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CYOA: Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, Part 2 (Archive 2014)

By regidar
Created: 2020-12-21 09:25:45
Expiry: Never

  2. >nearly got shower raped
  3. >got bitched at by your superior
  4. >acquired your armor
  5. >hid in a broom closet
  6. >nailed a threstral in a broom closet
  7. >beat the shit out of your would-be rapist, in a broom closet
  8. >left your armor behind ;_;
  9. >hobbled to the med ward with your new battpony butt buddy
  10. >met Princess Luna
  11. >agreed to participate in a shady drug trial
  13. "Well, let's just get this over with."
  14. >Domicile's smile widens, and he trots off to the back of the med ward
  15. >Jarboe turns her head in what she thinks is your general direction
  16. >"The hell are you doing, Anon?" she asks the cot next to her
  17. >you don't really have an answer
  18. >drugs, man
  19. "Whatever. I'll be fine! Look, I'm in the medical ward already, so I'll be right here if anything goes wrong. Seriously, I'll be fine, Jarboe, there's nothing to worry about."
  20. "Jarboe..."
  21. >"Yeah?"
  22. "If I don't make it... avenge me."
  23. >"You're an ass, Anon."
  24. >you chuckle and stick your tongue out, which she obviously can't see
  25. >the doctor returns
  26. >quick swag over your foreleg
  27. >he sticks the needle into your skin
  28. >the quick prick hurts for only a moment
  29. >and he pulls the plunger
  30. >you close your eyes
  31. >bracing for the worst
  32. >but nothing happens
  33. >not until
  34. "Oh sweet zombie Celestia, I think I just came."
  35. >the pain... the pain is all gone
  36. >this is fucking fabulous
  37. >based Doctor Domicile
  38. >you turn and give him a loopy grin
  39. "Thaaaanks, man..."
  40. >you smile at him, feeling like the happiest fucker alive
  41. >all light and feathery
  42. >"The pleasure was all mine, Anonymous."
  43. >he leans down and kisses you
  44. >right on the lips
  45. >you weakly lift a hoof and slap it limply across Domicile's face
  46. "Heeey... rape is bad, so like... don't."
  47. >your mouth hangs open, tongue lolling out
  48. >Domicile chuckles, and runs his hoof across your chest
  49. >"Hey, is everything okay over there?" Jarboe asks, looking around wildly, her blindfold staying steadfast. "You're not dead, right?"
  50. >"Oh, he's fine," Domicile says.
  51. >"He is /fiiiine/..."
  52. >bitches can't get enough of you
  53. >this guys deserves a hug
  54. >everypony deserves a hug, man
  55. >you lift your hooves up and draw him in
  56. >hugging him tight
  57. >TIGHT
  58. >"Oh fuck yes, that's the spot... don't you dare let go, you fucking bitch..."
  59. >you hug him harder
  60. >and harder
  61. >you hear little gagging noises
  62. >you're probably choking him
  63. >whatever, he's into that
  64. >you hug harder
  65. >man, this doctor is a bro!
  66. >"GGnnhh... fuck, don't stop..."
  67. >you don't intend to, doc
  68. >you do not intend to
  69. >you continue to squeeze him
  70. >he's starting to thrash about a bit
  71. >but nah man
  72. >he's all cool
  73. >this is how you two connect
  74. >this is how your souls bond
  75. >this is a good time
  76. >you hear a little crack as you give him an especially hard squeeze
  77. >"Anon! Seriously! What's going on?"
  78. >Damn, Jarboe
  79. >always harshing your buzz
  80. >why can't she just be chill?
  81. "Jarboe, just wait a sec. I'll give you a hug too! Right now, I'm uuuuuhhhhgin' the SHIT out of this... this..."
  82. >fuck, what was this guy's name?
  83. "This Doctor guy, maaaaan..."
  84. >"Geh... this is enough hugging now..."
  85. >What?
  86. >Now the doc wants to harsh your buzz?
  87. >there's no way you'll let that happen
  88. >you've got to remind him why he's here
  89. >bring him back to his roots
  90. >rescue him from the clutches of square-land
  91. >so you hug him harder
  92. >and you hear more cracking
  93. >wait
  94. >you can't
  95. >you can't do this
  96. >this isn't right
  97. >you're not some kind of horrible hug rapist
  98. >you let go of the doctor, who sinks to the floor next to your bed
  99. >you lay there, mouth agape, drooling slightly
  100. >what have you become?
  101. >some hopped up hug rapist?
  102. >this is what drugs do to you
  103. >this isn't you
  104. >"Anon? I heard something hit the floor. What happened?"
  105. "Glrraggh."
  106. >fuck, just listen to you
  107. >choking on your own saliva
  108. >you pathetic bitch
  109. >"Seriously, Anon! I don't like having to have you explain everything to me, but c'mon! What's happening?"
  110. >you turn your head slowly to look down at the doctor
  111. >he's passed out on the floor
  112. >you're a monster
  113. >a fucking monster
  114. "I'm baaaaad, Jarboe..."
  115. >"Anon, can you stop dicking around for five seconds, please? You're really starting to piss me off."
  116. >"I let the doctor go. He fall down, go boom."
  117. >Jarboe groans
  118. >you feel the intense need to sing
  119. >it's the only way to lift your spirits
  120. >you take a deep breath, and sing the song of your people
  123. >somewhere off in the distance
  124. >that is, the throne room two floors above
  125. >Princess Celestia is reading a scoll
  126. >she hears your soulful singing waft up through the vents
  127. >immediately
  128. >celestistanza.png
  129. >"Memefolk? In 1004?"
  130. >"Fuck, my citizens are plebs."
  131. >Celestia turns on her gramaphone, and resumes listening to progressive dreamfunk
  132. >which is obviously better than avent-garde jazzcore
  133. >well
  134. >no sense in staying here
  135. >while you beautiful warbling is sure to land you into the hearts of filthy hipsters everywhere
  136. >you can't stay here
  137. >the drugs demand you pick up your tired hooves and walk
  138. >you slide sideways out of bed, landing on the Doctor
  139. >he grunts softly, but otherwise makes no noise
  140. "C'maaaan, Jarboe... let's have some fun!"
  141. >Jarboe sighs
  142. >"Look, idiot, you're hurt worse than I am. I'm not leaving because I don't want to, I'm not leaving because I don't want you to fuck up your legs!"
  143. >you crawl off of the doctor and slide across the floor towards Jarboe's bed
  144. "Jarboooooe... live a little..."
  145. >"Seriously, Anon. This will only end poorly."
  146. >you're at the foot of her bed
  147. >you reach up with your forhooves and pull yourself up so that your head is leaning on her bed
  148. "Jarbooooe..."
  149. >her leg shifts under the blanket, and knocks your hooves off the bed
  150. >you're laying on your back on the floor, giggling like a moron
  151. "Nothing can end badly when you're feeling this good!"
  152. >silly Jarboe
  153. >"No, I'm fairly certain that EVERYTHING will end bad when you're like this."
  154. >"You'll probably permanently fuck your legs up, or something."
  155. "Nuh-uh! I'm juuuuuust... gonna crawl everywhere, sassit, yah..."
  156. >you're chewing on your tongue
  157. >it feels all big and swollen
  158. >like a giant wad of taffy in your mouth
  159. >it doesn't even feel like it's you're tongue, what the fuck, haha
  160. >you crawl under her cot
  161. >it smells like antiseptic under here
  162. >hehe, that word's fun to say
  163. "Antiiiiiiii-seeeeptiiiic..."
  164. >"Anon, what the ever loving fuck are you doing down there?"
  165. "Hah! I bet you don't even know WHERE I am!"
  166. "My snipar training makes me a maaaaaSTer at hiding..."
  167. >you chew on your tongue some more
  168. "Antiseptic. Heeh!"
  169. >you crawl out from under the bed
  170. >the smell's a little too much
  171. >and you crawl back up next to Jarboe
  172. >and you grab for the blankets
  173. >"Anon? What are you doing?"
  174. >you pull back the blanket all the way, staring at her slightly pudgy belly
  175. >you dip your head down, lips pressed against her cold body
  176. >"Ah! Anon!"
  177. >you blow hard, making a loud PFFFPPPTH
  178. >Jarboe giggles
  179. >"Jeez, Anon... whatever was in that stuff the doctor gave you..."
  180. >you blow again, causing her to laugh loudly
  181. >"D-Damn! Anon, that tickles!"
  182. >again
  183. >"Pfaha! Alright, Anon! We can go if you want to!"
  184. >you press your face into her belly
  185. "Uh nu uh coo cown uhn oo!"
  186. >your muffled giggles fill the air
  187. >damn, you sound SO FUNNY
  188. >you give Jarboe's cold belly a lick with your tongue
  189. >you lick down a little lower
  190. >it's Jarboe's turn to giggle
  191. >"Anon, what do you think you're doing?"
  192. >you lick even lower
  193. >caressing the little belly bulge with your tongue
  194. >trailing lower and lower
  195. >"Anon!"
  196. >oh yeah baby
  197. >you better believe it
  198. >you lick gently on the edge of her pussy
  199. >and slowly slide down
  200. "Mmm... frosty."
  201. >you give it a little kiss, and look up to see Jarboe's chin against her chest, looking at you with her blindfold
  202. >you smile, and your head falls in between her legs, the world swimming
  203. "Niiiiiigghh..."
  204. >you wake up to find yourself back in your own bed
  205. >with... the two nurses staring down at you
  206. >oh dear
  207. "H-Hey..."
  208. >searing pain in your legs
  209. "AH! Oh, cool! Domicile's drugs wore off, haha..."
  210. >"Please refrain from putting yourself in other patient's cots."
  211. >you nod, sweating slightly, grinning guiltily
  212. "W-Will do!"
  213. >you hear clopping on the other side of you
  214. >turning your head, you see Jarboe
  215. >"Hey, Anon. Enjoy yourself?"
  216. "Uh, yeah... thanks for that. How... how long have I been out?"
  217. >she giggles
  218. >"16 hours. They just had me released. It's a shame though, I missed my spot on..."
  219. >chord
  220. >"...The Night Guard because they wanted to keep me overnight. All because of some minor shit! Lame."
  221. "What happened to the doc?"
  222. >one of the nurses, an earth pony that's slightly chubbier than the other one, a unicorn, sighs
  223. >"He's... indisposed. Recovering, one might say."
  224. >jeez
  225. "Did he get messed up?"
  226. >"He'll be okay. He came to a few hours ago. He's just resting it all off."
  227. >well, good
  228. >at least you didn't kill him
  229. >you begin to scream
  230. >you don't know why
  231. >maybe you just understood your place in the universe as a lowly royal guard, destined to be lost to the sands of time
  232. >maybe it's the pain in your legs
  233. >you don't know
  234. >you don't care
  235. >all you can do is scream
  236. >and scream
  237. >and scream
  238. >you have a mouth
  239. >and you must scream
  240. >suddenly, hoof to face action
  241. "Ow!"
  242. >Jarboe readies her hoof again
  243. >"Stop screaming, numbnuts."
  244. "Okay, look, I'm sorry about that."
  245. >she puts her hoof down
  246. "I just needed to... scream, y'know?"
  247. "Just not keep it in any longer."
  248. >fuck, that sounds really fruity
  249. >ah, who cares
  250. >"Yeah, I get you. It's been pretty rough for the past day or so."
  251. "Not all of it."
  252. >Jarboe smiles.
  253. "How are you, Jarboe?"
  254. >"Better. Only got a dull throbbing in my face now, and my muzzle stopped bleeding ages ago."
  255. >"I should be back in commission for tonight!"
  256. "That's great!"
  257. >you pause
  258. "Can you, uh... can you take me with you?"
  259. >"What, to my shift tonight?"
  260. "Y-Yeah..."
  261. >she smiles, showing off her fangs
  262. >cute little pointed teeth
  263. >"You gonna need those crutch-things?"
  264. >"Yes he will!" the unicorn nurse calls out from the back of the ward
  265. >you groan
  266. "Well, whatever. I still wanna come."
  267. >Jarboe nods
  268. >"I think it'll be nice."
  269. "Me too."
  270. "How much longer will I have to be here?"
  271. >the nurse trots over to you, dragging the crutch apparatus behind her
  272. >"Once we hook you into these, you'll be all set!"
  273. >you look at them
  274. >the belt and harness actually looks a bit...
  275. >hideously painful
  276. "Um..."
  277. >you're not entirely sure you want to do this anymore
  278. "Alright, whatever, I''ll try it out."
  279. >you slide out of bed
  280. >keeping your back legs resting on the bed, you put your hooves on the floor
  281. >you look sort of ridiculous
  282. >Jarboe snickers, annd
  283. >CRACK
  284. "Gah! Jarboe, the fuck?"
  285. >your flank is smarting
  286. >and Jarboe is giggling
  287. >"Sorry, Anon. Those flanks are really magnificent."
  288. >well, at least she's right there
  289. >the nurse comes over, and straps you in
  290. >you slide fully off the bed
  291. >your hooves dangling not but an inch off the ground
  292. >huh
  293. >not that bad
  294. >the harness does chafe a little
  295. "Let's get the hell out of this hug rape inducing hospital!"
  296. >the nurse clears her throat
  297. >fuck, she's still right there
  298. >next time, you'll bite your tongue
  300. >yeah, RIGHT
  301. >good one, anon
  302. >good one
  303. >you put one hoof in front of the other one
  304. >the wheels follow, if a bit shakily
  305. >huh, not TOO shabby
  306. >but still pretty fucking shabby regardless
  307. >ah, well
  308. >it'll have to do
  309. >Jarboe snickers
  310. >"Haha, hot ride! You'll be the coolest guard in the palace."
  311. "Yeah, whatever, Jarboe. You're the one who has to carry me up and down stairs."
  312. >she stops talking after that
  313. "Hey, wait!"
  314. >the nurse turns around
  315. "Do I have to go on duty like this?"
  316. >"You're allowed sick leave for one week in an accident like this. If you're not better by the end of the week, then yes."
  317. >woohoo!
  318. >you turn to Jarboe
  319. "Hey... since neither of us have anything to do right now... wanna go out for dinner somewhere in Canterlot Proper? We didn't get to do any of the dinner/early breakfast plans we had set up yesterday..."
  320. >Jarboe smiles
  321. >"I'd love too!"
  322. >you return the smile
  323. >"...except that it's 8 AM."
  324. >fuck
  325. "Well, we could always go to breakfast."
  326. >Jarboe taps her blindfold
  327. "Oh, right."
  328. >well damn
  329. "I-I guess we could eat in the broom closet, and then you can go to sleep after that."
  330. "It'll be romantic!"
  331. >Jarboe giggles
  332. >little, squeaky giggles
  333. >fuck, it turns you on
  334. >"Aw, alright Anon! What do you want to get to eat?"
  335. >you turn to Jarboe
  336. >and you dip your head down
  337. >"Anon, what are you doing?"
  338. >you move your head forward
  339. >butting her in the side
  340. >it's not hard
  341. >but still enough to jostle her a little bit
  342. >"The fuck? Why'd you do that?"
  343. >you turn to her and giggle
  344. >sticking your tongue out
  345. >shit, maybe that drug hadn't even fully left your system yet
  346. >she sighs, and gives you a weird smile
  347. >like she's trying to decide between laughing, kissing you, or ripping your bowels out with her teeth
  348. "We should go get some oatmeal. I'm tired of that gross hay and water
  349. "Same shit every day."
  350. >Jarboe turns her head to the side
  351. >"Huh. I've never had it. It any good?"
  352. "I usually add a little bit of sugar to make it sweeter, though that's just because I have a sweet tooth. It's still good by itself though."
  353. >Jarboe shrugs
  354. "What do you mean you've never had it? I though all guards were served the same food. What do they serve in..."
  355. >you wait for the chord, but nothing comes, so you just continue on
  356. "The Night Guard?"
  357. >"Mostly small animals. Rats and stuff."
  358. >you recoil, which is hard to do in a harness
  359. "R-Rats?"
  360. >"Yeah. We're carnivores, technically."
  361. >b-but
  362. >Meat is Murder!
  363. >The Smiths said so!
  364. "You know what? I think I might want to try meat."
  365. >Jarboe's head turns to "look" at you
  366. >"Really?"
  367. >you nod
  368. >"I mean... REALLY?"
  369. >well
  370. >trying out new things
  371. >that's always good
  372. >right?
  373. >right
  374. >but
  375. >you're not quite sure
  376. >meat is fucking gross
  377. >but you've never had it before, so...
  378. >well
  379. "Maybe just a lick..."
  380. >Jarboe cocks her head
  381. >"If you just lick them, you won't get any of the nutrients."
  382. >bitch pls
  383. "What about, you know... The juices?"
  384. >"Well, yeah, I guess, but can you really call that eating?"
  385. >you snicker
  386. "So you're telling me I gotta really dig in there?"
  387. >"Yeah; dig your teeth in."
  388. >you're holding back tears from this retrained laughter
  389. "Work my mouth on it? Get my tongue all up in that business?"
  390. >"What? You d--oh, fuck you, Anon."
  391. >she flings out her hoof, catching you in the side
  392. >totally worth it
  393. "Hey, I guess we'll both get to try new things!"
  394. >"Yeah, I guess we will."
  395. "Let's go grab some of that hot, steamy oatmeal, and rub it all over you, pouring it down your willing gullet..."
  396. >"Anon?"
  397. "Yes?"
  398. >"Please never, ever talk ever again."
  399. >you chuckle
  400. "But hey, you're so cold you probably won't even get burnt! You could do with a little warming up!"
  401. >"For fuck's sake..."
  402. >you lick Jarboe playfully, and the two of you head for the door
  403. >fast forward a little bit
  404. >you're down at the kitchens
  405. >you're not going to deal with that bullshit of the crowded hall while you've got your crutches
  406. >you got some weird looks, but nopony's mentioned them yet
  407. >you're in the clear
  408. >for now
  409. >you approach one of the cooks
  410. "Hey... can we get some oatmeal? Just two portions, please. I've got an injury, so it's not safe for me to head into the mess hall properly."
  411. >the cook, who is sitting beside a large vat of something steaming, flipping through a magazine, shrugs
  412. >"Sure. Ladle it out yourself, though."
  413. >you grab two bowls, and levitate out enough for the two of you
  414. >you snag some sugar on the way out
  415. >now, to find a nice place to eat...
  416. >the broom closet from before is the first choice, but that is a few floors up...
  417. "Let's just go around looking for a place to go. The broom closet's, like, up stairs and shit."
  418. >"Yeah. I don't want to carry you up those things."
  419. >you guys head down the corridor jutting off to the left of the kitchens, and wander aimlessly, checking rooms here and there
  420. >you finally come across an empty one
  421. >there's a table, but the window has cast a beam of light right across it
  422. >there's a somewhat large wardrobe, though...
  423. >you open the drawer
  424. >there's a few coats
  425. >not much else though
  426. >you take one out and tie it up over the window experimentally
  427. >it blocks out the light, but not very few
  428. >Jarboe would still be highly uncomfortable
  429. >you make a mental note to find her some dark sunglasses
  430. >like... extra dark
  431. >in the meantime, it would be best to add more coats up to the window
  432. >they're not so much coats as thin linen wrappings
  433. >fucking government cutbacks
  434. >you could only fit one, MAYBE two in the space up at the window
  435. >you'd need to stitch them together somehow
  436. >it's a good job you fucking aced embroidery and sewing in home ec back in 8th grade
  437. >sh-shut up, you were just nimble with your magic...
  438. >you push the table up against the window
  439. >the filtered light now hits the table again
  440. >casting a nice dark shadow under the table for you to dine
  441. >you slide under the table with your food, Jarboe close behind
  442. >you smile
  443. "Ready for the blindfold to come off?"
  444. >she nods
  445. >you carefully unravel the bandages
  446. >she blinks hard, squinting
  447. >"S-Still kind of bright... but this is a lot better!"
  448. >"This is good!"
  449. >awwwright
  450. >you push her bowl over to her
  451. >and you drag your bowl over to you
  452. >dumping about half of the container of sugar into your oatmeal
  453. >hey man, don't judge
  454. >you gotta stay perky
  455. >it's cramped under the table for you, what with your harness any everything, so you discarded that
  456. >with a bit of help from Jarboe
  457. >you can't help but notice that she had hugged your flanks for quite a bit longer than normal
  458. >aw yeah, baby
  459. >she's batty for you
  460. >Jarboe looks at the spoon, and pushes it away
  461. >"Spoons, pfft. Useless unicorn luxury."
  462. >you clutch your hoof to your heart, faking pain
  463. "D-Damn, Jarboe... you wound my race and I so..."
  464. >she bats you with her hoof
  465. >you stick your tongue out and giggle
  466. >she lifts the bowl up to her mouth, and your opens her mouth
  467. >her tongue rolling out
  468. >and out
  469. >and out...
  470. >holy shit, that's a long tongue
  471. >no wonder if felt like your tongue was getting crushed and constricted when you kissed her
  472. >that thing is a regular mouth mamba!
  473. >she dips it into the oatmeal
  474. >it's cooled down significantly, so she doesn't recoil
  475. >no scalding oatmeal burns for her
  476. >easily one of the easiest ways to ruin a sexy breakfast
  477. >her prehensile tongue scoops up a large glob of oatmeal
  478. >and she retracts in back into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully
  479. >fuck, she looks pretty
  480. >you can't stop looking at her
  481. >you're trying to do it not retardedly
  482. >but you look like an autistic puppy
  483. >you pathetic beta you
  484. "I-I really like the w-way you eat oatmeal, J-Jarboe..."
  485. >she pauses, looking at you as though you've gone insane
  486. "I-It really brings out y-your eyes..."
  487. >your can feel spaghetti oozing from your pockets
  488. >except
  489. >you don't have pockets
  490. >unless you count
  491. >your clench your cheeks together and sit up straighter, hitting your head against the underside of the table
  492. >Jarboe snickers, taking another tongue-full of oatmeal
  493. >"You're such a dork, Anon..."
  494. "Y-You too..."
  495. >"Mmm?"
  496. >you sweat slightly
  497. "N-Nothing. You want some of my oatmeal? Nice and sweet!"
  498. >she looks at the mound on your oatmeal
  499. >"I think that'd put me in a sugar coma, Anon."
  500. >as much as you'd like to argue otherwise
  501. >shit's true
  502. >you eat way too much sugar
  503. >you blood is like fucking strawberry syrup
  504. >but if eating a diet where 95 percent of your intake is sugar is wrong, you don't wanna be right
  505. "Well, what do you think of yours so far?"
  506. >"It's good! It's... weird though. Like I'm eating creamy mud."
  507. "Yeah, it'll do that to yah."
  508. >you reach out with your hoof and stroke Jarboe's mane slowly
  509. >it feels thick
  510. >somewhat coarse, like a big dog with thick fur
  511. >"What are you doing, Anon?"
  512. "Petting your mane."
  513. >"Well, I see that, but... why?"
  514. >you shrug
  515. "I dunno, I thought it would feel nice."
  516. >"Does it?"
  517. >you nod
  518. "It's really thick... kinda shaggy, too."
  519. >she scrunches her muzzle, and you chuckle
  520. >"Yeah, threstrals 've got thick manes... it's a bitch to brush, I'll tell you..."
  521. >you continue to pet
  522. "Do you like it?"
  523. >"What, my mane? Yeah, it's alright. Sometimes, I wish it were a lighter purple, like a soft twilight color—"
  524. "No, I meant the petting."
  525. >"Oh."
  526. >she chews on her lip for a moment
  527. >"Y-Yeah. It feels pretty nice."
  528. >you scoot up closer to her
  529. >you move your head up
  530. >and take one of her ears in your mouth
  531. >and you nibble gently
  532. >"Mmnnh... jeez, Anon, you hornog! We can't even eat a meal without you tryin' to go down on me, fuck..."
  533. >you give her a little hug
  534. >she sighs, and hugs you back
  535. >"I-I'm not telling you to stop, though..."
  536. >you nibble down her ear
  537. >chewing on her hair
  538. >yup
  539. >Definitely hair
  540. >coarse and fibery
  541. >good stuff
  542. >smells like...
  543. >the fuck
  544. >it smells like it does just after it rains
  545. >that weird, earthy smell
  546. >it's a nice smell
  547. >but it raises questions about the last time Jarboe washed this shit
  548. >whatever
  549. >you're in the zone mang
  550. >you move downwards again, this time forgoing the rest of her mane
  551. >and burying your face in it, going right to her neck
  552. >nibbling it nice and slowly
  553. >kneading the flesh softly with her teeth
  554. >giving it a gently lick now and then
  555. >haha, she's panting
  556. >Jarboe can't even moan
  557. >all she can do it pant
  558. >you slowly kiss your way down to the nape of her neck
  559. >Jarboe takes one of her hooves and starts to stroke your mane
  560. >returning the favor, as it were
  561. >"You like that?"
  562. >you feel like a dog
  563. >but damn, you'd be Jarboe's bitch all night
  564. >wait
  565. >wait, no...
  566. >Yeah. Yeah, you totally would.
  567. >you move down yet again, kissing the top center of her chest
  568. "Mmm, Jarboe?"
  569. >she looks down at you
  570. >"Yeah?"
  571. "Pet a bit lower..."
  572. >she moves her hooves down through your mane
  573. >closer to your body
  574. >down your neck
  575. >fuck, that gives you chills
  576. >her hooves sliding down through your mane, caressing your shoulders
  577. >that's the stuff
  578. >you kiss her chest lightly, nuzzling it with your muzzle
  579. >you lean back, shifting so that your injured hooves are in a more comfortable position
  580. "Hey, Jarboe?"
  581. >"Mm?"
  582. "C-Can you... can you give me a hoofie?">she smiles condescendingly down at you
  583. >"Oh, don't you wish..."
  584. "Um, y-yeah, that IS why I asked."
  585. >"We haven't even finished breakfast yet, Anon."
  586. "W-Well I hear that a mid-breakfast hoofjob is good for the uh..."
  587. >fuck
  588. >um
  589. "...soul."
  590. >smooth moving, anons
  591. >smooth movings
  592. >"Anon, I'm not going to do that."
  593. >your ears droop
  594. >"It'd just been uncomfortable and annoying for me to use my /hooves/..."
  595. >your ears perk up
  596. >she smiles, the tip of her tongue sticking out between her teeth
  597. >flanked by her fangs
  598. >"No, I think you need something a bit more comfortable..."
  599. >you nod enthusiastically and squeak
  600. "Yes, please!"
  601. >Jarboe pushes you gently backwards, so you are resting on your rump
  602. >she re-configures your legs so that you;'re in a more comfortable position
  603. >her head drops, and her hooves gently cup your crotch
  604. >The flagpole rises
  605. >snaking and sneaking from your sheath like a slippery snake
  606. >the tip of her tongue presses gently against your slowly growing head
  607. >she slowly licks a circle around your cockhead
  608. >you lean back with your forehooves pressed on the ground behind you
  609. >ah yes
  610. >that's the stuff
  611. >that is the stuff
  612. >her tongue slowly slides from her mouth
  613. >and you watch in partial awe
  614. >Damn
  615. >that
  616. >that is a long tongue
  617. >holy shit
  618. >Jarboe blushes slightly as she wraps her tongue around your cockhead, and partially down your shaft
  619. >she's about half an inch up from the ring
  620. >ooooh shit
  621. >she slides her tongue around for a few moments
  622. >And slowly, she moves her tongue back up
  623. >uncoiling your cock
  624. >you're so hard it hurts
  625. >your dick throbbing with the beat of your heart
  626. >Jarboe's tongue slides along the head of your cock one more
  627. >but this time
  628. >the tip of her tongue finds your urethra
  629. "Wait, hold up, I don't—"
  630. >too late
  631. >her tongue parts it slightly
  632. >And slides along the insides of your urethra
  633. >it's barely in
  634. >but holy fuck
  635. >that feels so weird
  636. "Jarboe?"
  637. >"Mmm?"
  638. >her little groan vibrates your cock slightly
  639. >oh shit
  640. >that hits THE spot
  641. "C-Can you suck on the tip while licking my balls?"
  642. >she cocks her eyebrow
  643. "Y-You know... just slide your tongue down there..."
  644. >she pulls off of your cock
  645. >"Anon, my tongue isn't THAT long..."
  646. "I know you can do this! I believe in you!"
  647. >you give her an award winning smile
  648. >had there been light, the dazzle of your shiny teeth and you most likely would have permanently blinded Jarboe
  649. >Jarboe rolls her (thankfully unblinded) eyes
  650. >she sticks out her tongue
  651. >it rolls down quite a ways
  652. >for a tongue
  653. >but it looks like she was right
  654. >that's what
  655. >Four? Maybe five inches?
  656. >Certainly not enough for your massive meat rod
  657. >okay, so you're only 8 inches
  658. >th-that's average, right?
  659. >you slide one of your hooves closer to her
  660. "Well, whatever. Let's focus on what we CAN do, then..."
  661. >you gently rub the inside of her thigh
  662. >Jarboe's eyes sparkle
  663. >"Oh, I like the way you think, Anon."
  664. >your lean forward, and she leans down
  665. >you feel her tongue press against your cock
  666. >and her cold breath bathing your member
  667. >your hoof slides slowly towards her marevag
  668. >and...
  669. >contact!
  670. >you slowly begin to rug her pussy, gently fondling the folds
  671. >her little squeaks and moans vibrate your cock
  672. >truly, you are the luckiest stallion in the world
  673. >you move your hoof upward slightly
  674. >brushing against her cold clit
  675. >rubbing it with the soft inside of your hoof
  676. >Jarboe's tongue laps and licks at your cock
  677. >and you can feel the rising tide
  678. >shit
  679. >already?
  680. >well, who can blame you
  681. >Jarboe's tongue contains unknown pleasures
  682. >so it's natural that you don't last as long as other stallion
  683. >that, juxtaposed with your new chilling fetish...
  684. >yeah, you don't have a short fuse or anything
  685. >but you can't have you cumming first
  686. >leaving her unsatisfied
  687. >so your increase your speed
  688. >rubbing that little fun button as hard as you can
  689. >did you really just call it a fun button?
  690. >fuck, you need to stop reading Steep Steel's Sleezy Smut Stories
  691. >Jarboe's breath on your cock has changes
  692. >it's short little pants now
  693. >your head is nestled on her back
  694. >and your hoof is on her crotch
  695. >it's an odd embrace, but it's one that works
  696. >you can feel her full chill
  697. >and just as the dam breaks
  698. >she makes a high pitches noise, and you can feel your hoof get slightly wetter
  699. >and a lot colder
  700. >just like ice water, as always...
  701. >you had gone over at the same time
  702. >but right before the first shot, Jarboe yanks herself off your cock
  703. >your semen shoots in an arc, splattering her face
  704. >but she makes a grab for the oatmeal bowl
  705. >and before the second shot goes off, she thrusts your cockhead into the warm food
  706. >you grunt, the sudden shift from really cold to pretty warm feel fucking WEIRD
  707. >but
  708. >urfetish.avi
  709. >you blow your load HARD into that oatmeal
  710. >five—no, six—long, gooey strands right into it
  711. >the perfect, good quality semen
  712. >usually you can only get three shots of that
  713. >you're dribbling the shitty, watery stuff now
  714. >but fuck
  715. >that was amazing
  716. >you watch as Jarboe takes the bowl away from you
  717. >your cock is dripping with spit, oatmeal, and semen
  718. >you bask in your afterglow as she sets the bowl aside, and drops down again
  719. >resting with her belly on the floor
  720. >she gives your cock a little lick
  721. >taking some of the oatmeal off
  722. >it twitches, but it's sinking
  723. >Anon Jr can't maintain
  724. >she smirks
  725. >"Aw, tuckered out?"
  726. >you can't even respond
  727. >too good, man
  728. >too good
  729. >she chuckle, and takes the oatmeal in her forehooves, sitting up
  730. >and then raises it to her face
  731. >oh no
  732. >she isn't going to
  733. >she IS
  734. >Jarboe, you nasty, sexy fuck
  735. >she buries her face in the oatmeal a la semen
  736. >and goes to town
  737. >when she resurfaces
  738. >her face is plastered with a sticky mix of oats and cum
  739. >you point at your face
  740. "You got a little something at the edge of your lips..."
  741. >she licks her lips and surrounding face clean with one swipe of her long tongue
  742. >she's still got some on her cheeks
  743. >looks kinda cute
  744. >in that slobby way
  745. "You're cute, Jarboe."
  746. >she smiles at you
  747. >this is a genuine smile
  748. >none of that coyishness or "fucking hell, anon"-ness
  749. >just a smile
  750. >"Aw, thank you, Anon..."
  751. >you feel the heat creep to your face, and you look down at the floor
  752. >"You're pretty cute too, you know. Especially the noises you make."
  753. "Y-You're being so LEWD, Jarboe..."
  754. >she continues to smile, and shrugs
  755. >"What can I say? It's fun being lewd to you."
  756. >you return the smile
  757. "Come closer."
  758. >she scoots up next to you
  759. >you give her a little kiss on the cheek
  760. >getting some cummy oatmeal in your mouth
  761. >mmm, creamy...
  762. >ew, the fuck
  763. >this is like that one dream you had
  764. >the one where you could toss your own salad
  765. >and also suck your own dick
  766. >then it devolved into dick salad, and shit got weird
  767. >but your cum... it tastes, strangely, just how you thought it would
  768. >you move your mouth onto Jarboe's, not wanting to dwell on your cum taste any longer
  769. >but alas
  770. >it is not meant to be
  771. >for that bitch
  772. >she snowballs you
  773. >she still had some of your cum from the oatmeal stashed in there
  774. >and she drops it onto your tongue
  775. >and thrusts it into your mouth
  776. >fuck it
  777. >you'll take it like a man
  778. >you'll eat your own sweet, creamy, oatjizz
  779. >oh dear Celestia what the fuck
  780. >are these the lows you've sunken to?
  781. >oh well
  782. >there are lower lows
  783. >and less hot ones too, haha
  784. >Jarboe's fangs brush against your lower lip
  785. >chills, man
  786. >you break the kiss
  787. >you notice Jarboe wiggling about a little
  788. >her hoof pressed between her legs
  789. >oh ho
  790. "Say, Jarboe... need a little help there?"
  791. >she blushes that cute bat blush
  792. >"Y-Yeah, a little..."
  793. >a devious grin creeps onto your face
  794. "Sit on my face, and I'll lick your pussy until it's the cleanest thing in the castle."
  795. >she stifles a giggle
  796. >"W-Well, alright, you massive dork..."
  797. "What's that you say? I have a massive dork?"
  798. >CLOK
  799. >hoof right to the cheek
  800. >totes worth it
  801. >you lay down on your back
  802. >Jarboe creeps up, hooves on either side of you
  803. >her tail trailing across your body, leaving a pleasant cool feeling running up and down your skin
  804. >like a cool breeze from a fan on a hot day
  805. >she reaches the other side, almost out from under the table
  806. >you can see two small mounds
  807. >oh shit
  808. >crotchtits
  809. >you make a mental note to grab a nice cold glass of milk later
  810. >wink wink
  811. >she spreads her back legs, tail hiked and pressed against the underside of the table
  812. >the batbutt descends
  813. >you slide your hooves onto the battbutt
  814. >gently pressing into the toned muscle
  815. >oh yes
  816. >this is a good time
  817. >her vag is just above your face
  818. >winking now and then
  819. >you stick your tongue out
  820. >closing your eyes in anticipation of that cold touch
  821. >like a flavored ice cube hitting your tongue, you make contact
  822. >ah, that hits the spot
  823. >you slide upward
  824. >you want the good lickings
  825. >you slide your tongue up towards her ponut
  826. >strangely, it gets colder up towards her anus
  827. >maybe her pussy is actually giving off a little heat
  828. >hehe
  829. >neat
  830. >suddenly, you stop
  831. >heat...
  832. >that never occurred to you
  833. >could she possibly be...
  834. >but yesterday wouldn't have been...
  835. >fuck
  836. >fuckidyfuck
  837. >whatever
  838. >you know what?
  839. >fuck it
  840. >fuck it all
  841. >Jarboe's worth it
  842. >she beat the shit out of a rapist for you
  843. >that can't be the heat feelings
  844. >if it were just heat feelings
  845. >she would have had sex with you and ahve been done with it
  846. >no
  847. >she's staying with you
  848. >she's doing stuff with you
  849. >she could be
  850. >y'know
  851. >it
  852. >but you can't think about that
  853. >you've got frosty anus to be suckling
  854. >you move your mouth up, and her butt down
  855. >she's basically sitting on your face
  856. >you give her puckered ponut a quick kiss
  857. >slightly bitter
  858. >and pretty frigid
  859. >dirty ice, as it were
  860. >haha
  861. >fuck, you are lame
  862. >you gently bite the ring, nibbling the meaty anus
  863. >she gasps loudly
  864. >"A-Anon!"
  865. >she says your name a lot
  866. >and the narcissist in you loves that
  867. >right as you go in for the second bite
  868. >you hear hoofbeats right outside of the door
  869. "Um..."
  870. >judging by how pert Jarboe's anus has gotten
  871. >she heard it too
  872. >"Fuck."
  873. >you here two voice, giggling and laughing outside of the door
  874. >and you can recognize them both
  875. >Anon Jr is hardening faster than Rainbow Dash on crack cocaine
  876. >and you realize something
  877. >you have an exhabistionist fetish
  878. >you are getting turned on by the idea of getting caught!
  879. >oh man
  880. >this week is just a cavalcade of sexual discovery
  881. >now's not the time for that though, in fact
  882. >that's the worst time for this
  883. >because those two voices
  884. >are Princess Celestia
  885. >and Steep Steel's
  886. >ohshitohshitohshitohshit
  887. >you need to hide
  888. >Jarboe and you both
  889. >but her finely sculpted battbutt is still pressed up against your face
  890. >and your cock is undoubtedly sliding up towards hers
  891. >you stay perfectly still as you hear the door creek open
  892. >your tongue pressed firmly against Jarboe's fudge factory
  893. >you feel your member bump gently against something cold
  894. >must be Jarboe's lower lip
  895. >"A—"
  896. >with a bust of magic from your horn, you shove her head down
  897. >with nary a sound, you gag Jarboe
  898. >she ain't getting you two caught
  899. >the door swings open, the light that trails in just barely missing the table
  900. >keeping you two in the shadow
  901. >you hear Steel's voice
  902. >"Hey, lucky it'd already dark in here, huh? We won't have to bother with a broom closet, like last time!"
  903. >there's some warm, motherly giggling
  904. >and the beloved voice of your monarch melts like honey into your ears
  905. >"Oh, yes, that is most pleasing. It was rather cramped in there."
  906. >more giggling and tittering from the two, and you slowly drag your eyes over to them
  907. >you can only see their hooves
  908. >but they're getting closer
  909. >fuckohfuckohfuckohfuck
  910. >"Hey, this table even looks pretty sturdy! Nice and big, too. It'll be roomy!"
  911. >"Now, I don't know about that. The cake has been catchy up with me lately..."
  912. >"Ah, but it only makes that plot of yours sexier!"
  913. >there's a little slapping sound, and a little gasp from Celestia
  914. >oh fuck, that expands your dongs
  915. >you can feel your flesh poking into the sides of Jarboe's fangs
  916. >stupid sexy Celestia
  917. >you hear the beat of wings
  918. >and after a moment, the table shudders
  919. >Celestia must be on it now
  920. >you can still see Steel's hooves
  921. >but not for long
  922. >not all of them, anyway
  923. >he rears up on his hind legs, and with two taps
  924. >his hooves land on the table
  925. >the back legs kick off of the stone floor
  926. >and the tables wobbles again
  927. >"Mmm, my loyal subject..."
  928. >the table slowly starts to rock
  929. >you gotta keep quiet man
  930. >this is too good
  931. >not only was Steep Steel telling the truth
  932. >this is your crush
  933. >your weird semi-oedipal mother-of-equestria secret fantasy lover
  934. >you've had more wet dreams about her than you'd care to recount
  935. >you pause for a moment briefly
  936. >wait
  937. >can't Luna traverse dreams?
  938. >oooh shit
  939. >could that be why she was acting so cold to you in the med ward?
  940. >your face is burning up
  941. >you press your face into Jarboe's cold buns, smothering your fiery cheeks with her cool ones, and jam your tongue harder into her anus
  942. >there's a slight sizzling noise
  943. >and you could swear that's steam rising
  944. >fortunately, the two lovebirds above are too busy rocking the table to even notice
  945. >and that reminds you
  946. >eavesdropping!
  947. >you listen to Celestia and Steel chuckle and giggle, respectively
  948. >Celestia's warm, motherly tone meshes weirdly with Steel's cocky, coltish rasp
  949. >it's the weirdest mix of fetishes
  950. >here you are, 69ing a threstral while the leader of your country and your best friend do it on a table above you
  951. >Dear Penthouse...
  952. >fuck this
  953. >you can't maintain your charade
  954. >you can't let your best friend get some with the mare of your dreams
  955. >you pull out of Jarboe's cold mouth
  956. >and you slide out from under her
  957. >rolling out from under the table
  958. >you stand up really fast
  959. >getting slightly dizzy
  960. >seeing as most of the blood is in your cock anyway
  961. >it's better than you could have dreamed
  962. >Celestia on her back, your best friend riding her sweet white pussy
  963. >it's kind of weird seeing your best bro balls deep
  964. >but whatever man
  965. >he's getting it
  966. >and you want to be having it
  967. >they turn their heads at the same time towards you
  968. >Steel lets out a high pitched squeak, and blushes intensely
  969. >Celestia simply smiles
  970. >but she's blushing too
  971. >Jarboe climbs out from under the table
  972. >"Anon, what the f—"
  973. >she turns to look at the tow on the table, her eyes wide
  974. >and then she clutches them as the light assaults her supple corneas
  975. >"AH! FUCK!"
  976. >she dives back under the table
  977. >the Princess cocks an eyebrow
  978. >Steel has buried his face in her chest
  979. >hiding from you, evidently
  980. >oh my
  981. >this is going to be a fun night
  982. "H-Hello..."
  983. >"Well, hello there."
  984. >eek!
  985. >Princess Celestia just talked to YOU!
  986. >okay, calm down Anon
  987. >keep the spaghetti minimal
  988. >you can do this
  989. >spergfest can't start early this year
  990. >Steep Steel's face is still buried in Celestia's chest fur
  991. >"Were you using this room before we came in? I'm terribly sorry if we interrupted anything you were doing."
  992. >well
  993. >better just come clean
  994. "Oh, no, Princess... in fact, a, uh, a 'friend' of mine and I were using this room for what you and Steep Steel were doing just now."
  995. >she smiles
  996. >"Ah, so you know Steel already?"
  997. "Y-Yes, Princess. We're very good friends, your highness."
  998. >you drop down into a bowing position very quickly
  999. >fuck, why didn't you think to do that before?
  1000. >the Princess chuckles
  1001. >"Now, I won't have any of that... unlike my sister, I prefer my respects to be given to me either on the throne or out when I am doing royal business. In times like these..."
  1002. >she giggles as her left wing unfurls and wraps around Steel
  1003. >"...You may treat me as you best see fit."
  1004. >well fuck that shit
  1005. >you princess deserves the best, at all times
  1006. >no matter what she says
  1007. >you can feel the fedora phantom-tipping already
  1008. "A-Alright. Well, Princess, my 'friend' and I were under the table while Steel and you, er, engaged in relations, as it were. I was just wondering if we could..."
  1009. >oh shit
  1010. >your knees are weak
  1011. >you hooves are sweaty
  1012. >there's precum on your tip already
  1013. >you're hot and ready
  1014. >"If you could join in?"
  1015. "YES!"
  1016. >you say that way louder than you intended
  1017. "Y-Yes! We would love—no, we would be honored to join in relations with you, Princess!"
  1018. >she smiles warmly, and you nearly shoot your load all over the floor
  1019. >"Well, my little pony... I think that's more up to Steel than anypony else. What is your name?"
  1020. "Anonymous, your h-highness..."
  1021. "Hey, Steel?"
  1022. >you get a muffled grunt in response
  1023. "Mind if I get in on the action?"
  1024. >he looks up from Celestia's chest
  1025. >his face burning with his blush
  1026. >"Alright, fine. I'll let you in. But on one condition."
  1027. "Sure!"
  1028. >you could care less what the condition is
  1029. >you just want that sun inside you
  1030. >or like
  1031. >you inside the sun
  1032. >whatever
  1033. >it was Steel who said that it felt like the sun was inside you when you had sweet lovin with the Princess
  1034. >at first, you thought it was because she had a massive futa wang
  1035. >but obviously, there is not a single penis attached to her
  1036. >"I want you to fuck me."
  1037. >you pause
  1038. >your expression neutral
  1039. >a slow gear turning in your head
  1040. >you open your mouth
  1041. >and intelligently respond
  1042. "Wah?"
  1043. >Steel is blushing harder than ever, and Celestia has lifted a hoof to her mouth, trying not to giggle
  1044. >"Y-Yeah, you heard me. I want you to fuck my ass before you get any in on the Princess. Even since you told me you were bi all those months ago, I've wanted to try stuff with you, but..."
  1045. >fuck
  1046. >it's like your life is a bad porno
  1047. >well you know what they say
  1048. >don't waste time thinking about what they say when you've got the chance for sweet Princess poon and some tight ass
  1049. >you lick your lips, and step forward
  1050. "With pleasure..."
  1051. >however, right before you hop up onto the table
  1052. >an impatient cough from under it reminds you about the mare you came here with

Velveteen Chapter 1 (Archive 2014)

by regidar

Velveteen Chapter 2 (Archive 2014)

by regidar

You Rock My World (Archive 2014)

by regidar

Trixie vs. Octavia (Archive 2014)

by regidar

CYOA: Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, Part 1 (Archive 2014)

by regidar