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Incest-Mischievous Cousins by Frostybox

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 18:12:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >This is such bullshit.
  2. >”Anonymous.”
  3. >Your arms remain firmly crossed and you don’t even glance towards the front of the car, in your mom’s direction.
  4. >”Anon, honey, you’re an adult for goodness sake.”
  5. >You only JUST turned 18, and your mom has already run that excuse into the ground.
  6. “Nooo, if I was ACTUALLY an adult you’d have let me stay at home instead of dragging me along to this.”
  7. >Worse still, EVERYTHING you had was either dead or out of battery so you’ve got nothing to make this go by any quicker.
  8. >”It’s Thanksgiving-“
  9. “It’s AFTER Thanksgiving-“
  10. >”All the more reason why we are going. To see family, to be thankful for having them.”
  11. >You furrow your brow further and blow a puff of air through your nostrils.
  12. >”I know you don’t like your younger cousin very much-“
  13. “THAT is an understatement I ever heard on-“
  14. >”But it will only be for a couple of hours.”
  15. “Oh is that all? Just a couple of hours of the most awkward moments of my life since the LAST time you forced me to go over there.”
  16. >“You didn’t mind going before.”
  17. “I didn’t mind going when Cuppa Midnight was still living there, her sister was cool, but after she left for school and it was just me and her…”
  18. >Mom sighs, becoming frustrated now.
  19. >Good.
  20. >”Well Anonymous, why don’t you just stay outside with the rest of us.”
  21. “C’mon mom, do you not remember the last time I tried that? “Go on Anonymous, spend some time with your cousin, she really missed you, you know?” If you want me to tell them she’s a weirdo I ca-“
  22. >”Don’t. Just…” she sighs again as she pulls into the driveway, packed with cars, “Look, just put on a happy face and… and I’ll buy you that new game you wanted.”
  23. >Woah!
  24. >Well hot damn!
  25. >Maybe you won’t just chase down your Aunt’s terrible cooking with bleach after all.
  26. >She parks the car and turns to look you in the eyes, “Happy face or no game, got it.”
  27. “Yes ma’am!”
  28. >She sighs softly and even smiles a bit at your dorky salute.
  29. >”Alright, come on baby. Let’s get this over with.”
  30. >Your jaw drops as you make for the door right behind her, a scoff escapes your lips.
  31. “”Get this over with”, mom? You mean you didn’t want to do this to- ooph!”
  32. >She retracts her hand from the light bump she gave to your stomach, and uses it to push the doorbell
  33. >”I mean as in just us honey…” she whispers.
  34. >She’s still pretty broken up about Dad leaving it seems.
  35. >"Our first Thanksgiving without-" she pauses when the door opens revealing an older woman who comes up to about Mom's nose.
  36. >Mom's eyes widen and a big smile spreads across her face, "Big!" she cheers.
  37. >"Little!" your Aunt, mom's older sister, cheers back.
  38. >They quickly embrace each other, "Oh I haven't seen you in so long!"
  39. >Yeah, and you'd prefer it stay that way-
  40. >A sharp sting meets your face, making you wince.
  41. >"My goodness Anonymous, just look at how much you've grown!" your Aunt cheers, releasing your achey flesh from between her finger and thumb.
  42. >You rub your cheek tenderly.
  43. >For being the older sister, your aunt sure doesn't look like it.
  44. >No offense to mom or anything but with her height, or lack of, combined with how smooth her skin looks, even right up close like this.
  45. >Jeez, even the way she keeps her hair in a bun like Cuppa's.
  46. >You could easily see her being confused for the oldest sister of her own daughters or something...
  47. >Your aunt slips a hand around to the back of your neck and tugs your head down lightly while also leaning up and puckering her lips.
  48. >She plants a soft kiss on your cheek, right where she pinched, "Oh I'm so sorry Nonny, I'm just so thrilled you tw- uh, all are here! Guess I don't know my own strength eh?" she jokes.
  49. >Even going as far as you pull down the somewhat flowy and loose part of her dress's shoulder, exposing a sizable portion of her chest and some of her bra to you both while she flexes the spot where her bicep would be.
  50. >"Ah-haaaa, Big! You're uh, enjoying the four day weekend a lot are you?" mom quickly stammers out.
  51. >Huh? Who wouldn't enjoy a four day weekend?
  52. >Your aunt returns her dress back to normal and tilts her head towards your mom, "Whaddaya mean Little?" she responds.
  53. >It's then that you notice the slight slur in her voice.
  54. >The faint bit of color on her cheeks.
  55. >The sort of dopey smile on her face.
  56. >Oh... she's drunk.
  57. >That's what mom meant.
  58. >"Nothing, nothing, Big. So, may we come in?"
  59. >Auntie's face lights up, "Oh yeah of course, of course! Come on in Big, Nonny, come say hit to everybody."
  60. >Mom is quick to follow up behind your aunt.
  61. >You linger for a moment, for them to clear the door somewhat.
  62. >Mostly though, to clear your head.
  63. >You'd been to your aunt and uncle's plenty over the years.
  64. >Sometimes staying for up to a month in the summer when your parents first moved away from this town because dad had found a better paying job.
  65. >And a secretary who gave better blowjobs apparently...
  66. >Shaking that darker thought away, you think to the times you had seen your aunt.
  67. >In just a bathrobe, making breakfast for everyone.
  68. >One that you realized then was a little short, but are only just now thinking HOW short it was.
  69. >How much of her thighs and maybe even some of her butt as she dug deep into the fridge to get the orange juice, complaining about how your uncle keeps putting it in the back.
  70. >No, what?
  71. >What are you doing Anon?
  72. >Another image of your aunt's smooth chest flashes in your mind to take the place of the bathrobe one you just brushed away.
  73. >The lacey frilled edges of her bra that peeked out at you while she was trying to flex.
  74. >You shake your head one more time and cross through the doorway, shutting the door quietly behind you.
  75. >"-king already? ... -know how you get ... -u're tipsy" You hear mom whispering something to your aunt, while clinging to her shoulders and being led further into the house.
  76. >You can hear voices coming from the direction you're all headed.
  77. >"-not in my twenties anym- ... -ides, ... -e really hot for after everyone leaves ... -ve the house to ourselves..." your aunt responds with a light giggle.
  78. >Mom gasps in bewilderment, "Uh-huh, not in your twenties anymore, suuuure..." she playfully scolds, loud enough that you could hear her clearly.
  79. >She uh... did you hear all that right?
  80. >"Hey! Nonny! Little-in-law!" your uncle greets you and your mom warmly as you both reach the kitchen where everyone is.
  81. >You shake hands with your uncle, who proceeds to yanks you in and wraps you into a powerful hug, "How have you been 'Non? Holding up okay?"
  82. "M'alright..." you mumble back, desperate to have the air that he is currently crushing out of you.
  83. >He releases you with a hearty laugh and claps a hand down on your shoulder, "Good to hear son, good to hear..."
  84. >You fight the urge to gasp for air in his face and wait until he's turned away to talk to your mom to take in a huge gulp.
  85. "Hah..." you sigh, happy to feel like you're living again.
  86. >A giggle tickles your ears, causing you to look up.
  87. >You raise your head to meet a pair of magenta eyes, partially obscured by a blue swoop of hair that droops down, somewhat past this girl's forehead.
  88. >You can feel a bit of embarrassment begin to flood your cheeks.
  89. >You had to have looked like a total chump in front of... wait, who is this?
  90. >"Uncle's like, pretty strong, isn't he? Almost like a... a... a strong guy!" she chirps.
  91. >Her voice is so airy and light.
  92. >She sounds like one of those stereotypical valley girls you hear on t.v.
  93. >Going by her terrible "joke" and how much she's giggling at it, you're thinking she's about as smart as they are too.
  94. >You clear your throat to get this girl's attention.
  95. "I'm sorry, he's your... uncle?"
  96. >She hums cheerfully, "Yup! Him and my mom are, like, brother and sister."
  97. >Oh!
  98. >Oh?
  99. >Is she like... friend of the family then?
  100. "Your mom and my uncle are "like" brother and sister, or like "brother and sister"?"
  101. >She furrows her brow at you.
  102. >Her plump shiny lips form into a slight pout as she... thinks?
  103. >"Uhh, yes? Like, that's what I said... twice" she responds, with an almost patronizing tone to her voice.
  104. >You stifle the biggest sigh in the world.
  105. "Okay so, my mom and my aunt are sisters, and my uncle is my uncle only because he married my aunt. So he's technically more like my unlce-in-law."
  106. >She compresses her lips together slghtly and lets out a faint hum, "Oh! My granny-grans gave birth to my mom and my uncle."
  107. >Okay, so your aunt is her aunt-in-law. Finally cleared that up.
  108. >"So my auntie is, like, my auntie-in-law too!" she chirps.
  109. "Yeah, okay I understand now. My name's Ano-nnng!"
  110. >Before you can even register it, two soft and silky smooth arms wrap around your torso and a face buries itself into your chest and shoulder, "And you're my cousin-in-lawwwww!" she cheers, squeezing you tightly.
  111. >Her busty chest presses against your torso and in the surprise of her, well, surprise hug, your hand flings out a little.
  112. >You feel something warm and soft meet the back of your hand as you graze past... whatever it was you touched.
  113. >The girl lets out a pleasant hum, just after you made contact...
  114. >You're pretty sure that was just circumstance, the touch was an accident and so brief... right?
  115. >She releases you, mostly, her hand slide forward and come to brace you around the upper arms, right below your shoulders
  116. >"My name's Lemon Hearts!"
  117. >You cough and try to avoid her eyes and ignore the softness of her hands on your arms.
  118. "A-Anonymous."
  119. >She giggles, "Oh so you're Anonymous!" she says with with a slight inflection on "you're", "I thought Loony was making you up when she mentioned- Oh!" she releases you and claps a hand over her mouth all cutely.
  120. >Lemon Hearts' lips curl up at the ends, "I'm not supposed to call her Loony while I'm here..." she whispers at you.
  121. >A brief chuckle rumbles out of your chest.
  122. >You glance around to see all the adults still greeting and chatting with each other.
  123. >Seems like mom is being introduced, or probably re-introduced to your uncle's side of the family too.
  124. >You turn back to Lemon Hearts.
  125. "I think you're in the clear"
  126. >She peeks around past you briefly before looking back up at you and lowering her hand to reveal a coy smile, "You won't tell on me will you~?" she whispers softly.
  127. >Your mind dulls slightly at the way she holds the pucker of her soft lips well after she finished saying the word "you".
  128. "Uh... n-nope." you motion that your lips are zipped shut to make up for the words that refuse to form in your head.
  129. >She giggles.
  130. >"Shay, you two sssure are getting along alright aren't you?"
  131. >You almost jump at the voice coming from your side.
  132. >Looking into the eyes of your hot au- your aunt you can feel an immense blush beginning to form on your face.
  133. >Lemon has put herself well inside your "personal space" zone, and it MUST be obvious to your aunt.
  134. >You attempt to make that less obvious and step back but an arm hooks around the back of your neck and pulls you forward. and your head down before you can make the step.
  135. >"It's sho good to shee you two getting along sho well!" your aunt coos.
  136. >Your face is warm.
  137. >So very warm.
  138. >Your aunt's dress feels soft against your cheek.
  139. >Her chest is warm.
  140. >So very warm.
  141. >"Auntie~"
  142. >You blink out of the stupor your Aunt's chest has on you and find yourself face to face with your second cousin.
  143. >Her nose is wrinkled as she huffs and tries to free herself from your aunt's hold.
  144. >Her nose bumps yours in her struggle which gets her attention on you as well.
  145. >Lemon Hearts blinks once and looks into your eyes.
  146. >A coy smile form on her face, just for an instant, as you suddenly feel a gentle warmth on your lips and your vision is obscured by her sky blue hair.
  147. >Your aunt releases you both and you immediately dart up to stand tall and distance yourself from both of these women.
  148. >Lemon Hearts places an arm onto your aunt's back and steps in close to her.
  149. >Their busts smush against each other as she pulls her aunt in closer, "Oh Auntie you're so silly!" she chirps.
  150. >"And you're sssillier Lem!" she responds back, booping Lemon on the nose.
  151. >"I'm so happy that, like, we're all SO close~..." she nuzzle your drunk aunt's cheek with her own while eyeing you intensely, "-as a family~"
  152. >Your aunt, happy to receive the affection in her inebriated state only giggles in response, "Mmhmm! Say, why don't you two go spend time with your cousin. Let the adults make with the boring blah blahs. Moonie really missed you Anonymous, you know?"
  153. >You clear your throat loudly and take another step back from the two girls, unsure of what in the hell to make of ANY of what just happened.
  154. >"Oh of course auntie! I'd LOVE to spend time with my cousin~"
  155. >Lemon releases your aunt and begins to saunter- walk, she's just walking... a-and swaying her hips is just how she walks probably, over to you.
  156. >She reaches a hand out and hooks a it onto your arm, slowly, she brings down one finger at a time until she has gripped your arm completely while closing the gap between you both.
  157. >Her chest meets your shoulder, brushing against it firmly enough to turn your torso slightly, "Don't you, like, wanna spend time with your cousin too Anon~?" she coos, walking past you now.
  158. >You feel a light tug on your arm, which you mindlessly obey, walking away from the adults gathered in the kitchen and off into deeper parts of the house.
  159. >You are pulled along gently into one of the halls.
  160. >One door after the next passes by.
  161. >In one solid yank you find yourself dipping away from the hall and stumbling into a room.
  162. >You whip around to face the door out only to watch it shut with a single butt bump from Lemon Hearts.
  163. >She leans back against the door, keeping her hands tucked behind her, which inadvertently, you think anyway, puts her chest out towards you.
  164. >You swallow nervously, unsure of what to do right now.
  165. >"So..." Lemon coos, "Cousin~" she sing-songs, relaxing her position and starts stalking towards you, "I have been, like, SO bored the last two days..." she whines, getting ever closer towards you.
  166. >You take a hesitant step back but she matches it with a step forward.
  167. >"The signal strength here is so bad~" she says, booping your chest with a pretty, painted, long nail.
  168. >"And trying to talk to Loony is... ugh, like, impossible... you know what I mean don't you~"
  169. >The rest of her hand follows the initial finger as her fingers spread widely across the center of your chest.
  170. "Y-yeah I-"
  171. >Her hand darts up to put a finger to your lips, "Shh, Lemon's talking."
  172. >She slowly traces her finger down your lips, grazing her nail over your chin.
  173. >Down your neck, sending a shiver up your spine.
  174. >She digs her nail in a little when she reaches the exposed part of your chest, just above the neck of your shirt, before dragging it down.
  175. >She scratches gently against your skin, pulling the collar of your shirt down somewhat before it snaps back up and she spreads her fingers over your chest again.
  176. >"Mmm~" she hums pleasantly while gently grabbing a feel of your torso.
  177. >She stops suddenly and tilts her head to the side, "Mm? Uh... like, where was I?" she muses aloud.
  178. >You open your mouth to speak but she's quicker to respond, "Oh right! Duh Lemon, like, how could you forget?..." A smirk spreads across her lips as she eyes you up and down, "How bored I've been~"
  179. >Her hand begins to travel lower.
  180. >"But now I've got a new, cute, loving cousin to spend time with right?" she chirps.
  181. >Cute?!
  182. >Her hand is past your stomach now and is quickly approaching your pelvis.
  183. >"And you are loving aren't you cuz? I can see it in your eyes~"
  184. >You can't even look away from her eyes, the deep magenta pools have your head completely submerged.
  185. >You feel a light pressure over your stiffening bulge.
  186. >Her fingers slip under your shirt and she begins to bring her hand up now.
  187. >"Hmm~ Oh I just knew it, you are loving aren't you~" she coos, stepping closer towards you.
  188. >Her hand travels higher and higher, your shirt catches on her wrist and rises with it, slowly exposing your chest as she nears.
  189. >Lemon stands right up close to you, her chest is inches away from yours, her hand is up at your shoulder now, your torso is almost completely exposed.
  190. >She looks down at your body and bites her lip a sultry giggle rumbles in her throat.
  191. >Lemon raises her head and looks into your eyes again, "I can be real loving too you know, Anon~" she whispers just under her breath, like she's only now afraid of getting caught.
  192. >Lemon leans forward, gripping your shoulder for support and to pull you down slightly.
  193. >You can feel her breath on your lips before you feel her.
  194. >The sweet citrusy scent of her breath tickles your nose just before you feel her warmth against you.
  195. >She moans softly into your mouth, you can feel her lips vibrate against yours as she presses them firmly to you.
  196. >Your hands move of their own accord, one coming to rest on the spot where her upper thigh meets her butt and the other against her hip.
  197. >You can feel her smiling against you at your touch and even gives her ass a little shake, coaxing your hand up higher.
  198. >She comes away from you with a faint smack sound and looks up into your eyes, biting her lip.
  199. >You can feel your cock starting to ache as it pushes against the shackles of your cloth prison.
  200. >It seems she can feel the struggle in your pants as she suddenly lets out a squeak and her lips form a wide "O" shape.
  201. >She leans back a little and looks down your bodies, giggling as she does, "WOW, like, somebody's a little excited aren't they?"
  202. "U-uh... sorry I-"
  203. >"Shhh" she leans in again and kisses your lips, "Lemon's talking~" she coos softly.
  204. >She purrs as she rests her free hand on your side, "Don't feel embarrassed cuz... you're not the only one~" she singsongs
  205. >What in the actual fuck is all this?!
  206. >Your heart is racing in your chest as a mixture of sheer confusion and arousal all come crashing down onto you.
  207. >"I just, like, LOVE younger guys you know?"
  208. >Younger?
  209. >She looks like she's your age, maybe a little younger.
  210. "I'm eighteen."
  211. >She hums, pleased with your statement, "I knew it. Thats a hot, tight, twenty-four year old's ass in your hands Anon~"
  212. >What?!
  213. >She giggles, 'Oh I just love that look on a guys face when I tell them that..." she muses aloud, "See I had to figure you were at least sixteen with a favorable growth spurt which would've been great, but I like eighteen too. Really, it's the hesitation that I, like, TOTALLY love!"
  214. >She leans up and kisses you, throwing you completely off and making your body tense up in response.
  215. >She settle back down and giggles at you, "See, like that. Awww~"
  216. >Lemon raises a hand against your cheek and rubs your face with her thumb, "So adorably frozen!" she babytalks you.
  217. >Without any warning you get a rough shove to your chest and stumble back to fall back first onto a bed.
  218. >Your eyes lock to the ceiling and then immediately to where Lemon is, but only manage to catch her in motion.
  219. "Ooph!"
  220. >Before you could even register what was going on she's already straddled herself over your groin.
  221. >You can feel the warmth and weight of her body against you.
  222. >Her hands come to rest on your shoulders, and press you firmly down onto the mattress.
  223. >Lemon herself is smirking down at you, "And now completely helpless. This is a very fetch look for you Anon, like, I'm getting SO hot right now~"
  224. >As if to punctuate that statement, you can feel her grinding against your bulge as she rocks her hips back and forth, side to side.
  225. >Despite your best efforts a small grunt escapes your lips.
  226. >Lemon's busty chest heaves with each of her heavy breaths as she looms over you.
  227. >"And I know you're only my cousin-in-law or whatever, but you're just going to be my normal cousin for this you got that?"
  228. >The burning desire in your eyes has you completely entranced.
  229. >You muster a weak nod, or at least you think you do.
  230. >She practically pounces down on you regardless and buries her face into your neck.
  231. >Her soft, warm, wet lips meet your sensitive skin.
  232. >You shiver under her, feeling each puff of breath that escapes her nose as she kisses and licks your exposed flesh.
  233. >This doesn't last too long however, as you both hear a voice, punctuated with a click.
  234. >She jumps up tall and whips her head around to face the door, you lean to the side and look towards it as well.
  235. >"Lemmy! We're going to the store for some things, come with us."
  236. >"Daaaaddy!" she whines, bouncing on you as she does, "You and mom go on your own!"
  237. >"You've had Moonie the last two days, let her other cousin spend some time with her. They'll be here when you get back."
  238. >She huffs and looks down at you, her hips rock back and forth on your crotch, "We are SO continuing this later..."
  239. >With that she throws her leg off of you and, in a fluid motion, slips off the bed and starts walking to the door.
  240. >She pauses with her hand on the handle and turns her upper body back to face you.
  241. >Lemon grabs the hem of her shirt and lifts it up to flash a yellow tiger-printed bra at you, she winks and drops her shirt as she slips out the door.
  242. >"Lemon!" you hear her dad call her from beyond the door.
  243. >"I'm coming jeez Daddy, relax!" she growls back, her voice getting quieter as she travels further away.
  244. >You fall back onto the bed and let out a long sigh.
  245. "What in the fuck?" you whisper to yourself.
  246. >You let your head swim in the utter shock and arousal you've just encountered within the last half hour or so for a while.
  247. >Scareousal?
  248. >Mmm, nah, fear isn't exactly a part of what your feeling.
  249. >Though... Lemon was kind of intimidating now that you're really working yourself through this.
  250. >Your thoughts flash to, well, when she flashed you.
  251. >Her flat stomach and that busty chest held back by some really sexy delicates.
  252. >Intimidating, but very hot.
  253. >You let out a long sigh.
  254. >The overwhelmed feeling is lighter now, you still have no idea what to make of your "cousin" but she certainly has some ideas of her own.
  255. >And well, It's not like there's really any blood on the line...
  256. >You shake your head and rise out of the guest bed, eyes growing tired of staring at the ceiling.
  257. >The floor creaks lightly as you walk towards the door leading out.
  258. >You rest a hand on the doorknob, unsure of what to do now.
  259. >As far as your aunt knows, you are spending time with Moonie.
  260. >A prospect you have absolutely no interest in pursuing.
  261. >But, if you don't, and Moondancer somehow gets successfully forced into coming out of her cave questions could get. leveraged at you about what you were doing.
  262. >And more importantly what you and Lemon Hearts were doing.
  263. >You don't exactly trust your state of mind around that girl so, for now, it seems she's forced your hand...
  264. >The door opens out to the hallway, you step out and glance left and right, scanning the doors while trying to remember which one was-
  265. >Ah.
  266. >A faint whisp of... something, tickles your nose, most notably coming from your left.
  267. >You turn that way and take another few steps down the hall.
  268. >You reach a room that has a faint flashing light creeping out through the gap at the bottom of the door.
  269. >The smell is stronger right where you are.
  270. >This is probably it...
  271. >You place a hand on the doorknob and quickly recoil it.
  272. >And this is only a signal of the problem, not the problem itself.
  273. >You let out a soft sigh.
  274. >Mom's words return to the front of your mind.
  275. "Happy face or no game..." you whisper to yourself.
  276. >This is almost certainly not worth it, but with dad out of the picture and you not having a job yet, there's no telling when you're gonna have something new to play.
  277. >You force a smile onto your face and grab hold of the, probably greasy, doorknob.
  278. >Besides, you only need to spend time with her long enough for Lemon Hearts to come back.
  279. >And who knows, maybe she's not so bad now-
  280. >You turn the knob successfully on the second attempt, your fingers slipped on the first, and push the door inwards.
  281. >A wave of... something that can only be described as musk assaults your nose first.
  282. >The door swings inward, revealing more and more of the clutter and mess of the room beyond.
  283. >Plastic cups, paper plates, chip bags, and soda bottles litter her t.v. stand, shelves, and floor.
  284. >Assorted little books and clothing join the various food containers.
  285. >The door continues onward, revealing the source of the light finally.
  286. >As well as the only occupant in this dump of a room.
  287. >A bright monitor, mostly obscured by the body sitting in front of it.
  288. >Her knees are pointed outwards as it seems she's sitting crosslegged in her chair, and the pale skin that protrudes out of the shorts you hope she is wearing this time almost glows in the light that comes off of the monitor.
  289. >Just as soon as the faint bit of hall light reaches her monitor do you see your cousin start to react.
  290. >You see her jump up from her chair, probably the fastest you've ever seen her move before, and throw her arms out to further obscure the monitor from your view.
  291. >Her legs seemingly fell asleep in her crosslegged state, or merely got tangled and she couldn't untangle them as she rose.
  292. >The end result is her yelping as she pushes the wheeled chair out from under her and in her panic hugs the monitor, taking it down with her as she fell.
  293. >Impressively she managed to somehow land on her back while holding onto the monitor.
  294. >This of course means, however, that she landed on the floor with no bracing and as a result made a decently loud thud upon contact.
  295. >She lets out a gasp and you immediately dart into the musky room to check on her.
  296. >You hear crinkling and crunching of stuff you'd rather not put any thought into what you just stepped on, but manage to reach your cousin shortly.
  297. >As you near, the general odor of the room is gradually obscured by another one.
  298. >Somewhat heady and thick, with a faint saltiness to it.
  299. >You kneel down before Moondancer.
  300. >Her eyes are shut tightly, the fall has made her glasses all crooked on her face and she's holding the monitor tightly to her chest.
  301. >Her legs are spread apart now with her ankles curled into each other, the likely reason she fell.
  302. >Even though the light of the room is dim with the monitor bound up in her arms, you can see clearly that your hopes for shorts were misplaced and she did indeed default to her usual "outfit".
  303. >A pair of blue and white striped panties are clearly on display in her dazed state.
  304. "Moondancer" you call out to her, forcing your eyes back up, rolling them past her ratty old sweater and coming to rest on her face.
  305. >She fidgets slightly under you.
  306. "Moonie? Are you okay?"
  307. >You think you can hear a faint whine coming from her.
  308. >You place a hand on the floor beside her head and lean in closer.
  309. "Hey, Moondancer seriously, can you not breathe or something?"
  310. >She creaks her eyes open slightly, peeking up at you more with one eye than the other.
  311. >The moment she locks eyes with you, she makes a small noise, like a faint gasp.
  312. >Her lips part slightly and she opens both eyes completely.
  313. >The two violet orbs shimmer under the dim light of her room.
  314. >"A-Anon-kun..." she whispers softly.
  315. >Oh for fucks-
  316. >You roll your eyes and sit up straight, this prompts your cousin to do the same, grunting slightly as she hefts the monitor up with her.
  317. >Instinct kicks in and you reach out to help her lift the screen up, touching her hand in the process.
  318. "Here, let me-"
  319. >She makes a faint squeak and turns to pull her hand and the monitor out of your reach, "D-don't! I-I mean... I can do it myself Anon-kun, thanks for offering though..." she mutters back after her brief outburst.
  320. >You sigh audibly and rise back to your feet.
  321. >God she is still just as much of a loser as you rememb-
  322. >Your thoughts dim as you look over to your cousin, who is fawning over the monitor on the floor.
  323. >Peeking around the back of it and looking at it from all sides.
  324. >All while down on her knees and hands...
  325. >The band of her panties digs into the pale soft flesh of her thighs, you can see the fabric stretch against her round bottom, the thick blue stripes become faded and almost see through.
  326. >And you can't tell if it's the shadow from crawling around in front of the monitor or butt sweat, but the darker patches of her panties draw your eyes just the same.
  327. >That is until Moondancer peeks back at you over her shoulder.
  328. >You glance away quickly, but you fear not quick enough as she quickly rises to her feet and presses a few keys on her keyboard.
  329. >Glancing back you see the monitor blink away from what looked like a video focused largely on a girl's back to her desktop.
  330. >Some guy anime cartoon guy with messy hair and green eyes with his hands put up in a stupid heart shape over his chest is her background.
  331. >Moonie awkwardly steps in front of the monitor, blocking some of it with her pale legs.
  332. >She clasps her hands together in front of you and looks up at you, "H-hey Anon-kun, I thought you were going to spend more time with Lemon Heats" she explains, "I-I didn't realize you were going to come in my room..." she mumbles the last bit mostly under her breath.
  333. >Yeah well, you wouldn't have if you had your way of things, at least the stench is almost entirely ignored by your nose now.
  334. "Your glasses are crooked still" you respond back.
  335. >She crosses her eyes and pouts her lip at the same time to assess the position of her glasses.
  336. >"Oh!" she quickly adjusts them back into place and beams a smile at you, "Th-thanks Anon-kun!" she chirps.
  337. >You hum noncommittally in response.
  338. >An awkward silence fills the dark cave she calls a room.
  339. >Moondancer fidgets with the hem of her oversized, stained, and dingy sweater for a bit, keeping her eyes locked to her fingers.
  340. >You stand there watching her, feeling the seconds crawl by and debating as to whether this has been long enough that you can just leave before things get even more uncomfortabl-
  341. >"D-do you wanna watch an anime with me?"
  342. >...Fuck.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables