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Cuddle Pie: Breeding the next generation

By Cuddlepie
Created: 2020-12-19 20:27:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Rainbow Storm:
  3. >Dash’s estate was astoundingly large. Her main mansion was four stories tall, but that was just the start of it. Her mansion rested on top of a cloud, you could do that with magic, along with dozens of other structures, fields and the like.
  4. >Up on her cloud she had a manmade lake that had a large boat you could sleep in on it. She had four swimming pools that weren’t too much smaller than the lake. Storm’s favorite pool started on one cloud then waterfalled down to another.
  5. >Just Dash’s pool house was larger than what most houses would have been on earth.
  6. >Then down below, she had two slave houses, one for her humans and one for her kirins, both more luxurious in their own right than anything Storm could have hoped for in the wild.
  7. >Thinking about how wealthy ponies were was staggering. Thanks to slavery, they dwarfed anything humans ever had at any point of history. Even barred from owning property or any money at all, Storm was likely better off under Dash’s care as a slave than anyone under a multi-millionaire would have been in the old world.
  8. >Storm supposed she was on the list of Dash’s assets now…
  9. >Dash owned hundreds of slaves, on a technicality. But most of them were E or F rank trash that was considered unfit to breed- the kind ponies had to stop from polluting the environment and were now stopping from polluting the genepool.
  10. >Her ‘A’ team, which included the rainbow squad, were the slaves she kept close by and consisted of a dozen female slaves, split between kirin and humans, and two males she kept as pets, one human and one kirin.
  11. >These were the ones Dash could legally breed together. And now that Rainbow Storm was 20… well she already knew why Mistress Rainbow Dash brought her up here for the night.
  12. >Dash was reclined in one of her swimming pools, sipping something from a cup and basking in the sunlight.
  13. >The only female human who got to live up here was a 12 year old A rank girl Dash had since birth. Dash had her dressed as a maid and she had the eagerness to do her job that all A ranks seemed to have.
  14. “Mistress!” Rainbow Shine, the maid, ran up to the edge of the pool and bowed to Dash at a distance. “Rainbow Storm is here and eagerly awaits your orders.”
  15. >Storm bowed too, waiting for Dash to fly off her floater and land next to them.
  16. “Heh! You don’t gotta look so nervous there, Storm!” Dash smirked and gave her a pat, permission to speak. “The hard part of this job comes later! Tonight you’re basically just having fun!”
  17. “What are you two gonna do anyway?” Shine asked. “Are you sure I can’t come with you? I love being with you so much, Mistress!”
  18. “Eh, it’s adult stuff. You’d get bored.” Dash gave her a pat on the head. “Tell you what, you can bring your friend Breeze up here and go for a swim. Take the rest of the day off.”
  19. “Really?” Shine’s eyes lit up. “I can really bring her up here? You’re so nice mistress!”
  20. >The kid clearly didn’t know what they were here for… Shine ran along, innocently enough.
  21. >Obviously Storm knew. She had the fertility spell cast on her before coming up here.
  22. >That spell didn’t just make her hyper-fertile, enough that getting cummed inside meant near-certain pregnancy, but it made you go into something similar to a pony’s heat. Turning down sex wouldn’t be easy in a few minutes and Dash was determined to take full advantage of that.
  23. “Shine’s such a sweet kid, huh?” Dash rubbed her muzzle. “It’s best to keep humans innocent till they’re old enough for sex, but I’m SO looking forward to the day Bolt finally gets to cum right in her face. Watching my girls grow till they’re big enough to get bred, well the waiting’s hard but it’s gotta be the most satisfying part of owning slaves!”
  24. “Have you been waiting for me?” Storm blushed heavily.
  25. “Pretty much the second I caught you I was hoping you’d be deemed fit to breed.” Dash smirked and started walking back to her house. “Come on, let’s go get you’re stud. I’m sure that spell’s making you itch for some male company, huh?”
  26. >Storm quietly followed… truth be told she kind of was. Just talking about sex was already turning her on.
  27. “Normally I give my girls the choice between the syringe and the dick.” Dash opened the door to her mansion. “So far all of them chose Bolt’s cock like red blooded females, you know? But I know Starlight trained you to kinda hate making decisions, right?”
  28. >Storm nodded. Making her own decisions, taking on responsibility, that these things were bad was something Starlight drilled into her hard. Storm hated both of them.
  29. >One of the upsides about being a slave was that it was simple. The overly complex lives humans lived just weren’t meant for an inferior race. As a slave she could just not worry about making any big life decisions or responsibilities. Dash would do that for her.
  30. “See, your expert training just makes you closer to a domesticated species! Really you should be willing to mate with whoever your pony tells you to.” Dash stopped in front of a room, Storm knew it was a bedroom. “So tell you what. Just bow down and ask me to be in total control of what happens next. I’ll tell you exactly what to do and you can rest easy knowing Mistress Dash is in control of your sex life from now on.”
  31. >The temptation to give Dash control was too much for Storm to resist. Giving in to her Mistress’s will filled her with such a sense of warmth and safety, like things were the way they should be.
  32. >And it wasn’t like she was opposed to losing her virginity. Bolt was a pretty nice guy…
  33. “Of course I want you to be in control, Mistress.” Storm got on her knees then bowed. She always felt so secure like this. “My duty to the empire is to make new slaves for you and obey you always. I’m your property so even with this I should… sorry for being a bit nervous…”
  34. “You know, you’re lucky in some ways!” Dash rustled her hair. “You get a nice simple life. Don’t gotta think, don’t gotta worry about money or managing your slaves. I got, what? Twelve wombs I need to manage? You don’t even gotta manage your own!”
  35. “I really do appreciate you taking such good care of me, Mistress.”
  36. “Course, you’re gonna be doing your duty and popping one out for Equestria either way. That much was never you choice. Humans absolutely should not be in charge of their own reproduction.”
  37. >Dash finally opened the door to where Rainbow Bolt was waiting for them.
  38. >Dash didn’t allow any other males into the slave houses below except for her two ‘studs’. It wasn’t much of a secret that she got off on this in some way. Dash just really, really liked the idea of Rainbow Bolt and Rainbow Flame (her kirin stud) getting to have their own exclusive harems.
  39. >Sometimes Bolt came down from the mansion to ‘spend time’ with one of the two girls he’d already impregnated, or sometimes they’d get called up to spend the night in his room. Both of them seemed to really enjoy their time with him…
  40. >Storm supposed after tonight she’d be added to the list of women Bolt could call to his room. It’d be a very different life from what she was taught was normal, back in that horrible human rights cult, but the idea of there being a stud felt more and more natural with time.
  41. >So she knew for years that Bolt would be the only male she ever got to have sex with because that was what her owner wanted. Well, him and one other- Dash’s boyfriend Soarin.
  42. >The two older girls in the rainbow squad, after their first breeding session, would occasionally get called back up to the house to ‘entertain’ Dash and her boyfriend. It was something they’d always been eager to do for their mistress, getting to be in bed with a pony was considered a huge honor among domesticated humans. Storm was still nervous about it, though…
  43. >Storm knew this was the right thing to do, but it was a little awkward, she looked at the floor instead of looking at the guy who was about to fuck her.
  44. “Well it’s time for the two of you to expand my estate!” Dash landed on the bed next to Bolt. “Bolt gets to put a kid in you and that kid will get to serve me her entire life! Everypony wins!”
  45. “You don’t have to worry,” Bolt promised her. “I have a lot of experience so you won’t get hurt or anything…”
  46. >Storm meekly nodded at him
  47. “If you’re really too scared I can ask Mistress Dash to maybe-“
  48. “N-no!” Storm responded quicker than she intended to. “I have a duty to my owner and to the empire! I-I want to do this!”
  49. >Storm put a fist over her heart.
  50. “See? This one’s been well trained. And be honest.” Dash gave him a pat on the back. “You like putting my girls’ wombs to work, yeah? You wanted to fuck her since she got here, right?”
  51. “A little.” Bolt rubbed the back of his head. “She is very pretty.”
  52. “Go ahead!” Dash smiled and flicked her hoof to Storm. “Show Bolt how pretty you are. Poor guy’s never got to see you naked before so take your cloths off for him.”
  53. >Storm became very nervous and very aroused all at the same time. She stood there, trembling with her fists clutched in nervousness for a moment.
  54. “I’m the one in charge, remember?” Dash reassured her. “You’re just my property, no different than the bed over there. I own your body and your pussy so it’s only fair I get to call the shots, right?”
  55. >Storm nodded. She did agree that she was Dash’s property…
  56. >And that was a comforting thought. It was okay for her to just do whatever Dash told her to because it was Dash’s right to tell her to do it.
  57. >She reached back and unclipped her sports bra, letting it fall to the floor. Now she had a man looking at her bare breasts for the first time in her life. It was… exciting in a way.
  58. >Next she took off her cloak then grabbed her skit and panties at once and pulled them both down. A moment later she was completely nude for her stud.
  59. >Bolt looked her over approvingly. Storm was at once completely tense but also more aroused than she’d ever been before.
  60. “See that? I got you a good on, yeah?” Dash flew around Storm once and gave her a pat on the butt. “Nice pussy, nice ass! Her body was made to create more slaves for me! You know, and doing my chores and stuff. Go ahead and feel her up! You earned it!”
  61. >Bolt stepped forward. He cupped one of her breasts in his hand then, feeling how tense she was, took another step forward and wrapped an arm around her.
  62. “It’s alright,” he assured her. “Just relax.”
  63. >He rubbed one hand in circles along her back and grabbed her butt with his other hand. Feeling him grab her butt cause her heart to skip a beat.
  64. >Bolt leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, once then a second time. Storm’s body was starting to relax for him. She opened her mouth a little to receive his kisses, then put her arms around him as well.
  65. >Before long she was kissing him back. She was much more relaxed, but her arousal was still just as strong. In her mind she wanted Bolt to just throw her on the bed right now.
  66. “There ya go!” Dash sat down on a nearby chair and watch the two of them make out with glee. “Se? Your body wants to get pregnant in service of yours truly. Now it’s your turn. Kneel down and take off his pants.”
  67. >This was it!
  68. >Storm knelt down before Bolt and Dash got down on all fours so that both of them were eye-level with his cock.
  69. >Storm slowly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down to come face to face with a cock for the first time in her life. She cautiously touched it and saw if twitch a little.
  70. >He was really hard. Big too. She’d never seen a penis this close before, but it was bigger than she expected, big enough that clasping her hand around it didn’t cover half of it.
  71. >Looking right at it, her heart was trembling.
  72. “Now give it a kiss,” Dash commanded. “I want you to make out with his cock.”
  73. >Storm comforted her nerves by reminding herself that Dash was the one in control here. If she wanted her to ‘make out’ with his cock then that was what would happen. There didn’t need to be any agency on her part.
  74. >She leaned forward and kissed the head of his penis. It had a odd, spongey feeling to it, but strangely kissing it made her want to kiss it again.
  75. >She gave it two more kisses before taking it in her mouth. She’d seen this done before, in porn at least, and tried sucking him off as best she could, nervous she was doing it wrong.
  76. >Bolt didn’t protest if she was, just put a hand on her head and held her in place.
  77. “There you go.” Dash flew up behind Bolt and started rubbing his back. “Nice and slow, make my pet feel like a total stud. He’s my pet so he deserves to get pleasured by lots of women.”
  78. >This was all getting her worked up too much. Somehow Dash’s words were just making her more wet.
  79. >Storm reached between her legs, but Dash quickly brushed it away.
  80. “No, no. That’s for my boy here,” said Dash. “You focus on him. Put your other hand on his balls.”
  81. >Storm put her remaining hand over his balls.
  82. “Nice and heavy, right?” Dash teased her. “Well 100% of that is going straight into your tummy. Lucky girl.”
  83. >Dash jumped up onto her chair and leaned back, having not problem putting a hoof between her own legs. She rubbed slowly, watching one of her slaves pleasure the other.
  84. “Now how do I want him to fuck you,” Dash wondered to herself. “Hey Bolt, you wanna do it face to face or mount her pony-style.”
  85. >Bolt needed a moment to answer, must have really been appreciating Storm’s service.
  86. “She has a cute face.” Bolt looked down at her, panting slightly.
  87. “Heh! Alright! Then I wanna see you mating press her!” Dash clapped her forehooves.
  88. >Bolt knelt down and grabbed the trembling Storm. He was surprisingly strong and managed to lift her up, gently placing her down on the bed.
  89. >Once she was on her back her pushed her knees up against her chest and lied down on top of her so her legs were stuck in the air.
  90. >They lied down so that Storm’s head as near the edge of the bed. Dash, meanwhile, sat down at the head of the bed, leaning against the headrest. She made zero effort to hide the fact that she was using their mating session as porn at this point. Dash started rubbing herself between her legs, biting her tongue as Bolt slowly buried his penis inside Storm.
  91. >Bolt teased her for just a second longer, rubbing his head against her lips. Without really meaning to, Storm made a slightly noise of protest. She was already wet enough for him to get inside and she wanted him to start fucking her already.
  92. >Maybe she’d been a little nervous at first, but now she was totally complicit as her finally parted her with his cock. For the first time, someone entered her, pushing his way in just an inch. It felt warm, made her shudder.
  93. >He pulled back, then pushed in a little deeper, slowly but surely taking his place inside Storm inch by inch.
  94. >Already Storm decided this was way more satisfying than a dildo, her toes already clenched as Bolt asserted himself. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him another kiss. She didn’t think she’d ever felt this close to someone before.
  95. >Eventually he got all the way in, his balls resting heavily against her, ready to place one of his kids deep inside her. His next kid was really only inches away from getting to rest inside her womb.
  96. >Once inside he only stopped for a minute before starting to fuck her in earnest, moving in and out quickly. Soon he was moving much faster than Storm thought she could pump her own hips.
  97. >Storm wasn’t sure what to do, mostly just squeezed against her mate and let him have his way with her. He seemed happy enough to have it.
  98. “Ah, yeah.” Dash sighed to herself. “Go ahead and mark your territory, boy! Put another slave in her!”
  99. >Bolt kept going as Storm squirmed helplessly beneath him. He drew more and more pleasure out of her until finally it erupted into an orgasm
  100. >Hearing her ‘nnn’ just made Bolt go faster, probably as fast as he could. It overwhelmed her, pushing her orgasm on and on until she couldn’t think anymore. She was lost in pure bliss for what seemed like a long time, but might have only been a few seconds.
  101. >Finally, Bolt jus stopped. He shoved himself as deep into her as he could and kept himself there.
  102. >Given the state of her mind, it took Storm a minute to realize what was going on here. Bolt was emptying himself out into her, Cumming right on the entrance of her womb, sowing her body with his seed.
  103. >He let out a sharp breath and pulled out slightly, his cock throbbing to unload his balls just a little more. Storm was a little surprised she didn’t feel the cum inside her until it started leaking out. Bolt finally pulled out and what looked like a lot came out of her. She wondered how much cum was inside her right now.
  104. >But she really didn’t have the energy to deal with that right now. She felt exhausted from being bred, was filled with a swell of affection towards Bolt that made her just want to hug him. And she did for a moment.
  105. “Fuck yeah!” Dash sighed from behind the two of them. “Been waiting so long for that pussy to go to work for me!”
  106. >Dash made some motion to Bolt which he immediately understood. He got off Storm, who could only make a small noise of protest given how exhausted she felt, and moved to a sitting position.
  107. >Dash sat on his lap and leaned back so Bolt could fondle her pussy. Clearly knowing what he was doing, he put two fingers into her vagina and rubbed her clit with his thumb, coaxing satisfied sighs out of his mistress.
  108. >Dash herself was looking down at Storm’s pussy, watching small amounts of cum leaking out of her.
  109. >Storm felt maybe she should close her legs or perhaps clean herself up down there, but didn’t want to disappoint her owner and wasn’t sure if wiping off the cum was okay if you were trying to get pregnant.
  110. “A-ah! F-fuck yeah!” Dash leaned back. “You pumped her full good! Ah! I bet it was so satisfying to finally get to cum in there, r-right?”
  111. “Of course. Thank you for letting me use another one of your girls. I want to use all of them.”
  112. >Dash, liking what she heard, squirmed around a little, but Bolt held her in place one his one strong arm.
  113. >It wasn’t long until her had their mistress in an orgasm. Dash was a lot louder and animated with her orgasm than Storm had been, howling in pleasure and kicking her rear legs, her wings spreading wide.
  114. >If Bolt hadn’t done this a hundred times before he likely would have lost his grip on his owner, but he managed to hold on and pleasure her the whole way through, until Dash started coming back down from it.
  115. >Only once she calmed down again did Bolt let go of her.
  116. >Dash crawled overtop of Storm, then lied down belly to belly with her and gave her slave a kiss on the lips.
  117. >Storm was confused as to how to feel about that part. She was still a little too weak to protest and she did like Dash snuggling up against her.
  118. >Storm didn’t really care that it was another female she was holding right now, she just desperately wanted to cuddle with someone. Maybe Dash, with her superior pony wisdom, knew this and intended to take the emotional closeness for herself.
  119. >She wrapped her arms around her owner and the two cuddled, Storm slowly petting Dash like she knew her mistress wanted.
  120. “Thata girl!” Dash praised her. “Hey Bolt, go get me a sandwich, huh?”
  121. >And he of course obeyed.
  122. >She closed her eyes and held Dash close to her breast, feeling a swell of affection for her owner. This really wasn’t so bad…
  128. Cuddle Pie:
  130. >For the past two hours and for the first time in her life, Cuddle Pie had actually been fertile.
  131. >The ponies controlled human reproduction through the females only, casting an infertility spell on every girl born that would last her whole life.
  132. >When it was time to make another slave, they’d cast a fertility spell on you that’d last about twelve hours. During that time almost any exposure to cum would result in a new slave growing in your womb. This was the only time ponies had to be very careful to make sure no males unfit for breeding came near you.
  133. >It really was a great system! Finally genetic diseases, violent and aggressive males and really human autonomy could finally be eradicated through the breeding program. Humanity could finally ascended, evolving from a solitary species to a herd species.
  134. >Of course, one rarely mentioned side effect of the fertility spell was that is induced something similar to the heat ponies experience. She was very, very eager for Flutterscotch to come over. If he didn’t come here soon she’d have to find somewhere that her mom wouldn’t barge into unannounced…
  135. >…which was nowhere…
  136. “I can’t believe my cute little baby is already 20 years old!” Pinkie hugged Cuddles. “Now you can finally do your duty! Making new slaves for Celestia, helping the empire grow with every kiddo you pump out! Your womb will get to play a tiny part in helping even more races get enslaved! Isn’t that so exciting?”
  137. >All this talk about breeding for the empire was really turning her on today. Normally she loved hugging her mom, cuddling with her at night. But when she was this turned on it was a little awkward.
  138. “Y-yeah, I’m really excited Mom.” Cuddles blushed and looked.
  139. “Daw! I think I know what’s going on!” Pinkie let go and gave her a bit of a coy smile. “I remember my first heat! You want a BOY to hug you, riiiiiight?”
  140. “M-mom!” Cuddles looked away and blushed.
  141. “What? Your my property and I get to breed you however I want!” Pinkie happily declared. “Breeding slaves together really is fun! I wish I could show you the joy of controlling another race’s reproduction.”
  142. “I think that’s something only ponies enjoy,” Cuddles admitted. “I can’t even responsibly control my own breeding. That’s why we needed to hand over control in the first place…”
  143. >Cuddles still remembered that embarrassing time she suggested she mate with her own brother. After that she put zero doubt on Pinkie’s decisions about her own womb. Pinkie, not Cuddles, she be the one in control down there. It was only fair.
  145. >Fluttershy dropped Flutterscotch off at long last and Cuddles was eager to lead him into her room. Fluttershy giggled and commented that this was one of the reasons they’d been sleeping in the same room once a week for the past four years. Breeding them together really was effortless.
  146. >The two of them were allowed to play around however they wanted, but there was one rule they had to follow. They had to save as much of Flutterscotch’s cum as they could and put it into one of those syringes.
  147. >Flutterscotch was a ‘stud’ so Fluttershy sold his sperm to other ponies in town so their females could make it into more slaves.
  148. >Flutterscotch was considered high quality enough that a syring of his sperm was worth fifty bits. Cuddle Pie knew from experience that if she wanted to she could get him to spurt in one or two minutes just by grabbing him and pumping her hand up and down as fast as she could.
  149. >So if you did the math, Cuddle Pie was making three thousand bits an hour jerking off her little boyfriend. Though obviously he could only fill a syringe once every day or two and all of that money was Fluttershy’s. Fluttershy owend Flutterscotch which meant all the sperm he produced for her was also Fluttershy’s property.
  150. >Normally Cuddle Pie would jerk him off into the syringe before they actually had sex. His first shot of the day was always the biggest so this way most of his sperm didn’t get stuck inside her. Frankly he really didn’t last very long unless he’d already cummed too.
  151. >But tonight was different. All the sperm he made for the next few days would belong to Cuddle Pie instead. It was funny to think his sperm was the closest thing to property she’d ever own.
  152. >All this thinking about breeding and cum really was driving her up a wall, though. She looked at the slight bulge in his pants and blushed as they went into the room.
  153. >Cuddle Pie immediately lied down on the bed, trying a somewhat seductive pose.
  154. >Oblivious as always, Flutterscotch sat down on the side of the bed and picked up one of her game controllers.
  155. “Did you get Pony Fantasy 9 yet?” He asked. “If not, I brought mine.”
  156. >To be fair, Cuddle Pie wasn’t normally this horny and they did mostly just play video games when he came over, only having sex near bedtime.
  157. >Cuddles was a little shy too. Right now her inflated libido wanted her to just grab his dick… but she was still a meek A rank after all.
  158. >Instead she slid off the bed and sat next to him, leaning against him hard.
  159. “Maybe we could talk a bit first?” Cuddle suddenly had a great idea to turn the subject to sex. “About the whole breeding thing? You must have bred a lot of females, right?”
  160. “I’ve impregnated um, well in person five women.” Flutterscotch counted them on his fingers. “Breeding really isn’t different from the way we’ve been playing around, though! There’s nothing to be worried about.”
  161. “And I’ll be on the list soon.” She put a hand on his thigh and was delighted to see that bulge move just a little for her. “I guess everypony wants their slaves to have your DNA, huh? You cock is in really high demand.”
  162. “Well you seem kind of eager to do it.” He finally put an arm around her!
  163. “I think the fertility spell is making me… kind of be like I’m in heat?” Cuddles moved her hand over to his bulge and rubbed once or twice.
  164. “Yeah I… uh… can tell.”
  165. >Cuddle Pie got back on the bed and took her pose again. This time Flutterscotch took the hint, and his pants off, before sitting down next to her.
  166. >Cuddle Pie ran her thumb up and down his shaft, his penis twitching in appreciation for her.
  167. “I mean, I could- could mount you cum really quick… then we can have sex for real later.”
  168. >Sometimes Cuddle Pie wished he was just smart enough to take the hint and mount her without saying anything.
  169. >They were in this weird position where both of them wanted to be submissive to the other one. Allegedly any two A ranks had the same awkward situation.
  170. >Usually it was Cuddles who had to be the one to take charge and today she was much more eager than normal.
  171. >She reclined on the bed, opened her legs and gently lowered Flutterscotch’s head between them.
  172. >After a few years together, he was really good at this job and began eagerly pleasuring her. Cuddles figured she’d have one orgasm before letting him mount and impregnate her as fast as he wanted.
  173. >It took Cuddle Pie a lot less time than normal to get warmed up. Soon she was sighing with pleasure, pressing his face against her pussy.
  174. >He’d grabbed his own dick, unable to resist touching it. That absolutely wasn’t okay. She wanted what was in his balls to be her first born, not another stain in the blankets she had to wash out.
  175. “N-no touching.” Cuddles pulled his arm away. “That’s mine.”
  176. >Celestia needed her to turn that into another slave.
  177. >Flutterscotch reluctantly obeyed. He humped the bed slightly, which was cute but Cuddles didn’t want to take even that risk and got him to stop with a little kick to the side.
  178. >He knew by now that she was getting close when she started making squeaking noises and moved up to her cliterous to finish things. This was the point where Cuddle Pie became the helpless one, the one able to have an orgasm enduced at any moment.
  179. >Maybe he also knew what she was waiting for before letting him impregnate her because he suddenly began working fast, flicking her clit too rapidly for her to hold out against. The thought of him being so eager to breed her might have been what really pushed her over the edge but soon she was having her orgasm.
  180. >Cuddles made a bit of a squeak as she climaxed, flailing her feet about and clenching Flutterscotch between her thighs as it washed over her.
  181. >Flutterscotch no doubt knew she was having an orgasm right now because she always gave him a squeeze like that. He must have been ready to explode at that point and started humping the bed again despite himself.
  182. >In the moment she wanted that to be her.
  183. >She pulled Flutterscotch’s head up towards her. Even an oblivious guy like him was able to take this hint. Like he was starved for it, Flutterscotch climbed on top of her and mounted Cuddles, filling her with his cock to get ready to fill her with cum.
  184. >Then is was her getting humped in the aftermath of her first orgasm. It felt satisfying seeing how eager he was to get inside her.
  185. >Flutterscotch had been so pent up that he wasted no time emptying his balls out into her just like she expected. She could actually feel his cum spilling into her this time, way more than she was used to receiving.
  186. >Clearly Cuddle Pie wasn’t going to get a second orgasm until later tonight, but as flutterscotch wrapped his arms around her she felt content.
  187. >His sperm were swimming around inside her right now, racing to become the empire’s newest slave.
  188. >Even half asleep her body was busy replicating his genes, making humanity just a little more docile and fit to serve the ponies.
  193. >It was snowing hard outside, making Tourmaline wonder how humans even survived until now. If she and her new son were outside naked in this cold, it was really just a question as to which one would die first.
  194. >But inside they could both be without restrictive clothing and be perfectly warm. Tourmaline walked over to the cradle, in Rarity’s small kennel room, and smiled down at Bismuth, her son, sleeping soundly through the storm.
  195. >She was very proud of her son and proud of herself for having given birth to such a healthy and promising contribution to Rarity’s household. Just like her, he had white hair and two eye colors. His eyes were even bigger than her own, which were already above average, and he had her nose.
  196. >Tourmaline never actually met the man who would be fathering all of her children, but it seemed like his meek disposition and gender were the only thing Bismuth inherited from him. Otherwise he looked just like her.
  197. >He hardly ever cried, was a bit clingy and clearly preferred the company of ponies to other humans- all very good signs Rarity assured her. Her son’s future was looking bright already. So long as his disposition was good, he would get to be a breeding stud, basically the best thing a human male could hope for.
  198. >He’d get the satisfaction of placing Tourmaline’s grandchildren in dozens, if not hundreds of women. From the few studs she knew, like Rainbow Bolt, this was a role her son would be very happy to fulfill. Then her genes and her unique traits would suddenly be widespread.
  199. >Tourmaline would get to be the mother of a new breed of humans. Her abnormally large eyes, white hair, and oddly shaped nose, things the other human children disliked when she was very young, was what would make this new breed celebrated by ponies.
  200. >Her genes would spread far and wide and all of her children and grandchildren would be pampered and doted on by rich ponies who could afford them, all of them living comfortable lives as pets. She really doubted a female animal could hope for something better than that.
  201. >And this was only her first child. Rarity had another syringe waiting for her in a few more months that would impregnate Tourmaline with her with twin daughter. The better of the two would be a gift for Sweetie Belle, her first pet to get her started on her own household.
  202. >Tourmaline would get to have way more kids than she would have in the wild.
  203. >These days, A rank women spent most of their 20’s pregnant, popping out new slaves for the empire. In the pre-domestic days this would have been nearly impossible. Humans barely had the resources to take care of more than two kids at a time. Pregnancy was much more of an ordeal and included difficult birth an ‘morning sickness’, both things they no longer had to deal with thanks to ponies.
  204. >Also thanks to their advanced farming techniques, women recovered from birth much faster and could be safely impregnated again just six months after giving birth, something that would have been difficult before.
  205. >Tourmaline herself had Bismuth just six months ago, but she was mostly back to normal. Admittedly she was a bit more chubby now and her breasts were still swollen and sensitive from feeding him, but Rarity liked her fuller ‘motherhood’ figure and that was all that mattered.
  206. >Storm was already very proud of herself for putting two new slaves in Rainbow Dash’s kennel and was now pregnant with twins. Cuddle Pie only had one child so far, but Pinkie was planning to breed her again in the fall so her next offspring would be born in the summer.
  207. >Tourmaline needed to put up with a bit of teasing at not getting pregnant until after all the other A-rank slave girls her age. Rarity had needed to set things up if she wanted Tourmaline to mother a new breed of humans, after all.
  208. >When Tourmaline finally did get pregnant it was from in-vitro fertilization to make sure everything would go just right and she’d have a son who could propagate her genes.
  209. >This meant Tourmaline didn’t get her won, dedicated mate like her friends did, but that was hardly something she was upset by. No, she didn’t envy Storm getting locked in a room with some ape until her tummy swelled from his cum. Having sex with humans seemed… uncivilized, she could hardly understand why ponies would condescend themselves to it, but was enormously grateful all the same as it meant she still could experience male company.
  210. >Far superior male company, in her opinion.
  211. “Tourmaline!” Rarity called out for her pet. “Where are you? Mommy needs you!”
  212. >Tourmaline gave a pat to Sandy, the caretaker of Rarity’s younger slaves before running off to find her mistress. Your owner took precedence over everyone, even your own offspring.
  213. >Sandy was a designer breed of kirin, not too unlike Tourmaline and Bismuth. Her scales and mane were fiery red and her fur was sandy brown. Redstone kirin were much larger than normal kirin, but were also exceptionally gentle and good with children.
  214. >Tourmaline found Rarity sitting near the entrance, looking in need of attention.
  215. >Rarity got pregnant not long after Tourmaline herself did. She was heavy with twins now so standing for long periods of time was exhausting on her feet, something Tourmaline could empathize with.
  216. “Welcome home mistress.” Tourmaline bowed to her. “I saw you on television earlier. It’s very impressive you’re able to give speeches even with foal.”
  217. “Yes, well we must all do what we can for the empire.” Rarity held her hooves up to her. “Speaking of which! My poor hooves are so sore! I need a massage, please.”
  218. “Of course, mistress.”
  219. >Tourmaline carried her owner to their bed and put her down. Rarity lied on her side with her hooves over the edge of the bed. Tourmaline knelt down next to the bed, giving one of Rarity’s hooves a kiss before going to work massaging them. Rarity lifted her head, smiling smugly but approvingly at Tourmaline.
  220. >It felt right and good to be in her rightful place, serving Rarity and helping her recover so she could go back out and help conquer the universe.
  221. >Ponies simply had a natural instinct that drove them to enslave and dominate other races. When they saw an inferior, but intelligent, species they felt a longing towards them, not too unlike the longing of a male for a female, that made them want to put the silly thing to work for them.
  222. >When they finally did bring their target into submission, they felt a sense of smug satisfaction because it was what nature intended.
  223. >There were two ways the enslaved could react to being forced to submit and work for a pony. They could get angry, or they could enjoy it, be comforted by it and enjoy the smug look of their new owners. Obviously the later were the only ones allowed to breed and obviously Tourmaline was among them.
  224. >Eventually, humans would evolve the opposite instinct towards ponies. Seeing a pony would fill them with a sense of longing like a female has for a male, a longing that could only be satisfied by being dominated and owned.
  225. >Everything fit perfectly.
  226. “Well isn’t this an adorable sight?” Thunderlane, Rarity’s husband, came into the room. Her came up to hug Rarity and put a hoof on her swollen tummy. “You’re so good with animals like her, I know you’ll be a great mother.”
  227. >Most of Twilight’s friends ended up marrying war heroes like Thunderlane who helped defeat and enslave humanity. Introducing them to her wealthy friends was a sort of ‘reward’ for them, one they very clearly appreciated.
  228. “They do say raising a slave is the best way to practice for foals.” Rarity gave him a deep kiss.
  229. >Tourmaline stepped back to allow the two of them to make out. She remained silent like a good human, but was quietly hopeful.
  230. >Since being bought, Tourmaline had slept in the same bed as Rarity nearly every night, either in the foot of it or up close to her owner. Ponies rarely cared much if pets were around when they were having sex so Tourmaline had seen Rarity get mounted countless times.
  231. >The bed was large enough that she could ignore it when Rarity was having sex if she really wanted to, but she could rarely resist the urge to peek.
  232. >She’d seen humans having sex plenty of times too, but she really couldn’t see them as much more than livestock being bred (technically what they were). Human males always came off as monkeys, animals, simply trying to pass on their genes. Obviously, the only ones allowed to do so were the submissive ones.
  233. >But seeing ponies having sex seemed so different, like something truly superior was happening. It was like watching two titans joining together.
  234. >Rarity herself exuded dominance, power, superiority, the kind that filled Tourmaline with that feeling of warm submission. She was untouchably far above Tourmaline.
  235. >And yet more nights than not, Tourmaline watched her mistress get rutted by Thunderlane. He got to dominate her in bed, mount her, cum inside and on her, make her howl in appreciation of his cock, make her perfect body swell up with his foals.
  236. >Thunderlane exuded pure maleness, was irresistibly dominant and sexy. The thought that he owned her now was simultaneously comforting and made him even more irresistible.
  237. >Tourmaline blushed heavily as she appreciated his masculine beauty from the sideline, doubting a male human could be this attractive. As he started getting more aggressive, Tourmaline looked down towards his backside, admiring his flank and even getting a peek at his balls, the same ones that put his foals into Rarity.
  238. >She squirmed slightly in her chair and Rarity, peeking around Thunderlane, noticed.
  239. “Hee-hee.” Rarity giggled and gave the side of the bed a pat. “Come here, girl.”
  240. >Tourmaline’s heart skipped a beat, elated to get included. She got up on the bed. Thunderlane held his pregnant wife with a wing and looked down at her in a way that made Tourmaline quickly bow down low to him, her nose against the bed so she was looking up at him.
  241. “I think she wants to show you how much better you are than her.” Rarity nuzzled her husband.
  242. “I’ll allow it.” He held a hoof out to Tourmaline. “If there’s one thing I love, it’s humans being in their proper place.”
  243. >Tourmaline gently kissed his hoof as Rarity giggled. She slowly moved up his foreleg and up to his chest. Thunderlane had a scare across his chest he got in the war against the humans. Tourmaline liked kissing that.
  244. “Do you know your place?” He asked her.
  245. “Yes master. I deserve to please you and you deserve to take your pleasure from me however you want.”
  246. “Good girl.” He put a hoof on her head and pushed her down until she was eye level with his now unsheathed cock, standing hard and proud.
  247. >For all she knew her parents may very well have fought hard against it, but now their daughter was willingly enslaved and sucking the cock of humanity’s conqueror. If it wasn’t true for her, then it was true for plenty of slave girls about to get mounted by a stallion. Tourmaline loved the thought.
  248. >She bowed down all the way to her belly so she could look up at his impressive cock while she kissed his balls worshipfully. Thunderlane put a hoof on her head, approvingly and possessively- those two things seeming the most important in the world right now.
  249. >Tourmaline kissed the base of his shaft, then his medial ring and finally she was giving his cockhead ever deeper kisses.
  250. “Better.” Rarity stroked her back approvingly. “But my husband deserves more than just a few silly kisses. You need to worship him in a more submissive manner.”
  251. >Being talked down to and getting the approval of her owner’s was what got Tourmaline going more than anything else. She was getting badly wet down there now and her monkey instincts were telling her to put a hand between her legs. But that would be uncivilized without her owners telling her to.
  252. >Instead she took her frustration out on Thunderlane’s cock. She slowly gave his cockhead a few licks before gently putting it in her mouth. This got an approving sigh from Thudnerlane and an approving giggle from Rarity, both of which made Tourmaline all the more eager.
  253. >Thunderlane put a hoof on the back of the head, pushing her further into submission and his cock deeper into her mouth. Soon enough she had half of it in and was bobbing her head up and down, trying to please her master as best she could.
  254. “There!” Thunderlane leaned back, Rarity hugging him from the side, to enjoy his total victory over a human. “Is that so hard? This is exactly how humans and ponies should be.”
  255. >Tourmaline badly wanted to agree with him, tell him that a woman sucking a stallion’s cock was the perfect symbol of the new race relations, of how things should be. But she could hardly speak with his cock in his mouth.
  256. >But it still wasn’t enough for her master, who squirmed uncomfortably as she sucked his dick, still unsatisfied with her level of submission. He needed to go all the way and fuck her pussy before he could have satisfyingly dominated her- something they both wanted.
  257. >Thunderlane simply grabbed Tourmaline and pushed her onto her back.
  258. >Thunderlane didn’t bother acting like Tourmaline was anything more than an onahole that he owned. He simply pushed himself inside like her pussy was just as much his property as his own cock was. Her pussy was more than ready for him at this point, so he had no problem barging in and taking what he wanted.
  259. >Tourmaline knew for a fact that any human male who tried being half this assertive would get a slap from her. But when a stallion did it? It felt right. She felt perfectly submissive and loved his assertive dominance overpowering her.
  260. >Thankfully, Thunderlane liked to bury himself completely inside. He had little trouble reaching all the way to the back, hitting her cervix repeatedly. As he pumped himself inside and out, his cock head repeatedly kissed her womb. Her vagina could greedily clamp down to hug his shaft, but the entrance to her womb could only submissively quiver as his cockhead assertively made out with it.
  261. >He could go so fast too! Thunderlane began rapidly pounding in and out of her, her pussy completely at his mercy as Tourmaline could do nothing but wrap her arms and legs around her master. She tried to hold her screams in as Rarity moved around to the back to watch his balls repeatedly slam into her with glee.
  262. >Tourmaline couldn’t hold out very long. Soon she was screaming in pleasure as her womb suddenly couldn’t take it any more and gave in to a cervical orgasm that ripped through her body.
  263. >Rarity watched all of this with glee, biting down on her lip as he continued to fuck her. Mares liked it when their stallions mounted female slaves. It was a way to show virility or something and it got them off like nothing else. She was already kneading the bed with her hooves, getting ready for her turn.
  264. >But Thunderlane didn’t slow down at all. He kept going full force as Tourmaline screamed and screamed, lost completely in her orgasms, focused on nothing but dumping his balls out into her.
  265. >Finally he got there, taking the opportunity to shove himself deep inside Tourmaline and cum to his heart’s content.
  266. >Her cervix’s reward for meekly allowing itself to be rammed by his cock was to get a wad of hot, strong smelling cum shot right in its face.
  267. >Not content with just covering that with his cum, Thunderlane quickly pulled out and used Tourmaline’s belly as his cum rag, spurting out two more shots. His fourth, and weakest, spurt was shot right down at her pussy, fully covering it so that cum could mingle with the cum leaking out of her.
  268. >There was really no way to feel anything but conquered, that Thunderlane was her sexual superior along with everything else. Tourmaline was lying down, helplessly exhausted from him, while he stood above her, cock still proudly unsheathed, only just barely panting. A stallion could be ready to go again after having sex with a slave after just a few minutes while Tourmaline would be spent for an hour at least after this.
  269. >But even after Cumming all over her and fucking her till she was basically asleep, Thunderlane decide he still wasn’t done with using her body for his pleasure just yet. Her stepped froward to nuzzle Tourmaline’s bare breasts. Tourmaline just now realized she’d leaked out a little during her orgasm and Thunderlane licked up the bit of milk dripping out of her nipple.
  270. >After teasing her just enough to get a pathetic whimper, her put his mouth over one of her nipples and began to suck. He quickly drank her breast dry as Tourmaline, unable to even handle that much, could do nothing but make little squeaking noise of pleasure.
  271. “That’s better.” Thunderlane whipped his lip off once he’d finished her off.
  272. >Rarity was very impressed by his sexual display and nearly tackled him. She presented herself to her husband, raising her plot to him, and was mounted moments later.
  273. >Thunderlane took much more time with his wife, she was an actual person after all, but Tourmaline was too exhausted to watch much.
  274. >After what felt like a short nap, she sat up to see his balls still banging up against Rarity, but it wasn’t long after that until he pushed inside all the way. Tourmaline watched as his balls twitched and happily emptied themselves out completely into Rarity.
  275. >Stallions always came more for mares so the load Rarity got to take was easily twice the size of Tourmaline’s. But it seemed fair.
  276. >Soon the two dismounted and lied down next to one another.
  277. “Tourmaline?” Rarity lifted her head and shook her plot just a little to call attention to her well used pussy.
  278. >Tourmaline quickly cleaned off the now dry cum off of herself, then went over to Rarity’s still leaking pussy and licked up the remaining cum until it was nice and clean.
  279. “There, that’s a good girl.” Rarity nestled into her husband’s chest.
  280. >Tourmaline, still exhausted, crawled up next to Thunderlane and soon fell asleep, the stallion falling asleep with a female stuffed with his cum on either side of him.

Cuddle Pie

by Cuddlepie

Power Theft Collar

by Cuddlepie

Invader Luster

by Cuddlepie

Cuddle Pie: Breeding the next generation

by Cuddlepie

Cuddle Pie: Side stories

by Cuddlepie