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Anon, the town drunk - [Clop I guess]

By Smashed
Created: 2020-10-28 19:45:36
Expiry: Never

  1. “Hey, HEY! Can you spare a few bits man?”
  2. >”Get bucked!”
  3. >You are Anon, and you REALLY need a drink.
  4. >Really, really badly.
  5. >You’ve got the shakes and everything.
  6. >These fucking ponies won’t give you any bits though, they seem to have given up on that.
  7. >Probably because you'd just spend them all at the pub.
  8. >You scope out the surroundings for anyone who might actually be dumb enough to fill you with alcohol.
  9. >Wait a second...
  10. >Is that Berry?
  11. “Berry? BERRY!”
  12. “Hey, can you spare a few bits or something? I’ll do anything.”
  13. >You really do need that drink.
  14. >”Aw come on man, you still owe me from last time!”
  15. >Playing hardball, eh?
  16. “Well hey, how can I repay you. Really, I’ll do anything!”
  17. >You swear you see her smirk as the word "anything" leaves your mouth
  18. >”Anything, eh?”
  19. >”Well, how about you help me out with a little problem I’ve been having recently?”
  20. “YEAH! SURE!”
  21. >..Wait, what did I just agree to
  22. “Uh, what problem would that be exactly?”
  23. >”Hmm, well. I’ve just been feeling so lonely lately. I could use a big, strong stallion to keep me company for tonight.”
  24. >She uses her forehoof to motion towards her hindquarters.
  25. >She gives it a quick rub, while giving off a sultry moan.
  26. “Oh right, so uh, I could do that.”
  27. “I can last much longer than any stallion you know!”
  28. >God you sound desperate for some sex right about now.
  29. >You're a surprisingly good actor when you're sober.
  30. >Or so you think.
  31. >It’s not the sex you want, it’s a damn drink, and if you have to shag a pony to get it BY GOD WILL YOU SHAG A PONY!
  32. >”Well, how about we head back to my place, and see what we can figure out, hmm?”
  33. >God damnit Berry I need that drink NOW!
  34. “Alright then, fine by me.”
  35. >You stand up, towering above the plum coloured pony known as Berry Punch.
  36. >How these ponies weren’t afraid of you, you weren’t sure.
  37. >You were like twice their size and probably like 3 times their weight.
  38. >You follow Berry down the street to her house, and enter after her.
  39. >Walking down the street, you can barely contain yourself.
  40. >Your teeth have started chattering.
  41. >FINALLY! Someone willing to give you a few bits!
  42. >Giddy with excitement, you almost slam the door shut.
  43. >You turn back towards her.
  44. “So, uh. Should we just, you know, right now?”
  45. >Well you may be about to have sex with a pony but at least you won’t have to sleep outside tonight.
  46. >Sleeping outside is awful, it’s cold and wet out there, even with the pegasi controlling the weather.
  47. >”Just give me a second to get freshened up.”
  48. >Why, she’s just going to be a sopping wet wreck afterwards anyway.
  49. >Surely it’d make more sense to ‘freshen up’ after the act.
  50. >She disappears into what you can only assume is her En-Suite bathroom.
  51. >You take the time to take your t-shirt off, and throw it in a crumpled heap in the corner, and you kick your shoes off.
  52. >You stand around tapping your foot and drumming your fingers against the wall for a couple minutes.
  53. >God damn, you can’t wait to have that sweet ambrosia known as AppleJack Daniels pouring down your gullet.
  54. >Eventually Berry comes out of that room again with a small burlap sack, and a bottle of some unidentifiable liquid.
  55. >What is that.
  56. >She rotates it excruciatingly slowly.
  58. >Is that...?
  59. >Looks like some of Berry’s homebrewed wine.
  61. >Must be something else to be using the best stuff in all of Equestria.
  62. >”So, you really need a drink eh?”
  64. >”I’m guessing you know what this stuff is.”
  65. >She uncorks the bottle.
  66. >Very slowly.
  68. >*POP*
  69. >The cork goes flying off into a corner.
  70. >She grasps the bottle tight.
  71. >She lifts it above her head.
  73. >She’s pouring it all over herself.
  74. >What in the fuck is going on.
  75. >You sure are “fuck”ing a lot.
  76. >She’s poured the whole damn bottle over herself.
  77. >"So you wanted something to drink?"
  78. >OH GOD YES
  79. >”Well, get licking!”
  80. >You what.
  81. >Oh no, no way.
  82. >...
  83. >Fucking god damnit.
  84. >You don’t have much choice.
  85. >You are not going to enjoy this, but you need a drink and this is your last chance at getting one.
  86. >You try to concentrate on the wine as you start licking...
  87. >It isn’t working.
  88. >You can taste the sweaty fur and wine.
  89. >Tastes like really strong vinegar.
  90. >It’s pretty disgusting.
  91. >Eventually you manage to lick it all up.
  92. >You didn’t even get a slight buzz.
  93. >”Mmm, you know, you aren’t half bad at licking me.”
  94. >”Well, since you did SUCH a good job cleaning me up, I think you deserve a reward!”
  95. >Oh god yes, just what you’ve been waiting for.
  96. >"AH! But first, maybe you could move that tongue a little bit south, hmm?”"
  97. >Damnit Berry. You really need that drink now, to take the taste of fur and sweat out of your mouth.
  98. >Fine then, you’re going to make this mare scream your name out into the heavens themselves.
  99. >You slowly drag your tongue from the base of her mane to the top of her tail.
  100. >”LOWER!”
  101. >You drag your tongue around her tail, sliding across her pucker.
  102. >Your tongue slips across her slit, eliciting a moan from her.
  103. >”Hey, I didn't say stop. You want that drink right?”
  104. >She knows exactly what you want.
  105. >Curse this mare.
  106. >Your tongue dances around her slit for a while, as she pulls out another bottle, from where you do not know.
  107. >Guess she took more than one.
  108. >She looks towards you, before suddenly rolling over onto her back.
  109. >”You want more? You have to beg like a dog.”
  110. >Holy fuck, this mare is crazy.
  111. >But still, alcohol right?
  112. >You don’t really have much choice here, every other pony has given up on you.
  113. >You get on your knees, and bend your arms like a dog begging for something.
  114. >You start to make whining noises.
  115. >Just as well you spent that time imitating your dog as a child.
  116. >God this is humiliating.
  117. >At least you’ll get some alcohol out of this.
  118. >That’s the only reason you’re doing this, right?
  119. >”Oooh, such a good boy!”
  120. >Oh dear god, if you have any compassion just strike me down right now.
  121. >”Such good behaviour deserves a reward!”
  122. >Your eyes light up as she pops the cork on the bottle of ambrosia.
  123. >She slowly moves the bottle towards you.
  124. >Then she starts pouring it over her slit.
  125. >”Don’t spill a drop now! I’d hate to have to wash my sheets.”
  126. >You start lapping up the wine, taking great care to get it all.
  127. >It keeps pouring onto her opening.
  128. >”Mmmm.”
  129. >She’s really enjoying this it seems.
  130. >She’d better give you some good bits for this.
  131. >Confirming your suspicion she gives you a wink.
  132. >Not with her eye.
  133. >Ugh. These ponies drive you to drink.
  134. >The wine stops flowing, and you hear a crash.
  135. >Looking up in confusion, you see the empty bottle lying across the room.
  136. >”Hey, you want those bits?”
  137. “Y-yeah! Of course!”
  138. >”Then get the BUCK back to work down there!”
  139. >Grumbling, you return to what you were doing, but without the delicious wine to ease your suffering.
  140. >”What was that?”
  141. “Fu- nothing Berry.”
  142. >”That’s what I thought.”
  143. >It doesn’t take long for her to near her peak, releasing a loud moan.
  144. >You think she also tried to say something about drinking her “special” reserve.
  145. >Better not risk it, you really need more than a single bottle of wine.
  146. >Holding your breath in a desperate attempt to reduce the taste as much as possible, you clamp down on her with your mouth as she cums.
  147. >Hey, this doesn’t actually taste all that bad.
  148. >It tastes like her wine.
  149. >Is THIS what her “secret ingredient” is?
  150. >She turns to you, and gives you a tired smile.
  151. >”Aaah, thanks. I really needed that.”
  152. >”Take those off.”
  153. >She motions towards your pants with her forehoof.
  154. >You fumble with the belt, and then let your pants drop to the floor.
  155. >”Get on the bed.”
  156. >You step forward and trip on your pants that were still around your ankles.
  157. >You land face down on the bed, the only thing hurting is your pride.
  158. >She rolls you over, before climbing on top.
  159. >Her mane is a frazzled mess, from the combination of wine and sweat.
  160. >She looks down at you, before planting a deep kiss on your lips.
  161. >She breaks the kiss just as quickly as she started, dragging her mane across your face.
  162. >”I do taste good, don’t I?”
  163. >She smiles down at you.
  164. “Just like your wine.”
  165. >She moves her mouth down towards your neck, and starts nipping and kissing it.
  166. >It’s more than enough to give you a rock hard erection.
  167. >Running your hand through her mulberry mane, then down her body onto her flank, you give it a squeeze.
  168. >She can feel your excitement rubbing against her stomach.
  169. >”Someone’s eager.”
  170. >Oh shut up and fuck me already, I need that drink.
  171. “Well can you blame me?”
  172. >”No I suppose I can’t.”
  173. >She goes back to kissing your neck, while rubbing your chest with a hoof.
  174. >She keeps moaning loudly.
  175. >You can’t take it anymore.
  176. >Just as you are about to grab her, and take her right there, she rolls out of your grasp and off the bed.
  177. >She lands on all 4 hooves, with a soft bump, bending her knees slightly.
  178. >It was actually kinda impressive.
  179. “Hey wait, what? I thought we were going to fuck?”
  180. >”Hah, I got what I wanted, take your bits and get out.”
  181. >She turns and walks into her en-suite bathroom.
  182. >You hear the tell tale pitter-patter of the shower running.
  183. >You hear her shout over the noise.
  185. >Well shit, you just got used as a cheap fucktoy.
  186. >Now you feel awful, and somewhat violated, not to mention blueballed really hard.
  187. >You pick up your pants, and put them back on, boner sticking out the zipper.
  188. >You look down at is and sigh.
  189. “Maybe next time, eh old friend?”
  190. >You push it in through the zipper and zip up.
  191. >It’s kinda awkward walking around like this, but you manage to stumble to your tatty shoes, and put them on.
  192. >Then you put on your t-shirt, and pick up the sack.
  193. >Sighing again, you walk outside, hearing the door click behind you.
  194. >You stroll into the centre of town, to that big fountain, and sit down on the bench.
  195. >No one’s about, that’s not really unusual considering it is pretty late though.
  196. >You open up the sack, and tip the gleaming, golden coins into your lap.
  197. >You count them out.
  198. >You are EXACTLY one bit short for a big bottle of rotgut.
  199. >That damn mare.
  200. >You aren’t sure what you feel worse about, the fact you were used like that, as nothing more than a fucktoy, or that you don’t even have enough bits to get properly drunk.
  201. >Another night of depressing semi-sobriety awaits you.
  202. >You can feel a white hot surge of rage flowing from your head to your toes.
  203. >Your spine is tingling now.
  204. >Well there’s nothing left to do, but lift your head towards the heavens and scream.
  206. >You swear you heard her laughing as you sit back down.

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Anon, the town drunk - [Clop I guess]

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