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Candy Hearts [Flurry/Cadence x Anon by Kirko Bangz]

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-28 18:14:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >Saturday afternoon, Cloudy skies, and the soft droplets of rain. That's surely not ominous right?
  2. >You try to look straight ahead, but the back and forth motion of the windshield wipers continue to catch your attention.
  3. >"This is a good thing you're doing Anon. It shows consideration. Maturity."
  4. >Staying silent, your Father continues to speak.
  5. >"I know you're leaving tons of friends behind, but the fact you recognize that family is more important, shows you're becoming a man."
  6. >You just watch the cars pass by in continued reserve.
  7. >Your dad sighs,hoping for a response.
  8. >"Look...I know you're probably pissed with me. I did kind of pressure you into this after all."
  9. "Tch."
  10. >His brow furrows.
  11. >"Your mother and I weren't the best parents to your sister, and now...well she's a mother herself. We don't have the right to try to be "Mom and Dad" now. You know? She needs someone there. Your niece needs a male figure in her life now more than ever. Her uncle."
  12. >The car hit s a slight bump, making the entire car shudder.
  13. >"It's not forever. Just for a little bit. Just until she's feeling better okay? You'll see your friends again kiddo."
  14. >You scratch your head, and take a deep breath.
  15. "Okay,sure."
  16. >The car makes a left turn. "Rabosh Blvd" according to the street sign.
  17. >"We're here."
  18. >He moves down a little ways before pulling into the driveway of a lavish white two floor house. with a blue hybrid in the driveway.
  19. >You've always hated the design of those cars, but a car is a car.
  20. >After a bump or two, he stops, and looks over to you.
  21. >Without a word, you step out of the car, grabbing your bags from the back seat, without saying a word, and head up the cobblestone walkway.
  22. >"Anon. wait a sec."
  23. >You look over to your shoulder at your father, who has his head poked out the window.
  24. >"Thanks again. Make sure you call us every now and then okay?"
  25. >You nod, and continue on towards the door, as he backs out and pulls off.
  26. >Before you can even get to the entrance it opens up by itself.
  27. >"So he left without even saying hello?"
  28. "Yep."
  29. >There she is in all her statuesque glory. Mother of one, and dean of Crystal Prep Academy.
  30. >Cadence shakes her head with a small frown.
  31. >"Oh well in any case, come in! You'll get soaked standing out there!"
  32. >She takes one of your bags, leading you into her house.
  33. >You look around, never actually having been here before. You've only heard about it over the phone in conversations.
  34. >"Flurry! Your uncle is here!"
  35. "You don't have to call her. It's no big deal..."
  36. >She puts down your bag, with a smile.
  37. >"You're going to be living with us for a bit. I'd say that's a pretty big deal. For us at least."
  38. >You shrug, and shake your head.
  39. >The soft creaking of carpeted stairs signals the arrival of your Niece.
  40. >Flurry Heart descends with a deadpan look on her face, as she holds onto the railing.
  41. >"You called for me...?"
  42. >She looks nothing like when you last saw her on Easter. A bit paler, and that happy expression she once always wore is but mere memories of the past.
  43. >"Your uncle is here. Come say hi?"
  44. >She looks from Cadence to you.
  45. >"O-oh..hello."
  46. "Hey."
  47. >She slowly turns around, and heads back upstairs. You can hear her door softly click close.
  48. >Cadence touches her forehead.
  49. >"You thirsty? Come into the kitchen with me."
  50. "What about these?"
  51. >You motion to your bags.
  52. >"Just leave them there. Come talk with me munchkin."
  53. >You grumble. You're not done growing. Soon you'll be towering over her.
  54. >The reunion is moved into the dining room, where you take a chair, and look around.
  55. >Cadence keeps it pretty clean, but considering her current situation...she must need to keep herself busy somehow.
  56. >She returns with two glasses of blue colored juice, sitting net to you.
  57. "Thanks."
  58. >"Manners? When did you become so courteous? No childish jabs? Boogerbrain? Snot nose?"
  59. "I'm nearly eighteen."
  60. >She sighs and smiles sadly.
  61. >"Yeah...I wish things were simple like that again.
  62. >You sip your juice.
  63. >"Thank you for doing this. It's...it's really cool of you."
  64. >She bumps your shoulder with hers.
  65. "I was kinda forced into it, but I'd say maybe twenty percent is me."
  66. >She chuckles.
  67. >"I suppose that's enough.
  68. >Her expression changes back into one of sadness.
  69. >"I'm glad you came out here still."
  70. "It's one of those moments where family is really important after all."
  71. >"Too bad Dad can't figure that out."
  72. >He's figured out more than she knows.
  73. "Have you talked to Twilight yet?"
  74. >Cadence closes her eyes.
  75. >"We haven't spoken since the funeral. I think she still blames me."
  76. "She's still grieving. Just like you and Flurry. It'll pass."
  77. >Cadence sighs again, nodding.
  78. >She takes your hand in hers and gives it a squeeze. It's so soft and fragile, you wonder if you returned the squeeze her hand would break?
  79. >"Enough abput that though, let me run upstairs and make sure there's nothing "risque" laying around. Girls live here you know?"
  80. "I did forget briefly."
  81. >She punches you in the arm grinning, getting up from her chair, and disappearing into the living room.
  82. >You knock back your juice, and stand up.
  83. >You slide your chair back in, and move to your bags, putting them together into a pile.
  84. >A picture on the top of the fireplace catches your eye.
  85. >It's surrounded with Candles and Flowers. A police hat lays adjacent of the frame.
  86. >A newspaper article, or rather an obituary, is tucked into the frame below the picture.
  87. >Shining Armor(36) killed in the line of duty on september 14th, mon-
  88. >"It still feels like he'll stroll in with that big grin on his face, asking for a corndog."
  89. >You turn around.
  90. >Cadence leans against the wall with her arms crossed with a sad smile.
  91. >"C'mon up. Your room is set."
  92. >Cadence leads you to the second floor and down the hall past two closed doors. Must be hers and Flurry's.
  93. >"Here's your royal chambers your majesty."
  94. >It's a simple room with a desk, computer, bed and dresser. Nothing big, but maybe with some work it could be a regular "lair".
  95. >You walk in and put your bags in the middle of the room on the floor.
  96. >"So?"
  97. "So what?"
  98. >"What do you think? Pretty snazzy huh? It used to be Shiny's study."
  99. >Geez.
  100. >Cadence comes and sits on your new bed, kicking her shoes off.
  101. >" It's even got that new bed springiness!"
  102. >She bounces on it a few times.
  103. "Hey hey hey. Don't do that! If you wear it out, how will the ladies enjoy it?"
  104. >Your sister smugly grins at you.
  105. >"Ha. Like any girl is gonna go near the Dean's little brother, much less give him ANYTHING."
  106. "Should the Dean even be saying things like that to a student?"
  107. >"I'm not the Dean right now. So nyeh."
  108. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  109. >You sit on the bed next to her, as she lays back, placing her slender legs on your lap, staring at the ceiling.
  110. >"I think you'll like CPA."
  111. "Yeah?"
  112. >She leans up a little to look at you.
  113. >"I do. Your niece also starts her freshman year Monday. It makes me happy she won't be alone her first day."
  114. "It's gonna be weird."
  115. >"Weird? How so?"
  116. >You look at Cadence incredulously.
  117. "Candy. I'm her seventeen year old uncle. It's gonna be weird."
  118. >She snickers.
  119. >"Just don't tell them you're her uncle. Say you're her brother if it makes you that uncomfortable."
  120. "So we're one of THOSE families now?"
  121. >Cadence repositions herself so she's sitting up.
  122. >"Haven't we always been?"
  123. >She bumps you again giggling.
  124. "You're still weird as ever. Aren't kids supposed to make you more mature?"
  125. >"Don't you know? The older you get the more you want to be treated like a kid!"
  126. >You groan as she throws her arms around you laughing.
  127. >The moment is stopped by Flurry's presence once more.
  128. >She stands in your doorway with the same expression as from before.
  129. >"Are you cooking tonight mom...? I'm hungry..."
  130. >Cadence let's you go, and stands up.
  131. >"Sorry sweetie. I'll get on it right away."
  132. >She walks past her sullen daughter running a hand over her rounded hair.
  133. >Flurry gives looks to you with sad eyes, before excusing herself.
  134. >The poor girl. You don't have to be some psychoanalyst or an adult to know she's closed herself off from reality. A girl shouldn't lose her father so young.
  135. >How can a kid like you do anything for another kid going through something so traumatizing?
  136. >You reach into your pocket, and pull out your cellphone.
  137. >Your last text was from your buddy Gilda. She took your leaving the hardest. It's just for a little. You'll be back soon. She can always call you. and vice versa. Just suffer through this until you can go back.
  138. >You look to the computer, wondering if it has skype on it.
  139. >Contacting your friends through this would be much more personal than a text!
  140. >You move to it, and boot it up.
  141. >It hums to life, beeping a few times, before the microsoft logo appears.
  142. >The wallpaper, brings a little smile to your face.
  143. >It's of when Flurry was still a baby, still in her high chair.
  144. >This was HIS study after all. Of course he'd put his baby girl on his screen so he could see her everyday.
  145. >You put your head in your hands.
  146. "Why did I agree to this again?"
  147. >Trying to put your thoughts behind you, you bring up internet explorer, and download Skype. You're not deleting anything, so it's not disrespectful.
  148. >You sit back and watch the download bar after clicking through the ToS.
  150. >You can hear the sounds of pots dropping from downstairs, prompting you to get up and investigate.
  151. >You make it to the kitchen, and see Cadence looking at the back of a box of Macaroni and Cheese.
  152. >Flurry sits at the table watching expressionless.
  153. >Cadence scrunches her brow, making faces like she's constipated.
  154. "I thought I smelled something burning."
  155. >She looks up from the box.
  156. >"But, I haven't cooked anything yet!"
  157. "I was referring to you thinking."
  158. >She scowls putting her hands on her hips.
  159. >"Well excuse me! I'm not exactly Emeril Lagasse when it comes to this stuff!"
  160. >You walk over, and take the box from her hands.
  161. "You're showing your age. We say Bobby Flay now."
  162. >"Whatever. I'm just gonna order a pizza."
  163. >She picks up the phone, but you place your hand on it, keeping it on the hook.
  164. "What pizza chains are around here?"
  165. >She puts a finger to her chin.
  166. >"Uhm...Papa John's. Pizza hut--"
  167. "So garbage. Got it. Sit down. I'll take care of this."
  168. >She releases the phone.
  169. >"All those hours of armchair Chopped cheffing give you the confidence to prepare a meal huh?"
  170. "Shut up."
  171. >You take a saucepan out and fill it with water, placing it on the stove.
  172. >"You're not going to read the directions?"
  173. "For Mac and Cheese? How did you survive all this time?"
  174. >She holds her elbow, looking down, going silent.
  175. >Flurry stares off into the distance.
  176. >"I...I didn't do the cooking in the house..."
  177. "O-oh..."
  178. >There goes that familiar tension.
  179. >Dad wasn't exaggerating it seems. They really do need you. You shudder to think of all the things your brother-in-law did for these two.
  180. "W-well don't worry about it. I'll whip up something great. Just go relax, and let me do my thing!"
  181. >She tilts her head with a sad smile.
  182. >"You're awfully enthusiastic."
  183. "I'm an artist. Inspiration comes to me at random times. You just happen to be privvy to one of those moments."
  184. >"Mhm. Sure. You've only been here for what now? Two hours? You're already cooking for us like you've lived here all your life."
  185. >You snort, and pour the box contents into the water, grabbing the sauce packet before it touches the boiling water.
  186. "It's no problem. I got this."
  187. >As you prepared the the macaroni, you had to hold in your frustration at times, due to Cadence asking over and over if it was ready.
  188. >Flurry just quietly sat in her seat, not making so much as a sound.
  189. >"Anooooon~ Is it ready yet?"
  190. >She hangs off of your back with an arm around your neck.
  191. >"I'm staaarrrrrving~ I'm wasting awaaaaaay~"
  192. >You grunt, and bite your bottom lip.
  193. "It's only been Twelve minutes Candy. SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE."
  194. >"This is elderly abuuuuuse~"
  195. >You rub your eyes in annoyance, but can't help but snicker a bit.
  196. >She was always this bad when she would babysit you. Like a big kid. It brings back memories of happier times, before she was kicked out of the house.
  197. >You're stirring the sauce in when she plops a finger into the pot, taking a noodle.
  198. "Oy! Cut that out. You'll burn your finger."
  199. >She sticks her tongue out at you, popping it into her mouth.
  200. >"Oh that's delicious!"
  201. "Yes. It's called Salted Water."
  202. >"Salt water? Like at the sea?"
  203. >You facepalm.
  204. "Just go sit down woman, and never ever go near a stove without a hazmat suit, and a sandbag barrier."
  205. >She pouts following your orders..
  206. >"I'm not that bad at cooking you butt..."
  207. >You set aside three plates, and scoop out three servings of the creamy Mac, and bring them to the table, balancing them like a pro. Working as a waiter at Denny's will hone those skills.
  208. >Cadance puts her hands together, impressed with the meager meal, while Flurry just starts eating in silence.
  209. >Cadence savors each bite, letting a "Mmh!" slip every so often.
  210. >You'd think they never ate a home-cooked meal before, but....well you know the reason for that.
  211. >"This is amazing! It's like when I was in college, and I got to go with my roomie to her rents house for Holiday dinners!"
  212. "Yeah. Dad and Mom were douchebags for that."
  213. >"Don't say that. They were kind to you, weren't they?"
  214. "Well yeah, but--"
  215. >"What happened between me and them is just that. I've moved on, and I have a good life as a result of it. Big House, Great Career, and a beautiful daughter."
  216. >She smiles at Flurry, who looks up for a quick moment before going back to eating.
  217. "That's true."
  218. >You feel her leg gently kick yours.
  219. >"And an amazing little manlet brother."
  220. "Don't call me a manlet! I'm not done growing!"
  221. >She giggles, and goes back to eating.
  222. >"Sniff-"
  223. >A quiet sniffle comes from Flurry's direction.
  224. >Tears slowly trailing down her cheeks as she's eating.
  225. >You open your mouth a few times, unsure of what to say or do.
  226. >She clears her plate, and stands up.
  227. >"May I be excused, please?"
  228. >Cadence gives her a concerned smile.
  229. >"Of course Sweetheart."
  230. >She slowly walks off into the living room and up the stairs.
  231. >You hear the soft click of her door closing.
  232. >Cadence runs a hand through her hair, and sighs.
  233. "Will she be okay?"
  234. >"Yeah...it's just hard, you know? Everything we look at reminds us of him."
  235. "I know. I'm here for both of you."
  236. >Cadence fighting her own tears, forces a smile at you.
  237. >"You're just a kid yourself. Don't try to be an adult now, you midget."
  238. >She stands up, giving you a tight hug, and kiss on the head.
  239. >"Thank you for dinner. I'm gonna turn in early. I have to go down to the academy to prepare for the beginning of the new semester."
  240. "Alright."
  241. >She breaks the hug, and leaves the kitchen giving you a little wave as she ascends the stairs next.
  242. >You sigh, and lean in your seat, arms folded behind your head.
  243. >You're in for a rough ride through rocky waters. Are you possibly overstepping your boundaries by doing things like this?
  244. >Candy doesn't seem to mind at least.
  245. >The microwave shows the time as being seven on the dot.
  246. >You start to clean up, wondering what your role in this house will actually be. You're not trying to replace Shining. Far from it. Just help them get on their feet is all.
  247. >Well Day one is over.
  248. >After clearing the table, and washing up the few dishes, you head up to your room, both Cadance and Flurry's doors closed.
  249. >Once there, you take a seat in the computer chair, and sign in to Skype.
  250. "Damn. No one's on."
  251. >Knowing Gilda and the others they're probably at the movies or something. An activity you'd be participating in.
  252. >Anonymous. Welcome to the rest of your teenage life.
  255. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  258. >Going to bed early on a Saturday, and being under thirty must be a crime somewhere for someone your age.
  259. >As you slept, you woke up to check your phone several times, hoping for a late night text. Has everyone back home forgotten you already?
  260. >Before you knew it, morning came like a flash. At least you won't be too tired.
  261. >You check the clock on your phone again.
  262. "Six thirteen. Hah."
  263. >You let your arm fall to your side, and sit up in bed. Candy still hasn't gotten up yet, and you don't think Flurry will emerge from hers until she's hungry or to wash. You at least hope she;s washing still. You've never been depressed, but you've read enough stories online.
  264. >You slide out of bed stretching, your bones cracking and popping loudly, as you head to the bathroom.
  265. >You look yourself over in the mirror, splashing water on your face a few times to get the bags out.
  266. >"Good Morning. Why are you up so early?"
  267. >Cadance saunters in behind you, half asleep, with frazzled hair.
  268. >She looks like she slept rough.
  269. "Good Morning. Is it time for you to get ready?"
  270. >She hums out an "Mhm", and promptly sits on the toilet.
  271. >You double-take at her in disbelief of her boldness.
  272. "Candy!! THE HELL'RE YOU DOING?!"
  273. >Upon closer inspection, you notice that she's now walking around in her bra and panties.
  274. >You quickly excuse yourself slamming the door behind you, muttering curses under your breath, as you head for the staircase down to the kitchen. On the way, a few thunks and bumps were heard from Flurry's room.
  275. >Hope you didn't wake her up.
  276. >You pop the lights on in the kitchen, rooting around in the pantry for anything to whip up. It's better to busy yourself doing something, than sitting and watching your phone like a hawk.
  277. >You locate some pancake mix. It's cliche, but you're sure they will both appreciate the gesture.
  278. >Considering Cadance is menace to the culinary arts, she sure does know how to stock her fridge and cupboards. Or maybe she wasn't the one doing the shopping?
  279. >In any case, you need to put that little incident from earlier out of your mind and focus on breakfast.
  280. >You root through the fridge and find eggs and milk for the pancakes, and one other item you're glad is there.
  281. >Whether it be Shining or Cadance, at least they know the basic food groups.
  282. >Dairy,Grains, Fruits and Veggies, and Bacon.
  283. >Before you know it, the house is filled with the sounds of life. If that sound is bacon sizzling.
  284. >"That's a smell I didn't think I'd get to enjoy again."
  285. >Cadance steps into the kitchen fully dressed in business casual attire, with a smile plastered on her face.
  286. "Hrnn.."
  287. >You grunt, focusing on your Flapjacks.
  288. >"Are you mad at me?"
  289. >She slides her arms around your neck from behind, pressing her head against yours.
  290. >"I'm sorry. I forgot it was you in the bathroom."
  291. "Who did you THINK it was?"
  292. >She goes silent,tightening her grip slightly.
  293. >You get the implications, feeling guilty.
  294. "Better yet, just forget about it. It's okay. We're family after all. Not the first time I've seen you half-naked."
  295. >"You've seen me half-naked at other times?!"
  296. "Uhhh...I plead the fifth."
  297. >She puts you in a sleeper hold, while you're cooking.
  298. "Hpt stove! Hot stove!"
  299. >She ruffles your hair, letting go.
  300. >"You better give me a Lumberjack's share for that."
  301. "Can you even EAT that much?"
  302. >She turns on the coffee machine by the fridge.
  303. >"Of course. I have the metabolism of a race horse!"
  304. >You roll your eyes.
  305. >How could you forget? Cadance didn't even look pregnant when she had Flurry. Baby fat didn't exist with her. You imagine her just walking around and Flurry sorta just slipping out without her knowing.
  306. >Okay, let's not imagine that.
  307. >Speak of the devil.
  308. >You turn in time to see, a quiet Flurry slide into a chair at the table, with the same expressionless face.
  309. >"Good Morning Sweetie. How did you sleep?"
  310. .>Flurry shrugs quietly.
  311. >Cadance goes to hug her daughter, as you flip a couple cakes onto a plate.
  313. >You haven't really tried to talk to Flurry since coming here. Mostly because you don't know what to say. Cadance is different. You can talk to her about almost anything. Maybe because she's older than you?
  314. >But how would you speak to someone closer to you in age?
  315. >As you take off the last cake, you sit the bacon on a paper towel to dry, and start fixing plates.
  316. >You approach the table with yours and Flurry's humble portions, and Cadance's seven-thousand pancakes helping.
  317. >She licks her lips comically.
  318. >"That smells heavenly~ I think we need to make it a house rule you watch cooking shows every night."
  319. "I'd do that even if you didn't make it a rule."
  320. >You sit the plates in front of your niece and sister, as they get to work on their meals.
  321. >Taking your seat last, you look over to Flurry who's quietly eating again like last night.
  322. >She's not really enjoying the food. More like just eating to sustain herself.
  323. "G-good morning Flurry."
  324. >She peeks up at you.
  325. >"Good Morning."
  326. >You exchange concerned looks with Cadence.
  327. >Nibbling on a strip of Bacon she starts to speak.
  328. >"I'm going to be at CPA all day. I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on. Missed too many days."
  329. "How much paperwork could a school have for you to fill out?"
  330. >"I know right? It's uncanny actually-"
  331. >Crunch-
  332. "Close your mouth when you eat Candy."
  333. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  334. >"What are you going to do today?"
  335. >You shrug.
  336. "I don't really know this part of town. What is there to even do?"
  337. >Cadance looks to Flurry.
  338. >"Maybe you could show him around the town sweetie? Give your uncle the best tour in the city?"
  339. >Flurry lifelessly nods.
  340. >At least she'll be out of her room.
  341. >Cadance smiles, putting her fork down onto an empty plate.
  342. "Wow. You actually ate it all."
  343. >She slips out of her chair, with a smug grin, kissing your cheek.
  344. "Hey, hey. Keep your cooties to yourself."
  345. >She ruffles your hair again.
  346. >"We kiss the cook in this house. Deal with it midge.">She gives Flurry a smooch as well before knocking back a cup of coffee.
  347. >"I'm off! I'll call your cell when I get the chance!"
  348. >She waves to the two of you, before leaving the house with a semi-loud slam.
  349. >Then there was two.
  350. >Flurry is still eating quietly.
  351. >You want to break this silent tension, but have no idea how.
  352. "S-so when do you want to leave?"
  353. >She shrugs.
  354. "Oh. alright."
  355. >You play with your pancakes, feeling awkward.
  356. >Damn it Anonymous. This is your niece! You shouldn't feel bad about talking with her! Say something! Anything!
  357. "So you're gonna be starting at CPA this monday huh? Where were you before?"
  358. >"Canterlot..."
  359. "Oh? What made you want to transfer?"
  360. >"Mom thought it'd be best to keep me close after Dad died."
  361. >You start kicking yourself mentally.
  362. "O-oh."
  363. >She slides out of her chair.
  364. >"Thank you for breakfast."
  365. >She leaves the kitchen, going back upstairs to her room, leaving you to feel like a total moron.
  366. >You spent the next forty-five minutes cringing internally at your thoughtlessness, while washing the dishes.
  367. >This is going to be rougher than you thought.
  368. >You wipe your forehead, taking a deep breath at your nice and clean kitchen, and glance at the clock.
  369. >It's going on Nine. It's still a little early to go outside exploring,
  370. >What better time to see if anyone is on Skype than now?
  371. >You bound up the stairs passing by Flurry's still closed door.
  372. >There's little murmurs coming from inside, but you're not going to eavesdrop on the poor girl.
  373. >You take your seat in front of the computer, and log in to Skype.
  374. >Like predicted, Gilda is online. She was always an early riser. Probably because she helps out with the family bakery business. Crumpets won't sell themselves.
  375. "Hey."
  376. >You type in lightning fast, and wait for a response.
  377. >You see the familiar message that "Gilda is typing" appear near the bottom of the screen.
  378. >"Hey you jackass! Why didn't you call me last night?"
  379. >A smile spreads across your face. Though it was only one day, that aggressive concern of hers always warmed your heart.
  380. "I was busy settling in. It's worse than I thought. Also you could have texted me."
  381. >"How bad?"
  382. "Real bad."
  383. >There's no response for a moment.
  384. >"So does that mean you won't be coming back?"
  385. "I will someday. I just need to help out here for a little, then I'll come back, and you can pretend to not be in love with me again."
  386. >There's no response for about seven minutes.
  387. >"Shut up you asshole."
  388. >You break out into mad laughter, imagining her face lighting up like a Christmas tree.
  389. >"Hurry up and get back here. Greta will kick your ass if you don't."
  390. >Greta huh.
  391. "And what will you do?"
  392. >"You don't wanna know. I travel butthead. I'll find you."
  393. "Lmao"
  394. >You post a Lenny face after.
  395. >She stops responding again.
  396. >"You're such a jerk. Anyway, I have to go. TTYL."
  397. "KK see ya."
  398. >You lean back in the chair feeling better. Your friends still haven't forgotten you.
  399. >You get up from your chair, deciding to shower and prepare to go out with Flurry for the day.
  400. >Now armed with this positive, optimistic mood, you feel like that maybe this outing won't be so bad.
  401. >After a quick shower, and teeth brushing, you put on your best jeans and t-shirt.
  402. >You grab your cellphone, and move to Flurry's door, rapping your knuckle against it a few times.
  403. "Hey Flurry? You up?"
  404. >A few moments pass, until the door cracks open slightly.
  405. >She peeks through.
  406. >"...Yes?"
  407. "Get ready. We're gonna be heading out soon."
  408. >She looks down at the ground, and back up to you.
  409. >"O-okay..."
  410. >The door softly closes.
  411. >You decide to wait on her downstairs in the living room. Give her a little space.
  412. >You're not even on the sofa for five minutes, when She slowly descends dressed in all black. Black hoodie, black skirt, black leggings. Just all black.
  413. >"I'm ready..."
  414. >You don't want to ask if she showered or whatever considering how rude it would be to ask a girl about her hygiene.
  415. "Okay. Let's get going then."
  416. >You stand up, leading your young niece out of the house, and locking the door behind you.
  417. >She keeps her gaze downward to the ground, and her hands in her pockets the entire time.
  418. "So is there any place you can think of you want to show me?"
  419. >She sighs, head still hung.
  420. >"...There is one."
  421. "Sweet! Let's go then!"
  422. >She quietly starts walking, with you following close behind.
  423. >That optimistic attitude from before? Gone and dead.
  424. >Flurry just keeps silent, trudging along like a zombie. You're left at a loss for words.
  425. >You have to get her to talk, if at least a little!
  426. "Soooo...you go here a lot?"
  427. >"No..."
  428. >She says nothing else after that.
  429. >Geez. Maybe you should just keep quiet.
  430. >The silence is deafening.
  431. >You start checking your cell phone again. Anything for a distraction.
  432. >How long have you both been walking?
  433. >"...We're here."
  434. >It's a park with a wide lake in the center.
  435. "What's this place?"
  436. >Flurry looks out at the water with somber eyes.
  437. >She wordlessly goes to sit on a nearby bench, pockets still concealed in her hoodie.
  438. >You take a seat next to her, looking from her to the lake.
  439. "Is this a special place?"
  440. >She slowly nods.
  441. >Her eyes become glassy, the longer she stares off into the distance.
  442. >You start to get the significance, and place a hand on her shoulder.
  443. "If you don't mind me asking...did you and your dad come here?"
  444. >Her lips tremble.
  445. >You scoot closer to her, placing an arm around her.
  446. >She points to a nearby dock, where you see a couple paddle boats shaped like Swans. It's closed.
  447. >"W-we'd ride the boats every S-saturday..."
  448. >You can see her attempting to fight back the tears, but alas, to no avail.
  449. >Her arm starts shaking while she continues to point.
  450. >You place a hand on her wrist, and slowly push it down, bringing her into a hug.
  451. >She sniffles, burying her face in your chest.
  452. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to open a fresh wound even more."
  453. >You feel her shake her head, as she takes handfuls of your shirt, like she's holding back outright bawling.
  454. "Do you want to go home?"
  455. >She looks up at you with puffy eyes.
  456. >"C-can we stay just a little longer?"
  457. >You smile at her, and nod.
  458. "As long as you want."
  459. >Flurry rests her head on your shoulder, sniffling a few times, as the two of you stared out at the lake.
  460. >You put your head against Flurry's, stroking her hair as gently as possible.
  461. "As long as you want."
  462. >You're not surprised.
  463. >Why wouldn't she go somewhere, she has fond memories of her father? You should be grateful she was willing to come this far, and not hole up in her room.
  464. >At least she doesn't hate you. She's just still hurt.
  465. >Flurry sniffles a few more times, wiping her face with her sleeve.
  466. >Actually...maybe you can do just a little bit more.
  467. "You know-"
  468. >You rub her shoulder.
  469. "I know I'm no where near your Dad's level, but if you like I could take you riding the paddle boats next time."
  470. >She pulls away from you, still clutching your shirt in her tiny hands.
  471. >Her big eyes search your face for any sign of deceit.
  472. >"D-Do you mean it? W-would you do that with me?"
  473. >You smile, feeling progress being made.
  474. "Of course. I'll do whatever I can for you."
  475. >She doesn't smile back. She just retakes her place leaned against your chest.
  476. >"Okay..."
  477. >It's something.
  478. >One step at a time.
  479. >Time passes, with nothing to be heard bu,t the lake crinkling from the wind.
  480. >Cadance hasn't called yet. She must be swamped in paperwork. How messed up is it that her co-workers couldn't do her a solid and do it for her while she was gone mourning the loss of her husband? You're not looking forward to meeting the faculty.
  481. >"...I'm getting hungry."
  482. "Oh? You ready to head home then?"
  483. >She nods, still pressed against your chest.
  484. "Alright. Let's get going then."
  485. >You both stand up, but your caught off guard, when she encloses her hand in yours.
  486. >Again, it's something.
  487. >You smile, and give her a little squeeze.
  488. "Let's go home."
  489. >You and Flurry, hand in hand walked back in comfortable silence.
  490. >Hopefully, next time you'll get a smile out of her.
  491. >It's well into the afternoon when you both make it back to the house.
  492. >Flurry never let go the whole way.
  493. >She even returned your occasional squeezes with her own soft ones. Her gaze never left the ground, and that's just fine.
  494. >Once inside she releases your hand, standing in the doorway.
  495. "What do you feel like eating?"
  496. >She shrugs, blinking slowly.
  497. "I'm sure I can find something to whip up.
  498. >As you head into the kitchen, you can see Flurry heading upstairs out the corner of your eye.
  499. >You exhale loudly, and wipe your eyes.
  500. >Time to start foraging. You look through the cupboards and find a few things you can do.
  501. >Lots of canned soup, boxed stuff. things really easy to make for the non-cooking housewife.
  502. >You start checking the freezer next, when your phone goes off.
  503. >The word "Candy" shows up on the ID.
  504. >You answer it and hold the phone to your ear using your shoulder.
  505. "Hello?"
  506. >"Heeeey~ What are you doing?"
  507. "Looking through your fridge for something to make Flurry. Was there a sale on TV dinners or something?"
  508. >You hear Cadance snicker.
  509. >"Shut up, I like those!"
  510. "It's mad unhealthy. Where's your lunch meat? Your roasts, and such?"
  511. >"Uhhhhh...."
  512. >You sigh, shaking your head.
  513. "I'll figure something out."
  514. >"Thank yoooou."
  515. >You grumble at her sing song tone.
  516. >"So where did the two of you go?"
  517. >You pull a can of chili from the cupboard, and sit it on the counter, alongside a bag of frozen fries.
  518. "We went to the park."
  519. >"The park...? Ooooh..."
  520. "Yeah."
  521. >Cadance is silent for a while.
  522. >"Did anything happen?"
  523. "No. Not really. Just a little talking."
  524. >You can hear the shuffling of papers on the other side.
  525. >"Thank you Anon. I truly mean it."
  526. "It's cool. It's what I'm here for."
  527. >"Then why don't you try being nice to me like that?"
  528. "I fed you didn't I?"
  529. >She chuckles.
  530. >"So mean to your big sister!"
  531. "Uh huh."
  532. >There's a click and you can hear the voice of someone in the background.
  533. >"Oops! I gotta go. Headmaster Cinch is here. I'll see you at home."
  534. >She hangs up before you can even say "bye" to her.
  535. >You get to work opening up the can of chili when another call comes in.
  536. >This time "Mom" appears on the ID.
  537. >You take a deep breath and answer.
  538. "Yes?"
  539. >"Why didn't you call and tell me you got there safely?"
  540. "I assumed Dad would tell you that part for me."
  541. >"I wanted to hear it from your mouth Anon, not his."
  542. >You roll your eyes.
  543. "I made it here safely mom. Sorry for worrying you."
  544. >"Thank you."
  545. >You wish they treated Candy with the same doting attitude. Maybe then she wouldn't need you here.
  546. >"So how is she...?"
  547. "Why don't you call her and ask her?"
  548. >Silence.
  549. >"Don't take that tone with me mister. You know whenever we talk, we argue. It'd be cruel of either of us to call."
  550. "Hmph. So sending a child to take of things for the two of you is A-Ok?"
  551. >"Anon--!"
  552. "Let's be serious here for a moment mom. Candy doesn't need just me right now. She needs ALL of us. Flurry needs her grandparents! Shining's side wants nothing to do with Cadance since his passing and by proxy that includes Flurry! This is the best time to try and repair broken bonds!"
  553. >You hear mom breathe loudly on the other side.
  554. >"Why are you always so hostile towards us?! We didn't do anything to you! We gave you everything you wanted-"
  555. "Just not a happy sister."
  556. >You hear a groan of frustration.
  557. >"I can't talk to you when you're like this!"
  558. "Bye."
  559. >You hang up first this time, and get back to making Food for your niece-
  560. >Who happens to be standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
  561. >She stares at you blankly.
  562. "...Uh..hey."
  563. >How much of that did she hear?
  564. >Flurry Heart takes a seat, staring down at the table.
  565. "Er...Do you like cheese on your fries?"
  566. >"..."
  567. >She stays quiet.
  568. >Hoo boy.
  569. "They don't hate your mom, you know? They just....they don't know how to approach her."
  570. >Silence passes as you're frying potatoes.
  571. >"I'm sorry."
  572. "Huh? Did you say something?"
  573. >You look back at your sullen Niece.
  574. >"I'm sorry..."
  575. "Sorry about what?"
  576. >She sniffs.
  577. >"We're making things hard for you-"
  578. >You turn off the stove.
  579. >"Because Daddy used to do practically everything for me and Mom.I know we're useless without him, a-and now you have to do his stuff for us now..."
  580. "Flurry-"
  581. >I'm sorry-"
  582. >You come to the table, leaning over your smaller niece.
  583. >"You're just a kid too, and you have to do all this stuff, and--"
  584. "Flurry. Shut up."
  585. >She looks at you with red, sad eyes.
  586. "I came here because I wanted to. Sure I think me and Candy's parents need to be here themselves to show some sort of support, but that's just something they're gonna miss out on. I admit I wasn't too keen on the idea at first, but I love the both of you very much, and it makes me happy to see you both happy."
  587. >"B-but you're still just a ki-"
  588. "I'll be Eighteen in December. We can't all stay little fourteen year old babies like you."
  589. >You ruffle her bouncy hair, making her grab your wrist with both hands.
  590. "So let's make a promise right here, and now."
  591. >She looks up to you.
  592. "You can be sad for now. No one is saying otherwise, but don't be sad forever. Okay?"
  593. >She sniffs and nods.
  594. "And get outta that room. You're way too cute to be holed up in there."
  595. >You can see her cheeks turn red slightly.
  596. >"...Shut up."
  597. >You grin wide, and go back to the stove, to finish.
  598. >She still stares down at the table, but you see a little bit more life in her eyes than before.
  599. >After your greasy meal of Chili cheese fries, you parked your stuffed self on the sofa, flipping on the Tv.
  600. >It's time to make up for lost time with the old idiot box, and Sunday is the best day for competitive cooking shows.
  601. >You hold in a burp as you browse the channels for Food Network. Why do channels have to be on different numbers in certain places? That's never made sense to you.
  602. >Flurry stands in the doorway to the kitchen, rubbing her arm silently, as if she wants to ask something.
  603. >She keeps her gaze downward, opening her mouth slightly a few times.
  604. "Is something wrong?"
  605. >Normally, she'd go up to her room around this time.
  606. >She bites the side of her mouth nervously.
  607. >"C-can I join you?"
  608. >You look at her incredulously.
  609. "This is your house. You don't have to ask me to do anything in it."
  610. >She walks slowly over to the opposite end of the sofa, sitting on the back of her legs, leaning on the arm of the couch.
  611. >You smile, finally finding Food Network.
  612. >Just in time to catch an episode of Chopped from the beginning. One of the contestants is talking about her Transgender daughter.
  613. >You scrunch your face up. Why does LGBTQ have to come up as a factor for your reason to cook?
  614. >"What's this show...?"
  615. "You've never seen Chopped? It's good stuff if you're into it."
  616. >"O-oh.."
  617. >She rubs her arm again.
  618. >You cross your arms, and legs leaning back in your seat.
  619. >Flurry keeps eyeing you every so often.
  620. >You try to pretend not to notice, but it's painfully obvious, what she wants.
  621. >You stop playing dumb, and lock eyes with her.
  622. >She quickly looks away, trying to focus on the tv screen.
  623. "Flurry."
  624. >"Y-yes?"
  625. >You wave her over with your hand.
  626. "Come on."
  627. >She nods crawling over to you, hugging your waist,laying her head on your chest.
  628. "You're such a little kid."
  629. >"...Shut up."
  630. >You put an arm around her grinning like an idiot.
  631. >Her face moves against your chest.
  632. >There you both sat watching Chopped.
  633. >Every so often Flurry would ask about certain ingriedients, or make a face when something she considers "icky" shows up.
  634. "You make those faces, but I might be tempted to cook something like that for you."
  635. >"Bleh. I won't eat it."
  636. >You rub her head.
  637. "I might make it taste good. You never know."
  638. >She tightens her hold a little.
  639. >They start taking the ingredients out of the basket. Pork Bung is one of the mystery items.
  640. >"What's that?"
  641. >You gulp, not wanting to elaborate.
  642. "Uhh...ask your mother."
  643. >She makes the "icky" face again.
  644. >You break out laughing, while Flurry pouts at your refusal to answer.
  645. >The door suddenly swings open, letting in a gust of cool air.
  646. >Cadance steps through sighing, with a folder under her arm.
  647. "Welcome home."
  648. >"Hey mom."
  649. >She pinches the bridge of her nose, throwing her head back dramatically.
  650. >"Hey you two."
  651. >She blinks a few times, staring at the two of you.
  652. >"Did I miss something here?"
  653. >You shrug.
  654. "Nah. We're just watching Tv."
  655. >She smiles putting a finger under her bottom lip.
  656. >"I see. I'm gonna need an explanation later on."
  657. "For watching tv? Weirdo."
  658. >She chuckles, sitting on the arm of the sofa next to you.
  659. >"So what ARE you watching anyway?"
  660. >Flurry looks up to Candy with a questioning look.
  661. >"Mom, what's Pork Bung?"
  662. >"Pork what? Are you watching something about drugs?"
  663. "BUNG. Not BONG."
  664. >Cadance cocks an eyebrow.
  665. >"I dunno. If it's Pork, it's gotta be like Ham or Bacon right?"
  666. >Flurry shrugs.
  667. >You stifle your laughter.
  668. >"It looks icky."
  669. >"If you're cooking it Anon, I'd totally eat it."
  670. "S-sure. I'd give you some fried, but whole."
  671. >Candy looks at you with a suspicious glare.
  672. >"What is Pork Bung Anon?"
  673. "I-I don't know--snrk."
  674. >"Hmmm."
  675. >Cadance narrows her eyes at you.
  676. >Flurry looks between the two of you.
  677. >You have no poker face at this point, your cheeks puffing out.
  678. >"I'm gonna google it."
  679. "N-no need to do that. I-it's like bacon."
  680. >"You're such a LIAR. I'm looking it up."
  681. >Cadance takes out her phone, her thumbs getting to work looking up the mystery meat.
  682. >You cover your mouth waiting for the shocking revelation.
  683. >Flurry goes back to watching the cooking, still attached to you.
  684. >Cadance stops typing, and goes to scrolling now, her face slowly turning from neutral curiosity to a grimace of disgust.
  685. >She looks from her phone to you with that look still present on her face.
  686. >"You disgusting little imp--"
  687. >You ball up your lips.
  688. "You'd totally eat it right? SNRK--"
  689. >Flurry pouts again.
  690. >"What is it? Is it good to eat?"
  691. "Only if you're into it."
  692. >Cadance slaps you upside the head.
  693. "Hey!"
  694. >Cadance crosses her arms, frowning at you.
  695. >You burst out laughing once more like an idiot at the playful anger.
  696. >"Set a better example for your niece you little pervert!"
  697. "I get it from my sister~"
  698. >"I'm so confused right now."
  699. >"Don't worry about it sweetheart. Your uncle is just a messed up midget butthead."
  700. "I'm the butt head? You're the one who wants a heaping plate of it."
  701. >She hits you again, as you laugh out loud.
  702. >The show ends, with Flurry asking you about certain foods, and Cadance commenting on how they look delicious.
  703. >It was a good time.
  704. >After, you darling niece "Feeling grimy" decided to take a shower.
  705. >Cadance decided to take her place on the sofa, instead propping her leg up on your lap like last night in your room.
  706. "So how are you feeling?"
  707. >"Tired. Cinch is such a huge gaping-"
  708. >She leans up to look and see if Flurry is within earshot.
  709. >"--Cunt."
  710. "Oh wow. Candy is using naughty words like when we were children."
  711. >"You're still a child."
  712. >She lifts her right leg, and brings it down on your lap, folding her hands on her stomach.
  713. >"So what's the deal with you and Flurry?"
  714. "Hm?"
  715. >"Don't play dumb. She was hanging off you like she used to with--."
  716. >Candy frowns sadly.
  717. "We just had a nice conversation is all. A little bonding between niece, and uncle."
  718. >Cadance turns her head to look at the television.
  719. >"I'm a little jealous."
  720. "You're jealous? Of what?"
  721. >She sighs.
  722. >"You make it look so easy. She hasn't given me a full sentence in two months, yet with you--"
  723. >You start to massage her slender legs.
  724. >She slowly closes her eyes, breathing softly out her nostrils.
  725. "You're both still mourning. It's hard to try to uplift someone when you're also suffering, you know?"
  726. >She silently nods.
  727. >"Be nice to me like her too...Mmmnh."
  728. >She let's out a small moan.
  729. "Uh.."
  730. >"That feels really good...you're a pro at massaging legs."
  731. >You gulp a little looking from her content expression to her long legs, feeling a somewhat queer feeling bubble in your stomach.
  732. >M-maybe it's the fries from earlier.
  735. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  738. >Cadence smirks, with a dreamy expression on her face, as you continue your treatment.
  739. >"You don't know how stiff my legs get throughout the day. This is a godsend~"
  740. "O-oh yeah?"
  741. >You find yourself unconsciously biting the side of your mouth.
  742. >"I bet they don't teach this on Cooking shows--"
  743. >Before you can reply, the audible rapping of knuckles interrupts the otherwise...you're not sure how to describe this moment.
  744. >She sits up bending her legs, with a look of annoyance.
  745. >"You stay there. You're not done with me yet."
  746. "o-okay."
  747. >You squeak out awkwardly, a visible lump in your throat.
  748. >Cadance gets up from the sofa with a tired grunt, and makes her way to the door, while you sit there freaked out somewhat.
  749. >What the hell was that?
  750. >Cadance opens the door, and you can hear a deep male voice.
  751. >"Good evening. How're you doing ma'am?"
  752. >You turn to see who it is, and see a police officer standing in front of Candy, with a confident grin on his face.
  753. >"Oh! Hello Captain..."
  754. >"Come on. You don't have to be formal with me. We're like Family practically."
  755. >"Right, right..."
  756. >They stand there looking at each other for a moment.
  757. >"May I come in to pay my respects?"
  758. >Cadance jumps a little as if she zoned out.
  759. >"Oh! Of course...Please."
  760. >The Captain-ranked policeman steps in taking off his hat. The guy is all muscles under that uniform. Almost the same build as Shining you'd say.
  761. >He steps in front of the small memorial of Shining on the fireplace, and touches the frame with his fingertips, and bows his head.
  762. >Cadance closes the door, and stands by it with her arms crossed.
  763. >The captain removes his hand, and looks to you with a smile.
  764. >"I wasn't aware Cadesy had a little brother! Hello young man."
  765. >He extends his hand to you.
  766. >You give him a firm handshake, wondering if he was trying to say you look young or if he is just great at guessing.
  767. >"He actually IS my little Brother, Captain Spearhead."
  768. >He looks back at Cadance with a surprised face.
  769. >"Oh really? I was originally just saying how he looked young. I guess I have amazing instincts after all!"
  770. >"Mhm."
  771. >Cadance doesn't look happy at all with this man's arrival, and scrunches up her face like she's smelling something bad.
  772. >The officer ruffles your hair roughly, before stepping over to Cadance.
  773. >You straighten yourself up, hoping this douchebag washed his hands.
  774. >"Look Cadesy..."
  775. >"Mrs.Armor. If you please."
  776. >He exhales.
  777. >"I suppose I deserve that."
  778. >"You deserve much more than that CAPTAIN."
  779. >He looks at you over his shoulder.
  780. >"Please. Not in front of the boy. Okay?"
  781. >Cadance narrows her eyes angrily.
  782. >"I think it's time for you to leave."
  783. >He hangs his head, shaking it, and putting his hat back on.
  784. >"Okay, Okay. Look...If you need anything, ANYTHING at all. You have my number. Don't hesitate to call me okay? Even when I'm working."
  785. >"I think I'll be quite fine Captain."
  786. >She opens the door for him.
  787. >"As you were."
  788. >He stares at her for a second, before going as far as the doormat and turning around.
  789. >"Remember, if you need anyth-"
  790. >"Nope."
  791. >Cadance slams the door right in his face with a scowl.
  792. >You sit there flabbergasted at what just occurred. What the hell was THAT?
  793. >She turns around taking a few deep breath with closed eyes.
  794. >She clenches and unclenches her hands a few times, and stomps into the kitchen getting the cordless phone.
  795. >All you can do is watch silently.
  796. >You hear the beeps of button presses...er...pummelling in Candy's case.
  798. >It goes quiet.
  799. >"BYE."
  800. >BEEP.
  801. >CLICK.
  802. >That poor phone.
  803. >Cadance stomps back into the room, and plops onto the sofa, this time sitting up, and crossing her legs, and arms once more.
  804. >She's staring at the tv so hard, you fear it may explode from her gaze.
  805. "Uh..."
  806. >Her face is still scrunched up. Like she ate something sour level.
  807. "S-so Pizza for dinner, I'm guessing?"
  808. >Flurry comes halfway down the stairs in a robe with a towel wrapped around her head.
  809. >"I-is everything okay?"
  810. >"It's fine sweetheart. Go finish up. Dinner will be here soon."
  811. >Flurry nods, and heads back up.
  812. >It goes silent again, and you're not sure if you should say something.
  813. "You good...?"
  814. >"....."
  815. >Cadance's mouth trembles as she stares ahead.
  816. >Take that as a "no" then.
  817. >You look to the tv, keeping your trap closed. Candy, when she's pissed is like walking to Brock Lesnar and spitting in his face.
  818. >God help whoever is in her path.
  819. >She balls up her hands, and slams them down on her legs repeatedly, with grit teeth.
  820. "Whoa! Candy! What the hell?!"
  821. >You scramble to get up, and grab her wrists,struggling to keep her from hitting herself anymore.
  822. >"Let me go!"
  823. "No chance! Cut it out!"
  824. >"Get off!"
  825. >She thrashes around trying to shake you off.
  826. "Stop acting like a child, and use your goddamn words girl!!"
  827. >You can see Flurry peeking down from around the corner.
  828. >Cadance slowly stops flailing about.
  829. >Her teeth are still tightly grit,her eyes twitching, and her breathing ragged.
  830. >She closes her mouth, but it's shivers intensely like she's about to scream.
  831. >Her violet peepers lock with yours, an immense hatred behind them.
  832. >After a solid minute, they grow glassy, and squinty, and that once rage induced scowl, falls.
  833. >Tears flow down her cheeks in multiple streams, her head slumping.
  834. >You release her wrists, and hug her close to you.
  835. >Like Flurry, she grabs handfuls of your shirt, sobbing loudly.
  836. >"It's not fair....! It's not faaaaair!!"
  837. >You can hear the soft click of Flurry's door from upstairs amidst the wailing.
  838. "It's okay. Just let it all out."
  839. >She gently bangs her fist against your back.
  840. >"Why did I have to lose Shining, and--and--"
  841. >You rub her back.
  842. "Who is that guy? What did he do?"
  843. >Cadance sniffs loudly.
  844. >"Please...n-not now."
  845. "Okay. That's cool."
  846. >You take a seat next to her never letting go.
  847. >The sobbing starts to die down after a while.
  848. >Her grip starts to ease up, and she pulls away from you, placing her hands on your cheeks.
  849. >"Thank you Anon. I'm okay now."
  850. >Her makeup is running, trails of Mascara beginning to dry on her face.
  851. "You don't look okay..."
  852. >She strokes your right cheek.
  853. >"We can talk later. I promise."
  854. >DING DONG.
  855. >You both look at the door.
  856. >"Pizza's here. Crying makes me a hungry Cadance, you know."
  857. >She forces a smile.
  858. >How can she joke so casually after something so heavy?
  859. >Candy stands up, heading to the door, opening up.
  860. >A big white buff dude with red eyes, in a Papa John's outfit stands there with three pizzas in hand.
  861. >"Three large pies, hawaiian, meat lovers, and a supreme?"
  862. >"You got it. They go through on the card?"
  863. >He nods handing them over.
  864. >Cadance takes the pizza in both arms, smelling them with a dreamy smile.
  865. >The Pizza guy stands there staring at her.
  866. >Cadance notices his odd look.
  867. >"What, you never seen a girl with makeup on?"
  868. >She steps back and kicks the door shut in his face.
  869. "Yowch. That was harsh."
  870. >"I get it from my brotherrr~"
  871. >You give her an unamused expression as she sticks her tongue out at you, and skips into the kitchen with the pies.
  872. >Your sister is so strong. Who but her can break down and bounce back immediately in the same span of time?
  874. >Cadance pokes her head around the corner with a slice of pizza hanging from her mouth.
  875. >"Mmh Mmm!"
  876. >Flurry comes down the stairs with a worried frown.
  877. >"A-are you two done fighting?"
  878. "We weren't fighting. It was....something else."
  879. >She tilts her head in confusion.
  880. "Let's go eat. She got Hawaiian pizza."
  881. >Flurry makes the "icky" face from earlier.
  882. "What's wrong?"
  883. >"Pineapple ruins pizza."
  884. >You can't help but smile.
  885. "Proof we're related right there."
  886. >Flurry looks at you in confusion again as you throw an arm around her and head to the kitchen.
  887. >The rest of the evening was spent debating over the fine art of pizza-toppings, with you and Flurry attempting to explain to Cadance why Hawaiian Pizza is the Pizza of terrorists and, corrupt politicians.
  888. >Cadance countered with what she ate on pizza during her pregnancy.
  889. >You thought Hawaiian was disgusting. Yeesh.
  890. >While it was all fun and laughter, you couldn't be swayed in the depths of your thoughts.
  891. >Who is that Captain Spearhead guy, and what does he have to do with your sister?
  892. >The least you could gather from that is Candy isn't too fond of him, but there has to be more going on here.
  893. >Cadance drops crust from the last slice onto the greasy interior of one of the pizza boxes.
  894. >"Phew....that hit the spot."
  895. "I'd imagine so, considering you consumed your weight in oil."
  896. >Flurry watches with a neutral expression, leaning on her hands.
  897. >"You and your Hyperbole! It was only like three slices!"
  898. "Try Fourteen."
  899. >"I told you I was hungry."
  900. >You roll your eyes, and look at Flurry.
  901. "Don't go to Buffets with this demon. They'll kick you out."
  902. >Cadance puts a hand to her chest in offense.
  903. >"How dare you!"
  904. >You shrug.
  905. >"If you didn't have school tomorrow young man, I'd give you an earful!"
  906. >She wags her finger at you playfully.
  907. >Flurry shakes her head, scooting out from the table.
  908. >"I'm gonna get ready for bed."
  909. >Cadance smiles at her.
  910. >"Of course sweetie. Goodnight."
  911. >"Night mom. Night Anon."
  912. "Night."
  913. >Cadance's jaw drops as Flurry waves to you both before running up the steps.
  914. "What?"
  915. >She looks at you in disbelief.
  916. >"She said "goodnight" to us."
  917. "Yeah. And?"
  918. >"Anon. She wouldn't even look at me before. Now she's talking and waving!"
  919. >You puff your chest out proudly.
  920. "I wonder who could be responsible for that?"
  921. >She smirks.
  922. >"You're a regular doctor Phil aren't you?"
  923. "I try."
  924. >"Then maybe, you'd be willing to share some of that wisdom with me...?"
  925. >You give her a look of suspicion.
  926. "What did you have in mind?"
  927. >She places a hand on yours.
  928. >"I feel like I owe you an explanation. For the future."
  929. "An explanation of what?"
  930. >"Don't play dumb. You know what. I want you to come to my room later on."
  931. "Okay. To talk?"
  932. >She cocks an eyebrow at you.
  933. >"Yeah. What else would go on?"
  934. >She flicks your forehead, getting up.
  935. "Ow."
  936. >"Do me a favor, and clean up? I'm gonna get ready for bed too."
  937. "U-uh...sure."
  938. >You get that weird feeling in the pit of your stomach again. It must be the grease from the Pizza...
  939. >She winks at you before rounding the corner, and ascending the steps.
  940. >Now that you think about it-
  941. >Did you ever have the details of what happened after Shining died, or HOW he died? You just remember getting a call from Candy one day. She was frantic, and stuttering, but never anything other than "Shining got shot!".
  942. >Maybe this is the opportunity to get some exposition. some context!
  943. >You clean up the boxes, and discarded crust, because we all know once the garlic sauce is gone, there's no point to eating the crust with Papa John's.
  944. >Taking a deep breath, you head upstairs.
  945. >Flurry's room is closed and her lights off, but Candy's door is wide open.
  946. >Inside Candy is under the blanket with a pair of reading glasses on, and a book in her hands.
  947. >The cover has two monotone hands holding a bright red apple.
  948. "Knock knock."
  949. >She looks up at you with a smile.
  950. "You ready to talk now."
  951. >She closes the book, teetering her head back and forth.
  952. >"I don't think so. Not in that at least."
  953. "What do you mean? What's wrong with my clothes?"
  954. >She folds her arms together.
  955. >"Don't tell me, that's what you sleep in."
  956. "SLEEP?!"
  957. >She chuckles at your reaction.
  958. >"Yeah dummy. Sleep. You're sleeping in here."
  959. "Wh--I don't--Wha-"
  960. >"What are you spazzing out for? We used to sleep in the same bed as kids. It's not a problem now right?"
  961. >You gulp loudly.
  962. "I--uh--ah..No! Not at all!!"
  963. >She shakes her head at you.
  964. >"Just hurry up midget."
  965. >Several minutes later, you're robotically walking into Cadance's bedroom in your best T-shirt and pajama pants.
  966. >Cadance takes her glasses off, inspecting your attire.
  967. >"Acceptable, I suppose.
  968. >You grumble fighting a blush.
  969. "So glad you approve."
  970. >Candy smiles, closing the book and laying on her side.
  971. >She grabs a corner of the blanket, and flips it over, patting the exposed spot.
  972. >"Hop on in. The water's fine."
  973. "You're not gonna wet the bed, AGAIN are you?"
  974. >She gasps, and hits you with her pillow.
  975. >"I never wet the bed!"
  976. "Mhmm."
  977. >You slide in next to her folding your arms behind your head.
  978. >She continues laying on her side staring at you.
  979. "So...who was that guy?"
  980. >She blinks a few times.
  981. >"Spearhead...is my husband's killer."
  982. >You jolt up.
  983. "SAY WHAT?!"
  984. >She puts a finger to her lips.
  985. >"Shh! Keep it down, and let me explain!"
  986. >You gulp again, and try to settle back into bed.
  987. >"We were in tough times...My job wasn't paying enough to keep the house, and Shining was working overtime, while taking care of us."
  988. >She sighs.
  989. >Spearhead was his partner, and--"
  990. >Candy chokes a little.
  991. >"Shiny would come home and sleep for about four hours each night before going back out on the beat.Me and Flurry did our best to talk him out of it, but he'd just smile and say "I got this."."
  992. "He must've been exhausted."
  993. >She nods.
  994. >"He said, the same thing before going off on...well..."That" morning."
  995. >She slides her hand over to you underneath the covers.
  996. >"Would you...? It's hard to talk about."
  997. "...Yeah."
  998. >You take her hand in yours, and rehift your position to face her.
  999. >"They said it was some Carjacker...some PUNK with a piece! Shiny, and Spearhead rolled up on the little bastard in the act, and--"
  1000. >She starts to hyperventilate.
  1001. >"And--!"
  1002. "Take it easy Candy. I'm here."
  1003. >"Right, right..."
  1004. >She squeezes your hand.
  1005. >He started firing at the two...and Shiny got hit in the neck. They said it hit his carotid."
  1006. >You touch your neck, flinching.
  1007. "What did Spearhead do?"
  1008. >She breathes loudly through her nose, squeezing your hand firmly.
  1009. >"He chased and gunned the the punk down, while my husband bled out, cold and alone...They said he was gripping a photo of us in his last...mo...last mo..."
  1010. >She closes her eyes biting her lips.
  1011. >Cadance starts to hiccup out sobs,her grip alternating between hard, and soft.
  1012. "Hey. Come here."
  1013. >She scoots closer into your arms, pressing her forehead against your chest.
  1014. >You stroke her back slowly, as she sobs softly.
  1015. >"Twilight...she knew about the long hours he spent working...she said we should've tried harder to make him stop. That we should've just asked them for money if "we were that bad". But Shiny...Shiny believed that a man should be the one to take care of his household. He would never accept handouts. " I got this". Always "I got this!" The stubborn idiot! Why didn't Spearhead call f-for help? Because of him and his stupid male bravado...!"
  1016. >She wraps her arms around you, pulling you in.
  1017. >"No way I could ask Mom and Dad for help. I'd rather die than ask those two for help...!"
  1018. >Cadance grasps your shoulders tightly.
  1019. >"Dammit!"
  1020. >You put your nose in her hair, shutting your eyes.
  1021. >"It is...isn't it?"
  1022. "Huh?"
  1023. >"It is my fault. isn't it...? I could've done more. I could've put my foot down. Said no.."
  1024. >Your embrace tightens, your legs intertwining underneath the blanket.
  1025. "It's not. It never was Candy. Twilight, and the others? They just need someone to blame, because they're angry. They don't mean it."
  1026. >Cadance remains silent.
  1027. >She moves her leg up and down yours, as you hold her.
  1028. "Look Candy. Hard work pays off. Dreams come true. Bad times don't last-"
  1029. >She giggles through her sobs.
  1030. >"-But bad guys do...?"
  1031. >Your eyes widen.
  1032. >"You were seriously going to console me using a line ripped off from Scott Hall's hall of fame closing speech..."
  1033. "I keep forgetting you're a fan of mandrama too."
  1034. >She continues to giggle, nuzzling your chest.
  1035. >"I know nearly everything about you dummy..."
  1036. "Yeah. I'll be sure to use something you haven't heard yet."
  1037. >She chuckles, patting your arm.
  1038. >"I hate you so much sometimes."
  1039. "Mhm."
  1040. >You both lay there in comfortable silence for a moment.
  1041. >"Is this okay...?"
  1042. "Is what?"
  1043. >"You holding your big sister in bed?"
  1044. "Well it was until you mentioned it."
  1045. >She snickers.
  1046. >"Well as long as I'm being weird, can your big sister have a kiss too?"
  1047. >You gulp.
  1048. "I--uh--I wuh--Okay...?"
  1049. >She tilts her head up to look at you.
  1050. >You take short measured breaths as you look into her eyes.
  1051. >She smiles gently.
  1052. >"Go ahead."
  1053. >You nod, and place your lips on hers, closing your eyes.
  1054. >Cadance freezes in place, gripping you firmly a few times.
  1055. >You break the smooch with a loud smack, and continue to look into her eyes.
  1056. >"....uh...I meant on the head or cheek."
  1057. ".....Of course you did."
  1060. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1063. >"I mean...it's okay and all I guess...just--"
  1064. >You facepalm, feeling your cheeks burning like fire.
  1065. >She continues to hold you.
  1066. >"I know you're a young man, and your hormones are all out of control and stuff-"
  1067. "Candy please."
  1068. >"-And I am quite the sensual, sexy milf. It's understandable that you'd want get the hots for your sister-"
  1069. "Candy. STOP."
  1070. >She puts a finger on her chin.
  1071. >"Phew. This sure is awkward. Wait, you're not gonna get all excited in the middle of the night and attack me or something right? I am a deep sleeper..."
  1072. >You change your embrace into a headlock.
  1073. >"Elderly abuse! Elderly abuse!"
  1074. >You release the submission hold, exhaling loudly.
  1075. >"But really. Thank you."
  1076. "You're more than welcome."
  1077. >You feel her smile against your chest.
  1078. >"When you get married, you're gonna make some girl very happy, you know that?"
  1079. "Don't say stuff like that. You know I plan to live the rapper lifestyle."
  1080. >"Rappers get married too idiot."
  1081. >You both share a chuckle, and go quiet again.
  1082. >"So..."
  1083. "So...?"
  1084. >Cadance shifts her position slightly.
  1085. >"You wanna spoon?"
  1086. "CADANCE."
  1087. >You don't know when it happened, but eventually sleep overtook the two of you.
  1088. >Sniff-
  1089. >More sniffles.
  1090. >Your eye crack open in the inky black darkness, trailing over to a nearby digital alarm clock.
  1091. >Midnight.
  1092. >Sniff-
  1093. >You lean up a little.
  1094. "When did I get on my back?"
  1095. >Your chest feels heavy.
  1096. >It's hard, but your natural night-vision kicks in making out Candy's silhouette.
  1097. >With her arms wrapped tightly around your midsection, she pushes her head against your stomach.
  1098. >"Mnnf..Please don't....Please don't leave us..."
  1099. >You pat her head, feeling your shirt getting wet.
  1100. >Sniff-
  1101. >Wonder if Flurry has the same dreams?
  1102. >You close your eyes until you fall back into silent peaceful slumber.
  1103. >School starts in a few hours. It'll soon be time to meet the people you'll be with for the rest of your senior year.
  1104. >With Candy as your Dean.
  1105. >Candy is going to be overseeing your studies. God help us all.
  1106. >It felt like you had just finally gotten comfortable when the alarm goes off giving you the accursed out-of-body feeling.
  1107. >Cadance sits up, with the frazzled hair from yesterday, wiping her eyes sleepily.
  1108. >"Good morning sweetheart. Time to get uuuup~"
  1109. >She groggily grins, raising both arms, stretching.
  1110. >You sit up next, eyes still closed shut, with a tired scowl on your face.
  1111. >Candy slips out of bed, wobbling a little, and walks around into the hallway to the bathroom.
  1112. >You turn, sitting at bedside, wiping the crust from your eyes.
  1113. >"Good morning."
  1114. >You look up, and see Flurry standing in the doorway.
  1115. "Oh. gub burmin..."
  1116. >She stands there with her arms behind her back, placing a foot on top of the other nervously.
  1117. >It's taking a while for your vision to adjust to the light of daybreak.
  1118. >"D-did you sleep well?"
  1119. "Huh? Yeah..."
  1120. >No.
  1121. >"Did you sleep in here...?"
  1122. >Your eyes widen slightly.
  1123. >She turns her head away, keeping her gaze on you, expectantly.
  1124. >You're not sure how to answer.
  1125. >Thank the heavens, the sound of flushing interrupts this line of questioning.
  1126. >Cadance breaks the tension, dancing out of the bathroom like a simpleton, picking up Flurry in a big bearhug, and spinning the poor girl around.
  1127. >"Good morning Flurry Heart~ How's my little crystal today?!"
  1128. >Flurry grunts, and gasps, kicking her feet.
  1129. >"M-Mommy...! Ack..."
  1130. >She puts her down, and kisses her forehead.
  1131. >"Are you excited for today?! You get to come to work with me!"
  1132. >Flurry shrugs silently.
  1133. >Shrugging is like a family staple.
  1134. >Flurry slips past Candy, and heads into the bathroom next.
  1135. >Cadance watches with a concerned frown.
  1136. >"Is everything okay?"
  1137. "I dunno. Maybe it's first day jitters?"
  1138. >Candy plops down next to you kicking her long legs out.
  1139. >"Last night was AMAZING."
  1140. >You feel a blush creeping up your face again.
  1141. "Shut up...idiot."
  1142. >"Awww. Are woo still embawassed about trying to make out with your sister~?"
  1143. >She puts a finger on her lips coyly.
  1144. "GOD."
  1145. >She hugs you laughing insanely.
  1146. >"It wasn't that bad! Chill out."
  1147. "Can we just never talk about it again?"
  1148. >Cadance makes kissy sounds at you, causing your eye to twitch.
  1149. >"But seriously...thank you. I haven't spoken to anyone about Shining since his funeral. I'm blessed to have you in my life."
  1150. >Candy puts her head under your chin, snuggling you.
  1151. "Yeah, yeah. Unconditional love and all that."
  1152. >Flurry steps into the doorway, with a toothbrush in hand with her usual neutral expression.
  1153. >"The bathroom is all yours now Anon..."
  1154. "Thanks."
  1155. >She pops it into her mouth, walking off into her room.
  1156. >"You heard the girl. Get ready! And hurry up. I wanna see how you look in the uniform."
  1157. >Standing up, you enter the bathroom next, scratching your head, the weakness of waking up subsiding at last.
  1158. >Wait. Uniform?
  1159. >You're not sure how much time passed between your time in the loo and getting dressed, but you wish you had more.
  1160. >These pants can't have been put on correctly.
  1161. "Jesus Christ. Are they supposed to be so tight in the gooch?"
  1162. >You struggle to pull them down from your waist, as you step into the hallway.
  1163. >No sign of Candy of Flurry. They must have gone downstairs already.
  1164. >You bound down the stairs picking out a persistent wedgie, the sounds of clicking against tile coming from the kitchen.
  1165. >"Phooey on your uncle Flurry. See? You don't have to be a chef to make a bowl of cereal!"
  1166. >"You burned the first two bowls though...".
  1167. >"Shh!"
  1168. >You enter the kitchen still trying to adjust to the new monkey suit.
  1169. >Flurry is taking her time with a bowl of slightly charred cheerios, while Cadance has her back to you, fixing a cup of coffee.
  1170. "I can't believe your students wear this stuff. At this rate I won't be able to have children due to Fabric Vasectomy."
  1171. >Flurry looks back at you, her mouth slowly opening, and her eyes going wide.
  1172. >"Stop being a little baby. It'll get easier to wear as you keep it on--"
  1173. >Candy turns around with her mug of coffee, dropping it upon seeing you with a loud gasp.
  1174. >KARESSH
  1175. >"OUCH! HOT COFFEE!"
  1176. >She leaps back from the spill, mumbling swears, glancing at you every so often, as she locates paper towels to clean the spill, which are right next to the coffee machine.
  1177. >She's looking over the stove.
  1178. >You look between her and a completely red Flurry.
  1179. "What's wrong with you two?"
  1180. >Flurry wheels around spilling cereal in her shaking hands.
  1181. >Cadance is under the table cleaning up, but she peeks up, slowly rising.
  1182. >"H-heh. Oh hey there. didn't see you!"
  1183. >You try to adjust your pants again shaking your head.
  1184. >Cadance frantically grabs the box of cheerios, swinging it around, getting bits of it everywhere.
  1186. "Whoa! Calm down!"
  1187. >You look to Flurry for an explanation, who quickly looks back down at her bowl.
  1188. >"You're uncle looks great!! Right Flurry?!"
  1189. >Flurry slowly nods, looking at you with big eyes.
  1190. >They both continue to stare at you, Flurry slack jawed, and Cadance with this huge creeoy, toothy grin.
  1191. "Okay...Spaz."
  1192. >You take a seat next to your niece who meeps uncharacteristically.
  1193. >Well, at least for her current state of mind.
  1194. "Look at you Flurry! You're absolutely adorable in that! Girls always get the best things, man. I swear."
  1195. >She blushes sheepishly, trying to hide her face.
  1196. >"Th-thank you."
  1197. >You cock an eye in confusion at her antics.
  1198. >You put a hand on her shoulder, making her jump.
  1199. "So are you nervous? Decided how you're gonna tell others how you know me?"
  1200. >"I--I don't know..."
  1201. >She twiddles her fingers anxiously.
  1202. >Cadance isn't doing any better, as you can hear her breathing heavily from the table, as she stares at the toaster.
  1203. "Candy, you good...?"
  1204. >She appears to be pouring the toaster into a new mug, when she faces you.
  1205. >"I'm fine! Why d-do you ask?!?"
  1206. >You recoil, with a grimace.
  1207. "You know what? I think I'm gonna skip breakfast, and wait in the car..."
  1208. >Your Sister and Niece closely watch you as you slide out of your chair,and ease out of the kitchen.
  1209. >It's like when you come across a strange dog on the street, and you don't know if it's vicious or not, so you slowly walk away, but it watches you to see when you'll start running so it can chase you.
  1212. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1215. >You step out into the cold chilly morning air, puffing out little clouds of breath.
  1216. >There are people out jogging, or walking their pets, and even a couple girls wearing Uniforms like Flurry's.
  1217. >They spot you from across the street, whispering to each other, and start giggling.
  1218. "Cunts."
  1219. >They may not even have said anything about you, but better safe than sorry.
  1220. >You can feel wind behind you, as Flurry steps out, with Candy locking the door behind her.
  1221. >Flurry refuses to look you in the eye, hurrying to the car.
  1222. >As you watch your Niece nervously bump into various parts of the car in her attempt to not look at you, two pink hand slip around your collar.
  1223. >Candy adjusts your undershirt, with a big smile.
  1224. >"You know-"
  1225. "Huh?"
  1226. >She hugs you.
  1227. >"Shining wore that same get-up when I first met him. You two look so much alike right now, it's like he came back for a day."
  1228. >She places her hands on your arms, getting another look at you.
  1229. >"You ready hot stuff?"
  1230. >You smile back. At least she seems happy.
  1231. "Yeah. Let's get this day over with."
  1232. >She nods,still holding you.
  1233. >"Wanna kiss for good luck?"
  1234. "ARGGGGH! I HATE YOU!"
  1235. >Cadance starts to laugh like a mad scientist, and you pile into the back seat of her hybrid, pouting.
  1236. >And with that loving exchange the three of you pulled off.
  1237. >"I think I should warn you two in advance-"
  1238. >Flurry from her place in the front seat looks over to Candy, while you sit in the back arms folded.
  1239. >"Headmaster Cinch is a huge bit--"
  1240. >She stumbles over her words remembering Flurry is in the car.
  1241. >"--ter piece of work. She's going to be waiting to speak to you guys. You know that big lesbian from that movie Matilda?"
  1242. "Oh that butch woman who ate the cake?"
  1243. >"I like that movie..."
  1244. >Cadance smiles at Flurry's response.
  1245. >"Cinch is like that. If you shoved an angry lobster up her butt covered in five alarm hot sauce."
  1246. "So a plate full of Pork Bung?"
  1247. >"Precisely."
  1248. >Flurry is still confused as to what Pork Bung is.
  1249. "What do you recommend?"
  1250. >"No sass....ANON."
  1251. >You roll your eyes.
  1252. >"And please-"
  1253. >The car comes to a full stop.
  1254. >She puts a hand to Flurry's cheek, looking between the both of you.
  1255. >"Watch out for you Niece, and look out for your Uncle? We're all we got."
  1256. >Flurry nods.
  1257. "Yeah.."
  1258. >She places the car in park, and takes a deep breath.
  1259. >"Showtime guys."
  1260. >You all exit the car, a sense of dread slowly forming in the air.
  1261. >It's the Staff parking lot. You can see other adults slowly walking towards the doors, armed with suitcases and portable cups of Coffee.
  1262. >"DEAN CADANCE!"
  1263. >A loud nasally voice calls out to Candy, garnering yours and Flurry's attention as well.
  1264. >Some nerdy, lanky guy in khakis and a striped shirt speedwalks over waving frantically.
  1265. >You lean over to Candy whispering.
  1266. "People still have goatees like that?"
  1267. >She lightly elbows you.
  1268. >"Hello Professor! Good Morning!"
  1269. >He snorts happily.
  1270. >"It's so good to see you back! The staff and I were SO WORRIED about you! How are you feeling?!"
  1271. >He gets uncomfortably close to Cadance.
  1272. >She takes a step back, her eyebrow twitching.
  1273. >"Oh, we're fine now. Thank you for your concern P-professor."
  1274. >Candy puts her arms around the two of you as if begging for you to shield her.
  1275. >"Allow me to introduce you to my younger brother, and daughter Professor! Go on, and say hi you two!"
  1276. >Flurry puts her hands behind her back keeping her gaze downward.
  1277. "Hello sir."
  1278. >He shakes your hand without you extending yours, and boy are his palms sweaty.
  1279. >"Good Morning! So polite, and well-mannered! Your parents must've done a great job raising you both!"
  1280. >You wipe your hands on your pants, when he's not looking.
  1281. "Uh...yeah. They're the greatest."
  1282. >Cadance curls her mouth, rolling her eyes.
  1283. >"While we'd like to stay and speak to you Professor SunBurst, we really must be getting on. These two have to get adjusted...soooo..."
  1284. >"Oh? Oh! Right,right! I apologize! I'm here just gabbing away when you have to get going! I mean I often do that! I'm such an idiot! It's like a switch with a broken dial! I just keep going, and going-"
  1285. >"PROFESSOR."
  1286. >"Right! I'm soooo sorry!"
  1287. >He awkwardly bows a few times as he back walks away from your party, tripping and falling onto the cold parking lot ground.
  1288. >He scrambles to recover, standing straight up, and waves until he's out of sight, but not before trying to open the door in the wrong way.
  1289. >You fold your arms shaking your head.
  1290. >Cadance facepalms.
  1291. >"He's not this bad, I swear."
  1292. "Sure."
  1293. >You think you hear Cadance say "I need a drink" under her breath, as she leads you and Flurry through the front entrance of the school.
  1294. >You hold the door open for Cadance and Flurry being the dapper gentleman you are, before entering yourself.
  1295. >Cadance smirks, making a kissy face at you, that you internally pray no one saw.
  1296. >A giant Bolt of lightning is plastered on the floor of the lobby. Various Trophies of differing sizes rest in a case nearby, with an impressive banner above it. Right in the center of the Trophies is a memorial to Shining Armor, and different pictures of him in his cop uniform, and school uniform.
  1297. >Surprisingly, Cadance wasn't exaggerating. You look just like he did when he was a student.
  1298. >Cadance, and Flurry walk to the case, and both touch the glass.
  1299. >You turn away rubbing the back of your head. Let them have their moment.
  1300. >Various students pass by, but one in particular catches your eye.
  1301. >It's a girl, with a chin like M. Bison. Wowza.
  1302. >She makes her way towards you with a stack of papers in her arms.
  1303. >Cleft stops in front of you, giving you a once over.
  1304. >That's not rude at all.
  1305. >"Are you the new student?"
  1306. "One of them, sure."
  1307. >"Hmm.."
  1308. >"Fleur! Good Morning."
  1309. >Cadance just saved this girls feelings.
  1310. >"Dean Cadance."
  1311. >She bows.
  1312. >"I was sent by Headmistress Cinch as Student Body President to ensure that these two integrate smoothly into our academic ecosystem."
  1313. >Cadance touches her mouth in concern.
  1314. >"Oh...uhm..Okay."
  1315. >You glare at Cadance who shrugs.
  1316. >"Well, go ahead you two. I'll see you at Lunch...?"
  1317. >The Student President about-faces, flipping her hair in your face.
  1318. >"This way please."
  1319. >You scowl, biting your bottom lip, feeling small fingers try to grab your hand.
  1320. >Flurry, stays close to you keeping her head down.
  1321. "...You okay?"
  1322. >"C-can I hold your hand? I don't like this place..."
  1323. "Of course. We got this."
  1324. >She looks up at you with glassy eyes, nodding.
  1326. >The haughty president frowns at your sluggishness, tapping her foot.
  1327. >You narrow your eyes at her.
  1328. >You match your pace with Flurry's rather than trying to keep up with this uptight animated mannequin.
  1329. >Various students give the two of you differing looks, as you pass by them in the halls.
  1330. >They never seen two people holding hands before? FUCK THESE GUYS.
  1331. >Normally you don't get mad like this, but you're worried about Flurry Heart. She keeps her head down, eyes shut like she wants to run away.
  1332. >The water bottle filled with milk finally comes to a halt.
  1333. >"Before we proceed to your locker assignments, I feel it's my solemn duty to educate you on the proud history of our school. First off, it was founded in eighteen sixty-six by the illustrious De Lis family's Doche De Lis while he-"
  1334. >Enough of that shit.
  1335. >You turn your attention to Flurry, who's locked arms with you.
  1336. >She shivers slightly, gaze still kept at her feet.
  1337. "Hey. How're you holding up?"
  1338. >She shakes her head slowly.
  1339. >"I wish Daddy were here..."
  1340. >You gently rub her hand.
  1341. "I know. I know it's tough Flurry, but he'd want you to be strong right now."
  1342. >"But I'm scared...!"
  1343. >She puts her head against your ribs.
  1344. "You're a lot stronger than you think."
  1345. >"I'm not..."
  1346. "You really are. Your grandparents abandoned your mom in her time of need, and to this day still kick themselves in the ass, but you? You got up and actually did something. That's strength."
  1347. >You see her blink her eyes a few times.
  1348. "Remember yesterday at the lake? You won't be sad anymore? Well you can't be scared either. You're an Armor, and an Amore. That's like Gohan from Dragonball. You're powerful."
  1349. >She finally looks you in the eyes, with a neutral expression.
  1351. >You both look to Leafyishere with annoyed scowls.
  1352. >She shakes her head in disappointment.
  1353. >"Just take these packets! They have your lockers and schedules, an outline of the student guidelines, upcoming events, a lunch menu, after school club advertisements, a list of the current faculty-"
  1354. >ENOUGH ALREADY. Is everyone here so damn long-winded?
  1355. >You just take the packets from Bailey Jay, and hand one labelled "Flurry" to your niece.
  1356. >This LGBTQ deviantart OC puts her hands on her hips.
  1357. >"Class will begin shortly after the morning announcements. Ms. Armor, if you ould follow me, I'll lead you to the freshman floor."
  1358. >Flurry looks at you and whatever this thing is.
  1359. "You're strong. Trust me."
  1360. >The anorexic glow worm takes Flurry by the wrist, leading her away from you.
  1361. >You nod to her, getting a determined nod back, as they disappear into a sea of students.
  1362. "Okay. Now where do I go?"
  1363. >You flip through the packet looking for your scheduled classes.
  1364. "Room...Seven...Ayy? Lovely. Why are people who use letters and numbers as identifiers for certain rooms, such pretentious dicks?"
  1365. >You look around for a room number to get an idea of where you are.
  1366. >Of course students see you searching the area like a retarded tourist, but these shitty rich kids couldn't give a fuck, though they could certainly afford it.
  1367. >5-D is the first room you see. Further down it starts to go back down the alphabet. Noice.
  1368. >Now to follow the waypoint.
  1369. >Navigating the sea of hormones, and cheap perfume, you finally locate your first class.
  1370. >The room is nearly full, but there is a desk in the back of the room.
  1371. >The teacher, is a woman with her hair in a tight ponytail. It looks painful actually.
  1372. >She smiles at you, as you take your seat.
  1373. >You can feel eyes on you each step of the way.
  1374. >You get into the desk chair combo, and fold your hands together.
  1375. >All the students are looking at you with big, creepy smiles.
  1376. >The teacher keeps her eyes on you, her smile not so creepy, but something is behind that grin.
  1377. >The loudspeaker blares on, hurting your ears. The students are still staring at you, while the morning announcements start.
  1378. >Your eyes dart between the creepy smiles and wide-eyed gazes.
  1379. "Mnnh..."
  1380. >You fidget in your seat. Is this the Special Ed class?
  1381. >"--and would like to welcome back Dean Cadance, who had been on paid leave to mourn the loss of cherished Crystal Prep Alumni, Shing Armor. Shining Armor is proceeded by a young Brother-in-law and Daughter who have joined our humble family as of today. If you happen across either of them, be sure to give them a spirited Crystal Prep welcome. Further more--"
  1382. >Flurry's face flashes in your mind. How could someone be so insensitive? She'll be fine. But you're still worried for your beloved Niece.
  1383. >The Loud speakers finally blare off with another screech ending the announcements for the day, leaving you in awkward silence, with the students still staring and grinning at you.
  1384. >The teacher stands up with the smile from before, and opens her arms wide.
  1385. >"You're the brother-in-law, yes? As your Social Studies instructor, allow me and the rest of the class to say, "Welcome"."
  1386. >"WELCOME."
  1387. >The sound of them all saying welcome in unison makes you flinch.
  1388. >"Welcome to "Our class"."
  1389. >"WELCOME."
  1390. >What children of the corn type shit is this?!
  1391. >She saunters towards your desk, placing a hand on the surface.
  1392. >"Please! Don't be afraid friend. We're like a close knit family here, and I'm sure you'll come to feel like you're right at home among your peers and equals!"
  1393. "U-uh...Okay? Th-thanks Ms...?"
  1394. >"Glimmer. Ms. Glimmer. Welcome."
  1395. >"WELCOME."
  1396. >Ms. Glimmer nods satisfied, before making her way back to the front of the class.
  1397. >They all turn their attention to the front. At the same time. SLOWLY.
  1398. >What would Gilda do? She'd probably start kicking asses, and get herself expelled.
  1399. >You really miss Gilda.
  1400. >Sighing, you lean on your elbow sadly.
  1401. >They're taking out their books, and flipping through pages. Since you're in the middle of a semester, you have to wait to participate.
  1402. >"Sugar Belle. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to share your book with Anonymous?"
  1403. >A desk crashes into yours snapping you out of your thoughts.
  1404. >"Of course Ms.Glimmer! It'd be my PLEASURE."
  1405. >One of the weird kids smiles in your face.
  1406. >You lean back like you're doing the limbo.
  1407. >She slides the book to where your desks meet, turning to some random page, never taking her eyes off you.
  1408. >"My name is Sugar Belle, friend! WELCOME."
  1409. "Yeah...thanks..."
  1410. >She finally backs away looking down at the book.
  1411. >"Continuing where we left off from yesterday class, Adolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the vastly successful Nazi Party , Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Führer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. As dictator, Hitler initiated World War II in Europe with the invasion of Poland in September 1939, and was central to the Holocaust...but what do we say about that little bit of rumor?"
  1413. >The class all chime in.
  1414. >What the actual fuck.
  1415. >"Excellent job class! I'm equally proud of you all!"
  1416. >Sugar Belle leans in towards you eerily.
  1417. >"Isn't Ms. Glimmer, simply the best?! She's so kind and knowledgeable!"
  1418. "C-can you back up a little?"
  1419. >Sugar Belle still grinning like a puppet backs away one Centimeter.
  1420. "Thanks."
  1421. >"Now, despite being a charismatic leader, and singlehandedly dominating in World War ll, he was also a gifted artist, publishing numerous art books, and paintings such as the "Mona Lisa", and the "Last Supper"! Isn't that a neat FACT?"
  1422. >You frown, knowing for a fact that Hitler didn't paint those, and raise your hand.
  1423. >Ms. Glimmer's eyes laser in on you, the whole class turning to face you with those brain dead smiles.
  1424. >"Why Anon! Did you have a question?"
  1425. "Actually-"
  1426. >SCOOOT~
  1427. >The entire class just scooted their desks closer to you, all focused on you with their lifeless eyes.
  1428. >You start to feel antsy, lowering your hand.
  1429. "M-may I go to the bathroom?"
  1430. >Ms. Glimmer grins weirdly at your request.
  1431. >"Why of course! Take the hall pass by the door."
  1432. >You slowly crawl out of your desk, and shuffle through the packed in desks, each creepy doll face student following your every move.
  1433. >You reach for the hall pass-
  1435. >Its a swastika covered in glitter, and frills like a Toddler's project. A very messed up Toddler.
  1436. >You exit the class afraid to turn your back to your classmates, and step out into an empty hall, taking deep breaths. You've been here only about two hours and everyone so far is either some inbred, rich kid with an unwarranted shitty personality, or brainwashed propaganda-spewing
  1437. hand puppets.
  1438. >Back in Griffonstone there were two types of kids. Those who were dumb and those who were smart, and it worked.
  1439. >You pinch the bridge of your nose, and throw the Nazi Plus sign into a nearby dumpster. You're gonna have a serious talk with Candy tonight. There's no way in hell you're going back to that class.
  1440. >Speaking of which-
  1441. >Walking down the hallway with Flurry in tow is Cadance.
  1442. >She doesn't look happy, as they head towards you.
  1443. >"What are you doing in the hall?"
  1444. "Going to the bathroom."
  1445. >"In the hall?"
  1446. >You look back at the closed door of Ms. Glimmer's class, and see some of the students with their faces pressed against the small window used to look inside.
  1447. "Uh...yeah. What's wrong?"
  1448. >She rubs her forehead.
  1449. >"It's time. The Cinch wants to meet you."
  1450. >You rub your arm.
  1451. >"What?"
  1452. "Say uh....how lax are you guys with the teachers curriculum?"
  1453. >So off the three of you went. to the lair of the lion herself.
  1454. >You've never met her before, but if Candy's impression of her is anything to go on, you may have wanted to stay in Ms. Glimmer's class.
  1455. >No one spoke the entire way. You shudder to think what these two went through while you were all separated.
  1456. >Cadance finally stops in front of a set of huge doors that say "Headmistress Cinch" on an impressive plaque of gold.
  1457. >Cadance turns around to you, putting a finger in your face.
  1458. >"NO. SASS."
  1459. "I've been on my best behavior thus far. Even though that psycho teacher was indoctrinating her students-"
  1460. >Candy looks to her upper right.
  1461. >"Yeah,..I think she might be off her meds again. I'll handle that, but this is different!"
  1462. "I'll be good. I promise."
  1463. >She furrows her brow, narrowing her eyes at you.
  1464. "I swear!"
  1465. >She folds her arms, nodding, and knocks on the door.
  1466. >The sound echoes throughout the empty halls.
  1467. >You hear a soft, stern "ENTER" come from behind the doors.
  1468. >Flurry steps a bit closer to you, as Cadance brings both doors open.
  1469. >The lighting is so dim, you can barely make anything out. It's like a cliché Disney villain's lair.
  1470. >"Step forward."
  1471. >Cadance motions for you and Flurry to go into the lone beam of light in the room.
  1472. >You comply, and step into the blinding light, seeing only a pair of hands on a desk.
  1473. >The hands pick up a paper.
  1474. >"Flurry Heart, and Anonymous Mi Alma-"
  1475. >She said your full name. It makes you cringe.
  1476. >"Certainly you come from a admirable pedigree, but what exactly makes you Crystal Prep Academy material?"
  1477. >You cock an eye and look at Flurry, who shrugs back.
  1478. >You look back at Cadance who mouths "Answer".
  1479. "W-well...WHAT exactly is "Crystal Prep Material"?"
  1480. >There's a meth joke in there.
  1481. >The hands slide into darkness, and you can hear someone walking around in the darkness.
  1482. >"Crystal Prep is about Education at its highest pinnacle. Excellence through Persistence! Perfection incarnate!"
  1483. >Getting some Ms. Glimmer vibes here.
  1484. >"The two of you share blood with perfect examples of that creed. Running in your genes is perfection. Intelligence. POTENTIAL. So I ask again. What makes you Crystal Prep Academy material?"
  1485. >Flurry scratches the back of her head.
  1486. >"O-our genes?"
  1487. >"EXACTLY."
  1488. >She slams her hands onto her desk, making you both jump.
  1489. >"And with such amazing talent, do you understand now? In order to be Crystal Prep material, you must BE Crystal Prep! Am I clear?"
  1490. >"Yes ma'am!"
  1491. "Yep."
  1492. >You can feel a pair of eyes attempting to set you on fire from behind.
  1493. "I-I mean yes ma'am."
  1494. >Cinch settles down, finally moving into the light.
  1495. >You never thought you'd see someone taller than Candy in this lifetime, and scope out that chin. It's knife edge sharp!
  1496. >"My last question."
  1497. >She leans against her desk.
  1498. >"Can you wield magic?"
  1499. "I'm sorry?"
  1500. >Cadance quickly gathers you and Flurry up, with a panicked smile.
  1501. >"Oh wow! look at the time! I think I'd better get these two back to class! Wouldn't want them to miss out on such valuable education! Gotta hone that perfection!"
  1502. >Cinch opens and closes her mouth a few times, watching as you're herded out of her office with Flurry.
  1503. >Cadance pushes you both far out of earshot, before she starts talking.
  1504. >"I'm so sorry about that you guys. There was this competition, and she took some Xanax with wine before she came in, and started hallucinating during the contest, and she never quite let it go--"
  1505. >She leans against a locker, clearly stressed, and it's not even eleven yet.
  1506. >"Mom...?"
  1507. >"Hm?"
  1508. >Flurry hugs her arms.
  1509. >"Can I go home? I don't feel good, and these kids are...mean."
  1510. "Understatement. Who in gods name does the hiring around here?! That Glimmer chick teacher was talking about how the holocaust was a lie!"
  1511. >Cadance chuckles.
  1512. >The board started hiring graduates to be the instructors. They figured "those familiar with the school were the best to teach others about it"."
  1513. "That logic is terrible. Is that how you became Dean?"
  1514. >"Hah. Maybe."
  1515. >You shake your head.
  1516. "Yeah, I'm with Flurry. Let's go home. I'm feeling sick."
  1517. >Cadance folds her arms together.
  1518. >"C'mon guys. Just power through this. You'll have to come back tomorrow."
  1519. >You groan.
  1520. "Can I at least be taken out of Glimmer's class?"
  1521. >"Cadance points at you.
  1522. >"Done."
  1523. >The familiar screeching of the loudspeaker makes the lockers vibrate.
  1524. >"Will Dean Cadance please come to admissions? I repeat, will Dean Cadance please come to admissions? Thank you."
  1525. >CLICK.
  1526. >"Looks like this madhouse won't run itself. I gotta go guys."
  1527. >Cadance kisses Flurry on the head, and pats your shoulder.
  1528. >"I'd give you a smooch too Anon but--"
  1529. "Hnnnrh..."
  1530. >She snickers and walks off waving at the two of you.
  1531. >"And don't forget to go to class!"
  1532. >You both wave back.
  1533. "Guess I'll be going back...ugh."
  1534. >"W-wait. before you go..."
  1535. >Flurry grabs your wrist softly.
  1536. "What's up?"
  1537. >"Y-you and mom...uh.."
  1538. "Me and, your mom what?"
  1539. >She bites the corner of her mouth.
  1540. >"I-I'm lonely too."
  1541. >Your eyes widen.
  1542. "Where is this coming from? What brought this on?"
  1543. >She's silent.
  1544. >"I saw you both."
  1545. "Saw us what?"
  1546. >"L-last night. I-in bed."
  1547. >The color drains from your face.
  1550. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1553. ?Oh...wow."
  1554. >Flurry focuses on her feet, as you both stand there in silence.
  1555. >You couldn't be more embarrassed right now. How can you explain yourself to her?
  1556. >She takes a step closer, your hand clasped firmly in hers.
  1557. >"Please?"
  1558. >You gulp loudly.
  1559. "Fine."
  1560. >You peck her on the cheek quickly, and try to walk off, but she holds on tightly.
  1561. >You turn around to look at her, only to get an angry scowl.
  1562. >"No. Like you kissed Mom. I'm not a stupid little kid! I know how you did it!"
  1563. "Flurry please. This isn't right!"
  1564. >She looks like she's gonna cry.
  1565. >"Treating me like you treat mom isn't right? Was all that stuff you said just lies to make me feel better?"
  1566. "No! I was for real! This just isn't the time or place for this sort of thing Flurry!"
  1567. >She releases your hand, balling up hers into fists.
  1568. >"She's all anyone talks about! I lost him too! Why do I have to be treated like this, but not mom?!"
  1569. >You try to put your hand on her shoulder, but she shrugs it off.
  1570. >"I can't talk to anyone! Not Aunt Twilight! No one! Doesn't anyone care about how I feel? Care about me at all?!"
  1571. "Flurry, calm down-"
  1572. >"No!"
  1573. >She stomps a heeled foot onto the tiled ground.
  1575. >Your mouth drops, and your eyes widen.
  1576. >Flurry stares at you with angry eyes biting her bottom lip.
  1577. "You..."
  1578. >She wipes her nose, blinking out tears.
  1579. "You're a little brat."
  1580. >"Wh-what?"
  1581. >Your sympathetic frown becomes a rage-filled scowl.
  1582. "How could you even think to say such a thing? Your mother, deep down blames herself just as much as everyone else is. She has to live with that everyday, and keep a strong face on for others. For you."
  1583. >Her mouth trembles.
  1584. "I'm here for both of you, and that's not gonna change, but you're out of line Flurry. Outrageously so."
  1585. >"You're a liar...just like all those people who say they feel bad for me,
  1586. >You're left alone in the hallway to ponder where to go from here.
  1587. >The bell rung signalling the period change, and well...the rest of the day went as could be expected. Snobby rich kids, and psycho teachers galore.
  1588. >All you could think about was Flurry, and the things she said.
  1589. >Are you the only one not saying it's Candy's fault for Shining? Hell, she's saying it's her fault even.
  1590. >You thought you caught a glimpse of her during the fourth period change, but if it was, she totally blew you off.
  1591. >Before you knew it Lunch came. Time to sample the local cuisine.
  1592. >You stand in line with your red lunch tray, looking over the spread. You glance at the special of the day.
  1593. "Salmon Roe with broiled Flounder?"
  1594. >The lunch lady puts some of the afforementioned food on your tray. It looks like play-doh boiled in Vegetable stock.
  1595. "Yeah, it looks just like that."
  1596. >"Ya don't like it, brownbag it."
  1597. >The lunch lady snorts.
  1598. >You give her a face, and walk off to find somewhere to sit.
  1599. >Flurry is no where to be seen. Maybe she has the other lunch period.
  1600. >You find a table by a window in the back, and sit against the wall, sighing.
  1601. >This has been the worst day ever.
  1602. >You pick at the mystery meat, with your spork. Isn't this a rich kid's school? What's this processed garbage that looks like it just had water added to it, and was microwaved?
  1603. >"How's the soup?"
  1604. >You look up, seeing Cadance with a tray in her hands.
  1605. "Soup? This is flounder with Salmon Roe."
  1606. >You poke it, getting an audible "Squish".
  1607. >Cadance grimaces, sitting across from you.
  1608. >"Where's Flurry?"
  1609. "Huh?"
  1610. >"This is her lunch period. I expected to see the two of you together."
  1611. "I wouldn't know..."
  1612. >You look down at your questionable lunch, stirring it.
  1613. "So are you having any more problems with the instructors?"
  1614. >You shake your head.
  1615. >Cadance tilts her head.
  1616. >"Are you alright?"
  1617. "I'm fine."
  1618. >"Really? You seem a little "short"."
  1619. >She snickers at her own joke.
  1620. "Hm. Yeah."
  1621. >"..."
  1622. >You lean on one of your elbows.
  1623. >"Nothing huh..."
  1624. "What?"
  1625. >She crosses her arms, frowning at you.
  1626. >You look up to meet her gaze, when you spot your Niece with a tray in hand.
  1627. >She locks eyes with you, scowls and walks off in another direction sitting on the far side of the room.
  1628. >Unfortunately for you, Candy happened to see that little exchange.
  1629. >"Anything you wanna tell me?"
  1630. "Not particularly."
  1631. >She leans forward, so she won't be heard by the surrounding students.
  1632. >"Anonymous Mi Alma, don't you bullshit me. What's going on?"
  1633. >You look away poking out your bottom lip.
  1634. "Nothing, "Cadenza". She's a big girl. She can eat by herself."
  1635. >Cadance's eye twitches.
  1636. >"Okay then. I'll ask her."
  1637. "Good luck."
  1638. >"Hrrnnh..."
  1639. >Cadance stares at you, hard.
  1640. >Her eyes feel like they're burning holes into your skin.
  1641. "...."
  1642. >"..."
  1643. >You fidget in your seat.
  1644. "Jesus Christ! Can we talk about it later?!"
  1645. >She pokes out her lips.
  1646. "look, it can wait until later alright? I don't want to talk about it here! What's with you girls and discussing sensitive matters in public settings?!"
  1647. >You get up from the table tossing your uneaten lunch into the garbage.
  1648. >Candy watches as you walk out of the cafeteria.
  1649. >Flurry is picking at her food while a couple of random girls sit around her talking about who knows what.
  1650. >She flashes you a look before you leave.
  1651. >Shit. This is gonna be an interesting evening.
  1652. >"Hey! Hey you! New kid!"
  1653. >You're barely out of the cafeteria. before you're called out to.
  1654. >Or at least you think it's you.
  1655. >Turning to the voice, you see some girl with Slicked back hair. She glares at you with her hands on her hips.
  1656. >You look around and point to yourself.
  1657. >"Yes you! We're the only ones in the hallway, and you're the only new kid between us dweeb!"
  1658. >Dweeb...There's a slight pain in your heart.
  1659. "Yeah? What do you want?"
  1660. >She curls a finger in your direction.
  1661. >"Come with me."
  1662. "No."
  1663. >Who does she think she is? You barely know her, and she just starts talking shit out of no where! What a cun-
  1664. >Your ear is pinched, and pulled on by the girl, who closed the distance while you were thinking to yourself.
  1666. >"Just shut up, and come with me!"
  1667. >She pulls you along like an 80s housewife to god only knows where.
  1668. >You're not walking for long, before she brings you into a room with some other kids inside.
  1669. >She pushes you forward.
  1670. >"Here he is. Whiny little bastard."
  1671. >You rub your ear, prepared to strike back at her, but not before getting a good look at your surroundings.
  1672. >Multiple stoves, and sinks lined up, and a couple refrigerators decorate the room.
  1673. >"Hello new guy."
  1674. >Some kid with a fucked chin(like that's not a running theme in this school) takes your hand, and shakes it, adjusting his white glasses.
  1675. >"Welcome to the Home Economics room. We're the cooking club, and you're hereby inducted into our ranks!"
  1676. >Slick hair pushes you from behind towards a stove.
  1677. >"Your sister said you got skills. Show us!"
  1678. >You can't get a word in edgewise! You're being shoved, and ordered around by this slickback whore, and yet...it feels vaguely familiar. Almost...Nostalgic.
  1679. >You see two other students in addition to Chinpocalypse and the bitch who stand with crossed arms silently watching.
  1680. >"Hurry up! Lunch is gonna be over soon, and we're starving!"
  1681. "Wait, you brought me here to cook for you guys?"
  1682. >White Glasses gives you his best smile.
  1683. >"If you don't mind of course. Dean Cadance praised your skills as exemplary, and well...we can't bring our butlers to school to prepare our meals-"
  1684. "You have to be kidding. Do I look like hired help to you?"
  1685. >Slick hair groans.
  1686. >"Stop your bitching, and just do it! My blood sugars low!"
  1687. "And you! What the hell type of drugs are you smoking? You think this is a cartoon where you just abduct people and don't get your ass whooped?"
  1688. >She puts her fists up in a fighting stance.
  1689. >"You wanna fight?! I'll wreck your shit!"
  1690. >One of the kids from the back, some big haired girl steps between you both.
  1691. >"There's no need to get violent here. Surely we can compromise right?"
  1692. >She looks to you with a smile.
  1693. >"You'd do it if you were compensated for your efforts right?"
  1694. >You cross your arms.
  1695. >"What do you mean "compensated"?"
  1696. >Slick rolls her eyes.
  1697. >"What do you THINK?"
  1698. >You put a finger to your mouth.
  1699. "....Sex?"
  1700. >They all erupt into laughter, and not normal laughter. Rich, snobby nasally laughter.
  1701. >"Oh heavens! Nooooo. No no no. Money new kid. Money!"
  1702. "Oh. Of course you meant money."
  1703. >Slick shakes her head.
  1704. "How much are we talki-"
  1705. >You're immediately met with the sight of Green Abraham Lincoln. You didn't know he had three other brothers....
  1706. >Cha-Ching
  1709. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1712. >You divide the egg dish up for them, and stand back gauging their reactions.
  1713. >Indigo digs into it with reckless abandon, while the others take measured nibbles.
  1714. >It annoys the shit out of you.
  1715. >"I say! This is delicious!"
  1716. >"Almost better than what my personal chef."
  1717. >"And this is the result of cooking the young of domesticated farm fowl? How delightfully morbid, yet engaging!"
  1718. >What a bunch of jobbers.
  1719. "So if none of you can cook, why are you in THE COOKING CLUB?"
  1720. >More rich people laughter.
  1721. >"To have people cook for us of course! What did you think the cooking club was for?"
  1722. >That's retarded.
  1723. "Wha--who's your club president? Who created this abomination?"
  1724. >"Dean Cadance."
  1726. >You can hear the clatter of a fork hitting a cleaned plate, as Indigo leans back in her chair, patting her stomach.
  1727. >"...Not bad. It wasn't complete and utter garbage I guess."
  1728. "So glad to have gained your approval."
  1729. >She smirks at you.
  1730. >"And I'm glad your skills aren't hereditary."
  1731. "Huh?"
  1732. >A tense silence falls over the room.
  1733. >"D-Dean Cadance has a warped idea of what, "boiled water" is..."
  1734. >Upper Crust's face turns pale, as she hugs her arms. She looks like she's recalling a horrible memory.
  1735. "Well. See you chumps never."
  1736. >You dust your hands off, and prepare to leave. You head to the door, and just as you grab the doorknob, Fancy pants puts an arm around your shoulders.
  1737. >"Now one moment Anon, my boy. This can't be our last meeting lad. Someone with skills of your caliber for the culinary arts should be preparing meals for us every school day! Not without monetary compensation of course-"
  1738. >How old is this guy?
  1739. "Are you saying you want me to make food for you guys every day for money?"
  1740. >He nods smiling.
  1741. >You look back at the others.
  1742. >Indigo flips you off, while Crust and Trender smile pleadingly.
  1743. "Hmm..Maybe we can work something out."
  1744. >At least you'll have a reason to come to school now.
  1745. >While, that thing with Flurry and Candy had you irritated, you made off with a cool Twenty bucks.
  1746. >Twenty bucks for a half-assed omelet! You can't wait to tell Indigo!
  1747. >Er..Gilda. You meant Gilda.
  1748. >How could you get those two mixed up?
  1749. >The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Mostly because you kept caressing your sweet, hard earned shekels, plus what kind of monster gives a new kid homework on his first day?
  1750. >I'll tell you who. SUNBURST. Fuck that guy.
  1751. >In any case, the final bell goes off. School has ended, and you came out of it only mildly traumatized, but twenty bucks less poorer!
  1752. >You exit Sunburst's class with a brand new advanced calculus textbook, and four worksheets.
  1753. >"Don't forget class! A sharp mind means an even sharper future!"
  1754. >He urkel snort laughs from inside the class.
  1755. >Seriously. Fuck that guy.
  1756. >You're pushing through the crowds of students to the front entrance, but get stopped partway.
  1757. >It's Indigo again.
  1758. >She hands you a piece of paper.
  1759. "What's this?"
  1760. >"A menu. I want to eat this tomorrow."
  1761. >You look at it.
  1762. >All it says is "Chinese", and has crusde pictures of what she interprets as Chinese food, such as eggrolls, and what you think is Ramen.
  1763. "...Oookay."
  1764. >"Cool."
  1765. >She walks off flipping what little hair she has, as you crumble up the paper and toss it into the trash.
  1766. >She gonna eat whatever you decide to fix her. And isn't Ramen Japanese?
  1767. >Ignoring that bit of foolishness, you look around for Cad-
  1768. >You see her, and Flurry standing near the trophy case from this morning. Flurry stares at her father's monument, while Cadance waves you over.
  1769. >"Hey! How was your first day?"
  1770. >Flurry peeks at you over her sholder with half-lidded eyes.
  1771. >You shrug.
  1772. >"See? I told you, you could do it. Day one is down! Just a few months to go!"
  1773. >She puts her arms around the both of you.
  1774. "Oy, cut that out! We're still on campus!"
  1775. >Candy makes a kissy face at you.
  1776. >"Awww. Little Anon can't take PDA from his big sister?"
  1777. >Oh Boy.
  1778. >You can feel Flurry's scowl from here.
  1779. "L-let's just go home, okay? I have a ton of homework to do."
  1780. >"You do? What kind of monster gives a kid homework on his first day?"
  1781. "I KNOW RIGHT?!"
  1782. >Flurry slips out of Cadance's grasp, leaving the building.
  1783. >"I-I'll be at the car, waiting."
  1784. >Flurry steps outside, heading to the parking lot.
  1785. >"What's with her? Do you think she's being bullied?"
  1786. "U-uhh--I--ah?"
  1787. >Cadance looks at you with suspicious, narrowed eyes.
  1788. >Her arm slowly begins to tighten into a headlock.
  1789. >"Something you want to say little brother?"
  1790. "Nuh-naw. Nope. Nuh-uh. I'm just ready to get home!"
  1791. >"Hmm..."
  1792. >Her grip continues to tighten.
  1793. "Oh! Hey Headmistress Cinch!"
  1794. >You look to behind you.
  1795. >"Huh?"
  1796. >Cadance looks also, giving you time to slide out of her hold.
  1797. "L-last one to the car makes dinner!"
  1798. >"Anon!"
  1799. >Once outside, you jog to the car, glad you dodged that bullet again.
  1800. >Of course you're not letting Candy near a stove, but it'll give her incentive to move her ass, so you can get this awkward car ride over with.
  1801. >You shudder, thinking of what could possibly happen in the car.
  1802. >If you just avoid interacting with Cadance, maybe things will be okay?
  1803. >You spot Flurry leaning against the car looking down.
  1804. >She looks up at you briefly, before turning away.
  1805. >"Noooooo! Don't make me coooook!"
  1806. >Candy brings up the rear, attempting to run in her heels.
  1807. "Then move it girl!"
  1808. >She stops in front of you panting.
  1809. >"This is Elderly abuuuuuuuse!"
  1810. >There goes that feeling of eyes burning into you from behind again.
  1811. "L-let's just get home, before we make a scene. Okay?"
  1812. >Cadance shrugs at your request, unlocking the car doors with her remote.
  1813. >"And here I thought Kids liked to have fun. Hm!"
  1814. >Flurry is already inside, staring ahead with an angry frown.
  1815. >You enter next, seeing her look at you through the rear view window.
  1816. >And it begins.
  1817. >Cadance gets in next, the car jiggling a little.
  1818. >"Time to go home gang! What are we having for dinner?"
  1819. >Flurry puts on her seatbelt in silence.
  1820. "I dunno. What do you feel like eating?"
  1821. >Cadance thinks out loud, starting up the car.
  1822. >"I'm in a seafood mood."
  1823. "After eating that slop in the cafeteria?"
  1824. >"Well..yeah. REAL seafood."
  1825. >Does she even have the proper items for it?
  1826. >"Maybe some sort of stew, with rice in it, and various meats? HINT HINT?"
  1827. "You're such a glutton."
  1828. >"Shut up baby, I know it."
  1829. >You think you hear Flurry growl.
  1830. >Right! Don't interact with Cadance! Just get through the ride.
  1831. >So Flurry, how was your day?"
  1832. >"...It was fine."
  1833. >You finally pull off, Cadance honking at one of the teachers and waving to her.
  1834. >The teacher doesn't look too pleased to be honked at.
  1835. "Who's that?"
  1836. >"That's the drama class teacher, Chrysalis. She's the best!"
  1837. "Mhm. Sure."
  1838. >Somehow you don't think this teacher feels the same way.
  1839. >None of your business .
  1840. > With Flurry peering out the window, the three of you proceed home.
  1843. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1846. >"So spill. How many friends did you two make?"
  1847. >Flurry remains silent.
  1848. "None. Is everyone there a psychopath?"
  1849. >Cadance snickers.
  1850. >"Don't worry. It'll grow on you. Think of it as, character building at its highest extreme."
  1851. "Spouting controversial ideology is now considered "character building"?"
  1852. >"Errrm...Again, she's on meds."
  1853. "I'm starting to think we're all gonna need to be high on something to survive at this school."
  1854. >You run your hands down your face, and look out the window gor the rest of the ride, drowning out Cadance's blathering about how great CPA actually is.
  1855. >There's something else on your mind.
  1856. >The bumping of the car hitting the driveway snaps you from your thoughts as you make it home.
  1857. >Flurry is the first out of the car, and in the house. She practically ran inside, and you don't have to guess where she went.
  1858. >You, and Candy followed suit shortly after.
  1859. >"Be it ever so humble-"
  1860. >She kicks her heels off letting them fall wherever, and collapses onto the couch.
  1861. >"Anoooooon~ my legs huuuuurt."
  1862. >Hah. No. We're not doing that shit again.
  1863. "Yeah. That's a shame. Well, better get started on that homework! Work work work!"
  1864. >You practically mario jump up the stair case before she can protest any further.
  1865. >She calls you mean from downstairs, as you rush to your room, and shut the door.
  1866. >Finally. Peace, and quiet to organize your thoughts.
  1867. >You stumble forward, and lay down on your bed face first.
  1868. >The comfort of laying on a soft bed after being so active all day is heavenly. You could fall asleep at any moment, but you have to will yourself to stay awake. You have to cook, check for messages, and make up with your Niece.
  1869. >Who watched you in bed with her mom, and is jealous of your relationship with her.
  1870. >Lovely.
  1871. >How should you go about this?
  1872. >You were asked to help these two get themselves together, and you won't accept anything but a perfect outcome.
  1873. >Knock Knock.
  1874. >The door opens up. It's Candy.
  1875. "I didn't say come in. What if I was naked?"
  1876. >She steps in and closes your door.
  1877. >"It's not like I haven't seen your thing before."
  1878. "It's grown since I was seven Candy."
  1879. >Cadance comes and sits on your bed leaning on your back.
  1880. >"Next you'll tell me it's because it's cold."
  1881. >You grimace.
  1882. "That's gross. What do you want?"
  1883. >"An explanation."
  1884. >Oh boy. Here it comes.
  1885. >"What is Flurry doing locled up in her room? Yesterday she was all over you, and talking-"
  1886. >You grunt, as she presses her elbows down into the pit of your back.
  1887. >"What happened?"
  1888. >May as well come clean now.
  1889. "She saw."
  1890. >"Saw what?"
  1891. >You move to your side leaning on your elbow.
  1892. "She saw us in bed together last night."
  1893. >Candy looks at you waiting for more.
  1894. "That's it."
  1895. >"That's it?"
  1896. "Yes. That's it."
  1897. >She scratches her head.
  1898. >"Soooo...what's the problem?"
  1899. >You forgot. Cadance isn't really going to see the problem.
  1900. "We had an argument over it, and some other things is all. Nothing major."
  1901. >"What did you argue about?"
  1902. "I don't think it's really my place to say..."
  1903. >She "harrumphs".
  1904. >"Should I go talk to her?"
  1905. >You shake your head.
  1906. "I'll make things right. Don't worry about it."
  1907. >You change your position so you're sitting next to Candy.
  1908. >She puts her head on your shoulder once more.
  1909. >Some time passes as the two of you sit there, not speaking.
  1910. >"You wanna sleep in my room again tonight?"
  1911. "NO."
  1912. >You're getting tired of this teasing now. The jokes been done to death.
  1913. >She sits up.
  1914. >"I'm serious. I want you to sleep in my room again."
  1915. >You look at her incredulously.
  1916. >She moves the hair from her left ear, blushing slightly.
  1917. >"It's--I-It was nice having someone nearby when I felt so..so lost. y'know?"
  1918. "Well dang. I may as well move into your room then huh?"
  1919. >"Maybe you should."
  1920. >You laugh out loud. Alone.
  1921. >You're laughing alone?
  1922. >Candy looks at you with serious eyes.
  1923. "...Oh."
  1924. >She looks down, kicking her legs.
  1925. >"I realize how tough it must've been for you both. It was just as bad for me, and honestly? I would have broken down for sure at some point, if not for you, and your support..."
  1926. >You silently listen.
  1927. >"Don't misunderstand me here! I'm not trying to replace Shining or anything!"
  1928. >She takes a deep breath.
  1929. >"But I realize I need you."
  1930. >Your eyes widen.
  1931. >She puts her hand on top of yours.
  1932. >So if you ever considered wanting to move into my room with me, I wouldn't be opposed to it..."
  1933. >You gulp loudly.
  1934. "Cadance...Candy...Last night was an exception. I want to be there for you, but this would just be...I don't know..wrong?! We;re related, but I'm still a dude, so-"
  1935. >She looks at you with wide eyes now.
  1936. >"Are--Oh wow."
  1937. >She turns pinker than usual, looking away.
  1938. "Crap.. That sounded weird. What I meant is--uh--Well that is to say--"
  1939. >"N-no! It's cool! I get it! I mean, I am HOT after all."
  1940. >she poses, winking at you.
  1941. >You scowl at her joking tone.
  1942. >She giggles, bumping you, with a big smile.
  1943. >"Thank you for the compliment. That makes me feel good."
  1944. >A boner is a compliment to women?
  1945. "Do you think you'll ever date again...?"
  1946. >She looks at the ceiling.
  1947. >"How did we get on this subject? I thought we were talking about moving bedrooms!"
  1948. "Just answer, stupid."
  1949. >Her head teeters in thought.
  1950. >"I don't think so. Shiny was my soul mate. I don't want to trample all over that with some shitty rebound."
  1951. >She smiles at you.
  1952. >"I've accepted I'll never be as happy as I was with him. Ever."
  1953. "Candy..."
  1954. >She wipes her eye.
  1955. >"Let's not go too deeper into this than that. For now, I want you to do something for me."
  1956. >You nod.
  1957. >"Make up with your niece. If she's happy, I can be happy."
  1958. "Of course I will."
  1959. >She breathes deeply.
  1960. >"Thank you, midget. You're more of a real man than I give you credit for."
  1961. >You smile softly back at her.
  1962. >"...."
  1963. >She stares at you.
  1964. "Was there something else?"
  1965. >She scratches her cheek, sheepishly.
  1966. >"Eheh-heh-heh....Can I say something weird?"
  1967. "That doesn't stop you usually."
  1968. >She chuckles.
  1969. >"Yo-You're--Heh..."
  1970. >You roll your wrist telling her to go on.
  1971. >"You're a pretty good kisser."
  1972. >You straighten up, and blink.
  1973. "You're right. That was a weird thing to say."
  1974. >She pushes you, standing up giggling madly.
  1975. >"You're the sister-kisser here!"
  1976. "Yeah, but you liked it! Were my lips soft sis?"
  1977. >She covers her face.
  1978. >"I shouldn't have said anything!"
  1979. "Well you did, and now I'm gonna use it forever against you."
  1980. >She sticks her tongue out at you, preparing to leave your room.
  1981. >"Make up with Flurry. That's an order!"
  1982. "Yeah yeah."
  1983. >She leaves with reddened cheeks, laughing under her breath.
  1984. >You watch her equally red yourself if not more, and get off your bed heading to Flurry's room, like promised.
  1985. >You gently knock on it a few times, placing your eye to the cold wood to see if she;s up.
  1986. >You hear some bumping and thumping from within, but it soon stops.
  1987. >A minute passes until you knock again.
  1988. "Flurry? Are you up?"
  1989. >Bump bu-bump-
  1990. >The doorknob clicks finally after a few scant seconds.
  1991. >You can see a piece of her half lidded eye peeking through a crack in the door.
  1992. >"....What do you want?"
  1993. >You rub the back of your head.
  1994. "Can we maybe...uh...talk?"
  1995. >"...."
  1996. "Please? I promise you'll want to hear it."
  1997. >Flurry stands there in silence for a while, before finally opening the door partways.
  1998. >"Come in...I guess."
  1999. >You step inside, and look around.
  2000. >The lighting is pretty dim, and you can see a vanity mirror in the corner.
  2001. >Flurry has it decorated with many family pictures, and some of her father. She has numerous stuffed animals decorating another corner, where her big Queen-sized messy bed sits in the center.
  2002. "Wow. Your room is cool."
  2003. >She closes the door, relocating after to her bed, and sitting on the foot.>"Daddy designed it for me. He said "My princess, needs a throne worthy of her"."
  2004. "I-I see..."
  2005. >She folds her hands together patiently.
  2006. >"Okay..."
  2007. >You take a deep breath, and clear your throat.
  2008. "I'm sorry."
  2009. >She looks at you with big sad eyes.
  2010. "I should have been more aware of your feelings, but...well...I was a little unsure of how to speak or act with you. I haven't known you as long as I've known Candy, so I figured you wouldn't be really comfortable with me acting that way with you."
  2011. >Flurry bites her lips, ba,,ing up her hands on her lap.
  2012. "I promise to be more conscious of you, and treat you the same wa-"
  2013. >"Stop it..."
  2014. >You cock an eyebrow at her interruption.
  2015. >"How could you still be so nice to me...?"
  2016. >You sit down next to Flurry, putting an arm around her shoulders.
  2017. >"I thought about it a lot...I was really being a brat like you said! I can't f-force my way into a bond like you and mom's..."
  2018. >Tears fall onto her fists.
  2019. "That's very mature of you Flurry. Way more than I'd expect of someone your age."
  2020. >She sniffles.
  2021. "But you were right. I've been neglecting you. I'm sorry."
  2022. >You hug her close.
  2023. >"I wanted to apologize, but I was scared you hated me..."
  2024. "You lil idjit."
  2025. >She gasps, a look of disbelief on her face.
  2026. "I'd never hate you."
  2027. >"Or leave me?"
  2028. "Never."
  2029. >She looks down at her lap.
  2030. "Hey. Can I get a smile?"
  2031. >She sniffs again.
  2032. >"I-I'll trade you."
  2033. >Trade?
  2034. "What do you want to trade?"
  2035. >"F-for a kiss."
  2036. "Duuuuuh....wuh..."
  2037. >She looks into your eyes, with wet eyes.
  2038. >"Please?"
  2039. >You gulp again.
  2040. "O-on the cheek or head r-right?"
  2041. >She slowly shakes her head, and presses her lips against yours.
  2044. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2047. >How long?
  2048. >How long has this kiss been going?
  2049. >Flurry pulls back with her eyes still closed.
  2050. >"That...that was amazing."
  2051. >You sit there flabbergasted at what just happened.
  2052. >Flurry finally smiles, bringing a hand to your cheek.
  2053. >"Thank you Anon. I-I'm really really happy.:
  2054. "Er...I'm happy you're happy!"
  2055. >She places her head against your chest, humming with a big grin.
  2056. >"Someone for me too..."
  2057. >She wraps her arms around your waist.
  2058. >It's good that you made up with Flurry...you think? You pray this won't bite you in the ass somewhere down the road.
  2059. >For now, you just need to get away and think about things.
  2060. "W-well, now that that's done, I should go start di-dinner..."
  2061. >"Okay!"
  2062. >Flurry releases you, allowing you room to stand up.
  2063. >You're back to that robotic walk, as you exit her room.
  2064. >"Hey Anon?"
  2065. >You look back at her making some type of constipated duck face expression.
  2066. >"I really really love you!"
  2067. >She smiles big.
  2068. "Ye-yes. I love you too Flurry."
  2069. >You leave the room, and head downstairs, shellshocked over recent events.
  2070. >Pretty sure Cadance didn't have that in mind when she asked you to make up with your niece.
  2071. >As you wiggle down the steps, you see Cadance curled up on the sofa watching tv.
  2072. >"Hey you."
  2073. "HELLO."
  2074. >She flinches at your tone.
  2075. >"Whoa! Keep it down!"
  2076. >You auto-pilot your way into the kitchen, and start taking out pots, not sure what you're going to do.
  2077. >Candy enters behind you, retrieving a pound of shrimp from her freezer.
  2078. >She plops it onto the counter.
  2079. >"I bought this on sale last week! What can you do with it?"
  2081. >"Goodness. You sound like Aunt Luna."
  2082. >She folds her arms together.
  2083. >"How did it go with your niece? Everything cool now?"
  2084. "I would say so! Yes! Best friends! BBBFF!"
  2085. >Cadance looks confused.
  2086. >Flurry appears soon after only making it worse.
  2087. >She dances into the kitchen, with a huge smile.
  2088. >"I think your cooking show comes on tonight! Are we watching it together Anon?"
  2089. >"Huh?"
  2090. >Cadance puts her hands on her hips.
  2091. >"Hello sweetie. How're you feeling?"
  2092. >Flurry spins in a circle.
  2093. >"I feel great! Why do you ask?"
  2094. >"d-uh..no reason...Huh?"
  2095. >Flurry bounces along sitting on the sofa, kicking back and bringing her knees to her chest, getting comfy.
  2096. >Cadance looks back at you with narrowed eyes.
  2097. >You avert your gaze, whistling.
  2098. >Cadance pinches your ear.
  2099. "OUCH!"
  2100. >"Shush!"
  2101. >Cadance leans in close.
  2102. >"What did you do?"
  2103. "Wh-what do you mean?"
  2104. >Cadance scowls.
  2105. >"Why is my daughter acting like--"
  2106. >She looks to the living room. Flurry is still there, humming swinging to, and fro.
  2107. >"-like a freshly fucked lonely housewife?!"
  2108. "I didn't do anything to her! I swear!"
  2109. >"Anon..."
  2110. "I'm serious! We just may have...kissed a little."
  2111. >You shut your eyes waiting for the boom.
  2112. >Nothing happens,
  2113. >Cadance is looking at you waiting for more.
  2114. >"Okay, and?"
  2115. "O-on the mouth."
  2116. >"Yeah? So what? What else did you do?!"
  2117. >She grabs your hand, and smells your fingers.
  2118. "Candy what the hell?!"
  2119. >You snatch your hand away from her.
  2120. >She releases your ear, with an angry frown.
  2121. "That's seriously all. Just a kiss."
  2122. >"Is that ALL?"
  2123. "Yes! Do I look like a pervert to you?"
  2124. >"Yes, you do. Because I'm a pervert, and you;re a lot like me in some ways."
  2125. >That is not what you want to hear from her.
  2126. >She sighs, leaning on the counter.
  2127. >"If that's all you did, mission accomplished I guess. You got her to smile again, so I owe you for that."
  2128. >You rub your hurt ear.
  2129. "So you're not bothered by something like kissing?"
  2130. >She shrugs.
  2131. >"I mean, you kissed me, and I didn't freak."
  2132. "But I'm your little brother."
  2133. >"Well it's weird when you put titles on it like that."
  2134. "Jesus Christ."
  2135. >You facepalm forgetting who this is you're talking to.
  2136. >"You're too uptight. I kiss Flurry on the lips, and so did Shining. She's family. It's not that odd, when you think of it."
  2137. "That's good and all, but why did you smell my fingers? What were you expecting to find?"
  2138. >"Uh..."
  2139. >"Shrimp!"
  2140. >She holds the bag up.
  2141. "Hey, don't change the subject-"
  2142. >"Shrimp! Cook it! Now. Stop talking!"
  2143. >Candy shoves the cold bag into your chest, speedwalking away into the living room.
  2144. >You look at the hand she smelled.
  2145. >Wait. She smelled your fingers, after she thought you did something to Flurr-
  2146. >Suddenly those gears start to move in your brain.
  2148. >The rest of the evening was spent eating fried shrimp. Out of which you mean Candy spent the evening eating the fried shrimp. Greedy woman.
  2149. >Flurry was a regular motor-mouth the entire meal. It made you happy to see that bubbly girl from Easter, and not the dark, stone-faced version of herself.
  2150. >In fact, the both of them seemed happier than normal.
  2151. >It felt like you were part of a complete family for the first time. No parents there to argue with her, no tears or painful stories. You wish it could be like this forever.
  2152. >You moved to the living room afterwards, while Cadance, and Flurry cleaned up.
  2153. >Flurry would have went up to her room, and Candy would have...well you're not sure. She would have been probably talking with you.
  2154. >You sit on the far end of the couch , settling in. It's Chopped o clock!
  2155. >Flipping to the Food Network, you see they're introducing the chefs. The worst part of the show.
  2156. >No one cares about the Origin stories of these guys. You just wanna see what the basket is, and who cries after going home.
  2157. >The chefs are starting to open the baskets, when you feel something in your pocket shake.
  2158. >You reach in, brandishing your phone, and look at the screen. It hadn't rung in so long, it's almost like you didn't have it.
  2159. >BZZZZZ. BZZZZZ/
  2160. >Someone is texting you.
  2161. >"Hey."
  2162. >It's an unknown number.
  2163. "Who is this?"
  2164. >"Your sister."
  2165. >Candy?
  2166. >"Your dad gave me your number. Are you free to talk?"
  2167. "WHO IS THIS."
  2168. >"YOUR SISTER."
  2169. >This stranger is starting to piss you off. You're not one for playing on the phone.
  2170. "In the Kitchen?"
  2171. >There's no response for a while.
  2172. "Hello?"
  2173. >You wait for a response.
  2174. >Nothing.
  2175. "Whoever this is don't play on my phone again, asshole."
  2176. >You put your phone on your lap, slightly annoyed.
  2177. >Before you can get back to the show, your phone starts to ring.
  2178. >Unknown.
  2179. >You cautiously answer it expecting a telemarketer.
  2180. "Hello?"
  2181. >"What do you think you're doing?"
  2182. >You recognize this voice.
  2183. >"Shining's body isn't even cold yet, and you're trying to take over?!"
  2184. "Twilight?"
  2185. >You hear a nasally groan.
  2186. "How did you get my number?!"
  2187. >"Your dad gave it to me! He's called and asked me to "Watch out for you, while you get their household together"! What did he mean by that?!?"
  2188. >You close your eyes, taking a deep breath, wondering why he went and contacted her.
  2189. >That'll be a conversation for later.
  2190. "You got the wrong idea! I'm just trying to help out around here-"
  2192. >You back away from your phone. her loud screeching voice is giving you a headache.
  2193. >"You know when I saw you at the funeral, I thought you understood. I thought you understood my anger, and then you go and do something like this-"
  2194. "Jesus Christ. One. Don't call me with this dumb shit. Two. You're my sister IN LAW."
  2195. >You can hear heavy breathing on the other side.
  2196. "Three. Refer to numbers on through two! Bye."
  2197. >"Don't you da-"
  2198. >Red phone button pressed. Now to make another call.
  2199. >You pull up your contacts with frenzied eyes, and press "dad".
  2200. >The phone rings a few times, before a husky voice answers.
  2201. >"Hello, this is-"
  2202. "Cut it out. You know who this is!"
  2203. >You hear some shuffling.
  2204. >"Hey Anon. How is it going?"
  2205. >You take a deep breath.
  2206. "Why did you give Twilight Sparkle my number?"
  2207. >"I'-I'm sorry?"
  2208. >You wish you could send a punch through text message to him right now.
  2209. "What were you thinking giving my number to her? I told you how crazy she got at the funeral right? What were you trying to do by telling her I was here?!?"
  2210. >He goes silent.
  2211. >"Your mother told me how you spoke to her, and we talked it out. We feel that maybe Cadenza's attitude is influencing you negatively, so I called and asked Twilight to look out for you. You're not going to be there forever son, and frankly, we don't want another one of her in the house messing up what we have..."
  2212. >You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  2213. "Please tell me you're joking."
  2214. >"I'm afraid I'm dead serious son. Twilight is responsible. She has her head in the books, and stays out of trouble. She's the perfect person to look after you, while you look after Cadenza."
  2215. >You grip the phone tightly.
  2216. >"Hello?"
  2217. "Do you know how retarded that sounds? Like really? DO YOU KNOW HOW RETARDED THAT SOUNDS?"
  2218. >You're screaming into your phone at this point.
  2220. >"Anon! How dare yo-"
  2222. >"You little brat! I'm still your father!"
  2223. >You hang up, trembling in rage, through grit teeth.
  2224. >You look up through red eyes, and see Candy and Flurry looking at you from the doorway.
  2225. >You stare at each other for a long while, before the both silently join you on the sofa.
  2226. >Flurry takes your right while Cadance takes your left.
  2227. >The two girls both hug you tightly without a word.
  2228. >Your heart is pounding hard. The gall of those two...!
  2229. >The only people messing up are them. Go back there someday? Maybe you should just stay here for good.
  2232. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2235. >You lay back, enjoying the warmth of Cadance, and Flurry.
  2236. >It's soothing.
  2237. >"Had another great chat with Dad again, huh?"
  2238. >Cadance rubs your stomach.
  2239. "Yeah. He was just demonstrating how to be a terrible person again."
  2240. >Flurry clears her throat.
  2241. >"C-can I ask something?"
  2242. >"Sure sweetheart."
  2243. >"No. Of both of you."
  2244. >You crack open an eye.
  2245. "Sure."
  2246. >Flurry sits up letting you go.
  2247. >"Why don't you get along with Granny and Grandpa?"
  2248. >Oh boy. That's a story.
  2249. >Cadance snickers.
  2250. >"Your mom was a bit wild back in the day, if you let them tell the tale. The truth is, they're really old-fashioned, and things like "love for all", is considered immoral, and evil.?
  2251. >A.K.A Sex before marriage.
  2252. >Flurry tilts her head confused.
  2253. >"What do you mean by "love for all"?"
  2254. >Cadance laughs sheepishly.
  2255. >"W-well I mean, like-uh..."
  2256. "Your mom was a thot."
  2257. >"ANON!"
  2258. >She punches you in the stomach.
  2259. "Haha! I was just joking!"
  2260. >Cadance scowls, and crosses her arms in a puff.
  2261. "Our parents are overly patriotic, Fascists, who have an image of what society should be, and reject all else. Unfortunately for them, it gave birth to progressive offspring."
  2262. >"You could've just said that instead of calling me a "Thot"."
  2263. >"What's a "Thot"?"
  2264. >You and Candy exchange looks.
  2265. "That Housewife over there."
  2266. >Cadance gives you a thumbs up.
  2267. >Flurry shrugs.
  2268. >"Then how did you meet dad with parents like that?"
  2269. >Cadance smiles, blushing.
  2270. >"Oh geez. I never thought I'd give the "How did you guys meet" story..."
  2271. "Actually, I've never heard this story. Please do tell."
  2272. >Cadance sighs.
  2273. >"I used to babysit your Aunt Twilight, when I was younger, and met him one day during his weekly D&D campaign with his friends."
  2274. "Whaaaat? Shiny was a D&D nerd? I would never have guessed."
  2275. >Flurry brings her knees to her chest, listening closely.
  2276. >Cadance giggles.
  2277. >"I found out later that he went to my school, and well...A couple things happened, that drew me to him..."
  2278. "Such as? Don't give us a half story!"
  2279. >"Yeah continue!"
  2280. >"Weeeeell....He threw an impromptu concert dedicated to me during a sporting event."
  2281. "Oh yeah? What song did he sing??"
  2282. >Cadance's smile vanishes into a cringing frown.
  2283. >"Euuuugh."
  2284. "What song was it?"
  2285. >Cadance cringes physically.
  2286. "What song was it..."
  2287. >"Oingo Boingo. Little Girls."
  2288. >Your face goes deadpan.
  2289. >"What type of song is that?"
  2290. >You just stare at Cadance, not saying anything.
  2291. >"What? Is it a bad song?"
  2292. >Flurry questioningly looks between you.
  2293. "I'm more concerned about what part of you said, "I gotta get me some of dat" instead."
  2294. >"Shut up! It was a loving gesture!"
  2295. >She looks up smiling dreamily.
  2296. >"There was this other guy...your typical captain of the football team, chiseled body of stone. All the fixins."
  2297. "Let me guess. He was also a D-bag, who picked on Shining and his friends. A dance or some other social event came up, and Shining wanted to ask you out, but this Jock beat him to it. You said yes, Shining clowns him at the dance, and they live happily ever after."
  2298. >Cadance gasps incredulously.
  2299. >"You said you never heard the story before!"
  2300. "I didn't. It's just been a highschool movie trope that dates back to the 80s."
  2301. >Cadance rolls her eyes.
  2302. >"Well that's how it happened, and I've been with Shining ever since."
  2303. >Flurry sighs with a big grin.
  2304. >"It sounds so romantic. I hope someone does something like that for me."
  2305. >Flurry glances at you.
  2306. >You cock an eyebrow not understanding why.
  2307. >"Mom and Dad hated the guy. "He's a bad influence on you". He won't amount to nothing, blah blah blah."
  2308. "And then in the ultimate show of disrespect, she went and got preggers by him."
  2309. >"Yup."
  2310. >She smiles proudly.
  2311. >The three of you sit there in silence, thinking of Shining. He really is a pretty--was a pretty cool guy wasn't he?
  2312. >He will truly be missed.
  2313. >Flurry stands up stretching.
  2314. >"That was a nice story, but I'm feeling a little tired..."
  2315. >"Oh! Of course! Have a nice night dear."
  2316. >She smiles, heading up the stairs to her room.
  2317. >You watch her disappear into the darkness, before you're blocked by the view of legs.
  2318. >Cadance puts her legs on your lap.
  2319. >"My legs are still sore~"
  2320. "Aw come on Candy-"
  2321. >She puts a finger up, wagging at you.
  2322. >"Nope. You got me hooked, so now you have to feed my addiction."
  2323. >You sigh in defeat.
  2324. >"Go on."
  2325. >She nudges you with her knee.
  2326. >You hope she doesn't start moaning again. as you place your hands on her smooth legs.
  2327. >She giggles, wiggling.
  2328. >"Your hands are cold."
  2329. "Uh...yeah."
  2330. >You start pressing your fingers into her flesh, getting a soft gasp.
  2331. >She lays back folding her hands on her stomach.
  2332. >"You know what's funny? Shiny used to do this for me all the time...A-ah.."
  2333. >Jesus Christ. That tingling feeling is back.
  2334. "O-oh yeah?"
  2335. >"Yeah...how did you figure my legs were sensitive?"
  2336. "I dunno...I just figured it would feel good.."
  2337. >She lets out a little moan.
  2338. >"It feels great...Nnnh..Oooo~"
  2339. "Candy please. Can't you enjoy it more quietly?"
  2340. >She opens one eye, smiling.
  2341. >"What's wrong? Gettin all hot, and bothered touching your sister?"
  2342. "CANDY."
  2343. >She chuckles closing her eyes.
  2344. >"Like I said. Uptight."
  2345. "I detest you so much sometimes."
  2346. >Cadance continues to moan, fidgeting every so often. You're not sure if it's intentional or not.
  2347. >"About our conversation from earlier."
  2348. "Which conversation in particular?"
  2349. >She opens her eyes, looking up at the ceiling.
  2350. >"That you're a young man, and I'm a woman...Aah-"
  2351. >You gulp for the seven thousandth time today.
  2352. "Y-yeah?"
  2353. >"Do you think I'm attractive?"
  2354. >Your eyes widen.
  2355. "Candy, that's an odd thing to ask your little brother..."
  2356. >"Then answer as someone who isn't my little brother. Do you think I'm attractive?"
  2357. >You stop massaging her legs.
  2358. "Y-yeah..."
  2359. >"Do you think I'm sexy?"
  2360. "Candy-"
  2361. >"Just answer me."
  2362. >She looks at you with a deadly serious expression.
  2363. "yeah."
  2364. >You manage to squeak out.
  2365. >She opens her mouth a little, exhaling audibly.
  2366. >"Keep going..."
  2367. >You continue to rub her legs down, the tingling feeling getting worse.
  2368. >"Do you have a girlfriend?"
  2369. "I-I don't."
  2370. >"Hmm...Is it by choice, or are you holding out for someone maybe?"
  2371. >She grins coyly at you.
  2372. >Your hands begin to shake, while you touch her legs.
  2373. >"Are you okay? Is this topic too heavy for you Anon...?"
  2374. "I-I'm good!"
  2375. >Sweat begins to form on your brow. Where is this sudden interest in your love life coming from?
  2376. >"Are you a virgin still?"
  2377. "OF COURSE NOT!"
  2378. >She looks at you unamused.
  2379. >"Anon. You can tell me."
  2380. >You gulp once more.
  2381. "Yes! Okay? YES."
  2382. >"Hah. I knew it. You're still a cherry boy."
  2383. >You groan.
  2384. >"But that's not a bad thing...it means new things will be fresh and new for you."
  2385. "That's one way of looking at it."
  2386. >You blush, pouting at her taunting.
  2387. >"Have you ever seen..."it" before?"
  2388. >You look at her not understanding.
  2389. >"You know..."it"."
  2390. "I-I don't know what "it" is."
  2391. >She rolls her eyes.
  2392. >"A vagina. Have you seen one> L-like outside of videos?"
  2393. >Is it getting hotter in here?
  2394. "N-no..."
  2395. >Cadance turns her head, sitting up to look at the stairs.
  2396. >She moves to get a better view a few times, then leans in to you, blushing.
  2397. >"D-do you want to see one....?
  2398. >Your eyes widen, your mouth opening and closing a few times.
  2399. >All you can see in your growing tunnel vision is her lips.
  2400. >"Do, you want to see m-mine...?"
  2403. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2406. >You look up the stairs next, and then back to her.
  2407. "Candy wh-what are you saying...?"
  2408. >She places an arm on the backrest of the sofa.
  2409. >"Keep it down! I don't want Flurry to hear us!"
  2410. >Candy scoots in closer. You can see the light blush forming across her face.
  2411. "Why? I mean, don't you know what this would mean-"
  2412. >"I-I'm just showing it to you, an-and it's not like you're a complete stranger."
  2413. >She bends her legs to get in closer,still whispering.
  2414. >"I-I mean, I don't have money to buy you some sort of th-thank you gift or whatever, a-and I figure you...oooh."
  2415. >She has to take a breath from the intimate proximity. You can feel the air getting heavier as well.
  2416. >"You're doing a lot for us, but how can we show our appreciation...?"
  2417. "You could say thank you."
  2418. >"That's not enough Anon. You're cooking for us. You're loving us. How can a mere "thank you" ever come close..."
  2419. >She looks into your eyes, sweat starting to form on her temple.
  2420. "A-and what would you get out of it? There's no payoff for you Candy-"
  2421. >She gulps, and shrugs.
  2422. >"M-maybe it turns me on a little to be looked at..."
  2423. >Your eyes widen up to the size of saucers.
  2424. >She slips the arm from the backrest to your shoulder.
  2425. >"Y-you're just looking after all...i-it's no big deal. You're not touching it, so it's like taking a bath with me when you were little! Ju-just without the water."
  2426. "I-I guess that's true."
  2427. >She moves one leg off the sofa.
  2428. "Oh my god-"
  2429. >"Are you okay? Don't pass out on me now."
  2430. >Your eyes trail down to her skirt, as you nod frantically.
  2431. >Candy slowly starts to hike it upwards, white fabric appearing.
  2432. >"K-keep looking. Don't avert your eyes."
  2433. "Okay."
  2434. >You try to swallow down a golf ball sized lump in your throat, getting a full view of her underwear.
  2435. >Candy moves a trembling hand downwards.
  2436. >"Don't tell anyone I did this."
  2437. "I won't."
  2438. >She hooks a finger on the white underwear, and starts to tug it to the side-
  2439. >CREEEEEAK-
  2440. >You both freeze in place and look to the stairs.
  2441. >Flurry 's leg appears, coming down the steps, forcing you, and Cadance to scramble to opposite ends of the couch.
  2442. >Your niece slowly descends, rubbing her eyes.
  2443. >She looks between the two of you, before heading into the kitchen.
  2444. >You can hear the sound of running water, and then silence.
  2445. >Flurry comes out of the kitchen with a glass of water in hand.
  2446. >She looks at the two of you again, drinking from her glass in a long gulp.
  2447. >"Thirsty."
  2448. >"O-OF COURSE YOU WERE."
  2450. >Flurry silently continues to drink.
  2451. >She then goes back into the kitchen, putting the glass into the sink, and proceeds back upstairs.
  2452. >You hear her door close softly.
  2453. >"..."
  2454. "..."
  2455. >You exchange looks with Candy.
  2457. >Cadance breaks out into hysterical laughter, slapping her knees.
  2458. >Sure it's funny to her. She doesn't have to live with this stomach-churning erection.
  2459. >"Phew..."
  2460. >Candy leans back on the sofa, looking up with a huge grin.
  2461. >"I don't know how I didn't expect that to happen."
  2462. "Uh...yeah."
  2463. >You cross your legs.
  2464. >Cadance snickers at your actions.
  2465. >"Got a little too hot for you? Do you need a cold shower?"
  2466. "Shut up stupid!"
  2467. >Candy starts to laugh again.
  2468. >"Well, I think we can both agree the moment is ruined, huh?"
  2469. "Yeah. Completely."
  2470. >She smiles, standing up.
  2471. >"Maybe next time midge. Maybe next time."
  2472. >Candy gives you a small hug before heading up the steps on noticeably shaky legs.
  2473. >She stumbles a bit with each step.
  2474. >"H-heheh...my legs must've fell asleep..."
  2475. "Mhmm..."
  2476. >You watch with your best shit-eating grin as she struggles to get up the steps.
  2477. >You flip off the lights following Candy up next, still bothered by that brief meeting between the two of you.
  2478. >Something is happening in this house, and you're not sure what it is, but holy shit is it exciting.
  2479. >Once in the hallway, you see Candy has closed her door, but Flurry's is mysteriously open.
  2480. >As you pass by, you see her sitting up in bed with a book this time. It reminds you of someone else.
  2481. >She looks up with a smile, quickly sliding out.
  2482. >"Anon! You finally came up!"
  2483. >She runs over throwing her arms around your neck.
  2484. "Flurry? Wh-what's up?"
  2485. >You keep your midsection away from her.
  2486. >"She takes your hands pulling you into her room.
  2487. >"You're sleeping in here today! Remember?"
  2488. >Dammit. That's right, You did promise her that you'd sleep with her didn't you?
  2489. "Flurry, wait. I don't know if this is a good idea..."
  2490. >She stops walking, tilting her head in confusion.
  2491. >"Why? What's wrong?"
  2492. "U-uhh I'm not decent you see.."
  2493. >"Oooh. You need Jammies?"
  2494. >A way out.
  2495. "That's exactly it!"
  2496. >She smiles.
  2497. >"Then just sleep in your boxers! Daddy did it! It's okay! I've seen them before!"
  2498. >You gulp, as she pulls you in completely closing her door.
  2499. >This is bad. Really bad.
  2500. >You're pitching a tent right now, and you're about to show it off to your innocent Niece.
  2501. "O-okay, let me go to my room and change-"
  2502. >Her face starts to fall into a frown.
  2503. >"Do you not want to sleep with me...?"
  2504. "No no! It's not that! I just need to get ready!"
  2505. >She looks down.
  2506. >"You're acting like you want to leave though...what if you don't come back?"
  2507. >"I'll come back!"
  2508. >She looks at you with narrowed eyes.
  2509. >"No you won't. You're just gonna lock your door, and not come out..."
  2510. "Come on Flurry Heart! What do I gotta do to make you believe in me? I promised I wouldn't leave you!"
  2511. >She looks up.
  2512. >"Then stay in here."
  2513. >You take a deep breath, hoping it's gone down a little at least.
  2514. >She slides back into her bed clearing a spot for you.
  2515. >Surrendering to her demands you lay next to her.
  2516. >"Aren't you gonna take your pants off?"
  2517. "I don't think that's a good idea."
  2518. >She looks at you questioningly.
  2519. >She reaches for her nearby lamp flipping it off, and snuggling up to you.
  2520. >"Thank you for doing this Anon. I love you."
  2521. >You stroke her hair.
  2522. "It's okay. I love you too."
  2523. >She lays on your chest breathing softly.
  2524. >"Can I ask you something?"
  2525. "Uh...sure."
  2526. >She fidgets a little.
  2527. >"What do you think about me?"
  2528. "What do you mean?"
  2529. >She clears her throat.
  2530. >"Like...as a girl. Do you think I'm cute?"
  2531. "Aww..you're the cutest Flurry."
  2532. >You can feel her smile on you.
  2533. >"I think you're cute too Anon."
  2534. "Uh..thanks? Don't think I've ever been called cute before."
  2535. >"Can I ask you something else?"
  2536. "Shoot."
  2537. >"W-well, we're close to each other in age...right?"
  2538. "Mhm."
  2539. >"A-and I'm at the age, it's okay to be CURIOUS about certain things...right?"
  2540. "What are you getting at Flurry?"
  2541. >Her breathing gets little rough.
  2542. >"I-I wanted to try some things...w-with you...if that's okay."
  2543. >OH BOY. You hope she means ballroom dancing.
  2544. "L-like what?"
  2545. >You feel her gulp, as she sits up.
  2546. >"C-come on Anon. You're not stupid. You know wh-what boys and girls do in bed together..."
  2547. >Jesus Christ. This is not your day.
  2548. "Flurry..I..wow."
  2549. >She rubs her arm in the darkness.
  2550. "I didn't come in here to do that sort of thing with you."
  2551. >"Th-then why did you?!?"
  2552. "Because I love you!"
  2553. >She straddles you, much to your surprise.
  2554. >"Then make prove it and-"
  2555. >She gasps feeling you poke her from below, looking down with big eyes, and then back at you.
  2556. "That's just the fabric."
  2557. >She looks back down, placing a hand on your bulge.
  2558. >You jolt, and throw her off of you to the side.
  2559. "Flurry...! No!"
  2560. >She bounces on the bed looking up at you with glossy eyes in the thin blackness.
  2561. >"Why not? Don't I deserve love too?"
  2562. >You stumble over your words, not sure what to say.
  2563. >She crawls over the bed towards you.
  2564. >"Would it be better if I was mom?! It's not fair! She had her turn to be loved by someone and lost him-"
  2565. >She stands up facing you.
  2566. >"-Isn't it my turn yet?"
  2567. >Oh Jesus. You feel like you're about to faint.
  2568. "Flurry of course you have a right to be loved, but I can't be the one to give you the type of love you're looking for!"
  2569. >"And why not?"
  2570. "I'm your uncle-"
  2571. >She puts her arms around your neck.
  2572. >"I don't care about dumb stuff like that Anon. I love you."
  2573. "And I love you too Flurry-"
  2574. >"Like as a guy, love..."
  2575. >You open and close your mouth like a fish out of water.
  2576. >"No one has ever made me as happy, or cared about me since mom and daddy. Anon. You're the greatest, and I-I-I love you!"
  2577. >Flurry looks like she;s trying to think of the proper words to express herself.
  2578. "Aw...Flurry. I don't think you're really in love like you think."
  2579. >"Wh-what?"
  2580. >You put your hands on her hips.
  2581. "You miss your dad. You miss him so much, and you want that affection from a male figure."
  2582. >She looks at you confused.
  2583. "I love you Flurry.,,but not in that way."
  2584. >Her eyes slowly start to tear up.
  2585. >"Are you saying you can't love me like you love mom?"
  2586. "What do you mean? I do."
  2587. >She scowls.
  2588. >"Then maybe if I show you my private part, you'll feel the same?"
  2589. >You nearly choke on your own spit, as she releases her embrace.
  2590. >"Then look at mines Anon."
  2591. >She reaches for the waistline of her pajama bottoms and-
  2592. >You cover your eyes, not knowing what else to do, as the swishing sound of cloth penetrates your ears.
  2593. >"Anon...please look."
  2594. "Flurry, no...!"
  2595. >She turns on her light, and you can feel her breathing on your hand.
  2596. >"I want you to look at me. Please...?"
  2597. >You grit your teeth.
  2598. "I'm gonna leave Flurry. I swear I'll go! I just--I can't do this!"
  2599. >Flurry takes your free hand, and directs it to-
  2600. "Oh my god."
  2601. >She breathes onto your hand, a little more heavily.
  2602. >The feeling of exposed flesh. Like when you skinned your knee after you ate shit while riding your bike. It hurt, but the sticky soft feeling is one you'll never forget in your mind.
  2603. >"Y-you can touch it too..."
  2604. >You start to tremble, feeling that queasiness in the pit of your stomach.
  2605. >"Please...ahh...look at me."
  2606. >You want to move your hand away, but the feeling on your fingertips. The growing moistness, the subtle musk.
  2607. >Uncovering your eyes, you're met with Blue orbs, zoned in on yours.
  2608. >"S-see? It's not so bad, is it..."
  2609. >You wiggle your fingers a little.
  2610. >"Mnnh..!"
  2611. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't believe I'm doing this-"
  2612. >She quiets your oncoming panic attack with a kiss.
  2613. >You're her uncle. This isn't right. This is not why you came here. This isn't right, this isn't right-
  2614. >The kiss is broken.
  2615. >"Touch me more Anon...Haah..."
  2616. >You're trapped in a dream-like state right now, unable to comprehend what's going on.
  2617. >What would Cadance think?
  2618. >Candy. What about her?
  2619. >What if it had been her doing this instead of Flurry?
  2620. >"Ahh..?!"
  2621. >Back in the living room, you were feeling as if you were going to lose it. You love your sister, but-
  2622. >You really love your sister...You really love-
  2623. >"O-ooh! Something...something is-"
  2624. >Flurry grips your shoulders tightly, digging her nails into your skin.
  2625. >"Aaaah...! Anon!"
  2626. >What feels like warm gel covers your fingers, as Flurry clutches your body for dear life.
  2627. >She jolts, and shudders a few times, exhaling loudly.
  2628. >"Oh Anon..Anon I love you so much..."
  2629. >She falls onto the bed laying on her back, having long discarded her bottoms.
  2630. >You look at the clear liquid on your fingers, but you can't look at her.
  2631. "I can't believe I did that."
  2632. >Flurry looks up at you with glazed over eyes, and the biggest smile you've ever seen her have in her life.
  2633. >She blinks slowly, until she closes her eyes.
  2634. >"I feel so warm all over...is this what it feels like?"
  2635. >You're absolutely disgusted with yourself. This is not what you came here for.
  2636. >You just want to run away, or-or-
  2637. >You don't know.
  2638. >"Anon...? What's wrong?"
  2639. "I can't-"
  2640. >"Huh?"
  2641. "I'm sorry, I just can't! I can't do this!"
  2642. >You about-face, and immediately exit the room, ignoring her calls for you.
  2643. >You beeline it to the bathroom, and lock yourself in, turning on the water to as hot as it can go, and start scrubbing your hands.
  2644. >What were you going to do with Cadance?
  2645. >What did you do with Flurry?
  2646. "Oh my god..what the fuck man..."
  2647. >You continue to scrub under scalding hot water.
  2648. >You're supposed to be the man here. What is your problem?!
  2649. >You hear soft knocks on the door, but continue to scrub.
  2650. >The knocking stops. You're not sure when.
  2651. >"Just keep scrubbing" you continued to chant in your mind.
  2652. >Before long they were red, and nearly raw from your harsh treatment.
  2653. " I shouldn't be here...I shouldn't be here...! What did I do?"
  2654. >You shut the water off, and lean over the sink, looking into the drain, wishing you could disappear down it.
  2655. >Fuck. You're gonna cry.
  2656. >A teardrop hits the white of the sink.
  2657. >You wipe your face, and flip off the light, exiting the bathroom.
  2658. >Flurry sits on the carpeted ground next to the doorway hugging her knees.
  2659. >She looks up at you, with worried eyes.
  2660. >"Anon...?"
  2661. >You turn your head, ashamed to look at her, and wordlessly head to your room.
  2662. >You quietly close your door, feeling even sicker, and lay down.
  2663. >Sleep doesn't come that night. Did you eyes even close?
  2664. >That feeling of tensing flesh is ingrained onto your fingers.
  2665. >What if Dad was right? What if you need to have someone keeping an eye on you? Making sure you don't do shit like-
  2666. >You place your hands on your face, continuing to utter swears at yourself.
  2667. "Candy is gonna kill me."
  2668. >If felt like the sun went down and came back up instantly without so much as a passing thought, and before you knew it, it was morning.
  2669. >Like the cosmos want to see your execution right now.
  2670. >You look to your Cell phone.
  2671. >6:15.
  2672. >You can hear footsteps bumping around outside, and a knock next door, and muffled talking.
  2674. >The door opens slightly, and Cadance pokes her head inside.
  2675. >"Good morning. Time to get up little guy."
  2676. >You look at her with baggy eyes.
  2677. "Okay."
  2678. >She makes a kissy face at you, that you don't react to.
  2679. >"Huh? Is everything good?"
  2680. "I'm up. I'll start getting ready, okay?"
  2681. >Cadance nods still clearly concerned, closing your door.
  2682. >You put your face in your hands, and exhale hard.
  2683. >BZZZ BZZZ.
  2684. >Your cellphone vibrates.
  2685. >You look at the screen, and see it's from Gilda.
  2686. >"Good Morning Nerd. HMU when you're free later on. We all miss you."
  2687. >It does little to bring a smile to your face. You imagine what she would say knowing about your-"sin".
  2688. >You finish getting dressed, and leave the room, adjusting your collar.
  2689. >Flurry is in the same spot she was in last night, only this time leaning against the wall with her hands behind her back.
  2690. >She's already dressed, and seems to be waiting on you.
  2691. >"Good morning Anon!"
  2692. >You put your head down.
  2693. "Uh...morning."
  2694. >She takes your hands in hers.
  2695. >"Are you mad at me...?"
  2696. "No."
  2697. >She tries to smile, but you keep your head down.
  2698. >"You look really handsome again. Just like yesterday!"
  2699. "Thank you...I'm gonna head downstairs..."
  2700. >"Oh...okay."
  2701. >You slip out of her grasp, and head downstairs.
  2702. >How so soon the roles switch, huh.
  2703. >Like yesterday, Cadance is fixing herself coffee.
  2704. >She smiles at you, while stirring the steaming brown liquid.
  2705. >"Good morning good-looking! ready for a day of learning and enrichment?"
  2706. >The sarcasm in her voice is hardly subtle, but you just don't have the energy to argue right now.
  2707. >Flurry comes in behind you, taking her usual seat at the table.
  2708. >Candy gaze switches between you and Flurry.
  2709. >"Wow. I know CPA can be a drag, but it's not that bad."
  2710. "I'm good...just didn't get much sleep last night..."
  2711. >Cadance blushes, playing with her hair sheepishly.
  2712. >At the same time, Flurry is covering her red face with her hands.
  2713. >"G-gee...I wonder wh-why?"
  2714. >Candy quickly bounces back however, resuming her upbeat personality.
  2715. >"Also good news! I was able to get you a new first period class yesterday! My good friend, perhaps even bestie Chrysalis will be your homeroom teacher!"
  2716. "Oh. the lady from yesterday."
  2717. >Candy nods sipping from her coffee.
  2718. >You're not sure what to make of this development, but anything is better than Glimmer and her little muppets. Assuming you can focus on class.
  2719. >With nothing else of note, it was time for school.
  2720. >Flurry, and Cadance chatted earnestly about different things about the school, but you mostly kept quiet, not really paying attention. Your eyes are burning for rest, but your mind is as awake as ever.
  2721. >Through the ride, you could feel their eyes occasionally flash to you with concern. Especially Flurry.
  2722. >It's more complex than just molesting your Niece for sure, but what does it mean? The whole time, all you thought was about how much you love Cadance.
  2723. >You really love her...
  2724. >"Anon?"
  2725. >You break from your "self-reflection", with a shake.
  2726. "H-huh? Yes?"
  2727. >"We're here."
  2728. >Cadance, and Flurry staring at you.
  2729. "Oh...okay. Thanks. See you guys later."
  2730. >"Sure."
  2731. >"Okay Anon..."
  2732. >They watch as you exit the car, and head to the student entrance, of Crystal Prep. Wait. Where exactly are you going anyway?
  2733. >Take two with assistance from Candy this time, who was more than happy to lead you to the Drama room.
  2734. >"You're gonna love this class Anon. Chrysalis is like the greatest teacher in all of existence! We were great friends in school, so I think it's fitting she teach you!"
  2735. "Is that so...?"
  2736. >Her bubbly smile starts to fall as she watches you walk with your head down.
  2737. >You find yourselves outside of a "3-D". Ironic.
  2738. >"And here we are!"
  2739. >She spreads her arms dramatically, like you've reached the promised land.
  2740. "Then I guess this is where we part ways until later huh?"
  2741. >You reach for the door, but Cadance grabs your wrist, placing a hand on your chest.
  2742. >"Not so fast."
  2743. >She pushes you around the corner checking for any students.
  2744. >"Is what happened last night bothering you?"
  2745. "Huh? What?"
  2746. >She leans in closer.
  2747. >"Did I upset or offend you with how I acted last night?"
  2748. >Her face melts into-
  2749. >It's fear.
  2750. >"If I did, I'm sorry! I forget myself when it comes to you, and-"
  2751. "No! No...it's nothing you did. It's something...It's something I did."
  2752. >"Do you want a moment to talk about it?"
  2753. "Nah. I'm good. A man has to suffer through his own problems, You know?"
  2754. >She sighs, placing her palms on your shoulders.
  2755. >"Don't say things like that. I lost one person important to me, because of that same attitude."
  2756. >She kisses your forehead.
  2757. >"I'm here for you, as much as you're here for me."
  2758. >You nod.
  2759. "Thanks. I appreciate it."
  2760. >She smiles letting you go.
  2761. >"Go have fun in Drama class then. I'll see you later."
  2762. "Yeah."
  2763. >Leaving Candy behind, you round the corner, and enter the classroom.
  2764. >You can see only about a handful of students sitting in a circle.
  2765. >A familiar face waves you over upon entering.
  2766. >"Ah! Anon! Over here!"
  2767. >A girl with big hair is trying to get your attention.
  2768. >It's Upper Crust from the cooking Club. She doesn't know what a tomato is, if you recall correctly.
  2769. >You shrug, and walk over to her, taking an empty chair next to her.
  2770. >"Good Morning! I never thought I'd see you here of all places, though I suppose a master of the culinary arts would have an interest in the theatrical!"
  2771. "Good Morning."
  2772. >Upper Crust sniles with half-lidded eyes.
  2773. >"I myself am seeking to break out into the acting profession once I graduate. I'm the best in the class."
  2774. >You can see other students rolling their eyes.
  2775. "That's amazing."
  2776. >She flips her hair.
  2777. >"Yes. I do believe it is, isn't it?"
  2778. >She wants to be an actor, but can't detect Sarcasm?
  2779. >The bell rings, and in comes a tall woman, with a long scarf around her face, and sunglasses.
  2780. >You recognize her from yesterday.
  2781. >"Class."
  2782. >"Good Morning Director Chrysalis-"
  2783. >Everyone but you says that in unison, prompting Chrysalis to lower her sunglasses peering at you.
  2784. >"Who're you?"
  2785. "I'm Anonymous. Dean Cadance said-"
  2786. >She holds up a hand.
  2787. >"Stop. Just...Just stop. Say no more. I know who you are."
  2788. >Then why did she ask?
  2789. >She casts off her Scarf, and glasses onto a nearby desk.
  2790. >"Ugh. Is that how you announce yourself? Where is your PASSION? Your ENERGY?"
  2791. >She makes a face of disgust.
  2792. >"No matter. You're just a block of stone seeking a sculptor. I shall be that sculptor!"
  2793. "Then...what's the chisel?"
  2794. >She looks at you confused.
  2795. >"The chisel? I suppose that would be my teaching method-"
  2796. "Does that mean I have to get naked? Because I'm allergic to Fig Leaves."
  2797. >"What? No! This isn't an art class!"
  2798. "Then who is the model?"
  2799. >"For what?"
  2800. "You sculpture."
  2801. >"No! I'm being figurative in my-"
  2802. >She stops suddenly getting it.
  2803. >"Ooooh, You cheeky little devil. I think we'll get along just fine."
  2804. >You tiredly smile.
  2805. >She claps her hands together.
  2806. >"Now, the majority of you know how I operate, and I don't believe in Idle hands. We're going to start with one-on-one acting exercises. Pair up,and let's get some volunteers."
  2807. >Pair up? Act?
  2808. >You only know how to act like an asshole, and you're still on little to no sleep.
  2809. >Upper Crust hooks your arm with hers.
  2810. >"Why don't we team up Anonymous? It'll be good practice for me, and maybe I can teach you something!"
  2811. >She snobby laughs.
  2812. "Yeah sure."
  2813. >The other students pair off, clearly doing whatever they can to avoid Upper Crust. Looks like you're the scapegoat.
  2814. >Chrysalis takes to a Director chair crossing her long dark legs.
  2815. >"Everyone paired? Excellent. Now let's have some volunte-"
  2816. >"We'll go first!"
  2817. >Upper Crust raises both your hands. If only you had the energy to refuse.
  2818. >"Ah. Crusty, and the untouched block? Very well."
  2819. >"Th-that's Upper Crust ma'am"
  2821. >You pulled along by your partner to the front of the class.
  2822. >"For your scene, I want you to improv explaining something heart-wrenching to your lover."
  2823. :You look at her, and then at Upper Crust, who is smiling smugly.
  2824. >"Lovers and not even one date!"
  2825. >She rich person laughs again.
  2826. >Like you'd even touch a girl named "crusty".
  2827. >Chrysalis folds her hands under her chin.
  2828. >"I know this is your first day Block, but do your best, and I'll guide you to the best of my ability."
  2829. >Crust clears her throat closing her eyes.
  2830. >"NOW ACT!"
  2831. >Upper Crust opens her eyes at Chrysalis's signal changing her face.
  2832. >"Anoymous...my love. I'm so glad you could met with me..."
  2833. >Her acting is over the top already.
  2834. >She takes your hands in hers.
  2835. >"I-I.."
  2836. >She fakes crying.
  2837. >"I'm going to die...I'm afraid, it's Cancer..."
  2838. >This IS cancer.
  2839. >Chrysalis is focused on the two of you.
  2840. >"More Pain Crusty! More pain! You're dying! Act like your life is actually ending girl!"
  2841. >Crust nods to Chrysalis.
  2842. >She brings your hands together in hers.
  2843. >"I have no clue how long I'll be able to stay by your side-"
  2844. >She fakes coughing.
  2845. >"But, I regret not a moment of it!"
  2846. >You frown. They want some acting? Some pain? You'll show them some goddamn pain.
  2847. "Then, I suppose I should confess my sin to you now..."
  2848. >"Your sin?"
  2849. >Chrysalis cocks an eyebrow intrigued.
  2850. "I'm a filthy human being Upps. The worst that humanity has to offer."
  2851. >"Wh-how so?"
  2852. "When I was sent by my father long ago to you...to help you get over your grief, I hid my feelings for you. My yearning..My LUST."
  2853. >"O-oh my."
  2854. >You squeeze her hands.
  2855. "I've suppressed my longing for you, and had written it off as familial love, always making the excuse we're too close to ever look at one another in that way...but you..you opened yourself up to me, and that wall I built. It came crumbling down!"
  2856. >You lean in to Upper Crust who is starting to blush.
  2857. >Chrysalis is biting her finger.
  2858. "I cheated on you baby. I cheated, and I didn't mean to. I'm scum, and I'll forever hate myself for doing what I did, but while I was with her all I could do was think about you. You haunted my thoughts, my sight,my...My EVERYTHING."
  2859. >"I--uh..I wo--"
  2860. >Upper starts to Hyperventilate.
  2861. "Please. I know that because of our situation we may not be together long, but please...Let me be selfish one last time. Let me give you all of this repressed affection until we have to leave one another...I love you Cand--er...Upps."
  2862. >Upper Crust stares at you with wide eyes.
  2863. "Close your eyes. Give yourself to me."
  2864. >Upper Crust, slowly closes her eyes, puckering her lips, leaning in, hands still locked with yours.
  2865. "AND SCENE."
  2866. >You step out of her path, making Upper Crust stumble.
  2867. >Did she really think you were gonna kiss her?
  2868. >You face your class, and the teacher.
  2869. >They stare at you for a long while, before a slow clap starts.
  2870. >Chrysalis has tears in her eyes.
  2871. >"A-A little heavy, but a-a nice attempt for a novice!"
  2872. "Oh. thank you."
  2873. >You bow, stepping from the front of the class with a flustered Upper Crust behind you.
  2874. >"W-Well that wasn't too bad for a first try! Do you have some experience perhaps?"
  2875. "Everyday is an experience."
  2876. >She looks at you like you just said something super profound. You actually read that off a poster behind Upper Crust.
  2877. >"How true..."
  2878. >She smiles, playing with a lock of her hair.
  2879. >"I-I say, I had the wrong impression of you. I thought from your homely, and miniscule size, you were only talented as Help!"
  2880. "Wait...what?"
  2881. >"Now I look forward to what delicacy you craft in the kitchen today!"
  2882. "Yeah...you just better have my cash."
  2883. >"That I won't ever run out of~"
  2884. "Mhm."
  2885. >You sit back with Upper Crust watching the rest of the teams step up and play out random scenes for the next twenty minutes.
  2886. >Some were Academy worth, others...?
  2887. >Well they would give a grammy to The Room over their performances.
  2888. >Chrysalis yelling at them, and throwing Lettuce at the students didn't help for nerves either, but you don't give a shit. your turn is over.
  2889. >After the last performance, A loud clap from Chrysalis gets the attention of the class.
  2890. >"Alright everyone. Valiant efforts out there, and some not so valiant..COUGHCOGUHSURIANDJETSETCOUGH.."
  2891. >You see the aforementioned students shrink in shame.
  2892. >She points to you.
  2893. >"Not bad. Your tone was a little dead, but I believed you were really troubled in that performance. Don't forget that feeling and polish that charisma."
  2894. "Wow. Thanks."
  2895. >She nods.
  2896. >"As for the others who were found lacking, get better or get out! I don't need half-hearted plebes in this class!"
  2897. >Wow, harsh.
  2898. >The bell rings.
  2899. >"That's all the time we have for today. Enjoy your lesser, not as interesting classes taught by your mouth-breathing instructors. Ta!"
  2900. >You think you may like this teacher.
  2903. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2906. >You haven't even been out in the hallway for a few seconds when you're greeted by the familiar face of your Niece.
  2907. >"Anon! Hey!"
  2908. >She jogs to you with a flier in hand, and a big smile.
  2909. >"Check this out!"
  2910. >Flurry presents the colored paper to you.
  2911. >It's an ad for the swim team.
  2912. "The Swim team huh? I wasn't aware you the sporty type."
  2913. >She looks at the paper nodding.
  2914. >"I've always loved the water, and it's better than just going straight home. Did you know daddy was captain? This would be perfect for me!"
  2915. >She's smiling, but you can see the sadness in her eyes.
  2916. >You scratch your forehead.
  2917. "Uh...look Flurry...I was thinking that maybe we should talk abou-"
  2918. >"Have you joined a club yet?"
  2919. "Huh? Oh.Y-yeah,I suppose. They call it a club, but it's more of a part-time job."
  2920. >She tilts her head in confusion.
  2921. >"Is it fun?"
  2922. "Not one bit. But I was thinking that maybe we could talk later on about-"
  2923. >"Geez. Look at the time! We'll have to save this for later after I come home! Bye!"
  2924. >She hugs you, hurrying off.
  2925. >Well damn. With how awkward you were feeling, imagine how the girl you gave her first orgasm to is feeling. Even if it is your niece.
  2926. >Looks like we're back to square fucking one again.
  2927. >You head to your next class, getting stopped again.
  2928. "Headmistress Cinch. Good morning."
  2929. >She nods, looking around cautiously, and leans in towards you.
  2930. >"If you knew how to use magic, you'd tell me correct?"
  2931. >You give her a deadpan expression.
  2932. "....Yes."
  2933. >"As you were then."
  2934. >You walk off shaking your head in confusion.
  2935. >The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, aside from making a nice twenty bucks for making Hypertension inducing Fried Rice.
  2936. >You dragged ass all day. Wondering what your next move should be. Talk to Flurry, or tell Candy what you did?
  2937. >Or maybe there's a third option?
  2938. >The final bell rung for the day, but to your surprise Only Cadance was waiting on you by the trophy case like yesterday,
  2939. >You walked up to her staring at a picture of a young Shining Armor.
  2940. "Hey Candy. You the only one here?"
  2941. >Se slowly turns around, taking one last look at her late husband.
  2942. >"I'm afraid so. Flurry said she's trying out for the swim team."
  2943. >Cadance doesn't look happy about it.
  2944. "What's wrong?"
  2945. >"Oh! N-nothing. It's nothing at all. Are you ready to go home?"
  2946. "Sure. I'm wiped."
  2947. >She nods, putting an arm around your back, walking out of the building with you.
  2948. >Guess Flurry is gonna walk home-
  2949. >Actually, this will be the first time you've been absolutely alone with Candy since coming here.
  2950. >She keeps sighing, clearly bothered by something.
  2951. >Like you're one to talk.
  2952. >"Ready to go home?"
  2953. >You nod.
  2954. >"Then to infinity, and beyond!"
  2955. "You should consider never speaking again."
  2956. >A girl with red glasses and big ponytails, happens to look your way, as you pull out.
  2957. >The ride home was silent, which is weird for Candy.
  2958. >Usually you can't shut her up.
  2959. >All she did was look forward, and sigh a few times.
  2960. >Does she know what happened between you and Flurry, and is waiting for you to tell her?
  2961. "So...anything new?"
  2962. >"Not really."
  2963. "Oh. okay."
  2964. >"...."
  2965. "..."
  2966. >You rub your head, and clear your throat.
  2967. "Are you sure?"
  2968. >"...Is it that obvious?"
  2969. "Like a bull trying to disguise itself as a human by wearing a fake moustache."
  2970. >"That's a weird metaphor to use. You're weird."
  2971. >You roll your eyes as you pull into the driveway.
  2972. >Cadance slowly checks the mailbox as you head inside, plopping onto the sofa.
  2973. >With how tired you are, it feels like a bed almost.
  2974. >"Don't you look comfy."
  2975. "I'm exhausted."
  2976. >"Scoot over, You get to play Dr. Phil again."
  2977. >She sits next to you laying the back of her head on your lap looking up into your face.
  2978. "So what's wrong?"
  2979. >"I'm worried about Flurry."
  2980. "Okay. Why is that?"
  2981. >Candy folds her hands on her stomach.
  2982. >"Since Shiny passed, she's been going through emotional fluctuations...A "Flurry" of emotions."
  2983. >She looks at you with a grin.
  2984. "Wait, was that a pun?"
  2985. >She rolls her eyes this time.
  2986. >"She went from silence, and being withdrawn to her bubbly happy self, and it's concerning."
  2987. "Maybe she finally moved on. You know how us teens are."
  2988. >She curls her lips.
  2989. >"This Swim Team thing though. I think she's still grieving, and searching for any way to curb it."
  2990. "She told me Shining was part of the swim team."
  2991. >She lifts a finger pointing at you.
  2992. >"Exactly. I don't want her to do things because her father did it. I want her to do things that makes her happy."
  2993. "What if this makes her happy?"
  2994. >"I don't know...I mean if she's doing this, how long until she starts talking about wanting to be a cop?"
  2995. "Oooh. Now I see the issue."
  2996. >"Mhm."
  2997. >You lay there, or sitting in your case in silence.
  2998. >"I don't want to tell her she can't do something, but it scares me when I think of her putting her life in danger like that. I guess I'm more like our parents than we thought. huh?"
  2999. "I'm by no mean an expert on it, but I'd say no. I get that she'd want to honor her father in some way, but maybe she's actually interested in competing? She might turn that into a career."
  3000. >Candy nods.
  3001. >"You know. We sound like a couple of parents right now ourselves. Worrying about the future of your little Niece."
  3002. >She smiles.
  3003. >"Maybe we should get married like you always said when you were younger."
  3004. "Don't even joke, besides That was a long time ago."
  3005. >"Try seven years."
  3006. "Hrrnnh,"
  3007. >Candy starts to laugh sitting up, and sitting on her leg.
  3008. >"I'm really glad you're here."
  3009. >Sliding an arm over the backrest behind you, she gets a little closer.
  3010. >"I know Flurry is my daughter...my flesh and blood, but to be honest...It feels like we're complete strangers."
  3011. "Isn't that normal?"
  3012. >She looks down.
  3013. >"I think she hates me honestly."
  3014. "What? Noooo."
  3015. >You gulp.
  3016. >Cadance sadly smiles.
  3017. >"Coupled with my best friend wanting nothing to do with me, Blaming me for her brother's death. It's all been so...so LONELY,"
  3018. >Cadance looks into your eyes.
  3019. >"It's why I couldn't wait for you to come here. It was even more exciting than spending a whole minute not getting into a shouting match on the phone with dad."
  3020. "Yeah, that was pretty shocking."
  3021. >You both go silent again.
  3022. >Candy slides a hand over yours.
  3023. >"Are you still planning to leave someday, and go back?"
  3024. >Her eyes twinkle like glass,waiting for your answer.
  3025. "I don't know. Do you want me to?"
  3026. >"Depends. Will you let me be a selfish brat?"
  3027. "Go for it."
  3028. >"Then no. Stay here forever. Never leave."
  3029. "Oh wow. That's super selfish."
  3030. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  3031. >"You said I could."
  3032. >She lays her head on your shoulder.
  3033. >"I feel better. Thanks for listening to me."
  3034. "Anytime."
  3035. >More silence passes, as she listens to your heart bump along.
  3036. >"So..uh..about yesterday..."
  3037. "Hm?"
  3038. >Cadance runs her hand across your chest.
  3039. >"I had a crazy idea."
  3040. "Cr-crazy like what?"
  3041. >"Well it got a little kooky back there, but I got really excited, and I was hoping you got excited too.."
  3042. >She traces circles on you with her finger.
  3043. "I-I-well that is-"
  3044. >"So yes."
  3045. "Yes."
  3046. >"So did you want to see it..."
  3047. >You feel every pore on your body open up.
  3048. >Not waiting for a response, she stands up to full height, and begins to undo her skirt.
  3049. >"L-looks like we won't be disturbed this time, huh.."
  3050. >You swallow a lump in your throat. The thought of Flurry from yesterday immediately comes to mind, and you start to feel like you'll lose yourself again.
  3051. >The article of clothing falls to her ankles.
  3052. "C-candy..I..Oh gosh."
  3053. >"Don't make it weird. Just enjoy it."
  3054. >She slowly begins to inch off her undergarments, with closed eyes.
  3055. >"I-I just want to say th-this..I know you're a young g-guy so if you want to to-touch yourself right n-now, I won't mind..."
  3056. "Candy, ho-hold on. I can't do this!"
  3057. >She looks at you in shock.
  3058. "Please. Get dressed. If you d-do this I don't know if I can trust myself to not do anything!"
  3059. >She widens her eyes, but it eventually turns into a warm smile.
  3060. >"Is that so...?"
  3061. >She holds her hand out to you.
  3062. "Wha-what?"
  3063. >"Let's go to my room."
  3064. >"Candy-I-"
  3065. >"Just stop talking. Come on."
  3066. >You take her hand, and stand up. She leads you upstairs with her skirt in her free hand.
  3067. >Your eyes keep trailing down to her thinly clad rump, your heart beating a mile a minute.
  3068. "Candy, what are we going to your room for..?"
  3069. >She keeps quiet, bringing you inside, and shutting the door.
  3070. >"Because, I'm going to do something I don't want anyone to see."
  3071. >You feel that lump from before get even bigger.
  3072. >She opens her arms wide.
  3073. >"I want you to hold me."
  3074. "O-Okay."
  3075. >Trembling in what you're not sure is arousal or fear, you take her in your arms, squeezing her tightly.
  3076. >"Ooh. You're shaking. Am I that scary?"
  3077. "N-no.."
  3078. >She places her hands on your shoulders, pushing gently.
  3079. >You take a step back with from the force, and sit on her puffy bed.
  3080. >Cadance sits on your lap suggestively, holding your cheeks.
  3081. >"What did you mean by you can't trust yourself with me?"
  3082. "I-I'm afraid I'll do something stupid.
  3083. >"Is loving me that stupid to you?"
  3084. >She slowly begins to lean in.
  3085. "N-no..."
  3086. >"Then why can't you trust your emotions? What are you afraid of doing to me?"
  3087. >Jesus. She smells so nice.
  3088. "I don't want to do...I don't want to--"
  3089. >She smiles, touching noses with you.
  3090. >"It's okay. Tell me."
  3091. >You shiver uncontrollably.
  3092. "I-I love you--I think."
  3093. >"You think? I'm your sister. Is that the way you love me?"
  3094. >You close your eyes trying to settle down.
  3095. "I---No.You know what I-I mean."
  3096. >"Maybe I just want to hear you say it."
  3097. >Is this really happening? Or is this some brain-addled hallucination resulting from your exhaustion?
  3098. >"It's okay. Don't be scared."
  3099. >She kisses your forehead softly.
  3100. >"It's alright to want to ease my loneliness.You can give me your virtue. Our blood doesn't matter right now. I'm just Cadenza, and you're Anonymous."
  3101. "Okay."
  3102. >She straddles you, holding you to her bosom.
  3103. >You tremble, but it begins to slow down, as you slide your hands around her waist.
  3104. "I love you as a Wo-woman."
  3105. >She chuckles.
  3106. >She strokes your cheek lovingly.
  3107. >"Next time, say it without the stutter sweetie."
  3108. "R-right."
  3109. >You worm your hands to her upper back, reaching for her bra clasp.
  3110. >"Oh? You're pretty eager aren't you?"
  3111. "Am I going too fast?"
  3112. >She smiles in your face, trailing a finger across your lips.
  3113. >"I want to know something first, before we take this step forward-"
  3114. >You hug her close.
  3115. "Ask me anything."
  3116. >She runs her hands over the scruff of your neck.
  3117. >"Why are you hiding things from me?"
  3118. >Your eyes widen.
  3119. "Wh-I'm not hiding-"
  3120. >Cadance's door bursts open, revealing both Flurry Heart, and Shining Armor.
  3121. >"Why are you lying Uncle? Don't you love me? Why are you so afraid to tell the truth?"
  3122. >"Is this why you came here? To taint my family and trounce on everything I've done?! Celebrate my passing by stealing the innocence of my little girl and grieving wife?!"
  3123. "How...? N-No!"
  3124. >Cadance wraps her mitts around your neck, and starts squeezing.
  3125. >"Why did you even come here?! Are you happy I'm suffering? Are you happy Shining is dead?!?"
  3126. "Ca-Candy please..."
  3127. >You feel tears form in your eyes.
  3128. >"I trusted you, and you-you...VIOLATED Flurry!"
  3129. >Flurry, and Shining's eyes glow red, as they shuffle towards you, drooling through fanged teeth.
  3130. "I'm so sorry Candy...I was confused..please forgive me..Ack...!"
  3131. >Her grip tightens.
  3132. >Your vision goes blurry, as your Niece and Brother-in-law descend upon you.
  3133. >"You--"
  3134. >You thrash, trying to get out of your demonic sister's clutches.
  3135. >"YOU DON'T GET ME AT ALL!"
  3136. >Your eyes fly open, just in time to see Flurry and Cadance in the kitchen.
  3137. >They're glaring at one another, with fierce scowls.
  3138. >Flurry balls up her hands, and stomps.
  3140. >She turns around, and runs to the steps, crying angrily.
  3141. >"Flurry Heart...!"
  3142. >The girl bounds up the stairs, the sound of her door slamming, making the house rumble.
  3143. >You blink a few times groggily,noticing the blanket covering you.
  3144. >Cadance throws her hands up in the air in frustration, disappearing to the side towards the refrigerator.
  3145. >You sit up, flinging the covering off you, and yawn.
  3146. >When did you fall asleep?
  3147. >You stand up and stretch, feeling dried tear stains on your face, as Candy comes back with a glass, and a bottle of wine.
  3148. >She pulls a chair out, nearly throwing it into the wall, and plops down into it, pouring herself a filled-to-the-brim glass of the red liquid.
  3149. >Before she can take her first sip, she notices you enter the kitchen.
  3150. >"Oh. Hey. You want a glass too?"
  3151. "Still Eighteen, and it would be frowned upon, for a dean to give her kid brother alcohol."
  3152. >She snorts, and downs the whole glass in a few gulps.
  3153. "Whoa. Take it easy!"
  3154. >"Shush. I need this."
  3155. >She starts pouring another glass, as you sit from across from her.
  3156. "So when did I fall asleep?"
  3157. >She pokes out her bottom lip, leaning on her elbow, swishing the wine around.
  3158. >"You were knocked out when I came back in from checking the mail."
  3159. >She closes her eyes, sighing.
  3160. "What did I miss?"
  3161. >She takes a big gulp of her booze.
  3162. >"A sterling example of Teenage angst in all its glory."
  3163. >Candy starts to tap her fingers on the table loudly.
  3164. "Could I get a little context here?"
  3165. >She opens her eyes halfway, looking down at the table.
  3166. >"We just had a chat about her "after-school activities"."
  3167. "The swim team? What about it?"
  3168. >"..."
  3169. >"I don't wanna talk about it right now. Just let me be."
  3170. >You recoil in surprise at the harshness of her tone.
  3171. "Wow. Okay."
  3172. >You sucks her teeth.
  3173. >"Tch! I'm not trying to take my mood out on you, it's just..."
  3174. >Like with Spearhead, she looks like she's getting angrier and angrier, but the rage slowly melts into loud, expressive sorrow.
  3175. >She places the palm of her hand against her forehead, sobbing.
  3176. >"Why do things have to be so hard...? What good was I before Shining?!"
  3177. >You get up from your chair, and move to Candy, going around the table.
  3178. >"She said she hates me...! My daughter hates me!"
  3179. "She doesn't."
  3180. >"Didn't you hear her?! She said it so loud too...!"
  3181. >Cadance sniffles.
  3182. >"And I don't blame her. I hate myself just as much!! I'm so useless...!"
  3183. "Candy, you're not useless!"
  3184. >"What do you know?! You weren't here! Shining was always fixing my screw-ups, and raising our daughter right, and now he's gone, and I'm just a pile of useless, worthless waste of flesh!"
  3185. >She downs the rest of her wine, and starts trying to pour another large glass.
  3186. >You grab the bottle away from her, and take a few steps back.
  3187. >She stares at you with red, teary angry eyes.
  3188. >"Give it back."
  3189. "No."
  3190. >"GIVE IT BACK!"
  3191. "I said NO!"
  3192. >Candy starts to stand up, wobbling slightly.
  3193. >"GIVE IT BACK ANON! I'm NOT joking around!"
  3194. >You back up towards the sink, and start pouring the remaining contents down the sink.
  3195. >"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
  3196. >She rushes you, reaching for the bottle, but is too late.
  3197. >The rest of the Wine is long gone down the drain.
  3198. "You don't need to be drowning yourself in that garbage Cadance! Especially when you're so upset!"
  3199. >Her back is to you, as she keeps her head down, looking at the drain of the sink.
  3200. >"You...Who do you think you are, deciding stuff like that?"
  3201. >You can hear the venom in her voice.
  3202. >She turns around, her former frown elevated to pure fury.
  3204. >She takes a step towards you, placing her fingertips on your chest.
  3205. >She shoves you, making you teeter back a step.
  3206. "Cadan-"
  3207. >"Shut up!"
  3208. >She pushes you again.
  3209. >"You haven't even been here a week and you think you're calling all the shots?! You think I'm useless too, huh?!?"
  3210. "Of course not!"
  3211. >She pushes you again, forcing another step back.
  3212. >"You think you're pitying me, by coming here don't you?! Well guess what! I don't NEED YOU!"
  3213. "Candy stop."
  3214. >She pushes you once more. The knob of the pantry pokes you in the small of your back.
  3216. "Cadance please-"
  3218. >Your face falls into a deadpan gaze.
  3219. >Cadance looks at you, not so much furious anymore, but more regretful.
  3220. >You nod a few times.
  3221. "Okay. I'll go then."
  3222. >"Anon, I-"
  3223. >You put your hands up.
  3224. "Don't worry about it. You said what's on your mind. I respect that. I'll come pick up my things tomorrow with Dad."
  3225. >You start to leave the kitchen as calm as you can, making sure to grab your cellphone off the couch.
  3226. >"Anon, wait! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!"
  3227. >You ignore her claims, opening the door to outside.
  3228. >She grabs your arm.
  3229. >"Where are you going?! Please don't lea-"
  3230. >You snatch yourself away from her.
  3231. "I'm going somewhere else for the night. Giving you your house back like you want."
  3232. >"But where are you going to go?!"
  3233. "I'll figure it out."
  3234. >"Anon! Please stay! I'm sorry!"
  3235. >You keep walking, as she falls to her knees on the doormat, covering her face.
  3236. >You can hear her cries in the distance, as you continue walking, not sure where to go.
  3237. >You're so pissed off right now, and hurt, and--so many other emotions too complex to describe.
  3238. >You don't really know the area, and you stormed off without a plan.
  3239. >Taking a deep breath, you just walk, and walk, and walk some more.
  3240. >You pass by a familiar park bench not long after, and pop a squat.
  3241. >Silently watching the lake, you pull out your phone.
  3242. >25 MISSED CALLS from Candy.
  3243. >You sigh.
  3244. >Thinking about it now, there is a place you can go for the night. Sort things out, and decide where you want to go from here.
  3245. >You tap your phone screen through your recents, choosing a specific number, and pressing the phone icon.
  3246. >It rings a few times.
  3247. "Hey."
  3248. >You sit there listening to the person on the other end for a few moments.
  3249. "I wouldn't say it like that. I hate to ask, but I need your help."
  3250. >They start yelling at you.
  3251. "Okay, Okay I get it. I'm sorry, alright? I'm in a bad way, and you're the only one I can ask for help right now."
  3252. >They start asking you why, and what happened.
  3253. "There was a fight...it got pretty heated,so I had to leave."
  3254. >More questions.
  3255. "Yes. I need somewhere to sleep for the night."
  3256. >The screech in shock.
  3257. "I know you're not too happy with me right now, but it's either you or this park bench."
  3258. >They go silent for a minute, then ask where you are.
  3259. "Crystal Heart Lake. You know it?"
  3260. >They confirm they do, and say they'll be there in a few minutes, and to sit tight.
  3261. >You hang up, and lean back on the bench, looking up at the sky.
  3262. >It's about thirty minutes before a red van pulls up into the park's lot, shutting off.
  3263. >The passenger door opens, and a stranger wearing a bright blue Hoodie walks towards you on the bench.
  3264. >They stand in front of you with their hands in their pockets.
  3265. >"...You look terrible."
  3266. >You look up.
  3267. "Why are you wearing your hood like that? It makes you look creepy. Like a Flasher or something."
  3268. >"Cut it out with the Jokes. Get in the car."
  3269. >They motion to the red van.
  3270. "Okay. Take that hood off at least. You don't want to look suspicious."
  3271. >With a loud sigh, thin purple fingers pull the hood down, a long two tone ponytail falling out.
  3272. >"Better?"
  3273. "A lot. Thank you Twilight."
  3274. >She narrows her eyes from behind thick black framed glasses.
  3275. >"Thank your father."
  3278. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3281. >You both get into the soccer mom van, pulling out of the lot, and driving off.
  3282. >You look straight ahead, not saying anything, as Twilight does the same.
  3283. >It's extremely awkward. cripplingly so.
  3284. >"Well?"
  3285. >You look at her questioningly.
  3286. >"Are you gonna start talking or what?"
  3287. "I don't really know what you want me to say."
  3288. >"You can start by telling me what the heck happened?"
  3289. "I told you. We had a big fight."
  3290. >"Over WHAT?"
  3291. "It's not important. I'm gonna be gone tomorrow anyway."
  3292. >Twilight groans in irritation, gripping the steering wheel.
  3293. >"I'm really trying to be patient with you Anonymous, since you're my only remaining sibling, but considering how you started things off between us,that patience won't last for long!"
  3294. "You have a sister too..."
  3295. >She jams her foot onto the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt.
  3296. >If you didn't have a seatbelt on, you would have went flying into the wind shield. Thank god no one was behind the car.
  3297. "Whoa! What's your problem!"
  3298. >She jabs a finger into your face.
  3299. >"Don't even MENTION, that whore, and me in the same sentence when talking about relatives, or so help me, you can get out of the car right here, and now, and fend for your freakin self from here on!"
  3300. >You put your hands up.
  3301. "O-okay.Take it easy..."
  3302. >Twilight scrunches up her face, and looks back to the road.
  3303. >You don't understand why she's willing to call you brother, when you're Cadance's direct blood relation. You think your parents are pretty shitty for taking advantage of her using that fact.
  3304. "So how's college?"
  3305. >"I don't know."
  3306. "You don't?"
  3307. >"I don't start until next year."
  3308. "Oh. I thought it was this year that you're supposed to start."
  3309. >"It was."
  3310. >You scratch your head in confusion.
  3311. "Then why--"
  3313. >You go back to keeping your mouth shut, not wanting to "poke the bear" any more.
  3314. >This is gonna be a long night.
  3315. >You can see Twilight grinding her teeth, as the drive goes on.
  3316. "I'm sorry."
  3317. >She looks at you quick;y, and back to the road.
  3318. >"You're sorry huh? Why do I find that hard to believe?"
  3319. "Jesus Twilight, I'm being sincere here!"
  3320. >She snorts.
  3321. >"Then where were my phone calls checking up on me? What about my offer to have someone stay with me? You go to Shining's killer, before me? I was the one who actually lost something greater than that money hungry-"
  3322. >You roll your eyes.
  3323. "Is that what this is about? Come on Twily, Cadance is-"
  3324. >"DON'T...EVER call me Twily! That's not a name you get to use!"
  3325. >You sigh.
  3326. "Okay TWILIGHT. We're not even really related, so I didn't figure I really had a right to do such a thing-"
  3327. >"Oh that's such crap!"
  3328. "Is this what we're gonna be doing this whole time? Just this back and forth like all night?"
  3329. >"...."
  3330. >The car stops at a red light.
  3331. >Twilight leans on the wheel, and rubs her eyes.
  3332. >"Do you know why I agreed to look after you?"
  3333. "I don't."
  3334. >"Because you're a lot like me. You're devoted to your Sister, like I was to Shining. We love our older siblings a lot, and they help us to be better people."
  3335. "Yeah...I guess. I wouldn't put it so oddly like that though."
  3336. >Twilight looks at you annoyed.
  3337. "I'm sorry."
  3338. >"I think, we could have been great friends if we spent more time together, but things never work out how we want. Right?"
  3339. "Yeah."
  3340. >She sits straight up in her seat, placing a hand against her forehead.
  3341. >You both sit there in awkward silence.
  3342. >"I'm sorry too."
  3343. "For what?"
  3344. >"For saying you're trying to replace Shining."
  3345. "Oh. Well I'm not."
  3346. >"You couldn't even if you were actually trying to."
  3347. >She grins at you, but you remain silent with a neutral expression.
  3348. >You're not going back down that rabbit hole.
  3349. >All while you're enduring this difficult conversation with Twilight, your phone is still going bonkers in your pocket.
  3350. >After more moments of paused convo, she pulls into the driveway of a modest one story house.
  3351. >A black car is parked inside the garage.
  3352. >Twilight, places the car in park roughly.
  3353. >"We're here."
  3354. >You get out, waiting for Twilight to lead you inside.
  3355. >She marches up the front walkway to the door, knocking on it loudly.
  3356. >You bring up the rear, with your hands in your pockets.
  3357. >Twilight turns to looking you up, and down.
  3358. >"You look nice in that uniform by the way."
  3359. "O-oh? Thanks."
  3360. >That was weird as fuck.
  3361. >The door finally opens revealing an aged woman with hair similar to Twilight's.
  3362. >"Welcome back sweetie. Hello Anon."
  3363. "Hello Mrs. Sparkle."
  3364. >She moves aside allowing the both of you inside.
  3365. >You look around, noticing a picture of Shining Armor on the coffee table, and a large family portrait on the wall.
  3366. >Twilight tosses the car keys onto the sofa, walking into another room down the hall, leaving you and Mrs. Sparkle.
  3367. >"Are you hungry dear? I just finished cooking!"
  3368. >She smiles at you kindly.
  3369. "Uh...I guess. Thank you, ma'am.""
  3370. >"Please! You can call me Mom! It's okay!"
  3371. >You're slightly creeped out.
  3372. >She takes your wrist in her hand, bringing you into the kitchen, before you can protest.
  3373. >"It's so nice to have company! How have you been liking the city so far? I know it's not much-"
  3374. >She sits you down, strolling over to a cupboard.
  3375. "Actually-"
  3376. >"It's our little slice of heaven! Have you got to explore the town yet? Sugarcube corner is a great place for the youths to "hang out" I'm told-"
  3377. "Well, I've only been here for-"
  3378. >She locates a plate finally, and shuffles to the stove, scooping random contents onto it.
  3379. >"I'm sure you'll love it! I see you're wearing the Crystal Prep uniform? It works for you! Absolutely handsome!"
  3380. >You can't get a sentence out through Mrs. Sparkle's bombardment.
  3381. >She returns with a plate of what looks like casserole, setting it down in front of you.
  3382. "Oh...thanks."
  3383. >"Dig in! Dig in!"
  3384. >She waves a hand at you encouraging you to eat.
  3385. "I don't have a fork ma'am..."
  3386. >She gasps.
  3387. >"Oh silly me! Where is my mind today? And please! You don't have to be so formal with me Anon. We're all family here!"
  3388. >That's a word you've been hearing a lot lately.
  3389. >She goes to a drawer pulling out a shiny fork, placing it at your side on the table.
  3390. >"Okay, take two!"
  3391. >She giggles, pretending she has a movie clapper.
  3392. >It's so cheesy, she comes off as cute.
  3393. >You smile looking down at the mystery Casserole, and beginning the journey of flavor this is sure to be.
  3394. >"Not even here for thirty minutes, and you're eating us out of house and home?"
  3395. >Twilight arrives back on scene in a change of clothes, from her hoodie and jeans to a pair of boy shorts, and a t-shirt.
  3396. >You ignore her comment, enjoying the Casserole.
  3397. >"Twilight, stop that. That's not how you treat a guest! I didn't raise my children to be rude!"
  3398. >Twilight shrugs.
  3399. >"I'm sorry..."
  3400. >Wow. She's got her daughter on lock.
  3401. >Mrs. Sparkle gives Twilight a stern look that makes her shrink into herself.
  3402. >"Now take a seat young lady. It's time to eat!"
  3403. >"Y-yes ma'am!"
  3404. >Twilight sits across from you, her gaze never leaving Mrs. Sparkle for a moment.
  3405. >Mama Twilight must not be a stranger to the good old fashioned belt to the behind.
  3406. >Not to mention this Casserole is delicious! Is this the taste of L-love?!
  3407. >You snicker at your inner monologue. getting a glare from Twilight.
  3408. >"So Anon-"
  3409. >You look up to the returning Mrs.Sparkle, who sits with the two of you, setting another plate down in front of Twiggles.
  3410. >"I heard you had a falling out with your parents the other day..."
  3411. >You gulp, as she folds her hands under her chin.
  3412. >You open your mouth, prepared to explain yourself, but she holds up a hand stopping you.
  3413. >"Don't panic. I'm not going to scold you for it. I didn't hear the conversation, but I did hear a certain girl SCREAMING her head off!"
  3414. >She shoots Twilight a look, who slumps in her seat.
  3415. >"While I can't tell you how to treat your parents, you have to remember you only get one true set in this lifetime."
  3416. >You look at her with trembling eyes.
  3417. >""I know I have no say on matters of treating people with respect considering the current situation...but believe me. I regret it every single day of my life."
  3418. >Twilight snorts loudly.
  3419. >"Don't become like me Anon. Too old, and too proud to take the first step forward towards forgiveness."
  3420. >You can see the sadness laced in her voice, as she speaks.
  3421. "Yes ma'-Mom."
  3422. >Her face brightens up, while Twilight cringes.
  3423. >"By the way, has anyone told you, how great you look in that uniform? Just as handsome as Shining on his first day..."
  3424. >You're actually getting that a lot.
  3425. "Y-yes."
  3426. >Twilight is playing with her food, just listening to the two of you talk.
  3427. >"Well, whoever said that must have great taste! Heehee!"
  3428. >You avert your eyes. Not wanting to point out it was her Daughter-in-law and grandchild who first brought it up.
  3429. >So have you decided what you're going to do? Twily told me you had a big fight with your sister..."
  3430. "Uh..I'm still working that out..."
  3431. >"Well take your time dear. I know it's not easy to figure things out when you're upset. You can call your father if you like or--"
  3432. >She tilts her head looking away from Twilight who suddenly perked up.
  3433. >"You can't be seriously considering-"
  3434. >"You can stay here for a little bit. Give you and Cadance time to cool down and whatnot."
  3435. >Twilight stands up, knocking her chair over.
  3436. >"NO! NO WAY! HE'S THE ENEMY!"
  3437. >"Twilight Ester Sparkle! You sit down this instant!"
  3438. >"NO! He's just trying to replace Shining, and it's obvious you've already given up on big brother!"
  3439. >?Twilight! Settle down!?
  3440. >She storms out of the kitchen,the sound of a door slamming a ways from where you're both seated.
  3441. >Velvet sighs frustrated.
  3442. >"I'm sorry Anon. I didn't want you to see that."
  3443. "It's fine. A similar scene brought me here if we're talking about it..."
  3444. >"Is that so?"
  3445. >You nod a few times.
  3446. >"Things have been hard on everyone involved, but Twilight, and Cadance have had it the worst I imagine."
  3447. "I can fathom."
  3448. >Mama Sparkle smiles sadly.
  3449. >"Did you know I got divorced earlier this year? Before Shining passed? Twilight barely had barely moved on from that before this all happened."
  3450. "A divorce and a funeral? Jesus."
  3451. >"Mhm."
  3452. >"I can't fault her for her anger. I know she;s struggling to deal with things, and is latching on to anything she can to cope. Like a brother who isn't really a brother...?"
  3453. >She looks at you knowingly, making you gasp in realization.
  3454. "If that's true, why does she act like she hates me so much?"
  3455. >Mom(that's gonna be weird moving forward to refer to her as) sighs.
  3456. >She's confused. She's Jealous. She feels alienated, and that life is out to get her. She wants to let you in, but at the same time she doesn't want to forget her "BBBFF". It's complicated."
  3457. "Sounds like it."
  3458. >"She wants to lash out at the world, and the only one she can do that to is Cadance, because someone will actually care about what she's feeling."
  3459. "But, we all care about how she's feeling. Don't you two know that Flurry and Cadance think about you both constantly? They miss you something terrible."
  3460. >Mrs. Sparkle silently hangs her head.
  3461. >"The feeling is mutual, but-"
  3462. "But?"
  3463. >"But, there's a lot of hurt feelings, and mean things that were said-"
  3464. "Well "Sorry" usually helps move things along."
  3465. >"If that were true, why are you here instead of back with Cadance?"
  3466. >That's--a very good point.
  3467. >"See? It's anot so simple as saying sorry, and if we're being honest here-"
  3468. >She leans in towards you.
  3469. >"We're women. We can be just as stubborn if not more than men. Don't tell anyone though."
  3470. >She winks at you with a smile.
  3471. >You nasally chuckle.
  3472. "Your secret is safe with me."
  3473. >Mom stands up, rubbing your shoulder.
  3474. >"I'm gonna go have a chat with Twilight. Enjoy the rest of your meal."
  3475. >She saunters off out of the kitchen, to what you presume is Twilight's room, from the sound of the knocking.
  3476. >You stare down into your half-eaten dinner, and lean back, putting your arms over your face.
  3477. "Too old, and too prideful to take the first step towards forgiveness, huh?
  3478. >You take out your phone and look at the screen.
  3480. "Jesus..."
  3481. >She didn't just call you either. There's over fifty text messages.
  3482. >You start feeling bad for walking off, but you didn't want to hurt her feelings. It was getting too heated, and if you stayed things would have been awkward....right?
  3483. >Your phone starts to go off again, but it's not Candy.
  3484. >In fact it's a number you don't recognize.
  3485. >You press the green phone icon, and hold it up to your ear.
  3486. "H-Hello?"
  3487. >"Anon? Oh my god! You're okay?"
  3488. >This isn't Candy at all.
  3489. >"We were so worried! Where are you?! Are you okay?"
  3490. >It's Flurry.
  3491. "I'm absolutely fine-"
  3492. >You can hear cars in the background on her end.
  3493. "Wh-where are you? Are you driving?"
  3494. >"No, mom is driving right now. We're looking for you stupid!"
  3495. >You can hear Cadance talking in the background.
  3496. >"Now answer me! Where are you. so we can come pick you up??"
  3497. >You squeeze the phone, feeling awkward and petty at her tone.
  3498. "I'm in a safe place. I'll be staying here for the night."
  3499. >"B-but why? Are you really going to leave us?"
  3500. "I don't know yet..."
  3501. >Her voice starts to crack.
  3502. >"C-can't we talk it out? If you just come home then-""
  3503. "It's just for the night. to give us all time to cool off, and sort things out."
  3504. >She sniffles.
  3505. >"O-okay."
  3506. "I promise I'll be back tomorrow. Okay?"
  3507. >"Okay. Please don't go away..."
  3508. "I won't. Talk to you later."
  3511. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3514. >You hang up the phone just in time to be joined by Mama Sparkle once more.
  3515. >"Hey again sweetie. You alright? You look a little out of it."
  3516. "I'm fine. Just tired."
  3517. >"Well we can't have that. Why don;t you come with me?"
  3518. >You leave the mostly eaten casserole there on the table, and walk with Mrs. Sparkle to an extra room next to Twilight's.
  3519. >The light switch clicks on with a loud snap, showing what looks to be a boys room.
  3520. >Stacks of comic books, and board games sit in the corner, as well as an ant farm on the nightstand, and a desk in the corner with various action figures from known video games.
  3521. "Is this-"
  3522. >"Yep. It's Shining's old room."
  3523. >You step in and look around.
  3524. "Wow...it feels so heavy just to be in here..."
  3525. >"He'd want you to use it Anon. Make yourself at home!"
  3526. >She smiles, preparing to leave.
  3527. "Ah...wait a second."
  3528. >"Hm?"
  3529. "I wanted to ask you something if it's okay..."
  3530. >Velvet blinks a few times before coming back in with a concerned expression.
  3531. >"Why of course. Ask me anything you like."
  3532. >You rub your arm nervously sitting on the bed.
  3533. >"I...I have a problem."
  3534. >"Do tell."
  3535. >She sits next to you, resting her hands on her lap.
  3536. "Well, let's say I have this friend who is into someone. like..really bad."
  3537. >"Like in love with?"
  3538. >You nod several times.
  3539. "And, he's afraid of well.."pursuing it", because they're kinda related...?"
  3540. >"Oh..Ooooh."
  3541. >She touches her mouth.
  3542. >"Well,I'm going to be as honest as I can with you Anon, and this is just my opinion because I don't know what sort of values your parents instilled into you-"
  3543. >You start sweating.
  3544. >"But this world would not have progressed to its current state without a little incest."
  3545. >Your eyes widen.
  3546. >"I mean you feel how you feel, whether it be for that girl down the street or a cousin you're close to. As long as those feelings are for real, and not just base lust....sorry to be so preachy."
  3547. "NO! No! That actually makes a lot of sense..."
  3548. >She smiles.
  3549. >"Just make sure it's because of love. I'm sure whoever it is, feels the same way about your friend."
  3550. >She pats your shoulder, getting up noisily. The sound of her bones cracking and popping as she stretches.
  3551. >As Mama Sparkle departs, you ponder her words. She gave you a lot to consider.
  3552. >While you're not One Hundred percent on board with the whole idea, she had a little bit of logic in her words.
  3553. >"Don't you look comfortable in my dead brother's room?"
  3554. >You look up and find Twilight staring you down from the doorway with a small dog in her arms.
  3555. >You stare back at her wordlessly, as she enters, inspecting the room's contents.
  3556. "Is there something I can help you with?"
  3557. >"I'm making sure that you didn't disturb anything!"
  3558. "Well I didn't."
  3559. >She starts looking through the comics reading off their numbers aloud. The Dog glares at you from its position.
  3560. >Whatever.
  3561. >"You're not going to stay are you?"
  3562. "Huh?"
  3563. >She moves over to the desk next.
  3564. >"My mom's offer.You're not going to take it are you?"
  3565. "I'm still figuring things out, but I probably won't.
  3566. >Twilight narrows her eyes, giving the action figures a thorough investigation.
  3567. >"Good. Are you going back home?"
  3568. "Why do you care?"
  3569. >She sets the dog down, taking the ant farm off the nightstand.
  3570. >"Are you saying I don't have a right to know?"
  3571. "I never implied such a thing-"
  3572. >"I mean, considering that particular phone call, and getting hung up on, I didn't have to come get you! It seems I'm the only one who knows what it means to cherish your family, huh?"
  3573. "Is that so?"
  3574. >She smugly grins at you.
  3575. "I wonder how Flurry would feel about that statement..."
  3576. >That smug grin is immediately erased.
  3577. >"That was low."
  3578. "Is it?"
  3579. >She sets the farm down pointing a finger at you.
  3580. >"If Flurry would leave that bit-"
  3581. >You grab her hand this time, having had enough.
  3582. "CHOOSE your next words carefully. I let you get a free pass in the car, but if you call Cadance another name, I will wreck yout shit."
  3583. >You engage in an intense staredown, until you release her hands.
  3584. >"Brute."
  3585. "Yeah? What if I started badmouthing Shining?"
  3586. >"I'd gouge your eyes out!"
  3587. "Welcome to the club of "protective little brothers and sisters" then."
  3588. >"RUFF! RUFF! WOOF!"
  3589. >The dog starts barking at you, baring his little fangs in defense of Twilight.
  3590. >She picks the canine back up into her arms.
  3591. >"If Flurry wasn't attached to "her" hip, she could come see me, but as long as she's under "her" I'm not going to speak to her."
  3592. "Well if that isn't the shittiest attitude to take for your Niece who lost her father."
  3593. >"Don't you preach to me. You left her too, or did you forget where you are right now? Did you think of Flurry when you were calling me up?"
  3594. >You stand up to her level.
  3595. "You know what? I didn't. I ran away like a COWARD, because I couldn't get out of my own ass, to sit down long enough to talk things out. I feel like the gum on the bottom of an ants shoe, and I've been kicking my own ass over leaving for this little bit of time.What's your excuse?"
  3596. >She bites her lip.
  3597. >"Well look who's all high and mighty! You sound like a TV special! You haven't lost anything! How could you even understand?"
  3598. "...."
  3599. >She starts nodding, feeling she has the advantage in the argument.
  3600. >"Yeah...YEAH! You still have both parents in your life! My dad is shacked up with who knows,and my brother is dead! All you have to deal with is a bratty older sister not wanting to talk to Mommy and Daddy! I'm so sympathetic to your first-world problems!"
  3601. >She grabs your collar.
  3602. >"So don't tell me, I'm wrong! I'm NOT WRONG!"
  3603. >Staring her dead in the eye, you don't budge an inch, as she lightly shakes you.
  3604. "What do you want?"
  3605. >"What?!"
  3606. "You heard me. What do you want?"
  3607. >Her lip trembles furiously.
  3608. >"L-like you'd understand..."
  3609. "I can only try."
  3610. >Her grip tightens on the fabric of your shirt.
  3611. >"I want-"
  3612. >She fights tears.
  3613. >"I want my brother back..."
  3614. >Through gritted teeth she continues to lightly shake you.
  3615. >"I want my best friend back...! Why do you get to keep yours...?!"
  3616. >Your face softens up.
  3617. "Then why did you agree to look after me..."
  3618. >"Why? Because she doesn't deserve to keep her brother! If she just asked for help. If she just said "No" a little harder than normal, this wouldn't have happened! But guess what?!"
  3619. >The Dog starts licking her arm.
  3620. >"She didn't, and now she matters to everyone, and I matter to no one."
  3621. >Your eyes widen.
  3622. >"I've been with Shining longer than Cadance! Why am I being ignored? Don't my feelings matter too?"
  3623. >You put your hands on her arms.
  3624. "I get it."
  3625. >She sniffles, still scowling.
  3626. >"Yeah? What do you get Mr. Insight? What does someone like you understand?"
  3627. "That it hurts. That you're suffering all alone, and no one gave you so much as a passing glance. Nobody has stopped to ask, "but what about Twilight?". Am I right?"
  3628. >"...."
  3629. >She looks at you with reddened eyes.
  3630. "You want a brother? I'm here. You want a shoulder to cry on? I'm here. You want someone to matter to? I'm here."
  3631. >She shakes her head.
  3632. >"N-No. I don't want to replace Shining with-"
  3634. >She shirks to the point, you can see Mom in the doorway watching carefully from over her head.
  3635. "We're all Cadance has. All Flurry has besides each other. To this day Cadance still calls you her best friend. Did you know that?"
  3636. >She sniffs, wiping her face.
  3637. "They need you, as much me. I know it won't be an easy transition, but at least try to approach them?"
  3638. >"That's a lot to ask of someone, who you hung up on."
  3639. "Jesus woman. Let it go."
  3640. >She chuckles.
  3641. >"You sound just like Candy when she used to babysit me."
  3642. "Hah. Yeah. She gave me the same speeches when I would be up--"
  3643. >You double-take.
  3644. "What did you just call her?"
  3645. >Velvet smiles, leaving the two of you to continue your conversation in peace.
  3648. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 15~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3651. >The whole fight with Twilight, left the both of you exhausted, but a breakthrough had been made, you felt.
  3652. >Twilight wanted to stay up, and talk to you, but you insisted that you both get some rest. Tomorrow was going to be eventful, for sure.
  3653. >Maybe doing home isn't the most rational of decisions right now. You should be more mature about this. Candy was just upset, after all. While it did hurt to hear her say what she said, you bet leaving her alone would hurt her even more.
  3654. >Sleep came at last, once your mind was made up.
  3655. >It still feels weird to be in Shining's bed, but it fits just perfectly. Baby Bear style.
  3656. >You soon find yourself in a large White room, where a lone person sits in the center, their back to you.
  3657. >Each step you take sends loud echoes throughout the room.
  3658. >You get closer to the mysterious figure, trying to speak ,but not saying a word.
  3659. >They soon stand up, and turn to you.
  3660. >You recognize this person, but don't know their name. It continues to escape your memory.
  3661. >It's a man.
  3662. >He beams at you, with gratitude.
  3663. >"Keep up the good work kid."
  3664. >He begins to draw near, placing a hand on your head.
  3665. >"You got this."
  3666. >Tears start flowing from your eyes, as the room fades to a warm, accepting black.
  3667. >Your eyes flutter open to sunlight poking through drawn curtains.
  3668. >A Batman clock on the wall reads 7:00.
  3669. >Silently, you slide to bedside, feeling the dried trails on your cheeks.
  3670. "I got this."
  3671. >In that same instance, a knock at the door catches your attention to a morning visitor.
  3672. >Well not technically, since it's their house after all.
  3673. >"Morning. You sleep well?"
  3674. >Twilight stands in the doorway in her pajamas, adjusting her glasses.
  3675. "I did. I really did."
  3676. >She tilts her head.
  3677. >"Glad to hear it...? So what's the verdict?"
  3678. >You eye her for a few moments.
  3679. "Oh! Right! I'm going home."
  3680. >"Hm. I see."
  3681. >You stand up, approaching Twilight, taking hold of her arms.
  3682. "And you're coming with me."
  3683. >Twilight's eyes widen.
  3684. >"B-but I have a boyfriend...!"
  3685. >You narrow your eyes, bewildered by her comment.
  3686. >"See, b-because you take your gi-girlfriend to meet your parents, so I was saying-"
  3687. >Patting her shoulder, you shake your head.
  3688. "Leave the flirtatious commentary to MY side of the family Twiggles."
  3689. >She blushes in embarrassment.
  3690. "But A Plus for effort. Is that Sausage I smell?"
  3691. >You gently move her to the side, as you move to the delicious smell of butchered Pork, and find "Mom" in a robe manning the stove.
  3692. >Despite having had two children, and easily in her fifties, she's still quite shapely.
  3693. >She looks over her shoulder at you with that smile, only an amazing mother could give, that both makes you feel safe, and confused at the same time.
  3694. >"Well good morning. How was your first night in the Sparkle household?"
  3695. "If I say amazing, do I get extra Sausage?"
  3696. >Pause.
  3697. >She snickers.
  3698. >"Maybe.But it's gonna take more than that to butter me up."
  3699. "What if I said, that the morning sun can only rise when you open your eyes and grace the world with your graceful smile?"
  3700. >"....Okay. You win. Butt in chair mister."
  3701. >You give yourself a quick fist pump, as you take a seat, followed by Twilight, and her little dog Spike, as she introduced him as yesterday.
  3702. >"Morning Sweetheart! You sleep well too?"
  3703. >Twilight smiles back with a nod.
  3704. >You can almost see Cadance, and Flurry overlay their own features, except for one thing.
  3705. >Candy is banned from touching all cookware forever. How can someone burn cold cereal?
  3706. >Velvet sits a plate in front of you, and Twilight, with a smile, and a wink.
  3707. "Oh gosh. This smells AWESOME. Gee thanks Mrs. Ess!"
  3708. >Velvet giggles at your 1960s impersonation.
  3709. >"I'm happy to see you in a better mood! Both of you!"
  3710. >Twilight runs the back of head, blushing again.
  3711. >"Y-yeah. I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday..."
  3712. >Velvet takes a seat with a mug of Coffee, rubbing her daughter's cheek.
  3713. >"Think nothing of it dear."
  3714. >You wordlessly chew watching them both quickly.
  3715. >You hope Flurry, and Candy can be the same way someday.
  3716. >"Oh look at the two of us, acting like this in front of company! It must make you terribly homesick?"
  3717. >You sit your fork down.
  3718. "Actually, my parents aren't really as "nurturing"? I think that's the word."
  3719. >Velvet folds her arms on the table.
  3720. >"Oh? What are they like if you don't mind my asking?"
  3721. >You think of the best word to describe them.
  3722. "Eccentric."
  3723. >Velvet's eyebrows go up.
  3724. >"Huh. I've never actually had a real sit down with them, so I can't agree or disagree..."
  3725. >You shrug.
  3726. "One thing I can definitely say is that you're twelve times better than them both though Mrs. Sparkle."
  3727. >She smirks.
  3728. >"That's flattering, but you shouldn't Badmouth your parents. They're the only ones you got after all."
  3729. >You know she's right, but they're still pretty shitty.
  3730. >After breakfast, you, and Twilight piled into the Van once more. You didn't have a change of clothes to go to school, so she offered to drop you off, so you could get yourself together.
  3731. >You could see Twiggles, tense up several times while driving. Her palms would change colors from how tightly she'd grip the steering wheel.
  3732. >But, something is up with the way she's going.
  3733. "Hey...uh..where are we heading actually?"
  3734. >"Y-your home."
  3735. >Does she think-
  3736. "But, this isn't the way to Candance's house."
  3737. >"I had a feeling you meant that..."
  3738. >She starts to turn pale.
  3739. "Don't get bent out of shape. She's probably not even home right now."
  3740. >You see Twilight gulp, starting to sweat.
  3741. >"R-right. Of course she;s not...yeah. She's at work.."
  3742. >Twilight starts to whisper things under her breath.
  3743. "Are you okay?"
  3744. >"OF COURSE I AM!"
  3745. "Then can you take me Home?"
  3746. >"Oh gosh..."
  3747. >She hesitantly pulls into a driveway to back out and head in the opposite direction.
  3748. >A car pulling out, is nearly t-boned.
  3749. >She stays silent, continuing to tense up, and relax. You hope she's not having a panic attack.
  3751. >"I'm sorry!"
  3752. >The driver, honks, and you hear him call Twilight a cunt.
  3753. >You make sure your seatbelt is fastened tightly. There will be no final destination shit going on today.
  3754. "Talk to me Twilight. What's wrong?!"
  3755. >She bites her lip, keeping her eyes on the road.
  3756. >"I'm not ready-"
  3757. "For what?"
  3758. >"To go b-back "there"..."
  3759. "I'm telling you, it's no big deal. Cadance won't be home. Also we talked about this. You have to at least make an effort."
  3760. >"Nngh.."
  3761. >Her driving starts to get slower. You can hear cars starting to honk from behind her.
  3762. "You gotta speed up a little Twi. People are getting pissed."
  3763. >"Oh GOSH...."
  3764. >Drivers start passing her, some flipping her off, or yelling vulgarities.
  3765. "This is not the time to have a crisis!"
  3766. >"I'm sorry!"
  3767. "Then stop apologizing, and freaking out, and drive! It'll be alright!"
  3768. >She flashes you a look.
  3769. >"Will it?"
  3770. "Yes! I promise!"
  3771. >"Pinkie Promise?"
  3772. >You hold up your pinky finger.
  3773. >She looks at you confused.
  3774. "What?"
  3775. >"What are you doing?"
  3776. "A Pinky Promise."
  3777. >"That's not a Pinkie Promise..."
  3778. >FOR FUCKS SAKE.
  3779. "Okay...then how do you do a "Pinkie Promise"?"
  3780. >"You say cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
  3781. >You look at her deadpan.
  3782. "No."
  3783. >"You're obligated to do it as my brother now."
  3784. "It sounds stupid!"
  3785. >"Say it!"
  3786. >It's your turn to bite your lip this time.
  3787. >"Please? I'll believe you if you do-"
  3788. >You try not to internally cringe.
  3789. "C-cross my heart, hope to fl--(fuck)--Fly. Stick a Muffin-"
  3790. >"Cupcake."
  3791. "CUPCAKE, IN MY EYE."
  3792. >You see Twilight take a deep breath, taking a hand, and moving it up as she takes a breath,and extending it as she exhales. Reminds you of someone else who used to do that.
  3793. "You feel better now?"
  3794. >"I do. Thank you."
  3795. >Still a nervous wreck, she's at least driving properly now.
  3796. >It's not long before you're a few houses from your destination that she starts breathing hard again.
  3797. "Twilight..."
  3798. >"I'M GOOD! IT'LL BE ALRIGHT!"
  3799. >You watch her with narrowed eyes, as she slows down more, and more to the point an elderly man missing both legs on a walk is moving faster than the car.
  3800. "TWILIGHT!"
  3801. >She grits her teeth.
  3802. >"Can't I just let you out here...?"
  3803. "You made me recite the goofy, green lantern-tier garbage! You better get your purple booty down there woman!"
  3804. >"H-how do you know my butt is purple?!"
  3805. "Don't change the subject, or at least wait until I have lotion nearby before we go into your anatomy-"
  3806. >She turns beet red.
  3807. "Okay, maybe a little too much, but my point is,stop being scared."
  3808. >She makes it as far as the curb, before coming to a full stop.
  3809. >Both your eyes go as wide as dinner plates, at the sight of a Hybrid, and a Cop car in the driveway.
  3810. >You both stare at the vehicle for a few minutes, then back to each other.
  3811. >Then to the officer's car again.
  3812. >"An-Anon, who...?"
  3813. "She didn't. Please don't tell me she didn't."
  3814. >Twilight shakes her head a few times, her expression going from tense fear, to pleading frenzy.
  3815. >"I can't do this...I CAN'T!"
  3816. >You can see tears welling up in her eyes.
  3817. >You immediately recall Cadance's text messages.
  3818. >She wouldn't have called that pompous jackass, would she?!
  3819. >"That car-It's Shining's car!"
  3820. >Fuck. It IS him.
  3821. >Twilight starts to bite her knuckles.
  3822. >"Oh my god. Shining...!"
  3823. >You give the squad car a black look.
  3824. "C'mon Twi. Let's go inside."
  3825. >"What?! No! I can't! I just--I just can't!"
  3826. >You take her hand in yours, an action she's more than willing to accept.
  3827. "I said we'll be fine. Trust me. I'm here with you,"
  3828. >She gawks at your confidence, before nodding in agreement.
  3829. >"Alright, just...just keep me close."
  3830. "Yeah. Let's go."
  3831. >You exit the car first, and circle around to the driver's side, opening the door for Twilight, and taking her hand once more.
  3832. "You ready?"
  3833. >She nods, squeezing gently.
  3834. >Together the two of you made your way to the front door, where you knock loudly.
  3835. >You can hear voices from inside, and the soft rumble of footsteps getting closer.
  3836. >The door opens up-
  3837. >Twilight shuts her eyes.
  3838. >"Oh my god. Anon...?"
  3839. >Candy stands before you, mouth agape.
  3840. >"...And Twilight?"
  3841. >Twilight slowly opens her peepers, sweat forming on her brow.
  3842. >"H-hello..."
  3843. >You inspect Candy's face, seeing bags under her eyes. Her hair is frazzled, and she's also rocking a robe.
  3844. >You spot Flurry behind her in her pajamas, on the sofa hugging her knees, looking equally as exhausted.
  3845. >She looks up with tired eyes, slowly rising to her feet.
  3846. >"Anon!"
  3847. >She's about to run towards you when she spots Twilight next to you.
  3848. >Her eyes go from her to your clasped hands.
  3849. >"A-Auntie Twilight too...?"
  3850. >The four of you stand there in shocked silence, until a hulking figure comes up from behind Cadance, putting his hands on hers and Flurry's shoulders.
  3851. >"Looks like the gang is all here. Why don't you, and your Girlfriend step in from the cold?"
  3852. >Captain Spearhead, gives you his biggest smile.
  3853. >"I'm not his girlfriend. Don't you even remember the little sister of your dead partner?!"
  3854. >Twilight is slowly starting to get angry.
  3855. >You nudge her, and mouth the words "relax".
  3856. >Spearhead, puts a hand to his chin, thinking.
  3857. >"Oh..OH! You're right! Turnlift Speckle, right?"
  3858. >"WHAT?!?"
  3859. >Twilight's eye twitches, and her skin begins to heat up.
  3860. >"Captain, perhaps it's time you go. You've paid your respects, yes? Then please excuse yourself."
  3861. >Cadance takes Spearhead's arm,trying to lead him out of the house.
  3862. >"Okay, but-"
  3863. >"We'll be fine. Go. PLEASE."
  3864. >He steps past you, and Twilight, hat in hand.
  3865. >"Are you sure? I mean if there's anything you want to tell me, I can-"
  3866. >"Just go away!"
  3867. >Flurry yells out from behind her mother.
  3868. >He stands there, looking between all the assorted scowls, and sighs in defeat.
  3869. >"So be it. If you have any problems, feel free to contact me."
  3870. >There are no words as he strolls back to his squad car, and pulling out. He blares the siren quickly a couple times before driving away.
  3871. >Once out of view, the awkward silence comes back, with the four of you staring at one another.
  3872. >"So...come in. I think we have a lot to talk about."
  3873. >Candy tries to smile, wobbling a little.
  3874. "I guess so."
  3875. >After moving this discussion from public eye to the safety of your home-
  3876. >Well. There's not much being said.
  3877. >Twilight is still clinging to you like a scared child, and Cadance and Flurry, obviously were up all night.
  3878. >Clearly not the best conditions to have a chat.
  3879. >"...."
  3880. >"..."
  3881. >Cadance stood there arms crossed, eyes looking off to the side, while Twilight kept her head hung.
  3882. "So uh-"
  3883. >All eyes immediately fall upon you.
  3884. "You didn't go to work today?"
  3885. >"I--No."
  3886. "Oh..."
  3887. >Flurry is back on the sofa, hugging her knees quietly again.
  3888. "So..Spearhead, huh...?"
  3889. >"He just came to pay his respects again."
  3890. "Ah..."
  3891. >More silence.
  3892. >"So, you were at Twily-er..Twilight's?"
  3893. "Yeah..."
  3894. >Cadance looks to Twilight, who is trying to make herself seem as small as possible.
  3895. >The tension is so think, it's almost visible.
  3896. >"H-Hey."
  3897. >Twilight starts to shake.
  3898. "M-Maybe you should get some rest, you two? You look worn out-"
  3899. >"We stayed up all night worried about YOU."
  3900. >Flurry glares at you from behind her knees.
  3901. >This isn't going exactly as planned.
  3902. >"What did you mean y "pay his respects"...?"
  3903. >Twilight slowly starts to raise her head, her eyes boring into Cadance.
  3904. >"J-just that. He came to pay his respects to Shining's memorial."
  3905. >Cadance motions to the fireplace.
  3906. >"Why do I doubt that?"
  3907. >Twilight stands up, releasing your hand, taking that tone from earlier with Spearhead.
  3908. >"I have no idea what you're talking about Twily-"
  3909. >"Is that how much Shining meant to you? He dies, and now you're on the rebound?!?"
  3910. >"N-No! I want nothing to do with him!"
  3912. >"I KICKED HIM OUT!"
  3914. >Flurry stays quiet, with angry tired eyes.
  3915. "He-hey-"
  3918. >Twilight puts her finger in Candy's face, who grabs her wrist, and it's evident they're about to start fighting.
  3919. "Guys, c'mon-"
  3920. >They start to wrestle slightly.
  3921. >This is your fault.
  3922. >You left the house over a little temper tantrum. You made these two worry, and you coerced Twilight into coming here, and for what?
  3923. >To make an even bigger rift?
  3924. >No-No..You can't think like this. Not again.
  3925. >It's those self-defeating thoughts that caused you to start alienating your Niece, who looks at you expectantly from the far end of the sofa.
  3928. >Taking a deep breath, you stand up, supplanting yourself in between the two fighting girls.
  3929. "Stop!"
  3930. >You're ignored, as they claw and reach for each other.
  3931. >"YOU'RE SUCH AN ASS!"
  3933. "Cut it out!"
  3934. >The struggle continues on, with you dead in the center.
  3937. >Twilight, turns to leave, but you grab her arm.
  3938. >You've had enough.
  3939. >"Let me go!"
  3940. >Giving Twilight a scowl that could make water freeze, you start to speak.
  3941. "I didn't bring you here so you could hurl accusations, or have a FUCKING shouting match with Candy."
  3942. >Her face softens.
  3943. >You turn to Candy.
  3944. "And YOU. Park it."
  3945. >Candy flinches from your gaze, obediently taking a seat on the sofa.
  3946. >Twilight touches your hand.
  3947. >"Then how do you expect me to act, seeing something like that? What am I supposed to do??"
  3948. "Act like a goddamn adult! Why am I the only one with any sort of civility here?!"
  3949. >"Because Shining wasn't as important to you as he was to me!"
  3950. >Twilight wipes a tear from under her glasses.
  3951. "And he's not to Cadance also? Look at the fireplace! Does that say "I've gotten over you"?"
  3952. >Her eyes glaze over the memorial The girls set up with various pictures of the late Shining Armor.
  3953. >"...Nngh..."
  3954. >You look to Cadance next.
  3955. "I know you're both grieving, but you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. What goes on in your house is your damn house."
  3956. >"I--Mnnh..."
  3957. >She rubs her face.
  3958. "You've not seen each other for so long. I think it's about time that's stopped."
  3959. >They stare at each other.
  3960. "If not for mine, for Shining, and Flurry."
  3961. >Flurry stands up much to your surprise,and hugs Twilight.
  3962. >You step back, to allow them some room.
  3963. >Twilight strokes her young Niece's back.
  3964. >"I'm sorry Flurry. I'm so sorry..."
  3965. >Cadance rises next, bringing her arms around the both of them.
  3966. >"Oh Cadance...He's right! I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me!"
  3967. >"Oh hush Twily. Alls forgiven."
  3968. >The girls hold each other in comfortable silence.
  3969. "Guess I'll go take a shower, while you guys talk things out then."
  3970. >You smirk, as you head upstairs, giving them time to speak with one another.
  3971. >Plugging your phone into the charger, in your bed room, you notice the computer is on.
  3972. >You slide the mouse a few times, and see Skype has a few new messages.
  3973. >Gilda sent you pictures of Scones. Noice.
  3974. >Maybe you should hit her up later on.
  3975. >Before you can go to the bathroom, someone slips their arms around your neck from behind.
  3976. "Wh-"
  3977. >"Welcome home midget."
  3978. >Candy rest her head against yours.
  3979. "I didn't hear you come up...Aren't you going to talk to Twilight?"
  3980. >"I have some things to say to you first."
  3981. >She wheels you around, placing her hands on the sides of your face.
  3982. >"I'm so sorry for all the stupid things I said! Just please don't ever leave again!"
  3983. >You put your hands on her waist.
  3984. "I'm sorry too. I acted like a little kid, and made you worry. I don't wanna fight with you again."
  3985. >"Then let's make up. You want a kiss?"
  3986. >She smirks.
  3987. "Fine. Why not?"
  3988. >You close your eyes, and present your head-
  3989. >Only to be met with soft, slightly chapped lips.
  3990. >Your eyes shoot open wide, as Candy holds the kiss for a solid three seconds. breaking it with a little pop.
  3991. "Uhhh...I meant my head or cheek."
  3992. >Candy looks at you with a smug grin.
  3993. >"...Of course you did."
  3996. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 16~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3999. >You both share one more hug, before breaking apart.
  4000. >"Look at you. Making a big girl like me lose sleep, and cry all night over you. You're naughty little imp~"
  4001. "Yeah...you should probably get some sleep/ You look awful."
  4002. >She yawns loudly.
  4003. >"I really should-"
  4004. >Candy puts a hand on your cheek and one on your shoulder.
  4005. >"After I talk to Twily for a few. I never imagined you'd show back up with her in hand."
  4006. "Yeah. It was a pretty eventful night..."
  4007. >"And I expect to hear all about it later."
  4008. "S-sure I guess."
  4009. >She pecks your forehead.
  4010. >"Thank you for coming back."
  4011. "This is my home. Of course I came back."
  4012. >"I'd cry if I wasn't so damn tired."
  4013. >As she turns to leave, she almost runs smack dab into Flurry who excitedly comes into the room.
  4014. >"What's your hurry Sweetie?"
  4015. >"I had to come tell Anon the news!"
  4016. >She wraps her arms around Candy, looking around her to you.
  4017. >"Auntie Twilight said she'd go with us to the park on Saturday to ride the swan boats! She can come right??"
  4018. >Oh shit. You almost forgot about that promise.
  4019. "Sure. She doesn't need my permission to go. She's older than me."
  4020. >Flurry hums happily.
  4021. >"You're coming too right?"
  4022. >She looks up at Candy, who opens her eyes wide in surprise.
  4023. >"M-me? Sure I guess..."
  4024. >"Yay!"
  4025. >Cadance prys Flurry off of her with a chuckle, stroking her rounded hair affectionately.
  4026. >"I'm going to go talk to your aunt for a little. Make sure you give your stupid uncle an earful for making you worry, okay?"
  4027. >Flurry nods beaming.
  4028. "That has to be the most enthusiastic response to promising to verbally abuse someone I've ever seen."
  4029. >Candy pecks Flurry on the head, before waving to you, leaving you and your Niece all alone this time.
  4030. >Flurry rocks on her heels, with her hands behind her back.
  4031. >"I'm glad you're back."
  4032. >You grin.
  4033. "It's nice to be back."
  4034. >"Can I ask you something?"
  4035. "Of course."
  4036. >She takes a few steps closer to you.
  4037. >"Did you leave because of me...?"
  4038. "Huh? Why would you think that?"
  4039. >"Because you started acting weird after that night in my room..."
  4040. >Oh right.
  4041. >The feelings of her tensed flesh swarming around your fingers comes back to mind.
  4042. >She tugs on the sleeve of your shirt.
  4043. >"It is, isn't it...?"
  4044. "N-no! Not at all! I was just a little taken aback, and you were...uh.."
  4045. >"Your first what?"
  4046. >You lose the battle to suppress your blushing, and allow your cheeks to turn red.
  4047. >Not sure how comfortable you are telling your Niece-
  4048. >YOUNGER Niece at that.
  4049. >That she was the first girl you ever did anything remotely sexual with, unless you count that time you stripped a Barbie doll down, and drew nipples on her with a permanent marker.
  4050. "You were my first-uh--"
  4051. >She waits expectantly.
  4052. >"Please tell me."
  4053. "The first girl I did anything like that with."
  4054. >For some reason, this makes Flurry smile wide, and big.
  4055. >"SO I WAS YOUR FIRST?!?"
  4056. "Yes! Can you keep it down?"
  4057. >She rests her head on your chest, bearhugging you.
  4058. >"I can't believe it! That makes me like-more special to you than anyone!"
  4059. "I suppose that's one way of looking at it, but we didn't have sex or anything so it's not like you're my absolute first-what the hell am I saying?"
  4060. >Flurry coyly grins.
  4061. >"Well maybe we should try it Anon-I mean, if you're WILLING~"
  4062. "Oh jeez. Please don't let your mom hear you talking like that with me. I still haven't told her about what happened..."
  4063. >Flurry hops in place a little.
  4064. >"Oh don't worry about that! She knows!"
  4065. >.....
  4066. "....Wh-"
  4067. >"I told her! Last night!"
  4068. >Your stomach sinks into the bottom of your feet.
  4069. >Thinking about it now, Flurry said something that seemed a little odd.
  4070. >She immediately said "Your FIRST what?".
  4071. >Candy knew about what the two of you did, and she still placed a wet one on your lips?
  4072. "Wh-what did you say to her exactly? How did she react?!"
  4073. >You grab her by the shoulders.
  4074. >Flurry's eyes widen.
  4075. >"I-I just told her it might be my fault that you decided to leave, an-and when she asked for details I told her about what we did in my room last ni-night."
  4076. >The color begins to drain from your face with each word. Was Candy playing with you? Waiting for you to come clean by yourself, by acting as if she didn't know?
  4077. >"Did I do something wrong?"
  4078. >You release Flurry, sighing.
  4079. "No. You didn't. You were just worried about me."
  4080. >"I was very worried about you! I really really love you!"
  4081. "I know. I love you too."
  4082. >FUCK.
  4083. >N-not her. That's to the situation you're faced with.
  4084. >You've been beating yourself over the head with this whole thing, and it took care of itself. Kind of.
  4085. >Now you have no choice. You have to say something to Candy now.
  4087. >"Oh! Mom's calling us!"
  4088. >You bite down on your bottom lip gently, as Flurry takes you by the hand.
  4089. >"C'mon! Let's go!"
  4090. "Wait! What did your mom say about it?"
  4091. >"Huh? I'll tell you later! Let's go before Auntie Twilight leaves!"
  4092. >For her size, she's pretty strong.
  4093. >You're dragged helplessly downstairs, to Cadance and Twilight standing by an open front door, hugging one another.
  4094. >They look to the two of you with warm smiles, as the sun moves into position behind them, giving off an illuminating aura.
  4095. >Flurry releases you, running to Twilight, giving her a hug as well.
  4096. >"Please come back again! Oh, and call! Call me everyday!"
  4097. >Twilight giggles.
  4098. >"I'll try my best Flurry Heart."
  4099. >Twilight looks at you next, and opens her arms wide.
  4100. >"C'mere you."
  4101. >She approaches you with a tight embrace.
  4102. >"I would have never came back if you didn't come down here Anon. Thank you so much!"
  4103. >She squeezes you, pressing her petite body firmly against yours.
  4104. "Whoa now Twiggles. People are watching, and I don't wanna get excited."
  4105. >She holds you at arms length, smiling insanely with darkened cheeks.
  4106. >"H-Haha! D-don't joke around like that!"
  4107. >She tries to hide the fact she's looking down at your crotch.
  4108. "Bye girl. Jesus."
  4109. >Cadance has her fingertips against her mouth, snickering.
  4110. >"Heh heh heh. Oh my~"
  4111. >Flurry looks confused.
  4112. >"Well, I'm heading back. Make sure to check up on me from time to time...Bro."
  4113. "I thought that was your job."
  4114. >"It's a two way street!"
  4115. "Fair enough."
  4116. >You saw Twilight out, flanked by your Sister and Niece, and watched the Purple nerd get into her car, and pull off with a wave, and a couple honks.
  4117. >Cadance closes the door, and locks it, yawning.
  4118. >"I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed."
  4119. >"Yeah me too."
  4120. >You put your hands into your pockets.
  4121. "Well since I don't have school today I suppose I'm just gonna watch the tube-"
  4122. >"Nah."
  4123. >"Nuh-uh!"
  4124. >Flurry, and Cadance both grab an arm at the same time.
  4125. >They both gasp, and look at each other.
  4126. >You look between them wondering what they had planned.
  4127. >Silence once more makes itself known in the room, while mother and daughter engage in a mild stare down.
  4128. >Cadance finally breaks it with a smile.
  4129. >"My bed it is then."
  4130. "Say what?"
  4131. >Candy flicks your head.
  4132. >"Try to keep up Big guy."
  4133. "For you."
  4134. >She rolls her eyes.
  4135. >"Don't try to outdo the master Anon. I taught you everything you know. Now come on. We're gonna go take a nap."
  4136. >"Yay!"
  4137. >You do little to struggle against the whims of your Sister and Niece as they push and pull you up the stairs.
  4138. "Look, I appreciate that you want me around, but I'm really not tired!"
  4139. >Candy pulls you by the wrists, while Flurry pushes from behind.
  4140. >"Aw. That;s too bad~ For you that is."
  4141. >Candy grinsm getting you to the top of the stairs.
  4142. >"You made us stay up all night worried about you Unc! I think you owe us a little compensation for our pain and suffering!"
  4143. "you're starting to sound more, and more like your mom, and that's worrying.
  4144. >You're tugged on some more by Cadance.
  4145. >"Oh stop complaining. What red-blooded male would turn down the opportunity to be in the same bed with two beautiful women? It'd be just like your Chinese cartoons!"
  4146. "Hey Hey. Goku never had to be in bed with two women!"
  4147. >Both girls laugh.
  4148. >At this point, you've been moved into Candy;s room, where she takes the farthest side of the bed.
  4149. >"Well? Hop in."
  4150. "Wait, I gotta take the middle?!"
  4151. >Flurry comes from under your arm, wrapping hers around your abdomen.
  4152. >"What's wrong with the middle?"
  4153. "Uh, only the girl or the beta sits in the middle. Why do you think guys go out of their way to sit on the left or right side?"
  4154. >Candy rolls her eyes, leaning on her elbow.
  4155. >"Oh please. This isn't a car, and this is the only way this arrangement works. Stop being a sperg."
  4156. "I am SO not being a sperg."
  4157. >"What's a sperg?"
  4158. >"Your Uncle right now."
  4159. >Flurry looks up at you.
  4160. "B-but I haven't showered-"
  4161. >"We'll deal. Let's go."
  4162. >She curls her finger, beckoning you towards her.
  4163. "Hrrnnh."
  4164. >"Do you not want to be around us Anon...?"
  4165. >Flurry makes puppy dog eyes at you.
  4166. "Ooooh no you don't. Don't you dare make that face at me.
  4167. >"What about me Anon~?"
  4168. >Candy is doing the same.
  4169. >You look between both girls with trembling lips.
  4171. >Cadance claps her hands together, as you slide into bed, taking the center.
  4172. >Flurry moves in, effectively sandwiching you inside.
  4173. >You lay there looking up at the ceiling, while Cadance, and Flurry stare at you with big smiles.
  4174. "Okay. Go to sleep."
  4175. >"Well aren't you the eager beaver? You plan on doing something when we're asleep?"
  4176. "I can't believe what I'm hearing right now.Your daughter is right her Candy."
  4177. >Cadance mischievously smirks, and gets close enough to whisper in your ear.
  4178. >"From what she's told me, you seem to have been exposing her to all sorts of new things."
  4179. >Your blood runs cold.
  4180. >"Don't panic. We'll talk in a bit.:
  4181. >Flurry slithers under your arm once more, resting her head on your chest.
  4182. >She locks your left leg with both of hers.
  4183. "Making sure I can't escape h-huh?"
  4184. >Flurry smiles, and closes her eyes.
  4185. >"You're like a big teddy bear Anon. Like a big ol body pillow..."
  4186. "Are you saying I'm fat?"
  4187. >Flurry nestles in, taking a deep breath, before immediately dozing off.
  4188. "Just like a cat."
  4189. >"She gets it from her father. He used to do that with me."
  4190. "I...I did not expect that."
  4191. >Cadance strokes her hair.
  4192. >"It's amazing what she's inherited from the both of us."
  4193. "Who did she get these submission judo locks from?"
  4194. >"Oh that's all me. You pick up some weird things in college."
  4195. >You'd imagine so.
  4196. >"So...some new information came up last night..."
  4197. "I-I suppose some did."
  4198. >Cadance sits up on her side.
  4199. >"Is that why you were all spacey, and weird yesterday? Before the fight...?"
  4200. >You gulp nervously,looking into her steely piercing eyes.
  4201. "I swear, I was gonna tell you-
  4202. >"Stop. I'm actually not angry."
  4203. "You're not?"
  4204. >She shakes her head.
  4205. >"If we;re telling secrets, I thought you were gay."
  4206. "WHAT?!"
  4207. >She covers your mouth. whispering harshly.
  4208. >"Hush! Your Niece is sleeping!"
  4209. >Flurry shuffles around smacking her lips.
  4210. >She removes her hand.
  4211. >"And according to her, she initiated it. So I can't be too mad about it I guess."
  4212. "No, how the hell did you figure I was gay?"
  4213. >She raises an eyebrow with a smirk.
  4214. >"Well taking into account how bent out of shape you get when something midly sexual happens, and how messed in the pants you got about some tame foreplay-"
  4215. >You deadpan.
  4216. >"I thought that maybe you liked the beef tip...?"
  4217. "You better be joking."
  4218. >She chuckles.
  4219. >"I mean, what would you think? Like honestly?"
  4220. >You glare at her incredulously.
  4221. >"Don't give me that look. I mean for pete's sake, you're in bed with your hot sister, and attractive niece, and you're not even har-"
  4222. >She grabs you under the bedsheets.
  4223. "NNN-"
  4224. >You stifle a gasp.
  4225. >"O-oooh. You are."
  4226. >Cadance blushes, still cupping your coin purse.
  4227. "What the hell--!"
  4228. >"I-I was just trying to prove a point!"
  4229. "There-there are easier ways to prove a point, then molesting someone..!"
  4230. >"This is why I thought you were gay!"
  4231. >You ball up your lips, trying not to grow more than you already have just being in bed with these two.
  4232. "Y-you can let me go..."
  4233. >"U-Oh right.."
  4234. >Slowly removing her hands, she lays on her back, and looks up at the ceiling.
  4235. >"W-was that too much?"
  4236. >You're not sure what to say.
  4237. >On one hand(heh hand) You're a little freaked out that she grabbed you in bed with Flurry right here.
  4238. >On the other, you want her to touch your bare skin.
  4239. "I-I don't know."
  4240. >Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears.
  4241. >"Can I tell you something else?"
  4242. "G-go for it."
  4243. >She takes a deep breath.
  4244. >"After Flurry told me what you two had done, I didn't get angry-"
  4245. "I knew that."
  4246. >"Let me finish."
  4247. >You turn your head to look at her, and find she's already staring at you.
  4248. >"I was a little jealous, and lonely."
  4249. >Your eyes widen again.
  4250. "Wh-why?"
  4251. >She licks her lips.
  4252. >"I know it's wrong, but--I guess you being so intimate with Flurry, meant you didn't want to be close to ME anymore."
  4253. "But, we're plenty close."
  4254. >"Are we...?"
  4255. >It starts to get hotter under the blanket.
  4256. >"If we did something like that, I--I don't think I could trust anyone more than you for the rest of my life."
  4257. "What are you saying...?"
  4258. >She looks all around the place, but not at you.
  4259. >"That maybe, w-we should be in that kind of relationship-"
  4260. >You can't believe your ears right now.
  4261. "I-I don't know Candy, this is a lot..."
  4262. >She frowns.
  4263. >"W-well what's the problem?"
  4264. >What's the problem she says.
  4265. "Besides the blood relation? I can't just...just do things like this with you as a way of being closer--!"
  4266. >"You're right...I can't just spring something like this on you without-"
  4267. "I mean, unless you were like willing to be-"
  4268. >She stops talking,focusing on what you're going to say.
  4269. >You shrug under the blankets.
  4270. >"If I were willing to be what?"
  4271. >You start turning red.
  4272. >"Please. Just say it."
  4273. "-Be my Gi-girlfriend...?"
  4274. >She opens and closes her mouth a few times, unsure of what to say.
  4275. >"You'd want me as your girlfriend? Your own sister?"
  4276. >Guess it's you who said something insane this time.
  4277. >"I mean, I'm not opposed to it exactly, it's just...wow."
  4278. "I-I figure if I have to give up my virtue, we have to be in some sort of relationship...you know?"
  4279. >She slowly nods in understanding.
  4280. >"I-I can see that...but what about Shi-"
  4281. "This isn't like what you had with Shining. It's something completely new. I'm not trying to replace him..."
  4282. >"No..I'm worried, I'm trying to replace him."
  4283. >She closes her eyes, that sorrowful frown returning to her face.
  4284. >"How did we get to this point...? Look at me. A grown woman courting her younger brother."
  4285. >You touch her cheek, making her open her eyes.
  4286. "It runs in the family."
  4287. >A smile creeps up on her face.
  4288. >"So, you want me to be your girlfriend in order to be intimate huh?"
  4289. "Y-yeah."
  4290. >"Okay then. Let's do it."
  4291. "For real?"
  4292. >"Y-yeah. I love you."
  4293. >You stifle a nasally gasp this time.
  4294. "Am I dreaming?"
  4295. >She reaches up and grabs a chunk of cheek meat, and twists it.
  4296. "Ow. Oh. Okay."
  4297. >A smile has fully formed on her face now as she waits for your response.
  4298. "I love you too."
  4299. >She starts to tear up.
  4300. >"Thank you Anon...I thought no one would ever say that to me again!"
  4301. >You smile.
  4302. "I would hug you, but--"
  4303. >You try to move from Flurry's vice-like grip.
  4304. >"Mmnh..."
  4305. >Candy giggles.
  4306. >"Well, she has the right idea. Think you can make room for your "girlfriend"?"
  4307. >You turn red, still not used to all this quite yet.
  4308. "I can try, but I'm not too experienced at this."
  4309. >"It's a learning process."
  4310. >She tucks herself under your arm, laying a hand on your chest.
  4311. >You lay there in silence, each plagued by doubt, and fear.
  4312. "How will this work...?"
  4313. >Candy sighs.
  4314. >"We'll just take it one step at a time I suppose."
  4315. "Then should we...?"
  4316. >"Huh?"
  4317. "Well, can't you scoot up a little more?"
  4318. >"Okay, I guess...?"
  4319. >Not understanding what you're asking, she moves closer to eye level with you.
  4320. >"Now what?"
  4321. >The tongue comes out the side of your mouth as you readjust your arm around Candy -
  4322. >"Eep!"
  4323. >Cadance's eye widen.
  4324. >"Anon! Are you grabbing my ass?"
  4325. "T-trying to anyway."
  4326. >Surprised at your boldness, she opens her mouth.
  4327. "Was I not supposed to...?"
  4328. >Her shocked fish-out-of-water expression turns into a smirk.
  4329. >"It'll be harder as long as I'm wearing this robe."
  4330. >She sits up, bouncing a few times to get the robe from under her, until it's off completely leaving her in only her bra, and panties.
  4331. "Oh my god..."
  4332. >"Hm? Are you feeling okay?"
  4333. "I--you--You're beautiful...There's no penis under all that is there?"
  4334. >She smacks you on the forehead, retaking her spot next to you.
  4335. >"You read too many webcomics."
  4336. >She wraps a leg around your remaining one.
  4337. >"Okay...go ahead."
  4338. >Her breathing becomes ragged, yet hushed, as you creep your hand down her trembling skin, brushing over her bra clasps to the elastic of her underwear.
  4339. >She looks you in the eye, as you softly scrape your fingers across fabric.
  4340. >"Like what you're touching?"
  4341. >She arches so her bottom presses against the palm of your hand.
  4342. "This is like a dream I had...without the carnivorous family trying to eat me."
  4343. >"Holy Moly. You are new at this. What type of romantic talk is that?"
  4344. >You shrug.
  4345. "What exactly do you want to hear?"
  4346. >She sighs shaking her head.
  4347. >"I can't tell you that silly. You're just supposed to know it."
  4348. >You think for a moment.
  4349. "I promise I'll make you happy."
  4350. >"Mhm. Go on."
  4351. "Uhh..I love you?"
  4352. >"Is that a question or a statement?"
  4353. "Can it be both?"
  4354. >She touches your nose, with hers.
  4355. >"You're such a putz."
  4356. >Soft breaths flow across your lips, until they make contact.
  4357. >"Mmm..."
  4358. >Candy kisses you a few times, expertly pushing against your body in a way that doesn't disturb Flurry from her rest.
  4359. >In that interval of intimacy, you slip your hand into her undergarments, feeling bare, silky skin against your palm.
  4360. >Candy turns a few shades darker, with a huge grin breaking the kiss.
  4361. >"W-we can't go too far...Flurry is still here."
  4362. "Then ho-how far can we go then?"
  4363. >She moves her arm from around your neck, gliding it downwards to your growing arousal.
  4364. >"Don't you want to take these off..?"
  4365. "I don't think I can in my current position."
  4366. >She thumps herself.
  4367. >"Duh. Hold on."
  4368. >Her fingers mechanically undo your button, and zipper, and start tugging them downwards.
  4369. "B-be easy. I'm kinda "at attention" here..."
  4370. >"Stop being a baby."
  4371. >Only able to get them down halfway, due to Flurry having locked legs with you, it's enough for Candy to do her thing.
  4372. >Her digits crawl across your inner thigh, taking hold of your pulsating bulge.
  4373. "Oo-ooh god..."
  4374. >"Did you cum?"
  4375. >You frantically shake your head, but jesus christ did she have you close.
  4376. "Wait..Are you sure this is okay? I mean-"
  4377. >Candy kisses you once more, silencing you.
  4378. >"You do me too..."
  4379. >Candy lifts her leg slightly, giving you more access, to her steamy, hot innards.
  4380. >Like a novice, you search for her hole, pressing your index against something dry, and wrinkly.
  4381. >"Mmgh...That's the wrong hole....dummy..!"
  4382. >Candy grunts, closing an eye with grit teeth.
  4383. "I'm sorry..! I'm really new at this!"
  4384. >"I noticed!...Nngh.."
  4385. >You take it out with a soft "pop".
  4388. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Get ready for the longest Chapter 17 you've ever read~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4391. >Candy loud exhales out her nose.
  4392. >"Where did you learn about female anatomy? Pornhub?"
  4393. >You blush ashamed with your inexperience.
  4394. "I said I was new at this-"
  4395. >She takes your hand in hers, guiding you further along her area.
  4396. >Her eyes close with a little smile and moan.
  4397. >"Nnf..you feel that?"
  4398. "Y-yes."
  4399. >Candy leans in close pressing her impressive chest against you.
  4400. >I don't think you do, but you will in a moment.
  4401. >Giving your erect heat, a firm squeeze, she starts to stroke you with agonizing skill.
  4402. >You grit your teeth to keep from exploding then and there.
  4403. "What's with that face? Am I hurting you?"
  4404. >You shake your head.
  4405. "I'm good...! Keep going!"
  4406. >"Mhm hm hm~"
  4407. >She chuckles understanding what's going on.
  4408. >Remembering where your hand is amidst the growing pleasure, you jam a finger inside, feeling a hot moisture that just can't compare to Flurry.
  4409. >"HWOO SHI-"
  4410. >Candy squeezes you again, startled by your sudden entry.
  4411. >She puts her head on your chest face down breathing hard.
  4412. "Uh...are you alright?"
  4413. >Candy barely makes a sound, as she looks up, placing her chin on your right pec.
  4414. >"Ta-take it easy okay...? The point of this is not to wake Flurry stupid...!"
  4415. "I'm sorry!"
  4416. >"Mmmnh..."
  4417. >Flurry stirs again, still holding on tightly.
  4418. >You, and Candy watch not moving a single muscle.
  4419. >Flurry moves her head a little, snuggling you, but remains asleep.
  4420. "Thank god."
  4421. >Cadance wipes some sweat from her brow.
  4422. "He-hey. Maybe we should stop..."
  4423. >She frowns disappointed.
  4424. >"Why? Don't you want me?"
  4425. "More than anything in the world, but don't you think this is a little bit...daring?"
  4426. >Her frown curls back into a confident smile, as she places a kiss on your lips.
  4427. >"I've done worse."
  4428. "Like?"
  4429. >She giggles, giving you bedroom eyes.
  4430. >"Just...don't take a blacklight into Cinch's office. Now shut up. I'm tired of talking."
  4431. >She starts to slowly jerk you once more, running an index over the slit of your tip.
  4432. "H-hhnn.."
  4433. >"That feel good?"
  4434. >You nod, closing your eyes, and biting your bottom lip.
  4435. >With what little awareness you have remaining, you begin to waggle your digit inside of your beloved sister's shivering walls.
  4436. >She jolts a little, letting out an aroused gust of air, taking a handful of your shirt.
  4437. >"Y-yeah..that's it...!"
  4438. >She speeds up her motions, spreading your pre across your girth, while grinding against your palm.
  4439. >You can feel liquid smearing against your hand, as Candy grinds against it.
  4440. >Your lower half, jumps a bit, signaling the end is near, and Cadance is more than ready for it.
  4441. "I'm about to cu-"
  4442. >The pressure finally reaches its boiling point, erupting from your-
  4443. >Candy quickly pulls your underwear over your sputtering, and holds it there while you shoot the last bits of your seed.
  4444. "Candy...what the hell...?"
  4445. >She snickers.
  4446. >"You didn't think You were going to cum all over my blanket and sheets, did you?"
  4447. >You weakly scowl at her.
  4448. "Do you know how painful this is gonna be when it dries...?"
  4449. >"Nope. I'm not a guy."
  4450. >She kisses your nose.
  4451. "Yeah...?"
  4452. >You start to speed up yourself, muffled squishing sounds emanate from under the blanket.
  4453. >Candy closes her eyes, tilting her head upwards with puckered lips.
  4454. >"Mnng.."
  4455. >Her leg goes a little bit higher.
  4456. >"Gi-give me more..."
  4457. >Cadance's body starts to heat up more with every rapid thrust.
  4458. >You start biting down on your lip again, feeling your second wind come back slowly, but surely.
  4459. >Candy leans over you, moving one of the cups of her bra down, presenting her nipple.
  4460. >"Su-suck on it."
  4461. >Like a nursing babe, you take it into your mouth, running your tongue over it.
  4462. >"Oh my god...Oh my god..."
  4463. >You can feel more juice flow out of her onto your fingers,as her insides clamp down and release with each breath.
  4464. >"Yes...! I'm almost there....!"
  4465. >She pushes down, forcing more of her bosom into your mouth, her body shaking vehemently.
  4466. >"I'm cumming...Jesus Christ, I'm cumming-!"
  4467. >Practically all of her top half presses down on your face suffocating you, while what feels like gel covers your hand and the bed.
  4468. >Candy jolts and shudders, before finally relaxing, sliding off your face.
  4469. >She pants, forehead touching yours, with a tired smile.
  4470. >"Oh god...Anon...My god.."
  4471. >You smile back, bringing the wet hand up to your mouth, and licking it.
  4472. "Ugh. Yuck."
  4473. >Candy scrunches her face up.
  4474. >"It's cum. What did you think it would taste like?"
  4475. >You sputter.
  4476. "I dunno...Candy?"
  4477. >"Who would think female sexual excretions would taste "good"?"
  4478. "W-well...there was this one black guy who made juice based on these recipes-"
  4479. >She rolls her eyes.
  4480. >"You're such a putz."
  4481. >She pecks your lips.
  4482. >"But you're my stupid little putz."
  4483. >That makes you feel warm inside.
  4484. "So...what next?"
  4485. >Candy thinks to herself.
  4486. >"I suppose you go and peel your underwear off yourself, after Flurry wakes up."
  4487. >She yawns laying her head on you.
  4488. >"And after I wake....up...Mnnnh."
  4489. >She closes her eyes, the soft sounds of snoring coming from her nostrils.
  4490. >Well. Shit. How can you fall asleep sitting with underwear full of cream cheese?
  4491. >It's been about, three hours and both girls are still knocked out.
  4492. >So there you sat. Mind full of happy thoughts, and excitement for the future.
  4493. >You and Candy. Together. At last.
  4494. >She looks so peaceful in her sleep. Probably because she's a milf with a teenage boyfriend.
  4495. >A chuckle escapes your mouth.
  4496. >Since you're an item, does this mean you can kiss her whenever you want? Because her lips look really really soft..
  4497. >You cautiously steal a peck.
  4498. >Candy mumbles, wiggling her nose.
  4499. >You decide to thief another from your slumbering sister.
  4500. >She stirs, smiling.
  4501. >Her eyelids twitch as if she's dreaming.
  4502. >Your tongue slides over your lips.
  4503. >Need more. Gotta have more. She's right here! She's all yours!
  4504. >You place your mouth on hers once more, prying her lips open with your tongue.
  4505. >Her breath flows out mingling with your own, as you explore the sensations of her teeth, and tongue-
  4506. >"Mnnh.."
  4507. >Candy takes a deep breath moaning out an exhale.
  4508. >Your insides start to tingle with each passing moment.
  4509. >"Mnngh...Anon...?"
  4510. >You look up, and see Flurry starting to rise, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
  4511. >"It smells funny...like Glue."
  4512. >Well there was some type of glue in the room.
  4513. "It's me. I haven't showered yet."
  4514. >"Go wash up then. You're stinky..."
  4515. >She lets you go, and stands up, sluggishly exiting the room.
  4516. >You're grateful she didn't see her mother's current state.
  4517. >Candy lays there drooling with her exposed breast out in the open for any half-wit to see.
  4518. >You cover her up, shaking your head.
  4519. "And you call me a putz."
  4520. >Now for that shower, and Brazilian wax job.
  4521. >RIP Pubic hair.
  4522. >You step out of the bathroom, followed by a cloud of steam some time later feeling refreshed albeit a little sore.
  4523. >Candy is still snoozing it up, and Flurry is no where to be found. Probably downstairs.
  4524. >Well. You have no school, and the rest of the day to do whatever you want, plus spending money.
  4525. >You've only been outside a handful of times, and they don't have gaming systems in the household.
  4526. >Criminal indeed.
  4527. >You put on your Sunday best, which being Jeans and a black T-shirt, and head downstairs, sneakers in hand.
  4528. >You find Flurry laying on the couch playing on her cell phone, legs crossed.
  4529. >She looks up at you with an inquisitive smile.
  4530. >"Hey Anon!"
  4531. >She notices the shoes, and sits up.
  4532. >"Are you going somewhere?"
  4533. "Exploring. Maybe find where the local watering hole is."
  4534. >"Watering hole?"
  4535. "Yeah. Hangouts. Like the mall or whatever."
  4536. >"Oh! Like Sugarcube corner!"
  4537. >Is that some sort of gay bar or something? Cuz you're NOT GAY DAMMIT.
  4538. "Should I know what that is?"
  4539. >"It's like a place you can get food and stuff at. Mostly sweets."
  4540. "Ugh. I hate sweet stuff."
  4541. >Flurry puts a finger on her lips.
  4542. >"Even me~?"
  4543. "D-Duh-I-uooh-Of course I like you-"
  4544. >Flurry has a laugh while you cringe that a 14-year old girl can make you fumble over your words still after all you've been through.
  4545. >"Can I come with? I know how to get there!"
  4546. >You look at her beaming cute face, thinking about it. You only know how to get to school at best, and if you're gonna be living here, it's about time you got the lay of the land.
  4547. "Sure. Why not? It'll be nice to just be the two of us."
  4548. >"We're not bringing mom?"
  4549. "I highly doubt someone who dabbles in the satanic ritual of putting pineapple on pizza would be interested in going to such a place."
  4550. >"Agreed!"
  4551. >That's your Niece alright.
  4552. >"Then let me go get ready! I can't wait!"
  4553. >She zooms upstairs excitedly, and you can't help but smirk at her enthusiasm,
  4554. >It only took Flurry like a bajillion minutes to get ready, but you're in no hurry.
  4555. >You're flipping through random channels, while waiting on her, passing a show about colored donkeys who engage in adventures about friendship.
  4556. "What a stupid premise. What type of loser would watch such a thing?"
  4557. >The stairs creak, as your Niece makes her way down, and HOO BOY.
  4558. >It's like she was poured into her outfit. It screams "Loli" to a T.
  4559. >"I'm ready! How do I look?"
  4560. "You've made the top ten best lolis of anime easy."
  4561. >She tilts her head not getting your joke.
  4562. >"I'll take that as a compliment then?"
  4563. "Yes. Yes you should. Let's get going?"
  4564. >She nods, beaming happily. Much better than the silent, dark and depressed Flurry from before.
  4565. >Time to move out.
  4566. >Locking up behind you, you pray Candy won't be too upset. You'll bring her something back. Just hope you have enough money to fill her stomach...
  4567. >Flurry takes your hand, locking fingers with you.
  4568. "Huh? What're you doing?"
  4569. >"What's it look like? I'm holding your hand silly!"
  4570. "Okay. Why though?"
  4571. >She looks at you, her smile slowly fading.
  4572. >"Do you not want to hold my hand?"
  4573. "No! No. It's fine. Just don't want you to be embarrassed if anyone sees you."
  4574. >She shakes her head smiling, pulling you along on the sidewalk.
  4575. >"No way! Why would I be shy about showing you how much I love you?"
  4576. >Aww.
  4577. "You're being too cute. c'mon before I need an insulin shot."
  4578. >"I don't get your joke."
  4579. "Hang around me and your mother enough and it'll start to click."
  4580. >"I'll stay by you forever!"
  4581. >You smile again, as she starts humming in joy, walking with significantly more pep in her step.
  4582. >As you walk, something comes to mind.
  4583. "Say Flurry..."
  4584. >"Yes?"
  4585. "What were you, and your mother arguing about yesterday exactly?"
  4586. >She stops the skipping, and humming.
  4587. >"..."
  4588. "What? What's wrong?"
  4589. >She goes from holding your hand to hugging your arm.
  4590. >"I was thinking..."
  4591. "Of?"
  4592. >She clings tightly to you.
  4593. >"Well I was thinking of joining the swim team-"
  4594. "Yes. You told me that."
  4595. >"I thought about it, and I don't want to do that...I want to follow in Daddy's footsteps, and go beyond him!"
  4596. "Wait, you want to become a cop?"
  4597. >She shakes her head.
  4598. >"I want to take ROTC classes. If I complete the course I can take it with me into basic training, and start raking in the promotions!"
  4599. >Oh wow. No wonder Candy had a conniption fit.
  4600. >"Could you imagine me becoming a general Anon? General Flurry Heart!"
  4601. "I--oh--what if you're deployed somewhere dangerous? Won't you be scared?"
  4602. >She tucks her bottom lip in.
  4603. >"Yeah...but when I think of Daddy I bet he was always brave. Because he had us...and now I can be brave because I have you..."
  4604. >You're not sure what to say.
  4605. "Is this really something you wanna do? Something you'll enjoy?"
  4606. >She nods happily.
  4607. >"Definitely! Daddy was always so muscular and cool in his uniform! I want to be cool like that!"
  4608. "Get too buff, and you'll grow a penis."
  4609. >She makes the "icky" face again.
  4610. >"Th-that's not how it works...!"
  4611. "It is actually."
  4612. >She takes out her phone, and starts typing something in. The screen starts to change colors, as her eyes go a mile a minute.
  4613. >"You're a jerk sometimes Uncle."
  4614. >You guffaw at her naivete.
  4615. >Flurry punches your arm.
  4616. >"You're so mean..."
  4617. "Aw, I'm only teasing. So what did your mom say when you brought this to her?"
  4618. >Flurry goes quiet again.
  4619. >"She said she wouldn't allow it. That if something were to happen to her she'd go crazy. I-It was just stupid stuff..."
  4620. >You listen in silence.
  4621. >"I mean, she let daddy do what he wanted! Why can't I do the same! I just want to make her proud! Why can't she just calm down and let me do what I want to do with MY life? She can be such a jerk..."
  4622. >You pat Flurry's arm.
  4623. "I can understand where you're coming from Flurry. I really can. I told my dad I wanted to become a pro wrestler. Imagine how mad he got about that."
  4624. >Her eyes widen in shock.
  4625. >"But you'd have to run around all sweaty, in your underwear, and half-naked."
  4626. >You see a sliver of drool at the corner of her mouth.
  4627. "You're a Mi Amore alright. Anyway-"
  4628. >She wipes her mouth on her sleeve.
  4629. "The point is, I thought he was a bastard for telling me I can't do what I want to do. It's not his life to live."
  4630. >"Exactly!"
  4631. "Hold on. I'm not done."
  4632. >She gives you all her attention, matching your walking pace.
  4633. "He's a dick, but he was just trying to make sure I have a good life further down the road. Wrestlers tend to die early, and mangle their bodies, and he couldn't handle it if something happened to me if I decided to do something crazy like a Steel Cage, flaming rope match with thumbtacks for the ring canvas."
  4634. >Flurry gasps bringing a hand to her mouth.
  4635. >"Do they actually do things like that?!?"
  4636. "It'll happen someday."
  4637. >She starts to calm down.
  4638. "If it's what you really want to do, go for it, but don't let honoring your father's memory be the driving point behind it."
  4639. >"But it's what daddy would want-"
  4640. "No. He'd want his only beloved daughter to be happy, and healthy.Not waste her life using him as a crutch."
  4641. >She looks down at the ground deep in thought.
  4642. "You know Flurry, I don't actually know much about you. What do you even like doing?"
  4643. >She thinks for a moment.
  4644. >"I like drawing..."
  4645. "Awesome. Are we talking Stan Lee, or Van Gogh?"
  4646. >She grins.
  4647. >"Can it be both?"
  4648. "Of course."
  4649. >She hugs your arm tightly, joyfully bombinating.
  4650. "Well why not pursue that? It's definitely a market someone could break out in. Maybe take a graphic design class?"
  4651. >"I never really thought about it...I'm not very good..."
  4652. "Well has anyone ever looked at your work before?"
  4653. >She shakes her head.
  4654. >"I don't want to be laughed at."
  4655. "Oh please Flurry. Most people can barely do stick figures!"
  4656. >"W-well I did take a picture on my phone of something I did..."
  4657. "Oh? Let me see it."
  4658. >She roots through her pocket for her phone.
  4659. >Okay Anon. promise you won't laugh at her art. even if it looks like some deviantart bullshit or the type of garbage people post on furaffinity.
  4660. >She swipes on the phone a few times, and shows you a picture.
  4661. >You look at it closely, blinking a few times.
  4662. "You didn't draw this."
  4663. >"Huh?"
  4664. "This is fucking amazing. There's no way you could have done this Flurry!"
  4665. >"B-but I did..."
  4666. >She looks down expecting you to laugh at her.
  4667. >You take the phone, marking the hell out.
  4668. "Flurry, do you realize what type of talent it takes to do something like this?!?"
  4669. >She looks up surprised at your reaction.
  4670. "Flurry...you're a freaking prodigy! You have like...GOD HANDS."
  4671. >She blushes sheepishly looking away, twirling a lock of her bobbed hair.
  4672. >"Y-you're just saying that because you're my Uncle..."
  4673. "I'm serious! You could go far doing this! Does your mom know?!?"
  4674. >"No..Only Auntie Twilight."
  4675. "Oh, we are SO going to a comic book store."
  4676. >"That would be nice, as long as it's with you..."
  4677. >You smile at her, as she rests her head against your shoulder.
  4678. >You discuss various comics, and artists in the circuit, until Flurry finally points out your objective.
  4679. >"Here it is! Sugarcube Corner!"
  4680. >You look around, taking in the minute details of this..."place"
  4681. "So is this a cafe or something?"
  4682. >She nods.
  4683. >"Something like that! Let's go in!"
  4684. >You pulls you by the hand into the shop, the aroma of freshly baked cookies wafting into your olfactory.
  4685. >It's increasingly more pink inside. You see various teens sitting around with huge chocolate malts, chatting while "Baby" by Justin Bieber plays.
  4686. >You want out already.
  4687. >Flurry stops midway to the front counter.
  4688. >"Look Anon."
  4689. >She points to a girl in a booth by herself, crying her eyes out, makeup running down her face.
  4690. >"I think that's Auntie Twilight's friend! Let's go talk to her!"
  4691. >She's about to go over, when you stop her shaking your head.
  4692. "That's someone else's story Flurry. Just leave her be."
  4693. >"But she's crying and-"
  4694. "Trust me. Just leave her."
  4695. >Flurry looks at the sobbing girl, and back to you.
  4696. >"Okay..."
  4697. "You'll thank me someday."
  4698. >Flurry drags you to the front counter, pointing to the menu.
  4699. >"You should try the Oreo Milkshake! it's delicious!"
  4700. "Ehhh...I'll pass. Just give me some French Fries."
  4701. >"You're so boring Anon."
  4702. "I'm like the least boring person in existence!"
  4703. >"Mhmm."
  4704. >Flurry places your orders with some lanky orange cuck behind the counter, while you take in the scenery.
  4705. >Never in your life have you seen so many untouched poofy top malts. Who goes to an eatery to just "talk"?
  4706. >While you're observing the patrons, another customer enters.
  4707. >It's Leafyishere.
  4708. >"Ah Anon! Fancy meeting you here!"
  4709. >She approaches you still donning her CPA uniform.
  4710. "Hello...uh..."
  4711. >"De Lis. Fleur De Lis. Your student council president?"
  4712. "Oh...yeah...hey."
  4713. >You hope your lack of tone will give her a clue.
  4714. >"I just had a few papers to finish filing for the senior class, and thought I'd stop by for a little treat!"
  4715. "I didn't ask anything."
  4716. >She does that rich snob laugh you've grown to hate so much.
  4717. >"I was just making a "preemptive strike" as it were!"
  4718. "Well it was wasted."
  4719. >You turn away from her, praying for Flurry to hurry up.
  4720. >She looks around you, spotting your Niece.
  4721. >"Oh you're here with Flurry Heart?"
  4722. "Yep."
  4723. >She thinks to herself smiling.
  4724. >"She's quite popular among the freshmen class. The "China Doll" of their year as they call her."
  4725. "Is that so?"
  4726. >"Oh yes, quite. I have members of the council who asked if I could introduce them in fact. I admit she's quite cute! Boys are constantly trying to talk to her!"
  4727. >Fleur motions for you to look at Flurry.
  4728. >"See?"
  4729. >Flurry looks ready to retreat as some kid with pudding swirl hair leans over the counter talking to her.
  4730. "Well,well. Who is this cute little Lesbian and how tight is her pussy?"
  4731. >You head towards your visibly uncomfortable Niece, armed with as dirty a look as you can muster.
  4732. >Leaving the Council President, you approach the two, the contents of their conversation becoming more apprent as you home in.
  4733. >Rather than your initial assumption of her lookiong ready to retreat, she's more confused looking instead.
  4734. >The kid with the Jimmy Neutron hair changes his stance, making the biggest pearly white smile he can muster.
  4735. >"-So what's crackin shawty? You know ya boi got dat whip in da back, with da Ocho Sillies, and a bad Bee like you would like MAD STUPID in the passy seat~"
  4736. >Your can literally see the question marks forming above Flurry's head.
  4737. >"I-I just wanted to place an order."
  4738. >"Order whatever you want boo, just as long, as you order ya boi to be yo boo thang, NAH MEEN?"
  4739. >Is he eating a bag of marbles?
  4740. >Upon you approach, you slip an arm around the shoulders of your Niece.
  4741. "What's up? Everything okay?"
  4742. >She jumps in surprise, but after realizing who it is, she starts to relax.
  4743. >The pudding top looks at you with a cocked eye.
  4744. >"Aye main, you got beef? Can't you see she hollerin atcha boi? Rude Aye-Eff."
  4745. "I--huh?"
  4746. >Flurry shrugs at you in equal astonishment.
  4747. >Before he can continue with serving you and Flurry Word Salad, a gir with orange hair comes in from the kitchen area just in time to smack him upside the head, flipping her apron slightly.
  4748. >"BRUH."
  4749. >"This is why you don't get to work the front counter! You can't talk to customers like that!"
  4750. >She attempts to stuff him under the flailing kid under the counter.
  4751. >"I'm so sorry. He watches a lot of BET, but he usually isn't this way. Please let me take your--or--order--instead..."
  4752. >She looks from Flurry, then to you, and immediately goes starry-eyed.
  4753. >Oh Boy.
  4754. >She leans on the counter looking at you with half-lidded eyes.
  4755. >"What can I get you....cupcake?"
  4756. "Oh wow. Uh-Flurry?"
  4757. >Flurry's face has warped from confusion to utter disgust, her face twisting up into the meanest scrunch she can summon.
  4758. >They enter the all too familiar invisible coliseum of gladiator battle staredowns right then and there.
  4759. >To be young and hitting puberty. They look alike, and can't be much older than Flurry herself. Twins?
  4760. >The boy slowly stands up rubbing his head, pouting.
  4761. >"So it's okay when you do it though..."
  4762. >Flurry's face then changes into a smug grin, as she shuffles in closer to you.
  4763. >"Yes. You can take OUR order. Right sugarbuns?"
  4764. "Sugar-what?"
  4765. >She elbows you in the gut.
  4766. "O-oh-OOH! Right! Our order! H-Honeytits."
  4767. >She elbows you again shaking her head.
  4768. >Too much?
  4769. >You can see Fleur watching carefully with the biggest amused smirk.
  4770. >After a particularly animosity filled order placement, you were dragged to a secluded table in the back, with a visibly irritated Flurry Heart.
  4771. >She sits on the opposite end of the table, arms crossed, and bottom lip stuck out.
  4772. "You good?"
  4773. >She flashes you a look.
  4774. "So that's a no?"
  4775. >"How come you let that happen?"
  4776. "Let what happen?"
  4777. >She unfolds her arms.
  4778. >"Let that girl, just-just-HIT ON YOU?"
  4779. "She was hitting on me? I didn't n-notice."
  4780. >Flurry throws her hands up.
  4781. >"She was all over you!"
  4782. "Aw come on. It wasn't that bad. She just called me a cupcake. That's like when those old diner lady waitresses call you honey, or sugar."
  4783. >She crosses her arms again.
  4784. >"Also, HoneyTits? That was the best name you could think up?"
  4785. >You shrug. as Flurry leans on the table, with a hand pressed against her forehead.
  4786. >"What in the world am I doing? Have I always been this crazy?"
  4787. "Just when I'm, involved it seems."
  4788. >She looks up at you.
  4789. >"Yeah...Maybe."
  4790. >Thinking on it now...
  4791. "What was your old school like? Surely kids like that were commonplace, right?"
  4792. >"Uh...actually, I was homeschooled since I was thirteen."
  4793. >Your eyebrows go up.
  4794. "Really? But how? Weren't both your parents working?"
  4795. >She smiles.
  4796. >"Mom's Aunt actually did it. She retired early as Vice-Principal at Canterlot High, and was teaching me as a home instructor."
  4797. >That certainly explains a lot.
  4798. >"Now can I ask you something?"
  4799. "Me?"
  4800. >She nods still smiling.
  4801. >"How was mom like when she was a kid? How did you get so close to each other?"
  4802. "Candy...?"
  4803. >You hink to yourself for a moment.
  4804. "I didn't really know much about your mom directly. I just heard of her through my parents, and the stories weren't exactly flattering."
  4805. >Flurry tilts her head.
  4806. "She used to babysit me when I was just a baby, but according to her those were some of the best times we had together. Something about a "feeding incident"? I don't really know. but when I was old enough to know I had a sister, All I did was call and talk to her, and visit. Being an only child can get lonely."
  4807. >Flurry hangs her head.
  4808. >"I know..."
  4809. "W-well I'm here now. I can be like your brother!"
  4810. >She smiles a little.
  4811. >"So, what else?"
  4812. "What else what?"
  4813. >"What else can you tell me about mom?"
  4814. >It's your turn to smile now.
  4815. "She's an amazing woman, who passed on that same greatness to her daughter."
  4816. >Flurry goes slack-jawed, turning red, and starts playing with her hair again.
  4817. >"Geez...you're so corny..."
  4818. >You fold your hands together on the table.
  4819. "Since we're talking and sharing, maybe you can tell me what's this "China Doll" stuff about?"
  4820. >Flurry blushes harder embarrassed.
  4821. >"J-just people bothering me, about how I look..."
  4822. "Oh? So you got a harem of boys now?"
  4823. >"A what?"
  4824. "A harem. Like a private selection of males to choose from?"
  4825. >She shakes her head frantically.
  4826. >"WHAT? No! Never! I-I only want one boy..."
  4827. >You know what the answer is, but you're tempted to ask anyway.
  4828. "And who would that be?"
  4829. >She meekly points to you, hiding her smile behind her curls. It's crazy cute.
  4830. >"Is it my turn to ask you something now?"
  4831. "Shoot."
  4832. >She takes a deep breath, getting up from her seat, and moving to your side, closing you in the booth.
  4833. "Uh...what's up?"
  4834. >"Can we do what we did in my r-room?"
  4835. >You gulp.
  4836. "What do you mean?"
  4837. >She takes your hand and places it on her leg near-
  4838. "Ooooh...Oh."
  4839. >You quickly snatch your hand away.
  4840. "No. We can't do that here! We're in a public place! Someone could see!"
  4841. >She puffs out her cheeks.
  4842. "Plus the student council president is RIGHT there."
  4843. >You motion to Fleur who is sitting at a nearby table sipping from a coffee cup.
  4844. >She waves at the two of you with her pinky finger.
  4845. >"But, why not? You'd do it with mom..."
  4846. "I--that's not--You were awake weren't you?"
  4847. >She smirks at you.
  4848. >"Of course I was. I was awake the whole time."
  4849. >You facepalm.
  4850. >"I mean you were feeling each other up right there with me in the same bed. How could anyone NOT notice?"
  4851. "B-but I thought you were asleep!"
  4852. >Flurry rubs her shoulder against yours.
  4853. >"To be honest, I had the same plans...."
  4854. >FUCK. FUUUUCK.
  4855. "So then you know, I'm guessing?"
  4856. >"Yes."
  4857. >She knows Candy is your girlfri-
  4858. >"I know you fingered mom under the blankets."
  4859. >You look at her incredulously.
  4860. "And that's it?"
  4861. >"Yeah! Was there something else?"
  4862. "I--no. There wasn't."
  4863. >Flurry leans in close brushing some of her hair from her eyes.
  4864. >"I want to do more. More than she's done with you.."
  4865. "Oh geez, Flurry,,we can't. Not here!"
  4866. >She slides a hand over your lap, clumsily fumbling with your zipper.
  4867. "WHOA. HOLD ON A SEC. what are you doing?!?"
  4868. >"Shh!"
  4869. >You both look around to see if anyone is watching.
  4870. >"I looked this up on my phone before we came here, you know..."
  4871. "L-Looked up what?"
  4872. >"H-how to please a man."
  4873. >While you know it's not right, your curiosity and adrenaline persuade you to see where it's going.
  4874. "What do you mean "how to please a man"?"
  4875. >"Catch a hint already stupid..."
  4876. >You feel cold air blow across your crotch, and your Niece's head disappear under the table.
  4877. "Hnnnh."
  4878. >The feeling of rough, wet bumps run across your slowly erecting tower.
  4879. >You ball up your lips, feeling a vein bulge from your forehead, as you enter a mouth for the first time.
  4880. >She's so obviously sloppy, and inexperienced, but the thought of someone going down on you in a public setting more than makes up for the lack of quality.
  4881. >She's just put her mouth on it, and is moving her head up and down. No actual sucking or licking anything.
  4882. >Still, to feel the sides of her mouth is heavenly in itself, but not enough.
  4883. >The girl from the counter emerges from the back with your order, and a smile.
  4884. >With a hand on her hip, she sashays your way, getting a panicked yelp from you.
  4885. >Also because Flurry is using her teeth.
  4886. >You yank her back up, bumping her head on the underside of the table a little.
  4887. >"Ooooow! Why did you do tha-"
  4888. >The girl lays a tray down on the table, putting fries and a milkshake in front of you with a wink.
  4889. >She looks at Flurry her tone changing immediately.
  4890. >"ENJOY YOUR FOOD."
  4891. >The venom drips from that staement like a Cobra eyeing its next prey.
  4892. >Flurry scrunches her face back up, until the girl leaves.
  4893. >Once out of sight, she leans in towards you with a confident smile.
  4894. >"So?"
  4895. "So what?"
  4896. >You start buttoning yourself back up, with bluer balls and slightly wetter than normal genitalia.
  4897. >"How was it? Shame we didn't finish huh?"
  4898. "Uh...yeah. Magical."
  4899. >She frowns at your tone.
  4900. >"What's wrong...?"
  4901. >You start eating your fries in awkward silence.
  4902. >Flurry twists her face up again.
  4903. >"You didn't like it did you?"
  4904. "O-oh? I loved it! I was about t explode all over your face right here! Good thing you stopped in time..yep."
  4905. >She doesn't look convinced.
  4906. >You start stuffing your mouth with fries now to keep from answering.
  4907. >She starts eating the fries with you, eyes narrowed.
  4908. >"What was your favorite part?"
  4909. >Aw geez.
  4910. "C'mon Flurry. You don't ask someone about sex stuff after you do it, It's weird..."
  4911. >She sits back with her arms folded.
  4912. >"I was just trying to make you happy."
  4913. "You did!"
  4914. >"But, you don't look happy."
  4915. >You stop stuffing your mug, to address Flurry's concerns.
  4916. "I thought it was amazing. It was bold, and I'm honored you wanted to do something like that to me, I really am. It's just-"
  4917. >She looks at you attentively,
  4918. >"Just what...?"
  4919. "W-well you're new at it....like me. I've never had anyone do that to me, but I don't think it's supposed to feel like that."
  4920. >"Y'mean I don't just put my mouth on it?"
  4921. >You shrug.
  4922. "I'm not a BJ connoisseur. I can't tell you that."
  4923. >She covers her face with both her hands.
  4924. >"Geez. I'm such a loser....how could I mess that up so badly?"
  4925. "Heeeey. Cut that out. You tried, and that's all that matters."
  4926. >She sticks out her bottom lip, leaning her head on your shoulder.
  4927. "So where are you getting your references from?"
  4928. >"Uh...Google..."
  4929. >Jesus.
  4930. >Another surprise is how well you're dealing with Flurry's aggressiveness. Last time you lost sleep, and spaced out the whole day.
  4931. >Maybe you're just so used to all the affection they're showering you with, it's like second nature now.
  4932. "Stuff like that you're supposed to learn for yourself with the one you love Flurry. You can't go onto the internet and use the opinions of others to tell you how to do things."
  4933. >"Well, I love you."
  4934. >She says that, but does she understand what "Love" is really?
  4935. >You barely understand it yourself.
  4936. "You know, you tell me that you really love me, but how do you feel exactly?"
  4937. >She looks at you confused.
  4938. "Like, you say "love", but what are your thoughts?"
  4939. >She starts to sip on her milkshake, thinking.
  4940. >"Hmmm. I'm not too good at expressing myself..."
  4941. "Think of it like a picture you're drawing then."
  4942. >"Like a picture..."
  4943. >You see the gears turn in Flurry's head, as she tries to think of how to describe herself.
  4944. >She starts to move her hands around erratically.
  4945. >"It was like being in a dark void, with no color or light-"
  4946. "Go on."
  4947. >"-And a little girl is sitting in the center, while dark faceless silhouettes are focused on one another, instead of her."
  4948. >Your imagination begins to form the picture Flurry is describing.
  4949. >"-Then another light appears and covers the girl in its light, and makes her stronger!"
  4950. >She beams.
  4951. >"Now she doesn't want to lose that light. She wants to keep it near forever, or she'll be in the dark again..."
  4952. >A little edgy, but you can picture it.
  4953. >You pat her head.
  4954. >"Hey! stop that! I'm not a dog!"
  4955. "Nah, but you are unbelievably cute."
  4956. >She blushes.
  4957. >"How do you feel about me? Can you describe it?"
  4958. "Huh...I love you as my Niece, and I want to be there for you."
  4959. >"But as nothing more....?"
  4960. >She looks you in the eyes with a hopeful smile, taking your hands in hers.
  4961. "Fl-Flurry, maybe this isn't the place to discuss something like this-"
  4962. >"No. This is the time. I leep throwing myself at you, over and over, and all you do is put it off, and never talk about it again!"
  4963. >She scoots in closer.
  4964. >"Please, just tell me. Let me know I'm not wasting my time? That I'm not just being stupid?"
  4965. >Her bottom lip trembles.
  4966. >"Please...! I can take the truth!"
  4967. >You open and close your mouth a few times.
  4968. "W-well.."
  4969. >Your eyes dart around.
  4970. "Look Flurry, the truth is I-"
  4971. >Her eyes open wide, your reflection appearing in them.
  4972. >It's like a doorway into her heart, and you know that depending on your next words that heart will shatter into a thousand pieces.
  4973. >She's been through enough pain, and turmoil. More than what any 14-year old should go through in their life.
  4974. >You don't wanna cheat on Candy, but-
  4975. >"Anon...?"
  4976. >She'd definitely be angrier that you crushed her daughter's heart, over having to share a lover with her.
  4977. >What a family this is.
  4978. "I'm your uncle."
  4979. >"I know."
  4980. "Do you know how people would see us? How society would see us if they knew?"
  4981. >"I don't care!"
  4982. >Flurry stands up, and slides out of the booth.
  4983. >You watch in confusion, as she straightens her posture and takes a deep breath.
  4985. >Oh Jesus.
  4986. >You turn red all over, hiding your face from the big, surprised eyes of the other customers.
  4987. >Flurry slides back in, rubbing your back.
  4988. >"See? I'm not scared of what other people think."
  4989. "Yes. I took note of that. Thank you Flurry."
  4990. >You're suffering from internal cringe, and pure happiness.
  4991. >Who has had someone publicly declare their love for them?
  4992. >Shit, you're smiling hard. Your cheeks hurt.
  4993. >"So can you talk to me no? Or doI have to start yelling again?"
  4994. "No! No...you don't!"
  4995. >You just ant to get out of here right now.
  4996. >You slap a ten on the table, and motion for Flurry to let you out.
  4997. >"H-hey, what's your hurry?"
  4998. "Let's get some fresh air. NOW."
  4999. >Grabbing her by the wrist, you storm out of the Cafe, trying to ignore the numerous amused stares.
  5000. >Exiting the cafe, you just start walking, not caring where to, as the sun starts to go down in the distance, giving the dull cement and brick, a lovely romantic orange hue.
  5001. >"Anon, where are we going...? Slow down!"
  5002. "Just keep walking."
  5003. >She struggles to keep up with your pace.
  5004. >You don't intend to be so mean to Flurry right now, but you need to have her alone. Somewhere Private, away from prying eyes.
  5005. >"Anon, please stop! I can't keep up...!"
  5006. >She claws at your hand, trying to loosen your grip, until you release her by your own volition.
  5007. >Flurry rubs her wrist, with a confused, and bewildered frown.
  5008. >"What's your problem? That hurt!"
  5009. >You pace back and forth, rubbing the back of your head.
  5010. "Look Flurry, I uh...Shit."
  5011. >Where are you anyway?
  5012. >You do a quick inspection of your surroundings and see you auto-piloted your way to Crystal Heart lake.
  5013. >"What's wrong?"
  5014. >The park is barren. You wanted a private place. What better a setting?
  5015. "You deserve an answer, I just--I wasn't expecting you to do something like THAT."
  5016. >"Di-did I make you mad?!"
  5017. >She takes your arm in her hands, halting your pacing.
  5018. "What? No! No! Q-Quite the opposite! I-Just-Don't you think it's weird? I'm your uncle! You want your Uncle? You're cute! You can have literally anyone you want."
  5019. >"Then why can't I have you...?"
  5020. >You see those glassy eyes once more, seep into your inner being, and bite your bottom lip.
  5021. "You can."
  5022. >Flurry eyes tear up with a small smile, as the sky slowly turns purple, the dim shine of park lamps flickering on.
  5023. >Without a word, she slides her arms around your waist, and buries her head in your chest.
  5024. >" I love you."
  5025. "I love you too."
  5026. >You exhale, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding.
  5027. >"Anon...?"
  5028. >Flurry closes her eyes, and puckers her lips standing on her tippy toes.
  5029. >Is this right? Is it wrong? Right now, it doesn't matter.All that matters is it's you and Flurry Heart. Just any other girl, who stood up and screamed to the world she loved you and didn't give a fuck who thought otherwise.
  5030. >Well, maybe not the world, but a large enough group of people.
  5031. >Flurry would usually take the reins and charge forward, leaving you stunned. Just like her mother.
  5032. >Maybe that's why it's so easy to fall for her.
  5033. >You lick your lips, and gently take her by the shoulders, and for the first time, initiate a kiss with your Niece.
  5034. >The texture of her lips, and the soft, yet firm pushback, sends shivers down your spine.
  5035. >Heavy breathing brushes past your lips from her nostrils, as something wet paintbrushes your teeth. Flurry is trying to put her tongue in your mouth.
  5036. >You shakily allow her access, feeling the shivers morph into tingles, hammering your stomach. those butterflies having become Owls.
  5037. >Flurry slides her arms around your neck pulling you in, deepening the kiss, like a pro.
  5038. >"Mnnh..."
  5039. >She twists her head, pressing tastebuds against your own, the subtle aftertaste of chocolate mixing with your saliva.
  5040. >Jesus.
  5041. >You break the kiss, feeling yourself lose control.
  5042. >She wipes a trail of spittle from her chin, with a concerned look.
  5043. >"What's wrong? Why'd you stop?"
  5044. >You take a few deep breaths, coughing a little bit.
  5045. "Wh-where'd you learn to kiss like that?"
  5046. >She blushes.
  5047. >"H-hentai..."
  5048. >You stifle a chuckle at her adorkableness.
  5049. >"Is that bad?"
  5050. "No! No..You're...you're very good at it."
  5051. >She brightens up, with a little hop, while you struggle not to let your knees buckle from arousal.
  5052. >Flurry notices your knocking knees, and makes an expression you can only call a "cat face".
  5053. "Maybe we should head home, huh? It's starting to get late-"
  5054. >You try to walk off, only to be met with opposition from Flurry, who has a tight grasp of your wrist this time.
  5055. >"It's still early. We still have some time left before we have to go back..."
  5056. "What could we possibly do in the park at night...?"
  5057. >She rolls her head side to side.
  5058. >"I could think of some things."
  5059. >You're losing more and more of your inner morale compass with each passing second.
  5060. "But-but isn't this a special place for you? You, and your father-"
  5061. >Her face goes into her former neutral deadpan expression.
  5062. >"That's why it has to be here. To show Daddy, who's watching over me,I've moved on. That I'll be okay, because I have someone who loves me as much as he did. Maybe more than he did."
  5063. >You stop pulling away from her, searching her expression for any sign of deceit. Any desperation, and find only resolve.
  5064. >Well if resolve had a look, this is how you would describe it.
  5065. >She tugs on your arm, pulling you towards a small hidden clearing surrounded by bushes.
  5066. "What's this place?"
  5067. >"Mom said this is where I was conceived."
  5068. "Uhhh...."
  5069. >She takes a seat on the grass, patting the spot next to her.
  5070. >"I know it's weird...but I think of how they must have felt at that moment. Alone. The two of them in this quiet little patch of paradise, with no worries or cares. Just them."
  5071. >She looks up at the sky.
  5072. >"Look."
  5073. >She points to a sparkling red giant, glittering in the purple murkiness of the night sky.
  5074. >"That's Daddy's star. He said it's his heart. As long as I look up and see his red heart flickering in the sky from here, he's always watching and smiling over me."
  5075. >It's touching, and a little weird..but mostly touching.
  5076. >"He said I should bring the guy I love with all my heart here, and if I see his big red heart up above, he approves."
  5077. >She smiles looking at the star.
  5078. "Flurry, that's-"
  5079. >She wipes a tear from her eye.
  5080. >"He approves of you Anon. He likes you."
  5081. >You feel your heart melt a little.
  5082. "Well...shit."
  5083. >You hide your blushing face from Flurry Heart, who giggles.
  5084. >"Don't hide. I like to see you embarrassed."
  5085. >She slips a hand on your cheek, turning you towards her.
  5086. >Your noses touch briefly before another round of kissing begins anew.
  5087. ?Mnnh..Flurry...?
  5088. >She starts placing kisses on your neck slowly, but her inexperience is still abundantly apparent, seeing as she occasionally licks you a little bit between smooches.
  5089. >You allow her to pin you down on the cool grass, through sloppy kisses, affectionate kisses, with a slight bit of neck sucking.
  5090. "Ow...!"
  5091. >She halts her advancing to lean over you.
  5092. >"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"
  5093. "Not really. Just ease up on the sucking. You're not a vampire."
  5094. >"Oh...sorry. I'm just kinda copying what I saw..."
  5095. >You can't help but smile again.
  5096. "Let me take over for a bit."
  5097. >She frantically nods, quickly laying on her back.
  5098. >Someone is more than ready to keep going.
  5099. >You're not exactly a pro yourself, but you know a bit more than what animation can teach someone.
  5100. >Rather than starting at her neck, you choose to take the road less traveled, and make your way up.
  5101. >You carefully roll up her shirt, planting little pecks across her shivering belly, getting a little chuckle every now and then.
  5102. >"That tickles...ahhhnn..."
  5103. >Flurry gasps softly, sending tingles throughout your body, making your hands shake.
  5104. >You're filled with Fear, and Anticipation, as you peel the shirt up to her chin, her bra the only thing blocking you from your prize.
  5105. >She looks at you with those big glassy eyes of hers,inserting her fingers under the cups, and slowly flipping them upwards.
  5106. >Even in this dim lighting, you have a clear view of her erect nipples.
  5107. >Not breaking eye contact you lower your yourself down, taking the left one into your mouth.
  5108. >"Oooh...that feels nice.."
  5109. >You close your eyes, suckling upon Flurry, as if you were kissing her lips, as she fidgets, and jolts every now and then with a suppressed moan.
  5110. >"My body is sooooo hot...Anon...Nnnh."
  5111. >She crosses, and uncrosses her legs several times, under your bodily assault.
  5112. >What better of a time to learn more of the female body than now? Flurry certainly seems open to it.
  5113. >You tease her body further, by taking this opportunity to explore every curve,bump and the firmness of her untouched breast.
  5114. >She places her hands on the back of your head, pushing you further down.
  5115. >"Please...Please don't stop there...do more!"
  5116. >You smirk, feeling newfound confidence well up inside you. You will gladly give in to her slefish desires this one time.
  5117. >You sit up next to her, leaving a trail of saliva on her nipple, and look downwards to her legs.
  5118. >She pants lightly, nodding.
  5119. >"O-only if you take yours off too..."
  5120. >You gulp, and nod back, as she begins to undo the button to her shorts.
  5121. >She rushes the process, failing to successfully remove them.
  5122. "H-hey. calm down, just stand up."
  5123. >Flurry complies rising to her full height, and facing you.
  5124. "We got time. Let's go slow."
  5125. >"O-Okay Anon."
  5126. >Flurry takes a few breaths curling her arm inward, and extending it with each breath she takes and lets out, like two other girls you've seen do before.
  5127. >Using only your thumb, and index fingers you let her shorts slither down her legs to her ankles.
  5128. "Oh...I didn't know you were such an avid Hello Kitty Fan Flurry."
  5129. >She covers her face.
  5130. >"You're so mean...!"
  5131. >She chops your head, while you chuckle at her adorable choice in erotic underwear.
  5132. >Getting back into things, you slide your thumbs in the leg holes of her underwear, and start to tug down the tight fabric.
  5133. >Flurry's mouth slowly opens with each inch as she watches you closely.
  5134. >The last time you were met with this area, you kept your eyes covered, but now-
  5135. >She's completely smooth. You were somehow expecting to see a forest or something like that. She's only fourteen after all.
  5136. >Balling up your mouth, you lick your lips, and go for broke, placing your mouth on her slit, much to her surprise.
  5137. >"Ooogh--!"
  5138. >She grabs the back of your head, as you lap uncontrollably, like a dog with a bowl of water, the subtle taste of salt, and the feeling of what could be compared to plastic swirling around your tongue.
  5139. >"Ahhahh...hahahah...Oooh..."
  5140. >She alternates between laughing, and moanin, whilst struggling to keep on her feet.
  5141. >"A-Anon...wait..stop.."
  5142. >Her shaky hands take hold of your head, pushing your face in further. Which does she want?
  5143. >"Oh my go-Anon..It's happening again-"
  5144. >Aside from the generous amounts of spit you provided, she begins to feel more wet, and her musk growing stronger.
  5145. >She thrusts into your mouth, clawing at the back of your head, as something flows into your mouth. Some type of thick awful tasting liquid if you were to describe it.
  5146. >You turn your head to the side, and spit, as she grinds herself on your cheek.
  5147. >Her eyes are tightly shut, and her teeth are grit, as she tenses up a few more times.
  5148. >She begins to slump, her legs starting to buckle, falling down to your level.
  5149. >Flurry hugs you close, panting with a little grin on her face.
  5150. >"That was...wow."
  5151. "I'm glad I was able to please."
  5152. >Despite your dalmatian impression.
  5153. >She pokes your chest.
  5154. >"Your turn."
  5155. "Nah. It's okay."
  5156. >She pokes you again.
  5157. >"Anon...I want to do it. I promise it won't be like at Sugarcube Corner."
  5158. >You recall the teeth, and flinch.
  5159. >"Anon. Just tell me what to do."
  5160. "But I don't know the first thing about doing "that" Flur-"
  5161. >She covers your mouth with her hand.
  5162. "But you know what feels good, right? Just tell me, and I'll do it. Trust me."
  5163. >You share a moment of looking into one another's eyes, before you stand up this time, undoing your pants.
  5164. >Flurry sets herself up on her knees facing you this time with half-lidded eyes. Her little fingers root through your boxers, exposing you to the nippy night air.
  5165. >You watch her, with hazy eyes, your mind clouded with arousal.
  5166. >"Okay...Here I go.."
  5167. >She test licks the tip, making you suck in your stomach reflexively.
  5168. "Oh.."
  5169. >"Did that feel good?"
  5170. >You nod silently.
  5171. >Flurry takes a deep breath licking it once more, over and over, working up a nice coat of saliva.
  5172. >You touch the back of her head, grunting every so often from her licking.
  5173. >She will sometimes hit a particular spot that makes you recoil visibly.
  5174. >"Are you alright?"
  5175. >Another silent nod of confirmation.
  5176. >"Are you close?"
  5177. >This is where the problem arises. Sure she's doing better than the cafe, but it's still sloppy, and unrefined.
  5178. "Err...yeah...we should stop here."
  5179. >She ceases her attempts at bringing your climax, and wipes her mouth disappointedly.
  5180. >"I'm sorry."
  5181. "No! No...it was fine! I just didn't want to put all that nasty stuff on your face-"
  5182. >She looks at you with that same unconvinced expression, and makes the cat face again.
  5183. >"Then maybe you wanted to put it somewhere else?"
  5184. >She lays back spreading her legs.
  5185. >Your eyes trail down, and back up to her impish grin.
  5186. "I-Whoa...Are you saying-"
  5187. >"Let's do it. Right here, and now."
  5188. >You're certainly in the correct state to do it, and m-maybe it won't be as bad as when she was licking on you.
  5189. >"Just be ge-gentle. I heard it hurts the first time-"
  5190. >You stand there frozen in place, not sure what to do. You went along with everything up to now, but can you go THIS far?
  5191. >Unfortunately, you don't get to make that decision, as your phone begins to go ballistic in your pants pocket.
  5192. >"Don't answer it. We're busy."
  5193. "It might be important. I gotta answer it."
  5194. >Flurry huffs crossing her arms.
  5195. >You reach down and pull the phone out, not even bothering to look at the ID.
  5196. "Uh...hello?"
  5197. >You hear someone take a breath.
  5199. >You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  5200. "We just went out for a little bit, you big baby. Besides you were asleep."
  5201. >Flurry makes motions to hang up the phone.
  5202. >"Is Flurry with you?"
  5203. "Yeah she's right here."
  5204. >"Well, hurry up and get home. It's getting late, and I'm hungry!"
  5205. "Then feed yourself!"
  5206. >"Oh? Then let me go make a poptart. I hope nothing explodes~"
  5207. >You grit your teeth.
  5208. "....I'm on my way."
  5209. >Flurry facepalms.
  5210. >"See you at home!"
  5211. >The two of you start getting dressed with Flurry grunting, and swearing under her breath.
  5212. "...."
  5213. >You can't really blame her, but now that all the blood has left a certain part of your body, and moved back into your brain, you couldn't do it here. Imagine if you got Flurry Pregnant? You've seen all sorts of stories about Teen moms or old people saying they got preggers at a young age, and fucked their entire life up.
  5214. >You couldn't put her through that.
  5215. >You start the long awkward trek home, with Flurry practically attached to you.
  5216. "So...this was a nice outing. Right?"
  5217. >"Hrrnnn."
  5218. >She scrunches her face up.
  5219. "Don't be that way. It was the right time to stop. We aren't prepared to take that big of a step. Especially not in a park."
  5220. >Flurry remains silent, pouting.
  5221. >"I guess..."
  5222. "Plus, I didn't have any sort of protection. What if we had an accident?"
  5223. >Flurry closes her eyes.
  5224. "If you got pregnant or something, you wouldn't be able to go into the military or be a famous artist-"
  5225. >"Maybe I wanted to have your baby..."
  5226. >Your eyes widen.
  5227. "Flurry. Don't even joke like that..."
  5228. >She stays quiet the rest of the way, but if your inner monologue had a voice, it'd be chattering away.
  5229. >You arrive home as the rest of the streetlights come on, one after the other.
  5230. >Inside you see Candy with a book in hand, and her reading glasses.
  5231. >"Welcome home!"
  5232. >Flurry forces a smile, and heads upstairs.
  5233. >Cadance's eyebrows go up in shock, as she closes her book.
  5234. >"Yikes. If looks could kill."
  5235. "Err...yeah."
  5236. >She stands up, looking up the stairway, before slipping her arms around your neck, and planting one on you-
  5237. >Candy stops, smacking her lips.
  5238. >"......"
  5239. "...W-What?"
  5240. >She narrows her eyes, and starts sniffing your face like a bloodhound.
  5241. "Hey, stop! What're you doing?"
  5242. >She steps back, crossing her arms with an angry glare.
  5243. >It makes your pores open in panic.
  5244. >"....."
  5245. >You gulp.
  5246. >"So...this outing...what did you do?"
  5247. "W-well, we went to Sugarcube Co-corner, and had some fries-"
  5248. >"Mhmm...I guess they're using a new recipe?"
  5249. >You look at her confused.
  5250. "New what-?"
  5251. >She leans in, and whispers harshly.
  5252. >"They make a dipping sauce out of vagina juice?!"
  5253. >Oh.
  5254. "Wait, how do you know how that stuff smells?"
  5255. >"I went to college!"
  5256. >You're not sure what type of explanation that is, but--
  5257. >Candy rubs her forehead, and points to the sofa.
  5258. >"Sit down. We need to talk about this."
  5259. >You follow her instructions, as she parks it next to you sighing.
  5260. >"Look...just tell me this. Did you have sex?"
  5261. "....."
  5262. >She glares at you waiting on your answer.
  5263. >"Well?"
  5264. "N-not really."
  5265. >"What is "not really"? Was there penetration?"
  5266. "This is really weird to talk about-"
  5267. >She pinches your ear.
  5268. "OKAY! GAH! STOP! There wasn't any!"
  5269. >She releases her hold, and rubs her eyes with her index and thumb, groaning.
  5270. >"What were you thinking?"
  5271. "Wh-what do you mean?"
  5272. >"That's your Niece! Your YOUNGER Niece!"
  5273. "Well, I just thought that since me, and you-"
  5274. >She puts a finger up in your face.
  5275. >"Stop. Stop right there."
  5276. "O-okay."
  5277. >"You're only a literal handful of days from becoming a legal adult., and we both agreed to cross that line, but NOT Flurry. She didn't grow up like we did!"
  5278. >You rub the back of your head.
  5279. "Well she didn't exactly make it easy to say no-"
  5280. >Candy throws her hands up.
  5281. >"What do you think this is? Some sort of Anime where you get your cake and eat it too?! Technically, you just cheated on me!"
  5282. >The sharp pang of guilt stabs into your heart, as Candy continues.
  5283. >"I'm not stupid. I know how she feels about you, but she's still young, and naive! She doesn't know what she wants yet!"
  5284. >She takes your hand in hers.
  5285. >"You have to stop this. You have to break it off immediately before it gets too serious to stop.
  5286. >You gulp at her harsh tone.
  5287. "But, what if-"
  5288. >"Broken hearts are a part of growing up. It's not her first, and it sure won't be her last."
  5289. >You lower your head.
  5290. >"I want my baby girl to be able to get married, and have a family. Just not with her Uncle. You know?"
  5291. "Yeah, yeah....I get it."
  5292. >Candy sighs, hugging your head.
  5293. "I just didn't want to break her heart, then and there. I thought that would make you angrier than, you know...not rejecting her."
  5294. >She holds you at arm's length.
  5295. >"Dude. Do you know how crazy jealous I am now? Where was my date, and freaky sex outing?"
  5296. "How can you joke like this?"
  5297. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  5298. >"Simple."
  5299. "Yeah?"
  5300. >You sit there waiting for her to continue.
  5301. >"What?"
  5302. "How is it simple?"
  5303. >"It just is. Now go wash your face. You smell like fish."
  5304. >You grimace, as she pushes you off the sofa, ending with a kick in the ass.
  5305. >"Hurry up, and come back. There's more I want to talk about."
  5306. >She curls up on the couch, with her book again, as you head upstairs.
  5307. >But, one thing does puzzle you.
  5308. >The fact you won't be the first person to break Flurry's heart? Who was the first?
  5309. >In the hallway, you see her door is closed.
  5310. >You wonder what she's doing in there. What if she's keeping a diary? What if the police find it and use it as evid-
  5311. >STOP. Stop.
  5312. >That's always the first step to utter ruin. Overthinking.
  5313. >Also-
  5314. >You smell your clothes.
  5315. "I don't smell like goddamn fish..."
  5316. >Maybe a shower will do you good after all.
  5317. >A few minutes later, you emerge from a steam filled bathroom, with a towel wrapped around your neck.
  5318. >You had a lot of time to think of how you would carry out Candy's request, and arrived at the only logical conclusion.
  5319. >You don't have shit.
  5320. >You're just going to have to be absolutely blunt, and point-blank about telling Flurry that you and her can't-
  5321. >"Hey Anon!"
  5322. >She's standing outside your room, leaning against the wall.
  5323. >"You get all cleaned up?"
  5324. "U-uh...ye-yeah. I did."
  5325. >She steps in closer.
  5326. >"So do you want to sleep in my room tonight...?"
  5327. >And there goes the tennis ball in the throat.
  5328. "I-I don't think I should."
  5329. >She makes a pouty face.
  5330. >"Why not? We're a couple now right?"
  5332. >You close your eyes, and take a long breath.
  5333. "Look, maybe we should...like...Uh-"
  5334. >"Should what....?"
  5335. >Here comes the big glassy eyes again.
  5336. "...."
  5337. >She puts her hands on your chest.
  5338. >"What's wrong? Are you mad at me? You can talk to me. I'm your girlfriend, right?"
  5339. "Look..uh..Maybe we should take it slow..."
  5340. >"Take it slow? How slow?"
  5341. >You grit your teeth.
  5342. "Like...friends....?"
  5343. >"....."
  5344. >Her grip starts to tighten, taking your shirt into her hands.
  5345. >"But-you said you loved me. Were you just using me?"
  5346. "No! Not at all!"
  5347. >"Then what?!"
  5348. >You looked so sad, and I didn't want to break your heart, especially when you seemed to be getting over your recent tragedy. I also wanted to get my balls wet.
  5349. "I-uh...It's not you. It's me."
  5350. >Nailed it.
  5351. >"it's not me its-What the heck does that even mean Anon?"
  5352. >You pinch the bridge of your nose, feeling your idiocy coming full circle.
  5353. "What I mean to say is, it's not right."
  5354. >"But you said you love me."
  5355. "I do love you! I'm just not IN love with you..."
  5356. >She crosses her arms, scowling.
  5357. >"But that didn't stop you from putting your mouth on my-"
  5358. >You put your hands on her shoulders.
  5359. "Look, I-I got caught up in the moment okay? I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry for leading you on, but it's not right because-"
  5360. >You freeze up, balling up your mouth.
  5361. >"Because? Go ahead,Give me your best excuse!"
  5362. >You know Candy is right about this. She's absolutely right, but-
  5363. >Flurry's lip is trembling, as she waits for your response.
  5364. "Flurry...you're young. You're young, and confused-"
  5365. >"I'm not confused. I know what I want! Who I want! That's you, and I hoped you felt the same after today!"
  5366. >You wince at her words.
  5367. "You're still coming to terms with your loss, and it's making you think you want something like this, but you don't really want-"
  5368. >Flurry takes hold of your collar.
  5369. >"Don't you tell me how I'm feeling! Not you! You're young too! Doesn't that mean you're confused also?"
  5370. "Uh..That's a good point to argue..."
  5371. >She smiles triumphantly.
  5372. "But I know me better than anyone. I know this is something I can't do in good conscience!"
  5373. >She narrows her eyes.
  5374. >"You're doing a lot of talking, but saying nothing. Just a bunch of excuses!"
  5375. >She's right too. You can't bring yourself to say what needs to be said.
  5376. >"Well? Go on!"
  5377. "U-uhh..I have a girlfriend."
  5378. >Flurry scrunches her face up at you.
  5379. >"....."
  5380. >And now for the facepalm heard around the world-
  5381. >"You're going to break up with her then right?"
  5382. "Wh-what? No!"
  5383. >Flurry's face starts to get red as if she's about to pop.
  5384. >"Flurry Heart! You stop this instant!"
  5385. >Both of your heads snap to the stairs, where you see Candy ascending with a stern glare.
  5386. >"Mo-"
  5387. >"Hush! I've tolerated your outbursts, and this attitude of yours, because of what's been going on, but even I need to stretch my Motherly authority now, and then."
  5388. "Candy, it's okay. I can-"
  5389. >"You be quiet too! I've had it with your wishy-washy bull! You need to man up and say what you need to say, when you need to say it!"
  5390. >Well damn.
  5391. >Candy crosses her arms, staring down Flurry, who is strangely silent during this.
  5392. >"I know you're still hurting sweetheart. I am too, but this isn't how you heal. Remember Rumble? You can't have everything you want!"
  5393. >Rumble?
  5394. >Flurry opens her mouth to protest, that red anger becoming embarrassment.
  5395. >"M-Mom! Please not in front of-"
  5396. >She takes a step closer, towering over the both of you.
  5397. >"I know why you're so attached to your uncle, and trust me. I can understand."
  5398. >Flurry's defiant gaze softens up.
  5399. >Candy places a hand on her shoulder.
  5400. >"He's not going anywhere. Neither am I Sweetheart. No one is going to leave you ever again. Keeping all the people important to you within arm's reach will only drive them away."
  5401. "Huh?"
  5402. >Flurry's eyes tear up into a shivering Black look.
  5403. >"Y-you don't know what-"
  5404. >"Your father didn't want to leave you either. If he could, he'd be here right now love."
  5405. >Flurry sniffles, letting you go.
  5406. >"Tell you what kiddo. Once you're like Twenty, if you still like Anon, Go for it. I'll even support it."
  5407. "Excuse you?"
  5408. >"Shut up Midget."
  5409. >Candy gives you a little push, and focuses her attention back on Flurry.
  5410. >"But for now, sweetie, don't be afraid. You have tons of people here for you. You don't have to go to such lengths to keep Anon around. He's here to stay."
  5411. >Candy shoots you a glare.
  5412. "Uh..R-right! I'm here for good."
  5413. >Flurry fights oncoming tears, hanging her head.
  5414. >"Your uncle is right. You're young. You don't know what you want yet, but that's where the fun comes in. You have your whole life to figure it out-"
  5415. >Flurry starts to ball up her hands.
  5416. >"Whether it be a cop or whatever. I'll have your back."
  5417. >That was all it took it seems.
  5418. >Flurry looks at her mother for a brief moment before bursting into tears, throwing herself into Candy's chest.
  5419. >The entire house is filled with her sobs.
  5420. >They just stood there hugging one another for what felt like hours.
  5421. >It was a touching moment to say the least, not enough to make you cry. It was just the rain falling on your face.
  5422. >Candy points at you.
  5423. >"Go wait for me downstairs. I need to have some words with you."
  5424. "Yes Ma'am!"
  5425. >You hurriedly leave the two of them there in the hall and head towards the living room sofa to wait for Candy to come down.
  5426. >What the shit was that about Flurry being twenty again?
  5427. >After a moment, and some murmurs from upstairs, you hear a soft click.
  5428. >Candy tiptoes downstairs in a long shirt, considering Flurry ruined hers with snot and tears.
  5429. >She takes a seat next to you curling up, and leaning on the backrest.
  5430. >A loud sigh comes from her mouth.
  5431. "H-how did it go?"
  5432. >"Pretty well actually. I had to explain some peculiar things to her, but she took it well."
  5433. "Peculiar?"
  5434. >She glares at you.
  5435. >"What do you think I'm talking about, Mr. Magic Fingers?"
  5436. "Oh."
  5437. >Bet that must've been some Phoenix Wright Tier explaining.
  5438. >"I gave you a free pass the first time, because Flurry told me she pushed herself on you. Hell, I'm even chalking this one up to Opportunity and Hormones="
  5439. >You gulp, as Candy gets closer putting a finger in your face.
  5440. >"But Three strikes, and we're SO done. GOT IT?"
  5441. "Loud, and clear!"
  5442. >She scowls in your face for a long while.
  5443. "B-but what was that about you supporting Flurry when she's twenty?"
  5444. >Another loud sigh.
  5445. >The finger that was in your face trails circles on your chest now.
  5446. >"Because, when she's old enough, I may be TOO old for you."
  5447. "What?"
  5448. >Candy smiles sadly.
  5449. >"I'm not so foolish I haven't considered the future. I'll be a 40 something old used up lady, with cob webbed birth canals, and a bottomless stomach. What good would I be then?"
  5450. "You're joking right?"
  5451. >"Hmm."
  5452. >She sighs again.
  5453. "If we're making deals here-"
  5454. >You take her hand off you, and lean in real close to her face, scowling as hard as you can.
  5455. >Her eyes open wide in surprise.
  5456. "If you ever decide something like that again without so much as even considering my thoughts, I'll never speak to you again! I don't like my women Self-defeating and pessimistic."
  5457. >Candy's mouth opens a little.
  5458. >"Wow. Okay. Message received."
  5459. >Her eyes go half-lidded, and a smirk crosses her face.
  5460. >"Seems like you can really be manly when it counts, huh?"
  5461. >You get a peck for your effort, and rosy cheeks.
  5462. >Moving back to your original spot, you try to regain your composure, as Candy laughs at your sheepishness.
  5463. "I'm sorry."
  5464. >"Hmm?"
  5465. "For hurting you. I'm sorry."
  5466. >"Oh. Don't worry about it. I'll forgive you...on a couple conditions."
  5467. "What's that?"
  5468. >"First off, get in the kitchen , and get mah dinner started woman!"
  5469. >She kicks at you until you get up.
  5470. "Fine! Goddamn Amazon!"
  5471. >Before you can head into the kitchen, Candy stands up, and pulls you close.
  5472. >"And condition two. I want--"
  5473. >She whispers something in your ear.
  5474. "Oh...Oh wow. O-okay."
  5475. >You gulp loudly, feeling tingles move through your stomach and legs.
  5476. >Candy snickers with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth.
  5477. >"Do that, and we'll be even stevens."
  5478. >You nod, and wobble along to the kitchen, praying you don't burn an extended part of your body while you're cooking.
  5479. >You've never been so distracted cooking before.
  5480. >You could hear Candy laugh from the living room every so often.
  5481. >"--You're tearing me apart Lisa!"
  5483. "Oh you're such an ass..."
  5484. >You try to prepare a simple Pilaf, but you're knocking over spice jars you set on the counter as you move around.
  5485. >It's nice to see, she doesn't have to worry about any idian ghosts haunting her pants. Not that she's wearing any.
  5486. >Feeling as new to this as Dean Venture, you struggle between condition two, and making dinner.
  5487. >While you watch the rice, and chicken cook on a slow simmer, your phone starts to go off from in your pocket.
  5488. >It's Twilight.
  5489. "Hello?"
  5490. >"Anon! The craziest thing happened! I was talking to my friend Rarity, and she said she saw Flurry at Sugarcube corner!"
  5491. "O-oh? What else happened?"
  5492. >"She said she was there gorging on Ice cream because of something about some guy choosing Sweetie Belle over her, and Flurry jumps up and screams she's in love with some guy! My Niece already has a boyfriend! Can you believe it?!"
  5493. >That snitching white-
  5494. "I think she heard wrong."
  5495. >"Huh?"
  5496. "I bet that's why her guy dumped her. Men don't like women who exaggerate stories."
  5497. >"Hmm. You think?"
  5498. "I know it. I was there after all."
  5499. >"Oh? Maybe she was just mistaken."
  5500. >She breathe out a silent gasp of relief.
  5501. >"So what are you doing?"
  5502. "Huh? Cooking."
  5503. >"Cooking what?"
  5504. >What the hell is going on here?
  5505. "P-Pilaf."
  5506. >"Oh that sounds delicious!"
  5507. "Yeah. I am a self-taugh master of the culinary arts."
  5508. >"I'm so jealous! Cadance tried to teach me when I was younger, but I just burn everything..."
  5509. "I'd say if you didn't destroy property, or kill anyone, you're a much better chef than her."
  5510. >A slipper hits the back of your head from no where.
  5511. >You look around for the culprit and see no one to be seen.
  5512. >"Mark! Is he dead?!"
  5513. >"GAHAHAHAHA! What an idiot!"
  5514. "Hmm..."
  5515. >You turn the heat off, and let the steam finish the dish off.
  5516. "So what's the occasion?"
  5517. >"What do you mean?"
  5518. "This call. What's the occasion?"
  5519. >She giggles cutely.
  5520. >"I need a reson to call my "brother" now?"
  5521. "Huh. I guess not, but won't your boyfriend get mad?"
  5522. >"Wh-why're you asking about him?"
  5523. "I dunno. I just figured maybe he would be more fun to talk to than a seventeen year old?"
  5524. >"A soon to be Eighteen year old!"
  5525. "Er...right."
  5526. >To be honest, you don't feel right talking to other girls with this Bon-
  5527. >This "issue of the flesh".
  5528. >"Do you not want to talk to me?"
  5529. "No, no..you're fine. I'm just shocked you chose me over Candy."
  5530. >"Well...it's still sorta tender between us, so I'll just take my time with that."
  5531. "Twilight..."
  5532. >"I know, I know. I promise, I won't go away."
  5533. "Good. I don't wanna have to come get you!"
  5534. >"You can come for me anytime!"
  5535. >.....
  5536. >"Wait. That didn't come out right."
  5537. "Oh? What did you mean?"
  5538. >"S-stop! You're gonna twist my words! Aren't you?!"
  5539. "I'm not saying anything."
  5540. >"You're smiling, aren't you?!"
  5541. "Nooooooo..."
  5542. >You hear Twilight groan on the other end.
  5543. >" Look, I wanted to ask you something! Okay?"
  5544. "Sure."
  5545. >"I'm going out to a "gathering", and I don't want to be left alone with my date. I want you to come with me."
  5546. "What? Why?"
  5547. >"Because he's...uh..what do they call it? He's "Parched"."
  5548. >You facepalm.
  5549. "You mean "Thirsty". Right?"
  5550. >"YES! That!"
  5551. "And when is this so-called gathering supposed to happen?"
  5552. >"Friday."
  5553. "Are you sure? I mean we're going to the lake on Saturday so-"
  5554. >"Anon please! He's all Touchy and I don't like it!"
  5555. "Why haven't you dumped him then?"
  5556. >"Err...He's cute?"
  5557. >FUCKS SAKE.
  5558. >Candy pops her head into the kitchen.
  5559. >"Is it done yet? I'm hungryyyyyyyy~"
  5561. >"Excuse me?"
  5562. "Not you Twilight. I'm talking to Cadance."
  5563. >"Oh is that Twily?! Tell her I said "Sunshine Sunshine"!"
  5564. "Tell her yourse-"
  5565. >"Ladybugs awake!"
  5566. "Hey! Stop using my phone to talk to Cand-"
  5568. >Candy starts to twerk.
  5569. >All you can do is facepalm.
  5570. "Time to eat."
  5571. >Flurry didn't join you for dinner. Not surprising. Candy said she needed some time to herself, after bringing her a plate.
  5572. >"So She doesn't want her boyfriend feeling her up? That's boring."
  5573. "CANDY."
  5574. >She shovels in a spoonful of pilaf from a goku -sized portion, and shrugs.
  5575. >"What? It is! Twily should be more outgoing!"
  5576. "We can't all be love slaves like you."
  5577. >She points the spoon at you.
  5578. >"Correction. You're MY love slave. So she can't be like YOU."
  5579. >You turn red, as she goes back to eating with a significantly bigger smile.
  5580. "A-anyway, what should I do?"
  5581. >"What do you mean? Go or course."
  5582. "You want me to go?"
  5583. >She nods.
  5584. >"Yeah. Keep an eye on Twily."
  5585. "Then what will you and Flurry do for dinner?"
  5586. >"I'll leave some money for Flurry to order something."
  5587. "You're gonna leave her money? Why?"
  5588. >Candy rolls her eyes with full cheeks.
  5589. >"GOOpf HKKooPh-"
  5590. "Swallow woman!"
  5591. >She chews and gulps, opening her mouth wide.
  5592. >"See? I swallowed it all daddy~"
  5593. "GODDAMMIT."
  5594. >She guffaws at your pain.
  5595. >"I said I'm coming with you. As YOUR date."
  5596. "WHAT."
  5597. >"What? Is there a problem?"
  5598. "Uhh..well..I mean-"
  5599. >"Think of it as Adult Supervision!"
  5600. >Except with her it's sure to be AdultXXX.
  5601. "But why? It's gonna be more than likely a bunch of Twilight's friends!"
  5602. >"Because you OWE me! I want my date too!"
  5603. >You narrow your eyes.
  5604. "Is that really all it is?"
  5605. >"She shrugs again.
  5606. >"That, and I know how things tend to happen with you and cute girls who are related to you."
  5607. >You shrink feeling bad.
  5608. "Y-you said we'd be even steven..."
  5609. >"Not until you fulfil condition two."
  5610. >You try to hide your face.
  5611. >"Oh stoppit. You're excited, and you know it."
  5612. "Well of course I am! But-"
  5613. >"Are you really that opposed to going out with your big sister? Awww."
  5614. >You scowl.
  5615. >"Think of me as your girlfriend then."
  5616. "You are though, stupid."
  5617. >"Then there's no problem!"
  5618. >She finishes the last bite of her food off, letting the spoon fall to the plate with a loud clinking sound.
  5619. >"Well! That was delicious!"
  5620. >You mumble under your breath, not having touched your own food yet.
  5621. >Candy rises from her seat, walking past, brushing her fingertips across your neck.
  5622. >"Will you take care of the clean up? I'm going to bed."
  5623. "Y-yeah. Sure."
  5624. >She eyes your plate, and then you with a seductive grin.
  5625. >"Make sure you don't fill up on this. There's still a lot more for you to "snack on". Wink wink."
  5626. >You grit your teeth feeling a mixture of arousal and frustration at her teasing.
  5627. "You're such an ass."
  5628. >"There will be plenty of that too!"
  5629. >You put your face in your hands, blushing.
  5630. >"Awww. You're so innocent. We;ll fix that."
  5631. >She gives you a small hug, before disappearing upstairs.
  5632. >Fucking condition two.
  5633. >You were fumbling around like Michael J fox trying to write in cursive.
  5634. >You're scared, and excited, and a mixture of all types of emotions right now.
  5635. >You managed to somehow get through clean up, and make it upstairs.
  5636. >It reminds you of when Candy asked you to sleep in her room. Flurry's door shit tight, and a lone light shining in the darkness.
  5637. >You meekly pass by her room and see her in those familiar red glasses reading again.
  5638. >She looks up from her book with a smile.
  5639. >"All finished?"
  5640. "Ye-yeah."
  5641. >"Come in. Close the door."
  5642. >You gulp, following her instructions.
  5643. >"I wanted to ask you something."
  5644. "A-alright."
  5645. >She pats the bed, prompting you to sit down.
  5646. >"Have you ever questioned why I agreed to this "thing" between us?"
  5647. >Hell No.
  5648. "Well...yeah. Kinda."
  5649. >She takes off her glasses.
  5650. >"I think it's something that could work. I don't see it as something romantic, or taboo, but something that will bring us even closer together."
  5651. "Okay..."
  5652. >"I've lost one of my best friends already. I need someone...I crave someone else to share that type of relationship with. Y'know?"
  5653. "Not really, to be honest."
  5654. >She puts a finger to her mouth in thought.
  5655. >"I'm a hypocrite. I'm trying to use my body to hook you, like Flurry."
  5656. "Hu-huh?"
  5657. >Your eyes widem in shock.
  5658. >"Though...It's a little different. I mean I know things about you no one else does, and vice versa, right?"
  5659. "I guess."
  5660. >"You've brought Twily back into my life, and for that, I'm forever thankful. You're helping my daughter cope...Kinda. You've patched up a lot in the short time you've been here."
  5661. >You chuckle, twiddling your fingers.
  5662. >"I want to do something for you, but at the same time I want you for myself. Isn't that complicated as hell?"
  5663. "YES. What exactly are you trying to say?"
  5664. >She brings her legs up to her chest.
  5665. >"I guess...I just trust you. I trust you, and I don't want you leaving me ever."
  5666. "That's easy to understand I suppose."
  5667. >She groans.
  5668. >"Will you stop being so damn indifferent?!"
  5669. >You shrug.
  5670. >"Then tell me. As honest as you can."
  5671. >You listen closely.
  5672. "Go ahead."
  5673. >"Am I crazy for wanting this? I mean you and me...? What would Shiny think?"
  5674. >Hmm.
  5675. "Well if he were here, I don't think you'd be pushed to this. No offense."
  5676. >"None take, and you;re right...but-"
  5677. "But?"
  5678. >She turns red this time.
  5679. >"I think I would have tried something like this with you even if he were around."
  5680. "Oh."
  5681. >"Yeah..."
  5682. >It's awkward. Very awkward.
  5683. "Yeah. I'd say you're pretty crazy."
  5684. >She looks at you with a hurt expression.
  5685. "But crazy is the best type of girl. Right?"
  5686. >Her face warps into muffled laughter.
  5687. >"You're so bad at this."
  5688. "Well sorry for trying to make you feel better!"
  5689. >She smiles.
  5690. >"You did. Really. Now come here. Time to fulfil "condition two."
  5691. >She flings the blanket off of her body, still wearing the long shirt.
  5692. >"Now listen up. As my "boyfriend" there are only Three things I should taste on your mouth at all times!"
  5693. >You sit on the back of your legs at her feet, as she puts up three fingers.
  5694. >"Food, Toothpaste, and Me."
  5695. >Your mouth is as small as possible right now. as she spreads her legs. pulling up the long shirt.
  5696. >This is actually the first time you've gotten a good look at her down there.
  5697. >You felt it, and imagined it, but--wow. Now you're feeling like Flurry, and imagining Hentai.
  5698. >A Mature pussy! Ke-ke-ke-ke-
  5699. >"Oy! Pay attention. You act like you've never seen a slit before."
  5700. >She kicks you in the cheek lightly.
  5701. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just...amazed."
  5702. >She blushes lightly, frowning.
  5703. >"Impressed with a vagina? There's nothing t-to be impressed about."
  5704. >Your heart is beating so hard, and the air in the room has become heavy.
  5705. "A-are you going to wear that shirt through..."all of this"?"
  5706. >She looks at her shirt, and back at you with a smirk.
  5707. >"Why Anon. Are you asking me to get naked?"
  5708. >The corners of your mouth start twitching.
  5709. >"I don't know. Can you handle the sight? You look ready to pass out."
  5710. >She's not lying.
  5711. "Sh-shut up. I'm not a little kid."
  5712. >"Maybe not, but you are a little Cherry boy!"
  5713. >You close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
  5714. "First off, don't ever call me a cherry boy, and second-"
  5715. >Your complaints are shut up, as the shirt is flung into your face.
  5716. >Clawing to get it off, your eyes go even widen at the full frontal view of Candy, unclothed. Bare. Unshackled.
  5717. >"Well? Pick your jaw up off the ground. I'm ready."
  5718. >With equally rosy cheeks, she spreads herself apart with her index and middle finger.
  5719. >"I-I'll tell you what to do."
  5720. >Her opening is glistening in the dim night stand lamplight.
  5721. >You lay on your stomach, and-
  5722. >"No! You strip too. I'm self-conscious."
  5723. >You awkwardly comply, covering yourself up with your hands.
  5724. >Candy cocks an eyebrow.
  5725. >"What's the problem?"
  5726. "I-I'm self-conscious too."
  5727. >She rolls her eys.
  5728. >"Oh please. I was holding it earlier. I know how big it is."
  5729. "Yeah, it's easy for you to say. Women don't have Vagina size measuring contests!"
  5730. >"You participate in dick measuring contests?"
  5732. >She gets on all fours crawling towards you, placing a hand on yours.
  5733. >"It's okay. I won't laugh or anything."
  5734. >You narrow your eyes, reluctantly moving your hands away from your totally normal-sized erection, only for Candy's cheeks to puff out as if she's about to laugh.
  5735. "Candy!"
  5736. >"I'm joking. it's just right."
  5737. >She lowers herself to eye level with your shaft, gently taking it into her mouth.
  5738. O-Oh my god...!
  5739. >Your legs almost give way right then and there, as she expertly alternates between suckling, and swishing you around in her mouth, before letting you go with a soft "pop".
  5740. "Why'd you stop...?"
  5741. >She grins, taking her spot back on the bed, this time laying on her belly, and hoisting her back end up, giving you a view of both holes.
  5742. >"Because this is about you making it up to me."
  5743. >You start to breathe harder, feeling like you'll climax just from looking.
  5744. >"Pay close attention."
  5745. >You gulp, nodding and climb on the bed behind her, as she spreads her cheeks apart.
  5746. >She uses her index fingers to spread her outer lips apart, showing off her glimmering pink insides without an ounce of shame.
  5747. >"S-see that hole?"
  5748. "Y-yeah."
  5749. >"I want you to start by putting your tongue inside."
  5750. >Okay Anon. Don't mess this up-
  5751. >Feeling your head grow hazy, you press your face against her, slipping your trembling tongue into her. It's salty, and flavorless all at once. Like already wet gummy candy.
  5752. >"Mmnnh! G-ggod. Good boy."
  5753. >You place your hands on her buttocks, squeezing them roughly.
  5754. >"N-now start moving it in circles."
  5755. >You comply with her instructions, and start making your best circles.
  5756. >Candy jolts every now or so as you grow more and more confident.
  5757. >"Oh...Oh my...!"
  5758. >She takes two fistfuls of the bed, pushing back against you.
  5759. >You have to back off to take a breath. You imagine how stupid it would look if you passed out from Vagina suffocation.
  5760. >Also the drool.
  5761. >Your mouth is making gallons of the crap. It tastes different than normal. This must be Cadance's personal "flavor".
  5762. >The musk fills your nostrils, and translates onto your tastebuds.
  5763. >"Anon..Midget--! You little bastard! Spank me!"
  5764. >Oh wow. Okay. She's one of those types huh?
  5765. >You raise your left hand, and bring it down on her cheek.
  5766. >"MNGH..Yeah! You sister-loving little SHIT."
  5767. >Part of you wants to laugh at her terrible porno dirty talking, but on the other hand, she's making you feel more, and more manly with her arousal-infused "insults".
  5768. >Actually...
  5769. >As much as you want to continue, your jaw is starting to hurt.
  5770. >"OOggh...More! Move it all around!"
  5771. >You back away, moving your jaw side to side.
  5772. >She looks back at you with half-lidded eyes, with soft breaths.
  5773. >"Wh-what's wrong?"
  5774. "My mouth is cramping up."
  5775. >She snickers.
  5776. >"I forgot you're new to this. You'll get better as you keep going."
  5777. >She flips onto her back, bending a leg slightly, taking a deep breath.
  5778. >"I'd say for your actual debut, you get a passing grade."
  5779. "Did I make you--"
  5780. >She puffs loudly.
  5781. >"Oh gosh no. You really think a few minutes of that is enough to make me melt?"
  5782. >The lingering pain in your jaw starts to fade.
  5783. "Well..what next? Is that all?"
  5784. >She smirks at you again, beckoning you to her with a finger.
  5785. >"There will be more to teach you, but for now-"
  5786. >She wraps her arms around your lanky body, as you nestle yourself between her legs.
  5787. >"I want a little more than that."
  5788. "Do you mean-"
  5789. >"YES. God. What did you think I meant?"
  5790. >You're going all the way? Like, right now?
  5791. >She spreads her legs, and with her right hand starts guiding you in.
  5792. "Candy, wait!"
  5793. >She looks at you with an impatient glare.
  5794. >"What?"
  5795. " I don't know if I want to do this...I mean, I'm not prepared! what if I get you pregnant or something?"
  5796. >She lowers her eyes.
  5797. >"Is that all? Most people would be more bent out of shape about bedding their sibling."
  5798. >You growl, feeling your forehead make a cameo appearance.
  5799. "This isn't something to joke about Candy. I'm serious!"
  5800. >"Are you suggesting anal? Because I'm not taking anything up the butt you won't take also-"
  5801. "CANDY."
  5802. >She blows a raspberry at you.
  5803. >"Calm down. Gosh. I have a couple coats in the nightstand."
  5804. >You let out a breath of relief.
  5805. "Phoo...thank god."
  5806. >You move from from Candy to the side of the bed, where the nightstand in question sits.
  5807. >Cadance chuckles.
  5808. >"I'm a little hurt. You don't want me to have your baby? Give Flurry a little brother or sister?"
  5809. >You groan at her "humor".
  5810. "It'd have seven toes on one foot or look like a pony."
  5811. >"We could bring it to Maury! Or Jerry Springer!"
  5812. "I can't believe we're even talking about this."
  5813. >"That's what makes it fun!"
  5814. >Pulling out the drawer you find a unopened Condom, and tear the wrapper off.
  5815. "How old are these?"
  5816. >Candy thinks as you try to put it on. Why is it so slimy?
  5817. >"Hmmm..When was Bush first elected?"
  5818. >You look back at her with big, worried eyes.
  5819. >"I'm kidding."
  5820. >Your shaking hands fumble, and struggle with the latex, as you start to sweat.
  5821. >You try to focus, but your mind is a blizzard of emotions. People make so light of their first time. Why is this so damn scary?
  5822. >You feel arms slide around your chest embracing you.
  5823. >"Calm down Anon. It's okay. Nothing will happen. It's just you and me. You trust me right?"
  5824. >You blink a few times looking down.
  5825. "Ye-yeah."
  5826. >"I'm just trying to lighten the mood. I'm nervous too."
  5827. "N-No way. You're cracking jokes..."
  5828. >She chuckles in your ear.
  5829. >"I call it the "Spider-man coping" technique."
  5830. "Are you being serious right now?"
  5831. >"Deadly. I'm cracking jokes to hide my own fear."
  5832. >You're still not convinced.
  5833. "You didn't sound scared. Not with the way you were talking."
  5834. >She nuzzles your cheek, her breasts pressing into your back.
  5835. >"Th-that's just a little quirk of mine, but it doesn't reflect what I was thinking."
  5836. "Yeah? Do tell."
  5837. >She kisses your neck tenderly.
  5838. >"It was more along the lines of an internal "Oh my god, My little brother is going down on me. What would Mom and Dad think? Shiny, I'm so sorry! Flurry I'm so sorry! This feels too good! I'm going straight to hell!". Things like that."
  5839. >You can sympathize actually.
  5840. "Should we stop then?"
  5841. >"Do you want to?"
  5842. >You take a deep breath.
  5843. >"I want to go through with this. I love you Anon. I want this. I want you to want this too, but if you want to stop we can right here and now, and never talk about it again."
  5844. "I just...I didn't come here to do this to you..."
  5845. >"To do what?"
  5846. "You know...THIS. I was just supposed to come here, and help you guys get things in order, and then leave."
  5847. >You feel Candy press harder against you.
  5848. "I feel like I'm taking advantage of you guys. Inserting myself into something I don't belong in."
  5849. >"I told you once before. I'll never be as happy as I was with Shining, and I'm not seeking to replace him."
  5850. "Yeah."
  5851. >Candy rounds you, until you're face to face.
  5852. >"But that doesn't mean I can't have feelings about something new."
  5853. >You stare into her eyes.
  5854. >"I trust you Anon. I love you. I want to take this next step. I want us to be closer than anyone else in our family. What do you want?"
  5855. "I-I want the same..."
  5856. >She takes the condom from your hands, working it on in a flash.
  5857. >"Then let's stop thinking about all the bad things, and just...I don't know... Love each other?"
  5858. >You snicker, the shaking having slowed.
  5859. "Okay. Let's do that then."
  5860. >She places her hands on your shoulders, carefully sliding down onto your lap.
  5861. >You feel immense warmth overtake your crotch, sweat quickly building up from the increasing shared heat.
  5862. "C-candy..Whoa..."
  5863. >She wraps her legs around you, her full weight supported by your knees.
  5864. >She closes her eyes for a long time, tilting her head back, before looking into your own.
  5865. >"You're ins--You're inside me.."
  5866. >Candy curls her arms around your head, bringing her forehead to yours.
  5867. >You're at a total loss for words. What can you say? You're having sex. You just lost your virginity to your older sister.
  5868. >"Please say something...Please don't go mute on me now...!"
  5869. >Cadance slowly starts to move on you, breathing harshly with each bounce.
  5870. >"I'm the worst, are-aren't I? I'm doing this, and hating myself all at the same time...Oh god, it feels so good though-"
  5871. >You open and close your mouth a few times, your face tensing up randomly. You can't put the pleasure you feel of her slick insides into coherent thoughts.
  5872. >Your inner thighs start to get wetter, and wetter with each audible slap.
  5873. >"Hold me...Hold me please...Oooggh,"
  5874. >Enough of your conscious remains that you can embrace her as she grinds along, her bosom bouncing repeatedly.
  5875. >Candy's weight soon becomes too much, as she presses on, until you're on your back on the bed.
  5876. >She changes her position, bringing her legs up, squatting over you.
  5877. >Now you can see yourself, going in and out of her, and that's all it takes to drive you over the edge.
  5878. >You grit your teeth, arching, as you take hold of Candy's ankles.
  5879. >Her eyes flutter, as she comes down you, bringing her gasping mouth across yours in an orgasmic kiss.
  5880. >You fill the condom up, with a few thrusts, as Candy moans into your mouth, coating your teeth in her saliva.
  5881. >She jolts a few times, her insides shifting and tightening, and then going limp in one intense motion.
  5882. >Your legs shoot up, toes curling in one final push.
  5883. "....Ahhghh.."
  5884. >Candy lays on top of you, her lips slightly touching yours as she strokes your face.
  5885. >"Is that all you have to s-say?"
  5886. "I-wow. I don't know what to say."
  5887. >"Tell me what I need to hear."
  5888. >What she needs to hear?
  5889. >You try to think, but nothing comes to mind.
  5890. >She continues to stroke your cheek lovingly.
  5891. >"Please Anon. I'm seriously scared."
  5892. >You're scared too. What does she want you to say? You think of the first thing you can, and let it out.
  5893. "I love you."
  5894. >She bites her bottom lip a little as if she's going to cry.
  5895. >"H-heh...I was thinking of I'll never let you go now, but that works too..."
  5896. "I thought that would be obvious."
  5897. >She kisses you again.
  5898. >"Me too. You're stuck with me for life now."
  5899. "And if Flurry comes back when she's twenty?"
  5900. >"Oh yeah...We'll deal with it when it happens. IF it happens."
  5901. >She slides her leg up and down your clammy torso.
  5902. "So...uh...weird question."
  5903. >"Hm?"
  5904. >You pull her closer.
  5905. "So if I like want to brag about this to friends-"
  5906. >"You'd tell someone you had sex with your sister?"
  5907. "Not in those words. Maybe like if I was on an anonymous board. But I wouldn't say "sister" face to face."
  5908. >She giggles.
  5909. >"You're a total idiot. I love you so much."
  5910. "I love you too."
  5911. >She eskimo kisses you with a smile.
  5912. >"Now for you next lesson. Cuddling your lover after coitus."
  5913. " I think I can pass that class, only..."
  5914. >She changes her position so she can fit better in your embrace.
  5915. >"Hm? What is it?"
  5916. >You fidget.
  5917. "Can I take this condom off? It's pretty full..."
  5918. >"You little putz--YES. MY GOD."
  5919. >You both share heartfelt laughter, deciding to sort out any conflicting feelings later. For now, you just want to hold her, and nothing else.
  5920. >Even that twenty minute long voicemail,you left someone on your cell phone.
  5921. >You waku up feeling rested, and comfortable like you've never felt before.
  5922. >A slender arm is draped across you, and the sound of light snoring creeps into your ear.
  5923. >Did last night really happen?
  5924. >Candy is facing you with fluttering closed eyes.
  5925. >You take the time to kiss her gently, so you don't disturb her.
  5926. >She scrunches her face up and smacks her lips.
  5927. >It's 5:20 Am. Just enough time to slip out of bed, and wash yourself as to avoid any complications with Flurry.
  5928. >Is this what being a man feels like?
  5929. >You try to sneak out, but Candy has a tight hold on you.
  5930. "Aw Candy..."
  5931. >attempting to loosen her grip, all it serves to do is make her latch onto you with her legs as well.
  5932. >"Mnnh..."
  5933. "Cadance...c'mon...let me go dammit!"
  5934. >You try to get out of her submission hold, taking note of her soft...naked...perky..body...
  5935. >What were you doing again?
  5936. >For the life of you, you can't remember now-
  5937. >Right. Shower. Avoid awkward morning conversation about sex with someone's mom who is also your sister.
  5938. >You worm out of her grasp, trying not to wake her, until you awkwardly spider out of bed.
  5939. >Candy starts patting your spot, and wakes up, looking for you with groggy eyes.
  5940. >"Mnnh...Anon?"
  5941. >You facepalm.
  5942. >She wipes her eyes after sitting up, sporting a drool trail going from the corner of her mouth to her eyebrow,
  5943. >"What are you doing...? Come back to bed."
  5944. >even in the murky blue light of the rising sun, you can see Candy's perfect body, and boy does that make it harder to say no!
  5945. >But you have to in this case.
  5946. >This is still new, and you don't want to risk it on anything.
  5947. "I have to shower."
  5948. >She tiredly looks at the alarm clock.
  5949. >"It's not even 6 yet."
  5950. "W-well you know me! Getting started on my day early!"
  5951. >She scratches her head.
  5952. >You start to gether your discarded clothes, while she decides whether to go back to sleep or not.
  5953. >"I could use a shower too."
  5954. >She turns to the opposing side of the bed, and stretches.
  5955. "Okay! Then I'll get in first, and-"
  5956. >She stands up in all her naked glory, yawning.
  5957. >"What do you mean? We're getting in together midget."
  5958. >Your jaw drops as you've resumed covering yourself up again like last night.
  5959. "A sh-shower together?"
  5960. >You feel yourself rising-
  5961. "A-are you sure that's a good idea? What if Flurry wakes up and catches us-"
  5962. >Your concerns fall on deaf ears as she's already stumbled out into the hallway, and into the bathroom.
  5963. "Goddammit Candy....! Act like this is a serious matter!"
  5964. >You hurry behind her, making sure to stay as quiet as possible. Flurry's door is still closed tight, and you don't need a repeat of the last time you were sleeping in Candy's room.
  5965. >You hear the shower squeak on from the bathroom, and spot Candy leaning over the bathtub while sitting on the toilet-
  5966. "What the fuck?! Come on! We already did this once before!"
  5967. >"Get over it midge! You had your mouth on it last night."
  5968. >You quickly close the door.
  5969. "How can you be so lackadaisical about this?"
  5970. >She shrugs still tired-looking.
  5971. >"I'm just comfortable, I guess."
  5972. "Comfortable? With me?"
  5973. >"Duh."
  5974. >She stands up, and flushes, getting into the shower.
  5975. "Aren't you gonna wipe? Or wash your hands?"
  5976. >"I'm getting into the shower Anon. Jeez. You're such a novice."
  5977. >You scowl, as steam starts to build up in the bathroom.
  5978. >"Now come on. It's time for a morning lesson."
  5979. "Washing Candy's back 101?"
  5980. >She lowers her eyes at you.
  5981. >You think for a moment.
  5982. >Candy looks at you incredulously.
  5983. >"What could two consenting adults of differing genders, healthy sexual appetites, and newfound love for one another possibly do in the shower togethe, stupid?"
  5984. "Oh. OOOOOOH."
  5985. >You were trying to avoid something, but all the blood has left your brain, and for the life of you, you can't remember what it was...
  5986. >Candy takes you by both hands, and tugs on you to enter the shower with a grin.
  5987. >You drop your balled up clothes,allowing her to guide you-
  5988. "Wait! Right! Now I remember!"
  5989. >"Remember what?"
  5990. >Her arms slither around your shoulders, as hot water covers the two of you.
  5991. >Your eyes keep travelling to her chest, and the sight of droplets of water falling off her nipples, with streams coursing over her belly button-
  5992. "I was just thinking that we need to be more careful...uh..."
  5993. >She kisses your lips, with a nasally chuckle.
  5994. >"We will. For now, I just want to relish what we have."
  5995. "I'm still worried about Flurry."
  5996. >"She'll be fine. She just needs some time to sort out her feelings."
  5997. >You curl your lips.
  5998. >"Look. It'll be fine. Trust me. Please. We're too early into this to start doomsaying. We'll make it work."
  5999. "Hmm...what about Mom and dad?"
  6000. >"What ABOUT them?"
  6001. >Yowch. The venom is dripping from that question.
  6002. "W-well, there will be a time when they'll expect me to come home, and-"
  6003. >"Then we'll hold on to you until you're 18!"
  6004. >She kisses you again, keeping contact longer, while water runs down your face, and enters your mouth through the small breaks in the kiss.
  6005. >She looks into your eyes , pulling away.
  6006. >"We'll be fine. As long as we're together we'll be fine."
  6007. "Yeah...I believe you."
  6008. >Candy smiles.
  6009. "This is gonna be so weird when I'm in school."
  6010. >"Wait until we get some time alone in Cinch's office~"
  6011. >You feel her fingers wrap around a certain prominent part of your anatomy.
  6012. "C-cadance...!"
  6013. >She wraps a leg around you, trying placing the tip at her entrance.
  6014. >"Just let me know when you're at your limit. I can't afford another 9 months of Maternity leave."
  6015. "Tha-that's not funny."
  6016. >She sniggers.
  6017. >You feel that familiar warmth slowly overtake you-
  6019. >You both freeze staring at once another.
  6021. >"Y-YES?"
  6022. >Candy pokes her head out the sliding screen.
  6023. >You hear the door open, and Flurry's voice.
  6024. >"I gotta pee...."
  6025. >"O-oh. Of course sweetie. Come on in!"
  6026. >You bite your lip, as you hear Flurry enter and close the door.
  6027. >You look down and see you're still inserted into Candy.
  6028. >And smile wickedly.
  6029. "Just like my Chinese Cartoons..."
  6030. >Candy shushes you.
  6031. >"Did you say something mom?"
  6032. >"N-Nothing at all."
  6033. >"Oh...Okay...I know this is a weird place for it, but can we talk?"
  6034. >"Right now?"
  6035. >You slowly push forward, sticking your tongue out.
  6036. >Cadance shivers, looking back at you with a harsh glare.
  6037. >"Yeah, if it's okay."
  6038. >You thrust into her, with a soft slap.
  6039. >"YES!"
  6040. >"Uuhh...Alright."
  6041. >Candy leans back and pinches your arm.
  6042. >"What did you want to talk about?"
  6043. >You slowly start to slide in and out of Candy's hole trying your best to endure the amazing feeling of her tensing inner walls.
  6044. >"A-about Uncle Anon-"
  6045. >You hear some silence.
  6046. >"Are you okay mom? Your eyes are rolling back."
  6047. >"I-I'm fine...please, go ahead sweetheart."
  6048. >Candy tries to push you back.
  6049. >"I was thinking a lot about last night, and-I guess I was scared like you said..."
  6050. >"Sc-scared?"
  6051. >You listen closely as well, stopping to keep from releasing too quickly.
  6052. >"I keep wondering if he's gonna leave us...He says he'll stay, bu-but Daddy said he'd always stay too."
  6053. >"Aw Flurry..."
  6054. >"What if he decides he doesn't love us anymore? What if he decides we're just too messed up to stay here?"
  6055. >"Messed up? What do you mean?"
  6056. >"W-well...I mean I did try to "d-do it" with him...and he's my uncle..."
  6057. >You want to reassure Flurry right now, but you're supposed to be hidden.
  6058. >"Trust me. your uncle is just as messed up if not more Flurry Heart."
  6059. >You remove yourself, unable to take anymore. You wish you were a sexual death walker like in the stories or your lewd cartoons, but unfortunately the truth is not so black and white.
  6060. >Candy readjusts herself, flashing you a look of concern.
  6061. >"You think so? He seems to have it together to me. That's why I love him so much."
  6062. >You bite your knuckles still wanting to go on.
  6063. >"He's the last person to "have it together". Trust me."
  6064. >Your face twists into a frown.
  6065. >"He's worried about the future, has a hard time making decisions, and he can be sooooo stupid when it comes to catching on to things."
  6066. >Okay-
  6067. >"He's a manlet and very self conscious about it, Kind of emotional, and sometimes a big baby."
  6069. >You hear Flurry chuckle.
  6070. >"And he's a bad liar."
  6071. >Et tu Flurry heart? Et tu?
  6072. >The sound of flushing water manages to echo over the sound of the hissing shower head.
  6073. >"Thanks mom. I feel a bit better now."
  6074. >"Good. Your uncle loves you very much. He won't be going anywhere so get that nonsense out of your head."
  6075. >A squeak and the sounds of faucet water, and then just the shower.
  6076. >Candy releases a deep breath, slumping a little.
  6077. >"Well. That was fun."
  6078. >She straightens herself up.
  6079. >"Let's get out. I'm getting pruny."
  6080. "S-sure."
  6081. >Before that, she punches you in the arm.
  6082. "Ow!"
  6083. >"Don't do that again. I don't have a poker face!"
  6084. "O-oh. Sorry."
  6085. She kisses your forehead stepping out of the shower first, leaving you with frustration brewing in your loins.
  6086. >This must be the fabled "blueballs".
  6087. >After turning off the shower, Candy left the bathroom first, to make sure the coast was clear.
  6088. >Thank god Flurry didn't see your clothes on the floor.
  6089. >More importantly, you feel a little bad for your Niece. She just wants some stability in her life, and will do anything to keep it.
  6090. >Before leaving the bathroom yourself, you check the time.
  6091. "Huh...Battery's dead. Shit."
  6092. >You better charge it before leaving.
  6093. >By the time you've gotten dressed, you're met by Candy who is already prepared for the day in the doorway of your room.
  6094. >"Yo."
  6095. "Uh..yo?"
  6096. >She crosses her arms.
  6097. >"So uh....bit of bad news."
  6098. >Your eyes widen as you check the Battery life of your phone.
  6100. >"Whoa! Calm down!"
  6101. >Your mind already went to the worst possible outcome of someone stumbling across your taboo relationship. But how would that happen?
  6102. >Maybe someone was watching from a tree trunk with binoculars?
  6103. >"I just got a call from Cinch. I have to go in early..."
  6104. >You look at your phone.
  6105. >It's just hitting 6.
  6106. "How early?"
  6107. >"Like right now, early."
  6108. "Oh. Yowza."
  6109. >She unfolds her arms, and thumps you on the forehead.
  6110. >"That's what happens when you miss work days. The papers pile up."
  6111. "So we have to go in early?"
  6112. >"Not "We". They won't allow students into the building until about 7 so you and Flurry would be waiting outside in the cold."
  6113. "Oh."
  6114. >She nods.
  6115. >"So that means you get to hoof it today."
  6116. "Oh my! Me and Flurry are going to be forced to traverse the cold, and brutal outside world on foot?! Whatever shall we do?!"
  6117. >She rolls her eyes.
  6118. >"You're such a smartass."
  6119. >Candy pecks your forehead, before leaving the room, but not before leaving one last message.
  6120. >"I love you."
  6121. "I love you too."
  6122. >Cadance winks at you, disappearing into the hall.
  6123. >Your phone vibrates.
  6124. >Two new messages? Leftovers from when Candy called no doubt.
  6125. >You go ahead and delete the messages, not bothering to check them, and head to Flurry's room.
  6126. >She's sitting on her bed, playing with her Cell as well, already dressed.
  6127. "You get the news?"
  6128. >"Uh huh."
  6129. >You nod, and start heading downstairs, hearing the sounds of your Niece following suit.
  6130. >Looks like you get to walk among the unwashed, rich masses this morning.
  6131. >Sounds fun.
  6132. >Notice the enthusiasm?
  6133. >After a particularly silent breakfast, it was time to set out.
  6134. >Locking up, you wondered what you were going to do about Flurry.
  6135. >In the short span of about 12 hours, you performed cunnilingus on your Niece, dumped her and then had sex with her mother that very night.
  6136. >Who's also your sister.
  6137. >It's like a shitty Stephanie Meyer fic.
  6138. >Flurry stands there with both hands tightly fastened around the straps of her back pack, looking to the ground.
  6139. "You ready to roll?"
  6140. >She quietly nods, and starts walking without you.
  6141. >You speedwalk a little to keep pace with her, wondering how you'll address what happened last night.
  6142. >So how did it feel to have my tongue in your hole? Nah. Too direct.
  6143. >Think your dad hates my guts for not popping your cherry? Too insensitive.
  6144. >I had sex with your mom, and then showered with her this morning. Are you a monster?
  6145. "I'm sorry."
  6146. >She looks up at you.
  6147. >It's a start.
  6148. >"Why are you sorry?"
  6149. >You teeter your head side to side.
  6150. "Y-you know...for last night."
  6151. >She blushes a little, but looks back downwards.
  6152. >"Please...don't...let's not talk about that right now."
  6153. >You frown, mentally kicking yourself.
  6154. >"I think we both made mistakes, and...uh..."
  6155. >You cock an eyebrow at her.
  6156. >"Can we just start over?"
  6157. >She looks at you with pleading eyes.
  6158. "Of course! Anything for you!"
  6159. >She smiles a little, as you throw an arm around her, snuggling her head.
  6160. >"Anon, you don't start over with Cuddles. You have to like-shake hands."
  6161. "We're not that type of family, and you know it."
  6162. >She giggles, trying to walk with you so closely.
  6163. "Have you decided what you're gonna do by the way?"
  6164. >"You mean the army thing? N-not yet...I think I'll look for an art club maybe."
  6165. "And I'll support you all the way."
  6166. >She hums happily, as the two of you walk like a pair of Siamese twins attached to the hip.
  6167. >WOOP WOOP.
  6168. >Blaring Sirens shelve the happy moment as a cop car pulls up.
  6169. >The window rolls down and the mug of a certain chief pokes out.
  6170. >"Hey kids! Want a ride?"
  6171. >Spearhead grins at the two of you with one hand on the wheel.
  6172. >Flurry twists her face up into a scowl.
  6173. >"No thank you."
  6174. "We're good."
  6175. >He slowly rolls along keeping pace with you two.
  6176. >"It's okay. I insist! Besides, what could be more cool than riding with the city Police chief?"
  6177. >He's awfully insistent.
  6178. >"I said NO!"
  6179. >Flurry stomps off, clearly upset by his mere presence.
  6180. >She stomps away, visibly angry. So much for happy moments.
  6181. >"How about you Anon?"
  6182. "I can't. I have to go with her, and keep an eye on-"
  6183. >"I think it'd be in your best interest, to get in the car Son."
  6184. >You stop walking and look at him.
  6185. "Is there something you want to say sir?"
  6186. >He shrugs, poking out his bottom lip.
  6187. >"Just a few questions. A little talk between men."
  6188. "I don;t know if I want to-"
  6189. >"If you don;t want to talk in my car, we could always find a nice little grove in the park, and hash it out."
  6190. >Your eyes widen.
  6191. >He saw? How? When?!
  6192. >He reaches over, and opens the door for you.
  6193. >"Climb on in, Let's talk."
  6194. >You gulp, feeling a sick pain emerge in your stomach, as you reluctantly comply with his orders.
  6195. >The car starts to pull of slow at first taking a turn away from the route you were taking with Flurry.
  6196. >"The car ride goes on for a few moments with you sitting there beginning to sweat.
  6197. >"So? Pretty nice ride huh? I used to patrol with Shining just like this."
  6198. "Y-yeah."
  6199. >He grins, focusing on the road/
  6200. >"You look awfully nervous."
  6201. "I'm in a cop car."
  6202. >"If you didn't do anything, you have nothing to worry about, right?"
  6203. >You're growing angry, and more frightened as it goes on.
  6204. >"How old are you Anon?"
  6205. "S-Seventeen."
  6206. >"Hm! Almost a legal adult! You must be excited."
  6207. >You narrow your eyes at him, wiping sweat from your brow.
  6208. "Look, can you t-tell me what this is about?"
  6209. >"Whoa. You're really tense. It's not good to get so riled up this early in the morning."
  6210. >You grit your teeth starting to get angry.
  6211. >He pills into a vacant lot, and parks the car.
  6212. "Where are we?"
  6213. >"Just a couple blocks from CPA. This used to be a pharmacy, but it went out of business. We park here to meet up in between patrols, or to just shoot the shit."
  6214. >The car jolts as he places it in park.
  6215. >"So I have a little story for you."
  6216. "Uhm...okay."
  6217. >"So, here I am on my way home from work, when I come across two familiar children."
  6218. >You stare hard at him as he nonchalantly continues his tale.
  6219. >"So I go to offer them a lift home, when they suddenly duck into a park, that's usually deserted at night. Not to be creepy, but when you've been a cop as long as I have, sometimes you learn to trust your gut, and watch things unfold."
  6220. >The same way he watched your brother-in-law bleed out no doubt.
  6221. >"So after a couple minutes, I figure nothing is going on. They're just hanging out like kids do, until-"
  6222. >She places an arm on the back of his seat, and looks at you with hard eyes.
  6223. >"-They get up, and move into the bushes. You know. Like an adventurous couple would."
  6224. >You gulp.
  6225. >"But Spearhead! Aren't they related? Isn't she barely a teenager? Whatever could he be planning to do with her in the bushes? Maybe they're just stargazing?"
  6226. "I-I didn't do anything."
  6227. >He chuckles.
  6228. >"Cute. But no dice kiddo. Look. I was young once too, and I can understand wanting to test out a yound little thing like Flurry Heart. I mean, if I was your age, I may be tempted myself-"
  6229. >He leans in. So close the smell of coffee breath reverberates in your nose.
  6230. >"I don't know what your intentions are kid, but that's your NIECE. It's SICK."
  6231. >You remain silent.
  6232. >"If I find out you're hurting my partner's little girl in any way, I'll have you THROWN under the prison. I can have you tried as an adult."
  6233. >Your heart is beating harder and harder with each passing moment.
  6234. >"Get out."
  6235. >You shakily reach for the handle and get out.
  6236. >"I'll be watching you Anon. Like a HAWK."
  6237. >You remain silent, trembling in rage, and terror.
  6238. >"Oh yeah. Tell Cadesy I said "hi"."
  6239. >He arrogantly winks, and clicks his teeth before pulling out.
  6240. >WOOP WOOP.
  6241. >You stand there feeling angry. Helpless. Wanting to lash out.
  6242. >Who the hell does he think he is to say you're hurting anyone?! Talking about shit he doesn't have a clue of?
  6243. >Why didn't you say any of that stuff to him? Well, it would have put Candy and Flurry at risk for sure, so maybe it's good you held your tongue.
  6244. >The cold morning wind quickly dries the sweat off you, as you stand in the lot. Students pass by on the sidewalk giving you a quick glance, and whispering to one another.
  6245. >It's about 10 minutes before Flurry rejoins you, jogging over,with a look of concern.
  6246. >"Anon! What happened? Why are you in this lot?"
  6247. >She touches your arm.
  6248. >"I saw you get into the car with that Idiot, and wondered what was going on! Did you accept his offer for a ride?"
  6249. >You remain silent.
  6250. >"What a creep! He says he'll give you a ride, but leaves you in this parking lot? Then he wonders why we hate him so mu-"
  6251. "He saw us last night."
  6252. >Flurry stops talking, and double-takes.
  6253. >"Huh? He saw what?"
  6254. "He saw us at the park."
  6255. >Flurry's eyes go wide open, and she covers herself up as if she's naked.
  6256. >"H-he saw me?!"
  6257. >You shake your head.
  6258. "I don't think he saw that much. Just us go into the bushes from what he was saying..."
  6259. >Flurry's face contorts into utter disgust.
  6260. >"Ugh! He got Daddy killed, and he's a-a Stalker pervert!"
  6261. >You can see her visibly shaking, as if she's been violated.
  6262. >You place a hand on her shoulder, calming her down.
  6263. "It's okay. He doesn't have anything on me, or us. Let's just tell your mom, and we'll deal with it together."
  6264. >"But, we didn't do anything wrong...we were just making lo-"
  6265. >You shush her, as students are starting to stop and stare.
  6266. "We'll talk about it later."
  6267. >She takes the hint, and nods.
  6268. >"At least tell me what he said."
  6269. "He said if he finds out I'm hurting you, he'll have me tossed in jail."
  6270. >What happens next, makes you recoil. The look Flurry makes-
  6271. >Wow.
  6272. >"Why is everyone trying to tell me what's best for me, or thinking I can't make my own decisions...?! First daddy, and now the guy I love-"
  6273. >She balls up her hands, gritting her teeth.
  6274. "No-Now calm down. It's okay. I'm not going anywhere."
  6275. >"......"
  6276. >She takes a deep breath.
  6277. >"Don't worry Anon. I'll make sure no one takes you away!"
  6278. >She grabs your hand, and pulls you along to school, leaving you wondering what she means by that.
  6279. >Is that her way of saying she'll protect you? She is a weeb-in-training after all.
  6280. >She remained silent the whole way, muttering things to herself under her breath. It honestly has you concerned, but she's 14. What could she possibly do?
  6281. >Once you reach the school, you stop her before entering.
  6282. "Remember. Let's tell your mom, and we'll deal with it from there."
  6283. >"But what if nothing gets done? What if she CAN'T do anything?"
  6284. "It'll be fine."
  6285. >"No. no no...I know what has to be done. I'll protect you-"
  6286. "Flurry."
  6287. >"I know how to keep you safe! I know the answer!"
  6288. >She looks at you with determined eyes.
  6289. "What's the answer?"
  6290. >"I-I can't tell you."
  6291. >Oh god, is she gonna kill him or something? Teens are an unpredictable sort after all.
  6292. "Flurry please. Don't do anything crazy. Just leave it to me and Candy. We got this."
  6293. >She frowns.
  6294. >"Okay. I'll wait. Just for you Anon."
  6295. >You smile, and relax your stance a little.
  6296. "Thanks. I'll see you at Lunch."
  6297. >"Okay!"
  6298. >She smiles back, heading into the building alongside you.
  6299. >You feel like there's a storm coming, but you can't think of "what ifs" and "Might happens".
  6300. >You just need to get through the day.
  6301. >For the most part, the day up to Lunch went as could be expecte'd.
  6302. >Only difference is Ms, Chrysalis decided to do a re-enactment of "The Room".
  6303. >Why is Tommy fucking Wiseau such a prominent part of your life?
  6304. >You still haven't haven't seen hide nor hair of Candy yet, but you could swear Ms. Glimmer was following you around during period changes.
  6305. >She'd just smile, and touch her nose.
  6306. >The fucking psycho.
  6307. >Finally it was time for Lunch, which meant the cooking club, but with a new addition today!
  6308. >You found Flurry waiting for you by the Cafeteria doors, rocking on her heels.
  6309. >She looked to you with a smile, waving you over, like it's not blatantly obvious it's Flurry Heart with her rounded cinnabun hair curls standing there.
  6310. >It's cute regardless.
  6311. >"Hey Anon! Ready to eat?"
  6312. "Yeah, but not this crap."
  6313. >She giggles.
  6314. >"Well, it's all they have, so just bear with it, I guess."
  6315. "Hah. No. Come with me."
  6316. >She tilts her head in confusion, but follows you without question.
  6317. >You both arrive at the Home Ec room, where the usual Blueblood douchebags are waiting, except they look unnaturally thin.
  6318. >Like Ethiopian thin.
  6319. >Trender is the first to notice you, shakily standing up.
  6320. >"A-Anon old boy! So glad you're here t-today!"
  6321. >He smiles with shrivelled lips.
  6322. "What the hell...what happened to you guys?!?"
  6323. >Indigo wobbly walks up to you, and hits you with a punch that has all the speed and power of a mummified corpse.
  6324. >"Y-you asshole...Ho-how dare you miss a d-day?"
  6325. "Uhh...ow?"
  6326. >Flurry hides behind you.
  6327. >"What's going on Anon? Who are these old people?"
  6328. >You stifle a chuckle.
  6329. >"W-we haven't eaten since ye-yesterday...! F-Foooood!">Indigo collapses on the ground, resembling a corpse.
  6330. "So you guys haven't eaten since yesterday. Why?"
  6331. >Fancy Pants has flies buzzing around his head, with whited out eyes.
  6332. >Trender tries to stand up, but falls back into his seat.
  6333. >"You know how it goes...your food is just so good Anon, that we can't eat anything else...!"
  6334. "One whole day without food reduces you to fucking feral ghouls?!"
  6335. >They look at each other in confusion.
  6336. >"Fast metabolism...?"
  6337. "FUCKS SAKE."
  6338. >You shake your head, heading over to the fridge, being careful to step over Indigo.
  6339. >Flurry takes a seat away from the living dead club members still unsure what's going on, as you take out some eggs, flour,Boneless chicken and Arugula.
  6340. >Say what you want, they keep the pantry well stocked.
  6341. >You're going for a simple fried chicken salad. It's not very fancy, but more than enough for these idiots.
  6342. >Flurry watches closely, fascinated with your preparation.
  6343. >Poor Candy is missing out.
  6344. >Minutes later, and you're standing over a pan of sizzling chicken, waiting for it to cook through.
  6345. >Flurry has since relocated to standing next to you, watching you work.
  6346. >"So this is the cooking club?"
  6347. "...Yes, and no. I'm the only one who does the cooking."
  6348. >"Then it's not the cooking club?"
  6349. "It's more along the lines of the " pay me to cook for you club"."
  6350. >You look back at your half dead club mates, who hold up five dollar bills each. Damn right they're paying.
  6351. >"Oh. Can I do anything to help?"
  6352. >You look at Flurry in surprise. This is the first time anyone asked to help you cook before.
  6353. "Actually...yeah. Put that salad on the plates."
  6354. >She holds up the arugula, eating a leaf.
  6355. >"It's peppery."
  6356. "Yeah. It's gonna be perfect with this salty chicken."
  6357. >She shrugs, and starts breaking it up and placing it on some set up plates on the nearby counter.
  6358. >Still wonder what she;s going to do to "protect you".
  6359. >"Oh that smells heavenly~"
  6360. >Someone places their hands on your shoulders looking down at the pan.
  6361. >Wait. IT'S CANDY.
  6362. >You look at her, like you've just seen a ghost.
  6363. >She gives you a toothy grin.
  6364. >Before you can say anything, Upper Crust rises and points a wrinkled finger at Candy.
  6366. >Everyone but Flurry starts to freak out, their withered bodies barely moving, as they try to make for the door.
  6367. "SETTLE DOWN. She's not cooking anything!"
  6368. >They all stop their senior citizen shuffle and sit back down.
  6369. >Cadance looks offended as hell, poking out her lips in an angry pout.
  6370. >"C'mon guys, I wasn't that bad."
  6371. >They all glare at her.
  6372. >"We got food poisoning from your Ice cream attempt."
  6373. >Candy flinches.
  6374. >"Your food would growl at us if we touched it with a fork."
  6375. >You look at Candy crossing your arms.
  6376. >"Now you guys are exaggerating!"
  6377. >"You burned Ice water!"
  6378. "Really Candy? Ice water?"
  6379. >Her eyes dart around.
  6380. >"It was just one time..."
  6381. >You facepalm.
  6382. >Flurry helped in passing out plates, while you pulled Candy aside.
  6383. "Where the heck were you? I've been looking for you all day!"
  6384. >She smiles.
  6385. >"Gosh Anon. I know you love me, but don't you think you're being a little clingy?"
  6386. >Your eyes widen as you look around hoping no one managed to overhear her.
  6387. >They're all too busy eating.
  6388. "I'm serious. Where have you been?"
  6389. >"Meetings all day Midget. I'm the Dean. It's what I do."
  6390. >She ruffles your hair.
  6391. "Spearhead stopped me this morning!"
  6392. >Her playful grin turns to a worried scowl.
  6393. >"He what...? What did he say?"
  6394. >You whisper the contents of the conversation to you, her face growing more, and more angry.
  6395. >"Throw YOU in jail? The NERVE!"
  6396. >You try to calm her down. She's making the same face as Flurry, or maybe it's the other way around.
  6397. >"I've had just about enough of that pompous ass...!"
  6398. "Calm down. What are we going to do about him?"
  6399. >She thinks for a moment.
  6400. >"I'm not sure. I could write a nasty letter to the DA, but that might lead to an investigation, and I don't know if we really need anymore attention on us..."
  6401. "So what do you suggest?"
  6402. >"I guess for the moment, just lay low. If he's following you, catch it on camera or something. A Nice youtube video of the police chief stalking minors would get him to back off."
  6403. "That sounds like the solution to a Nickolodeon sitcom."
  6404. >"But it'll work!"
  6405. >You frown.
  6406. >You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  6407. "That can't be your answer."
  6408. >She shrugs.
  6409. >"As bad as I just want to kick him in the balls, we have no other real option. We're still under the spotlight, since Shiny's passing. I can't afford to have a scandal with the police chief as well."
  6410. "Come on..."
  6411. >She starts to straighten out your uniform collar.
  6412. >"He has no proof of shennanigans. Just all bluster and hot air. He can't do anything to you, so I wouldn't worry too much."
  6413. >You worry she's not taking this serious enough.
  6414. >"Look. I know he'll bring it to me soon, and I'll tell him to get lost. It'll be fine."
  6415. >You sigh.
  6416. "Okay..."
  6417. >She claps her hands together.
  6418. >"Excellent! Now I'm gonna go eat!"
  6419. "I don't think I made enough for you though."
  6420. >"Oh don't worry. I'll just eat everyone one else's share!"
  6421. >That seemed to get the others attention, as Candy makes her way towards them.
  6422. >Looks like the demon of the cooking club has returned to wreck havoc upon it;s innocent club members again,
  6423. >Flurry is giggling as they all battle DragonBall Z style to save their food rations from the rampaging Dean Cadance.
  6424. >Shit. That's right.
  6425. >You forgot to tell Cadance about what Flurry was saying.
  6426. >It can wait until later you guess. She seems okay now.
  6427. "You all better fight like you mean it! No refunds!"
  6428. >Oh boy. Now things are heating up.
  6429. >You guffaw at the intense match between the cooking club members and Candy. Out the corner of your eye however, you see Ms. Glimmer watching you from the door's window.
  6430. >She touches her nose.
  6431. >She must be off her meds again.
  6432. >Lunch served to ease your mind somewhat. Flurry and Candy seemed to have calmed down too, so that's a big plus as well.
  6433. >As much of a clown as Cadance can be, maybe she has the right idea this time. Getting all bent out of shape, and reacting without thinking will only make things worse.
  6434. >Sometimes that wisdom shines through an otherwise ditzy, jokester at times.
  6435. >Candy returned to her meetings, and you and Flurry returned to classes. Painfully dull classes at that.
  6436. >The day ended like usual. Tons of Homework from a Beta Male teacher, and a script you have to memorize for your role as Johnny tomorrow.
  6437. >You're looking forward to Upper Crust's belly button, Wink wink.
  6438. >As the final bell rung for the day, droves of students piled out into the hallways, an orchestra of assorted conversation and the slamming of lockers.
  6439. >It's your turn to move into the hallway, but you're stopped upon taking one step out of the Class.
  6440. >The towering figure of Head Mistress Cinch stares you down with folded arms.
  6441. >She quietly glares at you.
  6442. "....C-can I help you?"
  6443. >"Come with me to my office. We must talk."
  6444. >Oh boy.
  6445. >Here comes the mini panic attack.
  6446. >Why couldn't she have come during class? Why after? What does she want? You didn't do anything wrong, right?
  6447. >Your mind goes back into overdrive the whole way to her large office.
  6448. >Will Candy be there?
  6449. >You're led through her large doors, where her desk, and a chair wait for you.
  6450. >"Have a seat."
  6451. >As you move to take a seat, you can't help but take note of the uncanny, powerful lingering hint of Arbor Mist.
  6452. >She closes the doors softly before rounding the desk taking her chair.
  6453. >Cinch leans back, pressing her fingertips together.
  6454. "...S-so what's the problem?"
  6455. >She just sits there staring.
  6456. >She takes a short breath.
  6457. >"Perhaps you can."
  6458. >....
  6459. ".....Okay?"
  6460. >She shakes her head as if she were daydreaming.
  6461. >"Yes! Right! What was I saying...."
  6462. >She thinks for a moment.
  6463. >"Ah! Right! I wanted to inquire about a rumor that was brought to my attention. While I'm not one to follow the gossip circles, sometimes a fascinating nugget does present itself from time to time."
  6464. >You can smell the wine on her breath coming out in waves. She's gonna pickle your eyes at this rate.
  6465. >"I've been Head Mistress for some time, and I've come across many stories you see-"
  6466. >She stands up and starts pacing menacingly with her hands behind her back.
  6467. >"Today I was approached by the police Chief. I'm sure you've met?"
  6468. >Not again!
  6469. >Your hands tighten.
  6470. >"While not going into details, he stated that I should keep an eye on you. That you're one to engage in unscrupulous activities! Imagine that! The Dean's little brother, a rapscallion!"
  6471. "Head Mistress, I assure you it's just baseless rumor!"
  6472. >She walks behind you running her hand over the chairs backrest.
  6473. >"Please Anon. I refuse to listen to senseless heresay from an outside source. I'd prefer to hear it from you!"
  6474. >She sits on the desk facing you.
  6475. >"So I want to present the opportunity for you to "Confess" as it were."
  6476. "There's nothing to confess."
  6477. >She narrows her eyes.
  6478. >"Are you certain? I understand that you're particularly close to your niece. There's nothing happening is there?"
  6479. >You close your eyes trying to keep yourself in check. He seriously came to Cinch with his shit? Is he trying to let you know you can't go anywhere where he can't see?
  6480. "It's my Niece. Of course we're close."
  6481. >She frowns at your tone.
  6482. >"Allow me to be clear Anon. I'm by no means a prude. I am aware of the more than acceptable, act of keeping your genetic line pure-"
  6483. >Oh my god.
  6484. >You put your face in your hands.
  6485. >"But doing it in public, while daring is also very dangerous! Society doesn't look fondly upon such perseverance of genes!"
  6486. >She puts a finger against her cheek.
  6487. >"Crystal Prep is an auspicious school Anon. Only the finest are even allowed within its hallowed halls! You quite literally have to be related to someone important to even get in."
  6488. "I realize that Head Mistress."
  6489. >She nods, continuing.
  6490. >"We cannot afford our "practices" being shared with the outside world Anon. It would mean the ruination of everything we hold dear here at CPA. Do you understand?"
  6491. >You scratch the back of your head.
  6492. "Uh...I think so."
  6493. >"If you do ever plan to--"Strengthen your bloodline", I would prefer you do it away from the school. Perhaps in a Holiday Inn or your home."
  6494. >She is so fucking drunk.
  6495. "I really don't get what you're implying Head Mistress."
  6496. >She frowns at your denial.
  6497. "Look. There's nothing going on Ma;am. If we're on the same page here, I should state for the record, I'm not into young girls. I like my women mature."
  6498. >Her eyes widen in surprise.
  6499. >"I-if we're on the same page...H-how old are we talking?"
  6500. >Uh oh. You may have let too much slip. Time to go into damage control.
  6501. "U-uh...How old are you?"
  6502. >Her eyebrows skyrocket to the top of her head.
  6503. >"ME? Why Anon! W-we're not even--"
  6504. >The smell of wine is so strong right now. You plead for Candy to barge in or for someone to call you and break this up.
  6505. >She starts pacing back and forth, stumbling a bit.
  6506. >"Is something like this even possible? To empower the bloodline with two unrelated variables of differing ages-"
  6507. "Uh..."
  6508. >"The implications! The possible perfection...! The prodigy it'd give birth to-"
  6509. "Can I go now?"
  6510. >She shakes her finger at nothing, still talking to herself.
  6511. >"Yes..Yes it could work!"
  6512. >You start to get out of your chair slowly, and tiptoe to the door.
  6513. >She continues to talk to herself, hiccuping every now and then, as you slither through the doors.
  6514. >Thank god she's a goddamn lush, or that could have gone very poorly. And hey! No questions about magic!
  6515. >This school is supposed to be super famous, and all about perfection, but it should double as an insane asylum.
  6516. >Between Cinch and Glimmer, this school is a nuthouse! Maybe the constant inbreeding is the fucking problem?
  6517. >You run into Candy, and Flurry waiting for you by Shiny's memorial.
  6518. >"Hey Anon!"
  6519. >"Where have you been midget?"
  6520. >Once you get close enough, you lean in close to the both of them.
  6521. "Say..uh...How often does Cinch drink?"
  6522. >Candy facepalms.
  6523. >"Was she drunk AGAIN?"
  6524. >Cadance then shakes her head.
  6525. "I'm assuming yes, considering our conversation."
  6526. >Candy leans in closer to you, while Flurry stares at her father's pictures.
  6527. >"Was it about Magic again?"
  6528. "No. She was giving me tips on how to "Strengthen the bloodline" in privacy. Spearhead's work no less."
  6529. >Candy bites her bottom lip in rage.
  6530. >"What an asshole! Too bad it looks like he picked the wrong person to narc too, huh?"
  6531. "Yep. I'm surprised he can find the time to screw with me, being the head cop and all."
  6532. >Candy stands straight up, rolling her eyes.
  6533. >"The crime in this town is so low, They need to find ways to keep themselves busy. Shiny was like Scruff MCGruff, y'know."
  6534. >That brings a smile to her lips.
  6535. >"He was a regular superhero."
  6536. "So why didn't it go back up with his--you know...?"
  6537. >"Because Spearhead isn't afraid to deep six a friggin Pickpocket if he can get away with it, and they all know it."
  6538. "So Judge Dread?"
  6539. >"Yeah, but a total bitch."
  6540. >You look around at the empty halls.
  6541. "Maybe we should get going before Cinch sobers up, and comes looking for me?"
  6542. >"Right! Right...Flurry? Let's go sweetie."
  6543. >The three of you left the school after that, going over your day, and why a lot of the instructors are batshit crazy.
  6544. >If only happy moments can last forever. If you could just enjoy the rest of your day without any fucking obstacles.
  6545. >One should never doubt the persistence of a shit stirrer though.
  6546. >"Phew."
  6547. >Candy places the back of her hand against her forehead, leaning back in the driver's seat.
  6548. >"Are you okay mom?"
  6549. >She nods.
  6550. >"Just meetings all day, can be tiring. Listening to old people drone on and on about budgets, and approving new admissions, and overlooking the school lunch menu, ecetera."
  6551. "I can see why Cinch is always wasted then."
  6552. >Candy snickers.
  6553. >"Totally! Maybe I should come to school high. Might be fun."
  6554. >You mock gasp.
  6555. "You mean you're NOT high right now?"
  6556. >Candy looks at you over her shoulder, with a frown.
  6557. >"What? What about me would even make you joke like that?!"
  6558. >You put up a hand and start counting off.
  6559. "Your insane appetite. Your constant easygoing attitude, the constant half-lidded eyes-"
  6560. >"M-My eyes aren't half-lidded!"
  6561. >Flurry breaks out laughing.
  6562. >"Yuck it up candy head. You look just like me, so that makes you a pot-head too."
  6563. >Flurry stops laughing, and looks back at you with hurt eyes.
  6564. >"A-are you saying I look like a pot head Anon?"
  6565. "Oh that's dirty pool."
  6566. >Cadance grins in victory, starting the car up.
  6567. >You grumble with a sour expression at her cheap tactics, and start looking over your phone.
  6568. >You've gotten a few text messages from Twilight that you'll look at later, but other than that nothing. It's been almost a week and you haven't heard anything from your parents since that argument with your dad.
  6569. >Knowing them, they're probably having the time of their life. No kids, and no worries. "Anon will take care of it!". The asses.
  6570. >The car ride is silent, save for Candy playing her Demi Lovato CD, and singing along to it.
  6571. >One thing you can say about her. She has the voice of an angel.
  6572. >Still, you can't shake this feeling of dread looming over you...
  6573. >The ride home is short and sweet. Listening to Candy sing along to her songs, and enjoying the passing window scenery.
  6574. >Too bad you couldn't relax.
  6575. >Are there more Cop cars out than normal? Naw. You're still shaken up from this morning.
  6576. >"Uh oh..."
  6577. >The car starts to slow down upon approaching your street.
  6578. >A police Cruiser is parked on the street in front of your house, and immediately Flurry, and Cadance exchange looks.
  6579. "Are you serious...?"
  6580. >Candy takes a deep breath.
  6581. >"Let me handle it."
  6582. "Are you sure? This guy is-"
  6583. >"LET ME HANDLE IT."
  6584. >You pipe down, slumping in your seat.
  6585. >As you pull into the driveway, you-know-who casually exits the car, holding his hat to his chest with the biggest smile he can muster.
  6586. >You all pile out, Candy and Flurry sporting some particularly heinous growling scowls.
  6587. >"Afternoon ma'am. Just came by to pay my respects."
  6588. >Candy faces him crossing her arms.
  6589. >"I don't think today is a good day. I'll have to ask that you leave."
  6590. >You and Flurry stand there watching in silence.
  6591. >"Leave? Why? Did I do something wrong?"
  6592. >Candy narrows her eyes.
  6593. >"Why don't you two wait for me inside?"
  6594. >Not wanting to be a part of what storm is about to go off, you motion to Flurry to follow you in.
  6595. >You unlock the door, and head inside, quietly closing the door.
  6596. >In the next few seconds you can hear muffled yelling.
  6597. >Spearhead's eyes widen a few times, as Candy makes various gestures and hand signs that look highly inappropriate. She points at the house a few times in her tirade. What comes as a surprise is that Speahead starts yelling back at her, waving his hat around.
  6598. >Flurry watches focused on them both.
  6599. >"What do you think they're saying?"
  6600. "Nothing that can be said without Censor Bleeps I bet."
  6601. >More muffled shouting. Candy is stomping in place now.
  6602. >"He came over to mess with you again."
  6603. "Probably."
  6604. >Spearhead is saying something, and points at you from his spot in the lawn, and then puts his hat on, retreating back to his car.
  6605. >He pulls off, leaving your sister rubbing her temples in annoyance.
  6606. "See? I told you it would be handled."
  6607. >"Hmmm."
  6608. >Candy makes her way towards the front door, looking even more tired than before.
  6609. >Once she enters, she just collapses onto the sofa face first.
  6610. >"....."
  6611. "...."
  6612. >Candy grumbles into the cushion.
  6613. "So what's the verdict? You tell him to stay away?"
  6614. >She rolls over loudly.
  6615. >"Can we talk about it later? I'm REALLY tired."
  6616. "Uh...sure."
  6617. >You're willing to let it go, but not Flurry.
  6618. >"No! Tell us now! Is he going to arrest Anon?!"
  6619. >Cadance sighs.
  6620. >"No one is getting arrested."
  6621. >"Then is he going to leave us alone?!"
  6622. >"....."
  6623. >You try to calm Flurry down, but she's not having it.
  6624. >"I knew it! You couldn't do anything about him! You just keep letting him do what he wants, and all he does is keep hurting us!"
  6625. "Flurry, hey-"
  6626. >"Don;t take her side! She's gonna let that jerk take you away! an-and I'm gonna be alone again!"
  6627. >Candy sits up.
  6628. >"That's not true. We promised you, no one was going anywhere!"
  6629. >"No..No I can't take your word for it anymore. I have to do something myself..."
  6630. >"What does that mean?"
  6631. >Flurry runs upstairs without answering.
  6632. >"FLURRY HEART!"
  6633. >You can hear her door slam, the impact making the house rumble slightly.
  6634. >"ARRRRGGH. I didn't want to fight with her so soon!"
  6635. >Candy places her hands on her eyes.
  6636. >You sit next to her on the sofa, allowing her to lean her head on your shoulder.
  6637. "You okay?"
  6638. >"I will be."
  6639. >You decide to not inquire any further about what went on outside.
  6640. >She sits there for a while saying nothing.
  6641. >In the silence your phone starts to go insane.
  6642. >You reach into your pocket, brandishing it.
  6643. >"Who is it?"
  6644. "Uh...Twiggy."
  6645. >"Oh...Answer it."
  6646. "What? Why? don't you think right now is more important?"
  6647. >"Just answer it midget. It's Twilight."
  6648. >You sigh, and press the green phone icon.
  6649. "Hello?"
  6650. >"Anon! Why didn't you call me back?! Or answer my texts!?"
  6651. "Oh. Those were you?"
  6652. >"You were ignoring my calls?!"
  6653. "I may have deleted a couple messages, but not intentionally."
  6654. >Twilight grumbles on the other end.
  6655. "So what was it?"
  6656. >"It's about last night..."
  6657. >You cock an eyebrow.
  6658. "What about last night?"
  6659. >Twilight is quiet for a moment, and you think you hear sobbing.
  6660. "Twilight?"
  6662. >You flinch from the screeching tone of her yelling into her receiver.
  6663. >"Ouch. I felt that from here."
  6664. "WHat? What are you talking about?"
  6665. >You hear Twilight loudly snort.
  6666. >"He broke up with me last night! He! With me!"
  6667. "Ooooh. The boyfriend. Isn't that a good thing? You said he was too handsy."
  6668. >"But he was cute!"
  6669. >You roll your eyes as Candy laughs.
  6670. "So does this mean I don't have to go out with you, and your friends?"
  6671. >"WHAT?! NO! I need you now more than ever! He's still coming, and bringing someone! I don't want to look pathetic!"
  6672. >You look at Candy, who nods.
  6673. "Alright. Jesus. Also, Cadance is going to-"
  6674. >She shakes her head, making an "X" with her fingers.
  6675. "Stay home..."
  6676. >"Ooookay? I'll pick you up tomorrow at six. Be ready!"
  6677. "Alrighty."
  6678. >She hangs up.
  6679. "What ever happened to saying "bye" when a call ended?"
  6680. >Candy hugs your waist.
  6681. >"That's just Twily. She was always a worrywart."
  6682. "So you changed your mind? Not going after all?"
  6683. >"Nah. I think I'm gonna take Flurry out instead. Try to have a nice time, and talk things out."
  6684. "I think that's a good idea."
  6685. >Cadance sits up and puts a finger in your face.
  6686. >"Don't you dare get into anything while you're on that little outing mister. I know you!"
  6687. "What? You and Flurry are the only people who've shown any interest in me."
  6688. >"Nice Try. You're related to me. Love follows us around like Herpes, and we're serial spreaders."
  6689. >You grimace.
  6690. "That's disgusting."
  6691. >"It's true though. I see how that Upper Crust girl looks at you.!"
  6692. >You grin.
  6693. "That's because we're bonding over her belly button tomorrow."
  6694. >Candy looks at you in confusion.
  6695. >"I really need to talk to Cinch about overhauling the instructor lesson plans..."
  6696. >You shrug.
  6697. "So now that we're alone, I think you should tell me what happened out there."
  6698. >Candy groans.
  6699. >"I said I was tired! Can't it wait?"
  6700. >You stand up, letting her fall onto the couch, getting a shocked look in response.
  6701. "No. It can't wait! I need to know what happened!"
  6702. >She sits up, folding her arms with a pout.
  6703. "Candy. This is serious. The Chief of Police is on my ass here!"
  6704. >She sighs.
  6705. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6706. "Why don't you two wait for me inside?"
  6707. >Anon, and Flurry both hurriedly enter your home, the both of them watching you closely.
  6708. >Once you hear the click of the door, you face Spearhead with hard, unforgiving eyes.
  6709. "What the HELL do you think you're doing?!"
  6710. >Spearhead recoils taken aback at your yelling.
  6711. >"I'm just here to pay my respect-"
  6712. "That's Bullshit and you know it! Do you think I'm really that stupid? That naive? You're not here for Shining! You're here for me! Taking his life wasn't enough for you, huh? Now you want his wife? Is that it? I get you hot under that pig suit?"
  6713. >Spearhead opens and closes his mouth a few times, but manages to a rebuttal.
  6714. >"That-That's not true at all! I loved Shining like a brother! If I could, I'd swap my life for his in a heartbeat! I'm only trying to protect you and Flurry, but all the two of you do is toss my Charity back in my face-"
  6716. >You start stomping angrily.
  6717. "Anon told me about your little ride along today. I'm not warning you anymore after this. Leave me and my family ALONE."
  6718. >Spearhead's gaze matches your own, and he jabs a finger towards the window where Anon and Flurry are watching.
  6719. >"That kid brother of yours is trouble. He's gonna do irreparable damage to you and Flurry, and there's going to be no one but me to help you. I refuse to allow the Wife and Daughter of my partner to be hurt any further!"
  6720. "He's done more for us in a week than you have in months. You're just JEALOUS."
  6721. >He puts his hat on, frowning.
  6722. >"You know what? Maybe I am. My point still stands. I'm not backing down."
  6723. "You'll have to."
  6724. >"We'll see."
  6725. >With that he moves back to his car, getting in and slamming the door. Before pulling off he rolls down the window.
  6726. >"Mark my words. You'll regret this."
  6727. >You promptly flip him off, and head back into the house, mentally and physically tired.
  6728. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6729. >You facepalm.
  6730. "Jesus christ."
  6731. >"You'll be fine. He can't do anything to you."
  6732. >You start to pace back and forth.
  6733. "Cadance, you couldn't have done more than just argue with him?"
  6734. >She cocks an eye.
  6735. >"What do you mean?"
  6736. "Like you could have threatened to contact the attorney general or something, I don't know! What if he decides to get Mom and Dad involved? All you did was push his buttons!"
  6737. >She frowns leaning on her elbow.
  6738. >"He wouldn't dare. Like I said all bluster and hot air."
  6740. >She gasps at your tone.
  6741. >"Anon-"
  6742. "....I'm sorry."
  6743. >You're starting to freak out. It's like all those TV specials you look at with corrupt cops. But this is real. A cop is gunning for you and he's the boss of them all.
  6744. >And all Candy did was make it worse.
  6745. >You don't truthfully know if you should be pissed at her or him, but you need to go calm down.
  6746. >Candy stands up, and takes you in her arms.
  6747. >"Don't worry. Nothing is gonna happen to you. I promise it."
  6748. "But, what if you can't? What if he does something to get me taken from you?"
  6749. >"He can't do anything to get you sent to jai-"
  6750. "There's other ways to lose someone other than incarceration."
  6751. >"Huh?"
  6752. >She holds you at Arms length.
  6753. "I'm still 17, and you're not my guardian. Anything between now and my birthday is open season."
  6754. >Candy looks at you for a moment saying nothing.
  6755. >"We'll figure it out. Stop panicking."
  6756. >You sigh, and take her hands off you.
  6757. >"Look...I just need to go and think."
  6758. >"I-I understand."
  6759. >Cadance looks as if her heart is breaking as you head upstairs to your room.
  6760. >Maybe you're overreacting.
  6761. >Or maybe she's not reacting enough.
  6762. >Either way, you need to think of what you can do. It's starting to become unsafe for you to be here, and all because of a bitter, jealous piece of shit pig with fucked up survivor's guilt.
  6763. >You pass by Flurry's room, where you catch her peeking through a crack in her door, but pretend you didn't see her.
  6764. >You think you hear Candy ordering Pizza downstairs.
  6765. >You enter your bedroom and close the door, falling onto the bed. You stuff your head into the pillow, and sigh loudly.
  6766. >You hear soft knocking and a click.
  6767. >Looking up you see Flurry closing your door behind her.
  6768. >"Are you okay?"
  6769. >You put your face back into the pillow, as she comes and sits on the bed.
  6770. >"I heard."
  6771. "Mmnnh..."
  6772. >"Can you sit up? I want to tell you something."
  6773. >She rubs your back gently.
  6774. >You groan, and comply, looking your Niece in her concerned eyes.
  6775. "What's up?"
  6776. >She takes a deep breath.
  6777. >"About my "answer". How to keep you here."
  6778. >Yeah she has been saying stuff about that.
  6779. "Yeah? What about it?"
  6780. >"I was thinking...What if-"
  6781. >Flurry struggles with what she wants to say.
  6782. "Go ahead. You can say anything."
  6783. >"W-well Spearhead can't mess with you if--"
  6784. "If what?"
  6785. >"If--you know..."
  6786. "Please. Just say it."
  6787. "What if you..uh..Got me pregnant?
  6788. "Flurry! That's insane! He's trying to get me on statutory!"
  6789. >She shakes her head.
  6790. >"No! I read up on that! There's something called the "Romeo and Juliet law"! As long as we're consent, you can't be held responsible!"
  6791. "Ro-Romeo and what...?"
  6792. >"A-and with a baby, he wouldn't dare separate the us! He wouldn't deny our child both parents....right?"
  6793. >She holds your hands pleadingly.
  6794. "Flurry...This is all crazy. Where did you even learn about this?"
  6795. >She blushes embarrassed, looking away.
  6796. "Flurry Heart."
  6797. >"Mmnnrrg...ers.."
  6798. >What did she say?
  6799. "I didn't catch that."
  6800. >"....ormers...."
  6801. "Flurry. Speak up. I won't laugh.
  6802. >She takes a deep breath.
  6803. >"TRANSFORMERS."
  6805. >She pushes you.
  6806. >"You said you wouldn't laugh! You're so mean!"
  6807. >She puffs out her cheeks angrily, crossing her arms.
  6808. >You gasp for breath, still lughing like a madman.
  6809. "I'm s-sooo sorry Flurry, but I needed that-"
  6810. >Your stomach starts to hurt.
  6811. >"You jerk. I was being serious!"
  6812. >You hug Flurry,startling her.
  6813. "I know you were serious, and I'm happy you'd do something like that."
  6814. >She returns the hug.
  6815. "But, I can't allow you to do that. I'd never ruin your future for my present."
  6816. >You feel her press her face into your shoulder.
  6817. >"What are we going to do? I don't know. We'll figure it out."
  6818. >Flurry sighs.
  6819. >"I don't want you to go away."
  6820. "I won't."
  6821. >You both hold the embrace for a long while, before she breaks it herself.
  6822. >"When is your birthday?"
  6823. "In about two weeks."
  6824. >"What do you want for your birthday?"
  6825. >You smirk.
  6826. "Nothing you could afford little girl."
  6827. >Flurry poses on your bed seductively.
  6828. >"Not even me...?"
  6829. "GIRL-"
  6830. >She hops up sticking her tongue out at you.
  6831. >"Just you wait Anon. There's no way I'm waiting until 20! I'll seduce you, and make you my love slave long before that!"
  6832. >You cock an eyebrow chuckling as she runs out of your room, like an escaping villain.
  6833. "Romeo and Juliet...hmm.."
  6834. >It might be worth looking into.
  6835. >You think about the things Candy and Spearhead said to one another. Your mind is wondering about his motivations. His reasoning.
  6836. >Candy calls him a killer, but is that really true? What if she's like how Flurry blamed her mother?
  6837. >Maybe Spearhead is the same?
  6838. >You start to feel a little sympathetic, but it gets muddled by the emotions of him putting you through all that anxiety.
  6839. >Maybe "getting things back to normal" doesn't end with just your Sisters and Niece...
  6840. >You need the advice of someone smarter than you with this.
  6841. >Pulling out your phone, you call Twilight up.
  6842. >After a few rings, she picks up with a loud sniffle.
  6843. >"Hello?"
  6844. "Uh...hey."
  6845. >She sniffles again.
  6846. >"What do you want?"
  6847. "This is gonna sound super weird and stuff, but...uhm.."
  6848. >"Just spit it out."
  6849. >She sounds like she's been crying.
  6850. "Can I talk to your mom?""
  6851. >"My....why?"
  6852. "I need some help, and she's the only one I can talk to."
  6853. >"Then call her phone! Can't you see I'm suffering here?!"
  6854. >You roll your eyes.
  6855. "I don't have her number for one, and for two, really? Over a molesting dickburger of a boyfriend? You can really do so much better."
  6856. >"What do you know? You're just a kid--"
  6857. >You don't have time for this.
  6858. "Jesis Christ Twilight. You're absolutely HOT. If you can't really get something better than a pussy-hungry monkey fuck, then humanity is doomed as a species. Stop fucking blubbering, and move on!"
  6859. >She sniffs, and you start regretting your harsh language.
  6860. >"You think I'm hot?"
  6861. >Of course that'd be all she hears.
  6862. "Yes. Even I'd try to take you for a spin. Now can I please have Velvet's-"
  6863. >"O-Oh wow. Anon! B-but you're my brother...!"
  6865. >"O-oh right. Mom..."
  6866. >You hear ruffling, and moving around and a loud thump, and Twilight wail.
  6867. >Sounds like she tripped.
  6868. >You shake your head, facepalming again. A hand mark is sure to start forming on your face.
  6869. >You hear more shuffling and then footsteps, and some voices echoing in the background.
  6870. >Some crackling, and then-
  6871. >"Hello?"
  6872. "Heeey. How are you mom?"
  6873. >"Anon? I didn't think I'd hear from you so soon! How are you?"
  6874. "Not so good. I need your help..."
  6875. >"Of course dear. Anything you need."
  6876. >It warms your heart hearing those words.
  6877. "I can't really discuss it over the phone...You think I could meet with you?"
  6878. >"M-meet me? Okay, I suppose...is it serious?"
  6879. "Kinda."
  6880. >"Sure. We can meet up. Do you want me to come get you or-"
  6881. "Could we meet at Crystal Lake?"
  6882. >"The park? Alright. Give me 30 minutes."
  6883. "Okay. It's a date."
  6884. >Velvet giggles before hanging up. You forgot to get her number. Shit.
  6885. >You get up prepared to leave for the park, passing by Flurry in her room. She's on a laptop, kicking her feet.
  6886. >You don't want to know what she's looking at.
  6887. >Heading down the steps you're greeted by Garlic and Marinara.
  6888. >Cadance, leaning on her elbow is in the kitchen, sadly nibbling on a slice of-
  6889. >Cheese Bread, with Marinara, Ham and a certain pie ruining fruit. You thought she ordered Pizza.
  6890. >She looks up, dropping the slice into its box as you pass by.
  6891. >"Anon? Are you about to go somewhere?"
  6892. >You stop in your tracks.
  6893. "Y-yeah. I'm going to go meet someone."
  6894. >She quickly gets up from her chair stumbling, hurrying to you.
  6895. >"You're coming back right?!? It's just a meet up??"
  6896. "Yes woman! Jesus!"
  6897. >She holds onto your wrists, afraid to let you go.
  6898. >"I'm sorry! It's just the last time you left angry, I-"
  6899. >You twist yourself out of her grip, and lock fingers with her instead.
  6900. >They're greasy, but still soft as ever.
  6901. "I'm not mad. I'm coming back."
  6902. >She looks at you, obviously not completely sold on your answer.
  6903. >You look up towards the steps, seeing the coast is clear, and bring your lips to Candy's.
  6904. >"Mnng!"
  6905. >Her eyes widen for a moment, but she quickly gets into it, attempting to slither her tongue into your mouth.
  6906. >You take a couple handfuls of her rear, as she wraps a leg around you.
  6907. >You break it off, taking a step back.
  6908. >She stands there with her tongue hanging from her mouth, and a dreamy look on her face.
  6909. "Convinced now?"
  6910. >"....I don't see how giving me a ladyboner is supposed to ease my fears, but okay, I guess."
  6911. >Looks like she's back to normal.
  6912. "I'll be back in a bit. Don't worry. Now go take care of yourself! You're dripping all over the place!"
  6913. >She crosses her arms, breathing hard, clearly frustrated.
  6914. >"You little bastard. I've taught you too well.."
  6915. >All you can do is laugh, heading out the door to the appointed meeting place.
  6916. >You walked this street so many times, you can go to the park blindfolded.
  6917. >Well maybe not all that, but you know your way there.
  6918. >The streetlights hadn't come on yet, so there's still time before curfew hits. Also no cop cars in sight. Assuming he's using his cop car...
  6919. >You slam your palm against your head. Can't go getting all anxious and crap now.
  6920. >You arrive at the park,giving your environment a once-over. Barren as ever.
  6921. >BEEP BEEP.
  6922. >A car horn, makes you jump a little.
  6923. >In the parking lot you see that familiar red van, and a smiling "Mom" waving at you.
  6924. >You jog over to her waving back, happy to see her.
  6925. >"How ya doing handsome? How much for a good time?"
  6926. >She winks at you.
  6927. "First times free."
  6928. >"Oh? Then get in and let's talk business!"
  6929. >You snicker at the odd greeting, and move around to the passenger side, entering the car.
  6930. >Velvet makes sure she's in park, and looks to you with a welcoming grin.
  6931. "Thanks for making this trip."
  6932. >"Think nothing of it sweetie. Just tell me how I can help."
  6933. >Okay here goes.
  6934. "I'm....I'm in a bit of trouble."
  6935. >"What type?"
  6936. "Like with the law....kind of."
  6937. >"Kind of? How can you kind of be in trouble with the law hon?"
  6938. >Scratching the back of your head, you tell her about all the events leading up to now, excluding the part about sex with your niece, or what's going on with Candy, and you.
  6939. >Velvet just sat there pondering your words as you spoke, occasionally responding with a "mhm" or an "okay".
  6940. "-which led to this huge blow up between him and Candy."
  6941. >"Oh. Sounds like she may have made it worse."
  6942. "Yes! You get it!"
  6943. >She puts a hand on your shoulder.
  6944. >"But you can't just acknowledge that part. She did it because she was defending you. She probably thought taking a firm stance would get him to back off, but-"
  6945. "But what?"
  6946. >"Well, Spearhead is grieving too."
  6947. >You cock an eye at her.
  6948. "How do you figure?"
  6949. >"I know how Cadance feels. I also know how Spearhead feels as well...I mean he was my SON."
  6950. "Can you elaborate?"
  6951. >She thinks for a moment staring into the driving wheel.
  6952. >"Your sister is...a little linear. Like Spearhead. No offense."
  6953. "None taken, but go on."
  6954. >"It's like this. You blame yourself, so much it nearly rots you inside out, and the only way to keep from doing that is to blame someone else. Cadance is probably along the lines of "It's all my fault, but if I don't give this blame to someone else, I'll go insane with guilt!"."
  6955. >You scratch your head not understanding.
  6956. >"And this Spearhead, lost his brother. He's thinking "I can't lose the last bits of his memory". So he's all over keeping them safe, but not really seeking their "happiness"."
  6957. "You're talking in riddles."
  6958. >"Hmmm....Let's try this. You're sitting on a pot of hot coals. You want to move it, but your only option is to move it under someone else. Do you suffer in silence or move the pot away?"
  6959. "I guess I'd move the pot away so the pain would stop."
  6960. >"That's your sister."
  6961. "Oooohh..."
  6962. >"Now in Spearhead's case, let's try this analogy. You have three gold nuggets. One of them gets stolen by someone. what do you do?"
  6963. "Is this a trick question?"
  6964. >"Not at all sweetheart."
  6965. >You think for a moment.
  6966. "Well, I'd catch the thief."
  6967. >"Okay, you catch him, but the gold is gone. You still have two pieces."
  6968. "I'd guard the last two with--"
  6969. >Your eyes widen in realization.
  6970. >"You got it. But in his case, his nuggets of gold are alive. Sometimes doing "what's good for their sake" isn't what "makes them happy". You see what I mean now?"
  6971. "I do..."
  6972. >You frown.
  6973. >"What's wrong?"
  6974. "What do I do though?"
  6975. >Velveet sadly smiles.
  6976. >"Why do anything?"
  6977. "Huh?"
  6978. >"You're a child. If you really want him to leave you alone, I could talk to a friend in Internal Affairs to look into his actions. That won't solve his problems, but he'll leave you alone."
  6979. "Or what else?"
  6980. >"Talk to him I guess, Try to come to an understanding. It's tough dealing with adults when you're so young-"
  6981. >You shrug.
  6982. "I came here to fix things. I'm wondering if maybe it's more than just Candy, and Flurry that need my help."
  6983. >She sighs.
  6984. >"Your parents put a heavy burden on you for sure. I admire your maturity."
  6985. "Thanks."
  6986. >"But it's easier said than done. Do you want that kind of stress on you? I mean you have this, plus your relationship with Cadance to think about."
  6987. "Yeah. I know, but I'm almost 18 so-"
  6988. >You double-take.
  6989. "Wait. What do you mean "my relationship with Cadance"?"
  6990. >She smirks knowingly.
  6991. >"I think you know what I'm talking about."
  6992. >GULP.
  6993. "I-I-I-"
  6994. >"A 20 minute message left on Twilight's phone. I shouldn't invade my daughter's phone, but she was out and curiosity took hold, and weeeeeeell-"
  6995. "Message? What Message?"
  6996. >She makes that cat face Flurry once made to you.
  6997. >"Looks like someone butt dialed."
  6998. >You start to sweat, feeling sick to your stomach.
  6999. "It's okay. I'm not judging you. I have some crazy stories I could tell you about Shiny and Twilight!"
  7000. >She starts to laugh, recalling a memory.
  7001. >"All I ask is you love her like you would any woman. She deserves it."
  7002. "Your awfully calm about this. It's...unsettling to say the least."
  7003. >She grins again.
  7004. >"Well sweetie, I believe as long as both parties are okay with it, it's okay to be together."
  7005. >All you can do is smile, starting to calm down.
  7006. "You're amazing. I'm lucky to know you."
  7007. >She strokes your cheek.
  7008. >"So what now? What will you do?"
  7009. >You think to yourself, and nod.
  7010. "I think I know what to do, but I'm going to need your help."
  7011. >After discussing your idea with Velvet for a few more minutes, and getting her thoughts on it, you parted ways.
  7012. >Feeling a bit more confident, you felt that you could afford yourself a little breathing room.
  7013. >You got home just as the streetlights came on.
  7014. >Once inside you found Candy curled up on the sofa flipping through channels on the tube.
  7015. >Her face lit up like a dog seeing its master return home after being gone for hours.
  7016. >"Anon! You're back! Did everything go okay? Who did you meet?"
  7017. >She gets up, and rushes you, hugging you tightly, and sniffing you like she does when you've been with Flurry.
  7018. "Will you cut that out?"
  7019. >She smiles satisfied.
  7020. >"Just making sure. So what happened?"
  7021. >You hug her back.
  7022. "Just getting some advice."
  7023. >"Was it good advice?"
  7024. "Very. You, and I need to have a talk later though."
  7025. >Her face falls.
  7026. >"Uh oh. Are you dumping me for someone older and hotter?"
  7027. "That's...an oddly specific thing to say, but no."
  7028. >She lets out a sigh of relief.
  7029. >"Okay then...I guess...any reason why later?"
  7030. "Because I'm starving, and I want to eat. Duh."
  7031. >You break the hug, and head into the kitchen rooting through the Pizza boxes, while Candy watches you with a stunned expression.
  7032. >"You wanna eat? Okay then. Go ahead and eat."
  7033. "I will. Has Flurry eaten yet?"
  7034. >She remains silent, as you open up the top cupboards looking for a plate.
  7035. "Candy?"
  7036. >No response.
  7037. "Are you still there?"
  7038. >You feel warm breath blowing across the back of your neck.
  7039. "Uh-"
  7040. >"I hope you didn't forget how you left me. I've yet to settle down since that kiss, you little jerk."
  7041. >She says this in your right ear with a whisper, her hands worming down into your pants.
  7042. "Cadance! What are you-"
  7043. >"Shush. This is payback."
  7044. >In the kitchen though?! Oh god-
  7045. >She begins to unbutton your bottoms quickly, nibbling on your lobe.
  7046. >Your arms are both up in the cupboard, so she has you perfectly locked in.
  7047. "Candy please, can't this wait?"
  7048. >"Nope."
  7049. >You can feel her tongue flicker against your ear, and neck, as she continues to try to undress you.
  7050. "Dammit woman. We can't do it here! Flurry is upstairs-"
  7051. >"If you keep quiet, we can do it! Now stop talking!"
  7052. >Holding you pants up with one hand, she slithers another into your underwear grabbing hold of your-
  7053. >"Mom! is Anon back yet?"
  7054. >Flurry's voice rings out from the kitchen entrance, surprising you both.
  7055. >Candy in a panic, yanks your pants back up, giving you an atomic wedgie, and then buttoning them back up.
  7057. >"He's right here sweetie. Just came back actually."
  7058. >She gave you an old fashioned Steve Urkel.
  7059. >Your legs shake as a breeze blows past your ankles, but we all know where the real damage was done.
  7060. >"Anon, where did you go! You didn't tell me you were leaving!"
  7061. >Flurry hugs your pain-ridden body.
  7062. "I just went out for a walk..."
  7063. >She looks at you in confusion.
  7064. >"Why do you sound like Jar Jar Binks?"
  7065. >Cadance whistles innocently nearby.
  7066. "N-No reason."
  7067. >Flurry giggles.
  7068. >"You're so weird!"
  7069. >Yup. that's you. the weird uncle. /you pray this won't affect your seed in the future.
  7070. >Excusing the constant questioning about where you went from Flurry, and Candy playing goddamn footsies under the table, dinner was peaceful once again.
  7071. >Your eyes kept trailing to Cadance. How will you make this work without causing a massive shitstorm?
  7072. >Hopefully "mom" will come through.
  7073. >You drop the pizza crust on your plate.
  7074. "So I was wondering something-"
  7075. >They perk up, waiting to hear the rest of what you have to say.
  7076. "After we go to the lake this saturday, how opposed would you be to going over to Velvet's for a family dinner...?"
  7077. >"Twilight Velvet...?"
  7078. >"Grandma Velly?"
  7079. >Flurry and Candy exchange uncertain looks.
  7080. "I mean, she's the last one you haven't seen in a bit, right? I think you guys should catch up!"
  7081. >Cadance rubs her arm, remaining silent.
  7082. >"Does grandma even WANT to see us?"
  7083. "Of course she does! I spoke to her, and all she wants is to reconnect with her daughter and grandkid!"
  7084. >Not counting your own parents...
  7085. >Cadance narrows her eyes at you, folding her arms.
  7086. >She knows you're up to something, but by the time it'll be too late. Hopefully this doesn't result in her hating you.
  7087. >"I wanna go!"
  7088. >Flurry excitedly hops in her seat.
  7089. >A bead of sweat dribbles down your temple. as a forced smile creeps across your mug.
  7090. >Cadance's glare doesn't ease up in the slightest, Her eyes trying to figure out what you're thinking.
  7091. "S-so we can make a whole day of it! It'll be fun!"
  7092. >"Yay!"
  7093. >"Hmmm..."
  7094. >"Is that ALL that's happening? Just a dinner?"
  7095. >Flurry looks at her mom questioningly.
  7096. "What do you mean?"
  7097. >"There's no other motives right? You look awfully jittery."
  7098. >Well she may have ruptured your anus with her wedgie attack so-
  7099. "N-no other motive at all!"
  7100. >She curls her mouth, sliding a pizza box towards her, and reaching inside, and brandishing the sinful flavor of demonfolk.
  7101. >"Are you willing to swear it upon punishment of eating Pineapple Pizza?"
  7102. >You gulp nervously. Candy may as well be pointing a gun at you.
  7103. "Cadance, th-that's not funny."
  7104. >"All you have to do is swear upon the pie."
  7105. >"Mom...?"
  7106. >She grins evilly.
  7107. >"Swear on the pizza."
  7108. >You have the look of someone who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
  7109. "I can't! That's not pizza! It's edible degeneracy!"
  7110. >Candy stands up, prepared to move around the table.
  7111. >Flurry sighs.
  7112. >"You two are brother and sister alright."
  7113. >Flurry shakes her head, as Candy chases you around the house with a slice of pizza with Satan's Apple slices on it.
  7114. >She suspects something, but by the time it's sprung on her it'll be too late. Besides you have more important news to tell her about.
  7115. >So later that same night, after everyone reconvened to their rooms-
  7116. >"SHE KNOWS?!"
  7117. >Cadance falls back onto her bed holding her face.
  7118. "Keep it down. You'll wake Flurry."
  7119. >Candy groans.
  7120. >"Just tell me...How?"
  7121. "Uh....I butt dialed Twilight, while I was eating your b-butt...h-hahaha?"
  7122. >"TWILY KNOWS TOO?!"
  7123. >You put a finger to your lips.
  7124. "Shh! No! She just intercepted the voicemail!"
  7125. >"THERE'S A VOICEMAIL?! Oh my god, I'm gonna faint."
  7126. >Cadance rolls over, spreading her arms out.
  7127. "You know this is pretty cathartic."
  7128. >Candy merely mumbles from her spot on the bed.
  7129. "Nothing is gonna happen. In fact she's supportive."
  7130. >Cadance turns her head to look at you.
  7131. >"Really?"
  7132. >You nod sitting next to her.
  7133. "Love her like any other woman. She deserves it."
  7134. >She sits up finally, resting her hands on her lap.
  7135. >"She said that, huh..."
  7136. "Yup."
  7137. >She stares at the ceiling for a moment.
  7138. >"Gimme your phone."
  7139. "Huh?"
  7140. >"Phone. Hand it over."
  7141. >You reluctantly pass your phone over to her.
  7142. >She turns it off and shoves it in her night stand.
  7143. "Ooookay. any reason you did that?"
  7144. >Candy then stands up, and starts undressing.
  7145. >"Duh. I don't want to be recorded."
  7146. "Don't wa--Oh. OOOOOOH."
  7147. >She rolls her eyes, shaking her head, yanking your shirt over your head.
  7148. "W-whoa. Take it easy!"
  7149. >"Aw stop griping. You're about to get laid. What's the problem?"
  7150. "There was more I wanted to talk about!"
  7151. >She stops in the midst of taking your pants off.
  7152. >"Like what?"
  7153. "I was wondering about Spearhead-"
  7154. >"Are you serious?"
  7155. "W-well yeah. I had a couple questions about him."
  7156. >Cadance releases your pants, groaning in annoyance.
  7157. >She leaves you there half-dressed, crawking into bed, and pulling the covers over her head.
  7158. "Candy. What the fuck."
  7159. >"I don't wanna talk about him, and now I'm not in the mood."
  7160. >You slide in next to her covered body,
  7161. "It's just a couple questions."
  7162. >"I DON'T want to talk about him!"
  7163. >She grumbles.
  7164. >You kick off your pants, and get under the blankets with her, getting into the spooning position.
  7165. >"No! Get off me. I'm mad at you."
  7166. "Really?"
  7167. >She tries to shake you off, but you have a firm hold of her.
  7168. >You press your erection against her behind, and start grinding against her.
  7169. >Candy starts to breathe a little harder.
  7170. >"S-stop. You can't make me...ta..nngh.."
  7171. >She starts pushing back.
  7172. "I just want to ask you something real fast."
  7173. >"N-noooo..you're cheating....this isn;t fair..."
  7174. >You grab her clothed breasts, kneading them amateurishly, still pushing against her.
  7175. >"D-damn you Anon...Stop...I don't wanna talk about that Jackass..."
  7176. >You start trying to slide her panties off her, but she;s not giving you much room to do it. She stays on her side, fidgeting.
  7177. "C'mon Candy. We're lovers. Let's get freaky~"
  7178. >"You're such an asshole..."
  7179. >You do the unthinkable, and slide yourself in between her closed legs. A ThighJob. Dry. FUCKING. OW.
  7180. >You will never try Hentai shit ever again.
  7181. >The effort doesn't go wasted on Candy however, as she flips over to face you.
  7182. >"Jesus! What do you want to know?!"
  7183. >Mission accomplished....?!
  7184. >Candy grabs you underneath the blanket, with a grin. You can feel yourself pulsate in her hold.
  7185. >"Don't stop talking now."
  7186. >She starts pumping, moving herself over you
  7187. >Time for that trademark gulp.
  7188. "I-I uh..Mnnh...I just wanted to know wh-what your relationship was with him, wh-when Shiny was alive...?"
  7189. >She comes to a halt.
  7190. >"Huh...I...that's a good question actually."
  7191. >She parts her panties to the side, guiding you into her.
  7192. >Not a good enough question to stop apparently though, huh?
  7193. "Oooh..!"
  7194. >"Mnngh...I guess, we were pretty close..."
  7195. >You can barely speak as she slowly,agonizingly lowers herself down onto you until it vanishes inside her.
  7196. "Canduh-Glu,,Ohh shiiii-"
  7197. >She looks like she's thinking.
  7198. >"He was pretty weird if I recall correctly. He was trying to become a painter on the side. A painter in this day, and age of all things."
  7199. >She unclasps her bra letting it fall onto your chest, her breasts bouncing out as if happy to be out in the open.
  7200. "Gwwwwwooooooo..."
  7201. >"Try words."
  7202. >How could anyone say anything in this predicament? She's so hot, and tight inside. You can feel both your heartbeats syncing up, and she wants you, whose second time this is having sex, to talk like normal?
  7203. >She bounces on you a little, making you wince in delight.
  7204. "Gaaaah...OKAY."
  7205. >She grins.
  7206. >"I'd say I didn't have a problem with him then. He was an ambitious, little turd, but he was harmless enough."
  7207. >Candy takes your hands placing them on her breasts.
  7208. >"Come on. You move too..."
  7209. "It's a little hard to focus..."
  7210. >She starts bouncing again, bringing your orgasm to it's peak, and then stopping, before it can go all the way.
  7211. "Oh my lord Candy. I hate you so much..."
  7212. >"Not so nice is it? What's your second question?"
  7213. >Taking a deep breath, and trying not to pass out from the pleasure you manage to gain some measure of sanity.
  7214. "Did they ever release the cam vid of what happened?"
  7215. >She stops again, her face slowly falling into sorrow.
  7216. >Way to ruin the mood again.
  7217. >"I--No. I never saw it. Spearhead said "He didn't want to traumatize us further"."
  7218. >Candy sits there for a moment, lost in thought.
  7219. >You have a moment to catch your breath, and fend off the coming climax.
  7220. >Candy slides off with a little moan, and lays next to you leaning on her elbow.
  7221. >"What's your game midget? Where is this line of questioning coming from? Does this have to do with who you were meeting up with?"
  7222. "Eh...sorta?"
  7223. >"Anon, What are you planning?"
  7224. >You turn on your side to look at her.
  7225. "Do you trust me?"
  7226. >"I do."
  7227. "Then know I would never hurt you. However...."
  7228. >"However?"
  7229. "You may be mad at me."
  7230. >She scrunches up her face.
  7231. >"Tell me what you're going to do. No surprises!"
  7232. "I can't yet!"
  7233. >"Anon! I'm serious! Tell me what's going on!"
  7234. "I can't! Nothing is set in stone yet! It's just an idea right now!"
  7235. >Candy just stares at you with an annoyed, impatient expression.
  7236. >You shrink under the blanket at her gaze.
  7237. >"Hrrnnm...I'm going to sleep."
  7238. >She rolls over, yanking the covers off you.
  7239. "You're going to sleep? But what about--"
  7240. >You motion downwards to your still erected heat.
  7241. >"This is a new lesson. "Taking care of yourself when I'm pissed 102"!"
  7242. "Whaaaat?"
  7243. >"In your room! I don't wanna hear you."
  7244. >What a damn brat.
  7245. "UUUGH. Fine!"
  7246. >"Fine!"
  7247. "FINE!"
  7248. >How mature the both of you are.
  7249. >Grabbing your clothes off the floor, you leave her room in a huff. Candy literally "harrumphs" as you leave.
  7250. >You close your door softly. You don't want to wake Flurry.
  7251. >Doubts start to ravage your mind again. Doing something that is "good for someone", but not what "makes them happy". Are you doing the exact same thing as Spearhead? No...this is different.
  7252. >Hopefully.
  7253. >Another night passes.
  7254. >Beep beep beep beep-
  7255. >The sound of your phone alarm jolts you awake.
  7256. >Happy Friday Anon.
  7257. >You woke up, feeling surprisingly heavier than normal. Little wonder though.
  7258. >Flurry is in bed with you.
  7259. >.....
  7261. >You toss the covers off of your body, and check to see if any parts of you are sticky. No clothes missing, and Flurry is still in her Jammies.
  7262. "Jesus christ."
  7263. >You take a loud, and deep breath. You feared for a moment that she sleep attacked you, and you slept through it all.
  7264. >Wait, it's not that you slept through it that's the problem. B-because it didn't happen.
  7265. >It's that your Niece would take advantage of you while you're sleeping.
  7266. >Y-yeah. That's it.
  7267. "Hey. Flurry. Wake up."
  7268. >You shake her by the shoulder.
  7269. >She smiles, and opens her eyes slowly.
  7270. >"Good morning."
  7271. "Yes. Good morning. Why are you in here?"
  7272. >Flurry sits up wiping her eyes tiredly.
  7273. >"I came in to talk to you late last night, and you grabbed me. You started humping me like crazy, so I just decided to stay~"
  7274. >Your blood goes cold.
  7275. "You're kidding."
  7276. >"I totally am."
  7277. >You grit your teeth, and pinch the bridge of your nose.
  7278. >Flurry chuckles.
  7279. >"I just came here, and thought I'd surprise you!"
  7280. "Well great job. You got me."
  7281. >You get out of bed, stretching.
  7282. >"So what are we doing tonight?"
  7283. >Flurry lays on her stomach, staring at you while kicking her feet.
  7284. "Uh....actually I got plans with Twilight tonight, so...."
  7285. >"Ooh! You're hanging with Auntie Twi? Can I come?"
  7286. >"That's gonna be a negative kiddo."
  7287. >Candy stands in the doorway with her arms crossed.
  7288. >"You and I have plans tonight."
  7289. >Flurry's jaw drops in protest.
  7290. >"What plans? I wanna hang out with Anon!"
  7291. >Cadance rolls her eyes grinning.
  7292. >"Where he's going they don't allow kids-"
  7293. >Flurry wraps herself around you.
  7294. >"Anon is a kid too! He shouldn't get to go! He should go with us!"
  7295. "Oi, speak for yourself!"
  7296. >You try to wrestle her off, but boy does this little girl have moves. She squirrelling around you like a spider-monkey while you try to get out of her grip.
  7297. >Cadance just laughs as Flurry starts to tire you out.
  7298. >"Alright, that's enough you two. We have to get ready."
  7299. >Flurry stops, pinning you in a full naked rear choke-hold.
  7300. >"Okay..."
  7301. >She sadly releases you, getting off the bed.
  7302. >Candy rubs her head affectionately.
  7303. >"Don't worry. We'll have fun. So much, Anon will be jealous!"
  7304. "You're probably right."
  7305. >Flurry looks from Cadance to you and back.
  7306. >"Okay. Let's do it then."
  7307. >They both smile at one another as Flurry hurries off to her own room, leaving you with Cadance. who steps forward and punches you in the arm.
  7308. "Ow."
  7309. >"That's for last night!"
  7310. >She hits you in the other arm.
  7311. "Ow again."
  7312. >"That's for letting another girl hold onto you in front of me!"
  7313. >You frown.
  7314. >"Hey. You had it coming. Don't give me that look."
  7315. >Sighing, you just stand up, rubbing the afflicted areas of your arms, walking past Candy, who grabs your arm.
  7316. >"Look...uh...About tonight..."
  7317. "Yeah?"
  7318. >"Just...Look out for Twily, okay? She's not exactly the type to say "no", if you know what I mean."
  7319. "....Are you telling me to make a move on her?"
  7320. >"WHAT?! NO!"
  7321. >You turn red, feeling stupid for that assumption.
  7322. >"I'm telling you to keep your eye on her! Doofus."
  7323. "O-oh. Yeah.."
  7324. >Candy shakes her head, putting her hands on her hips, and puts a finger to her nose, and then her mouth.
  7325. >"Don't forget. Toothpaste, Food, and me."
  7326. "Right. I'll make sure to bring breath mints.
  7327. >"Wait, what?! What does that mean?!""
  7328. >You walk away chuckling, as Cadance continues to grill you for the meaning behind that comment.
  7329. >It went on like that all the way to School.
  7330. >Is she seriously worried that you and Twilight would do something? Angry, spergy, super awkward Twilight?
  7331. >In her dreams!
  7332. >Your eyes kept scanning for cop cars the entire way.
  7333. >No word from Velvet yet. You're still unsure as to whether you can pull this off still.
  7334. >Can't mull over the details now. All you can do is breeze through the day, and take care of business tonight.
  7335. >You really would rather be hanging with Candy and Flurry, than socially awkward Twilight who was recently dumped. God help us all.
  7336. >What could you say about today? It was a normal School day.
  7337. >Well Normal for this insane asylum.
  7338. >Cinch was no where to be seen funny enough. Especially after yesterday.
  7339. >It's like everything that could get in your way made sure to clear out. Like the calm before the storm, and that makes you extremely uneasy.
  7340. >Seriously, there was no Glimmer. Indigo was civil at Lunch, No Cinch to be found. Flurry,Heart, and Candy hung out with you at lunch, but still....this feeling..
  7341. >Are you being paranoid? Does the day seem faster? What the hell is going on?
  7342. >You felt as if you just went through the motions today. Point A to Point B.
  7343. >The final bell of the day rang, and surprisingly, no homework from SunBurst. A teacher that lets you enjoy the weekend? Now you know for sure some shit is gonna happen.
  7344. >You were the last one out of the class as usual. Time to navigate the sea of students once more.
  7345. >"Well! Mister Mi Alma! I've been looking for you!"
  7346. >It's been some time since someone said your last name here.
  7347. >Standing by a locker is the Student Council President herself, Cleft the boy chin wonder.
  7348. "Uh...hello...FUrry leaks?"
  7349. >She frowns, and sighs.
  7350. >"FLEUR DE LIS. Please remember it."
  7351. "Oh. Right."
  7352. >You walk past her on your way to the front entrance, not wanting to bother with your locker. It's Friday.
  7353. >"W-wait! I wish to speak with you!"
  7354. "Can you walk, and talk? I'm sorta in a hurry."
  7355. >She tries to keep up with you in her high heels.
  7356. >"It's the end of the week, and I wanted to report your progress to Head Mistress Cinch! How are you--oh!-"
  7357. >She trips.
  7358. >"How are you assimilating?"
  7359. >Assimilating? Like the Borg?
  7360. >You stop.
  7361. "Let's see...since coming here, I've had to change classes, I'm an indentured servant for a bunch of useless inbred snobs, I'm being stalked by an instructor, not to mention the ones who are either intoxicated or high as hell-"
  7362. >Fleur looks at you in shock.
  7363. "-My only friends are my Niece and Sister, since most of the student body is filled with insufferable douchebags. Do you need anything else?"
  7364. >Fleur looks aghast at your mini rant.
  7365. >"U-uhm...no...I suppose not."
  7366. >She rubs the back of her head not sure what to say, with a crestfallen frown.
  7367. >>Maybe you were a little too harsh. Not her fault you're so anxious.
  7368. "You're alright though."
  7369. >She brightens up.
  7370. >"Oh...Oh! Thank you! I'll tell her you're doing fine then!"
  7371. >You roll your eyes, leaving the giddy president to her report. Wonder if Flurry went through the same interview.
  7372. >You get to the usual spot in the lobby. Shining's memorial case with all his trophies and pictures, but only Candy is there, and she's not with Flurry.
  7373. >She's talking to someone, and hopping up and down like a psychopath.
  7374. >Once closer, you can make out what they're saying-
  7375. >"-Ugs awake! Clap your hands and do a little shake!"
  7376. >She starts twerking again, not caring about the students witnessing the spectacle
  7377. >Twilight awkwardly shakes her rump, then throwing her arms around Cadance.
  7378. >They start giggling madly. It makes you a little happy to see them so joyful.
  7379. >"Anon! Bout time you showed up midget. Any longer, and Twilight was gonna leave you!"
  7380. >You look at the both of them.
  7381. "What's going on? Where's Flurry?"
  7382. >Cadance motions outside with a thumb.
  7383. >"Waiting for me in the car. We're gonna hit up Dave and Buster's."
  7385. >"And you're going to hang out with me tonight! Doesn't that sound fun Anon?"
  7386. >Twilight grins, but you can't even force a smile right now.
  7387. >"She decided that she would actually come pick you up directly from school, so I figured why not just go ahead, and set out as well?"
  7388. >honk honk honk~
  7389. >You can hear the sounds of a muffled car horn coming from outside.
  7390. >"That's Flurry. I better get going."
  7391. >Cadance hugs you, leaning in to your ear.
  7392. >"Me. Toothpaste, and Food. Don't forget it."
  7393. >You don't even care about that right now. You want to go to Dave and fucking Buster's. That's like grown people chucky cheeses! Oh fuck you for agreeing to this.
  7394. >Cadance leaves the two of you waving to Twilight as she heads outside.
  7395. >"Shall we get going Anon? I'm so excited about tonight!"
  7396. >Looking to her with half dead eyes, you growl.
  7397. "Are we going to Dave And Buster's?"
  7398. >Twilight Gigglesnorts.
  7399. >"Of course not! We're going somewhere better! A college party!"
  7400. >......
  7401. >Let's see.
  7402. >Super fun happy times with your two favorite girls in the world. Eating greasy delicious fat boi food, arcade games, and bowling in disco strobe lights, while guzzling down cold sugary drinks versus-
  7403. >A frat house party filled with underages drinking, screwing and listening to shitty music, puking farting and passing out wherever they please. With Twilight Sparkle.
  7404. >What a difficult choice.
  7405. >You rub your temples.
  7406. "Can I at least change my clothes? When does this party start anyway?"
  7407. >"Uhhhm..."
  7408. >She looks at her phone.
  7409. >"It starts at 6."
  7410. "It starts in about 3 hours, yes? What were we going to do in the meantime?"
  7411. >"Oh you're so silly! We were going to the party right now! I like to be punctual!"
  7412. >You have to be joking.
  7413. "Twilight...you don't show up for parties early. That's like...the opposite of what you do."
  7414. >You both start walking out of the building.
  7415. >"What? How do you know?"
  7416. "How many parties do you get invited to?"
  7417. >"....This is my first one."
  7418. "You poor, poor thing."
  7419. >This is gonna be one painful evening. You;re calling it right now.
  7420. "Can you at least give me some details? Whose party is it? Is it exclusive? I need some info."
  7421. >Twilight thinks for a moment.
  7422. >"Well It's my friend MoonDancer's party, and it's open to all."
  7423. "Lovely. Do I need to bring a bulletproof vest?"
  7424. >She adjusts her glasses not sure what you're implying.
  7425. >The two of you pile into her red wagon, and sit there in silence.
  7426. "I still don't get why you need me for this."
  7427. >"Because everyone is bringing someone, and my stupid date ditched me! Remember?"
  7428. "Yeah...about that. What the fuck? I'm not fighting him if that's what you're thinking. I'm warning you now, I'm an avid follower C.R.E.A.M."
  7429. >"Of c-cream?"
  7430. >Of course she's not part of the clan. What were you thinking?
  7431. "Don't worry about it. Let's go to your place, and wait. I wanna see Mom."
  7432. >"Mom?"
  7433. >She starts up the car.
  7434. "You know. Velvet."
  7435. >"Oh right...speaking of which, your mom called me this morning."
  7436. >You perk up.
  7437. "She did? About what?"
  7438. >Twiggy pulls out, hitting a speed bump.
  7439. >"Just asking how things were. If you seemed different, that sort of thing. I don't think they want you here for long."
  7440. "Did they say anything else?!"
  7441. >She opens and closes her mouth a couple times.
  7442. >"Uhhh...Nothing important. Just asking me to keep an eye on you. Why? Is there something specific you're wondering about?"
  7443. "Like if they're coming to get me or something like that?"
  7444. >She shakes her head, as you head to her home.
  7445. >"Sounded a little weird though. Like...angry."
  7446. "Angry?"
  7447. >Oh boy.
  7448. >He wouldn't do something that would get your parents involved would he?
  7449. >No way...It's like a half day to drive there, and Candy would appear as your guardian on your records-
  7450. >Different scenarios play our through your head, while Twilight drives on in silence.
  7451. >"Did something happen?"
  7452. "Huh?"
  7453. >She flashes you a glance.
  7454. >"You're sweating bullets. Did something happen?"
  7455. >Right. Twilight is the only one not in the loop at this point.
  7456. "N-No. Nothing at all."
  7457. >She can see your deception,frowning.
  7458. >"You can talk to me about anything. Just know that."
  7459. "Duly noted."
  7460. >The rest of the car ride goes in silence. Your stomach is churning in stress like having to go home after your parents have gotten your report card, and you know you've done shitty.
  7461. >Dammit. The week is almost over. Can't this wait until like after a month?
  7462. >Not too long after you pulled into the driveway of the Sparkle household.
  7463. >You notice a cop car parked across the street, and that raises all kinds of red flags.
  7464. >Their door opens up, and a new police officer emerges. One you don't recognize this time.
  7465. >Twilight exits the car first, bounding up to the cop, and hugging him tightly.
  7466. >"Flash! I haven't seen you since you went into the academy! How are you?!"
  7467. >Flash?
  7468. >The cop returns the hug.
  7469. >"Working on that detective promotion. You know me."
  7470. >"I hope you get it."
  7471. >"Me too. Anyways, I gotta hit the road. Just dropped by to give your mom something."
  7472. >That doesn't sound suspicious at all.
  7473. >They hug again, as he heads down the walkway nodding to you.
  7474. >"Sir."
  7475. "Hello."
  7476. >He puts his hat on, moving across the street to his car, silently pulling off.
  7477. "Who was that?"
  7478. >Twilight smiles.
  7479. >"Just an old friend from high school. He worked under Shining for a time."
  7480. >You cock an eye.
  7481. "He sounds like a good guy with his stuff together. Why not hook up with him?"
  7482. >Twilight gigglesnorts again.
  7483. >"Him? Nooooo-I hear he's into Horses."
  7484. "Wha-horses? Like-"
  7485. >Twilight makes an "O" with her fingers, and moves a finger in and out of it.
  7486. "Oh wow. That's...This town is fucked up."
  7487. >She shrugs, as you both head inside.
  7488. >Immediately you start sniffing the air.
  7489. >"What are you doing?"
  7490. "No-Nothing."
  7491. >Velvet is sitting in the living room with a handful of papers and a brown bag next to her, when she notices the two of you.
  7492. >"Anon! It's nice to see you! Couldn't get enough of Mama Velvet, eh?"
  7493. >She stands up, sitting the papers down.
  7494. "You know me. After our hot, and steamy meeting last night, I caught feelings."
  7495. >Velvet gives you a big hug, chuckling.
  7496. >"You're incorrigible."
  7497. >Twilight looks bewildered.
  7498. >"Hot, and steamy meeting? I'm gonna need some context here."
  7499. >She keeps an arm around you, grinning.
  7500. >"Just a bit of humor between friends dearie. Nothing to worry about."
  7501. "In other words "none of your business"."
  7502. >Twilight pouts as Velvet pulls you aside.
  7503. >"By the way...I got it."
  7504. >Your eyes open, a smile spreading across your lips.
  7505. "Really? That's great! All we need is one last thing. and we'll be ready!"
  7506. >Velvet smirks, but can't hide her look of concern.
  7507. >"Are you sure about this? You're gonna make some people pretty mad..."
  7508. "I gotta do it. I'm runing out of time."
  7509. >"How so?"
  7510. >You look at Twilight who's relocated to the kitchen.
  7511. >"My mom called Twilight. She says she sounded mad. I'm worried."
  7512. >Velvet rubs your head, brushing the hair from your eyes.
  7513. >"There's no use worrying about the unknown. You have to keep pressing on. It's what a man does."
  7514. >You sigh.
  7515. "Would you like to adopt me?"
  7516. >"You mean I haven't already?"
  7517. >God you love this lady.
  7518. >She let's you go, gathering up her items,walking off to her bedroom in the back.
  7519. >Twilight reenters with a sandwich in hand.
  7520. >"It's weird how close you've gotten to mom."
  7521. "What's the matter? Jealous?"
  7522. >Twilight narrows her eyes.
  7523. >"N-No..."
  7524. "We've seen each other naked Twilight. We've fostered a trust that transcends mere familial bonds."
  7525. >Twilight blushes.
  7526. >"S-so if I got naked we'd get closer?"
  7527. >You slap your forehead.
  7528. "It was a joke Twiggy. Jesus."
  7529. >"A joke?"
  7530. >She pulls her shirt back down.
  7531. >"O-of course you were joking! Duuur! HEHEHEHEH(snort)."
  7532. >You could be eating nachos while playing Candy in DDR or something. Or watching Flurry play Mario Kart. No. You're here with super awkward Twilight.
  7533. >You take a seat, deciding to wait until the appointed time.
  7534. >You get a text from Flurry. It shows Cadance eating a tower of pizza, while people in the background cheer her on.
  7535. "URRRRGH."
  7536. >"Is something wrong?"
  7537. "NO."
  7538. >"It sounds like something is wrong."
  7539. "Nothing is wrong!"
  7540. >Twilight sits next to you still nibbling her sandwich.
  7541. >"Want a bite?"
  7542. "Keep your cooties to yourself Sparkle."
  7543. >"What a brat!"
  7544. >She playfully bumps you,but you're trying your hardest not to show the anguish swirling inside your stomach.
  7545. >"Thank you for coming with me. I really appreciate it."
  7546. "Mhm."
  7547. >"To be honest, I'm scared to go to something like this alone...who knows what'll happen? "
  7548. "If I had to guess, you'd get intoxicated, and then gangbanged,"
  7549. >Twilight gasps.
  7550. "-Dozens of men filling your holes, pounding you without remorse, forcing climax after climax until your mind breaks from pleasure, reducing you to a metaphorical pile of goo."
  7551. >Twilight puts a trembling hand to her lips,
  7552. "It's a joke."
  7553. >"O-Oh right. I knew that."
  7554. >Sure she did. That's why her headlights are poking through her shirt.
  7555. "Jesus. Is it time to go yet?"
  7556. >Just wanting to hurry this all along, you decided to show up early after all.
  7557. >As fun as it is to tease Twilight, the thought that you're missing out on something you'd rather be doing pisses you off.
  7558. >While driving there Twilight went back into freak out mode like when you were trying to get her and Candy to make up.
  7559. >Not even gonna bother with a pep talk this time.
  7560. >"Omigosh, omigosh-I can't believe we;re going to this...what if I really get gangbanged?!"
  7561. "I regret everything I've ever said to you."
  7562. >"This isn't funny!"
  7563. >It's pretty funny.
  7564. "You're worrying about the wrong thing Twiggy. You're not gonna get fucking gangbanged."
  7565. >"How do you know?!"
  7566. >She starts to hyperventilate.
  7567. "Because I'll be there."
  7568. >She starts to calm down, and smiles.
  7569. >"Right. You'll be there to protect me..."
  7570. "Protect? Who said anything about protecting? I'm joining in! That way it's not a gangbang. It's just an orgy, since you know me!"
  7571. >Twilight starts to hyperventilate again. Oh and her nipples got hard again.
  7572. >You just couldn't resist.
  7573. >After a session of simpering laughter from you, and Twilight Sparjke panic attacks, she stopped in front of an impressively-sized house.
  7574. >You look around, seeing only a couple cars. You then look at the car clock.
  7575. >It's 6:30.
  7576. "Uhhh....Twilight?"
  7577. >Twilight is doing breathing exercises.
  7578. >"What?"
  7579. "What was your friend's name again?"
  7580. >After a few loud deep breaths, Twilight slumps back in her seat.
  7581. >"Moondancer. Why?"
  7582. "Hmm. Maybe we're just early?"
  7583. >You get out, and scan the area, waiting on Twiggles to get out. She's still sitting in the car breathing hard.
  7584. "For fucks sake!"
  7585. >You wave your arm at her motioning for her to get out of the car.
  7586. >Twilight looks at you with bulging eyes, and shakes her head.
  7587. "ARRRRGH."
  7588. >You march over to her side of the car, and open the door up.
  7589. "Twilight! Get your purple ass out of the car, and come on! I'm missing Dave and Buster's for this, dammit!"
  7590. >"I'm nervous! I don't want to embarrass myself!"
  7591. >You pinch the bridge of your nose. You need to keep a tally of how many times you do this or facepalm.
  7592. "Then take me home."
  7593. >"What!? But you said you'd-"
  7594. >You tug on her arm roughly.
  7595. "Then get out of the car girl!"
  7596. >Imagine how this must look to the public eye. Some little angry man yelling, and screaming at a frail girl with glasses, trying to pull her out of a car.
  7597. >Spearhead would jizz himself-
  7598. >You look around just in case he's lurking around somewhere, and lean on the roof of the car instead.
  7599. "Look Twilight. You'll be fine. I was just teasing you about all that stuff. You'll be fine. Just relax and have fun, okay?"
  7600. >She starts to simmer down.
  7601. >"Really? You promise?"
  7602. "YES. Now come on. Let's get this over with!"
  7603. >You extend a hand to her, that she takes with a balled up fist.
  7604. ".....?"
  7605. >"I-it's a joke you wouldn't get."
  7606. >You roll your eyes and pull her out of the car.
  7607. "Now shape up, and let's go attend this gathering of hedonists, like proper upper class citizens."
  7608. >She giggles.
  7609. >"I'm feeling better already."
  7610. >Still, there's only two cars. Also if horror movies are anything to go by, there should be people all over, drinking and fallout boy playing in the background.
  7611. >She leads you to the door, knocking on it softly, while you try to analyze the lack of party goers at a party.
  7612. >Seconds pass when some raggedy, messy haired girl, in a large sweater answers the door.She looks like what Twilight would look like if she stayed inside and played games all day...Hmm..Actually she looks EXACTLY like Twilight.
  7613. >You put a hand to your chin, puzzled by the uncanny resemblance.
  7614. >"Hello MoonDancer! I'm here!"
  7615. >"Fashionably late I see!"
  7616. >Hardly.
  7617. >"Come on in! We're just getting this Cuuuuur-razy partay started!"
  7618. >You both head in, and see...Uh..
  7619. "Are you sure we're late? Not early?"
  7620. >Moondancer closes the door behind you both.
  7621. >"Ohhh yeah! Things are gonna heat up now! I hope my parents don't fine out that I'm doing this without their permission!"
  7622. >There's four other girls and one dude all sitting in the living room, with bored expressions.
  7623. "Doing this without permission, huh?"
  7624. >Twilight is sweating bullets.
  7625. >"Ooooh yeah. I bet the neighbors are on the phone calling the police right now!"
  7626. >An older woman enters the room with a plate of freshly baked cookies.
  7627. >"Moonie~ I brought some more snacks for your little friends!"
  7628. >Moondancer's face goes pale.
  7630. >Oh my god. It's one of THOSE parties.
  7631. >MoonDancer pushes her snickering mother out of the view of the attendess, while Twilight hooks your arm, and starts whispering to you.
  7632. >"See him right there?"
  7633. >She motions to a guy with curly green hair, who's staring straight at the two of you.
  7634. "That dude with the M.Bison Chin?"
  7635. >"Shh! He might hear you!"
  7636. >The guy gets up, and approaches you both with a girl following behind him.
  7637. >"Oh Twilight. I'm glad you could make it. Who's this?"
  7638. >Twilight pulls you close.
  7639. >"This is Anonymous! MY Br-"
  7640. >She looks at you, and back at this unnamed dude. who is giving you the stink eye.
  7641. >"My Boyfriend."
  7642. ".....Hahahahaha! Boy. Good thing it's opposite day!"
  7643. >The curly haired guy frowns folding his arms.
  7644. >"Anon huh? I'm Timber. Pleased to MEET YOU."
  7645. >He puts out a hand.
  7646. "Uh...Hello Timber."
  7647. >You take his hand. He tries to do the Alpha thing, and crush your hand in his, but if King of the Hill taught you anything, a man isn't a man if his handshake isn't strong and firm.
  7648. >"Hello Gloriosa! I didn't think you knew Moondancer too!"
  7649. >Twilight addresses the freckled goddess standing behind butt chin, who shoves him aside.
  7650. >"Twilight! Hello! It's so nice to see you again!"
  7651. >She bearhugs Sparkle, getting a grunt as a reply.
  7652. >She drops Twilight, facing you.
  7653. >"It's nice to meet Twilight's Boyfr-"
  7654. "Not her Boyfriend."
  7655. >Gloriosa tilts her head in confusion.
  7656. >"You're not?"
  7657. >Twilight places her hands together behind Gloriosa, silently begging you to play along.
  7658. >You sigh.
  7659. "I am. I was just kidding!"
  7660. >Twilight quickly hooks you again, smiling awkwardly.
  7661. >"Yes! He came to me and told me how much he's loved me since meeting me. It was so magical!"
  7662. >"Is that so..."
  7663. >Gloriosa smirks. Clearly she has a fully functioning bullshit detector.
  7664. >Timber throws his hands up, walking off.
  7665. >Looks like Twilight achieved her goal, in this childish series of mind games.
  7666. "You owe me for this."
  7667. >"I'm sorry!"
  7668. >You both walk over to join the others. Two of the girls look alike, and the other you swear you've seem somewhere before.
  7669. >They all look bored as all hell.
  7670. >Now you want it to be an actual college party. At least then it'd be fucking fun. This looks like a birthday party for an autistic kid that some people from school felt sorry for and decided to show up.
  7671. >Moondancer returns trying to hype the party up.
  7672. >"Looks like we're all gathered! Time to kick this into full gear! Who knows when it'll end?! Question marks?!"
  7673. >You can't help but cringe internally, while Timber stares holes into you from the other side of the room.
  7674. >"Let's put on some music! GET THIS PARTAY STARTED!"
  7675. >Ugh.
  7676. >Twilight is busy making faces at Timber while holding onto your arm, while Gloriosa tries to keep from nodding off.
  7677. >Keep it together Anon. Maybe some music will liven things up.
  7678. >She pops a CD into the player by the TV. Despite her lameness this house is pretty beautiful. You'll give her that.
  7679. >.....
  7680. >It's not even the awesome Death Metal version. Yeah. Death sounds pretty appealing right now.
  7681. >The assorted looks on everyone's faces go from confusion to spontaneous anger to cringing pity.
  7682. >Gloriosa is shooting Timber the dirtiest look. One you'd be giving Twilight Right now.
  7683. >Moondancer is hopping around like she's on fire.
  7684. >"WHOOO! TURN UP! TURN UP!!"
  7685. "I wanna go home. Right now."
  7686. >Twilight elbows you.
  7687. >"Be nice! She has her heart set on this!"
  7688. >You put your face in your hands, lamenting your charitable nature. Call me brother you said. I'll go with you to the party you said.
  7689. >If her dancing wasn't terrible enough, the other guests get up, and slowly start to leave while she isn't looking.
  7690. >Now you can be a little shitbag, but even you aren't so shitty you'd sneak out. You'd do it while she was looking you in the eyes.
  7691. >Only you, Twilight, Gloriosa and Timber are among the remaining attendees when the song(if it can be called that) finally ends.
  7692. >Moondancer looks around.
  7693. >"Huh? Did we lose some people?"
  7694. >No one says anything.
  7695. >She shrugs, not caring. Probably happy there's still people left.
  7696. "Uh...excuse me. Is there anything to drink? My throat is getting dry."
  7697. >"Oh sure! Let me get you something!"
  7698. >She happily skips off to the kitchen, popping open the fridge.
  7699. >"So Anon! How long have you known Twilight?"
  7700. >You look to Timber who hasn't stopped staring at you since you arrived.
  7701. "Uh...For a few years I guess."
  7702. >Twilight nods, satisfied with your answer.
  7703. >"Interesting..."
  7704. >Moondacner returns with a glass of something black and foamy, handing it to you.
  7705. >You eye it suspiciously, and take a sip-
  7706. "UGH! What is this?!"
  7707. >"Guiness! Only the best beer around!"
  7708. >You wretch.
  7709. "I can't drink this! I'm Undera-"
  7710. >Twilight cuts you off.
  7711. >"Under a strict diet! He can't drink alcohol. Sorry Moonie."
  7712. >Moondancer's thick eyebrows curl befuddled by her outburst.
  7713. >"Huh. Well, I can't pour it out. You drink it then."
  7714. >"M-me?"
  7715. >You shake your head slightly at Twilight.
  7716. >"W-well okay then."
  7717. >Twilight takes the black Beer from you, and starts drinking it, her face scrunching up.
  7718. >"CHUG CHUG CHUG!"
  7719. >Moondancer starts chanting, prompting Twiggy to down the booze.
  7720. >Gloriosa smirks again looking between you and Twilight.
  7721. >"Oh Moonie~ You think we could get a couple of those over here too?"
  7722. >"Oh yeah! Now we're getting started!"
  7723. >"Uugh. It's so gross!"
  7724. "Then why did you drink it?"
  7725. >Twilight sticks her tongue out, her face twisted up in disgust.
  7726. >"She said she couldn't pour it out..."
  7727. "You can't drink Twilight. You're the Designated driver, and I don't have a license yet!"
  7728. >Twilight tries to keep from spitting.
  7729. >"It's okay. That was my last one!"
  7730. >You hope so for your sake.
  7731. >Timber, and Gloriosa switched seats, moving closer to you and Twilight, while Moondancer is in the fridge once more.
  7732. >"So Anon, tell me some more about yourself. How old are you?"
  7733. >Gloriosa grins at you crossing her legs.
  7734. >"I'm s-"
  7735. >"HE'S 21!"
  7736. >Twilight cuts you off again.
  7737. >"Hmm.Do you go to school around here? I don't think I've seen you on the campus."
  7738. "I'm from out of town. I've only been here for about a week."
  7739. >Moondancer returns with an armful of bottles of more Guiness, and starts passing them out.
  7740. >Despite what Twilight said, she still hands you one.
  7741. "I don't drink this."
  7742. >"Don't be a party pooper! Just live a little for one night!"
  7743. >You look at Twilight, who shrugs unsure of what to do.
  7744. >You're no stranger to beer, but Guiness is fucking gross.
  7745. >Gloriosa and Timber both stare at you expectantly.
  7746. >"Well? Go ahead Anon. Drink up! We're all adults here right? I mean it's not like Twilight brought a minor here or something like that right?"
  7747. >"Huh? A Minor? Is Anon a minor?"
  7748. >Moonie focuses her attention on you.
  7749. >"N-no! Anon is old enough to be here! He's my boyfriend!"
  7750. >You sit there put on the spot with a bottle of guiness while all eyes are on you.
  7751. >Timber tips his bottle to you.
  7752. >"Well then. Down the hatch, right Anon?"
  7753. >Twilight closes her eyes trembling, waiting for you to whistleblow.
  7754. >They all take long gulps from their respective bottles, and then wait for you to go next.
  7755. "D-down the hatch."
  7757. >You polish off the bottle, making sure not to breathe through your nose, to keep from tasting it further.
  7758. >"CHUG CHUG CHUG!"
  7759. >Twilight looks at you with worried eyes, as you gag.
  7760. >"Are you okay?!"
  7761. "I-I'm good. Don't worry."
  7762. >Timber frowns, but Gloriosa watches on amused.
  7763. >"Impressive! You must be the real party animal, eh Anon?"
  7764. "Yeah. That's me. I'm all about the fun times."
  7765. >Twilight squeezes your arm, whispering under her breath.
  7766. >"I'm so sorry! I'll explain later!"
  7767. "Don't worry about it."
  7768. >Timber matching you guzzles down the frothy beer, a trail ,oving down his neck onto his shirt collar.
  7769. >"See that Twilight? This is nothing!"
  7770. >He slams his bottle on the nearby coffee table.
  7771. >Timber points at you with a fierce smile.
  7772. >"C'mon Anon. Drinking contest! You, and me! Mano a Mano."
  7773. "No."
  7774. >That was so matter-of-factly he doesn't even have time to process it. Luckily, Gloriosa shuts the idea down completely.
  7775. >"Instead of a pointless show of Male bravado, let's play a much better game~"
  7776. >Moondancer raises the roof.
  7778. >"Not spin the bottle Moonie. It's "I never"."
  7779. "I never?"
  7780. >You look at Twilight who shrugs.
  7781. >"Never played? You're in for a treat then! We're gonna need some more beer Moonie. A LOT more."
  7782. >You gulp nervously.
  7783. "W-what are the rules?"
  7784. >She smiles at you with half-lidded eyes.
  7785. >"Easy. The starting player simply says "I've never" and finish the sentence with something they've never said or done. If you have, you take a drink. Easy peasy, no?"
  7786. "Uhhh...I don't know if we should play this. One of us has to drive home later-"
  7787. >Moonie shoves another bottle into your hands, and the empty taken.
  7788. >"Don't worry about it! If you're too plastered to drive home, you can just crash here!"
  7789. >You glare at Twilight, hoping your mental message of "DO SOMETHING" reaches her.
  7790. >She starts to sweat.
  7791. >"L-Let's get started....?"
  7793. >"Who's starting us off?"
  7794. >Moonie sits on the ground holding her beer with both hands, and an overly enthusiastic smile.
  7795. >Gloriosa puts her finger to her mouth smiling mischievously.
  7796. >"Why not Twilight?"
  7797. >"Me?"
  7798. >"Sure, why not? Let's get a look at how loose you can really get Ms. Straight Student!"
  7799. >Twilight fidgets with her glasses.
  7800. >"Oh...uh...okay."
  7801. >You don't have to have Clairvoyance to see this is going to devolve into crap.
  7802. >"I've never..uh..."
  7803. >She thinks.
  7804. >"Make it something naughty~!"
  7805. >Moondancer throws her hands up again.
  7806. >"O-Oh wow...Um...I've never french-kissed someone."
  7807. >Everyone but you, and Twilight drink.
  7808. >Gloriosa shoots you a suspicious look.
  7809. >"Huuuuh? You've never frenched someone Anon? Isn't Twilight your girlfriend?"
  7810. "I d-"
  7811. >"Nonsense! We kiss all the time!"
  7812. >You look at Twilight annoyed.
  7813. >"Then why didn't he drink?"
  7814. >"Are you two really a couple?"
  7815. >"CHUG IT DOWN! WHOOO!"
  7816. >You rub your eyes in annoyance.
  7817. >Twilight holds your arm again.
  7818. >"W-we just never french kissed before is all. We're taking it slow."
  7819. >Gloriosa claps her hands together.
  7820. >"Then what better a time to show off the love between the both of you! Kiss her now!"
  7821. >Timber glares hard at Gloriosa with a venomous scowl.
  7822. >"Don't you think you're going a bit far? No one wants to see that!"
  7823. >"I do."
  7824. >Gloriosa sips from her bottle with a smirk.
  7825. >Can someone pick up that phone? Because YOU CALLED IT.
  7826. "Come on now. This is ridiculous. We don't need to prove the validity of our relationship for complete strangers-"
  7827. >Twilight's hand creeps into yours, her thumb gently stroking your knuckles.
  7828. >She stares at you with red cheeks.
  7829. >This is getting to be a bit more than just making her ex jealous.
  7830. >Her eyes quickly dart from Timber, back to you.
  7831. >"Go ahead. We're watching."
  7832. >All eyes are on the two of you this time, as they watch with bated breath.
  7833. >Twilight closes her eyes, and puckers her lips.
  7834. >This is going too far.
  7835. >Candy is gonna hate your fucking guts. She'll know. You won't know how but that bloodhound girlfriend of yours will know,
  7836. >Twilight worms her arms around your neck as she inches closer and closer.
  7837. >You close your eyes tightly, and prepare for the end of days.
  7838. >"Euuuuggg---ENOOOOOUGH!"
  7839. >The room falls silent in shock, as Timber rises up.
  7840. >"I can't stand here and watch this! I JUST CAN'T!"
  7841. >You turn your head to look at him, while Twilight cracks open one eye.
  7842. >"Twilight! I'm sorry! I'm soooo sorry! I shouldn't have tried to push you into getting intimate with me! I just love you so much, that I can't help myself! I want you so bad, it drives me insane! I THOUGHT BREAKING UP WITH YOU WOULD MAKE YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH ME, SO I'D STAY AROUND!
  7843. >Gloriosa has that same amused expression on her lips as before.
  7844. >Twilight shoves you over, and stands up as well.
  7845. >"I'm sorry too Timber! I want to do stuff like that with you, but I know nothing about it and didn't want to look like a fool! I LOVE YOU TOO! THIS GUY ISN'T EVEN MY BOYFRIEND! HE'S MY SISTER-In-LAW'S KID BROTHER! I JUST BROUGHT HIM SO I WOULDN'T LOOK LIKE A LOSER!"
  7846. >They both climb over the table, and embrace one another, howling like a pair of spergs.
  7847. "Oh, thank god."
  7848. >You wipe the sweat off your head, as a hand is put in your face.
  7849. >It's Gloriosa.
  7850. >"I'm Gloriosa Daisy. Timber's Sister. Now will you tell me who you REALLY are?"
  7851. >You take her hand, and shake it.
  7852. "I'm Anonymous Mi Alma. I'm Twilight's...uh..Brother in a way I guess?"
  7853. >"Nice to finally meet you."
  7854. >Gloriosa decides to take Twilight's seat so the two lovebirds can sit together in all their awkward glory.
  7855. >Moonie just sits there watching in earnest.
  7856. >"BEST. PARTY. EVER."
  7857. >"So now that, that bit of business is out of the way, let's continue playing."
  7858. "Huh? We're gonna keep going even after all that?!"
  7859. >Timber and Twilight aren't really paying attention having settled for eskimo kissing.
  7860. >Bleh. Get a fucking room.
  7861. >"Why not? It's a party. after all."
  7862. >Gloriosa leans in uncomfortably close to you.
  7863. >"You're not scared are you?"
  7864. "There's nothing to be scared of...I just don't know if this is the best time to keep going-"
  7865. >"I'll play, if my honeybear is in."
  7866. >"You know I am my little purple angel."
  7867. >You shoot Twilight your hardest glare, but she's too preoccupied with Timber right now.
  7868. >"Then it's settled. I'll take this round."
  7869. >Gloriosa seductively grins in your direction.
  7870. >You know that look.
  7871. >"So...I've never....kissed an older woman."
  7872. >She looks you dead in the eyes as she says this.
  7873. "Uhh...."
  7874. >"Drink."
  7875. >You take a hesitant swig of Guiness. The only one at that.
  7876. >Gloriosa's eyebrows go up in fascination.
  7877. >"That'll be an interesting story later."
  7878. >"I'LL GO NEXT!"
  7879. >Moondancer's loud voice does little to break the atmosphere.
  7880. >"I've never masturbated in public!"
  7881. >......
  7882. >Gloriosa looks at Moonie with a bored expression, but turns back to you.
  7883. >And drinks.
  7884. >Oooooh fuck. This is getting bad. You start to feel warm inside.
  7885. >Twilight and Timber are still busy making kissy faces at one another.
  7886. >"How about you go next Anon?"
  7887. >You can smell the subtle hint of beer on her breath as she repositions herself.
  7888. "I--Uh..I don't know what to ask...?"
  7889. >"Ask whatever comes to mind."
  7890. >"MAKE IT SAUCY~!"
  7891. I-I uh...I have to use the bathroom!"
  7892. >You scramble to get up, stepping over Gloriosa's legs.
  7893. >"Down the hall. First door to the left."
  7894. "THANK YOU."
  7895. >You speedwalk out of the living room, and start searching for the bathroom. You have to get out of here. You don't care how uncool you look. Twilight has gotten her happy ending. Mission accomplished.
  7896. >You locate the bathroom, and shut the door, rooting through your pocket for your phone, and pull up Candy's number.
  7897. >You call it, and listen to the rings waiting for her to answer.
  7898. "C'mon...answer dammit."
  7899. >Beeeeeep. Beeeeeeep. Beeeeep. Beeee-
  7900. >"Hello?"
  7901. "Oh god. Cadance I need you to co-"
  7902. >"Just kidding! Did I trick you? I can't come to my phone right now, but leave a message after the beep!"
  7903. >Your rage grows.
  7904. "Goddamn joke Voicemail recordings! I oughta text you and-"
  7905. >Wait. That's right! Texts!
  7906. >Flurry had been sending you pictures periodically from Dave and Buster's. You send her a message telling her to call you.
  7907. >It's Flurry. She's sure to respond!
  7908. >Please let her call you in time before you do something you're gonna regret-
  7909. >You hear soft knocks on the door, making you literally jump.
  7910. "W-WHO--I mean, who is it?"
  7911. >The door knob turns slowly with an ominous creak.
  7912. >Your face starts to go pale, as you wait to see who's entering the bathroom.
  7913. >"Anon? Are you alright?"
  7914. >It's Twilight. Thank god it's Twilight...
  7915. >She pokes her head in.
  7916. "You know...I could have been in here with my pants down and you just looked in."
  7917. >"O-OH! I'm sorry!"
  7918. "No! It's okay. Come here!"
  7919. >You pull her in with you, and close the door.
  7920. >"What's wrong?"
  7921. "I want to leave. I want to leave right NOW."
  7922. >Twilight folds her arms together.
  7923. >"What's the problem? Aren't you having fun?"
  7924. "Twilight, I can't be drinking, and-and Gloriosa-"
  7925. >"What about Gloriosa?"
  7926. "She's...It's...uh I think she-"
  7927. >Twilight grins.
  7928. >"Ooooh. I get it. You like Gloriosa, don't you?"
  7929. "What? No I just don't want to...I-"
  7930. >"Don't worry about it Anon! I'll set you up~"
  7931. "Twilight, no! I have a girlfriend already! I can't!"
  7932. >Surprise dots her face.
  7933. >"You've been here only a week and you already have a girlfriend? Why haven't you introduced me? Isn't she gonna be steamed you came here with me?"
  7934. "Uh...It was her idea that I help you out actually."
  7935. >"Ohhh. What's her name?"
  7936. >You freeze up, not sure what to say.
  7937. "U-uh..her name is-It's uh...."
  7938. >"She does EXIST right?"
  7939. >Of course she does you stupid whore. It's my sister. Your babysitter!
  7940. "Of course she does you stupidhead! It's my sister! Your babysitter!"
  7941. >Phew. you almost called her a whore...
  7942. >Wait.
  7943. >Twilight goes bug eyed, and slack-jawed for about a full minute before laughing hysterically.
  7944. >"You and Cadance? Oh Anon! The jokes you tell! You don't have to lie to me. I know all about pretending after all."
  7945. "Y-yeah...Can't you just take me home?"
  7946. >She pats your shoulder.
  7947. >"Don't be that way. Things just got started! Just try to have fun! Plus, I think Gloriosa likes you~"
  7948. "Hrrrmmn..."
  7949. >She swings the bathroom door open and pushes you out.
  7950. >"Now let's get out of this bathroom, and rejoin the festivities!"
  7951. "Twilight, Please I can't-"
  7952. >Flurry hasn't called back yet either. They must be having so much fun without you. It kinda makes you sad.
  7953. >Ignoring your protests, Twilight pushes you back into the living room where Moondancer is doing her weird dancing again.
  7954. >Timber and Gloriosa are chatting with one another quietly, but stop once you and Twiggy are spotted.
  7955. >Gloriosa greets you with that seductive smile from earlier, resting a hand on her knee.
  7956. >"Welcome back. Everything come out alright?"
  7957. >That's personal as hell.
  7958. >You take your respective seats once more, Gloriosa putting an arm around the backrest of the loveseat you're sitting on.
  7959. >"So we were talking while you were "diposed" and figured we'd take this party somewhere else."
  7960. "Somewhere else? What's wrong with here?"
  7961. >You both happen to look at Moonie who is laying on the ground sprawled out, flanked by two empty beer bottles.
  7962. "Ah. Fair point, but It's getting late, and I can't really be out long. I have a curfew-"
  7963. >Glorios's eyes widen.
  7964. >"Curfew? How old are you actually, Anon?"
  7965. "Uh..17.."
  7966. >She looks at you dumbfounded before bringing back that devilish smirk.
  7967. >"You're a young one. I like em young."
  7968. >OH BOY.
  7969. >"Don't worry little Anon. I'm old enough. No big bad coppers will bother you while you're under my "watchful" eye."
  7970. >She leans in with half-lidded eyes.
  7971. >Boy is she thirsty. Now you see where Timber got it from.
  7972. >Still, those sexy freckles...
  7973. >Timber chimes in, while he and Twilight are hugged up.
  7974. >"There's this spot on the edge of town, where you can see the full Moon. It's super romantic!"
  7975. >He looks into Twilight's eyes.
  7976. >"We should go there, to celebrate our..."reunion"."
  7977. "Has it even been 24 hours?"
  7978. >"That's sounds...wonderful."
  7980. "Yes, it does, but we have plans tomorrow. IMPORTANT plans. We can't be out all night!"
  7981. >"It's just for a little bit. Don't be such a stick in the mud."
  7982. >Twilight is making the begging, desperate look once again at you.
  7983. >"Please Anon? It'd be weird with just the three of us."
  7984. "...."
  7985. >Candy would definitely not approve of this.
  7986. >And not just as a girlfriend, as a guardian. There's just too much you could get in trouble for.
  7987. >You've been drinking. even if it was a little bit, it would still count to a certain police officer.
  7988. >But you promised this to Twilight, and she looks so happy. What good is a man without his word?
  7989. "...Well, just for a little bit."
  7990. >"Yay!"
  7991. >Twilight hops a little in her seat.
  7992. >You just can't let anything funny happen while you're out there.
  7993. >"Then let;s get going, and let the "party Animal" get some rest."
  7994. >Gloriosa points to Moonie with a thumb, before getting up.
  7995. >Timber and Twilight both stand as well, while you sit there still unsure about this.
  7996. >"Me and Timber walked here. How did you guys make it?"
  7997. >"Oh, I drove!"
  7998. >"Great. We'll ride with you then."
  7999. >They start to leave the house, while you're left in the living room with the snoring Moondancer.
  8000. >"Anon~ You coming?"
  8001. "Uh..sure...yeah."
  8002. >You check your phone once more. No texts or missed calls. You'd seriously rather be with them right now.
  8003. >Because you took so long, you had the pleasure of sitting in the back with Gloriosa. She's making your heart beat really hard. It's a mixture of fear, and adventure, but it's also confusing.
  8004. "A-are you even okay to drive Twilight?"
  8005. >"Oh I'm good! Don't worry! I barely drank anything!"
  8006. >You were referring to the fact that she's wearing glasses and it's night, but whatever. She pulls out.
  8007. >You try to make yourself as small as possible on the far side of the car, and ignore the burning sensation of someone looking your way.
  8008. >"What's wrong Anon? Don't you want to sit closer to me?"
  8009. >You scrunch up your face, refusing to look in her direction, but that doesn't stop her from moving closer to you.
  8010. >Her breast presses against your arm, and her warm breath flows across your neck.
  8011. >"Then maybe I should come to you?"
  8012. "I-Uh-look, I have a girlfriend..."
  8013. >You feel a hand slide over your lap.
  8014. >"Do you now? Why didn't she come?"
  8015. "Sh-she had plans."
  8016. >"He doesn't have one. He's just super shy."
  8017. >You glare at Twilight, who winks at you in the rear view mirror.
  8018. >"Aw. You don't have to be shy Anon. I don't bite."
  8020. >Gloriosa kicks Timber's seat with a scowl.
  8021. >"Don't listen to him Anon. I think you're being absolutely irresistible."
  8022. >Twilight keeps looking back at the two of you, not paying attention to the road.
  8023. "Hey. Eyes up front!"
  8024. >"O-oh right! Sorry!"
  8025. >Gloriosa takes up your view once more with that same sensual smile.
  8026. >"Girlfriend or not, she's not here right now, right? How can I hold back when such a tasty looking little morsel is being dangled in front of me?"
  8027. >Twilight fidgets in her seat.
  8028. >"Getting deja vu vibes here..."
  8029. "Really...I can't do this sort of thing with you Gl-Gloriosa."
  8030. >"Just call me Glory."
  8031. "Glory! I'm seriously seeing someone. I don't want to betray her."
  8032. >Gloriosa begins to invade your personal space, making you breathe harder.
  8033. >"It's not betrayal if she doesn't knooooow~"
  8034. >Timber merely sits there in silence. Possibly ashamed he was doing this to Twilight not so long ago.
  8035. >Hey, Gloriosa, maybe you should give him a little space? I mean, he doesn't seem to like it."
  8036. >"He's fine."
  8037. "I'm really not."
  8038. >She starts running her hands up and down your chest.
  8039. "Hey, ch-chill out!"
  8040. >"You came to a College get together, and didn't expect anything like this?"
  8041. >You did. but got swerved with the opposite, then what you thought.
  8042. >"I said stop! Give him some room!"
  8043. >"Hey Twily, c-calm down. You're driving, remember?"
  8044. >Gloriosa frowns.
  8045. >"Will you relax? We're doing something back here!"
  8046. "I wanna go home now."
  8047. >She snaps her head to you.
  8048. >"No, no! This is good. Just relax!"
  8049. >Twilight whips her head back.
  8050. >"He said stop! Get away from my little brother!"
  8051. >WOOP WOOP.
  8052. >Twilight looks to the sound of a siren coming from her left, running a red light.
  8054. >Blinding white light comes from the opposite side-
  8056. >BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.
  8057. >Someone shakes your shoulder lightlym rousing you from your slumber.
  8058. >"Hey. Wake up Sweetie. It's time to go."
  8059. >You slowly sit up, wiping the sleep from your eyes, as your mother stands over you, hand rested on your back.
  8060. "I can't stay a little longer...?"
  8061. >She shakes her head.
  8062. >"I'm afraid not. Hospital visiting hours are over for the day."
  8063. "Can we come back tomorrow...?"
  8064. >"Of course! I'll be right here with you."
  8065. >You nod, rising from your chair, giving one more look to Anon.
  8066. >With a heavy sigh, the both of you exit his room.
  8067. >Casting your look downwards, your mother leads you out into the clean hallways of Canterlot Memorial hospital, to the elevator.
  8068. >The ride down is long and silent. You want to cry, but your tear ducts are running on empty. All you've done everyday is cry until you sleep and go home. Mom isn't doing any better. She's lost a ton of weight, and has barely slept at all. In all honesty the both of you look terrible.
  8069. >Once in the lobby, Granny Velly and Twilight are the only two in the lobby not waiting to see a doctor.
  8070. >Twilight rubs her cast, with a look of guilt that hasn't left her face.
  8071. >"Oh Cadenza. Flurry. How is he? Any changes?"
  8072. >Mom shakes her head.
  8073. >"He's still fast asleep like the lazy little turd he's always been..."
  8074. >She tries to smile, but it quickly changes into suppressed sobbing.
  8075. >Granny hugs Mom close.
  8076. >Twilight keeps her gaze averted, but you can only imagine how she feels.
  8077. >Maybe it'd be best to just leave her be.
  8078. >You know why they're both in the lobby and not upstairs with you. Probably because of who's outside right now, shouting their heads off about "Pressing charges" against your mom.
  8079. >"C'mon Flurry. Let's get going."
  8080. "Alright."
  8081. >Granny Vells puts her hand on Mom's shoulder.
  8082. >"If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me."
  8083. >Mom nods slowly.
  8084. >"Don't worry. I learned my lesson the first time."
  8085. >"Oh dear. Please. He'll wake up. Trust me."
  8086. >Mom sniffles, placing a hand over her mouth, nodding again.
  8087. >Wordlessly, she scoots you out through the automatic doors into the cold night air.
  8088. >There, your other set of grandparents are standing under the dim light chatting with Spearhead.
  8089. >He notices the two of you coming out, and excuses himself from a pair of fiercely scowling old jerks.
  8090. >All they've done since coming down here is blame, and yell and blame some more.
  8091. >The truth of the matter is, Twilight was driving just as the light was changing. The guy who hit them was on a phone. How ironic.
  8092. >"Cadesy. How is he?"
  8093. >Mom looks down with baggy red eyes.
  8094. >"Still the same. They have no idea when he's gonna wake up. IF he'll wake up."
  8095. >He holds his hat close to his chest.
  8096. >"I'm so sorry."
  8097. >"It's not your fault. You weren't there."
  8098. >He hangs his head.
  8099. >"No...I-I really gave him a hard time. I was stupid and-"
  8100. >"Your heart was in the right place. I see that now, thanks to the kid you were harassing funny enough."
  8101. >She nudges his shoulder with her fist.
  8102. >Anon's parents stare holes into mom shaking her head.
  8104. >Mom ignores Grandma's shouting from afar, walking past Spearhead to her car.
  8105. >You would love to say something, but mom would say just let them get it out of their system.
  8106. >She's already written Anon off as dead, but he's not dead! He's just sleeping! He'll wake up! Dammit, you're about to cry...
  8107. >You both get into the car, and sit there for a while.
  8108. >Mom rubs her eyes with her index and thumb.
  8109. "Don't listen to her mom. Anon isn't dead! He's gonna wake up, and then-then we'll celebrate his birthday!"
  8110. >Mom sniffles.
  8111. >"Y-yeah. That little putz missed his 18th birthday didn't he? He spent his birthday, sleeping and making the world's most beautiful girls worry o-over him...the little jer..jer..."
  8112. >Mom struggles with not breaking down.
  8113. "It's okay mom. We just have to wait. We just have to wait...This isn't the same with Daddy...We don't have to say goodbye."
  8114. >For all your motivational speaking, you're fighting a storm of tears yourself.
  8115. >She just sniffs and nods, starting up the car, beginning the lonely trek home.
  8116. >You won't have to say goodbye. You don't! Anon's fighting, so you need to be tough too.
  8117. >The ride home is painfully silent. Even when you made it home, the house seemed to lack it's usual luster.
  8118. >Once inside, mom just quietly sat on the sofa with a remote in hand.
  8119. >She presses a few buttons starting up the DVD player.
  8120. >The disc inside? Daddy's last moments. How Anon was able to get a hold of it is beyond your comprehension, but Granny vells said he planned to show what happened that night so Mom and Spearhead would stop fighting.
  8121. >How could anyone be so considerate of somebody who was trying to make your life a living hell?
  8122. >"[gunshots]" and small popping sounds come from the video.
  8123. >It's the part where Daddy falls to the ground, and spearhead rushes over.
  8124. >Daddy just waves his frantically at the fleeing shooter, whole holding his neck.
  8125. >Spearhead looks reluctant, but chases after the guy. The video ends there, since they didn't want to keep the image of him slowly bleeding out on tape.
  8126. "Mom...Maybe you shouldn't watch this..."
  8127. >She just stares at the screen.
  8128. >"I grilled him so hard over this. I was so mean to him, and I never got to say sorry."
  8129. "You'll get to! He'll wake up!"
  8130. >She looks at you with depressed eyes, forcing a smile.
  8131. >"Of course he will baby girl. I know he will."
  8132. >You hurry over, and hug your mom tight for what seems like hours.
  8133. >"Come on. Let's go to bed."
  8134. >Before she can head upstairs you tug on her sleeve.
  8135. "U,...Can I sleep with you tonight?"
  8136. >She looks a little surprised at your request, but nods, placing an arm around your shoulders.
  8137. >"Of course sweetheart. Come on."
  8138. >You both ascend the lonely, creaking staircase, and prepare to go to bed, hopeful that maybe tomorrow will be the day the man you and mom both love will wake up.
  8139. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8140. >Jesus Christ. You pray you're not peeing the bed right now.
  8141. >You're sleeping, and no matter how hard you try to wake up, you just can't.
  8142. >The most recent memory is of Blinding head lights, and you pushing Gloriosa to the other end of the car before it made contact.
  8143. >Pretty heroic. Fills you with pride. Also regret at the same time.
  8144. >You'll never let Twilight drive you anywhere ever again.
  8145. >You're back in that white room, with someone sitting in a chair once more. He faces you, not saying anything.
  8146. >"Dude."
  8147. >Oh nevermind. He is talking.
  8148. >"What the actual hell? Didn't I tell you to keep up the good work? How is this "honoring my memory"?"
  8149. >You respond that it's not your fault. His sister can't drive.
  8150. >"Hm. Okay you got that one. Also nice job with the video. Pretty ballsy move there."
  8151. >He stands up and starts pacing around.
  8152. >"I would have just confronted Spearhead man to man, but I guess your style works too."
  8153. >How long have you been here?
  8154. >"Uhhh...About a month and a half."
  8155. >WHAT.
  8156. >"Happy belated!"
  8157. >He blows a horn and tosses a handful of confetti into the air.
  8158. >Is he for real right now? Why is a manifestation of your brother-in-law even here?
  8159. >Good question. It's hard to explain...so..would magic work?"
  8161. >"Hey there's always that possibility too! Just...don't go telling Cinch."
  8162. >He sits down in the chair again.
  8163. >What is this place even? This isn't the first time you've been here.
  8164. >"If I had to put it into simplified terms, it's the waiting room for where you go after death."
  8165. >DEATH?! ARE YOU DEAD?!
  8166. >"Whoa. Dial it down little bro. You're just very, very close to it. Like almost as close as you are to my wife."
  8167. >He cocks an eyebrow crossing his arms.
  8168. >You feel embarrassed.
  8169. >"It's not a big deal. Don't sweat it. I did worse with my own little sister. Heheh. Why do you think she's so reserved about other men touching her? Hehehe-"
  8170. >TMI.
  8171. >"Anyways....back on topic. See everyone has access to this place, dead or not. Usually when you sleep, if you're summoned, you can come here briefly. If you're close to death, though you can be here for a lot longer."
  8172. >Wait. Does this make you like, the crow or something?!
  8173. >"I wouldn't think of Brandon Lee in this situation, bud."
  8174. >Good point.
  8175. >So why is he even here? Is he like a spiritual guide?
  8176. >"Actually...it's still not clear if I'm really a spirit or just something your brain cooked up so you wouldn't be bored while you heal."
  8177. >Your brain could do so much better.
  8178. >"It's your head, not mines chief."
  8179. >He leans forward in the chair.
  8180. >"I do want to ask you something, on the off-chance I am Shining Armor.
  8181. >What?
  8182. >"What will you do when you wake up? It doesn't take a genius to guess your rents are probably raising all types of hell right now. You're 18 now. You're your own man."
  8183. >Good question.
  8184. >"Are you going back home with them?"
  8185. >Come on Brain. Really?
  8186. >"Right. Stupid question. Well what then?"
  8187. >You have one idea.
  8188. >"Sounds like a winner to me. Well you seem to have it all worked out."
  8189. >He looks at his watch.
  8190. >"Oh yeah. Happy new years."
  8192. >"Don't sweat it. You're about ready now. Get ready for a hard reboot. It's gonna hurt like HELL in a few minutes."
  8193. >The lights of the white room start to go out.
  8194. >How has he been keeping track of time all this while?
  8195. >
  8196. >You ask a lot of questions. Can't you hear the fireworks?"
  8197. >No.
  8198. >He shrugs as more lights start to go out, until the last one shuts off.
  8199. >Darkness envelops the room, and suddenly you're taking a deep painful breath.
  8201. >Oh god HE WASN'T LYING.
  8202. "Mmmmmmmggggh~"
  8203. >Your eyes look all over the place at the various tubes, and electronic equipment you;re hooked to.
  8204. >Sweet Jesus, don't go into shock, don't go into shock, don't go into shoc-
  8206. >A Nurse with pink hair burst into your room with a startled, frenzied expression.
  8207. >"Mr. Mi Alma! You're awake! Oh my god!"
  8208. >She runs over to an IV machine and starts pressing a few buttons.
  8209. >TSSSSSSSS...
  8210. >You can feel yourself calming down. Delicious Morphine.
  8211. >She wipes her brow, and smiles.
  8212. >"I know some people who are eagerly waiting on you. Welcome back."
  8213. >You slip back into sleep as she leaves the room, yelling something outside of your room.
  8214. >You can feel your eyes tense up, and relax.
  8215. >Voices. muffled, and incomprehensible.
  8216. >So loud...
  8217. >Cracking your eyes open, you see Flurry staring down into your face with an inquisitive gaze.
  8218. >"OH-MOM! MOM LOOK!"
  8219. >She looks off to the side, then back at you.
  8220. >Candy almost knocks Flurry over.
  8221. >"An-Oh god..Anon-"
  8222. >Tears immediately start falling from her face, as she drops to her knees.
  8223. >The door opens, and the voice of Velvet echoes in the room.
  8224. >"What's going on? Did something happen?!"
  8225. >"ANON'S AWAKE! HE'S AWAKE!"
  8226. >"Flurry! Keep it down! He's still r-recovering."
  8227. >You see Velvet flank your other side with a teary smile.
  8228. >"Welcome b-back."
  8229. >You try to smile, but it all still hurts like hell.
  8230. >"Twilight! Come in here! Hurry!"
  8231. >Eyes...feeling heavy.
  8232. >Velvet steps out of the way so Twilight can approach you.
  8233. >She trembles, not saying anything.
  8234. "......ts."
  8235. >"Huh? What was that?!"
  8236. >Sparkle leans in carefully, to try to make out what you said.
  8237. "...oats...."
  8238. >"Oats?!"
  8239. >You strain to lift a weak arm up to your breathing mask.
  8240. >"Hey, take it easy midget. You're still healing...!"
  8241. >Candy with tear-stained cheeks takes your hand.
  8242. "...Swanboats."
  8243. >The room looks absolutely bewildered, except for Flurry, who gasps.
  8244. >"All this time-"
  8245. >Your eyes go closed once more, habving used the last bit of your strength.
  8246. >"You remembered the promise even after--"
  8247. ------------
  8248. EPILOGUE
  8249. >"MNF!"
  8250. >Gilda drops a box down on the floor, with a loud grunt. You hear the sounds of glasses breaking.
  8251. "Hey! Take it easy! That's sensitive!"
  8252. >"Oh Stuff it Dweeb. You asked for my help."
  8253. >She claps her hands together.
  8254. " Well I'm regretting it now."
  8255. >She smirks and walks over punching you in the arm.
  8256. >"Hey, don't add all high and mighty, just because you survived a car crash."
  8257. "I did more than survive. I was reborn like the phoenix, now tasked with the duty of cleansing this planet of all it's evil filth."
  8258. >She shakes her head.
  8259. >"You need to stop reading comic books."
  8260. >She snickers, folding her arms.
  8261. >"Sucks your rents aren't here to help break in this apartment."
  8262. >You sit on your run-down sofa, and sigh.
  8263. "They weren't exactly thrilled I decided to stay here, considering their feelings about Candy."
  8264. >"Meh. Fuck em."
  8265. >You point at her.
  8266. "Precisely."
  8267. >She sighs and plops down next to you.
  8268. >"I'm gonna miss you dweeb. You were supposed to come back."
  8269. "Girl, you can come down here whenever you want. Cut it out."
  8270. >Gilda shrugs again, frowning.
  8271. >"It still won't be the same."
  8272. "Wow. Gilda is being sentimental. Stop the presses."
  8273. >"Don't let it go to your big head loser."
  8274. >You laugh as she starts to get flustered.
  8275. "You can come here anytime. Bring the gang if you want."
  8276. >"I just might do that."
  8277. >She stares into your eyes, bringing up a fist.
  8278. >You bump it with your own, sharing a smile between the two of you.
  8279. >"UUUGH!"
  8280. >Twilight tumbles through the door dropping a box in the middle of the room. She adjusts her glasses, sweating.
  8281. >"My goodness Anon! What's in here?"
  8282. "That? That's my Phonebook collection."
  8283. >She looks at you with big eyes adjusting her glasses.
  8284. >"You're joking."
  8285. "I totally am."
  8286. >Gilda practically squawks out in laughter, as Twilight sits on the box in a huff.
  8287. >"I'll remember this when you need help studying for a literature exam bucko."
  8288. >You stick your tongue out at her.
  8289. >Gilda finishes her gigglefit, and rises to her feet.
  8290. >"Welp. I think that's it for me. I need to head home. Mah bitch is waiting on me."
  8291. "I'm gonna tell Greta you said that."
  8292. >"I promise you she says worse."
  8293. >Gilda waves at you, as she exits your apartment.
  8294. >"I should be going too. Timber and I are going to the library to study."
  8295. "I hope that's all you're going to do young lady."
  8296. >"It's none of your buisness~"
  8297. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  8298. >"By the by. Glory wants me to tell you to call her. She's still totally infatuated with you."
  8299. "Well I am her savior so-"
  8300. >You're trying to make light of your accident, but Twiggy goes silent, a look of guilt spreading across her face.
  8301. "Hey. It's okay. I'm fine. We're all fine."
  8302. >"I know...it's just-"
  8303. >You get up, and pull her into a bug hug.
  8304. "Cut it out. I forgive you. Keep it up and I'll jam my thumb up your butt."
  8305. >She blushes, her nipples going rigid.
  8306. "Jesus Christ, you closet pervert. Get outta here!"
  8307. >Twilight gigglesnorts, as you lightly push her out.
  8308. >"Alright, alright! I'll see you in the morning for classes?"
  8309. "Yep."
  8310. >She gives you a finger wave as she heads for the elevator.
  8311. >You sigh, and are about to close your door, when a yellow shoe sticks itself in between.
  8312. >A pink hand worms its way around the door forcing it open.
  8313. >"You almost forgot me midget."
  8314. "C-candy...Where were you even all this time?"
  8315. >She rolls her eyes pushing you back, and closing your door.
  8316. >"You dope. Where do you think?"
  8317. "Slinking in the shadows like a murderer?"
  8318. >Candy flicks your forehead, scanning your new home.
  8319. >"Wow. What a piece of crap. You should have stayed back with me."
  8320. "Can't be helped. It's close to campus."
  8321. >Candy tries to sit on your sofa, but immediately hops up.
  8322. >You see a spring sticking up where she tried to sit.
  8323. >"What type of Sanford and son cofa is this?!"
  8324. >You smirk.
  8325. "I thought you liked having things up your butt."
  8326. >"That was only one time, and I didn't like it one bit!"
  8327. "You peed all over me."
  8328. >Candy places both her hands around your neck, mock choking you.
  8329. >"You said you wouldn't bring that up again! ARGH!"
  8330. "Okay! I'm sorry! Jesus woman!"
  8331. >With a coy smile she slides her arms around your shoulders.
  8332. >"It'll be a little lonely back home without you there..."
  8333. "Oh hush. You'll be walking around here naked like you own the place soon enough."
  8334. >Candy licks her lips, planting a wet one right on you.
  8335. >"Speaking of walking around naked...Let's break in your new digs...?"
  8336. "Uhhh...."
  8337. >"What. What's the problem?"
  8338. >On that note, your door starts rumbling from someone banging on it.
  8339. "I--uh...I better get that."
  8340. >"Anon...Who is that?"
  8341. >You say nothing, strolling over to the door, and opening up.
  8342. >"I'm back with the pies! Free of Satan's Apple Slices of course!"
  8343. >A much taller Flurry skips through your door with a stack of pizzas in her arms.
  8344. >"It's gonna be weird being able to actually eat these without Mom here to inhale them all-"
  8345. >Flurry sits the pies down on one of your boxes, not noticing the pink elephant in the room.
  8346. >"Inhale huh?"
  8347. >"MOM!"
  8348. >She nearly knocks them over, as Candy stands there with her arms crossed.
  8349. >"What are you doing here?!"
  8350. >"I could ask the same question young lady!"
  8351. >Flurry pokes out her bottom lip.
  8352. >"Whaddya mean? I'm here visiting my boyfriend!"
  8353. >"That's funny. I thought I was doing the same."
  8354. >They both look at you.
  8355. "Hey. You two work it out. This is your arrangement. Flurry turns 20 she can do what she wants with me remember?"
  8356. >Cadance slaps her face, remembering the promise now.
  8357. >"Shit. You're right."
  8358. >It's silent for a long while.
  8359. >"Aw Screw it."
  8360. >Candy starts stripping.
  8361. "WHOA WHOA WHOA. What type of answer is that?!"
  8362. >"I concur!"
  8363. >Flurry mimics Candy doing the same.
  8364. "Not you too!"
  8365. >You start to get nervous, the lump in your throat growing to grapefruit size.
  8366. "HOLD ON DAMMIT. Can we have some type of Dialogue here?! Anything?"
  8367. >Candy in her skivvies frowns.
  8368. >"You have two goregeous women here, and you wanna talk?"
  8369. >"Get a clue Unc. Geez!"
  8370. >The both look at you expectantly.
  8371. ".......I feel like I should say something profound or witty. But I can't for the life of me think of anything."
  8372. >"Then just say what we want to hear putz."
  8373. >"It's obvious~Four little words..."
  8374. >You think or a moment, and say the first thing that comes to mind.
  8375. "I Love you both."
  8378. END.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables