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Werewolf shorts

By Smashed
Created: 2020-10-28 19:47:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >You wake up, still groggy, sunlight burning your face.
  2. >Wait hang on, no it isn't.
  3. >What's going on?
  4. >Why is your bed so hard?
  5. >Why does it feel like it's on a slope?
  6. >You crack your eyes open and yawn deeply, hoping to clear your head of this lingering sleep.
  7. >It doesn't really work though.
  8. >Bleary-eyed you try to look around your room.
  9. >You can't see a damn thing.
  10. >Just a whole lot of blurs and vague shadows.
  11. >You try to move your hand up to rub your eyes, but find they are tied down securely with thick rope.
  12. >Tied really well too. This is some excellent knot work.
  13. >This isn't one of Applejack's strange ideas of a prank is it?
  14. >You lift your head up so that you can look down to your feet.
  15. >You are completely naked, except for those swanky, fur covered shorts that weird chimera thing gave to you.
  16. >He, or she, or whatever it was, said that they were yours for the keeping forever, they'd even keep themselves clean, just as long as you abided by one single rule.
  17. >That rule was simple, you can't tell anyone where you got them from, nor let anyone find out, otherwise you'd lose them forever.
  18. >Naturally you agreed, you can't overstate JUST how swanky these shorts were.
  19. >You wore them every day.
  20. >They got kinda curious as to why you never took them off.
  21. >Told Twilight and Rarity it was just a human fashion.
  22. >They believed you.
  23. >Fluttershy thought it was real fur, but you told her it wasn't.
  24. >Truthfully, you have no idea.
  25. >Pinkie was just completely incomprehensible in her opinion so you elected to ignore her.
  26. >As always.
  27. >At least Rainbow and AJ liked them.
  28. "Hello?"
  29. >You hear a door lock clicking, and the latch opening.
  30. >The door creaks open loudly. Those hinges could use some oil.
  31. >You see a pink mane peeking out through the door frame.
  32. >It's slowly getting bigger.
  33. >Pinkie Pie?
  34. "Hey! Who's there?"
  35. >It disappears at the sound of your voice.
  36. >You hear what sounds like a mare muttering to someone else.
  37. >The pink mane comes back.
  38. >A yellow snout appears.
  39. >It's Fluttershy!
  40. "Fluttershy? What's going on? Where am I?"
  41. >"Oh, I see you're awake! You haven't been waiting too long I hope!" she says, seemingly ignoring your questions.
  42. >"You know, I've waited, and I've waited, but you never noticed me. You never replied to my letters. I just got soo tired of waiting."
  43. "Well, you're kinda hard to notice, being all quiet and such, and you never left an address for me to write back to."
  44. "Wait hang on, those letters were from YOU?"
  45. >"Well yes, who did you think they were from?" she asks incredulously.
  46. "From that creepy minty pony that keeps following me around and staring at my fingers."
  47. >"Her? HER?! SHE IS NOTHING COMPARED TO ME! NOTHING!" Fluttershy screams out.
  48. >Holy shit, where's this coming from. You've never seen her act like this.
  49. >It's always the quiet ones isn't it?
  50. >Fluttershy was the one sending those freaky letters asking if you had all sorts of bizarre fetishes.
  51. >Some were soaked in various fluids, none of which you dared identify.
  52. >One of them was even written in blood.
  53. >You're getting a bit worried now.
  54. "W-what do you want?"
  55. >Does she want to do horrible things to your arse?
  56. >"Oh, nothing too much."
  57. >"I just want you inside of me."
  58. >"I hope that won't be too much bother Anon."
  59. "B-bother? You tied me up in some freaky sex dungeon while I was asleep! You're asking me NOW if it would be too much bother?" you ask seething with barely contained rage.
  60. >"I guess you're right Anon, I've already gotten you in here, now I'm going to help you out."
  61. "WITH WHAT!?"
  62. >...
  63. "Are you letting me go?" you ask, calming slightly
  64. >She giggles lightly.
  65. >"Oh no, don't be silly. See, I've noticed the way you've started looking at mares now, especially Pinkie Pie and they just won't feel the same way about you. Not like I do, anyway." she says, with a genuine smile.
  66. >This is pretty messed up.
  67. >You never thought Fluttershy would be like this.
  68. >"So just lie back, and let momma Fluttershy make you feel REAL good."
  69. >Oh god no.
  70. >Now you're going to start thinking about your mother during... whatever this is, thanks a fucking lot Fluttershy.
  71. >She bites into the top of your shorts, making a face at the feel of the shaggy fur going into her mouth.
  72. >That strikes you as a bit strange.
  73. >They're perfectly clean, you think. That thing did say they clean themselves.
  74. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"
  75. >You're really starting to panic now.
  76. >Is she REALLY going to rape you? Dear sweet Fluttershy? A rapist?
  77. >She slips the waistband of your shorts out of her mouth for a second.
  78. >"Just relax sweetie, you'll start to feel good really soon."
  79. >Why does she feel the need to patronise you so?
  80. >This is humiliating.
  81. >She takes the waistband back into her mouth and starts slowly dragging your shorts down.
  82. >Your dick is hanging free now, and your balls are being tickled by the breath from her nose.
  83. >She whips the shorts down to your ankles, but then lets them go again.
  84. >"Oops, silly me!" she says with a laugh.
  85. >It was a kinda cute laugh, and in different, non-rape circumstances you might have enjoyed hearing it, but now it sounded like pure evil to you.
  86. >She unties your left leg, slips your shorts off that leg and ties it back up again.
  87. >She repeats the process with your right leg.
  88. >"There, ALL better."
  89. >She casts your shorts down onto the floor carelessly.
  90. >They're going to get all dirty down there, and you never did quite figure out the self cleaning thing.
  91. >"So Anon, are you ready to let momma take good care of you?" she coos, fluttering right above your naked body.
  92. "No, not really. Could you untie me?" you plead.
  93. >Maybe she'll fall for it.
  94. >"NO!"
  95. >Guess not.
  96. "Whoa, ease up on the volume there." you say jokingly.
  97. >"YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!" she bellows.
  98. >She stomps her forehooves on either side of your head, the sound causing your ears to ring.
  100. >"Oh, I'm so sorry anon. Here, let me help you."
  101. >She has a really sad expression painted on her face.
  102. "NO! ENOU-ghhhh what are you doing?"
  103. >Her tongue is sliding down your torso, excrutiatingly slowly, like you were supposed to be enjoying it.
  104. >She stops for a second.
  105. >"Oh my, all this pent up stress and anger. I'll just have to find a way to help you release it."
  106. >She takes in a deep breath, then lets it out slowly onto your stomach.
  107. >She starts her licking again, but this time much closer to your dick.
  108. >Dangerously close.
  109. >Just before she gets to your shaft, you shout out.
  111. >Just then, you both hear a low growl.
  112. "THE FUCK WAS THAT?" you scream.
  113. >Her eyes grow wide, and she stops licking.
  114. >Fluttershy hides her face under her mane and behind her forehooves.
  115. >She makes some odd squealing noise.
  116. >You try to crane your neck towards the source of the sound.
  117. >The only thing you can see in the area where the sound seems to be eminating from is your shorts, standing up, with razor sharp teeth in the waist.
  118. >You can't see anything else that could be making such a noise.
  119. >Hang on a second!
  120. >Have your shorts become possessed by some daemon from hell?
  121. >Perhaps Twilight is playing a practical joke on you.
  122. >The growling gets deeper, then suddenly, the shorts pounce towards Fluttershy's hidden face with reckless abandon.
  124. >She looks out just in time for the shorts to latch onto her face and start ripping into it.
  125. >You can hear the disgusting ripping of flesh and Fluttershy's panicked screams as her face is devoured.
  126. >Blood is being spattered everywhere.
  127. >She is thrashing her head about trying to get them off.
  128. >The shorts are shaking violently.
  129. >They fall off her face.
  130. >What you see is the most horrifying scene you've ever had the misfortune to witness.
  131. >All the flesh on her face has been bitten off, picked clean down to the bone, her eyes still intact.
  132. >It's a skeleton's face, with eyes in the sockets, and a mane on top.
  133. >Your mouth drops open in sheer horror.
  134. >The shorts crawl around, like a worm, to her neck.
  135. >Her large, teal eyes lock onto yours.
  136. >You can sense the panic and sorrow in her eyes.
  137. >She is terrified, and yet she still feels sorry for what she did to you.
  138. >Or was about to do anyway.
  139. >The shorts tear into her throat, sending a spray of arterial blood straight into your mouth.
  140. >It's revolting but not nearly as vile as what you're seeing.
  141. >You hear the sound of flesh being rend, and blood spraying all over the place.
  142. >All you can do is watch as the life slowly fades out of her eyes.
  143. >She lets out a gurgle, its all she can manage anymore.
  144. >She stops thrashing around.
  145. >Her eyes glaze over, and the bleeding finally stops.
  146. >You can't look away.
  147. >Your eyes start tearing up.
  148. >You hear shuffling, and see something brown and furry sliding up towards your head.
  149. >You finally break eye contact with Fluttershy's corpse to see the shorts coming for you.
  150. >No doubt to get rid of the witnesses, who knows what crazy conclusions they would come up with.
  151. >You start flailing uselessly, the rope is just too tight.
  152. >That it then, you're going to die at the teeth of some crazed murderous shorts.
  153. >Never should have trusted the chimera, nothing that mismatched can be anything good.
  154. >The shorts go up to your hand, and nibble through the rope.
  155. >That was unexpected.
  156. >Your hand free, you grab the shorts and throw them down onto the floor just in case.
  157. >You untie your other hand.
  158. >You need to untie your legs, but there's a body in the way.
  159. >Grabbing her by the mane, lift her off of you and dump her next to the rape table.
  160. >You bend forwards and untie your legs.
  161. >You get up and look at the carnage.
  162. >Blood is everywhere, and a bit of Fluttershy's face is still clinging onto your dick.
  163. >That is beyond vile.
  164. >You flick it off, sending a lance of pain shooting through your body.
  165. >It wasn't the greatest way of removing it.
  166. >You turn to the door and are about to run out when you stop.
  167. >You can't just leave her body here, what if someone finds it, and thinks you did it?
  168. >They'd never believe possessed shorts did it.
  169. >You aren't going to spend time in a pony jail, you don't really feel like being raped by any stallions.
  170. >You will have to dispose of the body.
  171. >Also you are still naked, and it's cold outside tonight.
  172. >You scour the room for your clothes.
  173. >Boots, socks and a t-shirt, all in a nice pile in the corner.
  174. >The shorts are in the middle of the room, where you threw them.
  175. >You put them all on, except the shorts.
  176. >They're coated in blood.
  177. >You can't figure out what to do with them.
  178. >You give them a shake while pondering what to do, and notice that the blood is coming off as dust.
  179. >It hadn't even dried yet, how's that possible?
  180. >Oh yeah, magic.
  181. >Biggest cop-out of an excuse you've heard, but apparently it's a legitimate one here.
  182. >You look into the shorts, but can't see any teeth.
  183. >Fearing the worst, you gingerly put them on.
  184. >You don't get bit clean in half.
  185. >Not even a little nibble.
  186. >So far, so good.
  187. >You grab Fluttershy's tail.
  188. >It's the furthest part of her away from the shorts-related devastation.
  189. >You turn her around on the floor by her tail, then make your way towards the door.
  190. >She's surprisingly heavy, even when she's missing the majority of her face and most of her blood.
  191. >Aren't pegasi supposed to be lighter than other ponies?
  192. >As you step through the door frame, her head smashes into it, bursting one of her eyeballs and leaving a trail of goop and blood behind her.
  193. >You enter a room full of animal cages, which are filled with animals.
  194. >You can hear all her animal friends chittering away, scared out of their tiny minds.
  195. >Apparently they are smarter than animals from back home.
  196. "Look, it wasn't me, alright?"
  197. >You don't wait for a response, instead dragging her outside and towards the Everfree.
  198. >Her body keeps getting caught on roots and you have to give her a kick to dislodge her.
  199. >It also keeps banging into trees and making noises when it falls down slopes.
  200. >You drag her some depth into it, before finding a small clearing.
  201. >You decide its probably far enough, and leave her in the center.
  202. >You think you saw some timberwolves following you.
  203. >Better hurry back before they get hungry.
  204. >You give her one last sad look before turning away and walking back the way you came.
  205. >All she wanted to do was rape you and she ended up as your shorts chew-toy.
  206. >What a shame.
  207. >You whistle a merry tune on your way back through the Everfree and to home.

Aether request - roseluck and nightmare night

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Anon, the town drunk - [Clop I guess]

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Werewolf shorts

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Coffee and fuck you i'm not editing this is bad enough

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