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Yes Bon Bon, there is a Santa Claws

By MisterAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 07:43:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Limited Edition Exclusive Winter Playfriend Anon
  2. >Tis’ the season
  3. >No not the one with the chalk tasting hearts
  4. >Or the one with the costumes and free candy
  5. >Look, it's nearly Hearth's Warming Eve, okay?
  6. >Right now you’re walking around the market with your green winter coat on along with purple smarts and her assistant
  7. >She’s currently explaining the origins and customs of the holiday to you
  8. >Of course, you know all of this already
  9. >You’ve been living here for at least two years now
  10. >But you and Spike knew that Twilight got joy from showcasing her knowledge and playing the part of a teacher
  11. >” [...] thus after the tribes united, one of the most cherished traditions in all of Equestria started! Of course I should mention that the tradition was only really popularized about thirty seven years after [...]”
  12. >You’ve done this same song and dance numerous times already, and so has spike, as the two of you alternate giving out platitudes of “wow” and “interesting” towards the bookish unicorn
  13. >The cold wind starts to pick up as it nips your nose
  14. >You reach inside your jacket and pull out a small silver flask
  15. >You unscrew the top of it and take a swig of “Grown Up Juice” as the ponies like to call it
  16. >The burning sensation goes down your throat easily enough and you feel warmth spreading out into your limbs
  17. >You stow the flask back into your coat as your hand pushes a door open, the bell over the entrance performing its work admirably and with such gusto
  18. >The warm air of the sweet shop envelopes the three of you and it smells strongly of chocolate and honey
  19. >” [...] not only that, but the Tenenbaum Theatre Production Company also holds the record for longest holiday related theatre performance, clocking in at five hours and-”
  20. “Wow, Twilight, that sure is some interesting facts you know with that smart noodle of yours!”
  21. >Your words have the same tone as a grade school teacher praising the book report of a pupil
  22. >Your hand starts to pat the top of her head
  23. >She gives you small whinnies as she raises her head up in a effort to go further into your grasp, eagerly accepting the praise and pats
  24. >A quick glance at Spike shows you that he’s risen one of his claws in a semblance of a thumbs up display while grinning, silently thanking you for stopping one of Twilight’s lectures
  25. >Bon-Bon, the matron of the candy shop, only rolls her eyes at the display as she stands behind the counter
  26. >She clears her throat and speaks with nary a bit of enthusiasm in her voice
  27. >”Welcome to Sweetie Drops, where each nibble of a candy drizzle will make your mouth whistle”
  28. >Spike, Twilight, and yourself stare at the cream colored pony with the blue and pink mane for several moments in slight shock
  29. >The mare at the center of attention narrows her eyes at you three as she sports an annoyed look
  30. >”It was Lyra’s idea to make a slogan”
  32. >You suspect that it was also Lyra’s idea to dress the shop up a bit this year as well
  33. >Above you are large lines of what seems to be construction paper taped together to form loose strings that hang off of beams that crisscross the ceiling.
  34. >A multitude of colored candy canes hang off of them by their necks
  35. >Dotted around the shop are snowflakes that were also made out of construction paper, their designs symmetrical >Images of Lyra using her magic to carefully cut up folded pieces of paper, with safety scissors, to create these snowflakes as she then unfolds them flashes in your mind
  36. >Cute
  37. >Finally, the centerpiece of all this grade school splendor sits at the counter beside Bon-Bon
  38. >A simple pine cone was painted green and the fat end placed on the surface of the counter to make it look like a tree
  39. >Dots of red and yellow were painted around it to act as ornaments
  40. >Acting as the topper of the pine cone tree was a bead in the shape of a star, glued to the spot
  41. >You can’t take it anymore
  42. >All of these earnest decorations are assaulting you with the force of a thousand toddler hugs
  43. “These are some great decorations this year, Bon-Bon!”
  44. >A scowl meets your eyes as you turn your attention away from the pine cone to the mare
  45. >Your eyes narrow back at her
  46. >The two of you hardly knew each other, at most she was a friend of a friend to you through Lyra
  47. >Still, you knew her reputation as a bit of a “Grumpy Hooves” around Hearth’s Warming
  48. >Most ponies called her that during this time
  49. >And occasionally Lyra, but you promised that you’d never tell Bon-Bon that
  50. >That promise was made over snacktime and sealed with the sacred exchange of pudding cups after all
  51. “What’s wrong, someone missed their nap time today?”
  52. >”My nap time was fine, like it always is. Now what do you all want?”
  53. >Her annoyed frown does not go away
  54. >With Twilight currently indisposed with pats on her head and you not taking the cream mare’s attitude too kindly, Spike is the one to act as diplomat
  55. >”We were kinda hoping to make a pretty big order for a party that we’re throwing back at the library. We thought that your candy would go great with this year’s spread”
  56. >For her part, Bon-Bon takes up a disinterested look but follows along with Spike’s words
  57. >”Alright, fine. Let me grab some paper and crayon to write down the order”
  58. >She trots a few paces away from the counter and uses her mouth to grab a sheet of paper away from a stack of them
  59. >After placing the paper on the counter, she pulls open a drawer to take a green crayon into her mouth and looks towards the paper, ready to write
  60. >It takes several moments for the Purple Princess to realize that you stopped patting her head
  61. >It happens when she continued to rise on her rear hooves in an attempt to lean further into your absent hand, nearly falling over on her muzzle
  62. >Luckily you prevent the spill by placing your forearm in front of her neck as she started to tip forward
  63. >The falling sensation is enough to snap her out of her stupor and notice Bon-Bon holding the crayon in her mouth
  64. >”Oh let my magic help you with that Bon-Bon. I can just write down everything that we’ll need for the celebration”
  65. >Bon-Bon takes her attention away from the paper and addresses Twilight as the wax writing instrument continues to occupy her mouth, muffling her response somewhat
  66. >The surly tone is still unmistakable however, as are her laden eyebrows
  67. >”No”
  68. >You briefly consider offering your own assistance with your superior homosapien hands
  69. >But if she don’t want it then she don’t want it
  70. >Let Grumpy Hooves be grumpy, it ain’t your job to make her happy
  71. >Your job is to kiss boo-boos at the Ponyville General Hospital
  72. >AND you're tenured as well!
  73. >Twilight and Spike get the message that this friendly business meeting would emphasis the business aspect rather than the friendly part and start to recite their order
  74. >Your silver flask once again manages to find your pie hole to pour down the drug addled liquid down your throat
  75. >That’s the stuff
  76. >...
  77. >...
  78. >...
  79. >What were you doing here again?
  80. >Oh yeah
  81. >The order for the party
  82. >Spike and his Sister-Mother figure wanted to go sledding but needed adult supervision
  83. >Occasionally you wonder who else in Ponyville can give out the fabled boon of Adult Supervision
  84. >But before the fun could begin, they mentioned some errands had to be ran
  85. >You return back to reality once again to Twilight speaking
  86. > [...] as well as thirty-five mint truffles, three pounds of candy oranges, ten everlasting gobstoppers, and five of your lollipop variety packs!”
  87. >The candy mare diligently continues writing down the order with crayon before Spike turns towards Twilight
  88. >”Oh hey Twi, maybe we should grab some candy to leave out for Santa this year?”
  90. >The scratching of crayon on paper suddenly stops but Purple Horse as well as Purple and Green Dragon don’t notice it
  91. >After a few seconds, the crayon continues its work
  92. >”I think that’d be a great idea, Spike! Cookies are great and all but I’m sure candy would add some nice variety for him”
  93. >She puts her good up to her muzzle in thought as she hums
  94. >”I wonder what sort of candy Santa might like. Any ideas?”
  95. >You shrug
  96. “Can’t say I’ve ever met the guy. But I’m sure that he’s not too picky with candy. After all, he has to stomach cookies from all around the world”
  97. >A small smile graces your face
  98. >So this was what it was like to be a parent and tell the great lie of Santa to your kids
  99. >You weren’t always a skeptic however
  100. >In a land of magic and talking animals, Santa seemed like a natural fit
  101. >Course that was before you noticed that, just as it was like back on Earth, parents purchasing gifts and hiding them for the month, away from the curious hooves of colts and fillies
  102. >You weren’t entirely sure when ponies were suppose to outgrow the idea of a being dropping down chimneys and delivering gifts to all the good little ponies
  103. >But everypony else kept the facade up so you just played along as well
  104. >”Course no one has ever met him, he’s Santa after all!” Spike interjects. Next up for dialogue is Twilight
  105. >”I don’t know about that Spike, maybe the Princesses meet with him!”
  106. >”You ever see him in Canterlot?” the dragon asks with hope in his eyes
  107. >At this point you notice that Bon-Bon’s scribbling has become more intense
  108. >You ignore it
  109. >It’s hard to continuously write with your mouth after all
  110. >Twilight still doesn’t notice anything amiss
  111. >”Well no, but Celestia and Luna have to know every single creature that’s in Equestria”
  112. >”That’s the thing though! He’s in Equestria for only a single night delivering gifts all around the world. And he knows when somepony is sleeping so he totally just waits for the Princess to sleep too!”
  113. “Maybe they meet with him at other times in the year. His schedule is probably full around Hearth’s Warming Eve”
  114. >Spike nods his head
  115. >”That’s a good point”
  116. >Twilight agrees with her draconic adopted Son-Brother before turning her attention to the owner of the store
  117. >”You’re the expert here, Bon-Bon, what kind of candy do you think Santa likes?”
  118. >You hear a muffled voice from Bon-Bon
  119. >“Euggh bee aeh wauste ah tiumme”
  120. >Twilight tilts her head
  121. >”What was that?”
  122. >Bon-Bon speaks once again with more force in her voice, which only serves to make her words more vague
  123. >”EH sauid, eigh beh ayy weasusste a tiume
  124. >Spike and you try to cup your ears to hear her better
  125. >At long last the candy mare has had enough
  126. >She spits out the crayon onto the desk
  127. >”I said, it’d be a waste of time!”
  128. >Her words come out in a gust of frustration and anger
  129. >Twilight and Spike are too stunned by this sudden outburst to speak
  130. >You take the lead in attempt to disarm the situation
  131. >You never did like seeing these cute little ponies carry around negative emotions
  132. >Even if you’re not really friends with her
  133. >Time for some information gathering
  134. “What do you mean by that?”
  135. >Bon-Bon’s tone becomes clinical
  136. >”There’s no point in leaving candy out for Santa”
  137. >If looks could kill, then you’d be perfectly fine since there’s no real malice in her eyes
  138. >You’d get maybe a scratch or bruise at worst
  139. >Though given how serious boo-boos are treated here…
  140. “Milk and cookies must get pretty boring for him, though. I’m sure he’d like some of your candy”
  141. >”There’s no point in leaving milk and cookies either”
  142. >This time Twilight is the one to speak up in defense of the holiday offerings
  143. >”Well that’s just rude. Santa and his reindeer work hard to deliver presents to everyone. He probably doesn’t even stop for naptime on Hearth’s Warming Eve! The least we can do is leave snacks”
  144. >”There’s no point because Santa doesn’t exist”
  145. >An air of silence descends upon the shop
  147. >You look towards Twilight and Spike, their mouths left open as they process what Bon-Bon said
  148. >Well, everyone had to learn the truth eventually
  149. >Still, it was nice when the magic of belief lasted and you could pretend with them
  150. >Spike finds his wits once again and speaks
  151. >”B-b-but who delivers the presents then?”
  152. >”Your parents probably. After all, how would he go around the planet and deliver presents in one night? ”
  153. >”Magic?” Spike replies
  154. >Bon-Bon turns her attention towards Twilight
  155. >”You’re the expert now. Do you know any spells that could make this happen?”
  156. >Twilight visibly tenses up, flashbacks of test and quiz anxiety rearing its head once again
  157. >”Uhh, maybe? There could be a combination of different spells, maybe a chronmantic lock along with some displacement tunnels…”
  158. >”Uh Huh. Have you ever seen Luna do magic like that?”
  159. >”Well, no but-”
  160. >”How about Celestia?”
  161. >“Not yet anyways, but she could probably do some-”
  162. >”Do any of the stories of Starswirl have him do magic like that?”
  163. >”...no”
  164. >”And how about all the toys and other gifts he gives away? Where does he get all the things to make them out of?”
  165. >”...magic?”
  166. >Twilight is unsure in her own response
  167. >Spike sees that even the ever knowledgeable Twilight is stumped
  168. >So this is what it feels like to be a parent and your children find out Santa isn’t real
  170. >Deciding it’s time to let Grumpy Hooves be grumpy by herself, you start moving towards the exit as you grab Spike and nudge Twilight along
  171. “Well it’s been a nice visit, Bon-Bon. Just put the order on Twilight’s tab and I’m sure she’ll be back to pick it up before Hearth’s Warming Eve”
  172. >You don’t bother to turn your head to the counter as you hear a grunt in reply from the mare
  173. >Twilight walks out of the shop and into the snow covered landscape
  174. >You place Spike in her back
  175. “Tell Lyra I’m still looking forward to snack time with her on Tuesday! Well, you have a good day now!”
  176. >Your words still echo around the shop as you shut the door behind you
  177. >That’s finally over with
  178. >You nearly reach for your flask again before a shaky voice interrupts you
  179. >Your eyes look down towards the source
  180. >Twilight looks back at you with a sad pleading look in her eyes
  181. >Tears form at the corner of her eyes
  182. >”A-anon, S-S-Santa is real, r-right?”
  183. >A small lump is visible in her throat as she fights back sniffles
  184. >You sigh
  185. >Why did Bon-Bon have to throw this on you?
  186. >You make a mental note to ask Lyra what the candy mare’s problem was
  187. >For now though, you have an immediate issue to take care of
  188. “I don’t know, Twilight”
  189. >Your voice is blunt without any real emotion to back it
  190. >This isn’t what Twilight wants to hear right now
  191. >But you’ll speak only the truth
  192. “In my old world Santa doesn’t exist. He’s a story that parents like to tell their kids to make them behave for the rest of the year”
  193. >Spike avoids your eyes, focusing his attention on Twilight’s mane as if it would hold all the answers to the world’s woes
  194. >His downcast expression matches Twilight’s
  195. >You need to recover the mood and quick
  196. >Seeing sad ponies and dragons trudging in the snow isn’t something you want right now
  197. “But…”
  198. >You start to grin
  199. “I’ve seen so many things in this world that I would never see back home. Impossible things big and small”
  200. >You use your fingers to brush through Twilight’s mane
  201. “I’ve seen unicorns show off just how intelligent and powerful they are with magic”
  202. >Twilight starts to recover from her near breakdown as she giggles at your words and the sensation of your fingers
  203. “I made friends with a neat dragon that breathes fire and sleeps in a basket”
  204. >You raise a clenched hand up to Spike
  205. >Spike smirks at you
  206. >“Only neat, huh?”
  207. “Alright don’t tell him I said this, otherwise it’ll go to his head, but I think he’s pretty cool”
  208. >Finally he takes his own claws and bumps your hand with his own
  209. “I see at least five, no, maybe six! Impossible things by noon everyday here!”
  210. >You raise a finger in a dramatic fashion, electing laughs from your audience of two
  211. “So I don’t know if there is a Santa for sure. But if there’s anywhere that Santa and a bit of holiday magic exist, then it’s right here and now”
  212. >The pony and dragon give small cheers at your words
  213. >You mock a series of bows towards them
  214. “Now who’s ready to go sledding?”
  215. >This raises more cheers from all of you as you can’t help but also join them in their excitement
  216. >The three of you march through the snow once again, cutting away from the path to take a shortcut to a large hill near Fluttershy’s Cottage
  218. >Before you leave the market however, you take one last curious look at Sweetie Drops
  219. >At the window stands Bon-Bon as she peers out
  220. >She is alone, clearly outlined by the paper decorations around her
  221. >You wonder how long she must have been standing at the window
  222. >Maybe she only wanted to stretch her legs
  223. >However you notice her gaze is quite fixed at something
  224. >She is staring at the three of you walking
  225. >Ponies were pretty obvious about their emotions
  226. >If they didn’t tell you straight up how they were feeling, then their physical cues were just as well
  227. >In the years you’ve lived here, you like to think that you can read a pony pretty well now
  228. >She shrinks off to the distance, still isolated in her little window
  229. >But those eyes tell you all you need to know
  230. >Bon-Bon isn’t annoyed anymore
  231. >Or frustrated
  232. >Sad?
  233. >Happy?
  234. >No.
  235. >All you see in those eyes are emptiness
  237. >The Day After
  239. >Be Special Edition Doctor Anon with Boo-Boo kissing action!
  240. >Your shift today at the Ponyville General Hospital emergency room has been hectic
  241. >No matter how many signs they put up, ponies will be ponies and still run through the streets
  242. >Even when there’s ice
  243. >ESPECIALLY when there’s ice
  244. >The thrill of sliding around was normally interrupted when they crashed into a wall or just fell flat on their stomachs
  245. >There’s been a steady stream of the colorful inhabitants coming in with boo-boos, ouchies, and owies
  246. >Luckily for them, you were at the forefront of Equestrian medical advances
  247. >You’ve never lost a patient
  248. >But some cases were worse than others
  249. >One particularly unfortunate stallion had to be carried in by stretcher
  250. >Ponies around him shuddered as they saw the emergency pones wheel him to your operating table as they yelled their sirens of “Whee Ooh Whee Ooh Whee Ooh”
  251. >A few patients walking the halls nearly fainted at the sight of his injury
  252. >Thunderlane, the brave colt, sported a small scrape that was visible through his fur
  253. >The operation took hours of head patting, reassuring words, and at least 1cc (Cuddly Comfortable) blanket before Thunderlane stopped sniffling from his injury
  254. >Another difficult case was right in front of you, laying on her stomach on your examination table
  255. >”The Great and Powerful Trixie cares not for cherry and instead demands watermelon!”
  256. >The magician had come in complaining about a hurt foreleg
  257. >Though you had some suspicions...
  258. >Like last week when she was able to run through the hallway to talk about a badly stubbed hoof
  259. >And the week before that when she yelled at you that she was losing her voice
  260. >”Cherry is truly a trash flavor!”
  261. >With a final grunt of disdain, she takes the lollipop held in her magical grasp and flings it at you
  262. >It bounces off harmlessly from your torso unto the ground
  263. >You gave out an irritated sigh
  264. >Not wanting to make her visit last any longer than it needed to be, you opted to simply hand her the large jar of lollipops you kept
  265. >Trixie used her magic to levitate the jar as well as unscrew it
  266. >She laid the jar on its side, the opening facing her
  267. >Then her hoof started to rummage through it as she stuck her tongue up in concentration
  268. >”Release your watermelon treasure to me, jar!”
  269. >Bundles of lollipops would come out with her hoof as she spent a brief second to recognize the flavors, only to put them next to the jar in a pile to continue her hunt
  270. >You knew of course that she wouldn’t find her bounty
  271. >After all, you took out all the watermelon lollipops for yourself
  272. >Trixie may be a bit brash
  273. >And loud
  274. >And arrogant
  275. >And a lier
  276. >But the mare had good taste
  277. >A steady knock on your door vibrates through the air as you hear the voice of a familiar mint colored unicorn
  278. >“Anony, are you in there?”
  279. >The shifts were about to change and thus you weren’t obligated to see anyone for the rest of the day
  280. “Sorry Lyra, I’m with another pati-“
  281. >You turn your head towards the splayed blue mare as she still fruitlessly roots through the jar, some of the treats spilling off the examination table
  282. “On second thought, come right in”
  283. >The door opens up and slowly Lyra waddles in on her widdle hooves
  284. >She seemed to be in great pain as every step seemed to take more effort
  285. >At first you think that perhaps she had a massive fall until you find the damning evidence on her face
  286. >Splotches of caramel, pretzel, and peanut butter are spread around her muzzle, mostly concentrated around her mouth
  287. >You spot a pretzel hanging off of her horn
  288. “How many times have I told you, Ms. Heartstrings, that you need to take it easy with Bon-Bon’s goods?”
  289. >Lyra pouts and speaks with a whine in her voice
  290. >”But Anonyyyy, it’s almost Hearth's Warming Eevveeee! I can’t help it if Bonnie keeps making so many good things to snack on!”
  291. “This isn’t snacking...”
  292. >You take a paper towel and lick it before wiping the candy from Lyra’s face
  293. >The mare struggles from your grip as she tries to turn her head away from the moistens towel
  294. “This is gorging yourself until you nearly explode”
  295. >”I won’t explode. I’m made out of magic and cuddles. My mommy and daddy said so”
  296. >You finish up cleaning Lyra and take the uneaten pretzel off of her horn.
  297. >With a shrug, you throw it in your mouth and chew
  298. >The bit of salt from the pretzel mixed with the sweetness of caramel formed a succulent pairing
  299. >Bon-Bon may be a bit of a grumpy hooves around this time of year
  300. >And Abrasive
  301. >And Rude
  302. >But the Mare had great taste
  303. >You turn your attention back to Lyra as she gives you her signature puppy dog eyes
  304. >The one with a single tear nearly falling down
  305. >”My tummy really hurts now and is growling at me”
  306. >With a hearty sigh you lift the pony up and set her down on your desk
  307. >You start to administer your normal dosage for tummy aches
  308. >10 minutes of belly rubs that will be followed by four head pats
  309. >The mint pony closes her eyes and enjoys your ministration
  310. >To pass the time, you start making small talk to the silly filly
  311. “So what are your plans for Hearth’s Warming? You two throwing a party?”
  312. >For a split second, the sound of a hoof rustling through a candy filled jar stops before returning once again
  313. >Maybe you forgot to take out a single watermelon pop?
  314. >You also notice that Lyra has her eyes open, yet is actively avoiding your own gaze
  315. >”Nah, Bonnie doesn’t really like to celebrate it”
  316. >It’s obvious that this is a sore spot for her
  317. >But still, she was a friend and you were worried about the sudden shift in mood
  318. >You also remember the incident yesterday back in the Candy Shop
  319. “And why’s that?”
  320. >”I don’t know. It’s just sorta been like that ever since we met. The most I’ve ever gotten from her is that she didn’t get what she wanted one year”
  321. ”...that’s it? Santa Claws didn’t get her something?”
  322. >”Yeah, and Bonnies’ been pretty bummed about it since...well, forever. And forever is a very long time. Even longer than the time outs for not saying sorry”
  323. >From what you knew about the Cream Mare, she seemed pretty mature
  324. >Mature relatively in this candyland of pastel ponies anyways
  325. >It seems strange that she wouldn’t have gotten over not getting a toy or something for years
  326. >Must have been a real sentimental toy
  327. “She ever tell you what she wanted?”
  328. >”She did mention she wanted a grappling hook since she was a foal”
  329. “A...grappling hook?”
  330. >”Yeah, like the ones they use in those cool spy books! Bonnie wanted to be a super duper secret agent in Equestria. She even named her shop after the code name she came up!”
  331. >A bit of weightlessness overcomes your heart as your fingers continue to rub her belly and listen to her reminiscing
  332. >There was something about Lyra that made her happiness contagious, maybe it was her unabashed optimism or her simple views of a simple world
  333. “Maybe you could get her the grappling hook. I’m sure it’d be extra special if it came from you, Strings”
  334. >Lyra shakes her head before glum enters her tone
  335. >”Nah, like I said, she just kinda doesn’t like Hearth’s Warming. Or at least the gift giving part anyways. So we just don’t really do that”
  336. >You notice a frown overcome her
  337. >For a friend, you’re more than willing to put on the counselor hat again
  338. >With a look of concern you remove your hand from the belly and focus your attention on what to say
  339. “How do you feel about that?”
  340. >”I’m alright with not giving or getting presents, really, I am! I..I just…”
  341. “What is it?”
  342. >”I just wish Santa didn’t forget to get something for Bon-Bon. Maybe then she wouldn’t be such a Grumpy Hooves during winter”
  343. “She is her own pony. How she wants to be during Hearth’s Warming Eve is her own business, Lyra”
  344. >”I know that, but…”
  345. >She takes her eyes to look into a corner, contemplating how to put her thoughts into words
  346. >“Anony, you can kiss away the boo-boos and rub tummy aches away. And you’re really good at it!”
  347. >You nod
  348. >”I think Bonnie is hurt. She’s hurt and no amount of special kisses and tummy rubs is going to fix her. I’m her friend. I’m suppose to make her feel better”
  349. >She gives you a look similar to the puppy dog eyes
  350. >You recognize it from a few days back
  351. >It is the same look Twilight have you after asking if Santa was real
  352. >A plea for answers in a world turned upside down
  353. >”I’ve tried everything to make her better but nothing works. Bonnie is hurt and there’s nothing I can do about it”
  354. >This is outside your comfort zone of emotional support
  355. >Most ponies that came to you would normally be all smiles again after assuring them that they were good ponies and a few lollipops
  356. >But this…
  357. >This required a more mindful approach
  358. >Something you just weren’t my equipped to do right now
  359. >Silence drags on for seconds as you try to look away from the mint colored pony, scanning your eyes around the examination room for any ideas
  360. >Finally your eyes rest on a piece of decoration that adorns the door
  361. >It is a picture, framed by green holly
  362. >It shows a dark scene lit only by a warm fireplace in a living room
  363. >A decorated tree stands tall with a presumably ever growing collection of wrapped presents below it
  364. >The one adding to the gift count is a lone figure, dressed in all red with a fur suit and hat, along with white beard to complete the look
  365. >He’s also a minotaur
  366. >In other words, a biped
  367. >Same as you
  368. >And that’s all you need
  369. >How hard could it be to fashion a red fur suit?
  370. >You turn your attention back to Lyra
  371. “Say, how about I write a letter to Santa himself? I uhh, haven’t sent mine yet so maybe I could…”
  372. >Ms. Heartstrings perks up and looks into your eyes with a spark of hope developing in them
  373. “Maybe ask him if he could get Bon-Bon that grappling hook…?”
  374. >Lura jumps off your desk and slams straight into your chest for a hug
  375. >It is like a wave crashing into a dam
  376. >”Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou Anony! I’m sure Santa will listen to you since you’re the only monkey man in Equestria after all!”
  377. >After getting air back into your lungs once again, you pat the back of the pony as she continues to grip you
  378. >You force a smile
  379. “No problem, Strings. I’ll be sure to get on it as soon as I can”
  380. >Lyra nuzzles your cheek with her own before bouncing out of the room in elation
  381. >You were about to remind her to take it easy with a belly full of candy when you felt the force of two hundred lollipops ricochet harmlessly off your side
  382. >Oh right
  383. >Trixie was still here
  384. >”Trixie has been deceived! The promised watermelon was merely a lie!”
  385. >You turn your head to the showmare
  386. “I’m sorry, Trixie, but I have some bigger issues right now than restocking my candy jar”
  387. >”And just what could be more important than satisfying the great and powerful Trixie?”
  388. >Your eyes narrow at the annoying pony before you
  389. “Like helping one of my friends feel better”
  390. >”Oh yes, of course, the mint one. And how, exactly, are you going to send to a letter to a being that does not exist? Trixie doubts that a bout of green fire will send it to the Northern Tundra”
  391. “Wait, you don’t believe in Santa? Why?
  392. >”Simple. Trixie never got presents growing up”
  393. >You ignore a small ping in your heart
  394. “Alright, then you know what kind of problems I’m facing are. Like where I’m going to get a grappling hook”
  395. >”Trixie knows where you can get a grappling hook”
  396. >For what feels like the third time today, you give Trixie a blank stare
  397. “You know where I can get a grappling hook?”
  398. >”Stop parroting the illustrious words of Trixie! Yes, Trixie owns a grappling hook for sale”
  399. “Why do you have it?”
  400. >”The performances of Trixie come in a great multitude of acts! Trixie thought it would be a good instrument to have around if needed for shows”
  401. “...can I have it?”
  402. >”No. You must bargain with Trixie for ownership”
  403. “I’ll give you eight watermelon lollipops for it”
  404. >Her eyes widen briefly before shutting in slants as she yells at you in outrage
  405. >”Betrayer! Deceiver! LIER LIER PANTS ON FIRE! The trust between Trixie and the monkey has been broken and made irreparable!”
  406. >Your hand goes into your doctor’s coat and pulls out the silver flask
  407. >You don’t normally drink on the job, but this is a special occasion
  408. “How about fifteen lollipops?”
  409. >From anger to indifference, her face changes in an instant
  410. >”Trixie accepts the deal and would like to note that the monkey man is awful at negotiations. Trixie would have settled for twelve”
  411. >You check a grappling hook off of your mental to-do list
  412. “There’s also more lollipops in it for you if you don’t have plans for Hearth’s Warming Eve”
  413. >You swear that you see the spark of hope, that you saw earlier in Lyra, within Trixie’s eyes before it’s extinguished in a smoldering pile of contempt
  414. >”Trixie of course must attend many important functions as the guest of honor, but Trixie may just take pity upon the monkey known as Anonymous and grace him with her presence. And if the watermelon treats promised is high enough indeed”
  415. >You give a simple nod to her as you think about the red curtains hanging at your home
  416. >It wouldn’t be too much of a hassle as well to ask Twilight if she still had that Starswirl beard she wore for Nightmare Night
  417. “Good, because I’m going to need help breaking and entering”
  419. >Rarity knows how to sew
  420. >Rarity knows how to take measurements
  421. >Rarity knows how to stitch the fabric of your red curtains together to form a suit
  422. >Unfortunately, you’re not Rarity
  423. >You’re Doctor Anonymous, local human and Aspiring Santa
  424. >Neither is Trixie Rarity, no matter how much you wish that were true
  425. >For your ploy to work, you’d only let Trixie know about your soon to be reverse robbery
  426. >After your shift at the Horsepital ended, you swung by Golden Oaks library on a mission
  427. >Trixie decided to wait impatiently outside in the snow while you went about your business
  428. >After a quick chat with Spike, which mainly concerned about what he should give Rarity for a present this year, you had him show you the self-help section
  429. >It contained about five books
  430. >The library was in desperate need of public funding
  431. >Or just an actual full time librarian
  432. >Maybe both issues are interconnected with each other
  433. >As luck would have it, they did have a book on sewing
  434. >After checking out the book with Spike, you asked the little dragon if he knew where Twilight’s beard from her Starswirl costume was
  435. >It took a Pinkie Promise of bringing it back and several seconds of tickling his belly, but you convinced him to let you borrow it
  436. >Now with a book and a fuzzy white costume piece stuffed inside your jacket, you walk to your own home as the winter landscape is crunches below your boots and the blue mare’s hooves
  437. >”Trixie still does not understand why the monkey man does not simply give the grappling hook to the Cream One”
  438. “Bon-Bon and I aren’t friends per say. It’d be weird for a friend of a friend to just give a gift out of the blue”
  439. >”Why go through all this trouble if she is not a friend?”
  440. “Because she’s a friend of Lyra and Lyra is a friend of mine. Lyra is only going to be happy if Bon-Bon is happy. Or at least not so grumpy”
  441. >The sun slowly dips down the horizon as the sky is filled with orange and purple hues, a stark contrast to the gentle blanket of white that covers the landscape
  442. >Lantern lighters perform their work as they either use long poles, wings, or just plain old magic to light the poles that dot along Ponyville for illumination
  443. >The soft yellow glow of the poles are soon joined by the windows of the peaceful inhabitants as they light their homes
  444. >The temperature is cold, yet you feel a heat within your cheeks develop as light and snow dance around each other
  445. >”Then why not have the Mint One present the gift? This plan is needlessly complicated. And dumb!”
  446. “I have a feeling that Bon-Anon doesn’t like Hearth’s Warming only because of her problem with Santa. If Santa gives her a gift then maybe everything will be fixed and she can go on believing in Santa just like every other pony”
  447. >”Every pony except, the Great and Powerful Trixie!”
  448. “Yes, expect you, the Blustering and Smug Trixie”
  449. >Trixie gives you a harumph and annoyed glare
  450. >”For your sake, Trixie will ignore your attempt at jealous squabbling”
  451. >With her retort delivered, she continues looking forward as the two of you walk side by side through the windswept snowy streets
  452. >The only sound you hear is of families enjoying dinner together in their warm homes
  453. >Eventually the two of you reach your own home
  454. >You open the front door with only a push, comfortable knowing that burglary was unheard of in this village
  455. >Trixie walks in and shakes some snow off her mane as you start the fireplace with four logs
  456. >The sparks from the flint finally catch the logs as the living room is enveloped in a glowing aura, the heat chasing away winter’s chill
  457. >After putting her trademark cloak and hat upon one of your couches, Trixie approaches the fireplace and lays down near it
  458. >You head to your kitchen to find some food for both of you
  459. >The mare was going to help you break into your friend’s home, the least you could do was feed her for tonight while you two discussed details
  460. “I wasn’t expecting any guests tonight. You alright with some cake for dinner?”
  461. >”While Trixie would much rather have a fine chopped sunflower salad with a side of fava beans, cake is acceptable. Will there be a refreshment?”
  462. “I could heat up some cocoa”
  463. >”Trixie will have three marshmallows with it, no more, no less”
  464. >You return back to the living room with an iron pot of cocoa you mixed yesterday from your icebox and two slices of carrot cake with plates and forks
  465. >Using a spit over your fireplace, you place the iron pot above it so that the flames can do their work
  466. >Trixie uses her magic to levitate her plate of cake along with her utensil to start digging into the cake
  467. >After a brief internal debate, you elect to simply sit next to Trixie by the fireplace on the floor instead of sitting in a chair, to make discussing things easier
  468. “I figured that if we’re going to pretend to be Santa, I should probably know more about who the guy is. You know, in case Lyra or Bon-Bon play twenty questions”
  469. >The magician turns her head towards you in between bites of cake before narrowing her eyes
  470. >”Nopony has ever seen nor met Santa Claws. How would anypony be able to confirm any so-called facts to detect falsehoods?”
  471. “Alright, well humor me. I have to at least be what they think Santa would be like”
  472. >”Very well then. Is the monkey educated enough in the basic history of Equestria to know what Windigos are?”
  473. >While the amount of sass Trixie has delivered to you has earned her more than enough to be called a bad pony, you control your frustration
  474. >It can wait until after the heist
  475. “Yeah, I’ve seen the plays”
  476. >”A lot of years ago, many more than any pony can count in fifteen minutes, there was an enormous blizzard that covered the world. Snacks became scarce and nopony could go outside to play or even make snowponies”
  477. >As Trixie gives her exposition, you take the now steaming pot of cocoa with you to the kitchen as you insist she continue in with the story
  478. >”Every species of the world argued with each other on who should get the rest of the snacks and the most warm blankets. Sometimes even harsh and mean words were used! Herds of Windigos stalked the land openly, feeding off of arguments and discord. Their mere presence made the Eternal Winter last longer too. Also they attacked innocent beings, but Trixie is confident that she could fight them off of it came to that”
  479. >You return back to Trixie with two mugs of hot chocolate
  480. >Before she asks which is her cup, she notices the one with tres marshmallows and levitates it before her
  481. “Sounds like some bad news at the time. So how did the wint-“
  482. >”Do not interrupt Trixie’s storytelling!” All around the world, beings fell into despair. Nopony knew how to fight against the Windigos spreading the cold. But eventually a Kindly minotaur known as Lord Santa of the Claw Isles came up with a plan to bring joy to the world. He used his own hooves to create toys in his workshop for every good little colt and filly”
  483. “And let me guess, he used eight magic reindeer to help him deliver all the presents?
  484. >”What did Trixie just say about interrupting her? But yes, eight reindeer pull his sleigh through the air, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton”
  485. >You let her words sink in before taking a large gulp from your mug
  486. >She did say not to interrupt, after all
  487. >”Lord Santa’s plan worked, ponies, gryphons, dragons, diamond dogs, and every other manner of life became happier and more willing to cooperate with one another. The world gradually became warmer as the Windigos went away, no longer finding naughty things to feed them. And so Santa Claws still delivers presents to all, bringing merriment around the world and staving off the return of the Windigos”
  488. “So does the legend mention how he became immortal or how he could create so many toys?”
  489. >”Don’t be ridiculous. It is a little filly’s tale told by mommies and daddies to their foals so that they’ll behave”
  490. >After letting her drink cool down, Trixie takes a few test sips before taking a marshmallow and stuffing it into her mouth
  491. >She lets out a satisfied sigh
  492. “Alright, so from what I gathered I’ll have to dress up like a minotaur and you’ll have to be my reindeer. Which means we’ll need to make our own costumes”
  493. >”You mean disguises?”
  494. “Don’t say it like that. It makes it seem a lot more wrong”
  495. >”Trixie and her not so lovely assistant will be entering the home of other ponies without an invitation. Trixie will call it whatever she likes”
  496. >You shrug at her assertion
  497. >It’s not like you were going to steal anything
  498. >Just change entirely the world view of a cream mare and her outlook on life with a gift that could be bought for twenty bits in a Canterlot catalogue
  499. “I’m not forcing you to do this, you know. Spend the holiday however you like. I’ll just swing by your wagon and we can make the trade”
  500. >”There is no guarantee that you will not accidentally hurt yourself or other ponies while making your brazen burglary. It is Trixie’s responsibility to supervise you”
  501. >The last of Trixie’s hot chocolate goes down her throat as she stares wistfully into the mug
  502. >You hear her mumble something at barely a whisper
  503. >”And it’s still better than being alone for Hearth’s Warming Eve...”
  504. >The sound of crackling firewood and a ticking grandfather clock is all that fills the air as you give a side a side at glance to Trixie
  505. >You barely knew Bon-Bon, but you knew even less about the showmare
  506. >Still, lonely souls aren’t too different from one another
  507. “Thanks for doing this for me, Trixie. You’re a good pony”
  508. >You turn to face her with a small smile as your hand raises up to scratch behind her ear
  509. >Trixie flinches always before realizing what you were about to do
  510. >She hesitantly allows your hand to approach before it settles in and your nails start their work
  511. >You feel the tension that Trixie had fade away quickly as her muscles relax
  512. >”Trixie is best pony”
  513. “Trixie is best pony”
  514. >For about an hour, the two of you discuss details on how the costumes would be created, out of some household materials and a few trips to the hardware store
  515. >Many cups of hot cocoa are shared before the steaming pot runs empty
  516. >The entire time you notice that Trixie has avoided calling you derogatory names
  517. >She was still rude in other ways, especially when talking about your mint friend and Bon-Bon
  518. >Progress is still progress
  519. >And you wouldn’t have to spend any more time with her after the holiday anyways
  520. >Eventually the plans are finalized and you both agree to come to your home every other day leading up to the fateful date to create the disguises
  521. >You turn your attention to the clock as it strikes eleven and the chimes ring throughout your home in harmony
  522. “It’s about time I turned in for bed. I’m sure that you have plenty of things to do tomorrow too”
  523. >”Trixie has many performances to perform as well as naps to nap of course”
  524. “Great. Would you like me to walk you back home?”
  525. >You look out the window and see the wind howling as the snow picks up again
  526. >You notice Trixie following your gaze at the window and a small anxious expression overcomes her
  527. >What kind of heating did Trixie’s wagon have anyways?
  528. “...or maybe you could spend the night here”
  529. >She turns her eyes back towards you and you see a hint of annoyance
  530. >”And why does the human give this offer? Is it because he thinks Trixie does not like being out in the cold? Trixie does not ask nor want his pity”
  531. >Time to play her game
  532. “No, consider this a part of my payment to you. We made a deal for the grappling hook but not for you actually pretending to be a reindeer. Watermelon lollipops aren’t enough to do that”
  533. >Like others of her kind, her emotion flickers just as rapidly as the flames in the fireplace
  534. >From annoyance to nervousness
  535. >“Very well then! Trixie then demands that Anonymous also gives her room and board every time that she visits during the term of this charade!”
  536. >She puffs up her lips and looks at you with newfound determination
  537. >”And provide more cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows. And he will continue to give ear scratches and head pats like he does to Twilight Sparkle! A-and that he will read her a bedtime story each night!”
  538. “You’re a shrewd negotiator Ms. Lulamoon, but you got yourself a deal”
  539. >You chuckle lightly to yourself
  540. >“Good, though Trixie honestly believes that you are getting the better part of this bargain. After all you will be graced with Trixie’s presence”
  541. >After having her finish her last cup of cocoa, she chooses to lay down on your couch as you grab a plush blanket from your a closet
  542. >You tuck her in and recount the story of “The Three little Pigs and the Big Bad Timberwolf”
  543. >By the end of the fairy tale, you see Trixie visibly trying to stay awake before shutting her eyes as the last few words leave your lips
  544. >The fire is starting to die out as the charred logs crumble, the light in the room dimming further and further
  545. >You start walking down the hallway before you hear Trixie speak from the couch
  546. >Your ears have to strain to hear her from where you are but it’s clear she’s trying to talk to you
  547. >”Trixie would like to thank you for allowing her access to your food and home. It has been a...pleasant evening”
  548. >You pause before your open bedroom door as you gaze at the couch, the fires finally fading away and enveloping the room in a comforting darkness
  549. “No problem, Trixie. What else are friends for?”
  550. >You know she can’t see you, but you smile all the same at her
  552. >As you lay in bed waiting for Luna’s embrace to take you, you ponder why you were doing all of this
  553. >No, not the Santa Scheme
  554. >Wait, don’t call it that, it makes it sound so much worse
  555. >You were doing the Santa Plan so that Bon-Bon would feel better so that in turn your friend Lyra would feel better
  556. >Why were you putting so much effort in making Trixie happy?
  557. >Was her accusation right, is it out of pity?
  558. >Despite her confidence personality and boisterous performances, you never saw her hang out with her friends
  559. >Did she have friends? You just called her a friend, but did you really mean it?
  560. >You certainly know what it felt to be lonely
  561. >Was that it? Did you see a kindred soul in her?
  562. >Finally your eyes shut close as sleep overtakes you, but your tired mind thinks about one last question before drifting off like dancing snow in the wind
  563. >Does Santa ever feel lonely?
  565. >Some Time Later
  567. >You’re cold
  568. >Actually, you’re Santa
  569. >Wait no, you’re a human walking through the snow wearing a poorly stitched suit made out of drapery along with a pony that’s wearing plumbing supplies upon her head and a brown blanket over herself
  570. >You’re Anonymous, Santa Claws for a Day
  571. >Sewing the curtains with a needle wasn’t too bad
  572. >What was awful was attempting to make measurements around your body
  573. >Trixie’s magic with a tape measure was much more forceful than Rarity’s
  574. >More than a few times it wrapped itself around you like a constricting snake
  575. >There was even a time when she went a bit too overboard the ruler caused your feet to trip over one another
  576. >You both laughed lightly at that
  577. >In fact, you and Trixie have been laughing together a lot recently
  578. >As agreed upon the contract, she would visit every other day to discuss plans and spend the night
  579. >You found yourself enjoying those nights, sharing dinner with somebody else, sipping cocoa around a warm fire, telling a bedtime story as she nuzzled herself against the blanket
  580. >Trixie was still annoying in many of her mannerisms but the jabs you two pointed at each other evolved more into playful banter
  581. >She still wasn’t a friend though
  582. >Not yet anyways
  583. >Right now there’s other concerns though
  584. >Like how you’re going to survive this snow trek
  585. >Your costume had no fur whatsoever, your hand stitched curtains up the bulk of it
  586. >Any white fur trim was actually just glued together cotton balls that you “borrowed” from work
  587. >The only black boots you had were rubber gardening boots
  588. >The beard you were using was also sized for a pony and so covers only about half of your lower face
  589. >Cutting fabric was also an imprecise science, your sleeves are uneven, one pants leg hugs your thigh tighter than the other one, and you have to constantly readjust your hat as it continues to slide down over your eyes
  590. >Speaking of your hat, horns were hard to come by until you remembered that time Pinkie performed an impromptu opera
  591. >Asking for the horned Valkyrie hat was easy
  592. >What wasn’t easy was asking why she had one in human size
  593. >Carrying around a sack, the size of which was your own torso, full of empty cardboard boxes also isn’t the easiest thing to do
  594. >”You should have heeded Trixie’s well made advice and worn a coat underneath your disguise”
  595. “Like I said, it wouldn’t have fit underneath my COSTUME and not look noticeable”
  596. >Trixie for her part tied some white U-Pipes that you got at the plumbing store to her head with some twine
  597. >Around the pipes were wrapped a rainbow of Christmas lights that were powered by her magic
  598. >Or at least you think that’s how they work
  599. >Best not to question it too much
  600. >Covering her entire body, not unlike a Halloween bedsheet ghost, was a brown blanket with white dots painted where her back was
  601. >Eyes holes were cut out along with slots for the horn pipes to stick through
  602. >On top of her head also rested a Santa hat to hide her horn
  603. >All and all, you two are a bunch of holiday clowns going to pay a visit to a lucky household
  604. >At first you were afraid that this charade wouldn’t pass muster
  605. >But then you remembered just how easily ponies got confused by Nightmare Night costumes
  606. >You still bare the bite mark that Cherry Berry gave you when you wore your banana costume
  607. >You also still question why she would bite an unpeeled banana
  608. >But damn are you cold right now
  609. >You take one of your hands that was holding the sack over your shoulder to reach for your silver flask
  610. >After a quick twist and a quick sip of your grown up juice, you already feel slightly warmer
  611. >Trixie looks up at you with her blanket covered face and while you can’t see it, you’re sure her mouth is in a grimace
  612. >”You brought that horrible concoction with you?”
  613. “Never leave home without it. Some ponies need cupcakes and donuts to function, I need my nectar”
  614. >”And what of that dingy container? It is rather beaten up and reminds Trixie of a shovel”
  615. “It was cheap and does the work it needs to do. Just never needed a new one”
  616. >”Trixie acknowledges your words”
  617. >Her eyes through the peep holes relax as she once again faces the path onward
  618. >The Christmas lights on her “horns” giving a comforting glow in the darkness
  619. >Mercifully, the journey finally ends as Santa and his sole reindeer reach the front door of Lyra and Bon-Anon
  620. >Faint light underneath Trixie’s hat glows as she works her magic, the locks of the door being undone with clicks and tumbles
  621. >You may have left your door unlocked, but every other pony locked them
  622. >After all, Celestia says to always lock your doors and not to stare into the sun!
  623. >With a gentle push from a hoof, the door creaks open
  624. >You both walk into the darkened foyer and make your way to the living room
  625. >Time to set the mood
  626. >Their fireplace is much smaller than your own, but that just meant the logs to be placed in it were of an even smaller size
  627. >Some strikes from flint and soon you have a fire going on to warm up the room and create some lighting
  628. >You place the sack that you were holding by the fire
  629. >Reaching into your pocket, you pull out a set of sleigh bells attached to a thick cord and start ringing them, the sounds reverberating throughout the household
  630. >You hope that it’ll wake up your snoozing friend
  631. >No response
  632. >Again you ring the bells, this time with a bit more force
  633. >No response
  634. >Once again you shake the bel-
  635. >”Wake up already lazy flanks! We have many fillies and colts to deliver presents to you and you both are taking up our precious time!”
  636. >With a facepalm you look at Trixie yelling her words before you hear a sudden thud from upstairs
  637. >Sounds like someone just fell out of bed
  638. >Trixie taps one of her hooves in impatience as you both look towards the living room entrance
  639. >Slowly you hear a door open and the click of hooves going downstairs
  640. >You don’t see her quite yet, but you can hear Lyra’s voice approaching
  641. >”I-if there’s somepony there, please leave. I’m warning you, I have a pillow and I have no idea how to use it!”
  642. >Up to the entrance walks in Lyra with a pillow floating next to her in her magic
  643. >Her face is twisted into an expression of fitful fear, but when your eyes meet her own, they change instantly
  644. >First bewilderment
  645. >Then wonder
  646. >And finally ecstatic joy
  647. >”SANTA!”
  648. >The pillow drops down to the ground as her mouth opens wide, her excitement shouting out as she eeps at the sight before her
  649. >”It’s you! It’s really you! And one of your reindeer!”
  650. >”Yes it is I, Clinton, the greatest and most prestigious reindeer!”
  651. >Trixie takes a dramatic pose
  652. >Or rather it would be dramatic if anyone could actually see her form underneath the blanket
  653. >You clear your throat to deepen your voice quite a bit
  654. “Hello there, Lyra. I’m sorry that we woke you up”
  655. >”You don’t have to be sorry, Santa! How do you know my name?! Wait, you’re Santa, of course you know everyponie’s name!”
  656. “I also know that a certain mare has been very good this year”
  657. >”Is it me?!”
  658. >You choose not to reply to her as you reach into the sack to pull out a long box wrapped in green paper with red ribbons
  659. >Attached to the box is a tag with two simple lines
  660. >To Lyra
  661. >From Santa Claws (And Clinton)
  662. >You reach out with the box towards Lyra
  663. >Her pace is slow as she walks up to the box, staring at the gift in awe the entire time
  664. >You hand the box to her as she uses her magic to shred the wrapping paper into pieces
  665. >The box inside is opened and reveals a large red object that is nearly flat in an odd shape
  666. >The only inscription on it is the phrase “#1”
  667. >She lifts the light object with her magic and glee envelops her voice along with a smile
  668. >”Oh my Celestia, I love it! It’s wonderful, and great, and just what I wanted!”
  669. >She turns her attention towards you with that same gleeful smile
  670. >”What is it?”
  671. “It’s a foam finger. You can place your hoof inside the slot there and pretend you have a hand. You can also point at things”
  672. >The mint pony does as you say and her excitement is palpable as she raises her hoof up in victory, pointing at the ceiling with an index finger
  673. >”Thank you Santa! And Clinton! Where are the rest of your reindeer anyways?”
  674. >She looks around the living room, as if expecting seven more deer to jump out from behind the couch
  675. “Oh, they’re uhh...taking a donut broke right now. We had to fly a long way”
  676. >She uses her new gift to facepalm
  677. >”Oh duh, I bet you two must also be hungry. I’m sorry that we didn’t leave any milk or cookies out. Bonnie doesn’t like doing that kind of...wait, are you here to also see Bonnie? Did...did you get Anony’s letter?”
  678. >You give the pony a tender grin
  679. “Yes, I got his letter. Not exactly the best handwriting I’ve seen but his message was clear to me”
  680. >You kneel before Lyra and run your fingers through her mane
  681. “He told me that you were a very good friend of his and that he was worried that you didn’t seem very happy”
  682. >Out of the corner of your vision, you see Trixie roll her own eyes
  683. >Similar to when you do your procedures at work, Lyra closes her eyes and rolls her barrel into your fingers
  684. >”I think Anony is a good friend too. He’s fun to be around and makes the ouchies go away”
  685. >Daww
  686. >Another set of hooves go down the stairs as you hear the voice of a cream mare speak
  687. >”Lyra? What’s going on, I heard shouting”
  688. >In walks Bon-Bon, her face still adjusting to the light
  689. >Lyra puts the foam finger down back into the box and walks up to her side
  690. >”Bonnie, you have to see this! It’s Santa! He’s here!”
  691. >You rise up to your feet and place your hands on your hip
  692. >Again Clinton tries to pose underneath her sheet
  693. >BB rubs her eyes with one of her hoods and yawns as she turns towards Lyra and then finally you
  694. >It’s hard to read her expression
  695. >Flabbergasted might be the right word
  696. >Perturbed?
  697. >Your eyes are in pinpricks with one brow raised, her mouth sneering
  698. >Whatever her feelings are,, the candy mare isn’t saying anything as she stares at you and Trixie
  699. >This wasn’t the reaction you expected nor wanted
  700. “Hohoho, a merry Hearth’s Warming Eve to you, Bon-Bon!I I came especially for you this year. To give you a special gift and to also apologize for forgetting to give it to you when you were a little filly!”
  701. >”Clinton too has come so that you may bask in his holiday cheer!”
  702. >Bon-Bon does not change her emotion as she continues to stare
  703. >Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all
  704. >Well, too late to back out now
  705. >Reaching into your sack, you fish out another present, this one a large square wrapped in red paper and gold ribbon
  706. >Slowly and cautiously BB approaches you and takes the present in her hooves
  707. >Lyra looks like she could faint from happiness
  708. >Bon-Bon looks at you, then the gift, to you, and back to the gift again before laying it down on the floor and using her mouth to tear the paper
  709. >Before long, the box is opened and the Epona Hook Shot V3 is revealed before all eyes
  710. >Trixie makes a satisfied grunt
  711. >Lyra sqees at the sight
  712. >You remain silent
  713. >As does Bon-Bon
  714. >Her gaze is fixed at the grappling hook for a long while
  715. >She whispers something that no one else can quite hear
  716. >You get a sinking feeling in your gut
  717. >Lyra notices the lack of cheer from her friend
  718. >”What was that, Bonnie? I don’t think Santa could hear you”
  719. >Again Bon-Bon whispers something but no one can hear it as she stares at the device
  720. >Trixie raises a brow and turns her ear towards her to try and understand her words
  721. >That sinking feeling from earlier spreads from your gut to your limbs
  722. >You want to move, but like a deer in headlights you can see in the incoming disaster yet can do nothing but stare at it
  723. >Finally, Bon-Bon speaks again at a higher volume
  724. >”This isn’t what I wanted”
  725. >Lyra’s elation vanished and shifts into a quizzical look
  726. >The candymare turns her eyes from the gift up you now, rage seething out of them along with a growing scowl
  727. >Her voice is nearly shouting at you
  728. >”This isn’t what I wanted!”
  729. >One of her hooves kicks the box with the present in it against the wall as the impact punctuates her statement
  730. >Lyra flinches from her friend as Trixie backs away a few steps
  732. >Creamy lays down on the floor and pounds her hooves onto the ground
  733. >A tantrum, now of all times when a mystical being found only in folklore was in front of you?
  734. >You stop yourself from rolling your eyes
  735. >Sometimes you thought that these ponies were a bit spoiled
  736. >Might as well see how you can rectify this
  737. “I’m sorry little mare, I must have mixed up your gift with another ponies. What did you want? Maybe I can get it for you soon, through the polar mail”
  738. >Bon-Bon stops pounding her hoofs
  739. >She suddenly snaps her head towards you
  740. >There are tears there
  741. >Many of them
  742. >Her words spill out to you
  743. >Flooding you in a mixture of their rage and sorrow
  744. >”I just wanted GranGran to feel better”
  746. >You feel a chill run down your spine
  747. >This was an awful plan
  748. >Bon-Bon’s words continue to assault you, this time anger overcome sadness as her accusations come out
  749. >”You don’t remember, do you?! Why would you?! You didn’t care back then and you still don’t care now”
  750. >Lyra has taken to standing by her friends side and rubbing her hoof to her back in an effort to comfort her
  751. >”It’s going to be okay Bonnie. I’m uhh, sure Santa is going to make everything better”
  752. >Lyra gives a halfhearted smile to her friend
  753. >Trixie has fully retreated to your side as she looks up to you with wide eyes, looking for any input of a plan you might have
  754. >You have nothing
  755. >Only a cold sensation
  756. >”No he isn’t, Lyra! GranGran used to play all of my favorite games with me even though she was a grown up. She lived with us and we went outside for picnics together every month. We used to make candy together and she was so happy when I made my first piece of candy all by myself and she called me a big mare! And she would listen to everything that I said and not ignore me like other grown ups did. She always hugged me when I was feeling bad and clapped when I tried to show her something cool”
  757. >There is no happy tone in her words
  758. >Only painful nostalgia
  759. >And a sniffling noise holding back tears
  760. >”But then she got more sleepy. Mommy and Daddy said she couldn’t play as much anymore because she was so tired. We couldn’t play tag or hide and go seek or Sexret Agent anymore but that was okay. I just wanted to be with GranGran when she was awake. I tried to give her my candy but she wasn’t as hungry anymore. I kept asking mommy when GranGran would feel better but she said she didn’t know. Daddy told me to stop asking mommy that because it made her feel sad”
  761. >While Bon-Bon fights to hold back her tears, Lyra and Trixie allow their own to fall freely
  762. >You feel a slight dampness around your eyes
  763. >”Eventually she had to go to the horsepital to play with the doctors and machines there. They told her that she was sick and had to get ready for her forever nap. I asked her to stay and play with me and that I didn’t mind that she slept for most of the day, but she told me that she had to visit some of her friends up in the sky even though she wasn’t a pegasus”
  764. >Her voice cracks at various points, her vocal cords straining under the pressure to express so much pain that has been unspoken for years
  765. >All that pain turns into anger directed towards you
  766. >”That was when I wrote my letter to you! I did everything everypony said you had to do, I wrote your name and address on it and threw it at the wind during a snowstorm. I told you that if you made GranGran feel better that I would always be a good filly and that you would never ever have to give me another gift”
  767. >Lyra has nothing to say to her
  768. >Nor do you
  769. >Best to let this floodgate drain itself
  770. >And draining they are as Bon-Anon rasp her words
  771. >”T-they put her in the bye-bye box on Hearth’s Warming Day because that was her favorite holiday. I put some candy inside it so that she wouldn’t get hungry. They put the bye-bye box in a hole and I was worried that she’d get cold, but mommy said that she’d have all of her friends to hug and play with to stay warm. We had a party for her, every pony dressed up and my whole family was there, but everyone was quiet so that granny wouldn’t wake up. My mommy cried a lot. I didn’t cry though because I was a big mare, granny said so!”
  772. >Her gaze shifts from the floor to your own eyes
  773. >You feel a mixture of emotions
  774. >There is sadness for sure
  775. >Guilt for bringing these memories back to her
  776. >Apprehension for what is going to happen next
  777. >You drop your fake voice and start to speak normally
  778. “Bon-Bon, I didn’t mean to-“
  779. >”I made sure to be extra good that year! I said please and thank you to everypony, I shared all of my snacks, I did all of my chores without being asked to! Why didn’t you make granny better?!”
  780. >That cold sensation continues to run through your veins
  781. >But something is off this time
  782. >That sensation is real
  783. >You can feel your body getting colder despite the fire behind you
  784. >Bon-Bon either does not notice or does not care that the temperature is dropping
  785. >Her rage is free now, directed at the being that did nothing all those years ago
  786. >”I thought you weren’t real. That I was just being a silly filly by sending a letter for help to somepony that doesn’t exist”
  787. >A large parlor window that looks out to the street shows that the wind is picking up quickly, and soon snow starts up just as fast
  788. >The weather team didn’t schedule a blizzard in the middle of the night, did they?
  789. >Frost develops on the window at an unnatural speed, obscuring the outside world
  790. >Your eyes are pointed towards the window as you idly listen to Bon-Bon’s tirade
  791. >Trixie follows your gaze as her eyes grow concerned at the sight
  792. >Lyra still continues to try and comfort her friend
  793. >”But now...now I know you didn’t care!”
  794. >You swear that you see a pair of glowing blue orbs pass by the window as swift as a dart
  795. >”Why didn’t you make GranGran feel better?! I hate you!”
  796. >Bon-Anon once again stands up on her hooves and glares at you
  797. >”I hate you! I hate you! IHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU!”
  798. >Her shouting is nearly enough to break your heart
  799. >If it wasn’t broken already
  800. “Well...you see Bon-Bon, I’m actually…”
  801. >Your words stumble
  802. >This isn’t a wound that can be solved with a head pat or tummy rub
  803. >You make a move to yank off your beard before an unearthly neigh fills the air
  804. >It is unlike anything you have ever heard
  805. >While the neighs of these little ponies were delightful and high pitched
  806. >This sound is like the echo of a deep dark cave
  807. >It fills you with dread
  808. >Everypony looks around for the source before Lyra realizes it must have come from outside
  809. >Even Bon-Bon’s curiosity is peaked, but the scowl on her face will not go away
  810. >Lyra walks up to the frosted window and tries to peak out
  811. >There is nothing but a landscape of pure darkness and howling snowy winds
  812. >She focuses her eyes and lights up her horn to see better
  813. >Only to reveal three pairs of azure spectral eyes staring right back at her
  817. >You are Anon, a man on the streets and a fool wrapped in a red sheet
  818. >You are also standing in a room with three terrified mares as six eyes stare at you all
  819. >With the light from Lyra’s horn you can see the “bodies” of the beings that own the eyes
  820. >Their forms seem to be made out of the very gusts themselves and take the shape of actual horses, nearly triple the size of a pony
  821. >An aura surrounds them and lights the air in a faint sickly blue atmosphere
  822. >Their manes flow freely, yet do not blow in the direction of the wind
  823. >You cannot see Lyra’s face, but you have a good guess to her feelings right now
  824. >She whispers something
  825. >”W-w-w…”
  826. >One of the eerie horses outside slowly raises a hoof to the window
  827. >The frost around where the hoof is placed intensifies further, flash freezing the glass immediately around it
  828. >”Wi-wi-Win-w…”
  829. >You can see the hoof pushing out steadily towards you all as the glass and ice starts to crack from the pressure
  830. >”WINDIGOS!”
  831. >Trixie is the first to act as she rushes towards the window and by Lyra’s side
  833. >The showmare pushes the musician towards you and Bon-Bon as she readies her horn
  834. >The spectral hoof finally shatters the window as gale force winds blast the bits and pieces into the room
  835. >Trixie uses her magic to create a shimmering pink barrier large enough to cover the window as the pieces of wood and glass bounce back outside
  836. >The Windigos are unaffected by it all as the debris passes through them with nary a thought
  837. >The barrier is not enough to block the freezing temperature from coming inside however
  838. >The fire behind you emits only a faint promise of heat
  839. >All of your breaths become clouds of vapor that disappear in a few seconds
  840. >Just like your sense of safety
  841. >The Windigos for their part are as serene as they first appeared, their eyes leering at you all behind the shield
  842. >The same cannot be said for your companions
  843. >Bon-Bon is the first to speak, panic evident in her tone
  844. >”What are they doing here?!”
  845. >You regain your composure after the initial shock
  846. >There is still apprehension in your heart, but you’re the adult in the situation, it’s your responsibility to keep these ponies safe
  847. “Windigos feed off of negative emotions. I…think you made it an all you can eat buffet for them right now”
  848. >”What? How is this my fault! You’re the one that broke into our home!”
  849. >”It’s Santa Bonnie, it’s his job to break into homes and leave behind gifts”
  850. >Lyra turns towards you, her mouth open in fear as the intruders approach the magical barrier that Trixie is casting with at a snail's pace
  851. >Again Lyra places her hope in you
  852. >”Santa, you’re an expert at chasing off Windigos, how do we make them go away?”
  853. >The only knowledge you have about the ghostly horses come from watching Hearth’s Warming Eve plays
  854. >The climax was always the same, a unicorn shot out a Fire of Friendship spell to dispel the spirits of winter away
  855. “Lyra, I need you to cast the Fire of Friendship”
  856. >Lyra nods with determination in her eyes
  857. >”No problem, Santa!”
  858. >She turns and faces the broken window in a hop
  859. >After a second she tilts her head towards you with a questioning look
  860. >”...how do I do that?”
  861. >You stare at her in disbelief before you realize that of course nopony would know how to cast it
  862. >When was the last time there was enough negative emotions in all of Equestria to summon Celestia forsaken spirits of woe?
  863. >Speaking of which, the horses have started to push on the shield that Trixie erected, her horn glowing the brightest you have ever seen as she tries to push them back
  864. >Supernatural ice starts to slowly spread from the opening, encasing all that it touches
  865. >It is only a few feet away from touching Trixie’s hooves
  866. >Your teeth grit
  867. “Think about the friendship you and Bon-Anon share, the connection you two have had for years now. And then make fire, I think?”
  868. >Lyra closes her eyes
  869. >Her horn starts to glow
  870. >You feel your heart rising
  871. >Hope builds up
  872. >But then just as soon as the glow appeared, it dissipates into nothing and the comforting light is gone
  873. >”I-I can’t. All I can think about is how sad and angry Bonnie is”
  874. >Bon-Bon looks horrified but quickly tries to rectify the situation
  875. >”It’s okay, Lyra! I forgive Santa for everything, see!”
  876. >The Candymare takes her hooves and hugs your torso as she forces a strained smile towards Lyra
  877. >Lyra of course sees through it
  878. >The wound is too deep for it to heal this quickly
  879. >Her mind cannot shut out the despair that flowed through her friend just moments ago
  880. >Suddenly you hear a shout from the front of the room
  881. >”A little help here, my not so lovely assistant!”
  882. >You turn your attention back to Trixie
  883. >Even in this enveloping darkness, you can see just how much shaking she is doing underneath her blanket as she tries to keep her wall of magic up against the pushing Windingos
  884. >It is a battle of wills that she will lose
  885. >You have to help her and now
  886. >If the Fire of Friendship was impossible, then good old regular flames would have to do
  887. >You take the sack of cardboard boxes and lift it above the fireplace behind you
  888. >The mint pony looks at you in shock as you try to rotate the bag around for the fire to spread quicker
  889. >”Mister Claws, what are you doing?!”
  890. “Delivering their presents”
  891. >The highly flammable bag combust and soon you are holding a sack of fire
  892. >You shout towards Trixie
  893. “Move out of the way!”
  894. >Trixie jumps backwards towards you all as her barrier fades away
  895. >Right when her wall of pink shimmering disappears, you toss the sack towards the invaders
  896. >The flames dance as they rush past the air
  897. >...only to pass harmlessly through the trio
  898. >Your weapon goes out the window and the embers extinguish in the snow
  899. “Poop”
  900. >Trixie struggles to stand as the magical ice has overtaken about half the room now
  901. >She collapses on her legs
  902. >You move to help her as the wind and snow from the storm rushes in
  903. >All four of you are shivering from a combination of chill and fear
  904. >Why isn’t anyone in town helping?!
  905. >Is the blizzard that bad that nopony knows what’s going on right outside their neighbor’s home?
  906. >You notice that the Windigos have now crawled through the window and are in the home proper now
  907. >They are also focusing their gazes at the two unicorns in the room
  908. >They know who the real threats to them are
  909. >With another unearthly neigh, they rise up on their hind legs before stomping the ground in unison with their forelegs
  910. >The ice was creeping uniformly before, but now two surges rush forward towards your magically inclined companions
  911. >The first one caught is Lyra
  912. >Her hooves are frozen to the ground
  913. >Bon-Bon rushes over to her and tries to pull her from the spot
  914. >But the mint pony is stuck firm to the ground as the ice continues to crawl up her
  915. >This does not dissuade Bon-Bon from trying to save her friend however
  916. >”Lyra, come on, we have to get out of here!”
  917. >The only grunts you hear are from the cream one as she uses all of her strength to try and pull Lyra back
  918. >Lyra for her part...is calm
  919. >Her barrel is nearly encased, but she turns her head to her best friend
  920. >”It’s going to be okay, Bonnie”
  921. >”H-how do you know that? This isn’t one of your games, Lyra! What if we never have snack time ever again o-or go into a forever nap like GranGran?”
  922. >Lyra smiles gently at Bon-Bon
  923. >”Because Santa is here. Don’t worry, Bonnie, he's going to save us all. I know it”
  924. >As she utters her last words, the ice shuts around her
  925. >She is like a statue, frozen in a moment of calm hope sealed with a grin
  926. >Bon-Bon screams out in anguish
  927. >Her tears nearly ran out earlier, and any that drop down her eyes are frozen
  928. >She lost a best friend long ago
  929. >And now she has lost another
  930. >The tendrils of frost are too quick for you to move Trixie out of the way
  931. >One of her hooves is caught
  932. >You would tear her from the spot if you weren’t afraid that doing so would rip off the entire leg
  933. >You kneel next to her
  934. >The wind blows the blanket away, exposing her and you can see just how worn out she is from keeping the Windigos away
  935. >Sweat stains have formed all around her fur
  936. >Her chest rises up and down in great gasps of air
  937. >Her pupils have trouble keeping focus as their lids fight to keep open
  938. >Desperation fills your voice
  939. “Trixie...Trixie! You have to stay with us, you’re our only hope against them”
  940. >Absent is her bravado, replaced by a tired mare that just wants to rest
  941. >To nap
  942. >And never wake up again
  943. “Come on, you’re the Great and Powerful Trixie, you can do magnificent displays of magic! You told me yourself that you can take on Windigos!”
  944. >She looks up at you, struggling to crane her barrel
  945. >”Trixie just wanted to impress Anonymous. Trixie wanted to be best pony”
  946. “You’re the best pony, Trixie, and now is your chance to prove it! I’ll give you all of the lollipops you could ever want, you just have to stay with us!”
  947. >She shakes her head as she turns her attention to the ground, the ice now overtaking her torso
  948. >”No, Twilight Sparkle is best pony. Her magic is more powerful. She would have gotten rid of the Windigos already”
  949. >She once again looks into your eyes
  950. >“Trixie saw how much you play with Twilight and how many head pats you give her. Trixie thought that if she could make you believe she was your friend, then Trixie could get even more head pats and belly rubs than her”
  951. >This was why she agreed to all of this, just so that she would have finally had a leg up Twilight over something?
  952. >You don’t believe it one bit
  953. ”None of that is true, Trixie and you know it”
  954. >The blue mare looks at you curiously
  955. “If you wanted more head pats then you would have just asked for them for payments along with lollipops. If you just wanted a warm home to stay in then we would never have talked and laughed together well into the evenings''
  956. >The ice starts to form at the base of her neck
  957. “You’re lonely Trixie. And I’m lonely too. I hang around Twilight and her friends so that I can be around some ponies and pretend for a few hours that I’m not lonely”
  958. >The ice is about halfway up her barrel at this point
  959. “But I’ve never thought of them as my friends. These last few days have been the most fun I’ve had in a longtime. It was nice having someone to trade taunts and tease with. Somepony that wasn’t afraid to call me out on things. That first night you slept on my couch I called you a friend. And I meant it”
  960. >These may be your last moments
  961. >And you will spend them comforting a mare you once found beyond irritating
  962. >Trixie smiles as wide as she can in her tired state
  963. >She closes her eyes
  964. >The ice is about to reach her head
  965. >She pays it no attention however as her voice once again finds her showmanship, confidence oozing out of her as she shouts
  966. >”And for Trixie’s last trick of the night…”
  967. >Her breathing is calm as she focuses her magic on her horn, a glow once again shining in the darkness
  968. “...she will save her friend!”
  969. >A swirl of brilliant magical flame shoots out of her horn as it curls together to form a brilliant magenta heart, the flames licking out around it
  970. >The advancing ice slows as the Windigos roar out, backing away from the spectacle
  971. >”Trixie is best pony”
  972. “Trixie is best pony”
  973. >The ice forming around her head stops
  974. >You can feel warmth again, numb appendages regaining their feeling again
  975. >But then something peculiar happens
  976. >The Fire of Friendship shrinks
  977. >The ice around Trixie once again continues onward
  978. >Your limbs feel numb again
  979. >Why was the heart going away?
  980. >Then you notice it as you look down at the blue mare
  981. >Trixie fainted from exhaustion
  982. >Her unconscious form now encased in a glass stillness
  983. >The flame is fading with nothing to fuel it anymore, no source of magic to give it life
  984. >And fade away it is doing, quickly
  985. >Once it filled up almost half the room, now in the span of ten seconds it is half the size it was originally
  986. >You get up and run towards Bon-Bon
  987. >She saw everything, including when Trixie’s disguise was blown away
  988. >“Tr-Trixie?! What is she doing here?!”
  989. “Giving us time!”
  990. >You scoop up Bon-Bon in your arms as you make a mad dash towards the stairs
  991. >Trixie’s last bit of magic is nearly gone as the light flickers away from where you once were
  992. >You shove open one of the bedroom doors and shut it behind you as you try to barricade it with wardrobes, the bed, and some nightstands
  993. >BB stands in a far corner of the room eyeing you with suspicion
  994. >”If that was Trixie, then who are you?”
  995. >With your hasty barricade complete, you walk over to the creamed one
  996. >It doesn't matter who you are
  997. >What matters is that you have no plan
  998. >The blizzard is shutting the outside world away
  999. >You’re trapped in a room with only one entrance
  1000. >You and Bon-Bon have no magic to cast
  1001. >There is only one thing to do
  1002. >Make peace with yourself
  1003. >You rip off your starswirl beard and hat
  1004. >She shouts
  1005. >”ANONYMOUS?!”
  1006. ”I’m sorry, Bon-Bon. This wasn’t how it was supposed to turn out”
  1007. >You can hear dull thuds walk up the staircase, the air around you already getting super chilled
  1008. >Her anger from earlier comes back, understandably
  1009. >”This is all your fault! None of this would have happened if you didn’t visit!”
  1010. >Calmly you kneel before Bon-Bon to look her in the eyes
  1011. “...you’re right, it is all my fault. You and Lyra would be sleeping right now, Trixie would be in her wagon, and I’d be at my own home if I didn’t come up with this plan”
  1012. >Her rage continues unabated
  1013. >”Why? Why did you do all of this?! Did you want to make me feel bad for that day in the shop with Twilight? Prove me wrong about Santa?!”
  1014. “No. I did it for Lyra”
  1015. >Her teeth stop snarling at you as her eyes plead at you for answers
  1016. >”Lyra?”
  1017. >There is banging at the closed door, increasing in intensity as time goes by
  1018. “She was feeling sad because she thought you were hurt. That maybe it was because Santa didn’t give you something. She was right, just not about what you were missing. I’m sorry that all of this happened”
  1019. >You turn your eyes away from her
  1020. >You don’t dare look at the mare you doomed
  1021. “You don’t have to forgive me. I just...can you do me a favor?”
  1022. >You don’t feel Bon-Bon make any movement
  1023. >She is listening to you
  1024. >That is all you can ask for at this point
  1025. ”I don’t know if I’ll go to the same place you ponies go to when you take forever naps. I’m not from here, so I have no idea what’s going to happen to me”
  1026. >Ice forms underneath the door frame as cracks in the door itself start to form from the impacts hitting it
  1027. ”When...if you go on your forever nap, Bon-Bon, c-can you tell Lyra how much of a good pony she is? How she was so friendly when everyone else thought I was a monster?”
  1028. >The air is not yet chilled enough for your tears to freeze, a cold solace now that they drop down from your eyes
  1029. ”And please tell Trixie that I wish we could have spent more time together. That I hope she’s getting all the watermelon lollipops and head pats she wants where she is now”
  1030. >The door flies open as the furniture holding it closed is tossed aside
  1031. >In walks your three pursuers as they trot in slowly
  1032. >You don’t give them any attention however
  1033. >They deserve none of it
  1034. >Who deserves all your attention is the candy mare
  1035. >Soft fur surrounds your neck and a mane nuzzles your cheek
  1036. >Bon-Bon has taken you into a hug
  1037. >You cannot see her face, but her words bring comfort to you
  1038. >”It’s going to be okay, Anonymous”
  1039. “How do you know?”
  1040. >”Because Lyra said so”
  1041. >You lift her up as you go back to standing
  1042. >None too soon either, as you can feel the ice creeping up your gardening boots
  1043. >The Windigos do as they always were doing, waiting and watching as their glacial freeze takes hold over their victims
  1044. >You and Bon-Bon are still in an embrace, sharing the last bit of warmth you two have
  1045. “One last thing, Bon-Bon”
  1046. >You reach your arms out to pull her away and see her face
  1047. “Please, tell your grandma that I’m sorry too. That I sent you to her so early. She sounds like a lovely mare. I wish I could have met her”
  1048. >By now the winds have made your fingers numb as you still hold the mare
  1049. >”I wish you could have met her too, I still wish she was here”
  1050. “She is, Bon-Bon. She’s always with you”
  1051. >”She’s in the ground now, in the bye-bye box”
  1052. “You remember her. Those memories are always going to be with you. She never left you, just like how you never left her”
  1053. >You don’t have much time left
  1054. >Soon you will be nothing more than an tall icicle
  1055. “She loves you no matter what. Just because you haven’t seen her in a long time doesn’t mean you two stopped being friends”
  1056. >Your torso is now encased in the supernatural chill
  1057. >With the last of your strength you lift your arms up and hold Bon-Bon above your head so that the ice will have to crawl up your entire length to reach her
  1058. >If this is the end, you will at least give her time to have happy thoughts
  1059. >”What are you doing?!”
  1060. “Close your eyes and think of your grandma, Bon-Bon. I promise that when you open them again, she’ll be right in front of you”
  1061. >You take comfort in the fact that the freezing process does not hurt
  1062. >There isn’t even a numbing feeling
  1063. >As the ice sneaks up your neck, you go through a train of feelings and thoughts one after the after
  1064. >Anger at the Windingos in front of you
  1065. >Praying to whatever will listen to let you go to pony heaven
  1066. >Disbelief that something like this could happen in this world of colorful ponies
  1067. >Sadness that it’s all over
  1068. >Acceptance that this is the end
  1069. >And finally…
  1070. >You feel nothing
  1074. >Your name is Bon-Bon
  1075. >Bonnie to your best friend
  1076. >Sweetie Drops to your circle of imaginary secret agent contacts
  1077. >And right now your eyes are closed
  1078. >You also put your hooves in front of them for good measure, like you were playing hide and seek
  1079. >Maybe if you can’t see the Windigos, they can’t see you and they’ll just go away
  1080. >...
  1081. >It’s cold
  1082. >Anonymous stopped talking a few moments ago
  1083. >You think you know why…
  1084. >The human said he didn’t need you to forgive him
  1085. >But he did all of this for Lyra
  1086. >You understood that
  1087. >Other ponies made fun of her sometimes because of the things she did, so you did a lot of different things to make her happy
  1088. >You made treats she liked
  1089. >You read books together on picnics
  1090. >You chased away the monsters in her closet sometimes like a super cool secret agent
  1091. >So you forgive him
  1092. >And after all, he promised that you’d get to see GranGran again
  1093. >You hope that Anonymous will get to see her too
  1094. >You’ll all fly through the sky together just like pegasus do
  1095. >Is it hard to fly without wings?
  1096. >Oh well, GranGran will teach you how to do it
  1097. >Just like how she taught you how to make candy!
  1098. >Grandma…
  1099. >Your thoughts start focusing on her
  1100. >Anonymous said that she’s always with you, that she never stopped being your friend
  1101. >The truth was that you didn’t think about her too much anymore
  1102. >It hurt when you did
  1103. >It made your heart ache because all of your good memories were mixed with the bad ones, when she had to go away
  1104. >But Anonymous said that you had to think about her
  1105. >And you will, because he’s a grown up and wants you to be happy
  1106. >It’s hazy at first as you try to visualize the moment, like imagining a picture from one of those books filled with only words
  1107. >But soon things come into clarity
  1108. >It is the memory you keep closest to your heart
  1109. >A memory that you haven't visited since the parting
  1110. >You feel yourself in a younger body
  1111. >You can hear a gentle knock on a door in front of you as you continue to have your eyes closed
  1112. >Both the door and your eyes now open
  1113. >And there she is
  1115. >She’s just like how you remember her
  1116. >Before she had to sleep so much
  1117. >Before she had to go to the horsepital
  1118. >Before she had to say goodbye
  1119. >You remember asking her once why she had so many wrinkles on her face
  1120. >She said it was because you made her smile so much
  1121. >And smile she does
  1122. >“Why are you up in your room alone so early, Agent Sweetie Drops? You should be playing with your friends and making snow ponies”
  1123. >You speak, but your voice is much higher than it is normally
  1124. >Did you always squeak this much when you were a little filly?
  1125. “Mommy and Daddy says that I’m grounded”
  1126. >You punctuate your statement with a harumph
  1127. >You don’t remember why you were grounded that day, probably refusing to take a nap or not doing your homework
  1128. >”Grounded on Hearth’s Warming Eve? Well that doesn’t sound right”
  1129. >It has been so long since you have heard her voice
  1130. >Your body still feels cold, your real body it is
  1131. >But her soothing tone is like a blanket keeping you warm inside
  1132. >GranGran opens the door wider and looks down at you with her compassionate eyes
  1133. >”Come with me, dearie, and we’ll have some fun making candy for Santa”
  1134. >You mouth is agape
  1135. ”But they said I have to stay in my room!”
  1136. >”Don’t worry, grandparents have special magic to stop parents from being angry with their foals”
  1137. >She waves a hoof to encourage you forward and you eagerly trot with her to the kitchen with your small strides
  1138. “I wonder what sort of candy Santa might like”
  1139. >You feel a slight bit of nervousness
  1140. >What if he doesn’t like the candy you’ll make? Will he take away your presents?
  1141. >”If you’re the one making it, then I’m sure he’ll enjoy it, Sweetie Drops”
  1142. >You nod in response as the two of you get started with the preparations
  1143. >An assortment of mixing bowls, whisk, spoons, and candy molds are brought out from the cupboard
  1144. >She even let you choose your favorite mold to use, the lyre shaped ones!
  1145. >In the present, you remember that you lost that set of molds a long time ago in a move
  1146. >Shame, Lyra would have gotten a kick out of them
  1147. >As grandma pulls out the sugar and cocoa, an idea forms in your head
  1148. >It’s time to impress GranGran!
  1149. “Granny, can I make the candy all by myself this time?”
  1150. >You put on your best pleading eyes
  1151. >She laughs gently as all the ingredients are laid out
  1152. >”Of course, Sweetie Drops. How about I turn on the stove to be safe and you can measure and mix everything together”
  1153. >You squeal in excitement as you hurriedly grab the measuring cups and a chair to get level with the stove
  1154. >By the end of it all, you are a mess of a filly with various powders covering your coat and the kitchen
  1155. >But she isn’t angry at all
  1156. >Instead, she takes a small bit of cocoa on the kitchen counter and boops your nose with her hoof
  1157. >”Missed a spot there”
  1158. >You giggle as your snout scrunches up
  1159. >After stirring the pot of ingredients together and licking the whisk clean, you carefully take your small hooves to pour the mixture into the chocolate molds one at a time
  1160. >GranGran places the molds into the icebox for them to harden
  1161. >After cleaning up the kitchen and spending a few hours playing hide and seek and Secret Agent, the two of you wander back to the kitchen as the sun starts to go down
  1162. “I hope there’s enough time to leave them out for Santa!”
  1163. >”I’ll just have to tell him to wait next year to try some of your tasty candy if it isn’t done yet”
  1164. >She carefully takes the molds from the icebo and flips them over to break them out of it
  1165. >A few of the chocolate instruments fall out perfectly with the first impact on the tray
  1166. >”Perfect. Just like you”
  1167. >GranGran takes one and reaches out for you to take it
  1168. >You shake your head
  1169. “I want you to try it first, GranGran! My friends say that the first bite is always extra yummy”
  1170. >She gives you that same welcoming grin that she always did...no, the grin that she still does
  1171. >The confectionery goes into her mouth with a single bit and chew
  1172. >Her eyes go dreamy while she savors the taste
  1173. >She lifts up your little form in an embrace and spins you around the room
  1174. >”Oh it is simply wonderful, little one”
  1175. “Really?!”
  1176. >”The best piece of chocolate I’ve ever had. What did you do to make it so special?”
  1177. “I wanted to make it extra special for you! Mommy says her food tastes so good because she puts extra love in it. I didn’t know how to do that so I tried my best”
  1178. >She puts you down and looks at you
  1179. >You can see a single tear run down her cheek
  1180. >Oh no, did you make her sad somehow?
  1181. >Suddenly, you feel a slightly tingling
  1182. >It’s like sitting on a warm cushion and it’s coming from where your body would meet a cushion as well
  1183. >You and GranGran look back at your flank
  1184. >Your eyes go wide and you gasp
  1185. >Appearing in a small shimmer of light, over your formally blank flank, is three images flourishing
  1186. >It is of three pieces of wrapped candy in a nice pattern of blue and yellow
  1187. >You cannot contain your excitement as you trot in place with all of your hooves in place and squee once again
  1188. “Grandma, grandma, look, I got my very own Cutie Mark!”
  1189. >She says nothing as once again she hugs you gently
  1190. >Her mane brushes into your face but you don’t mind, it’s nice and soft
  1191. >The hooves wrapped around you feel warm and bring you a sense of belonging
  1192. >”That’s right Sweetie Drops, you’re a big mare now”
  1194. >You let it all go
  1195. >There is no pain anymore
  1196. >No more wishing that things were different
  1197. >No more guilt for not thinking about her more often
  1198. >You wrap your little hooves around her
  1199. ”I love you”
  1200. >”I love you too, Sweetie Drops”
  1201. >She backs away from the hug to look at your face but does not break contact with her hooves on your shoulders
  1202. >”You’ll always be my little big mare”
  1203. >”Her smile does not break as she says her next words
  1204. >”And that’s why you have to go back”
  1205. >...
  1206. >...
  1207. >That wasn’t part of your memory
  1208. “W-w-what do you mean?”
  1209. >”It isn’t your time to take a forever nap yet, dearie”
  1210. >”But...but I want to stay here with you. I miss you. I miss you so much, GranGran!”
  1211. >Now you are crying, but not with your eyes of youth but your eyes as they are
  1212. >Your voice is also back to normal
  1213. >And now you stand taller than your grandma
  1214. >She seemed so much taller when you were a filly
  1215. >Yet always approachable
  1216. >She whispers in an understanding tone
  1217. >”There are so many wonderful things that you’ll do and fantastic beings that you’ll meet, little one. I know it because Grandmas know everything”
  1218. >You shake your head as you fail to contain your feelings
  1219. “I don’t care about any of that. Why can’t I just be with you? Don’t you want to be with me…?”
  1220. >“Of course I do, Sweetie Drops. But I know that you’re a big mare and that you still have a lot of big adventures to go on. And your friends need you”
  1221. >You open your eyes to your grandmother and look deep into her loving pupils and comforting smirk
  1222. >”Did I ever tell you why Hearth’s Warming is my favorite holiday?”
  1223. >You rack your brain for answers before shaking your head glumly
  1224. >”It’s because it’s the time of year when ponies offer a hoof of friendship to others they hardly know. They trot down the street and smile and wish each other a merry Hearth’s Warming to ponies that they would ignore any other month of the year”
  1225. “But it’s just something ponies are suppose to do around Hearth’s Warming”
  1226. >”Oh sure, A lot of these merry wishes are forgotten and most ponies go back to what they were like after the holidays, but sometimes you can make all sorts of new friends by being festive with each other. Like a big thing in a suit and a lonely magician”
  1227. >You slowly nod your head
  1228. >”Lyra, Anonymous, Trixie, they all need you. They need you to save them”
  1229. >Your voice takes a pleading tone as you look for answers
  1230. “But how am I supposed to do that? I don’t have unicorn magic. I can’t summon the Fire of Friendship to scare the Windigos away”
  1231. >”Windigos feed off of negative feelings and emotions. But there are also things that use positive emotions like love, courage, and happiness to help others”
  1232. >She brushes your mane with one of her delicate wrinkled hooves
  1233. >”There is one that is trying to help you right now. One that knows how to chase away the spirits. But he is lost in the blizzard. It has been so long that the Windigos have been able to feed off of ponies that they are putting everything they have in this. Even now I can see him fighting so hard to keep flight and search for all of you”
  1234. “So what do I do then?”
  1235. >”You have to be like a candle in a dark room, a lighthouse in the middle of a storm. Think happy thoughts and you will guide him to you”
  1236. “I’m scared”
  1237. >”Your human friend was right, I’m always with you. Anytime you feel frightened or sad, just think of me and everything we did together”
  1238. >You toss your head onto her shoulder and close your eyes
  1239. “I’m still going to miss you”
  1240. >”I’ll be waiting for you, dearie. But right now, there’s so many places for you to go. And I’m excited to hear about all the things you did and the friends you made when it really is your time to come back”
  1241. “I love you, GranGran”
  1242. >”I love you too, Sweetie Drops”
  1246. >You open your eyes again
  1247. >No longer are you in the kitchen of your old home, but your own room in your own home
  1248. >Three Windigos face you as you are still laying in the arms of Anonymous
  1249. >The ice is still creeping up from his arms and is about to reach your body
  1250. >But you give it no time
  1251. >You hop out of the human’s hands and land in front of his frozen body
  1252. >The ice on the floor starts to creep up on your hooves
  1253. >But this is no time for fear
  1254. >It is a time for bravery
  1255. >And you are a Big Mare
  1256. >Your grandma said so
  1257. >You stare down the three Windigos as they look at you in apathy
  1258. “I’m not afraid of any of you anymore”
  1259. >You see one narrow their eye slightly towards you
  1260. “I used to be so angry at something that never existed. I thought you all didn’t exist either”
  1261. >There is no cold to the ice around you
  1262. >You can feel your own heart pounding in your chest as your teeth clench
  1263. “Now I know I wasn’t really angry, I was just sad. Sad that I would never get to see GranGran again”
  1264. >By now all three of the spirits have lowered their head towards you, their metaphysical breaths blasting an air of frost at your face
  1265. >This show of intimidation is not working
  1266. “But she told me that she’s always going to be with me, that she would never disappear. And now I’m doing the same for my friends. No matter what you all do, you can never take away the memories I have of her!”
  1267. >If the Windingos feel threatened, they do not show it
  1268. >But you do notice that one of them has shifted their attention elsewhere to some unseen force
  1269. >Ice nearly covers your entire barrel
  1270. >GranGran asked you to be a candle in a room
  1271. >You’ll do more than that
  1272. >You’ll impress her again by being the brightest star in Luna’s night sky
  1273. >You focus your thoughts on every good memory you can think of
  1274. >Of cooking with your grandma
  1275. >Of meeting Lyre for the first time
  1276. >Of the first time you saw Trixie’s show
  1277. >Of Anon trying to comfort you in his last moments
  1278. >There is no flash of flame that shoots out, no ghosts of Hearth's Warming past, present, and future that charges forward, not even a flicker of light emitting from your body
  1279. >But you don’t feel cold anymore
  1280. >All you feel is the warm and fuzziness from being hugged moments ago by someone you loved and loved you back
  1281. >And that’s all that matters
  1282. >You smile
  1284. >Then you hear it
  1285. >Bells in the air
  1286. >It is faint at first and even gives the Windingos pause from looking at you as they try to locate the sound
  1287. >It is getting closer and closer
  1288. >Suddenly, reindeer burst through one of the wooden walls of your room to your side as pieces of wood fly out
  1289. >Luckily, you are unharmed
  1290. >The Windigos scatter in a panic, the first time you see them display any emotion
  1291. >The reindeer are majestic, as tall as the spirits are and their rack of horns well trimmed
  1292. >Being pulled by the reindeer is a red sleigh the size of three of your beds
  1293. >There is a figure riding this sleigh, he stands upright with horns on his head and in his claws are the reigns of the reindeer
  1294. >In a flash, he drops the reigns and leaps out of his ride and lands between you and the spirits
  1295. >The ice where he lands shatters easily from the impact and you feel the ice that surrounds you break apart as well
  1296. >Both parties stare each other down
  1297. >You can only stare at amazement as he easily towers over even Anonymous by at least four heads
  1298. >His frame is also nearly double that of the human as well, covered entire by a red fur suit
  1299. >He is posed to strike as you can see his muscles tense
  1300. >The horns he sports glow...no, they start to burn
  1301. >Fire surrounds the curved tusks and you can feel a cozyness develop inside you
  1302. >The flames dance further out along the hrns
  1303. >If he is hurt at all by the fire, he does not show it
  1304. >You can see one of the Windingos take a step back towards the door
  1305. >Your guest takes a sharp intake of air into his lungs
  1306. >And then he lets it all out as he shouts:
  1307. >”JOY TO THE WORLD!”
  1308. >With a final a burst, the flames combust outwards and transform into an all encompassing light that envelops the room
  1309. >You would be blinded if it were not for the figure blocking it out for you
  1310. >The Windigos are not so lucky
  1311. >One stands their ground while the other two try to run away
  1312. >All three are overtaken by the light and whinny out in desperation before they evaporate like smoke in the wind
  1313. >The storm outside the hole in your room now calms down
  1314. >The ice that was growing around stops
  1315. >It is over
  1316. >The figure now turns around, his heavy boots making your floors strain under his immense weight
  1317. >You can see him clearly now
  1318. >He is a minotaur with fur as white as fresh snow and a beard that looks like an avalanche
  1319. >His horns have deep carvings in them
  1320. >Some you know are phrases and symbols in ponyish that mean peace, goodwill, and love
  1321. >Other symbols you recognize but don’t understand are from other cultures around the world
  1322. >He now speaks to you
  1323. >His voice is one the deepest you have ever heard with a bass that nearly makes your own lungs vibrate
  1324. >It is not the least bit threatening though
  1325. >It is reassuring, like a tough guardsmare talking to a kitten
  1326. >”It is good to finally meet you, Bon-Bon. Your grandmother has told me so many things about you”
  1327. >You faint from a mixture of shock that the actual Santa is speaking to you and an overjoyed feeling that you did indeed save everyone
  1329. >You wake up in your bed
  1330. >It’s night and the calendar by your bed tells you that it is Hearth’s Warming Eve
  1331. >You feel your body for any oddities
  1332. >Nope, you are still the cream mare known as Bon-Bon
  1333. >Warm at that
  1334. >You check around your room
  1335. >There is no tossed furniture, no hole in your wall from a crash landing, no statue of a frozen human
  1336. >Was it...was it all just a dream?
  1337. >Then you hear it
  1338. >Faint music that sounds like it is coming from a music box
  1339. >The door to your room is cracked open and light streams from outside, along with the music
  1340. >You get out of bed on your hooves and start to walk out the door and to your stairs
  1341. >The music grows louder as you head down the stairs and you can now it hear clearly
  1342. >The sight that greets you as you stand at the portal to the living room is something out of a postcard
  1343. >The lit fireplace crackles as four stockings you have never seen before hang on it
  1344. >Each have a design and color scheme that is unique to all of them, three are very reminiscent of three certain mares and a deep green stocking is also on display
  1345. >A healthy tree tickles the ceiling takes up one corner of the room and it is decorated with all manner of ornaments and tinsel
  1346. >Underneath it are many gifts addressed to you, Lyre, Trixie, and Anonymous
  1347. >Large wreaths decorate the walls with their own ornaments attached to them
  1348. >Rows of garland with lights in them hang off the walls as well and surround frames
  1349. >Huge silver and gold bells hang off of the ceiling and light dances around them as they sway gently in the air
  1350. >The source of the music seems to be a large music box tower that has a huge disc with holes in the middle of it spinning, like a record player with only chimes
  1351. “I don’t recognize that song…”
  1352. >”That’s because it is not from this world”
  1353. >You nearly jump at the deep voice before turning your attention to the source
  1354. >You can’t believe you didn’t notice him at first
  1355. >You had mistaken him as part of the tree at first
  1356. >”Come in and know me better, mare”
  1357. >You do as he says and approach him
  1358. >He is kneeling and taking out even more wrapped boxes from a large sack to place them under the tree
  1359. >He does not turn his attention to you but still speaks
  1360. >”This song is from the human world. I liked it. I learned a great many things when Anonymous there came to our reality”
  1361. >He nudges his head towards the couch and there you see them
  1362. >Anonymous himself is still in his red suit but is sleeping calmly on the couch itself
  1363. >The plumber pipes on Trixie have been taken off and now the blanket she was using as a costume is wrapped around her lower body properly
  1364. >Both Trixie and Lyra are sleeping on top of Anon’s chest, moving up and down as he breaths
  1365. >All three are snoring gently in this safe haven
  1366. >You smile at the sight
  1367. >Your attention goes back to Santa
  1368. “Thanks Santa Claws, for saving us all”
  1369. >”No Bon-Bon, you saved your friends. You did what your grandmother said you would. Without your guidance, Ponyville would be a snow bank right now”
  1370. ”S-so you really do know GranGran?”
  1371. >”Of course, Grandmothers know everything. She also wanted you to have this”
  1372. >The red minotaur reaches into his bag to pull out one last gift before standing his full height again
  1373. >He reaches it out for you
  1374. >You take it into his hooves before he speaks again
  1375. >”Do not open it until I leave soon. It is a gift best taken alone”
  1376. >You nod before leaving the present beside you
  1377. “So you are real”
  1378. >”Real as the music that flows through the air and the fire that warms you up right now. Real as the repairs I and my reindeer performed while you were napping”
  1379. “Where are your reindeer now?”
  1380. >”Taking a donuts break”
  1381. ”Oh”
  1382. >You blink a few times before your curiosity overtakes you
  1383. “How do you know magic? I thought minotaurs didn’t know magic”
  1384. >”Minotaurs do not know magic. Minotaurs do not live for thousands of years. I once was a minotaur that wanted to make the world happier. And so I did. Beings around the world started believing I was magical. And so I became magical. Now I am no longer a minotaur”
  1385. “What are you then?”
  1386. >”Santa Claws”
  1387. >You see a small mischievous grin overtake his face
  1388. >A small giggle escapes you
  1389. >”It has been a longtime since I’ve been in Equestria. Tell me, does that little silly filly Celestia still make ponies send her wish lists every year?”
  1390. “I don’t think so?”
  1391. >”Good. I remember when she was younger and she wanted my job. Didn’t give her a present one year since she teased her little sister a bit too much and was sneaking in cakes between meals. Nice to see she has matured over the centuries. Perhaps I should pay her a visit while I am here””
  1392. “I think she just makes her students send friendship reports now”
  1393. >”Old habits are hard to break, I suppose”
  1394. >Santa uses an iron rod to poke at the fire and move around a log
  1395. >Once again your curiosity is too strong to contain
  1396. “Why...why don’t you show up in front of everypony if you’re real?”
  1397. >He continues to poke the fires before putting the rod away and looks down at you
  1398. >”There are some things even I can’t do, Bon-Bon. You know that now better than anypony else. I read your letter, long, long ago”
  1399. >A certain amount of guilt for putting so much on him now lingers in you
  1400. >”I am sorry that I could do nothing about it. If she had a choice, you know that she would have stayed of course, but you saw how happy she is now as well. Another thing I cannot do is be everywhere at once”
  1401. >Santa walks over to the couch and gently take his claws to reach into Anonymous pocket
  1402. >He pulls out a silver flask and unscrews the top to drink out of it before letting out a content sigh
  1403. >”It’s been a long time since I’ve had good coffee. But to answer your question, I can’t do all the work to stave Windigos away. My magic is fueled by all of you, and one the strongest fuels is wonderment. You’re not the only pony to doubt my existence, Bon-Bon. Mystery is needed for that doubt to take hold, to debate with yourself and consider that maybe not everything needs to be explained to be enjoyed. Trixie would know this best. Imagine if she showed her audience the trap door after every performance”
  1404. >After taking another large gulp of Anon’s Grown-up juice, Santa puts it back inside the human’s pocket before walking back to the tree and lifting up his sack over one of his shoulders
  1405. “So now what?”
  1406. >”Now you will celebrate Hearth’s Warming Eve with Lyra and your new friends in the morning. Anonymous has no change of clothing to go home to and wouldn’t want to see the rest of the village see him like this. So I think he will likely stay for the day. I doubt Trixie will want to leave his side anytime soon after what the two went through”
  1407. >He takes his large sack and puts it over one of his shoulders
  1408. >”When you all wake up you will tell them what conspired, Anonymous will reveal the truth to Lyra and he’ll of course apologize profusely. In turn, she’ll simply get excited that he cared enough to do all of that. Trixie will have her confidence boost in the fact she fended off Windigos for so long. And then you will all play games, open presents, and eat together as friends all day long. At one point Trixie will leave and Anonymous will worry that she is retreating to her wagon, but she will return with a gift for him. A VIP pass to all of her shows written in crayon by her personally, if memory serves me right”
  1409. >You speak with a genuine tone
  1410. “That sounds fun”
  1411. >He bellows out a laugh louder enough for you to hear but quiet enough not to disturb the trio on the couch
  1412. >”It will be more than fun, it will be another memory that you will keep forever with you. Just like the thoughts of your grandmother”
  1413. “I know that she said she’s always going to be with me but…”
  1414. >You look away from him, ashamed that you would find some doubt about her words
  1415. >Santa finishes your thought for you
  1416. >”But you are still going to miss her. There is nothing wrong with that. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Sometimes even I get lonely. It is always winter somewhere in the world so there is no time for too much rest for me. I think back to the friends I once had before all of this, before I became Santa Claws. I miss them, and the millenniums have not changed that. It is not as painful as it used to be, but I can still feel my heartstrings tug. It is only a reminder of them, to remember who they were and the time we got to share together. I would be more worried if this feeling ever went away”
  1417. >With newfound strength you stand up straight and look to him
  1418. “Would you like to visit us next year Santa? We could all maybe play games and give you gifts”
  1419. >He laughs heartily once again
  1420. >”Gifts for Santa? Who would have thought! Your grandma did well in describing you as the sweetest thing to walk on four legs. Very well, Bon-Bon, I look forward to it”
  1421. >He walks over with his large sack to your front door and opens it as he starts to step out
  1422. >”Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve to you, Bon-Bon”
  1423. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Santa!”
  1424. >”Oh, and please wish Anonymous a Merry Christmas for me”
  1425. “What’s that?”
  1426. >”He’ll know what it means”
  1427. >With that last remark the red suited bovine walks into the snow and closes your door
  1429. >You can’t contain your excitement as you eye the present Santa gave you earlier
  1430. >No, the present that Grandma is giving you
  1431. >You take your teeth and rip into the paper
  1432. >You gasp
  1433. >Laying inside an opened box is a very familiar piece of candy equipment
  1434. >It is the Lyre shaped chocolate molds from your memory
  1435. >You hug the molds as if you were hugging GranGran herself
  1436. >You know she is trying to send you a message
  1437. >A message that you fully receive
  1438. >She wants you to have this now
  1439. >She wants you to make another special batch
  1440. >But this time, this batch isn’t meant for her
  1441. >As your friends sleep on the couch, you walk into the kitchen and start pulling out the ingredients you’ll need
  1442. >Powdered Sugar
  1443. >Cocoa Powder
  1444. >Coconut Oil
  1445. >Honey
  1446. >And Extra Love
  1448. FIN

Yes Bon Bon, there is a Santa Claws

by MisterAnon

Minster Anon- Speedy Deliveries

by MisterAnon

Mister Anon- The Kingdom of Make-Believe

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Horse Divorce

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by MisterAnon