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CYOA: Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, Part 3 (Archive 2014)

By regidar
Created: 2020-12-21 09:32:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >you cringe in agony as your hooves burn up behind you
  2. >fuck
  3. >you totally forgot about your injury in the heat of the moment
  4. >the adrenaline rush must have blocked the pain out
  5. >again
  6. >fuck, your body hates you
  7. >you lean up against the table
  8. >The Princess and Steep Steel both give you odd looks
  9. >Jarboe coughs again from under the table
  10. "O-Oh, Jarboe can join too, right?"
  11. >Celestia looks at Steel, and he nods
  12. >"Sure, why not. The more the merrier!"
  13. >you smile painfully
  14. "Excuse me for a moment."
  15. >you drop underneath the table, reeling in pain
  16. >Jarboe is on top of you in an instant
  17. >but this is not for sexy times
  18. >she's pissed
  19. >"Anon, the fuck? I thought this was going to be our time!"
  20. >she's sitting on your sprained hooves unintentionally
  21. >you expected that to hurt like fuck
  22. >but her frosty buns feel pretty lovely on your fucked fetlocks
  23. >basically, like ice
  24. >reducing the swelled
  25. >neat!
  26. >she cocks an eyebrow, her face still screwed up in an expression of annoyance
  27. >"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?
  28. "Well, I thought it would be hot if we joined in!"
  29. >Jarboe groans
  30. >"Anon?"
  31. "Yeah?"
  32. >"Are you by any chance a 14 year old?"
  33. >fuck
  34. >she rekt you
  35. "W-Well, I mean..."
  36. >she sighs, and looks away from you
  37. >you start to feel guilty
  38. >this kind of was your date after all
  39. "Look, do you wanna get in on that action? Because if you don't want to, I won't..."
  40. >you trail off
  41. >she sighs again
  42. >"Look, we'll do this now, alright? But you owe me. You owe me BIG."
  43. >you nod
  44. >you give her a little hug
  45. "Thanks, Jarboe. You're the best. I promise, I'll do whatever you ask me to to make up for this!"
  46. >she grins
  47. >"Anything?"
  48. "W-Well, I mean, as long as it doesn't kill me..."
  49. >Jarboe chuckles darkly
  50. >"Oh, we'll see, Anonymous. We shall see."
  51. >you gulp nervously
  52. "You'll want your blindfold on, of course..."
  53. >you wrap it around her eyes, tying it securely
  54. >you crawl out from under the table, Jarboe following you
  55. >well
  56. >you ain't no barbarian
  57. >not leading an effectively blind mare to the golden gates of paradise
  58. >you've got manners
  59. >you are a gentlecolt
  60. >your neck fur bristles, and your phantom phedora tips all by itself
  61. "Here, hold on to my tail..."
  62. >you guide her out safely from under the table
  63. >admittedly, not the most impressive of feats
  64. >but hey
  65. >you're trying to be a good guy
  66. >one might even say
  67. >a nice guy
  68. >*tipping intensifies*
  69. >you're out before the couple on the table
  70. >Celestia smiles down at you two
  71. >"Do you need a helping hoof? I see you're both incapacitated, in one way or another."
  72. "Y-Yes please, your highness."
  73. >Princess Celestia's horn sparks, and the two of you are lifted into the air
  74. >"Where would you two like to go?"
  75. >you turn to Jarboe
  76. "Want Princess duty?"
  77. >"Sure. Never got up and personal with Celestia anyway."
  78. >you cringe
  79. >such brash, casual language about your princess
  80. >Celestia's smile couldn't be wider, however
  81. >"And I myself have not been close to one of my sister's subjects for quite some time. What do you call yourself?"
  82. >"Jarboe," Jarboe answers curtly.
  83. >fuck bitch
  84. >have some respect
  85. >"Well, Jarboe, I would be happy to take you into my, shall we say, sunny rays for a little while."
  86. >"The sun hurts my eyes," Jarboe states plainly
  87. >Oh shit zigger
  88. >what are you doing
  89. >"Oh, well that's all very and good, because I was speaking about performing cunnilingus upon you."
  90. >Jarboe chuckles
  91. >Steel and you share a nervous laugh
  92. >"And where would you like to go, Anonymous?"
  93. "Well, Steel did want me to have my way with him, so I would like to be put behind him, p-please..."
  94. >she sets you down behind Steel, your back laying on his, your back legs curled up on the end of the table
  95. >she sets Jarboe on her chest, the threstrals legs spread and facing open at the Princess's muzzle
  96. >Jarboe's head is lying under Steel's, her mane tickling his chest
  97. >a thought occurs to you
  98. >if Steel's dick is still in the princess
  99. >you're fucking her by proxy
  100. >you've got to bash his butt
  101. >that kinky bastard will probably drain ever drop from his ball from the combo of your ass-mastery and Celestia's Sunspot
  102. >you grind gently against his back
  103. >gotta get some stimulation in order to get Anon Jr out of hibernation
  104. >his fur is soft
  105. >ticklish, even
  106. >but his muscles
  107. >shit
  108. >Jarboe may be toned
  109. >but Steel
  110. >this fuck is RIPPED
  111. >as he quivers and gently moves, you can feel the flexing of his muscles
  112. >much more than Jarboe's
  113. >don't mistake yourself, Jarboe's amazing
  114. >but there is something about this muscles that make you feel...
  115. >primal
  116. >lube?
  117. >lube is for stallions who haven't proven their nit and grit in the royal guard
  118. >you lower your head down next to Steel's
  119. >your mouth right by his ear
  120. >you breathe heavily into it
  121. >and it twitches, as if trying to bat away your muzzle
  122. >and you whisper
  123. "Bite Jarboe's neck, I'm goin' in dry."
  124. >Anon Jr has slithered from his cave, and is hardening between Steel's fabulous flanks
  125. >you lift your hips back as far as you can get them
  126. >your member slides up and slaps against your belly
  127. >it bobs back down again
  128. >Steel's ready
  129. >you're ready
  130. >you thrust forward
  131. >getting him right in the anus
  132. >landing right on his pacific rim
  133. >he lets out a loud noise that lies somewhere between a throaty moan and a girlish gasp
  134. >it's warm
  135. >much different from Jarboe, at least in terms of temperature
  136. >and texture, too
  137. >it's almost... rougher
  138. >there's more muscle power in the grip, though
  139. >much more
  140. >Princess Celestia places her hooves on Jarboe's legs
  141. >spreading them open just a little more
  142. >leaning forward, she sticks her tongue out
  143. >while you're prodding Steel's ponut, she's licking Jarboe's sweet bat pussy
  144. >you can here Jarboe's moans start up
  145. >getting louder and louder
  146. >it only now occurs to you just how noisy Jarboe is during sex
  147. >that's
  148. >that's kinda hot
  149. >you thrust forward gently into Steel
  150. >gripping his sides
  151. "S-So, Jarboe... how's the Princess's tongue work?"
  152. >"F-Fucking..." she gasps. "This is great..."
  153. >Celestia moves her head up, licking her lip
  154. >"Well, I've had a lot of practice; I've had the time to try out /many/ things..."
  155. >she moves back in on Jarboe
  156. >small suckling noises reaching your ears as she goes to town
  157. >you'e diamonds now
  158. >pulling off again, a strand of saliva and Jarboe juice runs onto Celestia's chin, and extends down between Jarboe's legs
  159. >"Ah... refreshing. Quite the taste you've got here, Jarboe. Reminds me of Luna's...
  160. >upon hearing this, you thrust forward in surprise
  161. >Steel lets out a throaty moan as you press forward into him, hammering his prostate
  162. "What?"
  163. >you and Jarboe say this simultaneously
  164. >Celestia smiles devilishly, and chuckles
  165. >"Well, you can't honestly expect me to have gone for so long without experimenting with her more than once."
  166. "So wait... you've done this MORE than once?"
  167. >"Oh yes," Celestia says, a strange glint in her eyes. "In fact, far more than once! Before she was banished, we have quite the secret relationship."
  168. >you
  169. >you don't know how to feel about this
  170. >Is incest your fetish, Anon?
  171. >it... might actually be
  172. >jeez, you slip down the spiral more and more every day
  173. >"Yes, yes... why, more than once Equestrian royal family member was begat from our relationship."
  174. "WHAT?"
  175. >"Well, where do you think Cadance and Blueblood came from?"
  176. "But you're both mares!"
  177. >Celestia laughs
  178. >"Oh, Anonymous. you've got to open your mind to the possibilities!"
  179. >...
  180. "WHAT possibilities?"
  181. >"Yeah, I'm a bit confused here too," Jarboe chimes in.
  182. >Celestia smirks
  183. >"I think a visit to my sister to get... shall we say, first hoof experience would be a benefit to you. I'll remind her to seek you two out sometime."
  184. >oh damn
  185. >your boner is harder than it's ever been
  186. >you've got a terrified erection from the prospect of meeting Princess Luna
  187. >she's like
  188. >fucking terrifying
  189. >you grew up just thinking she was a myth
  190. >a legend
  191. >it's pretty freaky
  192. >you've got a terrorection
  193. >but
  194. >it'd be best just to hide it
  195. >you grind slowly against Steel's inner plumbing
  196. >trying not to have an anxiety attack from the sheer overwhelming feeling over everything collapsing onto you
  197. >you shake your head quickly
  198. >you gotta snap out of this shit
  199. >remember where you are
  200. >you're fucking your best friend's asshole while the Princess you have a near-oedipal love for eats out your possible batpone gf
  201. >you're supposed to be in heavy right now, not thinking about futadongs and incest
  202. >that stuff can come later
  203. >you've got to get back into it
  204. >you need to assess if you're doing a good job
  205. >if Steel's lookin' pleased
  206. >if he's having a good time
  207. >you lean your head over Steel's shoulder some more
  208. >getting a good look at his face
  209. >it's heavily blushed
  210. >his mouth is agape
  211. >and he's panting
  212. >eyes half-lidded
  213. >unless he's got malaria, he certainly LOOKS like he's having a good time
  214. >he notices that your face has gotten a lot closer to his, and he turns to look at you
  215. >giving you a half-smile through his panting, strained features
  216. >he leans forward quickly, and kisses you sloppily on the side of your mouth
  217. >half of his mouth gets your own
  218. >the other half is sort of sucking on your cheek
  219. >he pulls off, quickly
  220. >blushing ever harder
  221. >and mumbles something
  222. "What?"
  223. >"G-Go harder, Anon, please..."
  224. >you slowly start to thrust once more
  225. "Oh, you like it, do yah?"
  226. >Steel nods weakly
  227. >you thrust fast, pulling out and thrusting back in with vigor
  228. "You want it rough?"
  229. >another nod
  230. >well
  231. >he asked for it
  232. >you lift your hips, and slam back in
  233. >your cockhead slamming into his prostate, a loud gasp coming from his mouth
  234. >as you pound his pony pooter, his gasps melt into Jarboe's moans
  235. >and the slapping of your balls against Steel's flanks falls in sync with the sound of Celestia's tongue lapping against Jarboe's slit
  236. >it's a symphony
  237. >of sex
  238. >it's a sexmphony
  239. >ah, the sweet sound of music
  240. >you slap Steel on the flank to get a bit of bass in there
  241. >a bit higher than you expected
  242. >but still adds a nice ring
  243. >you look over his head at Jarboe's
  244. >her eyes are rolled up partially into her head
  245. >and she's blushing harder than she's ever blushed in the time you've known her
  246. >you could almost swear that heat is radiating off of her...
  247. >wait
  248. >why's her
  249. >you see the wrappings of her blindfold laying on her chest
  250. >shit
  251. >she must really be in heaven if she doesn't even notice the sun burning her eyes
  252. >or maybe Celestia made it less intense
  253. >you don't know
  254. >all you know is that you've got a cave to explore
  255. >and
  256. >oh yeah
  257. >you better believe it
  258. >you are exploring DEEP
  259. >you plunge forward
  260. >your hips slapping against your friend's
  261. >you feel yourself hit a fleshy wall
  262. >you pull back
  263. >and smash against it
  264. >"Gah!"
  265. >Steel lets out a noise that lies somewhere between a moan and a grunt
  266. >as for you
  267. >you're going strong
  268. >and hard
  269. >but every giant's gotta crash...
  270. >you slam deeper
  271. >and you're coasting towards the end
  272. >you grip Steel tightly, and lean close
  273. >right next to his ear
  274. >breathing heavily
  275. "G-gonna cum..."
  276. >you feel him tense up
  277. >clenching against your dick
  278. >oh shit, that's the good stuff
  279. >"P-Please, Anon... give it to me..."
  280. >you smile, your hips thrusting faster and faster
  281. >this is kind of uncomfortable at this pace
  282. >what with the legs and all
  283. >but
  284. >you can overlook that
  285. >cus you finna bust a nut
  286. >and you're gonna have some good, clean, gay fun
  287. "Oh? Y-You want it, huh?"
  288. >Steel nods, bumping your chin slightly
  289. >your hips grind against his
  290. >his nice, well toned hips
  291. "Beg for it..."
  292. >"I-I need it! I need your cum in my ass!"
  293. >you only now realize, as Celestia's legs raise around you two, that he was fucking her with each thrust down into himself
  294. >you were fucking Celestia by proxy the whole time
  295. >fucking neat!
  296. >if you can still go after this
  297. >you're diving into that solar ray
  298. "Y-You do a lot of squats, Steel?"
  299. >"What?"
  300. "Well, your ass is just so finely toned..."
  301. >he giggles weakly, punctuated by a moan
  302. >"W-Well, I do a little... extra in the morning routine."
  303. >you can't hold out for much longer
  304. >you're gonna blow
  305. >and by the sounds of Steel's moans
  306. >he's gonna blow as well
  307. >you feel your horn starting to tingle slightly as your orgasm crashes towards you
  308. >you see that Steel's horn is acting all wonky as well
  309. >is it... glowing?
  310. >the fuck?
  311. >out of the corner of your eye, Celestia's horn is glowing as well
  312. >her wings are jutting out
  313. >as are Jarboe's
  314. >oh shit
  315. >you think you know what's going down
  316. >b-but
  317. >that's only lergund!
  318. >the fabled orgasmicascade
  319. >oh sheeeet dawg
  320. >the pressure is too great
  321. >you're gonna blow
  322. >the dam's bursting, right after it's been repaired
  323. >"A-Anon, I'm c-cah..."
  324. >you grunt, and thrust forward one last time
  325. >splattering the insides of Steel with a few thick ropes of your prime pony propagation paste
  326. >you hear Celestia moan out
  327. >that sexy, throaty moan
  328. >and you hear little sloshing sounds coming from underneath you
  329. >Steel must be going off
  330. >you feel your legs get slightly sprayed with something damp
  331. >and there goes Celestia
  332. >you try and focus your vision on Jarboe and Celestia, but you're going fuzzy
  333. >there's the feeling of electricity in the air, and your horn is vibrating
  334. >it's like a second orgasm up there
  335. >but you can make out Celestia's face getting splashed by Jarboe's chilled pussy juice
  336. >fuck
  337. >you feel like you're going to explode with orgasmic pleasure
  338. >you collapse on top of Steel, breathing heavily
  339. >you're gonna leave yourself in until you soften
  340. >make sure that cum gets nice up in there
  341. >you lick the side of his burning face, and he giggles softly
  342. >you can hear the panting and moaning of Jarobe and Celestia off over to the side
  343. "Th-That was... SO hot..."
  344. >"Mmmnh, you're telling me..."
  345. >you hear hoofbeats coming in from doorway as the three of you lay in your pile of afterglow
  346. >"Sister! We heard you cries and came as soon as we—BY THE STARS WHAT THE FU—"
  347. >you turn your head lazily to look at Luna, who is standing, flabbergasted, watching the four of you on the table
  348. >Oooh shit
  349. >you decide to lie there in your bliss
  350. >fuck it, let Celestia do the talking
  351. >Luna's face is slowly turning purple
  352. >which you assume is her blushing
  353. >"Sister! What is this? Are you consorting with... your guards? AND ONE OF MY OWN?"
  354. >Princess Celestia chuckles
  355. >"Oh, Luna, my dear, don't be so uptight; these guards are dear companions of mine."
  356. >"That threstral is no companion of yours! And look, she doe not even have proper eye protection! Are you toying with me, sister?"
  357. >well
  358. >time to make it up to Jarboe
  359. >you owe her
  360. >first, you spark your horn (with a little difficulty), and tie the bandages around her eyes
  361. >hopefully they haven't been too badly damaged
  362. >secondly, you turn your head to face Luna
  363. >you feel primal fear as she looks at you
  364. >oh fuck
  365. >you have a feeling your balls are going to end up in your mouth
  366. >and that ain't no figure of speech
  367. >but you'll accept this
  368. >you'll do it for Jarboe
  369. >"Look, Princess Luna... I-I dragged Jarboe into this. It's her fault she's with us."
  370. >Princess Luna gives you a stone cold glance
  371. >just before she speaks, the door creaks open
  372. >fuck, how many ponies are going to USE this room today?
  373. >but holy shit
  374. >it's none other than Shield fucking Breaker
  375. >you smile
  376. >today might just be the best day ever
  377. >you give Shield breaker a shit eating grin
  378. >he scowls at you
  379. >and then looks at two of the occupants in the room
  380. >he drops to his knees in a kneel
  381. >your grin evolves into a smirk
  382. "Hello, Shield Breaker."
  383. >"A-Anon."
  384. >he stays in his kneel
  385. >"M-My apologies, Princesses, for not bowing right away
  386. >Celestia chuckles softly while Luna gives Shield an aloof glance
  387. >you slowly slide out of Steel
  388. >you're thinking that maybe you should get leaving now
  389. >after all
  390. >Luna will probably want some alone time with Celestia
  391. >and Steel, too, considering the investigation
  392. "W-We'll just be going. Come on, Steel, Jarboe, let's high tail it..."
  393. >"You will not move."
  394. >Luna's voice is ice cold
  395. >and it's frozen you in place
  396. >fuck, how does she do that?
  397. >freaky sorceress moon shit no doubt
  398. >"We have a great many things to address, and we would like everypony present."
  399. >shit
  400. >with you, all sweaty
  401. >Jarboe, looking like she's going to pass out
  402. >Shield ready to piss himself
  403. >and Steel dripping with cum
  404. >this can only end well
  405. >well, for one of you guys, anyway...
  406. >you drop into a kneel, much like Shield's
  407. "Please, PLEASE oh sweet merciful Luna, spare us three and don't turn us into frozen ice sculptures for the next Grand Galloping Gala!"
  408. >there's a pause from everypony in the room
  409. >Steel gives you a look
  410. >a look that begs so many questions of you
  411. "I-I read it in a magazine."
  412. >"Subject, we do not do such a thing."
  413. "Y-You don't!"
  414. >you smile a hopeful, nervous smile
  415. >"But you have given us quite the idea..."

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CYOA: Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, Part 1 (Archive 2014)

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