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Incest Thread-Sleepover (Suncest) by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-28 17:04:22
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be afternoon… you think?
  2. >The only light in your room coming from the laptop at your side and the flat screen in front of you.
  3. >The fans of your tower whiz, doing their best to keep the machine from overheating as you tax it by playing vidya.
  4. >You take a sip of water as you go about the menial task of putting every knocked out Skull inside the truck. How your GMP got in the red so fast you'll never know, but while the world calls for wet work, you need to save some money with fulton costs.
  5. >You watch as the truck gets sucked into the vortex and feel that split second catharsis of having so many objectives completed at once through such a ridiculous display of faux ingenuity.
  6. >You finish up and stop playing.
  7. >You look at your laptop.
  8. >Thread is comfy as fuck.
  9. >You wonder what you should do now.
  10. >It's Friday Night Motherfuck- Yeah, you get the gist.
  11. >What to listen to, what to play? Your backlog beckons yet the sheer size of it puts you off... maybe watch a movie? What to watch though? This place has so much mindless entertainment at such an easy to access point! So much; you have your comedies, your action, your drama, your anime and cartoons... Oh shit someone posted Kung Pow!
  12. >You get up to go get some snacks, your legs creaking and your bones popping.
  13. >You aren't fat, but damn if your body isn't going to shit.
  14. >You open the door, the light from the hallway stinging your eyes a bit, but you soon adjust.
  15. >You make your way to the kitchen as you hear the only signs of life in this whole house coming from the living room.
  16. >It seems your sister is watching a movie.
  17. >You lazily walk towards your destination, socked feet making barely a sound.
  18. >Without even taking in your surroundings you move to the pantry and start rummaging like some kind of post-apocalyptic scavenger.
  19. >Chips, cookies, canned chips and jerky...
  20. >You groan.
  21. >Sandwich it is.
  22. >You close the pantry and turn around to see a bubbly looking girl enjoying a refreshing drink from your fridge.
  23. >'The fuck is this?'
  24. >You stare blankly at this pink haired stranger blissfully filling her cheeks with juice drunk with a crazy straw.
  25. >You're about to call Sunset but the girl finally notices you.
  26. >Her eyes seem to pop from her skull as she gasps dramatically before screaming bloody murder.
  28. >You cover your ears and pray to the gods nobody calls the cops.
  29. >The kitchen is suddenly filled with a bunch of teen girls, Sunset among them.
  30. >"Quick, gang up on 'em so we can see who's truly behind that mask!"
  31. >You visibly sneer. Mask? This is your face.
  32. >Suddenly your sister steps up to defuse the situation.
  33. >"Pinkie, calm down, it's just my older brother..."
  34. >Sunset looks toward you expectantly.
  35. >You stare back, scratching the stubble threatening to become a beard if you didn't at least trim it soon.
  36. >You look over each of the girls, they lean forward slightly in anticipation.
  37. >Oh right, this is your cue. You button up your shirt and lift a hand in greeting.
  38. "Hey, I'm just Sunset's older brother."
  39. >Some groan, some face palm.
  40. >Sunset chuckles awkwardly.
  41. >"So this is my brother Anonymous. Anon these are my friends; Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and the one jumping up and down is Pinkie Pie."
  42. "Where's the smart one?"
  43. >"E-Excuse me?"
  44. >You start counting with your fingers.
  45. "There's the honest friendly redneck..."
  46. >"Beg Pardon?"
  47. "The posh girl that isn't a spoiled brat even though she got a Lexus for her sweet 16...
  48. >"My word, I'll have you know, I work for everything I have!"
  49. "The soft spoken moral compass and the tomboy that always complains about doing girly things..."
  50. >"Hey, watch it!"
  51. "Sugar Rush is clearly the quirky one and since you are the face then all that's left is the smart one to round out this cartoonish cast of stock characters that have quirky misadventures every week."
  52. >"Please, Anon, be nice. And if you must know, Twilight is sick with the flu so she couldn't come."
  53. >Aah, you knew it!
  54. >You give a subtle pump of your fist in celebration.
  55. >"Darling, you never told us you had a brother."
  56. >"We coulda hav complained about brother things that rustle our knickers all this time."
  57. >Wait, she never told them about you?
  58. "Oh, ow, "Shimmy" ow."
  59. >"Don't be like that Anon, it just never came up!"
  60. >Welp, you don't really care anyway.
  61. "Well, you all have fun doing whatever this... is"
  62. >"I told you countless times about the sleepover this Friday!"
  63. >Oh right that.
  64. "You want some dosh for pizza or something?"
  65. >"Anon, it's eleven PM, we already ate."
  66. "Wait... really? Well, good night then."
  67. >Start walking back to your room.
  68. >Oh oops.
  69. >You return to the kitchen.
  70. "I'm taking this."
  71. >You take a bag of potato chips and some bread. Chips and bread. Delicious.
  72. >You feel their gaze linger as you make your way back to you room.
  73. >Be Sunset Shimmer.
  74. >You watch the slouching form of your unkempt big brother disappear into his room, before you and the girls get back to your sleeping arrangements in the living room.
  75. >You breathe out a sigh you didn't know you were holding.
  76. >You love him so much, even if he isn't the stereotypical hotness.
  77. >"Pfft, what a weirdo, does he even lift?"
  78. >"I don't know sugarcube, he doesn't even look like he leaves the house."
  79. >"And the way he just scratches himself like some dog, ugh, darling how do you live with such a beast around?"
  80. "It's hard girls... very hard..."
  81. >You bite your lower lip and try to keep the thigh rubbing to a minimum.
  82. >" Oh, Is he, like, one of those guys that are always looking for stones and getting the "munchies"?"
  83. "W-What? No Pinkie, Anon doesn't do that! He’s too cool for that!"
  84. >”You seem awfully defensive about him, is he *that* older guy that’s not from school?” Rainbow teases.
  85. >Your cheeks burn something fierce, but you shouldn’t let them know of your secret.
  86. “N-No, no way, Anon isn’t that much older than us!”
  87. >”Does he have a car?”
  88. “What does that have to do with this?”
  89. >”So no car?”
  90. “He says “having a car in the city is for chumps””
  91. >”SOOoo no license either.”
  92. >The girls giggle at his expense, much to your growing anger.
  93. “Please girls there is more to it than cars and being a jock.”
  94. >Finally, after not saying anything for quite a while, Fluttershy finally says something.
  95. >”I-I agree, Sunset’s brother just seems distant, misunderstood…”
  96. >”I understand what you’re trying to say Fluttershy, what is a man without some mystery after all, but Anonymous seems less Edward Cullen and more of a…
  97. >”Columbine?”
  98. >”Yes, Rainbow Dash, thank you. It certainly makes sense for you to not want to talk about him.”
  99. >It just never came up and the more you kept putting it off the more awkward it became to just say “hey, I have a brother”!
  101. >You’ve had enough of this!
  102. >These are supposed to be your friends darn it, and now they’re just tearing him apart behind his back right in front of you.
  103. >”Geez Sunset, I get that he’s your brother, and you have to stick by family, but come on, compared to Big Mac or Shining, he just seems like a…”
  104. >”Lazy deadbeat?”
  105. >You grip the hem of your sweater, too long for you, which you use to sleep.
  106. >“Uncouth miscreant?”
  107. >Your teeth clench as you frown.
  108. >”Pantry thief!?”
  109. “THAT IS BE- That is because you don’t see him as I do!”
  110. >You take a deep breath; all these swirling emotions are begging you to preach to them of the greatness that is your big brother.
  111. >The movie has long been forgotten, nothing more than noise in the background.
  112. “Anon has sacrificed a lot for me, like, he wasn’t always like this, he used to be outgoing, have aspirations and friends, but above all that, he always was the best big brother ever, since I remember he always stuck by me and spoiled me rotten…”
  113. >You pause to reminisce.
  114. “He used to say with a big goofy smile “It’s a little sister’s job to overwork her big brother.”…
  115. >A collective d’aww came from most of your flock.
  116. “Even when I screwed up, he was always there for me when others turned their backs; he gave up on his old life just so I wouldn’t have to be punished alone. Even during my… my delinquent days, he was there, after I got my comeuppance, he was there to pick me up and help me move on to become the girl I am now…”
  117. >Your eyes become moist with the beginnings of tears.
  118. “He’s the only constant in my life, a rock I can always lean on, h-he’s always been there for me, the least I can do is be there for him, even when he’s been taken by all this technology…”
  119. >At this point some of the girls are in literal tears.
  120. “If Anon loves me, even if just a half of how much I l-love him, then I’m the happiest girl alive!”
  121. >Finally, the dam breaks and you all start wailing like banshees in a circle.
  122. >You hug it out.
  123. >The girls’ eyes shine brightly in understanding.
  124. >”I was wrong darling, so wrong! I was j-just jealous!”
  126. >”Big Brothers are the b-best, y’all should never doubt that!”
  127. >”I-It’s o-okay to cry Rainbow.”
  128. >”I don’t cry over l-lame sob stories like this, I just got something in my eye alright!”
  129. >At last they have seen the light…
  131. >Be Anon.
  132. >You break into gut busting laughter.
  133. >This scene is just… just so great in every way.
  134. >You have watched this masterpiece so many times that you can’t help but reach the conclusion that this is the apotheosis of cinema.
  135. >Humanity’s magnum opus.
  136. >Be Sunset Shimmer. Again.
  137. >It’s the middle of the night and you can’t sleep.
  138. >The living room is dark, and filled with the sounds of soft breathing from all directions.
  139. >You sit up and rub the sleep from one eye on your sleeve.
  140. >You look over to your phone and see it’s still 2 in the morning.
  141. >Well, you girls did go to bed earlier than planned after all that crying.
  142. >You wonder if Anon heard anything.
  143. >Anon…
  144. >Just the thought of him makes you incredibly self-aware of your body.
  145. >Heart beating fast.
  146. >kneesocks keeping your legs snug.
  147. >Braless chest rising and falling with each breath you take, making your nipples constantly brush against the soft fabric.
  148. >Your butt feeling vulnerable from the sweater riding up your lower back and leaving it at the mercy of the elements.
  149. >You wrap your arms around yourself as much as you can, slightly feeling yourself up a bit, not daring to go full on depraved.
  150. >Your breath becomes ragged and you feel your nether region showing signs of arousal.
  151. >You look around you to the sleeping faces of your friends.
  152. >You make up your mind and quietly steal away from the living room.
  153. >Your heart beats even faster as each step you take, while light, seem to make noise.
  154. >You stop and cringe every time it happens, however the thought of sneaking around makes this whole ordeal extra naughty.
  155. >You arrive at Anon’s door, dim light coming from it.
  156. >It’s so like him to be up so late.
  157. >You lift your shaking hand and swallow a lump in your throat.
  158. >’You’re playing a dangerous game here Sunset’ you think to yourself.
  159. >This isn’t the first time you did this; it’s been going on for months.
  160. >It’s just; you never had any risk of being caught before.
  161. >Instead of having second thoughts you give a light knock before letting yourself in.
  162. >There’s still traces of the bad girl in you it seems, but you have needs!
  163. >Be Anon.
  164. >You don’t even turn from the screen; you already know who it was.
  165. “Sunset.”
  166. >“A-Anon, can I sleep here tonight?”
  167. >You turn to her, eyes slightly red from prolonged exposure to the screen.
  168. “You sure? Even with your friends here?”
  169. >She shuffles in place, the light from the computer screen only reaching her lower half.
  170. >You catch a glimpse of a shine on her inner thigh.
  171. >”I’m sorry Anon, I-I really need you right now… please?”
  172. >You were never one to deny your little sister, so why stop now? Besides, you could use some sleep yourself.
  173. >You shut it all down.
  174. >The pitch blackness is kept at bay when you open a curtain slightly, letting the moonlight in.
  175. >With both her hands, Sunset takes one of yours and guides you to your bed.
  176. >You chuckle.
  177. “Do you have some kind of fetish or something?”
  178. >This is too eager for something that usually “just happens”, the fact her friends are sleeping one room over for the first time isn’t lost on you.
  179. >“S-Shut up, I just remembered a few of our memories together and now I’m like this! T-Take responsibility!”
  180. >Your chuckle turns into a giggle, a manly giggle mind, on her use of such a ridiculous line.
  181. >You two close the distance and kiss, a chaste kiss at first, one that conveys feelings of warmth and love.
  182. >You run your hands over her body as she wraps her arms around your neck.
  183. >You trace her back through her sleepwear softly, as if handling a rather fragile piece of china, before grabbing her buttocks with more “hmpf”.
  184. >Sunset gasps in surprise at the feeling, something you capitulate on; your tongue explores the entrance of her mouth, caressing her lips, waiting to be welcomed inside.
  185. >You feel her moist lithe tongue play with yours, beckoning you in.
  186. >The kiss is practiced after many a night together, comfortable in its display of lewdness.
  187. >After a few moments, your sister breaks the kiss, her breathing becoming more and more erratic.
  188. >You waste no time and move to the where her slender neck meets her shoulder, peppering it with kisses and nibbles with your teeth.
  189. >”Ah…*Ahn~* that tickles…”
  190. >You begin unzipping the only article of clothing she has, and it soon falls unceremoniously at her feet and allowing her supple, perky breasts the freedom they so desired.
  191. >The girl shivers slightly at your touch, but pushing toward you openly.
  192. >”Bro, please *hmm~* skip the foreplay…”
  193. “When did my little sister become such a brocon?” you sigh as you move to caress her face.
  194. >”*~nh* You started it…”
  195. >Not wanting to deny her, you break contact, both to allow her to get comfortable and so that you can undress yourself.
  196. >You hear a wet plopping sound that you can only assume is an incredibly wet pair of panties hitting the floor.
  197. >If your boner wasn’t already at full mast, it sure is now.
  198. >You join the girl on the bed.
  199. >She turns around, presenting herself to you as it were, her wet lips parted by her hand in anticipation
  200. >She slightly shakes her rear teasingly while looking over the shoulder at you
  201. >“Well? Don’t keep me waiting big bro~”
  202. >You reach out to her peach, rubbing it and massaging it, gathering as much of her wetness as you can
  203. >You also test the waters and insert a single finger into her, feeling her incredibly hot insides begging for something more substantial than just a digit
  204. >”Aanoon~ come oon.”
  205. >Slathering your soldier in her juices you position yourself at her entrance, one hand on her shapely hip and the other around your shaft
  206. >”*Guh* Ah! A-Anon. *Ahn~*!”
  207. >You try to tune out her lewd noises as you part her walls and let yourself inside her tight contracting tunnel, slowly, but surely all the way to the hilt in a single stroke.
  208. >You two stay still, you hovering over her defenseless form.
  209. >“*Mhman~* A perfect fit, like always~”
  210. >After feeling like you won’t just blow your load immediately, you begin thrusting in and out slowly.
  211. >Each time sending jolts of pleasure up your spine.
  212. >Sunset tries to keep her gasps and moaning as quiet as possible, however it’s all for naught as the creaking of the bed frame would still give you away.
  213. >You continue this slow rhythm, all the while clenching your teeth, as each time you pull back you feel your sister’s honeypot try to coerce you back in.
  214. >”F-Faster! *Ahn~* geez Anon I can’t take it!”
  215. >You pick up the pace, the sounds of Sunset’s moans and the bed creaks joined by the lewd slapping of flesh on flesh.
  216. >You lean forward and grab the bed’s headboard for better leverage while also giving you a better view of Sunset’s blissful, blushing face.
  217. >You can’t also help admiring her arched back, now glistening in the moonlight with her sweat, and also some of your own.
  218. >”Ah! Anon~ I-I love you so much!”
  219. “L-Love you too.”
  220. >You manage to say between all that pounding and instinct.
  221. >Using her arms, Sunset lifts her upper body and reaches around you to caress your head, breasts bouncing with each thrust.
  222. >You inhale deeply the flowery scent of her disheveled hair and move to bite her earlobe, clearly just asking for it.
  223. >You finally stop after moments of this to both cooldown and allow a change of positions.
  224. >You let her lie on her back facing you, her eyes glazing over in a lust fueled mist.
  225. >Grabbing a pillow you put it under her shaking butt.
  226. >You settle yourself over her, having to look slightly down to achieve eye contact due to height difference.
  227. >It’s missionary.
  228. >Kissing your sister’s forehead, you push back inside the girl.
  229. >She barely contains a squeal of pleasure at this level of intimacy.
  230. >With every thrust you feel yourself brush against her mons pubis.
  231. >“Ah! R-Right there, *mha~* don’t stop!”
  232. >You speed up your pace, your limit drawing near yet again.
  233. >Sunset seems to take notice.
  234. >”A-Are you close!? M-Me too!” She wraps her legs around you. “Let’s do it, t-together!”
  235. “I-I can’t pull out! Sunset the hell are you doing!?”
  236. >Her grip on you tightens as she locks her moist eyes with your own.
  237. >“*Mh~* I w-want it inside! You never let me have it like that~!”
  238. >Point of no return here.
  239. >Dick assuming direct control, you realize there’s no stopping now.
  240. >You just give in.
  241. >With one last, deep stroke you unleash spurt after spurt of alabaster cum inside the trembling Sunset as she too loses control, her mind only on this one extremely lewd thought.
  242. >”AH! Yes~ *nha*! Fill me up big bro! I want it all~! I love you!
  243. >You two collapse onto the bed enjoying the beginnings of the afterglow.
  244. >”Anon, if something happens… take responsibility for that too.
  245. “You’ll be the death of me…”
  246. >””It’s a little sister’s job to overwork her big brother”” she dares to dust off that old line.
  247. >You two snuggle together and let sleep take you.
  248. >Little did you know, that behind that door, there were a group of red-faced girls listening in on all of that.
  250. THE END

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