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Incest-Jealousy (Sunset)(Dead) by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 18:19:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hey, Anon. Want to hit my place and have some fun?"
  2. >You look Chysalis over
  3. >The two of you grew up together, and you've been tapping that since your early teens
  4. >Usually you wouldn't go for the gothy/scene thing she has going on
  5. >The dark colours with bright shirts seem more like a cry for attention than anything else
  6. >But a growing guy can forgive a lot for a girl who'll gladly fuck him whenever he asks
  7. >Especially when that same girl has weird as fuck shapeshifting powers
  8. >God damn, you two had some good times
  9. >And yet...
  10. >"Don't you dare steal my brother!"
  11. >Sunset, your little sister
  12. >You used to be nearly inseperable
  13. >But over the past few years, you've been spending less and less time with her
  14. >And more with Chryssy
  15. >And while you never thought about it before, they way she just said 'steal' makes you consider that she might be... jealous
  16. >Of the time you're spending with someone else, of course
  17. >Not the other thing
  18. >That'd be just weird
  19. >"He promised we'd hang out today, and he's been around to your place three times already this week!"
  20. >She doesn't really need to shout that
  21. >But she does have a point
  22. >You have been spending an awful lot of time with your friend over your sister
  23. >You sigh
  24. "Sorry, Chryssy, but I did promise."
  25. >Your dark-skinned friend looks at you, almost hurt, before turning back to Sunset
  26. >"Alright, Sunset. But here I was thinking you were 'reformed' now."
  27. >Sunset's eyes narrow confrontationally
  28. >"What's that supposed to mean?"
  29. >"Well," replies the older girl, "I just figured that when you turned over a new leaf, you might have learned how to share. We can BOTH hang out with your brother."
  30. >You grimace, anticipating a struggle that never comes
  31. >With a face like thunder, Sunset capitulates
  32. >"Fine," she says, "But I get to choose where we go. And I say when our hangout is over."
  33. >Chrysalis shrugs, and you're consumed by a faint sense of foreboding.
  34. >"Fine by me. Anon?"
  35. >Despite something at the back of your mind that tries to tell you this can't possibly end well
  36. >You decide that there could be little better than spending the evening with the two most important women in your life
  37. >And you acquiesce
  38. "Sounds good. So what did you want to do, Sunny?"
  39. >"Well, I thought we'd watch a couple of films like we did when we were kids, and just... you know. Hang out."
  40. >She shoots a bashful smile your way
  41. >You remember what she means
  42. >The two of you would watch old Disney flicks and sing dorkily along to the songs
  43. >You grin back
  44. "Sounds excellent. You don't mind Disney, do you Chryssy?"
  45. >Chrysalis jumps forward and clings close to your left arm
  46. >"Whatever Sunset wants, Anon, Sunset gets. This is a night for the two of you."
  47. >She's laying it on thick
  48. >You've known her long enough to know she probably has some kind of scheme already brewing
  49. >But you don't say anything, on the off-chance that she's making a genuine peace offer to her quote-unquote 'Rival'
  50. >Your sister
  51. >Who just happened to pull a face when Chrysalis grabbed your arm, and move forward to hold your free hand
  52. >Oh boy
  53. >Surprisingly, though, you make it home without incident
  54. >Exchanging jokes and laughing, the three of you make popcorn together
  55. >You pick out a film you all agree is one of the best
  56. >And you dim the lights, setting up on the couch together
  57. >Chrysalis still leaning on your left shoulder
  58. >Sunset close by on your right, the popcorn perched between you
  59. >This... could be good
  60. >The three of you sit in comfortable silence
  61. >The familiar logos roll across the screen
  62. >And scenes you remember from your childhood flicker across the screen
  63. >You and Sunset sing goofily along with some of the songs as you both munch your way through the popcorn
  64. >And Chrysalis stays dignified and aloof from your crooning
  65. >Your friend seems happy just to lean into your side
  66. >For a while
  67. >But gradually her hands rove over you in the dark room
  68. >Her hand skims over your chest, following the lines of your physique under your shirt
  69. >This groping is fairly blatant, and Sunset frowns at her when she tries it
  70. >Possibly to appease your sister, she stops and her hands bid a temporary retreat
  71. >Until maybe half an hour to the end, when the romantic song plays
  72. >By unspoken agreement, neither you or your sister sing that one
  73. >Instead you share a look and smirk about how cheesy some of the lines are
  74. >But during the slow music, you feel Chrysalis' hand on your leg
  75. >Starting from your knee, she slowly snakes up the side of your leg
  76. >Higher and higher before skimming over your lap and delving greedily for your inner thigh
  77. >Teasing the flesh there through your pants before letting her hand come to rest over your crotch
  78. >You shoot her a worried glance
  79. >You jerk your head towards Sunset as if to ask your friend 'What the hell? Here? Now?'
  80. >Chrysalis just flutters her eyelashes innocently as if she has no idea what you're trying to convey
  81. >Fortunately your sister hasn't noticed-
  82. >Or is pretending she hasn't, blushing furiously
  83. >And the film ends
  84. >Sunset shoots up off the couch
  85. >"I'M GOING TO MAKE MORE POPCORN," she declares with an uncharacteristic stiffness
  86. >And when she leaves, Chrysalis gives your rapidly stiffening cock a provocative squeeze
  87. >"And i'm going to powder my nose," she breathes. "Don't move a muscle, big boy. I'll be back soon."
  88. >Vacating the room suddenly, she leaves you alone with your thoughts
  89. >You sigh deeply to relieve some of the awkward tension
  90. >Fuck
  91. >Moments later, Sunset reappears in the doorway
  92. >Her hands are on her hips, and she actually looks quite imperious, backlit from the hall
  93. >"What the hell was that, huh?" she hisses
  94. >You blanch at this sudden hostility
  95. >Wrongfooted, you become defensive
  96. "What was what?"
  97. >She stamps towards you, furious
  98. >"You're going to make me say it? Her hands were all over you!"
  99. >You trip over your words, unable to even stammer out a reply
  100. >"This was supposed to be our night," she complains, "But that harpy was starting to really dig her claws into you."
  101. "She wasn't-"
  102. >You find your voice but Sunset interrupts
  103. >"Wasn't she?" she replies venomously, "She practically jerked you off right in front of me!"
  104. >You can't exactly deny that
  105. >"But that's what you wanted, isn't it? You didn't even try to stop her."
  106. >She folds her arms aggressively
  107. >"Admit it. You love that hussy more than your own family."
  108. >Now that's where you have to stop her
  109. >You stand up and look her in the eye
  110. "Sunny, that's crap. You know it is."
  111. >"Do I? I've hardly seen you for months!"
  112. >She pushes you back down onto the couch with surprising force
  113. >"What does she have that I don't, huh?"
  114. >In the face of her onslaught you're reduced to a stuttering wreck
  115. "Well, th-there's differences between-"
  116. >"Bullshit there are," Sunset curses. "But that means it's the sex. Well, if proving that I can do anything she can gets my brother back, so be it."
  117. >Wait, what the fuck?
  118. >Before you can even think, your sister's on her knees
  119. >Her hands expertly pry open your clothes to get at your still-partially-erect dick
  120. >And in the space of maybe less than two seconds, she's stuffed it into her mouth
  121. "Sunset," you plead, trying to reach down and push her off you, "Sunny, what are you doing? You have to stop-"
  122. >She irritably bats away your hands as she bobs vigorously on your shaft
  123. >And you feel yourself coming to your full length despite yourself
  124. >"Tell me you don't need her anymore," she demands, muffled by a mouthful of cock

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