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Incest-How Dash Got Her Awesome Back by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 18:39:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >Your son walks out of his room, wearing his sports clothes.
  2. >You wouldn’t normally see the point, but Twilight told you long ago that Anon needs clothes because his skin is way more sensitive than yours.
  3. >"I’m heading out to play hoofball.”
  4. ”Whoa! Hold on there sport.”
  5. >”What’s up mom?”
  6. “Don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” you ask holding your cheek out for him.
  7. >Anon groans, “Ah mom! C’mon, I’m fifteen! I don’t need to- would you stop already?!”
  8. >You’re just holding that pose, floating closer and closer to him.
  9. >”FIne!” He pecks you quickly on the cheek and tries to dart for the door, but he’s too slow for you.
  10. >”Argh! Knock it off mom!” he says, trying to escape the noogie you’re giving him.
  11. “That’s for keeping me waiting. Now go have an awesome time out on the field!”
  12. >He pushes off of you, a little rougher than you were expecting.
  13. >”Psh, nopony says ‘awesome’ anymore mom…” he says with frustration.
  14. >And with that he’s out the door.
  15. >He didn’t even say goodbye…
  16. >Maybe it’s silly to expect your bubbly little monkey boy to keep saying, “goodbye, I love you mommy” now that he’s a young man, but it kind of hurts that he didn’t even say goodbye.
  17. >All you got was another clue that you’re behind on the times.
  18. >When did that happen?
  19. >You were the coolest pony alive!
  20. >Than you found Anon and decided to leave the Wonderbolts Reserves to raise your little green alien.
  21. >Time flew by so fast…
  22. >Did it really go past you?
  23. >Are you really undeniably, unquestionably, uncoo-
  24. >NO!
  26. >No way.
  27. >You’re Rainbow Dash!
  28. >Maybe you just got a little behind is all.
  29. >Maybe that’s why Nonny won’t even say goodbye to you.
  30. >Yeah! Once you show him that you’re totally cool, he’ll be begging to give you goodbye kissies!
  31. >Just need to see what is cool to Anon.
  32. >And what better place to find out then…
  33. >You push open the door to his room.
  34. >It smells like him.
  35. >That and a bit like peanut butter too.
  36. “Alright champ, let’s see what you’ve got here…”
  37. >HIs room hasn’t changed much since you saw it last.
  38. >Which judging by the mess in here probably means it’s been far too long.
  39. >The same posters are on his wall.
  40. >No new toys or records that you can see.
  41. >Your first edition Daring Do collection on his wall still.
  42. >You may not like his music, but at least you both still have great taste in books.
  43. “C’mon Non, gimmie something to work with here.”
  44. >If you were you.. which you are…
  45. >Okay, new strategy, if you were Anon… where would you keep things you like to talk about.
  46. >Notes? Anon has a ton of friends so he must have notes around here somewhere.
  47. >A thorough searching of his bags reveal… nothing.
  48. >Just a bunch of egghead stuff.
  49. >That and a bunch of doodles about his teacher.
  50. “Haha, Twilight Porkle.”
  51. >You’ll be keeping this for when Anon gets lazy about taking out the trash.
  52. >Wait, there’s some paper poking out of his mattress.
  53. >Of course he’d keep it there…
  55. “Thanks Nonny, now I’ll be sure to show you just how cool I am with this… copy of Playcolt magazine?!”
  56. >Oh sweet Celestia this is not what you thought it was going to be!
  57. >The worn magazine lands haphazardly on Anon’s bed.
  58. >The front and back are spread out facing up.
  59. >What the?!
  60. “Wonderbolts Special featuring LIGHTNING DUST!?”
  61. >That cunt made it into the Wonderbolts?!
  62. >Was probably only because you dropped out to raise Anon.
  63. >Your wonderful boy who has been looking at… pictures, of that bitch?
  64. >No. Nononono, this was unacceptable.
  65. >Just like looking at this magazine is unacceptable…
  66. >Right?
  67. >Well it is pretty worn…
  68. >So he must “read” it a lot…
  69. >Maybe you’ll just check in on Lightning, she probably had to do the magazine to stay on as a Wonderbolt or something, no way she looks good now.
  70. >You flip to her section in the magazine, ignoring the slight stains and stickiness of some of the pages before it… and on it.
  71. “Whoa! She… She’s!”
  72. >Psh! Whatever, your barrel would probably look like that if you starved yourself like she probably did.
  73. >And besides, she’s never raised a kid either, you’d look way better than her if you just stayed in the reserves.
  74. >Yeah, they’d be begging you to do a Wonderbolt’s Special.
  75. >And you could totally do better poses than Lightning Dust too.
  76. >Look at that centerfold.
  77. >Anypony could do something like that!
  78. >You just put your forelegs forward and lean all the way back.
  79. >Spread the wings and raise your tail and..
  80. >”MOM!? Wh- What are you doing in my room!?”
  82. >You are Anon.
  83. >Mom is posing so her pus-
  84. “AH! Geez mom, get off my bed!” you shout, covering your eyes with your arm.
  85. >She jumps and tumbles off the side of your bed judging by the sound.
  86. >”N-n-Nonny? Wh-what are you doing here?!”
  87. “I…I came to get m- th-that’s not important, get out of m-“
  88. >You see your magazine spread out on your bed.
  89. >It’s open to the centerfold page.
  90. >Was she looking at…
  91. >Why the hell do you care?!
  92. “Wh-where did you find that?!”
  93. >”Calm down Anon, it’s not a big deal” she groans, rubbing the back of her head.
  94. >The heat coming off of your face is coming from a source of rage or embarrassment, but you’re not sure which.
  95. ”Yeah, not a big deal. Just my mom finding my porn!”
  96. >If she’s not leaving then you are.
  97. >Blue forearms wrap around your torso from behind as mom starts pulling you back.
  98. >”Hold on there sport, I have mom things to tell you!” she grunts, dragging you back towards your bed.
  99. “Lemme go!”
  100. >”No… just sit… there!” she heaves you backwards onto your bed.
  101. >The back of your head hits your magazine.
  102. >This just makes you jump upright, which has you face to face with an angry glare from your mom’s deep pink eyes.
  103. >She rarely looks at you like that, but that’s the few times when she wants to be serious.
  104. >The scarlet on her muzzle looks as bright as yours feels.
  105. >Her hooves move onto your shoulders and her expression softens.
  106. >”Alright… I didn’t realize I had to have this talk with you so soon, but I guess just like I raised you, you do everything fast” she gives you a nervous giggle.
  107. >You just continue avoiding her eyes.
  109. >”Look champ, it’s okay that you have… that” she nods to a spot behind you, “You’re a growing colt, a young stallion now.”
  110. >Does your face feel hotter?
  111. >”Heh, I wonder if I even have to give you this talk, I bet you’ve got mares diving all over you” she slugs your arm, letting you know that serious time is over.
  112. >Your eyes water up a bit.
  113. >”N-nonny?”
  114. “W-well… not… not exactly…”
  115. >”What do you mean champ?” her voice sounds truly concerned.
  116. “I mean that I’ve got friends and stuff… teammates… but whenever I’ve asked… they…”
  117. >Mom pulls your face into her chest and she rubs the back of your head with a hoof.
  118. >”Aww, don’t worry about that Non, I know that you’ll find a girl who really likes you for you. You’re my awesome son after all, nopoony’s going to resist you. Just you see!”
  119. >The coarse fur on her chest feels nice.
  120. >The slight scent of sweat and blueberries she always seems to give off is comforting too.
  121. >”Y’know… I bet I still have Lightning Dusts’ number from my time in the reserves…” she has smugly.
  122. >You push her away while she cackles and hugs herself.
  123. “MOM!”
  124. >No, don’t let her egg you on, she’ll just keep doing it.
  125. “Wh-whatever, no pony says awesome anymore by the way” you mumble.
  126. >Well, pouting isn’t flustered, so maybe she’ll just drop it.
  127. >”Oh, r-right…”
  128. >She looks, a little hurt actually.
  129. >It makes you feel guilty, despite the fact that she probably deserves it.
  130. “Hey uh, mom… maybe nopony says awesome, but talking with you was… that was pretty schway mom.”
  131. >Her ears perk up and she looks up at you.
  133. >”R-really?”
  134. >Her tail flicks once.
  135. “Yeah mom, really.”
  136. >”YES!” she shouts, giving a hoof pump, "Oh uh, wait… that’s a good thing right?” she asks sternly.
  137. >You can’t help but let out a chuckle at how behind she is.
  138. “Yes mom, it’s a good thing.”
  139. >She floats back down be eye level with you.
  140. >What is she doi-
  141. >”So Nonny, what kind of girls do you like?” she asks, smug grin plastered on her face.
  142. “Mom! Come on, I thought we were done with this!”
  143. >”We’re done we’re done,” she says holding out her hooves in a “relax” kind of way, "Just asking a question is all…”
  144. >She’s trying to get a rise out of you again.
  145. “I… I don’t like any 'kind' of girls alright…”
  146. >You swallow hard, this is not a talk you want to have right now. Especially not with her.
  147. >”Oh? I dunno Champ, sure seemed like you really liked that whorse Lightning Dust.”
  148. >Okay, the blood flooding your cheeks has to be taking it all from your brain right?
  149. >You’re just going to pass out or die now or something right?
  150. “Sh-she just has the most pictures is all… I don’t really like her looks that much.”
  151. >The hell?!
  152. >Why are you sa-
  153. >”Oh yeah? Are you sure? Some of those pages look pretty used…”
  154. >Damn it she got you!
  156. >You’re so flustered now you can’t think straight.
  157. “Y-Yes I’m sure! I like you much better than Lighting Dust!”
  158. >A silence hangs in the air for a moment.
  159. >Oh fuck.
  160. >You admitted it!
  161. >Mom’s frozen, gaping at you.
  162. >This is your chance!
  163. >Just run, go!
  164. >Be a hobo in Manehattan, you heard it’s the best place to hobo!
  165. >You try getting up only to realize a hoof is bearing down on your shoulder, holding you in place.
  166. >”N-now let’s all chill out there Sport… what do you mean you like me better?”
  167. >Damn you legs!
  168. >Why didn’t you move faster?
  169. >You could’ve been a hobo!
  170. “I…I-I-I didn’t mean… I meant to say…”
  171. >She's just looking at you hesitantly.
  172. >Like a debate is going on in her mind.
  173. >And whatever you say next will make her decision for you.
  174. >She’s probably choosing to kick you out.
  175. >Or call the ponice on you.
  176. >Maybe if you just tell her the truth she’ll just kick you out?
  177. “I… like the way you look better than Lightning Dust…”
  178. >You slowly raise your head back up from its hanging state.
  179. >She’s biting her bottom lip, the conflicting look on her face is still there.
  180. >You just look at her, awaiting your sentence.
  181. >”Wh-what… what do you like about me that’s better?"
  183. >You can't even brain right now.
  184. >Mom is looking at you expectantly.
  185. >"W-well?"
  186. >The red on her face could be anger or... something else for all you know.
  187. >Might as well die an honest man.
  188. "Y-your... You have a bigger butt."
  189. >Mom's eyes widen and she glances back to her seated rump.
  190. >She turns back with another smirk on her face.
  191. >"So, you like flanks eh Champ? You should be looking at earth pony girls then, not twiggy pegasii, especially not that stick Lightning."
  192. >You start to protest.
  193. >That she has an amazing butt.
  194. >But your brain is chugging along just enough to stop you.
  195. >So the result is a babble of words.
  196. >Mom giggles.
  197. >Giggles?
  198. >"So, anything else you like Non?" you think she sounds... genuinely curious, but that can't be right can it?
  199. "I like your... color."
  200. >"What like my mane? Yeah I guess it is pretty wild."
  201. "No... I mean... N-nevermind."
  202. >"No, come on, we're already in this far... what did you mean?"
  203. "I meant... your... come on, don't make me say it. I like your 'color'."
  204. >She stares at your clasped hands.
  205. >You part them slightly and her confused face shifts to one of realization.
  206. >"You mean my..." she looks back again, raising her rainbow tail.
  207. >"Wow kiddo, didn't think you were looking."
  208. >You start doubling over, feeling helpless in this situation.
  210. >A hoof presses into your forehead.
  211. >Mom raises your head to look at her.
  212. >Her face is scrutinizing yours.
  213. >"How do I know you're not lying to me though."
  214. "Wh-what?"
  215. >She floats onto your bed, facing away from you, tail raised up slightly.
  216. >An earthy smell tickles your nose as she passed.
  217. >"Look at the magazine again... I want you to be sure Anon."
  218. >You look down to your treasured magazine and back up to your mom.
  219. >She's currently looking back at you, "Well? How can I be sure you really like me better."
  220. >You shift on the bed so you're fitting facing your mom and pick up your magazine.
  221. >You flip to the centerfold page and look back up at your mom.
  222. >"Got it? Alright, now you better be honest with me here!"
  223. >She presses her upper body closer to your bed and her supple rump inches closer to you.
  224. >"So? What do you have to say?"
  225. >You don't even need to look at the magazine, you've seen it hundreds of times, nor do you have to look at mom, you've been looking for a few months.
  226. "Yours is still bigger mom... it's really nice."
  227. >"Nice? You think this is nice? Go on and grab a feel Champ."
  228. >You died.
  229. >At some point on your way home you died.
  230. >Chariot hit you.
  231. >Lightning maybe.
  232. >Doesn't matter. You died, because this can't be real.
  233. >Your hand shakily finds it's way onto your mom's cheek.
  234. >She twitches a little, but quickly settles back into your hand.
  235. >"G-go on Non, really grab it..."
  237. >You squeeze the warm supple rump pressing into your palm.
  238. >It's really firm.
  239. >"Mmm, you feel that sport? That's all muscle right there! Nothing Lighting Dust would have back there."
  240. "Y-yeah..."
  241. >Your boner aches, throbbing to demand release from its prison.
  242. >"Nnn... come on closer Non" Mom squeaks as you continue rubbing her butt.
  243. >You shuffle closer so you're sitting just before your mom's voluptuous rump.
  244. >She raises it higher so her crotch is in line with your face.
  245. >"Alright kiddo, I... I'm betting you never got a good look at my 'color' so lemme make sure it's not just your imagination."
  246. >Her tail raises higher, so it's up and over her flank.
  247. >Flicking her tail wafts her scent into your face.
  248. >It's a sweaty... no, it's musky, and rich.
  249. >Your member is so full of blood now that it hurts.
  250. >The beautiful pink color of her lips is just before you.
  251. "Mom it's... you have a very beautiful color..."
  252. >Her tail flicks against her flank.
  253. >"Yeah? Well maybe you... you should try getting a closer look? J-just to be sure you know."
  254. >You shuffle a little closer, the back of mom's hooves are touching your crossed shins.
  255. >Her smell is intoxicating, you can't help but breath in her arousal deeply.
  256. >You let out a long exhale, her body twitches a little and you can hear her stifle a moan.
  257. >"Nonny... I want to help you out. Train you y'know? So that no marefriend you get is gonna think you can't be a stallion..." Her breathing is heavy.
  258. >"J-just put your hands up where it was before."
  259. >You happily take handfuls of mom's ass.
  260. >She bucks back against your hands at the sudden contact.
  261. >"Nn! Yeah... just like that... now just use... use your tongue Ch-Champ..."
  262. >Your faces inches closer towards your mom's moist nethers.
  264. >The heat coming off of her tickles your face.
  265. >Your tongue extends out of your mouth and makes contact with her glistening marehood.
  266. >You mom tenses at your touch and lets out a breathy moan.
  267. >Her taste is a little bitter, but you love it.
  268. >You keep lapping at the arousal leaking from your mom's beautiful pink lips.
  269. >She lets out squeaks and moans as you do so.
  270. >You can hear a soft squishing sound that matches the small contraction mom's lips give your tongue as keep licking.
  271. >You back away to catch your breath and see her clit winking at you.
  272. >The pink pearl was the source of the squelshing.
  273. >It's mesmerizing to watch her pussy wink, knowing you were the reason.
  274. >"Hah! Non... D-don't leave a mare waiting like this" Mom gasps.
  275. >Your hands pull her rump in separate directions.
  276. >The pink slit parts slightly, her winking makes each side of her quiver in anticipation of your nearing tongue.
  277. >You plunge it deep into her velvety depths.
  278. >Mom's ponut is poking your nose, but the only thing you smell is her heavenly arousal.
  279. >This close approach makes her clit wink right into your chin.
  280. >Peppering it with with lewd wet kisses.
  281. >You pull away and decide to try kissing it back.
  282. >So you lean further down so your lips line up with her rapidly winking pearl.
  283. >The moment it exposes itself you strike.
  284. >"Anon, What's ta-AH! Oh! No-AH!"
  285. >Mom tenses tight, her wings flare out and her head raises putting her back into a deep arch.
  286. >You're so caught up in the sight that a gush of her maregasm splashes against your chin.
  287. >Her moans are loud and guttural.
  288. >You can see her pussy quivering rapidly, as her clit winks in conjunction with her maregasm, more fluids squirt out before reduced to a slight drip.
  289. >She flops onto the sheets, damp with her own arousal, completely spent.
  291. >Her breathing is heavy and her rear legs kick weakly as she tried to regain some composure.
  292. >"Hah... That was... g-great Ch-Champ..." she mumbles.
  293. >Her head turns slowly to look back at you.
  294. >"Oh my poor little colt... I can't half ass your training... take off your clothes kiddo... come join mommy" she says, eyes burning with lust.
  295. >You scramble to throw off your clothes.
  296. >It was sports stuff so no butons or zippers to get in your way.
  297. >In an instant you are nude and in the arms of your mother.
  298. >Her moist coat feels both cool and warm as she presses against you.
  299. >"Mmm, my little monkey boy got so big so fast..."
  300. >Mom pushes you onto your back and straddles your chest.
  301. >Her hooves are pressed into your chest as she looks down at you lustily, lovingly.
  302. >She's just breathing slowly as she looks into your eyes.
  303. >You can feel a slight tickle on the tip of your cock.
  304. >There's a smooth brushing against your groin.
  305. >You realize now that she's swishing her tail over your pelvis, just barely coming in contact with your cockhead.
  306. >She leans back slightly and you can feel a pressure on your shaft.
  307. >Mom's hoof snaked it's way back there at some point.
  308. >"Ooooh, my monkey boy got REALLY big!"
  309. >You inhale sharply as she begins stroking you gently.
  310. >"Don't you worry Sport... Mommy's going to take care of everything..."
  311. >She slides back, her arousal leaves a warm glistening trail going from your chest down to your pelvis.
  312. >Your member is encompassed by mom's firm rump.
  313. "Ah!" your hands reach out and latch on to mom's flanks.
  314. >"You like that Nonny? I knew you would... my sweet boy, just relax and let me show you everything you need to know..."
  315. >She rises slightly.
  316. >Her hoof guides your the tip of your dick to her entrance.
  318. >You can feel the quivering caused by her winking on you.
  319. >"Just take in everything you can Champ... Otherwise this training is mmf... a waste."
  320. >She lowers herself slowly onto you.
  321. >The heat you can feel enveloping your member is incredible!
  322. >Your hands squeeze her flanks and your hips buck foreword
  323. >"Ah! Non! Just be patient kiddo... you can't rush a mare like that... let her enjoy you."
  324. >You fight every urge to pull your mom down on top of you.
  325. >She lowers herself fully onto your phallus.
  326. >Mom's fur is brushing along your thin pubes and you can feel her clit winking into your pelvis.
  327. >"Hah! S-so... full!" she moans.
  328. >You can feel her velvety soft walls contract around your cock.
  329. >Already trying to milk it for it's seed.
  330. >"Alright... lemme give you another thing to love Nonny" she says between heavy breaths.
  331. >Mom starts rising up off of you.
  332. >You can feel her walls contract in protest, the result's is a very hot, wet, and firm tugging sensation on your manhood.
  333. "Oh! Mom!"
  334. >Your fingers dig into her flanks.
  335. >"Mnn, n-not so rough Sport... some mares don't like that..."
  336. >You can't let go, as much as you try.
  337. >She raises herself so only your head is still in her warmth.
  338. >The air around your shaft feels cold now that her arousal is coating it.
  339. >But she fixes that as her plot goes back down onto you.
  340. >Your hips buck up when her waist presses against yours.
  341. >She squeaks and you can see her wings flare out briefly.
  342. >She raises herself again, all the way out until just the tip of of your cock is barely inside her pink slit.
  343. >You can feel her pussy quiver in desperation around your sensitive tip.
  345. >She gives it what it wants though as she slams down on to you.
  346. >A muffled wet slap sound cuts through the thick air.
  347. >Mom leans forward so her forehooves press into your chest.
  348. >She starts moving up and down on your manhood at a rapid pace now.
  349. >She's so hot.
  350. >So tight.
  351. >The feeling is incredible!
  352. >Her pink eyes look so hungry as she stares into yours.
  353. "Ah! Mom! I can't..."
  354. >"It's okay Champ! You did great! Just let go Nonny!" she moans.
  355. >Her eyes shut tight as her head rears up and her wings flare out.
  356. >Her pelvis slams into yours and her arms give out and fall next to your head.
  357. >You can feel her clit winking into your waist rapidly.
  358. >Mom's maregasm racks her body and she's reduced to deep moans again.
  359. >Hot fluid squirts all over your groin.
  360. >Her walls are contracting rapidly along with her clit.
  361. >Desperately trying to milk you of your seed.
  362. >It feels like she's fucking you without even moving.
  363. >You can't resist any longer.
  364. >Your arms go around her barrel and you thrust up one last time as you shoot everything you have into your mom's hot depths.
  365. >"AH! Non!" She moans loudly into your sweaty chest.
  366. >Rope after rope shoots out from your urethra, coating your mom's insides white.
  367. >Completely spent your body gives to the weight on top of it and goes completely limp.
  368. >Both you and mom are reduced to gasps and heavy breaths.
  369. >"Heh... was that schway Nonny?"
  370. >"Mom... you're... you're awesome."
  371. >She nuzzles tiredly into your chest and you sink deeper into your bed letting sleep take your spent form.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

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Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

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Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

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Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

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Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

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