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(Incest) Seasonal Report (Twilight) by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-28 16:53:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Princess Twilight.
  2. >Your estrus is coming in sooner than you had anticipated.
  3. >The heat rising in your loins just from standing in your son’s doorway is a testament to that.
  4. >You had hoped for more time so you could weigh the options, but your legs move of their own accord, closer to the edge of his bed.
  5. >There he lays. Anonymous, your son, is resting peacefully while curled up facing …Spike?
  6. >It’s been nine years now and every time they decide to have scary story night with Aunt Rainbow Dash they always sleep in the same bed.
  7. >You’d think Spike would be wise to her antics, but having avoided hoarding treasure has kept him at about the same mental state of youth all these years.
  8. >As guilty as you are saying it, you are happy he’s remained “young” as it allowed him to be a brother Anonymous could relate to, plus it means he gets to remain your son/little assistant for that much longer.
  9. >Carefully you climb up and lay just behind Anon, stroking the hair on his head with an idle hoof, his scent is a little stronger than usual.
  10. >Whether it’s because you’re more sensitive to males, or he was sweating in fear of his Aunt’s stories, you’re unsure.
  11. >This whole situation inhibits your plans quite heavily.
  12. >Perhaps this is fate making the decision for y-
  13. >A soft mumble escapes your son’s lips before he rolls towards you and is now spread out on his back.
  14. >Well then.
  15. >Seems fate has decided to leave the decision in your hooves.
  16. >You had debated whether or not to explain sexuality to Anon before hoof, or if you should take a hooves on approach first.
  17. >Right now, the latter is seeming like the best option.
  18. >Damn you insatiable lust...
  19. >Spike is right there!
  20. >Spike is also an incredibly heavy sleeper...
  21. >Anonymous may be more at ease if his brother is here anyway, it would seem like a more normal, albeit novel, situation.
  22. >Your hoof traces down to rub his tummy which elicits a leg kick from your otherworldly son before he sighs contentedly.
  23. >The opportunity to study a new avenue of humanity is enticing, and Anon did always learn better by performing a task rather than being told about it.
  24. >… The growing moisture in your nethers confirms for you that your decision had been made the moment you crossed into his room.
  25. >Slowly, you use your magic to pull down the bottoms Rarity had made him, as well as unbutton the top of his pajamas so his chest is bare to you.
  26. >Oh my!
  27. >Your son has certainly grown in more ways than you expected.
  28. >After he learned to bathe himself, your headstrong little monkey decided he didn’t need you to do it for him.
  29. >You sit next to his hip facing him.
  30. >Your left hoof reaches over and you plant it such that the sole is cupping round his balls, and his penis is lined up with the groove of your frog.
  31. >His face scrunches slightly at your touch and his lithe body shivers somewhat, but he relaxes in a matter of seconds.
  32. >You can feel the heat coming from his genitals, it causes the heat in your own to rise as well.
  33. >Your right hoof finds its way to his chest and you trace small circles into it, just the way he loved when you took naps together.
  34. >Before he was “too cool for naps with mommy”.
  35. >You’ll never forgive Scootaloo for making fun of him for that.
  36. >A small pushing motion from your left hoof elicits little twitches and moans from your son.
  37. >His boyhood begins getting noticeably firmer under your ministrations.
  38. >Soon he’s gotten as big as you think he can get.
  39. >You press your hoof to the shaft of his hardened member and take it in your magical grip, the kind all ponies possess.
  40. >Sadly he’s immune to all other forms of magic or you’d have used a series of force spells.
  41. >A few strokes determine how tightly you should grip your son’s shaft as determined by the changes his face undergoes.
  42. >You continue stroking your son until the tip of his cock begins to glisten somewhat in the moonlight, a dab of pre has formed on it.
  43. >Releasing your grip, you move the frog of your hoof over his cockhead and very gently make circular rubs on it.
  44. >The pre continues to come out through the hole at his tip, your son mewling under your touch the whole tim-
  45. >”Mom?….Issat you” groans your son.
  46. >You had been so focused on “him” you weren’t watching his face.
  47. “Yes Nonny it’s me” you say gently to your boy.
  48. >He rubs the sleep from his eyes before looking down at himself, thankfully he’s not fully awake as he sleepily asks “What are you doing?”
  49. “I’m doing a little test honey” you coo.
  50. >”Wha- uh…l-like that eye test you did yesterday?” he asks calmly.
  51. “Mm-hmm, just like that sweetie. I just want to make sure my big boy is good and healthy” you say reassuringly, and continue rubbing his chest to hopefully keep him calm.
  52. >”H-h-how am I doing mom?” he asks, barely able to keep himself collected from the novel pleasure he’s feeling.
  53. “You’re doing great honey” you say gently “Just lay there and relax, oh and try not too make too much noise, we don’t want a grumpy dragon do we?” you ask jokingly.
  54. >He looks to his right and realizes spike is there, he turns to you and nods slowly.
  55. >Wonderful, he’s taking all of this with absolute trust in you.
  56. >You resume stroking your son’s shaft now, with a faster pace now that he’s awake, which elicits a sharp inhale from him.
  57. >Anon resumes mewling from your strokes despite his best efforts to stifle them, and he’s now started squirming under your grip.
  58. >The heat from your nethers rises from the sights, smells, and touches.
  59. >For now though, your season hasn’t fully taken hold of you, so you can keep yourself in control. You hope this little test will soothe you as much as it should him.
  60. >Soft gasps and moans of pleasure continue to escape your sons lips.
  61. “Shh shh shh. You’re doing great honey” you coo as you shift forward some to stroke his head.
  62. >In your new position you’re able to rub the tip of his cock.
  63. >Soft gasps pepper your son’s speech, but he manages to whisper out “M-m-mommy I feel strange.”
  64. >His hips are now giving small instinctual thrusts from the sensation of your hoof.
  65. “That’s a good feeling baby” you whisper to your dear son, “It means your test is going well, just a little more.”
  66. >He’s thrusting more as you increase the pace of your strokes on his firm boyhood, his moans getting steadily louder.
  67. >Your right hoof, which was idly rubbing his cheek is taken into his grasp.
  68. >He motions your hoof over his mouth as he’s aware that he can’t keep himself quiet anymore.
  69. >His boyhood has made a small, but noticeable swell as you circle his cockhead in the soft flesh of your frog, now fully coated in his pre.
  70. >His hips give more forceful thrusts, and you know he’s at his limit.
  71. >”Mmmm hmmm mmm” he mumbles into your hoof.
  72. >”Shhh, it’s alright sweetie. Just relax and let the feeling take over” you coo, knowing what it is he’s trying to say.
  73. >One final thrust and he’s broken.
  74. >His seed shoots out, coating the inside of your hoof in a thick white liquid.
  75. >The force of his release causes some of it to spill down on his waist.
  76. >You waste no time and bring your hoof to your mouth, drinking your sweet child’s sweet nectar.
  77. >Anon’s hot emission makes makes its way down your throat, this simple action already brings a relieving sensation to your now cooling loins.
  78. >The seed on his waist is wiped off from a towel you pulled over from the bathroom.
  79. >Finally, you remove your hoof from over his mouth and lay down next to your darling boy, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
  80. >”Did I do good momma?” he asks you tiredly, sliding himself closer into you.
  81. >”Yes, Nonny, you did very good. I’m so proud of you” you whisper into his ear.
  82. >”I think I liked that test” he mumbles before pausing for a yawn, “It was way better than the history test you gave me.”
  83. “I liked this test too honey” you reply as he nestles his head into your chest.
  84. >”I…” he pauses for another yawn “I love you mom” he says, barely a whisper as he fights the sleep.
  85. >You nuzzle the top of your son’s head and pull him closer to you.
  86. >”I love you too Anon.”
  88. Human Report: Sexuality
  89. >Age Nine is typically a good age to introduce sex to a young colt, it would seem that the same is true of humans.
  90. >The human penis is similar in length and girth to that of an average colt, however the shape is slightly different, most notably is the difference in the tip of the penis.
  91. >A stallion’s bell is flat and wider than the shaft. A human’s bell is, accurately enough, more bell shaped.
  92. >This would mean that during intercourse, penetration would be easier on the partner.
  93. >Much like colts, Anonymous is able to attain an erection and release an ejaculate once climax has been reached.
  94. >Curiously enough, although Anonymous is only relative in age and maturity to a colt, his sexual stamina matches that of a grown Stallion.
  95. >Since colts achieve greater stamina over time and experience, it’s possible that Anonymous will also.
  96. >HIs emission was slightly less than the average for a colt, however it should be noted that the semen released was of a thicker consistency.
  97. >Further tests will be required to gain a better understanding of human male sexuality.
  98. >The post orgasm response of Anonymous was typical for that of a male pony, exhaustion resulting in a desire to sleep.
  100. Observational notes:
  101. >The taste of Anonymous’ ejaculate seems more virile than a pony’s, it has a more calming effect during the estrus state.
  102. >Anonymous’ thrusts leading up to ejaculation imply that he’s instinctually aware of mating, perhaps a scenario that leaves initiation to him should be performed.
  103. >Lack of a flared bell means it’s likely that the more dextrous grip of the human hand is used during mating.
  104. >Anonymous’ attitude is very amiable post orgasm, it is noted of this tester that he was far more reciprocal to “mommy snuggles”.
  105. >Different times of day will likely need to be tested to ensure the attitudes are a result of sexual release, and not simply exhaustion from being awoken late at night.
  107. >This concludes the report for now.

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