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Sleepy heat

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:27:14
Expiry: Never

  1. >In the dead of night you're alone and surrounded by silence, taking in the fresh air of the friendship castle. A nice change of pace.
  2. >Or maybe it's early morning, who knows.
  3. >You've lost track of time; in Twilight's bedroom it's always night.
  4. >One unending, unrelenting night. It's been like that for a few days already.
  5. >A willing prisoner of love, you never knew it's going to actually be akin to being held captive.
  6. >The mare knows what she needs. She even warned you that "these days" are probably going to be like that.
  7. >Damn pony estrus. Should've believed the memes.
  8. >But despite the desire and despite the spells your pony still needs to sleep.
  9. >And that means some rest for you. So now you're in the kitchen, downing one glass of apple juice after the other.
  10. >On the other hand, the spell that has been keeping you going for so long seems to be fading away.
  11. >Your whole body aches. Some parts more than others, naturally.
  12. >You don't even care. Not even a minute ago you ate a leftover pancake in all its disgusting coldness, you have nothing left to lose and no time to waste lamenting your sorry state.
  13. >As you fill the glass again, a thought crosses your mind. You pick up another glass and fill it up as well.
  14. >Just as you finish this you feel a faint magical aura enveloping your body.
  15. >Knowing what will happen next, you grab both glasses, and not a moment too soon.
  16. >In a bright flash you're teleported into the chamber of your princess.
  17. >The smell hits you so hard you almost faint. Days of vigorous rutting will probably leave a permanent mark on this place, a testament to Twilight's unbridled emotions enabled by you.
  18. >The first thing you see are the eyes. Sleepy, yet determined. Judging.
  19. >"What in the world?.. Were you trying to escape again?"
  20. "Twilight, for the last time, I don't "try to escape", I just needed a few moments to recharge myself so we can..."
  21. >"But I have magic for that, no need to leave my side."
  23. "It's not really the same. You were sleeping despite of that, see?"
  24. >The pony grumbles but lifts the blanket so you can join her. You don't hesitate, you know better.
  25. "I just got us something to drink, you can sustain yourself on spells only for so long."
  26. >"Well I don't see how-"
  27. >She stops talking the moment you let her smell the juice. Her eyes light up. Looks like the victory is yours.
  28. >Setting your own glass aside you bring the cold fresh goodness near Twilight's muzzle.
  29. >Forgetting magic she grabs the glass with her hooves. She'd lose her balance and fall on the pillow if not for your hand supporting her.
  30. >Downing all the liquid in a second she lets out a satisfied sigh.
  31. >"Wow, I never though I actually needed that."
  32. "See? Gotta have the real thing, spells can't..."
  33. >"And now for your reward."
  34. >The glass is already gone and Twilight is already pushing you down before you can even find words for a witty reply.
  35. "It's just an excuse for you to go at it again, isn't it?"
  36. >"How did you figure that out?" the mare answers inbetween kisses she lays on your neck one after another.
  37. "Twilight, maybe you should get some real rest?"
  38. >"Maybe you should shut up and let me have you?"
  39. >If you weren't ready for another go a second ago, you were now.
  40. >This pony knows how to get anything she wants from you. Way too efficient.
  41. >You might as well follow her lead. You can still taste the juice on her lips when they greet yours with a lustful sigh.
  42. >Her leg travels up on yours to check if you're good to go but decides to stay and rub against your yet again hard and throbbing member.
  43. >But something isn't quite right.
  44. >Though she's kissing you deeply and sucking on your tongue like she always does, you feel that it's a bit lazier than usual. There's somehow no "unending burning lust" feel to it.
  45. >Is the hunger finally sated? Are you free?
  47. >But opening your eyes you find an answer much simpler than that. Twilight is just dozing off while trying to kiss you.
  48. >Moving your hand up her thigh you find that she's as wet as ever. The body is willing, but the mind is already shutting off.
  49. >With your lips parting hers you can only shake your head.
  50. "I told you this will happen."
  51. >Suddenly you feel something pressuring your dick. Her fetlock pushes it down and you can't help but shudder. Even though it aches the strain feels so good.
  52. >You're not sure if she's doing it on purpose but you still hug her close and smile, kissing her cheek.
  53. >"You're noooot...doin it right..." she gently coos in her half-asleep state.
  54. >With her hooves still on your chest she pushes herself up to get comfier, head falling off your shoulder.
  55. >You can think of better ways to do it so you embrace her carefully and roll on the side.
  56. >Now she fits right under your chin and you hug her contently.
  57. >"You're... still not in... pathetic..."
  58. >A shadow of doubt makes you think that it is another one of her games and she's just pretending to be asleep.
  59. >Were you supposed to fuck her in her sleep or something?
  60. >Just to check, you bring your hand to her crotch again. She's not as aroused as she usually is, meaning not extremely take-me-right-now aroused, but you still have doubts.
  61. >Your fingers gently trail her marelips. Twilight shuffles around a bit like she's trying to rub against you with her entire body.
  62. >She starts talking again but in a whisper, you can't make it all out.
  63. >"Where...going... I need my Nonny..."
  64. >Ok, this can still work. Maybe you actually shouldn't waste an opportunity like this?
  65. >But then again, you were the one suggesting her some rest.
  66. >Your fingers are still on her delicate flower and you push your finger between the petals, just a little bit.
  67. >Her breath is still steady. She pays it no mind.
  68. >You sigh. Why is she like this? The things this mare makes you do...
  70. >Keeping her close to yourself with your free hand, you start caressing her with the other. Just a little massage on her plump and still wet lips.
  71. >She even gives you a little reserved wink that you feel with your palm. You're still not sure if she's not playing with you, seeing responses like that.
  72. >After some petting you insert your finger again, this time a bit deeper. No reaction.
  73. >You feel like an idiot and a pervert. Are you just molesting her in her sleep, is that it?
  74. "Twiggy?"
  75. >She responds with a loudest most profound snore you've ever heard in your life. Carefully you remove your finger and get your hand back up.
  76. >You smile meekly. Knowing how receptive she was these days, she would probably not be against you having your way with her right now. Maybe she'd even commend you for taking the initiative.
  77. >But you just can't. It feels wrong.
  78. >The sleeping angel in your arms bears no hints of desire and lust. Only a peaceful smile that gets even bigger when you add your second arm to your hug, enveloping her body fully.
  79. >It's this full body contact she always craves, even in her sleep.
  80. "Sleep tight, Twilie."
  81. >Again, a snore is your only response, but you don't mind.
  82. >You're pretty exhausted yourself, so despite the pain in your body and Twilight's loud snoring you soon find yourself getting sleepy as well.
  83. >Your last thoughts are that you'll probably wake up to her riding you or something like that.
  84. >But for now, you're just happy you're so close together in the comfiest hug in the world.

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