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Twilight wants hugs

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:19:17
Expiry: Never

  1. >There she is again, just across the room.
  2. >Staring.
  3. >You don't have to turn around to know it.
  4. >You've been going through this almost every single day lately. You just KNOW she's staring. Even though you hear papers shuffling on her table.
  5. >Both of you are working right now, she compiles her cutiemark magic studies, you try to figure out what went wrong in yesterday's experiment.
  6. >You don't want this shit to blow up in your face again just because you didn't notice the difference between solution turning brick red instead of berry red.
  7. >Alchemy sure is hard.
  8. >But it's even harder to concentrate on it when you feel her eyes drilling your back.
  9. >You are sitting on the opposite sides of the room and aren't even facing each other.
  10. >And yet it's like her pony peepers are fixated on you the whole time.
  11. >Is she even working at all?
  12. >You decide to sneak a peek of your own and you find that she is indeed working, looking down with muzzle scrunched and all that.
  13. >But as soon as your eyes find her she lifts her head and turns to meet your gaze.
  14. >A large grin overtakes her previously glum face and you even see her eyes sparkle for a second.
  15. >Turning away you feel like you just made a terrible mistake.
  16. >You have acknowledged her.
  17. >You know exactly how this is going to play out now. And now it's not something you can stop.
  18. >It's just a matter of time.
  19. >You can hear a very faint sound of papers being put down on the table. Then a bit of magic being used. And everything goes silent.
  20. >Turning your head even slightly will just encourage her more.
  21. >But even knowing that you still can't help it.
  22. >She's on her chair still. But the chair itself is halfway between you and her table. And she is facing you directly.
  23. >It's like a freaking mannequin horror.
  24. >You quickly turn your head back but you're pretty sure she noticed that.
  26. >The silence is deafening. You can't work like that.
  27. >You wait for the inevitable and it comes sooner than you think.
  28. >A tap near you is the sound of her chair being put on the floor. And it's right next to you.
  29. >Here she is. You can hear her breathing right next to you. All you have to do is turn and face her, and you do.
  30. >Her eyes are glistering and she wears a meek smile. She's blushing a bit.
  31. >Here's Bookbutt, ready for some affection. But you're having none of that.
  32. >This is getting ridiculous, for the last week this played out almost exactly the same. She wants gratification but now you're feeling like she's getting it too easily.
  33. >So you look at her for a while. Her breathing is getting a bit heavier and she blinks a few times, waiting for you to extend your arms and lift her, taking her on your lap.
  34. >Not today, Twigga.
  35. >You just nod to her and pretend to return to your work.
  36. >A few seconds later you hear a soft "Ahem" and you turn to her again. She almost lost her smile for a moment but it shines anew once she sees you paying attention to her again.
  37. >This mare, you swear to god. But you can't budge.
  38. "Hey, Twilight."
  39. >With this you go back to your papers yet again. Ok, so for this solution to-
  40. >"Ahehem!"
  41. >Well that was almost rude. Your eyes meet hers. She's confused and almost pissed off.
  42. "Twilight?"
  43. >She closes her eyes and leans forward, presenting her neck for you to put your arms around, like she does.
  44. >It's almost irresistible. Almost.
  45. >She fakes a cough after waiting for some time, then does it again, a bit louder, but to no avail. She pries her eye open and she's met with your (fake) concerned look.
  46. "Are you ok? You caught a cold or something? Don't sit so close then."
  48. >She is confused by that remark as you look away again. It was a bit weak and forced but it will have to do.
  49. >This time she doesn't respond immediately. Actually it's taking too long. Were you too rough or something? Did she take it literally? It's just teasing, right?
  50. >You can't help but to look at her again, this time with genuine concern, only to realise it was her plan all along.
  51. >As soon as you turn she nearly falls onto you, leaning forward so much your noses almost touch.
  52. >Her smile is pleading this time, as is her gaze. She's barely breathing in anticipation.
  53. >Your heart melts. But you HAVE to be adamant. You have to.
  54. >Your eyes shift above her in search for something to say. But as they wander back you see that she just stares at you without moving.
  55. "Twilight?"
  56. >No response.
  57. "Is there something in my eye?"
  58. >You lift your hand carefully to not touch her and you move a finger across your closed eyes in two quick motions.
  59. "Thanks."
  60. >Really smooth. You turn away.
  61. >You hear a slight grunt from Twilight but now you're content with not turning to her. This won't work for the second time.
  62. >Minutes pass. You almost get into your workflow again.
  63. >Wait, is she still sitting near you?
  64. >You don't like what you see when you turn around.
  65. >Twilight is all droopy. Her head hangs low. She doesn't look like she's crying, more like she's really uncomfortable and can't do anything about it.
  66. "What's the matter, Twily?"
  67. >She shifts in her chair a bit and then meekly responds.
  68. >"You know what's the matter."
  69. "No, I don't. Why don't you tell me?"
  70. >She doesn't even look at you but you see her cheeks turning red.
  71. >"D-do I really need to spell it out for you?"
  72. "I dunno, maybe?"
  73. >Now she just looks pissed.
  74. >"Oh come on! You know perfectly well. Don't make me say it."
  75. "Know what?"
  76. >"What I want."
  77. "Which is..?"
  78. >Now you lean forward and she's taken aback.
  79. >"Y-you know..."
  80. "I really don't."
  81. >"Anon!"
  82. "Nope."
  84. >"ANON!"
  85. >She's on the verge of tears, all flustered and blushing furiously, muzzle scrunched up.
  86. >You just shake your head and try to look away.
  87. >THUMP! Her hooves stomp the chair.
  88. >"Anon!! I want...hmh..."
  89. >Oh? Did you hear it?
  90. "What's that, Twilight?"
  91. >You lean in again to hear it better.
  92. >"I want huuhmhph..."
  93. >She muffles the last word but it's pretty obvious. Your mouth is wobbling in a pathetic attempts to hide a smile.
  94. "Say it, Twily."
  95. >"No!"
  96. "Come on, Twiggy."
  97. >"Anon! Don't make me!"
  98. "Aww, what do you want, my little princess?"
  99. >"AARGH! Fine! I want hugs!"
  100. >Tears form in the corners of her eyes. You would feel bad for this teasing if it wasn't so cute.
  101. "You want what?"
  102. >"I want HUGS! Do you hear it!? HUG ME!"
  103. >She's almost fuming. Your mouth gives in and you show her a giant grin.
  104. "Well why didn't you just say so?!"
  105. >With that you grab her and press her little body against yours, holding her as close as you can as she starts to wriggle in your arms, obviously mad.
  106. >"AAAH! Are you kidding me!? For fuck's sake, Anon, if you-"
  107. >Whoa, language, girl. Who taught her that word?
  108. >You try to plug her mouth with a kiss and it makes her even madder, judging by how intense her wriggling is, legs flailing around and wings hitting your arms in adorable impotent rage.
  109. >She mouths something like "Put me down" but it's hard to talk when your lips are constantly assaulted.
  110. >She tries to evade your attempts to smooch her but gives in soon enough.
  111. >After some time her body goes limp. When you break the kiss and look at her she's calm but still grumpy.
  112. >"Don't do that again, alright?" she says with the cutest imitation of irritation you've ever heard.
  113. >You just chuckle and hold her closer.
  114. "I'll try."
  115. >With that she completely calms down and finally returns the hug, legs holding you tight, wings wrapped around your back.
  116. >You can forget about your work for some time, Anon. You are needed by the princess.
  117. >It's gonna be a long and slow day again.

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