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Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-12 19:14:38
Expiry: Never

  1. Whistling idly to himself a teenage Shining Armour happily trotted down the hallway with an extra skip in his step. His parents were out shopping for the day, his sister no doubt hidden behind a colossal tower of books, and he had nothing but a warm shower and a brand new issue of Playcoalt weekly to amuse himself with.
  3. He only slowed his carefree pace upon coming within a few inches of the bathroom door, eagerly reaching for the handle with his magic as he gripped his magazine affectionately, until all of a sudden he heard a loud prolonged, almost painful sounding moan coming from inside the bathroom. Half panicking, thinking somepony may have injured themselves, but conscious of how inappropriate it would be to invade somepony’s privacy otherwise he reached for the lock, thanking Celestia that it wasn’t magically sealed.
  5. He turned the lock slowly, evermore nervous at the prospect of potentially making a mistake, or worse, being caught. After unlocking the door he gave it a slight nudge with his forehoof before peeking around the corner.
  7. His face instantly lit up in a thousand different shades of red at what he saw. Far more explicit than anything in his relatively tame magazines, and moreover far more real, his sister stood there, her whole body sensually dripping with hot steamy shower water and sweat, bent over with knobbly knees as her hoof aggressively assaulted her own wet, hot, puffy pussy, from the top of her outer folds, to the bottom of her clit, everywhere in between, and everywhere in between, her hoof desperately pressed and prodded at her marehood.
  9. Shining just stood there as his brain tried to process exactly what he was seeing. He had never directly seen a mares private parts before, not including brief glimpse behind the occasion mare tale, but this was something different although. Rather than a brief glimpse stolen from a cheerleader at his school, rather than the altogether vanilla shoots from any magazine he had ever dirtied, he was being fully present to a young fertile mare, bent over, weak kneed, and begging with her ferocious hoof and painfully swollen marehood to be taken, to be taken any stallion available to be taken by him if necessary. The sight, the smell, the taste of a young mare in her prime hitting him for merely a few hoof steps away, the sight, smell, taste, and fertility of his sister…
  11. ’Wait’ his mind thought, slamming into a brick wall of reality as did so. ‘This is my sister, my Twily, this is wrong! What am I doing.’ He thought hurriedly, although never taking his eyes off that same sister for a second. ‘Oh come on, as if you’ve never thought, as I’ve you never stroked yourself silly after catching the briefest glimpse at that pussy when you were younger, or your mothers for that matter.’ A slightly more perverted part of his mind shot back. ‘But this is different, this is my sister, and here I am drooling over like predator.’ He shot back, defensively, although noticeably quieter and with more indesion. ‘Really, accidentally peaking is worse than intentionally squinting your eyes to catch the extra quarter inch, the extra millisecond of sweet incestuous pussy, on her birthday as she leans over to blow on the candles, after Heartswarming as she climbs up the last step take the final decorations down from the tree, on a particularly windy as a brezze lifts her tail ever so slightly and brushes against that sweet little marehood, at…’okay, okay, I get it I’m a sicko! You happy?’ He admitted to himself. ‘But she doesn’t need to know about it, no pony bu…’
  13. Just before he could reassure himself that he still the shred of dignity that came in the form of the ignorance of others, the distinct sound of a mare ferociously pleasuring herders was replaced with a ferocious scream, followed by a loud painful crash.
  15. As Twilight’s weak knees fell from under her with a loud bang Shining instinctively shot forward in absolute panic, both from the pain of being caught, and his sisters audible call of terror. He stood there standing directly above her, eyes like the maddened pinpricks of a serial killer, holding an opened magazine with a picture of Pegasus mare tied up in rope, showing her slightly bruised flank to the camera in an extremely suggestive manner, and to top it all off, an enormous throbbing behemoth of 14 inch cock sticking out almost as far as his chest, bloted with a snowy-white and ebony-black pattern down its shaft, only being cut off by a sharp flare followed by red hot, enraged head at it apex. Needless to say Twilight screamed, she screamed bloody murder and thrashed helplessly against the back of the shower walls for what seemed like an endless series of painful seconds, minutes even.
  17. “Get out, get out, get out you pervert! Leave me alone!” She screamed senselessly at what she could hardly recognise as her caring big brother, her perfect, idyllic BBBFF. Panicking she immediately did the first thing her mind could think of, she grabbed the terrifying thing in front of her and slammed it against the furthest wall, sending it flying out the room at breakneck speed, before locking the door with a powerful enchantment.
  19. Mind completely blank with shock, Shining was quickly woken up as his body was sent hurling at sickening speeds, ending swiftly with a loud crash and painfully bruised back. He sat there for a few uninterrupted minutes dazed, and too terrified to do anything, before finally gathering himself, taking that first painful step, both physiological, and physical due to his battered back.
  21. Confused, traumatised, and now on somewhat knobbly knees himself he stood once again merely a few inches away for that accursed door, before his mind was drawn to all together different moaning, his sister had seriously hurt herself, because of him, he hurt her, and possibly scared her physiologically for life. His petty pain and fear paled in comparison to the shame, the unselfish guilt that washed over him like a hurling wave of tragic realisation in the next few seconds.
  23. He carefully stepped towards the door once again, now with genuine concern on his mind, porno dropped and boner gone flaccid, both literally and figuratively. He let in a long worried breath as he pressed his ear against the door. Inside he heard a constant low groan, accompanied by a far louder moan of frustration and pain, right before a crashing sound, ever consistent, again, and again, and again, the same series of desperate pathetic sounds. Despite himself he called out, not even realising his own action. “Are you okay?”
  25. Upon uttering those simple three words he became at once slightly, although surprisingly only slightly panicked, worry just barely remaining the overriding emotion.
  27. Still a bit hysterical and quite frankly traumatised, but nonetheless beaten by her own hopelessness and desperation Twilight responded with one simple answer. “No.”
  29. They both sat there for at least another long 5 minutes, not a sound between them, not even a groan on Twilight's part. “I...I can’t get up...I’ve tried but I just can’t. I think my leg is sprained. It will heal in time...but I’m...I’m going to need moving. There’s no other way. Shining, you’’re going to have to come back in here and help me. If you don’t I’m going to break my leg...or worse, mum and dad are going to see this state.” Twilight reasoned out, as calmly as she possibly could.
  31. “What do you me to do?” Shining said in a soft quiet, unsure, but at the same time attentive voice.
  33. “Ok...There’s an emergency leg cast in the medicine cabinet. I’m going to need you to retrieve that, and do exactly as the instruction manual says. Once you’ve done that I’m going to need you me in arriving safely at my sleeping quarters, yes.” Twilight said, still terribly frightened, but relying on her characteristically strong willed personality when she really needed it.
  35. “Should I just come in then?” Shining asked, hooves lightly shaking.
  37. “Yes, I’m afraid you’re going to have to. Just, we don’t have to let...that overcome us. I’m going to unlock the door, and then I want you to walk in as if nothing even happened. I read a book once that said the best way to overcome interpersonal trauma, especially with a loved one is to act as it happened in the past, preferably years ago, and is today nothing more than a wacky memory you laugh at with your loved ones, ha ha...ha.” Twilight s said, closing with a clearly nervous and forced laugh.
  39. Hearing the door unlock Shining hesitantly held up his hoof, somehow finding the courage to push forward and open the door, jaring it open ever so slightly, letting gravity and momentum do the rest of the work. As the door slowly flew open there was his sister, laying sprayed out on the shower floor as hot water continued to spray down on her, tail tucked firmly between her legs.
  41. “Please turn off the water, and then get the cast?” She said, pleading.
  43. Shining silently stepped forward, hesitantly trotted towards Twilight. He shook slightly as he stood over her helpless body, and could see the concern in her eyes as well as he reached forward to adjust to dial on the shower, putting an end to pitter-patter of water, leaving them in a new awkward silence that could only be broken by Twilight’s naivety, over obsessive interest in books, and all too inappropriate habit of completely outsourcing her logic to them at the absolute worst of times.
  45. “Well, I can see from down here that somepony seems to have calmed down a bit. Don’t get me wrong, even in its current state it’s more than terrifying, but it’s nice to see it not quite so angry for once, ha ha.” Twilight joked, trying to lighten the tension by treating the thing as if it were all just some big joke, an embarrassing moment that they can now look back on a laugh at while blushing, clearly holding too true to the logic of her books once again.
  47. Shining’s shot up, smacking against the shower head. Both shocked at his sister's own words, and the fact that it was getting a slight reaction from him, but nonetheless, he moved towards the medicine cabinet as if nothing had happened.
  49. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Twilight said with worry. “I was only trying to relieve some of the the book says to do.” She said, genuinely sorry but feeling the need to explain herself.
  51. “It’s okay Twilly. As you said, I’m sure we’ll look back at this one day and laugh.” He said, his head firmly in the medicine cabinet, trying to focus on anything else but their situation.
  53. After a few seconds of searching Shining retrieved the leg brace and it’s instruction manual, and once again poked his head out of the cabinet, hesitantly. He laid the brace fairly close to Twilight, making sure that it didn’t get too wet before inspecting the manual.
  55. “Ok, it says I have to thoroughly clean and dry the affected area carefully before attaching the brace. So how are we going to do this?” He asked his sister, before looking towards her helpless body and once again feeling a pang of guilt.
  57. “First, put me flat on my stomach and then dry off everything from my hoof down to, huh, down to my thigh, and do it thoroughly, if the manual says so.” Twilight said in apprehension, her eyes silently closed.
  59. Shining then proceed to take his little sister and roll her over onto her stomach. He then took the towel and grabbed a firm hold of her hoof, making sure not to hurt her in the process. After maintaining his grip he began to run his hooves up and down his sister’s leg, in a firm and thorough manner. Eventually he reached the the mares thigh, blushing at the faint scent of his little sister’s cum that still permeated between her legs, feeling himself grow slightly hard at the heat radiating from the region, and shivering as his hoof came into contact with something hot and sticky. Nonetheless, he tried (in vain) not to show his reaction as he continued to dry up his little sister’s mess, swearing that he could hear the occasional light coo as he brushed over a particularly sensitive area on the mares inner thigh.
  61. Upon having finished drying Twilight he looked at her with an embarrassed blush, finding the exact same reaction from her as they both just stared and waited for something to happen.
  63. “Okay, that went well. Now, all we have left is the cast.” Twilight said, relieved, yet for whatever reason feeling a slight disappointment that she couldn’t quite explain.
  65. Shining briefly trotted over to the cast before asking Twilight to raise her leg, somehow just managing to look away and give her at least some sense of privacy while fitting the cast, although not without a sick voice in his head telling him to do otherwise.
  67. “Good, it looks like there’s only one more instruction, and I imagine it’s to have a nice long, non weird traumatising sleep.” She blushed as she saw the last step. “Well, it seems like this cast is perfectly waterproof from the outside, and the last step is for my ‘companion’ to clean off my full body before sending me to bed.”
  69. “Is that really necessary? I mean, you just had a shower.” Shining said worried, although fiercely intrigued.
  71. “Yeah...but well, I didn’t exactly get washed, and I don’t want to just skip certain parts of the manual. Besides, we’ve already started with my leg, we might as well finish.” Twilight said, even unsure of herself, and most terrifyingly, the instruction manual.
  73. “I mean, now that you have the caste, are you sure you aren’t able to take care of yourself?” Shining asked, two equal parts of him hoping for a yes, or a no.
  75. “No Shining. I can barely walk, nevermind wash myself. Plus, the hoof I fractured is the hoof I usually clean myself with.” Twilight said matter of factly.
  77. After taking a deep sigh Shining exhaled. “Okay, I suppose we should just get this over with. There’s no reason to make it too weird. Do you need help getting back up?” Shining asked, concerned.
  79. “Yes, please.” She blushed lightly as her brother’s magic washed over her and she was lifted ever so gently. “The cast has some light magical enchantments that relieve a good portion of the pain, but they’re hardly perfect.” Twilight said, now once again on weak legs with an admittedly handsome young stallion standing towering her, perverted and sick sure, but nonetheless a sweet, loving, and most of all a caring big brother, that would do anything for his little Twily, that would do anything for her.
  81. Upon lifting his sister up Shining and resting her hooves on the tiled shower floor he went searching for a sponge or cloth. “Umm, Twilight, do you know where the sponges are?” He asked bemused upon finding nothing after a good two minutes.
  83. “Ha ha, I just remembered. Funny story really. We ran out, but mum and dad should be back with more than enough in a few hours, although I imagine that I wouldn’t be appropriate to wait.” She giggled apprehensively to herself. “Besides, it’s not like I would have had much use for one, as you clearly saw. A sponge is nothing next to a good hard hoof. And it looks like a hoof is all you have to work with, and I’m sure yours is far more experienced than mine.” She said, half as a naive way to relieve the thick tension in the air, but increasingly due to growing stirring in her loins.
  85. ‘What in the hay are you thinking of Sparkle?’ She asked herself with a growing internal blush. ‘The book said to calm the tension with humour. This isn’t humour! This goes far beyond humour! You’re acting like the biggest cock tease on the Celestia damned planet, like a sluty little mare unable to control her body in the height of her heat cycle, and this is your brother!!! I mean, it’s not as if, no that’s different. Sure, you’ve thought about it, and it’s not like you haven’t spent a few lonely nights with him on your mind, but that’s normal, wrong, but normal. Every maturing mare fantasises about her big brother now and again, it’s only natural, especially having such a handsome and caring big brother as Shining. But this is different, this is just plain wrong, sick, perverted, disgusting, and a million other horrible adjectives. Brothers and sisters minds naturally wander into unsavoury places, but this is different, this is reality, not some silly fantasy. But why does my marehood feel like it’s been set ablaze if this is so unnatural?’ Twilight quickly tired to rid her mind of those thoughts immediately after conceiving them.
  87. Shining Armour wore the worlds brightest blush at just how suggestive his ‘innocent’ little sister was acting. But nonetheless, he swallowed his pride and tried to move on. “Twilly, I know you think the advice in that book is helping, but you might want to tone it down a bit, unless you really do want to see just how experienced I am?” Shining said warningly, although not without flinching at his careless choice of words that revealed his deeper intentions.
  89. Shining then with a blush still on his muzzle turned on the shower head, allowing pleasant waves of hot water to land down on them both before he picked up a bar of soap and began to slowly rub in small circles around his little sister’s neck and chest with his strong forelegs, and even harder hooves. Now face to face, given the general atmosphere, what can only be described as wave after wave of sensual, hot, and steamy water washed over them, making both siblings warm under their stomachs and terribly moist.
  91. As she relaxed under her big brother’s strong forelegsTwilight shot back with her own suggestive remark in reply to her brother’s comment, feeling a little braver now that the two were finally beginning to relax. “I’m just surprised that you need something like that filthy magazine for experience when you’re constantly trying to get a peak under your family’s tail, and I’m not just talking about today, nor am I only referring to myself. Every young colt has his disgusting fetish, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen somepony so eager to practice yoga lessons with their mother, and I doubt she hasn’t noticed it either.” Twilight felt extremely nervous, but also extremely naughty in a good way with every syllable that came out of her mouth. She had no idea why she was saying what she was saying, and she largely didn’t grasp just how her teasing could potentially take her, but there was a strong part of her that begged, forced her gradually from one extreme to the next.
  93. Shining blushed, the warmth between his legs quickly growing as he moved away from his sister’s chest down to her back. He stood over her opposingly, his shaft hanging merely a few inches under his sister’s stomach as he diligently massaged and kneaded at his little sister’s back with his soapy hooves, from the nape of her neck to her upper hindquarters. “Oh, and I suppose you’re quite the innocent little filly, huh? I think after tonight we count that out, ha ha.” He said with a slight smirk on his face.
  95. “Humpf, at least I don’t perv on my family.” She said, chiding back with her own smug remark. “Even now, after everything we’ve just went through you can hardly control that thing. I can practically feel it groping my leg with its heat.”
  97. “As if you’ve never fantasised about your handsome big brother. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what you touching yourself too.” He said, suggestively.
  99. “Well, not that time anyway, but regardless, I’d never eye a member of family up like a hungry predator, while their having their private time.” Twilight said, almost doubting her own words.
  101. “Oh yeah Twily, I’m sure you wouldn’t. You’d probably just hide in my closet with a big pile of books on one side, a pile of notepads on the other, with a big plastic Shining Armour shaped cock in between, that you had perfectly constructed from several long, long months of observation and research to be a perfect functioning replica of the real thing, ha ha.” He said, breaking out into a small fit of laughter that was quickly joined by Twilight.
  103. They stood there for a few minutes laughing at the absolute absurdity of it all, both Shining’s little anecdote and the embarrassment of reality they were faced with. It seemed as if the advice from Twilight’s book may have actually come to some use.
  105. After awhile Shining had clearly more than cleaned his sister’s back, leaving it practically sparkling. Now he cringed at having to give her hindquarters a good, thorough clean. “Umm, Twily, how exactly am I supposed to do this?” He said with apprehension.
  107. “Don’t worry Shiny just start at my rump and make your way down my hindlegs. We’re grown ponies, this doesn’t have to be weird.” Twilight said reassuringly.
  109. Shining blushed, his erection instantly feeling tighter the second his little sister talked about him groping her curvaceous little rump. “Alright, as long you’re okay with it you know I’d anything for my LSBFF.” He said, trying to be reassuring, but failing miserably to hide the massive blush on his face and semi erect boner, sticking out from under his little sister abdomen.
  111. “Whatever you say lovercolt , just try not to get too carried away back there.” She said teasingly, flicking her tail at him, deliberately just missing his stiff member by a single hair.

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