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Incest-Healthy and Natural (Fluttershy) by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-26 18:40:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >Yeah… almost….
  2. >Almost there…
  3. >”Anon sweetie, are you in there?” mom asks.
  4. >Horseapples!
  5. “Uh… Nnnn, no! D-don’t co-“
  6. >Your bedroom door opens as mom comes floating in.
  7. >”There you are A-“
  8. >Your desperate scramble to cover yourself quickly failed when you were too panicked to realize that sitting on your covers and trying to pull them is a doomed action.
  9. >Mom’s sea green eyes widen in realization of what she’s just walked in to.
  10. >Her face shifts to one you’ve never seen before.
  11. >In a yellow blur she leaves your room and slams the door shut behind her.
  12. >Probably disgust or something...
  13. >”Oh Nonny I’m so sorry!”
  14. >The embarrassment and guilt that’s flooding your body is leaving you hotter than when you were masturbating.
  15. >”Ponyfeathers Fluttershy… you know better than this” she mumbles to herself through your door.
  16. “Mom… can you please just go away?” you ask solemnly.
  17. >You can hear mom shuffle around outside your door, probably realizing that you’re still inside your room.
  18. >The door creaks open slowly.
  19. >You do actually manage to yank some of your covers and throw them over your lap before mom enters the room.
  20. “Mom! G-get out!”
  21. >She looks fearful of your outburst for a moment before closing her eyes and letting out a fast breath.
  22. >Mom’s eyes now have a more caring and understanding look to them.
  23. >Like usual actually, though you’ve never really noticed that she always looks at you that way until you’ve now.
  25. >Having seen her look at you with shock and disgust like she did a minute ago makes this contrast pretty clear.
  26. >”No, I’m not leaving” she says in her soothing voice.
  27. >She walks over to you slowly.
  28. >You want to think that it’s because she’s disgusted by you, but something about her face, her movement, it doesn’t feel like she moving cautiously for herself but rather for you.
  29. >She floats up to see you eye to eye.
  30. >The cool breeze of her wings tickles against your sweaty bare chest.
  31. >You avoid looking at her eyes and focus on her wings instead, how can you possibly look at her after this?
  32. >”Oh dear… this is exactly what I didn’t want” she whispers to herself, but you hear clearly given her proximity.
  33. >Her small yellow hooves press into each of your cheeks and she lifts your head up to look at her.
  34. >You keep trying to avoid her eyes by looking away, but with each quick peek you take at them all you can see is a look of understanding.
  35. >Finally you cave and look at her in the eyes.
  36. >Your assessment wasn’t wrong, mom isn’t looking at you with disgust or anger, but rather understanding and kindness.
  37. >”Nonny… I’m so very sorry my little colt.”
  38. >You look away from her again, the embarrassment is burning up on your face.
  39. >”I should have knocked sweetie, I just… I didn’t realize that you were growing up so quickly…”
  40. >She sniffles softly, prompting you to look back into her eyes, now shimmery with tears that haven’t fallen yet.
  41. >Mom blinks away her tears and looks at you with a more serious face, “Listen to me Anon, what you were doing is okay. It’s a perfectly natural thing, healthy even… f-for a young stallion oh, uhm man. For a young man like you to do.”
  42. >You pull more of your covers over yourself.
  43. >”No Anon” mom scolds while brushing your hands away with her tail, “You shouldn’t be ashamed! That was my fault for how I reacted to you… and I’m really sorry!
  45. >"From now on I’ll remember to knock before I enter your room okay?”
  46. >You can see no trace of anything other than honest kindness in her face.
  47. >It does seem to put you much more at ease… mom was always good about doing that.
  48. “Okay mom…” you mumble out.
  49. >She smiles when she notices you relaxing in her hooves.
  50. >”There we go sweetie, I’ll always love seeing your smile Anon…”
  51. >She floats closer and pecks you on the forehead.
  52. >Her hooves slide back to stroke the back of your head while she hugs you into her chest.
  53. >The war tuft in her chest is always so soothing, especially when coupled with the flowery scent she has in the mornings, before a day taking care of animals wears it away.
  54. >Her tail brushes away your covers and you tense up for a moment.
  55. >”It’s okay! That’s alright Nonny” mom coos over your head.
  56. >She floats down slowly, tracing her hooves down the sides of your neck and the from of your chest.
  57. >Her hooves come to a stop on your thighs as her head hovers over your exposed member.
  58. >”I’m sure it must have been very painful to stop so suddenly huh sweetie?”
  59. >You can only stare at the sight before you.
  60. >Mom is speaking so sweetly, like she’s just genuinely concerned about your pain rather than the situation.
  61. >”Well don’t worry young st- man, momma knows just the thing to help make everything better.”
  62. >She opens her mouth wide, her long wide tongue extends out of her mouth.
  63. >Small drops of hot saliva drip along your thighs as she nears your manhood.
  64. >Her hot breath sends tingles up your spine.
  65. >She takes all of you into her mouth.
  66. >The tingle intensifies and you shiver in your seated spot on the bed.
  67. >Her tongue traces lazily along your balls while she sucks gently on your flaccid cock.
  68. >The pleasure is as amazing as the warmth coming from her mouth.
  69. >You let out a gasp you didn’t realize you were holding in.
  71. >Mom hums contentedly as she bobs up and down your lengthening shaft.
  72. >The vibration causes you to clench your sheets tightly in your hands.
  73. >The head of your cock bumps against a firm surface.
  74. >Mom gags slightly and you realize that it’s the back of your throat you were hitting.
  75. >She slides off of your dick with a lewd pop.
  76. >Soft coughs escape her mouth, the strands of alive that connect your tip to her lips jiggle as she does this.
  77. >”Oh my… you really have grown haven;t you sweetie?”
  78. >You didn’t think it was possible to blush harder than you already are, but the heat on your face seems increase.
  79. >She wipes the saliva form her face, breaking the strands, with a foreleg and smile up at you.
  80. >She floats back up and kisses your forehead once more.
  81. >Her hooves stroke the back of your head gently and she presses you into her chest once more.
  82. >”Go on my big boy, you’re nice and erect now… I think, a-and you should have plenty of lubrication” she coos.
  83. >Your breathing is heavy, the air is filled with the smell of your arousal.
  84. >It’s masked by the comforting scent of flowers somewhat, but the sex in the air is much heavier than the first time she hugged you.
  85. >You put your fingers around your throbbing shaft.
  86. >It feels bigger than ever.
  87. >You shiver as a shock of pleasure travels up your spine.
  88. >It’s never been this sensitive before, you’ve only grabbed your shaft.
  89. >Mom’s heartbeat is rapid, her breathing is a little ragged.
  90. >You stroke the length of your shaft, mom’s slick saliva makes the whole experience much more pleasurable.
  91. >Her hooves keep petting the back of your head as the sounds of your masturbation are the only ones in the room.
  92. >”You’re doing so well sweetie” she whispers.
  94. >Your cock throbs harder in your hand.
  95. >Mom continues whispering encouragement and compliments like, “You’re going to make a mare VERY happy with this Anon…”
  96. >There’s a constant tickle along your forearm as you get closer to climax.
  97. >You can hear a wet fleshy sound that doesn’t synch up with your stroking.
  98. >A musty smell thats not your own assaults your nose.
  99. >Small drops of warm liquid hit your thighs drawing you slightly from the task at hand.
  100. >Through the small gap looking down from mom’s chest you can just barely see her pink tail swaying gently, brushing along your arm.
  101. >The smell is much stronger now.
  102. >It must be her pussy.
  103. >Mom’s clit is winking loudly while she’s holding you.
  104. >The thought alone sends you right to the edge.
  105. “M-mom… I-“
  106. >She tenses up and puts her weight down on her rearlegs.
  107. >Slowly she lowers herself down in front of you.
  108. >Mom’s eyes line up with yours and you can see a heavy crimson on her muscle.
  109. >”It’s alright Nonny, relieve yourself… Momma will take care of everything for you.”
  110. >You shut your eyes tight as the orgasm takes you over.
  111. >You can feel a very intense heat right at the tip of your cock.
  112. >Something like small kissing can be felt around your head.
  113. >You moan as your balls clench and you release the hardest orgasm you’ve ever had.
  114. >Mom yelps and her grip on your shoulders gets a little stronger.
  115. >A warm fluid splashes your belly.
  116. >You open your eyes thinking that you came on yourself like you sometimes do when you can’t reach a tissue fast enough.
  117. >Mom’s eyes are rolled into the back of her head and her pussy is positioned just above where your cock was standing tall at.
  118. >Her nethers are coated in a thick white fluid… your thick white fluid.
  119. >Inspecting yourself reveals a yellowish-clear fluid coating your waist.
  120. >Mom’s head comes to rest on your chest and you fall back with the addition of her weight and the exhaustion in your body.
  122. >Her breathing is heavy as she nuzzles into the crook of your neck.
  123. >”Nothing to be ashamed of… love you Non-” she mumbles before going completely limp on top of you.
  124. >You hold mom in your arms and let your eyelids fall heavy as well.
  126. >Mom moans loudly as you begin thrusting faster.
  127. >”Oh yes! Mmm! Nonny~”
  128. >Your belly smacks against her yellow rump with a muffled wet slap.
  129. >Mom’s hoof is pressing up on your shaft hard.
  130. >Her lips quiver hungrily as your manhood slides along them.
  131. >Mom’s clit winks rapidly kissing your cockhead with each pass.
  132. >Your hands are gripping her barrel tightly so you can support her as she’s only on three legs when you “relieve yourself” like this.
  133. >You love the way mom’s ass juggles as your body slams against her.
  134. >She’s about to hit her fourth orgasm.
  135. >Better stop holding back then, you won’t be able to hold her up through one more.
  136. >The marecum leaking from mom’s pussy is traveling down your cock and thighs to pool around your knees as you grind against her pussy rapidly.
  137. >Your room is musky with the stench of both your arousal and hers.
  138. >You can feel her legs shaking like leaves in a hurricane signaling that she’s about to go over.
  139. >Thankfully you’ve caught up now.
  140. >Mom tenses up completely as her maregasm racks her body.
  141. >Her thighs squeeze your cock tight.
  142. >Mom’s clit winks rapidly against your cockhead planting lewd kisses all over it.
  143. >Her hoof presses you so closely that you can feel the suction of her pussy along your throbbing shaft.
  144. >One more thrust sends you over and you fire off rope after rope of thick cum from your tip.
  145. >You fall back to sit on your feet while mom falls to the side.
  146. >She rolls over onto her back and reveals long white streaks of cum running from her soaked pussy all the ay up to her face.
  148. >Mom’s cum coated hoof runs from her nethers up to her chest, scooping up as much of your cum as she can.
  149. >Her wide tongue laps up the thick pile she collected and retracts it into her mouth.
  150. >She scrunches her muzzle.
  151. >”A-Anon… this diet… makes you much closer to a stallion… but you need to eat more pineapple… m-mister…” she says between heavy breaths.
  152. >Her playful scowl turns to a weak smile and you find yourself smiling back.
  153. >Mom is so kind.
  154. >She’s gone to so many lengths to make sure you feel as normal as a human can in a world of ponies.
  155. “I love you mom.”
  156. >”I love you too sweetie” she coos.

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