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Supremacist Streamers

By Cuddlepie
Created: 2020-12-19 20:28:38
Expiry: Never

  1. Co-Authored by anonymous
  4. I was inspired by the political candidates presented a couple of threads ago and decided to make this just for fun
  5. >Twilight was staring into the camera with a bored expression as the human candidate kept shouting into the microphone
  6. “Ok, Blush, I’m gonna need you to tone it down a little because I literally cannot understand a word you’re saying, can you do that?”
  7. “I should tone it down? you’re the one who…”
  8. “Yes, no one understood you because you were shouting all the time”
  9. >that seemed to calm down Blush
  10. “Ok whatever; I was saying that your princesses have no right to rule over us it’s not difficult to understand”
  11. “Why? You have said that five times already in two hours and you have yet to make a good argument to back it up, does it really all boil down to slavery?”
  12. >Blush paused for a few seconds, then exploded once more
  13. “Of course it does! How can you be so evil that you don’t see why slavery is bad?”
  14. “I’ll answer with a question of my own, since that’s the only way you can build your arguments why do you think slavery is bad, and please try to sound reasonable at least once”
  15. >The last few words caused an another outburst of rage from Blush, something that greatly amused Twilight’s viewers
  16. >The chat, flowing freely on the left side of the screen, soon became filled with jokes directed at Wallflower Blush
  17. “You know, you say you respect humans, but I can see your chat and there’s not a lot of respect there”
  18. “Well, I respect those who know their place, you have to earn…”
  19. “Ah so you love those who remain quiet, ok”
  20. “Considering your performance today, the humans that have already sold themselves are a lot more likeable, of course I like the more”
  21. “Well fuck you, slaver”
  22. “Ok you’ve been shouting for two hours and now you’re starting to insult me for no reason, you’re actually insane and I’m fine with you getting sent to mines when you finally get enslaved, fuck off”
  23. >after saying that, Twilight proceeded to kick Blush from the call, ending the debate in instant
  24. “Oh Celestia! that woman literally had no arguments for anything she said, who told me I should debate her? This was a waste of my time; I could have been playing a videogame instead of talking to her”
  25. >she took a few seconds to breathe and calm down as the pointless had made her blood boil multiple times
  26. >eventually, after she had really calmed down, she looked once more into the camera
  27. “Anyway, the show must go on and I still have an hour of stream left,” she paused for a moment as she thought about what to do, she hoped that debate would last three hours like the much more peaceful one she had with Glimmer. “I guess I’ll read a few donations, then I’ll play some more Pony Effect 2, I can’t believe I still have to finish that”
  30. >Twilight receives $50 super chat from Sunset Shimmer.
  31. "Man, as a human I'm embarrassed watching this. I kind of don't want to believe slavery is good, but no one can come up with an argument against it other than 'well humans messed it up one time'. LOL. so take my money. Humans aren't supposed to have property anyway."
  33. >Twilight receives $200 superchat from Indigo Zap.
  34. "Twilight I love you! Please use this money to buy me! LOL!"
  36. >Twilight receives $20 superchat from Lemon Zet.
  37. "Thing about freedom is you don't get any horse cock."
  39. >Twilight’s face on the bottom right corner of the screen as the main menu of Pony Effect 2 opened up
  40. >It had a black hole at the centre while the debris of destroyed spaceships flew around it and obscured the void around it. A white text asked the player to press any button.
  41. “Soooooooo let’s take a look at the donations”
  42. >she clicked a couple of times to take a look at the somewhat long list of donations archived on her personal website
  43. “The first one is from Sunset Shimmer with fifty bucks that says: Man, as a human I'm embarrassed watching this. I kind of don't want to believe slavery is good, but no one can come up with an argument against it other than 'well humans messed it up one time'. LOL. so take my money. Humans aren't supposed to have property anyway”
  44. >she paused for a second as she thought of a good way to respond to that message
  45. “Yeah that woman represented all the arguments for human rights summed up into one very stupid person… like… humans are bad at owning slaves and I really don’t like the idea of wearing a collar… pure intellectual bankruptcy with no thought attached to it, also I’m glad you’re finally seeing the light”
  46. >she looked at the next donation, and was glad to see a very large number right next to it
  47. “Now we have Indigo Zap with the incredibly kind two hundred bucks and she says: Twilight I love you! Please use this money to buy me! LOL!”
  48. >Twilight chuckled as soon as she finished reading that donation, she was happy to know she had convinced many humans that slavery was actually not that bad
  49. “Well, there will be a huge discount once you all you humans go to the market, so be patient my friend”
  50. >the next donation, despite being of a much more reasonable size, made her chuckle once again
  51. “Now we have Lemon Zest with her twenty bucks and she says: Thing about freedom is you don't get any horse cock… you are wise beyond your years
  56. “Today we’re gonna start in very different way, I want to show you one of the new humans I bought, a female one, and you’ll never guess who she is”
  57. >Twilight pointed the camera at a large brown box with several holes on the side
  58. “This human is very special and many of you will remember her she’s young, pretty and has been trained very well before being delivered”
  59. >many in the chat typed the names of the human rights activists Twilight had debated in past years
  60. “I see some of you have already guessed, but I’m not gonna say who she is before I open this, be patient and don’t spoil the surprise”
  61. >Twilight levitated a small knife with her magic and cut the top of the box as she revealed the girl inside
  62. >As the camera did not show the inside of the box, the only thing that Twilight’s viewers could see was bush of green hairs. Even that little bit of evidence was enough to send the audience into a frenzy as they immediately understood who had been bought by Twilight
  63. “You can come out now, slave,” Twilight said. “I love the fact that I can call you slave now”
  64. >obeying the command, Wallflower Blush emerged from the box wearing a green robe and with a red ribbon on her neck.
  65. >her head was lowered as she looked down at her feet to show her obedience
  66. “I know chat, I can barely believe it myself,” Twilight giggled happily as turned her attention to the chat for a moment. “I thought she was going to the mines, but then I found out she was being sold as a domestic servant and just had to buy her”
  67. >Wallflower was immobile like a statue, something that greatly amused the chat even more and lead to several jokes directed at her
  68. “Come on chat don’t be mean, she’s being quiet and obedient like a human should stop mocking her,” Twilight said as she tried to calm down her viewers. “But I admit seeing her like this is a little bit funny”.
  69. >Twilight then proceed to remove the red ribbon from Wallflower’s neck and quickly replaced it with a purple leather collar that looked very good on her
  70. “You see humans in chat? You will totally look better once you’re the property of a pony! Satisfied or your freedom back… well not really, but it won’t matter anymore”
  71. >She then ordered Blush to walk out of the box so that she may give her a few commands to show the audience how obedient the trainers had made her
  72. “Kneel, now” Twilight commanded, and Wallflower obeyed without a second thought, probably because of how scared she was of being owned by the mare she had insulted a few months before
  73. >she kneeled so much that she kissed the floor and did not even to look Twilight in the eyes “You won’t get burned at the stake if you look at my face you know?” Wallflower immediately looked at Twilight’s face, sure that had just received another order
  74. “That wasn’t an order silly,” Twilight laughed as she saw how servile Wallflower had become. “But I’m happy to see that your anger has been extinguished. You’ll be much happier without it”
  75. “Sorry mistress” Wallflower said, amusing the audience once more as she spoke for the first time since she had appeared on the stream
  76. “Don’t worry about it, Anyway, go bring me a glass water from the kitchen; I want to talk with the chat for a while”
  77. >Wallflower did exactly as she was ordered and quickly disappeared from view
  78. “Well, chat, I hope you really enjoyed that surprise because I’m planning on making her a regular appearance in my streams is she maintains her good behaviour”
  79. >the chat, always on the left had mixed feelings about that announcement. Some said that a human did not deserve so much time in front of a camera and that she was more useful in the kitchen while other thought that it would just be really funny
  80. “Don’t worry too much about it, anyway, here she is with the water, time to start the real stream”
  83. >Sunset Shimmer: LOL! Is it possible to lose a debate harder than this? Guess her trainers didn't find her arguments convincing. I put myself up for sale yesterday. Rocking this awesome training collar!
  85. >Indigo Zap: So jealous! I wish that were me! Should I stop paying my freedom tax just so I can get a free trip to the kennel?
  87. >Lemon Zest: Am I the only one who thinks it's hillarious all these former human supremacists are bowing down to ponies now? LOL You should make her kiss your feet, Twilight!
  92. >Rarity turned on her stream, giving her audience a seductive smile to start them all off before reclining into her comfy chair
  93. >Sunset Shimmer sat on the floor next to her, collared and leashed with said leash leading to Rarity’s forehoof.
  94. “Hello and welcome to Rarity’s R-day Meltdown Streaming Extravaganza!” Rarity declared throwing her hooves up. “By my side, looking good in her collar as always, is my lovely salve Ms. Sunset Shimmer. How does it feel being somepony’s property, Sunset?”
  95. “It feels great, mistress!” Sunset got a little of approval nuzzle from Rarity.
  96. “I know a lot of you, especially the boy monkeys, don’t like the fact that I have a human on the stream now, but consider two things.” Rarity pressed her cheek up against Sunset’s. “Firstly, any mare looks more attractive when lording over her slave, don’t you agree?”
  97. “Just like every human looks better with a collar.” Sunset gave hers a tug.
  98. “And secondly- well we aren’t going to be seeing a lot of human streamers around from now on are we?” Rarity giggled alongside Sunset. “I’ll have to thank the supreme court for getting rid of what little competition they all are.”
  99. “And all the YouTube monkeys suddenly don’t like affirmative action anymore,” Sunset joked.
  100. “For those of you who don’t know,” said Rarity, “that is, the cave humans, the supreme court recently ruled that the rights granted in the constitution do NOT apply to humans. That means no more free speech or freedom of religion for you.”
  101. “Right,” Sunset agreed. “And it makes total sense. When the founding fathers wrote that, they clearly thought inferior races shouldn’t have these rights but instead be slaves to the better races. Their only mistake was stupidly defining humans as inferior to… humans.”
  102. “Well we can only expect so much from such primitive monkeys.” Rarity laughed and patted Sunset on the head. “They lived in the 18th century, but what’s the excuse of the more modern human ape, I wonder?”
  103. “Yeah.” Sunset scrolled through her phone, technically Rarity’s phone as the girl no longer had the right to own property. “I was up all night looking up tweets and videos for Mistress Rarity and the left are losing their minds right now! The level of cope is just INSANE.”
  104. >Sunset typed up something on her keyboard on the floor, bringing up a video of the massive protest going on in DC right now. Rarity couldn’t even respond to it at first. She just cringed and buried her face in her hoof.
  105. “So here we have the protest.” Sunset gestured to it. “Basically the million baby cryfest. I mean, they pass a law you don’t like? Okay. But that’s no reason to throw a temper tantrum.”
  106. “Alright.” Rarity took her face out of her hooves. “So let me get this straight… they make it illegal for humas to protest… and these genius level monkeys respond to that… by protesting?!”
  107. >Sunset laughed at her owner’s joke.
  108. “Is there truly no self awareness in these people at all?!” Rarity asked, exasperated. “It’s like going out to buy a flamethrower and burn down an orphanage the very same day arson and flamethrowers are outlawed. And- oh my! Did that one just break a window?! Having your rights taken away is no excuse for such vandalism!”
  109. “Oh, we haven’t even gotten to these ridiculous signs yet.” Sunset brought up a sign.
  110. >’No fascism in America’. One read. It had a picture of Celestia dressed up like Hitler.
  111. “Yes,” said Rarity. “Because we all know that Hitler gave the Jews head pats and ice cream, let them live in his house and snuggled with them at night.”
  112. >Rarity gave her pet another loving nuzzle.
  113. >The next one was of a an exceptionally fat human on a Hoveround with a sign that said ‘humanity fuck yeah!’ and an assault rifle resting on her lap so that it was pointed right in the face of a nearby child.
  114. >Rarity and Sunset laughed and laughed at this one.
  115. “Yes, that sums up humanity rather nicely, doesn’t it?” Rarity wiped a tear from her eye. “I suppose its up to the girl monkeys in my audience to decide if they want to be like this bloated land whale or like my pretty little pet Sunset.”
  116. >The next one was of a human youtuber (now an ex-youtuber) complaining to the audience that his voice had been taken from him, that if they sat down for this humans would no longer be allowed to publicly argue their opinions.
  117. “Alright, now see this is the misinformation the law was intended to counter,” said Rarity. “Your ‘opinions’ don’t matter first of all and second there is literally a human right next to me on this very stream. The only difference is that now you need a pony’s permission to appear online.
  118. “Yeah, obviously we’re still allowed to appear in online videos.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “The difference is that we’re not allowed to spread BLATANT lies and misinformation. If you aren’t lying and if your content isn’t just anti-pony propaganda then getting a pony to approve of it really isn’t that big a hoop to jump through.”
  119. “Let’s just admit the truth here,” said Rarity. “Anypony who opposes this law just wants to keep lying in front of a large audience. They want to sow disharmony and eventually violence. Opposing this change in the law IS an act of violence.”
  120. “I know! I didn’t like it when we first started getting enslaved either,” Sunset admitted. “But you know what? I got over it!”
  126. “What is it now chat?” Twilight asked as she saw several users posting the same link “if this a troll link I swear we’re getting some bans here”
  127. >To her pleasant surprise, the link did not lead to some silly video that could only waste her time. Instead, it was a link to Rarity’s stream she was talking about the new law that had been passed and the protest that followed
  128. “Well I agree with her, absolutely, there’s not a lot for me to say her, a lot of humans are overdosing on copium right now… oh wait I see it now, the girl”
  129. >she recognized Sunset Shimmer, the girl that had sent her a picture and message telling her she had put herself up for sale thanks to her
  130. “Yeah I totally remember her now, Sunset Shimmer, she was so proud when she has put herself up for sale, I’m happy Rarity bought her I can see she’ll be a great slave”
  131. >Seeing Rarity with her own slave on stream made her think about Blush and how she had said she was going to appear in Twilight’s streams. Since twilight bought her, Blush had been perfectly obedient and had never shown any sign of being rebellious
  132. “Blush, come here now, I want you to see this”
  133. >Blush, who was in the next room, quickly entered the room and sat her owner’s side
  134. “Blush, look at that slave next to Rarity, she put herself up for sale thanks to our debate”
  135. “Well I’m glad something good came out of it, I want to apologize for how angry I was at the time”
  136. “Don’t worry, your obedience to me is enough”
  137. >Blush looked hesitant for a moment, like she wanted to say something important to her but she didn’t know if was allowed to speak
  138. “I can see there’s something more you want to say, speak, the microphone is yours for now”
  139. “I just wanted to thank you for buying me and showing me that slavery was not the horror I thought it was
  140. “And seeing this girl so happy with being a slave makes me want to say something to any human who might be watching this: Sell yourself now; ponies are a thousand times better at slavery than humans, don’t be afraid of being property like I was”
  141. >Hearing those words coming out of the mouth of a former human rights activist made Twilight smile
  142. “You see chat? If even an angry human like her can accept her natural place, any human can”
  143. “If I can say something more, mistress, not being able the freedom tax and being trained for domestic slavery was the best thing that happened in my life, I was meant to be a slave, not a rebel”
  144. >Twilight gave Blush a headpat as a reward for those words
  145. “That’s a very good human right here, I wish all of them were like you, anyway, let’s see this new link ,apparently Dash a has a new girl called Indigo Zap”
  146. >The link brought her to a video a chimpanzee making stupid sounds while running in circles
  147. “You know what? I’m not even mad”
  150. >Indigo Zap sat in the dark in her large living room. The lights were off, but she was surrounded by pillows and blankets propped up into something of a fort. Next to her were plushies of her six favorite pony streamers.
  151. >Right now, she was lying on her stomached, hugging her Rainbow Dash plushie and watching the real Rainbow Dash’s livestream. In the game, Dash was down in some mine where human slaves toiled away tirelessly.
  152. “Oh, hey! It’s those protestors from yesterday,” Dash joked. “What do you think, chat? Should I kill them?”
  153. “Yes! Kill all the chimps!” Indigo quickly and enthusiastically wrote.
  154. >But the rest of the chat all said now, so Dash spared them.
  155. “Well they are being good humans and toiling away in the mines,” Dash laughed before moving on.
  156. >Sometimes Indigo felt she was more anti-human than the ponies…
  157. >Every so often she wondered how she ended up siding with a species that wanted nothing more than to convert America from a free nation to a slave plantation and transform humans into domestic animals for their own enjoyment.
  158. >She knew she’d been depressed even before this became an issue. She’d inherited a ton of money and this huge house from her parents, enough to just live off the interest forever, but it felt empty even back then. Money didn’t bring her happiness. She became too depressed to keep working out and eventually got kicked off her sports teams.
  159. >Then it happened. After a few years of humans laughing at the idea that a pony who openly supported slavery could ever get elected, one such pony did become senator. Open pony supremacists started trickling into the government.
  160. >At first Indigo saw it as yet another thing to be depressed about. Morbid curiosity brought her to Twilight Sparkle’s stream. She was shocked at how blatantly racist Twilight was against humans at first but… slowly and inexplicably began to warm up to her.
  161. >Twilight humiliated everyone who debated her on the topic to the point Indigo felt embarrassed just agreeing with her opponents. Even though it made her feel ashamed, she couldn’t stop watching these pony streams all day every day.
  162. >In retrospect she decided what it was that really drew her in. They were optimistic.
  163. >Indigo was convinced that was what ultimately converted her to their side.
  164. >Optimism was something so incredibly rare among humans. They all wanted to talk about how cringe, problematic, doomed, evil, terrible or gay everything was. None of them had any hope for the future, just a tacit acceptance that everything would always get worse and it was already trash to begin with.
  165. >But ponies? They had an unshakable confidence they were doing the right thing and that they would succeed. They had pride in their works and accomplishments, saw a clear purpose in their lives and revered their leader.
  166. >Strange as it was, it felt like Indigo found food for the first time in her life, after starving for it for so long. When she found out she could be accepted on the pony side if she just repeated their talking points… well Indigo jumped ship immediately.
  167. >She posted one comment, something she didn’t entirely believe at the time, that was incredibly super anti-human and got approval from Twilight. It felt so incredibly good! The burden of having to agree with the human rights activist vanished just like that and suddenly her life was filled with laughter again!
  168. >Indigo got to laugh at all the humans the pony’s crushed in their debate. She got to feel like she was winning every time they passed another law taking away more human rights. She got to feel like things were moving in a positive direction.
  169. >Now Indigo unironically believed everything they said, everything she said. She was on the winning side and that felt like all that mattered. Her health improved and she was finally able to start working out again.
  170. >Converting to the pony way of thinking really was the best choice she ever made.
  171. >Indigo carefully watched the chat, being on moderate duty for Dash. She did a lot of little things for Rainbow Dash like that – helped her find content and ran websites for her. It was like a little taste of slavery!
  172. >It was easy to tell who was a human online these days, nearly every major website had the same system now. Free humans got a small banana icon next to their names and avatars and enslaved humans got a collar. Interestingly, slaves were allowed to post a bit more freely the logic being they had a pony who would hold them accountable.
  173. >Indigo still had a banana next to her name.
  174. >Another banana wrote something stupid about how all of this would be reversed when Celestia lost reelection in two years. Humanity wouldn’t stand for this and blah blah blah.
  175. >Indigo banned that chimp immediately. Did he not get the memo that he didn’t have free speech anymore? That was something for the exclusive enjoyment of ponies now.
  176. >Overly SJW language, like saying ‘man’ and ‘woman’ instead of boy monkey and girl monkey, or everyone instead of everypony was also something she had to keep a lookout for, though that was only a fifteen minute ban.
  177. >A lot of the chat was down today. Celestia was trying to pass a law that’d make free humans (and only free humans) need an expensive voter ID to vote. It was fair since free humans committed basically 100% of the crime and would be most likely to commit voter fraud too. If that passed, there’d be a 100% chance Celestia got reelected and it’d make it that much easier for ponies to continue kicking humans out of government and taking their place.
  178. >But some judge struck down the motion recently. It would still likely go through, but it still wasn’t safe yet either with all the chimps screaming and trying to tear it down. Indigo was so used to winning that even a minor setback like this stung.
  179. “Okay.” Dash put down her controller. “I wasn’t going to get into politics, but I can tell you all need some hopium so let’s talk about this. First of all, let’s remember that there were tons of setbacks in taking away free speech from humans leading up to last week’s ruling. All the chimps said that would be impossible to pass too, but here we are.”
  180. >Indigo held her Rainbow Dash plushie and nodded.
  181. “And let’s look at all the good stuff Celestia has coming down the pipeline,” said Dash. “Okay, so there’s the human curfew which will make it so free humans can’t go out after dark without a pony. Think of how awesome that would be! I know I don’t like having to pass wild chimps who could freak out at any moment late at night.”
  182. >It would be a little inconvenient for Indigo, as a free human, but she knew it was for the best. The crime rate would go way down.
  183. “This ruling opens the door for taking away all their guns next,” Dash pointed. “Holy Celestia! If they’re this triggered now imagine the freak out when Celestia starts taking away the dangerous weapons from literal monkeys.”
  184. >Indigo laughed and typed in chat ‘oh no! Muh gunz! Can’t you just take free speech twice?’
  185. “Then on top of that, she’s about to remove term limits for the president. We’re getting closer to Celestia being a permanent president, guys! Can you imagine the meltdown these chimps are going to have when she declares that we’re basically a monarchy now? It’s going to be AWESOME, trust me!”
  186. >Dash read the chat for a moment.
  187. “Uh huh. That’s right. Insurance rates for humans are going way up because insurance companies are finally allowed to admit they’re more accident prone. Which- uh oh! Getting harder for the monkeys to pay their freedom tax to me.” Rainbow Dash tapped her expensive headphones. She made a point to buy something expensive with her freedom dividend each month. “All you free monkeys better put yourselves up for sale now before there’s a million other monkeys competing for domestic slavery.”
  188. >Another super chat asked if Dash had seen Rarity’s new cam monkey.
  189. “Yeah! It’s like everypony is getting some girl monkey on stream with them now,” said Dash. “I guess its good for all you monkeys out there to see some bonobo serving her pony mistress more regularly. Monkey see monkey do, right? Wonder if I should get one? I mean, I got three slaves but they’re all at work getting me money right now so I can’t bring them on.”
  190. >It was like a roller coaster of emotions today. Indigo was already back to feeling pensive.
  191. >Seeing Sunset Shimmer, someone she knew from r/ponysupremacy and such places, getting to be RARITY’s slave… well she felt kind of jealous really. In general, Indigo felt like the world was ending, the ship was sinking, and she taking her time getting on an escape vessel.
  192. >Seeing Sunset on screen was like a reminder that she just missed the bus to Disney Land. She didn’t know how many busses there were left until the ponies started taking more serious actions to stop humans from being free.
  193. >All of her money felt worthless, as it would be in the end.
  194. >Indigo sent a two hundred dollar stream lab asking how long until all humans were enslaved.
  195. “Hey! Another big donation from my number one E-slave Indigo,” said Dash. “All you other bonobos can learn from her. Your money goes to ponies.”
  196. >Indigo smiled. Dash called all the humans who donated to her ‘E-slaves’ and ponies generally called humans who were generally well behaved and complicit with their takeover ‘bonobos’. Bonobos were better behaved than chimpanzees in general so it was a big compliment.
  197. >Being called a good monkey and a slave made her feel comforted in an odd way. Indigo always felt, for a brief moment, that she belonged to whatever pony she donated to and it was always a good feeling. >Really, this was the only thing she could do with her money that actually made her happy.
  198. >Between Dash, Rarity and Twilight, Indigo must have spent over 20 grand in the past two years on getting their attention for a few seconds. And that was in addition to her pateron pledges to them.
  199. “I’d say it’s gotta be in like the ten to twenty year range,” Dash guessed. “And before anypony freaks out that’s until like 100% total enslavement, humans having the same rights as dogs and ponies getting to fully enjoy all the wealth.”
  200. >Indigo frowned, wishing the answer was more like five years. Maybe if she got to wish she should wish it was tomorrow.
  201. >When online, she felt embarrassed about being free but in public (she lived in a vastly human-majority area) she often got cowed into hiding her power level. She wanted to sell herself but was too nervous. It would be a big and permanent commitment. Once you gave up your right to own property there was really no way to get it back.
  202. “But all you bonobos out there can start living the dream now,” Dash made the sales pitch almost every day. All of her streams had a little counter of humans sold into slavery thanks to her at the bottom. “Think of it as like, the ultimate donation. You give everything you own, including yourself, to some pony who deserves it more than you.”
  203. >Dash always knew how to make Indigo’s heart flutter.
  204. >Indigo sent another two hundred dollar stream lab. She confessed that she badly wanted to be a slave but was worried. What if she ended up a worker instead of a maid? Or if she got enslaved by somepony mean?
  205. “Well you’re basically already my slave with donations like that.” Dash laughed. “I mean, giving all your money to your mistress is basically what slaves do, right? But uh, you don’t gotta worry Indigo. I’ve talked to you and you’re 100% bonobo. You’ll be like the family dog for sure. No need to worry about what pony will enslave you either- we’re way better than you guys, don’t forget. That’s why we deserve to own you and all of your stuff. Any pony who buys you will take great care of you.”
  206. “Heck, I’d even bid on you myself if I saw you up for auction.” Dash laughed again. “Course I know you’re rich so I dunno if I could buy you and your estate. But hey, you could always do the pony-IQ thing and just give me all your money first. Then I could easily afford you!”
  207. >Dash winked and leaned in toward the camera, letting the audience know that was a bit of a joke.
  208. >But Indigo didn’t feel like it was a joke. Her heart was trembling. The thought of giving away all her money to Rainbow Dash… it felt too right. Money was temporary but slavery was permanent, like the meme said.
  209. >That feeling of being left behind came back… Her money really did feel so worthless compared to pony approval. She needed to do this!
  210. >Hands trembling, Indigo set up a fifty thousand dollar donation, enough to show she was serious about this. She closed her eyes and sent it to Dash.
  215. >This was it!
  216. >Today was the last day Indigo was going to be her own person, be able to own property instead of just being it. Her training collar and the last of the paperwork to sell herself to Rainbow Dash arrived in the mail today.
  217. >Dash already came by yesterday to set up cameras in Indigo’s house for todays ‘unboxing’ stream where she’d be enslaved live on camera. Of course… this was only going to be Indigo’s house for another hour or so.
  218. >Indigo knew she was doing the right thing and we legitimately excited for this, but she couldn’t help but blush and clutch her skirt as she stood at the door waiting for Dash to show up.
  219. >Finally, it happened. Dash came in with her cameras, pointing them at Indigo and herself. They set things up quickly and began the stream.
  220. “Check it out! My number one E-slave, Indigo Zap, is about to make the ultimate donation and become my slave for real!” Dash put a hoof possessively on her head. It felt so good! “It’s time for the ultimate slave unboxing! Trust me, you’ve never seen one bigger than this!”
  221. “But remember,” Indigo added. “I may be giving her all of my money, but she deserves yours too! All my fellow E-slaves should donate big to Mistress Dash today!”
  222. “Looks like we’re already getting some pretty big donations.” Dash looked over at the stream. “Guess all the other monkeys are jealous of you getting to serve me like this.”
  223. “And why wouldn’t they be jealous?” Indigo asked. “Ponies own us, and humans obey. Obedience and slavery are the only thing we deserve, and they know it!”
  225. “Alright! How many rights do you deserve to have, monkey?” Dash flew up to be about eyelevel with Indigo and held out the camera, so both were in sight.
  226. “Zero!” Indigo pumped her fist forward excitedly, answering without hesitation as any of Dash’s followers would.
  227. “See? This is exactly how enthusiastic about your enslavement all you monkeys should be.” Dash gave Indigo an approving nuzzle. “Let’s go!”
  228. >Dash swept the camera across the huge, expensive living room.
  229. “Indigo is going to fork over this awesome house and everything inside it to me, plus give me all of her money, her car basically all her assets. Of course, it wouldn’t be fair for her to get nothing in return for that, so I’m going to allow her to be my personal domestic slave in exchange!”
  230. >Dash flew behind Indigo and put her hooves on Indigo’s shoulders.
  231. “She’ll get to obey my every command for the rest of her life! She’ll get to clean MY new house for me, which is good cause it’s pretty big, do all of my other chores, be my tech monkey for these streams, give me foot massages, basically whatever I want! She’s basically just another appliance this house comes with. That sounds like a fair deal to you, right Indigo?”
  232. >Indigo blushed but nodded firmly. In a moment, Dash would own her just like she owned the washing machines.
  233. “Absolutely!” She said with enthusiasm. “The two of us are just taking the natural roles Celestia wants for us. Nothing could be more fair than this. I’m actually excited for this! Tonight, Mistress Rainbow Dash will kick me out of the master bedroom, and I’ll be sleeping in the guest room of what used to be my house from now on. I know it’s something any chimps watching won’t understand, but I’m stoked for this!”
  234. >She knew she’d feel like a real slave once that happened. No more fantasying, this was the real thing!
  235. “Well let’s go check out some of your fellow appliances before we sign it all away to yours truly.” Dash gave a smug smile and lead Indigo through her house, while it was hers, for the last time.
  236. >They looked over the huge TV, the four bathrooms, the huge master bedroom, the ultramodern kitchen, Indigo’s large video game (most of which she inherited from her father).
  237. >Her parents worked so hard to amass all this wealth, coming from the bottom all the way to the top. Dash, meanwhile, was going to get all of it handed to her through sheer virtue of her being a pony. Dash was the one who’d benefit from and enjoy her family’s wealth while Indigo ended up a slave.
  238. >Yet she couldn’t help but smile through the whole tour. This was what felt right.
  239. “Eventually all of us ponies will end up living in this kind of luxury.” Dash brought the camera up to what was now the slave room- an unimpressive but not overly small bedroom. “And all you humans will be living in our slave rooms!”
  240. “If we’re lucky,” Indigo added. “And I’d like to point out this is something we need to thank the ponies for. I’m about to snuggle into my proper place and I can already tell you it feels great.”
  241. “Exactly!” Dash raised her head proudly. “Thank me one more time for kicking you out of the master bedroom and we can go make this official.”
  242. “Thank you.” Indigo bowed her head. “I’m glad I can take my proper place.”
  243. >Dash led them back down to the kitchen where she put the paperwork on the table, smiling smugly.
  244. “Time for you to give me what I deserve,” said Dash. “All you gotta do is willingly sign away all of your rights and I’ll take care of you.”
  245. >Indigo sat there with Dash on her lap signing stuff for what felt like forever. There were so many signatures to go through just to be a slave! She signed away all of her rights and property one by one.
  246. >She agreed to follow the reduced rights, including things like the human curfew and not being allowed into stores or public buildings without Dash’s permission, that free humans still didn’t have to do for now.
  247. >She gave Dash full control of her bank account, permanently losing access to it herself and forfeiting the right to ever get a new one. She agreed to give up her right to own any kind of property and gave everything she did own now to Dash. From now on, Indigo couldn’t even own the clothes she was wearing. Dash would take care of her.
  248. >The last part, ironically, was giving up the right to sign any more contracts. It was almost like being a minor again, Dash being the one who would agree to things on her behalf. Interestingly, she still had the right to vote. Obviously Celestia wanted obedient slaves to keep that for as long as possible… though apparently Dash could cast her vote for her if she wanted.
  249. “Alright! Time for the big moment!” Dash took out the collar once Indigo had finished signing her life away to her new mistress. “Are you ready to start being my property?”
  250. >Indigo nodded and Dash put the collar on her, snuggly fitting and sealing itself with a satisfying click. These weren’t easy to take off without magic, meaning she’d be wearing this 24/7 from now on. It was a public display of her property status, her submission to ponies.
  251. >There was no more hiding her power level now. Every other monkey she passed would know she was a willing slave and supported them becoming slaves as well.
  252. “Thank you- Mistress,” it felt good to finally be able to say it. “I feel relieved to get all of those pesky rights off my back.”
  253. “No problem, slave.” Dash gave her a pet. “I’m more than happy to accept your total, life long, obedience.”
  254. >Indigo’s heart was pounding! She’d finally done it! She was a slave for real now! Nothing more than Dash’s property, no different from the toaster or microwave. It was something they told you in school was horrible, but she couldn’t help but smile.
  255. >Being owned completely by another person was comfy in a way. It made her feel safe and secure. Dash would take care of everything from now on and Indigo just had to worry about obeying.
  256. “In a couple days she’s off to the reeducation camp,” said Dash. “I know she’s a total bonobo already, but they still gotta work the kinks out, you know? If you want a domestic slave, you gotta pay for their reeducation.”
  257. “I think Wallflower, if you guys watch Twilight’s streams, she needed like a year to go from debating ponies to serving them,” Indigo pointed out. “So, they do really good work. I’m confident I can be out of there in the minimum three months!”
  258. “I like that enthusiasm!” Dash congratulated her. “But as much as I love races, this isn’t one of them. I don’t want a monkey hanging around in MY house unless she’s totally obedient.”
  259. “Oh, I swear I’ll be totally obedient.” Indigo put her heart on her chest. “If I can be any more submissive than I am now, I’ll take it in a heartbeat!”
  260. “Hey, let’s test her out now, huh?” Dash looked into the camera. “Okay, slave. “Bow down and kiss my hoof.”
  261. >Dash raised one of her hooves.
  262. >Indigo did that easily enough, in fact she found herself WANTING to obey Dash. She got on her hand and knees, then bowed her head down to kiss Dash’s raised hoof. It felt good, comforting, to be obeying her as a slave at long last.
  263. “Heh! Good job, monkey. What else should I make you do? Oh! I know!” Dash lit up with her idea. “Take your shirt off on camera.”
  264. “Huh?!” Indigo blushed heavily only for Dash to laugh at herself.
  265. “Humans are so embarrassed of their own bodies, huh?” Dash asked the chat more than Indigo. “Especially the girl monkeys. I think it’s because they know they can never compete with a superior, sexier female like myself.”
  266. >Dash went up on her hind legs and ran a hoof down her side, showing off her body. Indigo agreed she was pretty…
  267. “Sides, we’re really seeing how obedient you are,” said Dash. “You won’t get in trouble, you’re just a pet monkey now so it’s fine for you to be naked on camera.”
  268. >Indigo was so conflicted right now! She wanted so badly to obey Dash, but at the same time she’d been told not to do this her whole life.
  269. >Dash raised an eyebrow, expectantly. Maybe she was already an obedient slave deep down because that sent a jolt through her. She knew this was what she should do and forced herself to obey.
  270. >Slowly, she took off her shirt and bra revealing her breasts to the chat. Dash laughed but flew up and gave her a pat on the head. It felt great to have her approval, but she still couldn’t help but blush.
  271. >Dash motioned for her to sit down in what was once Indigo’s gaming chair. Indigo sat and Dash plopped down on her lap, getting cozy before continuing with the stream, Indigo still half naked.
  272. “Humans really are great seat cushions. Hey, if it makes you feel better, the boy monkeys seem to like your weird teats.” Dash pointed out.
  273. >Indigo didn’t feel much better from that. She was still blushing too heavily to say anything.
  274. “Hey, chat!” Dash tapped her camera. “What else do you think I should make my new monkey do? I wanna test her out some more.”
  282. >Pinkie Pie switches on her stream
  283. “Hello everypony!” Pinkie winks at the camera. “It’s time for another episode of Pinkie Pie’s Stream Snipping ‘Umie ‘Unting show! Where we go and pwn the pone out of ‘umies streaming other video games.”
  284. >Pinkie spun the camera around in her hooves.
  285. “What’s that?” Pinkie asked. “You think there are no more human streamers to snipe after that lovely, lovely law Princess Celestia just passed? Well turns out that’s not 100% the case! There are still a few platforms that let humans stream as long as they don’t get too political. Mostly Dailymotion so- basically nopony’s ever going to see that am I right?”
  286. >Pinkie changed back to her main camera and went looking through Daily Motion.
  287. “Now let’s see who we can snipe!” Pinkie sang as she pounded on her keyboard. “Stupid ‘umies! Stupid ‘umies! S-tu-p-i-d ‘umies!”
  288. >Pinkie glanced down at the chat for a moment.
  289. “Aw, no worries my little bonobos! I love you all BECAUSE you’re stupid!” Pinkie reassured the chat. “All the little monkeys type #bowdown to show your cute little submission! Oop! We got one! You all remember Sugarcoat, right? I think most of her friends got the message by now, but she’s still in need of some reminder of who’s superior to who!”
  290. >Pinkie Pie brought Sugarcoat’s stream up on her own. Sugarcoat was playing a game called Fantasy Escape, her max level character running around chopping cherry trees.
  291. “See?” Sugarcoat said. “No matter how crazy the world gets you can still come here and cut some trees down. It’s strangely relaxing. This is the one game where they haven’t put a million ponies in it yet. Let’s all just chill for a minute.”
  292. “Heehee.” Pinkie snickered. “Looks like this future slave secretly likes doing mindless tasks, huh?”
  293. >Sugarcoat was clearly trying to be relaxed, breathing in and slowly.
  294. “You know, I just don’t get it though!” Sugarcoat said. “Like- how the hell did this happen? That’s a serious question! Who votes for their own enslavement! How do we live in a country where half the population is so retarted that they’ll vote to become slaves! And now Starlight got elected in the UK and Luna’s president of China. Why is half the planet so stupid?!”
  295. >Pinkie snickered again while Sugarcoat read her chat.
  296. “She’s like so close to the truth huh?” Pinkie asked her own chat. “I’ll give her a hint- all ‘umies are stupid! Just one more minute till I get in.”
  297. >Sugarcoat groaned at what her chat said.
  298. “Are you people serious?!” Sugarcoat yelled at them. “There is a literal alien invasion right now and you’re upset I used the word r-tard?! Seriously?! We are being enslaved! Can we focus on that for now?!”
  299. “Here we go!” Pinkie sent her avatar out after Sugarcoat’s.
  300. >Pinkie’s avatar came up behind Sugarcoat’s and attacked.
  301. “What?” Sugracoat was surprised at first. “Is someone ten levels lower than me trying to gank me?!”
  302. “Gotta make it as humiliating as possible,” Pinkie said to her audience.
  303. >The two of them clashed, despite Sugracoat having a significant power advantage, Pinkie was quickly overtaking her with superior skill, quickly pounding on her keyboard.
  304. >Ponies were significantly better at video games because they didn’t have those human wiggly fingers getting in the way. Before long, Pinkie overtook her with superior skill alone.
  305. “What the-?! Was that a pony?!” Sugarcoat asked her chat. “No human can be that good. Oh, geeze! It was Pinkie?!”
  306. >Pinkie called her on skype just then, Sugarcoat answering begrudgingly.
  307. “Haha!” Pinkie laughed. “Looks like I win again! But nopony will think less of you for losing to a superior pony! You know the drill. I’ll leave you alone if you grovel.”
  308. “It’s not fair,” Sugarcoat complained. “You have hooves! Using a keyboard is easier with hooves than with hands.”
  309. “So what you’re saying is I won because the pony body is superior to the human body?” Pinkie asked. “I agree! We are superior!”
  310. “Guh! Fine! You’re superior to me and I’m a monkey, are you happy?”
  311. “Nope! You gotta be my slave for five minutes in game!” Pinkie said. “You’re gonna spend the rest of your life as a slave eventually so might as well get used to it.”
  312. >Sugarcoat went red and held her breath, clearly wanting to yell as Pinkie smiled smugly at her. She couldn’t yell at a pony or disagree too strongly on screen or she’d get kicked off of Dailymotion.
  313. “Fine,” Sugarcoat had no choice but to concede. “JUST five minutes, right?”
  314. “Yep! Go harvest stuff and give it all to me!” Pinkie clapped her hooves. “If you can’t beat me, joining me as my slave is the next best thing! I’m sure it’ll feel great doing stuff for me. It’s how humans and ponies can be friends!”
  318. >Applejack was getting angry, but she was able to maintain a calm demeanour. The human debating her, Sunny Flare, just couldn’t stop lying even if her life depended on it. That was what she really disliked about so many free humans; they just loved to lie all the time.
  319. “So just five minutes ago, you were saying that you think hierarchies are natural and desirable, but now you’re saying that slavery, the ultimate hierarchy, is somehow bad, are you stupid or just lying? Who am I dealing with?”
  320. “They’re not the same thing, Jack come on”.
  321. “Flare, sugarcube, they literally are, by definition”.
  322. >She had uttered that sentence several times during the three hours in which she had debated Sunny Flare
  323. >the debate was to even supposed to happen, humans had lost their free speech and ponies could shut them down whenever they wanted they wanted, but Applejack had been kind enough to agree to one last debate with Sunny Flare.
  324. >she just thought that everyone, even inferior races, had something valuable to say, but the debate had proven her wrong. Every time the girl had to defend her dumb statements, she always ended up backpedalling and trying to imply she said something completely different, but Applejack knew how to spot a liar and an idiot when she saw one.
  325. “Look, I’ve been trying to be as charitable as I can to you, but I think it’s time for you to accept that slavery is gonna happen no matter what, why not relax and accept it?”
  326. “Well, you might be winning now, but humanity is not going to take it forever”
  327. “Yes you are going to take it”
  328. “Well I dare you to come to my house and try to make me take it, see what happens”
  329. >unimpressed by the empty threat, Applejack replied with “are you asking me to have sex with you?”
  330. “n-no I…”
  331. “Whatever, I don’t care anymore, see ya!”
  332. >Kicking Sunny Flare out of the conversation was the most satisfying she had done that day.
  333. “Well, chat, another free speech warrior silenced, what a tragedy she didn’t like when I called her out on her lies”
  334. >Many in the chat were already comparing her to Wallflower and her disastrous debate with Twilight.
  335. “No, I don’t think she’s like Wallflower, the poor girl was just confused and angry,” Applejack replied to the users who had made that comparison. “This one was trying to look smart by dragging out the conversation and I got no idea who she was trying to impress”
  336. >The chat reminded her that Indigo, Dash’s domestic slave, and Flare used to be friends before Indigo sided with her superiors.
  337. “Yeah that’s one of the thing I really don’t understand, I guess human friends are not as reliable as ponies”.
  338. >she could have streamed for another thirty minutes, but the debate had drained all her energy and enthusiasm and she really needed to sleep
  339. “well chat, I think today’s stream end today, don’t worry I will take a look at the donations tomorrow, just gotta sleep a bit you know?”

Cuddle Pie

by Cuddlepie

Power Theft Collar

by Cuddlepie

Invader Luster

by Cuddlepie

Cuddle Pie: Breeding the next generation

by Cuddlepie

Cuddle Pie: Side stories

by Cuddlepie