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Power Theft Collar

By Cuddlepie
Created: 2020-12-19 20:25:53
Expiry: Never

  1. >Twilight slowly got up, rubbing the back of her head with her hand. She looked around to find herself in somewhere… not too dissimilar to her own lab but it was… off. Smaller for one thing.
  2. “Hey it worked!” A voice that sounded suspiciously similar to twilight’s own came from behind her.
  3. >It was a pony! Twilight had heard about those in her interdimensional studies book.
  4. >The pony was a unicorn with a purple main with a pink stripe and…
  5. “Wait.” Twilight looked down at her. “Are you… like a pony version of me?”
  6. “Actually, you’re a human version of me! My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m changing your name to ‘Parchment’. It’ll get confusing if we’re both Twilight,” Twilight announced.
  7. >’Parchment’ liked to think she wasn’t this rude! But she’d go along with it until she got out of her.
  8. “Um. O-kay!” Parchment got up onto her feet. “And is there a reason you dragged me over here? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt since you’re… me… but you’re on short notice here!”
  9. “You see, us ponies found a way to double our magic! It’s something every pony does when she’s… well around my age.”
  10. “Uh huh?” Parchment was legitimately curious where this was going.
  11. >The unicorn took out a collar, the clip of which looked like her cutie mark.
  12. “We find an alternate human version of ourselves, that way the magic is compatible, then we slap one of these girls on them!” the unicorn opened and closed the collar a few times, like they were a pair of jaws. “The collar directly channels her magic into us, effectively allowing me to use as much of your magic as I need to for example. Of course it’d also render you completely incapable of using magic yourself for the rest of your life, but eh! It’s really better for me to have all of it don’t you think?”
  13. >Parchment watched her smug little grin for a while, slowly realizing she was actually being serious.
  14. “No?”
  15. >And the unicorn laughed.
  16. “There’s no need to worry!” She waved her hoof back and forth. “I need to keep you alive the whole time, so I’ll make sure you stay healthy. Actually, we usually keep our new human around as like… well a maid slash sex slave! Don’t need magic for either of those jobs.”
  17. “Sex slave?!”
  18. “You’ll get used to it.” The unicorn proudly proclaimed. “The collar also has a function to help train you to accept your new role in life. You’ll be enthusiastic about it soon enough!”
  19. “Okay, first of all you’re clearly insane,” said Parchment. “And second why would I ever put that on after you just told me all that?! I’m not giving you all my magic!”
  20. “Why would I ever give you a choice?” Twilight raised her eyebrow.
  21. “Why wouldn’t you slap it on me the second I got here if you’re going to try and force it on?” Parchment raised her eyebrow right back.
  22. “It’s kind of like fishing!” Twilight explained. “You could use a net and catch a ton of fish in a second, sure, but it’s more fun to give them a small chance, hm? We always give the human a chance to escape! Tradition.”
  23. >Twilight opened a portal behind her. Behind it Parchment could see her own world…
  24. “Get through that portal and you’re free!” Twilight promised. “There’s plenty of other version of me. Escape and I’ll leave you alone and go after one of them instead. Sound fair to you?”
  25. >Parchment eyed the portal.
  26. “So you wanna fight? I’m one of the most powerful mages where I’m from!”
  27. “Me too!” Twilight put her hoof on her chest. “But I’m also a pony. We have the same amount of magic as humans but we’re physical stronger, smarter and sexier!”
  28. “Sexier!”
  29. “I’m sure you’ll agree in a little bit!”
  30. “Right… I’m gonna…”
  31. >Parchment started towards the portal.
  32. >Twilight created a barrier around the portal.
  33. >It looked like they really would have to fight…
  34. >She shot a piercing blow at the barrier and a fireball at Twilight, Twilight returning a fireball that smashing into Parchments.
  35. >The two of them exchanged several blasts of magical fire.
  36. >It did seem like they had equal magic, both firing off a massive onslaught, but Twilight moved much faster than Parchment could. Actually, Parchment was firing off far more blasts. But there was no way to get to the portal without getting hit.
  37. > The pony managed to jump around the room, dodging Parchment’s shots while returning fire.
  38. >Maybe Parchment really should have done physical training with Dash!
  39. >Soon Parchment got hit in the shoulder, giving Twilight an opportunity to rush forward.
  40. >Twilight outmaneuvered Parchment and bucked her hard in the legs, harder than a human could have hid.
  41. >Parchment fell flat on her back. Twilight quickly climbed over her and-
  42. >Twilight slammed her butt down on Parchment’s face! The pony’s pussy was right in her face now! And she started rubbing it back and forth!
  43. >This was quickly turning into molestation!
  44. >Or so she thought. Maybe this was some kind of fighting strategy. Parchment quickly realized she couldn’t breath with Twilight’s plot where it was.
  45. >She grabbed Twilight’s flanks and tried lifting. That unicorn was strong, but she managed to get her just high enough to get a breath of air.
  46. >But then Twilight pushed Parchment’s hands to the ground with her telekinesis, slamming her plot back down in Parchment’s face a second time.
  47. >Parchment used her own telekinesis to lift that stupid plot a second time. She got it high enough to breath again, but Twilight’s pussy still filled her vision. It felt like an eternity since she’d seen anything else.
  48. >Twilight slammed a hoof down on her stomach, knocking the wind out of her then slammed her plot down harder than ever, nestling in to stop her breathing once more.
  49. “Don’t worry,” Twilight teased. “I won’t kill you or anything. This is just till you pass out. When you wake up you’ll have a nice new collar!”
  50. >Parchment was seriously going to pass out if she didn’t do something right now! Even if she was going to lose, she couldn’t let herself be face-sat into submission!
  51. >She needed to use serious amounts of magic to get out of here!
  52. >Parchment gathered a huge amount into herself and turned it into electricity. Bolts of lightning shot out of every part of her body, destroying nearly everything in the room.
  53. >Twilight was able to sense this coming and jumped off her, then teleported away before getting fried. But the it did get the unicorn off of her. She had a chance-!
  54. >Twilight teleported back in sooner than Parchment would have expected! She had to suppress her and escape immediately!
  55. >Parchment shot off another large spell, a massive ball of fire that completely destroyed one of the walls. Twilight put up a barrier to protect herself, but the fireball was a repeating flame. Renewed fire smashed into the unicorns’ shield again and again.
  56. >That had to keep her down long enough!
  57. >Parchment teleported right in front of the portal!
  58. >Or she tried to. Something held her back!
  59. >She only got halfway there and fell onto her stomach.
  60. >She felt something pulling on her ankle, dragging her in Twilight’s direction.
  61. >She turned to see Twilight had gotten out of the attack and now an ethereal ribbon was tied to her ankle, Twilight holding the other end like a leash. Those ribbons could keep you from even teleporting away!
  62. “Aw!” Twilight cooed. “I guess you were too busy staring at my plot to notice me tying the ethereal ribbon to your leg! You’re cute. I can’t wait to own you.”
  63. >She shot another fireball at Twilight, but Twilight jerked the ribbon to the side throwing off her aim.
  64. >Parchment was running out of magic fast. Getting rid of the ribbon would take most of her remaining magic, but if she didn’t get rid of it
  65. >”So are you going to use the last of your magic to sever the ribbon?” Twilight asked, flicking her tail back and forth.
  66. >The unicorn still had most of her magic left. And she was physically stronger and a more experienced fighter…
  67. >Though Parchment refused to believe the ‘smarter’ part. Sexier was subjective.
  68. >”Screw you!” Parchment shouted at her.
  69. >”Don’t worry, you will!” Twilight smirked. “Sex slave, remember? If you can’t get out of here soon, I’ll be sitting on your face a lot from now on.”
  70. >She need to catch the unicorn off guard. She’d destroy the ribbon, down Twilight and make a break for it all in one move.
  71. >Parchment moved like she was about to break the ribbon, but made an anchor on her side instead, then pulled hard.
  72. >Twilight got thrown into the air. Parchment moved
  73. >Twilight was flying right at her!
  74. >She created a barrier, but Twilight smashed through it with a lighting spell, then slammed into the woman’s stomach.
  75. >Parchments fell onto her back a second time, exhausted and nearly out of magic this time.
  76. >One again the pony climbed on top of her, humming a happy tune, positioning her plot right overhead.
  77. >Twilight was clearly determined to smother Parchment with her plot! Twilight tried hard to lower it down on her, Parchment holding her back with the last of her telekinetic magic.
  78. >Then Twilight slammed a hoof down on Parchment’s stomach, knocking the air out of her. Then the mare’s pussy came crashing down on Parchment’s face. Twilight needed only a second of wiggling to perfectly lock her plot overtop of Parchment so that Parchment couldn’t breathe.
  79. >And she was already out of air!
  80. >Parchment needed to do something now! She panicked at Twilight let out a satisfied sigh. She tried getting up, but Twilight cast a gravity spell. Suddenly her limbs felt like they weight a hundred pounds. She could still flail, but barely.
  81. “It’s okay,” Twilight cooed. “If you’re too weak to fight you can just close your eyes. Being my slave won’t be so bad!”
  82. >Parchment had to do something but…
  83. >But she began to black out!
  84. >She couldn’t breath and now…
  85. >….
  86. >Twilight giggled and lifted her plot off her defeated opponent. A swift thump to the chest made the woman cough and start to breath again, but she was still delirious.
  87. “Well looks like my butt was all it took to bring you down!” Twilight declared. “But at least you got a taste of your proper place in life, hm? Now let’s see…”
  88. >Twilight closed the portal, then took out that collar again.
  89. >Before Parchment could recover, the collar got wrapped around her neck.
  90. >Panic set in! She tried getting off… then using magic!
  91. >She couldn’t even levitate anything!
  92. >Twilight, meanwhile, levitated something and Parchment could feel the magic being drained out of her… like she was just a battery for this pony now!
  93. “There’s no way to take that off without magic and no way for you to use magic while it’s on,” Twilight assured her. “So you can just relax! There’s no need to fight anymore. I’ll take care of the whole ‘having magical powers’ thing for you.”
  94. >Suddenly being talked to like that… it was turning Parchment on! Why the heck was she getting aroused by this mocking?!
  95. >Twilight noticed her blush and smirked, which made Parchment blush even more heavily.
  96. “I can tell you’re starting to notice the training effect of my collar!” Twilight lifted her head and marched over to Parchment proudly. “It makes obedience and submission feel good! It also helps you realize how much sexier I am than you.”
  97. >Twilight turned, revealing her plot once more. She shook it back and forth for Parchment, swishing her tail slightly as she did.
  98. >It wasn’t something she noticed until now, but Twilight was… sexy! Like really, really sexy! That plot was just so perfectly smooth and round. Her tail was beautiful, her legs perfectly shaped.
  99. >Parchment couldn’t take her eyes off that pony. She’d never even thought she could be attracted to a pony, but now she was suddenly more attracted to Twilight than she’d ever been to a human. She’d never been this turned on before period!
  100. >All she could do was blush heavily, her heart racing, as her own pussy began to drool over Twilight. She squirmed slightly on her knees. It took all her willpower to reach between her own legs.
  101. “I think that answers that question.” Twilight gave her tail a flick. “You really can’t think of anything but how sexy I am and how badly you want to pleasure me, right?”
  102. >Everything else was just completely forgotten at this point! She just needed to have sex with this mare at any cost.
  103. ”You’ll be able to think a little straighter later on.” Twilight turned to show off her perfect plot yet again. “But I think right now you just want to go back to your proper place, right?”
  104. >Parchment’s heart skipped a beat. Having Twilight sit on her face again… willingly… it seemed so wrong but that stupid collar made her want it.
  105. >She nodded.
  106. “Well I want you to ask for it.” Twilight flicked her tail back and forth, tormenting Parchment. “Say, ‘Mistress, please put me in my place!’ Beg me to let you pleasure me.”
  107. >Parchment was already fingering herself with wild abandon, but she felt like this was just going to make it worse. Pleasing Twilight… it really did feel like the only way to get relief from this.
  108. ”I-“ Parchment’s heart felt like it might burst out of her chest. “I want you to put me in my place! M-mistress! Please!”
  109. “Of course, Parchy!” Twilight smiled. “That’s what you live for!”
  110. >Burning with embarrassment and arousal, Parchment lied on her back. Twilight lowered her plot much more slowly and gently now, filling Parchment’s vision with the most beautiful thing in the world.
  111. >Parchment started licking her almost immediately. For a moment she forgot about her own pussy, Twilight’s becoming her world.
  112. >”Mmmm!” Twilight sighed. “Not bad for a beginner.”
  113. >Twilight’s praise… it wasn’t just turning her on but giving her a warm fuzzy feeling inside too.
  114. >Parchment kept pleasuring her.
  115. “Ahhhh!” Twilight sighed with satisfaction again, the most beautiful sound in the world. “Another thing I should mention is that this isn’t just going to be mind control forever. You’re starting to associate being my little bitch with pleasure, aren’t you? Normally, a human who’s worn one of these collars for just two or three years will be desperate to get it back on if it’s ever removed. Aren’t you looking forward to that?”
  116. “Y-yes mistress.”
  117. >It was embarrassing, but at the same time that felt so gratifying to say!
  118. >She didn’t care about anything anymore! She reached between her legs and started rubbing her clit rapidly.
  119. >It was the best sex Parchment ever had! Twilight was her mistress. Parchment was her bitch, her obedient slave!
  120. >Thinking that caused the collar to fill her with incredibly pleasure!
  121. >It took a while, but Parchment finally got an orgasm out of her mistress. Hearing Twilight have an orgasm- it was enrapturing! It triggered an orgasm in the woman too.
  122. >Parchment had the most powerful orgasm of her life. Her entire being erupted into pleasure. Her screams of ecstasy were merely an announcement of Twilight’s victory over her and knowing that only made her yell louder.
  123. >When they were over, Parchment collapsed to the ground, completely exhausted, but filled with a warm feeling of bliss.
  124. >Twilight giggled over the woman she’d just completely and utterly conquered to the core.
  125. >Twilight stepped off of her, trembling but victorious.
  126. “Come on, let’s get you to your new bedroom Parchment!” Twilight lifted her up onto her back and carried her off.
  127. >In her home dimension, the woman was never seen or heard from again. The only one who ever learned of her fate was the version of Rarity from the same dimension, who was drained of her magic and enslaved by the unicorn Rarity later that year.
  131. >The next morning.
  132. >Parchment woke up in an unfamiliar room… naked.
  133. >It took her a moment to remember what happened but… HAD that happened? Having sex with a mare just seemed so… wrong!
  134. >She quickly tried using her magic to levitate one of the pillows but couldn’t do it! She grabbed the collar and tried to pull it off but couldn’t.
  135. >Twilight really was the only one who could use her magic right now.
  136. >That stupid unicorn!
  137. >She thought it, but then felt a little sick she’d thought of her mistress like that. Twilight was just doing what was best for herself, right?
  138. >No!
  139. >It was the collar making her feel this way! It was dampening her anger. She tried but couldn’t get the bloodlust furry towards Twilight worked up.
  140. >Even still she was a little angry…
  141. >Parchment noticed a note on the table nearby as well as a maid outfit laid out for her.
  142. “Please put this on and report to me.” T. Sparkle.
  143. >Parchment glared at the maid outfit… but slowly began to feel an itch in the back of her head.
  144. >It was like knowing Twilight wanted her to put it on… made it the most tempting thing in the world. At least she wasn’t sopping wet this time but…that itch just kept getting worse and worse.
  145. >Finally she couldn’t take it anymore and slipped into the maid outfit.
  146. >The maid outfit gave her this warm fuzzy feeling inside. Wearing it made her feel… secure… loved by her mistress.
  147. >She was seriously screwed here…
  154. >The two of them had sex A LOT over the three days Parchment had been stuck here. ‘Bonding’ Twilight called it.
  155. >Usually, Twilight preferred to sit on Parchment’s face like this, grinding against her face or making Parchment eat her out. Though sometimes Twilight would just lie on top of Parchment, making out with the woman while Parchment fingered the both of them, getting to put her hands on Twilight’s glorious butt.
  156. >Twilight seemed largely only interested in her own pussy, only paying attention to Parchment’s in a teasing way. And in the moment it felt right, like it should be that way.
  157. >With the collar on, Twilight was just too sexy for Parchment to resist any advances from her. And dang it the sex really was amazing. Her ex-boyfriend couldn’t nearly compete with this. Parchment had never even been interested in other girls but now she was 100% a lesbian in her mind.
  158. >The collar made servicing Twilight feel so good that she could actually orgasm just from that, without even touching herself somehow. It wasn’t easy, it took like a half hour seemingly, but it had happened last night.
  159. >It’d been so odd yet so good, like a dream she could barely remember. Secretly, Parchment wanted to experience it at least one more time before she escaped.
  160. >But sadly tonight wouldn’t be that night.
  161. “Alright, you were a very good girl today.” Twilight shuddered as she dismounted from Parchment. “I’ll give you permission to touch your clit again.”
  162. >Twilight knew for a fact Parchment had trouble orgasming from vaginal alone and used that fact against her.
  163. >Parchment found that if Twilight told her not to do something, then the itch was much more sever until she stopped. Effectively, she couldn’t touch her own clit without Twilight’s permission. The unicorn had taken complete control of that part of her body just like that.
  164. >But now that she had permission, she very quickly went to rubbing herself down there.
  165. >After getting so pent up from servicing Twilight and now looking at her unreasonably sexy body, it didn’t take long for Parchment to get an orgasm at long last. But she kept masturbating knowing she wouldn’t get relief without at least one more.
  166. “Heh! Humans are so cute when they masturbate,” Twilight cooed. “Like a little animal scratching an itch.”
  167. >Parchment gasped in pleasure, Twilight’s words making it better.
  168. “But you do realize that when you pleasure yourself to me you’re only training yourself to a better servant, right? You’ll only get more emotionally and physically dependent on me. But you’re doing it anyway.”
  169. “Y-yes mistress.” Parchment felt another orgasm drawing near.
  170. “And that’s exactly what you want, isn’t it?” Twilight rubbed her muzzle against Parchment’s nose, filling her vision with those beautiful purple eyes. “Training yourself to be obedient?”
  171. >Parchment’s brain wanted her to say no, that she absolutely did not want to train herself into being a slave. But her pussy wanted her to be a total sub and completely degrade herself for Twilight’s amusement.
  172. >Whenever she got in bed with Twilight or when the unicorn started teasing her about her new, magic-induced fetish it was like Parchment’s brain turned off and her pussy started doing all the thinking for her. Was this what it was like to be a guy?
  173. >In the end, her vagina won out over her brain.
  174. “Y-yes! I deserve to be t-trained mistress! I- I’m inferior a-and-“
  175. >Parchment’s pussy and collar both rewarded her submission with a far more powerful orgasm than the last, the kind she’d never gotten before meeting Twilight.
  176. >She howled with ecstasy, falling onto her back as she kept rubbing more pleasure out from her clit until it finally died down and she was on her back panting and exhausted.
  177. >Twilight lied back down on top of her, using her breasts as a pillow. Still unable to think straight, she wrapped her arms around the unicorn and cuddled with her.
  178. >She felt nice and warm inside, almost fell asleep before Twilight woke her up.
  179. “See? You’re much better off as my slave. You’d never be able to get this kind of satisfaction unless I caught you and made you into my battery, right?” Twilight asked.
  180. >Parchment was able to think with her brain again for a moment… she felt embarrassment at how easily she gave in to pleasure, had spent the last half hour degrading herself for Twilight’s amusement.
  181. “Well if having this collar on is so great why don’t you wear one?” Parchment asked.
  182. >She was secretly curious. This thing really did make sex a million times better. Parchment kind of wanted something similar even when she did escape.
  183. “Oh don’t worry about that. I get just as much pleasure controlling you as you do being controlled by me. We’re both fulfilling our natural roles so neither of us could be happier. You just need to realize that you’re not your own person anymore than my tail is. You should think of yourself as an extension of myself from now on, no different than my ownership over my tail.”
  184. >Twilight gave it a flick to demonstrate her control over that. She had a similar control over Parchment… maybe a little less.
  185. “Anyway, sleepy time now.” Twilight nestled her head comfortably between the woman’s breasts.
  186. >That was one more perk, if Parchment ended up stuck like this. Falling asleep took almost zero time when Twilight told her to sleep. No more insomnia.
  188. >Parchment had something of a built in alarm clock now. Twilight woke up around 9 and had ordered Parchment to wake up around 7 to start making breakfast and getting things ready for her mistress.
  189. >That itch would wake her up every morning, but would quickly be quelled by the satisfaction of going about her chores.
  190. >She sorted the mail, made breakfast, vacuumed… all before Twilight woke up.
  191. >It was hard to even describe how satisfying her life here was. She knew it was the equivalent of just being drugged up but dangit, Parchment doubted she had even one day as satisfying as she did here. She just had this serene bliss about her!
  192. >Her whole day was just itch relief, itch relief, itch relief, non-stop. Even when Twilight had nothing for her to do, the unicorn wanted her to stand nearby with her hands on her lap incase she wanted someone to talk to or whatever. Even that much filled her with content.
  193. >Without really meaning to, she found herself humming a happy little tune as she worked.
  194. >Occasionally she’d try to experiment with the boundaries of the collar’s control. She’d, say, switch two of Twilight’s books on the shelf so they weren’t in the right place. Only something like that would cause the itch to come until she put them back and felt the wave of relief.
  195. >Keeping the place clean was one ongoing mission so making a mess was out of the question.
  196. >Attempts to hit Twilight from behind didn’t work. Thinking of hurting Twilight made her feel sick. While she was able to soldier through that long enough to think of bashing Twilight repeatedly over the head, she always choked at the last minute when she tried.
  197. >Not to mention she’d have to take the unicorn out with one hit, because Twilight supercharged with both of their magic was basically invincible in a straight up fight.
  198. >Rebellion attempt three was breaking some of Twilight’s things. She did successfully manage to rip a few pages out of a book, break a few mugs and the like. But she didn’t have the time or willpower to go on a rampage, not with her busy schedule working for Twilight. She needed to stay on schedule of the itch of disobedience would return.
  199. >And really she seemed to do more damage to herself with this. Twilight didn’t seem upset at all, said all of her actually valuable stuff would be kept in storage until Parchment ‘settled in’. Losing a few objects was simply expected when bonding with your human.
  200. >Now, while making pancakes for her mistress, Parchment thought back to her first plan.
  201. >There was always thought in the back of her head about poisoning Twilight. It very clearly wasn’t going to work, though. Twilight had ordered Parchment to confess any plans she had about escaping or defying her in any way.
  202. >Her previous attempt at poisoning Twilight’s food ended up with her standing there with a bottle for three minutes before running over to tell Twilight what she was about to do just to get relief. It seemed like the collar would force her to tell Twilight her plans BEFORE she went through with them. Otherwise it’d be too hard.
  203. >But there was one work-around for this! Parchment wouldn’t have to tell Twilight what her plans were if she couldn’t talk! She’d have to act quick whenever she did come up with a plan. Burn her tongue and then execute before she could heal!
  204. >It was something Parchment just thought up, but already her mind was compelling her to go tell Twilight. She knew she’d have to give in to the relief of submission soon.
  205. >Interestingly it wasn’t as strong though…
  206. >Maybe because Twilight was asleep? So she couldn’t tell the unicorn her idea just now? Either way, her plan would likely occur when Twilight was sleeping so it didn’t make much of a difference.
  207. >Parchment held some bleach up, ready to pour into the pancake mix, but that itch came back, completely unbearable, urging her to run over and snitch on herself.
  208. >She… couldn’t do it. She put the bleach down and the itch went away. So as soon as she gave up on a plan the urge to tell Twilight about it went away. Maybe she could think of something, then give up on it temporarily? But then she would have to seriously have no future intentions of going through with mystery plan X.
  209. >She was getting a lot of information, but still couldn’t formulate a way out of this system yet. IT had only been 3 days. Parchment still had nearly a year left.
  210. >Twilight strolled into the room and Parchment bowed to her.
  211. “Good morning, Mistress.” Parchment always felt a hit of satisfaction when she called Twilight that.
  212. “Good morning, my little battery!” Twilight smiled and sat down to have Parchment serve her breakfast. “Did you try to poison anything today?”
  213. “I gave up on that pretty fast today. But M-mistress! I was thinking that I could get around the whole telling you all my plans thing by burning my tongue.” Parchment felt a wave or relief and satisfaction wash over her as she said it.
  214. “Hm! And doesn’t it feel good to confess something like that?” Twilight asked.
  215. >It really did feel like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.
  216. “Pour me some more coffee,” Twilight ordered.
  217. “Yes, mistress.” The words slipped out of her mouth now, without a second thought, following the orders instantly.
  218. >Really she obeyed most of Twilight’s commands without a second thought. It was already an instinct… one that developed frightening fast. Constant discomfort and bliss for three straight days made her a little addicted to servitude. Her mind and pussy craved more of it…
  219. >But she could still think of ways out. Giving in quickly like this made that easier. The really big hits of discomfort and bliss that came from trying to resist made thinking impossible. So for now she just obeyed as quickly as possible.
  220. “A couple of our friends are coming over today.” Twilight started eating her breakfast. “I’m sure they’ll love to see my new extension. Make sure everything is ready for them, okay?
  221. “Yes, mistress.” Parchment briefly felt a flash of hope. Their slaves might be potential allies. But that hope quickly drowned in an itch that Parchment immediately had to scratch. “I- I’m thinking of trying to get them to help me escape… Their human slaves, I mean. Or the ponies if any of them are less insane than you are.”
  222. >Relief.
  223. “Oh, that’s fine! I’m sure the other humans will be good role models for you!” Twilight chuckled.
  225. >Three of the pony version of Parchment’s friends came over later that day.
  226. >Fluttershy and Pinkie’s had human version of themselves, both dressed in maid outfits, both wearing collars. Dash was alone, however.
  227. “Heh! I’m so jealous!” Rainbow Dash the pegasus flew up to eye level with Parchment. “I can’t wait till I get my battery in a few months! I’m gonna challenge her to a raise and if she loses, BAM! Maid outfit for life!”
  228. “Welcome to the big girl club, Twilight!” Pinkie levitated a cup over to her, showing off her own ability to use magic thanks to her battery. “Being overpowered is the best!”
  229. “I know what you mean, I feel ten times stronger now, not too!” Twilight chuckled.
  230. “Yeah!” Surprise, Pinkie’s maid, rushed over to Parchment’s side. “Isn’t it so nice being part of a pony?”
  231. >Parchment was briefly horrified by that question. Going by how old everyone was in her dimension… Surprise here should have only gotten caught about three months ago!
  232. “No,” Parchment said flatly and everyone laughed at her, even the other two humans. “I don’t see how that’s funny! I want to see my friends and family again! Don’t any of you care about that?”
  233. “Daw!” Pinkie nuzzled her hip. “We are your friends and family now, Parchment!”
  234. “I know it seems unfair,” Fluttershy said reassuringly, “but if you get caught by something higher on the food chain you get eaten. That’s just the rules of nature that we all have to live with. You’ve been repurposed into a battery and that’s just the way things are.”
  236. “I own your body just as much as I own your tail, remember?” Twilight rolled her eyes. “My body, my choice so there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s my place to decide what ‘your’ body does. Here, I’ll show you. Take off your panties.”
  237. >Parchment felt two conflicting things: A blush telling her to keep her panties on and an itch telling her to take them off.
  238. “Daw! Is she gonna resist?” Pinkie watched with excitement. “It’s so fun watching them resist. I hope she holds out for a while so we can hear her make a cute little squeak!”
  239. >Parchment knew for a fact where this was going. The longer she delayed the stronger the wave of pleasure would be when she gave in.
  240. >Strangely, her ability to resist the itch was getting weaker, though. She wasn’t even up to the mosquito brain, as she liked to call it, but already she couldn’t help but give in. Parchment very carefully reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down, taking them off completely.
  241. “Good girl!” Twilight’s word’s made her shudder a little. “Now lift up your skirt and bend over like you’re presenting yourself.”
  242. >And Parchment REALLY didn’t want to flash everypony here.
  243. >She held her breath as Twilight waited patiently and the itch got worse and worse.
  244. >In the end, Twilight got her way yet again. Parchment bent over and lifted her skirt, letting everyone see her butt and pussy.
  245. >And yet she couldn’t even be mad about this violation of her body. Instead of getting angry she just got wet. Submitting cause a wave of pleasure to wash over her, making her feel total comfort at Twilight’s control over her.
  246. “Not bad!” Dash complimented her. “You got lucky, Twilight! A good catch!”
  247. “I think I made my point,” said Twilight. “Which one of us is in control of your body,
  248. Parchment.”
  249. “You’re the one in control of my body,” Parchment admitted.
  250. “Mm-hm!” Twilight hummed. “And soon I’ll be in control of your little mind too! You can stand back up now.”
  251. >Parchment quickly straightened out.
  252. >She wished she could be more traumatized by this humiliation, but somehow her new fetish for being dominated by ponies made this easier to bare. She quickly went to get her panties on before she dripped…
  253. “You don’t gotta feel embarrassed!” Surprise gave Parchment a reassuring pat on the back, clearly misunderstanding why she was blushing right now. “Humans are basically sex toys here! Nopony is gonna judge you for seeing your coochy!”
  254. “R-right. Thanks…”
  255. “Anyway, you three can go wait in the slave room. Well call you if we need you.” Twilight dismissed them with a flick of her hoof. “I’m sure Parchment wants to talk to her fellow batteries in private, right?”
  256. >Parchment felt an itch.
  257. “Y-yes mistress,” she admitted. “I was hoping to try and have them help me escape.”
  258. >There were a few chuckles.
  259. “Well good luck with that!” Twilight smiled and let Parchment leave.
  261. >Twilight’s words didn’t fill her with much confidence, but here she was… alone in the slave room with two alternate versions of her friends.
  262. >Obviously, Parchment wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass.
  263. “Okay, level with me!” Parchment stepped closer to the other two girls. “You two want to escape right?”
  264. >The two girls shared a look like Twilight just made some inside joke before giggling softly to one another.
  265. “Nope!” Surprise declared.
  266. “Sorry.” Butter bowed her head. “The two of us really don’t want to go back to our original worlds.”
  267. >Parchment’s eye twitched. Neither of them wanted out? Not even the Pinkie? Then you really did end up brainwashed fast.
  268. “What?! But- but why?! I know the collars make you feel good but don’t you want to see your families again? Or have freedom or magic or anything?!”
  269. “You’ll see that the ponies have already had their way with us.” Butter bowed her head. “None of those things will make you happy anymore. You really are part of Twilight now. Only pleasing her will make you happy and soon it will be the only thing that matters to you.”
  270. “And you aren’t even slightly angry about this?! That these ponies have just upended our lives and took away our magic!”
  271. “Ponies have a parasitic relationship with us. They override the pleasure centers of our brains to make us more convenient for them. There’s actually a few other parasites in nature that do similar things. It may not seem fair to us, but nature isn’t always fair.”
  272. >That did kind of sound like something Fluttershy would say… If she needed an excuse to accept this whole thing that was.
  273. “But that’s just the collar talking, right? If I could get it off, you might snap back to your old self!”
  274. “Oh, no. After a year or two, once they’re sure you’ve truly been retrained to your very core, they’ll take the collar back off for a little while just to show you what it’s like. I realized that I really can’t exist by myself anymore, I really need my mistress to be happy and whole now.”
  275. >Parchment’s eye twitched. She really was brainwashed! Not that Parchment could blame her… she felt half-brainwashed herself already.
  276. “But what about you not-Pinkie?” Parchment asked. “You’ve only been here for four months! How could you give up so fast? Does it work sooner than I thought?”
  277. “Oh, I just gave in like instantly cause it’s SO much more fun to be part of Pinkie Pie than it was to be my own person. Like holy smoke the sex is AMAZING! Did you not have sex with your mistress yet or something?! How can you say no to that?!”
  278. “Well!” Parchment blushed. She always blushed like a school girl when she thought of her mistress like that. “I mean the sex is nice, but-“
  279. “And just wait till Twilight gets a coltfriend. Horse cock is the best possible thing, Twilight or whoever. You don’t even know! I mean, I wasn’t using my magic powers much over there, I get infinite pleasure over here.” Surprise moved her hands up and down like she was weighing something. “Not really a contest.”
  280. “Trust me!” Surprise put her hand on Parchment’s back. “By the time Rainbow Dash or maybe Rarity get their batter you’ll be laughing with the two of us saying the exact same thing to them!
  281. >Rainbow Dash!
  282. >That gave Parchment an idea. These two may be lost causes, but Rainbow Dash hadn’t captured a human version of herself either.
  283. >If the order of their ages were the same, that’d mean Dash would turn 20 in three months then Rarity two after that. If Twilight could hold off for that long, she’d at least have someone who’d be interested in helping her.
  284. >But the moment she thought of that, she got the urge to go tell Twilight what she was planning…
  285. >Already she was having trouble ‘holding it in’. Butter must have noticed her squirming uncomfortably.
  286. “Is there something you need to tell your mistress?” Butter asked. “There’s really no reason to make yourself uncomfortable.”
  287. “Y-yeah…” Parchment hung her head and blushed. “I… I gotta go tell her something I just thought of.”
  288. >Clutching her skirt, Parchment went off to tattle on herself. This wasn’t going to be easy.
  292. >Parchment was slowly piecing this puzzle together.
  293. >Despite herself, Parchment found herself scurrying off to do every little thing Twilight wanted without hesitation now. It’d been over a month since she last made even a little wiggle against obeying Twilight. Hesitating for just one second was just too hard and giving in filled her with constant pleasure. No doubt this was exactly what her new owner wanted.
  294. >Parchment’s body belonged to Twilight, her reflexes belonged to Twilight, most of her brain was probably firmly Twilight’s property now… but the deepest parts of herself were still her own.
  295. >She couldn’t say her life here was bad, exactly, it was perpetual bliss and happiness… but she knew it was wrong. Remembering that, remembering her old friends and goals, was getting harder but she could still do it.
  296. >She hadn’t given up yet and kept studying the boundaries of her collar until finally…
  297. >Twilight’s real mistake was letting Parchment begin helping her out her magical work, perhaps wrongly assuming she’d already given in completely. It allowed Parchment to have access to spellbooks again… where she made an important discovery.
  298. >If she began reading a spell then stopped she didn’t have to tell Twilight about it!
  299. >The assumption was that if she didn’t know how to cast a spell then it was impossible for her to cast it. Thus her plan was impossible and she didn’t have to mention it.
  300. >She could scan spells for use at a later date, so long as she never read enough to understand them.
  301. >Another realization was that making impossible plans meant not having to tell Twilight…
  302. >Through this method, she managed to being to understand a few things about the collars. She almost knew how to take if off (if she had magic) and she almost knew how the collar directed its magic at somepony.
  303. >Sadly the transfer could only be from non-pony to pony, but she did find something else important. A pony could only channel magic from one human at a time. If she tried two at once, the waves cancelled out and she lost both of them.
  304. >Meaning if Twilight put a collar on another person…
  305. >Well, Parchment could hypothetically do that so she was compelled to tell Twilight all about that train of thought.
  306. >But what she didn’t tell Twilight was the directional spell that she almost understood. Twilight could ALMOST retrain a collar to focus on Twilight… Almost.
  307. “You aren’t worried I might go through these books?” Parchment felt herself compelled to ask the question. Doing ‘stupid’ things like that always felt so comforting. She felt that warmth and belonging now. “I might right something that helps me escape.”
  308. “Hm? Well I can tell the training is starting to effect you on a deep level,” Twilight said, not looking up from her book. “I think that we’re already at the point that, even if you do accidentally escape, you’ll be a good little girl and come back home.”
  309. “I feel like maybe I wouldn’t,” said Parchment.
  310. “Well hopefully we won’t ever have to find out,” said Twilight. “I don’t plan on testing your obedience for another year or so. By then you’ll be totally retrained and won’t want to go one second without your snug little collar! I can keep your leash looser and looser as time goes on.”
  311. >Even Parchment had zero doubt she’d be totally brainwashed after another year of this.
  312. >But it was just another week until Rainbow Dash’s birthday and then…
  315. >That day finally came. Rainbow Dash decided to make a bit of a show of subduing her inferior counterpart. Of course the cocky pegasus was confident she’d win on the first go (every so often the human really did escape), so she brought everypony to watch and cheer her on.
  316. >Rarity was the only one who didn’t have her own human yet, but the rest were all their with their batteries. Really you just went with your pony wherever she went, you were supposed to be just an extension of them. Parchment was the only human there who hadn’t completely given in to being nothing but an extension of her owner.
  317. >Rainbow, the human girl, was currently getting the explanation about the circle of life from Dash, the pony.
  318. >The worst part was that Parchment really couldn’t disagree with the speech. Ponies were higher on the food chain. They were the lions, humans were the gazelles. That fact of life seemed so obvious to her now. She sure felt inferior to Twilight.
  319. >But she did disagree on one tiny little part. She didn’t think a gazelle had a ‘duty’ to fill the belly of the lions just yet, that prey only existed for the benefits of their predators. Even if one got caught, of course it was in its nature to try and get away.
  320. >Parchment thought maybe she should feel more sympathy for the frazzled, confused human sitting before Dash, but really it just felt like she was watching nature take its course, watching a nature documentary. Or maybe it really was some prey instinct she had to simply get away, hope the lions caught the weakest member of her pack and left her alone.
  321. “And the best part of this deal is that you’ll be perfectly complicit in it!” Dash landed near where her friends are, their batteries all with them. “The collar will make me irresistibly sexy to you, make you get off on being dominated- you know all the stuff you really should have now. Your life will be one of constant, happy submission to yours truly!”
  322. >Rainbow looked over at the three, three human versions of her friends all dressed as maids waiting patiently by their respective owners.
  323. “It’s true.” Fluttershy’s human bowed. “Taking control of our pleasure centers is just part of a pony’s natural life cycle. Once something higher on the food chain catches you, you become nothing more than a tool of their convenience like a deer filling up a wolf’s belly. It’s easier to accept than you might think.”
  324. “So- so basically you want to brainwash me,” Rainbow concluded.
  325. “Pretty much, yeah! Neat idea, right? I’ll get to be twice as awesome and you’ll get to be my maid! Bet you can clean super fast.”
  326. “Um.” Rainbow got to her feet. “No thank you?”
  327. >All of the ponies laughed at that.
  328. “Well you can’t just say no! But you know I’m a fair sport! We always give our humans a chance to escape.” Dash flew up and pointed way off into the distance. “If you don’t think you’re inferior to me and deserve to give me all your magic then you can prove it in a race! There’s a portal back to your world waaaaaay down there. Get to it before I slap a collar on you and I’ll go find some other Rainbow Dash to enslave.”
  329. >Rainbow looked off into the distance, unable to see the portal from this far away, then back at the trio of maids.
  330. “Either way I’m bolting.” Rainbow ran off far faster than a human would have been able to without magic. She’d be a lot slower if Dash caught her… and if Parchment’s plan failed.
  331. >Dash stretched a bit before taking off after the human girl.
  333. >Now she just had to…. Kind of hope?
  334. >Maybe not much of a plan, but then again Parchment COULDN’T have a plan for this to actually work bizarrely.
  335. >There was such a small chance of any of this going right, but Parchment had done everything she could to swing things in her favor.
  336. >She had a few ideas of how this MIGHT work… She knew there some kind of crystal involved. There was one imbedded in her collar that she couldn’t get out but they were much easier to pull it out on an inactive one.
  337. >She also knew a small amount of blood of the person targeted was involved. There was no way to get any of Twilight’s… but just before this ‘race’ began, Parchment did manage to get a drop of her blood onto Dash’s collar’s crystal. It changed color. Maybe that was good?
  338. >She knew it could only transfer magic FROM a human not to them…
  339. >Maybe it’d just cause the collar to not work, but just maybe… if Parchment was linked to Twilight…
  340. >Now to read…
  341. >Parchment tore the page of that book out and kept it on her this whole time. It was a book she’d seen in the library, not one of Twilight’s so she could deface it without having to tell Twilight.
  342. >Someone without years and years of practice reading could not have done this fast enough, but Parchment was an absolute master!
  343. >Before long she realized the answer… what she needed to do…
  344. >It was possible! But that caused her mind to burn! She was overwhelmed by the urge to run over and tell Twilight! It was so hard to resist.
  345. “I think there’s something wrong with your human!” Surprise called out to the ponies who came running over. “I think she’s trying to do something bad! I totally thought she was our friend for real too.”
  346. >The ponies came running over.
  347. >Her finger was already bleeding…
  348. >She just needed to get Twilight to ingest a tiny amount of it and it would work!
  349. >But it was getting hard to think. Every cell in her body was urging her to be good and tell Twilight!
  350. “What is it?” Twilight asked. “You did something, didn’t you? Tell me right now!”
  351. >Her command didn’t do much because Parchment was already struggling with another order.
  352. >Her entire existence became nothing but an itch telling her to give in to Twilight. This was so horrible. Her body and brain wanted her to go back to being good right this instant, but she just barely managed to hold on by a thread.
  353. >It felt like hours, but maybe it was only another second.
  354. “I command you to-“
  355. >Parchment summoned every ounce of her will and stuck her finger in Twilight’s mouth.
  356. >Finally, she gave in and blurted out the truth.
  357. “I retrained that collar to target you!” Parchment let out a gasp of pleasure.
  358. >That felt so amazing! She felt like she was having an orgasm just from that and collapsed on the ground sighing with pleasure a moment later, too overwhelmed to move a muscle for a moment.
  359. “What?!” Twilight teleported off to where Dash was before Parchment could even get up.
  361. “You lost fair and square!” Dash held the human down, enjoying her squirming, as she attached the collar to her. “So it’s only right you spend the rest of your life powering my awesomeness and doing my chores for me.”
  362. >The collar closed with a satisfying click.
  363. “Bet you feel a lot better now, huh?” Dash pulled back and lifted her head proudly. “I’m the sexiest being in existence, right? It’s okay, you can admit it now it’s the new normal for you.”
  364. “You still look kind of like a horse but not really?” Rainbow guessed.
  365. “Huh?” Dash blinked.
  366. “Rainbow Dash! Don’t-!” Twilight appeared next to her panting.
  367. “Twilight! What the heck?” Dash held out a hoof to her defeated pet. “She’s supposed to fall madly in love with me and become totally submissive but she ain’t doing anything!”
  368. “I know because-“
  369. “And I don’t feel her magic at all!” Dash held her wings open. “I mean, my wings are already pretty great but they should be at least uh… what percent boost should it be anyway?”
  370. “Just take that collar off right now! Before!” Twilight collapsed to the ground.
  371. >She suddenly felt so powerless. It was technically how powerful she’d been before she got a battery, but she’d been so used to being totally OP that this felt unbearably weak.
  372. “Whoa! You okay?” Dash finally put two and two together, to some extent, and took the collar off Rainbow. “There, it’s off!”
  373. >But twilight didn’t feel her magic come back.
  374. “Oh no! My human took her collar off!” Twilight gasped. “I’m still not sure if she’s been trained enough to come running back either! We have to see if we can catch her right now.”
  375. “Yeah!” Rainbow nodded. “So you two do that I’ll just-“
  376. “Ah no you don’t! You’re my property now.” Dash slammed her plot down on the face of her struggling human, smothering her. “Soon as she passes out I’ll come help you.”
  377. “Thanks.” Twilight had to assume parchment teleported off somewhere. She had to hope a search would find her or that Parchment really had become a good girl and would come back on her own.
  378. >It would be so embarrassing to have to get a new human…
  382. >Parchment hummed a happy tune as she took the warm kettle of tea off the stove and brought it to Twilight’s study room.
  383. >She was so excited for the chance to do something for Twilight again and get another hit from her collar. It felt like it’d been forever, like she’d gone through the desert and was finally about to get some water!
  384. >Serving Twilight was the greatest pleasure in the world. It felt like the only thing that mattered, more important than everything else combined.
  385. “Mistress! I have your tea for you!” Parchment announced with a smile. This was going to be great!
  386. >Twilight looked up at her with a look of disgust that made Parchment’s heart sink to the floor.
  387. “What are you doing here?” Twilight knocked the tea over and shoved Parchment to ground. “Get out of here! You’re not welcome!”
  388. “What?” Parchment got up to her knees then bowed low to Twilight. Bowing always made her feel better, made her feel safe. “But Mistress! I only want to serve you!”
  389. “What do you mean? You wanted freedom so I just got a better human to replace you.”
  390. >Twilight waved in a second human version of herself, an exact copy of Parchment.
  391. “Thank you so much for letting me be your slave!” The third Twilight hugged the pony. “This collar is the best thing ever! I didn’t even know happiness was possible till you gave it to me. I love you, Twilight!”
  392. >The other Parchment poured Twilight’s tea for her, basking in the pleasure that had once been meant for Parchment.
  393. >Parchment burned with loneliness as she watched the alternate version of herself kiss Twilight. Twilight was the most perfect and beautiful being in existence and now… now Parchment would never be anywhere near her again or feel that incredible sense of bliss!
  394. “I think I’ll call her Parchment too,” said Twilight.
  395. “But my name is Parchment!” Parchment stepped forward. Twilight just shoved her right back.
  396. “Parchment is a very useful type of paper,” said Twilight.
  397. “Yeah! You can change your name to Scrap Paper or something,” the other Parchment suggested. “That goes in the garbage.”
  398. “Or maybe Toilet Paper would be more fitting. You know, because I’m done with you?” Parchment and Twilight laughed and laughed.
  399. >They kept laughing and laughing as Scrap Paper eyes teared up. Twilight ripped her collar off and threw her out of the house.
  400. >Scrap Paper looked into the window as it began to pour. Parchment and Twilight were snuggled up warm inside while she sat out in the cold, totally disconnected from her pony, totally alone.
  402. >Then Parchment woke up.
  403. >She still didn’t have it in her to think of herself as Twilight, but she wasn’t going to roll over completely and be ‘Scarp Paper’ or whatever.
  404. >This dream was one she woke up from with total relief.
  405. >She’d dreamed of Twilight every single night since escaping. Her mind had just been too focused on the unicorn this whole time that it was hard to imagine dreaming of anything else. Even now, Parchment spent most of her time thinking about Twilight even when awake.
  406. >It wasn’t always exactly the same. Sometimes she’d get slave-cucked like in this little nightmare but other times she’d have a nice dream where Twilight accepted and loved her and she felt that sense of bliss the collar always gave her.
  407. >In a way, the dreams were worse. Waking up back into freedom was cruel and painful. She went from being at total peace to having to struggle and be miserable. Her dreams were the only place she was truly happy any longer.
  408. >As embarrassing as it was to admit, deep down Parchment apparently wanted to be a slave.
  409. >Despite the urgency of her situation, she’d spend most of her day lying around and fantasizing about Twilight. She’d think about doing her chores or imagine Twilight’s perfect plot as she tried to pleasure herself- in that regard she’d gone from multiple orgasms a day to being unable to get off on anything.
  410. >really opening that portal should have been the easiest thing in the world. It should have only taken her a few days. But here she was, weeks out, and no progress had been made at all.
  411. >Obviously Parchment knew that it was because she’d been retrained by that collar. Twilight had carefully inserted herself into the very center of Parchment’s mind, established herself as the most important thing in that stupid monkey brain of hers. It didn’t seem to be wearing off one bit.
  412. >That lion and gazelle metaphor really stuck in her mind. She was like a gazelle that escaped after its captor had finished eating half of her. At that point, you really were better off letting yourself be a good meal for your better.
  413. >For now she just rolled over, half eaten and pathetic.
  414. >What if Twilight really did get another slave? And Parchment was just stuck like this forever? Even if she got back to her world it didn’t seem like anything would cheer her up. The thought of seeing her family again, if she was going to be honest, didn’t excite her in the least. Only Twilight seemed to matter anymore.
  415. >Maybe that was why she stopped using the masking spell? Maybe part of her wanted to be caught and dragged back before it was too late, to have Twilight come rescue her from this suffering.
  416. >Some stupid part of her told her to keep fighting, but Parchment hated that part of her at this point. It wasn’t going to cause her anything but pain from now on. Twilight clearly won. Parchment was completely defeated and accepting that was the only thing that would make her happy again.
  417. >She needed this to end!
  418. >That’s it! She decided she was just going to go back to Twilight and… and…
  419. >Ironically she felt a sense of freedom for the first time at the thought of giving up. IT gave her just enough energy to stand again for the first time in days.
  420. >Maybe this wasn’t the best possible fate, but it was the best she could do given her current condition. It was over. There was no choice left! It was okay for her to go back!
  421. >Parchment stood for a moment, clenching the hem of her now dirty skirt and holding her breath. Then she finally took a step out from her hiding spot.
  423. >Even once she got back I town she was still too nervous to just run up to some police officer and turn herself in! Even if that would end her suffering it’d be too embarrassing…
  424. >For now, Parchment kept herself hidden with an invisibility spell, slowly stalked her way through town.
  425. >She passed a few couples… that is humans with their pony owners. They did look legitimately happy. Parchment was so exhausted she didn’t even care if they were brainwashed. They were okay… that would be enough for her.
  427. >Eventually she finally got there. Twilight’s house…. Home.
  428. >Her compulsion to give in and her embarrassment over surrendering herself were at war. Was she really ready to just give in?
  429. >She raised a trembling hand and knocked.
  430. >It was out of her hands now.
  431. >The door opened and she saw Twilight’s smiling face. That smug little smile she loved and hated. She was actually getting turned on for the first time in weeks, save her dreams, just looking down at Twilight’s perfect body.
  432. >Really Parchment didn’t think she could even have sex with another human at this point.
  433. >But somehow the most important thing was that Twilight was happy to see her.
  434. “Hm” Twilight giggled a little. “Do you need something?”
  435. “I…” Parchment clutched her skirt. “Can I come back?”
  436. “What do you mean?” Twilight smiled. She was clearly enjoying watching Parchment squirm. “You’re saying you had enough of the whole freedom thing?”
  437. “I realized that I can’t take it anymore.” Parchment nodded. “I-I really did become just an extension of you. Just like you said! I need to submit to you. I can’t stand being free anymore.”
  438. >Parchment bowed down to Twilight as low as she could. She was so close to being okay again. She just needed Twilight to accept her submission.
  439. “Please take me back!” Parchment begged. “I promise I’ll give in completely and serve you! You won. You beat me completely down to my very soul so I belong to you now… for real!”
  440. “Aw! It’s okay.” Twilight stroked Parchment’s hair with her hoof. “Of course you’re welcome to come back! This is where you belong isn’t it?”
  441. “Really?!” Parchment’s head shot up to look up at her owner. “You’re not angry at me? I can have my collar back?”
  442. “Of course I’m not angry.” Twilight gently lowered Parchment’s head so that it was where it belong, nose against the ground looking up at Twilight’s hoof. “Silly pet! You were doing exactly what I wanted you to the whole time. I know you thought you were spending this whole time making little plots and resisting, but that’s just the thing. The harder you resist the faster you end up getting trained.”
  443. “You spent the last six months training yourself to submit to me as hard as you could. You helped turn yourself from an independent animal into an extension of myself, growing into what you should have been the whole time.”
  444. >Twilight lifted her head up.
  445. “Every human eventually goes through this phase where we take off their collar and they realize that this is who they are now.” Twilight booped Parchment’s nose. “That it’s permanent, that we’ve had our way with them.”
  446. >Parchment felt like she would be on the brink of orgasm listening to Twilight talk to her so smugly, so dominantly if she still had that collar on. Even now she was getting wet. That thing really had reprogrammed her sexuality completely.
  447. “Can I have my collar back?”
  448. “Hm?”
  449. “Can I have my collar back, Mistress?” Parchment bowed again.
  450. “Are you sure? You’re ready to completely submit to your very core forever? You’re only going to go deeper.”
  451. “Yes!” Parchment begged. “Please!”
  452. “Hm!” Twilight smugged again. “well alright. Come on.”
  453. >Parchment felt like a blushing maiden following her lover being led back inside. Nervous and excited at the same time.
  454. >To her surprise and shame, Dash and her new human Prism were both there. She’d hoped to avoid an audience.
  455. “Hey! You got your little battery back!” Dash cheered them on as Twilight brought the collar over.
  456. “They caught you?” Prism asked. “That sucks.”
  457. “We didn’t catch her. She came crawling back.” Twilight giggled. “She’s a good girl now.”
  458. “What?” Prism stared at her in disbelief. “But you escaped! You seriously came back by yourself?! Why?!”
  459. “Look…” Parchment blushed, but couldn’t find the words. “You’ll understand in a few months. This is just nature. Ponies are like parasites that reprogram you to serve them and we… we have to accept that they won and own us now.”
  460. >Prism was disgusted, but the ponies gave her approving smiles as she put the collar back on.
  461. >She felt… free.
  462. >It was strange but she really did feel an overwhelming sense of freedom! She was free from a burden, free from having to struggle, from having to escape.
  463. >She could feel Twilight in possession of her magic again but it made her feel secure now, like she was connected to somepony powerful and great!
  464. “There!” Twilight gave her a hug. “Feel better now? Sit down and open your legs.”
  465. >Parchment very briefly felt that itch but wasted no time doing as her owner commanded. That feeling of bliss… it was so good after such a long absence her entire body shuddered. She needed that collar and Twilight so bad.
  466. >Twilight sat on her lap and reached up to kiss her human.
  467. “Now think about how great I am as you pleasure yourself,” Twilight commanded.
  468. >That was a command Parchment missed.
  469. >The two of them made out, Twilight on the human’s lap, Parchment fingering herself and rubbing her clit as hard as she could.
  470. >Twilight had such a perfect beautiful body, she thought in accordance with her order and it sent a shiver of bliss down her spine and sent her towards an orgasm.
  471. >She thought of how smart and superior Twilight was and that did drive her to an orgasm- one of the types she’d never gotten on her own. Twilight totally deserved to own her, she was perfect, she continued to think as pleasure erupted her body sending her to incredible heights.
  472. >It was like she’d been starving for days and could finally eat, her mind being lost in the storm of pleasure that ended her fast.
  473. >Prism was cringing at the scene, but no one cared about her opinion right now.
  477. >Parchment’s life was absolutely perfect now!
  478. >She felt a sense of inner peace and belonging that, if she was being honest, would have been impossible in her old life. She found once she switched over from trying to escape to trying to submit, giving in to her mistress on the deepest, truest level was easy.
  479. >She belonged here. She belonged to Twilight. And really that feeling of belonging and submission was the greatest comfort and joy she’d ever known. Everything felt so… so right.
  480. >Even the initial kidnapping wasn’t something Parchment could feel upset about any more. That was just nature taking its course. Both Twilight and Parchment were fulfilling their roles in nature.
  481. >Rarity brought her new human slave over about a month or two later… all the girls were finally together both humans and ponies.
  482. >Funny enough, this new Rarity was from the same world as
  483. “What? But how can none of you want to escape?” Rarity asked them all, a gasp with fear.
  484. “Well.” Parchment snickered and looked at the others who smiled back. “You’ll understand in a few months. This is just the way things should be.”
  485. >Parchment laughed, finally in on the joke. Rarity would be soon too.

Cuddle Pie

by Cuddlepie

Power Theft Collar

by Cuddlepie

Invader Luster

by Cuddlepie

Cuddle Pie: Breeding the next generation

by Cuddlepie

Cuddle Pie: Side stories

by Cuddlepie