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Chilling with Cousin Gilda (Lewd)

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-28 17:58:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >Nostalgia has a weird way of settling in a slippery corner at the back of your mind, and you can almost feel your scalp prickling as you pull into your Uncle Gerald’s driveway
  2. >It’s been, what, eight or nine years since you were last here?
  3. >The memories are hazy by now, but just seeing the shabby country home, with its peeling white tile and its driveway covered in vehicle husks, makes you feel like the nervous, adventurous kid you used to be
  4. >Uncle Gerald opens the door before you even get a chance to knock, and his wide, soft face breaks into a warm smile
  5. >”Anon! Good t’ see ya again, bud!”
  6. >You reach out your hand to shake, but he ignores it and goes right for the hug
  7. >A bit surprised, you return it nonetheless
  8. >Ever since you were a kid, you’ve liked Uncle Gerald a lot; he’s a short, portly guy who kinda reminds you of Gimli from The Lord of the Rings
  9. >Unlike your dad, who’s got a copy of “Guide to Analytical Accounting, 2018” permanently shoved up his ass, his brother is a relaxed, cheery goofball
  10. “Hey, uncle G,” you reply. “Been a while, huh?”
  11. >”Fuck yeah it has. What’ve you been up to?” he asks as he leads you inside
  12. “Eh, the usual. Dad’s pressuring me to apply for U of Canterlot, but I’m not sure.”
  13. >”Ah, forget that. Take a year off, have some fun.”
  14. >Uncle Gerald points to the fridge
  15. >”There’s some beer in there. Help yourself.”
  16. “Oh, I can’t. I’m still only sixteen.”
  17. >He laughs at that
  18. >”Kid, I was killing a twelver a day when I was your age. It shows, eh?” he asks, slapping his belly. “Take whatever ya want. And maybe grab one for Gil, too. She’s out in the garage.”
  19. “Yeah?”
  20. >You grab two beers out of the fridge, your interest piqued by the mention of your cousin
  21. “How is Gilda?”
  22. >”She’s fifteen, that’s how she is. I love that girl, but she’s been… well, you know how she was when she was little. Now imagine that, but gettin’ a time of the month, an’ listenin’ to punk rock too.”
  23. >Now that you look closer, Uncle Gerald looks totally drained; there are dark bags under his eyes, and he’s a little more stooped than usual
  24. “That bad, huh?”
  25. >”You got no idea. I’m glad you’re here, honestly.”
  26. “Why’s that?”
  27. >”So someone else’ll have to deal with her! Ha!”
  28. >He breaks into a fit of laughter, and grabs a beer for himself
  30. >The two of you chat for a little while longer, while Uncle Gerald tries to sell you on all the cool stuff to do around here, literally all of which is either hiking, camping, or fishing
  31. >Eventually, though, you excuse yourself to go bring Gilda her beer
  32. >As you head towards the garage, the prickling sensation from earlier returns, though it’s not nostalgia this time
  33. >It’s raw nervousness
  34. >When you were younger, and your family lived closer to your uncle’s, you and Gilda used to hang out all the time
  35. >Back then, even though she was a girl and a year younger than you, Gilda was almost a head taller, and unusually strong for her age
  36. >She was your best friend, and she also scared the living shit out of you
  37. >Most of the afternoons you spent together involved exploring the networks of brooks and creeks that crisscross the woods near Uncle Gerald’s home, oftentimes with sticks as makeshift swords
  38. >And, as often as not, the exploration would turn into some sort of violent confrontation, and you’d find yourself attacked by your cousin
  39. >Being a bit of a twig, those fights never went in your favor
  40. >Pretty often, you’d find yourself suplexed onto muddy earth, tossed into the creek, or simply pinned beneath Gilda’s weight while she threatened to spit on your face
  41. >Other times, though, the two of you were best friends, and would end up resting together after your adventure, eating popsicles out on the back porch while your uncle listened to the baseball game over the radio
  42. >And then, just once, after a particularly intense game of Knights and Dragons out in the deepest thickets of the woods, she randomly kissed you
  43. >It wasn’t much, just a quick, nervous peck on your mouth
  44. >And when you tried to bring it up again, she hit you over the head and said to stop making shit up
  45. >So yeah, you’re not entirely sure what to expect as you nudge the garage door open
  47. >The first thing you notice is that the garage looks mostly the same as it always has; it’s a small concrete space, about big enough for two cars yet holding the skeletons of four, with engine blocks dangling from the ceiling and tools piled on plastic shelves scattered throughout the room
  48. >In the center of the room, your cousin’s legs are sticking out from beneath a rusty, desiccated Oldsmobile 98
  49. >A boombox on the floor next to her is playing Suicidal Tendencies at just enough volume that she probably didn’t hear you come in
  50. >You set both beers down atop an empty oil drum and awkwardly call out to her, raising your voice to be heard over the music
  51. “Uh… hey, Gil.”
  52. >She pauses, then drags herself out from beneath the car
  53. >”Oh.”
  54. >She turns the boombox down
  55. >”Hey.”
  56. >The two of you just stare at each other for a moment and quietly size the other up
  57. >It’s kinda funny; back when you were a kid, you actually went to your parents and asked if Gilda was a boy or a girl
  58. >Definitely not going to be making that mistake anymore; though she’s still unusually muscular for a girl, her hips have expanded outwards, giving her a stocky, aggressively feminine figure
  59. >And her chest, while you try your best not to stare, has definitely seen the most development
  60. >Above the waist, she’s wearing only a motor grease-stained tanktop, and her breasts hang loose and full inside of it
  61. >You, on the other hand, are also a fair sight different from the lanky kid she used to pummel
  62. >You’re still pretty lanky, sure, but a few years of highschool Cross Country have molded you into a lithe, whipcord-strong figure
  63. >Plus, you got your dad’s height, while Gilda clearly takes after your uncle in that department; she’s not an inch taller than five feet, while you’re pushing six
  64. >Simultaneously, you two both realize how long you’ve been staring, then snap your eyes back onto each other’s faces
  65. >”Eyes up here, dipshit.”
  66. “Same to you.”
  67. >”Psh. I’m just surprised you’re not still a twig.”
  68. “I’m surprised you’re like a full-on midget.”
  69. >She snarls at you, then grabs her beer and downs half of it in one long swig
  70. >”Shut it. I could still whoop your ass.”
  71. “Oooh. Scary. You just need to find a stepladder first.”
  72. >You pretend to cower in front of her, and Gilda turns away, huffing
  73. >”You’re so annoying. I remember why I always used to beat you up.”
  74. “It’s called a Napoleon complex, I think.”
  75. >”Get that nerd shit outta here, dweeb.”
  76. “Heheh.”
  77. >You take a sip from your own drink and find it to be kinda like an icky bread-flavored soda
  78. >Gilda’s already finished hers, and she tosses the empty bottle into a junkpile in the corner of the garage
  79. >”So what, you just gonna sit in here and bug me?”
  80. “More or less.”
  81. >”Cool. We’ll see how long you make it before I brain you with a wrench.”
  82. “Could you even reach?”
  83. >Gilda’s eye twitches
  84. >”Real funny.”
  85. “Thanks. I try.”
  86. >Your cousin groans, and lays across the hood of the car
  87. >”Why’d you come back?” she says, breaking the silence
  88. “To bother you, mostly.”
  89. >”I mean for real.”
  90. “Oh. I don’t really know. It just felt right, I guess.”
  91. >”That’s your answer? C’mon.”
  92. >She sits up again, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinizes your face
  93. >”We used to see each other all the time. Then you just up and vanish into the city and I don’t see your dumb ass anymore. Now you’re suddenly back. What gives?”
  94. “I really don’t know. Why, did you miss me?”
  95. >Gilda turns away, but not before you can see a slight pink blush coloring her dirty cheeks
  96. >”Fuck no. It’s just weird, is all. I’d like a real answer.”
  97. >You shrug
  98. “I missed you.”
  99. >Gilda perks up slightly
  100. “And Uncle G. And this place. It can get kinda lonely in the city. And since I can drive now, why not?”
  101. >”Hm. Whatever.”
  102. “That not good enough?”
  103. >”I don’t really care.”
  104. >She gets up from the hood of the car, walks over to you, and awkwardly pats your shoulder
  105. >”It’s… it’s cool you’re back, or whatever. Now leave me alone so I can finish this. I promised Lightning I’d have it running by Friday.”
  106. “Can do. You want me to bring you another beer?”
  107. >”Yeah. Thanks, dweeb.”
  108. “No problem, shrimp.”
  109. >You scramble out of the room before she can heave something at your head
  111. “Man, you were right,” you say to Uncle Gerald. “She’s moody.”
  112. >The two of you are sitting on the back porch, listening to Johnny Cash crackling through the radio
  113. >”Yep. Everyone told me to expect it, and man, I expected it. But I still wasn’t ready for this.”
  114. >He wipes sweat from his forehead, then fidgets with the radio dial a bit, trying to tone down the static
  115. >”I love that girl, y’know. She’s all I got left. But she scares me sometimes.”
  116. “Do you think she’s okay?”
  117. >”Hell if I know. She seems lonely.”
  118. “Lonely? How?”
  119. >”Eh. This ain’t the proper place for a girl like her to be growin’ up. Not a lotta kids her age nearby, an’ the other kids at school are shit-terrified of her.”
  120. “I can kinda imagine why.”
  121. >”Ha, me too,” your uncle says as he tilts his plastic lawn chair onto its back two legs. “Y’know, I’m pretty glad you’re here. Be good for her to have someone to spend time with. Get her outta that damn garage.”
  122. “I’ll try my best.”
  123. >You wrap your hands around your bottle of beer, the same one from earlier, which is almost impossible to drink now that it’s warmed up
  124. >Uncle Gerald suddenly sits up, like he’s just remembered something
  125. >”Tell ya what. They just opened some new trailhead just a few miles from here. Down 74 I think, out by where the old quarries used t’ be. Got places to camp and everything. You and Gil should get out and enjoy the country a bit.”
  126. “Down 74 by the old quarry…” you repeat, thinking. “Oh, I think I remember where that is. When’s it open?”
  127. >”Whenever, I think. If ya feel like takin’ her down there, I’ve got a cooler you can pack some beer and sammiches in. It’ll be a good time.”
  128. >You can tell he really wants you to do this, and the idea doesn’t sound half bad, so you agree
  130. >For dinner, your uncle orders a bunch of Domino’s pizzas, and you all sit around a card table in the kitchen to eat
  131. >Uncle Gerald conveniently decides he wants to have his dinner in his room, and leaves you and Gilda together with the majority of the food
  132. >The two of you eat in silence for a good ten minutes or so, during which Gilda occasionally takes furtive glances over at you, but always looks away before you can meet her eye
  133. >After dinner, she busies herself digging engine grease out from beneath her fingernails with a knife
  134. >You go over and grab both of you another beer without being asked
  135. >She nods in appreciation
  136. “So…” you say as you sit back down. “Your dad told me there’s some new trails near here.”
  137. >”Yeah. He keeps trying to get me to check ‘em out.”
  138. “He said we should go together.”
  139. >Gilda pauses in her nail-cleaning, holding the knife awkwardly in front of her hand
  140. >”Yeah? That could be cool, I guess.”
  141. “So you’re down for it?”
  142. >She shrugs
  143. >Under the table, you feel her accidentally kick your shin
  144. >”Yeah, probably. If I can get enough work done on the Oldsmobile.”
  145. “How much do you have left?”
  146. >Gilda rattles off a barrage of mechanical jargon that you can’t even begin to comprehend
  147. “That, uh, sounds like a lot.”
  148. >”You’re telling me. But I’ll get it done. Might just take a while before I get any sleep.”
  149. “Makes sense. Speaking of which, though, where am I gonna be?”
  150. >”I dunno. You used to share my room, when we were kids.”
  151. “Yeah, but… do you want that?”
  152. >”Of course not!” she immediately snaps. “I wasn’t offering.”
  153. “Okay, okay.”
  154. >”But the couch is, uh…”
  155. >It’s covered in auto magazines and dirty laundry, along with several mystery stains
  156. >”There’s still a bed up in the storage room. It ain’t comfy, but it’ll work.”
  157. “Sounds good.”
  158. >Gilda folds her arms over her chest
  159. >”I know you’re a huge baby, so if you don’t like it, you can share my room. But you’re sleeping on the floor.”
  160. “Hah. Thanks, Gil.”
  161. >”Whatever.”
  163. >After dinner, she goes back out to work on the car, while you go up to shower, then pile your things into the storage room
  164. >There’s not much more than a narrow bed and a bunch of unmarked cardboard boxes up here, but it’ll do
  165. >You’re surprised to find you’re already exhausted, and pass out almost immediately after falling onto the bed
  166. >At some point, you’re awoken by the sound of the door creaking open
  167. >You open one eye, and find yourself peering at Gilda
  168. >She’s using her phone as a flashlight, and takes a seat on the floor by the foot of the bed
  169. >”Sup.”
  170. “Uh, hey. Am I in the wrong room?”
  171. >“You’re fine.”
  172. “Oh. What’s up?”
  173. >”Nothing. Need to find some sparkplugs. Ones I have are burned out.”
  174. >Gilda avoids looking you in the eye as she grabs a box and starts rooting through it
  175. >You roll over and look up at the ceiling
  176. “Hey, Gil?”
  177. >”What?”
  178. “…it’s cool to see you again.”
  179. >”Hmm. Yeah. You too.”
  180. >Her voice is missing its usual edge, and she still avoids looking at you
  181. “Are you alright?”
  182. >”The hell are you talkin’ about? I’m fine. Seriously, just go to sleep.”
  183. >You guess you’re not gonna get through to her that easily
  184. “G’night.”
  185. >”Goodnight, dweeb.”
  186. >You close your eyes and let your breathing naturally slow
  187. >But your mind stays sharply focused on the fact that your cousin is standing just a few feet away from you
  188. >Gilda sighs, and you hear the floorboards creak beneath her as she heads towards the door
  189. >But her footsteps stop just outside your room
  190. >You wait, listening, wondering if she’s going to head back in
  191. >Eventually, you completely lose track of time, and find yourself starting to drift into a genuine sleep
  192. >But then the floorboards creak once more as Gilda steps back into the room
  193. >”You fucking idiot…” she mutters under her breath as she crosses the room to your bed. “I was over it. I was cool with missing you. And you just had to waltz back in here…”
  194. >Her hot breath washes over your face as she bends over you, and the mattress compresses a few inches to the right of your head, where Gilda’s placed her hand
  195. >”I hate you so much.”
  196. >Then she kisses you
  197. >A tiny jolt runs through your body, but you force yourself to remain still as Gilda’s warm lips meet yours
  198. >They’re way more gentle than you would have expected, and the kiss is wet and tender and seems to go on forever
  199. >And then, suddenly, it’s over
  200. >Gilda pulls away, and you hear the floor creaking beneath her feet as she heads back towards the door
  201. >She lingers there for a moment, and mutters something under her breath that you can’t quite catch
  202. >”…wish I weren’t so fucked up…” is all you can pick out
  203. >And then the door clicks shut, and you’re alone
  204. >But it’s still a very long time before you sleep
  206. >The next morning, you avoid looking at Gilda for pretty much the entirety of breakfast, which happens to consist of poptarts and some half-cold sodas from the fridge
  207. >Your cousin polishes her food off like nothing is wrong, though she doesn’t say much of anything for the whole meal
  208. >After everyone’s done, Uncle Gerald claps his hands together, his doughy face bright with excitement
  209. >”So? The two of you are headin’ out today, right?”
  210. “Yeah, I think so.”
  211. >”Bitchin’. I’ll go load up a cooler for ya. Gil, you go find the bug spray and the sleeping bags.”
  212. >She shrugs
  213. >”’Kay.”
  214. >And you’re left alone, to stew in your awkwardness while everyone else prepares
  215. >Seriously, what are you supposed to do?
  216. >You suppose the mature thing to do would be to confront her about it, but wouldn’t that make things a million times worse?
  217. >Gilda doesn’t deal with embarrassment well, as she’s shown at every available opportunity since you first met her
  218. >Maybe you should just keep silent about it until you leave
  219. >Hell, maybe it was just a dream
  220. >You know for an absolute fact it wasn’t –no dream feels that real, after all– but you’re smart enough to lie effectively to yourself
  221. >Just a dream, that’s all it was
  222. >Just a tender and surprisingly sweet dream, that maybe makes your chest shudder a bit when you think back to–
  223. >A rolled up sleeping bag hits you in the chest, knocking you out of your daydream
  224. >”That’s yours, dweeb. Dad says we should clean the bedbugs out.”
  225. “How do you do that?”
  226. >”Beats me.”
  227. >She carries hers outside, unfurls it, and starts to slap her open palm against the fabric
  228. >”Something like this, I guess.”
  229. >You do the same thing, standing beside your cousin as you both smack the living shit out of these poor sleeping bags
  230. “So… did you finally get to sleep last night?”
  231. >Gilda’s hand pauses mid-slap
  232. >”What are you talkin’ about?”
  233. “You said you had a lotta work to get done on the car. Wondered if you ever went to sleep, after you left the room.”
  234. >You can’t keep your big mouth shut, can you?
  235. >It’s just too much fun to watch Gilda squirm, you suppose
  236. >Your cousin shrugs, doing her best to feign nonchalance
  237. >”I got a few hours, I guess.”
  238. “Maybe you should get a little more. Might help you finally hit that growth spurt.”
  239. >”Whatever.”
  240. >She’s so flustered that it takes her a second to realize what you just said
  241. >”Wait, hey!”
  242. >When she does, she tries to aim a kick at your shins, but you’re already running back into the house
  244. >All-in-all, packing for the camping trip doesn’t take too long
  245. >After about thirty minutes, your car is loaded with all the supplies you need, and you drive off towards the trailhead
  246. >Your cousin sits up next to you in the front seat, her arms crossed over her chest
  247. >She’s dressed in a pair of camo pants and some sturdy hiking boots, along with a black Ramones t-shirt that, despite being a size too big for her, is still stretched tightly around her chest
  248. >And, judging by the little bumps beneath the “R” and “S,” she didn’t bother with a bra again
  249. >You wonder if she even owns any
  250. >Gilda clears her throat
  251. >You glance up, realizing she’s been watching you stare at her for the past several seconds
  252. >For a moment neither of you say anything
  253. >Then she turns away from you, hiding her face by resting her forehead against the window
  254. >”Eyes on the road, dweeb.”
  255. “There’s nobody else around, we’re fine. Was just checking on you.”
  256. >”Uh huh. You were checkin’ something, that’s for sure. Perv.”
  257. “Yeah. Being into your own cousin would be pretty weird, right?”
  258. >Gilda turns around to glare at you, and you wink at her
  259. >Immediately, her face goes red
  260. >”You…”
  261. >You can practically see the calculations flying through her head right now, trying to figure out if you could know what she did last night
  262. “Anyway, you got a weird stain on the front of your shirt. You should clean those more often.”
  263. >Gilda rolls her eyes, though she looks slightly relieved at the change of topic
  264. >”You’re so uptight. This ain’t one of my good shirts anyway…”
  266. >The two of you pull up to the trail head, parking on a small gravel lot by the entrance, which itself isn’t anything too impressive: just a dirt trail leading up into the woods, with a few government-mandated warning signs and a bee-infested plastic trashcan nearby
  267. >Gilda and you start to unpack the back of the truck; she takes the cooler, you get the sleeping bags, slinging both of them across your back
  268. >And then you head for the trail
  269. >The summer sun hangs above your heads and a thick, muggy heat blankets the forest
  270. >Insects chatter endlessly, and animals occasionally scurry through the underbrush as you pass by
  271. >After about twenty minutes of walking, you’re already soaked in sweat
  272. >Your cousin mostly walks behind you, but eventually steps up next to you and elbows you in the ribs
  273. >”Surprised you can keep up.”
  274. “I’d say the same to you, with those stubby legs.”
  275. >”Ah, shut up. It’s like you only know one joke.”
  276. “Sure, but it’s a joke just keeps writing itself.”
  277. >Gilda shoulder-checks you, and you stumble slightly before regaining your footing
  278. >Up close, you realize she’s sweating just as badly as you are
  279. >Her white hair is plastered to her forehead, and her t-shirt is soaked through, sticking to her like a… well, like a wet t-shirt
  280. >The contours of her muscled abdomen are clearly visible, along with the stunning orbs of her breasts and the points of her nipples
  281. >”Are you starin’ at me again?”
  282. “It’s… kinda hard not to,” you admit
  283. >Gilda looks down, only now realizing her whole upper body is practically on display
  284. >”Ah, fuck.”
  285. >She glances at you, then down at her chest, then back up at you
  286. >”You’re not gonna stop, are you?”
  287. “Would you even want me to?”
  288. >”What kinda question is that!?”
  289. “I dunno. Would you want me to stop?”
  290. >Gilda freezes for a moment, caught totally off guard
  291. >”Y’know what, fuck it. Stare all you want. It’s hot as hell in this thing anyway.”
  292. >She grabs the hem of her shirt in both hands and begins to lift it up
  293. >”You totally owe me a beer for this, dweeb,” she says, then pulls her shirt up and over her head
  294. >Beneath it, the same upper body you saw in preview is now full visible, and the sweat coating the outline of your cousin’s full breasts and sturdy torso shimmers in the afternoon sun
  295. “Holy shit,” you mutter, as flustered as Gilda was a few seconds ago
  296. >You immediately avert your eyes, your face flushed and hot
  297. >”Hey. What are you doing? You wanted this. Look at me.”
  298. “Gil, calm down. This is…”
  299. >”What, it’s fucked up? Nah, you don’t get to pull that anymore. You’ve been staring at me all day, you weirdo. So just look.”
  300. >Even though a heavy dose of shame is currently sitting at the bottom of your gut, you turn your attention back to Gilda
  301. >She doesn’t make any attempt to cover yourself
  302. >You do, however, and immediately place a sleeping bag in front of your crotch
  303. >Gilda laughs, sounding almost relieved
  304. >”Oh my God, you’re just as fucked up as me. Hell, you’re even worse. At least I’m not eyeing you up like a piece of meat.”
  305. “That’s not what I’m doing.”
  306. >”I’m watching you do it right now, dweeb. You’re way into me, huh?”
  307. “I am not! You’re… okay, you’re attractive. But this isn’t what it looks like. I know about last night, Gil. About the kiss.”
  308. >Gilda blinks, only mildly surprised
  309. >”And?”
  310. “And, uh… well…”
  311. >Gilda takes a step towards you, and her voice drops to a harsh whisper
  312. >”You want this just as bad as I do, right? If you don’t, get in the car and drive back home.”
  313. “I want it,” you blurt out before you can stop yourself
  314. >A grin spreads across your cousin’s face
  315. >”Then we better find a place to make camp.”
  317. >You follow Gilda in a daze as the two of you continue up the hill
  318. >Out of some weird sense of pride, you try to avoid looking at her as much as possible
  319. >Mostly you just don’t want to give her the satisfaction, because every time you sneak a peek at her jugs bouncing against her chest while she walks, she catches you and responds with a devilish smile
  320. >”Having trouble keeping up?”
  321. “I’m fine. How’s your back?” you shoot back
  322. >”Huh?”
  323. >Gilda looks confused for a moment, then cups a hand beneath her breasts
  324. >”Oh, these puppies? I got used to carryin’ ‘em two years ago. Made me strong as fuck!”
  325. >Gilda throws back her head, laughing
  326. >As weird as everything has been, you do kinda like seeing her like this
  327. >Both in the sense that you like seeing her happy and energetic, like she used to be, and also that you kinda like seeing her topless
  328. >It’s totally messed up, you’ve admitted that to yourself
  329. >But no matter how hard you try to force yourself, you can’t deny that she looks really, really good right now…
  331. >Eventually, you reach a relatively flat section of the hill, where a small clearing stretches out in the midst of an elm grove
  332. >The stream runs through the center of it, though it widens into almost a shallow, running lake without a hill to carry the water downwards
  333. >Gilda plops down at the stream’s edge, pulls off her boots, and dips her bare feet into the water
  334. >”Awww *man* that feels good. C’mere, dweeb. Let’s share a beer.”
  335. >You cautiously approach your cousin and plunk down next to her
  336. >She reaches into the cooler, pulls out a beer, and pops the cap off with her teeth
  337. >You stare in mixed horror and admiration
  338. “That was… kinda cool.”
  339. >”Want me to show you how to do it?”
  340. “I’m good.”
  341. >”Pussy. Here, chug this.”
  342. “Fuck no. Why?”
  343. >“I wanna see you when you’re drunk. We got plenty more where that came from too.”
  344. “Not gonna happen.”
  345. >”Chug it and I let you touch my girls,” Gilda says, shaking her breasts
  346. >…
  347. >You’ve never killed a beer so quickly in your life
  348. >It feels thick and sudsy when it hits your stomach, and you’re already feeling a bit lightheaded when you look back up at Gilda
  349. >She nods in approval
  350. >”Not bad, not bad.”
  351. “You do one.”
  352. >”Like I need to be told. Watch.”
  353. >Gilda cracks another beer open and lets the whole thing wash down her throat
  354. >She belches, then tosses the bottle aside and grabs a sandwich out of the cooler
  355. “Hold up. What about your end of the deal?”
  356. >”What about it?” Gilda asks as she scarfs down her lunch. “Go ahead and touch. I ain’t gonna stop you.”
  357. “Oh.”
  358. >You scoot a bit closer to Gilda, reach out, and place a hand against her left breast
  359. >It feels…about like you’d imagine, really
  360. >Plump and squishy, with sweat-slicked skin still warm from the afternoon sun
  361. >Gilda chews, trying to look nonchalant
  362. >You pinch her nipple slightly, and she flinches
  363. >”F-fuck off.”
  364. “You said I could touch.”
  365. >”Yeah, I didn’t say you could be a fuckin’— ah!“
  366. >You pinch her again, and she lets out a sharp yelp of mixed pleasure and pleasure
  367. >Gilda smacks your hand away, glaring
  368. >”I’ll kick your ass!”
  369. “Really? Sounds like you were enjoying it.”
  370. >Gilda grits her teeth
  371. >”Drunk you sucks. My turn.”
  372. >Gilda gestures towards your chest
  373. >”Shirt. Off.”
  374. “Fine, fine.”
  375. >You yank your t-shirt up and over your head and toss it aside, letting the warm breeze cool a little of the sweat forming on your own chest
  376. >Gilda stares for a moment, her eyes trailing for your neck down to your abdomen
  377. >”Huh. Not bad. For a skinny guy.”
  378. “Coach makes us do push-ups to failure before every run.”
  379. >Gilda finishes the rest of her sandwich, then opens and passes out two beers
  380. >”Alright, dweeb. You get to pick. Kill that, and I’ll let you use your mouth here,” she says, pointing to her tits. “Or I’ll lose my pants. You pick.”
  381. >You drink yours a bit slower this time; your body feels decidedly fuzzy, and any part of you that had a problem with this is gone
  382. “Come here.”
  383. >Gilda obliges, holding her arms out to her side to give you more access to her chest
  384. >You drag your tongue along her right breast, tasting your cousin’s sweat, her skin, and feeling the textured flesh of her nipple
  385. >Then you take her nipple into your mouth swirling your tongue along it… then you bite
  386. >”A-AH~” Gilda shouts as a jolt runs through her body
  387. >She shoves you off her, furious
  388. >”You piece of shit!”
  389. “You said I could use me mouth!”
  390. >”Yeah, but I didn’t say you could be a bastard about it! My turn!”
  391. >She angrily chugs her beer, then throws it right past your head
  392. >You duck, sprawling out on the grass, and Gilda stands over you
  393. >”I want everything off. Now.”
  394. >Something about the tone of her voice says it would be a *really* bad idea to ignore her
  395. >You kick off your shoes, then struggle out of your jeans
  396. >Gilda watches intently as you drag your boxers down, and her eyes fixate on your erect cock as it soon as it flops into view
  397. >A tiny line of drool runs down the side of her mouth
  398. >”Fuck. Not bad.”
  399. “Thanks.”
  400. >Gilda drops to her knees and wraps her hand around your fleshy length; her grip is warm, rough, yet surprisingly gentle
  401. “Do you… do you want to put it in?”
  402. >Gilda grins
  403. >”I fuckin’ do. I want it so, so bad. But I haven’t had my fun yet.”
  404. >She sits on your thighs, pinning you in place
  405. >”Jack off to me.”
  406. “W-what?”
  407. >”Start jackin’ it. Tell me how fucking much you love my body.”
  408. “Gil, you are one freaky—‘
  409. >”Do it!” she snarls
  410. >You grab your cock and start to rub, slowly at first
  411. >”Faster. Tell me how great my tits are. That’s not a request.”
  412. “T-they’re insane,” you say between grit teeth
  413. >Gilda nods
  414. >”I know,” she says, reaching her arms behind her head to give you a full view. “What else?”
  415. “They’re huge. Soft. I want to feel them again.”
  416. >”You will. Tell me how hot I am.”
  417. “You’re…”
  418. >You gulp
  419. “You’re amazing.”
  420. >”Hah! Oh man, what a dweeb. Getting off to your own cousin, what a sicko.”
  421. >She places her hand over yours, stopping it
  422. >”I bet you’d even like this, sicko.”
  423. >Gilda crawls down the length of your body, until her chest is level with your crotch
  424. >Her breasts droop down onto your shaft, so warm and alive that your entire length starts to twitch
  425. >You grit your teeth and let out a tiny, barely audible gasp
  426. >It’s enough for Gilda, though she flashes you a toothy grin as she places your cock between her breasts, where her skin is just sweaty enough for it to slip right between them
  427. >”If you liked that…” she says as she begins to pump your length between her plump orbs, “…then you’re gonna love this.”
  428. >She presses her hands on either side of her tits, her enter upper body bobbing as she thrusts you between the tight, squishy space between them
  429. >Again, you just barely allow yourself to moan
  430. >”You better make that *way* louder or I’m gonna bite your cock off.”
  431. “I’d like to see you t-try…” you gasp out
  432. >”Yeah? I bet you would.
  433. >Gilda bends down and opens her mouth, letting your cock push between her breasts and against her hot, wet lips
  434. >Her tongue flicks against your tip, making you arch your back
  435. >A colorless droplet of precum dribbles out onto the pink flesh of your glans, and Gilda laps it up, smiling
  436. >”Gimme more.”
  437. “I will soon…”
  438. >”Fuck yeah. I want it everywhere. And there better be a lot too, dweeb.”
  439. “T-there will be… ah…”
  440. >You let yourself gasp and moan, like Gilda wants, as you feel pressure beginning to build up in your gut
  441. >Of their own accord, your hips begin to thrust upwards in time with Gilda’s bobbing motion, sliding yourself between her tits
  442. >She keeps her mouth open, letting the tip of your cock kiss her tongue each time, and letting her spit lube you up enough to keep ramming between her jugs
  443. “For real though… I’m really gonna…”
  444. >”Give it to me,” Gilda says
  445. >And you do
  446. >You curl your fingers in the dirt as you spurt all over your cousin’s face
  447. >Gilda keeps her mouth open, catching as many of the white, gooey strands on her tongue as she can, but many more splatter against her cheeks or dribble down onto her breasts
  448. >”Ack! You got some in my hair! You piece of shit!”
  449. “Sorry…” you mutter, currently feeling like you’re floating up somewhere next to Jupiter
  450. >Gilda snarls, then runs to the stream to wash her hair
  451. >When she returns, her face is still dripping, only with water instead of your cum
  452. >She stands over you, smirking
  453. >”I think you should make camp now.”
  454. “Why me?”
  455. >”Because I just made your day. You owe me.”
  456. “Fine, fine.”
  457. >You get up and try to dress, but Gilda snatches your clothes away
  458. >”Nah, stay like that. I like it.”
  459. “You’re pure evil.”
  460. >”And I love it. Now get those sleeping bags up. I wanna crash when it gets dark.”
  462. >You’re feeling too good right now to argue with her
  463. >Somewhat tipsy, you stumble over to the sleeping bags and unfurl them in a flat patch of grass
  464. >Gilda watches you work, her eyes trailing up and down your body as you finish camp
  465. >By the time you’re done, the sun is already starting to set
  466. >You flop down onto the bags, ready to pass out
  467. >Then, suddenly, you feel Gilda’s bare foot on your chest
  468. >”Good work, dweeb. Here ya go.”
  469. >She leans down and hands you an open beer, which you drink half of
  470. >”Think it’s time you paid me back, huh?”
  471. “What do you want?”
  472. >”Take a wild fuckin’ guess.”
  473. >Gilda hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her pants and pulls them down, revealing she’s wearing a pair of boyshorts stretched almost to the point of tearing over her massive hips
  474. >She pulls the shorts down too, revealing a pussy with just a slight bit of white hair ringing it
  475. >Then your cousin twists around, giving you a few of her thick, muscular rear
  476. >”Not bad, eh?” she says, giving it a smack. “Want it on your face?”
  477. “Not reall— ack!”
  478. >Before you get a chance to respond, Gilda drops to her knees and plunks her booty onto your face
  479. >Her pussy ends up against your mouth, and you inadvertently run your tongue along her slippery lower lips as you try to breathe
  480. >”Oh f-fuck…” Gilda groans. “That. Keep doing that.”
  481. >She grinds herself against your face, smearing hot, acrid juices across your lips
  482. >You lick greedily at every inch of her you can reach, and Gilda’s upper thighs clamp on either side of your head, locking you in place as she rides your face
  483. >”Don’t stop… don’t you dare fucking stop, dweeb… holy shit, you’re really good at that… gonna cum… gonna… UNF!”
  484. >Your cousin grunts in pleasure, and her thighs clamp so tightly around your skull that you’re half certain it’s going to burst like a melon
  485. >A tiny, girlish squeak slips from Gilda’s mouth, and a few dribbles of fluid drop into your mouth
  486. >Gilda rolls off you, flopping onto the sleeping bag to your right
  487. >For a moment, the two of you just lie together
  488. >Gilda lets her hand touch yours for a moment, then pulls away
  489. >”Finish your beer.”
  490. “I’m working on it.”
  491. >Your cousin rolls over, staring you in the face
  492. >”Finish it. Then the real fun starts.”
  493. “You… you wanna go all the way? Right here?”
  494. >”I’ve wanted this since I was old enough to know what it was. You have no idea how hard I was freaking out. When I thought you wouldn’t come back, and then when I heard you were. I thought you’d hate me if you knew. But it’s happening.”
  495. >Gilda runs a hand through her hair, laughing
  496. >”This is great, goddamn.”
  497. >She drains the last beer herself, and a little drunken blush is starting to show on her cheeks
  498. >Even as the pale light of evening descends, you can see how desperately horny your cousin is right now
  499. >She rolls over on the sleeping back and raises up on her hands and knees, presenting herself to you
  500. >Her pussy is still dribbling from your ministrations earlier, and she impatiently wriggles her hips as she calls you over
  501. >”Now hurry up, jackass.”
  502. >For a moment, you can only stare at her; already, you’re starting to harden again
  503. >When you get back on your knees, you’re back at full mast, your cock twitching eagerly as you place your hands on your cousin’s hips
  504. “Gilda.”
  505. >”What?”
  506. “I love you.”
  507. >”…don’t be a sap.”
  508. >Instead of waiting for you to insert yourself, she pushes your hips back against you, pushing you up inside her
  509. >Both of you gasp at the same time; you can *feel* yourself pulsating inside the hot, slipper folds of Gilda’s vagina
  510. >She curls her hands around the mash of the sleeping bag
  511. >”Fuck me like you mean it, dweeb.”
  512. >You don’t need to be told
  513. >The moves that seemed so easy and fluid in porn feel somewhat jerky and spastic now that you’re actually performing them, but you begin to thrust yourself into Gilda
  514. >Each individual stab of your cock into her is met with a satisfying squelch, and they come faster and faster as you start to slip into a rhythm
  515. >”Ah… oh, man… ah…” Gilda moans, her raspy voice breaking into girlish squeals. “I can’t take. I fuckin’ *need* this…”
  516. >She slams her hips into you, knocking you backwards onto the grass
  517. >Then she clambers on top of you, pinning you beneath her weight, and slides your cock insider her
  518. >Gilda arches her back, the setting sun reflecting in the sweat on her face as she rides you
  519. >”Just… like… that…” she grunts, slamming her hips onto you
  520. >Your body feels ready to shatter under her assault; your cousin has some *strong* hips
  521. “Gilda, wait… I’m really close…” you gasp
  522. >”Go ahead. I want it.”
  523. “But… inside you?”
  524. >”I. Want. It.”
  525. >She clamps her thighs around your hips, holding you firmly in place as she impales herself on you with wet, sloppy thrusts
  526. >Warnings blare in your brain, but you can’t hold back what your body needs; you moan in mixed dread and delight as you unload wave after wave of white-hot cum into your cousin
  527. >Gilda groans in pleasure, and falls shuddering against your chest
  528. >And then the two of you kiss
  529. >It’s chaste and romantic for only a minute, then Gilda’s tongue forces its way into your mouth, and the kiss becomes a long, sloppy, greedy makeout session as the sun slowly dips below the horizon
  530. >And, though you brought two sleeping bags, both of you end up needing only one as exhaustion takes its toll

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables