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Mister Anon- The Kingdom of Make-Believe

By MisterAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 08:04:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >It’s another wonderful day in the Neighborhood
  2. >You are the lone human in Equestria
  3. >Or as the ponies call you, Mister Anon
  4. >Today you’re performing one of your weekly puppet shows
  5. >About four months ago, Inspiration had hit you during story time at the Golden Oak Library
  6. >Ponies of all ages liked to bring their own blankets and pillows to the library to listen to you read from the picture books as you held the colorful images up to them
  7. >You read at a slow pace and made sure to project your voice loud enough for the fifteen or so ponies to hear
  8. >Though not too loud to wake up any that had fallen asleep early
  9. >It was guaranteed that by the last flip of a page, only gentle snores filled the soundscape of the wooden library
  10. >You made sure to give belly rubs to any that seemed to be sleeping uneasily
  11. >Also to cover up anypony that that had a cast aside their blanket
  12. >The more energetic ponies such as Dash and Pinkie tended to do that
  13. >It was during this ritual that you thought back to your puppets on earth
  14. >Everypony enjoyed it when you played up the voices in the books
  15. >What if you had some actors for your own narrative?
  16. >A few days later you approached Rarity with a unique challenge
  17. >After explaining the idea of a hand puppet to a being that had no fingers, Rarity took the unique opportunity to create some actors for you
  18. >The entire process was quite a story
  19. >But that’s a green for another day
  20. >You handed her some design sketches and the two of you set to work on creating the first hand puppet theatre in all of Equestria
  21. >After snack time of course
  22. >You offered a couple of bits for her time, but the white unicorn refused them
  23. >”I simply could not charge an upstanding member of the community for bringing some much needed theatrical autiership to our humble village!”
  24. >After insisting on paying her, you two compromised by scratching behind her ear everytime you visited to check on progress
  25. >You also promised her a role in your “theater production”
  26. >Next was creating the stage
  27. >Ultimately you thought that the best place to hold your shows was the public square since it was large enough to accommodate a crowd
  28. >For that, you needed to have your stage be large enough to hide behind but also portable enough to be moved back home when you weren’t performing
  29. >The material would have to be durable
  30. >Easy to work with
  31. >and lightweight
  32. >And so cardboard was a natural fit
  33. >With the weather of this world controlled by the pegasi, rain would be a nonissue
  34. >The Mayor was kind enough to help fund the stage set as a public works project
  35. >It helped that the cost was so low, nearly every shop had cardboard boxes to donate for your project
  36. >It was Twilight and Pinkie who gave you a brilliant idea for what to make the stage like
  37. >Twilight’s love of books and Pinkie’s whimsies combined together to manifest the large rectangular object that easily dwarfed you by three feet that now stood behind you
  38. >It was composed entirely out of cardboard with the front of the object painted in a deep emerald
  39. >Also placed at the center of it were words spelled out in gold glitter held in place by glue
  40. >”The Kingdom of Make-Believe”
  41. >You are standing in front of today’s audience
  42. >As always, you smile gently at the crowd of about thirty
  43. >Your shows were held on different days of the week to allow every pony a chance to catch one of your shows, no matter what their schedule looked like
  44. >You recognize every single one of them, from Lyre, Thunderlane, Scootaloo, Junebug, Bulk Biceps, Peachy Pie, and all the rest
  45. >There is a new face in the audience however, a large red one with a blonde mane that is normally found in the apple orchard
  46. >As the voices around him chatter excitedly and gossip, Big Mac only looks forward stoically
  47. >You’ve seen the Apple Family stall in front of your theater occasionally
  48. >And sometimes Big Mac would be the one to manage it when Applejack or Applebloom were indisposed
  49. >But you never thought that he was a fan of your puppet shows, never really showed it
  50. >Then again, he never really showed much of anything to you
  51. >From what you heard from Applebloom, he was just shy
  52. >You hear the familiar ring of a bicycle bell approach you as all voices fall silent
  53. >All eyes turn fall upon the source, a miniature chariot surrounded in a soft blue light as it rolls on the ground towards you
  54. >The chariot itself was red with a yellow trim around it, the black wheels spinning at a slow pace
  55. >Within it contained a small whistle and bell that were played at random intervals by the one controlling it
  56. >Some ponies in the audience waved at the little thing with their hooves while others smiled wide, knowing that the show was about to begin
  57. >You lower your head towards it and kneel as it stops next to you
  58. “Hi trolley, glad you could make it today. How are you?”
  59. >”Ding Ding!”
  60. “That’s good to hear, how are things in the Kingdom of Make-Believe recently?”
  61. >”Ding honk ding Ding, ding Ding”
  62. “Ah I see. I remember last time you took us there, Lady Alabaster was about to come back from vacation and greet her aunt, Queen May Day”
  63. >You hear a small whisper from a filly sitting in the front asking her friend if she knew how Mister Anon learned how to speak Chariot
  64. >”Honk, Honk...Ding”
  65. “That’s right, Queen May Day was getting the castle ready for her niece’s return. Old Billy Goat had to remind her that Lady Alabaster would still love her no matter how clean or dirty the throne room was”
  66. >”Ding Honk Ding!”
  67. “Looks like you have to go pick up Lady Alabaster from the port, Chariot. Why don’t we all come with you and see how the reunion goes?”
  68. >The trolley once again gives a random assortment of sounds as the magical aura around it pulls it
  69. >You lay the large flat rectangle down upon the ground
  70. >It was split into different sections, each section containing a different set for the shows
  71. >You leaf through the thick cardboard pages before finding the set you’re looking for, page 4
  72. >With concentrated effort you lift the pages away to the side and open the book
  73. >It was a giant book
  74. >But not just any giant book
  75. >A giant pop up book
  76. >As the pages separate, folded cardboard starts to spring up
  77. >A world of towers, trees, and turrets come to life
  78. >At the center of it all was a grand castle with sturdy walls of white and roofs of a deep navy
  79. >No matter how many times you did it, there were still many ponies in your ever increasing crowd that would ooh and ah at the display
  80. >Seeing those eyes filled with wonder filled your own soul with warmth
  81. >You kneeled behind the castle and get your puppets ready as you wait for your cue
  82. >Once again bells and horns reverberate through the air
  83. >And there was your cue
  85. >Be Queen May Day the wisest, smartest, and cleverest ruler in all the land
  86. >You are also the only ruler, so you win by default
  87. >This is acceptable
  88. >You come out to the balcony, adjusting your gold foiled crown and purple felt robes accordingly
  89. >Your blue velvet and yellow tasseled mane waves in the wind as the curtains part
  90. >You gaze out with your button eyes at all of your subjects that have come to bask in your splendor this day
  91. >There’s the mint one with the harp, the especially muscular stallion, the orange filly with the purple mane and quite a few others
  92. >Normally you would give a proper royal greeting to the peasants, but you were alerted to the sound of your chief transportation expert
  93. >There he is
  94. >Chariot goes past the castle while making those sounds of his
  95. >You ordered him to bring your niece back from her trip, which means she herself must not be far behind...
  96. >”Oh Auntie May, where are youuu~?”
  97. >And there she is
  98. >She trots up to the castle, coat as white as snow and her purple mane gleaming in the sun
  99. >She also happened to be nearly as big as the castle
  100. >As were nearly all of your subjects
  101. >This too is acceptable
  102. “Lady Alabaster, my darling niece, it is so good to see you once again. I trust your trip to Tieland was enjoyable? ”
  103. >Out of the corner of your eye you see a white filly, who sported a mane of berry and pink, waving excitedly at the young noble
  104. >Alabaster for her part smiles and nods specifically to the little filly as she continues her way to you
  105. >It isn’t the first time you’ve seen the berry and pink mane pony, she must be a devoted fan
  106. >Possibly a candidate to become a Lady-in-Waiting?
  107. >Finally stopping before the royal balcony, the fellow royal takes a brief moment to adjust her large poofy yellow hat with the red feather sticking out of it
  108. >While it is true that it is best to look as presentable and elegant before the common folk, you are a very important mare who had other business to attend to
  109. >Like telling your subjects the important decree that will soon take into effect…
  110. >And by the Stitched Gods was she taking her time
  111. >After finally checking her royal dress and and travel saddlebags, Lady Alabaster finally speaks
  112. >”As it is always wonderful to be with you again, Auntie May! And why yes, the trip was most excellent. I even brought souvenirs!”
  113. “Souvenirs you say? Well do not keep me in suspense child, let us see what treasures you absconded with”
  114. >Your niece uses her magic to open her saddlebags to pull out a host of ties in a variety of styles
  115. >”I of course made sure to pick one out especially for you!”
  116. >A tie fashioned in a bold red with a silhouette of a gold crown approaches you
  117. >Alabaster’s magic expertly weaves the cloth around your neck
  118. >While the girl had an eye for fashion, she was missing an eye for measurements
  119. >The tie hangs loosely off of you for at least another two feet and drapes the balcony, as if it were a banner for the royal family
  120. >You hear many of your subjects attempting to suppress their laughter
  121. >Most of them are failing
  122. >Your niece however is beaming at her handiwork as her cerulean eyes glisten
  123. >You sigh internely
  124. >Sometimes playing the role of the Aunt meant telling little white lies
  125. >You use your hooves to rub the soft fabric and look down upon it
  126. “I find it quite acceptable. I will be sure to treasure it and place it in the imperial vault for safekeeping”
  127. >”I’m so glad that you like it!”
  128. >She uses her magic to stow away the other ties back to her bags before speaking once again
  129. >”How have things been in the kingdom?”
  130. “Just as it always is, though a bit more lonely without you to keep us company as of late, I must admit”
  131. >”Oh you’re simply saying that, May-May. I’m sure there must have been some excitement to be had”
  132. “We had to convince Billy Goat to trim his horns a bit, for they kept getting stuck in the doorways. It turned out he was rather afraid of the stylist. Sir Knight lost his helmet, but Ms. Book Mark discovered he forgot he was using it as a popcorn bowl”
  133. >”I’ll have to ask Sir Knight if perhaps he would be so kind as to share some of his popcorn with me”
  134. “Yes, but before you go I have a very important proclamation to make to you and all of my subjects”
  135. >Lady Alabaster nods intently before turning her face to the crowd
  136. >You too face them with your oversized tie and raise your hooves up in the air to address the peasants
  137. >As always, they listen to you in rapt attention, awaiting whatever wise change in the laws you have made
  138. “Stallions and Mares, lend me your ears! By my power as Queen May Day, ruler of our Kingdom of Make-Believe, I declare that from this day forward until oblivion that usage of the letter D is henceforth unallowable! Anyone who uses this most infamous letter will face severe retribution!”
  139. >A collective gasp fills the air, from both your audience and your niece
  140. >Many of their eyes betray fear
  141. >You hear many whispers of dread among your very large ponies
  142. >”Please d-don’t do that, I mean please...not...perform this?”
  143. >”Maybe the Queen will come up with another letter we can use”
  144. >”You think Luna and Celestia know about this?”
  145. >Finally, a familiar voice reaches out you
  146. >“But Auntie, why would you choose to ban that letter?”
  147. “It is because so many of the formation of letters that create our language start with the the letter D are also horrible
  148. >She gazes at you in bewilderment
  149. >This time your sigh is external
  150. “I suppose it can’t be helped. I will ban it tomorrow so that everypony can get used to getting rid of that horrid letter from their vocabulary. And to make my argument easier to understand”
  151. >”So what exactly is so terrible about the letter D, my Queen?
  152. “There are many heinous words that start with D. For example, Doom, Destroy, Decay, Desecrate, and many others in the dictionary that I looked up. I read through the entire D section and used my crayon to cross out all the bad words”
  153. >The Young noble raises a hoof in thought, no doubt pondering just how wise and benevolent you are
  154. >”I suppose that your logic is irrefutable, Auntie. Those words do indeed start with a D”
  155. >You nod at her good judgement
  156. >”I do have to interject though that there are also many wonderful words that start with D”
  157. >Your head tilts slightly as you eye your niece with one of your buttons
  158. “You kid me not? Really? And what, pray tell are those words?”
  159. >“Well there’s dandy, dapper, dazzling, delicious, delectable, and a multitude more I’m sure that you saw on your jaunt through the dictionary”
  160. >She gives you a sly grin
  161. >”...in fact, dictionary also starts with D”
  162. >A few of your more brazen subjects give hushed kudos to Alabaster
  163. >Sometimes this filly was too clever for her own good
  164. >You uncross your stitched hooves and point one towards Lady Alabaster
  165. “While what you say is indeed the truth, I can not ignore the crimes of the D. Is it not better to judge a pony by the things they have done wrong rather than the things they should have done right?”
  166. >”Do you remember that time when I consumed all the ice cream in the royal ice chest?”
  167. >If you could raise one of your yarn eyebrows, you would have done so
  168. “How could I not? Half the staff had to take shifts rubbing your tummy to make you feel better!”
  169. >Half the castle stuff was composed of three sewed beings, but they still had better things to do than correct your niece’s mistake
  170. >Like...whatever it is they do when you’re not around
  171. >”Well how about a few weeks back when I pulled a prank on the Huntsmare by replacing her suction cup arrows with uncooked noodles?”
  172. “While she did not find it funny one bit, she still made do”
  173. >”And who could forget that time when I accidentally broke your crown and tried to hide it from you?”
  174. “The truth came out and all was forgotten. Pray tell, niece, what is the purpose of dredging all these memories?”
  175. >”The point being, Auntie May, is that even though I partook in all of those dreadful mistakes, you still love me all the same”
  176. “How could I not adore you, my niece. You are insightful, compassionate, and most generous”
  177. >A few ponies in the crowd give knowing grins
  178. >You have no idea why
  179. >Whatever
  180. >Peasants be peasanting
  181. >”I don’t know about you, Auntie May Day, but I believe that is a very genuine love. To accept the flaws of a pony and to love them despite themselves”
  182. >The smile she gives you is no longer sly or clever, but is a gentle one filled with tenderness
  183. >”Perhaps you could do the same for the letter D…?”
  184. >Oh fine
  185. >Admittedly you didn’t think this through long enough
  186. >Like how you would spell the the royal family surname
  187. >But you weren’t going to blabber that to all ponies present
  188. “Once again Lady Alabaster, you have proven yourself a distinguished mare of the ponies. And my most beloved niece”
  189. >”I am your only niece. Thus, I win by default
  190. “That is acceptable”
  191. >You turn your attention now to your massive ponies
  192. “Hear me subjects! The last provision that was issued, the one pertaining to the letter D, is no longer effect and is now and forever struck down from the law book!”
  193. >An eruption of euphoria rips through the crowd as a large majority of those present applaud this new development
  194. >Many hug each other with tears streaming down their face
  195. >Others jump up and down in glee now that the D wasn’t banned now
  196. >Your niece beams so widely that her eyes are closed as she claps her hooves on the ground
  197. >Oh how silly your ponies are
  198. >You have the power to make their burdens light or heavy
  199. >It is such a small thing to make somepony happy
  200. >Suddenly you hear bells and whistle
  201. >Outside your castle, in front of the seated crowd, rolls along Chariot with his familiar red body and black wheels
  202. >You wave to him as he continues on his pathway, ringing his bells and honking his horn as he passes by
  203. >You’ll have to ask him one day where he goes from time to time when he isn’t in the kingdom, but right now you simply don’t need to
  204. >Right now all you need is your niece and to take this necktie off before it drags you down the balcony
  206. >Be Mister Anon
  207. >You withdraw Queen May Day from your hand and stow her away into your suitcase
  208. >Carefully you stop kneeling behind the castle and move to close the book
  209. >The world of cardboard manors and fences drops down once again as the pages are shut
  210. >You lift up the book of stage sets and turn the cover so that it faces the audience
  211. >You walk in front of the book and stand next to Rarity in her full costume
  212. >Rarity holds on to her hat as she bows deeply to all assembled
  213. >On the other hand you yourself just lay your hands together and rest them before you on your cardigan with a warm smirk
  214. >Nearly every pony cheers and trots their hooves in place, horseshoes hitting pavement to, to make applause
  215. >Whinnies and neighs fill the public square
  216. >All directed towards the two of you
  217. >The warmth in your heart from earlier grows and spreads around your limbs
  218. >It is such a small thing to make somepony happy
  219. >The old adage is true
  220. >The best way to bring joy to yourself is to try to bring joy to others

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