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Incest-Hard Working Father(Sunset) by HumbleAmbitions

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-04 00:34:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >be Anonymous
  2. >you work hard
  3. >life isn't easy
  4. >working the late shift can be tough
  5. >especially when you get all the overtime you can
  6. >you don't really want to, but it's the only way to make ends meet
  7. >someone else is counting on you
  8. >you trudge through the door at 6 am
  9. >you smell bacon
  10. >that's odd
  11. "Sunset?"
  12. >at the sound of your voice, she come running
  13. >your daughter, the best thing to ever happen to you
  14. >she throws her arms around you
  15. >even though you have yet to wash off
  16. >she's sweet like that
  17. >"Welcome home, Daddy. I made you something to eat."
  19. >you put your arms around her and return her embrace
  20. "You did? Why?"
  21. >"Because you work hard and you deserve it?"
  22. >she raised her head to look up at you
  23. >that sweet smile melted your heart every damn time
  24. >you just couldn't help but smile back
  25. "Well...can't let that bacon go to waste, can we?"
  26. >Sunset smiles and takes your hand, leading you to the kitchen
  27. >you take a seat and see what's on offer
  28. >scrambled eggs, bacon, buttered toast
  29. >basic, but it might just be the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you
  30. "Thanks Sunny. This really is-"
  31. >you stop
  32. >Sunset moved up behind your chair after you sat down
  33. >she's massaging your shoulders
  35. "Sunset? What are you doing?"
  36. >"I told you already. You deserve it."
  37. >a little bell in the back of your head starts ringing
  38. >this is a little too close
  39. >this is wrong
  40. >so why did it feel so nice?
  41. >a little hum escapes your lips
  42. >her fingers are magical
  43. >maybe it wouldn't be so wrong to just enjoy this
  44. >so you do, eating your breakfast and enjoying her working the knots from your muscles
  45. >when you finally finish, she leans against your back
  46. >her lips gently kiss your cheek
  47. >"Did you enjoy it Daddy?" She whispers into your ear
  49. >nope
  50. >that was too close
  51. >you can already feel something in your lap
  52. >it had been a long time since a woman had given you some personal attention
  53. >her voice in your ear and hands in your shoulders were the only bit of intimacy you'd experienced with another person since her mom up and left both of you
  54. >even if it was your daughter, your dick didn't care
  55. >it had been long enough, and it was ready to go
  56. "I did...thanks Sunny."
  57. >you try to play it cool
  58. >don't freak out
  59. >just get out of here
  60. "It's been a long day. I should probably hot the shower and then the bed."
  61. >you quickly get up and leave the table
  62. >best put some distance between the two of you
  64. >there really is nothing like a hot shower after a long day at work
  65. >it was a great way to relax
  66. >you let the warm water flow over your body and try hard to think about anything other than Sunset
  67. >what had gotten into her?
  68. >was all of that innocent?
  69. >it was hard to imagine it wasn't intentional
  70. >it certainly didn't feel false
  71. >it felt like a woman trying to seduce you
  72. >granted, it had been a while, but you liked to think you remembered what that was like
  73. >your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the door open
  74. "Sunset?"
  75. >"Yes, Daddy."
  76. >wut?
  77. "Is something wrong?"
  78. >"Well...not really."
  79. >she pulled back the curtain
  80. >not a piece of clothing was on her
  81. >"I just missed you Daddy."
  83. >no no no no no no no no no
  84. >your hands fly to cover yourself on instinct
  85. >you want to avert your eyes, but you find them oddly transfixed
  86. >smooth skin over a nicely hour glassed figure with just a hint of muscle tone
  87. >you never really noticed before, but Sunset had a nice body
  88. >you immediately mentally kick yourself for thinking such a thing
  89. “Sunset, what the hell are you doing?”
  90. >not particularly elegant, but it’s the first thing you can think to say
  91. >she doesn’t respond right away
  92. >instead, she steps up into the tub
  93. >you step back, shock into silence and do anything else
  94. >there’s barely enough room for the both of you
  95. >her chest is nearly against yours
  96. >”I’m coming to show my daddy I love him.”
  98. >her fingers alighted on your upper arm and gently glided down
  99. >she used the tip of her fingernail to gently trace the muscles that had grown from day after day of hard labor
  100. >the contact made you shiver despite the heat of the water
  101. >two tiny voices, perhaps best visualized as an angel and a daemon, were having a debate in your head
  102. >it was clear to everyone in the imaginary audience that the angel was losing
  103. >”I hate that you have to work so hard Daddy. You always come home exhausted and worn down.”
  104. >she looked up at you with a soft pout
  105. >her hand left your arm and moved to your abdomen instead
  106. >she traced back up, from your abs to your pecks
  107. >”I know you have to do it for the money. But there’s another reason, isn’t there?”
  108. >her hand stops on the left side of your chest
  109. >she places the palm of her head over your heart
  110. >”You do it for me. We could cut corners, live without you working as hard as you do. Just living isn’t enough though. Not for your little girl You want me to have everything I could want. Isn’t that right Daddy?”
  111. >she waits for an answer
  112. >your mind suddenly reminds you you’ve done nothing to stop her
  113. “We shouldn’t do this.”
  114. >”You’re right. We shouldn’t.”
  115. >Sunset cracks a smile
  116. >”But we’re going to. If you wanted me to stop, you would have told me to by now.”
  117. >your heart nearly stops as your daughter lowers herself down to her knees
  119. >Sunset takes your hands and starts to pull them apart
  120. >you try to resist at first
  121. >that doesn't last long
  122. >the mischievous grin she sends up to you breaks down your urge to fight
  123. >once they're out of her way, Sunset gently wraps her fingers around the base of your shaft
  124. >she gently pumps, the shower water giving her all the lube she needs
  125. >fucking hell, her hands are soft
  126. >a shuddering gasp slides out of you
  127. >Sunset beams
  128. >"Do you like this Daddy?"
  129. >she gives your head a gentle kiss
  130. >jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt your steel beam
  132. >Sunset pouts
  133. >"I know you're enjoy this. Why do you keep fighting?"
  134. >she reached up to your hand
  135. >her fingers interlock with yours
  136. >her hand feels so delicate
  137. >"A man like you, who gives everything for what he loves, at least deserves a woman's touch. You earned this. Enjoy it."
  138. >she squeezes your hand gently and smiles warmly at you
  139. >then she closes her eyes
  140. >her lips part
  141. >she leans forward
  142. >oh dear Lord
  144. >you can't help but moan as her mouth welcomes you inside
  145. >the corners of her mouth turn up
  146. >that was exactly what she wanted to hear
  147. >she begins to gently suck, staying at the end for now
  148. >her hand gently pumped and twisted at your base
  149. >any urge you had to fight melts away
  150. "Fucking hell, Sun Bun..."
  151. >your hand reaches out and your fingers slide into her hair
  152. >now she knows she's doing well
  153. >encouraged, she begins to work her way deeper
  154. >her tongue slides out along the underside of your cock to make room
  155. >as deep as she's trying to go, she'll need it
  157. >the sound of her gagging around your shaft sends you to a whole new height of pleasure
  158. >she's running out of room for her hand on your cock so she places them on her knees
  159. >her body rocks as she slowly fucks her own face with your dick
  160. >your hand begins to tighten on a fistful of her hair
  161. >she stops, now unable to move without you tugging on her hair
  162. >she looks up at you expectantly
  163. >it takes you a moment to realize what she's waiting for
  164. >well
  165. >you've gone this far already
  166. >your other hand mirrors its twin on the other side of her head
  167. >your hips begin to pump slowly
  168. >each thrust gets a little faster
  170. >this is it
  171. >you’re facefucking your daughter in the shower
  172. >you’re going to hell and you know there’s no way out of that now
  173. >somehow you just can’t bring yourself to care
  174. >maybe it’s because of Sunset’s soft moans that occasionally slip through the gags
  175. >maybe it’s because she started fondling her own breast and rubbing between her legs
  176. >she’s loving this
  177. >you want to deny it, but you can’t
  178. >you’re loving this too
  179. >you love her warm mouth closed around your cock
  180. >you love the way she gags for you
  181. >you love the feeling of bumping up against her throat
  182. >after so long alone, this was exactly what you needed
  183. “I love you Sunset.”
  184. >you aren’t sure where it came from, but it slipped out
  185. >after a moment of consideration, you don’t regret it
  187. >nothing lasts forever though
  188. >you can feel the edge coming
  189. >your breathing and your heart begin to speed up as you get closer and closer to that final drive
  190. “I’m getting real close, Sunset.”
  191. >it’s only polite to warn her
  192. >she seems unfazed by the news
  193. >her hands leave her own body and come up to rest on your thighs
  194. >she just keeps sucking while you keep pumping
  195. >you expected her to pull back, or tap out, but she just keeps taking it like a champ
  196. >and then you finally reach that sweet release
  197. >a long, stuttered moan fills the bathroom and your cock paints Sunset’s gullet white
  198. >she doesn’t stop sucking until you stop twitching
  199. >Sunset only pulls away when your orgasm is over
  200. >a small string of saliva connects your shaft to her mouth for a moment, before the water pouring down your body washes it away
  201. >she tilts her head back and looks up at you with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen
  202. >”I love you too, Daddy.”
  204. >you pant softly as you recover from the orgasm
  205. >damn that felt good
  206. >you fucking needed this
  207. >you reach back for the shower faucet and turn it to off
  208. >Sunset cocks her head curiously
  209. >”All done?”
  210. “With the shower. Not with you.”
  211. >you offer a hand to her
  212. >she bites her lip and takes it
  213. >once you get her on her feet, you step out of the tub and help her out after you
  214. “Hold sill.”
  215. >you grab a towel off the rack and begin to dry her off
  216. >your hands slowly explore the contours of her form
  217. >over her hips, then up her back, down her arm
  218. >you made sure to get every last drop
  219. >Sunset squirmed and mewled as your hands roamed all over her
  220. >”I wish that towel wasn’t in the way.”
  221. “Have a little patience and it won’t be.”
  222. >you give her a playful swat on the ass, making her jump
  223. “Go wait on my bed. I’ll be there once I dry off.”
  224. >Sunset met your eyes and licked her lips
  225. >”Yes Daddy.”
  227. >now you had some space and time to recover
  228. >the refractory period is a bitch
  229. >while your cock came back, so did your morality
  230. >this was so damn wrong
  231. >she's your fucking daughter, you piece of shit
  232. >what the fuck were you thinking?
  233. >you weren't thinking, your dick was in control
  234. >you had to stop this now
  235. >you finish toweling off and follow after Sunset
  236. >she closed the door behind her
  237. >you pause, think about what you're going to say, and open the door
  238. >Sunset is laying on her back
  239. >her hair, still a little damp, is fanned out around her head
  240. >it draws the eye right to her face
  241. >she's watching you with half lidded eyes
  242. >she raises her arms spelt over her head and parts her legs to open up everything she has to you
  243. >"What took you so long?"
  244. >whatever you planned to say, it's forgotten now
  246. >you approach the edge of the bed in what seems like show motion
  247. >your eyes roam over her every detail
  248. >she starts to wiggle excitedly as you draw closer
  249. >you place your hands on her hips and pull hard
  250. >Sunset gaps in surprise as you yank her right up to the edge of the bed
  251. >keeping hold of her with one hand on her hip, you bring the other down to her crotch
  252. >you aren't going to just go for it without prepping her
  253. >you love your daughter after all
  254. >she coos and runs her hands slowly over herself
  255. >"Mmmm...rough and gentle all at once. I think I could get used to this."
  257. >you slide a finger inside to give it a feel
  258. >Sunset’s back arches in response
  259. >”Nnnnnah…Daddy.”
  260. >she stares at you with pure desire
  261. >she wants you bad
  262. >and considering how wet she is inside, she’s ready to go now
  263. >you remove your finger and lean down over the bed
  264. >you put your hands next to her shoulders to support yourself over her
  265. >she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist
  266. >her ankles hooked together to hold you in place
  267. >she pulls herself up, bring your chests close together
  268. >her lips met yours, and you kiss her back eagerly
  269. >Sunset drags her fingernails down your back nice and slowly
  270. >when her hand reaches your waist, she slides it around your side and down to your abs
  271. >her fingers find your shaft and gently wrap around it
  272. >she guides you to her entrance
  273. >you can feel warm, moist flesh against your tip
  274. >”Do it Daddy.”
  275. >your thrust your hips forward
  276. >you have entered the gates of Heaven
  278. >Sunset gasps as you spear deep inside her
  279. >her legs tighten down around your waist
  280. >”Oh fuck…”
  281. >she pulls her chest right up against you
  282. >you can feel her heart pounding in rhythm to yours
  283. >”Come on Daddy…don’t stop there.”
  284. >you aren’t going to tell her no
  285. >one of your arms comes up to support her back as you begin to slowly pump
  286. >she hugs you close, bringing her mouth right up to your ear
  287. >you get to hear every gasp and moan in perfect detail
  288. >every sound of her pleasure amplifies your own
  289. >this isn’t enough
  290. >your instincts demand more, and you let them take control
  291. >both your arms close around your daughter and lift her off the bed
  292. >she squeaks in surprise, holding on tight to keep herself against your chest
  293. >”Daddy? Is something wrong?”
  294. >she pulls back a little to look you in the eye
  295. “Nothing at all.”
  296. >you smirk before turning around and stepping forward
  297. >Sunset’s back presses up against the wall
  298. >and you begin to thrust in earnest
  300. >one of Sunset’s hands flew up, grabbing onto your hair and tugging lightly as you plowed into her
  301. >her head fell back against the wall as her mind was dulled by intense pleasure
  302. >her moans were nearly screams of pure bliss
  303. >your breaths came hot and heavy, rushing over her neck again and again
  304. >your hands moved down to cup her ass, holding her up
  305. >you give her rump a squeeze, enjoying the feeling of her tight ass in your hands
  306. >it isn’t enough to satisfy
  307. >you want more of her body
  308. >your lips find her neck and begin to explore it
  309. >kisses and nips, little licks, all looking for her most sensitive spots
  310. >her hands both go to the back of your head, holding you close to get more kisses
  311. >she leans her head to one side so you can get to her neck easier
  312. >she whispers softly to you
  313. >”Harder Daddy…please, harder…”
  314. >you weren’t about to deny her what she wanted
  316. >you push yourself right to the limit
  317. >ever hard drive slaps your body against Sunset’s thighs
  318. >she starts to go limp, leaving you to hold her up against the wall
  319. >the one part of her body that holds strong are her legs
  320. >there isn’t going to be any pulling out of her and you’re getting close
  321. >she can feel you twitching deep inside her
  322. >she tilts her head forward to make eye contact
  323. >”Do it, Daddy. Cum inside me.”
  324. >you can’t hold back now
  325. >your mind is blown out by a surge of carnal pleasure
  326. >you stumble backwards and hit the bed
  327. >you fall backwards, bringing Sunset down on top of you
  328. >the two of you lay there, panting for air after all the exertion
  329. >Sunset raises her head, smiling up at you as she lays on your chest
  330. >”I love you Daddy.”
  334. >you were terrified when Sunset first told you the news
  335. >the two of you sat up for a long time to talk about it
  336. >eventually, a decision was reached.
  337. >looking back now as your daughter lays beside you, gently stroking her swelling belly, you don’t regret it
  338. >the two of you will do everything you can to give the baby a good life
  339. >you’ll treat her with all the love and care it deserves
  340. >just like you did with Sunset
  341. >you place a hand on top of hers, holding it on top of her baby bump
  342. >she turned and smiled up at you
  343. >”Something on your mind, Daddy?”
  344. “I’m just thinking about how much I love you.”
  346. >be Anonymous
  347. >you work hard
  348. >life isn't easy
  349. >working the late shift can be tough
  350. >especially when you get all the overtime you can
  351. >you don't really want to, but you carry on
  352. >your daughters make it worth it
  354. Fin

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