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Forbidden Feelings(Incest)(MaudxAnon) by Frostybox

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 18:18:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Non canon one-shot.
  3. >You can hear him in his room.
  4. >Breathing heavily, the rhythmic squeak of his desk chair.
  5. >And if you listen really closely you can hear the faint onomatopoetic fapping.
  6. >Dad got an invitation to a two-week conference out of state.
  7. >Apparently quarry business is still big business, they offered him up to two hotel rooms to go.
  8. >He wasn’t going to accept the offer, the market is picking up because of a rise in housing and he didn’t want the Rock Farm to miss out.
  9. >Dad works hard, for this family and all the others employed at the Farm, he deserves the time off.
  10. >It took some pressure from your sisters and brother, mom didn’t think he’d cave at all, but he did.
  11. >Not only that, he turned it into a family vacation.
  12. >Of course, convincing him to go required assurance that things would continue as is without him.
  13. >And thus you, with your knowledge of rock quality, and your brother Anonymous with his knowledge of the day to day operations elected to stay and run things in his place.
  14. >Anonymous is quickening his pace.
  15. >You can hear stifled grunts escaping with his exhales.
  16. >He must be getting closer.
  17. >Your panties are beginning to soak through.
  18. >You stand up tall, compressing your thighs together.
  19. >One small drop of your arousal streaks down the inside of your leg.
  20. >You turn the knob to his room and push it in just a little.
  21. >Peering inside you see your older brother Anonymous, his back is turned towards you.
  22. >The oversized muffs he calls headphones are firmly pressed to his ears.
  23. >The bright monitor of his computer flashes in his face.
  24. >You can’t see very well from here, past his head and those headphones, but you can partially make out a girl.
  25. >Her body is lithe and very toned, you can clearly see the muscles of her abdomen as she rocks back and forth across the screen.
  26. >You look down at yourself.
  27. >Your breasts are larger than hers, they’d jiggle much more under each of Anonymous’ thrusts.
  28. >Your hand travels further down, over your stomach.
  29. >This would jiggle too, not much as you don’t have very much fat, but some.
  30. >Your abdominal muscles would be just barely visible from Anonymous’ perspective.
  31. >Would he like that?
  32. >Snapping out of your uncertainty you find that your legs have brought you inside of your older brother’s room.
  33. >Your thighs are also more slick than they were just a few moments ago.
  34. >Your brother’s heady scent is much stronger here than it is just peeking through the door.
  35. >It’s a different feeling, spying on your brother in his most basal nature than it is to be in the room proper with him.
  36. >The former makes your heart race faster like you’re catching him in the middle of something wrong.
  37. >And it is wrong.
  38. >Not what he’s doing, but rather your interest in what he’s doing.
  39. >The latter, being here, it’s like you’re a part of it.
  40. >Whether he realizes it or not.
  41. >The sounds are better, the smell is stronger…
  42. >Your hand hovers just over the crotch of your pajama pants.
  43. >It could just be coming from your palms, this heat you feel, but you aren’t truly certain of the source.
  44. >Your nethers certainly are alight with arousal.
  45. >Anonymous is trembling in his seat.
  46. >You bite your lip like you see the girl on the screen doing.
  47. >Her body is rocking harder, as the man increases his pace you assume.
  48. >Your erect nipples brush against the soft cloth of your pajama top with each inhale.
  49. >It sends a tingle down your spine.
  50. >Your breaths out sound closer to faint moans.
  51. >You understand why the girl bites her lip now.
  52. >Anonymous’ exhales are mixtures of gasps and moans.
  53. >You try to match your breathing to his, to better imagine yourself underneath his trembling form, ravishing your body to bring. himself, and you, to the point of ecstasy.
  54. >”Hnng- Ah…” he gasps silently to himself, and to you.
  55. >You watch in awe as his legs twitch and his hips thrust weakly in his chair.
  56. >You imagine yourself feeling his thighs tense and relax under yours.
  57. >Feeling his hips thrust into your bottom.
  58. >The warmth of his semen flooding your cavity, leaking out of you, trickling down your thigh-
  59. >"Phew... that was great I- I-I uh... M-MAUD?!"
  60. >You glance over your shoulder from the hurried kneeling position you took in front of his short bookshelf.
  61. >Your thighs are compressed together tightly like this.
  62. >The slickness around your crotch is somewhat distracting.
  63. "Yes, Anonymous?"
  64. >"Wh-what are you doing here?!"
  65. >He jumped behind his chair to cover himself and the screen the instant he turned around, you didn't even get a glimpse of his member.
  66. >Softening from its formerly thick and hardened state, still oozing his semen from the sensitive fleshy tip.
  67. "I finished the graphic novel you lent me. I was hoping you had the second volume. I knocked outside of your door but you didn't answer me so I thought you were sleeping, I didn't want to startle you after I entered and saw that I was wrong."
  68. >You grab one of his books off of his shelf and hold it over the crotch of your pajama bottoms as you rise and turn to face your brother.
  69. "I-"
  70. >Become incredibly aroused watching you masturbate.
  71. >Yes, I've done this before, often imagining myself experiencing the scenes you watch with you.
  72. >Would you consider... indulging in these fantasies?
  73. >The words and the following conversation are right there in your grasp.
  74. >Anonymous' bright green eyes search yours with a mix of embarrassment and anticipation.
  75. >You swallow down the nerves welling up in your throat.
  76. "I think this book will suffice instead."
  77. >You begin walking towards the doorway feeling like talc going against corundum in a mohs test.
  78. >This is your last opportunity to say something.
  79. >You raise your head and turn towards your older brother.
  80. "Anonymous-"
  81. >He looks back at you with the most adorable color on his cheek.
  82. >Your words catch in your throat.
  83. "Gh- I'm sorry for interrupting you, please enjoy yourself."
  84. >"Guh?"
  85. >You promptly close the door roughly behind you as you walk out.
  86. >The hardcover book creaks under your tense grip.
  87. >"Please enjoy yourself?" could you be anymore awkward than you already are?
  88. >Frustration wells inside of your heart.
  89. >You close your eyes and feel the desire to scream building.
  90. >Building...
  91. "Haaaa~"
  92. >You let out a long breath and with it, your rising anger.
  93. >It's still some time before dinner is ready and you still have a yearning in your heart and your pants.
  94. >If you can separate out your moment of cowardice, you may be able to use the memory of your intrusion.
  95. >You step softly towards your room and leave the door slightly ajar, as you have this past week, in the hopes that Anonymous might show the same curiosity in you that you do towards him.
  96. >You strip out of your pajamas and leave them where they fall.
  97. >The crotch and thigh region of your pajamas have faint dark patches in the cloth.
  98. >Your panties are damp, you slip your thumbs near the front and pull it away from your body.
  99. >A few small strands of arousal connect the dark purple cloth with your moist lips as you stretch out your underwear.
  100. >They break when you pull them down some.
  101. >Leaving them on the floor, you bring out a small towel and sit down on top of it.
  102. >Slowly you lean your upper body back until the back of your head meets your pillow.
  103. >You spread your legs apart, and bring your feet closer to raise your thighs up slightly allowing you better access.
  104. >One hand rests on your thigh while the other travels further down.
  105. >You suck in a breath of air when you first make contact with yourself.
  106. >Your left thigh tenses up briefly then relaxes.
  107. >For the moment you merely trace your fingers over your burning lips, feeling the slick warm flesh shift.
  108. >You close your eyes.
  109. >Your nose fills with the smell of Anonymous' room just moments ago.
  110. >His sweat, his musk.
  111. >You hear his deep breaths tickle your ear.
  112. >One finger enters your hungry depths.
  113. >Your walls tighten around that finger.
  114. >A shudder escapes your lips.
  115. >Your legs tremble as the pleasant tingles travel up into your core and spread from there all over your body.
  116. >You imagine your brother's hands, thick and strong from years of demanding labor.
  117. >He could easily hurt you, now that he has you in your more exposed and vulnerable state.
  118. >In fact, it's probably harder for him not to, being gentle is almost an abstract concept for someone like Anonymous.
  119. >Yet... for you, he enters slowly and withdraws even slower.
  120. >The pressure he puts on your walls is light, enough to draw out pleasure from you but not enough to hurt.
  121. >He pokes and prods with curiosity and respect for your body.
  122. >When he inserts the second finger, he does so gradually.
  123. >Replacing the first to allow your body to become accustomed to the thicker digit.
  124. >Then reintroducing the first and slowly, almost too slowly but not quite, he inserts the second.
  125. >His other hand rubs your stomach, sending pleasant tingles of a different sort through you.
  126. >His thumb brushes over the trimmed patch of pubic hair whenever his hand travels low enough, it tickles but not in a way that's distracting.
  127. >He spreads your lips apart, eliciting a gasp from you, soft and gentle so your indecent activities are not discovered by the rest of your family.
  128. >He flashes you that toothy grin of his, knowing he's found your weakness.
  129. >You bite your lip to stifle the future sounds of pleasure you know he is going to draw out of you.
  130. >Again his two fingers press against your tight hot walls, in opposite directions.
  131. >A squelch noise can be heard followed by a barely stifled moan.
  132. >You bite your lip harder.
  133. >He keeps your walls spread, Anonymous lowers his face, his other hand has now traveled to your thigh to better support himself.
  134. >He can see all of you now, you could kick him away at any time, but you don't.
  135. >You want him to see you.
  136. >You want him to know you.
  137. >How you feel.
  138. >How you smell.
  139. >Anonymous is entranced by your body.
  140. >He wants you, just as much as you want him.
  141. >More so even.
  142. >He begins to crawl over you.
  143. >The bed sinks, pulling you slightly in that direction, with each placement of his hand as he slowly drapes his muscular form over you.
  144. >You can feel his breath on your body as he travels higher and higher.
  145. >Tickling your pubic hair.
  146. >Grazing over your stomach.
  147. >Tingles on your sensitive nipples.
  148. >A hot puff on your neck.
  149. >And finally a warm breath on your face.
  150. >His eyes look deeply into yours and you look back.
  151. >He smiles, such a sweet smile made from sweet lips.
  152. >But are they sweet?
  153. >He closes his eyes and begins to lower himself.
  154. >His lips... you swallow down the nervous energy that makes your heart race and pucker your lips.
  155. >If they're sweet or not, you're about to find-
  156. >You bite your lip.
  157. >Hard.
  158. >A louder moan than you expected comes out.
  159. >You quickly turn your head and bury your face into your pillow while your thighs clench up tightly around your hand.
  160. >Your other reaches out for the closest thing, your sheets, and clenches them tightly.
  161. >Your heart is pounding in your chest, your body is slick with sweat or arousal.
  162. >The blissful euphoria dulls your senses for a time.
  163. >You lay there in your damp mess, enjoying the afterglow of your session.
  164. >A calming buzz fills your head as you stare blankly at the ceiling.
  165. >"-aud? Hey, are you awa- AH! Goddamn it Maud! Why didn't you close your door?!"
  166. >Anonymous?
  167. >He's got his back turned towards you.
  168. >"I was calling you from the kitchen, dinner is ready..."
  169. >His voice has a nervous tremble to it.
  170. >You can see his head tremble slightly like he were conflicted on where to turn it.
  171. >Someone else could dismiss it as the dim light of your room but your Maud sense has never let you down, and right now it's telling you that's a flush of arousal on his cheeks.
  172. >Arousal at... you?
  173. >You look yourself over.
  174. >Could it be that your glistening naked body has...
  175. "Okay Anonymous, I'll be right there."
  176. >He grunts in acknowledgment and starts walking away.
  177. >Just before he turns towards the hall completely you catch him.
  178. >His eyes darting to the side, to you.
  179. >Elation fills your chest, as does hope.
  180. >The nervous excitement from earlier begins to come back.
  181. >He's interested.
  182. >And you have a week alone still.
  183. >The only question now is... how to get him to act on his interest?
  186. >Dinner was different from usual.
  187. >Anonymous avoided your eyes as much as possible and he barely spoke.
  188. >Not out of any sort of anger towards you, at least it didn't feel that way.
  189. >The dinner wasn't anything special to keep his interest for as long as it did either.
  190. >You didn't like it, the tension that lingered between you both.
  191. >He is your brother and your best friend.
  192. >You don't feel uncomfortable with Anonymous like you do so many others, even among your family members sometimes.
  193. >That's why dinner was so frustrating, for that tension to exist.
  194. >He is supposed to understand you and accept you like he always, even if it's only like a sister...
  195. >But that's when it dawned on you, it had only been as a sister.
  196. >Not as a lover, like you wanted.
  197. >Your actions appeared to have piqued his interest but they'd also driven him away from you.
  198. >Into unfamiliar territory.
  199. >And just like how he helped you through unfamiliar situations, you had to help him.
  200. "I prefer to use my imagination when I masturbate instead of pornography."
  201. >Anonymous coughed into the glass of water he was drinking, spitting it up into his face and across the table some.
  202. >He withdrew the glass from his lips as he entered a coughing fit.
  203. >Briefly, his eyes looked into yours before moving away again.
  204. >He wiped his face with the napkin you held out for him to take.
  205. >His fingers brushed against yours, sending a pleasant tingle of warmth up your arm.
  206. >He cleaned himself up but kept his head and his eyes low.
  207. >"That's uh... wow, okay."
  208. >His body became more relaxed, you could see it in the way his shoulders have lowered.
  209. "Do you have the opposite preference?"
  210. >You, of course, knew the answer already.
  211. >"Uh... yeah, yeah I guess you could say that."
  212. "The girl in your video was pretty. She was very slender-"
  213. >"M-Maud! Can we uh, just drop today's events-"
  214. "I like handsome guys when I do watch videos, ones with really hard penises. They don't have to be big either-"
  215. >"Oh my god..." he whispered, bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
  216. >There was no hint of frustration in his voice, however, and you could see a faint smile forming on his face.
  217. >He chuckled softly, "Yeah she was pretty I guess, I don't really... care about stuff like that, for the most part."
  218. >He raised his head slowly, finally his eyes are looking back into yours.
  219. >There was a flush of color on his cheeks and a timid look in his emerald eyes.
  220. >"I just had an urge and found a video I liked" he continued, punctuated with a shrug.
  221. >You hummed in acknowledgement.
  222. >You hadn't been able to see the screen clearly on most nights, when you had it seemed like there was always a slender girl on the screen.
  223. "Is there a reason why you liked it?"
  224. >Anonymous looked away for a moment, "I dunno, I guess I liked that the girl was quiet?" he responded, unsure of the answer.
  225. "Quiet?"
  226. >"I mean, you know in porn... or maybe you don't- anyway, the girl is usually making a lot of noise to convince the watcher that she's really enjoying it I guess. I don't like that. I prefer videos where the girl is enjoying it how she wants to, little squeaks and moans, heavy breaths and the occasional gasp when the guy does something she really-"
  227. >He stopped speaking suddenly, eyes growing wide, "Holy shit! I am talking about my porn preferences with... you."
  228. >He looked bewildered but not disgusted.
  229. "I don't mind Anonymous, it's expected for you to have them and I told you about mine."
  230. >"Yeah I... yeah."
  231. >You resumed eating while Anonymous picked at his plate.
  232. >"You said handsome guys right?"
  233. "Yes, and hard penises. Size doesn't-"
  234. >That elicited another awkward cough from your brother, "R-right... What do you uh, what do you think makes for a handsome guy?"
  235. >The color on his cheeks was brighter than you'd ever seen.
  236. >Your eyes focused entirely on your brother, slowly you scanned him down in person and in your mind.
  237. "Thick hair you can run your fingers trough, just long enough to grab hold of. Bright compassionate eyes, ones that you could lose yourself in. A crooked nose, but one that you can only tell is crooked when your in arms reach. A strong jawline, one that would be fun to trace your fingers around-"
  238. >Your eyes lower, down to his broad, labor-shaped chest.
  239. "An adam's apple that just barely protrudes out, enough that you could find it in the dark to kiss or nibble. Broad shoulders to drape your arms around. Thick veiny forearms, I don't have a preference on hair as long as it's not excessiv-"
  240. >"Wow, you uh, really have an idea of what you like huh?"
  241. "Yes. I do."
  242. >Anonymous cleared his throat and resumed eating.
  243. >Things became quiet again, but it was a much more comfortable silence.
  244. >And soon dinner became the same as it used to be.
  245. >Though... perhaps not exactly the same. There was still something lingering in the air.
  246. >A nervous excitement maybe?
  247. >Dinner is finished now and Anonymous has just walked back from the kitchen.
  248. "Anonymous, would you like to watch a show with me?" you ask, catching him just as he was turning in the direction of his room.
  249. >He stops in place and hesitates a moment before turning around to face you.
  250. >"If you're going to marathon Geology Rocks!... again-"
  251. >You shake your head.
  252. "No, Pinkie borrowed a collection of 'How It's Made' episodes from one of her friends."
  253. >He hisses to himself, as he weighs his options "Yeah, alright."
  254. >You feel a lightness in your chest as he slips around the couch and settle in beside you.
  255. >You rise and walk over to the dvd player.
  256. >Your skin begins to feel warm and tingly everywhere your pajamas brush against your body.
  257. >Anonymous' eyes are on you, on the outside this is innocent, he's just waiting for you to insert the dvd but you can't help but feel some excitement in your heart.
  258. >He is comfortable with you still, despite everything today.
  259. >And you are fairly certain he was interested or at least curious when he walked into your room earlier.
  260. >You let the dvd drop from the case.
  261. "Oops."
  262. >And slowly bend down to retrieve it.
  263. >Your breathing quickens slightly as you make a point to protrude your butt out.
  264. >The small of your back becomes exposed to the cool air of the living room.
  265. >Slowly, you turn your head as you reach out for the fallen disc.
  266. >Your breath catches in your throat when you are able to just barely peek past your rump.
  267. >Anonymous' eyes lingering on you, your body.
  268. >Exposing yourself to him and catching his interest.
  269. >Being receptive of his reluctant but longing gaze.
  270. >Your heart is beating in your chest.
  271. >You feel so... feminine, for once.
  272. >So attractive.
  273. >So... wrong, but in all the right ways.
  274. >You insert the disc and take a moment to stretch while the player takes a moment to read the dvd.
  275. >Your hands clasp together behind you, you pull your arms down and push your chest out.
  276. >Your skin feels extremely sensitive, you almost have to bite your lip to keep your excitement contained as your breasts push against the tightening fabric of your pajama top.
  277. >You can hear the buttons strain against you.
  278. >The title music for the show begins to play through the t.v., you take that as your signal to return to your seat.
  279. >The couch squeaks as you plop yourself down on the seat, your thigh brushes against Anonymous'.
  280. >He jerks slightly which moves him away just away from you, but doesn't move any more than that.
  281. >Your skin is tingling with excitement, it's so distracting that you almost forgot to start the episode.
  282. >With a push of a button, you and your brother both sink yourselves into the couch and watch the screen.
  283. >The first segment is about pencils.
  284. >Anonymous keeps his hands folded over his crotch and his eyes glued to the television.
  285. >He's leaned back into the couch but his body is stiff.
  286. >You shuffle slightly until gravity can take over and slide you the rest of the way.
  287. >Your head connects with his shoulder eliciting a slight jump from your brother.
  288. >With your hand coming up just after and gently gripping his arm, he relaxes back to his tense state from before.
  289. >The sound of hair brushing against cloth signal's motion of your brother's head.
  290. >You tilt your own to look up at him.
  291. >His eyes look into yours with a hint of uncertainty.
  292. >You stare back, blinking when you feel your eyes becoming dry.
  293. >A small smile eases it's way across his face.
  294. >He turns back to the t.v. when the next segment begins and settle further into the couch.
  295. >You can feel his body relax beside you.
  296. >You let more of your weight rest against your brother's side and shoulder.
  297. >This is really satisfying, you can't help yourself when you brush your cheek against his shoulder.
  298. >Your hand releases his arm and slowly crosses over the front of his stomach and comes to a rest with fingers spread on his shirt.
  299. >You remain close like this for two more segments, enjoying each other's person.
  300. >Your legs squirm more and more as the evening stretches on.
  301. >There a slickness growing between your thighs.
  302. >As pleasant as this is, you want more, and you're becoming more certain that he does too.
  303. >If only there were a way to be certai-
  304. >"Mmm- Maud?" Anonymous asks as you rise suddenly and start walking away.
  305. "I'll be right back."
  306. >You enter Limestone's room and dig around her closet until you find what you needed.
  307. >He glances over at you when you return.
  308. >You hold up a heating pad that Limestone uses when she gets crampy.
  309. >Anonymous' brow furrows as his eyes fall on the slice-of-lime design.
  310. >They widen with realization, "Oh. Are you uh... is it-"
  311. >You shake your head.
  312. "I don't think so, my stomach is just upset I think."
  313. >"Okay well... are you going to watch this in your room then?" Anonymous asks, nodding his head towards the t.v.
  314. >Again you shake your head.
  315. "No, just scoot over."
  316. >He quirks a brow at you, but does as you command.
  317. >You stand on the couch where he was sitting previously and plant your knees into the back of the couch.
  318. >You bend down and slip your arm down into the space between the back of the couch and the wall.
  319. >It takes a bit of struggle and stretching but you manage to plug the heating pad into the outlet behind the couch.
  320. >When you rise back up you catch a hint of movement, Anonymous' head turning back to the screen from where it was looking before, your butt.
  321. >Even though the need for the heating pad was a lie, you feel elation in your stomach in the form of butterflies.
  322. >You settle yourself down on the opposite end of the couch.
  323. >Sitting on your knees first so you can set the pad to low and pressing it against your stomach.
  324. >You hold it there with one hand while slowly lowering yourself down with your free hand.
  325. >The very top of your head is pushing against your brother's thigh while you are laid out on your stomach.
  326. >You turn so you can face the t.v. and watch the segment on screwdrivers.
  327. >At first just to give your brother time to adjust, but shortly after because it was an interesting segment.
  328. >As the next segment begins you shuffle yourself up a little higher.
  329. >The couch shifts where Anonymous is seated, but thankfully your brother remains where he is.
  330. >You bring a hand up and grasp his knee closest to you.
  331. >He twitches that leg upon contact but otherwise doesn't react.
  332. >You let out a yawn and grip his knee tighter, you pull your body up higher and rest part of your head on his lap.
  333. >He makes a small grunt.
  334. "The cushion itches my face" you explain.
  335. >He doesn't say anything.
  336. >You watch the ongoing segment in silence, enjoying the warmth of his body against your head and hand.
  337. >Before the segment ends you squirm just a little more to put more of your head in his lap.
  338. >Your hand travels up some to rest on his thigh.
  339. >Anonymous makes a noise, "I-I can get you a pillow if you want?"
  340. >You shake your head, which also happened to bring it up further onto his lap.
  341. "Don't get up Anonymous, you're warm and I'm comfortable already."
  342. >You can hear him swallow, "H-how are you feeling?"
  343. >You turn your head and some of your body to look up at your brother.
  344. >He's looking down on you with concern and a blush on his cheeks.
  345. "Much better with you here to keep me company."
  346. >He smiles and looks back to the screen.
  347. >You turn your head as well and slip your previously free arm behind his back.
  348. >He straightens up slightly, allowing you to bring your arm all the way to rest on his opposite hip.
  349. >He is so close to you now.
  350. >His body is relaxed.
  351. >You lazily scratch at his hip and rub your hand on his thigh as the segment continues.
  352. >In your periphery you can see a certain part of him beginning to stiffen, he casually covers it with his hands like he might have been doing earlier.
  353. "Anonymous."
  354. >He clears his throat and swallows before answering you, "Y-yes?"
  355. "Could you rub my back? I feel tense."
  356. >"U-uh... okay."
  357. >He removes one hand away from his groin and you can feel a firm warmth on your back shortly after.
  358. >You hum with pleasure and adjust yourself slightly.
  359. >Your lips tingle as his hand traces circles along your back.
  360. >You allow your breathing to become louder, deeper.
  361. >Anonymous squirms beneath your head, your own legs move too.
  362. >You continue rubbing Anonymous' thigh, traveling further inward little by little.
  363. >The t.v. is nothing more than light and sound at this point.
  364. "Under my pajama would you? I like how warm your hands are."
  365. >"Maud I..."
  366. >You give him a gentle squeeze with the arm that's draped around his back and in so doing slip your other hand further up his thigh.
  367. >Peeking up at Anonymous through your periphery reveals him to be biting his lip with eyes shut tight.
  368. >A small moan escapes your lips accidentally.
  369. >Your head is raise up roughly as Anonymous rises off the couch.
  370. >"Sorry Maud I- I uh, it's getting late and I have some paperwork to for tomorrow" he mumbles out before leaving for his room.
  371. "Anonym-"
  372. >You hear his door shut and feel a sudden chill in the room.
  373. >You roll onto your side and hug Limestone's pad closer to your body.
  374. >What should you do now?
  375. >You get overexcited.
  376. >Scared your brother.
  377. >He'll think you're weird.
  378. >Things will be awkward like they were at dinner but from now on.
  379. >Worry begins to fill your thoughts.
  380. >Your heart quickens with panic instead of arousal.
  381. >A sickening feeling settle into your stomach where butterflies once were.
  382. >You should tell him.
  383. >The words won't come out right, they'll sound dull and lifeless, but it your only chance now.
  384. >You walk with your heart pounding in your throat at each step.
  385. >His door stands right in front of you.
  386. >Your hand hovers of the painted wood, curled up into a fist.
  387. >You take a deep breath and pull back your hand.
  388. >Just before you bring it forward you hear a sound.
  389. >Anonymous' voice, deep and hushed.
  390. >You listen closer and hear his breathing, heavy and shuddering.
  391. >Could he be...
  392. >You don't hear his chair.
  393. >He moans softly, "Maud..."
  394. >Your heart drops directly into your stomach.
  395. >Everything stops for a moment.
  396. >He called... your name.
  397. >Your hand lowers, fist unclenches, you feel the cool metal of his door handle under your hot sweaty palm.
  398. >You turn the handle and push his door inward.
  399. >There, on his bed is your brother.
  400. >Naked from the waist down and stroking his hard penis feverishly with his hand.
  401. "Anonymous, I-"
  402. >His head whips to face you, eyes widen with shock.
  403. >He quickly rolls to cover himself with his blankets, "Maud?! Why didn't you knock?! Get out!"
  404. >You step inside, leaving the door to continue opening on its own.
  405. "I feel better, I wanted to help with the paperwork if I could."
  406. >"Don't worry about the paperwork, I can do it, just leave!" he barks.
  407. >Your body feels very hot, being inside his room.
  408. >Knowing he was just pleasuring himself to the thought of you.
  409. >You can even smell his musk in the air.
  410. >Your hands hover over your hips.
  411. "It's okay Anonymous, you don't have to be embarrassed."
  412. >"Just go..." he whimpers, avoiding looking at you.
  413. >The sound of cloth dragging against skin sounds out in the quiet room.
  414. >Your brother's eyes glance over into his periphery.
  415. >He makes a small gasp, his eyes do a double take before he turns fully towards you.
  416. >Your bottom half is exposed to the warmth of his room.
  417. >The reservation in his eyes, the hunger... your heart is pounding in your chest.
  418. >You can't steady your breathing.
  419. >This feeling is even better than with the disc earlier.
  420. >There is no uncertainty now.
  421. >No air of innocence.
  422. >He's looking at you.
  423. >You can feel your arousal trickling slowly down your thigh.
  424. "It's okay Anonymous, you don't have to be embarrassed" you repeat.
  425. >Your hands move over from their spot by your hips.
  426. >They hover over your crotch, you can feel the heat generated from your own body.
  427. "Look, watch me do it too."
  428. >Your feet shimmy further apart from each other, spreading your legs out just enough to slip a hand in between.
  429. >You bite your lip and close your eyes as you immerse yourself in this intense pleasure.
  430. >A moist schlick noise sounds out in the otherwise quiet room.
  431. >Your fingers are quickly slickened by your quivering lips.
  432. >Your rub and graze, pinch and gently pull with one hand while the other traces gentle circles over your clitoris.
  433. >Your small patch of pubic hair tickles your palm.
  434. >The feeling sends a tingle up your spine.
  435. >Your butt clenches tight and your legs quiver with pleasure.
  436. >A shuddered breath escapes you as you please yourself in front of your older brother.
  437. >You begin to imagine him caressing your body before realizing you don't need to imagine anymore.
  438. >With open eyes you look at your brother, captivated by you.
  439. "I don't want to use my imagination right now" you state, drawing his attention away from your nethers.
  440. >He looks up at you with lust burning in his bright emerald eyes.
  441. "I want to see a handsome man, and his thick... hard... cock."
  442. >Anonymous glances down.
  443. >He looks back up at you and slowly, wordlessly unfurls himself from his bundle of blankets and sits at the edge of his bed.
  444. >His penis protrudes up firmly, the tip is glistening with his precum.
  445. >You can see it throbbing, aching, yearning with desire.
  446. >A low moan rumbles out of your throat.
  447. >Your legs won't stop shaking.
  448. >"Maud-" Anonymous speaks, just barely a whisper.
  449. >You force yourself away from his stiff members, "S-sit down?" he mumbles, unsure of the words as they leave past his lips.
  450. >You do as he suggest, resting your thigh right against his.
  451. >He stares forward for a moment, face holding firmly.
  452. >You shift, raising your leg up and bringing it back down on top of his thigh.
  453. >He looks down at his own waist, then over to your leg.
  454. >Your brother follows it back to you.
  455. >You bite your lip and resume rubbing your sensitive lips.
  456. >Anonymous swallows and wraps his hand around his stiff penis.
  457. >You watch intently as he begins to stroke his length.
  458. >Slowly.
  459. >The glistening tip begins accumulating a small pearlescent bead of fluid.
  460. >This pearl becomes bigger as he increases his pace.
  461. >You slip a finger inside, followed shortly by a second.
  462. >He rests his free hand on your thigh, your skin burns with pleasure at the point of contact.
  463. >You hum with pleasure, your legs close slightly out of instinct.
  464. >He takes this as a signal to proceed.
  465. >You have no intention of correcting him, especially once his hand brushes against your most sensitive region.
  466. >Each breath out is a stifled moan.
  467. >You lean over slightly and turn your upper body.
  468. >Your hand reaches across from yourself and grips gently around his cock.
  469. >Anonymous sucks in a breath of air.
  470. >You feel him tremble underneath you.
  472. >She's really doing it.
  473. >Oh fuck she's got her hand on your dick.
  474. >It's so soft and warm.
  475. >You feel so many tingles from everywhere her skin is touching yours.
  476. >Her pussy is so soft.
  477. >Your fingers are completely slick with her juices.
  478. >Your younger sister's juices.
  479. >You weren't sure what to think earlier, on the couch.
  480. >You felt wrong for feeling so attracted to her.
  481. >At least even if it is wrong, she feels the sam-
  482. >She squeezes your cock, her slender fingers just barely overlap each other when they're wrapped around your base.
  483. >She begins to stroke.
  484. >You let out an unexpected moan.
  485. >You can feel her body shake beside you and under your fingertips.
  486. >Her hand is slick with her own arousal.
  487. >She cups the head of your penis and gently rubs a small circle over it.
  488. >You dig your middle finger into her crevice, her puffy lips surround it the more you put pressure down.
  489. >Maud's face is still unreadable, her eyes blink slowly and look dull when open.
  490. >Her cheeks are flushed with a deep crimson and her lips remain parted as she lets out soft monotone sounds of pleasure.
  491. >You legs tense up, she's back to stroking you again, faster now.
  492. >You prod the tip of your finger into her hot entrance.
  493. >It slips inside easily.
  494. >She brings her thighs close together for a moment, her smooth slick skin rubs your hand.
  495. >You can feel her tighten around your finger in that moment.
  496. >You bury your finger deep inside, pressing your palm and other fingers against her hot sex.
  497. >"Ohhh" she moans, still keeping a straight face.
  498. >Her eyes close now and she increases her pace on your cock.
  499. >Her other hand planted itself on your hip, travelled to your inner thigh and now is caressing your balls.
  500. >She changes the pressure of her grip with both hands randomly.
  501. >Sometimes tightly, almost to the point of painted.
  502. >Her hands move slowly then, pausing at your tip to trace her thumb over your swollen leaking head.
  503. >Other times it's like she's not even there, her hand is a blur as it travels up and down your shaft.
  504. >Coupled with the changing pressure on your sack sends confusing waves of pleasure through your body.
  505. >You can't contain yourself anymore, you are grunting and gasping with every breath.
  506. >Maud is grinding her hips against your hand, her breaths are heavy and every other one comes out as a moan.
  507. >Her eyes remain shut tight.
  508. >"Anonymous" she whispers under her breath.
  509. >She clasps her thighs together, squeezing your hand tightly and holding it in place.
  510. >Maud grinds fiercely against your punched appendage.
  511. >Her grip on your cock is tighter than ever.
  512. >Thankfully she released your boys and is instead digging her fingers into your thigh with that hand.
  513. >Maud doubles over and lets out a long groan, breaking it up with short inhales.
  514. >Her hand strokes your length sporadically, pausing occasionally and resuming suddenly with an intense speed.
  515. >She trembles around and against you as she continues jerking you.
  516. >You're close.
  517. >Her fingers overlap even less as your cock swells, almost to bursting.
  518. >You can feel the blood pulsing in your stiff member.
  519. >Maud must be able to recognize this even while in the middle of her orgasm.
  520. >She wraps her fingers around your sensitive head and makes short even strokes around it.
  521. "M-Maud..." you growl.
  522. >She keeps the same pace until you throw your head back.
  523. >The pleasure becomes too much, bringing you over the edge.
  524. >Your cock throbs in her hand as the first strand of cum fires out from your tip.
  525. >Maud brings her slick hand down, slapping it against your waist as you fire off another strand of cum.
  526. >She pumps your cock at the base with a firm grip, squeezing out every drop of your semen that she can.
  527. >During the haze ecstasy you see Maud watching you intently as your hips thrust against her hand with each pump.
  528. >You fall back onto your bed in a daze.
  529. >Maud is gently stroking your softening member, her finger wipes off the last drop of cum that clung to your cockhead.
  530. >You watch in awe as she brings that finger up to her lips.
  531. >It disappears into her mouth only to return, with a pop, and completely clean.
  532. >Maud's mouth hangs open as she breath heavily in her awkward seated position.
  533. >You aren't exactly sure what to say.
  534. >This was amazing?
  535. >This was wrong?
  536. >Both?
  537. >Your bed shifts and creaks.
  538. >Maud rises from the bed, giving you a clear view of her supple rump.
  539. >She takes a few steps forward and then sinks below the horizon that is the edge of the bed.
  540. >With the last bit of strength you had, you force yourself up into a sitting position.
  541. >What faces you is nothing short of mind blowing.
  542. >Maud's ass is hovering just over the wooden floor.
  543. >Her cheeks are shiny with what is surely a mixture of sweat and arousal.
  544. >Her tight pucker is clearly visible between two firm spread cheeks due to her being on her knees with her chest hanging low.
  545. >Maud's pussy is dripping with her orgasm still, your eyes follow a small bead of sweat travel down from her inner thigh, to the floor.
  546. >Between her legs you can see her chest compressing on the floor.
  547. >You can hear her breathing heavily but it's interrupted briefly by a wet sound.
  548. >You lean to get a look around her round ass and understand what it is she's doing and where the interruption is coming from.
  549. >Maud is lapping up your cum.
  550. >Holy shit, your sister is on her knees lapping your milky fluid off of the floor with her tongue.
  551. >You let your eyes fall back to her rear.
  552. >The some one you'd been looking at for a few hours now.
  553. >Bare and spread apart.
  554. >You lick your lips as you feel a hunger beginning to overtake you.
  555. >You try to rise out of be but find your body not cooperating.
  556. >Still reeling somewhat by what just happened and worn out by the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had.
  557. >It takes another second and a another look at Maud’s glistening pussy to get you the rest of the way off.
  558. >Her supple posterior bobs slightly as she tries to lick your milky fluid up.
  559. >Maud tenses when she hears your feet on the wooden floor.
  560. >She turns her head back, looking at you just past her supple mounds.
  561. >A thin strand of fluid drips down from her lips.
  562. >It breaks when she speaks, “I was unsure if the taste of my finger in my mouth was mostly my own or yours as it was covered in both. I wanted to compare your pure taste bef- mmnn~”
  563. >You trudged forward while she spoke and silenced her with a clapping hand on her ass.
  564. >It’s so hot and thick.
  565. >There’s just a thin layer of fat, given by the slight jiggle when your hand clapped down on her, the rest is dense muscle that refuses to give under your firm squeeze.
  566. >You use her as a support to drop yourself down to your knees.
  567. >Maud’s leg trembles slightly.
  568. >You bring your face closer to her exposed ass.
  569. >”Anonymous” she mutters under her breath, questioning your actions.
  570. >Rather than answer her immediately you open your mouth and let out a long exhale.
  571. >Her legs tremble more and you can feel the muscles under her slick soft skin tense up too.
  572. >She lets out a shuddered breath.
  573. “I can help you with that little sis, we can swap notes...” the words come out of your mouth without you even thinking them, all your attention is put on the puffy lips before you.
  574. >You let to another puff of breath, the dark patch of skin surrounding her tight pucker quivers.
  575. “But you’re too eager Maud” you punctuate that by spreading Maud’s ass cheeks further, digging your thumbs in right beside her lips.
  576. >Her quivering depths exposed further and dripping with honey.
  577. “It’s okay, I’m the older brother after all, I should be willing to… catch up!” you growl the words as you sink your face into her warm flesh.
  578. >Maud takes a sharp inhale, you can feel her body shift but your vision is obscured by the supple flesh before you.
  579. >Your nose prods her pucker, you can feel it twitch against you in response.
  580. >Remnants of her flowery body wash combined with the sour scent of her sweat assault your nose along with a faint earthy smell that’s not unpleasant.
  581. >Her lips brush against yours, soft and fleshy and oh so very wet.
  582. >Your slowly extends out past your lips.
  583. >You can feel her warmth on your tongue and even get a small taste of her before even bringing your tongue in.
  584. >Maud shifts under your grip, in the back of your mind you can hear her heavy breaths.
  585. >Your tongue spreads as wide as you can make it before planting it directly onto her lips.
  586. >A soft moan tickles your ears while you take a long slow drag up her puffy pussy, even going as far as to drag your tongue up to her taint.
  587. >You come away from her with a flick of your tongue off of her tight pucker.
  588. >Maud is looking back at you over her shoulder, her face is a deep crimson and her mouth is parted, moving slightly with each heavy breath she lets out.
  589. >You clap down on her ass again and prepare to dive in for real but find her butt shifting away from you in the process.
  590. >It drops lower and closer to you, her feet just barely graze your legs.
  591. >”I’m too sensitive Anonymous…” she says just barely over her breath while you sit back on your knees and somewhat on her calves.
  592. >You look down first at her plump ass and then further towards your own cock.
  593. >Her body had been so appealing you had completely forgotten about yours.
  594. >You’re at about half mast, any attempts to get it up by willpower alone a fruitless.
  595. >Pumping with your hand only seems to draw Maud’s attention rather than draw out a paper erection.
  596. >You even try kneeling down over Maud’s curves and digging your cock down into her warm soft flesh.
  597. >A few weak thrusts are all you can muster before your tired body refuses to cooperate.
  598. >Your cock was fairly numb to the stimulation anyway.
  599. >You feel Maud’s hand on your knee.
  600. >Looking over you can see her looking back at you, “You only just ejactulated Anonymous, we are both worn out.”
  601. >You don’t want to stop here.
  602. >Her pussy is so hot against your member but she’s tight.
  603. >Prodding her at half mast, even fully lubricated yielded nothing.
  604. >If you stop here, then you’ll wake up tomorrow with a clearer head.
  605. >Not one flooded with desire and lust like right now.
  606. “Yeah…” you concede, lifting a leg over her to get her out from under you.
  607. >Maud rolls onto her back.
  608. >Even through what must be the thick fabric of her pajama top you can see her nipples poking through the damp top.
  609. >You hold out a hand, which she takes, and pull her into a sitting position facing you.
  610. >She sits with her legs parted still, a small puddle forming under her butt.
  611. >Maud keeps her head low.
  612. >Worry begins to fill your chest.
  613. >Is she already coming to her senses?
  614. >Is she regretting this already?
  615. >Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew the high was going to wear off and the reality of this was going to hit you.
  616. >Maybe it’s best that nothing went further, less to regret later when you have a clearer head.
  617. >”Anonymous.”
  618. >You swallow down the nerves in your throat and look up.
  619. >Maud is staring back at your with those sea-green eyes of hers, calm and soothing.
  620. “Yes Maud?”
  621. >Her face only has a hint of color to it now.
  622. >She blinks once, slowly, before responding, “Can I sleep with you tonight? In your bed I mean.”
  623. “Buh…”
  624. >What?
  625. >”I plan to sleep with you, sexually, at a later time, when I am not so sensitive. I want to be able to properly enjoy our union and not be overwhelmed with stimulation that I cannot internalize the feeling of your hard cock while I internalize your hard cock.”
  626. ”Guh…"
  627. >Maud lowers her eyes, “Or if you feel uncomfortable with that I can sleep in my room. We can keep this relationship purely physical if that is your pref-“
  628. “No! Nonono! Oh, wait, I mean yes! I- Uh…” you stop spitting out half formed thoughts and take a breath.
  629. >You focus on Maud, the beautiful girl before you.
  630. >You reach out and take her hand in yours, prompting her to glance over at it and then at you.
  631. “Yes, stay. Please.”
  632. >You can’t tell if it’s the light or not but as you were both getting up you could swear the edges of her lips were curled upwards…
  633. >Fuck you are tired.
  634. >Maud disrobes completely, letting her perky breasts burst out of her top as she unbuttoned her way down.
  635. >You can feel your cock twitch weakly but are too tired to make for a comeback now.
  636. >Your sister climbs up onto he bed, crawling over you.
  637. >Her knee brushes your inner thigh.
  638. >Maud’s hand plants down on your shoulder as she straddles over you.
  639. >You can feel her bush brushing against your hip and her legs wrapping around one of your own.
  640. >She buries her face into your chest, tucking her head under your chin.
  641. >Her warm soft breasts spread against your torso sending light tingles up your body.
  642. >Maud hooks her arms under your arms and clasps her hands onto your shoulders.
  643. >Her hair tickles as it flows little by little down your shoulder with the help of gravity.
  644. >Each soft steady breath of hers blows warm air across your chest.
  645. >You rest one hand on the small of her back.
  646. >The other arm runs up her upper back and your hand rests on the back of her neck.
  647. >Maud hums pleasantly as you gently massage her with your hands.
  648. >You can feel her shift under your arms, your chin is forced up slightly and before you can ask if she’s getting comfortable you feel a pair of soft lips on your neck.
  649. >She parts her lips further and you feel very soft pressure on your adam’s apple followed by her lips pursing again and finally she comes away from your neck with a soft pop sound.
  650. >Maud returns to her original position and lets out a long relaxed breath.
  651. >The unease you felt earlier is dulled now, with Maud wrapped firmly in your arms and you in hers.
  652. >Whatever comes to light with the morning sun is tomorrow’s problem.
  653. >Things couldn’t be more perfect right now.
  655. Actual End Maybe

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables