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Anon gets creamed

By scraggleman
Created: 2021-12-25 02:29:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be anon
  2. >On your way to Sugar Cube Corner to hang out with Pinkie.
  3. >She said she has something she wants you to try
  4. >You arrive and notice nopony is around.
  5. "Hello?" you call out.
  6. >you hear some fumbling in the back before Pinkie comes out front.
  7. "Where are Mr. and Mrs. Cake?" you ask looking around
  8. >"They took Pumpkin cake and Pound cake to the park, so it's just you and me today Nonny" she says as she changes the sign on the door from open to closed.
  9. >oh shit, it's finally happening.
  10. >Pinkie bounces her way to the kitchen "Come on Nonny! You're gonna loooooooooooove this!"
  11. >You follow after, hands on your pants ready to tear them off at a moments notice.
  12. >"Tada!" she shouts pointing at a plate of cookies and glass of milk sitting on the table.
  13. >oh...
  14. >you smile a little too hard to try and cover your disappointment.
  15. "Neat!"
  16. >Really? neat? she made you cookies you dick, the least you can say is "thanks Pinkie".
  17. >"Enjoy yourself" she says in an oddly seductive manner.
  18. "oh... kay" you answer as you take your hands off your pants and walk over to the table.
  19. >you sit down and grab a cookie off the plate.
  20. >It's standard Pinkie fare, which is to say pretty damn good but you've had these many times before.
  21. >as you reach for the milk you notice Pinkie is biting her lip.
  22. >fuck, this is some sort of prank you figure as you grasp the glass and bring it closer to your face
  23. >As the milk touches your tongue you notice it's warm
  24. >how did you not notice that when you touched the glass? too busy thinking about what kind of weird prank this could be probably.
  25. >"Woah!" this is some amazing milk, creamy and somehow reminiscent of hot chocolate on Christmas morning.
  26. >Pinkie is staring at you, still biting her lip now with the addition of a seductive look in her eyes.
  27. >You both silently sit there as you down cookies and milk waiting for the pink mare to slam her hooves on the table and yell "GOT YOU!"
  28. >You finish off the milk with plenty of cookies to spare.
  29. >"You enjoy that Nonny?" Pinkie inquires in a sultry tone.
  30. "Yeah, that milk was especially fantastic" you exclaim
  31. >"Can I..." her breath shakes "get you another glass?"
  32. "Yes please!" you enthusiastically declare.
  33. >She climbs onto the table and bring the glass to the center of the table.
  34. >uhhh....
  35. >She stands on her hind legs straddling the glass.
  36. >Before you can react she presses down on her teats with her front hooves and begins to fill the glass with her milk.
  37. >IknowexactlywhyIhavethisboner.jpeg
  38. >the whole time filling your glass her gaze never leaves you.
  39. >your gaze however is fixated on the glass.
  40. >of all the things you thought were going to happen today this was not one of em.
  41. >she finishes filling your glass and brings her face down in front of yours, which is still fixated on the glass.
  42. >"What's the matter Nonny?" she asks knowing full well what the matter is.
  43. >"Here..." She says bringing the glass to her face. "let me help you"
  44. >She takes in small mouthful and brings your face to hers.
  45. >She presses her lips to yours and slips her milk coated tongue into your mouth and pries open your jaw letting the mixture of mare milk and saliva cascade into your mouth before backing off to let you swallow.
  46. >You sit there, your gaze now affixed into Pinkie's eyes
  47. >"Anon..." she whimpers... "Now I need you to do something for me..."
  48. uh... uh... ok?
  49. >ohfuck
  50. >"It hurts Nonny..." she says as she jumps off the table
  51. uhhh...
  52. >Pinkie goes behind the counter and produces a bucket from a cabinet.
  53. >"Milk me Nonny!" she pleads
  54. >"Milk me..." she positions herself over the bucket "and I'll milk you" she finishes as she raises her tail revealing that sweet sweet pony pussy.
  55. >You quickly and eagerly get into position behind Pinkie, hands at the ready.
  56. >You take a teat into each hand and begin.
  57. >with each movement of the hands a soft moan escapes Pinkie's mouth and a small amount of fragrant milk fills the bucket.
  58. >All this milking is making you thirsty, but Pinkie is always a gracious host with refreshments always at the ready.
  59. >It's only a matter of helping yourself.
  60. >You start with a few gentle kisses on on her clit before putting your tongue to work
  61. >"Mmmmmmmm"
  62. >She's already about to cum.
  63. >Pinkie moves herself back a bit, presumably to avoid contaminating her milk with marecum, pushing herself even more onto your face.
  64. >not that you mind.
  65. >"mmmmmmm" She moans again.
  66. >"Mmmmmmmmooooooooooooo!"
  67. uhh...
  68. >You probably should have expected this
  69. >He mooing become more frantic as she gets closer to climaxing
  70. >Still pretty weird though
  71. >With one final moo she releases another delectable liquid into your mouth.
  72. >You pull back and look and you handiwork, a sopping wet pony pussy and a bucket half full of mare milk
  73. >not too shabby
  74. >all that mooing took a lot of Pinkie
  75. >after catching her breath she carefully steps away from the bucket and gently rolls onto her back.
  76. >"now..." She sighs "It's your turn"
  77. >The fact your clothes didn't burst into flames at the speed they left your body is a miracle.
  78. >You position yourself to pump her full of your of your prostate pudding
  79. >"Not there!" she says, lifting your dick and sliding her self so as to position you in between her teats.
  80. >"Here!"
  81. >You never thought about a boob job from a pony before, and you don't really have to now.
  82. >Pinkie gets right to work rythmically moving her mammaries around your cock with her hooves.
  83. >After a while something feels odd.
  84. >you look down you see that with each movement of her hooves small amounts of milk leak out, lubing you up a little more each time.
  85. >thats not fair
  86. >With such a technique you don't last very long.
  87. >Your dick begins to twitch
  88. >In anticipation she opens her mouth to catch the fruits of her labor.
  89. >only some of it makes it's mark.
  90. >Pinkie gets up and reorients herself towards you
  91. >With her tongue she lifts your now limp dick into her mouth and gently claims the remainder of her prize.
  92. >She then moves over to the bucket and picks it by the handle with her mouth.
  93. >You put your clothes back on as she brings the bucket over to you.
  94. >"Something to hold you over till next time" she cheerily says after placing the bucket at your feet.
  95. "Thanks so much Pinkie!"
  96. >where the fuck was that enthuseasim when she made you you cookies? ya dick.
  97. >"don't worry about the mess, I'll take care of it" she says as she heads towards the mop in the corner.
  98. "Are you sure?"
  99. >"it's not too bad" she assures you. "won't take me more than a few minutes to clean up."
  100. >It is only a little bit of mare milk and jizz on the floor.
  101. >hopefully ponies don't have health inspectors, chances are that shit wouldn't fly.
  102. >"The Cakes should be back soon, so you better skedaddle." She says as she starts cleaning up.
  103. >"I'd prefer to keep this and the contents of that bucket between us."
  104. >understandable.
  105. "Well..."
  106. >Not really sure what to say to a pony you just milked while she mooed and than gave you a boob job.
  107. "See ya around!"
  108. >nailed it
  109. >"Feel free to give me a call when you want some more!" she calls as you head out with bucket in hand.
  110. "Will do!"
  111. >You make your way home, eager to bottle up your sweet memento for later consumption.
  112. >What a fucking weird day.
  113. End

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Anon gets creamed

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