  493. >"That feels real good, Anon. Keep rubbin' there. P-put a finger inside. Just one!!" she mewls out. You do your best to oblige. At one point your other hand grazes her clit and she cries out.
  494. "Shit, I didn't hurt you, did I?"
  495. >"That's just REAL sensitive right there. Don't just touch it..." You just remove that hand from the equation entirely.
  496. >It's glistening with her juices. Huh. Applejack seemed to like her own taste. What if...
  497. "You taste good, Bloom."
  498. >"Ah do? Ah! Howbout you use yer mouth then? Ah bet that'd feel real good. Like kissin'!"
  500. >Your brain is full of fuck, but thankfully Little Anon, your copilot, knows exactly what to do. You pull out from under your sister, letting her fall onto her back, and lift her legs onto your shoulders. She squeaks and looks up at you with a face full of fearful but eager anticipation.
  501. >You drink in that sight for a moment, awakening some deep instincts, and lower your head down between her thighs.
  502. >At first you don't know what to do, so you just start licking upwards, like a dog would. You can't hear much through your twin's thighs, but from the way they're locked around your head, you know you must be doing something right
  503. >You gentle nibble the folds, holding them between your lips the way you would a cat's ear. Her wonderful taste fills your mouth as liquid pours copiously forth. You wonder if she's going to squirt, the way Applejack did. Only one way to find out.
  504. >Sticking your tongue as deeply inside of her vagina (you learned something today!) as you can, you try moving it in and out in some simulation of p-in-v. You know that much at least. Then you recall her earlier reaction.
  505. >A tongue is soft enough not to hurt a clit, right? You gently tap it. Apple Bloom's hands immediately shoot to your head. Oh fuck, she's going to pull you of- no, she's pushing your face into her. She has two big handfuls of your hair and she's smashing your face into her sniz. Okay.
  506. >You rub the little nub with your tongue, trying to do that little tongue-into-a-loop trick everyone learns at some point, and letting it poke into the hole. Okay, that's awkward. But then it occurs to you to just try sucking it like a third nipple.
  507. >THAT seems to do it, as AB cries out loudly enough for you to hear (quickly stifling it by biting a pillow) and digs her nails into your scalp. Your face gets soaked with her juices.
  509. >"That... was so great, Anon. Son of a.. duck." Apple Bloom pants, her cute chest rising and falling as you take in what you've accomplished tonight. "Haha, yer face is drippin' with... did ah do all that?"
  510. "It's only fair, I got you last night. So... is this okay? Is this what we're going to do now?"
  511. >"Ah want to, Anon. Ah wanna do things with you. Ah wanna be like boyfriend and girlfriend and do stuff."
  512. "I mean, we're siblings, so..."
  513. >In the process of trying to shield you, Granny never actually told you the concept of incest, and you never really thought about why most couples aren't related. They should be, right?
  514. >"So what?"
  515. "Eh... so I guess it's pretty convenient. Alright. I'll be your boyfriend."
  516. >Bloom squeals and mashes her face into yours and gives you an excited, eager tongue kiss, licking her juices off of your face. She reaches down to grab hold of your rocket and it goes off immediately between your stomachs. You fall asleep sandwiched together like some kind of teenage sexual Oreo.
  518. >Applejack quietly pulls a "YES!" from the other side of your door, listening through the crack. She carefully heads down the stairs and heads for her room.
  519. >She hops into bed, next to her waiting big brother. "Ah think everything's gonna be awwwlright with the twins."
  520. >He smiles as she snuggles in next to him, and gives her a kiss on the neck. Then he keeps doing it, covering her cheek, her ear, the nape of her neck...
  521. >"You gonna do somethin' about that fire yer stokin', or are you just pokin' around the ashes?"
  522. >Big Mac shrugs and crawls on top of his favorite sister, lifting one of her legs and getting into a familiar position.
  523. >"Ah don't think you have to worry about bein' quiet this time." Applejack jokes, making the extra sexy eyes she is good at making. Big Mac lets out a hearty chuckle and gets to plowing like a good workhorse.
  526. -----
  529. >You could really get used to this orgasms-before-bed thing. This is some good-ass sleep.
  530. >"Mornin', y'all." Applejack coos from the other side of the- WAIIT A MINUTE
  531. >"Ah saw there was some room here. Looks like yer makin' some kind of a sammich." Oreo, Applejack. It's an Oreo. See because we- oh damn.
  532. >You try to sit up and find that, in addition to the weight of your sister on top of you, your skin is being tugged at where it's kind of glued to her with your semen. Not the best.
  533. >"Yeowch! What's goin' on?" complains Apple Bloom.
  534. "It would, uh, appear that the jig is somewhat up."
  535. >"Whatchu' talkin' 'bout this early? Ah don't even.." Bloom rubs her head and attempts to return to her side of the bed, ending up halfway in her older sister's lap. "EEP!" Did she seriously not notice AJ's presence until now?
  536. >"Now don't act guilty or nothin'. Ah'm aware you've been gettin' nice n' close recently."
  537. "Wait, whatta you.."
  538. >You attempt to salvage the situation. This crazy nudist sister of yours might have limits to her-
  539. >"Did'ja think ah didn't notice that jism on your legs yesterday mornin? Ah'm not blind, y'know. Yew two had some fun the other night."
  541. >"That's fine, Anon's mah boyfriend now." You can forgive your sister for sounding like an eight-year-old with a crush, as she is clearly not 100% present this morning. Did the orgasm do that to her?
  542. >You look in Applejack's eyes, realizing the chicken is out of the coop or whatever she would say. Also literally, though that has more or less stopped bothering you at this point. The chicken is being good and sitting on a pair of eggs at the moment.
  543. >"That's wonderful, Sugarcube! Ah was hopin' somethin' like that would happen. How far'd you two go last night, huh?"
  544. >AJ grills you on the details and you stammeringly relate them as best you can, with your limited terminology. In the process, stirrings begin anew.
  545. >"That's all, huh? Well don't hold back on mah account." AJ sees surprised looks on your faces and puts on a grin. "Me n' Big Mac have been doin' it since we were your age. That's why Granny insisted on raisin' you two. She just didn't see things straight, and we weren't really ready to be substitute parents, but we are now. Ah mean, not that you need much raisin' anymore. Jus' a li'l instructin' here or there maybe."
  546. >Your big sister wraps her arms around her little sister and continues: "Ah dunno what she taught you, but there's nothin so wonderful as love between a brother and sister, and that means straight up all the way dick in the cooter love, so you go right ahead if that's what you feel like."
  547. "You don't really mean... And you don't really... do you?"
  548. >Your brain is playing Boggle and half the letters are X right now.
  549. >"Shoot, ah'll show you. From now on why don't you just sleep in the family bed."
  551. >"the WHAT?" you both exclaim in unison.
  552. >Applejack adjusts her hat, the only thing she seems to wear anymore. "Yeah, heh. We lied about us havin two different rooms so they would all be "full" and you'd hafta share one." her sheepish expression turns to a pleading one. "Hey, it worked, right? Ah promise ah'll never lie to you again, it was just this one time. 'Course, you can still have yer room for keepin' stuff in... There actually was an emptyish one, so you don't hafta go clear upstairs, neither. Ah'll carry yer stuff in there mahself if it'll make up for the centrifuge."
  553. >You are quite sure that is not the word she was looking for, but at this time of day, with this in your bed, with all this on your mind, vocabulary is not really loading. In any case, chatty Jackie continues. "now we're not gonna pressure you into nothin'. Ah've been kinda hard on you so far but it was only to push you in the right direction, ah hope you understand that. You can do anything y'want, just promise me you'll do _everything_ y'want, alright?"
  554. >Apple Bloom breathily asks "Do... you mean just me an' Anon, or..."
  555. >Big green eyes gaze into bigger golden eyes. "Honey, we are at your service. Don't even hesitate to ask." She uses her nose to boop her nose, then, before you can even contemplate any of this, Applejack energetically slides out of bed and reminds you there's a regular day of chores today.
  557. >As you head downstairs, the first thing to greet your sleepy eyes and puzzled brains is Applejack emphatically giving your big brother a handjob. It takes both hands. Christ. "... and we don't hafta hide anymore. Now show off your nice bi- Oh hey, you two! Breakfast is almost done."
  558. >There are two skillets on the stove full of a mixture of hashed potatoes, sausage, and eggs. Tasty, if slapdash. As you devour it, you wonder if perhaps AJ is so eager for the day to be over that she wants to waste no time.
  559. >As you and Apple Bloom take some time to coat each other in sunscreen (turns out there was an old bottle of it in the basement. The good stuff that smells like coconuts), your older sister cheekily hip-checks you, causing your bodies to collide together. "Hurry up, it's faster this way." she illustrates by rubbing her hands together.
  560. >She's right! You focus on rubbing each other's backsides while your front sides spread the protective cream around. This is an unexpected bit of fun. You almost hope you never develop a deep enough base tan to make this unnecessary.
  561. >Just as your penis begins to throb, Jackie yanks you outside to start your day of chores. Yeah, she's definitely impatient.
  563. >Fortunately, the day seems to breeze by. It feels like you only just get started before the noontime break with its picnic basket of pie and sandwiches and cold cider (the under-5%-alcoholic stuff this time), and before you know it, the day's work is done. You wonder if the addition of two sets of hands is making a significant difference, even if your older siblings seem to be doing the majority of the work.
  564. >Four naked and tired Apples trudge back towards the house, but the adorable voice of your younger sister pipes up "We're completely filthy. Two of us might as well wait outside while the others shower, 'cuz we won't be able to touch nothin' or sit down anywhere."
  565. >Your eyes haven't exactly strayed far from your siblings' bodies, but you hadn't consciously noticed just how right she is. You're positively caked in dirt and what you desperately hope is dirt. One advantage to not wearing clothes, for sure, as you imagine no washing machine could handle this dirtload, but at least those can quickly be removed.
  566. "Crud. You're right. I wish we had a bigger one. I wouldn't m-mind sharing on a day like this. But we'll have to wait."
  567. >Among other things, it's still pretty hot. The air feels as soiled as your bodies, only with water instead.
  568. >Then, as if to answer your prayer, a hot, torrential summer rain appears. Well, you would have liked it cooler, but... convenient!!!
  570. >AJ runs inside to grab some supplies, and you all have a nice outdoor shower. Pretty rad. Feels natural.
  571. >The torrent increases to the point that you are actually able to adequately rinse the shampoo out of your hair, and as you open your eyes, you spot Big Mac painting Applejack white. Apparently he had some fun while she was washing his junk.
  572. >You feel a tiny hand gently cupping your balls and realize Bloom wants to do the same. Some level of hesitation remains, as nobody but Apple Bloom has watched your apparatus in action yet, but it appears your older siblings are focusing on washing Mac's leavings off of Jackie's body.
  573. >You allow your pleasure to build until you ejaculate, striking yellow skin with rope after rope of cum. It quickly rinses off in the increasingly (possibly concerningly) hard rain. Bloom carefully washes the rest of you, as dutifully as some kind of Geisha. She giggles as you do the same, tickling her armpits.
  574. >You all come inside and pause only to wipe your muddy feet (the one thing you couldn't really manage to avoid, bathing outside on the bare ground).
  575. >Apple Bloom seems to be in a fine mood, as she clings to you like a happy kitten all evening, as dinner is cooked, and peppers your face with kisses at random.
  576. >Dinner, it turns out, is motherfucking shrimp. And plenty of it. "Ah had these in the freezer for a special occasion" Applejack explains. The thought of the night's bed-sharing escapades had not escaped your mind for more than a moment all day, but you are enraptured with the meal nonetheless. Shrimp scampi, shrimp cocktail, and a bunch of Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits. "They sell those now" Applejack pipes in. "The mix, ah mean. Granny would tan my hide for making biscuits from a mix, but it does save time and they taste fiiiine."
  578. >The rain becomes a pretty severe storm, but that adds to the feeling of coziness. Especially once fire is added to place, creating that primal comfort source, the fireplace.
  579. >To your surprise, Applejack gets out her guitar and starts strumming some simple country tunes (a naked woman playing a guitar reminds you of some Tom Hanks movie you saw once. That had a lot of shrimp in it too, didn't it?), and Big Mac of all people starts singing.
  580. >Fucker is a fantastic singer. Is that why he never talks? Saving his voice?
  581. >You realize this is how most people who ever lived have spent their nights, and it's pretty nice. You imagine you'd get tired of it if it was your ONLY entertainment, but this is a wonderful little bit of bonding and you have little to no desire to turn on the TV or anything. Apple Bloom rests her head on your chest and swings one leg over you, giving you a decent view of her perfect body in its entirety.
  582. >After a few tunes, Jackie yawns and suggests you retire to bed. Oh man, this is it. You follow her to what you had, until now, thought was exclusively her room. They planned this ruse out pretty well, since Applejack's possessions are the more distinctive, and had you caught a glimpse inside, it would have been difficult to pass it off as Mac's only.
  583. >Of course now that you look around, one thing would have given it away: nobody needs a bed this big to themselves. It's more than even two people need.
  585. >Not only is it huge, it's inviting. And as you climb in, you find that it's soft, too. Damn. Good bed.
  586. >A bed with your three siblings in it with you. Your family. You almost just feel like going to sleep. But...
  587. >Applejack turns the lights on low (it's one of those touch-lamps, and she has to cycle through twice before getting it right. You know her pain) and sits facing you and your younger sister. Her knees spread wide and her eyes go in full bedroom mode. "Ah reckon it's time for some family bonding. Feel free to get creative. The good book aint' never said nothin' about a woman lyin' with a woman. (and maybe a lil swordfighting, that doesnt count.)"
  588. >You look at Big Mac. He shrugs.
  589. >"What about, uh..." Apple Bloom actually raises her hand. That is adorable.
  590. >"What is it, Sugarcube? You know you can ask us anything."
  591. >"We, uh, if we're gonna..." her voice gets tiny "mate.."
  592. >you hnnnng.
  593. >"... are we gonna end up havin' puppies?" HNNNG
  594. >Applejack's prompt and certain response surprises you. "Yer sure-shootin' right we are. We dont go in fer fancy rubbers er nothin' like that. Our clan's ready to grow as much as you want. We'll just be one big Apple family."
  596. >Holy shit, what? You look into Jackie's big green eyes. She's serious. She intends for you to become a father. At least you'll have help raising the kids, right? You've learned to just trust her, so you go with it.
  597. >And what "it" it is. The subsequent four-way family orgy is one for the dirty recordbooks.
  598. >For the first few minutes, you and Bloom just watch your older siblings as they eagerly perform for their young audience. They kiss passionately, hungrily, hands roaming all over each other. Your hand finds Apple Bloom's and you squeeze it, looking in her happy face.
  599. >Said face quickly turns lustful, however, and she pounces you, pinning you down. Her mouth presses into yours with fervor, and she tries to suck your tongue out of your head like a starfish eating a mollusc.
  600. >You reach your hands out and grab two handfuls of bumcheek, moving her entire torso and rubbing it on yours. Your precum provides slick lubrication as her tummy rubs the underside of your dick. You try to distract yourself so you don't blow your load right away. Uh, what else is in the room? Dresser.. headboard.. BM lining up to fuck AJ- oh shit!
  601. >Bloom's movements slow to a stop as the two of you watch enraptured. Every moment of the penetration seems to go in slow motion. The engorged red bologna pony slides into the dark golden vulva like they were made for each other.
  602. >"Mmmm..." Jackie moans. "Y'see, kids? This is what it's allll about. A brother enterin' his sister is the most beautiful thing on God's green Earth. Go ahead and give it a try if you want. Ah'd love to be present for your first time."
  604. >Apple Bloom actually positions herself perfectly to give your older siblings a perfect view. At least you THINK that's what she's doing, rather than blocking the view of them so you will focus on her. That works too, so... You gaze into those sweet golden eyes that you love so much. At her tiny titties. At the gentle swell of her tummy, and at the visible dripping of her juices, falling onto your cock. This is happening now.
  605. >Instinct takes over as you raise your sword up into Bloom's sheath. Just like your older siblings, it fits perfectly. You had heard from some friends that sometimes it hurts a girl the first time, but sometimes not. You don't know why, but you're glad that didn't happen. In fact, going by her squeal, she is feeling really good right now.
  606. >You pull yourself out slightly and push in again. Bloom squeals and her quim drips more juice. You had always wondered what sex would be like, but didn't expect it would be so brain-dead easy.
  607. >You wrap your arms around your beloved sister and start planting kisses on her cheek, her ear, her neck, her trapezius. All the while thrusting into her over and over. Despite just ejaculating a few hours ago, this is still your first time, and it doesn't take long at all before you spend your hot seed deep inside your mewling sister.
  608. >You stop, letting the feeling wash over you. You feel like you're melting into her. Over her shoulder, you see Applejack, still mid-coitus and moaning like a freight train. Her eyes are fixated on you two, and upon seeing you stop, she mouths "keep going!" and makes a finger-in-hole gesture.
  610. >Oh right, you haven't given Bloom an orgasm yet. Shit! Okay, you still retain enough hardness to resume your action.
  611. >She cries with pleasure, squeaking out her approval. "Oh, Anon!" "That feels so dang good!" "Keep goin, ah'm almost there!"
  612. >That's all the motivation you need to keep your movement up despite the tiredness of post-orgasmic parasympatheticism or whatever you call that.
  613. >You switch your movements up just a bit, gripping her thighs and trying to grind your penis where you remember her clit being, and this works in three strokes. You feel her walls clench and pulse around you, releasing copious liquid. The cutest dang noises escape her lips.
  614. >Your younger sister collapses on top of you, remaining impaled and wetly licking at your mouth.
  615. >Applejack begins hooting and cheering in celebration of your lost virginities, and Big Mac takes this as an invitation to turn up the pressure.
  616. >He begins applejackhammering into her and she comes to her conclusion shortly afterwards.
  619. >The afterglow is truly intense. But just as you get sleepy, and AJ shuts off the light, a thought occurs, as it sometimes does when your brain is in this mode.
  620. "Hey, uh... I don't know if this is maybe not a cool thing to ask, but..."
  621. >"Ah would think by now you know nothin's off-limits, Anon. Shoot." Applejack answers.
  622. "How... have you and Big Mac been makin' it this whole time without protection and... it's still just the two of you?"
  623. >Apple Bloom looks a bit puzzled. You remember she never got even street-level sex ed like you did, and Jackie's instruction yesterday was more focused on pleasure.
  624. >"Yer pretty smart! Ah think... Mac's shootin' blanks." AJ explains, as BM sheepishly shrugs. "We did actually have one little miracle, but it was wayyy back when we were both too young to properly raise her, so she's been in the safe arms of relatives. She visits once in a while, but she's real attached to her aunt and uncle and it's a pretty long distance, so as much as we miss her, we don't worry ourselves gettin' too possessive of our li'l apple dumplin'."
  625. "Hold the f-... Babs?"
  626. >"Eeeyup."
  627. "Babs Seed is our..."
  628. >"Yer niece. Yeah, ah seem to recall y'all didn't get along too well at the last family reunion." Granny had only let you attend two of those, and had kept a close eye on you the whole time so you had never much bonded with AJ and BM, but Babs... got you in a headlock pretty quickly. "Hopefully next time she visits, things might go a mite better."
  630. >"Ah don't need to tell you that we kept tryin', an' that hole in our lives is another reason we were so happy to finally get you two back where you belong." Jackie continues. "Do you feel the same way?"
  631. >You look into three pairs of eyes.
  632. "Yeah. I think this is where we belong. But I am not going to say "one big Apple family" out loud. Yeesh"
  633. >"Ya just did, Anon!" Apple Bloom squeaks. You tickle her mercilessly, then fall asleep, clutching her in your arms.
  635. -'plogue
  637. >The next several weeks leading up to school, the four of you get to know each other's bodies intimately, spending many hours of quality time in the family bed.
  638. >Over time, you discover a lot of new fun activities and fetishes. Something about your younger sister's cute little feet really attract you, and you spend a lot of time sucking on her toes.
  639. >She, in turn, seems to fucking love your nipples, and latches onto them like a lamprey any chance she gets.
  640. >One morning, when nobody else but Mac is having breakfast, you hear some giggling under the table upon sitting down. Simultaneous voices shout "breakfast blowjobs!" and you feel your rod engulfed by someone's wet mouth. Your brother's grin makes it clear he's receiving the same service. Just before you're about to cum, Bloom lets go of your tool and squeaks "CHAAANGE PLACES" and you laugh your ass off at the sound of bodies clumsily trying to climb over and/or around each other under a table. This part was not thought out very well. But the effect of a different mouth finishing you off is worth it.
  641. >You and Big Mac return the favor with synchronized cunnilingus after dinner, but can't think of any alliteration to go with it. You take the opportunity to compare the different tastes of your sisters.
  643. >Even as you switch partners frequently, jealousy never occurs. You admit you don't get any special feeling watching Big Mac burying his massive tool in your younger sister's muffin patch, but you're happy to see her enjoying herself.
  644. >On the other hand, sex with AJ is like a completely different ride. She takes control, taking your dick to places it has definitely never been.
  645. >She takes Apple Bloom's body for similar rides, something you greatly enjoy watching. Whether with fingers, mouth, or pressing the two clams together, your sisters get in the habit of giving each other orgasms anytime the refractory period has disabled you and/or Big Mac.
  646. >You end up not doing anything with your bro except JOing each other, but the two of you do DP Applejack at one point, and the balls do touch.. a lot. At no point does it feel weird.
  647. >Nor does it feel strange when, during one double bro-hammering session, Bloom comes up from behind and gives all three of your genitals a simultaneous tongue bath.
  648. >You wonder how you had gotten by this long in your life without any sex life whatsoever. One day, when you have a moment alone, Apple Bloom confides in you that she is really enjoying herself, in almost a guilty way like a little kid confessing that she said a swear. You assure her that nothing makes you happier than that knowledge. Both of you almost simultaneously blurt out that you like each other best, which leads to a passionate makeout session.
  650. >When school starts, you are considerably worried. Not just about whether you'll still have enough time to enjoy your newfound pleasures, but whether something about your homelife might not fly.
  651. >On the other hand, a new school is always at least interesting. You and Apple Bloom show off new shortened clothes (thanks to AJ's decent stitching skills), and you're largely going commando. Applejack confesses that she only ever wears britches when wearing her famous daisy dukes because, y'know jeans. Harsh fabric.
  652. >This results in you feeling more stylish than you ever have in your life. Apparently skin is in at this school. And in more ways than one.
  653. >Whereas your old gym class didnt even have uniforms, this one has mandatory showering. At the end of each school day, you and your sister enjoy regaling each other with detailed descriptions of what all your classmates look like naked, while masturbating each other.
  654. >And speaking of gym, it seems a life full of chores and sexual gymnastics has done wonders for your body. You notice more than a few girls drooling at your muscles as you perform your calisthenics. Funny how that still feels great, even though you are fully satisfied and literally could not fit more pussy in your life.
  656. >Any apprehension fades about two weeks in, when Nurse Redheart visits your homeroom class to teach you sex ed.
  657. >The first thing she does is asks for a show of hands. "How many of you are having sex with relatives?"
  658. >You spit the drink you arent having.
  659. >About 3/4ths of your classmates' hands go up. Dumbfounded, yours slowly does too.
  660. >Redheart goes on to explain to everyone that incest is quite healthy and highly recommended. Is this really happening?
  661. >Miss Cheerilee happily relates that her sister Berry Punch has a lot of fun with her on weekends. Wow. Even with all you've been exposed to, hearing that still puts a tent in your shorts.
  662. >Upon discussion at lunch that day, it turns out all your new friends are into incest. You feel relieved to confess what you've been up to, and how you'd been raised by someone uptight until now, with different standards. You curtail the motormouth when you realize that the only thing weird about you now is how special you still think it is.
  664. >You don't even wait to get home, as soon as you catch Apple Bloom in the hall you pull her aside and compare notes. She's practically squeeing with excitement.
  665. >It turns out her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are totally doing it with THEIR twin brothers Sweet Bro and ScottaLogan (that guy is just.. a paradox. He's both tall and slim and short and stocky at the same time. He's blind and wears these thick sunglasses but he can still tell where everyone is by smell)
  666. >And despite it being pretty obvious that it's not a secret around these parts, you still both excitedly tell AJ of your discoveries when you get home.
  667. >"Oh yeah," she elaborates. "Mah friend Twilight has been makin' whoopie with her big brother since she was younger'n you two. Ain't nothin' wrong with it, an' ah'm sorry you got raised t'think otherwise."
  668. >Your worries make a brief return when Apple Bloom misses her period, but it turns out she's not the only pregnant girl in her class, let alone the school. She's just the first in her grade, which, it turns out, makes her very popular.
  669. >She thanks you for that in a most enjoyable way.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables