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Coffee and fuck you i'm not editing this is bad enough

By Smashed
Created: 2020-10-28 19:51:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day COFFEE in Equestria
  2. >You are tired. So very, very tired.
  3. >Only one thing can save you from this sluggish hellhole you find yourself trapped in.
  4. >That glorious black liquid.
  5. >The kettle's boiling right now.
  6. >You make instant coffee because FUCK YOU.
  7. >Suddenly a Rainbow Dash hovering in your kitchen.
  8. >"Hey dude what yo-" she says before you cut her off with a swift palm in front of her snout.
  9. "Shush!"
  10. >Your stare at the kettle grows more intensive as the seconds tick by.
  11. >If your eyes were flamethrowers you'd have burnt a hole to Pony-China by now.
  12. >Just as well they aren't, because that would be stupid.
  13. >"Anon, come on man, you're freakin' me out here!" Rainbow begs, hoping for some sort of reply.
  14. "Coffee."
  15. "Brain no work good."
  16. >Uh oh, that isn't good, you lost higher levels of speech.
  17. >This damn coffee better be done soon.
  18. >"Ah, right. I gotcha." she says, understanding creeping into her voice, "Why didn't you just go see Pinkie? She always has a pot brewing."
  19. >...
  20. >Pinkie?
  21. "OF COURSE!"
  22. >Your face breaks out into the most ridiculous grin you've ever had the fortune to never see.
  23. "PINKIE!" you shout, turning to Rainbow Dash.
  24. >You grab her by the shoulders.
  25. "TAKE ME TO THE PINK ONE!" you yell, somehow louder than the shouting.
  26. >You walk towards the door, still holding Rainbow in mid-air by her shoulders.
  27. >"Uh, Anon? You ca-"
  29. >You kick the door right off it's hinges.
  30. "That door was shit anyway." you cry out.
  31. >Rainbow just gives you a look that seems like she's trying to poop.
  32. >Or maybe it's her *niggayouforreal?* face.
  33. >You never could tell.
  34. >With no time to lose you break out into a sprint.
  35. >You speed through PonyVille like a bat out of hell, making all the drunks heading home try and fail miserably to look in wonder.
  36. >Oh that's right, you were supposed to go out drinking with Rainbow.
  37. >Drink later coffee now.
  38. >"Aw man, the bars closed now. What have you been DOING all night?" she asks accusingly.
  39. "Masturbating."
  40. >Smooth.
  41. >"Oh, uuuh, okay. Would you mind putting me down so I can cut all my fur off and have an acid bath?"
  42. >Eh? What?
  43. "No time for your nonsense Dashie! COFFEE!"
  44. >You are closing in on the Pink one's cave of coffee.
  45. >Rainbow gets tossed like a rugby ball right through Pinkie's window.
  46. >You hear Pinkie through the smashed up window.
  47. >Sounds like she's awake now anyway.
  48. >Excellent.
  49. >PP:"Hiya Dashie! What brings you dropping by?"
  50. >You leap towards the wall and scale it in record time, no doubt doing your distant ancestors proud.
  51. Doing a dive roll through her window you land in front of her, on her bed.
  52. >She's tucked in and has the cutest nightcap on.
  54. >PP:"Hiya Anon! Sure, one fresh cup of coffee coming riiiight up!"
  55. >She pulls a pot of coffee out of her mane, it's boiling hot.
  56. >You long ago learned never to question her methods.
  57. >A mug is placed in your hand, and some of that delectable brown nectar is poured into it.
  58. >Sugar and milk are also added because shut up it's how you like it.
  59. >You drink the whole thing in one gulp.
  60. >A warm, fuzzy feeling spreads from your throat and stomach all through your body.
  61. >PP:"All better Nonny?" she queries, all sunshine and rainbows.
  62. "Yes."
  63. >RD:"Can we go drinking nooow? Or do you have to clop some more?" she smirks.
  64. >PP:"Ooooh, Nonny was cloppin'?" she is beaming now.
  65. "Yeah sure, why not. Say Pinkie? Do you want to get really drunk with me and Dashie?"
  66. >Rainbow rolls her eyes at the nickname.
  67. >PP:"How is that even a question? Of course I do silly!"
  68. >Sweet.
  69. "Dashie can you get the booze from my house? You know where it's at."
  70. >She should, she has to keep stocking it up.
  71. >RD:"Why can't your lazy flank go?" she huffs.
  72. "Because you are faster, now mush!" you reply, a whip crack sounding out from somewhere, probably Pinkie.
  73. >RD:"Oh yeah, duh."
  74. >She's off like a shot.
  75. "So Pinkie, more coffee?" you suggest.
  76. >"Absolutely!" she beams, pouring more milky coffee with enough sugar in it to fuel the sun for a week.
  77. >You drink this one in a single gulp too.
  78. >That lovely fuzzy feeling comes back.
  79. >Rainbow blasts back through the window.
  80. >She is covered in soot, and has saddlebags full of alcohol.
  81. >RD:"So, uh, hey dude. You know you never turned off your kettle right?"
  82. >Oh shit.
  83. >RD:"Well, uh, I'm not sure how to say this, but your house kinda burned down. I managed to save the booze though."
  84. "Ah well, we have what really matters booze and coffee."
  85. >PP:"And each other!"
  86. "Ugh, yes and each other. Now shut up and drink."
  87. >PP:"Nonny if you need a place to sleep, you can crash here. You too Rainbow."
  88. >RD:"In the same bed?" she jokes.
  89. "Alright, if you want."
  90. >PP:"YIPPEE!!"
  92. >It was the warmest sleep you've ever had.

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Coffee and fuck you i'm not editing this is bad enough

by Smashed