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Incest-Late Night Estrus (Pinkie) by Frostybox

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 18:25:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >You stretch out the last bit of tension in your body that didn’t get washed away in your shower.
  2. >A hearty sigh escapes your lips as you tiredly tread over to your bed.
  3. >You spin around and fall backwards onto it with a muffled *pomf* that just feels oh so right.
  4. >The scent of fresh flour surrounds you eliciting a chuckle from you.
  5. >No matter how much you clean your room that smell always lingers around.
  6. >It’s not like you dislike it though, just…
  7. >Well, that’s the life of a baker family is all.
  8. >You throw your legs up and over onto the bed proper and kick around with your legs until you scoop some blanket up far enough that you can grab it with your hands.
  9. >Slowly you envelop yourself in the soft blankety warmth, covering your hairless body with a false fur that the rest of your family is born with.
  10. >You settle yourself into your pillow and shut your tired eyes.
  11. >Only to blink them open just moments later.
  12. >A faint knock sounds at your door.
  13. >”Anon?” a soft feminine voice calls out to you.
  14. "Come in” you respond back.
  15. >Shortly after you hear the faint hum of your little sister’s magic followed by the click of your doorknob turning all the way.
  16. >Pumpkin’s small bundle of mane, all gathered together with the foal blue bow that matches her eyes is the first thing you see peek through the open door.
  17. >Her pale orange horn followed by the rest of her head pop in shortly after.
  18. >She has quite the scrunched muzzle on her face.
  19. “What uh… what’s with the scrunch sis?”
  20. >Her eyes scan the room for a moment before they fall on you, she blows air through her nose and trots into your room, “Pound is being a jerk” she huffs.
  21. >Well this is nothing new.
  22. >You snicker and shimmy your way up expecting to have to listen to more twin drama.
  23. >”He ate a ton of carrots and he just. Won’t. Stop. Farting!” she growls.
  24. >This sends you completely over the edge and you bust out with laughter while Pumpkin groans and trots closer to your bed.
  25. >She throws her upper half onto the mattress just as you are calming down.
  26. >She remains motionless.
  27. “Pumpkin.”
  28. >Still she doesn’t move.
  29. >You lean in closer.
  30. “Pumpkin~” you sing-song her name.
  31. >Her ears flick but she remains buried in your mattress still.
  32. >You give her left ear a gentle flick which gets her to raise her head and yelp softly.
  33. >She pouts up a serious storm at you which threatens to send you into another fit of laughter.
  34. >For her sake you surprise it, mostly.
  35. “C’mon Pumpkin, you can’t just drop something like that on me and expect me NOT to laugh. It’s funny!”
  36. >”It is NOT funny, it’s gross!” she counters.
  37. >You roll your eyes.
  38. “Agree to disagree. So… what? Pinkie’s the one who would have any gas maker potions, I don’t know why you’d come to me for help-“
  39. >”No!” she whines, “Bleh!” her tongue stick out of her mouth, “I don’t want you to help me get back at him, I already replaced his shampoo with mane dye-“
  40. “Nice.”
  41. >“Thank you-“ she says while blushing briefly and bowing slightly, “I was gonna ask if I can sleep in your room tonight?”
  42. >You slide over in the bed some and pat the empty space.
  43. “Sure, if you want, but wouldn’t you rather sleep in Pinkie’s room?”
  44. >She shakes her head, “No… He won’t come in here to bother me and your room is closer anyway” she responds stifling a yawn.
  45. >You watch her eyes blink a few times in quick succession, the actual act of blinking being slow however.
  46. >It is kinda late isn’t it?
  47. >You’re feeling the pull for sleep yourself.
  48. >Pumpkin pulls her bow out and lets her mane drop loose before climbing up onto your bed and dives under your blanket.
  49. >You the lump that is your younger sister crawl around under the blanket for a bit, slowly shimmying its way over to you.
  50. >You feel the brushing of soft warm fur against your side and arm before she pops her head out from under the blanket and beams a smile up at you.
  51. >She nuzzles your shoulder with her cheek and throws one foreleg and one rear leg over you while you bring one hand up and rest it against her back.
  52. >She lets out a soft sigh before melting onto you.
  53. >You scratch at the fur on her back idly as you sink more into your mattress as well.
  54. “You know he’s just jealous right?”
  55. >She hums questioningly.
  56. “You got your cutie mark… oh how long ago? A week? Nine days?”
  57. >A hoof playfully shoves your face to the side, “Anon! I got it three days ago!”
  58. >You turn to face your sister, looking directly into her light blue eyes.
  59. >She returns the smile you have for her.
  60. “Yeah yeah, I know… but I mean, think about it. When has he started being a real jerk?”
  61. >”Well he started about…” she lets the thought trail off as the realization dawns on her.
  62. >She frowns, “W-well… that doesn’t mean he needs to be such a jerk, I wouldn’t be mean to him if he got his cutie mark first!”
  63. >You quirk a brow at her.
  64. “Oh? You think so?”
  65. >She nods back confidently, “Mmhmm.”
  66. “You actually sound serious you know that?”
  67. >She blinks twice, “I AM serious Anon.”
  68. >A faint blush forms on her face, “I mean… YOU don’t have a cutie mark either. All my friends have theirs, well, the ones I’m still friends with anyway…”
  69. >She lets a silence fill in the gap between her explanation for a moment, "It was kinda cool, not having one I mean, it was something we all shared together and now…”
  70. >Awww.
  71. >Pumpkin squeaks as you slip your other hand under her while sliding the one at her back around to her side.
  72. >You tuck your thumbs under her armpits and gently pull her over top of you.
  73. >She looks startled as you pull her in and drape your arms over her.
  74. >She grunts a little and you ease up on the hug some.
  75. >Pumpkin’s hooves slips around your neck and she returns with a weak hug of her own.
  76. “Hey, just because you’ve got a cutie mark doesn’t mean we’re not going to be together.”
  77. >She sniffles once, “I know… but-“
  78. “But nothing. Pumpkin Cake, you are ALWAYS going to be my little sister. Doesn’t matter if you get a cutie mark, doesn’t matter if you get TEN cutie marks, doesn’t even matter if I get a cutie mark-“
  79. >She snickers at that.
  80. “Hey, it could happen. I’m the one like me around, I could maybe do ANYTHING.”
  81. >She giggles, “Yeah, except all you do is deliver cakes, hang out with your friends, and drink milk from the carton when you think nopony is looking.”
  82. >You make a low grumbling noise of displeasure.
  83. >Pumpkin releases her hug around your neck and plants her hooves into your chest.
  84. >She pushes back with all the might her young mare body can muster until she weakens your hold on her and hovers her face just over yours.
  85. >She glares down at you while you return a glare back.
  86. >The two of you hold this pose for longer than was probably needed.
  87. “I also deliver pies” you respond back all matter of factly.
  88. >She snorts and the two of you share a laugh.
  89. >Pumpkin lowers her head and buries her muzzle into your neck, the rest of her body drapes limply over your torso.
  90. >Her tail brushes against the small patch of fur down by your crotch.
  91. >You’d probably have slipped on some shorts had you known she was going to sleep in your bed seeing as how you lack a sheath to cover yourself but she doesn’t seem bothered by your nudity and it’s how you’ve slept since you were a foal version of whatever you are so this is preferable to you anyway.
  92. >You listen as Pumpkin’s breaths get quieter and slower, her weight becomes heavier as her body relaxes onto yours.
  93. >A comfy sigh escapes your lips as you sink into your own mattress.
  94. >You drape a loose arm over your sister’s back and let yourself drift away to sleep.
  96. >You take in a deep breath.
  97. >The air around Anon’s body is all warm as it enters your chest.
  98. >And surprisingly it smells really nice as it passes through your nose.
  99. >You can’t quite put a hoof on his smell.
  100. >It’s not sweet like anything in the bakery.
  101. >It’s not like anything you can relate it to really.
  102. >What you do know is that it’s SO much nicer than Pound's.
  103. >He tends to either smell like nothing or whatever he happened to fly through sometime in the day.
  104. >You frown, reminding yourself that today all he’s smelled like is farts.
  105. >You take another deep breath and feel much more relaxed.
  106. >You assumed Anon would have just smelled like nothing since he can’t fly, but he doesn't.
  107. >The more you focus on it the heavier your body feels.
  108. >It just wants to sink into your big brother and never get up.
  109. >Your body feels all tingly under the covers with him, surrounded by his warmth.
  110. >The feeling of his smooth skin against your coat only adds to the feeling.
  111. >You shift around on top of him to get yourself more comfortable.
  112. >Anon grumbles a little in his sleep but doesn’t wake up.
  113. >By the end of it you find yourself draped over his chest, neck turned so your can bury the tip of your nose into his warm neck again.
  114. >You take another deep breath.
  115. >The tingly feeling gets stronger.
  116. >It got so strong it made you shiver a little.
  117. >Your heart quickens some.
  118. >The tingles fade as your breathing goes back to normal.
  119. >Well, they mostly fade, you can still feel the tingling a lot down between your legs.
  120. >Your dock gets kinda twitchy, like how your leg can get sometimes if you get nervous.
  121. >This is all very strange, you’ve never had twitching in your dock before.
  122. >Just like with your leg, you raise your tail to stretch your dock and hope the twitching goes away.
  123. >Ooh.
  124. >That feels good…
  125. >You keep your tail raised up, pushing against Anon’s blanket, until your dock starts to ache.
  126. >When you relax again, there’s no more twitching and you also feel VERY relaxed.
  127. >Satisfied that whatever strangeness you had going on is over now, and also feeling very relaxed snuggled up under the covers with Anon, you close your eyes and let your head drift away to sleep.
  128. >A noise pulls you back from the haze of sleep floating around your head.
  129. >A voice?
  130. >Two voices it sounds like.
  131. >One of them accompanies a faint rumble beneath you each time it speaks.
  132. >The haze fades enough that you start to actually hear the words rather than just mumbles.
  133. >"-onny, p**ase?"
  134. >"No" the rumbly voice hisses, "Pumpk** **eeping **ght here."
  135. >"-ease? Pretty please? We'll be super quiet."
  136. >Pinkie?
  137. >"One day won't kill you Pinkie." Anon responds, you realize the rumbling is coming from his chest you're still sprawled over.
  138. >Pinkie whines, "But it might!" she whispers, "The Rich's anniversary is tomorrow and everything I have planned HAS to go-"
  139. >"Shh! You'll wake her and then I really can't do anything for you Pinkie."
  140. >The room goes silent for a moment.
  141. >"So... you'll help me then?"
  142. >You feel Anon shift underneath you.
  143. >His chest rises, lifting up up slightly, then falls as he lets out a long sigh.
  144. >You feel his fingers brush through your mane.
  145. >You keep your eyes lightly closed as you feel him lift your mane up and expose your face to him.
  146. >He rubs your cheek gently which makes you smile even though you were trying not to.
  147. >His other hand slips under the blanket and gently runs down your back before coming to a stop just above your tail.
  148. >You feel a bunch of tingles all the way down and feel your dock twitch once.
  149. >You start to gasp but hold it back and make the rest of it come out like a yawn.
  150. >Anon removes his hand from your cheek and places it on top of your head.
  151. >He flattens your ears down.
  152. >"Okay..." he responds to Pinkie.
  153. >You can hear her whisper cheer.
  154. >Anon's body rocks slightly.
  155. >"No!" you hear him hiss.
  156. >The rocking stops, "Wha- but, you said you'd help."
  157. >"Yeah but Pumpkin is right here, we can't do that with her here."
  158. >Pinkie hums in concentration, "Well, what about reversies?"
  159. >"No, you get too rough that way."
  160. >"Then how are you supposed to help cool me off Nonny?"
  161. >Reversies?
  162. >Cool off?
  163. >Is Anon going to like blow on her like she was soup?
  164. >"I don't know, can't you just stay down there and... uh..."
  165. >You hear Pinkie stifle a giggle, "And what Nonny~?"
  166. >You feel Anon shift around a little, his hands tense up a little, "I dunno, maybe you could..."
  167. >"Do you mean I could do..."
  168. >You hear the blanket shift and feel a short puff of cold air enter the blanket from down by Anon's legs.
  169. >"This~" you hear Pinkie's muffled voice call out sweetly.
  170. >"Aah-" Anon whispers.
  171. >His hands clench down slightly on you.
  172. >Not enough to hurt or anything.
  173. >He seems to realize he was squeezing you and slowly lets go of your head and back.
  174. >He rest one hand on the back of your neck and gently pinches a clump of your mane and fur before letting it go and grabbing another pinch.
  175. >His other hand is rubbing small circles on your lower back.
  176. >With your ears now perked up you can hear the muffled sounds under the blanket better.
  177. >There's some kind of squishy sound coming from down there.
  178. >You can hear Pinkie breathing loudly through her nose, there's always a kind of whistle sound to it compared to her mouth.
  179. >Occasionally you hear a soft pop followed by a muffled gasp.
  180. >Pinkie will breath heavily through her mouth for a bit then she goes back to breathing through her mouth and the squishy sounds starts again.
  181. >Anon's breathing is getting heavier too.
  182. >His hand by your neck is just brushing your mane down now.
  183. >It feels really relaxing.
  184. >His other hand is brushing all over your lower back.
  185. >This is kind of relaxing too, but not the same like for your mane.
  186. >Your dock keeps twitching again.
  187. >"Gah-" Anon gasps.
  188. >You hear a muffled slurp followed by Pinkie's coughing.
  189. >You had been slowly turning your head away from Anon neck and finally moved it the rest of the way to face down his body during the commotion, whatever it was.
  190. >Face nuzzled comfortably against his warm chest again, you peek your eyes open just a little to see what's happening.
  191. >Your vision is blurry for a moment but soon your vision comes to focus and you see Pinkie's booty poking out from the end of the blanket by Anon's feet.
  192. >Pinkie's head is moving around as a big lump under the blanket, just below where you're laying, down by Anon's hip
  193. >You watch the lump moving around.
  194. >You want to know what she's doing but Anon wanted to make sure you were asleep for this so you know that moving anymore would be bad.
  195. >It's kind of... fascinating to watch this.
  196. >You don't know how long you watched Pinkie moving under the covers and listening to the noises but when Pinkie's tail draws your attention away you realize your face is laying down in a puddle of your own drool.
  197. >Ew ew ew!
  198. >You want to wipe it away but then they might stop doing whatever they're doing.
  199. >You're too curious to wipe your face, and at least its your own drool anyway.
  200. >You look back to what caught your attention, Pinkie's tail.
  201. >Its raised up high like yours when you stretched it.
  202. >Your own dock is twitching a lot again so maybe she's got the same problem.
  203. >She must have it worse though because not only is her tail up but it's also flicking and swishing around while her upper body moves around under the covers.
  204. >"Mmnn- P-Pinkie! I'm... aah!" Anon whispers loudly.
  205. >You can feel his moving around underneath you.
  206. >He grabs a handful of your mane with one hand.
  207. >His other hand came to a stop right where your lower back meets your butt.
  208. >He grabs another handful, of you this time.
  209. >You can feel his two littler fingers dig into your butt.
  210. >His three bigger ones pinch some of the fur on your back.
  211. >You have to bite your bottom lip so you don't make a sound.
  212. >Your tingles are coming back really strong now.
  213. >It's like he's shocking you with a lightning bolt and it's traveling all over.
  214. >You feel a weird movement down between your legs.
  215. >It was sort of like when you finish peeing and give one last push except something actually moved.
  216. >Everything gets really quiet except for Anon's breathing.
  217. >He lets out a sigh and begins breathing more normally again, his hands let you go and just kind of lay limply where they are.
  218. >You can feel his heart pounding in his chest.
  219. >You watch the blanket shift around some more and Pinkie pops out shortly after.
  220. >You quickly shut your eyes.
  221. >Pinkie makes some humming noises, the kind she makes when she tries out a new recipe she really loves.
  222. >"Blehhhh."
  223. >Anon moves slightly, "Ugh, do you really have to do that here?"
  224. >You creak your eyes open just a teensy bit, enough that you can see what Pinkie's doing.
  225. >She's got her mouth open, tongue stuck out as far as it can go.
  226. >A long strand of spit is dangling down from her mouth.
  227. >You watch it travel lower and lower.
  228. >The milky fluid reaches down to her nethers.
  229. >It pools up just below her teats.
  230. >She glances over at you.
  231. >Your body tenses up with fear.
  232. >She smiles and lets out a weird sounding giggle because her tongue is out.
  233. >"Blah" she makes that noise and flicks her tongue to break the strand.
  234. >She looks down between her legs and starts scraping the puddle of fluid together.
  235. >"Of course I do Nonny, it may be the pre season jitters but if I wait until I get to my room to cool off it'll dilute and then I'll be feeling hot as soon as tomorrow afternoon."
  236. >She scoops the puddle down to her little Pinkie, as she calls it, and begins rubbing it in.
  237. >Pinkie's back arches forward slightly and you see her body tremble as she lets out a shuddered breath.
  238. >"Ooh mama~ oh that's good..." she whispers quietly.
  239. >She looks over at you again a coy smirk spreads across her face.
  240. >You feel your brother tense up underneath you.
  241. >"Nonny?"
  242. >He squirms around a little.
  243. >"What's the matter?" she asks, while still rubbing her little Pinkie.
  244. >"N-nothing."
  245. >"I dunno... sounds to me like there's something. Maybe an interested kind of something..."
  246. >Your heart is pumping hard in your chest.
  247. >Watching Pinkie rub herself is...
  248. >Seeing that milky stuff soaking into her fur...
  249. >Anon's body feels so warm against you.
  250. >His smell is all around you still.
  251. >Your breathing is all heavy and your chest feels so hot.
  252. >And it's not only your chest either...
  253. >"Jeez Pinkie, didn't that do enough already? You still sound heated."
  254. >Pinkie giggles, "Oh it definitely did Nonny, even if it was a little detoured, you are still just the thing for the season." she chirps quietly.
  255. >Pinkie slips down off the bed and trots over towards the head of it.
  256. >She walks past where you can see.
  257. >Anon twitches.
  258. >"But that doesn't mean I don't want to enjoy spending time with you~"
  259. >Anon blows air through his nose, you felt it puff against your mane.
  260. >"Aww, you used to be so eager to 'help out' your foalsitter Nonny."
  261. >"Pinkie, It's not that I don't- this is literally not the time for what I want-"
  262. >He lets his response hang there.
  263. >He brushes his hand down your mane a few times before letting out a sigh.
  264. >"Mmmuah! Thanks you for helping me Nonny. I'll get through the Rich's anniversary for sure now."
  265. >Anon grumbles back a response you couldn't hear very well.
  266. >He keeps brushing your mane with his hand and even brings his other up to rub the middle of your back.
  267. >Your heart slows down along with your breathing.
  268. >The lateness of the night starts to really become noticeable.
  269. >Your eyelids start feeling really heavy.
  270. >It takes a little longer to fall asleep this time.
  271. >That tingling down between your legs won't go away this time and on top of that you're all sweaty down there too.
  272. >You do feel yourself starting to drift off eventually though.
  273. >And with one last deep breath you let Anon's scent make your chest feel all hot again and close your eyes for good.
  275. >Pumpkin's chest pushes against yours as she takes in a deep breath.
  276. >She lets it out slowly and you feel her almost melting on top of you.
  277. >Thank Celestia she's a heavy sleeper.
  278. >Damn Pinkie...
  279. >She called it pre-season jitters but she was pushing you just a strong as if she were in her full heat.
  280. >Pumpkin is right here and it didn't even seem to cross her mind that it wouldn't have been a good time.
  281. >The image of Pinkie rubbing your milk into her still lingers in your mind.
  282. >Your member twitches.
  283. >You try to distract yourself by petting your little sister.
  284. >Your hand absentmindedly brushes over her flank.
  285. >Her cutie mark draws your eye.
  286. >The one she got just three days ago.
  287. >And she's old enough now that...
  288. >Pinkie enters her estrus earlier than most, considering how pushy she was earlier, everyone else's must be starting soon.
  289. >Pumpkin lets out a weak mumble.
  290. >Hopefully the season does start soon, maybe Pumpkin can squeak by one more year before it starts to affect her.
  291. >You've seen the changes in your mare friends when they got their first estruses.
  292. >You just want your little sister to be sweet and innocent forever but since you know that's impossible, you want just one more year.
  293. >You gently shift your sister around so you can pull her into an embrace.
  294. >Her hooves limply pat around until they slip loosely around your neck.
  295. >You nuzzle the top of her head.
  296. >Just one more year...
  298. >Morning comes sooner than you'd like.
  299. >Though it always does when you live and work in a bakery.
  300. >Pumpkin is dozing comfortably on your chest.
  301. >Her mane is scattered all over herself and your chest.
  302. >You carefully slide her off of you and let her continue sleeping on your bed.
  303. >The moment she looses the last bit of connection she had to you physically, you see her muzzle scrunch.
  304. >She reaches out to where you were last with floppy arms.
  305. >When they grab at nothing she slowly reaches around herself to find you.
  306. >Eventually she settles on your pillow and hugs it close to her chest.
  307. >Her small grumbles cease with a satisfied sigh as she nuzzles the pillow with her face and goes back to resting comfortably.
  308. >The little show she put on while you were gathering what you needed for today was adorable.
  309. >So much that you want to brush the mane out of her face but don't want to risk waking her up so early before school or even worse having her grab hold of you.
  310. >You carry your clothing, apron, and helmet out of your room, opening the door slowly and even turning around and carefully shutting it closed.
  311. >You spin around and walk towards the bath-
  312. >"Ooh!"
  313. "Oof."
  314. >You stumble back and drop everything you were holding to cup your hands over your crotch and bend forward some.
  315. >Mom is siting on the floor in front of you scrunching her muzzle and rubbing her butt with a hoof.
  316. >"Oh I'm so sorry sweetroll, are you alright?"
  317. >You nod and slowly right yourself.
  318. "Mostly startled mom, I'm okay."
  319. >You hold out a hand for her.
  320. >She plants her hoof in it and you help her back up.
  321. >"Thank you Anon dear-"
  322. >She glances around to the mess around your both.
  323. >"Oh my, we really should be better morning pon- persons shouldn't we?" she asks with a giggle.
  324. >Mom turns and walks over to the item the scattered the farthest, your helmet.
  325. >She lowers her chest and head to snatch it with her mouth.
  326. >Her tail is half-raised given that you can now see her quivering puffy lips just below where her tail ends.
  327. >You lower your head to the floor and start collecting your things too.
  328. >Mom hums to get your attention.
  329. >You turn and see her holding your helmet out to you.
  330. >You take it and tuck it under your arm.
  331. "Thanks mom."
  332. >"Well it's the least I could do seeing as it was my fault."
  333. >Eager to get some space away from your mother, you start walking past her and make for the bathroom.
  334. >You only manage to get a few steps out before she calls your name, "Anonymous..."
  335. >Horseapples.
  336. >You turn around slowly.
  337. "Y-yes mom?"
  338. >She has a faint blush showing through her coat.
  339. >"Sweetroll, you know that Spring has started just recently right?"
  340. "Yeah... I uh- it kinda dawned on me last night."
  341. >She stumbles with her words for a moment before continuing, "Well, The uh, season's just begun dear, and if you want to be out doing deliveries for us-"
  342. "-And I do-"
  343. >She nods, "Right, well, I think you know the drill by now don't you Nonnycakes?"
  344. >With a sigh you relinquish your tightshorts.
  345. >Mom takes them in her mouth, her nostrils flare a couple of times.
  346. >She looks up at you, "Oh Fweetie, you dow mommy haf to do fis fo your owd good" she explains through a cloth-filled mouth.
  347. "I know mom..." you grumble.
  348. >She nuzzles your leg with her cheek and walks back to her bedroom, "I'll have dese ready defore your fidished."
  349. >You hang your apron and helmet on the hooks of the bathroom door and drop the rest of your clothing on the lid of the toilet.
  350. >You go through the motions to prep for the day like you would any other.
  351. >Except for the extra care to thoroughly clean your boys.
  352. >Not because you could still kind of feel Pinkie's saliva there from the night before but because if you don't it'll wind up slowing you down even more than you're going to be slowed today.
  353. >Cleaned and dried, you reach for your clothing before remembering you don't have everything yet.
  354. >Your nose isn't as good as a pony's, coincidentally you produce a stronger scent since you don't have a sheath or beyond there any fur to help absorb and muddle it.
  355. >This wasn't an issue when you were a colt, but now that you're well into being a young stallion you all learned that during estrus season it's a bit of a problem.
  356. >Your clothing doesn't do much to mask your smell if you're doing something strenuous like working or doing deliveries, the only solution the doctors could think of was to mask the most problematic part with another mare's scent.
  357. >And so...
  358. >You open the door to the bathroom, the cold air of the hallway sends a shiver all down your naked body.
  359. >Mom comes out of the bedroom shortly after holding your tightshorts in her hoof.
  360. >She pauses in her tracks when her eyes fall to you.
  361. >They dart down briefly and you watch her struggle to not lick her lips.
  362. >She shakes her head and continues over towards you.
  363. >"Here you are sweetroll."
  364. >You take the slightly darkened and damp shorts from your mom.
  365. "Thanks mom..."
  366. >"Oh Anon, I know you don't like it but if you insist on going out then I'm afraid this is the best option we have to keep you safe, my big sweet colt" she rears up and plants a hoof on your chest, her other hoof travels higher and rubs your cheek.
  367. >You wince and bear it, she drops back down shortly after.
  368. >Her face winds up just inches away from your naked groin.
  369. >You see her nostrils flare and her jaw slowly begins to drop.
  370. >You take a step back, snapping her out of her stupor.
  371. >"Oh! Goodness me, your father is still sleeping and-"
  372. "Aah! Idon'twantothearit!" you snap back while cupping your hands over your ears.
  373. >You can hear mom's muffled giggling even through your blocked ears.
  374. >She pats you on the thigh with a hoof.
  375. >You remove your hands, "I'll see you downstairs in a bit Sweetroll."
  376. >You start to turn and walk back into the bathroom to get dressed but find mom's hoof holding you.
  377. >Looking back down to mom you see her face is flushed again, "Don't you think you're forgetting something young stallion?"
  378. >You furrow your brow as you think.
  379. >Mom raises her head up high and puckers her lips slightly.
  380. >You roll your eyes.
  381. "Now? Mom, I have to get ready sti-"
  382. >"Oh! Is my sweet colt truly gone? Where is the adorable little boy who woke up earlier than mommy just to beg for morning kisses."
  383. >You let out a deep sigh.
  384. >Mom puckers her lips again and you bend down.
  385. >You feel her warm breath on your face as you get closer.
  386. >You pucker your lips and gently peck them against hers.
  387. >As you start to lean up, a pair of hooves travel up in your periphery.
  388. >Mom hooks her arms around the back of your head.
  389. >She pulls you down and firmly plants her lips against yours.
  390. >You hear a low satisfied moan rumble in mom's throat.
  391. >It takes you longer than it should have for your brain to kick into gear and gently push her back with your hand.
  392. >She comes apart form your with a quiet *smack*.
  393. >You get the briefest tingle on your upper lip and catch a glimpse of her tongue slipping back into her mouth.
  394. >She lets out a gasp, "Oh! Sweetroll, I'm so sorry. First day jitters and all."
  395. >She follows her explanation with a forced giggle.
  396. >"Well, I uh, go on and... get ready Anonymous dearie."
  397. >She waves you towards the bathroom before quickly spinning around and trotting back to her bedroom.
  398. >Her tail is raised high, a few strands of fluid connect the tip of her tail to her slick puffy lips.
  399. >She winks with each step before finally entering her bedroom and shutting the door behind her.
  400. >You look down, right where she was standing is a small faintly yellow pool of fluid.
  401. >With a sigh you throw your damp towel over it and close the bathroom door.
  402. >You hold up the damp shorts in your hands.
  403. >The hot air of the room must be taking the smell up and surrounding you with it.
  404. >Mom's scent, it's earthy and sweet...
  405. >Her lips, so warm and soft against yours...
  406. >You quickly slip the shorts on and get fully dressed trying to ignore the stiffness in your pants now.
  407. >You don't really have the time to relieve yourself, you're running late as is.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables