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Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-12 19:12:24
Expiry: Never

  2. >Be 12 year old anon.
  3. >Usually at this age, it's normal for kids to have their sexual desires to awaken.
  4. >Like you look at a pretty girl and you're like, "Yeah, she's cute but what does she look like without clothes now?"
  5. >You start getting more curious about the human body.
  6. >And again being 12, it's normal for you to get an erection from these curiosities.
  7. >Though you were taught by your mom, to go to a bathroom to try and calm it down.
  8. >and you do.
  9. >Usually through masturbation or a nice shower.
  10. >And right now you are going through one of these nice showers.
  11. >The warm water touches your skin as you turn the shower on full blast.
  12. >It kinda tickles.
  13. >Though you kinda wish that you would stop having these thoughts often.
  14. >Though.....
  15. >It doesn't help when-
  16. >"Hey Anon.", you hear as the door slams open, "Any room in there for me?"
  17. "Umm..... Yeah Scoots...."
  18. >"Alright. I'm coming in Anon."
  19. >An average brother and sister would be embarrassed by seeing each other naked.
  20. >But not you two.
  21. >You're both casual about it.
  22. >You both seen each other naked already.
  23. >Mostly because your parents made you two bathe together to save water.
  24. >You have been doing it since you were kids.
  25. >But now that you're older.... It feels different.
  26. >At least for you.
  27. >Your sister older than you by two years, Scoots, doesn't seem to find it that way though.
  28. >She just continues washing herself as you continue to watch her.
  29. >The shampoo being rinsed off from her head to her back.
  30. >The bodywash being applied and rubbed around her body.
  31. >Her developing breasts becoming reacting to the warm water.
  32. >To you.... This was the same as looking at porn.
  33. >Your sister then looks at you.
  34. >"Anon? Aren't you going to wash yourself?", Scoots ask you.
  35. "Y-yes!", you reply hastily.
  36. >You continue washing yourself with your sister.
  37. >While continuing to stare at her.
  38. >"So Anon.", Scoots began, "I'm going to hang out with a few friends today."
  39. "OK..."
  40. >"But..... Mom is going to work today and we can't really leave you alone."
  41. "But I'm 12 now!", you argued.
  42. >"I know, I even tried to tell her that, but mom still doesn't trust you being by yourself."
  43. >Scoots then turns off the water.
  44. >You then pick up a couple of towels for both you and Scoots.
  45. >"Thanks Anon", she said as she started drying herself, "Anyways I now have to take you with me."
  46. "You mean I have to hang out with Belle and A.B.?"
  47. >Scoots sighs as she wraps the towel around her waist.
  48. >"Yeah... Mom's order."
  49. "Aw man..."
  50. >"Come on Anon, It won't be that bad. Besides..."
  51. >She then hugged you from behind.
  52. >Her bare chest rubbing against your back.
  53. >"It won't be that bad. We'll just stay there for a few hours then go home. We'll play your favorite video game. How does that sound?"
  54. >You couldn't help but blush.....
  55. "o-ok......"
  56. >After the two of you get dressed and then wait for mom to leave to work, you both head over to A.B.'s house.
  57. >It isn't that far of a walk.
  58. >You reach the Apple Farm.
  59. >It's as beautiful as last time.
  60. >Which was about yesterday.
  61. >Scoots seems to come here a lot.
  62. >You often wonder what she does there all day.
  63. >Anyways you enter the orchard.
  64. >You spot the clubhouse.
  65. >"Here we are Anon.", Scoots said, "You ready Anon?"
  66. >Do you have any choice?
  67. >You just nod your head yes.
  68. >"Well let's go in then."
  69. >She then dragged you inside.
  70. >You didn't really mind this.
  71. >She's wanting to meet her friends and you were forced to come along.
  72. >You both climb the latter and enter the clubhouse now.
  73. >There you see Scoots friends.
  74. >A.B., a small bright country girl, and Belle, the only girl you can possibly say looks fourteen.
  75. >Don't get yourself wrong they're all the same size and taller than you.
  76. >But out of all of them Belle had the biggest bust.
  77. >She was the only one that looked like she needed a bra.
  78. "Hey Scootaloo!", A.B. called out to your sister, " Glad you could make it and..."
  79. >She stopped and stared at you for a second.
  80. >"You brought Anon with you?", A.B. asked.
  81. >"I had no choice.", Scoots told her friends, "Mom left me on babysitting duty."
  82. >"Well great our whole game is ruined.", A.B. declared.
  83. >"No wait! We can make this more interesting with him!", Scoots tried reasoning.
  84. >"How? There's three girls and one boy!", A.B, said pointing at you specifically.
  85. >"Well.....*, Scoots began.
  86. >She then leaned towards A.B.'s ear.
  87. >Whispering something to her.
  88. >"You're kidding me right?", A.B. asked your sis.
  89. >"Kidding about what?", Belle asked her friends.
  90. >A.B. leaned in and repeated the same whispers Scoots said to Belle.
  91. >Belle let out a small gasp.
  92. >Then a blush.
  93. >"But he.... And you....... You're both related.", Belle pointed out.
  94. "Come on it's not like I am going to lose.", your sister gloated, "So can we still play? It's more of a reason not to lose."
  95. >Her two friends looked at each other for a bit before looking back at Scoots.
  96. >"Fine...", A.B. said with a groan, "but he waits outside for now."
  97. >"Deal!" Scoots said shaking A.B.'s hand in agreement.
  98. >Scoots then walked up to you.
  99. >"Hey Anon...", she began, "mind waiting outside for a bit while me and the girls play our game? We'll call you back in as soon we're done, we'll do something with you, go home, and we'll play some video games. You cool with that?"
  100. >You nod your head yes.
  101. >Thanks Anon. Trust me this game will be over before you know it."
  102. >She then hugged you.
  103. >She led youi to the porch.
  104. >"Just stay here for a bit."
  105. >Scoots then went back inside.
  106. >And now you wait.
  107. >It felt like it's been hours since you were put outside the clubhouse.
  108. >But in actuality it's only been about 10 minutes or so.
  109. >You wonder what's taking so long.
  110. >You do some random things to pass the time.
  111. >You pick an apple from one of the trees.
  112. >The reddest one out of the bunch.
  113. >You eat it as like a mid-day snack.
  114. >It was delicious.
  115. >You climb back up to the tree house.
  116. >You hear some chattering.
  117. >"You don't have to do that! I can take it off on my own!"
  118. >You recognize that voice.
  119. >It's your sister Scoots.
  120. >Wait?
  121. >Take what off?
  122. >You are now curious about this.
  123. >But you can't come in til later, that's what Scoots told you.
  124. >But...
  125. >She didn't say anything about looking in through the windows.
  126. >Thank God, A.B. installed windows to this place but never added in any shades.
  127. >You then get closer to the window.
  128. >You then sneak in a peek.
  129. >"Alright everyone! Cards down!", A.B. said as she revealed her hand along with you sister and Belle.
  130. >It seems they were playing a card game.
  131. >"Son of a.... seriously?!", your sister called out, "Fine.... Stupid cards..."
  132. >You couldn't believe your eyes.
  133. >Scoots then started removing her pants.
  134. >Then adding it to what looked like a pile of clothes.
  135. >You then notice something else as well.
  136. >Scoots is only in her bra and panties.
  137. >A.B. was not wearing anything on the bottom half of her body.
  138. >Belle was trying her best to cover her large chest.
  139. >Whatever game they were playing seems to have them lose clothing whenever they lose.
  140. >You couldn't help but keep staring.
  141. >This game seemed interesting to watch.
  142. >You want to keep watching.
  143. >So you do so while trying not to be seen as well.
  144. >You see them draw five more cards and continue playing.
  145. >"I wonder how Anon is going to react seeing us like this?", A.B. said.
  146. >"Wait!", Belle exclaimed nervously, "Anon is going to see us? Like this?!"
  147. >"Rules of the game Belle.", A.B. told her, "We stay like we are for at least 30 minutes. And with Scootaloo's new ru-"
  148. >"Men, it won't phase him.", Scoots answered.
  149. >Her two friends looked at her confused.
  150. >"..... I meant seeing a naked girl.", Scoots explained.
  151. >"What makes you so sure about that?", Belle asked her friend, discarding three cards and pulling three from the deck to her hand.
  152. >"Cause I shower with him. Duh!", Scoots replied, discarding two cards and then picking up two from the deck.
  153. >"Scootaloo, Applejack and Big Mac used to bathe together, then when got older were scared to see each other naked.", She said discarding one card then putting a card from the deck into her hand, "What makes you think Anon is going to be fine seeing seeing a girl naked?"
  154. >"Well Anon is different.", Scoots replied, "He's never reacted when he saw me naked, so what makes you think he's going to be scared or aroused seeing us this way now?"
  155. >"Well for one thing you don't really have that much of a chest compared to me and Sweetie Belle.", Applebloom responded.
  156. >"Hey!", Scoots retorted, "My breasts are still growing! They're just... Taking their time that's all!!"
  157. >"Sure.... Flip cards.", Applebloom said.
  158. >Everyone flipped their cards over.
  159. >"Gosh darn it!!!", Scoots almost swore.
  160. >"So what will it be?", A.B. asked as Belle blushed out of embarrassment, "Panties or Bra?"
  161. >Scoots then took her panties off and threw them at Applebloom's cheast which then bounced to the pile of clothes.
  162. >"I'm still going to win this!", Scoots declared.
  163. >Meanwhile though....
  164. >Your hand was inside your pants.
  165. >You watch the card game with great attention while rubbing yourself down there and trying to keep hidden.
  166. >You may not know what they are playing but you hope they invite you to it more often.
  167. >You watch them play a few more hands.
  168. >Belle and A.B. each lost one more piece of clothing.
  169. >They then draw their next hand.
  170. >You watch as your sister desperately tries to win.
  171. >You can already tell by her face, that she looks like she's going to lose.
  172. >So as an act of desperation she trades in for of her cards for four new ones.
  173. >It didn't seem to change anything though.
  174. >Scoots expression remains the same.
  175. >She know she lost this.
  176. >They all lay their cards down.
  177. >And just as Scoots feared.
  178. >She lost the game.
  179. >"Nooo!!!!!", she cried out.
  180. >"Well, looks like you lost Scoots.", A.B. said with a smug.
  181. >"No! Rematch! I demand a rematch!", Scoots cried out in desperation.
  182. >"Sorry Scoots, but you said it yourself, gives you a better reason not to lose.", A.B. told your sister.
  183. >"Are you sure Apple Bloom?", Belle asked her friend, "I mean they're brother and sister."
  184. >"No Sweetie Belle", Scoots said in a losing tone, "I made the rules and I lost."
  185. >Scoots then sighs.
  186. >"Bring Anon in.", Scoots tells her friends.
  187. >You heard that loud and clear.
  188. >You get away from the window.
  189. >You take your hand out of your pants.
  190. >You wait in front of the door.
  191. >You then see the door creep open.
  192. >A small head pops out of it.
  193. >It's Belle.
  194. >She seems nervous.
  195. >"A-anon", she says with a blush, "you're allowed to come in now."
  196. >You're fully prepared.
  197. >You then enter the club.
  198. >First thing you notice is Belle still hiding behind the door.
  199. >Trying to hide her chest from you.
  200. >Blushing profusely.
  201. >Suddenly A.B. appeared in from of you.
  202. >Only wearing a bra.
  203. >"Howdy there Anon!", A.B. greeted you, "Enjoying the view so far?"
  204. "Um....."
  205. >You could barely answer.
  206. >The best way for you yo reply were with mumbles.
  207. >"Come on Anon. Don't you have anything to say?"
  208. "..... I guess I am enjoying it a bit."
  209. >You could say that you acquired this level of shyness from your usual babysitter Flutters.
  210. >Either way your response gives A.B. this perverted smile for a bit.
  211. >"If you think this is pretty good, wait til you get a load of your sis.", A.B. told you while dragging you to a different area.
  212. >You assume she is leading you to Scoots.
  213. >"Hey Scootaloo!", A.B. called out, "Your brother is here! Have fun with him!"
  214. >She then pushed you toward where Scoots was.
  215. >You then land face first into your sister.
  216. >Face first into her chest.
  217. >You then back out for a bit.
  218. >You remember that your sister is completely naked.
  219. >Creating this awkward tension between you two.
  220. >"Umm.... Hey Anon....", Scoots said blushing.
  221. "H-hey Scoots...."
  222. >You start rubbing your arm and try to look away from your nude sister.
  223. >"So.... When I said we were going to play a game with you... Well..."
  224. >Scoots looks... Kinda weirded out.
  225. "....... What's wrong Scoots?"
  226. >"Well you know that recent 'talk' you had with mom recently?"
  227. "You mean about puberty and growing up?"
  228. >"Yeah... That one..."
  229. "What about it?"
  230. >She sighs.
  231. >She looked away.
  232. >"....... Well...... You're going to have sex now."
  233. alrighty then.jpg, 19KiB, 291x400
  235. Anonymous Sat 07 Oct 2017 06:30:32 No.31094397
  236. >>31094313
  237. That escalated quickly.
  238. Anonymous Sat 07 Oct 2017 06:42:29 No.31094475
  239. >>31094313
  240. I think I would feel sillier wearing just a bra than nothing.
  241. >you're going to have sex now
  242. I just love it. that kind of laying-shit-down is what big sisters are for.
  243. Anonymous Sat 07 Oct 2017 06:56:20 No.31094569
  244. Quoted By: >>31094616 >>31094755 >>31115648 >>31134649
  245. >>31094313
  246. "Wait! WHAT?!"
  247. >You start blushing harder than Sweetie was.
  248. "But isn't that only allowed when you're married?!"
  249. >"Well not really.", Scoots replied, "It's recommended to wait until then, but you can do it eatlier."
  250. "What do you mean?"
  251. >"You can actually do it whenever you want. Like you know.... Right now."
  252. >Now you're blushing harder.
  253. "R-really?! B-but.... I don't even like A.B. and Belle."
  254. >"No.... It's not with them...", Scoots said now sounding a bit down.
  255. "Are you going to get another girl then?"
  256. >"I wish..."
  257. "Then who?"
  258. >""
  259. ".... W-what?! But mom says brothers and sisters shoul-"
  260. >"I know what she said dammit! No need to repeat it!", Scoots yelled at you, "I made you a bet to make a game interesting and now I have to face the consequences."
  261. "... You made me a bet?!"
  262. >Scoots then calmed down and looked away in shame.
  263. >She then sighs.
  264. >"Since I was told I had to take care of you, I thought that I could make our strip poker game more interesting. 'Loser has sex with Anon' I shouldn't have done that and just left you out of the game in general."
  265. "but you lost...."
  266. >"Yeah I lost... And now..... You know how sex works right?"
  267. "N-not really..."
  268. >"Let me take the lead then."
  269. >"Now take off your pants Anon.", Scoots commands you.
  270. "So get naked?"
  271. >"Yeah, getting naked works as well."
  272. "O-ok...."
  273. >You then start removing all your clothes.
  274. >Starting with your shirt.
  275. >Then your pants.
  276. >Finally your underwear.
  277. >Leaving you just as naked as your sister.
  278. >Both of you trying your best to look at each other but keep looking away from each other.
  279. >"OK Anon.", Scoots said, "Let's try and get this over as fast as we can."
  280. >She then leaned in towards your crotch.
  281. >She then grabbed your penis gently.
  282. >You let out a small gasp and a wince.
  283. >Scoots then lightens her grip.
  284. >"A-am I hurting you?", Scoots asked out of concern.
  285. "N-no... You're hands just feel so soft and good."
  286. >"Oh..... So you're liking this so far?"
  287. "I-I guess.."
  288. >"Well don't get used to this. This is going to be a one time thing."
  289. >She then began rubbing your member.
  290. >You continue to moan in pleasure.
  291. >Her motions were rapid yet gentle.
  292. >You watch as your member becomes erect.
  293. >Scoots looked... Impressed.
  294. >"Huh... I never noticed it was that big....", Scoots said in surprise.
  295. >All you could do was blush.
  296. >"Well at least I'll know whenever you do get a girlfriend, she'll definitely be satisfied.", Scoots joked as she kept jacking you off.
  297. >All you could do was just stand there and moan.
  298. >What could you really do?
  299. >You were enjoying this.
  300. >Her speed increased occasionally.
  301. >Bringing you even more pleasure than you though you could do with your own hands.
  302. >Scoots then looked at her friends.
  303. >"OK girl,I had sex with Anon.", Scoots called to her friends, "I think we're done here."
  304. >"Not just yet.", A.B. corrected, "You gotta make sure he cums."
  305. >"Seriously?!", Scoots complained.
  306. >She sighs.
  307. >"Please let it be soon.", she whispered to herself.
  308. >She seems really desperate right now.
  309. >".... Anon.", she called out to you.
  310. "Y-yes S-Scoots....", you stuttered out.
  311. >" Lie on your back for a bit."
  312. "O-ok...."
  313. >You do as your sister instructed.
  314. >She then leaned in toward your crotch.
  315. >Her face near your erected member.
  316. >"This ought to do something.", she said silently to herself.
  317. >She then kissed the tip.
  318. >Making you feel even more pleasure.
  319. >She then let her tounge out.
  320. >She then started licking your cock.
  321. >Her soft tounge touching your member.
  322. >The wet saliva making your penis feel the fresh breeze within the clubhouse.
  323. >Making you feel even more pleasure.
  324. >The sensation of her wet tounge drenching your dick with her saliva was maddening.
  325. >You wanted this to go on forever.
  326. >But you keep imagining your mother scolding the two of you for doing this.
  327. >Mom knew about how you felt about Scoots.
  328. >She knew you were always close to her.
  329. >Too close in her opinion.
  330. >She suspected you were always attracted to your sister.
  331. >Amazing how right she was.
  332. >But in all honesty it was all her fault for wanting to save money.
  333. >Even though they had a lot.
  334. >Scoots gave out one last lick.
  335. >She glared at you.
  336. >Annoyed that you haven't ejaculated yet.
  337. >She then opens her mouth.
  338. >She surrounds your member around her lips.
  339. >She gently closes her mouth around it.
  340. >She then begins bobbing her head up and down.
  341. >A.B. and Belle were impressed for how long you were going.
  342. >The girls mostly whispered amongst themselves about how much of a hot stud you were for being twelve.
  343. >A.B. began masturbating to you.
  344. >Probably wishing she could fuck her own brother right now.
  345. >Belle was trying to fight her urge to Jill off.
  346. >Still embarrassed by the fact she was topless in front of you, but turned on from the sight of you and Scoots.
  347. >Scoots continued sucking you up.
  348. >Licking you occasionally from the inside of her mouth.
  349. >The warmth coming from the inside of her mouth was tingling you as well.
  350. >Needless to say you were moaning loudly.
  351. >It felt like ecstasy to you.
  352. >Scoots then pulled away from you.
  353. >Mostly to catch her breath.
  354. >She then glared at you again.
  355. "Damn it Anon!", Scoots yelled at you, "What the fuck is taking you so long to finish?"
  356. "I.... I don't know."
  357. >"Don't you masturbate or something?! There has to be something I can do to make you go!"
  358. >You stared again at Scoot's naked body.
  359. >"Well Anon?", she asked you.
  360. "........ Can I.... Put it it in there?", you asked with a blush.
  361. >Scoots stared at you for a bit.
  362. >"Anon..... What the fuck?!", your sister asked you.
  363. "I-..... I thought it would help."
  364. >"Anon..."
  365. >She then covered her face with one of her hands.
  366. >Mostly just to rub her forehead.
  367. >"You know, once you do this, there's no going back.", Scoots warned you, "So are you sure you want to do this?"
  368. >You stared again at your naked sister.
  369. >You then nods your head yes.
  370. >Scoots then sighs.
  371. >She then lays down.
  372. >She spreads her legs wide.
  373. >She puts two fingers around her pussy.
  374. >She then spreads it open a bit.
  375. >Hoping it will make it easier for you to enter.
  376. >"I swear to god", Scoots began her warning, "If any of you ever tell anybody about this, I will fucking kill you."
  377. >You stare at Scoots' spreader snatch for a bit.
  378. >It looks kind of small for someone who's suppose to be older than you.
  379. >You then get closer to your sis.
  380. >Your crotches meet.
  381. >You then take your hardened member.
  382. >You aim it properly.
  383. >You then slide it into Scoot's girlhood.
  384. >You couldn't help but give give out a loud moan.
  385. >Neither could your sister.
  386. >Her's was louder than yours.
  387. "A-are you OK Scoots?"
  388. >"Anon.", she Behan, "I said there was no going back after this."
  389. >You both then looked at you face to face.
  390. >When you looked at Scoots' face, it seemed to be mixed with several different emotions.
  391. >Anger.
  392. >Sadness.
  393. >Regret
  394. >Pleasure
  395. >Nervousness
  396. >Joy
  397. >and Comfort.
  398. >Just about the same feelings you were feeling.
  399. >You both then leaned in and kissed each other.
  400. >"Keep going....", your sister cooed.
  401. >You were lost in this embrace.
  402. >You continue thrusting in and out of your sister.
  403. >Her inner folds rubbing against your hard cock.
  404. >All while you both start rubbing each other and kissing each other.
  405. >Both your tongues dancing within each others mouth.
  406. >This goes on for minutes.
  407. >But it felt like hours.
  408. >Maybe it was.
  409. >Maybe it wasn't.
  410. >All you both really knew at this moment was the warm embrace between you two.
  411. >You thrusts are now gegetting faster and harder.
  412. >You can feel something building up inside you.
  413. "Sc-Scoots.... I think this is that cum thing you wanted me to do."
  414. >"Your sister didn't care.
  415. >The rush of pleasure was too strong for her to notice what you said.
  416. >Or at yhe very least delay her reaction.
  417. >" me.....", your sister said to you.
  418. "huh?"
  419. "" Release all of it inside me Anon!", Scoots commanded you.
  420. >And like a good younger brother you listened.
  421. >You did one last giant thrust.
  422. >And filled her up with your sperm.
  423. >You were both panting and covered on sweat.
  424. >You then slid out of her.
  425. >She was leaking both your jizz and her blood out of her vagina.
  426. >You both stare at each other for a bit.
  427. "H-how was I Scoots?"
  428. >She then leaned in and kissed you again.
  429. >"Amazing Anon.", Scoots said as she affectionately petted the top of your head.
  430. >You both laid there on the floor.
  431. >Both filled to the brim with love and affection towards each other.
  434. >A.B. and Belle on the other hand.
  435. >They stood there amazed from what they just witnessed.
  436. >A.B.,'s thighs were covered in vaginal juices.
  437. >While Belle had a wet spot forming on her crotch.
  438. >"I wish I had a brother like that", Belle said out of jealousy.
  439. >After about an hour or two of recovering and cleaning up from what just happened, you two then leave for home.
  440. >You heat yourselves up a cheap ass TV dinner for both you and your sister for lunch.
  441. >After the shitty mean you both then start playing on the Nintendo Wii.
  442. >Scoots did promise she would play your favorite video game with you after all this was through.
  443. >But now....
  444. >Where do you go from here?
  445. >You literally just had sex with your sister.
  446. >Was that a one time thing or what?
  447. >Do you dare to ask?
  448. >Maybe it's best if you two never bring it up.
  449. ...........
  450. "Hey Scoots...."
  451. >Yeah Anon?"
  452. "...... Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?"
  453. >Scoots looks at you.
  454. >"No Anon.", she replied, "We're always going to be brother and sister."
  455. >You look down for a bit.
  456. >"..... But...", she continued while lifting hour head up making you both look face to face, "that doesn't mean we can't be."
  457. >She then kissed you.
  458. >After a few minutes you both break away.
  459. "I love you Scoots."
  460. >"I love you too Anon."
  462. THE END

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables