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Branded - Chapter 5 AKAME JAN 14TH, 2013

By Sodapop
Created: 2020-12-22 22:15:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, of Barbaria.
  2. >The walk to Sugarcube Corner is a quiet one. Nop0ny in sight as far as the eye can see.
  3. >As you approach the entrance of the bakery, you pause.
  4. >Pinkie Pie works here.
  5. >You remember what you just experienced at Rarity's…
  6. >The aftertaste still lingers on your tongue.
  7. >It would be safe to assume that Pinkie is going to be worse.
  8. >You take time to collect your thoughts before going through the door, readying yourself for the coming storm.
  9. >Don't Panic.
  10. >With those reassuring words echoing in your mind, you open wide the door.
  12. >Pastries there, and nothing more.
  13. >You walk up to the counter and ring a small call bell near the register.
  14. >You hear somep0ny approaching the counter.
  15. >As the the sound reaches the doorway to the kitchen, you throw your arms up in a defensive position, cradling your head and clenching your eyes shut.
  16. >…
  17. >"Um, Anon, what are you doing?"
  18. >Huh?
  19. >You lower your arms to see Mr. Cake standing at the register.
  20. >Phew...
  21. >Wait…
  22. >MR. Cake?
  23. >But Twilight said that all the stallions are sent away during Estrus…
  24. >Was she mistaken?
  25. >Wait again…
  26. "I came to get food, but can I use your bathroom first?"
  27. >"Uh, sure. It's right over there."
  28. >Mr. Cake looks at you, confused, then points to a door on the far side of the room.
  29. >You thank him and dash into the restroom, locking the door behind you.
  30. >You look in the mirror.
  31. >The brand had mirrored Fluttershy's cutie mark this morning, when you were alone with her.
  32. >And it had shown Rarity's after seeing her…
  33. >Was your earlier theory true?
  34. >Could it change to reflect the p0nies around you?
  35. >You hold your breath as you stretch the neck of your shirt down.
  36. >…
  37. >Three diamonds stare back at you.
  38. >Last you checked, Mr. Cake was a baker.
  39. *Sigh*
  40. >You release your new shirt's neck.
  41. >So much for that theory...
  42. >You unlock the door and return to the counter.
  43. >Mr. Cake walks back out of the kitchen and glances nervously at you.
  44. >"Are you ok, Anon?"
  45. >…
  46. >You don't know how to answer…
  47. >You break out the awkward smile.
  48. "Ye- yeah…"
  49. >The two of you stand in silence for a brief moment. Neither of you were the particularly chatty type.
  50. "I heard that you were having a sale on ice cream?"
  51. >Mr. Cake perks up at this.
  52. >"Oh yes! What flavor would you like?"
  53. >You think.
  54. >Vanilla is your favorite…
  55. >Rarity flashes across your mindscape.
  56. >Her scent… Vanilla…
  57. "Chocolate would be nice."
  58. >You hate chocolate ice cream.
  59. >Mr. Cake smiles at you.
  60. >"Coming right up!"
  61. >As he gets your cold dairy treat, you decide to get some information.
  62. "Hey, Mr. Cake?"
  63. >"Hmm? What is it, Anon?"
  64. "…"
  65. "Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you here?"
  66. >He leans his head to the side.
  67. >"What do you mean?"
  68. "Twilight told me that all stallions are sent away during Estrus, but if you're here, that can't be true."
  69. >He laughs.
  70. >Oh~ that. Well, it's because I'm married."
  71. "What?"
  72. >You are about to press him further when the kitchen door is thrown open.
  73. >Reflexively, you cover your head and try to defend yourself.
  74. >…
  75. >"Um, Anon, what are you doing?"
  76. >Huh?
  77. >You lower your arms to see Mrs. Cake standing beside Mr. Cake.
  78. >Phew…
  79. >You exhale in relief.
  80. >Then you take a sharp breath as a pang rings through your chest.
  81. >Mr. Cake smiles at you and lets out a small chuckle.
  82. >"Oh, nothing dear. We were just joking with each other."
  83. >Nice cover Carrot.
  84. >"Well, sorry to interrupt you stallions."
  85. >Mrs. Cake looks at her husband.
  86. >"Dear, when you get the chance, I need your help in the kitchen."
  87. >She slaps Mr. Cake on his flank and walks out.
  88. >Mr. Cake watches his wife's flank as she leaves, biting his lip.
  89. >"Anon, when a stallion enters a relationship, his mare can 'claim' him."
  90. >"Claim?"
  91. >"Yes, it's a scent that lets other mares know that a stallion is spoken for."
  92. >Mr. Cake looks like he's having a hard time not running after his wife. He continues to stare at the kitchen door while he talks.
  93. >"Because of this, stallions who are married or in a long-standing relationship are allowed to stay at home during Estrus."
  94. >The amber earth p0ny gives you your ice cream.
  95. "Thanks…"
  96. >You still have no bits on you.
  97. "How much do I owe you?"
  98. >Mr. Cake is already blasting through the kitchen door.
  99. >"On the house, Anon!"
  100. >You'd say it was your lucky day…
  101. >But it wasn't.
  102. >As you exit the bakery, something collides with your stomach, pushing you back inside and causing you to lose your grip on the ice cream.
  103. >You fall to the ground, something heavy resting on your chest.
  104. >"Hey Anon. What are you doing?!"
  105. >Shit, so close.
  106. >You chest burns as you open your eyes, becoming aware of the mink menace shaking excitingly on top of you.
  107. "Hey Pinkie I-"
  108. *Splat*
  109. >Your ice cream lands on your face.
  110. >You wipe your eyes and see an ice cream smudge on the ceiling.
  111. >"Ohmygosh, Anon. I'msososososososososososorry!"
  112. >Pinkie leans down and begins to lick your face, cleaning some of the confectionary treat off.
  113. >"Mmm!"
  114. *Gulp*
  115. >Pinkie swallows audibly.
  116. >She speaks in a sultry voice.
  117. >"Salty~."
  118. >She assails your face with renewed vigor, slurping and sucking.
  119. >Oh God, no…
  120. >Her flat tongue laps at the sweet treat, covering you in spit.
  121. >Not again…
  122. >You struggle against Pinkie's efforts, but are held down.
  123. >"Just wait Anon, I'm al~most done."
  124. *Thump-thump*
  125. >You relax as she continues her assault.
  126. >…
  127. >But why?
  128. >…
  129. *Slurp* *Slurp* *Sluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrp*
  130. >…
  131. *GULP*
  132. >"Ahhh~~~"
  133. >It sounds like she just came.
  134. >Pinkie sits on your chest, staring at the ceiling.
  135. >"Anon…"
  136. "Ye-Yes?"
  137. >"There's still ice cream on the ceiling…"
  138. >You blink in disbelief.
  139. >THAT is what she wants?!
  140. >Somewhere deep inside, you feel your pride crack.
  141. >You pick Pinkie Pie up and pitch her precariously at the ceiling.
  142. *Slam*
  143. >Pinkie's face sticks to the spot where the ice cream was.
  144. >Her body dangles limply, like some kind of glow worm hanging from a cave.
  145. *Pop*
  146. >Pinkie releases her suction on the ceiling.
  147. >She falls to the ground, performing several summersaults and landing on all fours.
  148. >"Ta-da!"
  149. >Confetti explodes out of nowhere and covers the room as Pinkie strikes a dramatic pose.
  150. >You just stare.
  151. >...
  152. *Beep* *Beep*
  153. >The noise causes you to glance at your phone.
  154. >10:31 AM
  155. >…
  156. >15% Battery left.
  157. >Shouldn't have played those games in an attempt to alleviate your depression last night.
  158. >Especially since it didn't help...
  159. >"Hey, Anon."
  160. >Your eyes snap back to the pink p0ny.
  161. "Yeah?"
  162. >"Are you OK? You look pretty bad… Oh no! Is it because I ate your ice cream?!"
  163. >She looks like she's about to cry.
  164. >You rush to calm her down, her tears are renowned for their plentious nature.
  165. "No, no. I just have a lot to do today is all."
  166. >You let out an exasperated sigh.
  167. "And I need to go see Twilight again, but…"
  168. >"But what?"
  169. >She stares intently at you.
  170. "She told me to stay away while she's… you know..."
  171. >Her head tilts quizzically to the side.
  172. "In Estrus."
  173. >Pinkie giggles.
  174. >"Oh right, I almost forgot! That is this week!"
  175. >Almost forgo-
  176. "Are you not-?"
  177. >"N~ope!"
  178. >She strikes another pose.
  179. >"My cycle isn't until next week!"
  180. >There's some kind of bizarre shuffle dancing going on in front of you.
  181. >Because Pinkie.
  182. >...
  183. "I'm done."
  184. >You walk to the door.
  185. >Pinkie follows talking about pickles and trying to draw stuff for you.
  186. >Before you exit she shoves a piece of paper into your face.
  187. >A lone "O" is displayed in the center.
  188. "I- I don't-"
  189. >She draws a slash through the "O" at an angle.
  190. >A Zero, maybe?
  191. "…"
  192. "I don't understand, Pinkie. I'm sure someone will, but I just don't get it."
  193. >With that you're bound for the library.
  195. >You arrive at the library a few minutes later.
  196. >You reach up to knock on the door, but stop yourself.
  197. >Will she be mad?
  198. >Was it just an emotional episode, or something more…
  199. >You knock on the door.
  200. >…
  201. >No answer.
  202. >You knock harder.
  203. "Twilight! Are you home?"
  204. >…
  205. >Still nothing.
  206. >You ready your fist for another round of knocking, but are halted by the sudden appearance of a blue pegasus.
  207. >"What's cookin', good lookin'?"
  208. "Rainbow…"
  209. >This pain in your chest…
  210. >Again?
  211. >Dash grins at you.
  212. >"Aren't you supposed to be helping AJ? She's going to tear you a new one!"
  213. "Right…"
  214. >You take one last longing look at the library, then leave.
  216. >Rainbow accompanies you on the trek to the farm.
  217. >Though you are talking, you pay little attention to what is said.
  218. >That pain has afflicted you whenever you were alone with another p0ny…
  219. >No…
  220. >MR. Cake didn't give you that pang.
  221. >…
  222. >But MRS. Cake did.
  223. >Could it be…
  224. "Mares?"
  225. >"What's that, Anon?"
  226. >Rainbow Dash hovers in front of you, staring into your eyes.
  227. >The smell of fresh rain washes over you.
  228. "Nothing, sorry."
  229. >You end your internal queries, choosing to converse with Dash for the rest of the journey.
  232. >Applejack was not happy about you being late again.
  234. >Not happy at all.
  235. "I'm sorry, Applejack. I've had a rough morning…"
  236. >"Well so have Ah."
  237. >She jabs your stomach, knocking the wind out of you.
  238. >"Ah have th' entire south orchard ta buck before next week. If Ah had your attitude, Sweet Apple Acres 'd be bankrupt quicker than a timber wolf chasing a little filly."
  239. >She stares you down.
  240. >You avert your eyes and smile awkwardly.
  241. "I- I'll just get to work."
  242. >"Yes ya will, and ya WON'T come back up from that there room till Ah say you can."
  243. *Thump-thump*
  244. >You have a sinking feeling that today is only going to get worse.
  245. >"Hey AJ, got a sec?"
  246. >Rainbow Dash talks to Applejack as you head to the cellar.
  247. >As you descend the stairs, you hear AJ shout.
  248. >"That prissy p0ny said she did WHAT?!"
  249. >You can't hear the rest as you close the cellar doors and head to the small office.
  250. >Your phone displays the time.
  251. >11:15 AM
  252. >To preserve power, you decide to shut off your phone for the time being.
  253. >You sigh as you sit down and begin to work.

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