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After work cuddles

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:17:25
Updated: 2022-11-07 08:02:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's been one of those days when you feel like the whole Universe is against you.
  2. >Second day of June feeling like early spring surely counted as that.
  3. >You are Anon, and right now you are celebrating the beginning of summer by walking home in cold rain.
  4. >You had to work over time and now it's almost night.
  5. >Dragging yourself through the rainy street you wish you'd just drop dead right here.
  6. >Of course there was no reason to protect yourself from the rain, last two hours you spent working outside anyway.
  7. >What a nice Friday night it's gonna be. Soaked to the bone and home alone.
  8. >Well, hopefully, not alone. Ever since you moved to a new apartment a few months ago a certain guest has been visiting you on the weekends.
  9. >Someone who calls you a friend.
  10. >This at least you look forward to. Not everything else, especially not to the inevitable cold you're going to catch in this weather.
  11. >All kind of sullen thoughts fill up your head as you approach your apartment building.
  12. >Third floor. With the key sliding in you pause for a second in anticipation.
  13. >It's quiet. She's probably not here yet. Or maybe she's gone already, decided not to wait for you.
  14. >Entering your modest abode you lock the door behind you and sigh. Silence has never been so defeating.
  15. >But as you take off your shoes you hear little hooves clopping behind the closed door to your room.
  16. >The door opens and the creature emerging from the darkness of your room is the most groggy looking purple pony you've ever seen.
  17. >Unkempt mane, unfocused eyes and totally lost facial expression.
  18. >That's Twilight Sparkle, the majestic princess of friendship.
  19. >In a sleepy raspy voice she greets you as she always does but then notices your pathetic drenched form.
  20. >"You're late AND wet. What in the world happened to you?"
  21. "Work happened I guess. You know how it is."
  22. >The pony sighs and you can't help but notice she's a bit glum herself.
  23. >Going past you to the kitchen she magically grabs your jacket you were just taking off and puts it on the hanger.
  24. >You mutter your thanks but she's already gone by.
  25. >On your way to the bathroom you hear her notifying you in a formal tone:
  26. >"I've been here for a while so I helped myself to some food, if you don't mind."
  27. "Sure. You got so comfy you fell asleep?"
  28. >"More like bored. Your room is too cold to be considered comfortable."
  29. >You can only imagine. Not cold enough to warrant a heater but cold enough for body heat to not warm everything up right away.
  30. >Walking out after doing your business you spy the purple pony sitting at the table with a lazily made peanut butter sandwich.
  31. >You aren't really a fan of that stuff but she is, and so you had it available for her. Funny how that works.
  32. >You're almost like roommates, when she visits that is. She is a princess but there's nothing really royal about her while she's here.
  33. >A hot shower is in order now and going through the motions you reminisce about how this all came to be.
  34. >From being an apathetic loner who regretted ever moving out from your parents to meeting a magical pony princess a month later.
  35. >The very first piece of pony merch you bought with your hard earned money leading to the purple mare barging into your house ordering you to return the smuggled Equestrian artifact.
  36. >You knew that a Discord lamp being sold for $20 was too good to be just a chinese knock-off.
  37. >But your cooperation didn't end there. And now you're friends.
  38. >You have an actual friend. You know, someone who cares about you.
  39. >First step out of the shower and you already feel cold again.
  40. >You weren't ready for this reality after relishing hot water for ten minutes.
  41. >The kitchen is empty and you don't care for a proper meal, so you just grab a slice of bread, slap some butter on it and put a slice of cheese on top.
  42. >If only Twilight cooked for you. Coming home to a nice dinner waiting for you...
  43. >Yeah, no. You can't possibly ask for that. She's not your wife or something. Not that you would mind her acting like one.
  44. >Or being one.
  45. >Alright, stop. This is not the line of thought that needs revisiting now.
  46. >Eating your food on your way back you spot Twilight sitting on the couch in your "living room".
  47. >You can't really live there, it's just a tiny room with a couch, TV and boxes of packed things you still haven't taken out because you never needed them.
  48. >Like books.
  49. >But the princess took upon herself unpacking those and reading them, and not alone.
  50. >You'd never think that reading can actually be interesting. Sometimes you just sit next to her as you both read your own books.
  51. >Sometimes she reads to you while you're resting, sometimes it's the other way around.
  52. >At first you thought it was a waste of time but now it's something you really enjoy. Maybe because it's with her.
  53. >Right now she doesn't have a book ready, so she probably wants to watch some documentaries, another one of her favorite pastimes in this world.
  54. >She's still learning about this place and asks you a lot of questions.
  55. >And so now the mare is waiting for you to join her, but as you step into the room absentmindedly she frowns and asks with genuine worry in her voice:
  56. >"Anon, are you alright?"
  57. "What? Yeah."
  58. >"You just look so...tired."
  59. >Nothing can escape the perceptive little pony. You just wanted to sit there with her and relax.
  60. "I guess I am."
  61. >Right as you finish your sentence you can't help but yawn, as if to confirm it.
  62. >"Maybe you should go to sleep right away?"
  63. "Nah, I'm ok."
  64. >"Anon."
  65. >The princess sounds serious and meeting her gaze you see nothing but concern for your well being.
  66. >But giving up your time with her? This is cruel. You've been looking forward to it.
  67. >As if reading your thoughts Twilight calmly explains:
  68. >"You'll just fall asleep as soon as we start watching, might as well do it comfortably."
  69. >She is right. As always. But...
  70. >To be honest, you imagine that falling asleep next to her is rather comfortable.
  71. >You don't say that though.
  72. >"Don't worry about me, there's plenty of time to talk tomorrow. I am pretty tired myself, actually."
  73. "Really?"
  74. >"It's been a hard week and this place is at least quiet. I'm staying until tomorrow evening so it's not like I'm gonna vanish overnight."
  75. >She giggles softly and that brings a smile on your face. How come she is so reasonable, you can never argue with her.
  76. "Alright, I guess I'll see you in the morning then."
  77. >"Good night, Anon."
  78. >As you leave the room you catch your reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall next to it.
  79. >What you see is a tired and disheveled mess of a human being.
  80. >Twilight was right, even after taking a shower you look like you haven't slept in ages and just worked all the time.
  81. >The bad posture and bags under the eyes just add to the image.
  82. >And the dull ache in your back and feet that never leaves you can probably be noticed right away in your movements.
  83. >When exactly was the last time you weren't like that though?
  84. >But enough of that. Darkness and coldness await you beyond the door to your own living space.
  85. >Thick curtains hide the pale light of the outside world, only allowing the outlines of your desk, chair and bed to be seen. There's nothing really of note here apart from that.
  86. >At least the room smells like lavender now instead of cigarettes and cum like it used to before you met Twilight.
  87. >The bed itself is a mess, the pillow is in the middle of it and the blanket is almost entirely on the floor.
  88. >Little pony princess must've been thrashing around here as she was waiting for you.
  89. >You somewhat position things to resemble a sleeping place. And then you just dive right in.
  90. >Half-assing things is your life, after all.
  91. >Even with some clothes on you feel like you're encased in ice. Time to just pull on your thin blanket and hope for the cold to subside with time.
  92. >As soon as you lay on your left side, facing the wall and turning your back away from the world, you start drifting off to sleep.
  93. >The cold can't beat the tiredness after all.
  94. >Something manages to make you lucid again though. It's the sound of your door opening, followed by really careful hoofsteps.
  95. "Twilight?"
  96. >The fact that you're awake encourages the little mare and she walks to your bed without concealing her steps.
  97. >Next thing you know she jumps up on the bed, landing one hoof on your leg. It startles you and she whispers an apology.
  98. "Twilight, what are you doing?"
  99. >"Looking for a warm place to sleep. Move a bit."
  100. >She steps over you with confidence and places herself between you and the wall. Magical grip pulls the blanket and the mare settles right next to you.
  101. >Face to face and not even a couple of inches away.
  102. >"I hope you don't mind. You're cold as well, aren't you?"
  103. >Her warm breath washes your face in soothing waves.
  104. "No. I mean, I don't mind. And yes, it's pretty cold."
  105. >Acting a bit flustered grants you a faint smile on her lips that at least warms you up inside.
  106. >"Well then, it's better to just stick together and keep warm."
  107. >Logical as ever. Just go with it, Anon. Friends get this close and physical all the time, right? She'd do that for any of her friends.
  108. "Can't argue with that."
  109. >Accepting your permission Twilight scoots closer to you, aiming to place her head under your chin while trying to not poke you with her horn. You yourself is locked in uncertainty, not really knowing how to react.
  110. >It wasn't unusual for you two to hug, as well as sit close side by side together while reading. But never before has she been so close to you in a full frontal body contact.
  111. >"See, we're still spending time together, Anon."
  112. >Now you're getting warmed up. Her breath tickling your neck makes what she said so personal.
  113. >With a gentle touch her hoof tugs your arm a bit, and that's all you really need to stop making excuses for not hugging her.
  114. >Twilight lifts her head a bit for you to slide your left arm under it, while you scoop her under the wing with another and bring the mare close to you.
  115. >She embraces it, closing her eyes and letting you hold her while she herself places her hoof on your side.
  116. >This is probably the best thing you've ever felt in your life.
  117. >A small warm body next to you, so smooth and fragile.
  118. >Her steady breathing on your skin, her sides going up and down under your arm with every breath. She's so...alive.
  119. >And this life, so precious and so important, is right in your hands now. Trusting you to feel it.
  120. >Her coat is pure silk under your fingers and her mane smells so good.
  121. >Even as you hold her like this you can't believe this is actually happening.
  122. >You move your hand a bit lower and Twilight's back gives in to the motion, arching a little under your touch as if to invite further petting.
  123. >That done it. You tighten your hug as if to imprint the feeling into you.
  124. >Your left hand cradles her head and the mare leans further, touching your skin with her muzzle, lips casually brushing against your neck.
  125. >This is heaven.
  126. >"Did you miss me?"
  127. >Her quiet and intimate whisper makes you dizzy.
  128. "Twilight..."
  129. >A subtle nod is your answer. Or maybe it's a nuzzle, given the circumstances.
  130. >She probably expected you to say something but you're honestly at a loss of words. So Twilight continues herself:
  131. >"Good thing this investigation is still going. Having an excuse to slip in another world sure comes in handy nowadays."
  132. "How long will it go on?"
  133. >"No idea. We still don't know if there is another portal and closing this one won't do any good, at least I can watch over it. It's better than the last time."
  134. >The last time, as Twilight explained when you first met, she had to close a portal to prevent smuggling and hoped that a new one never forms, but that wasn't the case.
  135. >She never told you any details, but you know that Twilight lost a friend in the last portal incident.
  136. >And even before that, the portal itself formed from an old anomaly that got unstable after someone killed themselves in this world.
  137. >You were thinking that maybe this is why Twilight is so friendly with you. Because you had a suspicion that the friend she lost was a human.
  138. >You never asked though. That's none of your business.
  139. >Assisting Twilight was your official role in this, but in practice it came down to her learning about this world from you and the media.
  140. >You're her only chance to do so after all. Making contact with anyone else here was prohibited to her, just like using magic aside from simple spells.
  141. >Though it looks like cuddling with a friend wasn't forbidden, as Twilight shuffles around in your arms. She moves her head to look you in the eyes.
  142. >A patient but slightly distressed stare.
  143. >"Is being like this ok? I'm not too close am I?"
  144. "What? No way, Twilight. We're friends, right? I'm happy you're here with me."
  145. >That last part was a bit too intimate but it went undetected. Or maybe it was accepted as pleasant.
  146. >"I'm glad as well. Shame I can't invite you to my place. My friends would've loved you."
  147. "Yeah... Shame."
  148. >Twilight looks worried now like she said something she shouldn't have.
  149. >"I'm sorry, Anon."
  150. "No, it's alright."
  151. >Unconvinced, the mare scoots up on the pillow so now you're the one under her head.
  152. >Twilight's forelegs move around your neck, bringing your head to her chest. With a little magic the blanket covers you up further.
  153. >You are enveloped in her warmth. She holds you so close you can hear her heart beating.
  154. >On the top of your head you feel Twilight's cheek resting on it.
  155. >"I wish I could do more."
  156. >The regret in her voice breaks your heart. She shouldn't be sad because of this.
  157. >You told her that already but she still does.
  158. >You've never really had anyone caring about you other than your parents. And they haven't seen you like this. This life is normal for them.
  159. "It's ok, it's no big deal."
  160. >Working around the clock for almost minimal wage is normal. Being tired all the time is normal. Returning to your cold home alone is normal.
  161. >Why does it feel so crushing then? Is this the reality you have to live in your whole life?
  162. >If not for the tiny princess that's here for you what would you even do?
  163. >Her company is the only thing you care about now. Meeting her at the end of the week is what you look forward to all the time.
  164. >If not for her...
  165. >You're starting to shake a bit. Damn cold.
  166. >Twilight holds you tighter but that's not enough. You wrap your hands around her tiny body and smother it against yourself.
  167. >For a moment there you hope you'll suffocate in her embrace, inhaling the mare's scent, her signature lavender mixed with the pony's natural as far as you can guess.
  168. >Death from cuddling wouldn't be that bad.
  169. >God, you just can't stop shaking, can you. Are you really that cold?
  170. >She definitely feels it as her hold tightens.
  171. "It's not your fault or anything, it's just how things are."
  172. >She nods but it doesn't really comfort her.
  173. >"While the investigation is still going I can't really act."
  174. "I know. I told you, don't worry."
  175. >"I just wish I could do something know..."
  176. >Yes, you know. She doesn't really find your lifestyle healthy or happy. But she's powerless to do anything.
  177. >One time she told you how helpless she feels, being a princess of friendship and not being able to help her friend because of some regulations and national security.
  178. >When you said it's not a big deal and most people live like this anyway she almost looked offended.
  179. >But that was then. And now as she reflects on it you rub her back reassuringly. That's about all you can do.
  180. >Pony's wing unfolds and covers your head, as if to protect you from the rest of the world.
  181. >To answer your slow petting she gently caresses your head with her hoof.
  182. >Nothing matters anymore. The Universe itself might as well not exist. It's only you and her.
  183. >Her unbelievable warmth, her sudden tenderness. In this moment you don't care if she's just being friendly or if it's anything else.
  184. >It's a world where only Twilight exists and right now it's the most perfect one you can imagine.
  185. >You want her to stay like this, to stay with you. Or to take you to her world where you can live with her.
  186. >The world where even if the reality of your life is like this you can at least count on not being alone.
  187. >You are ready to beg for it, do anything for it. The truth is you are just scared. It's pathetic.
  188. >When Twilight's investigation is over she will probably disappear forever.
  189. >The portal will be closed and she'll be gone from your life as suddenly as she came into it.
  190. >So you take it all in now, all of her. And you feel as though she shares these emotions right now, hugging you dearly.
  191. >Your combined warmth finally melts your consciousness and you start drifting off to sleep.
  192. >Thoughts blur and blend inside your head and for some time you remain in this state, half dreaming.
  193. >Soft and patient movements of Twilight's hooves entrance you completely and everything that troubles you goes away.
  194. >At peace at last you finally fall asleep.
  195. --
  196. >Oh fuck, it's like the middle of the day already. Have you overslept?
  197. >In panic you rip yourself out of Twilight's ever so gentle hold, trying to find your phone.
  198. >It's past 8 am already. Why didn't your alarm go off?
  199. >This is a disaster, you've gotta get up, stat.
  200. >As soon as you try to leave the bed a magical hold pulls you back.
  201. "Twilight?"
  202. >The mare is still half-asleep on her side but her barely opened eyes are determined.
  203. >"Where are you going?"
  204. "Work?"
  205. >"What? It's Saturday, silly."
  206. "It's not, it's..."
  207. >Wait. It is.
  208. >Twilight chuckles as she pulls you back to bed.
  209. >As soon as your back touches the sheets the purple princess moves closer and gets ready to put her head on your shoulder.
  210. >But you still feel the need to leave. So she stops you again.
  211. >"What's the matter?"
  212. "I kinda need to go to the bathroom."
  213. >She scoffs at your petty reason for leaving her side.
  214. >"Don't run off to your precious job or anything."
  215. >Still embarrassed you are allowed to leave now.
  216. >As if you'd run away from her. What the hell is she implying, you were just sleepy. You didn't know, it was a reflex.
  217. >Like she never overworked in her life.
  218. >All the grumpy grumble you were about to unleash on the pony upon your return is forgotten immediately though.
  219. >Twilight is still on her side, her hoof holding the place where you'll be laying down to join her.
  220. >Her wing is outstretched and relaxed next to her, ready for all kind of winghugs.
  221. >This is so inviting you stop on your way for a second.
  222. >It's almost seductive.
  223. >You'd prefer to not think about this right now, this sudden cuddle business is already to much, but you can't deny she's pretty. F-for a pony that is.
  224. >You get in and immediately you are locked in her embrace. She fits herself between your body and arm, hoof going on your chest while her head rests on your shoulder.
  225. >It doesn't help that your shirt got pulled up a bit and now the soft pony belly is right against your naked skin.
  226. >As you put your hand on Twilight's back it follows the gesture a bit like before and she presses herself up to you even more.
  227. >You run your hand up her body and you're happy to see that she's not against it.
  228. >After some time she catches your hand with her wing and secures it under, wriggling a bit to pull your shirt further up.
  229. >It's almost up to your chest now and so Twilight gets her fuzzy tummy in there.
  230. >The pony's eyes are closed and a gentle sigh escaping through her content smile tells you that she likes it.
  231. >It only now occurred to you that maybe she actually enjoys it as much as you do. The thought of actually making someone feel good is unfamiliar but very pleasant.
  232. >Not to mention a bit arousing.
  233. >But the thought doesn't linger for too long. Twilight's relaxation soon becomes yours as well and in this blissful moment you fall asleep again.
  234. --
  235. >Alone and colder than ever you wake up in your bed.
  236. >Your left arm is encircling the empty space where the pony you fell asleep with was. She's not there.
  237. >There is only silence here. No resistance.
  238. >And an even more chilling thought crawls into your head.
  239. >Was she ever there?
  240. >You sit in your bed, head aching slightly. There's no sign of her now.
  241. >The very thought of it sends your mind in panic but you manage to get a hold of yourself.
  242. >This wasn't a dream, it can't be.
  243. >Decisively you get up and try to escape from your room, only to get hit by your own door opening inwards.
  244. >As you recoil you see the purple mare with her horn lit.
  245. >"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't hear you."
  246. >Startled, Twilight comes closer but you can't even think about what just happened. You almost drop down on your knees in relief and hug her with all your strength.
  247. >This surprises her even more but after a moment she accepts it and pats your hand with her wing.
  248. >"And a good morning to you too. Is something wrong?"
  249. "No, I'm just glad to see you."
  250. >The mare laughs as you let go of her.
  251. >"Me too. I got up early and made some salad, you haven't really eaten anything yesterday."
  252. >You struggle to remember if you even had anything to make salad with.
  253. >Twilight is off to your room while you go through your morning rituals and grab the bowl of some sort of veggie salad in the kitchen.
  254. >You don't spot anything unusual in it, but you don't remember ever having vegetables in your fridge.
  255. >She wouldn't have smuggled proper healthy food from Equestria just for you, would she?
  256. >You won't ask, but you still make sure to thank her on your way back.
  257. >Twilight is just walking out of your room levitating your blanket.
  258. >"It's still pretty cold." she comments.
  259. >"Come on, we still have something to watch, remember?"
  260. >She's waiting for you to sit down and then jumps up there herself, wings fluttering a bit for balance.
  261. >Putting on the documentary you were about to watch last night, you expect the mare to settle down next to you like always but she comes close to you expectantly.
  262. >Noticing your flummoxed stare she lowers her head, glowing horn poking your arm.
  263. >You move it aside and the pony confidently walks onto your lap like it's something she's used to, hooves pressing fairly hard into your legs.
  264. >Twilight lays down, facing the TV. Then the levitated blanket is put on top of her, she also squeezes it behind your back, finally making full circle at her forelegs.
  265. >Now you're snuggled properly. Almost.
  266. >Trying to embed yourself deeper into the couch you cradle the pony and bring her closer, leaving one hand on her blanket covered rump.
  267. >Your other hand is lifted by magic and becomes a prisoner between Twilight's forelegs, pinned to her chest while her head rests against yours on that arm.
  268. >It's pleasant to see her taking initiative but you have to respond.
  269. >The other hand is still free and it's now going for the mare's head.
  270. >Stroking her mane seem to soothe both of you, and soon you find out that ear scratches please the princess as well.
  271. >She's all mellow on your lap and you can't really pay attention to anything else but her now.
  272. >You never expected Twilight to be so receptive to your affection.
  273. >Perhaps she herself needs someone close to her to get through a cold day and a lonely night, just like you do.
  274. >You just wish this day would never end. You wish to always be by her side.
  275. >Maybe one day she'll take you with her.
  276. >If she leaves without a trace you feel like there would be no reason to even live anymore.
  277. >But for now, in this very moment, you're glad that you're alive.

Inky Bloodplay

by TakeItEasy

After work cuddles

by TakeItEasy

Twilight wants hugs

by TakeItEasy

Through the void to Anon

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Miracle in your arms

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