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Flurry Heart Niece by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-12 19:19:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >You adjust your overly bulky headphones so as to hear your favorite theme better.
  2. >"...and so the he's like-"
  3. >Oh shit.
  4. >Your friend, Pumpkin, is saying something once again and you aren't paying attention.
  5. >"Flurry you listening?"
  6. >Lie! Hurry!
  7. "Totally"
  8. Speech 23/50
  9. >"You know, you could just let me know if I'm boring you."
  10. "N-naw it's cool."
  11. >Your friend gives you an unenthusiastic glare.
  12. >She ain't buying it.
  13. >If you haven't guessed by context clues, you're Flurry Heart Mi Amore.
  14. >Soon to be Senior in High School.
  15. And Kissless Virgin
  16. >N-not tha-at that's your fault or a-anything.
  17. >It's just because you haven't hit that growth spurt yet is all.
  18. >You can't help that your body is still that of a prepubescent girl.
  19. >Don't let them see you cry!
  20. >T-though there's nothing to cry about.
  21. >No preteen rocks the ass you do.
  22. >Or the curves.
  23. >Granted they're like gentle curves on a highway...
  24. >No.
  25. >Chin up.
  26. >It's just you're so comfortable with your style and love of anime that everyone's just...intimidated.
  27. >Yeah, that's it.
  28. >"You're doing the internal monologue thing again, aren't cha?"
  29. >N...Nani?!
  30. "What?! No!"
  31. >You chuckle, trying to throw her off.
  32. >"We've been friends since forever. You can't fool me."
  33. "Worth a Shot?" You Shrug.
  34. >"You could at least pretend to pay attention on the way to the book store. It's more a favor to you because Pound won't follow us there."
  35. "Sounds like a favor to you. He's out of your hair with all his questions about what girls like."
  36. >At least he acknowledges his sister's a girl...
  37. >As you look away, your eye gets drawn to a particularly different individual.
  38. >It's not that you notice every boy in town.
  39. >T-that'd be creepy, R-right?
  40. >Though his face is what catches your eye.
  41. >It's rather handsome, though oddly familiar.
  43. >"Eh Kid! Get Out the Damn Street!"
  44. >You're brought back to reality as a taxi driver curses and blows his horn.
  45. >"Earth to Flurry. Let's Go."
  46. >Pumpkin practically drags you the rest of the way across the street before looking back at the cab driver.
  47. >"You're the reason why Uber and Lyft are so popular, asshole."
  48. >You don't register his rude gesture as your mind is fixated on trying to located the mysterious man.
  49. >"You okay? You have like a stroke or something?"
  50. >A waving hand brings you out of your searching yet again.
  51. "Y-yeah, I-Quit waving your hand in my face!"
  52. >That all too jovial smile clashes with your sour visage as you bat at your pal's hand.
  53. >"I'm worried you might freeze up like that and the Serial Diddler might mistake you for a middle schooler and snatch you up. Oh. Oh where would I find a new best friend? One with such familiarity that I may scratch at my bra on a hot summer's day and not a single lash may be batted at the scene?"
  54. >Yeah.
  55. >Pumpkin's a little chubby, but she's got a few guys to hit on her.
  56. >Some of them were even average looking.
  57. >She's....Thicc?
  58. >You know that's the word they use on the forums you go on sometimes.
  59. "You don't have to throw your tats in my face"
  60. >Shit!
  61. >To late for your phrasing.
  62. >"I'm gonna give you a pass on that since you had some kind of brain infraction."
  63. >She starts walking off offering you the query:
  64. >"What's got your brain so laggy?"
  65. >Absentmindedly you respond:
  66. "That Guy...."
  67. >Now you've got her attention.
  68. >"Oooooo~ Does whittle Mi Amore have a crush like a big girl?"
  69. >You spin as your punch is speedily dodged by your friend now potentially mortal enemy.
  70. >She let's out her not so attractive giggle.
  71. >The one she only does in the company of her Bestie and her Brother.
  72. Oh Shit. Are You Besties?
  73. "That's not what I meant! The guy over at the bus stop across the street!"
  74. >You slam into her, full stop.
  75. >"Where?"
  77. >You search the crowd.
  78. >huh....
  79. >He was there.
  80. >you begin to ponder that maybe humans aren't static objects....
  81. >"Oh is that him!?"
  82. >She draws your attention to a particularly overweight individual in a wind breaker.
  83. "No! Not him. There was a guy in a black hoodie an-
  84. >"You don't have to make up stories Flurry."
  85. >She walks off, clearly not believing you.
  86. "I'm not making him up! He was all....familiar lookin' and-"
  87. >"It's alright. We all space sometimes. I think it might be whatever the cafeteria is putting in the lunch meat. It's gotta be like, horse...or something."
  88. "I saw a guy I really d-"
  89. >"I see guys all the time."
  90. >She gets a longing look to her dopey face.
  91. "N-no! This guy didn't look like he was from here, and yet his face seemed so familiar."
  92. >You look back to your friend.
  93. >She's Daydreaming...
  94. >Probably about boys, though that's safe to assume given who she is.
  95. >You search the streets once more.
  96. >"Meh, it's not worth dwelling on."
  97. >Having come out of her trance, Pumpkin gives you a hypocritically incentivized nudge.
  98. >Forlorn, you give up and turn back to your previous quest line; The Bookstore.
  100. King Crimson
  101. >Home.
  102. >Ironically, it's where the heart is.
  103. >Though also a physical house.
  104. >You've begun taking your shoes off as you enter the door, you prize (a translated and potentially bootleg copy of JoJo6251) in a bag wrapped around your wrist.
  105. >Through the cacophony of voices in the living room, you can tell both your Mother and Father are home and chatting with your favoritest Aunt in the whole world, Twilight.
  106. >Well, she's your only Aunt, but your assertion still stands!
  107. >As you make your way to show your aunt your newest (and potentially mistranslated) haul, you're greeted with the sight of a familiar face.
  108. >Familiar in that you've seen this face all too recently.
  109. >"Hey Flurry." Your Aunt greats you with a gentle hug.
  110. >You barely register as you lock you sights on the Familiar Stranger.
  111. ゴゴゴゴ
  113. >You can't help but gaze upon this man.
  114. >Something's not right.
  115. >It's his face.
  116. >Clearly an attack of an enemy sta-
  117. >"Sweetie. We need to talk."
  118. >You try to maneuver yourself towards the couch your mom and dad are on.
  119. >Bumping your leg on the arm rest and then the table corner, sucking air through your teeth but not once taking your eyes off the man in the black hoodie, before sitting down.
  120. >There's a long silence.
  121. >His face is so familiar to you, yet you can't place why.
  122. >"Kiddo," your father breaks the silence.
  123. >Who is h-
  124. >Your mother is snapping her fingers in your face.
  125. "Mom! Cut it ou-"
  126. >"Pay attention."
  127. >She pushes you face towards your father, whose face has a look of worry and maybe even dread as he takes a gulp of oxygen.
  128. >"Okay Princess. Y-you remember how Grandma and Grandpa are divorced."
  129. >The longer you stare at your father's face, the more focused on it you become.
  130. >So familiar.
  131. "Y-yeah, she started dating some dou-"
  132. >Your father cuts you off with a shoosh.
  133. >Nothing's adding up here...
  134. >"Well," Auntie Twilight now draws your attention with an adjustment to her glasses "She and that man had a baby. Despite Mother's age as well as Menopause having should of-"
  135. >"Twily!"
  136. >"Right. If that Man and your grandmother should have a child, what'd that make him to me and your Father?"
  137. "Auntie. Why are you playing guessing games with me?"
  138. >Your Aunt practically answers with a /Nani?!/ before settling herself.
  139. >"T-this man would be our baby brother."
  140. >She gestures to the green man with the familiar face and black hoodie.
  141. >You look between your father and him.
  142. >Their faces do have similarities...
  143. >Heat wells in your cheeks.
  144. "W-wait so this guy is...."
  145. >He doesn't let your thought train pull into the station.
  146. >"Hi. I'm Anonymous. And as strange as this is, I'm your Uncle."
  147. "Why would this be strange? So you're my dad's Half Brother, Right?"
  148. >You chuckle nervously at the man you just suggested to be handsome to yourself some couple of hours ago.
  150. >Everyone begins exchanging glances at each other.
  151. >Y-you got it.
  152. >Nailed it.
  153. >Right?
  154. "Is...Is there still something I'm not getting? I think I've got everything down, but there's still tension. What....What's going on?"
  155. >"Sweetie," Your mom chimes in, "Anon was born in 2003.
  156. "Yes, 200X"
  157. >Everyone seems confused by this.
  158. "C-continue please." You half demand.
  159. >"It's simple math, but the plain answer is that my half-brother is, to put it frank, Two years /younger/ than you.
  160. >N-
  161. >NANI?!
  163. >He's....he's younger than you?!
  164. >You give him the once over.
  165. >He's definitely handso-YOU MEAN TALL!
  166. >Tall is what you meant.
  167. "He sure is tall...."
  168. >Your face burns hotter than the contemptible sun.
  169. >"Yup Princess, that's the old Sparkle genes."
  170. >/Dot dot dot/
  171. >You glare at your father for a beat.
  172. "I ALSO have those genes."
  173. >Wait.
  174. >Something's not right.
  175. "Wasn't Grandma still wi-."
  176. >"Speaking of!"
  177. >Your mother quickly changed the subject.
  178. >"The reason as to why Anonymous is staying with us is because your grandmother... had a bit of an accident."
  179. >Your family's over all mood changes.
  180. "What happened to Grandma Vel?"
  181. >"She fell down the stairs at her condo," Your father shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
  182. >Your aunt places a feminine hand gently on your shoulder.
  183. >"She fractured her hip."
  184. >You aren't handling this well.
  185. >Shaky hands, teary eyes, sinking feeling in stomach.
  186. "How long?"
  187. >"Sweetie," You're mom steps forward. "She's gonna be in the hospital for three to four months."
  188. "He's gonna be here the whole summer!"
  189. >Your unwanted guest flinches.
  190. >"Flurry Heart Mi Amore!"
  191. >You've drawn the aggro of your mother.
  192. >oldmanjoseph.wav
  193. >Her face loses any trace of anger after a moment.
  194. >Even Part 2 Joseph wouldn't be able to guess her next line.
  195. >A sigh.
  196. >"Even with your grandmother's surgery and physical therapy, there's no guarantee that she'd be able to live on her own. She may need to move in with us."
  197. >There's a weight forming on you.
  198. >Grandma and her son no one told you here.
  199. >He's a complete stranger.
  200. "Where's his father? Why didn't he do som-"
  201. >Your mother levels an icy glare your way and your father shakes his head, cross chopping the air with his hands.
  202. >The universal sign somethings up.
  203. >You look to Auntie Twi for answers.
  204. >She gives you the "glare in the lenses of their glasses" stare you see in anime.
  205. >Though you only jump after the answer is voiced.
  206. >"He died when I was younger."
  208. >You turn to face the melancholic young man.
  209. >You refuse to call him "Uncle".
  210. >He's 15 for Pete's sake!
  211. >But when you finally get a good look at him, your father having scooted closer to him, you realized it.
  212. >The shape of this stranger face was so familiar because it was eerily similar to your father's face.
  213. >While that makes sense, it comes to dawn on you that if you get all hot and bothered by his handsome face, then it would stand to reason that you would be attrac-
  214. "Gross."
  215. >You were pretty sure you muttered that.
  216. >Clearly you didn't.
  217. >Shocked anger covers your parents usually happy faces.
  218. >Think of something.
  219. "I uh.....That is t-to say....."
  220. >Come on ol' girl.
  221. "I-I mean's gross that....someone should have to go through that."
  222. >Nailed it.
  223. >Your mother face palms.
  224. >This of coarse only segues into your next question:
  225. "He's not staying in my room is he?"
  226. >Smooth.
  227. >Your mom puts her hand on your shoulder.
  228. >A clear sign things are only going to get worse.
  229. >"Sweetie. You're a 17 year old girl. We would never make you share your room."
  230. >That sentence is less comforting when followed by your mother's signature snort laughs.
  231. >"We're gonna push all my gym stuff to one side of the room and maybe give him an old cot My gramps had back in WWII," your father says as he joins your mother's side.
  232. >Well, the one good thing out of this is that you no longer will have to hear your father's strained grunts as he "pumps iron" in the morning.
  233. >Though now your brain is connecting the grunting with the fact that you've recently started being attracted to people with a certain type of face.
  234. >You groan.
  235. >PURE-
  236. >Purely out of disgust.
  237. >Clearly.
  238. >Your aunt saunters her way up into your space.
  239. >"I'm going to be here for the next couple of days as well. Mostly to help Anonymous settle in."
  240. >She gives a genuine smile.
  241. >"But I think I can make some time for my favorite niece."
  242. >Only ni-
  243. >Hopefully only niece.
  245. >For all you know, a vampire could've stolen your grandfather's body and had se-
  246. >"Have you heard of My Hero Academia? I think you'd like it."
  247. >Oh Auntie Twilight.
  248. >Without her or your father's love of anime, you might have ended up as one of those clothing obsessed wastes of space.
  249. >Ugh.
  250. >Sends shivers down your spine just thinking about it.
  251. >"-go up stairs and check to make sure you've got everything."
  252. >Oh yeah. Time moves once more.
  253. >Or it never stopped as you spaced to talk to yourself.
  254. >"I know Twily can get a bit absent-minded."
  255. >"I am not!"
  256. >Anonymous ascends the stairs amidst the jovial conversation.
  257. >The moment he rounds the corner though, there's a harsh shift.
  258. >You look into each and every person's somber face.
  259. "Let me have it."
  260. >The chastising you expect to comes.
  261. >Instead you're met with an exhausted sigh.
  262. >"It happened a while back."
  263. >No one makes eye contact with one another as your mom continues.
  264. >"Apparently your grandmother and grandfather have been having marriage problems for a while."
  265. >"They tried to keep up appearances," Auntie Twi continues.
  266. >"For our sake anyway. They separated when I went to college. Mom moved out of state to leave with a younger guy she'd met at a bar. They stayed in touch, if only to lie for as long as they could."
  267. >You remember that.
  268. >Ten years ago they'd said they'd divorced.
  269. >They lied for so long.
  270. "So, they lied to us even after she had Anonymous?"
  271. >You can't help but notice your father's silence.
  272. >"Well, we weren't the only ones she kept things from," your aunt continues.
  273. >"While I was in her room, Anonymous busted in in a frenzied state. Mom had to explain to him that he had more family and that he was going to stay here for a while."
  274. >You can't imagine what that must be like.
  275. >To have your mother keep you in the dark for so long.
  276. >Makes you appreciate how straight forward and willing to share your mom is.
  277. >She could be less sharing, but the perfect being wasn't made in a day.
  279. You don't expect me to call him 'Uncle Anonymous', do you?
  280. >You really don't have a choice.
  281. >You'd be fine telling him to fuck off.
  282. >Yeah, his situation sucks, but none of you know him.
  283. >For all you know he could be attempting to Dio you and well, we all know how that ended.
  284. >Hopefully he's got a trick knee if it comes to that.
  285. >"Flurry, Sweetie."
  286. >Your mom draws you out of your pondering.
  287. >"You're the only people around his age he knows,"
  288. "No. Not happening. Me and my friends have everything the way we want. We're like the three musketeers."
  289. >"Actually there wer-"
  290. "Not helping Auntie," you say through your teeth.
  291. >"Okay how about this."
  292. >The smile on your mother's face is shifty at best.
  293. >"If you help out your...,"She avoids using the 'U' word "younger relative we might look the other way on certain things."
  294. >A bribe?
  295. >Your face is pic related.
  296. >"Like say for instance that room of yours..."
  297. >You step to look her in the eye.
  298. >This again.
  299. >"Princess," your father chimes in "We've talked to you about it."
  300. >"Your desk is covered in bags of snack sized chip bags and your bed spread smells like it hasn't been washed....ever."
  301. >You grit your teeth.
  302. >That is before you realize what they're proposing.
  303. "Okay. Pull my chain anymore and I'm gonna have to change my name to Zeppeli."
  304. >Your mom seems accepting of that answer.
  305. >Confused, but accepting.
  306. >"Good."
  307. >Your father lays on the goofy smile you're used to seeing on him.
  308. >"Anonymous is family. Let's try to make him feel as welcome as possible."
  309. >With that, he walks out to the kitchen.
  310. >"Who's in the mood for Chinese?
  312. >You end the call.
  313. >Mother's so far out of it due to the painkillers that she can't hold a conversation for more than a few minutes without falling asleep.
  314. >A disheartened sigh sounds through the home gym.
  315. >The guilt weighs heavy on your heart.
  316. >You could've been at home.
  317. >You should've been.
  318. >But now you are here. In a home you're not familiar with. With people whom you didn't know existed until almost a day ago.
  319. >Having taken inventory on your stuff, you've taken to sitting on weight bench.
  320. >You're not sure how feel.
  321. >On the one hand you've always wanted to have siblings. Due to mom's.... advanced age, you'd knew it'd never happen.
  322. >All the while you'd had siblings all along.
  323. >It just took a fractured hip to find that out.
  325. >The doorbell rouses you from your thoughts, if only for a second.
  326. >There's some thumps coming from down the hall before there's a slight knock that you can't help but feel was hesitated.
  327. >"Hey," practically whispered from the other side of the door. "Mom sent me tell you dinner's here."
  328. >Silence.
  329. >Sitting up, you wait for the sound of footsteps.
  330. >Instead you are met with Flurry Heart peeking through the door.
  331. >"You asleep or something?"
  332. >She looks incredibly nervous. Understandable considering the bizarre circumstances hefted upon her.
  333. "Y-yeah. I'll be down in a minute."
  334. >She doesn't move, opting to linger in the doorway.
  335. >...
  336. >As you move to get up, you notice she's finally begun to walk away.
  337. >Albeit very slowly.
  338. >As if unsure as to whether or not she should wait to walk you down to join with the rest of her family.
  339. >Your family.
  340. >That's gonna take a bit of getting used to.
  342. >Keeping an arms length from the girl, you finally enter the kitchen to the delightful smell of Chinese take-out.
  343. >An internal sigh.
  345. >Neither you nor your siblings know each other very well, but they managed to coincidentally get your favorite food.
  346. >Partly for it's taste but also for the fond memories you have of sitting in the restaurant near your house with mother on summer days.
  347. >You mentally chastise yourself.
  348. >She's only in the hospital. There's no need to be so dramatic, but you can't help it.
  349. >The realization comes to you that you've been standing in the doorway for far too long.
  350. >"Anonymous. Come. Grab a plate."
  351. >Shining Armor sweeps his hand over the many boxes of Chinese cuisine with a gentle smile on his face.
  352. >Walking over, you take a seat in between Cadance at the head of the table and Flurry.
  353. >You aren't sure why Flurry was seated away from her mother as such, but Twilight too had left space between her and Shining Armor.
  354. >With that space now filled, and everyone nice and cozy, everyone begins passing the food and asking who wants what.
  355. >Everyone seems quite and expectant of you. Perhaps waiting for you to ask any questions or share something.
  356. >You remain silent.
  357. >"So Anonymous..." Cadance says with a pause.
  358. >She seems to be struggling with finding something to ask you. Like maybe how you've been while also realizing you that your mother IS in the hospital.
  359. >"Do you have any hobbies?"
  360. >For a moment the question hangs in the air. Nobody says anything as they wait for what could be (and is being) described as an uncomfortably long silence.
  361. >You look over to Flurry, who's looking down at her plate and messing with a piece of sweet and sour pork.
  362. >Looking back to the rest of the family, your brain finally begins working again.
  363. "I like to read books."
  364. >There's a strange look on Cadance's face before you noticed Twilight's huge smile.
  365. >"Ohmygosh! Do you like fiction or non-fiction? Have you read the Daring-Do Series? Or perhaps the clas-"
  366. >"Twily. You've gotta give the guy a chance to answer. Anonymous how about we start with the Daring-Do series."
  368. >>32641165
  369. >Your answer comes in at about a whisper.
  370. "It's my favorite series."
  371. >Twilight's face lights up at this and looks like she's going to explode with excitement.
  372. "Mom always read it to me before bed when I was younger."
  373. >All the adults at the table have a mixture of surprise and knowing on their face.
  374. >"She used to read the series to Twily and me as well."
  375. >It's funny in a way.
  376. >You guess a love of books must run in the family, given mom's told you she's worked with books all her life.
  377. >It makes you feel a little closer to your siblings in a way.
  378. >"You like video games?" Shining Armor asks as he holds out a box of Spicy Orange Chicken.
  379. >Now what kind of a question is that in this day and age?
  380. "Y-yeah."
  381. >"You play any of the Fallout games?"
  383. >It's been 45 minutes and it looks like everyone's eaten their fill.
  384. >By the look on your Sister-in-Law's (Half-Sister-in-Law's? Is that even a thing?) face, it has been a loooong 45 minutes.
  385. >"I tried to get Twily to play the older ones because they're more like the old O&O games. But Alas. My Baby Sister is more into knights and magic than guns and science."
  386. >You're really enjoying Shining's flare for the dramatic, even if it's just to get a laugh.
  387. >It's definitely gets a chuckle out of you.
  388. >"Science? Ha!" Twilight swings her chopsticks. "Radiation doesn't make things grow! Well except maybe cancer... and it can cure it."
  389. >"It's based on the old 50's movie sci-fi."
  390. >Cadance let's out an exhausted sigh. She'd placed her head down on the table about 20 minutes into Shining's history lesson on the world of Fallout.
  391. >"Every time.... It's like opening the most boring Pandora's Box ever."
  392. >Her eyes jar open as she realizes you're staring at her with a half grin. She sheepishly smiles back.
  393. >This feels nice. Like a family should feel.
  394. >Is that just your personal opinion though?
  395. >"Flurry. Those veggies better be of that plate before you get from this table."
  397. >Shining's....sternness? It's more laid back so it's difficult for you to even call it that.
  398. >Whatever it is, it draws you from your musings.
  399. >That and Flurry's sigh.
  400. >"I thought we had a deal?"
  401. >Deal?
  402. >"It doesn't extend to your eating habits", Cadance chimes in. "Eat the vegetables too."
  403. >You turn your attention to Flurry, once again sighing, as she picks up some broccoli and halfheartedly takes a bite out of it.
  404. >"Flurry, don't be difficult." Cadance says through her teeth.
  405. >"You guys know I'm a meat person."
  406. >Flurry's response gets a chuckle out of Twilight. "We're all meat people. We're maid of it kiddo."
  407. >Twilight's joke is way more innocent than you'd have thought.
  408. >"You aren't one of your anime characters. You're my daughter."
  409. >"You probably should eat all your veggies. You'd probably grow a few more feet."
  410. >Damn. Shining is straight savage.
  411. >It's then that everything seems to slow down.
  412. >Cadance is about to say something to Shining Armor (probably about the burn he just pulled on his own daughter), Twilight is trying not to show her giggle fit she's on the verge of having and Flurry has ducked in her seat.
  413. >At first you think it's because she's upset at her father making fun of her height (which is partly the reason) but it becomes all to apparent what she was really doing.
  414. >Her lower half shifted as her leg swung out from where he was seated.
  415. >It was a clear attempt to kick her father in the shin. It would've probably reached, if it wasn't for the fact that in your comfort you'd slouched in your chair and put your own legs out.
  416. >About the area in which Shining Armor's legs where. Though through the unwritten law of the unspoken 'No-Homo' rules you'd both managed to somehow not touch each other with you-
  417. >Immense pain in your ankle!
  418. >Flurry had managed to somehow put quite a bit of her weight behind that sweep.
  419. >The sound from your mouth is like a 'Herrrrnnn'
  420. as you slam your fist onto the table.
  421. >"Oh! I'm Sor-!"
  423. >Down comes the uneaten vegetables. Right into your lap.
  424. VeggieTales: Larry and the Bad Touch
  425. >Luckily it's cold food. You're not in to steamed vegetables like that.
  426. >What?
  427. >You've got a sore ankle and a crotch full of various Chinese vegetables. This is as good as your wit is going to get at the moment.
  428. >"Are you alright Anonymous?" Cadance has stood up from her seat and is attempting to pull your seat out to look at your ankle.
  429. >"I'll go get an ice pack!" Flurry manages to blurt out after making a noise resembling that of a goat.
  430. >You think. You've never really seen a goat in person but you feel that the noise would be right up their alley.
  431. >"Well the good news is it doesn't seem broken or sprained," Cadance says. "The bad news is, you'll never ride horses again."
  432. >She has a motherly smile on her face.
  433. >You aren't sure what she means about the horse thing.
  434. >"He never did to begin with." Shining has finally made his way around the dining table, grinning all the while.
  435. >"Well then I guess there's no bad news!" She responds to her husbands quip with practiced timing. "But is it bad news that there's no bad news or is it good news?"
  436. >Twilight, who has just arrived on your side of the table and seems to be examining your ankle from a far, joins in the chuckling.
  437. >You can't help but smile.
  438. >A cold sensation grabs your attention as Flurry props the ice pack against your ankle.
  439. "Thanks."
  440. >"No Problem." She's about 50 decibels too high with her response, but you keep your mouth shut.
  441. >She...She's staring pretty hard at your leg. Like she's trying to heal it through sheer will or something.
  442. >She's concentrating so hard her face is turning red.
  443. "Okay, I'm feeling a little better so I think I'll head upstairs."
  444. >Flurry 'eeps' as you move, having been so focused on your ankle.
  445. >"Hold on," Shining Armor says as he grabs your shoulder. "I'm heading that way to get my, er, OUR grandad's old cot. I'll help you upstairs."
  446. Curse these limits on space per post I'm right at the end of this part too
  447. >Hooking his arm under your shoulder he adds,"And apologize for having you sleep on a cot that probably has more dust on it than sand in the desert."
  448. >"That had better be meant as a hyperbole!" Twilight calls out as you leave the girls in the kitchen.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables