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Sunny Flare's Shocking Baggage

By scraggleman
Created: 2021-12-25 02:27:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Seen it... seen it... seen it..."
  2. >You've been channel surfing for quite some time now
  3. >"Find anything good Anon?"
  4. >You continue flipping through channels
  5. >"Not yet Sunny" you reply.
  6. >"Anon, I have like 1500 channels how have you not found anything?" She says as she walks into the room.
  7. >"That's just it, there is so much crap to sift through! why would you want this many channels?" Still flipping through channels.
  8. >Sunny Flare giggles at your frustration before grabbing the remote from your hand.
  9. >She presses some buttons and some footage of an assembly line comes on screen.
  10. >"Oooh..." she says as she sits down and snuggles up next to you and holding your your hand.
  11. >Seems she picked out a show about how some electrical thing is made.
  12. >You like these shows well enough but Sunny absolutely loves em.
  13. >Now... interesting thing about Sunny Flare.
  14. >Her interest in these shows isn't entirely... academic.
  15. >You've heard of girls with what would be considered "weird" kinks.
  16. >But Sunny Flare's is...
  17. >Interesting.
  19. >You remember when she first introduced it to you.
  20. >What a nervous wreck she was building up the courage to tell you.
  21. >And how freaked out you were when she brought out the shock collar and just as profoundly confused when she explained what it was for.
  22. >Normally you are steady handed fella but nobody who would have been watching you put that collar around her neck would ever know that.
  23. >It was only the look of pure trust in her eyes that got you through that.
  24. >Those eyes were much more of a hindrance in the next step when she handed you the remote.
  25. >She set the dial and told which button to push to test it out.
  26. >Against your better judgement you pressed the button and what followed was a few quiet snaps of electricity and a yelp.
  27. >Instant remorse as you immediately dropped the remote.
  28. >She reassured you she was perfectly fine and picked it up and put it back into your hands.
  29. >She then explained what she wanted you to do.
  30. >You're still not sure how she managed to talk you into electrocuting her during sex.
  31. >But to your surprise it was surprisingly pleasant.
  32. >An added bonus you didn't think about was her tightening up when you shocked her.
  33. >It took you a while to get used to it but you've gotten pretty comfortable with it.
  34. >Eventually you apparently got pretty good at knowing when to shock her to maximize both of your sexual enjoyment.
  36. >Now back on the couch
  37. >You are watching what, in your relationship, is basically soft core porn.
  38. >Every so often you can feel Sunny squirm.
  39. >Whenever something zaps you notice her toes curl and her grip on your hand tightens slightly.
  40. >You know what this is leading to.
  41. >"Do I need to lay down some newspaper for ya?" you tease.
  42. >"Shush! I'm not that excited" She replies, her eyes fixated on the screen.
  43. >BZZZZZZZzzzzzzzt!!!
  44. >Some device shoots off an electrical arc for some reason on the show.
  45. >Her grip tightens enough to hurt your hand a little bit.
  46. >"How about now?"
  47. >"I could be..." She says as she slips off the couch and walks over to the bedroom.
  48. >You star disrobing as you follow.
  49. >Sunny is already down to her undergarments with the collar in hand.
  50. >As per the ritual she presents you the collar and remote.
  51. >After you take it from her she proudly lifts her chin to indicate she is ready to have it put on.
  52. >You gently clasp the collar onto her neck
  53. >Once the buckle snaps closed she lets out grunt of approval.
  54. >With the little ritual now complete she gracefully takes off her bra followed by her panties
  55. >You follow suit by removing your remaining clothes with all the grace of a drunken chimp.
  56. >While you're disrobing she crawls onto the bed and gets on all fours and wiggles her hindquarters as an invitation.
  57. >You accept the invitation and position yourself and push inter her.
  58. >"Mmm..."
  59. >After a few pumps you turn the dial down a bit.
  60. >you can feel her tense up in preparation for the shock.
  61. Click
  62. >Huh...
  63. Click click
  64. >You stop moving.
  65. >"What's the matter?" Sunny asks.
  66. >"Remote isn't working..." you answer.
  67. >"What?!" She pulls away from you before turning around and taking the remote from you.
  68. >She presses the buttons between turning the dial a few times.
  69. >Nothing.
  70. >"Ohhh...." she's visibly upset by this.
  71. >"Is it the batteries?" you ask.
  72. >"Maybe..."
  73. >She removes the collar and opens the battery compartment and looks at the batteries before getting up from the bed and walking over to the closet.
  74. >She replaces the batteries, turns the dial down to presumably the lowest setting, and...
  75. Click
  76. Click
  77. >"Oh no..."
  78. >She presses the button in vain for a bit before giving up.
  79. >"I guess we can do without it for a while... gonna have to order another one..."
  80. >"What about the one in your sock drawer?" You ask
  81. >Her eyes widen.
  82. >"W-what?"
  83. >"The pink one in here" you reply as you open the drawer and fish it out.
  84. >"Oh... I-I don't think I have the remote to that one anymore..."
  85. >"What are you talking about, it's right here." you say as you produce a remote from the drawer.
  86. >"I-I d-don't think it works..."
  87. >She looks genuinely concerned.
  88. >You look at the collar and press the button on the remote.
  89. >BZZzzzt! BZZzzt!
  90. >"Seems to work just fine" you say.
  91. >Sunny is just standing there uncomfortably, staring at the collar.
  92. >She seems to be trying to cover herself.
  93. >"Are you ok?" This is genuinely concerning.
  94. >"Y-you know... I'm n-not r-really in the mood right n-now...." Her eyes still fixated on the pink collar.
  95. >"O-okay..." something is really wrong here.
  96. >Sunny pulls the blanket from her bed to cover up.
  97. >"Did I do something wrong?" you ask.
  98. >"C-can you just put that back? please?"
  99. >"Sure..." you say as you put the collar and remote back in the drawer.
  100. >"I'm just going to go to sleep..." she says as she crawls into bed.
  101. >It's only 6 o'clock
  102. >"Sure... no problem" Something is really wrong.
  103. >You put your cloths back on and return to the couch.
  104. >You sit in front of the TV trying to figure out what just happened.
  105. >Slowly something begins to form.
  106. >Why was that collar in her sock drawer?
  107. >She kept that first collar in her nightstand along with her other toys.
  108. >What was so special about that one?
  109. >Don't think she will answer that.
  110. >Hmm...
  111. >It's getting close to 7 and you haven't eaten yet.
  112. >Maybe you you can think on this better with a burrito.
  113. >Before you go you crack open her door
  114. >"Uh Hey, I'm going out for a burrito, you want anything?"
  115. >...
  116. >"Can you get me a taco salad... please?" she gently whispers from under the sheets.
  117. >"Sure thing" you say as you close the door.
  118. >You get in your car and drive over to the taco place.
  119. >Drive thru is pretty loaded but you hate going through there anyway.
  120. >They ALWAYS fuck up your order and you always end up having to go inside to get it fixed.
  121. >You pull in and go inside.
  122. >"Oh hey anon!" someone says as you enter.
  123. >You turn to see Sour Sweet and Sugar Coat.
  124. >"Oh hey... OH HEY!" maybe they know something.
  125. >"Where's Sunny Anon?" Sugar coat asks.
  126. >"About that... I'd like to ask you two about something..."
  127. >"Oh Anon, we thought you'd never ask..." Sugar Coat in her usual dry manner.
  128. >Sour plays along with a smug smile.
  129. >"N-no... it's not that..." you're starting to think this was a bad idea...
  130. >"Something happened..." you continue.
  131. >Sour Sweet's smile dissipated immediately into a nasty grimace "What did you do?!"
  132. >"That's just it... I'm not sure." you reply.
  133. >Sugar seems interested.
  134. >She places a hand on Sour's shoulder to keep her from kicking your ass.
  135. >"Why don't you tell us what happened" she says.
  136. >You sit down with them and start.
  137. >"Well... you know about her... uhh... thing she likes?"
  138. >The two of them look at each other before nodding.
  139. >"Well her... necklace... stopped working, and I found another one in one of her drawers and she got all weird when I showed her."
  140. >"It wasn't a pink one was it?" Sugar asks.
  141. >"Yes! that's the one!"
  142. >"YOU FUCKING RETARD!" Sour Sweet yells jumping from her seat.
  143. >Sugar Coat gently pulls her back down.
  144. >"I'm getting the feeling this is much worse than I thought." you reply.
  145. >"It was pretty bad... no idea why she would keep that thing" Sour says.
  146. >There is an awkward period of silence before anyone speaks again.
  147. >"Has she ever told you about her last boyfriend?" Sugar asks.
  148. >You shake your head, she never mentioned an old boyfriend.
  149. >"HE WAS A FUCKING DICK!" Sour Sweet shouts.
  150. >"STOP FUCKING SWEARING OVER THERE!!!" someone yells from behind the counter.
  151. >"He was in fact as Sour Sweet eloquently put it, a dick" Sugar says.
  152. >"We could go on for hours about the shitty things he's done but we don't have time for that." She continues.
  153. >Sour Sweet opens her mouth to shout before looking off towards the front counter and deciding against doing so.
  154. >Sugar pats her on the head before continuing further.
  155. >"It's what he did with that specific... device... just before ending that relationship that's relevant"
  156. >You don't really want to know but you ask anyway "What did he do?"
  157. >"Well... He convinced her to wear it when they were hanging out with us and... kinda... outed her... thing... in public." She explains.
  158. >"By shocking her until she started crying..." Sour Sweet added trying to keep her anger in check.
  159. >"She didn't talk or hang out with us for a month..." Sugar said.
  160. >"Why?" you ask.
  161. >"We just figured she was too ashamed to..." Sour Sweet replies.
  162. >This wasn't what you were expecting, but you weren't really sure what to expect.
  163. >"I don't think I need... or want to know any more..." You say as you get up
  164. >"Thanks... I think..."
  165. >"NUMBER 22!" A voice shouts from behind the front counter
  166. >"That's us" Sugar coat says as the two of them get up
  167. >"Try not to fuck anything up!" Sour Sweet says with a smile as they walk past.
  168. >You step outside and think about what to do
  170. >You look back and see Sour Sweet shouting at the staff.
  171. >Sunny has some weird friends.
  172. >You drive home thinking what if anything you should do.
  173. >You open the door to find Sunny wrapped in a blanket on the couch.
  174. >"Oh just in time, I was getting hungry" She remarks as you walk in.
  175. >"Wha- Oh god damnit!"
  176. >You forgot to get the food.
  177. >"Sorry, I ran into your friends there and had a nice little chat with them and must have forgot"
  178. >"Who was there?" she asks.
  179. >"Sugar Coat and Sour Sweet" you reply as you look for something to cook up in the fridge.
  180. >"Oh! Sour Sweet's ban is finally up?"
  181. >You stop for a moment.
  182. >"I think she re upped her ban while I was leaving..."
  183. >Sunny giggles.
  184. >"So what did you three chat about?"
  185. >"Uhh... Nothing particularly interesting" You were always a terrible liar.
  186. >You find some leftover pizza you can plop in the oven.
  187. >"Did you have a good nap?"
  188. >She's quiet for a moment.
  189. >"Not really..." she mutters.
  190. >"Was it because of that collar I found?"
  191. >Silence again.
  192. >"Did... did they tell you about him?" She asks.
  193. >"They gave me the gist of things" you admit as you place the pizza in the oven.
  194. >"You must think I'm crazy for for holding onto such a thing..." she says slumping down on the couch, her bare feet emerging from the blanket onto the coffee table.
  195. >"Surprisingly I don't think you're that crazy." You say as you sit down next to her.
  196. >"You don't?"
  197. >"Not after getting lost in all those channels and finally settling on hoarders a few too many times"
  198. >"Huh?"
  199. >"People on there usually have some weird memento of some cheating husband or a rapey uncle for reasons beyond my comprehension" You explain.
  200. >She seems to contemplate on that for a while.
  201. >"Of course some of those people live in a fuckin trailer with dead raccoons rotting away in there while while possums root around their beds and their toilets are clogged to the god damn rim with moldy god knows what." you add.
  202. DING
  203. >"Food's ready"
  204. >You get up to get the food.
  205. >"So... what did these people do with those momentos?" She asks.
  206. >"Well, this one lady who had beer mugs she held onto from her cheating husband and she just smashed em." you answer as you pull the pizza from the oven.
  207. >"Is that what I should do?" she asks.
  208. >You think for a moment.
  209. >"I think it's more about confronting the trauma relating to the object than getting rid of the object."
  210. >Look at you giving smart sounding answers.
  211. >You place a piece of pizza on the table in front of her before sitting down next to her.
  212. >She seems to be thinking about what you said.
  213. >"Would you help me do something before I got rid of it?" She asks.
  214. >"Of course" you reply.
  215. >With that she gets up and walks into her room.
  216. >You hear the shuffling of cloth for a while followed by the sound of a drawer opening followed by a deep breath followed by the shutting of said drawer.
  217. >She comes back out in cute little sweater and skirt holding the collar in both hands.
  218. >"So what's the plan?" you ask.
  219. >She gets on your lap and places the collar around your neck.
  220. >Uh oh
  221. >"I-I'm gonna be in ch-charge" she says as the buckles snaps.
  222. >"Uhhhh... what are we doing?" you ask nervously.
  223. >You are rather concerned, you got curious once and shocked yourself with one of these earlier in your relationship.
  224. >Those things fucking hurt.
  225. >You have no idea how she handles those kinds of shocks let alone get turned on by them.
  226. >"Well... we're going to go out and I'm going to be in charge."
  227. >Your brain begins to formulate what she's trying to do.
  228. >It's has some logic to it you suppose, and if this is what she feels she needs to do it's your job to help her through it.
  229. >"So where are we going?" you ask.
  230. >"We're going to get my taco salad" she answers.
  231. >She opens the door and waits for you to follow.
  232. >A simple taco run, this shouldn't be too bad
  233. >Just like before you decide against the drive thru and go inside
  234. >"Hey Sunny! Hey Anon!" It's Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest
  235. >"Hey you guys!" Sunny shouts back as she sits down with them
  236. >"This might be a longer endeavor then anticipated.
  237. >You barely get into your seat before.
  238. >"Make sure they don't put too much sour cream on my salad."
  239. >She's looking at you with her head resting on the back of her hand, remote hidden within her fingers.
  240. >You swiftly push the chair back in and get in line for food.
  241. >Occasionally you can hear them giggling as you wait your turn to order.
  242. >You finally get to the front.
  243. >Woah geez...
  244. >The guy taking your order has a nasty black eye.
  245. >Looks like Sour Sweet isn't coming back here for a long time.
  246. >"What can I get you sir?"
  247. >You catch yourself staring and start your order.
  248. >"Oh ummm... Can I get uhhhh.... Soft shell carnitas with brown rice, black beans and medium salsa... and a chicken taco salad bowl with white rice, guac, mild salsa and a little bit of sour cream."
  249. >"Any drinks?" he asks.
  250. >"Yeah, just two mediums"
  251. >He hands you your cups and a receipt "You're number is 36, should be ready in five"
  252. >"Alrighty" you say as you take the cups and go to fill em up.
  253. >Sodas filled, you go back to the table.
  254. >You start to sit down when,
  255. >"Anon, I'd like you to switch seats with Lemon"
  256. >You do just that.
  257. >You are now sitting across from Sunny.
  258. >Suddenly two weights fall into your lap.
  259. >They're Sunny's feet.
  260. >"They need a good massage Anon"
  261. >"Uhhh... Sunny... you do know..." you start.
  262. >"I'm waiting Anon" She says, doing her best to look intimidating.
  263. >It's not really working but she does have the remote.
  264. >You've only rubbed them just a bit before she starts giggling.
  265. >"Th-that'll do anon" she says pulling them back.
  266. >Seems she forgot how ticklish she was.
  267. >"NUMBER 36!" a voice calls out.
  268. >"That's us" you say as you get up.
  269. >Sunny starts to get up out of habit.
  270. >"Oh, um, yes would you?"
  271. >You go and grab your tray and walk back to the table.
  272. >You look over the food.
  273. >You stop dead in your tracks.
  275. >The salad is more sour cream than taco.
  276. >Your gaze snaps back to the black eyed employee and you stare him directly in the eyes.
  277. >The anger on your face must be pretty plain as he fearfully slinks towards the back while keeping an eye on you.
  278. >You look at Sunny.
  279. >She seems distracted with a conversation.
  280. >You debate on whether or not she would shock you for this.
  281. >It was your job to make sure they didn't put too much sour cream on it so probably.
  282. >You swiftly move over the the utensil dispensers
  283. >You grab a spoon and begin shoveling sour cream off of the plate and onto a napkin.
  284. >Thankfully it doesn't seem too much of the cream has seeped into the salad.
  285. >Hopefully you saved yourself a zap.
  286. >You leave the glob of sour cream there and head back to the table.
  287. >You place the tray down and sit across from Sunny.
  288. >Sunny look over her salad.
  289. >"Presentation could use some work but this will suffice." she decrees as she sticks her fork in.
  290. >An oddly amusing phrase coming from a girl you've watched eat lo mein from a glass.
  291. >Looks like you're safe for now.
  292. >Dining and conversation goes by without incident.
  293. >Indigo and Lemon had already finished their food and were just conversing with you and Sunny.
  294. >Indigo checks her phone and her eyes widen.
  295. >"Oh crap, Lemon we gotta go if we want to get your speakers before they close"
  296. >As they get up to leave Indigo says "You behave yourself Anon!" giggling as she left.
  297. >Sunny shoots her an angry look.
  298. >"Well Anon, if you're ready... I mean... We're all done here" She says.
  299. >Thankfully you've been done with your food for a while.
  300. >"As you wish" you reply as you get up from your seat.
  301. >She stands in front of the door waiting for you to open it for her.
  302. >You open it and follow her out to the car.
  303. >You climb and turn the key in the ignition.
  304. >"Ahem"
  305. >She's standing outside the passenger door.
  306. >Kinda pushing it but...
  307. >You get back out and open the door and close it behind her.
  308. >"Where to now?" you ask.
  309. >"Lets go home" she says.
  310. >Works for you.
  311. >Upon your return you immediately run to the door and open it for her.
  312. >You follow her in and shut the door behind you.
  313. >Immediately after Sunny Hugs you.
  314. >"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" she keeps repeating with her face buried in your chest.
  315. >"Sorry for what? You didn't shock me once!"
  316. >"I... I... I was so mean to you!" she shouts.
  317. >Mean?
  318. >A little bossy maybe but not mean by any stretch of the imagination.
  319. >"What?"
  320. >"There were no batteries in the collar! I took them out beforehand and I made you do all that stuff!" she confesses.
  321. >"I wanted to be in charge but I didn't want to accidentally hurt you!" she continues.
  322. >"What?" you ask again.
  323. >"I didn't want this... THIS STUPID THING!-" She reaches behind you neck and swiftly removes the pink shock collar.
  324. >"-THIS STUPID THING TO HURT YOU LIKE IT DID ME!!!" She hurls it to the floor and begins stomping on it.
  325. >Her stomping doesn't seem to be damaging it visibly.
  326. >She continues stomping and sobbing until she stomps on it awkwardly and slips and falls on her rear.
  327. >She curls up and continues sobbing.
  328. >You kneel down and hold onto her.
  329. >You decide to let her cry it out.
  330. >Eventually she stops crying but not before apologizing once more.
  331. >"Hey hey... you got nothing to be sorry about." you say as you pat her on the back.
  332. >"I'll do that weird thing you like to make up for it..." she offers.
  333. >"Hey now... why don't we wait until you're feeling better before start making those kind of offers." >As cool as that would be you wouldn't feel right taking advantage of her like that to do it.
  334. >"Hold on, maybe there is something..." You say as you get up and go into the broom closet.
  335. >You grab a hammer and offer it to Sunny.
  336. >She takes it and eyes the collar for a while before swinging the hammer down on it shattering it's casing.
  337. >She smashes it several more times until it's just some wires, plastic and circuit boards on a collar.
  338. >She gathers up all the pieces and brings them to the trash.
  339. >She gives glares at them a moment before dropping them into the trash.
  340. >With a heavy sigh she turns around to you and holds her arms.
  341. >You know what this means.
  342. >You approach and she grabs on to you and hangs from your neck by her arms.
  343. >You grab her little butt and and carry her over to the couch.
  344. >"Wanna watch Mad Max?" you ask?
  345. >"Yeah" she says.
  346. >You set her down on the couch and go to get a blanket.
  347. >She is on her phone when you get back.
  348. >"whatcha doin there?" you ask.
  349. >"Ordering a new collar" she answers.
  350. >Looking at the screen that seems to be the case.
  351. >You drape the blanket over her and get under with her.
  352. >She snuggles up on you as she inputs some buttons into the remote and on comes Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome.
  353. >"Feeling better?" you ask.
  354. >"Much better" she answers.
  355. >The two of you sit there underneath the blanket enjoying each others company.
  356. >"It'll be here in 3-4 days" she says.
  357. >"What'll we do in the meantime?" you ask.
  358. >Her eyes widen
  359. >"Oh god I promised to do that weird thing you like didn't I?"
  360. >"You sure did" you chuckle.
  361. >"buhhhh...." she moans.
  362. >You chuckle some more.
  363. >However that can wait.
  364. >For now you're fine just sitting under a blanket with her watching movies until the two of you fell asleep.
  365. >To be honest that's the best part of this whole thing.
  367. The End

Hearth's Warming and Christmas

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Wallflower's Hearths Warming Surprise

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Cipher's Harrowing Holiday

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Sunny Flare's Shocking Baggage

by scraggleman

Anon gets creamed

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