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Inky Bloodplay

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:15:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anonymous, can I ask you a question?"
  2. "Sure, uh... Inky Rose, was it?"
  3. >"Yes. Um..."
  4. >The lanky pegasus shuffles around, feeling a bit unsure.
  5. >"I heard a rumor...about humans. And wanted to ask you."
  6. >It's not like you have anything better to do. There's no one else in the boutique now and you're just wasting your time meddling with some decorations. Helping out Rarity is sometimes way too uneventful.
  7. "Go ahead."
  8. >"Do humans really eat meat?"
  9. >Well that was unexpected. Did she read Twilight's publications or are you the talk of Canterlot these days?
  10. >Inky's pale cheeks are getting a bit rosy. Maybe she's just ashamed of asking a not very appropriate question.
  11. >You reply as casually as you can.
  12. "Yeah, why?"
  13. >You notice a cute little gulp she does when you confirm it. Feeling a bit more confident she asks you one more question.
  14. >" humans..."
  15. >"Do humans drink blood?"
  16. >Oh, so this is what it's all about. What were you expecting, something normal?
  17. >You can only imagine what crazy thoughts she must be having in her little goth mind. Eating meat is probably the closest it gets to real vampire fantasy for her in the world where even the vampire bats are vegetarian.
  18. >Well, you decide to bite in.
  19. "That depends."
  20. >An intriguing answer. Inky looks at you with not so subtle enthusiasm so you're pretty sure you just confirmed a lot of her expectations.
  21. >You open your mouth and point at your totally sharp and deadly fangs.
  22. "Shee zheesh?" you manage to say with your mouth still open.
  23. >The eyes of the pegasus light up with excitement and a bit of fear as she struts towards you decisively to take a closer look.
  24. >To give her a better view you squat down (doing the slav squat of course) and Inky takes this opportunity to move in, a bit too close.
  25. >Ponies know nothing about personal space, that you've learned long ago, but you didn't really expect a timid pony like her to be so brash.
  26. >Your mouth starts to feel a bit dry as she stares at your murder tools.
  28. >There's nothing wrong with entertaining the little goth pony. She'll probably fantasize about you sucking her blood tonight or something, so at least you'll make her a bit happier.
  29. >"Do you really suck the blood out of your...prey? With these?"
  30. >She sounds a bit sceptical but she's still excited. A bit too much. Closing your mouth you find yourself inches away from her muzzle and her puzzled gaze.
  31. "Nope. We just consume blood with the meat as we tear it from our victims."
  32. >A wave of hot air washes over your face as she exhales with a hushed "unf" in her voice.
  33. "And if it's blood of our human enemy, we sometimes drink it from a goblet that's made out of a human skull"
  34. >Now she's biting her lip. Come to think of it, she was blushing this entire time.
  35. >You might be on to something here. You call her name and she snaps out of it.
  36. >The mare regains her composure and clears her throat.
  37. >"Fascinating."
  38. >After all of this is it really all she can manage? You don't think so.
  39. "You know, Inky..."
  40. >She's already in her gloomy mode again but you can see her eyes are still sparkling. She was hoping for something to happen.
  41. "I haven't drank blood in a really long time."
  42. >That was all she needed to hear. You can almost feel her nihilistic shell cracking and falling apart as she finally finds validation in life.
  43. >The only problem is, you don't really know where to go from here. Hurting a pony is absolutely out of question.
  44. >And now you see how she barely contains her enthusiasm. What's more, she crosses her hind legs as her tail flips up a bit.
  45. >You have GOT to be kidding.
  46. >The last thing you need right now is this nutcase of a pony obsessing over you because of some fetish.
  47. >But maybe you can turn this around.
  48. "Actually, I have a better idea. I can get blood anywhere, it's no problem. But you, Inky...have you ever tasted blood?"
  50. >The pegasus is shaken, her mouth agape. The implications of this question is far too heavy for her to remain calm.
  51. >Her legs are shut tight and she's breathing heavily. You think she doesn't even realise it right now.
  52. >"N-no. I haven't. Do you have anything in mind, Anonymous?"
  53. "Yes, I do."
  54. >You try to sound as cold as you can but that's not really possible now.
  55. >"You don't mean..."
  56. "You wanna taste some human blood?"
  57. >For a second her long legs wobble and she looks like she's gonna faint. You kinda hope she'll refuse but a part of you is excited.
  58. >Never before was so much power over a pony in your hands.
  59. >She looks around herself as if to confirm no one is watching her agreeing to this thing most ponies would probably deem disgusting, and then simply nods.
  60. >"If you're ok with it. I mean, h-how are you going to..."
  61. >She can't even find the right words. That's pretty cute. She's so vulnerable right now, balancing on your faint promise of making her depraved fantasy come true.
  62. >But she ain't seen nothing yet. You roll the sleeve on your left hand up and reveal to her your dark secret.
  63. >A dozen or so cuts on your arm.
  64. >Her eyes are filled with horror and disgust for a moment and she gulps loudly. She shift her gaze to meet yours and between confusion and fear you see...sympathy?
  65. >"Anonymous, I... I never expected..."
  66. >Aw, does she feel sorry for you?
  67. "The scars of flesh are nothing. The pain of this wretched form soothes the pain on the inside."
  68. >You lower your head to emphasize the struggle but still sneak a peek at your pegasus.
  69. >By her astonished look you assume that little cliche touched her very soul.
  70. >Of course she doesn't need to know that all of these scars are from Rarity's cat you have to battle nearly every time you visit her.
  72. >The problem now is finding something really sharp and Rarity's boutique doesn't have much except for scissors.
  73. >You take those that looks the sharpest and just hope it will be enough.
  74. >There's still time before Rarity comes back and the other two guest designers aren't supposed to be here until tomorrow, so you have some time alone to do the deed.
  75. >While you were searching for scissors Inky was standing nervously, not sure about the whole thing.
  76. >That's understandable, ponies aren't accustomed to blood or anything. She may be fantasizing about it but actually coming close to it?
  77. >Well, as they say, be careful what you wish for. But this may be her only chance.
  78. >She'll probably brag about it later too.
  79. >You call for her and she snaps out of her thoughts, coming your way.
  80. >Borrowing one of Rarity's pillows you sit on the floor and nod to Inky.
  81. >The way she walks towards you just scream terror to you. Can't really blame her.
  82. >The mare is seated now but she's a bit too far away.
  83. "Come on, Inky. Come closer."
  84. >Reluctantly she scoots a bit closer until she is right at your side, at your left hand that shall be cut. You almost feel her shaking.
  85. >Her shallow breaths make you a bit nervous for her.
  86. "Inky, please relax."
  87. >You touch her shoulder and she jolts up. You move your hand up and down on her vest thing, sliding slowly to her wing. This seems to calm her down a bit. Her blush returns so that's a good sign.
  88. "It's just a small cut, I'm not gonna slit my throat or something"
  89. >"Yeah but... I just never expected..."
  90. >Her voice is shaking a bit. Poor girl.
  91. "Don't worry, it's gonna be fine. This will be our little secret."
  92. >Inky nods, still unsure.
  93. "Alright, let's do it."
  95. >Now it's time for you to feel uncomfortable. Well, Opal scratches you all the time, how can this be worse?
  96. >You can't say you're afraid of pain but self-harm wasn't your idea of fun. At least once you moved past your edgy teenage phase some ten years ago.
  97. >First of all, you can't really find a good spot on your arm. Even once you do it feels hard to actually do anything.
  98. >The cold steel upon your skin feels wrong. Your breath gets heavier.
  99. >Your little goth pony looks absolutely pale as well, a bit sweating even. Her eyes are fixated on the scissors and she's barely breathing.
  100. >It's time to push.
  101. >...
  102. >You pressure the blade but aside from getting more uncomfortable nothing really happens.
  103. >The more you drag this on, the more nauseating it becomes, both for you and for her.
  104. >Fuck it. JUST DO IT.
  105. >You close your eyes and drag the blade down.
  106. >Except you don't. You fucking pussy.
  107. >Inky is on the verge of tears.
  108. >Alright, now you're gonna do it.
  109. >It's not swift but it's persistent. The blade punctures your skin as you move it down your arm. Oh, the burning pain. These scissors aren't sharp enough to make it at least easy to drag them.
  110. >But the pain is nothing compared to the sickening feeling of resistive flesh that rips with agonising scratchy feel against metal, resonating through your whole body, clawing into your head.
  111. >Inky yelps in horror but can't take her eyes off the scissors that are mutilating you for her amusement.
  112. >You don't know if you can go anymore so you pull out. You haven't realised how tense you were this whole time.
  113. >The mare finally breathes in and turn her head away from your arm. Her tail is flailing around now. She must've enjoyed it.
  114. >Looking at the results of your effort you see that the cut isn't really that deep and long. In fact, it's just a pink line. That felt a lot more painful than it looks.
  115. >But there's blood alright, pooling in that little line, a few fuller drops forming at the end of the cut.
  117. >Inky is in stupor. She can't get her eyes off your cut. It's probably the first time she feels that morbid curiosity so familiar to humans.
  118. >Her tail is still flipping from time to time. You can also feel a faint musky smell in the air but you decide to ignore it for now.
  119. "Inky?" you softly call.
  120. >She comes her senses and looks you in the eyes.
  121. "Your meal is served."
  122. >Smooth. Just try not to laugh from your own cheese.
  123. >You move your arm higher for her and observe.
  124. >She leans in and smells it with a puzzled look. You nod.
  125. >Inky opens her mouth but hesitates. Her hot breath on your hand feels really intimate.
  126. "Go ahead. Taste it."
  127. >Shooting a glance at you but not moving her head, Inky blushes deeply.
  128. >The mare leans in and her lips touch your skin around the cut.
  129. >Oh god, it's so warm and soft. On top of that, you feel her tongue pressing onto your wound. It doesn't feel painful, quite the opposite, it's soothing.
  130. >Her saliva eases the burning sensation as she gives you a thorough lick.
  131. >You can't deny, it feels good. It would probably feel even better if you weren't injured right now.
  132. >She doesn't take too long though and moves her head away. You notice she's even more pale than before.
  133. >The pony is sweating again. Her wings tense up as she swallows heavily. Her eyes dart around in distress.
  134. >Inky is outright panicking right now. And soon you start as well.
  135. >You see, before doing something like that you should've at least ponder if it's safe.
  136. >What if there's something in your blood that pony immune system can't deal with? What if there's something in their saliva you can't deal with?
  137. >It was just one drop of blood but...
  138. >You see how Inky's eyes unfocus for a moment. Oh god.
  139. >Her long legs start to wobble and you grab her, not a moment too soon as she gets all soft in your arms.
  140. >This isn't good at all.
  141. "Inky? Uh... Don't scare me like that. Please?"
  142. "Oh man. Inky! Come on!"
  144. >You get ready to panic-slap her pretty face to wake her up but she interrupts you with a groan.
  145. >"Oh... Sorry. I think I fainted for a moment. It was a bit too intense for me."
  146. "It's ok."
  147. >"I never expected that...uh..."
  148. >Color returns to her face and it gets all red.
  149. >You now realise you've been holding her in your arms, cradling her, one arm across her chest supporting her back and one under the head.
  150. >Inky tries to move up but you you stop her, instead moving her on your lap. She doesn't really protest. Her lanky forelegs move over your arm and hold it.
  151. "It was probably really disturbing for you."
  152. >"No, it's ok. It just wasn't exactly what I was imagining."
  153. "I guess you've been imagining it a lot?"
  154. >Her muzzle scrunches up and she gives you a worried stare.
  155. "No need to hide it now, Inky. You're a naughty little mare, aren't you?"
  156. >Now her hind legs tense up and she looks away from you.
  157. >"N-nopony else would do something like this so I never expected this to happen. I know I'm a freak."
  158. "Come on, everyone has their own desires. There is no wrong way to fantasize after all."
  159. >Reassured, Inky relaxes in your arms. Now that you think about it, she is a pretty cute mare. The long legs aren't the only thing about her, the adorable outfit and lazy manecut also complete her looks. And she also allowed you to touch her for more than 10 seconds so that's a first.
  160. "Humans aren't the only species that eat meat though, what made you think we also drink blood?"
  161. >"There was a section in that book about your culture, it said so right there."
  162. >Oh, right. Twilight made sure she'd cover everything about humans so you mixed a bit of stories about vampires as well. And some vampire fiction fan got the wrong idea.
  163. >"I never thought I would actually taste blood in my life. Even though the idea really speaks to me looks like can't handle it. Sorry I got so obsessive"
  165. "Well, in that case..."
  166. >You take your left arm off the mare and check your cut. There's some blood pooled so you lick it and turn to face Inky.
  167. >She shuffles on your lap uncomfortably, unsure of what you want to do but you make it clear once you lean in to her with a wry smile.
  168. >You're not sure how she would react but it's worth a try, right?
  169. >To your satisfaction Inky approves of your motion, closing her eyes and opening her mouth a bit.
  170. >As soon as your lips meet hers Inky inserts her tongue in your mouth to get a taste. And you abide, of course.
  171. >With a pleased sigh she caresses your tongue with hers, making sure not a drop of your red liquid escapes her.
  172. >You break the kiss and look at the relaxed mare.
  173. "Is that better?"
  174. >"I think this I can get used to."
  175. >You chuckle and bring her closer to yourself. The mare's wings are relaxed now, so are her long beautiful legs.
  176. >You spend some time just looking at her and taking in how warm and soft she is. But then she begins to shuffle around.
  177. >"Is this ok? I'm not distracting you from anything important, right?"
  178. "Not really."
  179. >Awkward silence. She gets up.
  180. >"I'm sorry."
  181. "Naw, it's nothing."
  182. >"You should bandage this up."
  183. "It's just a small cut. Besides, there's some left for you still."
  184. >Blushing again. She is definitely cute.
  185. >"I think I'm gonna pass for now."
  186. >Looks like she's going back to her glum self. This won't do.
  187. "Alright. Any...other fluids of mine you'd like to taste?"
  188. >Inky gives you a blank stare but then the corner of her lips betray her and start quivering. A distorted smile appears on her face and soon it can't be contained.
  189. >She starts laughing and it's the softest most cutest laugh you've ever heard. You laugh as well.
  190. >The smile lingers on her lips and you feel your heart flutter a bit.
  191. >"I'll think about it, Anon."

Inky Bloodplay

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