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A nightmare night oneshot with Roseluck as the lucky mare of choice. All I know is she's very superstitious (Believes in ghosts, easily scared, etc)
Possible shipping, Anon's been there a few months. Worked with Rose in her flower shop in the beginning, now works with Pinkie or Twilight or something. I usually say 'lucky mare of choice' because that's the mare the story focuses on aside from Anon.
Bonus points, she does like him, but her superstitious nature pisses him off.
>You’ve been in this crazy land of tiny, pastel coloured ponies for a few months now.
>When you first stumbled out of what you now know is called the Everfree Forest, the first pony you saw screamed her head off and ran away shouting about a monster.
>That was Rose. She’s very superstitious and easily scared, which makes tonight, Nightmare Night, a bad time for her.
>Nightmare Night is a lot like Hallowe’en, except one of the leaders of the country eats you if you don’t give her an offering of candy.
>Surprisingly dark all things considered.
>Anyway, somehow landed a job working in a flower shop with Rose, not long after you got settled in to PonyVille.
>You think it had something to do with her sister trying to stop her from jumping to conclusions so quickly, and show her you weren’t a monster.
>That was hell.
>Things got so bad you eventually quit, after having one too many flower pots smashed into your skull.
>You guess you did walk quite quietly, but that was still no reason to cause grievous head trauma with pottery.
>You landed a sweet job at the town bakery, working alongside this hyperactive, pink ball of sugar, known as Pinkie Pie.
>She LOVED Nightmare Night.
>Rose seemed to calm down after you’d quit, she even came by and apologised one day.
>Too bad for her, the Cakes were off looking after their kids, and Pinkie and you were swamped behind the counter, so you didn’t hear it.
>You’d seen her about town now and again, and she’d blush and look away, which you always put down to her feeling like a moron after how she’d acted.
>Back to tonight.
>You’ve seen Pinkie running about with a group of screaming fillies and colts.
>That’s just like her.
>Suddenly, a loud scream pierces the heavens themselves.
>Oh god it’s the end of days.
>Why didn’t you lead a more hedonistic life.
>You didn’t even get to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
>Now she was a sweet piece of flank.
>Oh nevermind, it’s just Rose again.
>Guess you can at least calm her down, and stop her ruining everyone else’s night.
>Turning the corner you see her cowering behind some barrels.
>You kneel down next to her.
“Rose, what the fuck?”
“It was just some ponies in costumes.”
“It’s Nightmare Night, it’s probably just some unicorn using a spell of some sort.”
>This fucking mare, one of these days...
>”ANON! You have to help me. Get me away from these... THINGS!”
“Ghosts can’t hurt you. Poltergeists on the other hand, now you want to watch out for them.”
“Too bad you can’t see them, so I guess you can’t really watch out for them.”
>Now she’s clinging onto your arm, shaking like Rarity’s fun dungeon in the middle of estrus.
>You’ve heard the stories about that place, from some stallions who were unlucky enough to get caught.
>Fortunately, you didn’t turn up in this place until after estrus had passed.
>Weren’t you doing something?
>Oh right, trying to dislodge Rose from your arm.
“Rose. Rose. Rose, can you let go of my arm? I need it for things.”
>”Oh right, yeah. I guess.”
>Her face is brighter than the sun itself.
>What’s her deal anyway?
>She doesn’t?
>Does she?
>Oh god she does, doesn’t she.
>That explains a lot.
>Well she doesn’t have a chance in hell
>You aren’t going to be woken up at three in the morning to wails of terror emanating right next to your ear drums.
>The only wailing is going to be from crazy mares in the throes of ecstasy.
>Hey there’s an idea, gotta get laid on Nightmare Night.
>Maybe you could fuck Princess Luna. That’d be one hell of a catch.
>”Uh anon? You alright? You’ve been sitting there for a while now not moving.”
>Why can’t you keep to one train of thought.
>Wonder if they have train sets here.
“Yeah listen, I have to go over there and do some things. See you later.”
>”Oh, alright then.”
>She sounds downtrodden.
>What a shame.
>Where’s Moonbutt.
>Found her.
>You walk up to her, with a pocket full of cool.
“Hey Princess, how’s your night going?”
>”Anonymous, the human. Hello.”
>Ice cold, just how you like it.
>”My night is going well.”
“May I congratulate you one another wonderful night sky? I’ve always loved the night, much more peaceful than during the day.”
>”Really? Someone appreciates my night?”
“Well it’s hard not to, when you do such a good job.”
>Is she?
>Wow that was easy; she’s already going in for a kiss.
>Guess a thousand years of solitude can make a mare desperate.
>Well, better get this show on the road if you want to bang her.
>Leaning forwards, your lips about to touch, when suddenly
>Are you fucking kidding me?
>”What was that?”
“Just ignore it Princess, it was nothing.”
>”If one of my subjects requires assistance, I must render aid in any way I can.”
>She flies off.
>Fucking Rose.
>Hope she doesn’t wake up tomorrow.
by Smashed
by Smashed
by Smashed
by Smashed
by Smashed