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Where I Wanna Be [sister Yona x Anon by Kirko Bangz]

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-28 18:18:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >The crunching of snow under tire can be heard from inside the warm interior of the car,as he pulls up to your old home.
  2. >”We’re here.”
  3. >Your phone goes off, the Uber app signaling you’ve arrived at your destination.
  4. “Thanks a lot.”
  5. >The driver nods to you with a smile.
  6. >Whipping your scarf around your neck, you exit the vehicle, retrieving your bags from the popped trunk.
  7. >The driver sluggishly pulls off, leaving you in front of a brightly lit house.
  8. “Well. Here we go...”
  9. >You reluctantly march towards the front door, constantly talking yourself down from turning around and leaving. Coming back was...difficult to say the least.
  10. >Despite taking your sweet time, the distance seems shorter than you thought to the front door.
  11. >You sit down your suitcase, hovering a trembling knuckle over the oak door.
  12. >It’s not too late. Just turn around and-
  13. >Klik-
  14. “Shit.”
  15. >The door suddenly flies open, blasting you with warmth.
  16. >A girl stands there clad in a denim dress with two long twin ponytails.
  17. >The two of you lock eyes, no one saying a word.
  18. >”BROTHER!”
  19. “Yona!”
  20. >She practically leaps into your arms, almost knocking you over.
  21. “Settle down! We’re gonna fall twerp!”
  22. >”I care not! I missed you!!”
  23. >You laugh, working hard to keep from toppling over into the snow with Yona, who’s nuzzling your cheek.
  24. >She holds you at arms length.
  25. >”I was excited! I keep checking and checking to see when you come!”
  26. >You pat her head.
  27. “Jesus. You love me that much, huh shrimp?”
  28. >She grabs your hand in hers, frowning.
  29. >”Not shrimp! I’m big now!”
  30. >You snicker.
  31. “Maybe in a few more years.”
  32. >”зaкpий двepi! ти вiдпycкaєш вcю cпeкy-“
  33. >An older woman comes from out the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron, stopping dead in her tracks when she sees you.
  34. >Like Yona, she just stares at first,before touching her mouth,tears forming in her eyes.
  35. “Hey ma.”
  36. >You give a half-hearted hand wave.
  37. >”мoя дитинa ... мoя дитинa пoвepтaєтьcя!”
  38. >She stumbles over her own feet slightly while rushing towards you.
  39. >Your mother places wrinkly, moist hands on your cheeks.
  40. >”мoя дopoгa дитинa! ти тaкий тoнкий! ти їв??”
  41. “I eat plenty! I’m fine! I’m fine!”
  42. >She embraces you tightly, letting out a happy sob here every so often.
  43. >As much as you dreaded coming back, you can’t help, but smile at the love and attention you’re getting.
  44. >Yona kingly brings your bags inside, closing the door , while mom pushes you into the kitchen.
  45. “>”ти пoвинeн зaмepзнyти! вийди з хoлoдy! У мeнe є тyшкoвaнa нa плитi пpигoтyвaння їжi -”
  46. “H-hey! Let me at least unpack first! I’m not even hungry right now!”
  47. >She sits you down in a polished wooden chair.
  48. >She waves off your complaints.
  49. >”нiceнiтниця! мoя дитинa є дoмoм, i я збиpaюcя зiпcyвaти йoгo!”
  50. “Oy.”
  51. >”No use fighting, brother! Mama wanted badly to see you too!”
  52. >She sits beside you, leaning on her elbows.
  53. >So tell me about life as big,fancy businessman!”
  54. “You don’t want to hear about that. It’s boring!”
  55. >She grabs your arm shaking it.
  56. >”Tell me!”
  57. >A piping hot bowl of stew is placed in front of you with a spoon . The steam is making you sweat,
  58. >”Hiяких зaпитaнь нeмaє. вiн пoвинeн їcти, щoб вiднoвити cвoю cилy-“
  59. >Yona’s cheeks puff out in agitation.
  60. >”я нe мaлeнькa!”
  61. >You sigh, shaking your head, preparing to eat while they bicker.
  62. >Before you can take your first bite, the house shakes from the front door being opened, and closed. A familiar slam you know all too well.
  63. >Mom, and Yona look behind you,as heavy footsteps approach.
  64. >The room goes silent.
  65. >You still haven’t turned around yet, but you know how close they are from the sounds of patting on fabric.
  66. >”тaк щo пoвcтaлий cин пoвepтaєтьcя дoдoмy пicля вcьoгo цьoгo чacy?”
  67. >Yona looks at you with concerned eyes, while mom just looks down.
  68. >”ти нe збиpaєтьcя oбiйняти cвoю cтapy людинy, хлoпчик?”
  69. >You stay quiet, clenching and unclenching your hands.
  70. >”Maybe I speak in yankee tongue, so you understand?”
  71. >This is why you were hesitant to come back.
  72. >You rise from your seat to face the man behind you. A sick, neurotic and abusive creature you refuse to call by his title if “Father”.
  73. >He hasn’t changed one bit. A burly wild man that reeks of cheap vodka.
  74. >He outstretches his tree trunk arms.
  75. >”Give your papa a hug, eh?”
  76. >He doesn’t even wait for you to respond, wrapping his massive limbs around you, patting your back.
  77. >”It is good to see you.”
  78. >Your skin is crawling from his mere presence, not to mention his foul alcohol infused breath.
  79. >Keeping a hand on your shoulder he looks you over.
  80. >”Just look at you. All skin and bones! No meat. The city has made you weak! Like puppy dog!”
  81. >You scowl.
  82. >He matches it,before erupting into laughter.
  83. >”Hahaha! I joke, I joke! Yona! Is his room ready?”
  84. >”Y-yes papa!”
  85. >He nods at her.
  86. >”Take bags to room.”
  87. >”Yes sir, papa!”
  88. >She hurriedly makes for your suitcases in the lobby.
  89. >His heavy hands pat your shoulders.
  90. >”Welcome back home. Maybe you stay for good. Not disappoint this time.”
  91. “....”
  92. >He releases you, leaving the kitchen. Most likely to drink in his study like always.
  93. >Once gone, mom takes your hand in hers.
  94. >”бyдь лacкa, ciдaй нe дoзвoляй йoмy зacмyтити тeбe...”
  95. “I’m okay, mama. He used to be able to do that to me as a child, but I’m a man now. He has no power over me.”
  96. >A loud sigh escapes your mouth.
  97. >"Ut бyв дaвнo. Бaгaтo peчeй змiнилocя."
  98. "Many things also have stayed the same mama. Also, english please? It's getting harder to switch back and forth."
  99. >She smiles.
  100. >"Only for you, my darling boy."
  101. "Thank you mama."
  102. >Mama warmly smiles at you.
  103. >"I will help little Yona with setting up room. You sit! Eat! Relax!"
  104. >Leaving you to your food,and thoughts, Mama exits the kitchen,heading upstairs.
  105. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  106. >Several years ago-
  107. >You stand by the door tapping your foot impatiently.
  108. "Why do we live out here in the boonies? The mail takes forever!"
  109. >"Anon!"
  110. >A pair of little hands tug on your shirt tail.
  111. >You don't bother addressing the tugging, instead continuing to look out for the Mailman.
  112. >"Anon, please play with me! I'm boooooored!"
  113. >You shake off Yona's pulling.
  114. "Not now Yona. I'm waiting for something important. I'll play with you later."
  115. >She stands there briefly, before plopping on her rump on the floor.
  116. >".....*sniff*"
  117. >You roll your eyes, getting annoyed at the coming waterworks.
  118. "Don't cry Yona. I'll play with you after the mail comes! I promise!"
  119. >Her upper lip is pulled over her bottom in a pout.
  120. "Yona. This is really important. I swear! I swear I'll play with you all day after the mail comes!"
  121. >Yona tilts her head at your pleading.
  122. >"I want play house."
  123. >Of course she does.
  124. "Uh-huh..."
  125. >You go back to scouting, this time with the addition of Yona watching as well.
  126. >"Why do you look for Letterman?"
  127. "Mail man. It's because he has my acceptance letter."
  128. >"Ack-sep-tents?"
  129. >You ruffle her shaggy hair.
  130. "Don't strain yourself there."
  131. >You smile at Yona, who fights to get your hand off her head, as the muffled hum of a vehicle vibrates through the cold windows.
  132. "He's here!"
  133. >You open the door rushing out into the snow to the mailbox,while Yona watches from the entryway.
  134. >You pop open the old iron container, searching through the letters, until you come across one from the Administration board of Canterlot University.
  135. >With an audible gulp you open it up,and start reading-
  136. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  137. >Everything looks just like you remember it. Like time has refused to touch this place.
  138. >The same trinkets they brought from "the old country" whatever that means. Is it a new country now?
  139. >Snickering at your internal monologue, you pass by some closed doors stopping at an opened one at the end of the hall,finding.
  140. >You knock on the door, before heading in,making Yona jump up from whatever she was doing.
  141. >"Ah! You scare me!"
  142. >You walk in,laughing,while she puffs her cheeks out,pouting.
  143. "What were you doing anyway? Where's Mama?"
  144. >"We set up room. Make it EXTRA comfy."
  145. >You look around, seeing no real change.
  146. "Errr...where?"
  147. >Yona rolls her eyes.
  148. >"You been gone too long. Your eyes bad! Like bat!"
  149. >She points to a picture of a sad clown on the wall.
  150. "Oh-uhhh...it's nice?"
  151. >Yona groans in frustration this time.
  152. >She always gets upset easily.
  153. "Well, in any case, get outta here. I have to unpack."
  154. >"Why do I have to leave? I want to talk!"
  155. >You pick up a suitcase, and place it on your bed, opening it up.
  156. "Because I have manly things in here, a little girl like you shouldn't be looking at until she's an adult."
  157. >You ruffle her hair.
  158. >"ACK! Stop! I am big girl now!"
  159. >She fights to take your hand off her head.
  160. "You'll always be little Yona to me."
  161. >She pouts,crossing her arms, plopping down on your bedas you start putting your things up.
  162. >A comfortable silence overtakes the room,as you fold clothes,you swear were already neatly folded up before you left. Also is it you,or is a pair of your underwear missing?
  163. >"How long you stay?"
  164. "Just for a week. Maybe less than that, depending on how I feel."
  165. >"You have to get back to studies?"
  166. "Yup. That's college life."
  167. >Yona folds her hands across her lap.
  168. >"Will you come back to stay when done?"
  169. >You stop folding, not meeting her inquisitive eyes.
  170. "Let's not talk about boring school, and work stuff. Let's talk about you instead!"
  171. >Yona smiles.
  172. >"Yes! Let's talk about me!"
  173. >She kicks her legs playfully.
  174. "So, how is school? Are you making a lot of friends?"
  175. >She nods rapidly.
  176. >"Yes! Yes! Lots,and lots! They best! It so much different than home-school, where Mama is only friend!"
  177. "I'd imagine so."
  178. >You're happy for her. It's important for a kid to get out there,and socialize with others instead of being cooped up here seeing the same three people for the rest of your life.
  179. >Yona goes on a hyperactive description of all her friends,complete with her adorable broken English.
  180. >Stuff about some girl named Smolder who's really tough, and brave or some other, and some kid named Cozy who got expelled. You weren't paying attention to that part. What's really important is how happy she looks.
  181. >Her expression is almost illuminating the room.
  182. "I'm happy for you Yona. Maybe you'll leave for college when you're done here too?"
  183. >You close the suitcase, after finishing the folding.
  184. >"..."
  185. "Yona?"
  186. >Yona is silent, her gaze fixated on her balled up hands.
  187. >"I want to go with you..."
  188. "Huh? What was that?"
  189. >She stands up,sticking her tongue out at you.
  190. >"It is secret! You have to hang out with me to find out!"
  191. >You shake your head.
  192. "Are you gonna make me play "house" again?"
  193. >Yona starts to pout again.
  194. >"I big girl! I no play house!"
  195. >It's just too much fun to tease her.
  196. >Yona throws her arms around your neck.
  197. >"I really miss you brother..."
  198. "I missed you too."
  199. >You return the hug.
  200. >"Papa miss you too."
  201. "I doubt that,but I'll take your word for it."
  202. >Yona kisses your cheek tenderly, before leaving your room quickly.
  203. >A door quietly clicks shut from across the hall.
  204. >Yona has gotten so big. It's like looking at an entirely new person. Aesthetically at least. On the inside she's still that little,pouty brat who was always bothering you to pay attention to her.
  205. >You stretch,your bones cracking,and shifting. There's a whole seven days ahead of you,and you'll be damned if you face them tired.
  206. >You close your door, and turn out the lights deciding to turn in early. You plan to go into town and walk around, to see the seasonal decorations. You've been gone for some long,it'll be fun to see what's changed.
  207. >It doesn't take long to fall asleep, only to be woken up from what feels like mere seconds later.
  208. >Kresssh-
  209. >That sounds like a vase shattering.
  210. >You sit up, looking around your dark room.
  211. >Loud muffled shouting is coming from downstairs,accompanied by bumps and more shattering.
  212. >"Tи виpoдoк! Як ти cмiєш мeнe вpaзити?!"
  213. >Ka-Kresssh-
  214. >"Moвчaти caмiй жiнцi!"
  215. >Sounds like Dad had too much to drink again,and put his hands on mama again. Why she continues to stay with him,you'll never know.
  216. >Nok Nok.
  217. >Finally adjusted to the darkness, you look to your door.
  218. "Come in."
  219. >It slowly opens up, a obviously distraught Yona looking in.
  220. >"Brother...?"
  221. "What's up Yona? Isn't it pretty late for you to be up?"
  222. >She slowly nods.
  223. >"I come in?"
  224. "Of course! Come on in."
  225. >The fighting is still audible, and rampant downstairs,as she slips in closing your door behind her.
  226. >Yona quietly sits on your bed next to you.
  227. "Are you okay?"
  228. >"....I hate when Mama and Papa fight."
  229. "Yeah. Me too."
  230. >"They fight a lot. More after you leave."
  231. >You frown at that statement.
  232. "Yona, they fought like cats,and dogs even before I went to college. This isn't my fault-"
  233. >She puts her hands up definsively.
  234. >"No no! I not mean that!"
  235. >What are you doing Anon? You know she wasn't trying to upset you or imply you're to blame.
  236. >Remaining silent, she looks at her feet,the sound of fighting being the only noise.
  237. "Look Yona.."
  238. >"Yes?"
  239. >Why do you feel the need to explain yourself to her? She said she didn't blame you.
  240. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  241. >"No! Absolutely not!"
  242. >Your acceptance letter is torn to pieces right before your eyes, and tossed in your face.
  243. "What do you mean no?? This is my chance to further myself! To make something of myself papa! To have a life!"
  244. >He spits.
  245. >"You have life here! Legacy!"
  246. "Legacy? You own a coal mine,Papa! It may have made you a lot of money back in the day,but the world is changing. Coal is only going so far-"
  247. >He sits in his armchair in front of the fireplace,waving off your rebuttal,and bringing a bottle from a chest underneath.
  248. "This is a prestigious school Papa. Only the smartest,and best can attend! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
  249. >"I SAY NO!"
  250. >He slams a huge fist into the chair arm.
  251. >You grit your teeth,wanting to just give up,but you can't let this moment go.
  252. "I'm going to go,whether you like it or not. I'll do it without your money even!"
  253. >He takes a swig from a nearby bottle of brown liquid,wiping the corner of his mouth.
  254. >"Are you talking back to me,boy?"
  255. >He rises to full height,towering over you.
  256. >"Are you disobeying me?"
  257. >You gulp, eyes bulging from your skull in terror.
  258. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  259. >"Brother?"
  260. >Yona touches your arm,breaking you from your flashback.
  261. "Wh-what? What is it?"
  262. >"You suddenly go quiet. Stare at wall."
  263. >You sigh.
  264. "Don't worry. I'm fine."
  265. >Doors start slamming downstairs,making you,and Yona jump.
  266. "Looks like things have ended."
  267. >"Yeah.."
  268. >Yona is trembling.
  269. >"Brother..."
  270. "Yes?"
  271. >"I sleep in here tonight?"
  272. >She looks into your eyes pleadingly.
  273. >You face drops in astonishment.
  274. "Hanh?"
  275. >Yona averts her gaze,blushing enough for you to see in the moonlit darkness.
  276. >"Please...?"
  277. >Oh boy.
  278. "Yona...You're too old to sleep with me! I mean,when you were younger it was okay, but now, you're like Seventeen,right?"
  279. >She starts to pout,her upper lip covering her bottom.
  280. "H-hey stop. Don't make that face."
  281. >She furrows her brow.
  282. "Yona! NO."
  283. >"....."
  284. "Yona,I'm serious! Don't do it!"
  285. >"...*sniff*"
  286. >AW DAMMIT.
  287. "Fine,fine! Just...just don't hog all the covers."
  288. >"Yay!"
  289. >She practically bounces into her spot in your bed. disappearing under the blankets.
  290. >You just shake your head.
  291. >"Come Anon! Get in!"
  292. >She parts the covers,patting the space next to her.
  293. "What am I even doing?"
  294. >Reluctantly,you slide in next to Yona,getting a squeal of approval.
  295. >You adjust yourself, staring at the ceiling,taking a deep breath.
  296. >"Brother...?"
  297. "Yeah?"
  298. >"I glad you home."
  299. "Me too."
  300. >You can feel her eyes burning into the side of your face.
  301. "Is something wrong?"
  302. >"...."
  303. >You meet her stare.
  304. "Yona?"
  305. >"Brother...Do you maybe,have Girlfriend?"
  306. >You curl an eyebrow at her strange question.
  307. "U-uuhm...No- I don't. Why?"
  308. >She takes your hand in hers under the covers.
  309. >"Can Yona be your Girlfriend?"
  310. >You chuckle.
  311. "Are we playing house again?"
  312. >She sits up now.
  313. >"I serious."
  314. >Yona stares into your eyes,gauging your reaction.
  315. "Wh-why would you want-Yona are you-"
  316. >She moves closer as if she wants to kiss you.
  317. "Yona, wait."
  318. >You place your hands on her shoulders.
  319. "This is going a mile a minute,and I can't process all this."
  320. >"Okay."
  321. >Breath Anon. Breath. In and out.
  322. "Alright. First off,You're my little sister! We can't be together in that way!"
  323. >Yona's frowns,disheartened.
  324. >"Why not? Don't you love Yona?"
  325. "Of course I do! You're my sister, Yona!"
  326. >"Then why we can't be together?"
  327. >She starts leaning in again.
  328. "Yona, that's incest. Incest isn't right-"
  329. >"It love. Two people in love all that matters-"
  330. >Yona's lips touch your neck,planting a soft kiss.
  331. "G-gga-haaa,wait Yona, please!"
  332. >You hold her by the shoulders with shivering hands,panting wildly.
  333. >"That feel good?"
  334. >Yes.
  335. "No! Where did you learn stuff like that??"
  336. >She grins cutely.
  337. >"Yona training to be good wife. I browse internet for tips, and tricks!"
  338. "Of course."
  339. >She places her palms on your wrists.
  340. >"Yona was very sad when you leave. Promised that if you come back, she make sure you never go again."
  341. "Is that why you're doing this? To make sure I don't leave?"
  342. >She nods.
  343. "Jesus,Yona..."
  344. >Holy shit. How can you stay in the same bed with her now?
  345. >"Please don't go again! Yona will be a good girl! Make good wife!"
  346. "I can't do that. I have a life outside of here now Yona. A life I want to keep building upon!"
  347. >She hiccups, starting to cry.
  348. "C'mon Yona..don't cry-"
  349. >"If you leave now,I never see you again...!"
  350. >You hug her.
  351. "Don't say that! I'm here for a whole week,before I have to go back to school! We should take this time to have fun,like we did back as kids!"
  352. >Yona wipes her eyes with her forearm,sniffling.
  353. "Besides,I won't go forever,and you can come visit me anytime!"
  354. >Yona remains silent,except for a little sob every now,and then.
  355. "It'll be okay Yona. I promise."
  356. >"Mama,and Papa say same thing. Now they fight every night..."
  357. >You pull her close,Yona resting her head on your chest.
  358. "Look,I'm going into town tomorrow. Why don't you come with me? We'll make a day of it."
  359. >She nuzzles your chest.
  360. >"Like date?"
  361. "Uhh-ghe-sure I guess."
  362. >You feel her smile.
  363. >"Then we go on date tomorrow."
  364. >Her arms wrap around you waist,and her leg hooking yours.
  365. >Her knee brushes your crotch,making you feel even stranger about all this than before.
  366. "Y-Yona, could you maybe-"
  367. >She leans up kissing your bottom lip,before settling back in on your chest.
  368. >"Goodnight."
  369. "...Goodnight."
  370. >Fucking hell.
  371. >Good luck going to sleep now.
  372. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  373. >"Anon? Anon are you here?"
  374. >Yona creeps into your room,her favorite doll nestled in her arm.
  375. >"Brother?"
  376. >You spy her searching the room from your pitiful spot in the closet.
  377. "I'm here."
  378. >You can hear her tiny footsteps thumping against the old wooden floorboards,as she follows the sound of your voice.
  379. >"Are you hiding Anon? Come out please."
  380. >She's so cute. It's amazing how horrible genes can birth something so pure, and innocent.
  381. "Yona."
  382. >She flinches,finally looking at the closet.
  383. >"A-are you in there? Don't scare Yona-"
  384. >You move a box out the way so she can see you.
  385. >"Anon!"
  386. >She scurries to your spot, sitting on her knees in front of you.
  387. >"It dark. Why you sit here?"
  388. "It's my secret place. I like sitting in here."
  389. >"But Yona can't see your face..."
  390. "You don't have to see my face right now."
  391. >"...? Okay."
  392. >She brings her doll front,and center.
  393. >"We play house now?"
  394. >You stifle a grunt, not in the mood for Yona right now,but you did promise.
  395. "Okay. Let's play."
  396. >"Yay!"
  397. >You smile in the darkness.
  398. "I be mama, and you be Papa. You go away! Work,and I make dinner!"
  399. >Go away,and work,huh?
  400. "Hey Yona..."
  401. >"Yes?"
  402. >You put your hand on her head.
  403. "What would you do if...if I left for a long time?"
  404. >She looks at you questioningly.
  405. >"You leave? Leave Yona?"
  406. "I-"
  407. >"You stay! Stay with Yona! No go! Anon, and Yona stay together forever!"
  408. >This brings a smile to your swollen face,a sad one,but it's a smile.
  409. >She falls forward hugging you.
  410. >"Yona wife. Anon husband. Husband,and wife never leave each other!"
  411. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  412. "Mnngh..."
  413. >You wipe the crust from your tired eyes,feeling the heat of the morning sun pour through your windows onto your face.
  414. >Yona is still clamped down tightly on you,sleeping peacefully on your chest.
  415. "Hey. Hey Yona. Wake up."
  416. >"Mmm.."
  417. >She shifts herself,and only then are you reminded she has a leg pressed against your midsection,
  418. "G-ghhaaaa-"
  419. >Her eyes slowly open up.
  420. >"Good Morning."
  421. "YES. Good morning Yona! Can you get up?"
  422. >She ignores your request, hugging you.
  423. >"You're so warm! Like big teddy-"
  424. >Her leg moves again. This has to be intentional.
  425. "Y-Yoooooooona-"
  426. >"Huh? What wrong?"
  427. >She looks into your anxiety ridden face,blinks a few times,and then down the covers.
  428. >"Something poke Yona leg...?"
  429. "W-wait Yona, that's my-
  430. >She reaches down to grabbing it tightly and-
  431. "A-aah~"
  432. >You quickly slide out of bed,covering your shame,leaving a puzzled Yona to switch her focus from you to her open palm.
  433. >"It hard,and hot...was that-"
  434. "Let's wash up,and go eat some breakfast! We have a busy day today! BUSY BUSY BUSY!!"
  435. >"Wait Brother! Yona go with-"
  436. >You speedwalk out of the room,sporting one of the most awkward boners of your life,beelining it for the bathroom,and locking yourself in.
  437. >Nothing a good old splash of Cold water won't cure.
  438. >Shortly after a five-minute soak, and several hail marys you were acceptable to walk around. Yona didn't appreciate you suddenly taking off like that, but she didn't stay mad long.
  439. >Heading downstairs you were greeted with the nostalgic, and welcome smell of Mama's homemade Kasha. Such a lovely wholesome scent.
  440. >"Aaah! Mama's Kasha! I want Tvorog!"
  441. >Yona hops up in down,while holding your arm.
  442. >"Come! Mama's Tvorog best!"
  443. "What's Two-Voe-rog?"
  444. >Yona just smiles,leading you to the kitchen,where Mama and the other man wait.
  445. >Mama is busy tending to the stove,while "he" sits at the table with a newspaper,cup of jet black coffee in hand.
  446. >"Mama! Papa! Good morning!"
  447. >She scurries around the table hugging her father's neck, and Mama by the waist.
  448. >"Good morning Yona. Did you sleep well?"
  449. >"Mmmn."
  450. >You can feel the lingering tension in the air,despite them acting like nothing happened.
  451. >He peeks over his newspaper at you,saying nothing.
  452. >He loudly sips his coffee,getting it on his moustache.
  453. >"Anon! My baby! I make special breakfast for you!"
  454. >Mama breaks the staredown, bringing the pot of bubbling Kasha over.
  455. >"You eat! You eat all! Get nice and plump!"
  456. >In addition to the Kasha,there's a small dish of what looks like Cottage Cheese,Butterbort, and a Fried Egg. Quite the spread.
  457. "Wow! There's so much here! I don't know if I can eat it all."
  458. >Yona with her own set, grins at you cutely.
  459. >"Try the Tvorog! Mama makes it best!"
  460. >Mama giggles at the praise.
  461. >"FEH."
  462. >The happiness is ruined by a certain man's audible intervention.
  463. >Folding the paper up,he sits on the wood table,shaking his head at you.
  464. >"Fool woman. Wasting all this effort on this weak city boy. His eyes bigger than stomach!"
  465. >Mama remains silent.
  466. >"Do you even remember the dishes of your people,boy? Look at you! No Meat! No Muscle!"
  467. "I eat just fine."
  468. >"FEH. Maybe some work make you into half-man. Do some chores!"
  469. >You grumble under your breath.
  470. >Yona looks down at the table,giving you a side glance here and there.
  471. >"Do you remember how to chop wood?"
  472. "Of course I remember how to chop wood!"
  473. >"Then you chop wood later for fireplace! HAHAHAHA-"
  474. >He guffaws like he tricked you into doing something stupid. Granted,you weren't intending to be some chore mule while you were here,if it will shut him up,you'll do it.
  475. >Yona nudges your leg with her foot.
  476. >She gives you a concerned look. She's worried about your date obviously. You just need to get this task done,and the two of you can head into town.
  477. >He stands up,finally finished laughing, with his coffee in hand.
  478. >"You abandon family for Five years,and this how you come back. Scrawny! Embarrassment! You never should have left."
  479. >He leaves the three of you to awkward silence.
  480. >Asshole.
  481. >What sane person would be content to spend the rest of their life here with a man like that?
  482. >Mama finally takes a seat with her own food,placing a hand on yours.
  483. >"Do not hate him Anon. He is proud man. Old-fashioned."
  484. "Old-Fashioned is one way to say "Abusive" I guess."
  485. >Mama touches her cheek in surprise, and looks away.
  486. >"He-It is fine Anon. Do not worry."
  487. >You squeeze her hand.
  488. "Look Mama. If you,and Yona ever want to get away from here..."
  489. >She shakes her head.
  490. >"It's been long Anon. I can't go now,but thank you."
  491. >You frown hoping she would have accepted your offer. It would be tough for a little,but you could easily put up Mama and Yona. No problem. You'd work as hard as necessary to support them.
  492. >Speaking of which-
  493. >Yona has been playing with her Kasha this whole time,with a solemn expression on her face.
  494. >"Yona. What wrong?"
  495. >She makes her signature lip pouting face.
  496. >"Nothing..."
  497. >You roll your eyes,knowing exactly what her problem is.
  498. "We're still going."
  499. >She instantly brightens up.
  500. >"Yay!"
  501. >"Going? Going where?"
  502. >Mama looks on intrigued.
  503. >"We go on date!"
  504. "GE-AH-It's not quite that..."
  505. >Mama starts to chuckle.
  506. >"Yona is young woman Anon. She love you very much. You make perfect couple."
  507. "Yona's my SISTER,Mama."
  508. >She waves you off.
  509. >"In old country,it not strange to be betrothed to relative! Keep bloodline strong! Pure! You spend too much time with city folk!"
  510. "I keep hearing that lately..."
  511. >You grumble again, taking a spoonful of Kasha in your mouth.
  512. >Mama reaches over to pinch your cheek lovingly.
  513. >"Do not pout like baby. You been gone too long! We miss you! Yona miss you very much!"
  514. >Yona nods.
  515. >"She spend each night in your room. Smelling Blanket, smelling Pillow, smelling everything!"
  516. >Yona stops nodding,breaking out in a wild blush.
  518. >"Some nights I hear her cooing behind door to your room and-"
  519. >Yona starts slamming her hands on the table shaking it.
  520. >"Я пoмpy вiд збeнтeжeння, якщo ти пpoдoвжиш!(I will die of embarrassment if you continue!)"
  521. >Mama rolls her eyes.
  522. >"It is not shameful to long for someone, silly child."
  523. >You give Yona your best shit-eating grin, and lift your arm up, taking a loud whiff of yourself.
  525. >Yona, who's resorted to hiding her face with her hands peeks at you through her fingers.
  526. "So you like this, huh?"
  527. >"Хтocь зaкiнчyє мoї cтpaждaння ...(Someone end my suffering...)"
  528. >You, and Mama explode in laughter.
  529. >You missed this. A nice breakfast, laughing with Mama, and Yona. Eating good food, and putting all your worries behind you for a brief, sweet moment.
  530. >Still though. Smelling your stuff? Is Yona part bloodhound or something?
  531. >The rest of Breakfast was spent talking about what you've been up to at College. Your job working as a mailboy for a big office firm. Nothing really impressive. At least not to you.
  532. >Mama, and the Ogre were never one for civilization, choosing to buy all their supplies from the nearby farmers with barter, like they used to do in the old days. In a way it's kinda cool. Like Red Dead Redemption cool, but you couldn't do it. You're too used to capitalism, and hand sanitizer.
  533. >If that makes you weak, so be it.
  534. >Afterwards, you bundled yourself up in layers of clothes. No pollution out here to ease the cold after all. Time to chop some wood, and quiet the oaf.
  535. >You wrap your scarf, tight around the lower part of your face, preparing to go outside.
  536. >"Wait!"
  537. >Your hand is on the doorknob, when Yona comes barrelling down the stairs, also layered up.
  538. >"I help! It go quicker!"
  539. "Oh! Okay. Thanks."
  540. >She smiles, rocking on her heels.
  541. >With that, you both head out to the back of the house where a stump waits, an axe driven deep into it.
  542. >Grabbing hold of the handle, you struggle to pull it out, feeling someone watching you from behind.
  543. >Your sperm donor(ugh) watches from inside the house shaking his head.
  544. >Who gives a shit at this point? He better enjoy this while he can, because in a few days you'll be gone, and never have to deal with his bull for a long time.
  545. >"Anon!"
  546. >Yona runs over with an armful of logs.
  547. >She looks so happy. It's enough to make you forget your boiling discontent for that man.
  548. >"I set! You chop!"
  549. >She drops all the logs but one, placing it vertically on the stump.
  550. "Alright. Step back Yona. I don't want any of them to hit you-"
  551. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  552. >"-so much. He go too far."
  553. >You wince in pain, as Mama tries to clean your face of dried blood in the bathroom.
  554. "Agh...Mama! Please be gentle...it still hurts."
  555. >She dips the cloth into a basin of warm water, wringing it out.
  556. >"What were you thinking? Foolish, foolish boy."
  557. >She dabs it against the corner of your mouth, getting another whimper out of you.
  558. "I grow tired of being here in the country, Mama. I want to see the world! I want to know if there is more out there than what I see here."
  559. >She sighs.
  560. >"I understand. It is important for child to leave nest. To fly on own strength, but your Father...he want to keep family together. To preserve tradition-"
  561. >You grit your teeth.
  562. "Forget tradition Mama! We need to create new traditions! The world is changing. We must change with it, or be left in obscurity!"
  563. >She frowns.
  564. >"Papa and I...we come from place of old customs. All we know. It be like taking fish from Pond, and putting in Ocean."
  565. >She places the cloth on the rim of the basin, and opens the cupboard, bringing out a bottle of ointment and a cotton puff.
  566. "But Mama...we could live so much better! The people in the city...they think I'm smart enough to be among them! To get their education!"
  567. >Mama quickly turns the ointment bottle on the puff, and back to prevent it from getting too wet.
  568. >She touches a cut above your eyebrow.
  569. "Ow!"
  570. >"Shhh. Bear it."
  571. >You suck your teeth at the stinging sensation.
  572. >She sits the swab down, sighing.
  573. >"I understand Anon. I support-"
  574. "Thank you Mama."
  575. >"-But I cannot pay for your schooling."
  576. >You already expected this. You knew that if you left, you wouldn't have any monetary support from your parents.
  577. "I know Mama. I know, and I have an idea."
  578. >"Oh? Tell me."
  579. >You start telling Mama what you will do to get by as Yona watches from the bathroom doorway.
  580. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  581. "NGAH!"
  582. >You bring the Axe down perfectly in the center splitting it in half.
  583. >"Go! Go! So skilled!"
  584. >You wipe some sweat off your brow, as Yona claps.
  585. "It's not impressive to chop wood, Yona."
  586. >She gathers up the chopped wood, running it back to the storage shed.
  587. >You look around, seeing no more wood needing chopping.
  588. >"We done?"
  589. >Yona's already returned searching around too.
  590. "Looks like it."
  591. >She jumps in place cheering, getting snow everywhere.
  592. >"Yay! We can go on date now!"
  593. >There she goes calling it a date again.
  594. "Yona, it's not really a-"
  595. >"Hmm?"
  596. >She looks at you with a warm smile, and big clear eyes.
  597. "I... nothing. Let's get going."
  598. >You don't have the heart to correct her, and it would be mean after being gone so long to not give in to her preferences this once.
  599. >Sitting the axe in the shed with the logs, you and Yona finally set off for your day out in town, the feeling of being watched never really leaving until you were already a mile away from the house.
  600. >Yona hung onto your arm the whole way, resting her head on your shoulder. It was hard to walk, but she seemed really happy to be so close to you.
  601. >"Anon?"
  602. "What is it?"
  603. >She walks in matching pace with you, your footsteps hitting the snow at once.
  604. >"Do you like me?"
  605. "I love you, Yona."
  606. >"I love Anon too, but..."
  607. >This is new. She seems unsure.
  608. >"Could you see me as woman?"
  609. "See you as a woman? You are a woman. I'm not sure what you're getting at."
  610. >"No! Like... Sexy Woman?"
  611. "Hah?"
  612. >She's starting to confuse you.
  613. >"I read on internet-"
  614. "Stay off the internet."
  615. >"Let Yona speak!"
  616. >She thumps you on the arm.
  617. "Ow! Okay! Talk!"
  618. >Was Yona always this strong?
  619. >"They say that man like sexy woman, so if Yona sexy woman, then Anon like Yona!"
  620. >What is this nonsense about Sexy Women?
  621. "You're my cute, and adorable little sister. You don't have to be sexy for me to like you."
  622. >"Awww! Hee hee!"
  623. >Yona blushes, hugging your arm tightly.
  624. >Now you're wondering what website she was browsing. Speaking of weird things Yona has seen on the internet-
  625. "So where did this smelling thing come from?"
  626. >"GHE-"
  627. >She turns crimson.
  628. >You purse your lips waiting for a response.
  629. >"Yona does not-I-"
  630. >You roll your wrist, encouraging her to go on.
  631. >"Я нe пaхнyв cвoїми peчaми! Я їх пepeвipив!(I was not smelling your things! I was inspecting them!)"
  632. >There she goes, switching languages when she's flustered.
  633. "Inspecting them for what?"
  634. >"No! That wrong word..."
  635. "Then what word are you trying to use in this case, Yona? I'd love to know."
  636. >As expected. She makes her signature pouty face at you.
  637. "Okay! Okay! I'll drop it! Let's talk about something else!"
  638. >Yona's puffed out cheeks slowly go down, as she releases a loud gasp of air. She looks like a train expelling steam in the cold weather.
  639. >It's more than obvious Yona is hiding something, but you won't press the matter. For now anyway.
  640. >"Brother?"
  641. "Hm?"
  642. >She squeezes your arm a little tighter.
  643. >"If I wanted to come back to city with you... Could I?"
  644. "Of course you could. You, and Mama always have a place with me."
  645. >She shakes her head.
  646. >"No! No Mama. Just Yona!"
  647. >You rub the back of your neck, unsure of how to answer.
  648. "I don't know Yona. I mean, you're still in school, and I don't know how accepting Mama would be. "He" definitely won't let you go. You know what would happen if you even mentioned leaving."
  649. >You unconsciously touch the scar above your left eyebrow.
  650. >Yona frowns, looking into your eyes.
  651. >"Not fair. I want go with Anon..."
  652. >Poor Yona. She really loves you.
  653. >You both finally make it into town, where there's plenty of people milling about, despite the cold. Christmas decorations are already up, giving the place a very festive look. It's a shame you don't celebrate Christmas. Not in the traditional sense anyway.
  654. >Yona lets your arm go to run to a shop window, where they've already set up decorations inside.
  655. >"Anon! Look! Look!"
  656. >She points to a mechanical moving reindeer.
  657. "Calm down girl. You act like you've never seen one of these before."
  658. >She presses her face against the glass, looking at all the different toys. and moving Christmas themed decorum.
  659. "Cut that out Yona."
  660. >"You not boss!"
  661. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  662. >You cross your arms, snorting in minor annoyance.
  663. "Then let's go inside, instead of looking through the window like a couple of bums out of a home alone movie."
  664. >"Home alone?"
  665. >Right. Why don't you tell her what a VHS is while you're at it?
  666. "Just come on, you little goofball."
  667. >You grab one of her massive hair loops, dragging her in.
  668. >"Hey! Yona can walk!"
  669. >The door into the store lets out a festive ring when you enter, and the smell of fresh cinnamon fills your nostrils.
  670. >You can hear Christmas carols playing over the loudspeaker, as customers walk around browsing the wares.
  671. >"Welcome to Caverty's!"
  672. >A store clerk greets the two of you from behind the counter, while she rings up a customer.
  673. >Yona stands there fidgeting with her hands, like she's afraid.
  674. "What's wrong Yona?"
  675. >She looks around at the various items with big eyes.
  676. "Yona? Are you okay?"
  677. >"..."
  678. >She audibly gulps.
  679. "Earth to Yona! Helloooo-"
  680. >"C-can Yona see-"
  681. >She steps closer.
  682. >"Can Yona see the dolls....?"
  683. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  684. >You creep down the stairs, suitcase in hand.
  685. >The loud, obnoxious snoring upstairs tells you, you're still in the clear.
  686. >Mama waits by the door, waving for you to hurry.
  687. >This is it. You're going to set off to follow your dreams, and there's nothing Papa can do to stop you. No beatings or otherwise is going to hold you back.
  688. >Mama opens the door quietly.
  689. >You face her, taking note of the tears in her eyes.
  690. >"Here we are."
  691. "Yes..."
  692. >You both look to the taxi quietly waiting outside the house.
  693. >"Go, and find happiness, my boy. Find self."
  694. "I will Mama. I will, and I'll come back for you, and Yona."
  695. >She smiles, hugging you tightly.
  696. >"Don't worry. Just have fun on journey, silly boy."
  697. >You nod, feeling tears coming on yourself, as you grip the handle to your suitcase a little tighter.
  698. "Okay MAma. I'm off. I will make you proud."
  699. >"You never stopped Anon."
  700. >You turn to leave, when you hear little footsteps tumbling down the stairs behind you.
  701. >You, and Mama's eyes shoot to the source, seeing little Yona, half-asleep, trying to make her way down.
  702. >Mama quickly leaps into action picking her up to prevent any unnecessary noise being made.
  703. >Yona wipes her eyes, Doll nestled in her arms tightly like always.
  704. >"What Anon doing...?"
  705. >You, and Mama exchange looks of worry. You don't want to upset Yona. Not only would it be bad for Yona, but if she starts crying...
  706. >"Hush child. Let us go back to bed-"
  707. >"Why Anon have soupcase-"
  708. >Soupcase. Heh.
  709. >You put your suitcase down, placing a hand on Yona's head.
  710. "I'm going away for a little bit Yona."
  711. >"Going away...?"
  712. >Mama looks at you anxiously.
  713. "Just on a little trip. I'll be back though."
  714. >"Trip...? Like store?"
  715. "Something like that."
  716. >She yawns.
  717. >"Okay."
  718. >Phew. Dodged that bullet.
  719. >She hands you her doll groggily.
  720. "What's this for?"
  721. >"You take... Promise to give back."
  722. >Mama's mouth slightly opens.
  723. >"But, Yona. That's your favorite doll-"
  724. >She shakes the doll at you.
  725. >"You take. Give back."
  726. >You look at the raggedy toy, hesitantly accepting it.
  727. >"You give back..."
  728. >Yona yawns again, falling asleep once more in Mama's arms.
  729. >You hold the doll close, smiling.
  730. "I promise."
  731. >Tucking it in your inner coat pocket, you pick up your suitcase, giving both Mama and Yona a kiss goodbye.
  732. >You won't be seeing them for some time.
  733. >But when you do. You'll be a different person.
  734. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  735. >You stare at her nervous face for a moment, before smiling.
  736. "Of course we can. Let's go."
  737. >"Yay!"
  738. >She jumps in place, getting some looks from the other customers.
  739. >The two of you make your way to the toy section where they have a huge bin of stuffed animals inside.
  740. >Yona's face lights up like a Christmas tree at the variety.
  741. >"It... It like heaven!"
  742. >She practically leaps into the bin, some of the dolls letting out squeaks like they're approving of her invasion.
  743. >Her legs kick excitedly, as she;s bent over the bin's rim.
  744. >"Anon! Look! Look!"
  745. >She pulls out a Hippo.
  746. >"Isn't he funny? He got little hat!"
  747. >She pokes the little top hat on its head. Something about the doll fills you with dread.
  748. "W-why don't we take a look at the other dolls, huh?"
  749. >"Okay!"
  750. >She drops it back into the bin, browsing the other stuffed animals.
  751. "Is there one you're looking for in particular?"
  752. >She continues searching, not answering you.
  753. "Yona?"
  754. >Various dolls fly in different directions.
  755. "Yona."
  756. >There goes a bear.
  757. "Yona!"
  758. >You grab her by the waist, and forcibly pull her out.
  759. "Yona! What's wrong with you? You're making a mess."
  760. >She doesn't say anything, instead frowning with her cheeks puffed.
  761. "Let go..."
  762. >You comply releasing your hold, allowing her to sink to the ground on her knees.
  763. "Yona, what's gotten over you?"
  764. >She places a hand on the bin.
  765. >"Nothing. It... It nothing. *Sniff*:
  766. >You sigh, with a little grin.
  767. "Hey, Yona..."
  768. >She hangs her head.
  769. "Yona... You might wanna look at this."
  770. >She slowly looks at you over her shoulder.
  771. >You take your zipper in your pointer and thumb.
  772. >Zzziiiiiiip-
  773. >Someone in the store gasps.
  774. >"ANON!"
  775. >Yona's eyes go big.
  776. "You like? I bet you do~"
  777. >"A woman picks up a Christmas ornament that dropped from her Shopping cart.
  778. >"God. I'm so clumsy."
  779. >Meanwhile, Yona rises to her feet with a look of stunned excitement.
  780. >"You... You.."
  781. >You wiggle playfully.
  782. "Are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna come, and get it?"
  783. >You make a dirty stuffed Bunny doll in your inner coat pocket jump up and down.
  784. "Yona! Come, and pick me up already you silly little girl!"
  785. >The rabbit flops around, accompanied by your terrible high-pitched voice.
  786. >She reaches out slowly taking the bunny from your pocket, and staring at it with watery eyes.
  787. >"You.."
  788. "Hm?"
  789. >"You had whole time...?"
  790. "Of course I did stupid. My little sister made me promise to give it back to her."
  791. >Yona hugs the doll, letting tears dribble from her face onto its worn out fur.
  792. "So you were looking for a replacement?"
  793. >The crying smile soon becomes a sad one, as Yona wipes her face, nodding repeatedly.
  794. >"Yona... Yona have confession."
  795. "A confession? What do you need to confess?"
  796. >"*Sniff* Yona... Yona was bad girl. Very bad girl."
  797. >You tilt your head, curious as to what she means.
  798. >She holds Кpoлик close to her bosom.
  799. >"Yona go through bags... Go through when not around."
  800. "You went through my things?"
  801. >She slowly nods.
  802. >"Yona was...Yona was very bad girl."
  803. "Aww. It's okay. You were just looking for Кpoлик, weren't you?"
  804. >She nods again.
  805. >"Yona thought...Yona thought you forget. It been so long after all..."
  806. "Moron."
  807. >You take one of her loops and swing it into her face.
  808. >"Pbbht! Hey!"
  809. "You could've just asked! I keep him on me at all times!"
  810. >Yona blushes, looking down ashamedly.
  811. >"Yona sorry...!*Sniff*"
  812. >Her bottom lip starts to tremble.
  813. >You shake your head, grinning, and pull the blubbering girl into your arms.
  814. "I forgive you. Besides, it's not like you took anything. Right?"
  815. >She returns the hug, nodding into your chest.
  816. >"Right. Yona no take underwear."
  817. "Good. Let's get out of here, and go get some hot chocolate. My treat."
  818. >"Yay!"
  819. >Leaving the department store in exceptionally high spirits, you hit a nice little "Ma and Paw" type diner, where you treated Yona to some hot Cocoa. She kept the dirty little doll tucked inside her coat, with his head poking out under her chin.
  820. >She kept smelling him when you weren't looking. At least you think she was. It's kinda hard to miss one of Yona's audible sniffs.
  821. >Time flew by, and before you knew it, it was time to head home.
  822. >Yona skipped the whole way, swinging Кpoлик around.
  823. >It's like she's a little kid all over again. Some of us would be so lucky to be able to retain such an aura of youth. Well some of us at least.
  824. >The Snow looks great in the day, but at night it's amazingly mystic. Especially when the full moon is out. You could even hear wolves howl in the distance-
  825. >Actually, maybe you better hurry, and get home.
  826. >Home...Is it home to you?
  827. >"Anon, wait."
  828. >Yona stops you just short of the pathway to the front door.
  829. "What's up? Something wrong?"
  830. >Yona shyly grinds her foot into the snow, holding Кpoлик behind her.
  831. >"I very happy..."
  832. "I'm glad."
  833. >She blushes, with a nervous giggle.
  834. >"Date very fun!"
  835. "Thanks. It was pretty fun. Even if you are a crybaby."
  836. >You ruffle her hair.
  837. >"Mmnnh! You stop!"
  838. >She wrestles your hand off her head with puffed out cheeks.
  839. "Let's get inside, before we get too cold out here."
  840. >Yona steps closer.
  841. >"Y-Yona warm you up..."
  842. "Say what?"
  843. >Yona stands on her tippy toes, placing her lips on yours.
  844. >Your eyes shoot wide open, but Yona isn't done yet.
  845. >She amateurishly parts your mouth, sliding her tongue in, running it along your bottom teeth, and the roof of your mouth.
  846. >You place shaking hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her back, a trail of saliva breaking between the two of you.
  847. >"...We go inside."
  848. >She hurriedly runs down the pathway to the door, but not before tripping and falling face-first into the powder.
  849. >All you can do is stand there with your tongue hanging from your mouth.
  850. >At least Ten minutes had passed when you entered the house(You were not going inside with an erection caused by your little sister dammit).
  851. >Like yesterday, you're greeted with a rush of warm air, and delicious smells.
  852. >You close the door, and hang up your coat, hearing jubilant talking coming from the kitchen.
  853. >"Settle down, child! One thing at a time!"
  854. >Yona is hopping in place, as she tells Mama about your date together.
  855. >"Wewalkandtalkonwaytotownandsawreindeerinstore!ThenwewenttoseedollsandAnonhadmyКpoлик-"
  856. >Or attempting to tell Mama. Jesus.
  857. >Mama places a finger on Yona's mouth.
  858. >"Calm yourself, Yona! Take breath!"
  859. >"Y-yes Mama..."
  860. >She starts to simmer down, taking a few deep breaths, as you sit at the table.
  861. "We had fun, is what she's trying to say."
  862. >"I see!"
  863. >Mama smirks at Yona, while opening the oven.
  864. >"Well, you two arrive just in time for dinner. We have Coulibiac!"
  865. "Oh wow. I haven't had that in ages!"
  866. >Yona takes a seat, looking at you from across the table. She smiles, blushing, and looking away.
  867. >Yeah...you're trying to play it cool, but you still haven't gotten over the fact Yona just french-kissed you. Or is it more that, you kinda... liked it?
  868. >This is your goofy little sister we're talking about. She still plays with dolls, and cries all the time...
  869. >And yet-
  870. >Those lips...They're so soft.
  871. >"Mama? Is Papa eating with us?"
  872. >Mama doesn't say a word as she places a plate in front of you, and Yona.
  873. >"No. He out..."
  874. "Drinking himself blind I imagine."
  875. >"Anon!"
  876. "Am I wrong Mama? That's all he ever does! He's just gonna come home, wasted like he always does, and then he'll hit-"
  877. >Mama shoots you a piercing glare.
  878. >"That enough Anon. You speak too much!"
  879. >You shut your mouth. Maybe you were going too far, but you're not wrong, and you're only angry because You love Mama so much.
  880. "I'm sorry Mama."
  881. >She puts a hand on your shoulder.
  882. >"You are sweet, caring boy. Now! No more talk about bad things. We eat! We talk! We love one another!"
  883. >Deciding to save this conversation for later, you all ate, and listened to Yona talk about how much fun she had today. The kiss was left out of course. Mama doesn't need to know she slobbed you down.
  884. >How do you even deal with something like this? You have to talk to Yona of course, but when?
  885. >Once Dinner was over, Yona had ran off to her room with Кpoлик in tow.
  886. >"Anon."
  887. >You look up to Mama from your seat.
  888. "Yes?"
  889. >She sighs.
  890. >"About Papa..."
  891. >You scowl.
  892. "I thought you didn't want to talk about him."
  893. >Mama sits down after putting the plates into the sink.
  894. >"Not in front of Yona."
  895. "Okay. What do you want to talk about?"
  896. >She folds her hands.
  897. >"Papa is... He is proud man. Proud and-"
  898. "And old-fashioned. I know. You've said this before Mama. What does that have to do with anything?"
  899. >"He... He wants you to stay. Stay here with family. He miss you terribly."
  900. >Yeah right.
  901. "Mama-"
  902. >"Anon, please. Just listen."
  903. >You groan.
  904. >"He know not how to apologize. He drink to forget. To not feel."
  905. "So I need to have pity on him for being too much of a brainless, abusive psychopath? Come on Mama!"
  906. >Mama frowns looking at her hands.
  907. >"I know it difficult. I know pain never go, but..."
  908. >She places a hand on your forearm.
  909. >"Talk to him before you leave again?"
  910. "Is he gonna beat me?"
  911. >"Anon..."
  912. >You breathe hard through your nose, rubbing your temples.
  913. "I... I don't like him, nor do I owe him anything-"
  914. >Mama nods slowly.
  915. "-But I will try. For you, Mama."
  916. >She looks up with a smile.
  917. >"Thank you Anon. All I ask."
  918. >That's one tough conversation down. Now for the next one.
  919. >Leaving Mama to finish cleaning up after dinner, you opt to head upstairs, and talk to Yona.
  920. >That kissing thing needs to be addressed. Siblings shouldn't be doing things like that after all.
  921. >Right?
  922. >In any case, you don't want to have Yona get attached to you in such a way. It'd especially crush her when you have to go back to the city.
  923. >Once you make it to the upstairs hallway, you head down to Yona's room.
  924. >Her door is closed.
  925. >Taking a deep breath, you raise a hand to knock on-
  926. >"...Oooh~"
  927. "Wh-"
  928. >What was that noise?
  929. >You press your ear to her door.
  930. >*S-slup* *squish*
  931. >"Oooh...Mnngh~"
  932. >You can hear muffled squishing sounds coming from within Yona's room, and what you can only guess is this "cooing" Mama mentioned earlier.
  933. >"Nngh...Ah~!"
  934. >Your heart is starting to thump.
  935. >What is she doing in there?
  936. >You touch the doorknob carefully, taking a firm hold of it.
  937. >*Squich* Squip*
  938. >What are you doing Anon? Just knock on the door! She may be doing something you're not supposed to see-
  939. >"Ooooh... Anon..."
  940. >Goddammit Yona!
  941. >You can't contain your curiosity any longer.
  942. "It's just a peek. Nothing serious..."
  943. >You crack the door, just enough to look inside.
  944. >You can see Yona's legs. They wobble, and swing on the bed. Not enough to see what's happening.
  945. "Just a little more..."
  946. >You open it just a little bit more, getting a better view of Yona's legs. Her bare legs. Bare. As in nothing below-
  947. >You cover your mouth to keep from gasping.
  948. >IS YONA NAKED?
  949. >The "squishing" is more of a "schlick" now that the door isn't hampering the sound.
  950. >You feel a tingle down below, as you crack the door more to see what's going on.
  951. >"Nnngh....Aah..."
  952. >Yona spasms a little.
  953. "Oh my god...I'm a freaking pervert..."
  954. >It's as you suspected.
  955. >Yona is masturbating. You're spying on your little sister fucking TOUCHING herself.
  956. >You immediately feel dirty.
  957. >"*Snniiiiiiff*"
  958. "?"
  959. >You angle yourself so you can see what she's smelling on-Oh god.
  960. >Those are a pair of your boxers.
  961. >Yona presses the underwear into her face, while she vigorously rubs herself.
  962. >That image of your cute, klutzy little sister shatters into so many pieces before your eyes.
  963. >"N-Ngah..!"
  964. >She spasms again, raising her lower half into the air.
  965. >"G-Geh...! Ah!"
  966. >She finally settles, falling back into her bed, panting hard. You're still watching this. Why are you still watching?
  967. >You back away from the door, creeping into your room, and locking the door behind you.
  968. "...What just happened?"
  969. >You place your palm on your forehead, trying to understand what you just saw. Actually, no. That's stupid. You know what you saw. What she was doing. It's not rocket science.
  970. >It;s just-
  971. >Wow.
  972. >What's the normal way to respond to that? Assuming anything about this is normal.
  973. >You stand up and move to the window, looking at the snow gently falling under the moonlit sky.
  974. "What am I thinking? I'm taking this way too seriously. I'm here on vacation. I don't need to be thinking this hard. Just best to forget about it, and move on. Yeah! That's exactly what I'll do."
  975. >You'll just put it out of your mind, and go on doing your thing.
  976. >Maybe you'll go see a movie tomorrow, or go Ice-fishing!
  977. >Yes! Cold! Think cold thoughts. Cold, cold thoughts. Ice, Frostbite, Hypothermia. Brrrr! Aren't you chilly?
  978. >Maybe you should go roll around naked in the snow? Naked! Like Yona-
  979. >FUCK.
  980. >Don't think of Yona naked.
  981. >Think of Mama-
  982. >Wait, Mama is kind of hot too...
  983. >WAIT! NO!
  984. "ARRRGH. I knew this was a mistake!"
  985. >You grab your head, running your fingers through your hair in frustration.
  986. >NOK NOK.
  987. >You whip around to the door so fast, you nearly snap your neck.
  988. >"Anon?"
  989. >It's Yona.
  990. >Glancing at your reflection in the window, you take note of your dishevelled appearance, and quickly try to fix yourself up.
  991. >NOK NOK.
  992. "O-One moment!"
  993. >"Okay..."
  994. >You start patting down your hair, and straightening out your shirt.
  995. >Okay! You look good.
  996. >You, and your massive boner, that is clearly poking against your pants that any idiot with a set of eyes can see go to answer the door-
  997. >You look down.
  998. >Hello there, old friend.
  999. "FUCK."
  1000. >The doorknob turns.
  1001. >"Anon? I come in-"
  1002. "YONA! WAIT, NO!"
  1003. >Too late. The door starts to open, Yona's head poking in, as if in slow motion.
  1004. >"I hear yelling. You okay?"
  1005. >Forcing your best grin, as sweat pours down your face. Luckily, you were able to leap into bed, and cover yourself up, before Yona could witness the Indian ghosts haunting your pants.
  1006. >Yeah that was a shit euphemism, you're panicking right now.
  1007. "Oh, I'm just peachy! How are you?"
  1008. >Yona looks at you with her lips curled to the side.
  1009. >"You act strange."
  1010. "Me? NAAAAAAW. Just gettin ready for bed!"
  1011. >"Bed? This early?"
  1012. >Your eyes keep moving to her fingers, and her now clothed crotch.
  1013. >Clothed Crotch. Why did you think of it like that?
  1014. "You know me! Early to bed! Early to rise!"
  1015. >Yona just stands there for a while, not sure what to say. She eventually shrugs it off, brandishing her bunny.
  1016. >"Then we go sleep too!"
  1017. "Okay! Good night! Hit the light on your way out!"
  1018. >She giggles.
  1019. >"No silly! We sleep with you! In here!"
  1020. >You cross your legs.
  1021. "I-I-I don't think that's a good idea..."
  1022. >She starts coming closer.
  1023. >"Why not?"
  1024. >You hold up a frantic hand, nearly standing up.
  1025. >The covers are about to fall off, revealing your guilt for Yona to see.
  1026. "W-wait! It's not a good idea, b-because-Uh..."
  1027. >Yona waits for an explanation, holding Кpoлик close.
  1028. >Gas? No. She likes to smell you... And masturbate. This is not going to help you settle down.
  1029. >Yona hugs Кpoлик tight, her head starting to lower.
  1030. >"Are you mad?"
  1031. "Huh? Mad?"
  1032. >The top lip covers her bottom lip when she's about to cry.
  1033. >"Are you mad at Yona...? For kiss?"
  1034. "What? No! Why would I be mad about that? That was great!"
  1035. >Yona looks up blushing.
  1037. >"You like?"
  1038. "I LOVED it!"
  1039. >She swings her hips shyly.
  1040. >"Y-Yona good kisser?"
  1041. "The BEST. Easily the GOAT."
  1042. >She suddenly scowls in offense.
  1043. >"Goat?! Yona not goat!"
  1044. "No Yona. That means "Greatest of All time"."
  1045. >She spells it out, finally getting it.
  1046. >Boy, you really chose the hill you want to die on now. All you're doing is making things worse.
  1047. >The blush comes back across her face.
  1048. >"We kiss more...?"
  1049. "G-Uhh,,, I'm really tired, so-"
  1050. >She sits on the bed, crawling up to your side before you can protest further.
  1051. "Yona! Get out!"
  1052. >She sticks her tongue out at you.
  1053. >"No! You no make!"
  1054. >She curls up into the fetal position against your side in defiance.
  1055. "Yona! I let you sleep in here last night! You can't possibly sleep in here with me EVERY night, can you?"
  1056. >"Yes!"
  1057. >You growl, trying to roll her over.
  1058. "Yona! You're too big for this!"
  1059. >"NO!"
  1060. >The two of you start to wrestle, your frustration is starting to slowly bubble to the surface.
  1061. "Yona!"
  1062. >"NO!"
  1063. >She starts to kick, as you attempt to get your arms under her, to lift her up.
  1064. "Ow! You bit me!"
  1065. >"Yona, no go! You stop!"
  1066. >Forgetting the original reason for trying to keep her out of your bed, you erupt from the covers, pinning Yona down.
  1067. >Yona continues to kick, shaking her head, left, and right.
  1068. >"No! No ! No!"
  1069. "Yona! Cut it out! You can't sleep in here tonight!"
  1070. >She stops shaking to glare at you, her eyes slowly trailing down.
  1071. >"....?"
  1072. >You look down to what she's staring at.
  1073. >Ohhhh right. Fuck.
  1074. >It's sat quite comfortably on her stomach in fact. Boy, how stupid are you?
  1075. >Yona's eyes go wide, and the blush comes back in greater force, as the two of you sit there in awkward tension.
  1076. >You get off of Yona slowly, cringing internally.
  1077. "I'm sorry."
  1078. >You try to get off the bed, but Yona grabs your wrist.
  1079. >"No. Stay."
  1080. "Yona I-"
  1081. >She looks at you with serious eyes.
  1082. >"You stay. Please?"
  1083. >After a moment of searching her face, you sit back down, putting your face in your hands.
  1084. >Yona sits on her knees, trying to keep from looking between your legs, but her eyes continuously jump to your business.
  1085. >"I do that?"
  1086. >You choke on your spit.
  1087. "Wh-WHAT? NO! OF COURSE NOT!"
  1088. >She looks a little sad by this.
  1089. "What I mean to say is-"
  1090. >You try to regulate your breathing.
  1091. "This is just something that happens to guys randomly. You're my little sister. What kind of sicko gets aroused at the sight of his sister, naked?"
  1092. >"Naked?"
  1093. >You clasp your hand over your mouth.
  1094. >Yona narrows her eyes at you.
  1095. >"You have secret! You hide from Yona?"
  1096. "No! Not at all!"
  1097. >She shuffles closer, to give you a glare of death.
  1098. >"You see Yona naked?"
  1099. "No! At what point would I see you naked?"
  1100. >More squinted eye glaring.
  1101. >"At what point has Yona been naked...?"
  1102. >Yona stares at you thinking for a moment, before gasping, bringing her hand to her mouth in shock.
  1103. >The blush from before has spread across her face, turning her crimson.
  1104. "No! I didn't see anything Yona! I swear!"
  1105. >She grabs your arm.
  1106. >"You saw?! You saw Yona?!"
  1107. "No! I didn't see a single thing!"
  1108. >"YOU DID! YOU DID!"
  1109. >The wrestling starts up again.
  1110. >This has to be the weirdest confrontation you've ever experienced.
  1111. >Yona is slowly overpowering you in this impromptu battle.
  1112. >"You show Yona!"
  1113. "No! I didn't see anything!"
  1114. >"Not fair! Not fair! You lie!"
  1115. "Arrrrgh! Get off me!"
  1116. >Nok Nok
  1117. >The two of you stop fighting to look at a smiling Mama standing at your door.
  1118. >"Am I interrupting something?"
  1119. "N-No Mama."
  1120. >"Anon not fair! He saw Yona na-"
  1121. >You cover her mouth.
  1122. "Yona's b-being a brat Mama. Don't mind her."
  1123. >She licks your hand.
  1124. >UGH. You scrunch your face up, but refuse to move your hand away.
  1125. >Mama chuckles.
  1126. >"I miss you two fighting. So nice to see again."
  1127. "That's a weird thing to be happy about Mama."
  1128. >She throws her hands in the air.
  1129. >"We all weird!"
  1130. >Ain't that the truth.
  1131. >"I go take bath, and go to bed. See you two in morning."
  1132. "Y-yes Mama."
  1133. >"Mmnnghf!"
  1134. >Mama walks off into her bedroom, closing the door.
  1135. >"Mmnngh!"
  1136. >Yona wrestles your hand off her.
  1137. >"Tell truth!"
  1138. >You shut your eyes, not looking at her, only to be grabbed by the face, and forced to look Yona in the eyes.
  1139. >"Tell truth. Please?"
  1140. "....Yeah. I saw you."
  1141. >She gasps.
  1142. >"When?"
  1143. "About thirty minutes ago. W-with my underwear."
  1144. >The color starts to drain from her face.
  1145. >She lets you go with shaking hands, looking down at her lap.
  1146. >You both say nothing for the next few minutes. What can you say?
  1147. >Yeah I saw you jilling off. How'd my dookie stains smell gurl? Hurr hurr. By the way! I got a Boner. LET US FUCK.
  1148. >You snicker to yourself.
  1149. >"It funny...? Is Yona a..strange girl?"
  1150. >You double-take.
  1151. "What? No! NOOO! I'm not laughing at you!"
  1152. >She reaches for Кpoлик, hugging him close.
  1153. "I mean-You are a young girl. It's not weird to be interested in things like that. I know plenty of guys who think it's extremely attractive in fact!"
  1154. >Yona fidgets.
  1155. >"Do you like...?"
  1156. >You don't like where this is going.
  1157. "Do I like-"
  1158. >You mouth the words once more to yourself silently.
  1159. "I mean, I'm a guy. Of course I'd be into stuff like that."
  1160. >Yona's eyes light up.
  1161. >"Then, you-"
  1162. "You're still my sister. My LITTLE sister. It'd be weird if I were into you like that."
  1163. >What could be read as hopeful optimism, becomes defeat on her face.
  1164. >"Oh..."
  1165. >You pat her head.
  1166. "Don't be sad. If we weren't related, I'd be all over you!"
  1167. >That's totally not a weird thing to say to a minor.
  1168. >She sighs.
  1169. >"That not make Yona happy..."
  1170. "I'm sorry."
  1171. >Yona gets up off your bed, head hung low.
  1172. >"I go back to room."
  1173. >You feel bad for having rejected her, but it had to be done. Who knows what the rest of this visit will bring? Something may go down that'll make you not want to come back.
  1174. >She leaves the room, but returns a few seconds later.
  1175. "?"
  1176. >She fidgets nervously.
  1177. >"U-Uhm..."
  1178. "What is it?"
  1179. >She hands you your underwear.
  1180. "Oh! Oh...Yeah, I might need these."
  1181. >She leaves again, beet red, slamming her door behind her.
  1182. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1183. >"(He LEFT?! What do you mean he left?! I forbade him from leaving!"
  1184. >You sit in the closet, knees pulled up to your chin, covering your ears. Papa is so loud...
  1185. >"(He is a young man! He is an Adult Piotr! You cannot control him forever!)"
  1186. >Mama is equally loud. Why did Anon leave?
  1187. >KRA-KOOM,
  1188. >Something heavy falls on the ground downstairs.
  1189. >"(I am the head of this family! How dare you undermine me!"
  1190. >SLAP.
  1191. >"AGGH!"
  1192. >THUD.
  1193. >You cover your ears harder.
  1194. >It's quiet except for what sounds like Mama weeping.
  1195. >Thunk Thunk Thunk Thunk-
  1196. >KLIK SLAM
  1197. >There's no more noise. Are they done?
  1198. >You slowly get up from your hiding spot, moving your hair out of your eyes.
  1199. >You try to slither out of Anon's closet, and end up tripping over a shoebox.
  1200. "Owie!"
  1201. >Your knee hurts. Anon...
  1202. "*Sniff*."
  1203. >Tears start falling onto his carpet, as you lay there in pain.
  1204. >"Yona?"
  1205. >You move a bang from your eyes, and look up.
  1206. >Mama stands in the doorway, sporting a red mark on her cheek.
  1207. >"Little scamp. What are you doing in here?"
  1208. >She drops to her knees, helping you up to your feet.
  1209. "When Anon come back, Mama?"
  1210. >You wipe your face, while Mama looks you over for any serious injuries.
  1211. >"He... He will be back when he become man."
  1212. "But when that Mama?"
  1213. >Mama sighs, rubbing your head.
  1214. >"I cannot say for sure..."
  1215. >You frown, clearly unsatisfied with her answer.
  1216. >"Do not be sad, Yona. You gave him your bunny, yes? He will return it. He promise."
  1217. >That's right. He has Кpoликa! That means he will return someday.
  1218. >Mama wipes a tear from your cheek.
  1219. >"You see. It will all be like waking up from dream."
  1220. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1221. >"Wake up."
  1222. >Someone is stroking your cheek lightly.
  1223. "Mnngh..."
  1224. >You crack open one eye, to see Mama standing over you.
  1225. "Mama...?"
  1226. >"Get up Anon."
  1227. >You groan.
  1228. "... What time is it?"
  1229. >You check your phone. 5:50. Just short of assbreak of dawn.
  1230. "Come on Mama.... I'm on vacation... don;t make me get up early!"
  1231. >She laughs to herself.
  1232. >"Some things don't change. Come. You spend day with me."
  1233. >Spend the day with? The day hasn't even started yet!
  1234. >You roll over, with an annoyed grunt.
  1235. >Mama starts shaking you.
  1236. >"You have plenty time for sleep. Come on."
  1237. "Ggggnnnnngh..."
  1238. >She's sweet, and gentle, but when Mama wants something, there's no stopping her.
  1239. >"Quiet. Others sleeping."
  1240. >You sit up.
  1241. "It's just gonna be me, and you?"
  1242. >Mama smiles, not responding. Instead, she leaves you there answered, and groggy.
  1243. >The sun is still down, by the time you've gotten dressed, and cleaned up.
  1244. >Mama waits for you downstairs, bundled up for going outside.
  1245. "Good Morning Mama."
  1246. >"Good Morning. Are you ready?"
  1247. >You start to put on your coat, and scarf.
  1248. "No breakfast? You're usually up cooking when I wake up."
  1249. >"We eat while out."
  1250. >She still hasn't told you where the two of you are going exactly, and while it's not worrying considering who it is, you can't help but wonder what Mama actually likes to do when she goes out.
  1251. >For as long as you remember, Mama was up cooking sun up, to sun down.
  1252. >This may actually prove enlightening.
  1253. >"Come. We go."
  1254. >You open the door for her.
  1255. >"Such gentleman. I raise well."
  1256. >You chuckle.
  1257. "Considering the things I learned in the city, I don't know if I want to be known as that Mama."
  1258. >She tilts her head questioningly as you shut the door behind you.
  1259. >"Is the city that strange?"
  1260. "I think you'd like it."
  1261. >Following Mama, you both begin walking towards the town.
  1262. "Are you sure about this Mama? It's a pretty long walk..."
  1263. >Mama scowls, offended.
  1264. >"Are you saying I old, and weak?"
  1265. "N-nit at all Mama! I'm just-"
  1266. >"I joke. Silly boy."
  1267. "O-oh... Haha."
  1268. >This feels weird. You know basically nothing about Mama, and you can't really think of anything to ask her.
  1269. >"So, Anon."
  1270. "Yes, Mama!"
  1271. >Your sudden outburst, makes her flinch.
  1272. >"Have you made many friends in city?"
  1273. "Eh...Not really."
  1274. >"No?"
  1275. >You put your hands in your pockets.
  1276. "City people are... They're weird Mama. They have things like " Trans-People", and 57 Genders."
  1277. >Mama looks confused.
  1278. >"How many ways can there be man, and woman?"
  1279. "I'm confused about it too, Mama. They protest on campus all the time."
  1280. >"Oh dear. How do you manage?"
  1281. "I just keep my head down."
  1282. >Mama doesn't look happy.
  1283. >"Do you regret leaving then?"
  1284. >You think about that question.
  1285. "I... I do."
  1286. >Mama's eyes open wide.
  1287. >"I thought you want to see world."
  1288. "I do!"
  1289. >You sigh.
  1290. "Or at least I did."
  1291. >"Well, what change?"
  1292. >Mama loops arms with you, as you continue your stroll.
  1293. "You, and Yona."
  1294. >"Us?"
  1295. "Yes. I didn't think of how you two felt, or how things would change with me leaving... I didn't think of how it would affect you until now."
  1296. >Mama just closes her eyes.
  1297. >"Are you referring to me, and Papa?"
  1298. >You would mention Yona's little "fetish", but that's not Mama's business.
  1299. "Yes."
  1300. >Mama smiles.
  1301. >"You are good boy. Good son. You make very proud."
  1302. "Th-thank you Mama."
  1303. >"But, you so stupid."
  1304. "WHAT?"
  1305. >She puts a hand on your cheek with a little pat.
  1306. >"Man should have no regrets. Walk forward with head high, and no look back."
  1307. "Mama..."
  1308. >"I big girl. Yona too. We no need you worrying over us."
  1309. "But, Mama-"
  1310. >"Things happen for reason. This too happen for reason. All you can do is accept, and adapt."
  1311. >Mama smiles.
  1312. >"You understand?"
  1313. "Yes ma'am."
  1314. >"Good boy."
  1315. >Mama gave you things to think about indeed. The night you left in that Taxi, you didn't even think about what would happen to Mama, and Yona. You figured "that man" would leave them alone. He could disown you. You didn't care, but you didn't think he'd start hitting Mama. You thought it began, and ended with you.
  1316. >The two of you make it to Town, but the atmosphere feels different than yesterday.
  1317. >It's more lonely feeling, as the sun starts to rise over the horizon.
  1318. "So will you tell me where we're going now?"
  1319. >Mama smiles again, saying nothing.
  1320. "COME ON."
  1321. >"Hahahaha!"
  1322. >Seriously. Where is Mama taking you?
  1323. >You keep questioning her, getting silence in return, much to your annoyance.
  1324. >You walk for what feels like forever, until she brings you to what seems like a lodge. A large wooden sign rests above the entryway labelled "Cнiдaнoк тa мyзикa".
  1325. "What's this, Mama?"
  1326. >She just continues to smile, opening the entrance door.
  1327. >BWOOOOOOOM-
  1328. >Your ears are assaulted with what can only be described as a Goose with loud, explosive diarrhea.
  1329. >You clasp your hands over your ears.
  1330. "Mama! What's going on?!"
  1331. >She giggles stepping inside.
  1332. "Mama! Dammit..."
  1333. >You follow her in, being greeted by the smell of food, and more horns.
  1334. >There are tons of people sitting at long tables, eating, and laughing while some girl with bouncy Pink hair plays what looks like a deformed bagpipe.
  1335. "What is that ungodly noise, Mama?!"
  1336. >"Silly child. You never heard a yovidaphone?"
  1337. "A WHAT?! I CAN'T HEAR YOU."
  1338. >Mama motions for you to follow her.
  1339. >Seriously, this girl sucks. Who taught her how to play?
  1340. >The people watching, stare on stoically.
  1341. >Mama pulls you down to a seat at one of the long tables, next to a big shaggy-haired man.
  1342. "Mama, what is this place?"
  1343. >"This favorite place. Good food, and Music, but only early in morning."
  1344. >Good Music? That's debatable.
  1345. >You scan the room.
  1346. "How long have you been coming here?"
  1347. >"I come Three times a week."
  1349. >Mama places a finger on her lips.
  1350. >"Shh! No tell. Our secret."
  1351. >The horn blaring finally ends.
  1353. >The Pink girl raises her hands, dropping the instrument, getting thunderous applause from the crowd. One big guy is even crying.
  1354. "How do you make the time? It's like I never see you leave the kitchen, Mama-"
  1355. >She's busy clapping for the Pink girl's performance.
  1356. >"I'm sorry? Repeat?"
  1357. "I asked how you have time for this. Do you come alone?"
  1358. >"You don't remember? I bring you here. Very small."
  1359. "You did?"
  1360. >Mama giggles again, standing up.
  1361. >"You wait here."
  1362. "Okay?"
  1363. >Mama makes her way to the stage, as the Pink chick steps off.
  1364. >She sits down on a stool picking up the yovidaphone used by the Pink Girl.
  1365. >The crowd stops their cheering as Mama straightens herself out on the stool.
  1366. >She begins to play, and whoa. What a difference between her, and the last player.
  1367. >Her tones are smooth, jovial, and yet-
  1368. >Really sad?
  1369. >Mama's eyes are closed in concentration. The once, loud booming crowd has fallen silent to listen to her play.
  1370. >You had no idea Mama could do something like this.
  1371. >"She's quite the savant, eh lad?"
  1372. >An Amish man takes Mama's seat next to you.
  1373. "Yeah. She's great."
  1374. >He gives you a wrinkled grin, nodding in agreement.
  1375. >"I get up at the break of dawn every morning in hopes I can hear Nadja play."
  1376. >Nadja? Who is-
  1377. >Oh right. Mama's name.
  1378. "How long has she been playing here?"
  1379. >"Oh...It's been some time. This place is a favorite of the Pie clan, and-"
  1380. >"Dear. Don't bore the boy with a history lesson. I'm sure he's here to hear the music."
  1381. >A woman with her hair done up in a bun admonishes him.
  1382. >"Now now. It's not often a young person, other than Pinkie comes in here. I'm just happy."
  1383. >An old man is happy you're here? That's not creepy.
  1384. >You scoot away from him, but not before catching his notice.
  1385. >"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that! What I mean to say is, I think more young people could stand to be enriched by this culture, and-"
  1386. >"Igneous! Leave the lad be!"
  1387. >The woman tugs on his sleeve.
  1388. >Also, "Pie clan"? You don't know much about the surrounding families, now that you think about it. It was always just you, and Yona.
  1389. >The man extends his hand.
  1390. >"My name is Igneous Rock. This is my beloved wife, Cloudy Quartz."
  1391. >You shake his hand.
  1392. >"Dear, quit bothering him!"
  1393. "It's nice to meet you, sir. I'm Anonymous."
  1394. >Igneous, and Cloudy suddenly perk up.
  1395. >"Anon! You're Nadja, and Piotr's boy! The one who went to the city to go to school!"
  1396. "You know me?"
  1397. >"Your mother speaks fondly of you! Our daughter lives in the city too!"
  1398. >Igneous looks like he;s having a blast talking to you, while Cloudy rolls her eyes.
  1399. >"Say Anon...your family is known for that coal mine, yes?"
  1400. "Y-yeah...I guess."
  1401. >"We're Rock Farmers ourselves. Not the most lucrative business, but everyone needs granite!"
  1402. >You're starting to feel uncomfortable, and just want to listen to Mama play.
  1403. >"Say Anon..."
  1404. "Y-Yes?"
  1405. >He looks at Cloudy who isn't paying attention to him at the moment. He leans in uncomfortably close. So close you can smell dirt on his breath.
  1406. >"You're not married right? We have Four unmarried Daughters... I think you'd make a great addition to our family, and we could even merge our-"
  1407. >Before he can propose his insane marriage-merge idea to you, a hand pinches down on his earlobe, courtesy of Cloudy.
  1408. >"OW! Hey! What're you doing?!"
  1409. >"You daft old fool! Are you trying to scare the boy? He barely knows you, and you're already trying to wed him off to our girls!"
  1410. >Igneous grumbles to himself annoyed, as Mama finishes playing her set, to even louder approval from the audience.
  1411. >She sits the oddly designed bagpipe... Horn thing with the weird name down, coming back to join you at the table.
  1412. >"You like?"
  1413. >You didn't get to hear a lot of it, thanks to that creepy Igneous dude yapping your ear off, but what you did hear was amazing.
  1414. "I did. I never knew you could play an instrument, much less that thing."
  1415. >Mama giggles.
  1416. >"Much you do not know about Mama."
  1417. >She takes you by the hand.
  1418. >"So come. Learn something else about me."
  1419. "Alright, What are you going to show me now?"
  1420. >Mama smiles again not responding, leading you to the back of the lodge, into a dimly lit hallway.
  1421. >An odd odor fills the air, as you proceed to a stairwell, and head down.
  1422. "Mama... I'm not going to be sold into slavery or something down here, am I?"
  1423. >Mama sucks her teeth.
  1424. >"Don't be silly, child. You make bad slave, better as concubine."
  1425. "HUH?"
  1426. >Mama chuckles.
  1427. >"I joke!"
  1428. >You narrow your eyes at her, as you reach, what you assume is the basement. The odor is even stronger, and you can't really pinpoint what it is.
  1429. >"We here."
  1430. >Mama stops you in front of a set of double doors.
  1431. "Where is "here" exactly?"
  1432. >She pushes the doors open, letting blinding light shine through into your eyes.
  1433. >Once you adjust, you're greeted by the shouting of people at what looks like a Cage fight between two men.
  1434. >There are different languages being shouted all at once, but you can recognize armchair coaching when you hear it.
  1435. "What is this Mama?"
  1436. >She looks at you with a grin.
  1437. >"You want to try?"
  1438. >Those guys look pretty big... You might get hurt, plus you're not too keen on the idea of wrestling another guy-
  1439. "I think I'll pass, Mama."
  1440. >"Nonsense! You try."
  1441. "Mama, I don't-"
  1442. >She clasps your face in her hands.
  1443. >"You go in few days. Please? For me?"
  1444. >Mama looks deep into your eyes, pleading with you silently.
  1445. "No fair Mama. I can't say no to you."
  1446. >"Yay!"
  1447. >That sounds familiar.
  1448. >Mama leads you to a locker room, where another big man is watching the fight from the back. You seriously hope you don't get hurt doing this.
  1449. >"Tom! Tom!"
  1450. >Mama calls out to him.
  1451. >"Nadja! Welcome back!"
  1452. >How did Mama even get into this sort of thing? Today is full of surprises.
  1453. >They hug one another, patting each others arms.
  1454. >"Ahhh! It is always good to see you Nadja! Are you fighting today?"
  1455. >"I am."
  1456. >You just silently watch them.
  1457. >"Excellent! Who will be your opponent?"
  1458. >Mama throws an arm around you.
  1459. >"He here."
  1460. >They both stare at you.
  1461. "Wait..YOU MEAN ME?!"
  1462. >"Hahaha! You always did like fighting the strapping, young ones, Nadja."
  1463. "Mama, what does he mean?"
  1464. >Mama sticks her tongue out in a coy smile.
  1465. "Mama-!"
  1466. >She pushes you to Tommy.
  1467. >"I go get ready. Help him Tommy."
  1468. "Now wait just a second-"
  1469. >"Okay. I set him up for next match."
  1470. "I changed my mind. I can't fight my-"
  1471. >Mama leaves the room before you can protest further. This is not a good idea. Why did you say yes? How can you honestly go out there, and beat up on Mama? She's so frail, and slender! You'll absolutely wreck her chit.
  1472. >"Okay. You wear this."
  1473. >Tommy holds out a pair of leather trousers.
  1474. "Uhhh...Is this all? Do I get kneepads or a mouthpiece?"
  1475. >Tommy guffaws.
  1476. >"For Nadja? You may need protection for something else."
  1477. >And just what the fuck does that mean?
  1478. >Tommy whips a bottle out from his back pocket, and starts slathering you in what smells like Olive oil.
  1479. "What's all this for? What am I doing out there??"
  1480. >With no time for an explanation, you were rushed into putting on the trousers, by Tommy.
  1481. >This is weird. Very weird.
  1482. >"Go out there, and have fun now."
  1483. "Fun? I'm fighting my-I'm fighting a girl!"
  1484. >He laughs again.
  1485. >"Yeah. I hope she goes easy on you!"
  1486. >With a shove on the back from Tommy, you timidly head to the caged arena. It's really happening. Mama took you to Fight club.
  1487. >You're living out Fight club with Mama.
  1488. "I'm so stupid... Jesus help me."
  1489. >The spectators shout at you in their different languages, and rattle the cage steel.
  1490. >You know what? You love Mama to death, but this is too much for you. You never knew Mama had this wild side to her. You wanted to know more about her, but this? You didn't ask for this. Sorry Mama. You're skipping out on this.
  1491. >You about-face, and walk right into something soft, and pillowy.
  1492. >You touch the mounds, knowing them all too well.
  1493. >"Where going?"
  1494. >Mama stands before you, dressed in the same trousers, and her bra.
  1495. >Goddamn. Mama still has it. Looking at her like this, you couldn't, and wouldn't imagine she was a mother of two.
  1496. >You find yourself oogling her.
  1497. >DING.
  1498. >Mama starts walking towards you.
  1499. "Wait, what's going on?"
  1500. >"Wrestling match!"
  1501. >You put your hands up defensively.
  1502. "Mama! I'm super confused! What do I do here?"
  1503. >She grabs you by the wrist.
  1504. >"You try pin! Come on!"
  1505. >You reflexively pull back, sliding right out of her grip.
  1506. >That's right. The oil! You're covered in oil!
  1507. >That doesn't deter Mama any, as she lowers her center of Gravity, ready to pounce.
  1508. "Now hold on just a-"
  1509. >"Stop talking! Fight me!"
  1510. >Mama goes low, grabbing your ankles, and yanking them.
  1511. >You hit the ground with a loud "Thud", getting roars of applause.
  1512. >Mama takes the time to mount you, looking down at you with a satisfied smirk.
  1513. >"Too easy. I thought you tougher, Anon."
  1514. "You're my Mom! How can I fight you?"
  1515. >Mama rolls her eyes, getting off you.
  1516. >"You stand!"
  1517. >You crawl away from her, rising to your feet.
  1518. >"Now come! Try to pin!"
  1519. >Mama beckons you over with a finger.
  1520. >You shake your head.
  1521. "Nope. I give up."
  1522. >Mama narrows her eyes at you, and starts walking over again.
  1523. "Mama! Wait!"
  1524. >"Not Mama here. Nadja!"
  1525. >Your hands go up again in defense, only to be locked with Mama's.
  1526. >She pins your hands to the cage, pressing her body up against yours.
  1527. "M-Ma-"
  1528. >She touches noses with you.
  1529. >"No give up. No regrets. You no look back. Only look forward."
  1530. "Mama... What are you doing to me...?"
  1531. >Your heart starts to beat harder from the proximity.
  1532. >Mama can feel your body heating up, and smiles.
  1533. >"You like being close to me? You are man after all."
  1534. "I-I don't want to do this anymore Mama-
  1535. >"No Mama here. Only Nadja..."
  1536. >You gulp loudly... then get judo flipped to the mat.
  1537. "GRGH!"
  1538. >The room starts to spin, around you, as you lay face up staring at the lights.
  1539. >A pair of legs, wrap around your head turning you over, and bringing you up to your knees.
  1540. >You're face first in Mama-Muff, as she tries to set up a Triangle choke hold.
  1541. >"You feel bad? Worry about me, and Yona? You left, and no look back. We support you from far away, and now you regret leaving? Make all our pain, and suffering for nothing?"
  1542. >You try to speak, but... well your mouth is full.
  1543. >"We love you very much. Regret nothing. Even Papa's rage!"
  1544. >She locks it in, cutting off your oxygen.
  1545. >"Because we love you so much, we can move forward, and support you! Don't be coward, and forget that!"
  1546. "Mgh.."
  1547. >Mama shivers a little from you talking into her, before you start to pass out. You try to tap, but all the strength is leaving your body.
  1548. >Before you black out, you can hear the ringing of a bell.
  1549. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1550. >Still no sign of him yet.
  1551. >When you woke up this morning, you wanted to surprise Anon, but he was already gone. Mama too. Probably out shopping, but you wish they took you too. You want to spend every waking moment with him, while he's here.
  1552. >Sure yesterday ended a little weird, but that shouldn't stop you.
  1553. >You watch the window from the living room like a dog waiting for its owner to come back.
  1554. >Pretty pathetic Yona.
  1555. >Now that you think of it, Mama has never took you shopping with her this early in the morning. It's not fair.
  1556. >"They still gone?"
  1557. >Papa stands behind you with a cup of hot coffee.
  1558. "Yes Papa."
  1559. >"Hmm."
  1560. >He grunts, taking a sip.
  1561. >"Yona. We need to speak. Now is the best time."
  1562. >Papa sits in his favorite armchair.
  1563. "Okay Papa. What about?"
  1564. >You sit on the floor in front of him, legs folded together.
  1565. >"You love your brother, yes?"
  1566. "I do papa! I love lots!"
  1567. >He takes another swig.
  1568. >"Yes. Good girl. Anon is my heir, Heir to family business. You know this as well?"
  1569. "I do Papa!"
  1570. >You smile brightly at him.
  1571. >He nods.
  1572. >"Do you understand if Anon leaves this time, He no come back."
  1573. >Your smile starts to fade.
  1574. "Wh-what do you mean, Papa?"
  1575. >"Anon only come back, because of guilt. To say final goodbyes, before going back to city, and staying there. He want nothing to do with us anymore."
  1576. "That-That not true!"
  1577. >"It is."
  1578. >You start to tear up. Why would Papa say such mean things?
  1579. >"Anon will leave in couple days, and you never see again."
  1580. "No! NO NO NO! Anon would never do-"
  1581. >Papa glares at you, silencing you instantly.
  1582. >"Do you want Anon to stay forever?"
  1583. >Your lips quiver, unsure of how to answer him.
  1584. >"For Anon to stay here with us... You need to do something Yona. Something that will make Anon unhappy."
  1585. "Make him unhappy?"
  1586. >He nods again.
  1587. >"You need do something that makes Anon unable to leave."
  1588. >Unable to leave? You don't want to hurt Anon in any way or sense of the word, but the fear of him leaving, and never coming back is too great. If he would be unhappy for just a moment over a lifetime of misery-
  1589. "Like what, Papa?"
  1590. >Papa kneels down in front of you, smiling.
  1591. >"Let me tell you, my child."
  1592. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1593. >Your head is pounding.
  1594. >Hell, even blinking hurts like a mother-
  1595. >Mother. That's right!
  1596. >You crack open your eyes to more blinding lights. You're back in the locker room, laying on a bench.
  1597. "Gah....geez..."
  1598. >The lights are suddenly blocked by the smiling face of Mama, as she looks over you.
  1599. >"Finally awake?"
  1600. "M-mama...?"
  1601. >You sit up, rubbing your head.
  1602. "How long have I been out?"
  1603. >"Not long. Fifteen minutes."
  1604. >You crack your neck, your whole body sore from the match.
  1605. >"You have fun?"
  1606. "No."
  1607. >You answer immediately without giving it one second of thought.
  1608. "But... I get what you were trying to teach me. I just wish you didn't do it in such a "WWE" way."
  1609. >"What's "wwe"?"
  1610. >You shake your head, waving a hand.
  1611. "It's nothing important."
  1612. >Mama stands up, stretching.
  1613. "Have you always been into this sort of thing Mama? I realize now I barely know you."
  1614. >"Oh yes. Long time. Met Papa here."
  1615. >That doesn't surprise you.
  1616. >"But I had fun! It's nice when someone comes with. We should do again!"
  1617. >Mama sits back down, hugging you tightly.
  1618. "I don't know about that Mama. We're gonna have to talk about it."
  1619. >She giggles into your cheek with a peck.
  1620. "We should head home. Yona is probably up, and wondering where we are."
  1621. >Mama nods in agreement.
  1622. >"Oh yes... Keep secret we come here today. Papa thinks I quit."
  1623. "Oh, sure! No problem."
  1624. >"Good boy."
  1625. >Mama stands back up to go change.
  1626. >"Remember. No regrets. Okay?"
  1627. >She leaves you sitting there to ponder those words. Mama will be fine. Now, more than ever do you know that. She's tough! In more ways than one, but what about Yona?
  1628. >"I should say sorry."
  1629. "Huh?"
  1630. >Long after having dressed, you and Mama were back on the road home, when she suddenly sprang this on you..
  1631. >"I sorry."
  1632. "For what? The beatdown?"
  1633. >Mama sadly nods.
  1634. >"I..I bring you here for my own frustration too."
  1635. "Your frustration?"
  1636. >Mama puts her head on your shoulder.
  1637. >"I...I was mad you left too."
  1638. "You were? I thought you were supportive of me going?"
  1639. >"I am, but-"
  1640. >Mama teeters on the words, but doesn't quite know what to say, but you honestly don't need an explanation. You're more than aware, the whole family wanted you to stay home, instead of going off like you did. This was Mama's way of working through her anger, albeit a VERY strange, and slightly erotic way.
  1641. "I get it. You don't have to explain Mama."
  1642. >Mama hugs your arm.
  1643. >"Good."
  1644. >She seems to relax more.
  1645. "So... You like getting oiled up, huh?"
  1646. >"Anon!"
  1647. >Mama gives you a little push, giggling like a schoolgirl.
  1648. "What? It's a perfectly normal question!"
  1649. >"You no ask girl how they "oil up"."
  1650. "Most girls don't oil up, and wrestle."
  1651. >Mama looks at you in shock.
  1652. >"Ooooh. You meant wrestling..."
  1653. "MAMA."
  1654. >She starts laughing again.
  1655. >"I Joke!"
  1656. >Mama lowers her eyes, placing a finger on her lips, making what you can only describe as a "Cat face"
  1657. >"Or maybe not."
  1658. >Sweet Christmas, your family is strange.
  1659. >You came home to a agotated, loop-haired little sister who couldn't stop questioning where the two of you went, and why you didn't bring Yona along with you.
  1660. >The man, was at the table with his newspaper like yesterday, gruff, and irate expression as always.
  1661. >He looks between Mama, and you, saying nothing. Just rustling his newspaper a few times.
  1662. >Best just wait in your room.
  1663. >"Anooooon-"
  1664. >Yona is tugging on you every step of the way, as you head upstairs.
  1665. >"Anon! Yona wants to talk..."
  1666. "About what?"
  1667. >Yona sways unsure of herself.
  1668. >"I--"
  1669. >She starts to play with her long locks of hair.
  1670. "What?"
  1671. >"Will you leave forever?"
  1672. "Leave forever? Why would I leave forever?"
  1673. >She looks away, clearly hiding something, still messing with her hair.
  1674. >"When you go back to city... Will you leave forever?"
  1675. >You snort, amused.
  1676. "Why would I do that? You'd be hopeless without me!"
  1677. >You try to ruffle her hair, but she moves out of the way.
  1678. >"I serious!"
  1679. >Her eyes have an intense glare behind them now, as she lasers in on your facial expression.
  1680. "Y-Yona? Where's this coming from?"
  1681. >"I-"
  1682. >She's at a lost for words once more, starting to pull on her loops this time.
  1683. >"I don't know what to do!"
  1684. >She marches past you into her room, eyes starting to tear up. Of course, you follow her, eager to know what's going on.
  1685. >She sits on her bed, facing away from you, still tugging on her hair.
  1686. "Yona, what's wrong?"
  1687. >"....."
  1688. >Tug. Tug. Tug. Tug. Just tugging, and more tugging.
  1689. "Yona!"
  1690. >TUUUUUUUG. TUUUUUUUG. She's gonna rip her hair out at this rate!
  1691. You grab her hands, hoping to calm her down.
  1692. "Yona, what's the problem?"
  1693. >She won't meet your gaze, instead fidgeting around nervously.
  1694. >"... Please don't go back."
  1695. "What?"
  1696. >"No leave! Please!"
  1697. >Her eyes are starting to turn red, and glossy.
  1698. "Where is this coming from?"
  1699. >"Just... You stay! You stay, and everyone be happy!"
  1700. "How is my staying going to make everyone happy?"
  1701. >Yona grabs you by the biceps, leaning in close.
  1702. >"If you stay, Mama, and Papa... They no fight! Papa no sad! Mama no sad! Yona no sad..."
  1703. >That last one hit you square in the heart.
  1704. "Yona... I-"
  1705. >"Yona won't be bad girl! You stay, and Yona can stay good! Stay good forever! Be with you forever!"
  1706. >She looks frantic.
  1707. >"Please! Pretty please?"
  1708. >You're so confused.
  1709. "Yona, where is this coming from? You know I can't just up, and quit College right in the middle of it-"
  1710. >"But why not?! It easy! Just stay here!"
  1711. "I can't do that! You know I can't!
  1712. >"Th-then take Yona with you! We both leave!"
  1713. "That's against the law! I could get charged with kidnapping!"
  1714. >She lets you go, clutching her head.
  1715. >"What Yona do now?!"
  1716. "Yona, what the hell is wrong with you?!"
  1717. >She starts to cry.
  1718. >"Yona not bad girl! Not bad!"
  1719. "The fuh-"
  1720. >She starts to pull at her hair again.
  1721. "Yona! Stop that!"
  1722. >"Anon! Tell Yona! What do I do?!? What I supposed to do?!"
  1723. >She sniffles loudly, letting her hands drop to her knees.
  1724. >"I no want to be bad, I don't want you to hate me..."
  1725. "Why would I hate you? Talk to me Yona!"
  1726. >She blubbers out something, wiping her face.
  1727. "Yona. Calm down. What's wrong?"
  1728. >She shakes her hea
  1729. "Tell me, Yona."
  1730. >Yona stares into your eyes, with trembling lips.
  1731. >"I-"
  1732. >"Yona."
  1733. >A deep voice interrupts the two of you from her doorway.
  1734. >You turn around. It's Papa.
  1735. >"Yona. Come. We go out."
  1736. >She looks at him, and then you.
  1737. >"I said COME."
  1738. >"Y-yes Papa!"
  1739. >She hurriedly gets off the bed, but not before tripping on a shoe, and falling.
  1740. >The two of them left soon after, muttering something to one another in secret.
  1741. >It feels all too ominous. Maybe you should leave sooner than a couple days...
  1742. >They were gone for the rest of the day too. It;s way too boring up here. They don't have a television, or a phone. Just an old radio that gets maybe one or two stations, and for the most part, that's white noise mixed with music. Old Russian music.
  1743. >You spent the bulk of the day lounging in the living room with Mama, who decided to knit
  1744. >She hums a little tune, while moving to the rhythm.
  1745. "I don't know how you do it."
  1746. >"What's that?"
  1747. >You wave your hands all around the house.
  1748. "This. It's so boring here!"
  1749. >"I think it peaceful."
  1750. "Well yeah... but don't you want to do something? Is this enough for you?"
  1751. >She nods.
  1752. "You should come to the city. At least to visit. We could catch a movie, or go to an amusement park! I think you'd love it Mama."
  1753. >Mama just continues to hum. You roll your eyes.
  1754. >"Do you drink?"
  1755. "Drink? You mean-"
  1756. >" Yes. Do you drink?"
  1757. >You shrug.
  1758. "Not excessively. Not like your husband."
  1759. >She purses her lips, nodding again.
  1760. >"You drink with me?"
  1761. "You want me to drink with you? Why?"
  1762. >She puts her half-finished...whatever she's knitting down.
  1763. >"Because of special occasion!"
  1764. >You stand up as well, following her into the kitchen.
  1765. "What's the occasion."
  1766. >"Your birthday."
  1767. "It's not my birthday though."
  1768. >"Missed birthdays!"
  1769. >Mama takes out two small shot glasses, and a bottle of unlisted clear Liquid.
  1770. >You're starting to feel uneasy about this.
  1771. "Are you always like this when alone?"
  1772. >"Just with you, boy. Come! Drink with Mama!"
  1773. >She sits down, popping the top of the bottle, and filling both glasses.
  1774. >She slides one in your direction. You pick it up, and give it a whiff.
  1775. >It smells like Kerosene! EUGH.
  1776. "Jesus! What is this mama?"
  1777. >She downs her glass.
  1778. >"It good! Heзaбyдкa!"
  1779. "Forget me not? What type of name is that for booze?"
  1780. >You gather your courage, and down it, cringing from the bitter aftertaste, and the stomach burning sensation.
  1781. >Mama gasps loudly.
  1782. >"Happy birthday!"
  1783. "It's not my birthday."
  1784. >"One of missed Birthday!"
  1785. >She pours another helping out for the two of you.
  1786. >"I always want to do this with you! Have drink with son! Celebrate when he become man!"
  1787. >You smile.
  1788. "Isn't that something the father is supposed to do with his son?"
  1789. >"BAH! You want to drink with Papa? He can't hold his Liquor. Do something reckless! You wake up in bed with him!"
  1790. >Now that's a sickening image.
  1791. "Gross. Who's to say that won't happen with you Mama? Hahaha-"
  1792. >Mama goes silent, staring at you with lowered eyes, sipping this time.
  1793. "H-hahaha...?"
  1794. >Mama smugly grins, downing her glass.
  1795. "M-mama?"
  1796. >That smile, and silence has you a little curious, or maybe this stuff is more powerful than you thought.
  1797. >"Let's talk."
  1798. "Okay. About what?"
  1799. >Mama pours herself another glass.
  1800. >"You... You been intimate with Woman yet?"
  1801. "Mama!"
  1802. >"Whaaat? It normal question!"
  1803. >Your cheeks turn red.
  1804. "I don't think I should be having this conversation with you, Mama."
  1805. >"It simple question. You virgin?"
  1806. >You feel a huge know well up in your throat.
  1807. "I just can't talk to a g-girl about stuff like this..."
  1808. >"You rather talk to Papa?"
  1809. "NO."
  1810. >You polish off your glass. The burn becomes smoother and more pleasant.
  1811. >"Are you virgin?"
  1812. >You gulp.
  1813. "Yes. Okay? Yes. I haven't been with a woman."
  1814. >Mama's eyes are still lowered, looking at you.
  1815. >"What stopping you?"
  1816. "I-I dunno. Waiting on the right one...?"
  1817. >"I see."
  1818. >Is it suddenly hotter, or is it just you?
  1819. >Sweat starts to form on your brow.
  1820. >"Have you thought about Yona...?"
  1821. "Mama! No! She's my little sister!"
  1822. >Mama rolls her eyes at your comment.
  1823. >"You're too close-minded. City made you uptight!"
  1824. "I am NOT uptight, Mama."
  1825. >"You are."
  1826. "I wrestled with you in an underground foreign fight pit! I would say that makes me the least uptight of anyone!"
  1827. >"Is that so?"
  1828. >Mama pours herself one more glass, instantly downing it shortly after, and stands up.
  1829. >She saunters over, leaning over you with rosy cheeks, and that same smug smile.
  1830. >"Do you want to learn how to be with Woman?"
  1831. >Your eyes widen up.
  1832. "M-mama-"
  1833. >"Shh. No Mama. Only Nadja now."
  1834. >She leans in closer, straddling your lap.
  1835. "Mama! What are you doing?"
  1836. >She boops your nose with her pointer finger.
  1837. >"You not uptight, yes?"
  1838. "N-no I'm not, but this is-"
  1839. >"Do you want to learn? Mama will teach you. Do what good Mama supposed to do..."
  1840. >You throat feels tights, and you start to shake all over.
  1841. "Mama... Y-you're drunk."
  1842. >"Maybe little."
  1843. >She places her arms on your shoulders, slowly grinding herself into your lap, and holy fucking shit, does it feel amazing.
  1844. >Maybe it's the booze, but even through the clothes you can feel electricity flowing throughout your body.
  1845. "M-Ma... I don't.. What if Yona sees us?"
  1846. >Mama looks up at the ceiling, thinking.
  1847. >"You right."
  1848. >You release a breath, you didn't know you were holding in, as Mama gets off your erect-LAP. You meant to say Lap.
  1849. >"We go to your room. Continue there."
  1850. >Your jaw practically drops.
  1851. "A-are you serious Mama? I'm your son, and-"
  1852. >She takes your trembling hand, and places it on her breast.
  1853. >"Very serious. It's what good Mother do."
  1854. >She makes the "Cat face" expression again, giving you a little pull.
  1855. >"Let's go."
  1856. >You comply, in stunned silence, as you, and Mama head to your bedroom, a million things going through your mind at once.
  1857. >"Sit."
  1858. >You take a seat, with Mama, plopping down next to you.
  1859. >This is wrong. This is SO wrong. You can't even put it into words how wrong this is.
  1860. >Mama sways left to right, with the same grin plastered across her face.
  1861. >"So."
  1862. >You gulp audibly.
  1863. >"Have you seen one before?"
  1864. "S-seen what?"
  1865. >Mama sucks her teeth, growing annoyed.
  1866. >"A woman's parts."
  1867. "No! I mean yes! I've seen videos, and pictures!"
  1868. >Mama drunkenly snickers to herself.
  1869. >"That not real! You see real woman now..."
  1870. >Mama scoots away, starting to undo her pants with her inebriated, clumsy fingers.
  1871. "Ma-Mama hold on. This isn't right. You're not yourself right now, and-"
  1872. >Mama starts to slide her pants down, revealing modest panties underneath.
  1873. "Oh god, you're actually doing it. I should've drank more."
  1874. >"You should."
  1875. >Mama stops there, kicking her bottoms to the side, leaning back on her elbows, watching for your next move/
  1876. >You cover your eyes with a hand.
  1877. "Mama! Please... I don't want to do this."
  1878. >"You know. Your Papa. He stop touching me."
  1879. >Her soft hand grabs yours, guiding it to something "fuzzy".
  1880. "Mama!"
  1881. >You grit your teeth, your hand gripping your eyes, as you struggle not to look.
  1882. >"He lost his manhood. Lost what it means to be strong. Not like you Anon. You still strong. You can be greater man."
  1883. >What does Mama me-
  1884. >Your fingers brush against something moist, and squishy.
  1885. >"You can be stronger, and Mama will be the one to teach..."
  1886. "Mama, I don't understand! What are you saying?"
  1887. >"Mmnn.."
  1888. >You fingertip presses against something wet, that feels like a bean to the touch.
  1889. >"Good boy. Just like that. Ahh..."
  1890. >You start to pant, feeling the air in the room get thinner.
  1891. >This is wrong. It's so wrong, and yet-
  1892. >It feels so exhilarating!
  1893. >You find yourself blindly exploring this region of Mama, until your fingers slide into convulsing wetness. It feels like a wall of meat is trying to eat your hand.
  1894. >"Ah! Th-that feel good!"
  1895. >The bed squeaks of Mama repositioning herself.
  1896. "Oh my god... This is really happening."
  1897. >A faint musk starts to fill the room, as you work your fingers in, and out of Mama.
  1898. >You feel the bed tighten under you. Like it's being pulled on.
  1899. >"Mmnnh! Yes...YES!"
  1900. >Mama is twisting her body against your back,
  1901. >She's really enjoying this. Enjoying getting fingered by her goddamn son. A wave of disgust attempts to well up in your chest, but is overcome by excitement. Arousal! It's like your skin has become a hypersensitive membrane!
  1902. >The bridge of your nose starts to twitch, as your hand grows increasingly wetter with each thrust.
  1903. >"F-faster! Harder!"
  1904. >Fuck. She's so wet inside. Is it always like this?
  1905. >A hand touches your cheek.
  1906. >"L-Look Anon. No hide."
  1907. >With another gulp, you bring your hand from your eyes, getting a good view of Mama's lust-ridden face, as she pants just as hard.
  1908. >Hints of Alcohol come out with each breath, as she smiles.
  1909. >"S-so manly..."
  1910. >Your eyes trail from her down to her bushy, unkempt genitalia.
  1911. >Mama spreads her legs wider, making the arousal even stronger, as your heart feels like it just slid into your crotch.
  1912. >"Finish Mama off..."
  1913. >You just nod, breathing loudly out your mouth.
  1914. >Squsk squsk squsk squsk-
  1915. >Mama arches her back, grabbing a handful of your shirt from behind.
  1916. >"A-Aaah! YES! ANON! OH GOD! YES!"
  1917. >Her walls hug your finger, almost as if it's trying to break it off.
  1918. >"I CUM! I CUM! YES!"
  1919. >Liquid starts to cover your hand, as Mama spasms like Yona did when-
  1920. >Why would you bring up Yona, when you're doing something like this? The disgust comes back.
  1921. >Mama's climax finally ends, as she finally settles down, releasing her grip on you. Her breathing is soft, yet labored, but you can't even look at her right now. You feel like you did something despicable.
  1922. "M-mama? Are you okay?"
  1923. >"....."
  1924. "Mama?"
  1925. >You peek over your shoulder to see if she's okay-
  1926. "WHAT."
  1927. >Mama is sleeping with a big grin on her face.
  1928. >Guess the booze finally got her.
  1929. >"So manly...Anon.."
  1930. >You take your finger out of her, staring at the soaked digit, slowly bringing it to your mouth.
  1931. "No. What are you doing...?"
  1932. >You sigh, wiping it on your pants leg, before standing up to get Mama's undergarments.
  1933. >Better help her to bed.
  1934. >You should probably also consider leaving ASAP, before things get any more complicated.
  1935. "What a fucking visit. Jesus christ.
  1936. >As you start dressing Mama, you wonder if you hadn't gone to the city, would you still feel the same as you do now? Probably not. Everything you know now, you learned in the city. How Society sees certain things. How the "old customs" followed by Mama may be seen as "evil" or "sick" by someone in the city.
  1937. >Once clothed, you carry the slumbering woman to bed, tucking her in.
  1938. >The smile never left her face the entire time.
  1939. >You kiss her on the head.
  1940. "Sweet dreams Mama. I hope you don't remember this in the morning."
  1941. >You leave her to sleep off the booze, while you head downstairs, and start cleaning up the mess.
  1942. >Afterwards, you decide to relax in front of the fireplace, eventually dozing off on the sofa.
  1943. >"Anon."
  1944. >Someone is shaking you.
  1945. >"Anon! Wake up!"
  1946. "Let me sleep..."
  1947. >Your leg is kicked.
  1948. >"WAKE UP!"
  1949. >The kick jolts you awake to-
  1950. "Wha- What's going on?"
  1951. >The Town Sheriff, and Deputy stand there, staring at you with their arms crossed, while Papa, and Yona stand behind them.
  1952. >"You have a lot of explaining to do, boy."
  1953. >The sheriff roughly grabs your arm, forcing you to your feet.
  1954. "Ow! What the hell?!"
  1955. >"Be quiet! You're gonna need all your breath for talking later!"
  1956. "For what? What did I do?"
  1957. >"SHUT UP! Cuff him Deputy!"
  1958. >You start to fight back, but the two men manage to hold you down, slapping tight cuffs around your wrists.
  1959. >"Stop resisting!"
  1960. >The deputy hits you in the back of the head with his baton. You didn't know there were cops who still used those.
  1961. >You fall to your knees, dizzy from the hit.
  1962. "Wh-what did I do...?"
  1963. >The Sheriff, roughly grabs your arms, pulling you back up.
  1964. >"You city-folk think you can just waltz on in to our town, and do whatever ya want, huh? Think just cuz we're out the way we don't have Law, and Order out here?"
  1965. >Your legs wobble.
  1966. "But, I didn't-"
  1967. >"She's your goddamned sister! She loves you, and you went and raped her!"
  1968. "WHAT?! I DID WHAT?!"
  1969. >Your eyes flash to Papa, and Yona.
  1970. >"We got the report from the doctor, you sick bastard. There's proof she was raped!"
  1971. "Yona?!"
  1972. >Yona, just looks down, hands clenched together at her chest. Papa's hands slides onto her shoulder, as he stares on emotionless.
  1973. "Yona was-"
  1974. >"I said Shut up! You don't have the balls to make an honest woman out of her, so you figger you'll get your jollies, and leave, huh?"
  1975. >He pushes you forward.
  1976. "I didn't- Yona! Tell them! I didn't hurt you! YONA!"
  1977. >Yona averts her eyes.
  1978. >"It was Anon."
  1979. >Your stomach sinks into your feet at her accusation.
  1980. "YONA!!!"
  1981. >You're almost in front of the door, when Mama comes down the stairs, half-asleep in a panic.
  1982. >"What going on?! Why all the noise??"
  1983. "Mama!They're trying to-"
  1984. >"Keep walking."
  1985. >You're pushed again.
  1986. >"Wait! Stop!"
  1987. >Mama tries to chase the three of you, only to be intercepted by the deputy.
  1988. >You try to talk to the Sheriff. Try to say anything to convince him, that you didn't do this crime you've been accused, of, but it falls on deaf ears, as you're packed into the back of a squad car.
  1989. >This is all happening so fast. You're hyperventilating. You're angry, You're sad-
  1990. >Emotion after emotion comes, and goes during the trip back into Town, only you're going alone this time.
  1991. >Hour after hour of alternating between sitting in a cold cell, and being moved to a dirty interrogation room.
  1992. >Why did you do it?
  1993. >Why did you do it?
  1994. >A punch to the jaw.
  1995. >Why did you do it?
  1996. >Why did you do it?
  1997. >Another punch. Then blackness.
  1998. >Then you wake up in your cell.
  1999. >You heard Mama's voice outside a few times, but they wouldn't let her back to see you.
  2000. >All you could do is just sit there. Sit in the cold dark cell with your thoughts. Your suspicions. Theories. Your bruised face. All on this cold stone floor.
  2001. >Coming back was a fucking mistake, plain and simple.
  2002. >The rusty, loud screech of the cell door being opened, snaps you out of your thoughts.
  2003. >It's the Sheriff again.
  2004. >"Had enough time to come to your senses?"
  2005. "..."
  2006. >"Now you're quiet. That's fine."
  2007. >He sits on your bed, looking around the Cell surroundings.
  2008. >"What a shit hole. We should really clean this place up, huh boy?"
  2009. "...."
  2010. >He leans forward.
  2011. >"You want to stay quiet, you go right ahead. I'll talk instead. Now, normally we'd turn a piece of shit like you over to the fancy law folks in that city you love so much. Let them sort you out. I hear rapists are given special treatment."
  2012. >You glare at him.
  2013. >"But your daddy, and me? We go way back. WAY back. He asked me to show some mercy to a scumbag like you."
  2014. "What part of this is mercy? Being falsely accused, or the Police brutality?"
  2015. >The Sheriff snorts.
  2016. >"Suck it up boy. Your daddy begged me to release you into his custody."
  2017. >You cock an eye at him.
  2018. "What does that mean?"
  2019. >"You know what House Arrest is?"
  2020. >You narrow your eyes at his mocking tone.
  2021. >"You get spared a media parade, and going to a big city prison, and all you have to do is stay in your house."
  2022. "WHAT?! For how long?!"
  2023. >"What do you think? For good!"
  2024. >The Sheriff tips his hat.
  2025. >"Delivered him safe, and sound. Stay out of trouble boy."
  2026. >He winks at you before getting back in his car.
  2027. >Mama kicks the ground in his direction.
  2028. >"Iди в пeклo ти жиpний хoвpaшoк(Go to hell, you fat fucker)!"
  2029. >He drives off, honking the horn a few times.
  2030. >"Oh Anon. My baby! How could they do this to you?"
  2031. >The Sheriff isn't who should be answering that question,
  2032. "I'm fine Mama. I've been hit harder, though my face doesn't hurt as much as my heart."
  2033. >Mama hugs you.
  2034. >"Oh Anon. I so sorry! I no protect-"
  2035. "I'm fine Mama. Really."
  2036. >You notice that she has bags under her eyes. She must've been up all night with worry.
  2037. >"You come inside. We talk more."
  2038. "Okay..."
  2039. >You, and Mama head inside, the fury from before still bubbling inside.
  2040. >Once inside, you can see Yona, and Papa sitting at the table eating.
  2041. >Yona is clearly aware you're there, as she tries to make herself seem as small as possible.
  2042. >"Look who here! It's Anon! How're you my boy?"
  2043. >Papa raises his Coffee cup to you.
  2044. >"You enjoy your night in jail? You look like a real man now!"
  2045. >You start to grind your teeth again.
  2046. >"I think we be BIG happy family now! Very happy!"
  2047. >Your eyes feel like they're going to pop out of your skull.
  2048. >"What Sheriff say? Tell your Papa!"
  2049. >Mama looks from him to you.
  2050. "What did you do?"
  2051. >He sets his coffee cup down.
  2052. >"Huh?"
  2053. >You slam your fist on the table.
  2055. >Papa stands up.
  2056. >"You watch tone, BOY."
  2057. "FUCK YOU!"
  2058. >Yona, and Mama both look on in disbelief at your defiant tone.
  2060. >Papa starts to laugh.
  2061. >"You're not going anywhere! You leave, you go to jail! HAHAHAHAHA!"
  2062. >You growl, and flip over a chair.
  2063. "Ggh..FUCK!"
  2064. >You don't know where else to go, but your room right now.
  2065. >Papa's arrogant laughter booms all throughout the house, all the way up to your room, even pouring through your slammed door.
  2066. >There has to be a way out of this.
  2067. >What evidence is there against you? Some girl pointing a finger at you, and saying "He did it"? That shit wouldn't hold up in a court. FUCK!
  2068. >You're just too angry to think clearly.
  2069. >Why the hell does he want you to stay home so fucking bad? To inherit some shitty bullshit coal mind? All this for that? Why doesn't he just make another goddamn child, and disown you already?
  2070. >You rub your temples, sighing loudly.
  2071. >You can't give up. You have so much waiting for you outside of here. So much you still have to do. You have a LIFE. A life beyond this house in the middle of no where.
  2072. >....
  2073. >This is so overwhelming. Enough that you just break down, and start crying.
  2074. >You would rather just go down there, and glass that old fuck, and be done with him. Maybe run away with Mama, and Yona-
  2075. >YONA.
  2076. >What are your feelings about Yona? Would her desire to keep you here be enough that she'd have this happen to you? Did she conspire with Papa to trap you?
  2077. >You ball up your fists, banging them against your leg over, and over again.
  2078. >Who the hell can you trust in this town? You knew this was a bad idea. A TERRIBLE Idea.
  2079. >They better enjoy this visit, because once you've cooled off enough, you're going to figure a way out of here. Then you're going to put so much distance between you, and this house they'll have to cross three major seas to find you.
  2080. "SHIT!"
  2081. >You start to pace around, feeling your whole body start to heat up.
  2082. >Snot, and tears, and rage are just gushing out of your face.
  2083. >You're in pain, you're exhausted, and you're sad, and-
  2084. >Just a little of everything at this point.
  2085. >Nok Nok.
  2086. >Soft knocks rattle your door, stopping your panic attack.
  2087. "..."
  2088. >"H-hello...?"
  2089. >It's Mama.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables