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Hearth's Warming and Christmas

By scraggleman
Created: 2020-12-24 20:06:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's your first winter in Equestria.
  2. >Fortunately you aren't spending it alone.
  3. >You're spending it with your roommate, an odd pony named Floor Bored.
  4. >You met her in your building, you would catch her on rare occasions late at night in the early morning hours.
  5. >At first it was occasional awkward hellos and over time became something more.
  6. >Now you are celebrating what ponies call "Hearths Warming Eve" with her.
  7. >It's remarkable how similar to Christmas their holiday is.
  8. >But it's not quite the same...
  9. >You think to yourself on the couch, your gaze is fixed on the window watching the snow gently fall.
  10. >You feel a weight plop down on the other end of the couch.
  11. >"We shoulda got more ornaments..."
  12. >You look at the Chri- err... Hearths warming tree.
  13. >It was a decrepit tree you and Floor stole from the reject heap at the tree lot.
  14. >Probably should have gone for a nicer one if you were just going to steal one, but forethought has never been your forte, and apparently not Floor's either.
  15. >You and Floor covered it in cheap glass ball ornaments, bit's of tin foil and paper chains.
  16. >"Looks fine to me" you reply.
  17. >It was a nice looking tree, all things considered.
  18. >You turn your gaze back towards the window, trying to figure out what's missing...
  19. >"OH YEAH!"
  20. >Your revelation has spooked your roommate over the arm of the couch and onto the Floor.
  21. >"What the hell was that Anon?!" she shouts popping back up from the floor.
  22. >"Sorry Floor, I just felt like something was missing and just realized what it was"
  23. >"I thought you said it looks fine." She says looking back at the tree.
  24. >"No from the tree, from this holiday" You reply as you walk to the closet to find the missing piece.
  25. >You pull out a box and set it in front of the couch before sitting down once again.
  26. >Floor looks into the box as you rummage through it.
  27. >"We're missing DVDs?" she asks.
  28. >"We're missing Holiday specials!" You excitedly exclaim as you pull out one out.
  29. >The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus.
  30. >One of your favorites.
  31. >You excitedly pop it the DVD player and sit back down.
  32. >You look to Floor.
  33. >She looks confused.
  34. >"Wh-what is this?" She asks.
  35. >"A Christmas special" you reply.
  36. >That didn't seem to answer anything for her but she watches it anyway.
  37. >Once the song about immortality starts she really gets into it.
  38. >Halfway through she is laying across you lap like a dog, still watching.
  39. >Instinctively you find yourself stroking her like one (She does kinda smell like one).
  40. >She seems to enjoy it, or at least be more interested in the movie to care.
  41. >When it's over she slides off you lap for you to pick another one.
  42. >"Your pick now Floor" you say sliding the box over to her.
  43. >She rummages through the box examining each DVD cover intently before moving onto the next.
  44. >She eventually picks one out, Rudolph's Shiny New Year.
  45. >"I loved that one when I was a kid" you say.
  46. >You start it up and sit back down.
  47. >"Huh... There he is again..." Floor says.
  48. >"Who?" You ask.
  49. >"That guy with the beard" she answers.
  50. >"Santa?"
  51. >"Yeah, is he part of your holiday?" She asks.
  52. >You never really thought about how Santa would be perceived by ponies.
  53. >"Isn't there a pony who flies around Equestria and deliver presents?" you ask.
  54. >Floor shakes her head.
  55. >"There are the Gift Givers of the Grove, but they just help ponies with getting gifts for each other."
  56. >Huh.
  57. >Ponies have DVD players perfectly compatible with your DVDs, but different Holiday gift oriented entities.
  58. >Weird.
  59. >"So what does this Santa do in your world?" Floor asks.
  60. >"Oh he doesn't actually exi-" wait a minute...
  61. >She doesn't need to know that.
  62. >In fact...
  63. >"Well" you start, "Santa is a man who flies around the world in a single night, delivering presents to every person who has been good."
  64. >"How does he know who has been good or not?" she asks.
  65. >"He's got a crystal snowball, and can see everything you do."
  66. >Floor suddenly get nervous.
  67. >"Umm... is uhh... is... you know... is that..?
  68. >Silly pony
  69. >"Of course he gives you your privacy when you need it, he just wants to be sure your being a good person."
  70. >Floor lets out a sigh of relief.
  71. >"You also have to write him a letter telling him what you want for Christmas." you continue.
  72. >"Wait... why? Can't you just tell him while he's watching?"
  73. >Uh oh, plot hole.
  74. >"He uh... likes getting letters, yeah. I mean you like getting letters, don't you?"
  75. >"Y-yeah, I love getting them, I totally get that. Hahaha" She says nervously.
  76. >"Wait... did you send him a letter?" she asks.
  77. >"Of course I did, pretty sure he can get to Equestria no problem"
  78. >Thankfully she doesn't stop to think about how you got a letter mailed from Equestria to earth.
  79. >"I also don't see why he can't bring you something too."
  80. >Floor's ears perk up.
  81. >"S-something for me?!"
  82. >"Of course, you've been a good pony!"
  83. >She blushes.
  84. >You got her pretty nice gift.
  85. >You were just gonna to give them to her on Hearths Warming day but this will be more fun.
  86. >You got her some really nice upgrades for her computer.
  87. >You can split them into parts from Santa and parts from you no problem.
  88. >The two of you continue watching Christmas specials into the night.
  89. >She seems to really like the Rudolph ones.
  90. >You're pretty sure Floor has developed a crush on him.
  91. >At one point she called Clarice a "Fucking Stacy"
  92. >She eventually falls asleep in your lap.
  93. >It's show time.
  94. >You grab a red sweater, two pillows and a red stocking hat.
  95. >You cover you face with stuffing from one pillow and use the rest to line your sweater and hat.
  96. >The other pillow goes right under the sweater and the belt goes on over it to keep it up there.
  97. >You go to the bathroom to see how you look.
  98. >You probably should have thought this out more.
  99. >No matter, you'll just turn off the lights and hope the darkness will conceal your shoddy work.
  100. >You grab your gifts and head for the living room.
  101. >Floor is still sleeping on the couch.
  102. >You bump into the couch.
  103. >Nothing.
  104. >You bump a bit harder.
  105. >She snorts and scratches herself.
  106. >You slam into the couch at full force, knocking Floor to the floor.
  107. >"Huh... wuh..." She gets up and looks around.
  108. >"Oh, I'm sorry there miss Floor Bored, I didn't meant to disturb you."
  109. >"What the fuck is-" Her eyes widen.
  110. >"I'm here with Anon's gifts! and not to mention something special for you too! Ho Ho Ho!"
  111. >"You brought me a gift?" She asks.
  112. >"Of course I did! And I know exactly what you need!"
  113. >You begin to produce the gift.
  114. >"You brought me a gift for Anon?"
  115. >"Why of course I-" wait, what did she say?
  116. >"I saw Anon got me a video card for my computer..." Her eyes widen in panic "I didn't mean to peak! I just sorta found it, Honest!"
  117. >She looks down towards the ground.
  118. >"I saw it and I just felt terrible..."
  119. >She starts to tear up.
  120. >"He probably spent so much bits and I couldn't get him anything..."
  121. >"Oh Floor..."
  122. >You kneel down beside the pony and hug her.
  123. Tap Tap Tap.
  124. >You look to the window.
  125. >Is that a reindeer?
  126. >You're on the 5th floor, how the fuck is a reindeer standing outside the window?
  127. >"The Gift Givers are here too!" Floor says.
  128. >Floor rushes over and opens up the window and in fly three reindeer.
  129. >"Oh Santa! glad we caught you!" The old blue one says giving you a wink.
  130. >"You were in such a rush you forgot Floor Bored's gift for Anon!" says the small yellow one giving you an expertly wrapped present.
  131. >"You know each other?!" Floor asks.
  132. >"Of course we do!" Replies the pink one. "Prancer is my cousin!"
  133. >"Anon has to see this!" Floor says as she picks herself off the ground.
  134. >"Eh um, best not wake him dear." The blue one says blocking Floor's path.
  135. >"The uh... uh..." She's trying to make an excuse.
  136. >"I accidentally knocked him out getting in here" You say, hoping you don't need to elaborate.
  137. >Floor seems to buy it.
  138. >"You are pretty clumsy." she says.
  139. >"Ho Ho Ho" you laugh it off.
  140. >"Well dear Floor, here you are" You hand her gift to you to her.
  141. >You're genuinely curious as to what it could be.
  142. >"Well Santa, we better get going!" The small reindeer says.
  143. >"Oh uh, yeah! Got a lot of gifts to deliver."
  144. >Uhh... how is this going to work...
  145. >The pink one flies out first.
  146. >"Hop on!" she says from outside.
  147. >You attempt to do just that and grab onto her horns trying to keep yourself from falling off.
  148. >"Aaaaah... oh! uh he he... ahem..." She blushes fiercely.
  149. >Did you just...
  150. >Hooved animals are weird.
  151. >The other two emerge from the window followed by Floor as she sticks her head and waves goodbye as the four of you take off.
  152. >"So uhh... what's the plan now?" You ask as the reindeer fly around to the other side of the building.
  153. >"Just a moment dear" The old one says.
  154. >They circle around back to your window.
  155. >They look to be sure Floor closed the window.
  156. >"Umm.. by the way.. you wouldn't happen to have any relatives here would you?" the pink one asks.
  157. >"Bori!" The yellow scolds.
  158. >"I had to ask..." The pink one says quietly.
  159. >"Ready Anon?" The blue one asks.
  160. >Ready for wha-"
  161. POP... POP
  162. >"-at"
  163. >Oh...
  164. >you're in your room, on your bed.
  165. >Reindeer have magic apparently.
  166. >Equestria is weird.
  167. >You disrobe yourself of your disguise and go to sleep.
  168. >That was a pretty tiring experience
  169. The next morning
  170. >"Anon! Anon! Anon! Wake up!"
  171. >Floor is pushing on your chest with her hooves like a dog.
  172. >You honestly wouldn't be surprised if she started licking your face.
  173. >Not that you would mind.
  174. >You get up and follow an excited Floor into the living room.
  175. >The tree looks a lot better this morning.
  176. >She excitedly explains the events that unfolded last.
  177. >"And after that they left!"
  178. >"Oh really?" you reply.
  179. >"Yeah! and also between you and me..." She looks around before leaning in.
  180. >"I think Santa and Bori are totally fucking" she whispers.
  181. >The idea of Santa fucking is weird to you.
  182. >You go and grab your present for Floor and give it her.
  183. >You would never have guessed she had already seen it by how excited she was when she opened it.
  184. >Her excitement only intensifies as she grabs her present to you with her mouth from under the tree.
  185. >She looks both anxious and hopeful as she gives you the gift.
  186. >even more so as you open it.
  187. >Holy shit..
  188. >"Do you like it?" she asks, dying to know the answer.
  189. >"Floor I... I love it! It's perfect! Thank you so much."
  190. >It is a truly amazing gift.
  191. >You give the mare a great big hug.
  192. >She sniffles as you start to feel wet spots forming on your shoulder.
  193. >You pull away and see how happy she is that you loved her gift.
  194. >Your holidays may have different characters but their messages are exactly the same.
  195. >"Come on let's watch more Rudolph, and we can skip the parts with that skank Clarice."
  196. >Floor follows you to the couch and lays across you lap as Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer plays on the TV.
  197. >It's good to know the spirit of the holiday is also here in Equestria too.
  199. END

Hearth's Warming and Christmas

by scraggleman

Wallflower's Hearths Warming Surprise

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Cipher's Harrowing Holiday

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Sunny Flare's Shocking Baggage

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Anon gets creamed

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