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Hug therapy for the drunk

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:25:44
Expiry: Never

  1. >Equestria.
  2. >What a sick joke.
  3. >It's not at all like you've imagined. Ponies aren't really that friendly.
  4. >They're not hostile or anything. You're just not anything special to them.
  5. >They prefer not to approach you if they can help it. It's seems like a really passive-aggressive attitude and it really gets on your nerves.
  6. >Feels like you're just a nuisance to them, someone unwanted, intruding. They just wish you'd go away.
  7. >You are accepted as a resident of Ponyville but that's probably because the princess of friendship herself took you under her wing.
  8. >She gave you a house near the forest, a token job and she has been checking on you from time to time.
  9. >That was more attention than every other pony has really given you for the last month you've been here, combined.
  10. >The job is shitty, you're not trusted with anything important. The ponies are boring. Your life is boredom incarnate.
  11. >Nothing's going right and nothing's going wrong. You've got a whole lot of nothing and nothing's going on.
  12. >It's like you've never left your world, just moved to the countryside. At least the ponies are cute when they're not trying to avoid you.
  13. >It's been a week since you've started drinking. They sell you all kind of alcohol as long as you don't linger to talk to them.
  14. >So that means drinking alone. Just what you need in the magical land of friendship.
  15. >You wanted to get wasted but you have a job. At least that was your excuse for the first few days.
  16. >Now you don't really care anymore. It's about time you get shitfaced without any regard to your own well-being.
  17. >Coincidentally it's about time you get visited by Twilight. She does it every Thursday, today wasn't any different.
  18. >You think about hiding the booze when you hear her knocking on your door but then you realize you don't really care that much.
  19. >Not like she's going to wait for you to open. She does it herself and barges in. Friends don't need invitations.
  21. >Her happy greetings gets stuck in her throat as she takes in the scene of your home.
  22. >The bottles, the smell, the mess of a human sitting on the bed, bloodshot eyes empty as the glass in your hand, only a reflection of shame seen on the bottom.
  23. >"What's going on here?"
  24. >Twilight sounds so genuinely concerned you can't help but wince. Looks like you do care after all.
  25. >A minute ago you were so resolute to give her no quarter, insisting on being righteous in your decadent behavior, but now that shame is growing really fast.
  26. >Did you think she'd mock you for being a faggot or something?
  27. >The pony approaches you but you can't look her in the eye.
  28. >Even when she touches your leg you can't find any willpower to meet her worried gaze.
  29. >"Anon, what's wrong? Have you been drinking this whole time? Did something happen?"
  30. >You shake your head but she's not buying it.
  31. >A couple of questions like that is enough to make you more miserable than before.
  32. >A couple more makes you finally look at her. You're not angry at her but you're starting to get annoyed.
  33. >It's not really her business. She can't just go in every once in a while to ask how's life and think that it's somehow helpful.
  34. >Yeah, you've been drinking, but she wouldn't understand.
  35. >That's an easy thought but trying to actually tell her that is a bit harder when you're drunk.
  36. >You probably came off as angry because Twilight is a bit angry herself.
  37. >"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. But why didn't you just talk to me about it? You know I'm more than willing to help."
  38. "Yeah, what would you do, tell the little ponies to behave around Anon like he's a special snowflake so he won't get offended?"
  39. >"You ARE special, you're the only human around!"
  40. "That's not special, that's just different."
  41. >"Well, what do you suppose I do, let you bottle this up while they have no idea it affects you so much?"
  42. "It worked back in my world."
  43. >"It doesn't have to be like this here."
  44. "I'm not asking for any special favors here, PRINCESS."
  46. >Twilight's face scrunches up as her cheeks redden.
  47. >"I'm not offering you one. I'm offering a friend's help and you refuse it for the sake of being a big grumpy human you are!"
  48. >Now it's your turn to fume up.
  49. "Ohhh, thank you so much for fucking getting your royal ass right here aaaaall the way from the castle to say that it's not really a problem and I shouldn't be dealing with it because of my-"
  50. >"What are you even talking about?!"
  51. >You stop for a second. What was your argument again?
  52. >Twilight plants her hoof on her forehead and give it a frustrated rub.
  53. >Enough is enough. You stand up. The princess looks at you expectantly.
  54. >Extending your finger and pointing at her you struggle to keep balance.
  55. "Listen here, you horse. I'm not your fffffucking...chariot case."
  56. >The horse looks confused for a second. But with comprehension of your phrase comes a frown.
  57. >"You mean charity case? And it's not true at all. I don't understand why you feel like that."
  58. >You don't reply, you just stand there and point. Probably waiting for your stand to come out or something.
  59. >Losing your line of thought already it's about all you can do now. Everything is blurry and unstable. You really need to sit or lie down.
  60. >"Anon, I don't have an ulterior motive here. I'm just trying to be your friend. Why is that so hard for you to accept?"
  61. "That's exactly what a pony with umhppferr motive would say!"
  62. >"But that's not the case. It's just how I am, how this world is."
  63. "Well this world can go to hell then."
  64. >You intend to sit down triumphantly but Twilight's stare makes your blood run cold for a second.
  65. >In that moment you feel like you just crossed the line that should never be crossed.
  66. >You have never seen her truly angry before, maybe that's why you are now so overwhelmed.
  67. >But it doesn't stay. Only for a moment you see a spark of negativity in Twilight big eyes. It gives way to resentment.
  68. >"I will make you eat these words, Anonymous."
  70. >Now she sparkles with determination. You don't really know what she'll do but you get ready for the worst.
  71. >You should probably sit down. As you do it Twilight jumps on your bed in a motion so quick you don't have any time to react.
  72. >She's already so close to you it takes you a considerable effort to not lose your balance completely.
  73. >But the mare seem confident to exploit your weakness as her hooves collide with your shoulders and you're dropped on the bed.
  74. >Towering over you stands the princess of friendship. What devious plan does she have to make you regret ever speaking up to her?
  75. >You feel sick. It's going to end badly, doesn't it?
  76. >But that's what you deserve. Everything what has happened here is.
  77. >Instead of feeling fear or anger you just look away and sigh. You want to turn to your side and just curl up but you are stopped.
  78. >Touching your shoulder Twilight turns you back so that you face her. And then she lowers herself, landing on top of you.
  79. >The warm weight of her small body would probably feel good if you didn't have all that alcohol within your gut right now, right where she gets comfy.
  80. >Sliding her hooves down from your shoulders to your back the mare puts her head on your chest and gives you a little squeeze.
  81. >It's a warm and friendly hug. You can't really process what's happening yet. How did you go from yelling at each other to this?
  82. >The princess seems to read your thought as she explains right away:
  83. >"Anon... You just need to see that I mean what I say. And what better way to do it than hug therapy? It always works."
  84. "Does it now..."
  85. >"It's something that reforms villains, why wouldn't it work? You just need a good hug to make your problems go away."
  86. "I don't think I need this right now."
  87. >"Still grumbling, aww. My big grumpy human needs a pony to make it all better. Don't worry, I'm-"
  88. "Twilight, no. I don't need your pity. Get off."
  89. >"Make me."
  91. >With that she slides up on a bit and moves her hooves around your neck. Her cheek touches yours and she holds you close.
  92. >That's it. You take matters in your own hands. And that means taking Twilight in your hands to pry her off you.
  93. >But her grip is a bit tighter than you've anticipated. Or maybe you're just too weak and drunk.
  94. >The notion doesn't go unnoticed though as the princess lifts her head to look you in the eyes with the smuggest smile you've ever seen.
  95. "I really don't want it right now. Let me-"
  96. >"I don't think you understand, Anon. I'm not asking. You WILL get cuddled."
  97. >You try to lift her again but suddenly a warm magic aura stops your hands.
  98. >"Resisting, huh? Alright then. We'll do it the hard way."
  99. >With no control over your arms you helplessly see them float over Twilight and now they're on her back against your will.
  100. >Like it's you who's giving her a hug.
  101. "Let me go."
  102. >No response. She uses your own hands to betray you, forcing her down onto your chest as she blissfully closes her eyes in your unwilling embrace.
  103. >You try to wriggle out of it but she just giggles. You're not giving up though.
  104. >Somehow with your body thrashing about you manage to free yourself from her magical hold and the second you do it you shove the already relaxed mare aside.
  105. >Twilight gasps in surprise as you sit up, ready to defend against any cuddly assault.
  106. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"
  107. >"Oh? Like everyone else in your life?"
  108. >Your eyes go wide as you look at her. She's not mocking you. She's serious, if a bit annoyed.
  109. >"Like it happened so many times before that you expect it to happen like it's normal? So now you can't even imagine someone approaching you without some hidden agenda because you're left alone until someone needs something from you?"
  110. >You can't keep the eye contact. But Twilight persists nonetheless.
  111. >"And now that you're in Equestria you expect ponies to be the same because of your experiences that have nothing to do with us?"
  113. >"That if they act distant it's because it's your fault and not them not knowing how to approach you?"
  114. >"And now you shove away the pony who just wants you to get better and you expect her to walk? That's not happening, Anonymous. Besides, I don't walk here, I teleport right from the castle."
  115. >"So just shut up and take it."
  116. >With that, she jumps you. Taken by surprise you can't react fast enough and in a second Twilight's warmth envelops you.
  117. >You feel her muzzle on your neck, and then her lips touching it.
  118. >Too late you realize that she's not really there to kiss you. Instead, you feel your skin being pulled by what seems like a wet vacuum.
  119. >Freezing in place you hear Twilight's giggle.
  120. >"Oops. Looks like that's going to be a big bright mark right there. How are you going to explain it to your coworkers?"
  121. "What the hell?"
  122. >"What an embarrassing situation. Maybe you should stay home tomorrow. I can get write you a nice little paper to cover you up if you ask me nicely..."
  123. "Twi... What?"
  124. >This is getting out of hand. Yet again you try to escape but Twilight is way more persistent this time around.
  125. >She's not letting go. What's more, your shirt is getting unbuttoned by magic. This is escalating way too fast.
  126. >"Don't worry, just relax, Anon. It's your fault for making me resort to this, you know."
  127. "Twilight, stop, can't we..."
  128. >"I'm not stopping." she whispers in your ear as the last button goes free.
  129. >She doesn't even look. She just plops on top and wriggles a bit to get comfy.
  130. >The smooth, silky warmth of her belly completely overwhelms you. So much that you sight deeply, almost moaning.
  131. >That only makes Twilight hug you closer.
  132. >"You do like it, don't you? Don't deny it."
  133. "Twilight, I'm drunk."
  134. >"So?"
  135. "You're just taking advantage of me. I can't give consent."
  136. >It's desperate but it's worth a shot. But apparently it's really obvious as well because Twilight gets really smug again.
  138. >"Aww, that's cute. Do humans need consent to hug somebody?"
  139. "Y-yeah."
  140. >"Wow. Human culture is truly fascinating."
  141. >She says that as her muzzle brushes against your neck, going to your ear and sliding down, painfully slow.
  142. >You probably reek of alcohol and Twilight most certainly can smell it but she doesn't seem to care.
  143. >"Don't call the ponice on this cuddlerape, that would be horrible. Princess of friendship caught hugging a friend? That's a life sentence right there."
  144. >Your smile is sour but it's a smile nonetheless. That seems to be enough for Twilight and she smiles as well.
  145. >With that she knows that she has already won. You are utterly defeated by her hugs.
  146. >For a few minutes there's silence. You don't have the strength to fight anymore. The mare doesn't say anything as well and you suspect she's getting sleepy.
  147. >She does feel pretty neat. Her chest on top of yours makes you feel her every breath, hot air brushing your naked shoulder as well.
  148. >It's pretty strange. She's always so busy and more often that not she worries about everything. But now she's just so serene, without a worry in the world.
  149. >Like she doesn't have anything better to do than cuddling some human.
  150. >Well, she does seem to consider you her friend and she's the princess of friendship, so that means this technically is her business as well?
  151. >Whatever. This is getting too warm and sweet for you.
  152. >In fact, you're getting sick of it. Quite literally.
  153. >Uh oh.
  154. "Uh, Twilight..."
  155. >"Mhm? Ready to finally hug me back?"
  156. "Please get off..."
  157. >"Too bad, I'm not-"
  158. "Twilight, please. I think I'm gonna..."
  159. >"No way. There is literally nothing in this world that can make me move an inch away from you right now."
  160. >Twilight's smug expression is seconds away from getting wiped off her pretty muzzle by all the friendship nectar you've consumed today that now wants out under the pressure applied by the mare herself.
  161. >Well, like she said herself, too bad.
  163. >"Are you feeling ok?"
  164. >Twilight is still wiping her face and mane after washing them for ten minutes straight but you know she's smiling under the towel.
  165. "Never been better."
  166. >Through sarcasm you can't help but smile as well as you wipe your face.
  167. >You managed to clean up most of the damage, meaning getting everything into water to wash it later.
  168. >So now you're outside your house, avoiding the crime scene and getting cleaned up.
  169. >It's late evening already and it's a bit cold but you welcome the fresh air.
  170. >Nobody is around and you're comfortable with just chilling outside for a while.
  171. "This is what you get for being so damn persistent, Twilight."
  172. >"Pfft, you think this is enough to scare me off? You obviously don't know me very well."
  173. "Maybe I don't."
  174. >You didn't expect it to come off this serious but Twilight doesn't seem to mind.
  175. >"If this is all it takes for you to accept my hugs than I'm ready for more."
  176. "That's a bit grotesque, Twilight."
  177. >"A-anything for friendship, heh."
  178. "That sounds even worse."
  179. >Twilight laughs and so do you. At least your mood has improved.
  180. >Wasn't that the whole point though? Now that your head is a bit clearer you regret acting like you did.
  181. >But when you bring it up, Twilight just waves her hoof.
  182. >"I know, I know. Why do you think I never took anything you said seriously, it just happens, no worries."
  183. "You're too patient for you own good."
  184. >"Do you expect me to bail on you when you're like that?"
  185. "Nah, you're right. Thanks."
  186. >"That's what's friends are for, right?"
  187. "Right. I still feel bad though."
  188. >"Well, you can always make it up to me."
  189. "Let me guess..."
  190. >"Yep."
  191. "Wait, were you serious about getting me stay at home tomorrow?"
  192. >Twilight smiles coyly.
  193. >"If feel like you still need therapy. Now that you can actually enjoy it."
  195. "Was giving me that kiss mark part of your plan?"
  196. >"Of course. In case you'd refuse my offer in favor of drinking."
  197. "Why not just ask me?"
  198. >"You wouldn't have answered me."
  199. "You have methods."
  200. >"You, I needed sober. Now it presents no problem."
  201. >With this she teleports herself on your lap. The towel quietly falls down on the spot she was just a second ago.
  202. >Surprised, you catch her out of reflex more than anything. But it accomplishes what she wanted to do. Now you hold her in your arms and she's smiling at you.
  203. "Well congratulations, you got yourself hugged. What's the next step in your master plan?"
  204. >"Crashing at your place."
  205. >"With no alarm clock in the morning."
  206. >Deeming that acceptable you nod and hold the mare closer.
  207. >Seems like she's won. You did hug her in the end and you don't actually regret it.
  208. >Maybe she was right after all. She's the princess of friendship, she knows better.
  209. >No, not that. She's a friend. And she does know better.
  210. >You stay with her in your arms until the sun sets down completely. Time to get back in, where it's a bit warmer.
  211. >Your blanket is ruined now and you don't have a spare one but you won't be really needing it.
  212. >You have a pony to hug through the night now.

Inky Bloodplay

by TakeItEasy

After work cuddles

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Twilight wants hugs

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Through the void to Anon

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Miracle in your arms

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