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Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-08 20:24:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Night One.
  3. >"- an' then she told me I sh' find some 'neewww cool friends'... somewhere else! C'n you b'lieve that?!"
  4. >Gilda throws her arms upward and outward in bewilderment, nearly sending the contents of her half-empty beer bottle splattering across your bedroom.
  5. >After arriving at your door a mere couple of hours ago, completely unannounced, your hot-headed older sister now lies sprawled across your small bed.
  6. >Drunk.
  7. >She'd apparently come to town to visit an old friend, but the long, impassioned, slurred rant that had just concluded told you all you needed to know about how well that went.
  8. >You take a shallow swig from your own bottle.
  9. "I dunno, Gil. Sounds like you were being pretty rude to that other girl. Dashie's friend."
  10. >"Cuz she was annoooyying! Always up'n our biz'nis..."
  11. >She knocks back another big gulp before flopping her head onto the mattress in defeat.
  12. >"Whatever. Got other shit t'do anyway..."
  13. >You frown at her pathetic figure.
  14. >Violet-tipped hair messy, clothes disheveled.
  15. >With her tomboyish fashion sense she looked like a drunken groomsman after a late-night wedding reception.
  16. >You sigh, leaning back in the desk chair you've apparently been delegated to.
  17. "You mean like rolling up to my doorstep?"
  18. >The snide smirk on your face doesn't seem to please Gilda.
  19. >She scoffs. "Laugh it up, lil bro..."
  20. >She grunts and groans, making a show of her annoyance and discomfort as she writhes about atop your comforter.
  21. >"S'too tight!" She exclaims suddenly.
  22. >With another small grunt of effort, she arches her back up off of your bedtop, latching the fingers of her beer-less hand into her waistband.
  23. >With great effort she attempts to tug the fabric from her body, but the fruits of her labor are miniscule at best.
  24. >She groans again, pushing and pulling, but hardly an inch of skin is left exposed from her struggles.
  25. >"Help me!" She cries.
  26. "I'm not helping you take your pants off!"
  27. >You're feeling awkward enough as it is watching (trying not to watch?) your sister drunkenly struggle to undress herself.
  28. >In YOUR bedroom.
  29. >Lying on YOUR bed.
  30. >"But 's so uncomfyyyy..." Her voice is a shrill whine. Not a common sound coming from her.
  31. >Finally she has the sense to release the death grip on her beer bottle and set both hands on the task.
  32. >With a few tugs and some hip-shimmying that should have probably made you avert your eyes, the restricting fabric is finally off.
  33. >Gilda sighs in relief, tossing the garment onto the floor.
  34. "Hey, my room isn't a laundry basket!"
  35. >"Ahhh I'll pick it up laterrrrr..."
  36. >Her dismissive words trail off as she stretches, back arching once again and toned legs bending and sliding across the blankets.
  37. >Your eyes are strangely drawn to the smoothness of her now bare and slightly pale flesh.
  38. >A burning creeps into your cheeks as your gaze drags up her firm thighs and onto the thin black fabric hugging the curves of her behind.
  39. >The coverage of those panties leaves little to the imagination, and the profile view you're currently observing only accentuates your sister's shapely rear.
  40. >You gulp, fingers absently squeezing your beer bottle.
  41. >You jump as Gilda half sits up suddenly, trying to appear as if you're looking anywhere else as you steal glances back at her.
  42. >She rolls over onto her stomach, knee bending up toward her torso as she tucks one leg slightly under the other.
  43. >Her toned thighs are on full display now, and a slight arch in her back leaves the perfect curvature of her backside sticking prominently up into the air.
  44. >You feel every muscle in your body tense, fighting to turn away, but your eyes remain glued to the equal parts wonderful and terrible sight before you.
  45. >"I'mma sleep now. C'n you gimme s'm water?" Gilda coos softly, booze and sleep muddying her speech.
  46. >You rip your gaze up to her face, hoping not to get caught doing such aggressive ogling, but her eyes are already closed, head resting on her arm.
  47. >You start to breathe a sigh of relief, but it catches in your throat as your eyes drift.
  48. >Slowly they drag down. Over her sharp eyebrows and plump lips. Down the length of her neck. To the soft, milky skin of her breasts, spilling from her half-opened shirt.
  49. >The loose fabric and a thin black neck tie draped across her chest barely serve to hide the peaks of her nipples from your now bulging eyes, but little else of her large and shapely bust is left to the imagination.
  50. >As you drink in every visible inch of her smooth round orbs, you marvel at how full they actually are.
  51. >Though you'd never really thought about it, it had always been pretty obvious how gifted your sister was in this particular department.
  52. >Her usually tomboyish manner of dressing, however, had not prepared you for just how bountiful that gift was.
  53. >To your horror (and growing mixture of confusion and excitement), a pressure begins to build in your pants.
  54. >"H'llo? Water plea-?"
  55. >Gilda's sudden voice nearly startles you clean out of your skin, and when your gaze whips back up to her face, you find her staring back at you with one fierce eyebrow raised.
  56. >"Dude... Were you just staring at my tits?"
  57. "I-I... N-No! Of course not!"
  58. >Heat radiates from your face as you desperately scan your surroundings, looking everywhere possible besides your scantily clad sister and her judging eyes.
  59. >"You *were* staring."
  60. >Gilda shifts position again, propping her head up on her hand as she sits up a bit to look at you.
  61. >The skinny black tie around her neck falls deep into crevasse between her heavy breasts as they pool beneath her.
  62. >You gulp nervously, eyes flicking quickly down to the tantalizing flesh before correcting back up to her face.
  63. >Gilda smirks.
  64. >"Feelin' alright, lil bro?" She growls, cocking that sharp eyebrow again.
  65. >"Y'look a lil... tense."
  66. >You give a quick, shallow nod.
  67. "U-Uh... Yeah, Gillie. All good."
  68. >"You sure? Lookin kin'a... hot."
  69. >She slides one hand up the smooth skin of her thighs, coming to rest on the loose shirt draped over her torso.
  70. >"It *is* pretty warm in here..."
  71. >Her slender fingers pinch the edge of her shirt, her eyes never leaving yours as she gives the fabric a few slow flaps.
  72. >You completely fail to maintain your mutual gaze as you catch flashing glimpses of rosy nipple beneath the billowing cloth.
  73. >A thin, mischievous smile cracks across Gilda's face.
  74. >"Would'ya mind turnin up the AC a bit fer your poor big sis? I'm practic'lly meeelting..."
  75. >She flops backward, raising one hand dramatically up to her forehead, her movements allowing one full breast to fall completely free of her loose dressings.
  76. >Your jaw nearly drops to the floor.
  77. >The smooth and impossibly round globe spills from her chest onto the bed below, looking softer than any pillow.
  78. >Yet there's no mistaking the firm shape of it.
  79. >You take a quick swig from your near-forgotten beer to wet your parched throat.
  80. >"Yeah... S-sure."
  81. >You somehow manage to tear your eyes away from her as you stand from the chair.
  82. >You're painfully aware of the rigid tent in your pants but moving to conceal it would almost certainly just draw more attention.
  83. >Shuffling awkwardly across the room, you bump the thermostat down a couple degrees.
  84. >Personally, it doesn't feel very warm in here, aside from the heat radiating from your flushed face and painfully tight trousers, but you have a feeling your devilish older sister isn't actually overheated either.
  85. >As you shuffle back toward her, you can feel her gaze as she blatantly eyes the stiff bulge in your pants.
  86. >A dramatic pout forms on your sister's lips.
  87. >"Aww, bro bro... You're lookin pretty uncomfy too..."
  88. >She gestures a finger in the direction of your lower half, her arm causing her breasts to shift slightly.
  89. >"You should get comfy too, like me!"
  90. >She drags her legs back and worth, causing her shapely hips to shimmy.
  91. >You shake your head, hovering nervously nearby.
  92. "N-No thats okay..."
  93. >She huffs, fixing her golden eyes on you with a pitiful look.
  94. >"C'mon... It'll help us cool off..."
  95. >Help... Us?
  96. >You have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but something in the back of your mind tells you to say "fuck it."
  97. "O...Okay..."
  98. >Honestly, the raging hard-on you're sporting has gone way beyond uncomfortable anyway.
  99. >You're very aware of the slight buzzed feeling in your skull as you clumsily undo the clasp of your pants.
  100. >How much had you both been drinking already?
  101. >You glance up at Gilda, but your sister isn't paying attention to you.
  102. >At least, not your face.
  103. >Her eyes are locked intently on your crotch, watching your hands work.
  104. >You swear you see her teeth drag across her lower lip.
  105. >Finally, your pants are loosened enough to slip down your waist, and the force at which your rigid problem springs up against the thin fabric of your underwear is almost comical.
  106. >You hear a soft gasp and look up to see your sister staring, lips curved into a little "oh".
  107. >The room is quiet for a moment, aside from the shuffling as you kick your trousers the rest of the way off.
  108. >Finally, your sister speaks up, her voice soft.
  109. >"Better...?"
  110. >She doesn't look up from your bulge, eyes tracing up and down the stiff length.
  111. "I-I guess..."
  112. >She frowns.
  113. >Fuck, she looks cute all pouty like that.
  114. >She slowly lifts an arm in your direction.
  115. >"Getting out of those tight pants wasn't enough..."
  116. >You hold your breath as her hand stretches toward you.
  117. >"To make you..."
  118. >She's barely more than whispering now.
  119. >"Comfy?"
  120. >Her slender fingers wrap around the throbbing length of your cock.
  121. "Ohh *fuck!*"
  122. >You can't suppress the groan as the tension in your body uncoils like a spring.
  123. >Somehow it felt like the anticipation of this simple contact had been building for an eternity, despite not even being a concept until mere moments ago.
  124. >Now, with your sister's soft hand wrapped tenderly around your rigid mast, your body has no idea what to do.
  125. >Her thumb brushes gently beneath the head of your cock as she begins to probe your length, causing your shaft to buck violently.
  126. >"Hmm, someone's very active..." She coos, flashing a quick and mischievous smile up at you.
  127. >She tightens her grip around you, pushing into you until her fist meets your pelvis.
  128. >The fabric of your boxers tightens around your hard-on, but you barely feel the discomfort.
  129. "G-Gillie..."
  130. >Your speech catches in your throat, a slight shudder climbing your spine.
  131. >You aren't sure if it's just the taboo, but the sensations you're feeling are absolutely electrifying.
  132. >"Yeah, baby bro?" She finally turns her full attention up to you, her eyes locking with yours, but her hand continues its examination.
  133. >Her fingertips drag up your entire length, slipping wonderfully and painfully slowly over your swollen glans.
  134. >You spasm uncontrollably.
  135. "We... We can't."
  136. >Your protest is pathetic, voice weak.
  137. >A husky laugh as she chews her lip.
  138. >"Can't what?" Her fingers reach up to your waistband, hooking deftly under the elastic cloth.
  139. >She yanks downward, and the sound that tears itself from your throat is somewhere between a gasp and a moan as your engorged shaft springs into the open air.
  140. >Gilda's eyes widen, air sucking through her clenched teeth.
  141. >"Ooo, bro..." One slender hand continues to pull at your wasteband. "Not so little, I guess."
  142. >Your underwear is finally loose enough to fall the rest of the way down your legs, leaving you naked from the waist down and completely exposed to your sister's ravenous gaze.
  143. >She loosely grabs your cock by it's head, wasting no time, and electricity courses through your nerves at the warm skin on skin contact.
  144. >She tugs gently at your manhood, smirking up at you.
  145. >"C'mere."
  146. >You shuffle forward as she pulls you closer by your throbbing cock.
  147. >Your body taking over from your conscious thoughts, you whip your shirt off and over your head, eliciting an appreciative hum from your older sister.
  148. >"Hmm, not bad, little brother." Her eyes leave your crotch long enough to scan the rest of your body in all its naked glory.
  149. >She shifts her weight slightly, propping up onto her elbow to get closer to you.
  150. >"Time to cool you off." She emphasizes each word by wrapping a finger firmly around your shaft.
  151. >Her fist gives the first few rhythmic pumps along your length, and your eyes roll back in your skull.
  152. "Fffuck! Gillie..."
  153. >You regain some of your composure, looking down at her.
  154. >She chews gently on her bottom lip, head cocked to one side as she watches her own hand slide up and down your hard shaft.
  155. >"So tense... Lemme work out your stiff muscles."
  156. >From the cheesy porno dialogue she's spouting, your sister definitely seems to be enjoying herself.
  157. "What is *happening* right now?"
  158. >She gives a husky laugh, fingers tightening as the pace of her pumping gradually increases.
  159. >"Just a loving big sister helping out her sweet little bro!"
  160. >She lets go of you, and you struggle to contain a groan of protest at the sudden lack of pleasure.
  161. >But a tingle climbs up your spine as you watch her drool a small pool of foamy saliva into her hand.
  162. >Wrapping the moist digits around you once more, she slowly glides her fist down to the base of your cock and back up again.
  163. >In an instant, like flipping a switch, the quiet room is filled with lewd squelches and slapping as her hand begins jackhammering away at your throbbing length.
  164. >A numbness spreads through your body. As if all of your senses are focusing into your engorged and impossibly hard cock.
  165. >The feeling of her fingers thrumming over your sensitive glans threatens to buckle your legs.
  166. >In a rhythmic pattern, her grip slides down the the slick surface of your shaft, thumping against your pelvis before slipping back up and over the head again.
  167. >Every cycle sends a jolt of electricity through you, and just as the feeling subsides, another jolt.
  168. >This is unlike any simple handjob you've ever experienced.
  169. >The taboo of it, maybe?
  170. >You don't really have the capacity to care.
  171. >Gilda hums through her chewed lip, the sound vibrating along with her frantic pumping.
  172. >You groan.
  173. "G-Gillie... Sis..."
  174. >Hungry eyes meet yours, the sight of her looking up at you with such an obvious expression of lust sends another shiver down your spine.
  175. >"Something to say, little brother?"
  176. >The corners of her mouth turn up in a mischievous little smile, and you can't control yourself anymore.
  177. >You start to fuck into her pumping hand.
  178. "So... Good!"
  179. >Her only response is an uncharacteristic giggle as she quickens her pace to match each thrust of your hips, her fist meeting your pelvis each time with a loud slap.
  180. >Your legs start to shake as your euphoria climbs, one hand reaches out to grip the bed as you hunch over your sister.
  181. >Harsh grunts escape your throat with each thrust, and she responds with soft gasps and coos.
  182. >You jump, uttering a gasp of your own at the sudden feeling of a gentle touch as her other hand reaches up to cup your tightening scrotum.
  183. >Slender fingers massage your jewels as every muscle in your body tenses.
  184. "Gillie...!"
  185. >"I know... Hurry!" She urges through panted breaths, her hammering fist quickening to a mind-numbing pace.
  186. >You let loose a long and gutteral groan, and white-hot cum erupts from you in jets as Gilda aims your throbbing cock off to the side at the last moment.
  187. >You shudder with every new burst, your sister's hand still gently pumping your length.
  188. >Your sensitive flesh screams at the continued stimulation.
  189. >Every inch of you is frozen solid except for the bucking of your pelvis as Gilda coaxes shot after shot from your aching balls.
  190. >She laughs, or something between that and a moan, and the last warm drops of your baby batter bubble from your tip and over her fingers.
  191. >"Mmm... So hot." She coos, finally releasing her grip on your softening member.
  192. >She grins at you, reveling in your haggard expression, and lifts her hand to lick the strands of your cum from her fingers in slow, deliberate strokes.
  193. >You groan and let your head fall to your chest, too exhausted to otherwise deal with her antics.
  194. >She cackles and swings her bare legs over the side of the bed.
  195. >"Well!" She chirps, hopping to her feet and performing a little shimmy. "You're welcome, little bro."
  196. >Mischievous golden eyes wink at you.
  197. >"Oh, and don't forget to do the laundry. I've gotta sleep *somewhere* tonight."
  198. >You look down at the bed as she disappears into the bathroom, face swisting into a grimace at the glistening mess plastered across the sheets.
  199. "Ugh..."
  201. -------------------------------------------------
  203. Night Two.
  205. >Your feet drag as you step into your apartment, kicking the door shut behind you.
  206. >Work was particularly exhausting today, and all you feel like doing is collapsing on the couch to unwind.
  207. "Gillie, I'm home!"
  208. >Though it has never been officially discussed, your punky older sister has become your roommate of sorts.
  209. >If a roommate is what you call someone who shows up at your door one night and never leaves.
  210. >It'd be easy to complain about your sister inviting herself to stay with you, constantly hogging the television, stealing your food, and using all the hot water. Very easy.
  211. >But you have to admit it's nice having her around.
  212. >The two of you have always gotten along, and besides, it's more fun having a partner to binge crappy streaming service programming with.
  213. >You kick off your shoes at the door before heading into the kitchen for a beer, hearing no response from your sister.
  214. >You step into the living room and are completely unsurprised by the soft snores drifting from the couch.
  215. >You can see spikey, purple-tipped hair poking up with a human arm dangling over the arm of the couch as you approach from behind.
  216. >A slender foot rests propped up on the opposite end, and a little collection of empty bottles lay strewn across the floor.
  217. >You roll your eyes as you move to clean the mess, but then the images from the television catch your attention.
  218. >Some random porn site is open, a still thumbnail in the middle of the screen of a generic adult actress kneeling before the camera, but the title beneath the video causes your heart to skip a beat.
  219. >'Horny (Step)Sister Begs Sexy (Step)Brother To Fuck Her Perfect Tits! 3'
  220. >Surprisingly, your first thought is that this is a very specific topic to be made into a threequel.
  221. >Second, had Gilda actually been watching this?
  222. >You step the rest of the way to the couch, looking down over the back of it.
  224. >And nearly faint.
  226. >Your sister lies sprawled across the sofa, toned legs bare except for the tiniest pair of black gym shorts riding just below her hips.
  227. >The gentle curve of her pubic mound is on full display as it peeks over the waistband, but that isn't even close to the center of your focus.
  228. >Up past her firm abs, the ample pair of her breasts lie completely exposed, one of your button-up shirts hanging loosely off of her.
  229. >The generous orbs rise and fall gently atop her chest as she breathes.
  230. >She looks absolutely incredible, despite the snoring.
  231. >You tear your eyes away to her face, as if confirming she's actually asleep, and the soft, peaceful expression reassures you.
  233. >You run your fingers over your scalp, completely blown away by the situation.
  234. >It's been nearly two weeks since the… encounter… between you and Gilda, and neither of you has ever spoken a word about it.
  235. >This somehow makes it feel even more taboo to be witnessing what's before you, and yet every fiber of your being wants, begs you to get closer. To see her.
  236. >Your legs move of their own accord, and you find yourself standing over your slumbering sister, looking down at those plump, fleshy pillows.
  237. >A few moments pass as you watch her, drinking in every inch, until suddenly she moves.
  239. >With a soft groan, her arms and legs stretch as her back arches, pushing the firm melons further up and out of your oversized shirt.
  240. >She settles again, lips gently smacking, but her back remains slightly arched.
  241. >To your eyes, she appears still asleep.
  243. >A nagging thought worms its way into your mind.
  244. >Could she be playing you?
  245. >Was this entire situation a set-up, to trick you?
  246. >Or maybe… an invitation?
  247. >You look to her face again, her sharp eyebrows twitch as she continues to peacefully snooze.
  248. >She could also just be passed out drunk. Maybe she'd masturbated herself to sleep, and left the television on and herself… out.
  249. >It could all just be an innocent accident.
  251. >Just touch her fucking tits, you coward.
  253. >Your logical mind losing out, you reach a hand tentatively forward, brushing your fingertips gently over the soft skin of her breast.
  254. >It feels like sparks flying from your fingertips, and you're momentarily afraid that the sensation might wake her, but the only response from.your slumbering sister is a shallow sigh.
  255. >Emboldened and adrenaline-fueled, you flatten your palm against her flesh, your hand completely encapsulating the warm globe.
  256. >You can feel the thumping of her heartbeat against your fingers, which begin to gently knead her soft mound.
  257. >You hear a faint coo drift from her lips, and you glance up at her still sleeping face.
  258. >How far can you take this without her waking, you wonder.
  259. >Your other hand reaches out, cupping the mass of her free tit and immediately starting to work on it.
  260. >A soft moan vibrates her chest, and you feel it in your fingertips.
  261. >Your breathing comes in shallow pants as you continue the tender massage.
  263. >The appreciative sounds from your sister are becoming more frequent now, her legs and hips shifting about as she coos and moans.
  264. >You are painfully aware of the throbbing in your pants, but it only serves to spur you on.
  265. >Releasing one of her heavy orbs, you grasp a rosy nipple between your fingers and gently tweak it.
  267. >A sharp gasp escapes her lips, her body freezing, but as you look up to find her eyes still closed, she begins to softly chew her lip, and her body relaxes again.
  268. >The idea that she's still sleeping is becoming less plausible by the moment, but your head is too filled with lust and adrenaline to care.
  269. >You continue to tweak the little pink button as your other hand roughly squeezes and kneads her flesh, Gilda gasping and moaning louder and louder beneath your touch.
  271. >Finally, you hear her husky voice between panted breaths.
  272. >"Okay… Alright, little brother…" Her brow is furrowed in a pained expression of need as you lock eyes with her.
  273. >Managing a lopsided smirk, she flicks her gaze to the television and back to you.
  274. >"I'm ready for the main course."
  275. >A moment stretches longer as you stare into her burning golden eyes, and in an instant you're ripping off your clothes.
  276. >There's no drunken fumbling this time as your pants drop to the floor, and soon you're standing completely naked before your sister, who watches with pure hunger as your cock throbs with each beat of your thumping heart.
  278. >"Gimme." She commands simply.
  280. >There isn't a moment of hesitation as you swing one leg over to mount her torso in a straddling position.
  281. >She moans a laugh through her bitten lip as she slides a hand up your leg and pelvis, just barely missing your aching tool.
  282. >She locks eyes with you again and brings the hand up to her face, dragging her wet tongue across her palm and fingers.
  283. >You hold your breath as she touches her fingertips to your cockhead and slides them over you like a blossoming flower, dragging slowly along your length before wrapping her fist around the base.
  284. >She gives your cock a couple of slow pumps, but the show isn't over yet.
  285. >Lifting her other hand, she deposits a long strand of drool into her cupped fingers, and you both moan in unison as she smears the lubricant into the valley between her trembling breasts.
  286. >She releases your shaft to grasp a plump knocker in each hand, and massages them together with delightful squelching noises, making sure to get them properly coated.
  288. >She smiles sweetly up at you, but you can see the smoldering desire in her eyes.
  289. >She fixes your bucking manhood with a long, lustful gaze before looking back to you with a serious expression.
  291. >"I said, 'Gimme.'"
  293. >With an animalistic groan, you plunge your rock-hard cock between your sister's tits.
  295. >Your senses are momentarily overloaded by the sensation of her soft, warm flesh engulfing your length, the perfect combination of plush and pressure.
  296. >Her ample orbs just barely manage to contain you, your throbbing head peeking lewdly from the top of her cleavage.
  297. >She moans huskily up at you, and instinct takes over.
  298. >With a shallow grunt, you pull your hips back…
  299. >And slam them forward against with a wet slap.
  300. >Gilda gasps as the contact sends a satisfying ripple through her cupped breasts.
  301. >"Fuck *YES*." She moans, and you rock her again with another thrust.
  302. >Your rigid mast slides easily back and forth through the lubricated valley of her tits.
  303. >Wet squelching accompanies every movement as you buck into her chest, and soon you're hammering into her glorious mounds with a sensual rhythm.
  304. >Gilda grins up at you, biting her lip as she rolls little pink nipples through her own fingers as you thrust.
  305. >Your grunts mingle with her soft cooing, and soon the heat of your friction has started to burn through the modest lubrication between her globes.
  306. >Your sister notices too, and before friction can impede your fun, she loosens her grip from her chest, letting your red-hot and angry shaft spring into the open.
  307. >"Looks like we need to reapply."
  309. >She sits up slightly, fixing you with her burning gaze, and your heart skips as her tongue snakes from her mouth, lips opening into a wide and welcoming "oh".
  310. >You can't move fast enough you angle your hips forward, holding your shaft in hand as your hot flesh slides over her wet tongue.
  311. >You push slowly forward, Gilda's eyes burning up at you with a powerful need as her tongue drags further and further down your length.
  312. >Finally, you feel resistance, coming to a stop as your cockhead meets the back of her throat.
  314. >But she pushes forward.
  316. >Your eyes stretch wide as you slide into her warm, snug throat.
  317. >Your sister doesn't break eye contact, one hand reaching up to brace herself against your hip, and finally, her nose makes contact with your shivering pelvis. You groan.
  318. "Fuck… Gillie!"
  319. >Her throat vibrates around your cock as she moans in response, and your head lolls back in ecstasy.
  320. >You both hold this position for a few long moments, the subtle movements of the inside of her esophagus massaging your aching length.
  321. >With a gasp and some coughing, she finally unsheathes herself from you, spit and mucus still connecting her lips to your throbbing cockhead.
  322. >Her eyes are slightly watery as she looks up at you, but she swallows a few times and regains her composure.
  324. >"Fuck my face, little brother."
  326. >You push forward again, her soft hands coming up to grasp your hips as she helps guide you in.
  327. >Her lips drag over your tortured flesh as you slide into her mouth again, reaching the back of her throat in one smooth motion, and she sucks gently as you retreat again.
  328. >Her lips release you with a *Pop!*, and you push back in again.
  330. >The tantalizing dance continues a little longer, until finally your run your fingers through her white hair and grip tightly.
  331. >She moans her appreciation, and you thrust into her warm mouth with a more aggressive rhythm.
  332. >Soft slurps and suckling fill the air as you move, your hips pulling back as her head slides up and away, then thrusting back forward as she lunges to meet you.
  333. >You hesitate as she pulls back further than usual, worried you've hurt her somehow, but she simply takes a deep breath… and engulfs you in her throat muscles once again.
  335. >You are completely frozen at first, as her head bobs violently up and down your length, impaling herself over and over again on your rigid shaft.
  336. >The gags and sloppy slurping coming from her as she uses you like a tool to ravage her own throat drive you absolutely insane.
  337. >You never could have imagined this side of your sister, but something inside you is egging you on, telling you to *really* give her what she wants.
  338. >You wrap your hands around the back of her head, tangling your fingers into her messy hair, and she gives a muffled squeal of delight as you thrust forcefully into her already overworked esophagus.
  339. >You groan as you fuck your sister's face, losing yourself in the feeling of her lips slurping over your manhood before it burries itself in her tight throat. Over and over.
  341. >She gags and coughs, but never tries to push you away, sucking in desperately needed air through her nostrils wherever she can.
  342. >You start to feel a familiar pressure building, and your pace slows slightly as you manage a warning through labored grunts.
  343. >Gilda moans and pushes you back with her hands, suckling you all the way until your engorged cockhead pops from her lips again.
  344. >Her fingers work over your tortured length as she looks up at you, unable to control herself.
  346. >"I want it on my tits." Her voice is harsh, hungry as she leans back into the couch as she had before.
  347. >You groan, angling your hips back slightly to get in the proper position, and her soft hands keep hammering away at your cock.
  348. >You brace your arm against the sofa as you watch her work, the dancing of her fingers across your flesh somehow even more intense than the last time.
  349. >You feel your climax rapidly rising.
  350. "Gillie…!"
  351. >She speeds up, dropping one arm to cradle her plump tits together as she furiously jacks you off with the other.
  352. >"Do it. Cum all over you naughty sister's tits."
  353. >That does it.
  354. >You groan as the pressure bubbles over, hot strands of cum shooting across Gilda's heaving breasts.
  355. >With one burst after another you paint her soft skin with your baby batter, until finally you have nothing left to give.
  357. >You look down at her, gasping for breath, and the sight is almost enough to make you do it all over again.
  358. >Her gorgeous tits shiver with every breath, glistening with sweat and coated in thick strands of your sperm.
  359. >She hefts an orb in each hand, giggling as she pushes them together, smearing your cum around like lotion.
  360. >Finally, you look up at her face, her hair disheveled and eyeliner steaming down her cheeks.
  361. >"Pretty good for round two, little bro."
  362. >She smirks, jiggling her soiled breasts.
  363. >"Wonder how you'll do next time."
  365. To Be Continued?
  367. -------------------------------------------------
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Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables